Site/Activity Start Finish Total Time Address

Drive to Le Shuttle from London 0700 0810 1:10

Le Shuttle UK 0850 1025 1:35 *onehour time difference once in

Drive to , France 1025 1330 3:05 29 Ruede Dauphin, 14600 Honfleur, France - (eat lunch en route) Saint Catherine Church/ walk around 1330 1430 1:00 Port of Honfleur Drive to Pillboxes 1430 1445 00:15 Rue des Bains, , France

Visit Pillboxes 1445 1530 00:45 Continue down the beach in the same direction as the road for about 2000 ft Drive to Mont Canisy 1530 1550 00:20 21 Chemin de Touques, 14910 Benerville-sur-Mer, France

Visit Mont Canisy 1550 1715 1:25

Drive to Hotel 1715 1815 1:00 Route de Creully, 14480 Crépon, France -Ferme de la Rançonnière Battle Plan:Day 1

© 2014 One Trip at a Time | | Site/Activity Start Finish Total Time Address Drive to Crisbecq Battery 0900 1000 1:00 Route des Manoirs, 50310 Saint-Marcouf, France

Visit Crisbecq Battery 1000 1030 00:30

Drive to La Batterie d’Azeville 1030 1040 00:10 La Rue, Azeville, France

Visit La Batterie d’Azeville 1040 1110 00:30

Drive to Utah Beach 1110 1130 00:20 Utah Beach

Visit Utah Beach and Museum 1130 1300 1:30

Drive to German Cemetery 1400 1430 00:30 Route Nationale, 14230 La Cambe, France

Visit German Cemetery 1430 1445 00:15

Drive to Maisy Battery 1445 1500 00:15 Les Perruques, 14450 Grandcamp-Maisy, France

Maisy Battery closed- Lunch Stop Instead 1500 1515 00:15

Drive to Pointe du Hoc 1515 1530 00:15 Rue Talbot, Cricqueville-en Bessin, France

Visit Pointe du Hoc 1530 1615 00:45

Drive to Omaha Beach 1615 1630 00:15 Avenue de la Libération, 14710 Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer, France

Visit Omaha Beach 1630 1645 00:15

Drive to American Military Cemetery 1645 1700 00:15 Bois des Maisonnettes, Colleville-sur-Mer, France

Visit American Military Cemetery 1700 1530 00:30

Drive to Hotel 1530 1815 00:45 Route de Creully, 14480 Crépon, France Battle Plan:Day 2

© 2014 One Trip at a Time | | Site/Activity Start Finish Total Time Address Drive to British Cemetery 0900 0920 00:20 Boulevard Fabian Ware, 14400 Bayeux, France Visit British Cemetery 0920 0950 00:30 Drive to Bayeux Cathedral 0950 1000 00:10 Boulevard Sudi Carnot, Bayeux, France Visit Bayeux Cathedral 1000 1020 00:20 Walk to Bayeux Tapestry 1020 1030 00:10 Visit Bayeux Tapestry 1030 1130 1:00 Lunch in Bayeux 1130 1230 1:00 Drive to Longues Battery 1230 1300 00:30 Rue de la Mer, 14400 Longues-sur-Mer, France Visit Longues Battery 1300 1400 1:00 Drive to Arromanches 1400 1410 00:10 Place du Six Juin 1944, 14117 Arromanches-les-Bains,France Visit Museum d’embarquement 1410 1510 1:00 Visit Gold Beach for Mulberry’s/Artificial 1510 1540 00:30 *Important to visit at low tide- consult a tide table prior to Harbour visit Drive to Juno Beach 1540 1600 00:20 Voie des Français Libres, 14470 Courseulles-sur-Mer, France Visit Juno Beach Centre 1600 1640 00:40 Drive to Sword Beach 1640 1700 00:20 Ave. du 4ieme Commando, , France Drive to Canadian Cemetery 1700 1715 00:15 Route de , 14470 Reviers, France Visit Canadian Cemetery 1715 1745 00:30 *Quick stop at Musée du Radar en route at Route , 14440 Douvres-la-Délivrande Drive to Hotel 1745 1800 00:15 Route de Creully, 14480 Crépon, France Battle Plan:Day 3

© 2014 One Trip at a Time | | Site/Activity Start Finish Total Time Address Drive to Site Hillman 0900 0930 00:30 Rue Suffolk Régiment, 14880 Colleville-Montgomery, France

Visit Site Hillman 0930 1000 00:30

Drive to Pegasus Bridge 1000 1015 00:15 Rue Major John Howard, 14860 , France

Visit Pegasus Bridge & Museum 1015 1130 1:15

Drive to Ranville Cemetery 1130 1145 00:15 Rue de Castors, Ranville, France

Visit Ranville Cemetery & Church 1145 1215 00:30

Grocery store for lunch; eaten en route at a 1215 1230 00:15 rest stop Drive to Ypres, Belgium 1230 1800 5:30 -travel time a little longer than anticipated due to road works in Rouen, France Check in to Hotel 1800 1830 00:30 Zonnebeekseweg 359, 8900 Ypres, Belgium - B&B Potyze Drive to town center of Ypres 1830 1845 00:15

Quick Dinner Stop 1845 1915 00:30

Walk to Menin Gate 1915 1930 00:15

Attend “Last Post Ceremony ” at Menin Gate; 1930 2045 1:00 *ceremony starts at 2000- be there early to get good place to photos around Menin Gate see from Drive back to hotel 2045 2100 00:15 Zonnebeekseweg 359, 8900 Ypres, Belgium Battle Plan:Day 4

© 2014 One Trip at a Time | | Site/Activity Start Finish Total Time Address Drive to town center of Ypres 0900 0910 00:10 Visit St. George’s Memorial Church 0910 0945 00:35 Elverdingsestraat 1, Ypres, Belgium Visit Flander’s Field Museum & Belfry in Cloth 0945 1200 2:15 Ypres Town Center Hall (includes lunch at Museum Café) Visit St. Martin’s Church 1200 1220 00:20 Ypres Town Center Quick stop back at hotel and tea with owner 1220 1300 00:40 Drive to Hill 60 1300 1330 00:30 Zwarteleenstraat 42-48, 8902 Ypres, Belgium Visit Hill 60 1330 1400 00:30 Drive to Sanctuary Wood (with stop at Perth 1430 1500 00:30 Canadalaan 21-35, 8902 Ypres, Belgium Cemetery en route) Visit Sanctuary Wood 1500 1545 00:45 Drive to Tyne Cot Cemetery (with stop at Hooge 1545 1615 00:30 Vijfwegestraat, 8980 Zonnebeke, Belgium Crater Cemetery en route) Visit Tyne Cot Cemetery & Visitor’s Center 1615 1715 1:00 Drive to Essex Farm 1715 1730 00:15 Diksmuidseweg 144-146, 8900 Ypres, Belgium

Visit Essex Farm 1730 1800 00:30 Drive to Le Shuttle 1800 1850 00:50 Coquelles, France Board Le Shuttle bound for UK 1920 1855 00:35 *one hour time difference once back in UK Drive from Le Shuttle back Home 1855 2005 1:10 Battle Plan:Day 5

© 2014 One Trip at a Time | |