BC Hydro ILM Amendment Application.Pdf
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July 4, 2012 INTERIOR TO LOWER MAINLAND TRANSMISSION (ILM) PROJECT Spuzzum Alignment EAC Amendment Application Submitted to: BC Hydro Suite 1100, Four Bentall Centre 1055 Dunsmuir Street P.O. Box 49260 Vancouver, B.C. V7X 1V5 Reference Number: 0914220018-500-R-Rev0 Distribution: REPORT 2 Copies - BC Hydro 2 Copies - BC Environmental Assessment Office 2 Copies - Golder Associates Ltd. ILM PROJECT SPUZZUM ALIGNMENTEAC AMENDMENT APPLICATION Executive Summary BC Hydro has undertaken studies and submitted this Environmental Assessment Certificate (EAC) Amendment Application to assess the potential incorporation of the Spuzzum Realignment into the Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission (ILM) Project, a new 500 kilovolt (kV) Alternating Current (AC) overhead electric transmission line from Nicola Substation (NIC), near Merritt, to Meridian Substation (MDN) in Coquitlam. An EAC for the ILM Project was received on June 3, 2009 which included an alignment within the Fraser Canyon through Nodes F-F1-G1-H which would mainly be a new alignment outside of existing BC Hydro Right-of-Way (ROW) (Figures 1 and 2). The proposed Spuzzum Realignment would be within an existing BC Hydro ROW parallel to Circuit 5L41. The Spuzzum Realignment was not part of the ILM Project Alignment permitted in 2009; however, it was studied as part of the environmental assessment. Since the EAC was issued in 2009, BC Hydro has reached an agreement with the Nlaka’pamux Nation Tribal Council (NNTC) on the ILM Project which has permitted consideration of the Spuzzum Realignment. The new line would be constructed within an existing ROW corridor through the following Spuzzum First Nation reserve lands: Papsilqua IR 2 and 2A; and Spuzzum IR 1 and 1A. The existing ROW corridor is wide enough to accommodate the new line except for portions located on Papsilqua IR 2 where the new line would be double-circuited within the existing Circuit 5L41 ROW corridor. Incorporation of the Spuzzum Realignment involves the following changes to the ILM Project: Replacement of the ILM Project alignment through Nodes F-F1-G1-H with the Spuzzum Realignment through Nodes F-G-H (Figure 1 and Figure 2); Addition of three (3) 500 kV double-circuit towers, two within Spuzzum First Nation Reserve Papsilqua IR 2 (Figure 2); Reduction in the overall length of the ILM Project by 2.7 km from 247.7 km to 245.0 km; and Reduction in the length of new ROW and clearing required for the ILM Project since the Spuzzum Realignment is situated within existing ROW adjacent to Circuit 5L41. An environmental effects assessment of the Spuzzum Realignment was undertaken as described in Chapter 3.0 of this Amendment Application. Information pertaining to the remainder of the ILM Project alignment is included in Chapter 6 of the ILM Project EAC Application, with detailed information for the entire Project corridor and alternative alignments considered during environmental studies included in Appendices C through T of the EAC Application. Based on the environmental effects assessment provided in Chapter 3.0, the following key conclusions were made with respect to the Spuzzum Realignment: July 4, 2012 Reference No. 0914220018-500-R-Rev0 i ILM PROJECT SPUZZUM ALIGNMENTEAC AMENDMENT APPLICATION Reduction in the number of watercourse crossings from Node F to Node H from 8 to 5 when compared with the previous alignment; Reduction in the amount of older forest (structural stages 6 and 7) removed from Node F to Node H from 90 ha to 21 ha when compared to the previous alignment; Avoidance of considerably more suitable and capable Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis) habitat than the previous alignment from Node F to Node H, and avoidance of currently occupied areas; Reduction in clearing required between Node F and Node H from 192 ha to 81 ha when compared to the previous alignment; and Fraser River crossing situated parallel to Circuit 5L41 instead of along new ROW. Assessment results of the other technical disciplines remain relatively unchanged when compared to the previous alignment between Nodes F and H; although a decrease in many potential residual effects would be observed proportional to the reduction in the overall length of the ILM Project. Potential effects of the Spuzzum Realignment would mainly occur during the construction phase associated with ROW clearing, and during the operations phase associated with the ongoing presence of the ROW and transmission infrastructure. The majority of potential Project-related effects have been mitigated through Project design and selection of an alignment that maximizes use of existing ROW, and avoids or minimizes disturbance to sensitive habitats, watercourses and wetlands, hazardous or unstable terrain, populated areas, sensitive viewpoints, old growth forest habitat, heritage sites and other features. A detailed Table of Commitments and Assurances was developed as part of the ILM Project EAC Application, and forms Schedule A of the EAC issued for the Project by the BC Environmental Assessment Office (EAO). It outlines the mitigation, compensation, consultation and monitoring activities and measures that would be implemented prior to, during and following construction to avoid, minimize or manage potential effects of the ILM Project. There are a total of 94 commitments and assurances that incorporate requirements from technical discipline-specific assessments undertaken during the ILM Project environmental assessment process and the subsequent EAC Application review and approval process. Adherence to these commitments during construction, operations and maintenance is a condition of the ILM Project EAC. The Commitments and Assurances in the ILM Project EAC would be applied to the proposed Spuzzum Realignment should it be approved. No changes to existing commitments or new commitments are required to incorporate the Spuzzum Realignment as part of the ILM Project. Once appropriate mitigation and avoidance measures are implemented, the Spuzzum Realignment is not predicted to result in significant adverse environmental, economic, social, heritage or health effects. July 4, 2012 Reference No. 0914220018-500-R-Rev0 ii ILM PROJECT SPUZZUM ALIGNMENTEAC AMENDMENT APPLICATION Limitations and Use of Report This report was prepared for the exclusive use of BC Hydro, their assignees and representatives, and is intended to provide an environmental assessment of the Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission (ILM) Project Spuzzum Realignment in support of an Environmental Assessment Certificate (EAC) Amendment Application in accordance with the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Act (BCEAA). The inferences concerning the conditions of the Site are based on information provided by BC Hydro and obtained from baseline studies and information gathered in support of the ILM Project EAC Application submitted to the BC Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) on November 10, 2008. In developing this EAC Amendment Application, Golder has relied in good faith on information provided by government and BC Hydro. We accept no responsibility for any deficiency or inaccuracy contained in this report as a result of our reliance on the aforementioned information. The findings and conclusions documented in this Amendment Application have been prepared for specific application to the ILM Project Spuzzum Realignment and have been developed in a manner consistent with the level of care normally exercised by environmental professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in the jurisdiction. Golder makes no other warranty, expressed or implied. Any use which a third party makes of this Report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility of such third parties. Golder accepts no responsibility for damages, if any suffered, by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this Amendment Application. July 4, 2012 Reference No. 0914220018-500-R-Rev0 iii ILM PROJECT SPUZZUM ALIGNMENTEAC AMENDMENT APPLICATION List of Acronyms AAC Annual Allowable Cut AANDC Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada AC Alternating Current AHIMP Archaeological and Heritage Impact Management Program AIA Archaeological Impact Assessment APEC Area of Potential Environmental Concern ARD Acid Rock Drainage BC Hydro BC Hydro and Power Authority BCEAA British Columbia Environmental Assessment Act BCTC British Columbia Transmission Corporation BCUC British Columbia Utilities Commission BEI Broad Ecosystem Inventory BMP Best Management Practice CDC Conservation Data Centre CEA Agency Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency CHP Chapmans Capacitor Station CMT Culturally Modified Tree CN Canadian National CP Canadian Pacific CPCN Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity CWD Coarse Woody Debris CWH Coastal Western Hemlock DB Design-build DEM Digital Elevation Model DFO Fisheries and Oceans Canada EMF Electric and Magnetic Fields EMP Environmental Management Plan EMS Environmental Management System EPP Environmental Protection Plan FEARO Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office FGJV Flatiron Graham Joint Venture GSC Geological Survey of Canada GWR Goat Winter Range Ha Hectare(s) July 4, 2012 Reference No. 0914220018-500-R-Rev0 iv ILM PROJECT SPUZZUM ALIGNMENTEAC AMENDMENT APPLICATION HADD Harmful Alteration, Disruption or Destruction HCA Heritage Conservation Act HROA Heritage Resources Overview Assessment IBA Impact Benefit Agreement IDF Interior Douglas-fir ILM Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission ILMB Integrated Land Management Bureau IR Indian