Congressional Record—House H1272
H1272 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 10, 2005 could be money going to education, For instance, Colgate-Palmolive said until the Bush administration takes its going to health care, going to address that while the corporate tax bill will privatization plan off the table, we can- the infrastructure of our Nation. allow it to repatriate half a billion dol- not work together to address Social Se- So the President’s plan clearly needs lars in profits, the company will actu- curity solvency. help. And his failure to provide a clear ally shut down a third of its factories Even one of our Republican col- and honest accounting of the difficult and lay off 4,400 employees. leagues, Senator LINDSEY GRAHAM, has tradeoffs between increases in debt, Sun Microsystems, $1 billion in new admitted that privatization is not a benefits cuts and tax increases shows a profits during the so-called corporate plan that will fix Social Security. On failure in leadership. tax ‘‘holiday,’’ will be repatriated, but Tuesday he said, ‘‘We now have this f plans to lay off 3,600 employees. huge fight over a sideshow. It has al- DuPont Photomasks is repatriating ways been a sideshow, but we sold it as b 1100 $24 million, but laying off 100 employ- the main event.’’ That is a Republican DENOUNCING VIOLENCE AGAINST ees, while expanding its Singapore fac- Senator calling the President’s plan a WOMEN AND SUPPORTING VITAL tory at the same time. sideshow. SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS While the corporate suites enjoy the Mr. Speaker, it is a sideshow because FOR WOMEN fruits of this tax cut, Americans are it does nothing to strengthen Social Security.
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