PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.-YOL. 14. PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24, 1876. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN AD TANCE. HON. J A η ES «. BLAINE mid Tub actual THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, WANTS. EE ESTATE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, retrenchment effected the AJL MISCELLANEOUS. THE PRESS COL.. ROBEBT ti. by INCEBNOIiL, late over that the Congress oi last year Is be- Published every day (Sundays excepted) by will speak at Booksellers and Stationers. tween eleven and twelve millions Wanted. For Sale. THURSDAY AUG. 24, '76 instead of HOYTdt FOGG, No. 91 Middle Street. IM0RMN6» Augusta, Saturday, Sept. 2. as claimed. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., SITUATION as Organist in Portland or vicin- Ten miles from Portland, in thirty The increase of the 4. cav- A ity. Best of reference Address, on Farmjkgton, Monday, Sept. given. Windham, Stage Road to Bridg- ilry force by 2,500 men to fight the At 109 Exchange St., Poktland. BLACKSTONE, ton, thirty acres of 1:111a, Book Binders. We do not read anonymous letters and communl- South Paris. Tuesday, Sept. 5. savages Dow mowing, augl6dtf 6£ Street. pastille and under- oations. The nam< are in will cost which Teems: DoiUrs a Tear in advance. Tc woodland; WM. A. ((IIM'V, rtooni It, Printers' aDd address of the writer Bridgtox, Wednesday, Sept. 8. $1,500,000, reduces the pre Eight ^drained where and Seven Dollars a Year it in ad- needed, in a Exchange, No. Ill HI. all cases not tor lioua of mail subscribers paid state of with Exchange indispensable, necessarily publication Biddefobd, Thursday, Sopt 7. economy thirteen millions to eleven* good cultivation, one aero of HIHiLL 4k 35 Plum vance. muck : one mile from Church and Poet. HHACKFOBD, No. but as a guaranty ci good iaith. WAWTEDJ Office: halt Street. ind a halt, The New York mile from Tribune, apeak- School; three miles from Railroad. Story We canDOt nndeitake to return or reserve commu- STATE TRESS at 51 Slrfet ; aUo and a half house with blinded and Tltey (the framers of the Comtitution) left rp*. ng of the retrenchment, remarks : THE MAINE Spring ell. furnished that are not convenient ΗΤΑ BLE. nications used. BOARDERNto let a nice and throughout, with cement cellar,wood, ice, hen house Carpenters and Builders. olulion organized wtrnerer it should be are a it a There great voters io every Thursday Morning 82.50 on the and with barn all in condition many thoughtful published Inquire premiee»* aug9dlw*ttf yard good ; orchard of WIIITNKY & demanded by the of a the if in advance at $2.00 a MEANS, Pearl Street, op- public opinion mate ; country who will say, in the first year, paid year. young thirfty trees, grapes, pear, and emaller the place, plum posite Park. Evbuy regular attache of the Press is furnished left it with to SNAP the lie of that it was nut a dillictilt task or fruits in bearing. Also the crops and farming tools power Con- one that in- Rates of Advertising : Onu inch of the Wanted. volved space, including twenty tons of hay, at a hargaiu. Inuuirè with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. federation an a nation might break a any great discrimination or any per- ot constitutes a Live for the best business in the of W. H. Furniture—Wholesale and sonal or length column, "square." P»pw Agents paying VINTON. ESQ., Middle Street, Retail. Editor. All and to REPEL party sacrifices on the part of a Demo- first 75 cents week OVJ State. not Call and Portland, Pullen, railway, steamboat and hotel treaty» COERCION ana $1.50 per square dally week; per Experience necessary. or DR. HUNTINGTON, on the premises. WAMEK COREY & CO., Arcade, No. cratic House to cut down the after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; oontinuing see for youreelt at Room 5, Boyd's Block, cor. Middle IS managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding nation might KEPEL INVASION. appropriations augl7 dti *frre Street. tor a Republican Administration. They bad every other day after first week, 50 cents. and Exchange Sts., Portland. of to our S. J. in GEOBGE A. No. 5β Ex- credentials every person claiming represent TILDES', 1860. to Half square, three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one jy29d5w* J. HATHAWAY. WHITNEY, everything gam by making a cheap repata- For St. of all tion as week, 50 cents per week after. Sale. change I'phohceriug kind» Journal. reformers, and to lose leav- $1.00; done to order. nothing by Special Notices, one third additional. Wanted, Η Ε new, two-story house, No. 12 Ellsworth St. Not one rent. Ill· a Black Republican ing the several departments of government Under head of "Amusements" and "Auction Contains ten rooms, for under the of a first-class France to Sebago, piped gas, War and Black Republicans may foot the disadvantage lack of sufficient Sales," $2.00 per square per week ; three insertions Fly girl. Apply thoroughly built, dry and pleasant location. Will be Horse Slioers. means to on W. Κ bill·. They'll *ct of it carry their business. Theie was or ONE DANA, sold on the enough before they less, $1.50. reasonably. Inquire premises. E. nOBRILL & YOUNG, Experienced gain for them at both βη(*8 of the the "Main* jy20iltf Saccarappa, Me. E. I can tell transaction. Advertisements inserted In State augSdtt C. AVE RILL. Uoriw shoei'H at No. 70 Pearl St. get through yon. I1 bey made themselves Press" has a circulation in popular by retrench- (which large every part novSdtf JOHN C. TALBOT m 1861. ment, and their of [he State) tor $1 00 per square tor first insertion, opponent* unpopular by de- them of and 50 cents per sq uare for each subsequent insertion. LOST AND FOUND. priving tbe means oi administering Address ail communications to for Sale. Pattern and Model Maker. the government It Cottage ;'This war is a perfect outrage, and I satisfactorily was their J. i. BARBOUR, 230 Fore Street, Cor game, in fact, to cripple tbe resources of tbe PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. ot will lend no assistance to its prosecution. STORY Cottage, pleasantly s'tuated in West Crow, Portland. party io power. How far they have done this AUGray, with eight couvenient and beautifully SAMVEL J. TILDEN. in tbe business of retrenchment remains to be rooms. Good stable connected. Garuen finished Photographer. seen. Then, » io, tbe iact will not be lost ENTERTAINMENTS. A mniiber of and fruit trees, hard and soft water. All in con- sight unreceipted Bills good American anil most A. S. OA of the voters to whom Mr. dition for immediate Price and terms Nearly every State, foreign VIS & CO., No SO Middle Street. TUSH ON THE : by llanda'l appeals, ol the Portland Com- occupancy. have bestowed medals the UIASOtt COLUMN that the Publishing liberal. For of countries, upon Democratic party has not such a particulars inquire & HAITI LI Ν ORtiAIY for over all pany. The finder will conter a E. UPHAM & CO., superiority From every of the state come the most record as tbu advocate of that ibis Ball ! whether native or The sale of these Plumbers. part economy Grand Masquerade favor the same at this Mo. 7 St. others, foreign. spasm should be at by leaving augSdlm Exchange instruments is JAMES MILLER, No. 91 Federal Street accepted onoe and without unparalled. of the success of tho as Friday Evening, Aug. 25,1876, Office. cbeeriug reports Repub- question evidence of its actual spirit and For Sale· purpose. There >s Mr. Kiudall himself, who — lican — PRICES REDUCED. Seal Estate Agents. canvass. is not AND Victory only assured, has been tbe in all tbe retrench- Lost HATTIE E. SAMPSON, 230 61-100 tons JOHN C. leading spirit PROCTER, No. 9» Exchange but we reason ment measures, the most tuculent about seven SCHR.burthen, Ν. M., well found in sails and rigging, have to believe that it will be reformer of Grand Ball Saturday Evening, Aug. 26th, EVENING, August 11th, Street. them between G. C. Shaw's Tea &c. Apply to MICA H SAMPSON. all, who certainly is not fortunate in his — AT — FRIDAYo'clock, Store, and FOR one of those old time victories for six- own record on 246 Brackett (new number,) by way of Pine Street, jnc21dtf 100 Commercial St. M'PBML & CO.'S GOLD MEDAL PRESIDENT, which, tme point. That gentleman was OCEAN 1IOUME, Old Orchard Bcach. Stair Builders. a Brown Morocco focket Bo«b, containing quite willing, when be and his party bad no re- 85. V. lilBBV. teen years, have electrified our brethren ES***Board $2 per day. ao23T&T2t about sixty dollars in two rolls of bills; around ore Ilonsc for Sale. IVo. 259 Fore Street, cor. sponsibility for legislation, not only to sit by roll of bills was note for twenty-five and Cross in Delano's Mill. RUTHERFORD B. HA and see the dollars, GOOD con- YES, the and the expenses of the Government in- about one dollar in change. The finder will be 2£ story house, centrally located, ZPZLA-ZtsTOS Cw. L·. throughout country given key ten finished with HOOPER, Cor· York and maple creased by the notorious bnt to liberally rewarded by leaving the same with W. J. A taining rooms, furnace, gas, Streets, OF OHIO. back-pay grab, Sebago, and good There is a garden, note of national in November. Our vote for and the ALDEN, Eastern Express Office, Plum Street drainage. good IIAVE NO SUPERIOR! triumphs aotively promote passage of with Grape vines, Strawberries, Gooseberries. Cur- tbe bill and in bis own BASE BALL ! aug!4 dtf Fan vice; president, old put pocket bis share of and I lum connected with the foe bis defeat.
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