Medievaia Coinage
~) June 11, 1993 Classical Numismatic Group, Inc will sell at public and mail bid auction the exceptional collection of Greek Gold & Electrum assembled by George & Robert Stevenson This collection features ovel" 150 pieces. Pedigrees of the Ste\'enson coins r('ad like a "who's who" or great collectors durin!,: the past century, with coins from the collections of Pozzi, Virzi, Hrand, Garrell, Weber, Ryan, llaron Pennisi di'Floristella, Hauer, Bement, Castro Maya, Warren, Greenwell, N.wille, several museum collections and others In addition to the Stevenson Collection, this SOlie includes a sup erb ofrering of Greek silver and bronze, Roman including a collection of SeslerW, Byzantine. Medieval and Uritish coins. Classical Numismatic Group Auction XXVI In Conjunction with the 2nd Annual Spring New York International Friday June II, 1993 at 6PM Sheraton New York Hotcl & Towers Catalogues are available for $151£10 CLASSICAL NUMISMATIC GROUP, INC ~ Post Office Box 245 ~Quarryville, Pennsylvania 17566-0245 " • (717) 786-4013, FAX (717) 786-7954 • SEABY COINS ~ 7 Davies Street ~London, WIY ILL United Kingdom (071) 495-1888, FAX (071) 499-5916 INSIDE THE CELATOR ... Vol. 7, NO.5 FEATURES May 1993 6 A new distater of Alexander 'lJieCefatoT by Harlan J. Berk Publisher/Senior Editor 10 Slavery and coins Wayne G. Sayles in the Roman world Office Manager Janet Sayles by Marvin Tameanko Editor Page 6 18 The Scipio legend: Steven A. Sayles A new distater of Alexander A question of portraiture Marketi ng Director by Harlan J. Berk Stephanie Sayles by Todd Kirkby RCCLiaison J ames L. Meyer 32 The arms of Godfrey of Boullion and the Production Asst.
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