
Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017

Editor-In-Chief Muhammad Alfatih Suryadilaga, State Islamic University of ,

Managing Editor Saifuddin Zuhri, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Indonesia Abdul Mustaqim, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Indonesia

Editors Muhammad Amin Abdullah, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Indonesia Sahiron Syamsuddin, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Indonesia Jajang A Rahmana, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung Indonesia, Indonesia Iqbal Ahnaf, CRCS Gajahmada University, Indonesia Samsul Ma’arif, CRCS Gajahmada University, Indonesia Aksin Wijaya, IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia Umma Faridah, IAIN Kudus, Indonesia

International Editors Board Mun’im Sirry, Notre Dame University Ronald Lukens-Bull, Professor of Anthropology and Religious Studies Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work University of North Florida, United States

The : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin is an independent academic journal focusing on the sciences of the ushululddin (principles of religion), published twice a year (April and October) by the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Islamic Thought, State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. It is a shared space to disseminate and publish the scholarly papers of those whose concern is the sciences of ushuluddin, such as, Kalam, Tasawuf, Islamic Philosophy, Tafsir, Hadith, Comparative Religion, Studies of Religion and Islamic Thoughts.

The : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin was launched in February, 2000 by the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Islamic Thought, State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. This journal was once accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education, No. 52/DIKTI/Kep/2002.

Currently, The : Jurnal llmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin has been accredited based on the Decree of the Director General of Research and Development Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, No. 36a/E/KPT/2016.

In order to improve the quality of the journal and incoming articles, since 2017, the Esensia: Jurnal llmu- Ilmu Ushuluddin was heading to be an International Journal. Manuscripts submitted can be written either in English or . Please submit your manuscript via http://ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id/ushuluddin/esensia DAFTAR ISI

Sufism of Archipelago: History, Thought, and Movement Syaifan Nur and Dudung Abdurahman...... 123

The Face of Mountainous : The Dynamic of Islam in the Dieng Mountains Wonosobo, Central , Indonesia Ahmad Salehudin, Moch. Nur Ichwan dan Dicky Sofjan...... 135

The Doctrine of Logos Within Ibn ‘Arabi Mystical Philosophy 155 Widiadharma...... تنوع معانىNovian اللباس ,Muzairiفي القرآن تنوع معانى اللباس في القرآن )دراسة التفسير املوضوعى( )دراسة التفسير املوضوعى( تنوع معانى اللباس في القرآن

173 )دراسة التف...... س ي ر ا مل و ض و ع ى ( صوفريانسدا صوفريانسدا الجامعة إلاسالمية " يابتيب" بباسمان الغربية سومطرا الغربية

الجامعة إلاسالمية "يابتيب" بباسمان :Islam الغربيةin سومطرا الغربية of Land Ownership صوفريانسدا [email protected] Analysis on Hadis Ih}yā’ al-Mawā[email protected] الجامعة إلاسالمية "يابتيب" بباسمان الغربية سومطرا الغربية [email protected] Suhendra...... 189 تجريد تجريد Religion, Radicalism and National Character: الدوافع آلاساسية لهذه الباحثة هي الدوافعتنوع معانى اللباسآلاساسية في لهذه القرآن الذيالباحثة هييطلب تنوع املـزيد تجريدمنمعانى اللباس التوضيح في لرفع القرآن الذي يطلب املـزيد من التوضيح لرفع In Perspective of South Local Wisdom اللبس فيها. إن كلمة اللباس معناه هو مايستر الجسم، وحسب ما جعنا في القرآن الكريم وكتب التفاسير 201 اللبالدوافع س فيها. إنآلاساسية كلملهذهة اللباالباحثة سر مهي عناهتنوع هو ممعانىا ياس...... ت للباسر ا لفيج سم،القرآن وحMahmuddinالذيس ب مايطلب رجعنااملـزيد ف ي منال قرآن التوضيح الكريملرفع وكتب التفاسير وجدنا أن كل آية نجد أنها ال اليمكنل بأنس وجدنا فيأنها. يفسر إكلن كلكلماتمآية ة اللبنجدااللباس س فيم أنهاع ناهال هالقرآن و مبمااي يمكن ستر أنيسترا لجسميفسر،الجسم وحسفقط. كلماتب مفماا رجعاللباسالذين ا ففيي القرآنالقرآن بما الكريم يستر وكتب الجسم التفاسير فقط. فما الذي يسبب اختالف معانى هذه الكلمة Taymiyahالواحدة في of Ibn القرآن؟. Exclusive Islam From The Perspective يسببوجدنا أن كل آيةاختالف نجد معانى أنها ال هذه يمكن الكلمةأن يفسر الواحدة فيكلمات اللباس القرآن؟. في القرآن بما يستر الجسم فقط. فما الذي 213 الكلمات املفتاحية: اللباس، ...... القرآن، Fata يسبب التفسير، Khoirul اختالف معانى املوضوعىAhmad هذه and الكلمة الواحدة في Noorhayati القرآن؟. Siti Mahmudah الكلمات املفتاحية: اللباس، القرآن، التفسير، املوضوعى Islamic Studies as Radicalism الكلمات School-Based املفتاحية: Boarding اللباس، القرآن، Islamic التفسير، Traditional املوضوعىThe Role of Abstrak and Intolerance Flow’s Blocking Agent PenelitianAbstrak ini Abstrak ditekankan dan didasarkan pada realita dan pemahaman masyarakat yang penulis temukanSuryadi bahwa and mereka M. Mansur memahami...... “libas” hanyalah sebatas penutup badan saja, atau dalam artikata 225 Penelitian ini ditekankanPenelitian ini dan ditekankan didasarkan dan didasarkan “pa padakaian”. realita padaSementara dan realita pemahamandidalam dan pemahaman al-Qu r masyarakat’an, masyarakatpengungkapan yang yang kata penulis penulis libas itu bermacam-macam, ada yang temukan bahwatemukan mereka bahwa memahami mereka memahami“libas”diungkapkan hanyalah “libas” hanyalah sebatas dengan sebatas penutup ungkapan penutup badan “libasul badan saja, khauf”, saja, atau atauada dalam jugadalam denganartikata artikata istilah "libasul jû’”. Penelitian ini “pakaian”. Sementara“pakaian”. didalam Sementara al- didalamQur’an, alpengungkapanditekankan-Qur’an, pengungkapan pada kajiankata libaspenafsiran kata itulibas bermacam ayatitu bermacam-ayat “libas”-macam,-macam, dalam ada ada al -yangQur’an, yang di mana lafaz al-Qur’an yang diungkapkan dengan ungkapan “libasul khauf”, ada juga dengan istilah "libasul jû’”. Penelitian ini diungkapkan dengan ungkapan “libasul khauf”,berasal adadari pecahan juga dengan kata yang istilah sama "libasul(dalam hal jû’” ini. ayatPenelitian-ayat “libas” ini ) sehingga terjadi kekeliruan dan ditekankan pada kajian penafsiran ayat-ayat “libas” dalam al-Qur’an, di mana lafaz al-Qur’an yang ditekankan pada kajian penafsiran ayat-ayatsalah “libas” tanggap dalam dalam al memahami-Qur’an, di isi manadan kandungan lafaz al- Qur’anal-Qur’an. yang Dalam kajian ulum al-Qur’an hal ini berasal dari pecahan kata yang samadinamakan (dalam denganhal ini ayat wujuh,-ayat yaitu “libas” lafaz) sehingga musytarak terjadi yang kekeliruan muncul dan berulang kali dengan makna yang berasal dari pecahan kata yang sama (dalam hal ini ayat-ayat “libas”) sehingga terjadi kekeliruan dan salah tanggap dalam memahamiberagam. isi dan kandungan al-Qur’an. Dalam kajian ulum al-Qur’an hal ini salah tanggap dinamakandalam memahami dengan wujuh, isi dan yaitu kandunganKata lafaz Kunci musytarak : alLibas-Qur’an. , yangal-Qur’an, muncul Dalam Tafsir, berulang kajian Maudhu’iy ulum kali dengan al-Qur’an makna hal yang ini dinamakan denganberagam. wujuh, yaitu lafaz musytarak yang muncul berulang kali dengan makna yang beragam. Kata Kunci : Libas, al-Qur’an, Tafsir, Maudhu’iy إلافتتاح اعتصم به فلن يضل عن صراط ربه، وهو Kata Kunci : Libas , al-Qur’an, Tafsir, Maudhu’iy الدوافع إلى اختيار املوضوع إلافتتاح الروح الذي يطير به إلاسالم إلاىع تالقصلمو ب هو افمللد ن يضل عن صراط ربه، وهو إن القرآن الكريم هو ايةهد هللاالدوافع إلافتتاحإلى العظمى، اختيارا لساري فاملوضوعي تغذية آلارواح والنافلوروسح، ا لواذلنعيت ظيامصط يمر ببهه إلافلسالنم يإلىض اللق لوعبن واملصد راط ربه، وهو وهو شريعة هللا ودينه الذى ارتضاإنه الدوافعل عباإلىد القرآنه ، اختيارالكريمالكامل هو ايةهدالكافل املوضوع هللا لسعادة العظمى، اإلانسانل سفيا ري هذهفا لي رتالدوغحنياذ ي اةل ذآلاريو ايحط يوارل نبفهو سإلا، سوااللنم ظإالمى القلوب واملد من ابتغى الهدى في غيره فلن وهو يقبل إنشريعة منه ومنهللا القرآن ثم في ودينه الكريم الذى آلاخرةهو ارفيت ايةهد ضاهأعالى لعباهللاد ه،الجنان. الكامل العظمى، الالكافل ساري فلسعادةي تغذية إلانسان آلافير واحهذه والالدنفنيا وس، والنظام من ابتغى الهدى في غيره فلن يقبل منه ومن ثم في آلاخرة في أعالى الجنان. وهو شريعة هللا ودينه الذى ارتضاه لعباده، الكامل الكافل لسعادة إلانسان في هذه الدنيا من ابتغى الهدى في غيره فلن يقبل منه ومن ثم في آلاخرة في أعالى الجنان. , Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 ISSN: 1411-3775 E-ISSN: 2548-4729 http://ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id/ushuluddin/esensia

The Face of Mountainous Islam: The Dynamic of Islam in the Dieng Mountains Wonosobo, , Indonesia

Ahmad Salehudin, Moch. Nur Ichwan and Dicky Sofjan [email protected] , [email protected] dan [email protected] Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University and Gadjah Mada University

Abstract This article elaborates Mountainous Islam in the Dieng Mountains. Today Dieng is a Muslim society. However the historical accounts about the way Islam entered Dieng are still debatable. It becomes more difficult since there is no any support data that is quite reliable. Based on oral history and Islamic phenomenon, there are three important finding showed. First, the in the Dieng Mountains is provided clear information that Islam entered to the Dieng not merely by the acculturation process as commonly understood, but also colonialization. Second, the Islamic tradition in the Dieng Mountains is the result of the negotiation of Islamic traditions and Hindu-Buddhist that first grew in Dieng, and present traditions that come to the Dieng Mountains. Islam Dieng creatively adopts and adapts new traditions in line with the improvement of society’s economic condition. Third, Islamic expression displayed by the Dieng community is a portrait of a mountainous Islam that is adaptive, dynamic, and open to change. Their religious expression will continue to change along with the development of creativity that is influenced by economic development, educational attainment, their encounters with outsiders, and the natural vulnerabilities they face as people living in active and often life-threatening mountains Key words: acculturation, colonialization, mountainous Islam, religious expression

Abstrak Artikel ini menguraikan Islam Pegunungan di Dieng. Hari ini Dieng adalah sebuah masyarakat Muslim. Namun catatan sejarah tentang cara masuknya Islam Dieng masih diperdebatkan. Ini menjadi lebih sulit karena tidak ada data pendukung yang cukup andal. Berdasarkan sejarah lisan dan fenomena Islam, ada tiga temuan penting yang ditunjukkan. Pertama, sejarah Islam di Pegunungan Dieng memberikan informasi yang jelas bahwa Islam masuk ke Dieng tidak hanya dengan proses akulturasi seperti yang biasa dipahami, tapi juga kolonialisasi. Kedua, tradisi Islam di Pegunungan Dieng adalah hasil negosiasi tradisi Islam dan Hindu-Budha yang datang pertama kali ke Dieng. Islam Dieng secara kreatif mengadopsi dan menyesuaikan dengan dan menciptakan tradisi baru seiring dengan membaiknya kondisi ekonomi masyarakat. Ketiga, ekspresi Islam yang ditampilkan oleh masyarakat Dieng merupakan potret sebuah agama Islam pegunungan yang adaptif, dinamis, dan terbuka untuk berubah. Ekspresi religius mereka akan terus berubah seiring dengan perkembangan kreativitas yang dipengaruhi oleh pembangunan ekonomi, pencapaian pendidikan, perjumpaan mereka dengan orang luar, dan kerentanan alami yang mereka hadapi sebagai orang yang tinggal di pegunungan yang aktif dan sering mengancam jiwa. Kata Kunci: akulturasi, kolonialisasi, Islam pegunungan, ekspresi keagamaan.

135 THE FACE OF MOUNTAINOUS ISLAM: The Dynamic of Islam in the Dieng Mountains Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia

Preface sources, Muslim communities existed at the The Dieng Mountains today is a Muslim socity. beginning of the 15th century.5 The existence However the historical accounts about the way of communities mentioned in Chinese sources Islam entered Dieng are still debatable. It becomes is very interesting to explore further because more difficult since there is no any support data the existence of a community may not arise that is quite reliable. Most of the data is merely suddenly. Moreover, according to Woodward, an assumption built on oral stories circulating in the process of transition and conversion of Dieng society. The story is then associated with Central Java’s population to Islam was gradual, the old sites that their reliability is still subject to uneven, and continuous.6 If the community verify, such as the story of curly-haired children mentioned in the Chinese record is an Islamic that is strongly related to the myth of Kiai community under the rule of Demak Bintoro Kolodete. In the treasury of the knowledge of the Kingdom, then Islam might be present in Java Dieng Mountains, the life of the Kiai Kolodete is long before the Demak kingdom. In other considered a crucial phase of Islamic development words, Islam entered Central Java long before in the Dieng. He is believed to be a Hindu ruler the establishment of this Islamic kingdom. who later converted to Islam after the presence of It is very difficult to make a single conclusion Muslim priests sent by the Sultanate of Demak. upon which all academicians agree on the coming Unfortunately, this notion is not supported by and establishment of Islamic communities in any convincing historical data. However, this Central Java. One of the most important factors does not mean that the story developed in society one could pay attention to in this process is the cannot be trusted at all. Such stories are valuable traders crossing the . The traders information that can be understood only by using might try to run their religious beliefs during local people’s worldview. There is a truth wrapped their activity. They make a place of transit to up in these stories.1 run their religion. Such things can be seen from Tracing this further, it is not only the history the existence of the Masjid Keramat (sacred of Islam in Dieng that is still vague, the origin mosque) in Singaraja seafront area, which is not of Islam in Java is also still in debate.2 That far from the Masjid Agung Jami Singaraja . means that there is no consensus. The historical This mosque was made by merchants who want debate about how Islam entered Java will never to run commerce to the area of ​​Lombok, to rest be complete, for there is no single reliable data and fulfill his religious obligations.7 Similarly, in providing information about that process and the process of Islam entering Central Java, the particularly the contact between the two: Islam traders initially made places a stopover. These and Java.3 Many say that by the end of the 14th century, Java already had Muslim communities. aspect of Javanese Cultural History in the 14th and 15th centuries,” Bijdragen tot de taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde 137, In fact, the already existed in the 1981, 259-292. kingdom of .4 According to Chinese 5 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normative. 84; see also S.F Dale, Islamic Society and the South 1 Paul Thompson, Suara dari Masa Silam: Teori Asian Frontire: The Mappilas of Mallabar 1498-1922, London: dan Metode Sejarah Lisan (translated by Widu W Yusuf), Oxford University Press, 1980; MC Ricklefs, Yogyakarta Yogyakarta: Ombak, 2012. under Mangkubumi 1749-1792. A History of the 2 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normative Devison of Java, London: Oxford University Press, 1974, 2. Versus Kebatinan (translated by Hairus Salim HS), Yogyakarta: 6 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normative, LKIS, 2012. 2012. 3 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normative. 7 Ahmad Salehudin, Revitalisasi Identitas Komunitas 84-85 Masjid Dalam Perubahan Budaya Global: Studi Pada Komunitas 4 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Masjid Saka Tunggal Banyumas, Masjid Al Fattah Ambon, dan Normative.; see also S Robson, “Java at the Crossroads: Masjid Agung Singaraja Bali, Research Report, 2015.

136 | , Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 Ahmad Salehudin, Moch. Nur Ichwan dan Dicky Sofjan places eventually gave birth to an established is proved by the Arab traders known by the and solid community. As the community was royal population of Sriwijaya as Zabak, Zabay being built, they bring religious teachers to meet or Sribusa. This opinion was put forward by the new religious community’s needs.8 Thus, Crawfurd, Keyzer, Nieman, de Hollander, the existence of traders is closely related to the Syech Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas, early process of of Central Java. Of and Abdullah bin Nuh. Second, Europe sources. course, the conversion process of this period The notion comes from Marcopolo in 1292 AD. did not go massively, because the traders did He was the first person to set foot in Indonesia, not put the spread of religion on their primary precisely when he returned from to purposes. It is rather the derivative impact of Europe by sea. He was assigned by the Chinese their trading activities. emperor to deliver his daughter as a present The history of Islam is not merely a process of for the Roman emperor. Once he stopped in conversion into Islam gradually as can be traced northern . In this area he discovered from the opinions of experts, but also relates to the existence of an Islamic empire, the kingdom the status of Islam as a national religion.9 The of Samudera Pasai. Among the historians who latter makes the conversion process into Islam adhered to this theory are C. Snouch Hurgronye,​​ fast, systemic, massive, and structured, as is W.F. Stutterheim, and Bernard H.M. Vlekke. the case with Hindu-Buddhist communities Third, India sources. This mentions that Indian in the Dieng Mountains. It is impossible that traders from have an important role the Hindu-Buddhist people in Dieng --most in the as religion and culture likely the religious leaders---- will leave Dieng in Indonesia. The Gujarati traders in addition right away or make a total conversion unless to doing commercial activities also teach their there was a specific system, such as the state of religion and culture to every society they Islam, which suppressed them. However, this encounter, especially to the people located in assumption is not supported by convincing the coastal area. This theory was born in 1883 written data. As the consequence, the entry of AD, popularized by C. SnouchHurgronye. Islam into Dieng will remain in mystery. Proponents of this theory are Dr. Gonda, Van In general, information about the entry Ronkel, Marrison, R.A. Kern, and C.A.O. Van of Islam into Indonesia has five sources of Nieuwinhuize. Fourth, Chinese Sources. This reference, namely Arabic, European, Indian, is known through a note from Ma Huan, a Chinese, and domestic.10 First, Arab sources. journalist following the journey of her admiral Arab traders had come to Indonesia since the Cheng-Ho. He stated through his writings reign of Sriwijaya kingdom (7th century AD) that since about 1400 there have been Islamic that controlled the trade shipping lanes in the merchants who reside on the north coast of western part of Indonesia, including the Strait Java. T.W. Arnol said that Arab traders spread of at that time. The relationship of Islam in the Nusantara when they dominated Arab traders with the kingdom of Sriwijaya the West-East trade since the early centuries of Hijra or the seventh and eighth centuries. 8 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan In Chinese sources it is mentioned that, in the Normative.; see also S Robson, “Java at the Crossroads: aspect of Javanese Cultural.” 7th century CE , an Arab merchant became the 9 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normative. leader of a Muslim Arab settlement on the coast 84 of Sumatra (called Ta’shih) (Edyar. ed., 2009: 10 D Supriyadi, Sejarah Peradaban Islam. Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2008, 191. See also Badri Yatim, Sejarah Islam 187). Fifth, local sources. There are sources from di Indonesia. : Depag, 1998.

, Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 | 137 THE FACE OF MOUNTAINOUS ISLAM: The Dynamic of Islam in the Dieng Mountains Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia within the country that explain the growing architecture of the mosque and the tradition of influence of , such as the rock the Syafi’i school generally embraced by their written in Leran (Gresik), which uses Arabic people are inherited from Kerala, while the letters and writing about the death of a woman Islamic state, the ritual aspects of the sultanate, named Fatimah Binti Maimun (1028); The tomb and the Sufi tradition are shaped by the royal of Sultan Malikul Saleh in North Sumatra who tradition of Indo Persia.12 died in Ramadhan year 676 H or 1297 AD; and Islam in Kerala in South India has the grave of Syech Maulana in similarities with Islam in Southeast Asia. Gresik who died in 1419 AD.11 Therefore the both might have historical These sources are very useful yet relationships. Kerala is a cross-point for trade complicating in reconstructing the history since the Roman Empire. At the beginning of about the coming of Islam in nusantara. An the first century, this area consisted of Jewish, account saying that in an area there has been Arabian and Christian populations, as well as an Islamic community does not show that Islam indigenous Hindu communities.13 Kerala is a came at that particular time. It instead points major source of pepper, and is an important out that Islam has come a long way before. channel for trade relations between Arabia Likewise is the existence of Nisan Fatimah Binti and India, and generally Southeast Asia. As Maimun in Gresik. It simply indicates that there trade routes, including Arab traders, Islam may have been Muslims buried there, rather than the have existed in South India at the time of the entry of Islam. If we agree that Islam in its early Prophet Muhammad’s life.14 Muslims in Kerala stages developed gradually, it is likely then mostly come from Arabia and the Persian Gulf.15 that Islam entered long before the existence of They are Shafi’ite in fiqh. Kerala is a haven for those written evidences. However, the existence merchants from Sumatra, Malaya and China.16 of these texts is very useful to reconstruct the If you look at the flow of this trade, it is clear understanding of Islamic Nusantara in broad that there is a historical relationship between sense, and Javanese Islam in particular. Kerala and Indonesian, especially Java Islam. In What we have as sources hitherto are only other words, Kerala Islam has an important role the written stuffs. We need to expand it then by in the Islamization of Java. looking at the elements of the Islamic advocates According to Woodward, there are at least of Indonesia and compare it with other Islamic four similarities between Islam in Java and traditions. In this way, we can reconstruct the Kerala, namely mosque architecture, mystical history of Indonesian Islam, including when traditions, socio-religious organizations, and and from where Islam Indonesia came. In the religious rituals.17 First, the architecture of context of Javanese Islam for example, we need 12 See Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan to consider the supporting elements to trace its Normative. 85 origin. Javanese Islamic culture is generally built 13 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normative. on two elements, namely Kerala (South India) 85-86; see also S.F. Dale, Islamic Society and the South Asian Frotire: The Mappilas of Malabar 1498-1922, London: Oxford tradition that is heavily influenced by Arab University Press, 1980, p.12. tradition and the Deccan Islamic kingdoms of 14 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normative. 85-86 northern India- dominated by the religious and 15 S.F. Dale, Islamic Society and the South Asian Frotire: political order of Indo-Persian. p.26. combines elements of both traditions. The 16 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normative. 85-86; see also S.F. Dale, Islamic Society and the South Asian 11 D Supriyadi, Sejarah Peradaban Islam; See also Badri Frotire: p.26. Yatim, Sejarah Islam di Indonesia. Jakarta: Depag, 1998 17 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normative.

138 | , Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 Ahmad Salehudin, Moch. Nur Ichwan dan Dicky Sofjan mosques in Java and Lombok has similarities share similarities in ritual as well, such as five- to that in Kerala, which is wood-based and time prayers, Ramadan fasts, pilgrimages to three-tiered, resembling Hindu temples of the sacred tomb, reciting the Quran, and dishes East Asia. Such architecture can be seen in the eaten together after the process is completed. Great Mosque of Demak which is considered This kind of ritual is called in Java as the oldest mosque in Java, Yogyakarta Palace and Nercha in Kerala. In other side, the dishes mosque located in Kota Gede, and served are also the same, namely panganan, tomb.18 Second, the common mystical tradition. made from rice flour, and called Apem in Java The mystical traditions that developed in Java and Appem in Kerala.21 Based on these four have similarities to those in Kerala. Kerala is similarities, Woodward considers that Kerala a transit area between and South Asia. is an important source for the process of This greatly enables the mystical tradition that Islamization in Java. It becomes stronger when flourished in Kerala to also be found in Java. it is associated with Kerala’s position as a transit As mentioned in the cebolek, a mystic text of area between Mecca and South Asia. the 18th century, that after Kiai Mutamakkin Despite of being an important source was put on trial for being accused of heresy, of Javanese Islamization, Kerala does not he was sent back to his master in South Yemen significantly provide information on the system to increase his knowledge of Islamic law.19 of government, for there is no kingdom in Third, the similarity of social and religious Malabar Coast. That is, if some periods later organizations. The Javanese and Kerala Islamic Islamic kingdoms were established in Java, the societies share similarities in social and religious Kingdom of Demak Bintoro, Pajang Sultanate, organizations, which are oriented towards the and Mataram Islam to mention some, there . In the tradition of traditional Javanese must be other sources influential. The kingdom and Kerala Islamic society, scholars and their systems in Indo-Persia became a model for descendants both ideologically (teacher- the formulation of Javanese Islam. Thus, it is student) and biologically enjoyed prestigious an alternative theory, being counterpart of a social status. , both in Java and notion saying that Persia affects the tradition Kerala, is an important institution in the social, of religious rituals in Indonesia --- as seen in educational and political fields. In addition, the rituals of commemorating the Prophet’s the pattern of teaching and the way traditions birthday, and the festivities of Muharram to maintained within pesantren in Java and Kerala harass the martyrdom of Hasan and Husein, are the same, oriented to the memorization of sons of Ali. It also affects the Islamic state Arabic texts and respect for the awliya (saints). system, as are the Islamic sultanates of Java, Wali, ulama, and kiai have important roles and such as Demak, Pajang, and Mataram Islam.22 enjoy honorable positions in the life of both The first Islamic empires of Java were Javanese and Kerala communities.20 Fourth, the on the North and East Coast. The existence similarity of religious rituals. Java and Kerala of these kingdoms shows the existence of 18 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normative. Muslim communities in Java before the fall 86-87. of Majapahit Kingdom—the largest Buddhist 19 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normative. 87; Soebardi, the Book of Cebolek: a critical Edition Hindu kingdom in Java. In fact, King Brawijaya With Introduction, translation and Notes. A Contribution V, the last king of Majapahit, has converted to to the Study of the Javanesse Mystical Tradition, Den Haaq: Martinus Nijhoff, 1975, 33. 21 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan 20 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normative. Normative. 88-89. 87-88. 22 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normative.

, Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 | 139 THE FACE OF MOUNTAINOUS ISLAM: The Dynamic of Islam in the Dieng Mountains Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia

Islam. Indeed, the data explaining the existence The origin of Islam in Dieng of early Islamic kingdoms in Java is quite a Serat Centini27 informed that in the Dieng bit. That makes the reconstruction of the data Mountains at that time, i.e. around 1736 AD far from being convincing. Nevertheless the when Keraton Giri in defeated by the existence of the Great Mosque of Demak can Sultanate Mataran Islam, has inhabited by the be important information for the existence of Muslim people. However we could not find any democratic kingdom, and the important role of written data explaining convincingly about the the scholars (Muslim Clergy), especially called introduction of Islam to the region, the center of wali or Javanese pope.23 Hindu-Buddhism at the time. The explanation The establishment of Islamic empires in of the entry of Islam into the Dieng area can Central Java and Islamization of Java are of only be based on the oral story circulating in highly complex phenomenon. The conversion the community. Some of the stories relate for of massive Hindu-Buddhist societies left behind example old graves to Islamic propagators some questions that tend to be avoided, whether commonly known as awliya of ​​Dieng and Babad the conversion process to Islam is peaceful or Kedhu. First, according to the story circulating wrapped in violence. This important question in rural Java, (Islamic) civilization in Java began is being raised considering that the conversion with the arrival of Syech Shu b akir and Syech process proceeds quickly and evenly in all areas Jangkung, both were sent by the Turkish sultan of Java, as is the case in Dieng area. Beginning to Tidar area in Magelang. Ja v a was held to with the collapse of the Hindu-Buddhist still be a jungle inhabited by the spirits. People kingdom of Majapahit, Hindu-Buddhist in Magelang and surrounding a r eas believe religious communities and textual traditions that there is a tomb of Syech Shubakir, while associated with them were destroyed or fled to Syech Jangkung is buried at the foot of Dieng some areas, such as Tengger and Bali. Although Mountains, particularly in Kreo village, district some small Hindu kingdoms still existed in East Kejajar, Wonosobo, along with other great Java until the 18th century,24 the royal palace and such as Kiai Pido Ibrahim, Kiai Bangkit, literary form of old Javanese culture had been Kiai Ageng Gribig, Kiai Bela-Belo, Kiai Bontot, obliterated in Central Java before the founding Kiai Jagang Joyo, Nyai Poniem (Princess Kanjeng of Mataram kingdom.25 Throughout Demak Roro Ayu), Raden Kertosari, Kiai Keramat (Kiai reign, Javanese scholars were the main political Karim), and Ki Ageng Serang.28 and religious figures so that they controlled the Second, the first Islamic scho lars’ tombs local kings and nobles.26 in Dieng. In village Candi (now called village Candiroto, Mojotengah sub-district, Wonosobo district), there is a tomb be lieved to be the tomb of Syech Abdullah Qutbu din, a Sufi 23 See MC Ricklefs, Yogyakarta under Sultan scholar who came from Iran and spread Islam Mangkubumi, 17; Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan with the Naqsbandiyah Sufi or der. Candi is Normative. 90. 24 See Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan believed to be the first Isl am village in Java. Normative. 91; see also T. Pigeaud, Java in the Fourteenth Century, Den Haaq: Martinus Nijhoff, 137 27 Pakubuwana V., Dwi Lingua. (Book 1. 25 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normative. Transleted by Sunardian Wirodono). Yogyakarta: Yayasan 91 Wiwara, 2011. 26 Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normativ, 28 Nurul Mubin, Islam Bumi Kahyangan Dieng: Potret 91; see also Mudjanto, The Concepts of Power Javanesse Akulturasi Islam, Hindu, dan Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Culture, Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1986, Dataran Tinggi Dieng. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Prisma, 2010, 15-16 208.

140 | , Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 Ahmad Salehudin, Moch. Nur Ichwan dan Dicky Sofjan

According to (Gus reluctant to convert to Islam. Then Kiai Karim Dur), Syech Abdullah Qotbudin established a fought against Kolodete. The war was finally pesantren in Candirejo Village, but because he won by Kiai Karim. Kolodete then accepted had no children, his pesantren was eventually Islam, and was called Kiai Kaladete. destroyed. In addition to the grave of Syech If we see three sources of information on the Abdullah Qutbudin, in Kalilembu Dieng entry of Islam into Dieng, it turns out that there there is also a tomb that is believed to be the is no conclusive data capable of giving a definite tomb of Syech Abdullah Selomanik, Muslim conclusion about when Islam entered the Dieng preacher in Wonosobo and beyond. Syech Mountains. Therefore, the interpretation of these Abdullah Selomanik and Sayid Hashim bin three sources of information becomes urgent to Idrus bin Muhsin Ba’abud are believed to have construct a new understanding of Islam Dieng. originated from Hadramaut (Yemen) and are In addition, the three sources of information will still descendants of Prophet Muhammad SAW. be useful to know the origins of Islam Dieng. They came to Dieng in 1791 AD or the late 16th Indeed the process will be constrained because AD. Before preaching in Dieng, the descendants of the lack of written data. But the existence of the Sayyid lived in Batang and . of oral stories helps a lot to understand the After ‘Islamizing’ Batang, they continued their history of Islam Dieng. It may not always be journey to the southern region, the Dieng accurate as written data, but oral stories can be Mountains which at that time was the center an important source of information to uncover of the Hindu-Buddhist community. They then the condition of society before the writing era. descend to the southern region which is now The Kiai Kolodete story of Hindu-Buddhism, called (Wonosobo). This village is used for example, who later converted to Islam as a place to live as well as the center of their after being defeated by Kiai Karim, who was a activity. They built langgar as the forerunner delegate from Demak Bintoro of al-Mansur mosque which is the place of Sultanate, provided clear information that Islam religious teaching and taught the Alawiyah and entered Dieng not merely by the acculturation Syariah sufi tradition. process as commonly understood today, but Third, the Serat Babad Kedhu. This serat also colonialization. By using the perspective of informed about the efforts of the awliya who colonization, it becomes clear why there are no were building the sultanate of Demak Bintoro Hindu people at all in Dieng. to eliminate the influence of Hindu religion that Similarly, the story of Syech Abdullah was still deeply entrenched in the community. Qutbudin from Iran whose grave is believed to Dieng which became the center of the Hindu- be in Candirejo and Syech Abdullah Selomanik Buddhist civilization at that time became one from Yemen whose grave is in Kalilembu of the goals of the mission of Sunan Bonang. could be a source of knowledge that Islam Therefore, Sunan Bonang sent Kiai Karim and developed in Dieng originated from Iran and Kiai Walik to carry out Islamization of Dieng Yemen and hence tends to be mystical. Because area. To conduct Islamization of Dieng, Kiai it tends to be mystical, then Islam in Dieng Karim and Kiai Walik use Lengger dance art tends to be friendly to the tradition of Hindu- which means Elinge Ngger (remember, boy). Buddhist who had experienced the heyday More and more people are attracted to Islam, in Dieng. From the story of KiaiKolodete and but they faced obstacles because the ruler of the existence of the tomb of Syech Abdullah Dieng, namely Kiai Kolodete (Kaladitya), was Qutbudin and Syech Abdullah Selomanik we

, Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 | 141 THE FACE OF MOUNTAINOUS ISLAM: The Dynamic of Islam in the Dieng Mountains Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia can argue that Islam in Dieng turns out to be such activities is usually borne jointly by the supported by two relatively different Islamic parents of the . However, sometimes the traditions, namely formalistic Islamic tradition parents with high economic status donate more derived from the Demak Bintoro kingdom, to support the event. and the essentialist one originating from Indo The ritual named akhirussanah seems to Persia. In its development, it is pretty obvious confirm the opinion of the anthropologists that formalistic Islamic groups are displaced by studying the Javanese society, that slametan is the arrival of an essentialist Islamist group that the heart of Javanese religion.29 Slametan is a is more adaptive to local culture. The portrait very important factor in the system of ideas and of Islam which tends to be essentialist and social behavior of the Javanese. Slametan, a meal adaptive, it currently becomes the mainstream ceremony consisting of offerings, symbolic of Islam Dieng. foods, formal greetings and prayers, is a simple event yet has certain rules and symbolic density. Religious expression of Dieng Muslim Slametan is a communal phenomenon, but It was late afternoon, nearing Maghrib when it does not define the community explicitly; I visited one of the informants, a very exciting slamaten takes place through a long verbal young kiai. The house of this young kiai is next expression in which everyone agrees, but the to the mosque. To get to his house, I had to pass individual audience does not necessarily agree through the small alleys among the houses that with its meaning.30 According to Durkheim, were lined. It is typical of houses in Dieng. The the fundamental element of religion is belief closely built house gives warmth to everyone and ritual, in which there are supernatural inside. This is also what I feel when meeting and mysterious things.31 Beliefs are related to with the young kiai. I was invited to go and sit representations of hope, and rites are the way to lesehan (on the floor, without chair) in a room realize those expectations.32 In this context we that is not too spacy, with a carpet that looks can understand the importance of ritual for the worn for old. In the room, he with a middle- Dieng society. aged man enjoys a cigarette. Apparently he was In addition to the final ritual, in the Dieng talking casually to prepare for the event called Mountains, as can easily be found in rural akhirussanah (from Arabic word; akhir is end, agrarian societies in general, we will get an and sanah is year) Taman Pendidikan Quran interesting phenomenon, namely no day (TPQ) on the next day. Shortly thereafter, two without slametan: slametan will meet the whole cups of black coffee still puffing up the smoke process of life of Dieng people. On the basis of are coming. An elderly mother, the one who information from one of the resource persons brings them then said “enjoy the coffee, Gus. and of observations during the study, rites of Don’t let it get cold,” she said in ngapak accent. passage are rituals performed since the people’s Preparing akhirus sanah is an annual routine early life in the world until death. When a of every TPQ in Dieng. This activity is done not 29 See Andrew Beatty, the Varieties of Javanese Religion, only as marking the end of the school year (as Princenton: Princenton University Press, 1999, 39; see also the name suggests) and the evaluation of the Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of culture. Basic Book, 1977, 11 learning outcomes, but also to appreciate all 30 Andrew Beatty,the Varieties of Javanese Religion, 35-36 the activities that have taken place during that 31 Emile Durkheim, the elementary forms of religious life, year. This activity usually requires a lot of cost New York: the Free Press, 1995 (1912), 24-42 32 Ahmad Salehudin, Satu Dusun Tiga Masjid: Anomali because it brings kiai from outside. The cost for Ideologisasi Agama atas Agama, Yogyakarta: Pilar Media, 2007, 83)

142 | , Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 Ahmad Salehudin, Moch. Nur Ichwan dan Dicky Sofjan woman is four months pregnant, they perform do not hesitate to send their children to the a ngapati ritual; seven months pregnant they existing pesantren in various cities (Yogyakarta, held a ritual of mitoni; so also when the baby , Magelang, Purworejo, Jombang, etc.), in has been born, got a name, got off the ground, hopes of improving religious skills. Thus in less circumcised, married, and died, there is always a than a decade, the booming potato economy certain ritual accompanying. In fact, death is not was followed by the explosion of the santri the end of the ritual. They held rituals on three, generation. Those who have completed their five, seven, forty, a hundred, and a thousand study at the pesantren will return to the village days from the day of death. Furthermore, those and fill up a new elite layer centered in mosques with high economic status will still held annual and prayer rooms, replacing old religious rituals, called hauls. figures dominated by elderly people who have Not only rituals associated with rites of never attended pesantren education. The santri passage, rituals are also performed by the generation will then introduce a new religious community to sustain their lives as farmers. tradition derived from pesantren.36 The agricultural activities they do during As the sun begins to sink, and the adzan nandur (planting) and harvest period, are also magrib begins to shout marking the time of accompanied by slametan. This nandur and prayer mangrib, practically Dieng life changed harvest ritual is usually a prayer along with 180% of the daytime life. During the day Dieng serving food to others consisting of rakan, people meet the surface of Dieng agricultural snacks, bucu and golong or rice in the form of land, whether flat land, as well as steep cliffs. tumpeng, and rounded rice.33 Some will view at night all gathered in mushalla, mosques, the rituals wrong if they only look at the and boarding schools to follow various rituals appearance of ritual, particularly in prayer and religion, such as barzanji (praise to the Prophet), eating together, as well as presented offerings. sima’an (reciting Quran in circles), yasinan The ritual of eating together before the d-day (reading Yasin together), pengajian (religious of planting tobacco for example, by outsiders lectures), Simtudduror (praises accompanied who do not fully understand the ritual, is often music); shalawatan (praise to the Prophet), and regarded as an offering to the ancestral spirits so forth.37 or the spirit of The God Who Plant. Rather, the Children’s activities are relatively different. activity of eating together is a sodaqoh. That is, in They go to school in the morning till noon, and the beliefs of the people of Dieng, a plea to God get some rests for about two hours after school. that their crops be thrown out of calamity and They begin to drown in religious learning obtain abundant crops.34 activities in TPQ, diniyah (religious education), Since Dieng farmers gained economic madrasah, mosque, and langgar/mushalla. success through planting potatoes, religious They studied al-Quran and fiqh (Islamic law). rituals have intensified. Not merely rites of Not a few of these children memorize the quran. passage and rituals associated with their position There is an annual competition of tahfidzul as farmers, but also new rituals introduced by Quran (memorizing al-Quran), starting from the younger generation who enjoyed pesantren juz 30, 5 juz, 10 juz, 20 juz and 30 juz. In terms of education.35 Those who experience the heyday learning the Quran they have also adopted the latest innovative learning method, the qiraati. 33 Nurul Mubin, Islam Bumi Kahyangan Dieng. 135-137 It is said that by using such methods, beginner 34 Nurul Mubin, Islam Bumi Kahyangan Dieng. 137 35 Hery Santoso, Bertani itu Berjudi: Ketika Mikanisme 36 Hery Santoso, Bertani itu Berjudi. Pasar Bias Spekulasi. Yogyakarta: Disertasi, 2015. 37 Hery Santoso, Bertani itu Berjudi. 228-229

, Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 | 143 THE FACE OF MOUNTAINOUS ISLAM: The Dynamic of Islam in the Dieng Mountains Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia learners will be able to read the Qur’an in a very is finished, around 8 pm, and usually will end short time. One of the santri’s parents proudly at 11 pm. Thus, every night a resident of Dieng recounted his son who was only fifth grade who have grown up will follow a religious elementary school already memorized juz amma ritual, outside the five-time obligated prayer. (thirtieth juz of al-quran), and had several times For certain people who belong to the elite read the Quran in full. category-such as hajj, kiai, and village apparatus, In addition to learning and memorizing the involvement in religious rituals can be more the Quran, the students also learn the fiqh, than twice every night. Two officials of one of the the science of worship and socialization. villages (village head/kades and head of village The science of worship involves a method of development affairs/kaur) who were “escaping” purification of a hadas saghir (which leads to from his village due to the completion of the the obligation to perform ablution before pray) RPJMDES (Village Development Plans) said and the hadas kabir (which causes bathing, due that they could not attend regular pengajian to body relations, menstruation, puerper, crazy, and tahlilan at the home of one just passed wet bath, etc.), kinds of water, and of prayer, away. According to them, as village apparatus, zakat and variety, and pilgrimage. In terms of every night they have to follow the activities, muamalah they learn about how to “interact” including the existing studies in the community. with others in accordance with the rules of “we often attend more than two rituals in half Islam. If you look at the phenomenon, it is true a night, right?”, said the kades to the Kaur who that Dieng religious construction has been done was next to him. early, not only culturally, but also structurally. Second, the general ritual. This type is On the basis of the observation, there are called a general ritual because it is followed generally three ritual models that developed in by all members of the community, ranging the Dieng Mountains, namely special, general, from children to parents. There are at least and very special rituals. First, special rituals are two general rituals, namely the TPQ and the ones performed by certain persons grouped by pengajian Salapanan on Saturday pahing-the last age (teenagers, children and parents), gender performed in turns by four villages (one of (male and female), social status (hajj, village the villages do pengajian salapanan on Sunday apparatus), interests (mass), and rites of passage. Wage). TPQ or akhirussanah ritual, as the Dieng Given these specific ritual criteria, it is certain people call it, is a village-owned ritual that costs that this ritual is not followed by all villagers extremely, between 70 and 110 million. The or, in other words, limited, followed only by amount is certainly not small, let alone must be certain groups. Pengajian (public preaching) for issued every year. But for the Dieng community men will have attendees of adult men only, as this amount is not a problem. They recounted well as pengajian for mothers. Pengajian Haji will the “expensive” ritual with the usual intonation also only be attended by those who have ever and gestures. They seem to be more proud performed the pilgrimage. With this clustering when the cost to spend this year is more than pattern, the intensity of ritual in the mountains that in previous year. becomes very dense. The amount of costs required for TPQ is At least every night we will see various usually known a few months earlier, precisely in groups engaging in all the rituals held in the meeting between TPQ management, santri mosque, mushallas and houses. This ritual parents, and the community. They scheduled usually begins after the mosque prayer activity any event that will be displayed, including who

144 | , Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 Ahmad Salehudin, Moch. Nur Ichwan dan Dicky Sofjan the kiai will be invited. The invited kiai sometimes Financing component consists of two things, comes from Wonosobo, but more often from out namely the cost for the activities at the venue, of the town. The invited kiai shows the prestige namely pengajian and entertainment, and treats of the event: the further the kiai origin is, the that must be prepared by each family. higher the prestige of the event. The amount of For the mass preaching and entertainment, budget for the final implementation of TPQ is the required cost ranges from 80-120 million, usually also reserved for invited kiai. “For kiai almost equal to the total cost of akhirussanah. from out of town, we usually give 12 million The cost is shared by the villagers, depending rupiahs. It is also an expression of gratitude on the economic capacity of each family. In the because he was pleased to visit us at the top of end those who are had low economic capacity the mountain, “said one of the interviewees in pay 250 thousand and those who are rich pay Banteng village. 500 thousand. 500 thousand will be a problem Once the required amount is known, for those who only work as farm laborers. the residents then determine the amount of However, the not-rich people will be very contributions they have to pay. For those whose eager to contribute according to the decision children are graduated because they already of the meeting. As expressed by one of the memorized juzamma (juz 30), ten juz, 20 juz, respondents, the money spent for pengajian or 30 juz, the fee will be more expensive. For will ultimately be for themselves, namely in the them, it is a pride that their son is graduating. form of rizki. The rupiahs they got from debt Therefore the amount of dues to be spent is not are believed to soon be paid. “Rizki will come a problem. Moreover, some of them believe that from anywhere.” One possible thing they might by memorizing the Quran, God will take care have in mind is for example more people would of their families, and later they will reside in hire them to work on potato farming. Using a heaven. The magnitude of public fees depends material profit and loss perspective, what the on the economy of each family. For those poor farmer experiences is a loss, since the who fall into the rich category, contributions money they earned is not used for productive are usually larger than those in the non-rich purposes. category. “Wes podo ngerti kudu nyumbang pira Expenditures for Salapanan Sabtu Pahing (already know how much to donate)”, said become larger because they also have to one of the respondents whose children will be provide food services in their houses. In this graduated. ritual, there will be many families, relatives or Pengajian Salapanan Sabtu Pahing is also a colleagues from outside the villages or areas general and costly ritual. It is called Salapanan to come to visit. Those who visit must get the Sabtu Pahing because it is held every 35 days best treats and services, especially with regard (this cycle is called salapan); carried out by turns to food. According to one informant, they will in and by five villages in Dieng Mountains, try to provide the best for their guests, as they namely Parikesit, Patak Banteng, Kalilembu, will also provide the best when their village Dieng, and Sikunang. The village of Sembungan becomes the host. The amount of cost each which is the highest village on the island of Java family needs to pay depends on how many held pengajian salapanan own, namely on Ahad people visit their home: between 1.5 million and Wage. According to the information I get, the 3 million. The amount is actually very large for fee for organizing the salapan is very expensive, people who work only as a farm worker with much more expensive than the akhirussanah. an income of only 50 thousand a day. However,

, Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 | 145 THE FACE OF MOUNTAINOUS ISLAM: The Dynamic of Islam in the Dieng Mountains Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia as one respondent noted, we will not be able to villagers brought their relatives to perform the calculate the “conformity” between income and pilgrimage. Out of 100 heads of households expenses for pengajian. For example someone (about 350 people), 40 people have adapted the who only earns 50 thousand a day, it would be Hajj. The village became deserted because most difficult to meet such a large cost. If there are of the people deliver his brother to perform the no deposits at all, they will be indebted to the pilgrimage. left-right neighbors who have higher economic Because the Dieng pilgrims benefit from capacity. Surprisingly, not long later they will be potatoes, they are usually also called with able to pay the debt. “Iki sing jenenge berkah pak. potato hajj. Farmers with an economic surplus Le’ dihitung-hitung yara masuk akal. Tapi awak dewe do not hesitate-even like competing-to invest sing ngelakoni yo cukup, iso bayar hutang barang. some of the profits for the pilgrimage. This is Ra usah khawatir, Allah iku maha kaya” (this is certainly different with the logic of capitalism what we call blessing, sir. If you calculate it, it is or, say, with Weber’s theory-both of which not reasonable. Yet we have enough to survive. suggest profits to be reinvested so that business We have nothing to worry about for Allah is continues to grow.38 The theory presented by Rich), said one of the respondents. Indeed there Weber does not seem to be able to be used to is a story circulating among the people, that read the phenomenon in Dieng. every time before the ritual salapan in a village, The passion for performing Hajj emerged there will be a crime in the community. Many in addition to being driven by improved steal, not only wood in the forest, but also religious awareness, as well as by the Dieng agricultural crops. “Perhaps the number of this community’s view in general. Farmers who theft phenomenon is also associated with the have been deemed successful but have not left amount of cost to spend in the salapan,” said for pilgrimage will be regarded as disobedient. one community leaders who is active enough to As a Muslim, his identity will be questioned. assist recovery efforts in Dieng. Various negative designations, such as miserly, Third, a special super ritual. It’s called “Javanese chinese”, cethil (stingy), and so forth, a special super ritual because the ones who will be attached to them. Of course, the titles are able to perform are special people. The will be avoided by many people. That is why ritual that belongs to this category is Hajj. For during the heyday of potatoes in 1980-1990s, Muslims, Hajj is everyone’s dream. The Hajj people liked to compete one another to be able became one of the requirements-to be able- to do Hajj, although some of them have to sell to perfect his Islam. This is also what we can some of the land.39 find in Dieng. Implementing Hajj is the dream However, the hajj boom as it did in the of every potato farmer in Dieng. For Dieng 1990s until the 2000s is now beginning to fade. people, Hajj is not only a form of obedience to In the last ten years, the wave of potato pilgrims Allah SWT, but also a symbol of success. 1996 began to recede. This occurred along with the is a period people of Sembungan would never production crisis in the villages that had been forget. At that time, Dieng became the largest the central production of potatoes. The ability of contributor of pilgrims in Wonosobo; 70% of mountain peasants to pilgrim is receding. The the total Wonosobo pilgrims. In fact, at that failure of the crop often experienced by potato time, there was an interesting phenomenon. One of the villages in Dieng had to ask for 38 Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (translated by Talcott Parsons). London and help to the police to guard the area when the New York: Routledge, 1992. 39 Hery Santoso, Bertani itu Berjudi.

146 | , Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 Ahmad Salehudin, Moch. Nur Ichwan dan Dicky Sofjan farmers makes them now face various economic In general, massively construction of difficulties. Hajj is no longer a priority as it was mosques was carried out simultaneously with in the 1990-2000s; not because their Islam is the economic explosion of potatoes in Dieng in eroded so that it is reluctant to hajj, but rather the 1990s. Ever since they enjoyed the potato’s because of economic things. Every respondent economic glory, the old mosques built in the I meet is always dreaming to perform the 1970s of the tobacco and cabbage profits suddenly pilgrimage. seemed narrow and ancient. Economic success makes them freer to express the spirit of religion, Masjid and Musholla: Righteousness and especially in material forms, such as mosques Success Manifested and mushallas. The phenomenon of rebuilding In addition to potatoes, high mosques and mosques can be found in all the villages in musalla are common things to see for anyone Dieng. According to one informant, Tafrikhan, visiting Dieng area. Some of the mosques that since the early 1990s, throughout Dieng there look magnificent, either because of large building is no small mosque, with terraced, tower. All with many floors or beautiful ornaments, can be district, and even villages, built mosques; the seen directly for they are located on the edge of old mosque without minarets and pyramid, not the main road Wonosobo-Dieng. Some others to say Java, architecture soon get replaced by only show their dome, which obtrusively comes the new mosques with high tower and modern up over buildings. On the other hand, the musalla architecture. Such mosques are now flourishing is smaller, and is owned by individuals or small in almost all the slope villages over Dieng communities in a particular place. The musalla Mountains (Santoso, 2015: 224).41 Furthermore, commonly has three stories with a loudspeaker mosque facilities are also more complete, at the top, so anyone can recognize that building especially the use of thick carpet covering the as a musalla. In addition to size, the most crucial floor. The rugs in addition to showing the luxury difference between the mosque and the musalla of the mosque, also seems to help reducing is in terms of function: the mosque is used for the cold weather that often freeze the Dieng Friday prayers while the musalla is not. Mountains, especially in the dry season. About so many mosques in the mountains of The multi-storied, domed, and modern Dieng, Santoso gives the following illustration: mosque is a commonplace that can be easily “Along with the economic explosion of encountered when visiting the Dieng area. potatoes in 1990s, mosques and musalla in Each village has a huge mosque with billions of Dieng had mushroomed and flourished. rupiahs to spend. It is not to mention the place Entering the mountainous region, besides of worship in the form of langgar and mushalla. the expanse of potato plants, we will also In Sembungan for example, which is the highest soon enjoy another striking sight, namely village in Java, there are some mushalla, in the magnificent mosques storied long on addition to one big mosque. The mosque in along the streets. Directing from Dieng to Batur, 12 km distance, on both sides of Sembungan will be easily seen by anyone who the road I get at least 29 large mosques visits the village, and even before entering the with striking domes and towers soaring. village area. The potato mosque, as they call the Along the road connecting Dieng Wetan mosque, was built in 1996 and finished after 10 and Dieng Kulon we too can get at least 4 years, i.e. in 2006. The total cost already spent large mosques that are each less than 1 km on the mosque is more than 2 billion. distance.” 40 40 Hery Santoso, Bertani itu Berjudi. P.224 41 Hery Santoso, Bertani itu Berjudi. P.224

, Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 | 147 THE FACE OF MOUNTAINOUS ISLAM: The Dynamic of Islam in the Dieng Mountains Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia

Adding to the mosques, musalla also began Since the potatoes booming, mosques to be built. The artistry of the musalla is not too and musalla became a new identity in Dieng. complicated and large, but it is good enough If Dieng was previously known as the center to be the place of a RT community to perform of Hindu-Buddhist civilization because of the some rituals. In Sembungan there are 4 musalla temples it has, then the existence of the mosque in each RT. Like the mosque, the mushalls are now seems to be an identity that wants to show also equipped with carpets or rugs that are thick that Dieng have turned into the center of Islamic enough, so that people will feel warm enough civilization. In Dieng, located in District Kejajar, in the winter. In the musalla those who are in Wonosobo, there are 47 mosques, and 81 musalla. the RT do activities together, such as praying This number will increase if added to mosques five times a day and night, learning to read al- located in other subdistricts in Wonosobo which quran, and many other religious rituals. is still part of Dieng, or located in the district Financing for the construction of the of Batur, Banjarnegara district. The existence of mosques is fully borne by the villagers. the mosque and musalla - borrowing the term Each head of the family contributes to the from Berger (1967) - is the momentum of Dieng construction of the mosque. Initially these society to externalize the values believed in the donations are voluntary, based on the economic objective sphere. The mosque and the musalla capacity of each family. However, ultimately are self-representations in the objective sphere. the population was indirectly forced, by cutting The existence of magnificent mosques with 2.5% of the profit in potato harvest for both the all towers and complementary ornaments, as rich and the poor. This potato-cutting policy is well as musalla are an objectivication that they implemented by almost all mosque building have changed now; no longer a community committees. Pretty good, Santoso describes the of ngiwa (poor, remote and backward), but an fundraising process of building a mosque in a advanced and rich society. In other words, the village in Dieng as follows: buildings of the mosque and the musalla are an “The fundraising for the restoration of the objective reality in the Dieng Mountains, which old mosque in Puncakwangi was initially may not be found elsewhere that have different carried out proportionately: rich farmers socio-cultural settings and natural conditions. Of are required to contribute more funds course, the models and forms of mosques and than poor farmers. Thus there is a sense of mushallas resulted from learning (internalization) justice in it. But such a mechanism cannot from other places that are absorbed and work properly. Funds cannot be collected understood by worldview to nature and god. as expected. The wealthy farmers objected, that they are levied greater than the levies If we recognize mosques and musalls as imposed on other farmers. Therefore sacred symbols, then, they are a frozen ethos the mosque (re)building committee then of Dieng society. In the mosque and musalla are changed the fundraising mechanism: the stored values that are believed and practiced amount of the levy is based on the percentage by the community Dieng. There are at least of the number of potatoes sold. Every three values we can know. First, the symbol of farmer, regardless of their economic level, piety. The existence of a magnificent mosque is charged 2.5% of every bag of potatoes sold. Although the new mechanism is not and musalla shows that the religiosity of the fully approved by small farmers, it can in mountain communities Dieng is now better. fact be well run.”42 Improvement of living standards economically has an effect on their passion in religion. Second, 42 Hery Santoso, Bertani itu Berjudi. P.222

148 | , Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 Ahmad Salehudin, Moch. Nur Ichwan dan Dicky Sofjan economic success. Only people with good and as one of its centers. Therefore, SunanBonang established economies will be able to build sent his santri named Kiai Walik and Kiai Karim magnificent mosques with all the ornaments and to memorize Dieng mountains (read: Islamize). features. Before enjoying the glory of potato, the The attempt to Islamize Dieng, as it is written community had few places of worship (mosques in Babad Kedhu, is generally successful, yet and mushalla) that are simple in architecture imperfect. This is because the Dieng rulers, and small in size. Third, mosques and musalla Kaladete or Kaladiya, have not yet converted in Dieng Mountains indicate that society is to Islam. Kiai Karim then met the Kaladete to quite dynamic and adaptive to changes. They compete. In Kedhu was mentioned that the war have turned into an advanced and prosperous was won by Kiai Karim, so Kaladete was pleased Islamic society. to convert to Islam and called Kiai Kaladete. However, the interesting thing about entering Conclusion: the Face of Mountainous Islam Islam is Kiai Kaladete is because after entering Having presented all the above explanations, Islam he did moksa (disappeared), and left a I could say that there are at least three important message sapa wongè duwé anak rambuté gèmbèl things to say. First, the history of Islam Dieng is kuwi kudu direksa amarga bocah kuwi isih tedhak the result of the dialectic of two models of the turuné Kiai Kaladité (anyone who has child with face of Islam; coastal Islamic models (manifested dreadlocks should be treated carefully-because in the Islamic model of ) and the children are descendants of Kiai Kaladete). inland Islam (represented by the sultanate of The term moksa used to describe the end of Kiai Islam and Persian Islam). Islam at the time of Kaladete’s Islamic life is interesting; because the Sultanate of Demak is Islam which is in in Islam there is no moksa term (disappeared the process of forming the state43 by doing the without needing to be buried). Thus, in my process of de-legitimization against Hindu- opinion, Kaladete mentioned in Kedhu refers Buddhist tradition taking form of Majapahit not to a person or individuals, but to Hindu- kingdom. Therefore, what Islam did at the time Buddhist communities who are ultimately of the sultanate of Demak was to abolish the lost without a trace (moksa) because they are Hindu-Buddha tradition. The destruction of the defeated or destroyed by Demak Islam. Majapahit kingdom by the sultanate of Demak The second Islamic model that influences soon succeeded, then the kingdom disappeared Islam in Dieng is the Islamic completely without a trace after a period of which tends to be adaptive to the local culture, glory for centuries. The community has only as we can see in various rituals performed by two choices; converted to Islam or withdrawing Dieng people. About the presence of Islam to areas not yet occupied by Demak, such as the in the Mountains, many say that it happened Tengger mountains, and Bali.44 during the time of the sultanate of Islamic In the context of the Dieng Mountains, Mataram. In the development of the sultanate as it is written in Babad Kedhu, in order to of Islamic Mataram, there are three kiai who successfully Islamize the land of Java, they must visited the Dieng and surrounding areas, eliminate the influence of , with Dieng namely Kiai Kolodete, Kiai Karim, and Kiai Walik. Kiai Karim spread Islam in Kalibeber, 43 Mark R Woodward, Islam Jawa: Kesalehan Normative Kiai Walik in Wonosobo, and Kiai Kolodete in Versus Kebatinan. Yogyakarta: LKIS, 2012 the Dieng Mountains.45 It is said that in addition 44 Robert W Hefner, Geger Tengger: Perubahan Sosial dan Perkelahian Politik (translated by A Wisnu Wardhana & Ahmad). Yogyakarta: LKIS, 1999, 14-15 45 Nurul Mubin, Islam Bumi Kahyangan Dieng, 96-97

, Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 | 149 THE FACE OF MOUNTAINOUS ISLAM: The Dynamic of Islam in the Dieng Mountains Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia to spreading Islam, Kiai Kaladate also struggled after the Dieng community gradually embraced for the mountainous community in Dieng to Islam, the Ruwatan experienced Islamization get prosperity. He swears that he will not cut process, taking form of recitation of Arabic her dreadlocks until the people in the Dieng prayers and al-Quran. In addition, from some Mountains are prosperous. As long as the information that I get, the procedure of Ruwatan prosperity has not been felt by Dieng people, varied spatially. Joining the ritual of Ruwatan the dreadlocks will go down to their offspring. , Muslim communities in Dieng usually do In other words, the dreadlocks children the hair- readings barzanji or solawat prophet. Yet this is cutting of whom is a part of the tourism agendas different from the implementation of Ruwatan of Wonosobo and Banjarnegara, are descendants facilitated by the local government in the form of Kiai Kaladete who must be respected and of festivals that also aims to support the tourism comforted. Whether the dreadlocked children agenda. are descendants of Kiai Kaladete or not, in my Speaking of the ruwatan ritual, we need opinion is interesting enough to be studied. to present Geertz’s opinion on the typology of Before having dreadlocks the children usually Islam.46 According to Geertz, devout Muslims, experience great fever. However, there is also called santri, are concentrated on the north a thought that the appearance of dreadlocks is coast, in rural areas where traditional Islamic due to hair hygiene factors. Regardless of how schools existed, and among urban traders. What we view it, Kiai Kaladete’s story in the context he meant by is the majority of peasants, of the Dieng Mountains greatly influences the who nominally are Islamic, yet are tied to Islamic pattern of the Dieng mountain people, Javanese animism and ancestral traditions. The adaptive and accommodating to the growing priyayi are respected people, both traditional local traditions. This is recorded very clearly and urban, who are nominally Muslim, but in the ritual of hair-cutting of dreadlock-haired practice the mysticism originating from Hindu- children which hitherto is still in circulation. Buddhism that developed before the advent of Second, the Dieng’s people Islamic tradition Javanese Islam.47 All three variants of this Geertz is the result of the negotiation of Islamic get very sharp criticism. Some show that priyayi traditions and Hindu-Buddhist ones that first groups are social classes or special groups, not grew in Dieng, and present traditions that subcultures that can be equalized with the other come to Dieng area or society that actively and two variants; besides, there should also be a creatively searches for new traditions they need. further review whether the term abangan and The ritual of haircutting is a very beautiful and santri indeed refers to religious groups or mere sweet manifestation of how Islam negotiates categories.48 with pre-Islamic traditions that have flourished Using Geertz’s notion, the Dieng Muslims in the Dieng Mountains. Tradition of ruwatan peasants belong to abangan. According to him, that developed in the society Dieng is the result they are less Islamic for they are tied to Javanese of acculturation between elements of animism, animism and ancestor tradition. This view is dynamism, Hinduism and Islam. The past Dieng actually no longer relevant to see Javanese Islam, community was Hindu-Buddhist embracing especially if the parameters used are solely the local faith. The Ruwatan is said to have existed rituals they perform resembling tradition before since the time of Majapahit, so it is logic if the elements of Hindu culture is inherent in the 46 Clifford Geertz, the Religion of Java, Glencoe: The Free Press, 1960. tradition, among which is offerings. However, 47 Andrew Beatty, the Varieties of Javanese Religion, 40. 48 Andrew Beatty, the Varieties of Javanese Religion, 40.

150 | , Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 Ahmad Salehudin, Moch. Nur Ichwan dan Dicky Sofjan the existence of Islam in the very place. To as the implementation of religious rituals that assume that the true Islam is the one practiced they had not previously performed. Similarly, by santri, the textual way of practicing Islam the rampant implementation of madrasah diniah and particularly Quran and hadith, is clearly and TPQ is also a creative manifestation of the unfounded and oversimplifies the problem of economical booming of potatoes they live with. positioning Islam as an object that should not According to Hefner, economic change is a change and mix with local traditions. In fact, as material and moral process. This impacted not presented by Woodward,49 ritual or slametan is only in terms of income and production, but a manifestation of the interpretation of Islamic also in identity, aspirations, and authority.50 texts and is a model of action with which Third, a unique portrait of the face of Muslims are familiar and in agreement. In Islam Dieng. Islamic expression in Dieng is other words, Muslims continue to perform the a manifestation of their understanding and Ruwatan because they assume that the ritual is appreciation of God. The expression is a sacred not contrary to their belief. symbol which, according to Geertz,51 serves to Islam Dieng also creatively adopts synthesize a people’s ethos-the tone, character, and adapts new traditions in line with the and quality of their life, its moral and aesthetic improvement of society’s economic condition. style and mood-and their world views. Seeing Potato farming that significantly improves the the Dieng religious expression, we will know economy of the Dieng community inspires how they perceive the God. The diverse rituals them to more creatively express their religiosity. run by the Dieng community are a manifestation Religiosity becomes the mode of thought by of their understanding of religious texts. They being a system of ideas in responding, accepting, may understand religious texts differently than rejecting the change. Religiosity also becomes a those outside Dieng. It should be emphasized dynamic force in guarding every social change. that it does not mean that they understand it In other words, the religiosity of society becomes wrong; they understand it with the worldviews a value system that influences people’s behavior they have. As the consequent, it may be to reinforce the ongoing capital of economic different from other groups. The Sabtu Pahing production while simultaneously guarding ritual that takes place every 35 days on a rolling change. basis, costing millions of rupiah, would be very The increase of the prosperity in Dieng difficult to understand by those outside the gives them the capital to creatively express their Dieng Mountains. It will be more confusing if religiosity, both material and non-material. we try to understand the phenomenon of ritual The construction of magnificent mosques sabtu pahing using the perspective of Weber, costing billions of rupiah is an expression of which emphasizes on investment. But if we the adaptation of the Dieng community to delve deeper into the phenomenon, we will ‘new’ things. Likewise with new rituals that know that their rituals are perfectly reasonable developed aftersantri who study religion in the and fully grounded in their obedience to God. both located in the area Wonosobo The architecture of mosques in Dieng and other areas in Central Java, Yogyakarta, East will give rise to an understanding that these Java, and , return. The newly arrived mosques are not merely intended to show the santri bring new traditions related to Islam, such 50 Robert W Hefner, Geger Tengger: Perubahan Sosial 49 Mark R Woodward, The Slametan: The Textual dan Perkelahian Politik 1 knowledge and Ritual Performance in Central Javanese Islam, 51 Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of culture. Basic Chicago: History of Religion, 1988, 62 Book, 1977, 89-90

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154 | , Vol 18, No. 2, Oktober 2017 INDEKS ARTIKEL Esensia, Vol. 18, 2017

No Judul Penulis Halaman 1. Struggle for Identity and Social Image of Haji: Study Moh Soehadha 1 on Life History of Social Construction of Haji in Sasak Community, Lombok, NTB 2. Scientific Paradigm Towards World-Class University: Sekar Ayu Aryani, 13 Comparative Study on UIN Sunan Kalijaga Sunarsih, Kurnia Yogyakarta and UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Rahman Abadi 3. Claiming Abrogation of Pre-Islamic Religions; Sa’dullah Affandy 29 Contesting the Idea of Islam’s Abrogation to Previous Religions 4. Understanding Hadith of The Prophet: The Image Tasmin Tangngareng 39 and Variety of Muslims’ Awareness in the Region of Gowa 5. Zakaria Ouzon’s Thought on Hadith Muhammad Rikza 59 Muqtada 6. Religious Freedom In Indonesia: An Islamic Human Linda Evirianti 71 Right Perspective Rizqa Ahmadi 81 نشر دعوة التصوف اإلجتماعي ملكافحة اإلرهاب والتطرف .7 8. Research Method for Exploring Discourse on the Rr. Siti Kurnia 105 Rights for Religion for Transgender Widiastuti 9. Sufism of Archipelago: History, Thought, and Syaifan Nur and 123 Movement Dudung Abdurahman 10. The Face of Mountainous Islam: The Dynamic of Ahmad Salehudin, 135 Islam in the Dieng Mountains Wonosobo, Central Moch. Nur Ichwan Java, Indonesia and Dicky Sofjan 11. The Doctrine of Logos Within Ibn ‘Arabi Mystical Muzairi, Novian 155 Philosophy Widiadharma 173 صوفريانسدا تنوع معانى اللباس في القرآن )دراسة التفسير املوضوعى( .12 13. Models of Land Ownership in Islam: Analysis on Ahmad Suhendra 189 Hadis Ih}yā’ al-Mawāt 14. Religion, Radicalism and National Character: In Mahmuddin 201 Perspective of South Sulawesi Local Wisdom 15. Exclusive Islam From The Perspective of Ibn Siti Mahmudah 213 Taymiyah Noorhayati and Ahmad Khoirul Fata 16. The Role of Traditional Islamic Boarding School- Suryadi and M. 225 Based Islamic Studies as Radicalism and Intolerance Mansur Flow’s Blocking Agent Call For Papers

The Esensia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin is an independent academic journal focusing on the sciences of the ushululddin (principles of religion), published twice a year (April and October) by the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Islamic Thought, State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. It is a shared space to disseminate and publish the scholarly papers of those whose concern is the sciences of ushuluddin, such as, Kalam, Tasawuf, Islamic Philosophy, Tafsir, Hadith, Comparative Religion, Studies of Religion and Islamic Thoughts.

Submission: Submissions must be made in English or Arabic contains 8000-12.000 words. The text is single-spaced, uses Palatyno Linotype –latin- (11 pt) Sakkal Majalla -arabic (14 pt), and must include 200-250 words abstract and 5 keywords. Arabic words should be transliterated according to Keputusan Bersama Menteri Agama dan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, No. 158 Tahun 1987 dan Nomor 0543 b/U/1987. References cited are preferred to the latest journal articles and books published in the last 10 years. All citations should be written in the form of footnote following Chicago style. It is highly recommended for the author to use Zotero Reference Manager. The Esensia: Jurnal llmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin has been accredited based on the Decree of the Director General of Research and Development Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, No. 36a/E/KPT/2016. In order to improve the quality of the journal and incoming articles, since 2016, the Esensia: Jurnal llmu- Ilmu Ushuluddin was heading to be an International Journal. Manuscripts submitted can be written either in English or Arabic. Please submit your manuscript via http://ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id/ushuluddin/esensia

Author Guidelines We invite scholars and experts working in all aspects of Ushuluddin studies to submit their manuscripts either in the form of research and theoretical papers, prospective, and case studies. The topics of interests include but are not limited to Islamic theology, Qur’anic exegesis, hadith sciences, comparative religion, and sociology of religion. Articles should be original, unpublished and not under review for publication in other journals. Submissions must be made in English or Arabic contains 8000-12.000 words. The text is single-spaced, uses Palatyno Linotype –latin- (11 pt) Sakkal Majalla -arabic (14 pt), and must include 200-250 words abstract and 5 keywords. Arabic words should be transliterated according to Keputusan Bersama Menteri Agama dan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, No. 158 Tahun 1987 dan Nomor 0543 b/U/1987. References cited are preferred to the latest journal articles and books published in the last 10 years. All citations should be written in the form of footnote following Chicago style. It is highly recommended for the author to use Zotero Reference Manager.

Example of Footnote Style: 1. Fahruddin Faiz, “Sufisme-Persia Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Ekspresi Budaya ,” ESENSIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin 17, no. 1 (1 April 2016): 1–15, https://doi.org/10.14421/esensia. v17i1.1274. 2. Muhammad Alfatih Suryadilaga, Metodologi Syarah Hadis Era Klasik Hingga Kontemporer (Potret Konstruksi Metodologi Syarah Hadis) (Yogyakarta: Suka Press, 2012), 20. 3. Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy, “Living Hadith in a Family: Reinventing Model of Research in Hadith Using Etnografi Research”, Proceeding International Seminar on Sunnah Nabawiyah and its Contemporary Challenges, 10-11 September 2014, Brunei Darussalam. 4. Nor Elysa Rahmawati, “Penafsiran Muhammad Talibi tentang Ummatan Wasaṭan dalam al-Qur’an”, Skripsi, Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Pemikrian Islam UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, 2014. 5. Zainal Arifin, “Tradisi dan Pola Perilaku dalam Maqām-Maqām Tradisi Tasawuf (Studi Hierarkhi dan Tahap-Tahap Pendidikan Islam Menurut Para di Daerah Mlangi Nogotirto Gamping Sleman)”, Tesis, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2013. 6. Muhammad Irfan Helmy, “Pemaknaan Hadis-hadis Mukhtalif Menurut asy-Syāfi’ī: Tinjauan Sosiologi Pengetahuan”, Disertasi, Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2014. 7. , “Kaum Syiah di Asia Tenggara: Menuju Pemulihan Hubungan dan Kerjasama” dalam Dicky Sofjan (ed.), Sejarah & Budaya Syiah di Asia Tenggara (Yogyakarta: ICRS,2013), 5. Example of Bibliography Journal Faiz, Fahruddin. “Sufisme-Persia Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Ekspresi Budaya Islam Nusantara.”ESENSIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin 17, no. 1 (1 April 2016): 1–15. https://doi.org/10.14421/esensia.v17i1.1274. Suryadilaga, Muhammad Alfatih. “Komik Hadis Nasihat Perempuan : Pemahaman Informatif dan Performatif.” Jurnal Living Hadis 2, no. 2 (15 Maret 2018). https://doi.org/10.14421/livinghadis.2017.1333.

Books: Barazangi, Nimat Hafiz.Women’s Identity and Rethingking The Hadith. England: Asghate Publishing Limited, 2015. Suryadilaga, Muhamamd Alfatih. Metodologi Syarah Hadis: Era Klasik Hingga Kontemporer (Potret Konstruksi Metodologi Syarah Hadis). Yogyakarta: Kalimedia, 2017.

Proceeding Seminar: Qudsy, Saifuddin Zuhri. “Living Hadith in a Family: Reinventing Model of Research in Hadith Using Etnografi Research”. Proceeding International Seminar on Sunnah Nabawiyah and its Contemporary Challenges, 10-11 September 2014, Brunei Darussalam.

Under-Graduate, Graduate and Doctoral Thesis Rahmawati, Nor Elysa. “Penafsiran Muhammad Talibi tentang Ummatan Wasaṭan dalam al-Qur’an”, Skripsi fakultas UShuluddin dan Pemikrian Islam UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, 2014. Arifin, Zainal. Tradisi dan Pola Perilaku dalamMaqām-Maqām Tradisi Tasawuf (Studi Hierarkhi dan Tahap- Tahap Pendidikan Islam Menurut para Kyai di Daerah Mlangi Nogotirto Gamping Sleman), Tesis, Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2013. Helmy, Muhamamd Irfan. Pemaknaan Hadis-hadis Mukhtalif Menurut asy-Syāfi’ī: Tinjauan Sosiologi Penegtahuan, Disertasi Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2014.

Website: al-Ghāmidī, Mu ammad Sāli . Manāhij al-Muḥaddisīn, diakses tanggal 4 Nopember 2014 dalam http://uqu. edu.sa/page/ar/161561 ḥ ḥ Newspaper: Nasaruddin Umar, “Puasa Perspektif Syari’at, Tariqat dan Hakikat”, Republika, 2 Nopember 2014.

ISSN 1411-3775 (P) E-ISSN 2548-4729 (online)