Lesson Plan for Day One Teaching a Leisure Activity Lesson Title/Topic: Duration: an hour and Supplies/Equipment a half. Learning By learning this skill students will be able to: Objectives/Outcomes ! Develop a new leisure skill ! Identify the purpose of calligraphy in our country ! Name different countries that use it and it’s purpose to the countries. ! Be aware of the background and cultures that use calligraphy as a skill. ! Improve their hand/eye coordination ! Improve concentration. ! More open about trying new leisure skills. Introduction/Warm ! Ask the students why they want to learn PowerPoint Up a new leisure skill and discuss the Visuals importance of leisure skills while explaining the importance of being willing to try new things. 10 minutes -It is important because we always need to learn new skills to apply to our lives. If you always do the same things you’ll never know what you could be missing out on or what you are truly interested in. Leisure is a way for you to express yourself and find yourself by while learning and having fun.

! Brainstorm and ask the students if they know what calligraphy is, and what it is used for. - What is calligraphy? “The of producing decorative handwriting or lettering with a pen or a brush.” It is used for many art pieces, professional business work, and banners for events, cards, certificates and signatures. Examples provided in the power / visuals.

Summary of You tube -Powerpoint Tasks/Action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcQPAHKx -visuals bQU -books ! Ask the students if they like to doodle, - pencils - What do you doodle? Doodling is -markers 1 hour similar to calligraphy because you -paper are using your creativity to create swirls, lines, curves, and squiggles. - Activity: Students will each doodle on their . First draw a curve, second draw a line, third draw a swirl, and fourth draw a squiggle.

Teach the basics and history of Calligraphy:

! Discover calligraphy as a traditional art expressed through many countries. Show examples and visuals to the students. ! Calligraphy once used as a form of communication through many time eras (Egyptian, Medieval, Roman, and Early Renaissance) ! Calligraphy became a big part in religion (Christianity, Buddhism, Shintoism) Activity: Hangman. Leaders will split the room into two teams. • Way to separate into groups for game. Leaders will have students stand up and circle up. Students will be playing rock paper scissors with the person to their right. Instead of using their hands they will be using their bodies. This will be done to separate the group into two teams. To replace rock, paper, scissors, students will use human, trap, and tiger. The human beats the cage, the cage beats the tiger, and the tiger beats the human. Students will play Leaders will then come up with a word and the students have to guess the word by playing hangman. If the team guesses the word correctly then each member must write the word in calligraphy in order to get the points for their team. After this is done students will be asked how the word relates to the lesson. Words to use are: (calligraphy, doodle, Egyptian, curve, roman, hieroglyphics, press, certificate, skill, leisure, art, graphic design, ink and pen, paper, fancy .)

Continued History ! -Calligraphy “revived,” in modern 21st century by designer (re- introduced classes in ) ! -The power of calligraphy has changed lettering and alphabets everywhere to different “art styles” and techniques ! -Calligraphy becomes a big part in graphic design in modern society to advertise, promote, and display different visuals

Activity: PowerPoint with pictures where graphic design in modern society is used as advertisement. Have students raise their hands and guess what parts are considered to be calligraphy? What are they trying to sell by using calligraphy? And why is calligraphy helpful in selling this product?

Types of Calligraphy (during time eras):

! Hieroglyphics -Example: The book of the dead 1300 BC. -written on Activity: Hieroglyphics Worksheet. Students will be given a worksheet and will be expected to “crack the code” using hieroglyphics and the key that we give them.

! Eastern Asia (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) -used for scriptures and interpretation ! Medieval -written in books and on certificates ! Early renaissance -many of the calligraphy was written in bibles and religious works. Example (the Hours of Jeanne de Savoie by Jean Pucelle Activity: The students will be given Chinese Numbers and will be expected to try them out.

Way to separate into groups for game. Leaders will have students stand up and circle up. Students will be playing rock paper scissors with the person to their right. Instead of using their hands they will be using their bodies. This will be done to separate the group into two teams. To replace rock, paper, scissors, students will use human, trap, and tiger. The human beats the cage, the cage beats the tiger, and the tiger beats the human. Students will then play to determine their group.

Activity: Hollywood Squares (Tic Tac Toe) The Leaders will divide the group into two teams. They will be given a symbol/ letter and will be asked to write it out, or draw it. If it is correct they will be given an X or an O to place on the board. The team that wins will receive candy.

Wrap-up/Reflect – Closure ! Ask the students what they think about learning this skill, calligraphy. 10 minutes - What did you like? What did you dislike? What do you want to learn more about regarding calligraphy? Can you see yourself using this skill in the future? Are you looking forward to the rest of the lessons?

Adaptations (For If there are any students with disabilities we will assign another Students With individual to assist the student with learning the skill and participating in Disabilities): the activities

Safety Considerations Make sure that students are aware of how to use the tools and how to take care of them.

Lesson Plan for Day 2 Teaching a Leisure Activity Lesson Title/Topic: Duration: 1 hr and 30 min Supplies/Equipment Learning By participating fully in this activity, student will be able to: Objectives/Outcomes • Develop a new leisure skill • Identify different styles of font in Western Calligraphy • Explore the culture and writing styles of Asian cultures from Japan and China. • Write out one calligraphy symbol that is Chinese & know its meaning. • Write out one word (their name) with real calligraphy ink pens in Western fancy font. • Learn about how to write the western calligraphy alphabet

Introduction/Warm • Ask the Students what they have learned Ball Up about calligraphy so far. • Allow some time to have students ask questions on any confusion or concerns 10 minutes about Day 1.

Activity: have an item (ball) for students to pass around to one another. Once a student catches the item they must say one thing they enjoyed or learned a bout our last lesson, and a new leisure skill or activity they would like to learn or try.

• Introduce the students about what they will be learning for Day 2 A. Different Styles of Calligraphy B. Cultures and writing styles from Japan and China C. Writing out Japanese and symbols D. Identifying and practicing Fancy font in calligraphy E. Calligraphy Western Alphabet • We will also be practicing different styles of calligraphy (Western, Japanese, Chinese)

Summary of White Paper Tasks/Action A. Different Styles of Western Construction paper Calligraphy Black paint 1 hour B. Foundational Hand Alphabets (Upper Paint bruses and Lower case) This style is the basis Markers before getting into different styles Calligraphy kit C. Unical Aphabet- Known as “Old Worksheets Roman . This type of style was used to write important texts from 600 AD to the early renaissance D. Illuminated Letters- Thick letters used to emphasize bold and importance in writing E. Other types of forms: Lowercase , Italic , and Italic Hand. F. Identifying and practicing fancy font in calligraphy G.

Activity: worksheets will be passed out by the leader that shows the fancy letters in calligraphy. Students will be asked to trace and practice writing all of the letters. For example they will trace the letter “A” and then write the letter “A.”

Activity: After this the students will use the ink pens to write out their names. (For us to put into their certificates that will be given on day 3)

Illuminated letters: • They are thick letters that are used to emphasize & bold. It’s important because it emphasizes certain words in writing and on important pieces of work.

Activity: students will be asked to create their own illuminated letter using the first letter of their name. They will be asked to make it as detailed as possible (like examples). And If needed, may work on it throughout todays lesson.

Cultures and writing styles from Japan and China • China- Used the Kanji system: Which is characters that are used to form words. Many other countries such as Japan and Korea took China’s Kanji System and made it into their own word systems. There are 85,000 characters that can be used to make words.

• Japan- Calligraphy word system taken from China and made it as their own. Japan’s word system has about 12,000-13,000 characters to use to form words. • Writing out Japanese and Chinese Calligraphy symbols

Activity: Students will then be given other interesting worksheets to test out some other fun Chinese calligraphy styles.

Show image- Have students pick their favorite of the many Chinese symbols, and attempt to draw it to practice and practice it.

Show video clip- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=643L5qWQ mxw

1. Take the and styles learned from learned from Point A and incorporate activity while learning styles

• Calligraphy Western Alphabet • Practice the alphabet as a class using the foundational alphabet as a guide. • Activity: Worksheets will again be handed out by leaders on the style that we just learned.

Activity: Students will be given a piece of construction paper and paint and a paintbrush. Students will then be asked to paint their chosen Chinese symbol onto a piece of paper. They will then be asked to use swirls to decorate the outside/ boarder of their construction paper.

If time allows Activity: Hollywood Squares questions & review game.

Wrap-up/Reflect – Conclusion: Closure 1. Ask questions: What did you learn today? What did you like the most? What did 10 minutes you dislike? Do you think you know more about Calligraphy in the past 2 days? 2. Close with explaining what will happen on Lesson Day 3- and what their final project will be.

Adaptations (For Students With We as the teachers will assist anyone who has trouble holding different Disabilities): instruments. We will help the one on one if students cannot grip an object or is not comfortable holding an object when writing. We will try to make arrangements to have a variety of materials and writing utensils as possible.

Safety Considerations We will go over how to properly hold the utensils before each writing activity and will allow students to ask questions to any confusion or concern.

Lesson Plan for Teaching a Leisure Activity By: Sara Jarrett & Kati Papen Lesson Title/Topic: Calligraphy day 3 Duration: Supplies/Equipment Learning By participating fully in this activity, students will Objectives/Outcomes be able to: • Students will be able to apply what they have learned from the previous days about calligraphy to complete a project. • Students will be able to engage in activities that allow them to be creative. • Students will be able to identify some Chinese symbols and have a better understanding of Chinese calligraphy • Students will leave having a better understanding of calligraphy. • Students will be able to demonstrate a new skill.

Introduction/Warm Ask the students: Up What do you remember from day two? What did you learn from day two? How does what we did on day two go with calligraphy?

Paper Ball Game • Students will each be given a piece of paper and then be asked to write a friendly question on the paper. After they have done so they will crumble up the paper and circle up. Then the students will throw their ball into the middle of the circle, and each person will grab the ball from the circle and read the question they picked up and answer it. Questions will be like - what is your favorite color? - What is your favorite food? - What’s another skill that you might like to learn? - What is your favorite part of calligraphy?

- Do you like chocolate or vanilla ice cream?

Summary of Students will be able to become more familiar Paper for cards Tasks/Action with the Calligraphy Equipment and be more Paint aware of how to write in calligraphy. Paint brushes Calligraphy set Activity: Have students come up to the front of Markers the room to try out the real ink calligraphy pens. Scissors While students are waiting for their turns, other Hole punch students will be practicing with markers. And String continuing to doodle and work on how to write with swirls and curves. Students will continue to rotate so everyone gets a fair amount of time with the calligraphy pens. Students will be able to try out different letters, words, and practice writing their names again or quotes and favorite words.

Activity: Students will be given a shape or animal and will then be asked to fill the whole shape with lines and swirls of calligraphy just like the picture we showed on day one.

Show image- Have students pick their favorite of the many Chinese symbols, and attempt to draw it and practice it.

Activity: Students will be given a piece of construction paper and paint and a paintbrush. Students will then be asked to paint their chosen Chinese symbol onto a piece of paper using Chinese calligraphy. They will then be asked to use swirls to decorate the outside/ boarder of their construction paper.

Activity: Students will be creating a bookmark that they will be able to take home with them. The bookmark will have one or more Chinese symbols on it and will also have some doodles to incorporate the two together. Students will have the opportunity to choose to use markers, the paint, or the ink pens to work with. We want to see a masterpiece. Students will be able to tie string to the top of their bookmark and be creative.

What is a card? What is a card used for? - Can be used for sending letters for a loved one or friend that share memorable experiences. - To advertise something or to congratulate one on something, or to wish a happy birthday. - Cards can also be used as invitations and just as a visual.

Activity: students will create a card using calligraphy. Their cards must be using calligraphy, and can be any type such as the fancy fonts we learned, or even Chinese symbols. Students can make their card for themselves, a friend, a family member, for a special occasion, birthday, or even just because. In the card the students must use calligraphy. They will be able to use a combination of the makers and pencils as well as the calligraphy pens and paint.

Activity: Hollywood squares will be played if times allows.

Wrap-up/Reflect - Ask students: Closure -How do you feel about the skill of calligraphy? -Do you think you will use this skill? -What did you first think of when we told you we were going to be doing calligraphy? Are your feelings about it deferent now? - Will you try to make your letters look fancy the next time you’re working on a project? -What other leisure skills would you be interested in learning?

What is a certificate? - When you’ve completed something successfully.

Students will be given a sheet of paper that is a certificate. The certificate will be given to them upon completing our course of calligraphy. It will have their names in the middle that they wrote on a piece of paper on day two that have been pasted onto the certificate.

Adaptations (For We as the teachers will assist anyone who has trouble holding different Students With instruments. We will help the one on one if students cannot grip an Disabilities): object or is not comfortable holding an object when writing. We will try to make arrangements to have a variety of materials and writing utensils as possible.

Safety Considerations We will go over how to properly hold the utensils before each writing activity and will allow students to ask questions to any confusion or concern.