Portland Daily Press: July 31,1862
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. VOL. 1. ME., THURSDAY PORTLAND, MORNING, JULY 31, 1802. NO 33. " PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, of this disease is more pernicious than the first, —in other words, that recovery is worse than BOOKS & STATIONERY. PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN T. GILMAN, | I death. We say to the farmers of Massachu- HOTELS. JOSEPH B. ) Edltor8- _MEDICAL. | HALL, setts, when the disease appears in your herds, BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS! the sick from the R E M O V A L! BREED & TI BET, BANGOR It at No. separate well, andlmth from Eclectic Medical HOUSE, published EXCHANGE STREET, — 82$ all other IMPORTERS OP — Infirmary. cattle: fatten the cattle, if you can, Manufactured and for Sale by in FOX BLOCK, by for BASGOR, If*., lieef, and kill all of them. This is the on- Lasting*, Elastic to theTadies. safe Serges, Gussettings, poster, oilman and hall, ly and effective remedy.” °- M- SHAW, BAILEY & NOYES, AND FINDINGS, HUGHES particularly invites all Ladies who PROPRIETOR, same need a medical to call at his No. j_ Under the firm name of The disease lias existed in the milk DI{. adviser, rooms. 5 Street, which will for 56 AND 58 EXCHANGE STREET, PORTLAND. MANUFACTURERS of BOOTS & SHOES, Temple they Hud arranged dairy stahles of New York and ever their especial accommodation. N. A. FOSTER & CO. Brooklyn, Largest, aiHt central House in ALSO, KID AND GOAT STOCK, Dr. li.’s Eclectic Medicines are unrival- the dtr Nearest since when it was introduced a THE BOOK Renovating to Railroad. and April, 1848, by le«i in and virtue in all .Steamboats. Journal*, Ledger*, Invoice, Salt**, Memorandum, 60 Union, four doors from Middle efficacy superior regulating cow' taken on in to Street, Female Their actiou is and shipboard Europe, give Irregularities. specific ry-HORKES AND am Terms: Cash, Record, Docket*, Letter*, Masonic certain of CARRIAGES TO LET c. II. BitKKD. ME. i.h.tckky. producing relief iu a short time. on the and afterwards to a PORTLAND, juI16—3m mi|k passage, sold and Church Collectors Rooks. LADIES will find it invaluable _ Cue Portland Daily Press is published every jt-30—3iml&w in all cases of ob- of structions after all other remedies have been tried in at 85,00 in ad- dairyman Brooklyn. The disease has proved PREBLE morning, (Sunday* excepted), per year vain. It is in HOUSE, Wo make to order everv kind of RIank Rook used purely vegetable, containing nothing P0RTLANd7mE~ vance. fatal to hundreds, and JOHY LYNCH A the least injurious to the and be takeu perhaps thousands, oj Rank*. Insurance and Railroad C Ilo- i CO., health, may by ompanies, JOB with perfect at all times. cows, but all do not take it. A have tels, Factories and Houses. PRINTING safety majority Steamboats, Countiug Sent to of the country with full directions, Hales of Advertising: Wholesale any part Silaalcf am Caagrca, earner #f not shown themselves to the infec- Grocers, by addressing t)R. HUGHES, susceptible AND- Preble Streets. Transient Advertisements, 81.00 No. 5 Temple Street, corner of Middle, Portland. per square, tion, just as some persons do not to the mea- STATIONERY. for three insertions or less; exceeding three, and not COMMISSION N. B.—LADIES sles, or small-pox, when exposed to it. MERCHANTS, desiring may consult one of their one Letter, note. Cap and Record E sta/blish.meirt own sox. A of more than week. 81.25 per square; 75 cents per papers, Envelope*— GRANITE STORES, ...COMMERCIAL lady experience in constant attend- THIS la the largest Hotel in the State, The excitement some since white and buff, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, &c.. &c. Ev- STREET, ance. poa- week after. One other one got up years by jull—3in sosaiiig all tlie inoilem square every day week, article at improvements, end Frank ery lowest rates. W* Buy for Cash and (Opposite head of Widgery’s Wharf,) J- nr.t class in 81.00; 50 cents per week after. Leslie, altout “swill-milk,” had no other Sell Cheap. [COPYRIGHT 8KCCRKD.] every appointment. Portland, Mr. Exhibitions, kc., under head of Amusements, foundation than the existence of this disease. THE GREAT INDIAN TERMS MODERATE. FOR BOARD JOHN REMEDY BY WEEK $2.00 per square per week. Instead of BAILEY A NOTES, LYNCH, PKLKU BARKER, TIIOH. LYNCH. OR DAY. bring diseased, and giving poison- je23dtf FOR FEMALES. Special Notices, 81.60 per square for first week, ous milk reason of on the H‘ by living bad food, 56 and 58 Street. Dr. MATTISON’S INDIAN EMMENAGOGUE. ADA*8' Proprietor. 81.00 per week after. Exchange JfZMm**' cows have and an abundance of June dtf FOSTER &■ WILLIAM CAPET, Business Notices, in reading columns, 12 cents good food, it; Portland, 23.18G2. CUSHINGj and those which the This celebrated Female Medicine, CENTRAL IIOI per line for cue insertion. No charge less than fifty esca]ie contagion soon be- SE, EXCHANGE ST. possessing virtues unknown of any- come SIGN E. G. cents. the fattest I ever saw. 53 ^ PAINTER, thing else of the kind, and proving Mayo, Proprietor. Legal Notices at usual rates. effectual after all others have failed, Not long ago I looked in at one of these es- Has been removed from the office over C asco Half Down PASSADUMKEAQ, MAINE. Bank, War Willaw Slrrrt, is for both married and Advertisements inserted in the Maine State designed where a thousand cows to tbc office of the single LADIES, and is the best tablishments, nearly very UK .nbwtriber would very respectful), 1*resh (which has a large circulation in even- part of BLANK BOOK AND STATIONERY, PORTLAND, MK. thing known for the as it fcn.ty are purpose, ’MmUnennce to hi. nnmerou. friend., and the kept. One had been turned out into will on the State) for 38 cents per square in addition to the just June 23. d3m bring the monthly sickness that during the —AND— iu cases of after all other ?tfIB3v«I,u,,,ic fr.-n.'reHy. temporary above rates fbr each insertion. the yard—a most unmistakable case of obstruction, Mcoiminlunry suspension of his bu.llles. he pleu- remedies of the kind have been tried f has furnished this well-known bouse anew, and la Transient advertisements must be for in ad- ro and I w as JOII\ B. BROWN paid pneumonia, told that the scaven- DAILY A SONS, in vain. now better ever PA PER HANGING PRESS, than prepared to wait upon hia cus- vance. Trover 2000 BOTTLES have had taken six that When tomers. and by .trict attention to their want# ger aw'ayT morning. now been sold without hopes a single fail- to merit a continuance of the patronage which he Iwa attacked soon The others Sugar ure when taken as directed, and with- hitherto received. IIP1- All communications intended for the paper they dry up. give Refinery, E G. MAYO. WAREHOUSE ! out the least injury to health in any June as milk as cows could which CORNER OF MIDDLE AND EXCHANGE STS., 1'aa.aduinkcag. 28,1862. dbwtf should 1m* directed to the “Editors iif the Press” and good any were YORK STREET, PORTLAND, ME. case. It is in bottles of three those of a business character to the Publishers. shut up, ami did not have thesun of a pasture. R.lnbli.hrd in 1825. FOX BLOCK, jc23dtf put up dif- ferent strengths with full directions BATH UOTEL^ The Portland Daily and Maine State The disease has but for and sent spread little, considering Premium Blank Rooks on hand and made to order, usiug. by express, closely sealed, to all liy C. M. Press Office, in Fox No. ALBERT WEBB A C©„ parts of the country. PLUMMER. Block, 82$ Exchange the time it has existed but this is be- of of and finish. our there; ever)' variety style From long Pricks—Full strength, flO; Half Strength, #6; Street, is open at all hours during the day and eve- Directly over the Magnetic Telegraph Office, Fourth DEALERS IN 386. ff»»aij«Toi St., Bath. cause none go out except to the butcher, or to experience, we are enabled to offer to the trade and Quarter Strength, $3per bottle. ning, from 7 o’clock in the morning to 9 in the Story, where all varieties of 'Remember! This medicine is designed ex- be our customers letter bargains iii quality and prices, •.•Term* 81 per Stable connected buried by the scavenger. But it has ex- Flour and pressly for OBSTINATE Cases, which ail other rem- day. evening. than can be found in other establishment in the Corn, Grain, with hou*e. tended into New and any edies of the kind have failed to cure; also that it is Job Printing of even- executed Jersey Pennsylvania,and description State. Our stock of HEAD OF MEKKILL'S WHARF, warranted as represented in erery respect, or the _Bath, Juno 23, 1*52. dtf with dispatch; and all business pertaining to the of- there is danger of its being carried anywhere, price will be refunded. Contiurrrial 0TBEWAREOF IMITATIONS! Neiegenuine fice or paper promptly transacts on application as and at time. STATIONERY Slrrrt, Portland. Mr. Summer any Plain and Job Work, and warranted unless purchased directly of Du. M. Retreat, ■ hni-A Fancy jar The worst feature of the case at his REMEDIAL INSTITUTE FOR SPECIAL is, that the SOUTH Is selected with the greatest care from the best For- DISEASES, No. 2* Union Street, Providence, R. I. SIDE OF PEAK'S ISLAND, farmers there look upon it as a tj be WTI. II. II. "This visitation, eign and American Houses, ami embraces every arti- HATCH, Hneciality embraces all diseases of a pri- borne with what vote nature both of MEN and WOMEN, by a regu- HENRY M.