I, Adams. Power Printing Press
3 Sheets-Sheet l. I, ADAMS. POWER PRINTING PRESS, 3 E G e 3. E res e 3 Sheets Sheet 2. I. ADAMS. POWER PRINTING PRESS, Reissued Apr. 20, 1858. 3 Sheets Sheet 3. I, ADAMS. POWER PRINTING PRESS, Reissued Apr, 20, 1858 6 72X UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ISAAC ADAMS, OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. IMPROVEMENT IN THE PRINTING-MACHINE CALLED A POWER PRNTING-PRESS, Specification forming part of Letters Patent dated October 4, 1830; extended seven years; again extended by ac of Congress from August 16, 1856, to March 2, 1864; Reissue No. 546, dated April 20, 1858, To all whom it may concern. : Be it, known that I, ISAAC ADAMs, of Bos In this figure the notive-power is shown as ton, in the county of Suffolk and State of applied to a horizontal shaft, the main wheel Massachusetts, have invented a new and use. upon the vertical shaft being a level gear (see ful and Improved Printing-Machine, which I also Fig. 20) and put on the shaft just above term a “Power Printing-Press;' and I do the crank, and being driven by a pinion (see hereby declare that thc same is described and Fig. 28) upon the horizontal driving-shaft car. represented in the following specification and rying the fly-wheel B, Fig. 3. Such driving the accompanying drawings, making a part shaft may be turned by any sufficient steady of this specification, in which mechanical power; or it may be moved by Figure 1 denotes a side elevation of such manual power by the use of a winch or land.
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