
CHAPTER 8 MODULE 2 RECAP  Movement is when a living organism moves a body part or parts without changing the position of the organism  Animals carry out many activities which involve the displacement of an organism from its original position. This activity carried out by the organism is called locomotion.  MOVABLE JOINT- Joints where can move  IMMOVABLE JOINT-Joints where bones cannot move.  Types of movable joints: Pivot joint, Ball and Socket joint , Hinge joint, Gliding joints BODY MOVEMENTS AND LOCOMOTION IN HUMAN BEINGS Locomotion is the main characteristic feature that distinguishes animals from plants. In human beings, various body movements and locomotion are controlled by skeletal system and muscular system.. The skeletal system is made of bones and muscular system is made of muscles. SKELETAL SYSTEM SKELETAL SYSTEM CONTINUED….  The system that supports the overall body by providing a definite shape and helps in the movement is known as skeletal system.  is the framework of bones in the body.  The adult consists of 206 bones.  They are very hard on the outer side and soft on the inner side. FUNCTIONS OF SKELETON FUNCTIONS OF SKELETON  Protection to vital organs.  Support to body.  Shape to body.  Movement of body organs HUMAN SKELETAL SYSTEM CONTINUED….  The axial skeleton is made of following parts.  (backbone)  (breast ) AXIAL SKELETON  The appendicular skeleton consists of upper and lower limbs and girdles.  The bones that provide support and space for the movement of limb bones are known as girdles.  Pectoral girdle is located on upper part of body.  Pelvic girdle is located on the lower part of body. APPENDICULAR SKELETON PARTS OF AXIAL SKELETON  Skull 1. It is the bony framework of . 2. It is made of many bones joined together. 3. It protects a very important part of the body, the brain. PARTS OF AXIAL SKELETON CONTINUED… • Vertebral column PARTS OF AXIAL SKELETON CONTINUED..  Sternum  It is also known as breast bone.  It is made of hard immovable bone present in chest .  It is the place of attachment for the bones of cage.  The 12 pairs of bones present in the chest region are called .  These 12 pairs of ribs along with sternum and the part of vertebral column attached by rib bones form . Ribcage  The ribcage provide protection to heart and APPENDICULAR SKELETON  Parts of appendicular skeleton  Girdles  Limbs girdles limbs

Pectoral girdle forelimb


PELVIC GIRDLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS  Write functions of skeleton  What is the function of ribcage?  How many pairs of ribs are there in humans?  How many small bones are there in the backbone/vertebral column? THANK YOU