M4 Motorway from Mays Hill to Prospect DRAFTBefore andDRAFT after opening ofDRAF the T M4 Motorway from Mays Hill to Prospect Sydney case studies in induced traffic growth Michelle E Zeibots Doctoral Candidate Institute for Sustainable Futures University of Technology, Sydney PO Box 123 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia
[email protected] www.isf.uts.edu.au tel. +61-2-9209-4350 fax. +61-2-9209-4351 DRAFT WorkingDRAFT Paper DRAFT Sydney case studies in induced traffic growth 1 M4 Motorway from Mays Hill to Prospect The original version of this data set and commentary was completed in May 1997 and presented in two parts. These DRAFTwere: DRAFT DRAFT 1. Road traffic data for western Sydney sector arterials: Great Western Highway and M4 Motorway 1985 – 1995 2. Rail ticketing data and passenger journey estimates for the Western Sydney Rail Line 1985 – 1995 These have now been combined and are presented here as part of an ongoing series of case studies in induced traffic growth from the Sydney Metropolitan Region. In the first, report which focussed on road traffic volumes, an error was made. The location points of road traffic counting stations were incorrect. Although this error does not affect the general conclusions, details of some of the analysis presented in this version are different to that presented in the original papers listed above. Some data additions have also been made, and so the accompanying commentary has been expanded. Acknowledgements During the collation of this data Mr Barry Armstrong from the NSW Roads & Traffic Authority provided invaluable information on road data collection methods as well as problems with data integrity.