The Newsletter
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The NEWS LETTER International Hydrofoil Society PO Box 51 - Cabin John MD 20818 - USA Editor: John Meyer First Quarter 2011 Sailing Editor: Martin Grimm PERSONAL HYDROFOILS SUSTAINING MEMBERS By Ray Vellinga, IHS Member In America, the first hydrofoil may also have been the first personal hydrofoil. In 1895 the Meacham brothers of Chicago began work that culminated in their 1913 patent of a submerged hydrofoil system. It was flown by one person. Perhaps the first Personal Hydrofoil ______________________________ Roll is controlled by the “milk stool” system. The foils are located on YOUR 2011 IHS DUES ARE DUE three corners and act as legs of a stool. You may recall, a similar sys- tem was used by Chicago’s O’Leary family. However, the true inno- See Full Announcement on vation of the Meachams’ design is the front foil’s height-finding Page 2 mechanism. A forward reaching surface-follower is linked to the foil’s angle of incidence. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Significantly, similar systems appear in some present-day personal - President’s Column ----------- p. 2 hydrofoils, such as the High Flying Banana (Hifybe). In contrast, for roll control Hifybe uses outboard flippers, similar to ailerons, extend- - Welcome New Members ----- p. 2 ing from the main foil. Hifybe, in its present form, was first flown in - Crossing the Bar, Part 2 ----- p. 4 2007. It was preceded by personal hydrofoils of varying successes. Other examples are the Hi-Foil, Dynafoil, and the OU-32. See Hifybe - Dave Keiper Williwaw-------- p. 5 at: - Carton Ondule Hydrofoil---- p. 6 - Manu Wai --------------------- p. 8 - Sailor’s Page ------------------ p. 10 See Personal Hydrofoils, Page 3 PRESIDENT’S COLUMN WELCOME NEW MEMBERS R. Cameron Ingram To All IHS Members I cannot over-emphasize the develop- Cameron Ingram joined Lockheed ment, along with High Caliber Solu- Martin Corporation in February All in all, IHS has had a good 2010, tions, Inc. of New York, of a 2005 as the Business Development and I am looking forward to another significant addition to the IHS Principal for Maritime Systems & decade of progress and service to the website. It is called: Hydrofoil Sensors (MS2) in the Tidewater re- hydrofoil community. Many thanks to World. The site is designed to be in- gion. He serves as the company’s Frank Horn for taking on the task of structive and informative to a wide primary connection to the Depart- setting up and manning an IHS booth audience, particularly those not fa- ments of Defense and Homeland at several American Society of Naval miliar with hydrofoils and the tech- Security in the Hampton Roads Engineers (ASNE) meetings in the nology, along with others who are Maritime arena. Washington DC area this past year. interested in the history of hydrofoils. This has exposed the Society to a Please log onto the IHS website: A career Naval Officer, Cameron wide audience and resulted in recruit- and click on: New! Ingram served in Surface Combat- ment of new mem- Visit Our Virtual ants in the Atlantic and Pacific bers. Joel Billings- YOUR 2011 DUES ARE DUE Hydrofoil Museum Fleets. His Surface Warfare experi- ley has been instru- IHS Membership options are: ence includes the largest nuclear mental in making US$30 for 1 year, $56 for 2 I hope you find it in- powered cruiser, USS LONG the arrangements years, and $82 for 3 years. Stu- teresting. Also, BEACH (CGN 9) and the smallest with the ASNE for dent membership is still only please spread the and fastest patrol hydrofoil missile IHS to participate on US$10. For payment of regular word by sending combatant, USS AQUILA (PHM a no-cost basis. membership dues by credit this message to fam- 4). He commanded the guided mis- card using PAYPAL, please go ily and friends. sile frigate USS DOYLE (FFG 39) Although sign-up of to the IHS Membership page and the AEGIS cruiser USS LEYTE new members at <http://www. I want to remind you GULF (CG 55) which deployed slowed down re-> and that IHS annual with America’s first responders im- cently, the year as a follow the instructions. dues increases to mediately after September 11, 2001. whole wound up $30 effective 1 Jan- Ashore, Cameron Ingram served on with 13 new members. As always, all uary 2011. We are still offering multi- the principal staffs of the Chairman members are asked to encourage col- year dues payments: $56 for 2 years of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Sec- leagues to join. Please make them and $82 for 3 years. In the meantime retary of the Navy and the Chief of aware of the IHS website and the fea- all members can still take advantage Naval Operations. He was a Master tures regarding membership. of the 2010 multi-year payment ar- Training Specialist at the Surface rangement until December 31, 2010. I want to remind you that you can Warfare Officers School serving in There will be no change in Student view the Membership List by logging the Command Department. His fi- annual dues of $10. onto the IHS website and put in the nal active duty assignment was proper password. All IHS members As your President and Newsletter Ed- Deputy Commander & Chief of have been informed of this password. itor, I continue my plea for volunteers Staff, Naval Surface Force, U.S. At- If you have been missed, please con- to provide articles that may be of in- lantic Fleet. tact the webmaster (webmaster terest to our members and readers. A Carolina native, Cameron Ingram It is advisable for all to Please send material to me graduated from the University of check the information on the List. If it ([email protected]). I will be North Carolina, earning his Com- is incorrect, please send changes to: pleased to hear from you. mission through the Naval Reserve Steve Chorney: schorney John Meyer, President Continued on Page 12 Page 2 IHS First Quarter 2011 PERSONAL HYDROFOILS Soon thereafter in Southern Califor- (Continued From Page 1) nia, Dynafoil enters into production. It uses a variable angle of incidence front foil to control height. The height sensors, located on the front strut, provide additional lift when dropping below cruise height. Turn- ing under the fall provides roll con- OU51 Hydrofoil trol. The Dynafoil is a commercial success and sells over 500 units in 6 Personal hydrofoils are exciting, and years. See the Dynafoil here: they are fun to fly. They are a delight to spectators. Within limits, they go faster on less fuel than many boats of HgXbfAkBuiU the same size. The ride is smooth through choppy water. These boats Hifybe Hydrofoil provide an authentic experience of Hi-foil is marketed in the late 1960s, flying but are much safer than small before the success of the relatively aircraft. Why aren’t any of these simple personal watercraft like the Jet thrilling boats currently in produc- Ski and the WaveRunner. I happen to tion? That is the question. be traveling through the United King- Prior to 2001, another IHS member, dom when the first production model Graeme Vanner, along with his part- of Hi-foil was completing trials. A ners Steve Gresham, and Gavin brief visit to the test site is rewarded Cawood created the Manta Foil. It is with a test ride. Perhaps the test is not distinguished by the pilot’s prone po- The Dynafoil of the boat, but of me. Could the boat sition and the surface-piercing hydro- be flown by the typical man off the foils fore and aft. The designers’ street? I find it easy to control roll by The most sophisticated and exciting intentions were to fine-tune the pro- tuning the inverted “V” front foil into personal hydrofoil is the OU51 and totype and then join forces with an es- the direction of the roll. Bike riders OU32. It is the most popular video in tablished manufacturer. The craft can call this “turning under the fall”. The the “Hydrofoil” series of 18 on be seen flying at: http;//www. height of the front foil is regulated by Youtube. It has attracted over variable submersion of the inverted 900,000 viewers. It is designed by ViU V-foil. Kotaro Horiuchi, IHS member, when chief design engineer for the Yamaha Motor Company. The OU-32 uses a variable incidence front foil linked to a trailing wand that is attached to the front strut. This boat also “turns un- der the fall” and is capable of chang- ing course with a 45 degree bank. A distinctive feature is its water-jet. The OU-32’s production is cancelled Manta Foil piloted by Gavin because of economic recession. See Cawood the OU32 at: Ray Vellinga is author of “Hydro- foils: Design, Build, Fly”, available at wObflyTPLvM Hi-Foil IHS First Quarter 2011 Page 3 CROSSING THE COLUMBIA RIVER BAR of this leg we would make a wide star- our successful approach to the bar. ON HIGH POINT board course change to 130 deg into We were now centered in the channel the Desdemona Sands section of the between Cape Disappointment to the By Joel Roberts, IHS Member ship channel. Our intended track was North, and Catsop Spit to the South – fully committed. I casually stepped [This is the second part of the arti- marked by red (right hand) channel across the pilot house until I was cle appearing in the 4th Quarter buoys numbered 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and standing behind BMC Woods.