Black history in the olympics

By Manny & Soleil TIME LINE

1912: First black 1960: First female 2018: First black 1908: First black Canadian to 1948: First female black Olympian to female speed Olympian: John compete in the black Olympian: win multiple gold skater: Maame Baxter Taylor Jr : Alice Coachman medals: Wilma Biney John Armstrong Rudolph 1908: First Black Olympian: John Baxter Taylor Jr


What sport was he in? Track and field.

What country was he representing? The .

Where is he originally from? He was from London.

How old was he when he won his first medal? He was 26 when he won his first medal. 1912: First Black Canadian to Compete in the Olympic games: John Armstrong Howard


What sport did he compete in? He competed in track.

What part of Canada was he from? He was from Manitoba.

What are some of the challenges he faced as a black athlete in 1912 going into the Olympics. He had to stay in a different hotel and he couldn’t eat in the same areas as the other athletes.

What was he doing before he became an athlete? He played baseball. 1948: First Black Female Olympian: Alice Coachman •

What sport did she compete in? She competed in the .

What country did she represent? She represented the United States.

How did she train since she had trouble accessing the normal facilities that other athletes used? She would run barefoot in fields near her home. She would jump over tied rags and sticks.

How many years did she train for? She trained from when she was 16 to 24. 1960: First female black Olympian to win multiple gold medals: •

What sport did she compete in? Did she win all her medals in the same sport? She competed in track and field and she won all her medals in the same sport. What did Wilma Rudolph do after her 3 gold medals in the Olympics of 1960? She started teaching and coaching young kids. How many medals did she win in total? She won three medals in total. 2018: First black female speed skater Maame Biney

• black-woman-make-olympic-speed-skating-team speed-skater-maame-biney

What country did she play for? What is her background? She is from GHANA and lives in the U.S.A. What is her fastest / best time in speed skating? Biney’s personal best in the five hundred meter is 43.161 seconds. (almost a world record) That was her best accomplishment as a speed skater.