Portland Daily Press: July 31,1862
PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. VOL. 1. ME., THURSDAY PORTLAND, MORNING, JULY 31, 1802. NO 33. " PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, of this disease is more pernicious than the first, —in other words, that recovery is worse than BOOKS & STATIONERY. PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN T. GILMAN, | I death. We say to the farmers of Massachu- HOTELS. JOSEPH B. ) Edltor8- _MEDICAL. | HALL, setts, when the disease appears in your herds, BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS! the sick from the R E M O V A L! BREED & TI BET, BANGOR It at No. separate well, andlmth from Eclectic Medical HOUSE, published EXCHANGE STREET, — 82$ all other IMPORTERS OP — Infirmary. cattle: fatten the cattle, if you can, Manufactured and for Sale by in FOX BLOCK, by for BASGOR, If*., lieef, and kill all of them. This is the on- Lasting*, Elastic to theTadies. safe Serges, Gussettings, poster, oilman and hall, ly and effective remedy.” °- M- SHAW, BAILEY & NOYES, AND FINDINGS, HUGHES particularly invites all Ladies who PROPRIETOR, same need a medical to call at his No. j_ Under the firm name of The disease lias existed in the milk DI{. adviser, rooms. 5 Street, which will for 56 AND 58 EXCHANGE STREET, PORTLAND. MANUFACTURERS of BOOTS & SHOES, Temple they Hud arranged dairy stahles of New York and ever their especial accommodation. N. A. FOSTER & CO. Brooklyn, Largest, aiHt central House in ALSO, KID AND GOAT STOCK, Dr. li.’s Eclectic Medicines are unrival- the dtr Nearest since when it was introduced a THE BOOK Renovating to Railroad. and April, 1848, by le«i in and virtue in all .Steamboats.
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