LIST of FRUIT VARIETIES, TOTAL 1,936 in Private Experimental Orchard O Benj

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LIST of FRUIT VARIETIES, TOTAL 1,936 in Private Experimental Orchard O Benj Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. LIST OF FRUIT VARIETIES, TOTAL 1,936 In Private Experimental Orchard o Benj. Buckman, Farmingdale, Illinois. 1913. APPLES Balls Choice Blood Red Abe Lincoln Baltimore Blood (Ver.) Abernathy Baltzby Bloomfield Abram Banks Gravenstein Blooming Orange Acme Banner Blue ^Mountain Adams Barcelona Pearm lin Blue Pearmain Aikin (crab) Barchard Blushed Calville Ailes Barnes Choice Bogdanoff Akero Barnock Boiken Akin Barry Bombshell Alleghany Barthol Bonegardnt" Alaska (crab) Barton Favorite Bonum Alexander Bartv Sweet Boren Winter Alexander Ice Cream Bartz Borovinka Alfriston B. 2 Borsdorfer Allanbank Bassett Bostick Queen Allis Batingme Bottle Greening All Summer Battulen Boucken Alamance Battyani Bowers Nonpareil Almond Baxter Bowman Excelsior Almota Baxter Pearmain Boyd Alstott Beach Blush Bradford American Beach Garden Brakefield American Summer Bear Brandywine Amblush Cra Beauty of Bath " Breech American Pippin Kent Breitling Aucuba Leaved Reinette " " Nordhaussan Berthecourt Brewington Pip. Aniere de Bedford Briar (crab) Anisim Beechwood Sweet Brierly ^^'ood Annas Gregoire Belbod Roozka Brightwater Annie Elizabeth Bella British Columbia Annette of Ya. Belle de Boskoop Broadleaf Hereford A pi Xoir Belle Pontoise Broadnax Arabian Bellflower Pip. Broadwell Arabka Bellis (Hun.) Broome Archibald Belmont Brownlee Pais. Arctic Ben Bolt Bryant Arkansaw Ben Davis Bryant Favorite (crab) Arkansaw Beauty Benham Buckingham .Vrmorel Ben Hur Bullett Arnold Beauty Benninger Bullock Pip. Aromatic Russet Benoni Burlington Arthur Bentley Sweet Burns Seed. Ashmead Kernel Benton Co. Beauty Bush Ashton Berkott Butter S^eet of Pa. Astrachan Spaneholm Berlin Calville Byers Atkins Seed Berry Red Atropurpurea (^crab) Bertha Cache August (crab) Bess Pool Cadwallader Aunt Ginnie Bethel Cagle Seed. Aurora Bethlemite Calville Rouge Precoce Austin Sweet Betsv Fancv Calville St. Saurier Australian Red Betts Calvin Fletcher Autumn Pearmain Betty Geeson Camack Sweet Autumn Swaar Bible Canada Baldwin Avera Favorite Bidwell Canada Reinette Avista Biggerstoff Canfield Axident Birth Cannon Pearmain Axle.y Favorite Bishop Cantrel Azeroly Anise Black Annette Capp INIammoth Ben Cardinal Red Babbitt " Burgess Carleton Bachelor Blush " Coal Carlough Bachelor Seedling Gillifiower Carolina Beauty Bailev Sweet Oxford June Baker Warrior " Watson Balchin Pearmain Blackwelder Carpenter Horse Balcom Best Blackwood Carpenter Baldwin l.lanchard Carpentin I^aldwin Sunnner Blenheim Cathead Ballard Blinkbonnx' Cathlin Pip. Catline Davis Excelsior (Md.) Cave Dawes Extra Celestia T:)ay Extra Ben Davis Cellini Deacon Jones Centennial Decarie Fi jero Chailamoff Deickman Falix Chattahoochie Delicious Fallawatei- Cheese of Pa. Deoma Fall Cheese Chelmsford Wonder Dickie Choice Mammoth Chenango Red " Pippin Chestatee. Summer " Sweet Chester Co- Dickinson *' AVinesap Chisman Dinant False Windsor Chief Churchill Dr. Berckmans Fameuse Cilla^os " Briggs Family Ci 11 da reiki " F'ulcher FancN- Claibourne " Howsley Fann\' Clark ** Keiser Father Clark Orange " Long Feast Fine Red C. Lot *' Noyes Ferdinand Claygate Pearmain " Spavia P.ovatinkio Ferris Clayton " Walker Ferrv Red Cleopatra " Watson Fink Clermont Dominie Fisher Cliff Rose I )omino Fishkill Clinton Door Fhmdeis Cl.N man Pip. Doux d'Aigcnt Flava (crab) Cobham Downing W. W. i;iiisli Flavescens (crab) Coeur D'Alene Doyle Florence (crab) Cockle Pip. Doyleston Florv Coerulescens (crab) Drap D'Or Floyd Coffelt DiLMlge Fame Flushing Si)itzenberg Coffee Indiiin I )uc-k( tt Fonville Cohill of Abbott.sford I )uffev Forden Col. HI. I'aide Duke of York Forest lied Coles CJuince I )ula Beauty Forge Colfax Dulaney Choice Fort Miami Collins Duling Superb Foundling Colonial Pip. I )umel<)W Fourth of July Colorado Ciange Dumelow of England Franklin Colvert 1 )uncan Fiazer Hard Skin Conger Dunsmore Sweet French IMp. Connett Sweet Dutch Minnonne Frequin Rouge (crab) Cook of Cal. Frosakers Coons Red Eaily Almond Fulton Cooper lievane Fulton Strawberiy Cooper Early Chiton iMarket " Harvest Galesburg Coos River " Joe (iano Cornish Giliflower l*ennock Garden Royal Corp Choice " Red Margaret Garden Seed. Corset Hill " Ripe Garfield Costard (Ireen " Rivers Garrett Seed. Costard Red Strawberiy Garretson Early Court Pendu Plat " Queening Gascoyne Scarlet Cowarne Queening Eckels Summer Gerard Cowen Seed. Ecklinville German Bough Cox Orange Edelsdorfer Cluster " Pomona Eden " Seed. " Red Leaf Rus. p]dwards (;i:itit <;«Miitoii Crain Edwards Early Cranberry Pip. Transparent (Jideoii i;est Crawford Egyptian Queen Gideon Sweet Crimson Devonian Eicke Gilbert Crock son Elarkee Gill Cross Elkhorn Gilmore Crotts Ella Gimmersta Crown Prince Rudolph Elliott Winter Gipsey Crumpton Elsie Givens Cuba Empire Give It Up Cullasaga England Seed. Glen Alpin Cullins Keeper English Pip. Glendale Cumberland " Rus. of England Glenloch Cummings Red " Sweet Glenwood Cut Wine Enormous Gloria Mundi Cyclone Ensee Glowing Coal Ernster Winter Goff Dahlonega Etta Go in Daisy Eureka Gold Dale Evaline Golden Ball. Dancher Sweet Evans Harvey Dantziger Ribbed Evans of Idaho Knob Danvers Sweet Eve Medal Dark Red Evening Party Noble Datich Queen Ewalt " Nonpareil D'Avrolles (crab) Excelsior " Pearmain of N. Golden Pippin of Pa. High Top Sweet Kansas Keeper Queening- Himbear Queen Reinette Hiram Sweet Kartacs (Hun.; Russet of W. X. Y. Hoadley Kay Sweet Hoary Morning Keeper White Hoffman Golden Kecskemet Gold Ridge Hog Island Sweet Keiser Fall Spiece Gold's Golden Holladav Kemp Favorite Gooseberr\- Holland Pip. Kentish Fill Basket Goosepen Hollman S^ve?t Kentucky Cream Gordon Holly Long Sleni Gracie Holt Red Crab Grammers I'eairnain Honey Sweet " Summer Queeii Grand Duke Frederic du Horn Kernodle Winter Bade Horse Kerr Grening Grandmother Horton \Vinter Kestner Grassy Mountain Houghtailing Keyes Re<d Grave Housome Kickapoo Gravenstein Howard A port Kieve Reinette Great Bearer Howard Sweet Kimberland Rambo Giatham Riis. Hubbardston King David Grays Spy Seed. Hugenot King- of Pippins Green Crank Hunge Kingston Black Newton Pip. Hunt Kinkead " Streaked Hunt Rus. Kinnaird " Sty re Huntsman Kirkbridge White Greenville Hurlbut Kirk Fame Greenwich Hutchins Red Kirk Lord X^elson Gregg- Hvdes King Kirkland Grenadier Hyfill Kittageskee Grimes Golden Kitzinger Grise Dieppois (crab) Imperial Klaproth Grosser Mogul Imperial Gestreister Klickitat Guderstrups Gravenst*^in Rambo K)ieisle\ Hellflower Guilford Red Impioved Ashmead Knowls Kailv Gully Bess Pool Kn.>x Gurkow " Horse Koss Karly Guy " Shannon Kossuth Winesap Krauser H. 8 Indian Haas Indiana Favorite I^acker Hageiikopft Ingram Lady Carrington Hall Intermedia (crab) Ladies' Choice (crab) Hall Keeper Iowa Flat Ladies' Favorite (crab) Hambledon Doux Aus Keeper Lady Alice Eyre Hamblings Seed. " Russet Elgin Hames Seedling Henniker Hampus Irish Peach of X. Z. " Sudley Hamilton (crab) Ishatn Swt-et " Sweet ^ Handley island r.faiity " Waldion Handwerk 1 Sherwood Washington of O. Hannah Iva Hardin Lamljert 1 vanhoe Lanark Hargrove I. X. L. Harper Lancaster GreV^ning Landon Harrison Cider Jackson of Del. Hairison Fa\orite Jacob Favorite Laiidsberger Reinette Haskell Sweet Jacob Sweet Lane Prince Albert Hasting Jacques Lebel Lane Red Streak Haswell Seek No Further Jameson Lanier Hatch Janetta Pearmain Lankford Hatcher Janua)-\- (eral) I^apland Hawley Jarminite l.,arge Golden Pip. G. R. Haw tho rnd e n - New and Sweet Jefferis " Striped June Havcock Jersey Sweet " Haywood Jewett Best Summer Queen Hedrick Je»wett Red Larimoe Heidorn Johnson of 111. Latah Helper Johnson Sweet Late Duchess Hemmenger Johnsonite Late Strawbei-i-y Hennepin Jonatlian Lawver Henry Clay Jonathan of Buler Lead Henry Rus. Jones' Cider Leath Henzen Pearmain Seed. Ledge Sweet Herefordshire Beaufin Seedling of X. Z, Legal Tender Herefordshire Pearmain Julian Leicester Sweet • Herndon July Bower Leland Spice Herrick July Cluster Lemon Pip. Herr June Juneating- Lessoff Herkimer June Market Leonard (crab) Hessian Camp Letorey Hibernal Kaido (crab) Lewis Incomparable Hickman Kaighn Spitzenberg ^ Leyden Pip. Hick Sv/eet Kaiser William Liberty Higby Sweet Kansas Bellflower Lievland Raspberry Highland Beauty Greening Lieb Sweet 3 Lily of Kent Miller of N. Y. No. 2 Athens Limber Limb Pip. Miller of Wis. " 25629 M. Syl. Ag. Dep. Limber Twig Milwaukee " 37567 Ag. Dep. Lindlev Limber Twig Minch " 37568 " " Linn iVIinister " 37569 Little Rachel Minkler Little Russet ]Minnesota (crab) " 2 B Loddington Missouri " 4 Babcock London Pip. Modoc " 5 London &weet Mollie " 13 Longfield Monmouth " 14 Long's Russet Monmouthshire Beauty " 2 Coote Longsworth Monsees " 4 '-' Lord Beaconsfield Monstreuese de Nitika " 5 Burleigh Monte Bello << 4 Cox Yellow " Grosvenor Montreal Peach " 5 Cox Red Hindlip Moon " 2 Dees Lords Late Moore Extra " 21 Loring Sweet Favorite " 3 Famuese Lou " Sweet " 2 Glenwood Lough Ruby " 3 Gideon Love Moi-egi " 20 Ijowell Morgan " 6 Goode Lowery Morris " 2 Herren Loy IMoscow Pear (crab) " 3 Lubsk Queen Moscow Pear of Wis. " 4 Lyman Sweet Mosher Sweet " 92 Miller " 93 Mo. Ex. St. Mote Sweet " " 547 " " Mother " Mabbott Pearmain Motte " 657 " " " MacAfee " 737 " " Moulton Midling " Mac Culler Moultrie " 793 " " " Mac Indoe Mountaineer " 876 " " " Macintosh Mountain Sweet " 893 " " MacLee Mannoth Valley MacLellan Mountain MacMahan Mount Boomer vol Mourning Pip. " 1 Ogden MacNash " 7 Oregon Galopin Mouse Madame Mr. Gladstone " 2 Passman Maggies Favorite " Magnet Mrs. Bryan 17 Peffer
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