Diyala Governorate Profile March 2009
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Diyala Governorate Profile March 2009 Overview Located on the Iraq’s eastern border with Iran, Diyala also borders Baghdad to the south east. The population is the most rural in Iraq. The landscape varies dramatically from the Himreen mountains in the north to the desert in the south. Diyala’s diverse ethnic composition of Kurds, Turkmen and Arabs has led to widespread security problems, particularly after 2006. Ap- proximately 80% of Diyala’s (IDPs) are originally from Diyala, having fled to other parts of the governorate to avoid being targeted for their religious, sectarian or political allegiances. Disputed borders with the Kurdistan region also contribute to the tensions. While security im- proved in the second half of 2008, the situation remains tense com- pared to most of Iraq. With the exception of Baladrooz district, Diyala performs well accord- ing to humanitarian and development indicators. Baladrooz has se- vere problems with poverty and unreliable electricity supplies. High numbers in both Baladrooz and Al-Khalis suffer from chronic disease. Connection to the water network is poor outside Ba’quba and Al-Kha- lis. Demographics IDPs & Returnees Governorate Capital: Ba’qubah 637814#9:#,-./#;5<#01234511/#=14#'&&	:#2>1# Number of IDPs and Returnees per 1000 of Area: 17,685 sq km (4.1% of Iraq) =9=3?;@95/#9:#-AB;?;#;5<#,4;C# Population: 1,560,621 (5% of total) the population in Diyala and Iraq Source: COSIT (2007) %%# Gender Distribution: Male: 50% Female: 50% 01234511/# Geographical Distribution: Rural: 59% Urban: 41% "# Source: GoI COSIT (est. for 2007) Population by district: Baqubah 135,291 Al-Muqdadiya 248,575 $$# Al-Khalis 319,332 Khanaqin 179,191 ,-./# Baldrooz 627,489 Kifri 50743 !"# Source: IOM as of September 2008 Source: COSIT (2007)* &# '&# %&# (&# "&# !&# )&# *&# $&# +&# '&&# !"#$%&"%'($)("('*+,)))--./01)2$(3%&$$+)))4-/.564)789+) -AB;?;# ,4;C# *IDPs and Returnees are not included in the overall governorate population Employment EmploymentF/;14D/.<E$:<$G:D010$ in Diyala Security /03)9:4;"<*3:=0*4>":*"8:;?,?" Security Incidents in Diyala -./01.$203456$-467.$ !"#$ '&!" 80697:;094<$=0>.?$!)@*(A$ &'#$ '%!" B01.$203456$-467.$ "!#$ '$!" 80697:;094<$=0>.?$!)@*(A$ "'#$ '#!" (2007) VAM Source: WFP Source: UNAMI SSI !%#$ -./01.$C<./;14D/.<E$ '!!" "#$ &!" !&#$ %!" B01.$C<./;14D/.<E$ "#$ $!" #!" '#$ !'#$ &'#$ %'#$ ('#$ )'#$ *'#$ +'#$ "'#$ ,'#$ !" H60I$ G:D010$ ()*+!&" (),+!&" -).+!&" /01+!&" 234+!&" 567+!&" 803+!&" <*3:=0*4>" @64?,"80?4A>" B:7:,:?*"80?4A>" UN & NGO Presence & Response Funding in Diyala FAO, UNHCR, UNESCO Agriculture Iraq OCHA Coordination NCCI UNAMI, UNDP, UN-HABITAT, ILO, UNIDO, ESWA IMC Diyala EconomicReform&Diversification UNAMI, UNICEF, UNHCR, UN-HABITAT, UNESCO, ILO, ESCWA, UNFPA, WHO MC Education NGOs WFP MC, MHE, HAZAHR, BAHHR, HHO FoodAssistance UNCT Source: 3W Database UNAMI, UNDP, UNOPS, UNESCO, UNIFEM IMC & International GovernanceSupport Organisations UNICEF, UNHCR, UNDP, UNOPS, WFP, UNFPA, WHO, IOM MC, PU, IMC, HAHNHR Health&Nutrition UNHCR, UNICEF, UN-HABITAT MC, MHE, HAZAHR, HHO, BAHHR Housing&Shelter UNICEF, UNHCR, UNIFEM, UNDP, UNOPS, IOM MC Protection UNICEF, UNHCR, UN-HABITAT, WHO, IOM MC, IR WaterandSanitation UNDP, UNICEF, UN-HABITAT, UNOPS, UNHCR MC Other 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Millions 350 Selected Indicators The size of the symbol indicates the total number of individuals affected per district al- al- Indicator All Iraq Diyala Baquba Muqdadiya Khalis Khanaqin Baldrooz Kifri % % % % % % % % Illiterate Women (10+) 24 10 4 7 11 25 13 26 Illiterate Men (10+) 11 3 2 2 2 8 6 12 Education (2007)* VAM Source: WFP Women with less than Primary Education (10+) 47 32 30 34 18 50 35 63 Men with less than Primary Education (10+) 31 21 21 18 8 41 23 43 Female Labour Force Participation (15-64) 18 20 22 22 15 13 22 21 Male Labour Force Participation (15-64) 81 80 79 80 80 81 81 83 Employment Female Unemployment (15-64) 13 8 6 3 10 31 8 6 Male Unemployment (15-64) 12 8 6 2 17 5 13 3 Fever in the past 2 weeks 8 7 1 2 29 3 3 4 Health Diarrhea problems in the past 2 weeks 3 3 1 1 10 1 3 1 Chronic disease 9 9 6 12 15 8 4 8 No alternative electricity source 21 29 24 8 10 78 44 93 Electricity More than 11 hours power cut or no network 55 29 13 27 52 11 87 1 Lowest per capita Income Quintile 22 27 35 7 12 35 51 17 Poverty Lowest per capita Expenditure Quintile 20 30 33 1 43 16 62 12 Sanitation: Hole/None 8 15 12 50 5 2 13 0 WATSAN Water from stream/well/tanker 11 22 13 47 7 20 47 53 Not connected to general network 26 27 13 47 7 46 53 72 Stunting: Chronic Malnutrition 22 25 15 22 14 54 45 33 Food Wasting: Acute Malnutrition 5 12 3 30 10 9 7 5 * The WFP VAM 2007 survey used a distribution of Iraqi districts which differs from that used by UN HIC. The district names and areas used for the reference map, indicator maps and demographics do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on behalf of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status or frontier delimitation of any district or other area shown. The Information Analysis Unit is hosted by OCHA and supported by UNAMI Participating Agencies and NGOs UNAMI, OCHA, UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, FAO, WHO, UNHCR, WFP, ILO, IOM, Mercy Corps, International Medical Corps, GenCap and IMMAP [email protected].