Multicultural Narratives in Indonesian Education Historiography: Study Discourse-Historical Approach History Textbook of Senior High School

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Multicultural Narratives in Indonesian Education Historiography: Study Discourse-Historical Approach History Textbook of Senior High School The 2nd International Conference on Technology, Education, and Social Science 2018 (The 2nd ICTESS 2018) Multicultural Narratives in Indonesian Education Historiography: Study Discourse-Historical Approach History Textbook of Senior High School Akhmad Dwi Afiyadi, Leo Agung S, Sunardi Department of History Education, Sebelas Maret University, Solo, Indonesia Correspondence: [email protected] Abstract: This research tries to trace the multicultural narrations produced by government through textbooks of history lesson (high school) as compulsory subjects. This research is based on the theory of multiculturalism which states that multiculturalism is the recognition of cultural diversity including ethnic, religious, racial and intergroup diversity. On the other hand this articles attempts to look at the multicultural narrations produced by the government in the textbooks of historical pursuits and the political context of education in the production of multicultural narratives. The multicultural narratives described in the textbook of the history lessons ideally depict the territory of Indonesia which has a diversity of tribes, religions, race and groups. The result of this study are expected to find whether the narrative textbooks of history lessons have revealed historical facts that reflect the diversity of Indonesian society and see how the political context of education, whether to position the textbook as a way of controlling the official historical narratives that students, educators and policy makers education. Keywords: [Multicultural Narratives, History Textbook, Discourse-Historical Approach, Education Historiography] 1. INTRODUCTION not be separated from the political interests of the government. State political conditions The lesson of history is the lessons affect the curriculum and textbook material. taught at the school from the elementary to This is because history textbooks in schools the secondary level. Materials given such as are the basis for developing historical historical events that occurred in the awareness and national awareness of the territory of Indonesia. The construction of state version (Nordholt, 2005: 15) historical writing is in the textbook of The historiography of the textbook will history lessons that become the source or reflect the author's interpretation of the media in the learning process of history. historical material in the curriculum. The Hence the history textbook is part of the author of the textbook does the work of historical historiography. interpretation of two aspects, first is to History can be regarded as a discourse interpret the subject matter in the curriculum system, discourse, who wants to say into the material described in the textbook, "something about something" (Abdullah, and the second is in the form of writing 2005: xviii). The historical discourse is tied containing the interpretation of historical to the context, that is, the time context that is facts into historical narratives. In the writing characteristic of historical events. of historical narratives, the interpretation is The material in the history textbook influenced by the subjectivity of the author rests on the curriculum. Curriculum is of the book, as in the writing of history, the theoretically political policy, then the historian is influenced by his attitudes, subject matter of history in textbooks can 185 assumptions, mental and values (Arthur historical narrative in every age (White Marwick 1989: 212). 1978) Reconstruction of writing by compiling The problem in this research is whether and assembling historical facts into a the textbook of history lessons in high narration will show the interpretation done school, featuring a multicultural narrative? by the author of history. Interpretation is a Multicultural is the narrative textbook measure of historical truth as part of science. history lesson that displays the diversity of Then the truth of history is determined by Indonesian society. The reality of the author. The various views held in the Indonesian society is a diverse society of author's cognition influence in constructing tribe, religion, race, and class. the historical narrative. The construction of historical narration shows a linguistic 2. RESEARCH METHODS element. In the view of postmodernism language skills become an important part in There are three historical textbooks that looking at historical truth. The structure of become corpus: History of Indonesia class X language shows a connection between one (revised edition 2017), History of Indonesia word being sentence and an intercostal class XIa (revised edition 2017), XIb relationship. The relationship between words (revised edition 2017). The three books are and sentences has meaning. This meaning part of the compulsory textbook in the will give birth to the truth (C. Behan MC Indonesian history lesson of the 2013 Cullagh, 1998: 14-15). curriculum. Based on the book, the authors The content of multicultural narration is then analyze the book with historical- part of the material contained in textbooks. discourse-analysis approach of (Reisigl and This is because when looking at the Wodak 2008). The approach includes two historical events of Indonesia as an layers of analysis: textual analysis, independent nation with a variety of islands contextual analysis. The focus of analysis is with tribes, religions, races, groups who from multicultural narratives. Multicultural settled in Indonesia until now.Disclosure of narratives are defined as the exact meaning historical discourse is important because the of each object that can be used to educate practice of discourse in history is a practice and educate and develop the cognitive, of discourse in general and is a social affective and psychomotor attitudes of practice influenced by power or ideology learners. Textual analysis refers to the (van Dijk, 1998: 10).This paper follows content of the book. Contextual analysis Hayden White's perspective on how history refers to the sociopolitical and historical seeks to represent historical events through background of the book that influences historical narratives contained in historical contextual interpretation. textbooks. White distinguishes between discourse, narrative, and narrative discourse 3. ANALYSIS RESULTS based on the existence of subjectivity and Textual Analysis Textbook History objectivity in a narrative. The narrative contains a plot that shows how a narrative Textbook History of Indonesia is a framework and plot were built close to a compulsory book of History of Indonesia historical event. White states that the style of based on the Curriculum 2013 which has the historical narrative is influenced by the experienced updating. Textbook Lesson spirit of the age and ideology, thereby "History of Indonesia" is a compulsory causing an opportunity to change the style of textbook that students use in the process of 186 learning history in the classroom. Textually, able to take the values of every historical the textbook of class X history consists of a event to strengthen mutual respect for single volume with three main chapters and diversity in all spheres of life. several sub-chapters. Chapter One narrates the "Tracing the Early Civilization of the Contextual Analysis Multicultural Indonesian Archipelago". The second Narration Textbook History chapter narrates the "Traders, Rulers and Textbook History of Indonesia which Poets of the Classical Period (Hinduism and became the corpus of this research is a Buddhism). The three narrate about recent edition of the book made on the basis "Islamization and Cross Culture in the of needs in the process of learning history in Archipelago". Then for the textbook the classroom in accordance with the "History of Indonesia" class XI consists of Curriculum 2013. The contextual analysis of two volumes with seven main chapters. First multicultural narrative textbook history of narrate about "Between Colonialism and Indonesia is divided into sub-sub-discussion Imperialism". Both narrate about "War with the categorization of: First , Historical Against Colonialism and Imperialism". relics in the room. Second, historical events Third of the "Impact of the Development of in space. The sphere in question is the place Colonialism and Imperialism". Fourth about where the historical event took place and the "Oath of Youth and Identity historical fact is located. Researchers try to Keindonesiaan". The fifth about "The create spatial category that is by dividing Sunrise Tyranny". The sixth of "Indonesia into two categories namely Java and outside Merdeka". Seventh about the "Revolution Java. The making of this category is based Uphold the NKRI Banners". on the sociological and cultural realities of In the Curriculum 2013 subjects society in Indonesia that can be “History of Indonesia” is one of the subjects distinguished Java and non Java. Java Island must be studied by students. As a mandatory is the most populous island and so are the lesson followed by students, this book is Javanese who migrate outside of Java Island. structured with a popular regressive Consequently Java as a cultural reality is approach. In this book students are invited to sociologically more dominant in the life of view history in everyday life, through society in Indonesia. observation of socio-cultural conditions and a number of historical remains of the Historical Relics in the Spatial students observable in the surrounding environment. From this observation students Description of data in this section are invited
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