Social Monitoring Report

Project Number: 36437 June 2012

PRC: Integrated Ecosystem and Water Resources Management in the Baiyangdian Basin

Prepared by Hohai University

For Baiyangdian Project Management Office

This report has been submitted to ADB by the Hebei Baoding Baiyangdian Project Management Office and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s public communications policy (2005). It does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB .

Integrated Ecosystem and Water Resources Management in the Baiyangdian Basin Project Financed by Asian Development Bank

Monitoring and Evaluation Report on the Resettlement of Integrated Ecosystem and Water Resources Management in the Baiyangdian Basin Project (No. 5)

National Research Center of Resettlement

Hohai University,

Nanjing, Jiangsu,

June, 2012


Persons in Charge : Shi Guoqing, Sun Yan

Independent Monitoring and Shi Guoqing, Sun Yan, Hou Ronggui, : Evaluation Staff Lv Qiulong, Yuan Lin, Liu Yiying

Shi Guoqing, Sun Yan, Hou Ronggui, Report Writers : Lv Qiulong, Yuan Lin, Liu Yiying

Independent Monitoring and National Research Center of Resettlement : Evaluation Institute Hohai University

No.1 Xikang Road Address : Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

Post Code : 210098

Telephone : 0086-25-83786503

Fax : 0086-25-83718914

E-mail : [email protected] [email protected]



1 SUMMARY ...... 6 1.1 Introduction of Project ...... 6 1.2 New Projects Proposed after the Mid-course Adjustments ...... 8 1.3 Resettlement Policy Framework ...... 8 1.4 Resettlement Implement Schedule ...... 9 1.5 Monitoring and Evaluation ...... 10 1.5.1 Procedure of Monitoring and Evaluation ...... 10 1.5.2 Contents of Monitoring and Evaluation ...... 11 1.5.3 Method of Monitoring and Evaluation ...... 12 1.5.4 Monitoring and Evaluation Report ...... 12


3 LAND ACQUISITION AND FINANCIAL COMPENSATION , ALLOCATION AND USE ...... 14 3.1 Land Acquisition ...... 14 3.1.1 Land Acquisition Schedule ...... 14 3.1.2 Land Acquisition Amount ...... 15 3.1.3 Problems ...... 16 3.2 Financial Compensation, Allocation and Use ...... 17 3.2.1 Resettlement Compensation ...... 17 3.1.4 Financial Allocation and Use ...... 20

4 THE RESTORE OF IMMIGRANTS ’ LIVING AND PRODUCTION ...... 22 4.1 Mancheng County WWTP ...... 22 4.1.1 Family Population ...... 22 4.1.2 Housing Condition ...... 23 4.1.3 Land Family Contract ...... 23 4.1.4 Family Annual Income ...... 24 4.1.5 Family Annual Expense...... 25 4.1.6 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense ...... 29 4.1.7 Analysis of Net Income Changing ...... 30 4.1.8 Typical Survey of Affected Villages ...... 32 4.2 Yi County WWTP ...... 32 4.2.1 Family Population ...... 32 4.2.2 Land Family Contract ...... 33 4.2.3 Family Annual Income ...... 33 4.2.4 Family Annual Expense ...... 35 4.2.5 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense ...... 41 4.2.6 Analysis of Net Income Changing ...... 42 4.3Xiong County WWTP ...... 43 4.3.1Family Population ...... 43 4.3.2 Land Family Contract ...... 44 4.3.3 Family Annual Income ...... 44


4.3.4Family Annual Expense ...... 46 4.3.5Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense ...... 48 4.3.6 Analysis of Net Income Changing ...... 50 4.3.7 Typical Survey of Affected Villages ...... 51 4.4Tang County WWTP ...... 51 4.4.1 Family Population ...... 51 4.4.2 Land Family Contract ...... 52 4.4.3 Family Annual Income ...... 52 4.4.4 Family Annual Expense ...... 54 4.4.5 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense ...... 57 4.4.6 Analysis of Net Income Changing ...... 58 4.5 Baigou Town WWTP ...... 59 4.5.1 Family Population ...... 59 4.5.2 Land Family Contract ...... 60 4.5.3 Family Annual Income ...... 60 4.5.4 Family Annual Expense ...... 62 4.5.5 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense ...... 66 4.5.6 Analysis of Net Income Changing ...... 67 4.6 Xushui County WWTP ...... 69 4.6.1 Family Population ...... 69 4.6.2 Family Annual Income ...... 70 4.6.3 Family Annual Expense ...... 71 4.6.4 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense ...... 77 4.6.5 Analysis of Net Income Changing ...... 78 4.7 Li County WWTP ...... 79 4.8 Liushi WWTP ...... 79 4.8.1 Family Population ...... 79 4.8.2Land Family Contract ...... 80 4.8.3 Family Annual Income ...... 80 4.8.4 Family Annual Expense ...... 82 4.8.5 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense ...... 84 4.9 Xinxing WWTP ...... 85 4.9.1 Family Population ...... 85 4.9.2 Land Family Contract ...... 86 4.9.3 Family Annual Income ...... 86 4.9.4 Family Annual Expense ...... 88 4.9.5 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense ...... 93 4.9.6 Analysis of Net Income Changing ...... 94 4.9.7 Typical Survey of Affected Villages ...... 95 4.10 WWTP ...... 95 4.10.1 Family Population ...... 95 4.10.2 Family Annual Income ...... 96 4.10.3 Family Annual Expense ...... 98 4.10.4 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense ...... 102


4.10.5 Analysis of Net Income Changin ...... 102 4.11 Integrated Water Management Project ...... 104 4.11.1 Family Population ...... 104 4.11.2 Family Annual Income ...... 110 4.11.3 Family Annual Expense ...... 116 4.11.4 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense ...... 126 4.11.5 Analysis of Net Income Changing ...... 131

5 RESETTLEMENT IMPLEMENTATION INSTITUTION ...... 134 5.1 Implementation Institution Capacity ...... 134 5.2 Internal Monitoring and Evaluation ...... 134 5.3 Evaluation ...... 134

6 PARTICIPATION AND APPEAL ...... 135 6.1 Public Participation ...... 135 6.2 Grievance and Appeal ...... 135

7 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...... 137 7.1 Conclusion ...... 137 7.2 Suggestions ...... 137


1 Summary 1.1 Introduction of Project

Integrated Ecosystem and Water Resources Management in the Baiyangdian Basin Project financed by ADB is a comprehensive Ecological and Environmental Protection Project. Project aimed at increasing the sustainability of ecosystems and water resources management, focusing on biodiversity conservation, urban development and rural livelihood programs. Includes 7 categories, 22 sub-projects, such as: 1) sewage treatment (13 sub-projects); 2) water supply (3 sub-projects); 3) afforestation (2 sub-projects); 4) redistribution of water resources (1 sub-project); 5) watershed management (1 sub-project); 6) clean energy (1 sub-project) ;7) flood prevention (1 sub-project). The total project investment is 2,024.4045 million, ADB loans 100 million U.S. dollars. Project is expected to complete in Sec. 30, 2013. 13 sub-projects in 22 sub-projects ( Huanghuagou Solid Waste Management project and Urban Flood Management () have been confirmed out of ADB loan projects in the survey, so it’s not included in the scope of monitoring) with 11 counties/cities involve in land acquisition and relocation resettlement. In this monitoring, WSP have been confirmed out of ADB loan projects as a result of matching funds and start time can not meet the requirements of ADB, so this scope of the resettlement monitoring is 11 subprojects prepared with Resettlement Action Plans. According to the resettlement plan, the resettlement major impact for land acquisition and temporary land use. Land acquisition of 949.23 mu involving 32 villages; directly affect 833 households, 3632 population; temporary land use of 747.27 mu. The total resettlement cost for plan is 56,179,380 RMB Yuan. The actual impact for resettlement is as follows: permanent land expropriation of 929.61 mu, involving 32 villages; directly affected 839 households, 3,636 population; temporary land use of 756.07 mu. Permanent land expropriation 19.62 mu less than originally planned, because Dingxing sewage treatment plant project takes into account intensive land use, water plant covers 19.62 mu less than the original. Excess 8.8 mu temporary land use is because sewage treatment plant increased in the temporary land use than planned. Impact of other projects is consistent with the original immigration action plan. Details are described in Table 1-1.


Table 1-1 Project Resettlement Impact

Land Temporary houses Company Resettlement villages Land Impact No. projects villages No. projects Acquisition Land use Impact Impact fee 2 2 number (mu) (mu) (household) (people) (household) (m ) number (m ) (Yuan) total plan 32 949.23 747.27 833 3632 7 1670.67 6 2867.18 56179380 11 actual 32 929.61 756.07 839 3636 7 1670.67 6 2867.18 56140080 10 WWTP plan 15 416.23 504.27 183 862 7 1670.67 6 2867.18 29,043,380 plan 1 38 40.3 14 97 2,019,000 1 Liushi WWTP actual 1 38 40.3 14 97 2,019,000 plan 2 30 66.7 5 25 5 1101.58 4 2423.44 6,126,270 2 Baigou WWTP actual 2 30 66.7 5 25 5 1101.58 4 2423.44 6,126,270 plan 1 46.8 58.08 0 0 2,473,100 3 Li County WWTP actual 1 46.8 58.08 2,473,100 plan 1 56.62 28.07 31 148 3,170,400 4 Xushui County WWTP actual 1 56.62 28.07 31 148 3,170,400 plan 1 45 16.8 7 44 2,268,300 5 Xinxin WWTP A actual 1 45 16.8 7 44 2,268,300 plan 4 31.93 106.16 51 213 1,941,400 6 Yi County WWTP actual 4 32.03 106.17 51 213 1,902,100 plan 2 59.88 67.28 6 32 2 569.09 2 443.74 3,727,800 7 Dingxing WWTP 厂 actual 2 40.16 67.28 4 16 3,727,800 plan 1 45 65.34 41 182 3,632,310 8 Mancheng WWTP actual 1 45 65.34 41 182 3,632,310 plan 1 23 49.59 15 61 1,371,300 9 Xiong County WWTP actual 1 23 49.59 15 61 1,371,300 plan 1 40 5.95 13 60 2,313,500 10 Tang County WWTP actual 1 40 14.74 21 75 2,313,500 Integrated Water plan 17 533 243 650 2770 27,136,000 B 11 Management actual 17 533 243 650 2770 27,136,000

7 1.2 New Projects Proposed after the Mid-course Adjustments

Monitoring group carried out field investigation on the new added subprojects. The monitoring found as a result of medium-term adjustment, 2 subprojects have been planed to add, namely: Li County Sewage Treatment Phase II project and Qing Yuan County Sewage Treatment Phase II project. The Li county Sewage Treatment Plant Phase II occupied 40 mu state-owned lands. The factory site was originally owned by Xingren Village and Beizhang Village of Liwu Town, involving a total of 19 households, 88 population, and 27 women. Of which: involving Xingren Village land acquisition 26.98 mu, 13 affected households, 60 population; Beizhang Village 13.02 mu land acquisition, 6 affected households, 28 population. In June 18, 2010, the land compensation was allocated completed. County Project Office has submitted the immigration review reports of the project to ADB for review. The Qingyuan county Sewage Treatment Plant occupies 67.11 mu lands, located on the eastern side of the Dongbaoqing road in Beidaran Village of Qing Yuan County. The Qingyuan government will transfer the state-owned land to Qingyuan Sewage treatment plant for free to build the plant for one period and two period in 2001. In 2009 Qingyuan county sewage treatment plant changed the name into Qingyuan County Xiangtai water limited liability company , and the state-owned land use certificate also has changed in time and the new certificate has been sent down. The second stage sewage treatment projects will be built in this piece of land , it does not involve the land expropriation. County project office has submitted documents of this plot of land to the ADB for review. Please refer to land certificate in annex.

1.3 Resettlement Policy Framework

The resettlement policies that each subproject follows were established according to the relevant resettlement policies of the People’s Republic of China, Hebei Provincial Government and Asian Development Bank. The main laws and policies of each subproject land acquisition follows are: ò Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China (1999 and 2004) ò Decisions for Further Reform and Strengthen Land Administration of State Council [2004 ]No. 28 ò Regulations for the Implementation of the Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China (1991)

ò Provisional Regulations for Taxation on Occupation of Cultivated Land of the People’s Republic of China (1987) ò Regulations for the Protection of Capital Farmland (1991) ò Public hearing procedures of Land Resources (May 1, 2004) ò Guidance to Improve the land and resettlement compensation system (Guo Tu Zi Fa [2004] No. 238) (November 3, 2004) ò Pre-construction project management (Ministry of Land Order No. 27) (November 1, 2004) ò Hebei Province Land Management Ordinance (May 27, 2005) ò Hebei Province People’s Government, “Implementation Opinions of deepening reform strict land management” (Ji Zheng [2004] No. 151) (December 31, 2004) ò Hebei Province People’s Government, “notice on the implementation of expropriation price “ (Ji G [2008] 132) (December 31, 2008) ò ADB resettlement booklet- practical guideline (1998) According to above laws and policies the principle of each subproject resettlement is: ò Reduce negative influence to lowest level ò If resettlement cannot be avoided please discuss with impacted villagers and villages to decide replacement cost and decide compensation level on the base of it. ò To offer necessary compensation and help to the people impacted by project and to increase their income and living standard or restore at least to the level before project begins ò The people impacted by project should get sufficient information about compensation agreement and compensation agreement should be made out after consulting with impacted people. ò Special attention to the need of vulnerable groups

1.4 Resettlement Implement Schedule

Up to May, 12, 2012, in 12 subprojects, 9 have entered the run; one (Xinxing Sewage Plant) has completed with the civil engineering and is preparing for equipment installation; one (Integrated Water Management) is in civil engineering; one (Xiong County Water Supply) subproject had not begun. The implementation and resettlement schedule of each project see Table 1-2. Table 1-1 The Schedule of Baiyangdian Project Financed By ADB

Resettlement No. City/Town/County Projects Progress implementation 1 Mancheng City Mancheng WWTP done Run 2 Xiong County Xiong County WWTP done Run 3 Xiong County Xiong County WSP Not Started not begun Baigou • Baiyangdian 4 Wenquncheng Management Baigou WWTP done Run Committee 5 Yi County Yi County WWTP done Run


Resettlement No. City/Town/County Projects Progress implementation 6 Xushui County Xushui WWTP done Run 7 Dingxin County Dingxing WWTP done Run 8 Li County Li County WWTP done Run 9 Li County Liushi Town WWTP done Run Equipment 10 Li County Xinxing Town WWTP done installation; 11 Tang County Tang County WWTP done Run Wangkuai -Xidayang Quyang City, Shunping Civil 12 Integrated Water done City, Mancheng City engineering Management

1.5 Monitoring and Evaluation

In order to supervise the implementation of resettlement action and ensure resettlers keep at least same living level, in March, 2010 the first Independent Monitoring and Evaluation (IM&E) of the project is carried out by National Research Center of Resettlement (NRCR) of Hohai University ;following the second external M&E, the third M&E and the forth M&E was carried out in Oct, 2010, June, 2011 and Dec, 2011. This is the fifth external M&E carried out in May, 2012. The M&E team focused on the recovery of the production and life of the resettlers after the replacement, and gave suggestions to the existing and potential problems in the recovery of the production and life and the other purpose of this monitoring is to investigate the problems found in the forth monitoring, check land requisition and resettlement pace, capital management and distribution process, and make recommendations accordingly. 1.5.1 Procedure of Monitoring and Evaluation ò To write resettlement M&E outline ò To know resettlement procedure ò To check material Area, compensation standard and compensation capital appreciation of resettlement ò Sampling investigation design ò Production and living conditions investigation ò Comparative Analysis of Income ò Investigation on the spot ò To arrange and analyze materials ò To write M&E report


1.5.2 Contents of Monitoring and Evaluation

The M&E of each project is made according to the order of land requisition and the relocation and income resort of impacted people will be followed. When the whole project finish post-evaluation will be done. According to investigation and resettlement plan, the impacts of this project are land acquisition, temporary land and compensation to some attachment. Enterprises and shops were not impacted by land acquisition. So, the contents of M&E are: ò The schedule, area, compensation, capital appreciation and use of permanent land requisition. ò The area, compensation standard, capital appreciation of temporary land requisition and land restore. ò Restore of vulnerable group ò Basic facility rebuilding ò The analysis of Immigrant households’ income and expenditure, the arrangement of sample see Table 1-2. ò Satisfaction of Resettlers to land requisition and compensation ò Institution ability ò Internal resettlement monitoring ò Public participation and its effect ò Registration and management of grievance and appeal

Table 1-2 Sampling table of monitoring and evaluation

Sample Sample No. Projects houses Impact Remarks number proportion 1 Mancheng WWTP 41 8 20% 2 Xiong County WWTP 15 8 53% 3 Xiong County WSP 5 5 100% 4 Baigou WWTP 51 6 12% 5 Yi County WWTP 31 10 32% 6 Xushui WWTP 6 4 67% 7 Dingxing WWTP - - - 8 Li County WWTP 14 10 71% 9 Liushi Town WWTP 7 7 100% 10 Xinxing Town WWTP 13 6 46% 11 Tang County WWTP 650 89 14% total 864 161 19%


1.5.3 Method of Monitoring and Evaluation

From May 8th, 2012 to May 13th, 2012, this M&E took six days. The team of the M&E includes five professional personnel from NRCR and two workers from Baoding City Project Management Office. They went to investigate 11 counties which the 11 projects involved. During the M&E, following methods are used: Sampling investigation Design the sample scheme, Random sample is adopted, the samples accounted for 19 percent of the total affected households. The resettlement households chosen will be visited again in next M&E until their income have reached the former level. Symposium Have an informal discussion with resettlement offices, Dps, committees and women concerned respectively to know about land acquisition and housing relocation, and the income resort condition of villages. Referring to document data Looking up the document of resettlement activities, checking the compensation agreements of the land acquisition and house demolish and statistics data. Interviewing Key-men who provide information Such as directors of resettlement offices, township heads, village heads, householders, women (20%), the elderly, etc. 1.5.4 Monitoring and Evaluation Report

National Research Center of Resettlement (NRCR) of Hohai University carries out the Independent Monitoring and Evaluation (IM&E) to invulnerable resettlement of the project. In order to ensure the implementation of resettlement plan the monitoring and evaluation on the resettlement will make schedule according to project procedure. From 2010, NRCR wrote and submitted the IM&E Report to Baoding ADB Project Office and ADB every half year. The specific arrangements are as follows: 1) Jun, 2010, have carried out the first M&E baseline investigation.

2) Dec, 2010, have carried out the second M&E Report.

3) Aug, 2011, have carried out the third M&E Report.

4) Jan, 2012, have carried ou the fourth M&E Report.

5) Jul, 2012, carry out the fourth M&E Report.

Since 2012, submit an M&E report every half year until the project will be completed in 2013.


2 Feedback to the Fourth M&E Suggestions

In the fourth M&E, some suggestions were given to each subproject such as Accelerating project progress; go through the formalities of land use certificate as soon as possible; solve the leftover problem of resettlement compensation as soon as possible; land reclamation of temporary land; resettlement institution staff training. Baoding ADB Project Office and every subproject implementation institution have actions according to these suggestions. In this M&E, the group of the M&E found that each subproject office improved their work ability, the leftover problem of resettlement compensation is resolved, part of subprojects have got the project land use permits mentioned in last report. Land reclamation of integrated Water management temporary land has been completed. For details see Table2-1. Table2-1 The Feedback of Baoding WWTP and WSP Suggestions

N o Project Suggestions in third M&E Feedback More Suggestions . ó Because the original design has been unable to Accelerate the progress of Xiong county meet the current the project. 1 WSP Start resettlement quickly. requirements, so Xiong county WSP has been decided to cancel. ó The land use certificate of Shunping Section has been completed and will be issued after paying the tax. That of other section is in the process and it Wangkuai-Xida can be completed before next aid the taxes of Shunping Speed up the processing of P yang monitoring. 2 land use certificates. Section and get the land Integrated Recover temporary use land ó The temporary use land of certificate as soon. Water timely. Shunping Section has been Recover temporary use land Management recovered and returned to rural timely. households; the construction of Quyang Section has not completed, and the reclamation of temporary use land has not begun. Xinxing Accelerate the progress of Accelerate the progress of the 3 ò Equipment is being installed. WWTP the project. project and operator quickly. V The project has According to ADB policy, quitted from the medium-term Anguo and Quyang should adjustmen; the resettlement plan prepare resettlement plan as of Quyang has already been medium-term soon as possible;Yi county completed and submitte; Case Submit the final proposal 4 adjustment and Fuping should Submit report of Fuping has been of change-in-scope to project the Due diligence report. submitted, Li County has ADB ASAP. Accelerate the submitted the due diligence implementation of report. resettlement plan V resettlement plan is being implemented


3 Land Acquisition and Financial Compensation, Allocation and Use

3.1 Land Acquisition

3.1.1 Land Acquisition Schedule

(1)Permanent land acquisition

As of May 23, 2012, in 11 subprojects involved in land acquisition and compensation, the land acquisition and compensation work of 10 WWTP of Manchen, Xiong Country, Xushui, Baigou, Yi Country, Dingxing, Li country, Liushi, Tang Country, and Xinxing, and Integrated Water Management have been completed. Among these 11 subprojects, Mancheng, Xiong County, Xushui, Baigou, Yi County, Li County, Liushi, Xinxing, Tang County are nine sewage treatment projects have got the land use permits, for details see attached table ; the land use right certificate of Dingxing sewage treatment project has been issued to Dingxing land Bureau, which is not be sent to Dingxing Sewage Treatment Program Office because of the tax problems and it remains need to be coordinated by county government; the land use right certificate of Integrated Water Management Shunping Section has been issued to Shunping Land Bureau, and will be issued to the Integrated Water Management Program Office after the project units deliver farmland use tax and deed tax; the land use right certificate of Integrated Water Management Quyang Section is being processed. Three subprojects of 13 sub-projects occupied basic farmland including Xushui WWTP, Tang county WWTP and Integrated Water Management. Every project situation sees in Table3-1. Table3-1 Land Acquisition Procedures Summary

No. Name of Project Land Type Land Ownership Date of Getting Land Use License 1 Mancheng WWTP Farmland Collective November,2008 Xiong Country 2 Farmland Collective September,2009 WWTP 3 Xushui WWTP Farmland Collective June,2009 4 Yi Country WWTP Farmland Collective August,2006 5 Li Country WWTP Farmland Collective June,2008

6 Liushi WWTP Farmland Collective June,2008

7 Xinxing WWTP Farmland Collective December,2008


Tang Country 8 Farmland Collective June,2009 WWTP 9 Baigou WWTP Farmland Collective October, 2011 It has been issued to Dingxing land Bureau, which is expected to be 10 Dingxing WWTP Farmland Collective issued after coordinating by county government The land use right certificate of Integrated Water Management Integrated Water Shunping Section has been issued 11 Farmland Collective Management to Shunping Land Bureau; and that of Integrated Water Management Quyang Section is being processed (2) Temporary land acquisition

In 11 subprojects, 9 WWTP including Mancheng, Xiong Country, Yi Country, Dingxing, Xinxing, Liushi, Li Country, Tang Country and Baigou have temporary land acquisition, mainly are state-owned roads and rural roads used for the pipeline construction, but not farmland. The temporary land acquisition spends about 15 days and after the construction, units in charge of construction recover the roads. Temporary land acquisition of Integrated Water Management is 243.0MU owned by collective, in which of them farmland and rural land were 197.1MU. According to the compensation standard of arable land and orchards Young crop of two seasons per year, Young crop fees are 1248Yuan/Mu. On this basis, due to the land ripening period generally taking three years, according to the loss of land, make the compensation 300 yuan, 200 yuan, 100 yuan in three years, the final reclamation of the land in accordance with the comprehensive reclamation premium is 3333.3 yuan/mu and land reclamation charged by project team from bidding. The temporary land reclamation of Shunping Section ,Mancheng Section and Tang country Section are completed and delivered to farmers; the Quyang Section is not completed, the temporary land reclamation is not begun. 3.1.2 Land Acquisition Amount

By the end of Dec 23, 2011, in 12 subprojects, the resettlement of Xiong country WSP had not begun. The other subprojects had finished land acquisition. Actual land acquisitions see 3-2. Permanent land expropriation has a decrease of 19.72 mu than originally planned, because Dingxing sewage treatment plant project takes into account the intensive land use, and decrease the land use.


Table3-2 Baiyangdian Basin Project Land Acquisition and Resettlement Schedule No. Project Plan Change After Plan Actual Remarks permanent land Mancheng 45 45 1 acquisition (mu) WWTP resettled persons 182 182 permanent land Xiong 23 23 2 country acquisition (mu) WWTP resettled persons 61 61 permanent land Xushui 56.62 56.62 3 acquisition (mu) WWTP resettled persons 148 148 permanent land Baigou 30 30 4 acquisition (mu) WWTP resettled persons 25 25 permanent land Yi country 31.93 32.03 5 acquisition (mu) WWTP resettled persons 213 213 permanent land Dingxingi 59.88 40.16 6 acquisition (mu) WWTP resettled persons 32 16 permanent land 46.8 Li country 44.14 46.8 7 acquisition (mu) WWTP resettled persons 105 0 0 permanent land Liushi 38 38 8 acquisition (mu) WWTP resettled persons 97 97 permanent land Xinxing 45 45 9 acquisition (mu) WWTP resettled persons 44 44 permanent land Tang country 40 40 10 acquisition (mu) WWTP resettled persons 60 60 permanent land

Integrated acquisition (mu) 533 533 11 Water resettled persons 2770 2770 Management resettled persons 103 103 permanent land 949.23 929.61 Total acquisition (mu) resettled persons 3633 3636 3.1.3 Problems

In general, every sub-projects office can follow the policy to apply for land use license. In 11 sub-projects in construction, 9 sub-projects have got land use license, except Dingxing WWTP and Integrated Water Management not.

Some questions still need to solve as follows:

(1) As the strict land using management system, the approval procedure cycle of construction land is a long period, and there are two subprojects Dingxing WWTP and Integrated Water Management that still do not get land use license. The land use right certificate of Dingxing sewage treatment project has been issued to Dingxing land Bureau, which is not be sent to Dingxing Sewage Treatment Program Office because of the taxes are not paid. Because of the sewage project belongs to public welfare ,the Project office is appling with the


county government for the tax relief way of obtaining the land certificate; the land use right certificate of Integrated Water Management Shunping Section has been issued to Shunping Land Bureau; and that of Integrated Water Management Quyang Section is being processed.

(2) The recoveing of temporary use land has important significance to the common people. The temporary use land of Shunping Mancheng and Tang county in integrated water managementhas been recovered and returned to rural households 。At present, the recovered land has been put into agricultural production, and expected to be harvested in summer. However, because of the engineering construction of Quyang Section has not

been completed, the reclamation of temporary use land has not begun. 3.2 Financial Compensation, Allocation and Use

3.2.1 Resettlement Compensation As of May 21, 2012, the 11 sub-projects involving land compensation and resettlement have completed the work of resettlement land compensation, and the compensation has been paid to the households. Compensation standards are higher than or equal to the compensation standards of the resettlement plan. The standard for house shown in Table 3-3.


Table3-3 The compensation standard of land expropriation about 11 sub-projects

The units :Yuan/Mu Land compensation and Cultivated land New construction Arable land Management Project Compensation standard Young charges resettlement fees reclamation fee land use fees occupation tax expense plan 16500 24948 800 6667 5336 3000 4% of the total land reality 16500 28500 800 6667 5336 3000 4% of the total land Mancheng WWTP Difference 0 3552 0 0 0 0 0 The village committee and Contracting Receiving object Land Bureau Land Bureau TheCountry Land Bureau ontracting households households plan 30000 1200 6667 5333 3000 4% of the total land reality 54000 7000 6667 5333 3000 4% of the total land Xiong Country WWTP Difference 24000 5800 0 0 0 0 Contracting Receiving object Contracting households Land Bureau Land Bureau The Country Land Bureau households plan 44500 24800 0 3% of the total land reality 44500 24800 0 3% of the total land Baigou WWTP Difference 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Contracting Receiving object The village committee Land Bureau Land Bureau Land Bureau Land Bureau households plan 35000 1200 6667 5334 3000 50700 reality 35000 1500 6667 5334 3000 50700 Yi Country WWTP Difference 0 300 0 0 0 0 Contracting Receiving object Contracting households Land Bureau Land Bureau The Country Land Bureau households plan 24752 700 10005 6667 3335 4% of the total land reality 30000 1000 10005 6667 3335 4% of the total land Xushui WWTP Difference 5248 300 0 0 0 0 The village committee and Contracting Receiving object Land Bureau Land Bureau The Country Land Bureau contracting households households plan 27000 500 10005 6667 3335 2.8% reality 27000 500 10005 6667 3335 2.8% Dingxing WWTP Difference 0 0 0 0 0 0 Contracting Receiving object The village committee Land Bureau Land Bureau The Country Land Bureau households plan 25600 1600 6667 6667 3335 800 Li Country WWTP reality 47000 1600 6667 6667 3335 800 Difference 21400 0 0 0 0 0


Land compensation and Cultivated land New construction Arable land Management Project Compensation standard Young charges resettlement fees reclamation fee land use fees occupation tax expense Contracting Receiving object The village committee Land Bureau Land Bureau The Country Land Bureau households plan 27200 1600 6667 6667 3335 800 reality 30000 1600 6667 6667 3335 800 Liushi WWTP Difference 2800 0 0 0 0 0 The village committee and Contracting Receiving object Land Bureau Land Bureau The Country Land Bureau contracting households households plan 28160 1760 10005 5336 2668 4% of the total land reality 28171.68 1760 10005 5336 2668 4% of the total land Tang Country WWTP Difference 11.68 0 0 0 0 0 Contracting Receiving object Contracting households Land Bureau Land Bureau The Country Land Bureau households 25600 (Irrigated land ) 1600 ( Irrigated plan 6667 6667 3335 800 22400 (other ) land ) reality 40360 1600 6667 6667 3335 800 XinxingWWTP 14760( Irrigated land )17960 Difference 0 0 0 00 0 (other ) The village collective and Contracting Receiving object Land Bureau Land Bureau The Country Land Bureau contracting households households plan 27200 850 10000 4667 2667 4% of the total land reality 27200 850 10000 4667 2667 4% of the total land Quyang Difference 0 0 0 0 0 0 The village committee and Contracting Receiving object Land Bureau Land Bureau The Country Land Bureau Integrated Water contracting households households Management plan 28160 880 10000 4667 2667 4% of the total land reality 28171.68 880.37 10000 4667 2667 4% of the total land Shunping Difference 11.68 0.37 0 0 0 0 The village committee and Contracting Receiving object Land Bureau Land Bureau The Country Land Bureau contracting households households


During the 12 subprojects, two projects involved demolition; they are Baigou

WWTP and Dingxing WWTP. Baigou and Dingxing projects’ compensation standard for house shown in Table 3-4.

Table3-4 Compensation Standard for House

Standard (yuan/unit ) No. Project Unit Baigou(yuan/M 2) Dingxing(yuan/M 2)

1 Brick Square meters 550 600 2 Reinforced Concrete Square meters 700 3 Brick and wood Square meters 400 4 Makeshift Square meters 250 350

As of May 21, 2012, Baigou WWTP and Dingxing WWTP had finished compensation. In Baigou WWTP, for the affected households on their own homestead house demolition, house compensation Instead of cash compensation.

Each affected household has been allocated a commercial house with 8 chambers nearby the WWTP and 1000 yuan per Month during the interim. For those who build the house in the rent cartilage, the compensation standard for house according to the above compensation standard. The compensation standards for house of

Dingxing project are also in accordance with the above compensation standard. All compensation for house is consistent with the Resettlement Action Plan.

According to the requirements of the Resettlement Action Plan, Dingxing project office coordinated a piece of homestead for a affected household to resettle themselves. This household expressed satisfaction with demolition compensation.

3.1.4 Financial Allocation and Use

As of May 21, 2012, 11 subprojects had finishd compensation.

At present, the financial management model in hebei province is “villages ’ finance managed by towns ”, that is to say the villages ’ financial accounts are not owned independently by villages, in the contrast, all the financial revenue and expenditure in villages must be under township ’s management. In the 11 subprojects which had finished land occupation, compensation funds in Baigou WWTP directly to


village collective accounts from rural finance, and then to farmers; compensation funds in Integrated Water Management from city office to every country office, then to the farmers; Compensation in other subprojects from county government finance to the town account, then to village collective accounts, at last to the farmers.

In the 11 subprojects which had finished land occupation, young crops compensation fee paid to the farmers in full. Reserve land or the collective wasteland, the full amount of compensation paid to village collective. For the villagers contracted land: Xushui WWTP agreed by the Villagers ’ Congress to pay 13,000 yuan/mu compensation to the affected households, and the remaining 17,000 yuan/mu for the construction of village infrastructure; and Xinxing WWTP agreed to pay 80% of land compensation to farmers, the village collective extraction of 20% for infrastructure improvements and other public welfare undertakings after the congress; Dingxing

WWTP agreed to 3,000 yuan/mu for infrastructure improvements and other public welfare undertakings, the remaining 26,500 yuan / mu paid to farmers after congress; the other 8 subprojects paid to farmers full compensation, village collectives did not extract any compensation fee.


4 The restore of Immigrants’ living and production

In the implementation process of the resettlement, 11 project office took positive Suggestions of the village-level recovery plan to help immigrants to resume production life according to the requirements of the immigration plan of action, and external monitoring unit.

The monitoring have a follow-up investigation of the basement immigrants , analyzes their income and expense and compared and analyzed the production and living conditions of the survey immigrants of June 2011 basement investigation. By contrast, found that after years of time to recover, the production and living conditions of the immigrations of Mancheng waste water treatment projects, Yi country waste water treatment projects, Xiong country waste water treatment projects,Tang Country waste water treatment projects, Baigou waste water treatment projects and Xushui waste water treatment projects, Li country waste water treatment projects and Liushi waste water treatment projects have recovered enough to even more than the original level, the Xinxing waste water treatment projects, Dingxing waste water treatment projects and Integrated Water Management project also basic recovery or are restored from 2007 resettlement started .

4.1 Mancheng County WWTP

M&E did follow-up questionnaire to eight resettlement families of Liangyu village, Yaozhuang town impacted by waste water project. The contents include family population, house condition, family annual income and expense and etc. 4.1.1 Family Population

According to investigation, there are 32 people in impacted eight households. Agricultural people are 27 and accounts for 84.38% of total population. 14 Women is accounting for 43.75%; 25 labor accounting for 78.13%. Female labor is 9 and accounting for 28.13% of total population; Supporting/old people are 4 accounting for 12.5%, School children 3 accounting for 9.38%. Family Population situation see Table 4-1.


Table 4-1 Family Population Situation before Mancheng WWTP

Agricult Non-agric Female Support Name Total Women Labor School ural ultural labor ing/old SX 3 3 0 1 2 0 1 0 GLX 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 LBH 5 5 0 2 3 1 0 2 SSK 2 2 0 1 2 1 0 0 SZZ 7 2 5 2 7 2 0 0 GGW 4 4 0 3 4 3 0 0 SZY 6 6 0 3 4 2 2 1 SZD 4 4 0 2 2 0 1 0 Total 32 27 5 14 25 9 4 3 Proportion 84.38% 15.63% 43.75% 78.13% 28.13% 12.50% 9.38% According to investigation of this M&E, there are 48 people in impacted eight households. Agricultural people are 37 and accounts for 77.08% of total population. 18 Women is accounting for 37.5% ; 35 labor accounting for 72.92% . Female labor is 18 and accounting for 37.5% of total population; Supporting/old people are 4 accounting for 8.33% , School children 9 accounting for 18.75% . Family Population situation see Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 Family Population Situations of Mancheng WWTP in 2011

Agricult Non-agr Female Support Name Total Women Labor School ural icultural labor ing/old SX 6 6 0 2 4 2 1 2 GLX 3 3 0 1 3 1 0 0 LBH 5 5 0 2 4 2 0 0 SSK 5 4 1 3 5 3 0 0 SZZ 12 2 10 5 8 5 0 1 GGW 5 5 0 1 2 1 0 3 SZY 6 6 0 2 4 2 1 2 SZD 6 6 0 2 5 2 2 1 Total 48 37 11 18 35 18 4 9 Proportion 77.08% 22.92% 37.5% 72.92% 37.5% 8.33% 18.75% 4.1.2 Housing Condition

In investigated eight families, the total floor space is 1815 m2 and average is 226.88 m2 . There is no houses removal in this project. 4.1.3 Land Family Contract

In investigated eight families, total contracted land before the project is 23.7mu


that is all dry land. Average is 0.88mu per agricultural people. Wheat and maize are main crops. For this monitoring, Total contracted land is 21mu. Average is 0.67mu per agricultural people. Wheat and maize are main crops. So land acquisition will not cause too much affected on the land of the farmers. 4.1.4 Family Annual Income

According to the investigation to eight households, the total family annual income of eight families before the project was 213592 Yuan and average income was 26699 Yuan. In average family annual income, agricultural income is 4512Yuan (17%); sideline income 11250 Yuan (42%); working temporarily outside work income 10938 Yuan (41%); Family income and income structure see Table 4-3 and Chart 4-1. Table 4-3 Income of Resettlers of Mancheng WWTP before land acquisition

Sideline working temporarily Name Agriculture income Other Total income outside SX 3000 0 24000 0 27000 GLX 1400 0 3500 0 4900 LBH 4000 0 36000 0 40000 SSK 2200 0 24000 0 26200 SZZ 8000 50000 0 0 58000 GGW 6864 0 0 0 6864 SZY 5500 40000 0 0 45500 SZD 5128 0 0 0 5128 Total 36092 90000 87500 0 213592 Average 4512 11250 10938 0 26699

Agriculture Working temporarily Income outside Agriculture Income 17% sideline income 41% Temporarily outside

sideline income 42%

Chart 4-1 Resettler Income of Mancheng WWTP before Land Acquisition

According to the investigation to eight households of this monitoring, the total family annual income of eight families in 2011 was 738800 Yuan and average income was 92350 Yuan. In average family annual income, agricultural income is 2500 Yuan


(3%); Business income is 22350 Yuan (24%); working temporarily outside work income 5000Yuan (5%); Other income is 62500Yuan (68%) . Family income and income structure see Table 4-4 and Chart 4-2. Table 4-4 Income of Resettlers of Mancheng WWTP in 2011

Agriculture Business working temporarily Name Other Total income income outside SX 6000 0 0 80000 86000 GLX 5000 0 25000 0 30000 LBH 0 9600 0 50000 59600 SSK 4000 60000 0 50000 114000 SZZ 0 19200 0 200000 219200 GGW 5000 40000 0 0 45000 SZY 0 0 0 100000 100000 SZD 0 50000 15000 20000 85000 Total 20000 178800 40000 500000 738800 Average 2500 22350 5000 62500 92350

Agriculture income Agriculture income 3% Business income 24% Business income working temporarily working temporarily Other outside 68% outside other 5%

Chart 4-2 Resettler Income of Mancheng WWTPt in 2010

4.1.5 Family Annual Expense

According to investigation statistic, the average annual expense of 8 resettlement families before the project is 5897Yuan, including: (1) Seed, 139 Yuan, 2.35% of total expense; (2) Pesticide& fertilizer 363 Yuan, 6.15% of total expense; (3) Irrigation,82 Yuan, 1.38% of total expense; (4) Machine,184 Yuan, 3.12% of total expense; (5) Water & electricity charge, 337 Yuan, 5.72% of total expense; (6) Communication, 1255 Yuan, 21.71% of total expense;


(7) Tuition, 100 Yuan, 1.7% of total expense; (8) Medical treatment, 800Yuan, 8.68% of total expense; (9) Fuel, 375Yuan, 6.36% of total expense; (10 ) Non-staple food, 1925Yuan, 32.65% of total expense.

Family Annual Expense see Table 4-5 and expense structure see Error! Reference source not found. .

Table 4-5 Family Expense of Resettlers before Mancheng WWTP

Family Annual Expense (Yuan) Pesticid Water Medical Name e & Irrigati & Communi Non-sta Total Seed Machine Tuition treatme Fuel fertilize on electrici cation ple food nt r ty SX 4804 300 600 120 220 264 600 0 500 0 2200 GLX 4244 140 280 0 120 264 240 0 2000 0 1200 LBH 6004 400 800 240 400 264 800 600 500 0 2000 SSK 4678 220 500 60 150 348 600 0 600 0 2200 SZZ 8660 0 0 0 0 460 5000 0 200 0 3000 GGW 3371 50 220 105 160 336 600 0 700 0 1200 SZY 8134 0 250 60 200 424 1200 200 400 3000 2400 SZD 7277 0 250 67 224 336 1000 0 1500 0 1200 1540 Total 47172 1110 2900 652 1474 2696 10040 800 6400 3000 0 Average 5897 139 363 82 184 337 1255 100 800 375 1925

Seed esticide & fertilizer 3% 7% Irrigation 1% Machine Non -staple food Seed 3% 34% Pesticide & fertilizer Water & electricity 6% Irrigation Machine Water & electricity Communication Communication Tuition 23% Medical treatment Fuel Fuel Non -staple food Tuition 7% Medical treatment 2% 14%

Chart 4-3 Expense Structure of Resettlers in Mancheng WWTP before Land Acquisition

According to investigation statistic, the average annual expense of 8 resettlement families in 2011 is 20971 Yuan, including:

(1) Seed, 213 Yuan, 1.01% of total expense;


(2) Pesticide& fertilizer 275 Yuan, 1.31% of total expense; (3) Irrigation,97 Yuan, 0.96% of total expense; (4) Machine, 150 Yuan, 0.72 % of total expense; (5) Water & electricity charge, 1150 Yuan, 5.48 % of total expense; (6) Communication, 2158 Yuan, 10.29 % of total expense; (7) Tuition, 128 Yuan, 6.14 % of total expense; (8) Medical treatment, 313 Yuan, 1.49 % of total expense; (9) Fuel, 2475 Yuan, 11.8 % of total expense; (10) Non-staple food, 10625 Yuan, 50.67 % of total expense. (11) Other, 2125 Yuan, 10.13 % of total expense.

Family Annual Expense see Table 4-6 and expense structure see Error! Reference source not found. .


Table 4-6 Family Expense of Resettlers after Mancheng WWTP in 2011

Pesticide & Water & Medical Non-staple name Total Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel other fertilizer electricity treatment food

SX 500 600 500 300 800 2100 500 0 2000 5000 1000 500 GLX 300 500 270 210 600 700 0 0 1500 6000 3000 300 LBH 0 0 0 0 800 1500 0 200 1800 8000 1000 0 SSK 500 600 540 390 1100 2000 0 0 3000 14000 0 500 SZZ 0 0 0 0 2000 5000 1000 1000 5000 35000 3000 0 GWG 400 500 300 300 1200 960 8000 0 1500 4000 3000 400 SZY 0 0 0 0 1500 2000 800 500 3000 8000 5000 0 SZD 0 0 0 0 1200 3000 0 800 2000 5000 1000 0 Total 1700 2200 1610 1200 9200 17260 10300 2500 19800 85000 17000 1700 Average 213 275 201 150 1150 2158 1288 313 2475 10625 2125 213


other 10%

Seed 1% Seed Pesticide & fertilizer 1% Pesticide & fertilizer Non -staple food Irrigation 1% Irrigation 52% 1% Machine Machine Water & electricity 5% Water & electricity Communication Communication Tuition 10% Medical treatment Fuel Tuition No n-staple food 6% other Medical treatment Fuel 1% 12%

Chart 4-4 Expense Structure of Resettlers in Mancheng WWTP in 2011

4.1.6 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense

From Error! Reference source not found. , the net income per capita of investigated 8 resettlement families before Land Acquisition is 5285 Yuan. Table 4-7 Family Income and Expense Comparison in Mancheng WWTP Rural per Net Expendit Total Annual Productive Income capita net income ure Per Name income expense expense Per capita income per capita capita (Yuan) (Yuan) (Yuan) (Yuan) (Yuan) (Yuan) (Yuan) SX 27000 4804 1240 25760 7399 9000 1601 GLX 4900 4244 540 4360 656 4900 4244 LBH 40000 6004 1840 38160 6799.2 8000 1200.8 SSK 26200 4678 930 25270 10761 13100 2339 SZZ 58000 8660 0 58000 7049 8286 1237 GGW 6864 3371 535 6329 873 1716 843 SZY 45500 8134 510 44990 6227 7583 1356 SZD 5128 4577 541 4587 138 1282 1144. Total 213592 44472 6136 207456 39902.2 53867 13964.8 Average 26699 5559 767 25932 5285 6675 1390 In 2011 the rural per capita net income of investigated 8 resettlement families is 14463 Yuan, the expenditure per capita is 7812, the net income per capita is 6832.


Table 4-8 Family Income and Expense Comparison in Mancheng WWTP in 2011 Net Rural per Expenditu Annual Annual Productive Income income capita net re Per Name income expense expense Per capita per income capita (Yuan) (Yuan) (Yuan) (Yuan) capita (Yuan) (Yuan) (Yuan) SX 86000 13300 1900 14017 14333 2217 12116 GLX 30000 13080 1280 9573 10000 4360 5640 LBH 59600 13300 0 11920 11920 2660 9260 SSK 114000 22130 2030 22394 22800 4426 18374 SZZ 219200 52000 0 18267 18267 4333 13934 GGW 45000 20160 1500 8700 9000 9000 0 SZY 100000 20800 0 16667 16667 3467 13200 SZD 85000 13000 0 14167 14167 2167 12000 Total 738800 167770 6710 115704 117153 62496 54657 Average 92350 20971 839 14463 14644 7812 6832 According to the monitoring ,resettlement families’ main sources of income are

Individual income and enterprises income and working temporarily outsideincome,

Agricultural and sideline income accounted for a small proportion,the income is increased a lot,and income structure is changed ;On the spending side of life, food accounts for a large proportion,the fuel expenses, communication expenses and other living expenses followed by. Expenditure structure has changed before land acquisition.Overall, the expenses incurred and the structure shows a stable trend. 4.1.7 Analysis of Net Income Changing

See net income per capita changing Comparison before land acquisition and this monitoring from Table 4-9 and Chart 4-5. From this monitoring ,find that business income and working temporarily outside work income and sideline income substantially rise, The immigrant's living standard has been greatly improved. With the growth of the local economy ,the immigrants’ total income also increasing . Through expense spending increased than before the land acquisition, per capita net income now was much higher than before. This shows the living and production standard of the immigrants is not only restored but also improved. We suggested that the monitor can be stopped.


Table 4-9 Net Income Comparison of Resettler Family

2006 2011 2006 2011 2006 2011 Name Income per Income per Expense per Expense Net income Net income capita capita capita per capita per capita per capita SX 9000 14333 1601 2217 8587 14017 GLX 4900 10000 4244 4360 4360 9573 LBH 8000 11920 1201 2660 7632 11920 SSK 13100 22800 2339 4426 12635 22394 SZZ 8286 18267 1237 4333 8286 18267 GWG 1716 9000 843 9000 1582 8700 SZY 7583 16667 1356 3467 7498 16667 SZD 1282 14167 1144. 2167 1147 14167

Chart 4-5 Comparison of Net Income per Capita


4.1.8 Typical Survey of Affected Villages

The Liangyu Village is affected by project land acquisition. On May 10, 2012, the M&E team conducted interviews on this village. The interviews content as follows :

Interview 1 Interview time : May 10, 2012 Interview object: Liangyu village party secretary

Sewage treatment project has little effect on our village 。Every immigrant drafted less; it has no effect on agricultural income. And now fewer people do farming, more and more people work temporarily outside or do business, and the income is good. Immigrant families have electrical equipments from soup to nuts, and some families buy car, and the living standard is higher than before. Interview 2 Interview time : May 10, 2012 Interview object: immigrant of Liangyu village Shaokang Shi Now, I’m a driver and my wife do farm work at home ,get grain and peanut for own. The project expropriated A small amount of land and it had little effect for our family. My son and daughters have their own work, the eldest daughter works in the factory, the second daughter has a wedding photography shop, my son works in the barber shop, their income is good, so my home life is very comfortable.

4.2 Yi County WWTP

M&E did follow-up questionnaire to 6 resettlement families of Zhongkang village, of Chengguan town whose Land impacted by Yi County waste water project. The contents include family population, family annual income and expense and etc. 4.2.1 Family Population

According to investigation, there are 25 people in affected 6 households. All are agricultural people. 9 women is accounting for 36%; 13 labor accounting for 52%. Female labor is 8 and accounting for 32% of total population; Supporting/old people are 5 and accounting for 20%, School children 4 accounting for 16%. Family Population situation see Table 4-10.


Table 4-10 Family Population Situation of Yi County WWTP Agricult Female Support Name Total Women Labor School ural labor ing/old ZBQ 3 3 1 2 1 0 0 CF 2 2 1 0 0 2 0 ZGX 6 6 2 2 2 2 1 ZHJ 4 4 1 2 1 0 2 ZGC 5 5 2 4 2 0 1 HZH 5 5 2 3 2 1 0 Total 25 25 9 13 8 5 4 proportion 100% 36% 52% 32% 20% 16%

According to investigation of this monitoring, there are 25 people in affected 6 households. 24 agricultural people is accounting for 96%;1 non-agricultural people is accounting for 4%; 11 women is accounting for 44%; 13 labor is accounting for 52%. Female labor is 5 and accounting for 20% of total population; Supporting/old people are 9 accounting for 36%; School children 4 accounting for 16%. Family Population situation see Table 4-11. Table 4-11 Family Population Situation of Yi County WWTP in 2011 Agricult Non-agr Female Support Name Total Women Labor School ural icultural labor ing/old ZBQ 7 7 0 2 4 1 2 1 CF 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 ZGX 6 5 1 4 2 1 1 2 ZHJ 2 2 0 1 2 1 0 0 ZGC 2 2 0 1 1 0 2 0 HZH 6 6 0 2 4 2 2 1 Total 25 24 1 11 13 5 9 4 proportion 96% 4% 44% 52% 20% 36% 16% 4.2.2 Land Family Contract

In investigated 6 families, before land acquisition total contracted land is 15.3mu, and agricultural population per capita contracted land area is 0.612mu. After land acquisition, agricultural population per capita contracted land area is14.3mu, and agricultural population per capita contracted land area is 0.6mu. So land acquisition do not cause too much affected on the land of the farmers. 4.2.3 Family Annual Income

According to the investigation to 6 households, the total family annual income of 6 families before the project was 208062 Yuan and average income was 34677 Yuan. In average family annual income, agricultural income is 7976 Yuan (23%); sideline income 10833 Yuan (31%); working temporarily outside work income 11200 Yuan


(33%); other income 4668 Yuan (13%). Family income and income structure see Error! Reference source not found. 4-12 and Chart 4-6.

Table 4-12 Income of resettlers before land acquisition of Yi County WWTP

working Agriculture Sideline Name temporarily Other Total income income outside ZBQ 1200 40000 0 0 41200 CF 0 10000 0 1000 11000 ZGX 4100 15000 20000 0 39100 ZHJ 14555.43 0 7200 504 22259 ZGC 23902.86 0 16000 504 40407 HZH 4096 0 24000 26000 54096 Total 47854 65000 67200 28008 208062 proportion 7976 10833 11200 4668 34677

other Agriculture income 13% 23% Agriculture income Sideline income working temporarily outside working temporarily outside other Sideline income 31% 33%

Chart 4-6 Resettler Income of Yi Country WWTP before Land Acquisition

According to the investigation to 6 households by this monitoring, the total family annual income of 6 families in 20101 was 309300 Yuan and average income was 51550 Yuan. In average family annual income, agricultural income is 21200 Yuan (4%); sideline income 5833 Yuan (10%); working temporarily outside work income 13533 Yuan (36%); other income 29667 Yuan (50%). Family income and income structure see Error! Reference source not found. 4-13 and chart 4-7.


Table 4-13 Income of resettlers after land acquisition of Yi County WWTP in 2011

working Agriculture Sideline Name temporarily Other Total income income outside ZBQ 0 3000 0 150000 153000 CF 1000 2000 10000 1000 14000 ZGX 3600 3000 31200 25000 62800 ZHJ 2000 20000 0 0 22000 ZGC 3500 2000 36000 2000 43500 HZH 5000 5000 50000 0 60000 Total 15100 35000 127200 178000 355300 proportion 2517 5833 21200 29667 59217


Chart 4-7 Resettler Income of Yi Country WWTP in 2010

4.2.4 Family Annual Expense

According to investigation statistic, the average annual expense of 6 resettlement families before project is 17486 Yuan, including: (1) Seed, 177 Yuan, 1% of total expense; (2) Pesticide& fertilizer 310 Yuan, 1.7 % of total expense; (3) Irrigation, 80 Yuan, 0.45 % of total expense; (4) Machine, 216 Yuan, 1.2 % of total expense; (5) Water & electricity charge, 587 Yuan, 3.36% of total expense; (6) Communication, 883 Yuan, 5.1% of total expense; (7) Tuition, 5167 Yuan, 29.5% of total expense;


(8) Medical treatment, 2217 Yuan, 12.7 % of total expense; (9) Fuel, 1517 Yuan, 8.67 % of total expense; (10 ) Non-staple food, 5167 Yuan, 29.5 % of total expense; (11 ) Others, 1167 Yuan, 6.67 % of total expense.

Family Annual Expense sees Table 4-14 and expense structure see Error! Reference source not found. .


Table 4-14 Resettlement Family Expense of Yi County WWTP before Land Acquisition

Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple Others Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel total & fertilizer electricity treatment food ZBQ 50 120 55 30 1300 840 12000 0 0 6000 0 20395 CF 0 0 0 0 480 300 0 700 0 1000 5000 7480 ZGX 300 500 150 165 600 2400 9000 4000 0 12000 0 29115 ZHJ 300 440 100 400 240 240 10000 0 3000 3000 0 17720 ZGC 200 0 0 0 300 800 0 5600 2600 3000 0 12500 HZH 210 800 175 700 600 720 0 3000 3500 6000 2000 17705 Total 1060 1860 480 1295 3520 5300 31000 13300 9100 31000 7000 104915 proportion 177 310 80 216 587 883 5167 2217 1517 5167 1167 17486


Non-staple food 30%

Seed Pesticide& fertilizer Fuel other 7% 9% Irrigation Seed 1% Machine Pesticide& fertilizer 2% Water & electricity Communication Medical treatment Irrigation 0% Machine 1% Tuition 13% Water & electricity 3% Medical treatment Communication Fue l Non-staple food 5% other

Tuition 29%

Chart4-8 Expense Structure of Resettlers in Yi County WWTP before Land Acquisition

According to investigation statistic, the average annual expense of 6 resettlement families in 2011 is 14688 Yuan, including: (1) Seed, 132 Yuan, 0.9% of total expense; (2) Pesticide& fertilizer 217 Yuan, 1.5 % of total expense; (3) Irrigation, 75 Yuan, 0.5% of total expense; (4) Machine, 67 Yuan, 0.4 % of total expense; (5) Water & electricity charge, 630 Yuan, 4.3% of total expense; (6) Communication, 1418 Yuan, 9.7% of total expense; (7) Tuition, 917 Yuan, 6.2% of total expense; (8) Medical treatment, 733 Yuan,5% of total expense; (9) Fuel, 2000 Yuan, 13.6% of total expense; (10 ) Non-staple food, 6867 Yuan, 46.8 % of total expense; (11 ) Others, 1633 Yuan, 11.1% of total expense.

Family Annual Expense see Table 4-15 and expense structure see Error! Reference source not found. .


Table 4-15 Resettlement Family Expense of Yi County WWTP in 2011

Pesticide Water& Medical Non-staple Others Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel total & fertilizer electricity treatment food

ZBQ 0 0 0 0 1800 5000 0 0 4000 25500 5000 8130

CF 150 200 100 100 300 250 0 200 600 1800 500 2180

ZGX 320 500 100 200 600 600 5000 2000 2000 5000 1500 8090

ZHJ 200 200 100 0 240 360 0 1000 800 2900 300 3110

ZGC 120 300 100 100 240 300 0 200 600 2000 500 3950

HZH 0 100 50 0 600 2000 500 1000 4000 4000 2000 5150

Total 790 1300 450 400 3780 8510 5500 4400 12000 41200 9800 30610 proportion 132 217 75 67 630 1418 917 733 2000 6867 1633 5102


Non-staple food 47% Others Seed 11% Pesticide& fertilizer Irrigation Seed 1% Pesticide& fertilizer 1% Machine Irrigation 1% Water& electricity Machine 0% Communication Water&electricity 4% Tuition Medical treatment Communication Fuel 10% Non-staple food Fuel Others 14% Tuition Medical treatment 6% 5%

Chart 4-9 Expense Structure of Resettlers in Yi County WWTP in 2011


4.2.5 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense As can be seen from Table 4-16, before resettlement, the Rural per capita net income of 6 families is 8135 Yuan. Per capita expenditure is 4310 Yuan;net income per capita is 4059 Yuan.

Table 4-16 Family Income and Expense Comparison in Yi County WWTP before Land Acquisition

Net Rural per Annual Annual Productive Income Per Expenditure income capita net Name capita Per capita per income expense expense income (Yuan) (Yuan) capita (Yuan) (Yuan) ZBQ 41200 20395 255 13648 13733 6798 6935 CF 11000 7480 0 5500 5500 3740 1760 ZGX 39100 29115 1115 6331 6517 4853 1664 ZHJ 22259 17720 1240 5255 5565 4430 1135 ZGC 40407 12500 200 8041 8081 2500 5581 HZH 54096 17705 1885 10442 10819 3541 7278 Total 208062 104915 4695 49218 50215 25862 24353 proportion 34677 17486 783 8135 8369 4310 4059 As can be seen from Table 4-17, the net income per capita of 6 families in 2011 is 10637 Yuan. Per capita expenditure is 3104 Yuan.

Table 4-17 Family Income and Expense Comparison in Yi County WWTP in 2011

Rural Net per Income Expenditur incom Annual Annual Productiv capita Name Per capita e Per capita e per income expense e expense net (Yuan) (Yuan) capita income (Yuan) (Yuan) ZBQ 153000 41300 0 21857 21857 5900 15957 CF 14000 14000 550 13450 14000 2100 11900 ZGX 62800 17820 1120 10280 10467 2970 7497 ZHJ 22000 6100 500 10750 11000 3050 7950 ZGC 43500 10875 620 10255 10875 2230 8645 HZH 60000 14250 150 14100 14250 2375 11875 Total 355300 104345 2940 80692 82449 18625 63824 proportio 59217 17391 490 13449 13742 3104 10637 n

According to the monitoring ,resettlement families ’ main sources of income are

Individual business income and working temporarily outside income, Agricultural


income accounted for a small proportion, the income structure is changed;On the spending side of life, food accounts for a large proportion, the fuel expenses, communication expenses and other living expenses followed by. Expenditure structure has changed before land acquisition. Overall, the expenses incurred and the structure shows a stable trend. 4.2.6 Analysis of Net Income Changing

Net income per capita changing comparison before land acquisition and this monitoring see chart 4-18 and chart 4-10. From the comparison analysis above, working temporarily outside work income and business income are main incomes, and after land acquisition, agricultural income is lower, But a part of the requisition land was idle land and the area of land acquisition per household is not much, so the farmer ’s agricultural income don ’t decrease too much. the business income and working temporarily outside work income substantially rise and the immigrant's living standard has been greatly improved. The net income of some immigrants reduced because of age and separation, but not on the quality of life, the life of immigrants have been restored and improved 。

Table 4-18 Net Income Comparison of Resettlement Family

2007 2011 2007 2011 2007 2011 Name Income per Income per Expense Expense Net income Net income capita capita per capita per capita per capita per capita

ZBQ 13733 21857 6798 5900 6935 15957

CF 5500 14000 3740 2100 1760 11900

ZGX 6517 10467 4853 2970 1664 7497

ZHJ 5565 11000 4430 3050 1135 7950

ZGC 8081 10875 2500 2230 5581 8645

HZH 10819 14250 3541 2375 7278 11875


Chart 4-10 Comparison of Net Income per Capita in Yi County WWTP

4.3Xiong County WWTP

M&E did follow-up questionnaire to eight resettlement families of Yagucheng village, Xiongzhou town impacted by waste water project. The contents include family population, family annual income and expense and etc. 4.3.1Family Population

According to investigation, there are 28 people in impacted 8 households. Agricultural people are 28 and accounts for 100% of total population. 10 Women is accounting for 35.71%; 28 labor accounting for 100%. Female labor is 10 and accounting for 35.71% of total population; Supporting/old people are 0. Family Population situation see Table 4-19. Table 4-19 Family Population Situation of Xiong County WWTP

Agricultur Female Name Total Women Labor al labor DSJ 4 4 2 4 2 WDS 3 3 1 3 1 DHT 4 4 1 4 1 DLJ 4 4 1 4 1 CZW 5 5 2 5 2 DZT 3 3 1 3 1 JXN 3 3 1 3 1 DHM 2 2 1 2 1 Total 28 28 10 28 10 Proportion 100.00% 35.71% 100.00% 35.71% According to investigation of this monitoring, there are 43 people in impacted 8 households. Agricultural people are 36 and accounts for 83.72 % of total population.


Non-agricultural people are 7 and accounts for 16.28 % of total population. 15 Women is accounting for 34 .88 %; 25 labor , Female labor is 13 and accounting for 30.23 % of total population; Supporting/old people are 1 accounting for 2.33 %, School children 3 accounting for 13 .95 %. Family Population situation see Table 4-20. Table 4-20 Family Population Situation of Xiong County WWTP in 2011 Agricult Non-agr Female Support School Name Total Women Labor ural icultural labor ing/old children DSJ 5 5 0 2 4 2 0 1 WDS 5 5 0 2 4 2 0 0 DHT 5 5 0 2 5 2 0 0 DLJ 6 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 CZW 5 2 3 2 3 2 0 0 DZT 5 1 4 2 3 2 1 1 JXN 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 DHM 10 10 0 3 6 3 0 4 Total 43 36 7 15 25 13 1 6 Proportio 83.72% 16.28% 34 .88% 58 .14% 30 .23% 2.33% 13 .95% n 4.3.2 Land Family Contract

In investigated eight families, total contracted land before the project is 35.2 mu. Average is 1.26mu per agricultural people. Total contracted land after the project is 18.8mu. Average is 0.55mu per agricultural people. The land has little plant wheat or maize but trees. 4.3.3 Family Annual Income

According to the investigation to eight households, the total family annual income of eight families before the project was 266016 Yuan and average income was 33252 Yuan. In average family annual income, sideline income is 33073 Yuan (99%) ;Family income and income structure see Error! Reference source not found. . Table 4-21 Income of Resettlers of Xiong County WWTP before land acquisition

Sideline Name Other Total income DSJ 47619 1429 49048 WDS 28571 0 28571 DHT 16667 0 16667 DLJ 47619 0 47619 CZW 71429 0 71429 DZT 19512 0 19512 JXN 19512 0 19512 DHM 13659 0 13659 Total 264588 1429 266016 Proportion 33073 179 33252


other 1%

Sideline income other

Sideline income 99%

Chart 4-11 Resettler Income of Xiong Country WWTP before Land Acquisition

According to the investigation to eight households by this monitoring, the total family annual income of eight families in 2011 was 933000 Yuan and average income was 116625 Yuan. In average family annual income, sideline income is 4125 Yuan (4%); other income is 112500 Yuan (96%), Income structure is changed from the project. Family income and income structure see Error! Reference source not found. and chart 4-12 . Table 4-22 Income of Resettlers of Xiong County WWTP in 2011

Sideline Name other Total income

DSJ 5000 130000 185000

WDS 2000 100000 102000

DHT 5000 80000 85000

DLJ 6000 100000 106000

CZW 3000 90000 93000

DZT 4000 150000 154000

JXN 5000 50000 55000

DHM 3000 200000 203000

Total 33000 900000 933000

Proportion 4125 112500 116625


Chart 4-12 Resettler Income of Xiong Country WWTP in 2011

4.3.4Family Annual Expense

According to investigation statistic, the average annual expense of 8 resettlement families before the project is18812 Yuan, including: (1) Electricity charge, 743 Yuan, 3.95 % of total expense; (2) Water charge, 147 Yuan, 0.78 %; (3) Communication, 1294 Yuan, 6.88 % of total expense; (4) Medical treatment, 380 Yuan, 2.02 % of total expense; (5) Fuel, 4251 Yuan, 21.70 % of total expense; (6) Non-staple food, 7742 Yuan, 41.16 % of total expense. (7) Other4424 Yuan, 23.52% of total expense.

Family Annual Expense see Table 4-23 and expense structure see Error! Reference source not found. . Table 4-23 Family Expense of Resettlers before Xiong County WWTP

Medical Non-staple Name Electricity Water Communication Fuel Others Total treatment food

DSJ 686 143 1429 381 9524 7143 6400 25705

WDS 571 114 857 286 0 6190 3800 11819

DHT 667 133 1333 333 0 6667 2200 11333

DLJ 714 148 1524 429 9524 7619 6190 26147

CZW 952 171 1619 381 9524 8333 10000 30981


Medical Non-staple Name Electricity Water Communication Fuel Others Total treatment food

DZT 537 112 829 317 0 6537 2500 10832

JXN 585 112 878 341 0 6829 2500 11246

DHM 488 98 585 195 0 4878 1800 8044

Total 5200 1031 9055 2663 28571 54196 35390 136107

Proportion 742.89 147.3536 1293.51 380.455 4081.633 7742.33 4424 18812

Communication Electricity Water other 4% 1% 7% 24% Medical treatment Electricity 2% water Fuel Communication 22% Medical reatment Fuel Non-staple food Non-staple food other 40%

Chart 4-13 Expense Structure of Resettlers in Xiong County WWTP before Land Acquisition

According to investigation statistic, the average annual expense of 8 resettlement families in 2011 is 55198 Yuan, including: (1) Seed , 500 Yuan, 0.9% of total expense; (2) electricity & water charge,818 Yuan, 1.5% of total expense; (3) Communication, 1430 Yuan, 2.6% of total expense; (4) Tuition, 725 Yuan, 1.3% of total expense; (5) Medical treatment, 625 Yuan,1.1% of total expense; (6) Fuel, 1725 Yuan,3.1% of total expense; (7) Non-staple food, 11063 Yuan, 20.1% of total expense. (8) Other, 38313 Yuan, 69.4 % of total expense.

Family Annual Expense see Table 4-24 and expense structure see Error! Reference source not found. .


Table 4-24 Family Expense of Resettlers after Xiong County WWTP in 2011

Electricit Medical Others See Communicati Tuitio Non-sta y& treatme Fuel Total Name d on n ple food water nt DSJ 0 820 1400 800 600 1600 15000 2500 22720 WDS 0 800 1200 0 200 2300 20000 5000 29500 DHT 0 850 1600 0 1000 1700 8000 2000 15150 DLJ 0 750 2000 0 200 1500 10000 4000 18450 19000 20740 CZW 0 800 1800 0 800 2000 11000 0 0 10000 11304 DZT 0 700 840 0 500 1500 9500 0 0 400 JXN 900 1000 0 500 1600 5000 1000 14000 0 DHM 0 920 1600 5000 1200 1600 9000 2000 21320 400 1380 30650 44158 Total 6540 11440 5800 5000 88500 0 0 0 0 Proporti 500 818 1430 725 625 1725 11063 38313 55198 on

other Seed 70% Electricity &water Communication Tuition

Non-staple food Medical treatment 20% Fuel Seed Non-staple food 1% other Fuel 3% Electricity&water Communication1% Medical treatment 1% Tuition 3% 1%

Chart 4-14 Expense Structure of Resettlers in Xiong County WWTP in 2011

4.3.5Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense From Error! Reference source not found. 24, the income Per capita of investigated 8 resettlement families is 10283 Yuan; the net income per capita is 8273Yuan; the i ncome per expense is 3969Yuan.


Table 4-24 Family Income and Expense Comparison before Xiong County WWTP

Total Net Productiv Annual Income Income income Annual income e net Per capita Per Name (Yuan) expense per expense income (Yuan) expense (Yuan) capita (Yuan) (Yuan) (Yuan) (Yuan) (Yuan) DSJ 49048 19305 6400 42648 10662 12262 4826 WDS 28571 8019 3800 24771 8257 9524 2673 DHT 16667 9133 2200 14467 3617 4167 2283 DLJ 47619 19957 6190 41429 10357 11905 4989 CZW 71429 20981 10000 61429 12286 14286 4196 DZT 19512 8332 2500 17012 5671 6504 2777 JXN 19512 8746 2500 17012 5671 6504 2915 DHM 13659 6244 1800 11859 5930 6829 3122 Total 266016 100717 35390 230626 62450 71980 27783 Proportion 33252 14388 4424 28828 8237 10283 3969 From Error! Reference source not found. , the net income per capita of investigated 8 resettlement families is 23408 Yuan; the income per capita is 23658 Yuan; the income per expense is 14800 Yuan. Table 4-25 Family Income and Expense Comparison of Xiong County WWTP in 2011

Total Net Productiv Annual Income Income income Annual income e net Per capita Per Name (Yuan) expense per expense income (Yuan) expense (Yuan) capita (Yuan) (Yuan) (Yuan) (Yuan) (Yuan) DSJ 185000 22720 0 185000 37000 37000 5680 WDS 102000 29500 0 102000 20400 20400 9833 DHT 85000 15150 0 85000 17000 17000 3788 DLJ 106000 18450 0 106000 17667 17667 4613 CZW 93000 207400 0 93000 18600 18600 41480 DZT 154000 113040 0 154000 30800 30800 37680 JXN 55000 14000 4000 51000 25500 27500 4667 DHM 203000 21320 0 203000 20300 20300 10660 Total 933000 441580 4000 979000 187267 189267 118401 Proportion 116625 55198 500 122375 23408 23658 14800 Read from this monitoring, business income is main income; the expenditure side, non-staple food and other expense take up big proportion, and the car purchase cost are mainly among other expense. It reflects the improvement of consumption. This


shows the level of production and life of the immigrants is not only restored but also has improved tremendously. So in the following monitoring of the project of the immigrants don't need to attention for the production life back. 4.3.6 Analysis of Net Income Changing

See net income per capita changing comparison before land acquisition and this monitoring from Table 4-26 and Chart 4-15, Because of the local farmers' business is developed, income of immigrants also has grown steadily. Income and expense structure of this village has a little change and they are relatively stable. Purchases expenses such as cars were increased. Table 4-26 Net Income Comparison of Resettler Family

2007 2011 2007 2011 2007 2011 Name Income per Income per Expense Expense Net income Net income capita capita per capita per capita per capita per capita DSJ 12262 37000 4826 5680 10662 37000 WDS 9524 20400 2673 9833 8257 20400 DHT 4167 17000 2283 3788 3617 17000 DLJ 11905 17667 4989 4613 10357 17667 CZW 14286 18600 4196 41480 12286 18600 DZT 6504 30800 2777 37680 5671 30800 JXN 6504 27500 2915 4667 5671 25500 DHM 6829 20300 3122 10660 5930 20300 Total 8998 23658 3473 14800 7806 23408




25000 2007 Net income per capita 20000 2011 Net income per capita 15000 10000 5000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2007 10662 8257 3617 10357 12286 5671 5671 5930 2011 37000 20400 17000 17 667 18600 30800 25500 20300


Chart 4-15 Comparison of Net Income per Capita in Xiong County WWTP

4.3.7 Typical Survey of Affected Villages

The Yagucheng Village is affected by project land acquisition. On May 10, 2012, the M&E team conducted interviews on this village. The interviews content as follows :

Interview time: May 10, 2012 Interview object: Yagucheng village party secretary

There is little impact on our village by Xiong Country waste water project.

Now the ground is planted with trees, not for food. The development of plastic

processing industry is good, Some people go out to do some business, the income

is relatively high. At present, the life standard is much higher than before.

4.4Tang County WWTP

M&E did follow-up questionnaire to 6 resettlement families of Renhou town Xujiazhuang village affected by project. The contents include family population, house condition, family annual income and expense and etc. 4.4.1 Family Population

According to investigation, there are 31 people in affected 6 households. All are agricultural people. 13 women and accounting for 41.94%; 15 labor and accounting for 48.39%. Female labor is 7 and accounting for 22.58% of total population; Supporting/old people are 5 accounting for 16.13%, School children 4 accounting for 12.90%. Family Population situation see Table 4-27.

Table 4-27 Family Population Situation before Tang County WWTP Agricultu Female Supporti Name Total Women Labor School ral labor ng/old

QJZ 6 6 2 2 1

ZRX 5 5 2 3 2

LZY 6 6 3 3

LGJ 4 4 2 2 1 2

XSD 5 5 2 4 2 1

YZH 5 5 2 4 2 1 1


Total 31 31 13 15 7 5 4

100.00 100.00 Proportion 41.94% 48.39% 22.58% 16.13% 12.90% % %

According to investigation by this monitoring, there are 29 people in affected 6 households. Agricultural people are 25 accounting for 86.21 %; 2 non-agricultural people is accounting for 6.9%;14 women is accounting for 48.28 %; 13 labor accounting for 44.83 %. Female labor is 13 and accounting for 13.79 % of total population; Supporting/old people are 3 accounting for 10.34 %;School children 4 accounting for 13.79 %. Family Population situation see Table 4-28.

Table 4-28 Family Population Situation of Tang County WWTP in 2011 Agricultu Non-agri Female Supporti Name Total Women Labor School ral cultural labor ng/old

QJZ 6 6 0 2 2 0 0 1

ZRX 5 5 0 2 2 1 2 0

LZY 4 4 0 2 3 2 1 3

LGJ 4 0 2 4 2 1 0 0

XSD 4 4 0 2 2 0 0 0

YZH 6 6 0 2 2 0 0 0

Total 29 25 2 14 13 4 3 4

48.28 Proportion 86.21% 6.9% 44.83% 13.79% 10.34% 13.79% % 4.4.2 Land Family Contract

In investigated 6 families, before land acquisition total contracted land is 19.1mu, and agricultural population per capita contracted land area is 0.62mu. There is no land by this monitoring. Because of the village is near the town, the land was expropriated mostly and the farmers no longer depend on land but work as a driver in the town. 4.4.3 Family Annual Income

According to the investigation to 6 households, the total family annual income of 6 families was 181268 Yuan and average income was 30211 Yuan. In average family annual income, agricultural income is 4121 Yuan (13.64%); working temporarily outside work income 25000 Yuan (82.75%); other income 1090 Yuan (3.61%); Family


income and income structure see Table 4-29 and Chart 4-16.

Table 4-29 before land acquisition income of resettles of Tang County WWTP working agricultural Other Name temporarily outside Total income income work income QJZ 4068 27600 6540 38208

ZRX 5148 30000 0 35148 LZY 3360 26400 0 29760 LGJ 3596 25000 0 28596

XSD 4588 16000 0 20588

YZH 3968 25000 0 28968

Total 24728 150000 6540 181268

Average 4121 25000 1090 30211

Working temporarily outside 82% Agricultural income Working temporarily outside Other Agricultural income 14% Other 4%

Chart 4- 16 Resettler Income of Tang County WWTP before Land Acquisition

According to the investigation to 6 households, the total family annual income of 6 families in 2011 was 504000 Yuan and average income was 84000 Yuan. In average family annual income, enterprises income 12333 Yuan (15%); working temporarily outside work income 33333 Yuan (40%); other income 38333 Yuan (45%); Family income and income structure see Table 4-30 and Chart 4-17.

Table 4-30 Income of resettlers of Tang County WWTP in 2011

Name Enterprises income working temporarily outside work income Other income Total

QJZ 0 70000 0 70000


Name Enterprises income working temporarily outside work income Other income Total

ZRX 24000 0 100000 124000 LZY 0 0 50000 50000 LGJ 50000 0 80000 130000 XSD 0 60000 0 60000 YZH 0 70000 0 70000 Total 74000 200000 230000 504000 Average 12333 33333 38333 84000

Enterprises income 15% Other Enterprises income 45% Working temporarily outside Working temporarily Other outside 40%

Chart 4-17 Resettler Income of Tang County WWTP in 2011

4.4.4 Family Annual Expense

According to investigation statistic, before land acquisition the average annual expense of 6 resettlement families is 15039 Yuan, including: (1) Seed, 193 Yuan, 1.28% of total expense; (2) Pesticide & fertilizer, 579 Yuan, 3.85% of total expense; (3) Irrigation, 158 Yuan, 1.05% of total expense; (4) Machine, 285 Yuan, 1.90% of total expense; (5) Water & electricity charge, 637 Yuan, 4.23% of total expense; (6) Communication, 1170 Yuan, 7.78% of total expense; (7) Tuition, 2333 Yuan, 15.52% of total expense; (8) Medical treatment, 2800 Yuan, 18.62% of total expense; (9) Fuel, 383 Yuan, 2.55% of total expense; (10) Non-staple food, 6167 Yuan, 41.01% of total expense; (11) Others, 333 Yuan, 2.22% of total expense.

Before land acquisition family expense and expense structure see Table 4-31 and Chart 4-18.


Table 4-31 Before Land Acquisition Resettlement Family Expense in Tang County WWTP

Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel others total & fertilizer electricity treatment food QJZ 120 360 150 165 700 400 0 10000 0 6000 0 17895

ZRX 138.6 400 165 181.5 960 2880 0 1000 0 6000 0 11725

LZY 126 360 150 165 480 2400 4000 5000 0 6000 0 18681

LGJ 174 696 150 400 480 840 10000 0 1000 10000 0 23740

XSD 407 888 160 300 600 500 0 0 0 6000 0 8855

YZH 192 768 175 500 600 0 0 800 1300 3000 2000 9335

Total 1158 3472 950 1712 3820 7020 14000 16800 2300 37000 2000 90231

Average 193 579 158 285 637 1170 2333 2800 383 6167 333 15039


Non-staple food 40%

Seed Pesticide & fertilizer other 2% Irrigation Fuel 3% Seed 1% Machine Pesticide& Water & electricity fertilizer 4% Communication Irrigation 1% Tuition Medical treatment 2% Machine Fuel Water & electricity Non-staple food Medical treatment 4% other 19% Communication 8% Tuition 16%

Chart 4-18 Expense Structure of Resettlers in Tang County WWTP before Land Acquisition

In 2011, the average annual expense of 6 resettlement families is 13650 Yuan, including: (1)Water & electricity charge, 792 Yuan, 5.8% of total expense; (2)Communication, 1158 Yuan, 8.49% of total expense; (3)Tuition, 1667 Yuan, 12.2% of total expense; (4)Medical treatment, 2833 Yuan, 20.76% of total expense; (5)Fuel, 1033 Yuan, 7.57% of total expense; (6)Non-staple food, 6167 Yuan, 45.18% of total expense.

Family expense and expense structure of 2011 see Table 4-32 and Chart 4-19.

Table 4-32 Family Income and Expense Comparison in Tang County WWTP in 2011

Water & Medical Non-staple Name Communication Tuition Fuel total electricity treatment food QJZ 850 1000 0 0 800 7000 9650 ZRX 1000 1200 0 10000 800 4000 17000 LZY 600 1800 0 5000 600 5000 13000 LGJ 600 1100 10000 0 1500 11000 24200 XSD 700 900 0 1000 1000 6000 9600 YZH 1000 950 0 1000 1500 4000 8450 Total 4750 6950 10000 17000 6200 37000 81900 Average 792 1158 1667 2833 1033 6167 13650


Water &electricity 6% Communication 8% Water&electricity Tuition Non-staple food Communication 12% 45% Tuition Medical treatment Fuel Medical treatment Non-staple food Fuel 21% 8%

Chart 4-19 Expense Structure of Resettlers in Tang County WWTP in 2011

4.4.5 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense

As can be seen from Table 4-33, before land acquisition the 6 immigrants per capita net income is 5612 Yuan. Table 4-33 Before land acquisition Family Income and Expense Comparison in Tang County WWTP Annual Annual Annual Productive Net income per capita per capita Name net income expense expense per capita income expense income QJZ 38208 17895 795 37413 6236 6368 2983 ZRX 35148 11725 885 34263 6853 7030 2345 LZY 29760 18681 801 28959 4827 4960 3114 LGJ 28596 23740 1420 27176 6794 7149 5935 XSD 20588 8855 1755 18833 3767 4118 1771 YZH 28968 9335 1635 27333 5467 5794 1867 Total 181268 90231 7291 173977 33942 35418 18014 Average 30211 15039 1215 28996 56127 58477 2911 As can be seen from Table 4-34, the 6 immigrants per capita net income in 2011 is 18022 Yuan. Table 4-34 Family Income and Expense Comparison in Tang County WWTP in 2011 Productiv Annual Net per Annual Annual per capita Name e net income capita income expense income expense income per capita expense QJZ 70000 9650 0 70000 11667 11667 1608 ZRX 124000 17000 0 124000 24800 24800 3400 LZY 50000 13000 0 50000 12500 12500 3250 LGJ 130000 24200 0 130000 32500 32500 6050 XSD 60000 9600 0 60000 15000 15000 2400 YZH 70000 8450 0 70000 11667 11667 1408 Total 504000 81900 0 504000 108133 108133 18117 Average 84000 13650 0 84000 18022 18022 3019


Read from the source of income, other income and working temporarily outside income and enterprises income are main incomes, the level of income has improved a lot compared before land requisition. In the expenditure side, non-staple food and medical treatment and tuition take up big proportion; Expenditure level and structure are stability . It can forecast that in few coming years the expense and its structure will not change a lot. In this monitoring, find that the Net income per capita has a great increased. 4.4.6 Analysis of Net Income Changing

Net income per capita changing before land acquisition and this monitoring see Table 4-35 and Chart 4-20. From the comparison analysis above, working temporarily outside income and enterprises income and other income are main incomes and income level rises ceaselessly. The immigrants don ’t have any farmland, the agricultural labor all turn to other trades, so agricultural income takes a small proportion. Per capita net income in 2011 of the immigrants is more than before the land acquisition, the level of the life and production has improved a lot. This shows the production and life of immigration isn ’t only restore but also improved. So in the following monitoring of the project of the immigrants don't need to attention for the production life back. Table4-35 Net Income Comparison of Resettler Family

2007 2011 2007 2011 2007 2011 Name Income per Income per Expense per Expense per Net income Net income capita capita capita capita per capita per capita QJZ 6368 11667 2983 1608 6236 11667 ZRX 7029.6 24800 2345 3400 6853 24800 LZY 4960 12500 3113.5 3250 4827 12500 LGJ 7149 32500 5935 6050 6794 32500 XSD 4118 15000 1771 2400 3767 15000 YZH 5794 11667 1867 1408 5467 11667 Total 5847 18022 2911 3019 5612 18022 Average 6368 11667 2983 1608 6236 11667




2007 Net income per capita 20000 2011 Net income per capita 10000

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2007 Net income 6236 11667 4827 6794 3767 5467 11667 per capita 2011 Net income 11667248001250032500 150001166718022

per capita Chart 4-20 Comparison of Net Income per Capita In Tang County Waste Water Project

4.5 Baigou Town WWTP

M&E did follow-up questionnaire to 5 resettlement families of Baiyi village, and Baier village of Baigou town house impacted by Baigou town waste water Project. The contents include family population, family annual income and expense and etc. 4.5.1 Family Population

According to investigation, there are 23 people in affected 5 households. All are non-agricultural people. 8 women is accounting for 34.78%; 16 labor accounting for 69.57%. Female labor is 7 and accounting for 30.43% of total population; Supporting/old people are 2 accounting for 8.70%; School children 6 accounting for 26.09%. Family Population situation see Table 4-36. Table 4-36 Family Population Situations before Baigou WWTP Non-agricultu Female Supporti Name Total Women Labor School ral labor ng/old YZJ 5 5 2 4 2 0 0 WST 4 4 1 4 1 0 2 LXX 5 5 2 2 1 2 1 FZG 4 4 1 2 1 0 2 HCS 5 5 2 4 2 0 1 Total 23 23 8 16 7 2 6 Proportion 100.00% 100.00% 34.78% 69.57% 30.43% 8.70% 26.09% According to investigation by this monitoring, there are 26 people in affected 5 households. All are non-agricultural people. 14 women is accounting for 53.85 %; 17 labor accounting for 65.38 %. Female labor is 8 and accounting for 30.77 % of total population; Supporting/old people are 4 and accounting for 15.38 %; School children 6 and accounting for 23.08 %. Family Population situation see Table 4-37.


Table 4-37 Family Population Situation of Baigou WWTP in 2011 Non-agricultu Female Supporti Name Total Women Labor School ral labor ng/old YZJ 7 7 5 2 1 2 3 WST 4 4 1 3 1 0 0 LXX 9 9 5 6 3 2 3 FZG 2 2 1 2 1 0 0 HCS 4 4 2 4 2 0 0 Total 26 26 14 17 8 4 6 Proportion 100% 53.85% 65.38% 30.77% 15.38% 23.08% 4.5.2 Land Family Contract

In investigated eight families, total contracted land before the project is 16.4mu. Average is 0.71mu per agricultural people. The immigrants all live on working temporarily now. 4.5.3 Family Annual Income

According to the investigation to 5 households, the total family annual income of 5 families before the project was 212104 Yuan and average income was 42421 Yuan. In average family annual income, agricultural income is 6101 Yuan (14.4%); sideline income 23600 Yuan (55.6%); working temporarily outside work income 12720 Yuan (30%). Family income and income structure see Error! Reference source not found. 4-38 and Chart 4-21. Table 4-38 Family Income and Expense Comparison before Baigou WWTP

working Agriculture Sideline Name temporarily Total income income outside YZJ 6770.4 0 9600 16370.4 WST 4724.4 48000 0 52724.4 LXX 5914.8 70000 0 75914.8 FZG 5468.4 0 24000 29468.4 HCS 7626 0 30000 37626 Total 30504 118000 63600 212104 Average 6101 23600 12720 42421


working temporarily outside Sideline income 30% Agriculture income 56% Sideline income working temporarily outside Agriculture income 14%

Chart 4-21 Resettler Income of Baigou WWTP before Land Acquisition According to the investigation to 5 households by this monitoring, the total family annual income of 5 families in 2011 was 385000 Yuan and average income was 77000 Yuan. In average family annual income, almost all are working temporarily outside work income. Family income and income structure see Error! Reference source not found. 4-39 and Chart 4-22. Table 4-39 Family Income and Expense Comparison of Baigou WWTP in 2011

working temporarily Name Other Total outside YZJ 70000 20000 90000 WST 80000 0 80000 LXX 60000 0 60000 FZG 65000 0 65000 HCS 90000 0 90000 Total 365000 20000 385000 Proportion 73000 4000 77000

working temporarily outside

95% Working temporarily outside


Other 5%


Chart 4-22 Resettler Income of Baigou WWTP in 2011 4.5.4 Family Annual Expense

According to investigation statistic, the average annual expense of 5 resettlement families before project is 13720 Yuan, including: (1) Seed, 262 Yuan, 1.8 % of total expense; (2) Pesticide& fertilizer 361 Yuan, 2.5 % of total expense; (3) Irrigation, 148 Yuan, 1% of total expense; (4) Machine, 49 Yuan, 0.3 % of total expense; (5) Water & electricity charge, 510 Yuan, 3.7% of total expense; (6) Communication, 762 Yuan, 5.6% of total expense; (7) Tuition, 1460 Yuan, 10.67% of total expense; (8) Medical treatment, 120 Yuan, 1.9 % of total expense; (9) Fuel, 792 Yuan, 5.78 % of total expense; (10 ) Non-staple food, 9256 Yuan, 66.7 % of total expense.

Family Annual Expense before Baigou WWTP sees Table 4-40 and expense structure see Error! Reference source not found. 23.


Table 4-40 House Resettlement Family Expense before Baigou WWTP Pesticide Medical Non-staple total Name Seed Irrigation Machine electricity Communication Tuition Fuel & fertilizer treatment food YZJ 291.2 400.4 163.8 54.6 350 600 0 100 800 3340 6100 WST 203.2 279.4 114.3 38.1 620 900 3000 0 760 9085 15000 LXX 254.4 349.8 143.1 47.7 720 1200 800 0 790 18695 23000 FZG 235.2 323.4 132.3 44.1 360 480 2000 500 810 6615 11500 HCS 328 451 184.5 61.5 500 630 1500 0 800 8545 13000 Total 1312 1804 738 246 2550 3810 7300 600 3960 46280 68600 Proportion 262.4 360.8 147.6 49.2 510 762 1460 120 792 9256 13720


Seed 2% Pesticide & fertilizer 3% Irrigation 1% Seed Machine 0% Pesticide & fertilizer 4% electricity Irrigation Non-staple food Communication 6% Machine 66% electricity Tuition Communication 11% Tuition Medical treatment Medical treatment 1% Fuel Non-staple food Fuel 6%

Chart 4-23 Expense Structure of Resettlers in Baigou WWTP before Land Acquisition

The average annual expense of 5 resettlement families in 2011 is 10620 Yuan, including: (1) Water & electricity charge, 780 Yuan, 7.34 % of total expense; (2) Communication, 1120 Yuan, 10.55 % of total expense; (3) Tuition, 800 Yuan, 7.53 % of total expense; (4) Medical treatment, 1540 Yuan, 14.5 % of total expense; (5) Fuel, 900 Yuan, 8.47 % of total expense;


(6) Non-staple food, 4480 Yuan, 42.18 % of total expense; (7) Other, 1000 Yuan, 9.42 % of total expense.

Family Annual Expense of 2011 see Table 4-41 and expense structure see Error! Reference source not found.

Table 4-41 House Resettlement Family Expense after Baigou WWTP in 2011 Water& Medical Non-staple other total Name Communication Tuition Fuel electricity treatment food YZJ 1000 1200 2000 1000 600 1400 0 7200 WST 600 1000 0 4000 800 2000 2000 10400 LXX 600 1500 2000 1400 600 5000 0 11100 FZG 700 900 0 500 1000 6000 1000 10100 HCS 1000 1000 0 800 1500 8000 2000 14300 Total 3900 5600 4000 7700 4500 22400 5000 53100 Proportion 780 1120 800 1540 900 4480 1000 10620


Non-staple food Other Water&electricity Water&electricity 9% Communication 42% 7% Tuition Communication Medical 11% Fuel Tuition Non-staple food Fuel Medical treatment 8% Other 8% 15%

Chart 4-24 Expense Structure of Resettlers in Baigou WWTP in 2011

4.5.5 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense

From Table 4-42, the net income per capita of investigated 5 resettlement families before the project is 9044 Yuan. Table 4-42 Family Income and Expense Comparison before Baigou WWTP

Annual Annual Annual Productive Net income per capita per capita Name net income expense expense per capita income expense income

YZJ 16370 6100 910 15460 3092 3274 1220

WST 52724 15000 635 52089 13022 13181 3750

LXX 75915 23000 795 75120 15024 15183 4600

FZG 29468 11500 735 28733 7183 7367 2875

HCS 37626 13000 1025 36601 7320 7525 2600

Total 212104 68600 4100 208004 45642 46530 15045

Proportion 42421 13720 820 41601 9044 9222 2983

As can be seen from Table 4-43, the net income per capita of investigated 5 resettlement families of 2011 is 18905 Yuan.


Table 4-43 Family Income and Expense Comparison after Baigou WWTP in 2011

Annual Productiv Annual per Annual Net income per capita Name expens e net capita income per capita expense e expense income income

YZJ 90000 7200 0 90000 12857 12857 1029

WST 80000 10400 0 80000 20000 20000 2600

LXX 60000 11100 0 60000 6667 6667 1233

FZG 65000 10100 0 65000 32500 32500 5050

HCS 90000 14300 0 90000 22500 22500 3575

Total 385000 53100 0 385000 94524 94524 13487

Proportion 77000 10620 0 77000 18905 18905 2697 Read from the source of income by this monitoring, working temporarily outside work income is the main income and a small number of incomes come from other income such as individual operation. The income structure is singleness, but the income level and life quality are high. At the expenditure side, non-staple food and Medical treatment and communication and tuition costs take up big proportion. Structure of expenditure and expenditure levels are relatively stable. 4.5.6 Analysis of Net Income Changing

Net income per capita changing comparison before land acquisition and this monitoring see Table 4-44and Chart 4-25. From the comparison analysis above, the income of the immigrants is diversification, but working temporarily outside work income is the main income in 2011. The source of income is singleness but the income of the immigrants is greatly improved. Per capita net income in 2011 of the immigrants is more than before the land acquisition, the level of the life and production has improved a lot. This shows the production and life of immigration isn ’t only restore but also improved.


Table 4-44 Net Income Comparison of Resettlement Family 2007 2011 2007 2011 2007 2011 Net Net Name Income per Income per Expense Expense income per income per capita capita per capita per capita capita capita

YZJ 3274 12857 1220 1029 3092 12857

WST 13181 20000 3750 2600 13022 20000

LXX 15183 6667 4600 1233 15024 6667

FZG 7367 32500 2875 5050 7183 32500

HCS 7525 22500 2600 3575 7320 22500

Total 46530 94524 15045 13487 45642 94524

Proportion 9222 18905 2983 2697 9044 18905

35000 30000 25000 20000 2007 Net income per capita 15000 2011 Net income per capita 10000 5000 0 1 2 3 4 5 2007 3092 13022 15024 7183 7320 20 11 12857 20000 6667 32500 22500

Chart 4-25 Comparison of Net Income per Capita in Baigou WWTP


4.6 Xushui County WWTP

M&E did follow-up questionnaire to 10 resettlement families of Cuizhuang town Beiheshouying village affected by project. The contents include family population, house condition, family annual income and expense and etc. 4.6.1 Family Population

According to investigation, there are 50 people in affected ten households. All are agricultural people. 23 women is accounting for 46%; 30 labor accounting for 60%. Female labor is 13 and accounting for 26% of total population; Supporting/old people are 10 accounting for 20%, School children 5 accounting for 10%. Family Population situation see Table 4-45. Table 4-45 Family Population Situation of Xushui WWTP

Female Name Total Agricultural Women Labor Supporting/old School labor XZG 3 3 1 2 1 0 1 ZBL 5 5 1 4 1 1 0 XZY 5 5 2 4 2 1 0 CZL 5 5 3 2 1 2 1 ZHC 5 5 1 4 1 1 0 ZHL 5 5 2 2 1 2 1 ZK 6 6 3 2 1 2 2 CZL 3 3 2 1 0 1 0 ZBT 8 8 5 6 3 0 0 CHQ 5 5 3 3 2 0 0 Total 50 45 23 30 13 10 5 Proportion 100% 46% 60% 26% 20% 10% According to investigation by this monitoring, there are 42 people in affected ten households. All are agricultural people. 19 women is accounting for 45.24%; 30 labor accounting for 71.42%. Female labor is 14 and accounting for 33.33% of total population; Supporting/old people are 5 and accounting for 11.9%, School children are 10 and accounting for 23.81%. Family Population situation see Table 4-46. Table 4-46 Family Population Situation of Xushui WWTP in 2011

Female Name Total Agricultural Women Labor Supporting/old School labor XZG 3 3 1 3 1 1 0 ZBL 5 5 2 5 2 0 1 XZY 4 4 1 3 1 0 0 CZD 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 ZHC 4 4 1 3 1 0 1 ZHB 3 3 2 2 1 0 1 ZK 4 4 2 2 1 2 1 CZL 4 4 2 1 0 2


Female Name Total Agricultural Women Labor Supporting/old School labor ZBT 8 8 5 6 3 0 2 CHQ 5 5 2 4 2 0 1 Total 42 42 19 30 14 5 10 Proportion 100% 45.24% 71.43% 33.33% 11.9% 23.81% 4.6.2 Family Annual Income

According to the investigation to 10 households, the total family annual income of 10 families was 485734 Yuan and average income was 48573 Yuan before land acquisition. In average family annual income, agricultural income is 7713 Yuan (16%); sideline income 12500 Yuan (26%); working temporarily outside work income 22680 Yuan (47%); Enterprises income 1680 Yuan (3%); other income 4000 Yuan (8%); Family income and income structure see Table 4-47 and Chart 4-26.

Table 4-47 Income of immigrants of Xushui WWTP Before land acquisition

working temporarily agricultural sideline Enterprises Other Name outside work Total income income income income income XZG 3600 0 0 28800 0 32400 ZBL 10260 0 0 60000 0 70260 XZY 7000 0 16800 0 0 23800 CZL 8280 0 0 18000 0 26280 ZHC 12420 0 0 54000 0 66420 ZHL 5658 10000 0 0 0 15658 ZK 10400 0 0 30000 0 40400 CZL 8116 0 0 36000 0 44116 ZBT 11400 50000 0 0 0 61400 CHQ 0 65000 0 0 40000 105000 Total 77134 125000 16800 226800 40000 485734 Average 7713 12500 1680 22680 4000 48573


agricultural income

8% sideline income 13% 2% Enterprises income

50% working temporarily outside work income 23% Other income 4% Total

Chart 4-26 Immigrants Income of Xushui WWTP before Land Acquisition

According to the investigation to 10 households by this monitoring, the total


family annual income of 10 families was 852700 Yuan and average income was 85270 Yuan in 2011. In average family annual income, agricultural income is 2050 Yuan (3%); sideline income 1500 Yuan (2%); working temporarily outside work income 67000 Yuan (88%); other income 9720 Yuan (1%); Family income and income structure see Table 4-48 and Chart 4-27.

Table 4-48 Income of immigrants of Xushui WWTP in 2011

Agricultural sideline Enterprises working temporarily Other Name Total income income income outside work income income XZG 0 0 0 48000 0 48000 ZBL 2000 0 0 80000 0 82000 XZY 0 0 0 56000 0 56000 CZD 0 0 0 50000 7200 57200 ZHC 0 0 0 60000 0 60000 ZHB 3000 0 0 70000 0 73000 ZK 3500 0 0 80000 0 83500 CZL 0 15000 0 70000 50000 135000 ZBT 5000 0 50000 120000 0 175000 CHQ 7000 0 0 36000 40000 83000 Total 20500 15000 50000 670000 97200 852700 Average 2050 1500 5000 67000 9720 85270

11% 2% 2% 6%

1%0%0%0%0% Agricultural

sideline income

Enterprises income

working temporarily outside work income Other income


Chart 4-27 Income of Resettlement families of Xushui WWTP in 2011

4.6.3 Family Annual Expense

According to investigation statistic, before land acquisition the average annual expense of 10 resettlement families in 2007 is 16927 Yuan, including: (1) Seed, 241Yuan, 1% of total expense;


(2) Pesticide & fertilizer, 385 Yuan, 2% of total expense; (3) Irrigation, 304 Yuan, 2% of total expense; (4) Machine, 187 Yuan, 1% of total expense; (5) Water & electricity charge, 709 Yuan, 4% of total expense; (6) Communication, 1788 Yuan, 11 % of total expense; (7) Tuition, 420 Yuan, 2% of total expense; (8) Medical treatment, 1400 Yuan, 8% of total expense; (9) Fuel, 1620 Yuan, 10 % of total expense; (10) Non-staple food, 9875 Yuan, 59% of total expense.

Family expense and expense structure see Table4-49 and Chart 4-28.


Table 4-49 Resettlement Family Expense of Xushui WWTP before Land Acquisition Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple total Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel & fertilizer electricity treatment food XZG 280 200 200 100 768 1200 1200 2000 0 7200 13148 ZBL 350 570 640 285 1260 2400 0 4700 0 9000 19205 XZY 300 500 600 250 1260 2400 0 5000 0 9600 19910 CZL 300 460 600 230 540 600 0 800 0 4800 8330 ZHC 400 690 700 345 660 1800 0 500 0 12000 17095 ZHL 50 220 105 160 360 1200 2000 0 1000 5000 10095 ZK 100 600 60 200 560 1200 1000 1000 1000 6000 11720 CZL 150 250 100 300 660 2400 0 0 10000 5000 18860 ZBT 480 360 30 0 508.8 2880 0 0 4200 18250 26709 CHQ 0 0 0 0 504 1800 0 0 0 21900 24204 Total 2410 3850 3035 1870 7080.8 17880 4200 14000 16200 98750 169276 Average 241 385 303.5 187 708.08 1788 420 1400 1620 9875 16928


1% 2% 2% Seed 1% 4% 0%1%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0% Pesticide 11% Irrigation Machine 2% Water & electricity 8% Communication 59% Tuition Medical treatment 10% Fuel Non-staple food

Chart 4-28 Expense Structure of Resettlement families in Xushui WWTP before Land Acquisition

According to investigation statistic, the average annual expense of 10 resettlement families in 2011 is 12824 Yuan, including: (1) Seed, 180 Yuan, 1.38% of total expense; (2) Pesticide & fertilizer, 411 Yuan, 3.16% of total expense; (3) Irrigation, 65 Yuan, 0.5% of total expense; (4) Machine, 100 Yuan, 0.77% of total expense; (5) Water & electricity charge, 677 Yuan, 5.21% of total expense; (6) Communication, 1016 Yuan, 7.82 % of total expense; (7) Tuition, 1880 Yuan, 14.46% of total expense; (8) Medical treatment, 1070 Yuan, 8.23% of total expense;


(9) Fuel, 390 Yuan, 3 % of total expense; (10) Non-staple food, 6710 Yuan, 51.62% of total expense; (11) Other expanses, 50 Yuan, 3.84% of total expense.

In 2011, family expense and expense structure see Table 4-50 and Chart4-29. Table 4-50 Resettlement Family Expense of Xushui WWTP in 2011

Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple Name Seed & Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel Other Total electricity treatment food fertilizer XZG 0 0 0 0 600 700 0 400 400 3000 0 5100 ZBL 200 400 70 0 700 700 0 200 0 4000 0 6270 XZY 0 0 0 0 1000 1000 0 6000 100 12000 2000 22100 CZD 50 160 60 0 600 500 0 2000 0 3800 0 7170 ZHC 500 500 0 0 70 800 10000 500 720 1000 0 14090 ZHB 40 100 30 0 500 600 1000 300 600 5000 0 8170 ZK 300 800 80 0 1100 1000 4000 500 80 300 0 8160 CZL 0 0 0 0 600 500 2000 400 600 9600 0 13700 ZBT 360 1500 360 1000 600 3360 1800 400 600 21600 0 31580 CHQ 350 650 50 0 1000 1000 0 0 800 6800 3000 13650 Total 1800 4110 650 1000 6770 10160 18800 10700 3900 67100 5000 129990 Average 180 411 65 100 677 1016 1880 1070 390 6710 500 12999



Seed Pesticide & fertilizer 4% 1%3%1% 1% 5% Irrigation 8% Machine Water & electricity 14% Communication 52% Tuition Medical treatment 8% 3% Fuel Non-staple food Other

Chart 4-29 Expense Structure of Resettlement families in Xushui WWTP in 2011


4.6.4 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense

As can be seen from Table 4-51, the 10 immigrants ’ per capita net income before land acquisition is 9491 Yuan, per capita expenditure is 3573 Yuan, per capita income is 10140 Yuan.

Table 4-51 Family Income and Expense Comparison in Xushui WWTP before Land Acquisition Annual Net per per Annual Annual Productive Name net income capita capita income expense expense income per capita income expense XZG 32400 5100 780 31620 10540 10800 4383 ZBL 70260 6270 1845 68415 13683 14052 3841 XZY 23800 22100 1650 22150 4430 4760 3982 CZL 26280 7170 1590 24690 4938 5256 1666 ZHC 66420 14090 2135 64285 12857 13284 3419 ZHL 15658 8170 535 15123 3025 3132 2019 ZK 40400 8160 960 39440 6573 6733 1953 CZL 44116 13700 800 43316 14439 14705 6287 ZBT 61400 31580 870 60530 7566 7675 3339 CHQ 105000 13650 0 105000 21000 21000 4841 Total 485734 129990 11165 474569 99051 101397 35729 Average 48573 12999 1117 47457 94917 10140 3573 As can be seen from Table 4-52, the 10 immigrants ’ per capita net income in 2011 is 20433.6 Yuan, per capita expenditure is 3262 Yuan, per capita income is 20743 Yuan.

Table 4-52 Family Income and Expense Comparison in Xushui WWTP in 2011 Net Annual per per Annual Annual Productive income Name net capita capita income expense expense per income income expense capita XZG 48000 9750 0 47220 15740 16000 3250 ZBL 82000 10865 670 80155 16031 16400 2173 XZY 56000 17600 0 54350 13587.5 14000 4400 CZL 57200 6100 270 55610 27805 28600 3050 ZHC 60000 9660 1000 57865 14466.25 15000 2415 ZHL 73000 16050 170 72465 24155 24333 5350 ZK 83500 8440 1180 82540 20635 20875 2110 CZL 135000 19700 0 134200 33550 33750 4925 ZBT 175000 14290 3220 174130 21766.25 21875 1786 CHQ 83000 15780 1050 83000 16600 16600 3156 Total 852700 128235 7560 841535 204336 207433 32615 Average 85270 12824 756 84153.5 20433.6 20743 3262


Read from the source of income by this monitoring, working temporarily outside work income, sideline income and other income are main incomes; the expenditure side, non-staple food and tuition costs take up big proportion. 4.6.5 Analysis of Net Income Changing

Net income per capita changing comparison before land acquisition and this monitoring sees Table 4-53 and Chart 4-30.From the comparison analysis above, working temporarily outside work income, sideline income and other income are main incomes, and after land acquisition, agricultural income reduced. Therefore, the local vigorously develop non-agricultural industries, guide farmers to be employed, ensure that immigrants do not lose revenue affected by land loss and the affected people can be benefit from the project. The Net income per capita of the immigrants have a great increased. Mainly because of the income of the current work has tremendously improved than before, thus promote the growth of the income of immigrants. The production and life has been restored, and also has improved.

Table 4-53 Net Income Comparison of Resettlement Family

2007 2011 2007 2011 2007 2011 Name Income Income Expense Expense Net income Net income per capita per capita per capita per capita per capita per capita XZG 10800 16000 4383 3250 6417 15740 ZBL 14052 16400 3841 2173 10211 16031 XZY 4760 14000 3982 4400 778 13587.5 CZL 5256 28600 1666 3050 3590 27805 ZHC 13284 15000 3419 2415 9865 14466.25 ZHL 3132 24333 2019 5350 1113 24155 ZK 6733 20875 1953 2110 4780 20635 CZL 14705 33750 6287 4925 8419 33550 ZBT 7675 21875 3338.6 1786 4336 21766.25 CHQ 21000 16600 4840.8 3156 16159 16600 Total 101397 207433 35729 32615 65668 204336 Average 10140 20743 3573 3262 6567 20433.6


40000 35000 30000 25000 2007 Net income per capita 20000 2011 Net income per 15000 capita 10000 5000 0 XZGZBLXZYCZLZHCZHLZKCZLZBTCHQ 2007 Net income per 6417 10211 778 3590 9865 1113 4780 8419 4336 16159 capita 2011 Net income per 15740 16031 13588 27805 14466 24155 20635 33550 21766 16600 capita

Chart 4-30 Comparison of Net Income per Capita in Xushui Waste Water Project

4.7 Li County WWTP

As Li County WWTP ’s site has changed, it only involves the village collective idle land. According the consultation in the Villagers' Congress, The village collective used the compensation funds for the infrastructure construction, all the villages could enjoy the benefits of the project.

4.8 Liushi WWTP

This M&E did follow-up questionnaire to ten resettlement families of Liushi Town which was impacted by Liushi WWTP. The contents include family population, family annual income and expense and etc. 4.8.1 Family Population

According to investigation, there are 75 people in affected 10 households. All are agricultural people. 24 women is accounting for 32%; 47 labor is accounting for 62.67%. Female labor is 23 and accounting for 30.67% of total population; Supporting/old people are 13 accounting for 17.33%, School children 11 accounting for 14.67%. Family Population situation see Table 4-54. Table 4-54 Family Population Situation of Liushi WWTP before land acquisition Female Name Total Agricultural Women Labor Supporting/old School labor HLG 6 6 3 5 2 1 0 SBC 7 7 3 6 3 0 1 LLG 9 9 3 6 3 2 1 YLJ 10 10 3 6 3 2 0 LJY 5 5 2 4 2 0 1 SJC 7 7 2 4 2 2 1


Female Name Total Agricultural Women Labor Supporting/old School labor SH 6 6 1 2 1 2 2 SLQ 11 11 3 6 3 2 1 LLZ 6 6 1 2 1 2 2 YWT 8 8 3 6 3 0 2 Total 75 75 24 47 23 13 11 Proportion 100.00% 100.00% 32.00% 62.67% 30.67% 17.33% 14.67% This M&E finds the family population in the ten households has not changed in 2011, but the family structure has changed. There are 75 people in affected ten households. All are agricultural people. 31 women is accounting for 41.33%; 39 labor accounting for 52%. Female labor is 18 and accounting for 24% of total population; Supporting/old people are 16 and accounting for 21.33%, School children are 17 and accounting for 22.67%. Family Population situation see Table 4-55. Table 4-55 Family Population Situation of Xushui WWTP in 2011 Female Name Total Agricultural Women Labor Supporting/old School labor HLG 6 6 2 4 1 0 0 SBC 7 7 4 4 2 1 2 NLG 9 9 2 4 2 2 2 YLJ 10 10 4 4 2 2 2 LJY 5 5 3 3 1 2 0 SJC 7 7 4 5 3 2 3 SH 6 6 3 2 1 2 2 SLQ 11 11 5 8 4 2 3 NLZ 6 6 2 2 1 2 1 YWT 8 8 2 3 1 1 2 Total 75 75 31 39 18 16 17 Proportion 100.00% 100.00% 41 .33% 52.00% 24.00% 21.33% 22.67% 4.8.2Land Family Contract

In investigated 10 families, before land acquisition total contracted land is 32.47 mu, and agricultural population per capita contracted land area is 0.43 mu. After land acquisition, all contracted land is requisitioned. Ten households do not have contracted land now. 4.8.3 Family Annual Income

According to the investigation to 10 households, the total family annual income of 10 families was 567200 Yuan and average income was 56720 Yuan before land acquisition. In average family annual income, sideline income is 35760 Yuan (63.05%); working temporarily outside work income 10980 Yuan (19.36%); other income 9980 Yuan (17.60%); Family income and income structure see Table4-56and Chart 4-31.


Table 4-60 Before land acquisition income of immigrants of Liushi WWTP

sideline working temporarily Name Other income Total income outside work income HLG 48000 0 10000 58000 SBC 25600 0 6000 31600 LLG 120000 0 8800 128800 YLJ 80000 0 16000 96000 LJY 0 34200 10000 44200 SJC 44000 0 7000 51000 SH 0 21600 6000 27600 SLQ 40000 0 10000 50000 LLZ 0 32400 16000 48400 YWT 0 21600 10000 31600 Total 357600 109800 99800 567200 Average 35760 10980 9980 56720

Other income 18% sideline income working working temporarily temporarily outside work income outside work sideline income Other income income 63% 19%

Chart 4-31 Immigrants Income of Liushi WWTP before Land Acquisition According to this investigation to 10 households, the total family annual income of 10 families was 1692000 Yuan and average income was 169200 Yuan in 2011. In average family annual income, enterprises income is 8400 Yuan (5%); other income is 160800 Yuan (95%); Family income and income structure see Table 4-57and Chart 4-32.

Table 4-57 income of immigrants of Liushi WWTP in 2011

Name Enterprises income Other income Total

HLG 60000 84000 144000 SBC 0 90000 90000 LLG 0 245600 245600 YLJ 0 300000 300000 LJY 0 100000 100000 SJC 0 187200 187200 SH 0 85600 85600


Name Enterprises income Other income Total

SLQ 24000 120000 144000 LLZ 0 207600 207600 YWT 0 188000 188000 Total 84000 1608000 1692000 Average 8400 160800 169200

Enterprises income 5%

Enterprises income Other income

Other income 95%

Chart 4-32 Immigrants Income of Liushi WWTP in 2011

4.8.4 Family Annual Expense

According to investigation statistic, before land acquisition the average annual expense of 10 resettlement families in 2008 was 22470 Yuan, including: (1) Water & electricity charge, 1050 Yuan, 4.67% of total expense; (2) Communication, 1086 Yuan, 4.83% of total expense; (3) Tuition, 2880Yuan, 12.82% of total expense; (4) Medical treatment, 750Yuan, 3.34% of total expense; (5) Fuel, 1013Yuan, 4.51% of total expense; (6) Non-staple food, 11251Yuan, 50.07% of total expense; (7) Others, 4440Yuan, 19.76% of total expense.

Family expense and expense structure see Table 4-58and Chart 4-33. Table 4-58 Before Land Acquisition Resettlement Family Expense of Liushi WWTP

Water & Medical Non-staple Name Communication Tuition Fuel others total electricity treatment food HLG 840 800 20000 600 810 11200 1000 35250 SBC 980 700 800 700 945 6510 800 11435 LLG 1260 2000 800 900 1215 20000 20000 46175 YLJ 1400 2000 0 1000 1350 20000 15000 40750 LJY 700 1000 800 500 675 9300 3000 15975 SJC 980 1200 800 700 945 13000 2000 19625


SH 840 540 1600 600 810 7000 500 11890 SLQ 1540 1200 800 1100 1485 10000 800 16925 LLZ 840 700 1600 600 810 8000 800 13350 YWT 1120 720 1600 800 1080 7500 500 13320 Total 10500 10860 28800 7500 10125 112510 44400 224695 Average 1050 1086 2880 750 1012.5 11 251 4440 224 70

Water & Communication 5% Tuition electricity 13% 5% others Medical Water & electricity 20% treatment Communication 3% Tuition Fuel Medical treatment 5% Fuel Non-staple food Non-staple food 49% others

Chart 4-33 Expense Structure of Immigrants in Liushi WWTP before Land Acquisition

The average annual expense of 10 resettlement families in 2011 was 41932Yuan, including: (1) Water & electricity charge, 1032Yuan, 2% of total expense; (2) Communication, 4860 Yuan, 12% of total expense; (3) Tuition, 1340Yuan, 3% of total expense; (4) Medical treatment, 820Yuan, 2% of total expense; (5) Fuel, 2530Yuan, 6% of total expense; (6) Non-staple food, 26520Yuan, 63% of total expense; (7) Others, 4830Yuan, 12% of total expense.

In 2011 family expense and expense structure see Table 4-59 and Chart 4-34 . Table 4-59 Resettlement Family Expense of Liushi WWTP in 2011

Water & Medical Non-staple Name Communication Tuition Fuel others total electricity treatment food HLG 500 4920 0 500 2300 29200 2000 39420 SBC 1080 6000 1000 800 3000 25000 2000 38880 NLG 1200 3000 800 1000 1600 32400 15000 55000 YLJ 1920 7680 1000 1000 4000 36500 20000 72100 LJY 800 4200 0 800 2500 16400 3000 27700 SJC 1400 5400 0 1000 3500 25500 3000 39800 SH 720 2400 500 600 1200 18000 1000 24420


Water & Medical Non-staple Name Communication Tuition Fuel others total electricity treatment food SLQ 1380 7600 1000 1200 3500 41900 800 57380 NLZ 900 3800 5500 1000 2200 21100 1000 35500 YWT 420 3600 3600 300 1500 19200 500 29120 Total 10320 48600 13400 8200 25300 265200 48300 419320 Average 1032 4860 1340 820 2530 26520 4830 41932

2% 1% 1% 6% Water & electricity 3% Communication Tuition Medical treatment Fuel 49% 32% Non-staple food others 6% total

Chart 4-34 Expense Structure of Immigrants in Liushi WWTP in 2011

4.8.5 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense

As can be seen from Table 4-60, before land acquisition the 10 immigrants per capita net income is 6971 Yuan, per capita expenditure is 2996 Yuan, per capita income is 7563Yuan. Table 4-60 Before Land Acquisition Family Income and Expense Comparison in Liushi WWTP

Net Annual Annual Productive Annual net per capita per capita Name income per income expense expense income income expense capita HLG 58000 35250 1000 57000 9500 9666.7 5875.0 SBC 31600 11435 800 30800 4400 4514.3 1633.6 LLG 128800 46175 20000 108800 12088.889 14311.1 5130.6 YLJ 96000 40750 15000 81000 8100 9600.0 4075.0

LJY 44200 15975 3000 41200 8240 8840.0 3195.0

SJC 51000 19625 2000 49000 7000 7285.7 2803.6

SH 27600 11890 500 27100 4516.6667 4600.0 1981.7 SLQ 50000 16925 800 49200 4472.7273 4545.5 1538.6


LLZ 48400 13350 800 47600 7933.3333 8066.7 2225.0

YWT 31600 13320 500 31100 3887.5 3950.0 1665.0

Total 567200 224695 44400 522800 70139 75380 30123

Average 56720 22470 4440 52280 6971 7563 2996

The 10 immigrants per capita net income in 2011 is 22635Yuan, per capita expenditure is 5551Yuan, per capita income is 22635 Yuan. Table 4-65 Family Income and Expense Comparison in Liushi WWTP in 2010t

Net Annual Annual Productive Annual net per capita per capita Name income per income expense expense income income expense capita HLG 144000 39420 0 144000 24000 24000 6570 SBC 90000 38880 0 90000 12857 12857 5554 LLG 245600 55000 0 245600 27289 27289 6111 YLJ 300000 72100 0 300000 30000 30000 7210 LJY 100000 27700 0 100000 20000 20000 5540 SJC 187200 39800 0 187200 26743 26743 5685 SH 85600 24420 0 85600 14267 14267 4070 SLQ 144000 57380 0 144000 13090 13090 5216 LLZ 207600 35500 0 207600 34600 34600 5916 YWT 188000 29120 0 188000 23500 23500 3640 Total 1692000 419320 0 1692000 226347 226347 55512 Average 169200 41932 0 169200 22635 22635 5551 This M&E finds that the immigrants are mainly engaged in the sale of leather business; on the expenditure side, non-staple food takes up big proportion. It can forecast that in few coming years the expense and its structure will not change a lot.

4.9 Xinxing WWTP

M&E did follow-up questionnaire to 7 resettlement families of Xinxing town Xinxing village affected by project. The contents include family population, family annual income and expense and etc. 4.9.1 Family Population

According to investigation, there are 44 people in affected 7 households. Agricultural people are 43 accounting for 97.96%.Non-agricultural people is 1 accounting for 2.04%. 23 women is accounting for 51.02%; 22 labor is accounting for 44.90%.Female labor is 12 and accounting for 24.49% of total population; Supporting/old people are 5 accounting for 10.20%, School children 13 accounting for 26.53%. Family Population situation see Table 4-63.


Table 4-63 Family Population Situation of Xinxing WWTP

Non-agricu Female Supportin Name Total Agricultural Women Labor School ltural labor g/old WSG 6 6 0 4 3 2 0 4 LHQ 7 6 1 3 2 1 2 2 LXH 8 8 0 4 4 2 2 3 LBQ 5 5 0 3 3 1 0 0 LXZ 5 5 0 2 3 1 0 0 LXW 8 8 0 3 5 3 0 4 LZA 5 5 0 4 2 2 1 0 Total 44 43 1 23 22 12 5 13 Proportion 100.00% 97.96% 2.04% 51.02% 44.90% 24.49% 10.20% 26.53% According to investigation by this monitoring, there are 22 people in affected 7 households. All are Agricultural people .9 women is accounting for 40.91%; 16 labor is accounting for 72.73%. Female labor is 8 and accounting for 36.36% of total population; Supporting/old people are 2 accounting for 9.09%, School children 2 accounting for 9.09%. Family Population situation see Table 4-64.

Table 4-64 Family Population Situation of Xinxing WWTP Female Name Total Agricultural Women Labor Supporting/old School labor WSG 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 LHQ 3 3 1 2 1 0 1 LXH 2 2 1 2 1 0 0 LBQ 4 4 1 3 1 0 0 LXZ 5 5 2 4 2 0 0 LXW 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 LZA 2 2 1 2 1 0 0 Total 22 22 9 16 8 2 2 Proportion 100% 40.91% 72.73% 36.36% 9.09% 9.09% 4.9.2 Land Family Contract

In investigated 7 families, before land acquisition total contracted land is 39.7mu, and agricultural population per capita contracted land area is 0.81mu. In 2011, total contracted land is 25.5mu, agricultural population per capita contracted land area is 0.52mu. 4.9.3 Family Annual Income

According to the investigation to 7 households, the total family annual income of 7 families was 465520 Yuan and average income was 66503 Yuan. In average family annual income, agricultural income is 7531 Yuan (11.32%); Enterprises income 17486 Yuan (26.29%); working temporarily outside work income 22914 Yuan (34.46%); other income 138571 Yuan (27.93%); Family income and income structure see Table 4-65


and Chart 4-36.

Table 4-65 Income of immigrants of Xinxing WWTP

agricultural Enterprises working temporarily Other Name Total income income outside work income income WSG 10780 0 14400 80000 105180

LHQ 5760 0 60000 50000 115760

LXH 11680 0 20000 0 31680

LBQ 5200 0 12000 0 17200

LXZ 9550 0 54000 0 63550 LXW 6800 96000 0 0 102800 LZA 2950 26400 0 0 29350

Total 52720 122400 160400 130000 465520

Average 7531 17486 22914 18571 66503

agricultural agricultural income income 11% Other income Enterprises Enterprises 28% income income 26% working working temporarily temporarily outside work outside work income income 35% Other income

Chart 4-36 Immigrants Income of Xinxing WWTP

According to the investigation to 7 households by this monitoring, the total family annual income of 7 families was 506200 Yuan and average income was 72314 Yuan. In average family annual income, agricultural income is 1000 Yuan (1%); sideline income 2571 Yuan (4%); Enterprises income 34171 Yuan (47%); working temporarily outside work income 8571 Yuan (12%); other income 26000 Yuan (36%); Family income and income structure of 2011 see Table 4-66and Chart 4-37.


Table 4-66 Income of immigrants of Xinxing WWTP in 2011

working agricultural sideline Enterprises Other Name temporarily outside Total income income income income work income WSG 0 4000 0 0 80000 84000 LHQ 0 4000 0 0 90000 94000 LXH 2000 3000 30000 30000 0 65000 LBQ 3000 2000 40000 30000 0 75000 LXZ 2000 2000 102000 0 9000 115000 LXW 0 2000 30000 0 3000 35000 LZA 0 1000 37200 0 0 38200 Total 7000 18000 239200 60000 182000 506200 Average 1000 2571 34171 8571 26000 72314

agricultural income agricultural income 1% Other income sideline income sideline income 36% 4% Enterprises income Enterprises income working temporarily working 47% outside work income temporarily Other income outside work income 12%

Chart 4-37 Immigrants Income of Xinxing WWTP

4.9.4 Family Annual Expense

According to investigation statistic, the average annual expense of 7 resettlement families in 2007 is 18919 Yuan, including: (1) Seed, 153 Yuan, 0.81% of total expense; (2) Pesticide & fertilizer, 291 Yuan, 1.54% of total expense; (3) Irrigation, 54 Yuan, 0.25% of total expense; (4) Machine, 229 Yuan, 1.21% of total expense; (5) Water & electricity charge, 229 Yuan, 1.21% of total expense; (6) Communication, 829 Yuan, 4.38% of total expense; (7) Tuition, 2286 Yuan, 12.08% of total expense; (8) Medical treatment, 106 Yuan, 0.56% of total expense; (9) Fuel, 143 Yuan, 0.76% of total expense; (10) Non-staple food, 5343 Yuan, 28.24% of total expense;


(11) Others, 9171 Yuan, 48.48 % of total expense.

Family expense and expense structure of 2007 is shown in Table 4-67 and Chart 4-38.


Table 4-67 Resettlement Family Expense in Xinxing WWTP

Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel others total & fertilizer electricity treatment food WSG 80 300 100 200 500 1200 5000 40 0 3600 25000 35860

LHQ 180 500 100 360 480 1500 3000 40 1000 6000 30000 43130

LXH 260 240 40 200 320 360 0 40 0 1800 1200 4460

LBQ 260 500 20 320 480 180 0 500 0 4000 0 6130

LXZ 120 200 50 200 400 1000 2000 40 0 6000 0 10010

LXW 120 200 50 200 500 1200 6000 40 0 8000 0 15885

LZA 50 100 20 120 400 360 0 40 0 8000 8000 16955

Total 1070 2040 380 1600 3080 5800 16000 740 1000 37400 64200 132430

Average 153 291 54 229 440 829 2286 106 143 5343 9171 18919


1%2%0%1% 2% 4% Seed 0%1%0%0%1%0%0%0%0%0%0% Pesticide 12% Irrigation Machine Water & 1% 48% Communication Tuition Medical treatment Fuel 28% Non-staple food others

Chart 4-38Expense Structure of Immigrants In Xinxing WWTP

According to investigation statistic by this monitoring, the average annual expense of 7 resettlement families in 2011 is 25122 Yuan, including: (1)Seed, 171 Yuan, 1.46% of total expense; (2)Pesticide & fertilizer, 400 Yuan, 3.4% of total expense; (3)Irrigation, 314 Yuan, 2.67% of total expense; (4)Machine, 150 Yuan, 1.27% of total expense; (5)Water & electricity charge, 686 Yuan, 5.83% of total expense; (6)Communication, 933 Yuan, 7.93% of total expense; (7)Tuition, 943 Yuan, 8.01% of total expense; (8)Medical treatment, 371 Yuan, 3.16% of total expense; (9)Fuel, 1443 Yuan, 12.26% of total expense; (10 )Non-staple food, 5414 Yuan, 46.01% of total expense; (11 )Others, 943 Yuan, 8.01 % of total expense. Family expense and expense structure of 2011 is in Table 4-68 and Chart 4-39.


Table 4-68 Resettlement Family Expense in Xinxing WWTP

Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel others total & fertilizer electricity treatment food WSG 0 500 300 0 1000 1800 800 500 2000 9000 1000 16900 LHQ 0 400 300 0 800 720 5000 0 1500 6000 1000 15720 LXH 300 500 400 250 200 600 0 800 1000 2000 1000 7050 LBQ 300 500 500 300 600 960 0 0 1600 6000 1000 11760 LXZ 400 500 400 300 1200 1500 800 0 2000 9000 1000 17100 LXW 200 400 300 200 400 350 0 500 1000 2900 800 7050 LZA 0 0 0 0 600 600 0 800 1000 3000 800 6800 Total 1200 2800 2200 1050 4800 6530 6600 2600 10100 37900 6600 82380 Average 171 400 314 150 686 933 943 371 1443 5414 943 11769


1% 8% 3% 3% 1% Seed 6% 0%1%0%0%1%0%0%0%0%0%0% Pesticide Irrigation 8% Machine Water & Communication 8% Tuition 47% 3% Medical treatment Fuel Non-staple food 12% others

Chart 4-38 Expense Structure of Immigrants in Xinxing WWTP 4.9.5 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense

As can be seen from Table 4-69 , the 7 immigrants per capita net income is 8122 Yuan. Table 4-69 Family Income and Expense Comparison of Resettlement Family

Net per Annual Annual Productive Annual net per capita Name income per capita income expense expense income income capita expense WSG 105180 35860 25520 79660 13277 17530 6003 LHQ 115760 43130 31110 84650 12093 16537 6166 LXH 31680 4460 740 30940 3094 3168 326 LBQ 17200 6130 970 16230 3246 3440 1252 LXZ 63550 10010 570 62980 12596 12710 2002 LXW 102800 15885 145 102655 9332 9345 1483 LZA 29350 16955 8500 20850 4170 5870 3418 Total 465520 132430 67555 397965 57808 68601 20650 Average 66503 18917 9651 56852 8122 9500 2696

As can be seen from Table 4-70, the 7 i mmigrants per capita net income in 2011 is 22965 Yuan. Table 4-70 Family Income and Expense Comparison of Resettlement Family

Net per Annual Annual Productive Annual net per capita Name income per capita income expense expense income income capita expense WSG 84000 16900 800 83200 20800 21000 4225 LHQ 94000 15720 700 93300 31100 31333 5240 LXH 65000 7050 1450 63550 31775 32500 3525 LBQ 75000 11760 1600 73400 18350 18750 2940 LXZ 115000 17100 1600 113400 22680 23000 3420


Net per Annual Annual Productive Annual net per capita Name income per capita income expense expense income income capita expense LXW 35000 7050 1100 33900 16950 17500 3525 LZA 38200 6800 0 38200 19100 19100 3400 Total 506200 82380 7250 498950 160755 163183 26275 Average 72314 11769 1036 71279 22965 23312 3754 Read from the source of income of 2011 by this investigation, working temporarily outside work income and enterprises income are main incomes, some immigrants engaged in wool of operations and cashmere processing industry, a significant increase in the level of income. Non-staple food and tuition take up big proportion. It can be seen that in the expense and its structure did not change a lot. The agricultural income was small in the proportion before land acquisition, so although agricultural income has declined in the proportion of land expropriation, but the effect is not significant. 4.9.6 Analysis of Net Income Changing

Net income per capita changing comparison before land acquisition and this monitoring is in Table 4-71 and Chart 4-40. Some immigrants engaged in wool of operations and cashmere processing industry, a significant increase in the level of income.

Table 4-71 Net Income Comparison of Resettlement Family

2007 2011 2007 2011 2007 2011 Income Name Income per Expense per Expense per Net income per Net income per capita capita capita capita per capita capita WSG 17530 21000 1837 4225 15693 20800 LHQ 16537 31333 1880 5240 14657 31100 LXH 3168 32500 326 3525 2842 31775 LBQ 3440 18750 1252 2940 2188 18350 LXZ 12710 23000 2002 3420 10708 22680 LXW 9345 17500 1483 3525 7863 16950 LZA 5870 19100 1818 3400 4052 19100 Total 68601 163183 10597 26275 58003 160755 Average 9500 23312 1410 3754 8090 22965


35000 30000


20000 2007 Net income per capita 15000 2011 Net income per capita 10000

5000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2007 Net income 15693 14657 2842 2188 10708 7863 4052 per capita 2011 Net income 20800 31100 31775 18350 22680 16950 19100 per capita

Chart 4-40 Comparison of Net Income per Capita in Xinxing WWTP t 4.9.7 Typical Survey of Affected Villages

The M&E team conducted interviews in typical village, Xinxing village affected by Xinxing WWTP on May 11 2012. The interviews content as follows : Interview time : May 11 2012 Interview 1: the Village Secretary of Xinxing There are 7500 people in our village, including 2500 labor. Most of them are workers and businessmen. Every household here do business or work in the textile, few of them sow the land. The villagers were happy for compensation of the land acquisition, and the compensation have full payment. The village remains some of the compensation to build public welfare facilities and it is in planning stage. Interview 2: the villager of Xinxing Li Xiaozhuang I used to be a cooker in the unit, after the completion of WWTP, I am now in the factory to see the machine, and 1500yuan fixed income every month. We did not plant the land, my wife sells vegetables, my son is a driver and the daughter in law works in textile factory. Income is good and our living standard is becoming better.

4.10 Dingxing County WWTP

This M&E did follow-up questionnaire to four resettlement families of Dingxing Town which was impacted by Dingxing County WWTP. The contents include family population, family annual income and expense and etc. 4.10.1 Family Population

According to investigation, there are 16 people in affected 4 households. All are agricultural people. 5 women is accounting for 31%; 10 labor is accounting for 63%.


Female labor is 5 and accounting for 31% of total population; Supporting/old people are 2 accounting for 13%, School children 2 accounting for 13%. Family Population situation see Table 4-72. Table 4-72 Family Population Situation of Dingxing WWTP Female Name Total Agricultural Women Labor Supporting/old School labor GYJ 3 3 1 2 1 0 0 PFZ 5 5 2 4 2 0 0 YJL 5 5 1 2 1 2 1 GKL 3 3 1 2 1 0 1 Total 16 16 5 10 5 2 2 Proportion 100% 100% 31% 63% 31% 13% 13% This investigation finds that there are 12 people in affected 4 households. All are agricultural people. 5 women is accounting for 41.76%; 7 labor is accounting for 58.33%. Female labor is 2 and accounting for 16.67% of total population; there is no supporting/old people, school children is 1, accounting for 8.33%. Family Population situation see Table 4-73. Table 4-73 Family Population Situation of Dingxing WWTP in 201` Agricu Female Suppor Name Total Women Labor School ltural labor ting/old GYJ 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 PFZ 2 2 1 2 1 0 0 YJL 5 5 2 2 1 0 1 GKL 3 3 1 2 0 0 0 Total 12 12 5 7 2 0 1 Proportion 100% 41.67% 58.33% 16.67% 0 8.33%

4.10.2 Family Annual Income

According to the investigation to 4 households, the total family annual income of 4 families was 81119 Yuan and average income was 20280 Yuan before land acquisition. In average family annual income, agricultural income is 5530 Yuan (27.3%); sideline income 14750 Yuan (72.7%); Family income and income structure see Table 4-74 and Chart 4-41.


Table 4-74 Before land acquisition income of immigrants of Dingxing WWTP

agricultural working temporarily Name Total income outside work income GYJ 4254 18000 22254 PFZ 6522 12000 18522 YJL 7089 15000 22089 GKL 4254 14000 18254 Total 22119 59000 81119 Average 5530 14750 20280

agricultural income 27% agricultural income

working temporarily working outside work income temporarily outside work income 73%

Chart 4-41 Immigrants Income of Dingxing WWTP Before Land Acquisition

According to the investigation to 4 households, the total family annual income of 4 families in 2011 was 157550 Yuan and average income was 39387.5 Yuan after land acquisition. In average family annual income, agricultural income is 6137.5 Yuan (27%); sideline income 33250 Yuan (73%); Family income and income structure see Table 4-75and Chart 4-42.

Table 4-75 Immigrants Income of Dingxing WWTP in 2011

agricultural working temporarily Name Total income outside work income GYJ 6050 20000 26050 PFZ 6280 35000 41280 YJL 6820 40000 46820 GKL 5400 38000 43400 Total 24550 133000 157550 Average 6137.5 33250 39387.5


agricultural income 16% agricultural income

working temporarily outside work income working temporarily outside work income 84%

4.10.3 Family Annual Expense

According to investigation statistic, before land acquisition the average annual expense of 4 resettlement families in 2008 is 9185Yuan, including: (1) Seed, 259 Yuan, 2.82% of total expense; (2) Pesticide & fertilizer, 556Yuan, 6.05% of total expense; (3) Irrigation, 167Yuan, 1.82% of total expense; (4) Machine, 56Yuan, 0.61% of total expense; (5) Water & electricity charge, 384 Yuan, 4.18% of total expense; (6) Communication, 624 Yuan, 6.79 % of total expense; (7) Tuition, 625 Yuan, 6.8% of total expense; (8) Medical treatment, 250 Yuan, 2.72% of total expense; (9) Fuel, 600 Yuan, 6.53% of total expense; (10) Non-staple food, 5665 Yuan, 61.67% of total expense.

Before land acquisition family expense and expense structure see Table 4-76 and Chart 4-43.


Table 4-76 Before Land Acquisition Resettlement Family Expense of Dingxing WWTP

Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel total & fertilizer electricity treatment food GYJ 200 428 128 43 288 468 0 200 450 5800 8004 PFZ 306 656 197 66 480 780 0 300 750 6000 9534 YJL 333 713 214 71 480 780 1500 300 750 4860 10000 GKL 200 428 128 43 288 468 1000 200 450 6000 9204 Total 1037 2223 667 222 1536 2496 2500 1000 2400 22660 36742 Average 259 556 167 56 384 624 625 250 600 5665 9185

3% 6% Seed 2%1% 4% Pesticide & fertilizer Irrigation 6% Machine Water & electricity 7% Communication 61% 3% Tuition Medical treatment 7% Fuel Non-staple food

Chart 4-43 Expense Structure of Immigrants in Dingxing WWTP before Land Acquisition


After land acquisition the average annual expense of 4 resettlement families in 2011 is 8158 Yuan, including: (1) Seed, 140Yuan, 1.72% of total expense; (2) Pesticide & fertilizer, 427Yuan, 5.26% of total expense; (3) Irrigation, 151Yuan, 1.84% of total expense; (4) Machine, 126Yuan, 1.55% of total expense; (5) Water & electricity charge, 343 Yuan, 4.2% of total expense; (6) Communication, 532 Yuan, 6.52 % of total expense; (7) Tuition, 250 Yuan, 3.06% of total expense; (8) Medical treatment, 450 Yuan, 5.52% of total expense; (9) Fuel, 738 Yuan, 9.04% of total expense; (10) Non-staple food, 5000 Yuan, 61.29% of total expense;

In 2011 family expense and expense structure see Table 4-77 and Chart 4-44.


Table 4-77 Family Expense of Dingxing WWTP in 2011

Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel total & fertilizer electricity treatment food GYJ 85 245 62 100 200 300 0 300 600 3500 5392 PFZ 205 530 205 180 420 660 0 300 850 6000 9350 YJL 145 525 195 180 450 700 0 1000 700 4500 8395 GKL 125 415 140 45 300 468 1000 200 800 6000 9493 Total 560 1715 602 505 1370 2128 1000 1800 2950 20000 32630 Average 140 427 151 126 343 532 250 450 738 5000 8158

2% 5% Seed 2%2% 4% Pesticide & fertilizer Irrigation 7% Machine 3% Water & electricity 6% Communication 60% Tuition 9% Medical treatment Fuel Non-staple food

Chart 4-44 Expense Structure of Immigrants in Dingxing WWTP in 2011


4.10.4 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense

As can be seen from Table 4-56, before land acquisition the 4 immigrants per capita net income is 4811 Yuan, per capita expenditure is 2296 Yuan, per capita income is 5070 Yuan.

Table 4-78 Before Land Acquisition Family Income and Expense Comparison in Dingxing WWTP

Net Annual per per Annual Annual Productive income Name net capita capita income expense expense per income income expense capita GYJ 22254 8004 798 21456 7152 7418 2668 PFZ 18522 9534 1224 17298 3460 3704 1907 YJL 22089 10000 1330 20759 4152 4418 2000 GKL 18254 9204 798 17456 5819 6085 3068 Total 81119 36742 4150 76969 20582 21625 9643 Average 20280 9185 1037 19243 4811 5070 2296 As can be seen from Table 4-79, after land acquisition the 4 immigrants per capita net income in 2011 is 14059 Yuan, per capita expenditure is 3397 Yuan, per capita income is 14374 Yuan.

Table 4-79 Family Income and Expense Comparison in Dingxing WWTP in 2011 Net Annual per per Annual Annual Productive income Name net capita capita income expense expense per income income expense capita GYJ 26050 7929 492 25558 12779 13025 3965 PFZ 41280 9469 1120 40160 20080 20640 4735 YJL 46820 8903 1045 45775 9155 9364 1781 GKL 43400 9101 725 42675 14225 14467 3034 Total 157550 35402 3382 154168 56239 57496 13515 Average 39387.5 8851 846 38542 14059 14374 3379 This M&E finds that temporarily outside work income and agricultural income are main income, the income has increased; on the expenditure side, non-staple food and fuel takes up big proportion. It can forecast that in few coming years the expense and its structure will not change a lot. 4.10.5 Analysis of Net Income Changin

Net income per capita changing before and after land acquisition is in Table 4-80 and Chart 4-45. From the comparison analysis above, working temporarily outside work income is main income. After Land acquisition, the area of arable land decreased, but the area of land acquisition per household is not much, the effect on the agricultural income is not big. The income resource is simple, while the income


standard improves. The expense and its structure has not changed a lot, income now was much higher than before the land acquisition, the living and production standard of the immigrants improved.

Table 4-80 Net Income Comparison of Immigrants Family in Dingxing WWTP

2008 2011 2008 2011 2008 2011 Name Income Income Expense Expense Net income Net income per capita per capita per capita per capita per capita per capita GYJ 7418 13025 2668 3965 7152 12779 PFZ 3704 20640 1907 4735 3460 20080 YJL 4418 9364 2000 1781 4152 9155 GKL 6085 14467 3068 3034 5819 14225 Total 21625 57496 9643 13515 20582 56239 Average 5070 14374 2296 3379 4811 14059


20000 2008 Net income per 15000 capita 10000 2011 Net income per capita 5000

0 GYJ PFZ YJL GKL 2008 Net income per 7152 3460 4152 5819 capita 2011 Net income per 12779 20080 9155 14225 capita

Chart4-45 Comparison of Net Income per Capita in Dingxing WWTP


4.11 Integrated Water Management Project

M&E did follow-up questionnaire to 89 resettlement families of , Shunping County and Mancheng County affected by project. The contents include family population, house condition, family annual income and expense and etc. 4.11.1 Family Population

According to investigation, there are 327 people in affected 89 households. Agricultural people are 325 accounting for 99.39%.Non-agricultural people is 2 accounting for 0.61%. 142 women is accounting for 43.43%; 218 labor and accounting for 66.67%. Female labor is 102 and accounting for 31.19% of total population; Supporting/old people are 26 accounting for 7.95%, School children 59 accounting for 18.04%. Family Population situation see Table 4-81.

According to investigation by this monitoring, there are 371 people in affected 89 households. Agricultural people are 358 accounting for 96.5%.Non-agricultural people is 13 accounting for 3.5%. 175 women is accounting for 41.17%; 241 labor and accounting for 62.39%. Female labor is 121 and accounting for 32.61% of total population; Supporting/old people are 36 accounting for 9.7%, School children 56 accounting for 15.09%. Family Population situation see Table 4-82.


Table 4-81 Family population situation of Integrated Water Management Project before land acquisition

Name Village Total Agricultural Non-agricultural Women CMQ Zhengjiazhuang 4 4 0 2 CSJ Zhengjiazhuang 3 3 0 1 GHL Zhengjiazhuang 6 6 0 1 GHZ Zhengjiazhuang 3 3 0 0 GMJ Zhengjiazhuang 5 5 0 2 GXP Zhengjiazhuang 6 6 0 3 ZPX Zhengjiazhuang 4 4 0 1 MJY Jingyangyi 4 4 0 2 MLY Jingyangyi 9 9 0 3 NGL Jingyangyi 5 5 0 2 YQG Jingyangyi 5 5 0 2 ZDQ Jingyangyi 3 3 0 1 ZDQ Jingyangyi 4 4 0 1 CXG Beiwu 1 1 0 0 LSZ Beiwu 3 3 0 2 RWG Beiwu 4 4 0 2 RWX Beiwu 4 4 0 2 RYC Beiwu 4 4 0 3 LHW Daen 3 3 0 1 LHZ Daen 5 5 0 3 LJB Daen 2 2 0 1 LJH Daen 3 3 0 1 LQL Daen 2 2 0 1 LSH Daen 3 3 0 1 LSK Daen 4 4 0 2 LSL Daen 2 2 0 1 LSY Daen 2 2 0 1


Name Village Total Agricultural Non-agricultural Women LWZ Daen 2 2 0 1 TMK Daen 4 4 0 2 TZG Daen 5 5 0 3 TZJ Daen 6 6 0 3 TZL Daen 3 3 0 1 TZM Daen 2 2 0 1 TZW Daen 1 1 0 0 TZX Daen 2 2 0 1 HZX Nananquan 3 3 0 1 MJX Nananquan 4 4 0 1 MQN Nananquan 4 4 0 3 MQY Nananquan 1 1 0 0 MXF Nananquan 3 3 0 1 RXS Nananquan 4 4 0 2 SFC Nananquan 3 3 0 1 LDL Banwu 4 4 0 3 WJZ Shandongtou 3 3 0 2 WQW Shandongtou 3 3 0 1 WXM Shandongtou 2 1 1 1 WZW Shandongtou 6 5 1 2 WZL Shandongtou 6 6 0 4 DZP Xinzhai 4 4 0 2 GQF Xinzhai 7 7 0 3 RDS Xinzhai 4 4 0 1 CL Beiwuhou 2 2 0 1 LSJ Beiwuhou 1 1 0 0 SJ Beiwuhou 2 2 0 1 SXZ Beiwuhou 4 4 0 1 YHE Beiwuhou 3 3 0 1 YJG Beiwuhou 4 4 0 2 YJF Beiwuhou 4 4 0 1 LJZ Beiyaoshan 4 4 0 1


Name Village Total Agricultural Non-agricultural Women LCJ Beiyaoshan 3 3 0 1 LBC Beiyaoshan 4 4 0 1 LDC Beiyaoshan 1 1 0 0 LML Beiyaoshan 6 6 0 2 LXS Beiyaoshan 3 3 0 1 SHQ Beiyaoshan 6 6 0 3 CXY Nanwu 4 4 0 2 LJH Nanwu 6 6 0 3 LN Nanwu 6 6 0 3 WCY Nanwu 3 3 0 1 WJS Nanwu 3 3 0 2 ZFX Nanwu 4 4 0 1 SDK Xiyaoshan 6 6 0 3 SEQ Xiyaoshan 3 3 0 2 WZQ Xiyaoshan 3 3 0 1 WZY Xiyaoshan 4 4 0 2 YLH Xiyaoshan 4 4 0 2 AJX Xinzengzhuang 2 2 0 1 CEK Xinzengzhuang 3 3 0 2 LCS Xinzengzhuang 4 4 0 2 MMH Xinzengzhuang 5 5 0 2 MYC Xinzengzhuang 3 3 0 2 RZQ Xinzengzhuang 4 4 0 1 WHC Xinzengzhuang 5 5 0 3 WQE Xinzengzhuang 3 3 0 2 LXZ Yushandian 3 3 0 1 WDX Yushandian 1 1 0 0 WJD Yushandian 2 2 0 1 WSY Yushandian 5 5 0 2 WXZ Yushandian 5 5 0 3 Total 327 325 2 142 Proportion 100.00 99.39 0.61 43.43


Table 4-82 Family population situation of Integrated Water Management Project in 2010

Tot Agricultu Non-agricult Female Supporting/ Name Village Women Labor School al ral ural labor old Zhengjiazhu CMQ ang 5 5 0 3 2 0 0 0 Zhengjiazhu CSJ ang 4 3 1 3 2 1 0 2 Zhengjiazhu GHL ang 4 4 0 2 4 2 0 0 Zhengjiazhu GHZ ang 4 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 Zhengjiazhu GMJ ang 6 6 0 3 4 2 0 1 Zhengjiazhu GXP ang 5 5 0 2 5 2 0 0 Zhengjiazhu ZPX ang 4 4 0 1 2 1 0 2 MJY Jingyangyi 3 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 MLY Jingyangyi 10 10 0 5 5 3 0 3 NGL Jingyangyi 5 5 0 2 2 2 0 0 YQG Jingyangyi 5 5 0 2 4 2 0 0 ZDQ Jingyangyi 3 3 0 1 2 1 0 1 ZDQ Jingyangyi 4 4 0 1 3 1 0 0 CXG Beiwu 4 4 0 2 4 2 0 0 LSZ Beiwu 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 RWG Beiwu 4 4 0 2 4 2 0 0 RWX Beiwu 4 4 0 2 3 1 0 1 RYC Beiwu 3 3 0 3 2 2 1 0 LHW Daen 3 3 0 1 3 1 0 0 LHZ Daen 5 5 0 3 4 2 0 1 LJB Daen 5 5 0 2 4 2 0 0 LJH Daen 4 4 0 2 2 1 1 1 LQL Daen 4 4 0 2 3 2 0 1 LSH Daen 3 3 0 1 2 1 0 1 LSK Daen 5 5 0 3 4 2 0 0 LSL Daen 5 5 0 3 4 2 0 0 LSY Daen 2 2 0 1 2 1 0 0 LWZ Daen 6 6 0 4 4 3 0 2 TMK Daen 6 6 0 4 3 2 0 3 TZG Daen 4 4 0 2 2 1 0 2 TZJ Daen 7 7 0 3 5 2 2 1 TZL Daen 8 8 0 4 6 3 0 1 TZM Daen 5 5 0 3 3 2 0 0 TZW Daen 6 6 0 3 4 2 1 0 TZX Daen 6 6 0 3 4 2 0 1 HZX Nananquan 4 4 0 4 2 1 2 0 MJX Nananquan 5 5 0 2 3 1 1 1 MQN Nananquan 4 4 0 3 3 2 1 1 MQY Nananquan 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 MXF Nananquan 3 3 0 1 2 1 2 1


Tot Agricultu Non-agricult Female Supporting/ Name Village Women Labor School al ral ural labor old RXS Nananquan 4 4 0 2 2 1 0 2 SFC Nananquan 3 3 0 1 2 0 1 1 LDL Banwu 3 3 0 2 3 2 0 0 Shandongto WJZ u 3 3 0 1 3 1 0 0 Shandongto WQW u 7 6 1 2 2 1 0 2 Shandongto WXM 5 1 u 4 2 4 2 0 0 Shandongto WZW u 6 6 0 4 2 2 0 2 Shandongto WZL u 4 4 0 2 2 1 0 2 DZP Xinzhai 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 GQF Xinzhai 6 6 0 2 5 2 0 1 RDS Xinzhai 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 CL Beiwuhou 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 LSJ Beiwuhou 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 SJ Beiwuhou 4 4 0 2 1 0 0 2 SXZ Beiwuhou 5 5 0 3 2 1 1 2 YHE Beiwuhou 4 4 0 2 2 1 0 2 YJG Beiwuhou 4 4 0 2 2 1 1 1 YJF Beiwuhou 4 4 0 1 2 1 1 1 LJZ Beiyaoshan 3 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 LCJ Beiyaoshan 4 4 0 2 2 1 0 1 LBC Beiyaoshan 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 LDC Beiyaoshan 3 3 0 1 3 1 0 0 LML Beiyaoshan 3 3 0 1 2 1 0 1 LXS Beiyaoshan 4 4 0 2 3 1 1 0 SHQ Beiyaoshan 5 5 0 4 4 3 1 CXY Nanwu 3 3 0 1 2 1 0 1 LJH Nanwu 6 6 0 3 2 1 2 2 LN Nanwu 5 5 0 2 4 2 0 0 WCY Nanwu 3 3 0 1 3 1 0 0 WJS Nanwu 5 5 0 2 5 2 0 0 ZFX Nanwu 3 3 0 1 2 1 0 1 SDK Xiyaoshan 8 4 4 2 3 2 0 0 SEQ Xiyaoshan 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 WZQ Xiyaoshan 3 3 0 1 2 1 0 1 WZY Xiyaoshan 4 4 0 3 3 2 1 0 YLH Xiyaoshan 5 5 0 3 5 3 0 1 Xinzengzhu AJX ang 2 2 0 1 2 1 0 0 Xinzengzhu CEK ang 5 5 0 2 4 2 0 0 Xinzengzhu LCS ang 3 3 0 1 3 1 0 0 Xinzengzhu MMH ang 5 5 0 2 4 2 0 1 Xinzengzhu MYC ang 3 3 0 2 3 2 0 0


Tot Agricultu Non-agricult Female Supporting/ Name Village Women Labor School al ral ural labor old Xinzengzhu RZQ ang 4 4 0 1 2 1 2 2 Xinzengzhu WHC ang 3 3 0 2 3 2 0 0 Xinzengzhu WQE ang 3 3 0 1 3 1 0 0 LXZ Yushandian 4 4 0 2 4 2 0 0 WDX Yushandian 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 WJD Yushandian 7 7 0 3 6 3 2 0 WSY Yushandian 2 2 0 1 2 1 0 0 WXZ Yushandian 10 5 5 3 4 2 0 0 37 Total 358 13 175 241 121 36 56 1 Proporti 47.1 64.96 32.61 15.09 96.5% 3.5% 9.7% on 7% % % % 4.11.2 Family Annual Income

According to the investigation to 89 households, the total family annual income of 10 families was 2072060 Yuan and average income was 23282 Yuan before land acquisition. In average family annual income, agricultural income is 4909 Yuan (21.08%); sideline income 6169 Yuan (26.50%); Enterprises income 737 Yuan (3.17%); working temporarily outside work income 10391 Yuan (44.63%); Other income 1076 Yuan (4.62%); Family income and income structure see Table 4-83 and Chart 4-46.

Table 4-83 Income of immigrants before land acquisition

working agricultural sideline Enterprises temporarily Other Name Total income income income outside work income income CMQ 2040 6000 0 18000 0 26040 CSJ 1890 0 14400 18000 0 34290 GHL 2160 0 0 26400 600 29160 GHZ 2223 0 0 18400 0 20623 GMJ 2310 0 0 20400 0 22710 GXP 2106 0 0 26400 0 28506 ZPX 1443 0 0 0 50000 51443 MJY 11475 55000 0 0 0 66475 MLY 13770 200000 0 0 0 213770 NGL 9180 0 0 48000 0 57180 YQG 11475 50000 0 0 0 61475 ZDQ 5737.5 0 19200 20000 0 44937.5 ZDQ 11475 48000 0 0 0 59475 CXG 696 0 0 6000 0 6696 LSZ 2784 0 0 16000 0 18784 RWG 1350 25000 0 0 0 26350 RWX 1350 25000 0 0 0 26350


working agricultural sideline Enterprises temporarily Other Name Total income income income outside work income income RYC 5040 0 0 5000 0 10040 LHW 3060 0 0 5000 0 8060 LHZ 5100 0 0 12000 0 17100 LJB 2040 0 0 0 3000 5040 LJH 3060 0 0 6600 0 9660 LQL 2040 0 0 0 3000 5040 LSH 3060 0 0 3000 0 6060 LSK 4080 0 0 10000 0 14080 LSL 2040 0 0 0 3500 5540 LSY 2040 0 0 0 3500 5540 LWZ 2040 0 0 0 3500 5540 TMK 4080 0 0 0 2000 6080 TZG 5100 0 0 0 2000 7100 TZJ 4080 0 0 28800 0 32880 TZL 3060 0 0 6000 0 9060 TZM 2040 0 0 0 2000 4040 TZW 1020 0 0 0 1440 2460 TZX 2040 0 0 0 2000 4040 HZX 3600 12000 0 0 0 15600 MJX 3600 0 0 36000 0 39600 MQN 3600 12000 0 0 0 15600 MQY 1800 0 0 0 2000 3800 MXF 1800 12000 0 0 0 13800 RXS 3600 12000 0 0 0 15600 SFC 2700 12000 0 0 0 14700 LDL 4140 0 0 0 6000 10140 WJZ 3600 0 0 18000 0 21600 WQW 3600 0 0 48000 0 51600 WXM 3600 0 24000 0 0 27600 WZW 4500 0 0 96000 0 100500 WZL 4320 22000 0 0 0 26320 DZP 3570 0 0 8000 2000 13570 GQF 8500 0 0 30800 0 39300 RDS 3570 6000 8000 12800 0 30370 CL 2520 0 0 0 2000 4520 LSJ 1260 0 0 0 1000 2260 SJ 23530 0 0 0 0 23530 SXZ 2520 0 0 6000 0 8520 YHE 10410 0 0 0 840 11250 YJG 37510 0 0 10000 0 47510 YJF 3780 0 0 0 2000 5780 LJZ 1620 0 0 12000 0 13620 LCJ 2430 0 0 12000 0 14430 LBC 2430 0 0 12000 0 14430


working agricultural sideline Enterprises temporarily Other Name Total income income income outside work income income LDC 810 0 0 0 1200 2010 LML 3240 0 0 24000 0 27240 LXS 1620 0 0 19200 0 20820 SHQ 3240 0 0 24000 0 27240 CXY 17250 0 0 10800 0 28050 LJH 6210 0 0 12000 0 18210 LN 5175 0 0 12000 0 17175 WCY 13800 6000 0 6000 0 25800 WJS 13800 0 0 6000 0 19800 ZFX 4140 0 0 15000 0 19140 SDK 6480 0 0 30000 0 36480 SEQ 4320 0 0 15000 0 19320 WZQ 3240 10000 0 10000 0 23240 WZY 4320 0 0 38400 0 42720 YLH 5400 0 0 20000 0 25400 AJX 5040 0 0 0 0 5040 CEK 5040 0 0 8000 0 13040 LCS 5040 0 0 12000 0 17040 MMH 5040 8000 0 10000 0 23040 MYC 4860 0 0 6000 0 10860 RZQ 5040 0 0 10800 0 15840 WHC 6300 0 0 12000 0 18300 WQE 5040 0 0 8000 0 13040 LXZ 2970 10000 0 0 0 12970 WDX 990 0 0 0 1200 2190 WJD 1980 0 0 0 1000 2980 WSY 4950 0 0 20000 0 24950 WXZ 4950 18000 0 0 0 22950 Total 436880 549000 65600 924800 95780 2072060 Average 4909 6169 737 10391 1076 23282


agricultural income agricultural Other income income sideline income 5% 21% working Enterprises income temporarily outside work sideline income working temporarily income Enterprises 26% outside work income 45% income Other income 3%

Chart 4-45 Income of Immigrants before Land Acquisition

According to the investigation to 89 households by this monitoring, the total family annual income of 89 families was 3919868 Yuan and average income was 44043 Yuan in 2011. In average family annual income, agricultural income is 5091 Yuan (12%); sideline income 4065 Yuan (5%); Enterprises income 2007 Yuan (9%); working temporarily outside work income 23917 Yuan (54%); other income 8964 Yuan (20%); Family income and income structure see Table 4-85 and Chart 4-47.

Table 4-85 Income of Immigrants in 2011

working agricultural sideline Enterprises temporarily Other Name Total income income income outside work income income CMQ 900 0 0 30000 0 30900 CSJ 0 0 69600 0 0 69600 GHL 1000 0 0 32000 0 33000 GHZ 1000 0 0 0 25000 26000 GMJ 2000 800 0 50000 0 52800 GXP 1600 0 0 60000 0 61600 ZPX 0 0 0 30000 30000 60000 MJY 0 0 0 0 100000 100000 MLY 0 0 0 35000 180000 215000 NGL 5000 0 0 65000 0 70000 YQG 5000 80000 0 0 0 85000 ZDQ 3000 0 13000 30000 0 46000 ZDQ 8000 50000 0 3000 0 61000 CXG 2000 0 0 35000 0 37000 LSZ 2000 0 40000 0 4000 46000 RWG 2000 0 0 50000 0 52000 RWX 1800 0 0 30000 0 31800


working agricultural sideline Enterprises temporarily Other Name Total income income income outside work income income RYC 4000 0 0 10000 0 14000 LHW 7131 0 0 0 21600 28731 LHZ 11500 0 0 0 28800 40300 LJB 5921 0 0 0 28800 34721 LJH 9000 0 0 0 14400 23400 LQL 9200 0 0 0 21600 30800 LSH 9500 0 0 0 14400 23900 LSK 8900 0 0 0 28800 37700 LSL 9000 0 0 0 28800 37800 LSY 11600 0 0 0 14400 26000 LWZ 10000 0 0 0 28800 38800 TMK 9500 0 0 0 21600 31100 TZG 14000 0 0 0 14400 28400 TZJ 7750 0 0 0 36000 43750 TZL 13000 0 0 0 43200 56200 TZM 12000 0 0 0 21600 33600 TZW 11626 0 0 0 28800 40426 TZX 13400 0 0 0 28800 42200 HZX 6500 0 24000 25000 0 55500 MJX 6000 0 0 40000 0 46000 MQN 8500 10000 0 4000 0 22500 MQY 4000 0 0 6000 3000 13000 MXF 5000 5000 0 5000 0 15000 RXS 8000 0 0 10000 0 18000 SFC 7000 5000 0 6000 0 18000 LDL 1000 0 0 80000 0 81000 WJZ 2000 0 0 23000 0 25000 WQW 2000 0 0 50000 0 52000 WXM 2000 0 24000 8000 0 34000 WZW 2000 0 0 99000 0 101000 WZL 2000 22000 0 6000 0 30000 DZP 2000 0 0 30600 2000 34600 GQF 1500 0 0 48000 0 49500 RDS 3000 6000 8000 48000 0 65000 CL 2000 0 0 0 13000 15000 LSJ 1000 0 0 0 14000 15000 SJ 2500 0 0 20000 2000 24500 SXZ 4500 0 0 28000 0 32500 YHE 6000 0 0 30000 0 36000 YJG 5000 20000 0 26000 0 51000 YJF 3500 0 0 32000 0 35500 LJZ 1000 0 0 21000 0 22000 LCJ 1000 0 0 50000 0 51000 LBC 600 8000 0 15000 0 23600


working agricultural sideline Enterprises temporarily Other Name Total income income income outside work income income LDC 2000 0 0 40000 0 42000 LML 3000 0 0 80000 0 83000 LXS 7992 0 0 24500 0 32492 SHQ 7023 0 0 30000 0 37023 CXY 14478.7 0 0 23500 0 37978.7 LJH 4680 0 0 40000 0 44680 LN 8000 0 0 33000 0 41000 WCY 6336 0 0 35000 0 41336 WJS 4680 0 0 40000 0 44680 ZFX 8000 0 0 35000 0 43000 SDK 2000 0 0 35000 0 37000 SEQ 4000 50000 0 30000 0 84000 WZQ 2000 0 0 40000 0 42000 WZY 4000 0 0 60000 0 64000 YLH 5000 0 0 25000 0 30000 AJX 2000 0 0 40000 0 42000 CEK 2000 0 0 20000 0 22000 LCS 2000 0 0 22000 0 24000 MMH 3000 0 0 50000 0 53000 MYC 3000 0 0 30000 0 33000 RZQ 3000 60000 0 25000 0 88000 WHC 30000 0 0 20000 0 50000 WQE 4000 0 0 50000 0 54000 LXZ 2000 20000 0 0 0 22000 WDX 5000 0 0 70000 0 75000 WJD 2000 0 0 20000 0 22000 WSY 5000 0 0 40000 0 45000 WXZ 4950 25000 0 0 0 29950 Total 453068 361800 178600 2128600 797800 3919868 Average 5091 4065 2007 23917 8964 44043


Chart 4-47 Income of Immigrants in 2011

4.11.3 Family Annual Expense

According to investigation statistic, before land acquisition the average annual expense of 89 resettlement families is 10232 Yuan, including: (1) Seed, 214 Yuan, 2.09% of total expense; (2) Pesticide & fertilizer, 918 Yuan, 8.97% of total expense; (3) Irrigation, 137 Yuan, 1.33% of total expense; (4) Machine, 168 Yuan, 1.65% of total expense; (5) Water & electricity charge, 310 Yuan, 3.03% of total expense; (6) Communication, 769 Yuan, 7.52% of total expense; (7) Tuition, 977 Yuan, 9.64% of total expense; (8) Medical treatment, 372 Yuan, 3.63% of total expense; (9) Fuel, 138 Yuan, 1.35% of total expense; (10) Non-staple food, 5590 Yuan, 54.63% of total expense; (11) Others, 640 Yuan, 6.26% of total expense.

Before land acquisition family expense and expense structure is shown in Table 4-86 and Chart 4-48.


Table 4-86 Resettlement Family Expense before Land Acquisition

Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel others total & fertilizer electricity treatment food CMQ 53 170 0 85 240 600 0 200 800 5300 0 7447.7 CSJ 62 200 0 100 480 1000 2000 300 700 5000 0 9842 GHL 62 200 0 100 300 480 3000 0 800 5300 0 10242 GHZ 59 190 0 95 240 600 8000 500 700 4800 0 15183.9 GMJ 62 200 0 100 336 360 0 300 750 9000 0 11108 GXP 56 180 0 90 300 600 5000 2000 700 5500 0 14425.8 ZPX 40 130 0 65 360 360 2000 0 3000 8000 27000 40955.3 MJY 155 500 250 250 336 360 16000 300 800 9230 0 28181 MLY 186 600 300 300 240 600 2000 500 800 20000 30000 55526 NGL 124 400 200 200 360 360 0 0 800 9000 0 11444 YQG 155 500 250 250 300 480 0 0 800 12000 0 14735 ZDQ 78 250 125 125 480 1000 4000 300 800 10000 0 17157.5 ZDQ 155 500 250 250 240 600 0 200 800 8900 0 11895 CXG 70 348 0 22 100 600 0 0 0 3000 0 4139.35 LSZ 278 1392 0 87 187 1800 0 0 0 9600 0 13344.6 RWG 75 150 75 75 400 336 2000 40 0 10000 0 13151 RWX 75 150 75 75 400 360 2000 40 0 10000 0 13175 RYC 504 2520 0 158 187 1800 0 0 0 4500 0 9668.7 LHW 288 1440 0 90 187 1200 1000 0 0 3600 0 7805.2 LHZ 480 2400 0 150 200 2400 260 0 0 8000 0 13890 LJB 192 960 0 60 187 1200 0 0 0 2000 0 4599.2 LJH 288 1440 0 90 187 1080 0 0 0 6000 0 9085.2 LQL 192 960 0 60 187 1200 0 0 0 2000 0 4599.2 LSH 288 1440 0 90 187 1200 1300 0 0 1500 0 6005.2


Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel others total & fertilizer electricity treatment food LSK 384 1920 0 120 187 2400 0 0 0 7000 0 12011.2 LSL 192 960 0 60 187 1200 0 0 0 1500 0 4099.2 LSY 192 960 0 60 187 1200 0 0 0 1500 0 4099.2 LWZ 192 960 0 60 187 100 0 0 0 2000 0 3499.2 TMK 384 1920 0 120 187 1200 2000 0 0 0 0 5811.2 TZG 480 2400 0 150 200 1200 260 0 0 0 0 4690 TZJ 384 1920 0 120 200 3000 0 0 0 7000 0 12624 TZL 288 1440 0 90 187 1800 0 0 0 5000 0 8805.2 TZM 192 960 0 60 187 1200 0 0 0 0 0 2599.2 TZW 96 480 0 30 100 100 0 0 0 1500 0 2306 TZX 192 960 0 60 187 100 0 0 0 1000 0 2499.2 HZX 200 400 200 200 300 1100 0 220 0 6800 0 9420 MJX 200 400 200 200 400 1200 1000 300 0 8000 0 11900 MQN 200 400 200 200 400 1100 1800 210 0 7500 0 12010 MQY 100 200 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 1200 0 1800 MXF 100 200 100 100 300 800 800 240 0 6800 0 9440 RXS 200 400 200 200 400 900 1600 250 0 7200 0 11350 SFC 150 300 150 150 300 900 1400 180 0 7000 0 10530 LDL 230 460 230 230 400 960 1200 200 0 6000 0 9910 WJZ 200 400 200 200 300 1200 0 250 0 7200 0 9950 WQW 200 400 200 200 300 1200 0 240 0 8000 0 10740 WXM 200 400 200 200 200 720 0 200 0 6000 0 8120 WZW 250 500 250 250 600 1500 0 3000 0 13000 0 19350 WZL 240 480 240 240 600 1200 1000 0 0 8000 0 12000 DZP 336 1680 0 105 190 1200 0 0 0 0 0 3511 GQF 800 4000 0 250 190 2400 0 0 0 10000 0 17640


Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel others total & fertilizer electricity treatment food RDS 336 1680 0 105 190 1800 0 0 0 8000 0 12111 CL 140 280 140 140 200 50 0 100 0 1500 0 2550 LSJ 70 140 70 70 100 30 0 120 0 1200 0 1800 SJ 140 1490 140 140 200 50 0 100 0 1500 0 3760 SXZ 140 280 140 140 400 300 1000 300 0 3000 0 5700 YHE 210 1850 210 210 300 100 0 100 0 2000 0 4980 YJG 280 2430 280 280 400 400 0 300 0 5000 0 9370 YJF 210 420 210 210 400 100 200 100 0 2000 0 3850 LJZ 90 180 90 90 400 0 100 4000 0 6500 0 11450 LCJ 135 270 135 135 300 300 200 400 0 5000 0 6875 LBC 135 270 135 135 400 600 200 200 0 6000 0 8075 LDC 45 90 45 45 100 0 0 200 0 1200 0 1725 LML 180 360 180 180 600 1000 0 4000 0 8000 0 14500 LXS 90 180 90 90 300 600 500 100 0 6000 0 7950 SHQ 180 360 180 180 600 1000 0 1000 0 8000 0 11500 CXY 288 6900 288 288 400 700 10000 400 0 4000 0 23262.5 LJH 345 690 345 345 600 500 1000 300 0 7000 0 11125 LN 288 575 288 288 600 600 0 500 0 6700 0 9837.5 WCY 230 5520 230 230 300 750 0 500 0 7000 0 14760 WJS 230 5520 230 230 300 400 0 350 0 4500 0 11760 ZFX 230 460 230 230 400 600 500 600 0 6800 0 10050 SDK 360 720 360 360 600 800 10000 3000 0 8000 0 24200 SEQ 240 480 240 240 300 400 0 200 0 5000 0 7100 WZQ 180 360 180 180 300 600 800 280 0 5000 0 7880 WZY 240 480 240 240 400 800 0 700 0 8000 0 11100 YLH 300 600 300 300 400 500 0 300 0 6000 0 8700


Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel others total & fertilizer electricity treatment food AJX 280 560 280 280 200 200 0 200 0 3000 0 5000 CEK 280 560 280 280 300 300 0 1000 0 4500 0 7500 LCS 280 560 280 280 400 400 0 400 0 6000 0 8600 MMH 280 560 280 280 500 480 0 500 0 6000 0 8880 MYC 270 540 270 270 300 400 0 360 0 5000 0 7410 RZQ 280 560 280 280 400 450 1200 200 0 5500 0 9150 WHC 350 700 350 350 500 580 800 400 0 7000 0 11030 WQE 280 560 280 280 300 300 0 400 0 4500 0 6900 LXZ 165 330 165 165 300 400 400 300 0 5000 0 7225 WDX 55 110 55 55 100 0 0 300 0 1200 0 1875 WJD 110 220 110 110 200 200 0 200 0 1500 0 2650 WSY 275 550 275 275 500 600 0 400 0 7000 0 9875 WXZ 275 550 275 275 500 700 400 300 0 7000 0 10275 Total 19049 81665 12150 14981 27590 68446 86920 33080 12250 497530 57000 910661 Average 214 918 137 168 310 769 977 372 138 5590 640 10232


6% 2% 9% Seed 1% 0%1%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0% 2% Pesticide 3% Irrigation Machine 8% Water & electricity Communication Tuition 10% Medical treatment 54% Fuel 4% 1% Non-staple food others

Chart 4-48 Expense Structure of Immigrants before Land Acquisition

According to investigation statistic by this monitoring, the average annual expense of 89 resettlement families in 2011 was 12012 Yuan, including: (1) Seed, 293 Yuan, 2.43% of total expense; (2) Pesticide & fertilizer, 616 Yuan, 5.13% of total expense; (3) Irrigation, 156 Yuan, 1.3% of total expense; (4) Machine, 120 Yuan, 1% of total expense; (5) Water & electricity charge, 508 Yuan, 4.23% of total expense; (6) Communication, 852 Yuan, 7.09% of total expense; (7) Tuition, 485 Yuan, 4.04% of total expense; (8) Medical treatment, 853 Yuan, 7.09% of total expense; (9) Fuel, 923 Yuan, 7.68% of total expense; (10) Non-staple food, 6397 Yuan, 53.25% of total expense; (11) Others, 812 Yuan, 6.76% of total expense.

Family expense and expense structure of 2011 is in Table 4-87 and Chart 4-49.


Table 4-87 Resettlement Family Expense of 2011

Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel others total & fertilizer electricity treatment food CMQ 500 300 150 100 420 2400 0 200 800 8000 500 13370 CSJ 0 0 0 0 600 960 500 300 1000 14000 1000 18360 GHL 100 320 100 120 750 2000 0 500 1000 7300 1000 13190 GHZ 450 200 150 50 400 360 0 0 1000 6000 1500 10110 GMJ 900 600 300 150 750 1440 100 200 1000 10000 2000 17440 GXP 600 400 300 100 360 2200 0 200 1200 15000 1000 21360 ZPX 0 0 0 0 600 750 500 200 800 5400 1600 9850 MJY 150 500 300 200 500 700 0 500 1000 9000 0 12850 MLY 200 600 350 200 600 800 0 1000 1500 20000 30000 55250 NGL 250 380 220 200 600 850 0 500 1000 8500 500 13000 YQG 240 700 250 250 500 900 0 800 1500 10000 500 15640 ZDQ 150 300 125 125 680 1500 0 1000 1500 12000 1000 18380 ZDQ 200 500 250 300 500 900 0 600 1200 9000 0 13450 CXG 150 270 200 0 360 800 600 0 200 8000 4800 15380 LSZ 0 0 0 0 220 1000 800 0 3000 14000 1400 20420 RWG 180 240 0 0 500 500 500 0 200 7300 4000 13420 RWX 150 240 0 0 600 600 500 1000 200 6000 5000 14290 RYC 200 400 0 158 200 800 700 0 500 10000 0 12958 LHW 396 957 0 90 300 900 800 0 300 15000 0 18743 LHZ 636 1537 150 150 350 500 500 0 300 5400 0 9523 LJB 328 794 400 60 400 1000 500 0 280 4000 0 7762 LJH 516 1247 0 90 380 1200 500 0 500 6000 0 10433 LQL 516 1247 0 60 370 1500 800 0 400 4000 0 8893 LSH 516 1247 0 90 380 1600 1000 0 500 4500 0 9833


Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel others total & fertilizer electricity treatment food LSK 516 1247 0 120 350 1000 800 0 500 8000 0 12533 LSL 516 1247 250 60 400 1500 500 0 300 300 0 5073 LSY 645 1560 0 60 400 900 500 0 300 4000 0 8365 LWZ 645 1560 220 60 450 800 500 0 200 5000 0 9435 TMK 516 1247 0 120 280 500 0 0 200 1000 0 3863 TZG 775.2 1873 0 150 200 1600 1200 0 200 7000 0 12998.2 TZJ 428.4 1035 280 120 200 900 600 0 300 9000 0 12863.4 TZL 720 1740 300 90 300 2000 0 0 200 5000 0 10350 TZM 645.6 1560 330 60 320 2200 0 0 1500 0 0 6615.6 TZW 645.6 1560 200 30 400 1200 0 0 500 1500 0 6035.6 TZX 775.2 1873 200 60 300 800 800 0 200 1000 0 6008.2 HZX 160 480 150 200 300 900 500 220 400 6800 0 10110 MJX 140 420 240 200 400 800 800 300 300 8000 0 11600 MQN 190 570 180 200 400 600 500 210 500 7500 0 10850 MQY 90 270 200 100 400 700 800 0 300 1200 0 4060 MXF 90 270 160 100 450 300 0 240 300 6800 0 8710 RXS 140 420 100 200 400 900 800 250 300 7200 0 10710 SFC 140 420 150 150 300 600 600 180 300 7000 0 9840 LDL 100 200 150 0 480 100 0 960 500 6000 0 8490 WJZ 100 200 80 0 600 200 0 600 600 8000 0 10380 WQW 180 400 160 0 600 250 0 960 2000 9000 0 13550 WXM 100 200 80 0 360 310 0 1080 800 12500 0 15430 WZW 150 280 120 0 720 240 0 1200 1000 9000 0 12710 WZL 200 400 160 150 600 600 0 0 800 4000 0 6910 DZP 200 500 200 0 600 500 0 0 800 11000 0 13800 GQF 150 400 80 0 840 240 0 240 700 7000 0 9650


Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel others total & fertilizer electricity treatment food RDS 0 0 0 0 300 200 300 0 4000 4500 0 9300 CL 0 0 0 0 300 200 360 0 2400 5200 0 8460 LSJ 0 0 0 0 400 160 400 0 3000 4500 0 8460 SJ 700 1000 60 0 900 250 700 3000 300 3000 0 9910 SXZ 900 1500 90 0 800 300 800 3000 2400 3000 0 12790 YHE 800 1300 60 0 900 200 800 3000 300 6000 0 13360 YJG 900 1400 60 0 900 230 700 2000 300 4500 0 10990 YJF 60 400 0 80 800 350 350 0 0 6500 0 8540 LJZ 60 300 0 100 500 600 0 500 800 5000 0 7860 LCJ 100 500 0 150 0 700 800 500 0 6000 0 8750 LBC 80 300 0 100 500 180 0 0 0 1200 0 2360 LDC 100 400 150 80 500 900 600 0 0 8000 0 10730 LML 150 500 100 0 500 600 600 800 0 6000 0 9250 LXS 200 500 150 200 400 800 1000 0 3000 8000 0 14250 SHQ 277 333 449 200 720 960 1200 200 0 6000 0 10339 CXY 162 487 263 300 400 700 10000 400 0 4000 0 16713 LJH 335 402 542 400 300 500 1000 300 0 7000 0 10779 LN 162 195 263 300 450 600 0 500 0 6700 0 9170 WCY 150 300 200 250 500 750 0 500 0 7000 0 9650 WJS 220 264 356 30 500 400 0 350 0 4500 0 6620 ZFX 162 195 263.25 400 500 600 500 600 0 6800 0 10020.25 SDK 600 1000 360 560 900 500 0 3000 2500 2500 1000 12920 SEQ 140 350 90 140 400 350 0 800 1000 1500 500 5270 WZQ 280 700 150 200 1500 1500 1000 500 2000 6000 1000 14830 WZY 200 500 150 200 960 1000 0 0 2000 7000 1000 13010 YLH 300 200 100 150 100 2400 1000 15000 2000 10000 5000 36250


Pesticide Water & Medical Non-staple Name Seed Irrigation Machine Communication Tuition Fuel others total & fertilizer electricity treatment food AJX 150 400 100 100 450 800 0 0 1500 3000 0 6500 CEK 150 300 100 100 500 1000 0 1000 1500 7000 0 11650 LCS 150 400 100 100 600 720 0 1000 1500 3500 0 8070 MMH 200 500 150 120 500 960 500 2000 1500 2000 1000 9430 MYC 200 500 280 100 750 1200 0 6000 2000 6000 2000 19030 RZQ 200 500 250 180 600 400 800 1000 1000 5000 0 9930 WHC 300 600 200 200 1000 1400 0 1000 2000 5000 1000 12700 WQE 500 1000 400 0 900 1000 0 1000 1500 5400 1000 12700 LXZ 200 600 400 200 0 1200 0 500 2500 6000 1000 12600 WDX 0 0 0 0 240 200 0 1000 800 800 0 3040 WJD 300 700 300 280 1000 2400 2500 10000 2000 3000 0 22480 WSY 150 400 180 260 500 600 0 0 1000 3000 1000 7090 WXZ 250 1000 300 440 840 1200 0 3000 2500 8000 1000 18530 Total 26074.5 54837.5 13851.25 10643 45180 75810 43110 75890 82180 569300 72300 1069176 Average 293 616 156 120 508 852 485 853 923 6397 812 12013


6% 2% 9% Seed 1% 0%1%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0% 2% Pesticide 3% Irrigation Machine 8% Water & electricity Communication Tuition 10% Medical treatment 54% Fuel 4% 1% Non-staple food others

Chart 4-47 Expense Structure of immigrants in 2011

4.11.4 Analysis of Family Annual Income and Expense

As can be seen from Table 4-88, before land acquisition the net income per capita is 3572 Yuan. Table 4-88 Family Income and Expense Comparison before land acquisition

Rural per Productiv per Net Annual Annual capita net per capita Name e capita income income expense expense expense income income per capita (Yuan) CMQ 26040 7448 308 6433 6510 1862 4648 CSJ 34290 9842 362 11309 11430 3281 8149 GHL 29160 10242 362 4800 4860 1707 3153 GHZ 20623 15184 344 6760 6874 5061 1813 GMJ 22710 11108 362 4470 4542 2222 2320 GXP 28506 14426 326 4697 4751 2404 2347 ZPX 51443 40955 235 12802 12861 10239 2622 MJY 66475 28181 1155 16330 16619 7045 9574 MLY 213770 55526 1386 23598 23752 6170 17582 NGL 57180 11444 924 11251 11436 2289 9147 YQG 61475 14735 1155 12064 12295 2947 9348 ZDQ 44938 17158 578 14787 14979 5719 9260 ZDQ 59475 11895 1155 14580 14869 2974 11895 CXG 6696 4139 439 6257 6696 4139 2557 LSZ 18784 13345 1757 5676 6261 4448 1813 RWG 26350 13151 375 6494 6588 3288 3300 RWX 26350 13175 375 6494 6588 3294 3294 RYC 10040 9669 3182 1715 2510 2417 93 LHW 8060 7805 1818 2081 2687 2602 85


Rural per Productiv per Net Annual Annual capita net per capita Name e capita income income expense expense expense income income per capita (Yuan) LHZ 17100 13890 3030 2814 3420 2778 642 LJB 5040 4599 1212 1914. 2520 2300 220 LJH 9660 9085 1818 2614 3220 3028 192 LQL 5040 4599 1212 1914 2520 2300 220 LSH 6060 6005 1818 1414 2020 2002 18 LSK 14080 12011 2424 2914 3520 3003 517 LSL 5540 4099 1212 2164 2770 2050 720 LSY 5540 4099 1212 2164 2770 2050 720 LWZ 5540 3499 1212 2164 2770 1750 1020 TMK 6080 5811 2424 914 1520 1453 67 TZG 7100 4690 3030 814 1420 938 482 TZJ 32880 12624 2424 5076 5480 2104 3376 TZL 9060 8805.2 1818 2414 3020 2935 85 TZM 4040 2599.2 1212 1414 2020 1300 720 TZW 2460 2306 606 1854 2460 2306 154 TZX 4040 2499.2 1212 1414 2020 1250 770 HZX 15600 9420 1000 4867 5200 3140 2060 MJX 39600 11900 1000 9650 9900 2975 6925 MQN 15600 12010 1000 3650 3900 3003 897 MQY 3800 1800 500 3300 3800 1800 2000 MXF 13800 9440 500 4433 4600 3147 1453 RXS 15600 11350 1000 3650 3900 2838 1062 SFC 14700 10530 750 4650 4900 3510 1390 LDL 10140 9910 1150 2248 2535 2478 57 WJZ 21600 9950 1000 6867 7200 3317 3883 WQW 51600 10740 1000 16867 17200 3580 13620 WXM 27600 8120 1000 13300 13800 4060 9740 WZW 100500 19350 1250 16542 16750 3225 13525 WZL 26320 12000 1200 4187 4387 2000 2387 DZP 13570 3511 2121 2862 3393 878 2515 GQF 39300 17640 5050 4893 5614 2520 3094 RDS 30370 12111 2121 7062 7593 3028 4565 CL 4520 2550 700 1910 2260 1275 985 LSJ 2260 1800 350 1910 2260 1800 460 SJ 23530 3760 1910 10810 11765 1880 9885 SXZ 8520 5700 700 1955 2130 1425 705 YHE 11250 4980 2480 2923 3750 1660 2090 YJG 47510 9370 3270 11060 11878 2343 9535 YJF 5780 3850 1050 1183 1445 963 482 LJZ 13620 11450 450 3293 3405 2863 542 LCJ 14430 6875 675 4585 4810 2292 2518 LBC 14430 8075 675 3439 3608 2019 1589 LDC 2010 1725 225 1785 2010 1725 285 LML 27240 14500 900 4390 4540 2417 2123


Rural per Productiv per Net Annual Annual capita net per capita Name e capita income income expense expense expense income income per capita (Yuan) LXS 20820 7950 450 6790 6940 2650 4290 SHQ 27240 11500 900 4390 4540 1917 2623 CXY 28050 23263 7763 5072 7013 5816 1197 LJH 18210 11125 1725 2748 3035 5048 -2013 LN 17175 9838 1438 2623 2863 1640 1223 WCY 25800 14760 6210 6530 8600 4920 3680 WJS 19800 11760 6210 4530 6600 3920 2680 ZFX 19140 10050 1150 4498 4785 2513 2272 SDK 36480 24200 1800 5780 6080 4033 2047 SEQ 19320 7100 1200 6040 6440 2367 4073 WZQ 23240 7880 900 7446 7747 2627 5120 WZY 42720 11100 1200 10380 10680 2775 7905 YLH 25400 8700 1500 5975 6350 2175 4175 AJX 5040 5000 1400 1820 2520 2500 20 CEK 13040 7500 1400 3880 4347 2500 1847 LCS 17040 8600 1400 3910 4260 2150 2110 MMH 23040 8880 1400 4328 4608 1776 2832 MYC 10860 7410 1350 3170 3620 2470 1150 RZQ 15840 9150 1400 3610 3960 2288 1672 WHC 18300 11030 1750 3310 3660 2206 1454 WQE 13040 6900 1400 3880 4347 2300 2047 LXZ 12970 7225 825 4048 4323 2408 1915 WDX 2190 1875 275 1915 2190 1875 315 WJD 2980 2650 550 1215 1490 1325 165 WSY 24950 9875 1375 4715 4990 1975 3015 WXZ 22950 10275 1375 4315 4590 2055 2535 Total 2072060 910661 127846 481758 519684 246045 273639 Average 23282 10232 1436 5946 6337 2765 3572 As can be seen from Table 4-89, the net income per capita is 8033 Yuan in 2011. Table 4-89 Family Income and Expense Comparison in 2011

Rural per capita Annual Annual Productive per capita per capita Net income Name net income expense expense income expense per capita income (Yuan) CMQ 30900 13370 1050 7463 7725 3343 4383 CSJ 69600 18360 0 23200 23200 6120 17080 GHL 33000 13190 640 5393 5500 2198 3302 GHZ 26000 10110 850 8383 8666 3370 5296 GMJ 52800 17440 1950 10170 10560 3488 7072 GXP 61600 21360 1400 10033 10267 3560 6707 ZPX 60000 9850 0 15000 15000 2463 12538 MJY 100000 12850 1150 24713 25000 3213 21788


Rural per capita Annual Annual Productive per capita per capita Net income Name net income expense expense income expense per capita income (Yuan) MLY 215000 55250 1350 23739 23889 6139 17750 NGL 70000 13000 1050 13790 14000 2600 11400 YQG 85000 15640 1440 16712 17000 3128 13872 ZDQ 46000 18380 700 15100 15333 6127 9206 ZDQ 61000 13450 1250 14938 15250 3363 11888 CXG 37000 15380 620 36380 37000 15380 21620 LSZ 46000 20420 0 15333 15333 6806 8526 RWG 52000 13420 420 12896 13001 3355 9646 RWX 31800 14290 390 7853 7951 3573 4378 RYC 14000 12958 758 3311 3500 3240 261 LHW 28731 18743 1443 9097 9578 6248 3330 LHZ 40300 9523 2473 7565 8060 1905 6155 LJB 34721 7762 1582 16570 17361 3881 13480 LJH 23400 10433 1853 7182 7800 3478 4322 LQL 30800 8893 1823 14489 15400 4447 10954 LSH 23900 9833 1853 7349 7967 3278 4689 LSK 37700 12533 1883 8954 9425 3133 6292 LSL 37800 5073 2073 17864 18900 2537 16364 LSY 26000 8365 2265 11868 13000 4183 8818 LWZ 38800 9435 2485 18158 19400 4718 14683 TMK 31100 3863 1883 7304 7775 966 6809 TZG 28400 12998.2 2798.2 5120 5680 2600 3080 TZJ 43750 12863.4 1863.4 6981 7292 2144 5148 TZL 56200 10350 2850 17783 18733 3450 15283 TZM 33600 6615.6 2595.6 15502 16800 3308 13492 TZW 40426 6035.6 2435.6 37990 40426 6036 34390 TZX 42200 6008.2 2908.2 19646 21100 3004 18096 HZX 55500 10110 990 18170 18500 3370 15130 MJX 46000 11600 1000 11250 11500 2900 8600 MQN 22500 10850 1140 5340 5625 2713 2913 MQY 13000 4060 660 12340 13000 4060 8940 MXF 15000 8710 620 4793 5000 2903 2097 RXS 18000 10710 860 4285 4500 2678 1823 SFC 18000 9840 860 5713 6000 3280 2720 LDL 81000 10339 1259 19935 20250 2585 7263 WJZ 25000 8490 450 8183 8333 2830 5503 WQW 52000 10380 380 17207 17333 3460 13873 WXM 34000 13550 740 16630 17000 6775 10225 WZW 101000 15430 380 16770 16833 2572 14262 WZL 30000 12710 550 4909 5000 2118 2882 DZP 34600 6910 910 8424 8651 1728 6924 GQF 49500 13800 900 6943 7071 1971 5100 RDS 65000 9650 630 16094 16251 2413 13838


Rural per capita Annual Annual Productive per capita per capita Net income Name net income expense expense income expense per capita income (Yuan) CL 15000 9300 0 7500 7500 4650 2850 LSJ 15000 8460 0 15000 15000 8460 6540 SJ 24500 8460 0 12250 12250 4230 8020 SXZ 32500 9910 1760 7685 8125 2478 5648 YHE 36000 12790 2490 11170 12000 4263 7737 YJG 51000 13360 2160 12211 12751 3340 9410 YJF 35500 10990 2360 8285 8875 2748 6128 LJZ 22000 8540 540 5365 5500 2135 3365 LCJ 51000 7860 460 16847 17000 2620 14380 LBC 23600 8750 750 5713 5901 2188 3713 LDC 42000 2360 480 41520 42000 2360 39640 LML 83000 10730 730 13712 13833 1788 12045 LXS 32492 9250 750 10581 10831 3083 7747 SHQ 37023 14250 1050 5996 6171 2375 3796 CXY 37978.7 16713 1212 9192 9495 4179 5317 LJH 44680 10779 1679 7167 7447 1797 5650 LN 41000 9170 920 6681 6835 1529 5306 WCY 41336 9650 900 13479 13779 3217 10562 WJS 44680 6620 870 14603 14893 2207 12687 ZFX 43000 10020.25 1020.25 10495 10750 2505 8245 SDK 37000 12920 2520 5747 6167 2153 4013 SEQ 84000 5270 720 27760 28000 1757 26243 WZQ 42000 14830 1330 13557 14001 4944 9057 WZY 64000 13010 1050 15738 16000 3253 12748 YLH 30000 36250 750 7313 7500 9063 -1563 AJX 42000 6500 750 20625 21000 3250 17750 CEK 22000 11650 650 7117 7334 3884 3450 LCS 24000 8070 750 5813 6000 2018 3983 MMH 53000 9430 970 10406 10600 1886 8714 MYC 33000 19030 1080 10640 11000 6343 4657 RZQ 88000 9930 1130 21718 22000 2483 19518 WHC 50000 12700 1300 9740 10000 2540 7460 WQE 54000 12700 1900 17368 18001 4234 13768 LXZ 22000 12600 1400 6866 7333 4200 3133 WDX 75000 3040 0 75000 75000 3040 71960 WJD 22000 22480 1580 10210 11000 11240 -240 WSY 45000 7090 990 8802 9000 1418 7582 WXZ 29950 18530 1990 5592 5990 3706 2284 Total 3919868 1069176 105405 956688 983124 268155 714969 Avera ge 44043 12013 1184 10749 11046 3013 8033 Read from the source of income, working temporarily outside work income and sideline income are main incomes; the expenditure side, non-staple food takes up a


big proportion. It can forecast that in few coming years the expense and its structure will not change a lot.

4.11.5 Analysis of Net Income Changing

Net income per capita changing comparison before land acquisition and this monitoring see Table 4-93. From the comparison analysis above, working temporarily outside work income and sideline income are main incomes, so the income has increased. Expense and its structure have not changed a lot. The level of the life and production don ’t decrease but has improved tremendously new. This shows the production and life of immigration isn ’t only restore but also improved.

Table 4-90 Net Income Comparison of Resettlement Family

2007 2011 2007 2011 2007 2011 Name Income per Income per Expense per Expense per Net income per Net income per capita capita capita capita capita capita CMQ 6510 7725 1862 3343 6433 7463 CSJ 11430 23200 3281 6120 11309 23200 GHL 4860 5500 1707 2198 4800 5393 GHZ 6874 8666 5061 3370 6760 8383 GMJ 4542 10560 2222 3488 4470 10170 GXP 4751 10267 2404 3560 4697 10033 ZPX 12861 15000 10239 2463 12802 15000 MJY 16619 25000 7045 3213 16330 24713 MLY 23752 23889 6170 6139 23598 23739 NGL 11436 14000 2289 2600 11251 13790 YQG 12295 17000 2947 3128 12064 16712 ZDQ 14979 15333 5719 6127 14787 15100 ZDQ 14869 15250 2974 3363 14580 14938 CXG 6696 37000 4139 15380 6257 36380 LSZ 6261 15333 4448 6806 5676 15333 RWG 6588 13001 3288 3355 6494 12896 RWX 6588 7951 3294 3573 6494 7853 RYC 2510 3500 2417 3240 1715 3311 LHW 2687 9578 2602 6248 2081 9097 LHZ 3420 8060 2778 1905 2814 7565 LJB 2520 17361 2300 3881 1914 16570 LJH 3220 7800 3028 3478 2614 7182 LQL 2520 15400 2300 4447 1914 14489 LSH 2020 7967 2002 3278 1414 7349 LSK 3520 9425 3003 3133 2914 8954 LSL 2770 18900 2050 2537 2164 17864 LSY 2770 13000 2050 4183 2164 11868 LWZ 2770 19400 1750 4718 2164 18158 TMK 1520 7775 1453 966 914 7304 TZG 1420 5680 938 2600 814 5120 TZJ 5480 7292 2104 2144 5076 6981


2007 2011 2007 2011 2007 2011 Name Income per Income per Expense per Expense per Net income per Net income per capita capita capita capita capita capita TZL 3020 18733 2935 3450 2414 17783 TZM 2020 16800 1300 3308 1414 15502 TZW 2460 40426 2306 6036 1854 37990 TZX 2020 21100 1250 3004 1414 19646 HZX 5200 18500 3140 3370 4867 18170 MJX 9900 11500 2975 2900 9650 11250 MQN 3900 5625 3003 2713 3650 5340 MQY 3800 13000 1800 4060 3300 12340 MXF 4600 5000 3147 2903 4433 4793 RXS 3900 4500 2838 2678 3650 4285 SFC 4900 6000 3510 3280 4650 5713 LDL 2535 20250 2478 2585 2248 19935 WJZ 7200 8333 3317 2830 6867 8183 WQW 17200 17333 3580 3460 16867 17207 WXM 13800 17000 4060 6775 13300 16630 WZW 16750 16833 3225 2572 16542 16770 WZL 4387 5000 2000 2118 4187 4909 DZP 3393 8651 878 1728 2862 8424 GQF 5614 7071 2520 1971 4893 6943 RDS 7593 16251 3028 2413 7062 16094 CL 2260 7500 1275 4650 1910 7500 LSJ 2260 15000 1800 8460 1910 15000 SJ 11765 12250 1880 4230 10810 12250 SXZ 2130 8125 1425 2478 1955 7685 YHE 3750 12000 1660 4263 2923 11170 YJG 11878 12751 2343 3340 11060 12211 YJF 1445 8875 963 2748 1183 8285 LJZ 3405 5500 2863 2135 3293 5365 LCJ 4810 17000 2292 2620 4585 16847 LBC 3608 5901 2019 2188 3439 5713 LDC 2010 42000 1725 2360 1785 41520 LML 4540 13833 2417 1788 4390 13712 LXS 6940 10831 2650 3083 6790 10581 SHQ 4540 6171 1917 2375 4390 5996 CXY 7013 9495 5816 4179 5072 9192 LJH 3035 7447 5048 1797 2748 7167 LN 2863 6835 1640 1529 2623 6681 WCY 8600 13779 4920 3217 6530 13479 WJS 6600 14893 3920 2207 4530 14603 ZFX 4785 10750 2513 2505 4498 10495 SDK 6080 6167 4033 2153 5780 5747 SEQ 6440 28000 2367 1757 6040 27760 WZQ 7747 14001 2627 4944 7446 13557 WZY 10680 16000 2775 3253 10380 15738


2007 2011 2007 2011 2007 2011 Name Income per Income per Expense per Expense per Net income per Net income per capita capita capita capita capita capita YLH 6350 7500 2175 9063 5975 7313 AJX 2520 21000 2500 3250 1820 20625 CEK 4347 7334 2500 3884 3880 7117 LCS 4260 6000 2150 2018 3910 5813 MMH 4608 10600 1776 1886 4328 10 406 MYC 3620 11000 2470 6343 3170 10640 RZQ 3960 22000 2288 2483 3610 21718 WHC 3660 10000 2206 2540 3310 9740 WQE 4347 18001 2300 4234 3880 17368 LXZ 4323 7333 2408 4200 4048 6866 WDX 2190 75000 1875 3040 1915 750 00 WJD 1490 11000 1325 11240 1215 10210 WSY 4990 9000 1975 1418 4715 8802 WXZ 4590 5990 2055 3706 4315 5592 Total 519684 983124 246045 268155 481758 956688 Average 6337 11046 2765 3013 5946 10749


5 Resettlement Implementation Institution

5.1 Implementation Institution Capacity

In order to implement the RAP well, strengthen the supervision and management of resettlement action and achieve the target of the resettlement, Baoding project financed by ADB resettlement leading group and project office were set up in 2006.Which are comprised by people with good cultural quality and working ability, can perform their respective duties. The institution ensures the stability of the staff, attaches great importance to resettlement management. The project staff actively participated in the resettlement policy training on this item after work. Through training, implementation agencies learned more about ADB ’s immigration policy and monitoring requirements, specified the responsibilities of work and improved operation ability and policy dealing capability.

5.2 Internal Monitoring and Evaluation

The PMO adopted an internal monitoring mechanism to examine the resettlement implementation. During demolition and relocation, Baoding Project Office and sub-project departments had persons specially assigned for monitoring and examining. They examined fund utilization, house re-building, and restore of immigrants ’ income. Once discovering some problems, they would report to the leading group timely and consulted with immigrants concerned to solve them. At the same time, Baoding PMO had commissioned the NRCR of Hohai University as the external monitoring agency.

5.3 Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation team do investigation of resettlement. The results of investigation indicate that management and implementation institutions set up an external independent mechanism and internal mechanism of M&E and carry out their own responsibility and task in the resettlement implementation. Monitoring& Evaluation suggests that the staff in related organizations should record the process of resettlement implementation by using image data and strength the training. This training should combine theory study with visit on the spot and add the institution efficiency and ability.


6 Participation and Appeal

6.1 Public Participation

Public participation is an important factor to guarantee the successful implementation of resettlement. During feasibility study and the drafting of resettlement plan, the PMOs and implementation institutions paid high attention to public participation and negotiations.

During resettlement implementation, implementation institutions held many meetings to ask advices of Aps on land acquisition compensation. To protect the benefit and rights of APs from damage, institutions will provide more information and invite APs to visit to get rid of the worry and question of APs. During making the recovery plan, the implementer agencies learn the immigrants ’ need through holding meetings. They made recovery plans in accordance with current market development from the point of immigrants. From interview and investigation M&E team found that through holding meetings, posters, information booklets and other ways, the APs support the project

6.2 Grievance and Appeal

The transparent, effective channel of grievance and appeal were set up in the project resettlement planning and implementation process. PMO told the channel to Aps by holding meetings and information booklets. This let Aps know their rights of grievance and appeal well. Up to 17yh.Jun, 2011, the channel for grievance and appeal was stable, free and not changed.

After RAP implementation, no Aps complained though hotline. Aps are satisfied with compensation and resettlement policies. Meanwhile, M&E team found there are various appeal channels for Aps. Aps expressed their views to the village officials or directly reflect related problems to the owners. The visited villagers and village officials said they had good communication with the owners.


Table 6-1 The Persons in Charge of Resettlement in Subproject Units and the Telephone Number Subproject Name Number Complaint Hotline Remark Liushi WWTP Huang Hao 13722966589 13703221869 Baigou WWTP Dong Wenwen 15003222575 0312-2959550 Li Country WWTP Wang Guoying 13703221869 13703221869 Xushui WWTP Wang Hongwei 15931762796 13810642431 Xinxing WWTP Wang Yajie 13503129005 13503129005 Yi country WWTP Wang Xuejin 13831272669 13932271590 Dingxing WWTP Zhang Guofeng 13603322725 15933554455;13931370066 Mancheng WWTP Wang Fuquan 13603128217 13831219479 Xiong County WWTP Lv Guochuan 13733321718 13503327783 Tang country WWTP Zhang Baoshuan 15932265375 15833338178 Wangkuai-Xidayang Integrated Water Zhao Tieyun 13833216730 0312-3353848 Management


7 Conclusion and Suggestion

7.1 Conclusion

In this M&E, the project and resettlement go smoothly.

1) Up to 12 th , May, 2012, in 11 subprojects, Mancheng WWTP, Xiong County WWTP, Yi country WWTP, Dingxing WWTP, Liushi WWTP, Li Country WWTP, Tang County WWTP, Baigou WWTP, Xushui WWTP have entered the run, Xinxing WWTP has completed with the civil engineering and is installing equipment; Integrated Water Management is in civil engineering.

2) Up to 12 th , May, 2012, because Xiong County WSP has not commenced, design and time can not meet ADB requirements, so has already quit ADB loan projects.

3) Up to 12 th , May, 2012, 13 subprojects had finished Land compensation and resettlement.

4) Up to 12 th , May, 2012, in 11 subprojects, apart from Integrated Water Management and Dingxing WWTP, the other nine subprojects have got land use license.

5) Up to 12 th , May, 2012, in 11 subprojects, compensation has been paid to households. Compensation standards are higher than or equal to the RAP standards.

6) Resettlement administration and implementation institutions set up a resettlement internal mechanism of M&E and carry out their own responsibility and task in the resettlement implementation.

7) Aps know their rights of grievance and appeal well. The channel of appeal was unblocked. Aps are satisfied with compensation standard basically and no villagers to appeal.

7.2 Suggestions

In this M&E, the M&E team found the project and resettlement went smoothly. Generally speaking, over all the suggestions for the subprojects are following:

1) In 11 subprojects, Mancheng WWTP, Xiong County WWTP, Yi country WWTP, Liushi WWTP, Li Country WWTP, Tang County WWTP, Baigou WWTP, Xushui WWTP have got land use license. And it ’s been for more than two years. Living


standards are higher than or equal to the RAP standards. So it is suggested that it is no longer need to continue to track and monitor these eight subprojects.

2) Accelerate to get the land use license. Dingxing WWTP land certificates have been issued to the County Land Bureau, because taxes have not paid, County Land Bureau did not issue to Dingxing WWTP. So, land acquisition formality transaction should be accelerated for land use legality.

3) Land acquisition needs to recover in time. Temporary land reclamation work of Integrated Water Management Project Tang County, Shunping and Mancheng section has been completed. Effect is good. Quyang section temporary land reclamation work has not yet begun because the construction projects have not completed. It is recommended that Quyang segment accelerate the progress of project, as soon as possible to carry out the work of land reclamation.