Printingprinting History history news 31 News 1 The Newsletter of the National Printing Heritage Trust, Printing Historical Society and Friends of St Bride Library Number 31 Summer 2011 PHS Journal Editor and ST BRIDE EVENTS OTHER EVENTS Web-Editor Book History Research John Trevitt will retire as Editor of the Printing Historical Society Journal at Network the next AGM. Catherine Armstrong, who has been reviews editor of the The Book History Research Network Journal since 2007, will also retire will hold twice yearly events. There is shortly. John has edited the journal for information about these and a register four years, and Catherine the reviews of interests on their new website at: for five, and the Society is very grateful Print workshops Please visit for their excellent work during this the website to register and to sign up St Bride Foundation is bringing letter- for the next free event. period. The PHS is delighted to wel- press printing back to Fleet Street. The come Dr Victoria Gardner as the new exhibition room has been transformed reviews editor to replace Catherine. into a printing workshop, where prac- PRINT NETWORKS However, we are still seeking an Editor tical teaching and hands-on experience for the Journal, and would be most can take place. A series of courses and CONFERENCES grateful for any suggestions or, better workshops is now on offer. Through- still, volunteers. If you would like to out 2011 the range of classes will be Religion and the book trade discuss the role with the current Editor, developed and expanded to include do please contact John Trevitt on kindred trades and techniques, in This, the twenty-ninth Print Networks
[email protected].