CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E214 HON

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E214 HON E214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 10, 2005 Emergency Manager before he began his ten- Champ was. His wife, children, and grand- their invaluable contributions to athletics, the ure as Commissioner. children are a great testament to who he was United States, and the entire world. Commissioner Fischler has commanded as a person. My prayers are with his family, f major incidents, including hurricanes and friends, and community today, as we honor his coastal storms that destroyed 104 homes in life. INTRODUCTION OF THE SANITY OF LIFE ACT AND THE TAXPAYER 48 hours, the 1995 Wildfires, the 1996 TWA f incident, and the county’s response in 2001 to FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE ACT the World Trade Center in support of our HONORING THE 2004 AFRICAN neighbors in New York City. His skill as a AMERICAN ETHNIC SPORTS HON. RON PAUL leader, manager and emergency services ex- HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES OF TEXAS pert invariably saved lives, property and hard- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ship for the people of our community in each HON. BARBARA LEE Thursday, February 10, 2005 of these instances. Most importantly, he en- OF CALIFORNIA sured professional, timely, organized response IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to intro- duce two bills relating to abortion. These bills in the event of each challenging disaster. Thursday, February 10, 2005 Commissioner Fischler is also a vice-presi- stop the federal government from promoting dent of the NYS Emergency Management As- Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor abortion. My bills accomplish this goal by pro- sociation, a member of the International Asso- the inductions of twelve former black Olym- hibiting federal funds from being used for pop- ciation of Fire Chiefs Terrorism/Homeland Se- pians into the African American Ethnic Sports ulation control or ‘‘family planning’’ through ex- curity Committee and has spoken extensively Hall of Fame on July 8, 2004 in Sacramento, ercising Congress’s constitutional power to re- throughout the country. Furthermore, the Com- California. The honorees were notable not strict federal court’s jurisdiction by restoring missioner is an attorney and is heavily in- only for their tremendous athletic achieve- each state’s authority to protect unborn life. volved in community activities. ments, but also for the profound social signifi- Abortion on demand is no doubt the most During Commissioner Fischler’s distin- cance these achievements carried. serious sociopolitical problem of our age. The guished tenure, Suffolk County became the The Athens Games in 2004 marked the lack of respect for life that permits abortion first county in New York State to develop and 100th anniversary of the first African American significantly contributes to our violent culture implement a Hurricane/Coastal Storm Plan participation in the Olympics, when George and our careless attitude toward liberty. and Special Needs Sheltering Program. Addi- Poage earned bronze medals in the 200- and Whether a civilized society treats human life tionally, it is believed that Suffolk County be- 400-meter hurdles, and Joseph Stadler won a with dignity or contempt determines the out- came the first municipality in the nation to de- silver medal in the standing high jump in St. come of that civilization. Reaffirming the im- velop a Mental Health Special Needs Shel- Louis in 1904. In the past 100 years, African portance of the sanctity of life is crucial for the tering Program. Finally, Commissioner Americans have produced numerous out- continuation of a civilized society. There is al- Fischler’s leadership prompted Suffolk County standing Olympic performances, and the July ready strong evidence that we are on the slip- to be the first county in New York State and inductees to the African American Ethnic pery slope toward euthanasia and non-con- the greater northeast to be designated ‘‘Storm Sports Hall of Fame are responsible for some sensual human experimentation. Although the Ready’’ by the National Weather Service. of the finest. real problem lies within people’ hearts and Commissioner Fischler has served Suffolk Of the Hall of Fame’s twelve honorees, minds, the legal problems of protecting life County with the highest degree of profes- eleven were track and field athletes, and one stem from the ill-advised Roe v. Wade ruling, sionalism and excellence. I wish to extend a was a coach. Alice Coachman-Davis, who was where the court usurped the state’s authority sincere thank you to Commissioner Fischler not allowed to participate in organized athletic over abortion. for his many years of remarkable public serv- activities while growing up in the South, be- One of the bills I am introducing today, the ice to the people of Suffolk County, for the came the first African American woman to win Sanctity of Life Act of 2005, reverses some of legacy of excellence he leaves behind for our a gold medal when she placed first in the high the damage done by Roe v. Wade. The Sanc- fire, rescue and emergency services and for jump at the London Games in 1948. Harrison tity of Life Act provides that the federal courts his highly capable, selfless and steady leader- Dillard won an astounding 82 consecutive of the United States, up to and including the ship during our most trying and dangerous 110–meter hurdles races, a record which still Supreme Court, do not have jurisdiction to times over the past ten years. stands. Wilbur Ross coached two of the most hear abortion-related cases. Congress must successful Olympic athletes of all time, Carl use the authority granted to it in Article 3, Sec- f Lewis and Michael Johnson. And Tommie tion 1 of the Constitution to rein in rogue fed- TRIBUTE TO NORMAN B. CHAMP, Smith and John Carlos, who finished first and eral judges from interfering with a state’s abil- JR. OF ST. LOUIS, MO third, respectively, in the 200 meters at the ity to protect unborn life. 1968 Games in Mexico City, took a coura- In addition to restricting federal court juris- HON. RUSS CARNAHAN geous stand for social justice in one of the diction over abortion, Congress must stop the OF MISSOURI most powerful moments in the history of the unconstitutional practice of forcing Americans IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Olympics. Other Hall of Fame inductees in- to subsidize abortion providers. It is not cluded Milt Campbell, Herb Douglas, Lee enough to say that ‘‘family planning’’ groups Thursday, February 10, 2005 Evans, Edith McGuire-Duvall, Dr. Reginald may not use federal funds to perform or pro- Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, my remarks Pearman, Wyomia Tyus and John Woodruff, mote abortion. After all, since money is fun- today are to pay tribute to the life of Mr. Nor- all of whom were outstanding track and field gible, federal funding of any activities of these man B. Champ, Jr., of St. Louis, MO, husband athletes. organizations forces taxpayers to underwrite of Judith Smith Champ. These inductees’ achievements are clearly the organizations abortion activities. This is Mr. Champ’s remarkable life took him remarkable in the pure athletic sense, but why I am also introducing the Taxpayer Free- through ventures in politics, business, farming, when placed in their social context, they are dom of Conscience Act. The Taxpayer Free- and the arts. He spent twenty years as the even more meaningful. Athletics has played dom of Conscience Act prohibits any federal democratic committeeman for Clayton Town- an important role in the broader Civil Rights official from expending any federal funds for ship and was a member of the St. Louis movement, and the Olympic Arena has pro- any population control or population planning County Board of Jail Visitors. His business vided not only an opportunity for African Amer- program or any family planning activity. To acumen led him through careers in dairy farm- icans to prove that they could compete with paraphrase Thomas Jefferson, it is ‘‘sinful and ing and a trucking equipment company. the rest of the world, but has also served as tyrannical’’ to force the American taxpayers to He had an undeniable impact on the arts a forum for making important social and polit- subsidize programs and practices they find community. He was on the Committee for the ical statements. Today, it is of vital importance morally abhorrent. Preservation of the White House, was a mem- that we continue to recognize and pay tribute Mr. Speaker, it is my hope that my col- ber of the Missouri Arts Council, and was one to these achievements, and that we continue leagues will join me in support of these two of the longest serving members of the Na- to draw inspiration from them in furthering our bills. By following the Constitution and using tional Council of the Arts. own work for equality, justice and peace. On the power granted to the Congress by the Mr. Speaker, the outpouring of support by behalf of the Ninth Congressional District, I sa- Constitution, we can restore respect for free- family, friends, and the community made it evi- lute both the African American Ethnic Sports dom of conscience and the sanctity of human dent to all what an extraordinary person Mr. Hall of Fame and its July 2004 inductees for life. VerDate jul 14 2003 05:26 Feb 11, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10FE8.016 E10PT1.
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