HON. J A η ES «. BLAINE mid Tub actual THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, WANTS. EE ESTATE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, retrenchment effected the AJL MISCELLANEOUS. THE PRESS COL.. ROBEBT ti. by INCEBNOIiL, late over that the Congress oi last year Is be- Published every day (Sundays excepted) by will speak at Booksellers and Stationers. tween eleven and twelve millions Wanted. For Sale. THURSDAY AUG. 24, '76 instead of HOYTdt FOGG, No. 91 Middle Street. IM0RMN6» Augusta, Saturday, Sept. 2. as claimed. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., SITUATION as Organist in Portland or vicin- Ten miles from Portland, in thirty The increase of the 4. cav- A ity. Best of reference Address, on Farmjkgton, Monday, Sept. given. Windham, Stage Road to Bridg- ilry force by 2,500 men to fight the At 109 Exchange St., Poktland. BLACKSTONE, ton, thirty acres of 1:111a, Book Binders. We do not read anonymous letters and communl- South Paris. Tuesday, Sept. 5. savages Dow mowing, augl6dtf 6£ Street. pastille and under- oations. The nam< are in will cost which Teems: DoiUrs a Tear in advance. Tc woodland; WM. A. ((IIM'V, rtooni It, Printers' aDd address of the writer Bridgtox, Wednesday, Sept. 8. $1,500,000, reduces the pre Eight ^drained where and Seven Dollars a Year it in ad- needed, in a Exchange, No. Ill HI. all cases not tor lioua of mail subscribers paid state of with Exchange indispensable, necessarily publication Biddefobd, Thursday, Sopt 7. economy thirteen millions to eleven* good cultivation, one aero of HIHiLL 4k 35 Plum vance. muck : one mile from Church and Poet. HHACKFOBD, No. but as a guaranty ci good iaith. WAWTEDJ Office: halt Street. ind a halt, The New York mile from Tribune, apeak- School; three miles from Railroad. Story We canDOt nndeitake to return or reserve commu- STATE TRESS at 51 Slrfet ; aUo and a half house with blinded and Tltey (the framers of the Comtitution) left rp*. ng of the retrenchment, remarks : THE MAINE Spring ell. furnished that are not convenient ΗΤΑ BLE. nications used. BOARDERNto let a nice and throughout, with cement cellar,wood, ice, hen house Carpenters and Builders. olulion organized wtrnerer it should be are a it a There great voters io every Thursday Morning 82.50 on the and with barn all in condition many thoughtful published Inquire premiee»* aug9dlw*ttf yard good ; orchard of WIIITNKY & demanded by the of a the if in advance at $2.00 a MEANS, Pearl Street, op- public opinion mate ; country who will say, in the first year, paid year. young thirfty trees, grapes, pear, and emaller the place, plum posite Park. Evbuy regular attache of the Press is furnished left it with to SNAP the lie of that it was nut a dillictilt task or fruits in bearing. Also the crops and farming tools power Con- one that in- Rates of Advertising : Onu inch of the Wanted. volved space, including twenty tons of hay, at a hargaiu. Inuuirè with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. federation an a nation might break a any great discrimination or any per- ot constitutes a Live for the best business in the of W. H. Furniture—Wholesale and sonal or length column, "square." P»pw Agents paying VINTON. ESQ., Middle Street, Retail. Editor. All and to REPEL party sacrifices on the part of a Demo- first 75 cents week OVJ State. not Call and Portland, Pullen, railway, steamboat and hotel treaty» COERCION ana $1.50 per square dally week; per Experience necessary. or DR. HUNTINGTON, on the premises. WAMEK COREY & CO., Arcade, No. cratic House to cut down the after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; oontinuing see for youreelt at Room 5, Boyd's Block, cor. Middle IS managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding nation might KEPEL INVASION. appropriations augl7 dti *frre Street. tor a Republican Administration. They bad every other day after first week, 50 cents. and Exchange Sts., Portland. of to our S. J. in GEOBGE A. No. 5β Ex- credentials every person claiming represent TILDES', 1860. to Half square, three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one jy29d5w* J. HATHAWAY. WHITNEY, everything gam by making a cheap repata- For St. of all tion as week, 50 cents per week after. Sale. change I'phohceriug kind» Journal. reformers, and to lose leav- $1.00; done to order. nothing by Special Notices, one third additional. Wanted, Η Ε new, two-story house, No. 12 Ellsworth St. Not one rent. Ill· a Black Republican ing the several departments of government Under head of "Amusements" and "Auction Contains ten rooms, for under the of a first-class France to Sebago, piped gas, War and Black Republicans may foot the disadvantage lack of sufficient Sales," $2.00 per square per week ; three insertions girl. Apply thoroughly built, dry and pleasant location. Will be Horse Slioers. means to on W. Κ bill·. They'll *ct of it carry their business. Theie was or ONE DANA, sold on the enough before they less, $1.50. reasonably. Inquire premises. E. nOBRILL & YOUNG, Experienced gain for them at both βη(*8 of the the "Main* jy20iltf Saccarappa, Me. E. I can tell transaction. Advertisements inserted In State augSdtt C. AVE RILL. Uoriw shoei'H at No. 70 Pearl St. get through yon. I1 bey made themselves Press" has a circulation in popular by retrench- (which large every part novSdtf JOHN C. TALBOT m 1861. ment, and their of [he State) tor $1 00 per square tor first insertion, opponent* unpopular by de- them of and 50 cents per sq uare for each subsequent insertion. LOST AND FOUND. priving tbe means oi administering Address ail communications to for Sale. Pattern and Model Maker. the government It Cottage ;'This war is a perfect outrage, and I satisfactorily was their J. i. BARBOUR, 230 Fore Street, Cor game, in fact, to cripple tbe resources of tbe PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. ot will lend no assistance to its prosecution. STORY Cottage, pleasantly s'tuated in West Crow, Portland. party io power. How far they have done this AUGray, with eight couvenient and beautifully SAMVEL J. TILDEN. in tbe business of retrenchment remains to be rooms. Good stable connected. Garuen finished Photographer. seen. Then, » io, tbe iact will not be lost ENTERTAINMENTS. A mniiber of and fruit trees, hard and soft water. All in con- sight unreceipted Bills good American anil most A. S. OA of the voters to whom Mr. dition for immediate Price and terms Nearly every State, foreign VIS & CO., No SO Middle Street. TUSH ON THE : by llanda'l appeals, ol the Portland Com- occupancy. have bestowed medals the UIASOtt COLUMN that the Publishing liberal. For of countries, upon Democratic party has not such a particulars inquire & HAITI LI Ν ORtiAIY for over all pany. The finder will conter a E. UPHAM & CO., superiority From every of the state come the most record as tbu advocate of that ibis Ball ! whether native or The sale of these Plumbers. part economy Grand Masquerade favor the same at this Mo. 7 St. others, foreign. spasm should be at by leaving augSdlm Exchange instruments is JAMES MILLER, No. 91 Federal Street accepted onoe and without unparalled. of the success of tho as Friday Evening, Aug. 25,1876, Office. cbeeriug reports Repub- question evidence of its actual spirit and For Sale· purpose. There >s Mr. Kiudall himself, who — lican — PRICES REDUCED. Seal Estate Agents. canvass. is not AND Victory only assured, has been tbe in all tbe retrench- Lost HATTIE E. SAMPSON, 230 61-100 tons JOHN C. leading spirit PROCTER, No. 9» Exchange but we reason ment measures, the most tuculent about seven SCHR.burthen, Ν. M., well found in sails and rigging, have to believe that it will be reformer of Grand Ball Saturday Evening, Aug. 26th, EVENING, August 11th, Street. them between G. C. Shaw's Tea &c. Apply to MICA H SAMPSON. all, who certainly is not fortunate in his — AT — FRIDAYo'clock, Store, and FOR one of those old time victories for six- own record on 246 Brackett (new number,) by way of Pine Street, jnc21dtf 100 Commercial St. M'PBML & CO.'S GOLD MEDAL PRESIDENT, which, tme point. That gentleman was OCEAN 1IOUME, Old Orchard Bcach. Stair Builders. a Brown Morocco focket Bo«b, containing quite willing, when be and his party bad no re- 85. V. lilBBV. teen years, have electrified our brethren ES***Board $2 per day. ao23T&T2t about sixty dollars in two rolls of bills; around ore Ilonsc for Sale. IVo. 259 Fore Street, cor. sponsibility for legislation, not only to sit by roll of bills was note for twenty-five and Cross in Delano's Mill. RUTHERFORD B. HA and see the dollars, GOOD con- YES, the and the expenses of the Government in- about one dollar in change. The finder will be 2£ story house, centrally located, ZPZLA-ZtsTOS Cw. L·. throughout country given key ten finished with HOOPER, Cor· York and maple creased by the notorious bnt to liberally rewarded by leaving the same with W. J. A taining rooms, furnace, gas, Streets, OF OHIO. back-pay grab, Sebago, and good There is a garden, note of national in November. Our vote for and the ALDEN, Eastern Express Office, Plum Street drainage. good IIAVE NO SUPERIOR! triumphs aotively promote passage of with Grape vines, Strawberries, Gooseberries. Cur- tbe bill and in bis own BASE BALL ! aug!4 dtf Fan vice; president, old put pocket bis share of and I lum connected with the foe bis defeat. lie is ou the rants, Raspberries 6, Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware· recognizes the proceeds. When Mr. Randall rises in Con- house. Auply to CHARLES CUSTIS & CO., 493 From Ex-Gov. Chamberlain, President of Bovjdoin J. A. AIEHRILL A 139 middle Ht gress and claims credit for a Congress Street. College, Maine. CO., WILLIAM A. WHEELER, run. We have only to follow up the reformer, voters jy7dtf good who bave memories will BOARD. Brunswick. Me., Nov. 35, 1875. J. A. MERRILL. ▲. KEITH. be very likely to look OF NEW JYOEK, work begun to roll up a of ftftfen behind his facts and for motives. House Lots lor Sale. Messrs. A. M. MoPhail & Co.: majority figures Our of Boston Gentlemen:—After more than two years' trial the thousand. as in the the Boys' LOT of land 130 feet front by 100 feet deep, Piano Forte from your honse fully justifies the high COPARTNERSHIP. FOR GOVERNOR, Now, past, enemy The vs A centrally loeated, and in a good neighborhood. expectations with which it was selected. It is a su- Cincinnati Enquirer is getting along There is water and a sewer in the will growl and howl. We know the tactics of BOARDERS. gas, Sebago street. perb instrumnit, and has been so pronounced by in to CHARLES CUSTIS & 493 very nicely crow-eating. It not only swal- Apply CO., Congress guests who would be recognized everywhere as com- Emeey Street. I PillsjUBY, & Co. They lead as in lows a Resolutes FEW Hmgle <»ciitlemen can be ac- jy7dti petent judges. teel that this commendation is fair- DISSOLUTION. daily tation, but actually pretends that A commodated wiili pieaaant rooms ly due, and I give it lreely and cordially. SELDEN_CONNOK. and For Presidential Elector». 1801, 1868 1872. Give no heed to their it likes the bird for diet. Not PRESUMPSCOT and nice board in a private family on For Sale or Kent. Yours most respectfully, The firm of TRUE, VICKERY & CO, Manufac- steady long PARK, Deering Street- For lernin, to JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN. turers anil Dealers in viz: UPRIGHT PIAKOS tle the accounts of the firm. The businesswill be con- First District— S V L V ESTE Κ LITTLEFIELD, forts to create dissensions in Republican Friday, August MA SQUARE " tinued at the old stand, No. 180 Fore St., by Jabez Second, I. WARREN MERRILL. Xilden : ADMISSION, 35 CENTS. first True. JABEZ TRUE, Third " BENJAMIN METCALF. ranks. They lied in 1804, in 1808 and in Pleasant Front Booms to Let thoroughly class, " There are a few GEO. A. VICKERY. Fourth J. W. PORI ER. facts concerting Mr. Tilden Gna< called at 3 o'clock. aug23d3t Portland, Aug. 1876. " 1872. have met with no of which we trust will sink into the minds of with Wholesale or ftclail, at very Low Prices. 15th, augl8dlw Fifth SETH L. MILLIKEN. They change Board, Apply at 75 Free St. Hoo«e, IVo. 16 Kmery Street· Western aud Southern Democrats.* * · iiirurrEVTriiwiia ~%r mw vrrw» heart or Let us but He a fflTHIS House is very thoroughly built and in For purpose. keep steadily is hj puerile, a political scoundrel, has PORTLAND MUSEUM. apr29 dtf Representatives l*3Consrm: JL perfect repair. It contains 15 rooms, hath Ions; been a public plunderer, and is real!; the hot First District—THOMAS B. REED. earnestly at our work, which is to take every room, and cold water, water closets, gas, Sebago, TRUTH IS MIGHTY aM WILL PREVAIL." oui; disreputable candidate nam- " WILLIAM Ρ prominently furnace, &c. The lot contains nearly 7000 square Warerooms 3 Free Street Block, Second FRYE. ed on the « means to out Replb- Democrat·# side. TO LET feet, a fine garden with pears, grapes, shrubs, &c. Third STEPHEN 1>. LINDSEY. legitimate bring every '· " The location is one of the most desirable in the city. EDWIN FLYE, (Vacancy). The same remarked further in re- PORTLAND. " t.tcan vote. See that vour neighbor i» in· journal One-third of the price may remain on mortgage. Fourth LLEWELLYN POWERS. • of S. H. Fifth " EUGENE gard to Mr. Tilden; To Let. Inquire McALPlNE, HALE. terested. Watch the wiles of the old Farewell of (he jul6dtf 205 Middle Street. against If elect;d he wonld take to the Engagement pop· desirable furnished room to let at 87 SAMUEL THURSTON, White House ular Artist For the worst set of YERYSpring street (old number). Terms $2 per Senator». foe. Meet him at A little over political jobbers and thieves For Sale or to Let* myll AGEST FOB MAINE. dly every point. week. New number 219. aul8dlw* Androscoggin..B. F. STURGIS, ever seen in Washington, and that is saying a house centrally located. Will ex- C B. JORDAN. two weeks remain. In that time one earnest »ood deal. It could not but be that a man ed- To Let. BOARDINGchange for real estate in this city or vicinity. Aroostook P. P. BURLEIGH. ucated in cnnnlng, in hypocrisy, and in to Pearl St. iu every or school iniqui- Apply 27 jul4tf LEA & PERKINS' Cumberland....JAMES BAILEY, Republican neighborhood ty, and nominated in corrontion and in shame· ROUT September lut, Ihe lower truc- -OF A- PHILANDER Mr. Jos. F.Wheelock TOLMAN, less even ulent his millions could A «I house No. 30 Brown 8t. In· EBEN T. NUTTER, district in Maine can increase our majority effrontery, though For Sale. elect woJld us quire on the premises aug16dtf CELEBRATED WARREN II. VINTON. him, give the most corrupt Ad- more than five votes. New two story French-Roofed House, POLICE Hancock W. W. BRAGDON, thousand minis.ration the country has ever known. MONDAY, AUG. 28, To cNo. 422 Cumberland St., containing four- PRONOUNCED BY EXTRACT fiOSTON OFFICER. AMBROSE WHITE. Let. of Maine : The skies are "teen rooms fitted up with furnace, gas, from Kennebec JOHN Republicans Tub TENEMENT of ofa LETTER a WOODBURY, following Hayes straws indicate the Bouse No. ►Sebago water, and all the modern im- CONNOISSEURS GRANVILLE T. STEVENS. 736 MEDICAL GEN- brïght. awaits us. Leetcr Wallack's Society Comedy in five acts LOWERCoujtreu Street. Cull ut house. provements of & first-claes house. Inquire of JOR- IÏ. R. SI EVENS: Knox JOSHUA L.JORDAN. Victory Push on direction in which the political wind is blow- au15 TLEMAN at Madias I took sick about nine dtf DAN BROS., No. 11 Daniorth St. TO BE THE Dear Sir—From exposure Oxford SAMUEL D. WADS WORTH. apr4dti from which 1 τπε a Presidential vote was to his brother at years ago with Rheumatic Fever, suf- JAMES IRISH. column! ing. August 18, tak- months. Wheh I recovered from the WORCESTER, May, fered about four Sneadaboc THOMAS W. HYDE. en on the Maine Central train of which CKcar HOTEL TO LEASE. "OWL, Γ GOOD fever 1 found myself suffering with pain in my side 1851. Waldo ISAAC M. BOARD.MAN, Tilden α and constipation, which brought On the piles. I con- "Is Gav. Perjurer?" Williams is conductor which resulted as fol- PARK ! FOR_SALE. "Tell LEA & PER- ORIN LEONARD. CENTRAL him over for «at- sulted a and $200 THE NEW ENGLAND Six first-class Houses for sale at a bargain, SAUCE·" KINS that their physician, paid Washington. ...COL. A. B. SUMNER, This is the startling caption of an article lows : HOUSE, and all the while I was grow- all less than ten minutes walk from the Post Sauce is es- tending me, gradually A. NASH. PORTLAND, MAINE. highly worse. Then one after another was ?n the New York Times cf As the an 1 Wheeler 19 Office, City. And applicable to teemed in and ing pnysician York USHER B. THOMPSON, Tuesday. Hayes With a Powerful Cast of Characters. M India, until seven of the best physicians of Bos- ΊiMen aud Hendricks 10 Two houses and three lots of land in is in my the employed, URANUS O. BRACKET! is furnished Mr. Tildea himself on House contains 40rooms and two Providence, opinion, taken case in hand. proof by Neutial Stores; is R. for sale or ton had my JOSEPH IIOBSON. 2 situated the L, exchange for Portland EVERY VARIETY] most palatable, as Sale of seats at Music Store THE opposite passenger station of the Also first-class property. On consultation between several of the leading phy- oath, one can but conclude, after an exami- begins Stockbridge's Truck mortgage paying 10 per cent, will ex- well as the most For Sheriff. On the same a vote was taken on John m. Grand Railway, and in the immediate they concluded my complaint was asthma day ThursdayΛ 8 o'clock a. au24dtf vicinity, change for a first-class yacht. Inquire of OF DISH wholesome Sauce sicians, nation and nearer than any other Hotel to the of ar- and I had great difficulty in breath- Cumberland....WILLIAM Η DRESSER. thereof, that this zealous advocate of point £. PONCE, that is made." general debility. Jewett's train between Brunswick and Port- rival and departure of the European, Halifax, New and an inhaler was required to afford me breath. Kennebec WM. H. LIBBY. aprlBdtf Cor. Middle and Exchange Sts. ing, honesty and reform U self-jonvicted of that land York and Boston Steamers, and the terminus of the Through the treatment of one physician I took from Knox A. T. LOW. which resulted as follows : Horse Railway to the western part of the city and 75 to 100 boxes of calomel pills, and faithfully tried Oxford JOSIAH W.WHITTEN. offence. Hayes and Wheeler 40 Maine State Fair suburbs. Address all the medicine that each physician prescribed. PATRICK Κ. M ILL AY. Tilded and Hend.lcks MOUSE LOTS Sagadahoc These are the facti. A Democratic war IS AUG. P. FULLER, From my long sickness, and the vast amount of med- Waldo FRED S. WALL. Neutral 4 1u24deodtf Portland, Me. icine used to overcome the great pain, my kidneys Washington.. ..ISAAC WILDER. rendered it for the Government to necessary A vote was also FOR SALE !» necame badly affected, and 1 suffered excruciating York THOMAS TARBOX. taken the same day on the with in eiiact an income tax law. It was in To Let. pain in the small of my back, great difficulty For Commiwioncr. passed Boston & Maine train between Portland PHMPn Oft ST. JOHN STKEEÏ urine. County and FM, Rooms passing my with board in a fam- 1S61 and went into in the ot private One said I was diseased all through my Androscoggin..HIRAM W. BRIGGS. operation spring Saco with the result: FURNISHEDily. House çontains all modern Terms reasonable and to LEA & PERRINS' physician following improvements. easy payments. Apply system, and he regretted that he couli give me no Aroostook JAMES W. AMBROSE. 1862. For the 1S62 and 1G60 Mr. Til- Location Congress Square. address P. O. Box years Haves and Wheeler ». 35 PORTLAND, 897, hope for health. My suffering ftom indigestion was Cumberland. ...JOHN L SWIFT. Portland, Me. ju23dtf SIGNATURE is on EVERY BOTTLE. Kennebec D. H. THING. den made the returns and Tilden anil Hend-icLs ...23 ST. JOHN SMITH, so great that it was impossible to keep any solid food required by law, Knox JAMES Jb. Undecided 11 on my stomach, and the whole nature of my food was GIVEN, made oath that his iiicome as therein stated 29, 31 and Boarding House to Let for a Term myl3dtl 31 1- J Exchange 81. broth from oatmeal. Oxford CHARLES O KENDKXTER, During the past two weeks oar Democratic August 30, BENE. I also took a prescription from a celebrated &ng- Sagadahoc F. MARBLE. was a full and exact statement "of all gains, of Years. j iv. friends haven't much faith in 1876. lisli who said my trouble was Bronchitis I waiao υ. i/EjAH-U. put "straws." Sept. 1, physician, York JOSEPH profits or income derived from kind of fl^HAT commodious three story brick house on the F. 6, Patterson's Real Estate and Dyspepsia. I took eighteen bottles of medieine BRAGDON, Jk. any X corner of Free and Cotton streets, with especially prepared for Dyspepsia, and I have used a For County Attorney. property, rents, interest, dividends, salary, On two occasfous the agent of the Asso- finished rooms fitted with all mod- from twenty BULLETIN. great deal of mediciue apothecaries' prescrip- Aroostook WM M ROBINSON. em conveniences, been I have taken until could profession, trade, or vocation or ciated Press at Biddeford has so used OF having just repair- JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, tion. Sarsaparilla you Cumberland....CHARLES F. LIBBY. employment notably TRIAL SPEED. ed and renovated from the and indeed I have thoroughly garret JIOJIllY count the bottles by dozen, Hancock GEORGE P. DUTTON. from any other source Irom Jan. 1 to Dec. bis position for partisan, or rather to cellar, is now an attractive house for is TO LOAM all the advertised medicine a personal boarding: jy20dlawlyTh NEW YORK. given nearly popular Kennebec K. F. WEBB. centrally situated, and will be leased on reasonable fair I had a dreadful and did not aver- 1862." Mr. Tilden swore that his in- that we feel to warn our first class Real Estaie security, in Portland, trial. cough, Oxford GEORGE D. BISBEE. 3t, purposes obliged FIRST DAY, Entry Book 37, terms. Inquire of E. E. UPHAM & CO at No. 7 or over two hours a for 8 years. ON vicinity—Rents collected, taxes paid, etc., on age sleep night Sagadahoc WM.T. HALL come from all these sources w?s readers to news from source street. me to but §7,1 IS. give that none Exchange augl-lm* Commission. Houses bought and sold. to F. DOBBINS' STARCH A brother policeman urged try Yegetine, ..CHAS. B. ROUNDS. 9900 parse for Green Hor»eo. Apply POLIShI I dis- Washington.. $125* G. in Real Estate. Office for a longtime refused, having got completely York .WILBUR F. LUNT. Upon that sum he paid the income tax. For of that credit to which the despatches of that 995: H5«0 for 3.30 PATTERSON^dealer 379j so much medicine without 850, parse clans, For Kent. Congress street, Williams' Block, between Myrtle couraged from taking any 930O, $195· 975; $150 purse for 5 year however, after urgent I conclud- For County Treasurer. the nine years which the income tax law was Association are entitled. The there Is PLEASANT and Pearl streets. au28tf benefit; persuasion agent old class, 9IOO, 930, 990. Rents, $7 aud $10 per month. ed to it, and before I had used one bottle 1 could .F. MERRILL. W. try Androscoggin. in force af;er 1S63 Mr. Tilden made no re- an enterprising gatherer of news, but his de. 2 W. CARR, eat and hold on my etomacb a beefsteak, a thing I Aroostook LEWIS B. JOHNSON. jy19dtf 197 SECOND Book Newbuyy St. had not been able to do before for years ; indeed, J Cumberland. ...LEWIS McLELLAN. turn, but allowed the assessors to "doom" sire to have a near relative write "M. C." DAY, Entry 38. Marblized Slate Mantles obtained more substantial benefit from the first bot- Hancock LUTHER LORD, To him to such a tax as he after his name has the better of Let. tle of Vegetine than irom all other medicines which Kennebec ALANSON STARK. pay they thought got his dis- Belt (for I on and on us Champion Slaliions.) tenement of house No. 2£6 Spring St., I had taken. kept improving, kept Knox O. D. F ALES. should pay. In 1876, when Mr. Tilden w?s cretion. LOWERcorner of May. Terms moderate. Apply to ing the Vegetine, until I was perfectly cured and able Oxford GEORGE H. WATKINS. 8350 3.38 clam, «150. 875, and well calied to answer as a in the pane, 835; J. M. ST ED M AN, 145 Commercial St., or MAT- to do duty all day, eat digest my food, sleep Sagadahoc .WM. B. TAYLOR. upon defendant 8150 parte, 4 year old class, SIOO, I am now 40 heavier than I ever Governor Chamberlain of South Car- 850, TOCKS & FOX, 31* Exchange St. jylSdtf at niçht, and pounds Washington... .IGNATIUS SARGENT. suit him the JO. in life, and as I a living brought against by St. Louis, 9 was before my am, lhink, York EZREFF H. BANKS. onua uas uy nis treatment oi contradiction of the prophecies of the most learned Alton & Terre Haute Railroad be wnipperas To Let· For Register of Probate· Company, THIRD Book 39 medical talent of New Eng and, for with all their well a» well as by previous acts proved that DAY,~Entry Yacht Alarm, 28 combined wisdom they could not accomplish so much Androscoggin..GEORGE S. WOODBURN. made oath that during the year 1£62 he re- tons, thoroughly lie is a real reformer. If the Democrats of equipped and furnished. Has superior ac- as that simple vegetable medicine called Vegetine, to Aroostook NICHO'AS FESSENDEN. 9900 purse, 9.50 class, 9195, 950, 995: ceived as salaries from the bonOlioldera of commodations. Will be let by or week which I am indebted for health, life, and happiness. Kennebec CHARLES HE WINS. South Carolina 9300 purse, 9.34 class, $175, 9&5, 940; day really desired reform they to responsible parties. A trood pilot in EUGENE E. SULLIVAN, Knox T. T. PIERCE. that road Lhe sum of $29,009 ! purse* 3 year olds, 9 in 3, $100 Here, Ài'charge. Apply to D. H. BURNS, Shipping 367 Athens Street, Police Station 4. Oxford HERRICK C. DAVIS. would support him. He has firmly opposed 30. 990. is an income from a source oi 5150 Office, 167 Fore St., or on board. Sagadahoc CYRUS W. LONGLEY, then, cingle jyl5dtf aggression and violence either white or Suffolk, ss„ Boston., Nov. 22d, 1875. Waldo BOHAN P. FIELD. almost $13 OOO more than he made oath by LAST DAY, Entry Book 40. Then personally appeared the above named Eu- Washington... M. H. WILDER. black, the elevation of ignorant men to office and made oath that the York JViOSES S, SAFFORD. in 1S62 that he derived from all sources. TO LIST ! gene E. Sullivan, foregoing the me. aud killing of voters because of their $900 purse, 9.45 class, 9195, 950. 995; statement is true, before For Judge of Probate. This is no campaign story—no Blank lie- free for all HOSEA B. BOWEN. 9500 parse, Maine Horses, WHOLESALE Ail) RETAIL Aroostook HENRY R. color or political opinions. Room in the Second Story oi the Justice of the Peacc, DOWNES. lie» Mr. Tilden has sworn to both 9300,9195,975. Hancock PARKER TUCK. publican Printers' Exchange, with |>ower il We have of MESSRS SHEPARD & Co.. purchased Kennebec H. K. BAKER. the above statements. It is the testimony of The very remarkable solicitude wbich the required. Arpiy to PRESS OFFICE their entire stock of mantels and have been appointed A GREAT Further Proof. Knox Ε. M WOOD. CONDITIONS. DISCOVERY! Samuel J. and that or to B. THLRSTON Λ CO., Ill by the May field Slate Co. soleagents for Portland Sagadahoc WASHINGTON GILBERT. Tilden, by testimony he Argus so suddenly exhibits respecting the re- are for mile best aud for all manufactured them. All these purses trotting heats, Exchange Street. vicinity goods by By the use of which every family may give their Waldo. PHILO HERSEY. is a SELF-CONVICTED PERJURER ! belief of in in under the National rules. ligious individuals, reminds one of 3 5, harness, ocl2 dtt Linen that brilliant jtolish peculiar to line laundry Washington.... J. A. MILLIKEN. We hare ou hand the WILL TELL. Mr. Entry fees, 10 per cent of purse, one-half to be largest and beet as- work Saving time and lahor in ironing, more than FACTS York NATHANIEL HOBBS. Tilden, however, is very earnest for the couplet : sent with the entry, to be forfeited if the horse does sortment ot any house in the stale. BUI JLO- its entire coet. Warranted. Ask for Dobbins'. House to Let For Clerk of Courts. and Reform." The devil was e'ek, the deO a monk would not start, and the other half to be paid to the EU8ANP C ON Τ Κ AC TO It* wil find it to "Honesty be, H. R. Stetess, Esq.: Tbe devil was the devil a monk was he. before in tbe race. INDIA ST., in Cammett between Con- thekJ* to call and examine our Aroostook RANSOM NORTON. well, Secretary starting O/l Block, advantage DOBDinW, HKO, & CO , Sir—Allow me to say a word in favor of Veg- CP** and Federal 13 Dear Knox G T. SLEEPER. Entries close August 18th, and must be addressed gress Sts., containing rooms, goods. I have suffered from a Sound Advice. The fact that the Democratic is and Possession etine. During the past year Waldo W. G. FRYE. party very to SAMUEL WASSON, East Surry, 01 A. L. DRN- gas Sebago. given immediately. Ap- MUTTER BROS. & CO. 13 N. Fourth Ml., Phila. of diseases. I laid in bed from the 3d of I to JAS. R. LUNT complication York AMOS L. ALLEN. Tbe in sick now Maine account NISON, Portland. aug24dtf ply &CO., Druggists, until the middle of tde June, 1 Dover, (Ν. H.) Enquirer noticing just throughout may 546 November following ju28dtf Congress Street. i9 Ilurkal a For to the contest in Square Porllauil Me. AT HOOD, S TEA DTI A Ν & CO., and on an average did not sit up two hours week ; Representatives Legislature. this District, makes the lollow- for this new-born zeal. PORTTj-AJSTD district su!7 eodtf I had eight of the best physicians in the State, but Gorham FREDERICK ROBIE. iug timely suggestions to Republicans : House to Let. Sole AïcdU for lîloîao. got no help, and constantly grew worse. They agreed Gray CHARLES E. LIBBY. Is it Sam Bard whom Postmaster and kid- General CAMP IHEETIWG T(VQVIRE of DR. JOHNSON, the Dent- apr!3 ThS&Tly that I had heart disease, phthisis, pyaemia We rejoice to learn that the pro:pect for and could never be better. I Jewell tnrned out JSL ist, oyer £1. XX. XJlay's, foot of Free Nt. ney complaint, any the election of Mr. the Re- of the post-office because in 50 which is for triumphant Reed, At Martha's Grove, Fryeburg, Me., jo30 dtf was reduced weight pounds, much, he THE FAVORITE FUEL. thin. Mass publican candidate, is improving with every was "to unanimous" who is to speak Commences Angnat 98th and clones Mon- I am naturally Republican Meetings 1 In June, finding I was failing under the treatment day's work. There ought to be no doubt wilhE. F. in day, Sept. 4th. To Lei. <Λ» Pillsbury Maine? If a fellow of the physicians, I commenced the use ot Vegetine, whatever in this hitherto reliable district, lirst-clasô Tenements in the earnest persuasions of friends, and I am «or. 8ELDEN CONNOR, had time and patience he find oat Board'during the Week, $5.00. Board per Single to let Fremont Portland Es- through and we trust that when our might Pawnbroiiug to with results. I have gained ten Republican Day, $1.25. Breakfast and Supper, each, 50 cts. TWOPlace, opposite Park Inquire of E. PONCE, happy state, good COL·. BOBEBT V. lNGKBNOI.l,, of III., from the files that Bard was a corner Middle and or in and can sit all walk half a friends there take tbe whole signiucancy of Argus very Dinner. 60 cts during the week, Exchange St, JOHN C.PROC- puunds weight, up day, n»N. J Λ 11 Κ Η «. Lodging including 25 ride six. BLAINE, this election in ils the lot a Bed and Bedding, $2.50. Single Lodging, 40 cts. TER, Exchange St. ju24tf tablishment î mile and bearing upon presiden- bad when Republican. I am greatly encouraged, and shall continue using will as follows : there will no 'tleetioe will com- speak tial coutest, be single Republi- A Temperance Camp Vegetine if I can it. I am a poor man, but To Lei. Money to lead from 25 cents to thousands of dol- the get can vote wiiholden from The accuses Col. ol mence at same place. Rlonday P. ffl., Seot. truth of this statement I refer to man in 2 in. Mr. lteed. It is Argus Ingersoll lars at low rates of interest. Watchep, dia- for the any Dover, Thursday, Aug. 21th, p. 4tb and continue until Wednesday, rooms at No. 10 Atlantic street, up stairs or of the that the monds» Jew* Iry, Clothing, Notes. JTBort- Goffstown vicinity. Yours, very thankfully, Basqob, Friday, Aug. 23th, 2 p. m. great^U importance Republi- flippant mention of the Sun. Alas, it is to be Sept 6th. /· Gas, Sebago, Cemented &c. A A. BUR BECK. SIX Cellar, very gagee, l

How not to do It. The German CÎrcat Centennial HOTEL DIRECTORY, ΤΞΞ Jew Line to Ν, "When enemies threaten Brooklyn, Y forfolk, Baltimore & Washington BOSTON" With musket or fist, CHOLERA MIXTURE, NO CHANGE OF CARS the Hotel? In the at which. βτΕΛηβηΐρ uni — AKD The way to resist them For Cholera, Diarrhoea. Cholera Infantum and all Embracing leading State, Between Ronton an«l Harlem Biver. Is—not to resiet. Summer Complaint, Pain in the Breast or the Pbess mav always be found. Side, Daily Express Trains, with Pullman Four lime· a week. and for in the Stomach or Lakes Stomach, Cramp Limbs, Palace Cars leave of New York Sound Copperhead IT HAS NO Rangeley Depot (MIILADKLPIIIA doctrine! EQUAL. AD8CBN 'and New R. R„ at First Clae· HteaBihif And so tney assume Dose —From ten to twenty England Boston, drops. Children, Court· 81· W. 8· & A. —"VIA. 9.00 A. M. Passengers arrivé at The way to from one to five film House, ITonng JOHNS HOPKINS. WM. CRANE. Line. resumption drops. falton Street, at 5 P. M. Steamship Is—not to resume. E. L. 19 IWelborne Proprietor». Brooklyn, Baggage WM. LAWRENCE. GEORGE APPOLD. DYER, St., Portland hecked through. For Tickets and all information AGENT FOR MAINE. From Bouton direct every TUESDAY ,pply at 403 or foot LeaTO each port k As Hendricks For sale at all AIICIJSTA. Office, Washington St., Depot every Wed's'y Sat'd'y. and Tildcn Grocery Stores. Agents wanted, ΜΒΜΙΙΤΟΝ ! ! if Summer St., Boston. and SATURDAY. PHILLIPS — These doctrines State St. Harrison Bah. — AND aftect, augl d'2m-lm* Augusta Home, JB ), P. CLARK, A. C. KENDALL, The to elect way them er, Proprietor. The and direct Gen. Gen. Pass. WM. KENNEDY. BLACKSTONΕ. \o Is—not to elect. original only route to the Rangeley Manager. Agent. and afcCLELLAN. Wharfage. Cony Hou«c» G* Α. A' II. Cony· Proprie Lakes to by jy25 T,Th&S2m —New York Tribune. tors. Prom Proridence every WEDNESDAY From and SATURDAY. Long Wharf, Boston, 3 p.m. "ί-k. From Pine Street I'hila- BATH. forwarded from Norfolk to and Wliarf, 4 Bulfiach Maine Central Railroad Fieight Washington delphia, at 10 a. m. THE FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. No. St., Boston, | DBRW Llexandria by steamer Lady of the Lake and Jane 4*1 Insurance one M Bath Hotel, C. 1H. Piummer, Proprietor QUICK DESPATCH. I m JTfiî \ half the rate ο (Opposite Revere to and thence the old fo—hp. vessel!. Houae.) Farm'ngton by reliable Stage from Norfolk to line to the Lakes. Freight forwarded Petersburg and BOSTON. and Va. and Tenn. R. R. to all in Freight for the West by the Penn. R. R., and South Round Trip Tickets have been on sale from lichmond, places Ums of Blackberrie*. (ΤΊΙΑΏΛΜΑΒΚ)άνθος. «t. H. D. Parker· placed he W. M. 240 bj connecting lines forwarded free of Commission. THE House. School at .«1?.00. South, Clark, Agent, Washington St., SCIENCE OF LIFE ; Parker Boston Portland $11.00, Bath $ 10.00, Blackberry Fritters—Are made by Co., Proprietor·. Biunswick $9.7J, Lewiston $9,50. ioston. PASS AOS TEN DOLLARS: Or, OR To all of North and South Carolina Sea- a thick batter of flour and sour milk SFLF-PREMERVATION. WRITE TO B. Crocker, points by For or mixing St. James Hotel—J. Propri- card and Roanoke Railroad and Atlantic Coast Line Freight Passage apply to or cream as tor etor. pancakes, only quite stiff. j. P. Gaither 222 More Than One Million Sold. For Agent, Washington street, Boston. Κ. Β. NA.TIt'HO.N, Agent, If cream is used allow one more egg than for Copies Tremout House, Tremont St.-Chapin, Mooseliead Lake ! And to all pointi in the West by Baltimore & Ohio Λί Co. TO sour then stir thick with berries. Gold .Tied a I Awarded to (ûurney Proprietors. i. R., M. W. Davison, Agent, 219 Wasnington street, Jn»-ly !,«■« Wharf. B—I«n. milk, the Author by Tickets are now on sale to Mt. Kineo House a hot a Boston. Have kettle of lard, dip table- the "National Medical A two and return as follows: We would call the attention of ready ela- Β BUNS WICK, ME. respectfully Through bills of lading given by the above named spoon into lard, then take out a tion," March From Boston $15 00. Poitland, Bath Verchnuts and others to the superior facilities Norwich Line. the. spoonful 31st. 1870. P. & Κ. W. Β. Brunswick, Lgents. of batter and it into the Dining Booms, Field, and Lewiston $'2.00. Gardiuer $10*50. Augusta >ftered by the drop boiling lard; <4Tlie untold miseries that result from indiscretion Proprietor. Passage $12.50 to Baltimore. To Philadelphia $15, $10.00. For or REDUCED the will the batter from sttck- in life, be alleviated and cured. freight passage to Norfolk, Baltimore, Wash- RATFS ! grease prevent early may Those Special Rates will be given to Base Ball or Boat who doubt this assertion ELISiABBTH. ngton, or other information to to the and will let it ofl in should purchase the new CAPE Cïubs and of her on Portland & apply To Sew York ing spoon drop parties, application to F. E. Worcester Line E. SAMPSON, Agent, nice Eat with Medical Work published by the Peabody Medical Rheumatism Ocean House—J. P.Chamberlain,Propri- BOOTH BY, Gen. Ticket oval shapes. syrup. entitled The Agent, Portland, 53 Centrai Wharf, Boston, To Philadelphia and Return, 10 00 Institute, Boston, Science of Life, or etor. PAYSON TUCKER, Supt. Maine Central R. R. Another Pudding—One of Self Preservation.' Price $1. Ε. H. ROCKWELL, Agent, pint milk, Vitality impaired by Ju23 no2dtf R. the errors of youth or too close to busi- Providence, two eggs, a pinch of salt, one of application CALAIS. ~ teaspoonful ness, may be restored and manhood regained. cream of tartar and half as much soda International Hotel, W. D. Nimyseii (or Also another valuable medical work treating is a disease that afflicts Portland & Rochester R. R. Freight Retiring Qûicï Despatch swo of sifted on Mental and Nervous Proprietor. Jery hoar Inter than auy other Monad l.inr, spoonfuls baking powder), with exclusively Diseases; over centum York at MAINE more than two hundred octavo 95 per of tbe Freight leaving New 5.00 p. ni., at Pier 40, North River, adioin- enough flour to make a stiff batter. Stir in royal pages, 20 COBNISH. andmg passengers bound in human race. Almost ev- On and after arrives in Portland 1.15 p. m. NEXT ing R. R. Ferry at Desbrosses New one of elegant engravings, substantial muslin. Monday, April, 3, 1870, Pennsylvania St., pint berries. Steam one hour in a Cornish B. Davis, BAY. York. Tickets at 205 or at Price only #2. Barely enough to pay for printing."— ery effort heretofore made House,M. Proprietor' Train· Washington St.. Depot, buttered dish or will runoi follow»: Freight leaving Portland at 'i.30 p. m., STEAMSHIP CO. mould. London Lancet. in the treatment of this foot of Summer St. jy25T.Th&S2oi DANVILLE JUNCTION. arrive» in New York β.ΟΟ a. m. NEXT Pickled Blackberries.—One pound of The "SCIENCE OF LIFE" aleo con- disease has been to allay l eave Po :lnud at 7.50 a. m., MORN1NO. Dininu Grand Trunk Bail, 4.00 rnd 6 one of one tain» MORE THAN FIFTY VALU ABLE the Clark's "all. 2.30, Op. m. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE sugar, pint vinegar, teaspoonful present suffering— M. W. ΓΙ1. way Depot, Clark. Proprieior. 7.5© Α. Ti£«n s ops. û ad stations between We take pleasure in referring you to all the Fish Ho For Mt. Desert. each of powdered cinnamon, cloves MEDICAL PRESCRIPTIONS, each trusting to luck to effect a allspice, Portland and Roches er. and runs Λ,οα^ΐιίο and Lobster Dealers, Produce and Boil on» of is worth Dealers, TO nutmeg. all together gently fifteen which the price of the cure. DR. P. J. GRIFFEN DKXTKB, Woicester. Arrives c tfocsieeier ?.. 10.00 a. Wholesale Dry floods Merchants. Whole SEW YORK. minutes, then add four of book. Λ CO., sitter rs of re- m., (wbe.e ijeoanec.sT.Ivh Eastern pad Bos- inlc Itlilliners and othejs of who FOUR TRIPS PER WEEK. quarts blackberries, ye:- merchants' Exchange HoM, Dexter, ffle & any Portland, and but not boil ton Maine xiailvopfs.) £'■ ΛΙαπΕια» r ; 1Î.17 ire now this route. scald, ten minutes more. "The Book for young and middle aged men to read search, now present to the W, K, iUorrill, Proprieior. shipping by a. m., kion eh »2. 5 m.. (toiiou t.lS p. m., Our in New Υοτκ is Pier North The can be omitted it now. is the Science of or Self landing 40, River, (SEE KEGI'UR Λ DVE KTIME.tl EXT.) spices preferred. just Life, Preservation. public the only A.?er Juwicl'oa V.. 9 ρ foot of The author has returned from in m., F^:tiba«s [Norwich Line, Canal Street ) Europe excellent EIiLSWOBTH. 1.25 p. m.. and at Worcester For raies and Blackberry Wine.—To every gallon of and is the Chief at2.10p. m., further information, apply to health, again Consulting Physician H. Sc trains South ard We^. J. M. mashed berries add one of of tb Medical No. 4 City Hotel.—N. Higgins Sons, Propa. connecting'with LUNT, Supt. Portland, or Excursion quart boiling wa- Peabody Institute, Bulfinch 3 .SO P. M. »teambo?2 a-rives at Tickets Journal. Express H. N. TURNER, ter. Let it stand 24 hours, occasion- Street, Boston, Mass."—Republican .Rochester r'j .onnects and stirring "The Science of Lite is all HIBAM. \30p.O. rJ-Spping Freight Passenger Agent, Worcester, Mass. beyond comparison the for Jlauctrstev rru Concord. ally ; then strain off the liquor,having dissolv- work a^'anliua Portland. Me., May 4, 1876. mv4dtf GOOD UNTIL OCT. 1st. most extraordinary on Thysiology ever pub- Πι. Cutler House,—Hiram Baston, Pro for Lowell and Co-.ioo.r' Aver ed two pounds of sugar in Cork lished."— Boston Herald. .*unc- every gallon. prietor* tion for Fifchbiirs ana Hooispc Tun- and let it stand till nestled in the bottom of Pandora's and To So. Whi Harbor anil 94.30 tightly the following Oc- "Hope box, nel Liar at Woicosier w uh Loslcn & 23 MILES SAVED Kcturn, hope plumes her wings anew, since the issuing of Scientifically LEWHTON. and when it is for use. tober, ready 4V,„ 1 T»^_l 1-»» -1 Albany Railioad, goes rarou^h New — — To Bar Harbor and DeWitt House, Η. B. Wing, Proprietor Loudon without chinée of Care, το Retarn, 3.00 Blackbery Jam.—Allow three ical which are thousands quarters Institute, teaching how to there connecting wit-j the magnificent avoid the maladies that Bap the citadel of life."— of a pound of sugar to one pound ot fruit; LITTLETON, Ν Η. Steamers of the Norwich Line, ai riving in Steamers Eleanora and Franconia For Excursion Tickets and Statesrooms Inquire at articles In the NEW YORK ! Kailroad simmer the berries for half an Philadelphia Enquirer. prepared H. L. New Vork at Pier No, 40. Norib Hirer the Company's Office, Wljitrl slowly hour ; "It should be read the ν Thayers Hotel, Thayer, Proprietor. Will lintil further notice leave Franklin by oung, the middle-aged market. The disease is at β 03 a. m. Wharf, CYKUS STUHD1VANT, Gen. Agent. then add the sugar and cook minutes and even the old "—New York Tribune. Ask for Tickets via Middletown Portland, every MONDAY aDd THURSDAY, at 6 twenty treated tttate_ Room* can be secured in advance at Portland, July 31,1876. jj31dtf The first and only Medal ev- r conferred externally by MACHIAS. P. M., and leave Pier 38 Fast River, New ev- longer. upon any iinrucs ui«h.,iui. oireci UUU Cars leave New York and New York, Medical Man in this as u. means ot the Eng- MONDAY and THURSDAY at 4 P. M. country, recognition of skill Liniment, Eastern Hotel.—Ε. E. Stoddard. Prop. at toe land . l>anTorch. leaving Wharf, daily tor Evergreen and Jones' Landing, When tender all through, remove the Numismatists. It was won and worthily be- Hoove, Propriété and Worcester rv 800 r. ϋ»., at (£3^·Freights taken at the lowest rates. lid, fairly a blood poison, of a a.m., p.ops Peak es' Island at 9 and 10 35 a. m., and 2 and 3.30 p. off all the and mash stowed."—Massachusetts Ploughman, June 3d, 1876. pecu- Sprir jva?e, A ifred, Sp' ο River, Gorham, Sacca- Boston Shippers are requested to send their to the pour water, pare ttem, & Maine freight m Returning, will leave Evergreen at 9.30 and 11 30 sent on oi 6c for liar nature, is NORTH STRATFORD Ν. H. and ai/ives m Poril?nd at Steamei-s as early as 4P. M., on the leave and watm until G3F~Catalogue receipt postage. rappa Wes.bror1;, days tliey а. m., and 2.30 and 5.15 p. in., and Jones' at keep needed. In this way the works sent mail C· 8. dr Co. f 120 Ues with Portland. For further information to Landing Either of above by on receipt Willard Bonne, Bailey p. m.,Li< close connection the apply 9 45 a. m and 2.45 m. retain the most nutritious ot the HENRY General Portland. p. you part po- of price. Address PEABODY MÉDICAL INSTI- prietors. Maine Cen.ral and Grand Trunk Railroads. FOX, Agent, Steamer B. will J. F Pier E. New York. Exprrs», Capt C. Dean, leave tato, which lies under the skin. In TUTE, (or W. H. PARKER, M. I>., Consulting 11.45 A. HI. Train is a freight train with Passen- AMES, Ag*t, 38, R., end of Custom directly Phy- and House Wharf, for Jones' and Ever- a No. 4 Buliinch Re- PEAK'S ISLAND. Civr at all and RAILROAD. Tickets State Rooms can also be obtained at 22 saucepan put a good heavy half ounce of sician.) St., Boston, Mass., opp. ger attached, slops Stations, green Landings at 6, 8 45 and 10.30 a m and 1.45 vere House. js due in Portland at 5. TO m. Exchange Street ocldtf do not tie them in a for the Union House—W. T. Jones. Proprietor. p. and 3 ρ in. Returning, will leave Evergreen at6.15, hops ; bag, pollen, Ν. B. The author can be consulted on the 8.50 P. M. Train is from. New above through York, Commencing Aug·. 7. 1876.. 9.25 a. m.. and 2 25 ^ m., and Jones' Landing at an important fermenting property of is named diseases, as well as all diseases stops at all Stations when arrives Monday hops, requiring skill, Treated PARIS HILL. signaled» feTOJVIJVGTON LANE б.30, 11.30 a. m and 530 p. m. confined In ana Office 9 a. in Portland at 10.50 m. that way. Pour two quarts of secrecy experience. hours, m. to 6 p. Steamer Gazelle or Express will make an P. M. Hubbard Hotel, H. Loral Train from Gorham a. Passenger Trains will leave Portland for evening water over and let tbem boil auglTTh&Sly&w31 Hubbard, Proprietor at 6.00 m., arrives in trip at 7.15. Returniug, leave Jones' Landing at 3. boiling them, Bouton at 6.15, 8.45 a. m., 1.30, 3.15, 6.00 p. m., Portland at 6.40 a. m. FOR NEW YORK, BSr* Will make the regular trips SUNDAYS not longer, (or it makes them bitter. Put PHILLIPS. J. M. arriving at Soston at 10.45 a. m„ 1.00, 5.15, LUNT, Sunt, V Π 8. except early and late tiipe. a ot two of white Ur. SCOTT is most re- 8.00, 10 00 p. m. AHEAD Ο ALL Ο Τ Ε Κ pound flour, large spoonfuls liayiug Barilen Samuel api dit Fare down and back, ΙΟ cent*. Child* en halt internally by means ol the Hon*e, Farmer, Propri- Returning, leare Boston at 7.30, 8.45 a. m., sugar, weight two ounces of mark..^ and etor. fare. Specfal arrangements for can be ; large spoonful gratifying success Pills and 12.30, 3.30, 6.00 d. mM arriving at Portland at This is the Inside Route picnic parties one Flixir—alterna- Only made at the Office on the Wbarf. salt, weight ounce, into a large 12.10, 10 00 m. jy3dtf mixing in his tieatment of Nervous and ting one with the other FORTLAND. CEITEMIAL 12.45, 5.00, 8.10, p. strain and in a of For Lawrence at a. Avoiding Point Judith. bowl; pour quart boiling to Directions. 6.15,8.45 m., 1.30, 3.15, 6.00 the flour must be Chronic Diseases. Ton that are according Adams House, Temple St. Charles Adas p. m hop water; thoroughly a Steamboat traîne leave Boston from Bol- To effect permanent Proprietor. For Lowell at 6.15,8.45 a. m., 1.30,3,15,6.00 p. m. Express cooked with the rubbed sick should call on him at the U. ton & Providence R. K. boiling hop water, cure, the Pills and Elixir Perry's Hotel, 117 Federal St. J. €L Perr>, For Manchester* Concord and Upper Kail- Depot dally, except Sunday, For the ! and mixed smooth from ail add the once Excursion Tickets roads New Market at at 5.30 p. m., connecting at Stonington with the en- lumps; S. Hotel at and be healed must be Proprietor. (via Junction) 6.15 a. m., used in new and Steamer Rhode Jslands conjunc- 3.15 tirely superb Island, mashed and a second of American House, India St. E. Gray, Pro· p. m. ; (via Lawrence) at 8.45 a. m. every The «launch and potatoes quart boiling tion with the are eold at the and and with the ele- Commodione, Fast Sail· beyond peradventure. Liniment. prietor. For Creat Falls at a. m., 6.00 Monday, Wednesday Friday, hop water. If you do not have two 6.15,8.45 1.30, 3.15, and ins Steamer quarts, Citv Hotel, Cor. Congress and Green St. p. m. gant popular steamer Stonington every Tues- water over tbo and in New pour boiling hops, squeeze and J. K. Ulartin, Proprietor. For Wolfborough at 8.45 a. 1.30 m. day, Thursday Saturday, arriving York m., p. in FLORENCE strain. To pievent the yeast too Preble House, Congres» St. Gibson For Centre Harbor at 8.45 a. m. alnay· advance of all ether line*. Bag- chiling &Co.r Boston & Maine Ε. E. checked have crock and Proprietors. For Rochenter, farming ton and Alton gage through. Will leave Portland Pier daily at 9 and 10.45 a. m. soon, your yeast mixing bowl Tickets at of Boston & Maine and St. Julian Hotel. Cor. Middle and Plum Bay at 6.15, 8.45 a. m., 1.30, 3.15 p. m. procured depots and 2.15 p. m.f tor Cushing's, Peakes' and Long hested before using. Place the colander over Eastern Railroads and at Rollins & 22 Ex- NO POISONOUS DRUGS USED 1 ^ts. G. E. Ward, Proprietor. TICKET For Kennebnnk at 6.15, 8.45, a. m., 1.30, 3.15, Adams', Islands, touching at Scott's and Evergreen Landings the and strain Neuralgia, Nervous Pros- OFFICE, St. .and W. D. Little & yeast crock, your yeast into it. U. S. Hotel, Junction of Congreettand Fed- 6.00 and 8,45 p. m. change Co.'s,49J Exchange St. by way of Tretet hen's. Returning will leave tration, Nervous Weak- L. W. F ILK INS, D. S. Long When a little more than add a eral S;~. Timothy Wolcott, Proprietor. For Saco and Biddeford at 6.15, 8,45 a. mn BAJÎCOCK, Island at 9.50,11.30 a. m., and 5 p. m. Leave Cush- lukewarm, ness. 353 Commercial Gen. New York. President. Paralysis, Commercial «souse-L. O. Sanborn & Street, 1.05,1.30,3 15, 6.00 and 8 45 p.m. Passenger Ag'.t, ing's Island at 9 15,12 a. m.,and 5.30 p.m., arriving at large coffee cupful of yeast,keep it in a moder- *oltemng Co., ocl 73 dtf of the Brain, and Proprietors. For Old Orchard Brach at 6.15, 8.25, 8 45 a. City at 10} and 12.25 a. m., and 6 p. m Fare for round )y warm place lor twenty-four then Chorea, — as — of 14 hours, all WEAKNESS caused m., 1.05,1 30, 3.15 6.00 and 8.45 p. m. trip miles, 25 cents. Sunday tripe at 10} a. m and into tbe coolest of the cellar. CURES by 2 m. put part Use a the 8KOWHEGAN. For Scarborough and Bine Point at 6.15, CLYDE'S p. Arrangements for Picnic and Excursions can LOSS OF NERVE 8.45 a. be made at the or two or three gallon earthsrn crock—tin,glass, Turner W. G. LOW AS BY ANY OTHER 8.2ό, m., 1.05, 3.15, 6.00 and 8.45 p. m. Steamer, by applying to Ο. B. POWER eurcd use ot House, Heselton, Pvoprt- LINE, For («round WH1TTEN, Portland Pier. or stone ware chill too soon—with a lid by etor. tJanip (Old Orchard) at 6.15, 8,25, fitting and includes tickets entitling the holder to ? F REE am., 1.05, 3.15. 6.00 and 8.45 p. m. Boston & New On and after Monday next, July 24th, until further well to the rim ; it is easier to fill and to clean Philadelphia, England will leave Railroad Speedy and Complete. CARRIAGE IN BOSTON (from Boston & {βΞ|Γ"Ν. B.—Trains leaving Portland at 8.45 a. m., notice, Wharf, foot of State St.. than a jug. Maine Depot to any other Raiiroad Station in Boston and 1.30 p. m., stop at Ola Orchard Beach, but will STEAMSHIP LINES. every pleasant afternoon at 1.40 p. m., and Portland "P Ot. P." and return). Passengers can take any carriage sta- not stop at Gamp Ground Station. Pier at regular hour 2.15 p. m. jylldtt Fran Cabe. tioned at the depot without charge. Morning Trains will leave Kennebnnli FOUR STEAMER* PER WEEK. Established 1819. for Portland at 7.20 a. m. Twelve egg?. 1J lbs. of sugar, 1 lb. of butter, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY bv Boston and FOR TflE ISLAIDS £ lb. of sched flour, 4 lbs. of raisins, 3 lbs. of COMPLETE Providence Railroad via Providence. JAMES BOYD & SONS, TUESDAY and SATURDAY currants, 1J lbs. of citron, 1 cupful of molases, by «TKAJIEK MAfïlVKT DR. The oldest house in America in the Old Colony Railroad via Fall 1 tablespoonful of cinnamon, 1 teaspoooful of SCOTT, ** engaged will make three trips dally to Ask for Oriffcn's Rheu- manufacture of River. mace, teaspooufol of cloves, tumblerful of SUNDAY TRAIN Peakes', Long and Little Cbea- £ 4 OB1 matic HOSE FOR FIRE CSaod· Reccired at Depot· and a little salt Bake three nours. Remedies, they all PURPOSES. beaguo Islands until further brandy bear our GUIDE BOOK Daily. notice. trademark and Sole Agents in the New States for Leaves Boston at 8 a. arrives at Port- England m., Through Bills Lading riven lrom Boston and prin- Leave Portland at and the Seamless Cotton and Linen land at 12 55 m. Pier 9.30 a. m., and 2 and 6.30 p. signature, awe put up Hose, — TO THE— p. cipal points In New England to the South and South- m. Returning, leave Little at 6.3(1 and XEW Price MANUFACTURED BY THE Leaves Portland at 2.30 p. m., arrives at west. Close connection made at with Chebeague SUMMER RESORTS. YORK., securely. Sl.OO each; Philadelphia 11 a. m., and 5 p. m. Long Island at 6.49 and Boston 7.32 p. m. the "CLYDE STEAM LINES" to 11.15 forwarded to of EUREKA FIRE HOSE COMPANY. Raltimore, a.m.andB m. Peakes'Island at 7and 11.30 a. m. any part Norfolk. Char lent 15p. Richmond, on, New- and 5.S0 m. Will touch Whose treatment is and success un- the United States ex- "We invite the attention of all in- Centennial p. at Trefethens', Ponce'» unequalled by earnestly parties Grounds Parlor Cars on trains leaving Portland at 8.45 berne and %Vn»hinvton. in the cure of Nervous and Chronic terested in the of HO»E FOR and denks' Hotels. ju23dtf paralleled press. prepaid, on purchase FIRE a. πι.1.3Γ and S.00 p. m„ and Boston 8.45 a. m. and D. D. C. MINK, General Eastern Diseases. will visit Portland receipt to the treble web Agent. every Tuesday of 81.25, PURPOSES, (Eureka), and 0-ΧΤ7Έ3 AWAY fi-00 n. m. i!9 Devonshire Street, Beaton. de through July, August and September, 1876, com- double web (Paragon),seam less and rubber-lined Hotel Ponce. The Fast Express Train janll dtf FOB THE ISLANDS ! mencing Tuesday, July 11th, and may be con- COTTON" HOSE, to every person who purchases a ticket sulted from 10 a. m. till 9 m. Portland 1.30 m. runs LONG ISLAND, ME. professionally p. at the at the Boston & Maine JR. K. Ticket leaving p. through to Boston JPOBTLAND, Manufactured by the Eureka Fire Hose Com- in Three Honrs and Forty-Are Minutes,mak- BOSTON The staunch and commodious pany, and for which we have the Office for the STEAMERS. This first-class Hotel is opened for exclusive Exposition. ing close connection with Fall River, Stonington and Barge, InLAND BELLE, agency in the New Stares. The dura- will run to boarders and transient trade. Dinner* V. S. HOTEL·. England l'arties holding Exposition tickets sold Norwich Sound Steamer Lines and all Bail The Ses the Islands this sea- bility of Cotton for hose purposes is well known. Lines to New York and Superior Going Steamers, son for Excursions and furnished for parties by giving due notice the Maine Ε. N. A. or Philadelphia. Sunday and It is not an experiment, it combines br Central, & School Picnics. The at any time. Apply to E. PONCE, corner Health Strength restored to thousand- lightness, Excursion Tickets to Wolfboro and Centre Barge will not, under any and in a remarkable and Knox & Lincoln Railroads can obtain run on the of Middle and or at deemed incurable. Remarkable in Medis AJSTP strength durability degree, New consideration, Sabbath. Liberal Exchange {Streets, triumphs MENTIOir Tina Riifflrïont. tliinknooo /nni.miorfor nf or» ïn/.n Harbor, lfork and cal PAPER, Philadelphia can be made and. All parties are invited at this place. Science. these tiuMe Books by showing their arrangements by applying to DR. endure the ^he Fire for sale at Boston & Maine R. R. Ticket Office. The Steamers Florence and will run four SCOTT'S wonderful discovery can be aPrS rou3he°t usage, Depart- tickets at Transfer Station. CHAKLES SAWYER, Magnet hardly d&wlyl4 ment of New York lias to this Island from Portland Pier. over-estimated in its importance for the preserva- Vjity adopted this Ν. B.—Rates as low as by any other Li&e. 123 Commercial Street, trips daily Hofie, about The Steamer Magnet will leave for the tion of HEALTH and LIFE itself, and his method Laving 40,C00feetotitin service. Bos- Tickets via all laines to all pointe for sale at ju23dlf Portland, Me. city every ton bas New Bedford Baggage Checked t.-rough. morning at 7 o'clock. has brought about most extraordinary and remarka- 26,000 feet; about 10,000 lowest rates. HOTELS. Heel of which been E. ble cures in cases of feet, 1,9βΟ has in nervice S. H. STEVENS, J. T. Fc· ^EK, Free carriages from Depot in Boston to any other jy3dtf PONCE, Proprietor. 16 years· The cities of FOB BABPSWELL, Lynn, Newburyport, Gen. Portland. Gen. upt. depot pnd return—choice of carriages. Fall River, Taunton and Agent, or Hartford Lave mv23 dti Trriiis on Boston & Maine road connect with all Dyspepsia Indigestion, Vertigo WARNER been supplied bv us with COTTON HOSE. On and after July 4th, 1876, HOUSE, steamers running between Portland and Bangor, t* Steamer White and Liver and Descriptive circulars, samples and prices furnished Mt. Henrietta, Capt. Q. Mountains, 76. Epilepsy, BItOAD ST. AND FA1EM0UNI Grand Trunk II. Rockland, Desert, Macliias, Eastport, Calais, FOREST will leave AVENUE, on application. We are manufacturers of the R. of Canada. So. John and Halifax. Also, connect with Grand CITY AND JOHN BROOKS R*ja|ggS*Bggj^ LOWELL, Harpi- Kidney Complaints, PHILAOE Bouton standard Tru*îk trains at Grand Trunk Station, and Maine every day, Sunday except- I.PIlIAt LeatherLeadingHoae ALTEltATfON OF TRAINS. irill, until further notice, mn alternately as follows: ed, at 6 a. m., touching at Oreat and Little GLES Central and Portland & Ogdensburg trains at HOUSE — and — Leaving Lone Inland. will Catarrh, Asthma, Incipient Con- One of the Finest Locations in AND Transfer Station. Chebeagne Returning, the » leave ead of Commercial Wharf, at 6 m. for the City. U JYimiiiK 76. sumption, Nervous Boyd'* Patent Riveted Cotton lloee. FRANKLIN above Will come and the wav ot I, Debility, BOOMS EN-SUITE OR SINGLE. ments at first class rooms WHARF, Portland, landings. go by dinning Consens' Island and Sat- Scrofula & Call at No. 9 FEDERAL On and afte. MONDAY, June 19,1876, JAS. T. FURBER, Gen. every MouOay, Wednesday Rheumatism, ALL NEW.LIGDI AND AIBY. STREET, BON- Supt. Daily, at 7 «'clock P. and INDIA urday. Will make excursion trips to TON, when the trains will run as follows: S. Π. STEVENS, Gen. Portland. ap29att M., Harpswell Reeking BEST F J RE §5Ρ®5·τ» Agent, WHARF, at 7 every Com- Cars to Centennial HOSE in the train for island Pond, Montreal BOSTON, dally P. m. pleasant day, Sundays excepted, leaving ALPIWEHOUSE, Broken-Down Constitutions Expôsition pass the door every market. Express Gorham, mercial Wharf at 9 o'clock, at Island few minutes. Convenient to and West at 7.15 a. m. (Sunday· excepted). touching Long Depots, Churches and and Little For particulars ot (NKWJ and Lost places of Amusement. J ARIES BOYD & SONS. ior Auburn and Lewiflou at 6.55 a. m. New Centennial Chebeaguo inquire Vitality. Express Route. STEPHEN No. 131 Commercial Street, TERMS my29 eod3m train m ior Αν burn and Lew n.itr^w RICKER, np GORHAM, MODERATE, Express atl,C0p. Boston & Philadel- FARE $1.00. stairs. Fare to Island and Little H., IN A WORD, ALL WHO DESIRE PURE υ 29 iston. Long Cbebeague RICH, eod2m phia without change of cars. and return. 10 cents. m. this line are ju4dtf "Will open July 15, 1876. BLOOD, INCREASED STRENGTH AND Mail train 1.40 ρ· (stopping at all stations to feiéîëMeeésîâ _Express Trains Itave Depot oi New Passengers by reminded that they se BUILDING LOAîT Island witn mail train cure a comfortable rest and avoid the ex· VITALITY—ALL Pood,)* connecting night E====2E=aTork and New Er^ „nd Railroad, foot night's W. & C. K. DIILLIKEN, Proprietor,,. THOSE WHOSE for Mon «real and tbe West. pense and inconvenience of in Boston late SPECIAL STEAMBOAT SACO Quebec, of Summer St.. Bo3ton, each wc ; day at 9 00 A. arriving NOTICE. Ju6 1VTAL urn at night. dtf POWERS ARE HOUSE, Express train ior Ασο and Lew it ton and M. and 7.00 P. M. Arr. at Philadelphia at 8 50 NOTICE OF 0 m. Tickets and State Rooms for sale D. H. FAILING. SALE. South Paris at 5. p. P. M. and 7.00 A. M· Leave Philadelphia 9.00 by Tonng, and alter Tuesday, Aug. 1st, the magnificent will arrive a* follows: No. 266 Middle street. MAINE. Trains A. M. and T.OO P. M. Arr. at Boston 9.1M P. M. ON Steamer Le*ieton will go no farther than SAOO, it ou and a. Through Tickets to New York via the Refer bv permission to ladies and gentlemen Express train Vantreal Wesî^ at 7.45 m. and8 55 A.M. various Millbridge on her Tuesday evening trip from Port- only Charles H. Sound for sale at low in the highest walks of social life, who have been A^ams, of the City ot Express from Lewisi-on and AdbJrn ai 8.C0 a. m. Boston to Lines, very rates. land, at Millbridge with Stages for in the οi on Montreal West Philadelphia & Return, $13. Excursion Tickets to and return via connecting Ocean House. ured by us after all other methods have failed. Situated in the Centre of the WHEREAS,Portland, County Cumberland, Mail from Quebec. and at 1.00 p.m. Philadelphia Jonesport and Machias. City. the of A. his From Lewiston and Auburn at 1.20 d. m. [On Night TrainsJ the Sound Lines $13.00. twenty-seventh day June, D., 1868, by and Ν. B.—This arrangement will continue only about deed of that Regular Excursion Tickets, Seats and Berths taken as usual. An Immediate Cure Guaranteed in all Nervous mortgage date recorded in the Registry Express from Lewislon a.id A uj urn a I 5.30 p. m. Freight Bix weeks. CYRUS STURDIVANT. ThlB favorite Seaside Keeort been A of Deeds for said secured at office 205 Washinglon St., and depot, foot dac27-75 J. ». Gen'l having Exhausted Premature in Conveniently located House for County, Book 356, Page 204, con- CO¥IiE,Jr.. Agt. Gen'l Portland. and in tiret-class Diseases, Vitality, Decline to of Summer St, Boston. Agent, thoroughly repaired put etc. Cures veyed said City, a ceiiain parcel of land situated jy25T,Th&S2m will be open for the Man, Impotencv, Eapid, and Portland, July 20,1876. jy25d5w order, to-day season oi Permanent. Thorough Easiness Men. on the East side of Temple in said Offices INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. 1670. J. P. Treatment Invigorating, Soothing and Street, Portland, Passenger CHAMBERLAIN, Harmless. seventy feet front on Temple Street, and ninety feet PORTLAND & OGDENSBURG BB, — Best of attention Proprietor, given to guests. Table deep, being the same pie m 11 conveyed to said Eastport, Calais and St. John, Digby, FOR dtf set with the best the market affords. Adams the 74 EXCHANGE ST., Opinions of the Press. by Temple Street Chapel Society, by SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Windsor and Halifax· THJEJSLAADS. E. L. JORDAN, Proprietor. deed dated July 1856, and recorded in the — ΑΧΟ — A. W. 22, THE STEAMER TOURIST [Hall's Medical Record, Ν. Υ July 1868.] SAWIN, Clerk. auglOd&wlm Cumberland of Deeds, Book 255, SUMMER Summer registry 272, Page OEPOT AT FOOT OI INDIA ST. ARRANGEMEN'l Will leave the West Side of Custom Resort, Many diseases, considéré 1 incurable, to which reference is mrde fora more r j. mfT^m h causing great particular siiMeâSvL House week day, for sufiering in countless thousands of our fellow description, with in cr se of a breach of the Wharf, every PJBAKES' ISLAND. beings, ] author;ty THREE TRIPSPER WEEK. Scott's and at β 45, and 10.15 can in the of cast be restored to condition in said to cell jid at Cushing's Landing 8.30, majority perma- mortgage premises Tickets sold at Seduced Rates a. in., 12 4.15 and 6.10 m. nent health under Dr. Scott United States and from the to the ! m., 1.45, 3.15, p. Scientific Theory, dem- Hotel, auction, p.ocecds pay debt On and after June 12tb. For Trefethen's and at Toronto Cottage, Peakes' Island,five min- the that To Canada, Detroit, Milwau- Monday, Lauding Hog Island 6.45, onstrating fact his de of treating diseases secured thereby, and, whereas, the condition of Chicago* of utes walk from Jones' Landing, offer a su- Cincinnati. §l, l^ouie. the Steamers the international 8.30 and 10 15 a. m., 1.45, 4.15 and 6.10 p. m. of a chronic character is uns ^passed any method said mortgage deed has been bioten by said Adams: kee, Omaha, to families and by Paul. Sail Lake Line will leave Railroad Wharf, Returning, leave Scoti's Landing at 7.30, 9.15 and perior advantage private now iu use. All should consult with him who wish PORTLAND, ME This is to give notiee that said parcel of land, ttaginaw, St. City, those a pleasant and somewhat re- foot of State St., every Monday, 10.45 a. m., and 12.30, 2 20, 3.45, and 5.15 p. in. desiring for a speedy cure and thorough as Dr. Scott with the bul'djugs thereon, known as the Adams Denrer, Man Francisco, tired short distance from the advice, Wednesday and Friday at 6.00 P. Returning, leave Cushings at 7.45, location, (a has had the most remarkable and success. House, will 13 sold at on said and all in tbe Passenger Trains Leare Portland. Island, 9.20, ana gratifying Situated in the very Center of the public auction, points M.. tor Eastport and St. John, 10.35 a. m„ 12 2.10, 3 55 and 5 25 m. aucung larger houses.) Everything connected City. on the 13th of next, at 3 40, p. with tne house is premises, day September 8.30 A. in. for all to will leave St. John and on Island ana first-class. Sail and row boats fur- the o'clock in the Northwest, Weet and Southwest. stations, running through Returning Eastport the Returning, leave Hog Trefethen's at [From Boston Transcript, July atternoon, for the reason and purpose Vt. same nished free to boarders. Charges reasonable. 10,1872.] Johnson, days 715, 9.00 and 11.00 a. m., and 2 40 and 5.00 p. m. foremost the THE BEST LOCATED aforesaid. J. C. FURNIVAL, Agt. 1.15 P. OT. for Connections V. Standing among most liberal and HOUSE express Sebago Lake,Fryeburg, No, made at Eastport for Rcbbinston, St. Tuesday, and Saturday will jy!2-tf Α. ACKLE1, Propricter. most In witness whereof, I, W. in behalf Thursday evenings successful of American physicians to-day, is Henry Hersey, Conway and White Mountains. Andrews and Calais. leave for Scott's at 7 30 m. Dr. Winfield of said City of and direction of the THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY is in Landing p. C. Scott, at the Asylum Institute Medi- FOR BUSINESS MEN. Portland, by splendid 5.45 P. HI for Upper Bartlett and intermediate Connections made at St. John for Annapo- leave at 10 p. m. City Council, and of the Loan Commis- is well with firs· -class Digby, Returning, cina, corner of Asy'um and WashingtonSts., Boston. Building condition, eqnipped rolling stations. lis, Windsor, Kentville, Halifax, N. S., Shediac, Am- Fare tor Round 95 cent*. Package sioners. and as Treasurer ot said virtue stock, ana is tbe best conneciions and Trip, He has risen above the narrow prejudices of particu- City, by making quick- Arrive in Portland: herst, Pictou, Fredericktown, Charlottetown and of live round tickets, $1.00· Tickets lor sale at the Mt. Pleasant House. of whatever authority is given me in said deed have est time of any route from Portland to ί-be West. trip lar schools, and by treating patients as their cases ΗΕΑΤΕΡΒΫ STEAM. 8«50 A. B1. from Upper Bartlett. Summerfide, P. Ε. I. office of Rollins, & Ail am*. No. 22 hereunto set my liana and this notice. B^PULLMAN PA ACE DRAWING ROOM Loring Exchange demand, without sacrificing his abilitiçp to sectarian given 1 .ÎÏO P. m. from Fabyan's m^'Freight received on days of until 4 Street, and on board Steamer. he has Best ot attention given to guests. Table set with HENRY W. AND SLEEPING CARS are attached vo the trains On and after July the rule*, achieved a wonderful success and effect- HERSEY, 5.35 P. Ml. irom Johnson, Vt., and all stations on o'clock p. m. Special arrangements can be made for Private 4,1876, the best the market Treasurer for said Portland at 7 15 a. m. and l/.O m. ed cures that astonished some of the ablest very aflords. City. leaving p. through line. J. HAMILTON, Supt. Ju9dtf A. R. STUBBS, Agent. Moonlight Excisions. and physi- Portland, 1876. checked from Portland to Detroit and Monday, Wednesday cians ot the day. August 14, augl4eodtd Baggage Portland, June 3,1876. j u3dtf Friday evenings. Inquire ot TERMS: Chicago, and not subject to Custom Houee examina- MT PLEASANT the "New tion. CAPT. C. H. KNOWLTON, on Steamer. HOUSE, [From Haven Daily Union."] Terms hereafter will be but 1n94 Htf $2.00 per day. BUILDING LOAN. The Company are not responsible for baggage to INSIDE LINE Dr. Scott's cures in some instances are indeed Suits of rooms, and AGENCIES. including parlor amount in value that — — BRIDOTON, ΜΕ., in bed-room, any exceeding $50 (and person- το wonderful, especially Nervous and Chronic Dis- $3.U0. al) unless notice is and paid tor at the rate of eases of The "Famous given, Will be to the long standing. Wyomoke NOTICE OF SALE. one for everv *500 additional value. open public. or Nerve passenger ALLAN LINE. Food," with which he has had such brill- WOLCOTT βί CO., JOSEPH HiCKSON, General Manager, DODD'S UU1I/ ID Proprietors. i/uv ivSUlb V» Mt. Fare via Lake Route to BUVWDO) OOOIUUUUB DUCUllllU IB· Sy Sebago Tip Top House | aUglO iler-Hf T¥7HEREAS, Lorenzo D. Cole, of the of W. J. SPLCER, Superintendent Desert, Macbias, search, and without doubt the greatest id ! City I ADVERTISING SUMMER a d return, {5.00. triumph ? ▼ in con Portland. June 21, 1875. AGENCY, Portland, the ___ of Cumberland, ap29dtf _SERVICE. medical science yet achieved by man. County C. E. GIBBS, Proprietor. the nineteenth day of July, 1Î69, by his mortgage 121 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. Ellsworth and Bangor. dtf deed of that recorded in the of Deeds jy3 J3f"In some cases three are Mew date; Begistry Shortest Ocean only days required fengland Hotel, for said Advertisements receiued for every Paper in tbe Yoyage. remove County,' Book 369, Page £0, conveyed to to the* cauee of obscure diseases that have United States and British Provinces at the lowest STEAMER said a cei tain parcel of land situated on the LEWISTON, First-class mail steam- afflicted the patient for years—recovery rapid, thor- j ON THE EVBOPEM PLAN. City,- Eastern Railroad, contract prices. Any information Weekly Southerly side of Franklin near cheerfully given ers °* "om ough and permanent. Street, Congress and estimates -^Anih tktoline Q"e|M5C Street, and on said promptly fuurnished. CAPT. DEEKING. STONE & Consultation Free. jyld&w27tf being tbirty-Leven one half feet η! eTf|,y Hainrday norniag, DOWNER, Franklin and one half feet on JIJLY 1876. HORACE DODD. 'H^Pl^v <"»· COLUMBIA AVENUE Street, sixty-one deep 3, Will leave Portland every mi Liverpool, touching at Nortwesterly and one half feet on WEST side, thirty eight TBI» PAPER 18 KEPT OF FILE AT Tuesday and Friday Even- ■BBW Dcrry. PHILADELPHIA, PA. the rear 1 line, and sixty-three feet on the South- """ ι1 ΙΟ «'clock for Rock- First-class fortnightly mail steamer» of this line 1 HE OFFICE OF tiii~""w* ♦MURRAY'S side line, being the same premises conveyed land. South and sail from Halifax other for This Hotel is situated on Columbia easterly Castine,Deer Isle, Sedewick, West every Taeaday, CUSTOM HOUSE BROKERS Bar Harbors at Avenue, between Belmont Avenue and (Mt. Desert), Millbridge, Jouesport and Liverpool* touching Qareaatow·. September 24,1S35, to which re 'erence is made for a Ν. XV. AkER & ami $80 or its Street, and in close SON, Machiasport. Passage—First-class—$5o, $70 gold, proximity more particular description, with authority in case leaves Intermediate third-class at LAXATIVE MD PBRIFÏ1NG to the Main Exhibiition Building. Returning, Machiasport, every Monday equivalent; $35 gold; AND of a b.each of the condition of said mortgage to sell advertising and lowest rates. FORWAEUEBS, It contains one hundred and agents, Thursday morning) at 4 1-tf o'clock. ■Forty·second fifty lodging said premises at Auciion, and from the proceeds to The I*i»e of steamer* sail from roums. is managed by Eastern and Mew CfflaKgow men, pay the debt secured thereby, and, whereas, the for direct. Cabin Bitters ! England people and others the Centennial 733 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. Quebec every Thursday Glasgow KO. 28 STATE visiting cond^ion of said mortgage deed has been broken by STEAMEBCITYOF RICHMOND passage at lowest rates. ST., This Exhibition will find home comtorts and moderate $60, steerage medicine bas been before the public most o! very said Cole: CAPT. booked to and from all parts of the time for the prices. Rooms $1 per day. PASSENGER TRAINS leave Portland T. C. EVANS, KILBV) Passengers Eng- — — past and Las This is to notice that said AND twenty-five years, given Ν. B.—The give parcei of land with Will leave land, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and excellent satisfaction to all who have entrance to Columbia Avenue, from the for Scarboro'· Haco, Biddeford, Km· Portland, every Monday Wednen- used it. The buildings thereon, being game now occupied by AOV Germany at lowest rates. are Belmont Avenue, is opposite the Globe and nebnnk, Welle- North Berwick, Month RTIS1NG AGENCY & PRINT- day and Friday evening* at lO Bitters composed oi the best articles of the vege- Hotel, said Cole as a residence, will be sold at o'clock, and Return Tickets issued at reduced the NEW ENGLAND HOTEL is near public Kli© for Prepaid table kingdom, and are again the the entrance. auction on said on the thirteenth Berwick, Conway Junction, t, Rockland, Camden, Belfast, Searsport, Sandy- Centre Desk Custom prepared by DANIEL premises, day of ERS' and rates. Apply to J. L. FARMER, General Agent for Rotunda, original and are HOLLAND,) at 4 o'clock in the Kiiterf, Portsmouth, !>'ewburyport, WAREHOUSE, Bucksport, Winterport, Hampden House, inventor, confidently recom- J. L. September, 1876, afternoon, for New England, No. 3 India Street, Portland, Me. mended as one of the best H. COBB, the and Nalem, Lynn, Chelsea and Bouton at g>int,angor. articles ever ottered to the { Proprietors, reason purpose aforesaid. 106 WASHINGTON S^P^Niislit Check* ioiued ia Muma m y 22 J. M. ) 9.00 a. m in Boston at 1 m. STREET, BOSTON. Returning, leaves Bangor, every Monday Sterling public, especially for all those difficulties and ills at- BOBBINS, dtt In witness whereof, I- Henry W. in behalf arriving p. to «ait for jCI and Hersey, 8 aco, Biddeford, KennebuuU, Dealer in Wood Wednesday and Friday at 6 apwardi. my9dtf tendant upon this season of the year. are of said City of Portland, and by direction of the Khtery, aDil Metal Type and all kinds ol mornings, They par- Printers' o'clock. ticularly recommended lor the cure of BAY STATE City Council, and of the Bui'ding Loan Commis- PortHniouth, Hampton») Newbnryport, Materials. Advertisements inserted in any HOUSE, Chelsea and Boston at in Particular attention given to the enter- sioners, and as Treasurer of said virtue of Salem, Lynn, paper the United States or Canadas at publishers' Indigestion or 384 Hanover Mass. City, by J .30 mM in Bostou at 5.15 in owest and of Dyepepeia, Jaundice. Loss St., Boston, whatever authority is given me in said deed have p. arriving p. to., prices. Send for estimates. THE STXC-AJVIKX* ing forwarding merchandise of Oeneral season for New York and Western connection. Appetite, Debility, €oe- enlarged and refurnished. hereunto set my hand and given this notice. arrirlrg at PORT OF also and all dieenses Only Pullman Parlor ESTABLISHED IX BOSTON, New tiTeneee, caused RECENTLYfive minutes walk from the St. John HENRY W. Car attached. 1849. CHARLES HOUGHTON, an mate Portland, HERSEY, 5.20 p. m. Biddeford train. York, Philadelphia and Portland. by (Unhealthy of and Faetern Steamboat Landing. The most com- Treasurer lor said accomodating the stomach or bowels. fortable hotel in the City. leave Bidieford at 8.00 a. in. Saving unsurpassed facilities, we are city, has all the modern im- Portland, August 14, 1876. aug!4eodtd Returning, S. ,U. PE1TENGILL & t'O.'S CAPT. OKIB It. IUCBAHAH, number of Haco, JHennebunk, Wells, prepared to forward goods with Any recommendations might be pub- provements, large airy rooms, free baths, courteous Biddeford, Will leave Commercial Wharf, Rockland, eve™ prompt- lished, but the article is so well and attendents and table North and South Berwick, Conway ADVERTISING AGENT* ness and favorably known unsurpassed; charges flity per TELLER.-Aladame N. A. Tuesday and Thursday morning* at 5 l.'i dispatch. that it is deemed Let cent, less than at any other hotel in Junction, £liot, Kittery, Portsmouth, of unnecessary. the sufferer use Boston for the FORTUNEMaddox, the celebrated Fortune No. 10 State St., Boston, and 37 Park Ne* ïurk o'clock* (or on arrival of Steamer City Richmond Business entrusted to onr care them a short time to the same accommodation. Horse cats Clairvoyant, Hamptons, Ipswich, Beverly, Salem, Row, W. and will according directions on each pass the door to Teller and Doctress, can be consulted at No. 3 from Portland,) for Deer Isle, S. Bar Har- receive bottle and be convinced that all is all of the and Quin- Lynn, Chelsea and Boston nt β.ΟΟ p. Estimates furnished zratis for prompt attention. true which is now parts city depots. Terms, $1.80, to cy St. Madame M. has had large experience in tell- Advertising in a) bors (Mt. Desert), and Winter Harbor. said of them. The best article of the S2.00 GIDEON m., arriving in Boston at 10.00 p. m. Pullman in the Uniled States and Harbor Wednes. kiodever of- per day. HAYNES, Prop'r. ing searching out hidden or stolen Newspapers British Prov- Returning, leaves Winter every Portland Press fered for the relief of the sick and fortunes, lost, Parlor Car attached. inces 4..ΊΟ Daily STONE & 28 State sufiering. jy27 eodlm treasures. &c., and was never known to be at fault. day and Friday morningeat o'clock, DOWNER, St., Boston. Night Express with Sleeping Car, for at Rockland ap5 SOLD ONLY AT Do not miss this opportunity of consulting the touching as above, arriving at about (leoaSra great- Boston at il.λ5 a, m., every day (except C. with Steamer est fortune teller of the age. JPer ns intoanv J. WHEELElt, 11 o'clock, connecting City ot WESTMINSTER entering Mondays.) Portland. D. B. SAWYER'S DRUG HOTEL, new business or profession, the con ucting of whicn Richmond for ft STORE, NEWSPAPER Commerc al ON THE EUROPEAN they do «ot understand, will find ii; to their advan- RETURNIMG, ADVERTISING AGENT Will leave Wharf, Rockland, every '•Come 176 Middle St, Cor. of PLAN. morning at 5 I-'i on and See Me. Exchange, tage to pay her a visit. She can foretell the destiny Leave Boston at 7.JO, t9.00 a. m., fl'i.SO Saturday o'clock, (or Corner Place and of friends No. 5 arrival of Steamer as above) lor store formerly occupied by Emmons Chapman, Irvine 16h Street. Sew in any part of the world and describe them and at 7.00 p. m., connecting with Washington Building, Ellsworth, touching who have visited Peak's Island this summer York. perfectly. She also describes all manner of disease Steamers for Hit. Desert and Bar at Deer Isle. PORTLAND, MAINE, that flesh Returning, leaves Ellsworth every ALLhave doubtless noticed, ii not visited, the un is heir to, and gives medicine for the same. Harbor. Pullman Sleeping Car attached. PROVIDENCE. R. I. Monday where also be found a from at 5.30 at ique and pleasant place kept under the above title may good assortment oi One Block Union Square and Broadway. She has given universal satisfaction to all who have morning o'clock, touching Deer Isle, Job who The most and in in Rockland at about 11 con- by A, T. Sterling, is always on hand with the central, yet quietest location In the consulted her her constant travels ?ince she was South and West at S, R. NILE*, arriving o'clock, Printing Drugs, and Toilet Tickets to all Points and Fancy Articles. Convenient to the seven old. Good Throngh necting with SteamerCity #f Richmond for Portland. best of chowder all the other articles of food apr29 city. great «tores, theatres and years testimonials given if desired. lowest rates. Pullman Car Tickets for Seats and lor dtf ohurches. Elevator and all The Steamer OhArles Hocohton lias been usually called by the hungry multitudes, and al- modern improvements. Terms, Gents $1.00: Ladies 50 cents. Office hours Berths at Ticket Office. ADVERTISING AGENT. in tne access to all of 9 P. &. refitted and furnished with a ways served up most agreeable form. Not Easy parts the city by street cars and rom 9 A. M. to no9dtt Eastern for recently NEW Cars leave Depot, Portland, direct BOILER and new content with furnishing necessities of life alone he stages. at 1.30 m. Contracts for Advertisements in all ol Machinery, making her every Lowell p. Newspapers a class Steamer. now adds another attraction in the form of a Min- sep27d&wly40 C. B. FERBIN, line all cities and way first IV^XJSIO Σ Prop. Passengers by this avoid all change. towns of the United States, Canada For further particulars, of eral β ring, situated close by his buildings. Al- GEO. nd British inquire TROUT TACKLE. jutdtf BATCHELDER. Supt. Provinces. CYRUS STURDIVANT, Gen'l though it has been favorably known for some time UNITED Office No. 6 Tremont Street, Boston. Agent, OPPIC Έ and much sought after by those on the island, its STATES HOTEL·, Split Bamboo- Greenheart and olfaer kind* Railroad Wharf. New Sheet Books. R 6th. medical qualities were not fully known until the Music, Folios, of Fly and Bail Rode, Flics, Trolling Portland, May mySdtf present season. It has been analyzed by the State received daily by PHILADELPHIA, Bail*, Rioolcs, Lines, &c. Can show the GEORGE P. ROWELL & CO., of Breech MAIL· Assay er who reports it to be an "Alkaline Carbona- On 42d Street, Colombia largest assortment and Muzzle Maine Central LINE TO ted water, containing 11 66-100 grains of mineral Avenue, Yiola Loading Arms in the State, including the tDVERTISING AGENTS matter per gallon, consisting of Lime, Soda, Magne- C. K. HA Avenue and Elm Nova llatfJ Kills, Bill sia. Potash, &c." The water is cold, WES, Avenue, FOR ALL THE LEADING NEWSPAPERS. Halifax, Scotia, Posters, Heads, an exceedingly keeping even icmperature the year round, and Main Exhibition PARKER With connections to Prince is 177 Middle Directly pposite Building, GUN.. RAILROAD. Edward Is- especially valuable in cases of Dyspepsia, Kidney Street, Portland. Dealers in Printing Materials of every description Breton &c. land; Cape and 8t Johns, N. F. diseases, Instead of barre.ing up the water Slock in the Jype, Presses, etc. and it for The1ar(eil City. CENTENNIAL· GUOCNDg, selling a fancy price, Mr. Sterling propos- MONDAY, JULY 3, 1876. Office No. 41 Park Row, Now York. The es to give to all who Steamship FALMOUTH, visit him all the water they wish -AL80- G. L. (built expressly lor the to drink and and This elegant fire-proof structure was BAILEY, route) carry away, he cordially invites all W. A. will Cards, Tags, &c. printed at short who visit Peak's Pianos, Reed Organs, cheap tor cash or install- built by Richard J. Dobbins expbessly to BATES & LOCKE, Capt. Colbv, leave may Island to "Come and see me," 48 Exchange Street. «■',ιιιιιιιι· sa Trains leave Portland for Ban- Boston Railroad Violins, Guitars, Slusic accommodate Centennial visitors at reason- "" Wharf, every A· T. STEIiLlNG, Peak's Island. mentr, Boxes, Accordions, Agent for DnPoat's Powder mill*. λ Belfast and Flutes, Banjos, Piccolos, Harmonicas, able prices. It has 325 looms, all complete- '"v'or, Waterville, Dexter Newspaper Advertising Agenl*, SATURDAY at 5 30 p. m. for ang23 eodlw* Clarinets, ang7 eodlm vW "**—at tll.20 1.25 m. In- Cornets, and all instruments for Brass and ly furnished. The cuisine will be first-class p. m., p. HALIFAX, direct, making connections with the String in YORK. tercolonial tor New Glas- Bands, in great variety; extra \ iolin Strings, Ketail every respect. Large rooms can be en- 31 Ρ Α ι. Κ ROW, NEW Railway, Windsor, Truro, and Wholesale. gaged "jr use of commissioners, etc. A fine store in Brunswick U1.20 and Pictou, and steamers for Prince Edward Particular attention given to orders. the building to let. Address, Yacht for Sale. p. m., t6»15 u. m., 1.25» 5.20 p. m. J. H. Bates, late ol D. R. Locke, ο Locke & Ewland; also at New Glasgow, N. S., with Lind- notice* Ray a. 1.25 m. for at Halifax with Special jan31 deodly» P. S. BOOTHBY, Manager. Rockland t6.15 m., p. S. M. Pettengill & Oo. Jones, Toledo Blade. sey's Stages Cape Breion, and ^Meeting. Ieb26 Bath Î6.15 a. m. steamers for St. Johns, N. F. eodtf m., 1.25,5.20 p. Send for list of 100 choice newspapers. rpHE Shareholders of "The Tamipcutta Pine Land j The above schooner, well found and Lewiston t6.15 a. m., 1.20,5.C0 p. m. By RETURNING will leave Halifax cn TUES- X Co." to meet at the are hereby notified Fal- Notice. iyi/ fitted with new sails, spars and rigging,is Farmington 6.15 a. m., 1,20 p. m. DAYS, at 8.30 p. m. mouth Hotel on THURSDAY EVEiS 8 oflered for sale and will be a m. to Halifax and Re- ING,at o'clock, wife. Ellen L. Lowell, having left my home in $10 Per Af ;'f\ sold at bar The 111 20 p. train for Bangor makes close con- Vaults Cleaned and Ashfs Re- Excursion T icket» Aug. 24th, to tale action relatire to the transfer of Day if sold soon. Said is well E.