Canadian Charities Giving to Indigenous Charities and Qualified Donees - 2018 Canadian charities giving to Indigenous Charities and Qualified Donees - 2018 By Sharon Redsky, Wanda Brascoupe, Mark Blumberg and Jessie Lang (May 31, 2021) We recently reviewed the T3010 Registered Charity Information Return database for 2018 to see how many gifts and the value of those gifts were made from Canadian registered charities to “Indigenous Charities” and certain Qualified Donees such as First Nation Governments or ‘Bands’ (listed as “municipal or public body performing a function of government in Canada”). Together we refer to them as “Indigenous Groups”. To identify Indigenous Groups, we reviewed the list with all grants over $30,000 and we also used terms and phrases such as: Indigenous, First Nation, Metis, Inuit, Indian, Indian Band, Nation, Tribal council, National Indian Brotherhood, etc.. We also used a list from the Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Fund by CanadaHelps developed by Wanda Brascoupe. We cut off the review at $30,000 because these larger grants are over 28,000 grants and also encompass about 90% of the value of grants made by Canadian charities to qualified donees. If an individual or corporation donates to an Indigenous Group, this would not be reflected in this article as we only have visibility as to registered charities making gifts to other qualified donees. We encourage others to either do a more comprehensive review or use different methodology. 1 We believe that Indigenous led charities are vital in providing culturally appropriate services. There are numerous charities in Canada that are either Indigenous led or primarily serving Indigenous communities, but it is not always easily determinable who they are and how many there are.
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