mim U A. IPJIPdl II IL&tL Id it?ett&

VOL. XXXIV. NO. i!8. i uoNoi.n.r. ii. ritniAV. Ai'iui. T, IMW.-K- KMI WIIIJKI.Y. wiioi.k xo. aooi.

force there was little ditmsce. AtL 8etiti!erU SoBstlim protrd the ran iff the Aim rieHiis wire slowly meting for SKY-SCRAP- FIERCE FIGHTING of his nblllt) From tho pulnlho an ER ward the Third Arllllei) and MUSICAL TREAT NEW lUna liinte to the brlllUnt allegro, each SEMI-WEEKL- Y. Regiment with Iwo gun of tho Utah Haiti r). under command of Lieut. Her showed In the linuds of one its kUIIIcM JsSUKU TUESDAYS AMI KJIIIIAYH. man, forming nn advance; guard of Oen. as Mr Mott-Smlt- or what tho violon- MneArtnurs dlvlilon arrived on the cello Is capable. Mrs Mott-Smlt- h was Main Insurgent Array Rooted liy extreme right CbarmiDn Concert by ths Kilo-bao- a Office to bs Erec- W. N. .1 valiublo and careful accompanist to Bin ARMSTRONG, EDITOR. Then the Filipinos found themselves Mki in serious dllllcult) urtlllcry her husband. HacArttanr. The SUllfeUlllPTION KATES: (helled their position nnd the enemy's Leap. The sweet tenor volte of Mr. J. P. ted Son. flie became was to I'm Mnntil .$ ,Wl wilder than ever. Then Williams heard advantage and i'u WdMII, KOHEKIM 75 our ruihcd forward In his song to the charming violin A style to- PK YrAR (m fine and drove the Filipinos of MUs Lucy Ward was Pi Ykah, Kokkiox .. .. H.OU ward our tenter, while nt the same GALLANT CHARGE OF DAKOTAS IN THEIR NEW QUARTERS warmly applauded Cooper's full, time the Oregon Regiment Hanked Mrs. BE FIVE STORIES HIGH Payable InnrUbl; In Advance.- - WILL them on the left. fresh volco rang out In nil Its beauty At this moment the order to charge In llemlierg's Arlnsso from "I- -i Mori A. PEARSON, was given. The Oregon Voluutccig and W. Colonel Cb-.r- t Well Cli.tea icd AJolrstl) Selected I'm do Jeanne d'Arc." Killed Touohlntr Twent) -- second regular,!, with Uric! Business Manager. Tho programmo in full was as fol- Situated on tliu Stangonwald Pro- - Scone on thu Unttloflnld Re- b.i)oi.eu, respond) d eagrrly nnd the trm-A- n Airecstle Suttilte rush broke the lebel lines lows- Pbrtv on MurchAitt Street A Lorrtn A. Thurston. Alfred W. Carter, buts Suf for Scvorn Loa Mail) I A Larir Audience. the rebels threw nwa) their rifles on'' PART I. Companion for Judd Block. THURSTON & CARTER. ammunition in their frantic endeavors Jnnseu . . Trio to escape The losses of the rebels can- HI Movement. not be ascertained, but Pianoforte. Mrs. II. M. '.Mott-Smlt- h NEW YORK, .March 28 A cable to their dead nnd The new rooms of tho Ktloaatu ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- wounded marked ot Violin Mrs. C. II. Cooper MERCHANT the line the rush of Art League Honolulu Is to have unother sky- - the Sun, dated Manila, March 28th, 7 had u "house warming" Mr. Mott-Smlt- h Street next to Post Offlce. the AnurlcaiiB. Those who escaped Violoncello.. II. M. scraping olllce building. This one will a. m., m)8 The main Insurgent ami) In the direction of Mobat nnd last night that will uot soon be for- Mendelssohn gotten. be one story higher than tho Jink! LYLE A. of 5000 men, under the personal com- Polo. The latter place Is now apparent Their quarters lu tho Model ltlow Dalniy Breath ot Spring DICKEY. ly burning, having Chinese Girls. lliilldlng und will lx Immediately ad- - mand of Agulualdo, the rebel com- been sot on flro iy Block, Fort street, are much larger the rebels. Ileethovcn Opus CO .Concert Romanic Joining ATI ORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY mander, lm been routed nftei Hirer than before und nru fur better suited Among our dead Is Col Egbert 'of Violin Solo. new as lo the requirements of league. Tho lot on which tho structure Public. 1. O. Box 780. Honolulu, hours' hard fighting b) Oen Mac- - the Twent) -- Second Infantr) He the Miss Maud Klnnej H. I. King and Ilethel btreeU. at the head of his men, leading I'm A large audience wus present to (a) Cantor. Oh Fair, Oh Sweet nnd Holy Is to be built Is the Staugenwuld prop ba)onet charge when lie was bit by show their appreciation of tho Invita- (b) Net Ins . Time Enough erty on Merchant strivt Immediately Mr. J. P. Williams. W. R. CASTLE. a rebel bullet It was nt once seen thai tions received from the mom Deis and W.ilklkl of the Judd block. he was Schubert . Sonatina fatal!) wounded. As lie was the Kllohanu Art League a bril- Tho property has been leased with placed on n had 1. Allegro Molto Gen Whcatou roc tho prlvllego of purchasing later. L. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY up nnd there was an affecting scene be- liant start lu their enanged surround- II. Andante. Public. Attends all Courts ot the tween two old soldiers and friends. ings. HI. Allegro VIvncc A. Thurston, A. W. Carter ami Krcd Republic. Honolulu, H. I. Oen Wheaton dismounted and, ben In the audience were recognized old Violoncello Solo, Wuterliouse uro the lessees. Mr. Wa- - ing over the litter. In the midst of I fr kinds and supporters of tho league Mr. H. M. Mott-Smlt- h terhouse has transferred bin Interest lug bullets, said, "Nobly done, Egber PART II. nd wet ns many strangers who seized to A. S. Hartwell. Tho property Is to PARKE. 1 lie wounded olllcer sniilul faintly U Grelg CATHCARJ& opportunity of hearing good (u) Paplllon be transferred to tho lessees on the he hcaid the praise of his commander this a (b) Olslllon KAAHU-man- u "Good-b- next Juno. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 13 and replied General, I urn concert vvhllo far uway from home. Pianoforte Solo, 1st of Street. done for I'm too old " Honolulu has not been considered In Miss Carrie Castle. The erection of the new building Tears stood In Gen. Wheaton's e)ts tho light of a "Musical Centro by II Jlcmhcrg Arlosso will bo proceeded with at once. Jt as he bade farewell to his companion. WHITNEY & NICHOLS. tourists, but every one was ready to from "La Mort do Jeanne d'Arc will be live stories In height and of A few minutes later Col. Egbert died Mrs. C. II. Cooper. Our troops rested for n time nt Ma- admit, after hearing last night's pro- tho same character ns the Judd build IlenJ Godnrd . . Ilerceusu de Joceljn oy DENTAL ROOMS ON KORT STREET. nilla after driving tho rebels out. It gramme, that the new apartments of Violin Solo, ing The propcrt) Is now occupied Office In - Brewer's Block, cor. Port 's probable that beforo this dispatch Is tho Kl'ohnna Art league was the pi- Miss Maud Kinne) ono story frame- buildings whlnh will and Hotel Sis.; entrance, Hotel St. read Polo will be lu our hands, as It Is vot upon which turned as artistic an Maseheionl . ... For All Eternity of course be torn down. our present Intention to attack tliit Xlr amateur performanco ns could be de- J. P Williams. This new addition will add greatly jl.ue tonight Our troops aio cheer- Violin Obllgito, Miss Lucy Ward. M. S. GRINBAUM&CO.. LTD. up 1c sired by most to tho appearance of that quarter by ful and anxious to wind the troul the critical. Cluck . . .. Opbeus - worthy neighbor ulougritdu COL. HARRY EGBERT here In fact their ollkers find co Tho programme, arranged by Mrs. llallet from 2nd Act placing a Importers and Commission Mci tdderalile difficulty In restraining then, Tucker, was wrRhoscn and admirably Violoncello Solo, tho Judd block. so eager are they lo advance. Mott-Smlt- In happy com- Mr II. M. h Tho proposed site Is a valuable piece, chants. Arthur' division The fight occurred rendered, nnd m this nn ngrcft-abl- to of property. It has been owned hy Sau I'ranclaco. .and. .Honolulu. at Murilao, which the Filipinos bination surprise the bunud Dr. Slnngcnwald for )ears. Dr. Stun- - 315 Front St. Queen St. beforo ruinating. music lover. It Is to often tho case, In amateur performances coin- - gcnwuld was long ago tho partner of Here the Filipinos made a desperate REPORT IS READ that the STILL THEY COME positions of tho masters are Inter Dr. Judd, tho father of tho present H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD. stand. They retired vtithln their spersed with tho "popu'nr Chief Justice Their offices wero then trenches, which were only fifty yards GENERAL, airs,' that tho end of the concert finds situated whcro tho big new edifice COMMISSION AGENTS In front of the advancing Americans. Queen St., Honolulu, H. I. the musician, even though he bo ono will bo built. Tho wholo property of The halt proved fatal to the Filipinos, A Meeting of Directors of The to by Jntlnct alone, filled with an un Mendonca Lands the two building sites v. ai then owned for under the fire from tho two guns Rapid satisfied sense and a restless longing by tho two physicians. ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO. of the IHah Lieut. Transit. Become a Plantation. Batter, under for tho unattalncd, often (ho unat Although bids have not .vet been Ciltchton, and the automatic Colts, tainable. called for, they will lu a few days. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION under Ensign Davis, they were com- Merchants. King Bethel Sts., The usual am iteur con.-e- rt composed It will not bo very long beforo an and pletely routed, many Manngnr Ballontyno Tells of tho Gear, Lans'nc ft Cr Are the promoters Honolulu, II. I. lc.it Inn dead and of local Is perfection of nn other forcible Illustration of tho giant Systums-Tl- talent the on (he Held. Different iu Throu ill wounded entertnlnment to stimulate conversa A Lane Acresie-Vt- be a strides of progress that Honolulu li In the meantime the men of the 1'lrst Systoms-Orr.co- B Soluotttil, F. A. SCHAEFER & CO. tion il ability and as nn accompani Cool One, making it III bo In evidence. South Dakota had performed one of ment for social intercourse Is unex- the most notable feats of the ramp ilgn. IMPORTERS SU COMMISSION celled. The concert of tho Kllohnna Ait llci-- for Honolulu. Merchants. Honolulu, Cheering loudly, the) charged fearless- meeting of the Rapid Transit and Art Loaguo was not on these lines. Hawaiian Niw plantations are bcl.ig talked of SAN I'RANCISCO, Mirth 28. The Islands. . ly nu oss an open field against tho main Land Co wan held )esterday afternoon It was n to one too treat and all; not and Moated In mi"h i.iplil succession four batteries of the Sixth Artillery line of the Insurgent forces, which was nt tho offices of L A. Thurston In clariulcal to bo eclated, but wor appi a that II Is real!) a dllllcult matter to which have been ordered to Honolulu I) lug paitly corcealed In a bamboo order to listen to the report of man thy programme JOHN T. WATERHOUSE. throughout keep of all of t Item. The 20 thicket. It was a daring act, for across ager Ilalleut)l)e. tiatk ver) will not leato hero before April at A particularly pleasant feature of last Is tho proposed on el plain a lau.il plantation the i.irlleat. Tho Charles Nelson, laden IMPOIt'iER AND DEALER IN GEN-cr- nl tho let the Insurgents poured lu tho report Mr. llalleut)uo wont night's pciformanco was tho pl.i)lng tin' .Mendonca lands Gear, Lansing K. with f i eight for Manila, Is expected to Merchandise. Queen Street, perfect rain of bullets. Ten of tho gal- Into detail concerning tho facts re- of Miss Carrlo Castle who has been Co. have secured options on about 1000 leave on Thursday uftc'noon. Honolulu. lant Westerners were killed and eleven lating to three ) stems of street rail- so much missed by concert goers ami acres of the laud of the Kaiicohe Ranrh wounded. Among the dead wcro tin cu way locomotion. Tho three, s) stems concert givers during her uliscnco ami part of Ilecla plantation ttoWrt Letters, r. J, Lowrey. C. M. Cooke lieutenants. Hut our men pressed on, dlsctiMcd wero air power, overhead from Honolulu. Her reappearance was SlIJAIt MAOIHM.KV, LEWERS & COOKE. The options wero seemed lij this regardless of the rain of death, and trolley and underground trolley. a happy pioguodtlcntlon for the future firm some time ago In the latter part Mr. specifications scattered the enemy. Ilallent)tie had full and u lovlvcd memory of onjojmcnt of list month a pirty of engineers and I lie Steamer Kllliti 'I liiinipsiiii IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Fearful loss was Indicted on tho reb- drawn up in tho States of who.1 Is In tho past. Tho chanailng rendition the promote! h took a look over the Lumber and Building Materials. whole piopcrty, which extends fiom I.imUcU with for MRU. els In this Lhargc. Eighty-eigh- t are required nnd his received tenders of Grelg's cxqulslto was Irclulit Olllce: 414 Port Street. "Paplllon" W.ilin.inalo to lleelu, The, from large number of lallway result of known to bate been killed and 100, a street ono of tho most appiuclated niimbcis their Investigations was veiy satisfac- SAN I'RANCISCO, March 28. Tho with their nrm, were captured. The supply houses for furnishing every- and her exquisitely delicate touch was tory. The) In sto.iincr Ellhu Thompson has Just Hail- HAWAIIAN WINE CO. found wuter abundance, remainder lied toward Malolos In wild thing lenulrcd to fully equip a road, shown lu this as well lis lu the Olsll-lo- and lu man) places tb soil ilvuls that ed fiom the .Sound for Honolulu. Her Tho Directors spent two hours In of the richest plantations. FRANK BROWN MANAGER, 23 ond disorder. The total loss on tho Amer- In rcspoiitio to hoaity applause prlnclpil Item of fi eight Is u lot of e. A portion of tho 1h ican side In je9tenln'.s fighting Is ap discussing tho matter with Mr. pluyed a song, which was procrty already machine))' sugar mill, 30 Merchant St, Honolulu, H. I. sho cradle under s leased by for which tho Coplei tho roport wcro eultltatlmi It tho proximately fifteen killed and thirty of tho only encore of tho evening llicltt plantation. In the past there tegular stcancr Garounu could uot furnished to each of the Directors In M. Mott-Sinll- b, THE WESTERN AND HAWAIIAN lite wounded. Last night Gen. Mac Tho trio of Mrs. W. has been some dllllcult) In properly tako for want of ppace Included In Arthur's division una within fifteen order to cnablo a closer study thereof. Mrs. C. 11 Cooper and Mr. W M. i'rtlllzliig portions of the piopeity, but the consignment were soino largo boll- - LTD. the pretent promoters INVESTMENJCO miles of MaloluH, tho Insurgent tap The manager was authorised to ront Mott-Smltl- i, on the piano, violin nnd nlllrm that this eiri. The weight of these and tho ma- tumble, will be easily done with. Hal. Immediately the rooms l.itoly occupied violoncello was admirably given. Mrs. uwa) chinery amounts to hoveral hundred MONEY LOANED FOR LONG OR NEW YORK, March 20. A Sun Tho yield has always averaged well, by tho law firm of Kinney, Uallou nnd Cooper's skillful violin playing Is loo tons A Tiuoma paper says: "One short periods on approved security. cablo dated Manila, March 2(1, G I and this will bo Increased. at on fur- W. W. HALL, Manager. in., sa)s: Tho Americans pushed for McChnahnn Fort street and to well known for comment other than Engineers are now on the ground who bus neter fccu modern sugar-maki- ward for Malintn this afternoon, tak- nish them according to tho require- the pi also which It arouses afrenh each making it final survey Iteforo beginning machinery would bo surprised ing that town by a resistless charge ments. tlmo It is heard and Mr. und Mrs. work. It Is expected that tho sub at the gigantic dimension ot thu rolls, WILDER & CO. under n heavy lire fiom the Filipino scrlptlon lists will bo opened next Another meeting will bn hold In the Mott-Smlt- h tho acknowledged Hhnftlng, and pulleys, tho holl- forces. The lebel lines wero broken are week. It will bo bandied lu a similar near futnro for tho piirptvo of decid- stand-bj- DUMBER, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS. and they retreated toward Polo. When s of our best concerts. mannsT to Mauinlel, with shines 1 100 ers and engines and the odds and onds Salt, and Building Materials of all the fighting was stopped by darkness ing upon tho s) stem of locomotion to A unique nnd enjojablo addition to each. that are going down Into tho hold of Kinds. last night Gen. Harrison G. Otis' mid bo adopted. In tho mcintlmo tho pre- tho programme) wns Mendelssohn's tho steamship." Of courit both steam- Gen. Hale's commands wero about six liminary work will bo proceeded with. "Illnw llalmy llroath of Spring," sung ers carry considerable lines of produce miles east of Polo. Today they CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. moed by Chlncno girls. 11 was almost Im- lu addition to tbn nbovo freight. It Ik westward toward that town, the insur- On tho evo of theli departure fiom gents possible to beliovo that evolution could mid that the G.uonno will bring back offering strong opposition, Our An AliMiril Stnrv, Washington, l.'O Congressmen wero MACHINERY OP EVERY DESCRIP-tlo- n men pressed them hard, however, and so far go with tho singing of tho Chi- 100 tons of siigir for shipment to tho made to order. Tho Sunday Examiner of March Interviewed as to their choice for finally drove them from their positions nese maid Where was tho twang? East over tho Great Northern or the was expected 2iith dovote the first pago of their col- President In 1000, the result being that It that tho American Whcro was tho hlgh-plteh- nolo? Northern Pacini forces would meet resistance at Mala-bo- ored supplement to tho funeral of tho of thorn declared lu favor of Mr. H. E. MclNTYRE & BR0. Where tho clash, and the hideous noise in 1 southwest of Polo, but the enemy late 1'rlncess Knlulanl, advancing the McKlnley. Two wanted Admiral Dow-e- y apparently thought It strategy of n note with clanging tremble? And DOOM. GROCERY AND STORE. better to theory that she w,ih prayed to death. und ono was In favor of Governor PRONOUNCED HUSINESS FEED concentrate, tlicir strength In the vlcln where was tho norvo on edgn of the Corner King and Port Streets, This may prove Interesting Sunday I'liigrce, while four declined to make Ity of Polo. Consequently, they sot fire Ulifortunato All changed Into NEWCOMERSTOWN (O ), March Honolulu. reading to tho Examiner's subscriber, listener? prcfercuico to Malabon at da) light and moved up golden tongue." their known. 2.1. A unusual condition prevails to join body. but here, whom tfio facts of her sick- "music's their evident!) hero In that sulllcleiit men cannot bo Our men advanced confidently In ness are well known, the Idea Is loo MIsi Maud Kinney hns C. HUSTACE. IICRDETTE secured liv tho local manufacturer!!. this older: Tho Oregon Regiment was absurd even for discussion studied tho violin haul nnd well nnd MARRIED on tho left, Twenty-secon- d Regular In his considerable technical proficiency. I'lio announcement n made, under Tho James II Clow ft Sous Plpo Works, fnntry In Wholesale and Retail Grocer. tho center and a battalion of I lor ploying has also tho premise of a datu of Mai eh 25th, of tho rianlago of tho Novelty JirkK atui i no works Twenty-thir- d regulars 212 King St. Tel. 119. tho on tho right. DEWEY THE ONLY ADMIRAL. and tho Iliickhannon Coal Company uro They moved ahead past tho trenches, semcilotH quality, tho quality pcrlnpt Robot J, Ilurdotto, tho humorist, lee TAMILY, PLANTATION AND SHIPS" meeting with nothing beyond nn occa WASHINGTON, Mai eh 27 Although nbovo (ill Hint appeals most to the turor, preacher und Mrs, Clara II, Ha hiring over) body whotviu nccopt work. Stores Supplied on Short Notice. sloual shot fiom a hidden sharnshoot a forced construction of tho Icgltlulon people. It Is of course necessary to ker of Pasadena. Mr. Ilurdotto has Tho biislnctcs boom Is most pronounced. New Goods by every steamer. Ord- er. The) had almost ers reached a church, of Congress might seem to authorize know an Instrument thoroughly beforo been n prominent figure In literary from the other Islands faith- In tho far outskirts of tho town, when fully executed. tho President to appoint nn Admiral ono can think of "temperament " Miss and nowspiper work for tho pist twen suddenl) n heavy firo was opened nn KIPLING'S IMPROVEMENT. lliem by tho center and right of tho of tho Navy In addition to Admiral Kinney's knowledge of tho violin Is ty )uars, having first coiiio Into notlco rebel Hues, which wero In concealment. Duwey, It Is said at tho Navy Dcpait-mo- nt folt nt onco when her bow Is drawn through the columns of tho Iliirllngtou NEW YORK, March 20, Tho condi- CONSOLIDATED SODA WATER Our tioops were at n disadvantage, Dint thero Is no Intention or do- ncroH tho strings llnvvle)(t, to which ho gavo ft Nation- tion of Rudynrd Kipling, who was WORKS CO., Ltd. having to fight over rlco fields and up Mott-Smlt- re-!a- ing so, ns It Is porfoetly clear thai Oio Mr. h evinces both Bonso al reputation by his humorous writ- to Imvu Btiffored a slight but they responded gallantly. Had hi. Intention Congress tdmply and feeling In und his nolo ings, Of bout ii fow dnys ago, Is nguln Improv- rebels' aim been good our losses of was lo hU ph)lng lato Ids known work has Cor, tho nny esplanade, Fort and Allen Sts. would linvo been very heavy, hut, con- provldn for tint advancomenl of Ad- on tho violoncello wero mnsterly In been through (ho modlim of tho La- ing and ha Is bolter than nt ikiua HOLLIBTER & CO., Aftnti sidering tho exposed position of our miral Dowey to that grade execution, Tho threw mouwiouU In dles' llnmn journal. slncci IiU illness began.

ni" - iMmMiJi iMtMV i ,,. --V. jub.v .MSVW' Kjgi'mmmt " HBSWPSlWi jHPMffWPWWWWPHMWWf" IffWImiWHf j5ggftHgl SSw Ain5e-"ff- i

iiawaii s uvjii:rri iiimw U'nii, c, umi.-hi:- mim i.iai 'lei (Ml n.k. ''!"' i1 STILL ANOTHER Kti m .! hm-- t n if" ' HILO'S PROGRESS Bittg " MA )r I H )! J"!-- G. SCHUMAN, f c ItlsW iWim ! i4 h to DETROIT mr turr ih 'kit tr ie Dealer iiw ! ir ii Mt( that hIik Jam tiv a llilleiii of llie.i Rainy City are Planlatiou Thrown (Ipso flttM i4tKitM ktwri mm! U Miku 7.WMU '.-- . .ill4w"1 IIIMWl't FINE i - ' :m All Wortlm Tcneilier. JEWEL Ik Market. il.l)IKIt WHO UIKD IN H M STOVES WAMIIXOTON. .MlMk !i Th Carriages IMPROVEMENTS ,JgL' ha wilted trim KhmKiiw MAKING MAIiY OFFICERS ELECTEO Ilimma THE NIUUI with tke remain ef HI iMk wko ww killed or rtltM in Culrt. and 1J0 Wii are celebratinir the The Itmimanln will H from l'ono Itleo bnv Thy no lioom Cull successful introduction of In New York on Tiietay. whore A A Strong LUt ol Nntn-Lsn- ds to arnte It n "Hllo Muvtlti" arrangement will lx made to send the "Jewel" Stoves and Ranges be AmnlHftinnt(lThn Itrlfcht Ktur. mmaIm of wMlfrs to their former by giving purchasers of Mnrknt. requets arc mirfe, out home Where no Honolulu a special or the aro unknown, tlioy will I benefit of rulns jBISi- - Honolulu might, with profit to her Ik to tho Arlington National Cem- o a Freight Rebate sent om- - of 10 per Gov-ernor- self, take a lemon from lllio In I From Weilneftlay' l)all ) etery A will bo llred from 'fl salute fae- - Agent for the follow in? well known firms cent, off the regular price ar- reapers. Laugh If yon will. It is a of Thc nn coming thlrk nml f.ut y Island when the Knumanla It H. HANCOCK CO., WATHIITOWN, N. Y. Just the some. Hllo people are a unit all our stoves: In addition another sugar plantntlon was rives. w. s. riiAzn:it & co., auiioka, In working for the good of Hllo. Tho ilk to which you get organized. This last onq U tlio Nnhlku people there nallze, most of them, that COI.U.MIIUS IIUOOY CO., COMJMIUJH, OHIO. the usual promoter ugar Company. Ltd. the I'APKH 1IANANAS what Is for the good of the city Is good STUDKIlAKKIt I1HOS., SOUTH IIIJND, IND. ? per cent, cash discount. ro Senator A. Hocking. J. 1'. .Morgnn HOSTON IIAItNHSS CO., 110STON, MASS. llunclioi of bananas made of papier for its Inhabitants, and when tiny are and Harry Armltnge. Tin-- capital And all leading houses. Our complete stock of 1 50 :. macho have been introduced iib signs co.itlnced that u thing Is desirable they other ftlock Is fTSO.OOO, dlvldid Into 117,500 on tho wharves of New York, where pull shoulder to shoulder and accomp- stoves, ranging in price from BliarfH of $20 each, $75,000 to be paid the depredations of hoodlums aro .t. lish wonders, in what Is comparatively Any goods not iu stock will bo ordered by request of purchaser. Si 1 to liji and $G7S,000 will bo nssejgable. 72 with another 15c It is proposed to ndd wooden a small town. It will not rest satislled The lands are on Maul and about fiu0 now on the way, peanuts for the benefit of policemen to be called n small town much longer comprises on A portion of acres will taken tip. and other friendly samplers of the we may be assured, for at the rule they Port - - - Above Club Stables. the following: orcuplcil by homesteaders, Street. this will bo stotk in trade aie now lorging anead a tew .tears win will work It on tlio prollt sharing who r a population ol in. cell to iiiu Mhkit jewel rangl. They thoroiiRlily agreed to . plan. liae u. .. ..t 1 it. Jl,w. a.ill .! tttt Ljliuut WE llliAIJ size, 4 styles,, with Water ColL the plan. A quantity of land which SPECIAL IU Ultir pie&MH IhiriUUlllUUB t,.tj tt to 11 they bate planted In wed cane will MISSION ...iu i.t t ii mitl tut'. v.i sttji. form n part of the plantation. ii io piuii.e tilt j tiale no uu.n. ') Reiu-onalil- j .i .i a Ill.O iltiatit, ulit Cull Ik With a Lino of UarguiiiH in GENTS' CANVAS The land Is said to bo the equal of t.in Empire Jewel Range. . . t....a liullie utl p.t.tet:, Jl.iu la supply while. m1 A full which 1 any on the Islands. The water iluv liluit.l.g tto.miliui ujitu ill SHOES, in colore. line cannot size, 3 styles, with Water Coll; Is unfailing and copious. In connec- Immigration Agent Ar. i .uj WUJ .it'U uuiilllIlM aiv tw'Oa he uuiiHcnUd i'IhwIicjo for tho price, and uc invito you to 1 size, 1 style, with or without Wati tion with the water the only expense i.ji uii tvti ii.iuii. Moles, oinctia uiiu Coll. will bo the building of Humes and rives By the Rio. (i .toiling. .lie oeiiit; upiiuu ii call and hitpict tho noveltict of the mit-on- . unnec- ditches, pumps and wells being ttiiii iii.piottti, Dliugfca uti.it, neit CITV JEWEL essary. WlKlilCo pill III llllO I.alUt!ULU lOlB One of the features of this plantation liiauiiuetl, unite iicaii) ttu) man 'u -- ooo- 2 !tlze. 1 stvlr-- with nr urltli.mf Un.p 15 - Coll, dnd with or Hot will be that only per cent of the Japan-Infl- ux Intel nab an aicrt oxpre&sijii oetohui- without Watti during Has Boon btutlonotl In Reservoir. capital Is to be called In this MA tii.il lie vsiue uw.ihu u..l uao) OUH NEW STOCK hue hicn can fully selected to meet your jcar. The llrht assessment Is to bo 10 to Thubu Iblaniib Ha liuon lor business, lliteisuiu Park is prutiug O per cent, and an additional Ti per tent Investlutituc Muy stop More. a tttiiiuulu ailUiliou lo linos i.oitieiit.L wunlF. Each and ever article in marked nt the lowest poFsihle will be called In between now nnd the jiroin-n- . It is a luau.itui timi una WELCOME JEWEL STOVE. price. Cotno ahull convince you we nre in the lend. end of the year. sliovts u plieliouienal growtu. in and te that 2 sizes, with or without Reservoir. Although tlio books will not be One great urawoacK mat Hllo has to opened until tills morning a number of .SjifN-ia- l Agent W. M. Itko of the coutenu wall, and ol wulcii, b the O applications were leeeltol jestenlay. United .Slates Htiie.iu of Immlgralloii way, wo know cousiueiaoiu in oui The subscription lints will bo open to- own. community, is me "Miru-neat- i. Washington Is on MODERN JEWEL STOVE. day at the olllres of Jan. 1' Morgan and it the Kio tie Janeiro his is liie man who lee, a Ui.u tuo Harry Armltage. bound for San Kranclsco He has been world owes li mi a litiug twucn ii is The Shoe Co., 3 sizes, with or without Reservoir. The shareholders of the Nlulli plan- stationed In Japan studying thu labor trying lo cheat him oui ol or wuai is Manufactur.ers' L'd. tation met yesterday morning at the mil other Industrial problems for ome worse, make him woik for. 'this is the offices of Henry Waterhouse & Co. The In months and his reports and statistics man who is loiiuil ail comiiiiiuuica MESQblTE articles of Incorporation were read and ineillctuig uotiiing bill heelng JEWEL STOVE. of Japanese emigration have been pub uisasier, Sign of Big SHoe. adopted, anil the following officers no good in nnouc or aiiytuiiig, me the 2 sizes: No. 7 and Ne. 8. elected: lished to some extent In the press dis- genuine calamity howler ot the atiues. FORT STREET. President. Henry Wateihousc; the patches la tlio .States. It is from this class that the constant. prcsldciil, M. - I'. Hatch; treasurer, Mr. Is a tall dignified man of Ilings at Honolulu mid the tioveiu- Henry Waterhouse, Jr.; secretary. It. Itlce middle age and speaks guardedly of the ment emanate, lankily for H!lo iney W. Hhlngle; auditor, ThomaH May. In hate but few of these men, bill they W. W. DIMOND & GO. addition to the ofllcers l'rancls (Jay anil Important work which he has in hand. make up la nolso what they lack in Cecil Drown were elected members of Ho Is under the greatest secrecy with numbers, giving out a wrong Impres- HONOLULU. tho Hoard of Directors. Tljc president regard to any Information ho may sion of the community as a whole and and vice president wcro appointed a "Tho Pipe drawn wif-do- from th for the benefit of the Culled deterring outsiders from casting In committee to draw up s. States government. their lot with them. lips of tho philosopher, and shuts up tin Mr. Waterhouse spoke upon the new Tho "Hllo hustler" Is so busy hustl- project. He Informed the sharehold The largo Inllux of Japanese to thesf ing that he has no time lo howl, so mouth of the foolish; it ttenerutea a style o' ers that he had secured options on a Islands has been one of the Mibjecls of they have It nil their own way In large of that extent taluable lard ndjirent his Intestlgatlon. In fact thu move this r'spect. Tho business man ki.ows conversation, conteniplutivf, thoughtful Metropolitan to Nlulli proper. These will all bo sure to profit advance- amalgamated ments of all wage earners and labor that Hllo is from henevolent nnd unaffected." Thackeray. Into one plantation. The ment In any part of the Islands and expenses running un- any large people of the plantntlon ers or clacs of frail the other sections of the Islands know til the end of April nre to be paid by one country to another aie things to prosperity redound to Meat Company crop Is bo that llilo's must Judgo Han. This j ear's to ho In his book. to present corporation, Jotted nolo their bcnellt. turned over tlio who gone to NO. KINO go treasury. Whllo courteously refusing any In K.imaaluas have lately Kr.M.Kr.M.KrMMX,r.n 507 ST. and the ri'tmns Into the an or four to Is nlioiit formation whatever he mado some In Hllo after absenco of thrie In addition this there e,us, amo to HONOLULU. H. I. $SWi,000 for working pur- havo hardly been mailable quiries In legard to the labor problem recognize tho place, so greatly has it poses This will be iibed In acquiring here, hut expressed some doubt as to more land, building a new mill, nnd nil changed and so numerous are tho Im Co. t Imm- & Altogeth- Juit how far the United States provements. Hollister of the latest Improvements. g er tlio prospects aro very encouraging. igration lawrt affected Hawaii, If Indeed Now Hllo wants an Inhibition Hullil-In- AND RETAIL DEALERS IN and they do not propose to fold WHOLESALE Shipping and Family Mr. Waterhouse will lcate for the .Mr. Hlco had not determined at all. their hands and wait for some liberal plantation by the Mauna l.o.i. He In- last night as to whether he would stop to make a thoiough Investiga capitalist to eomo In and ere$t It for tends V. Powder-l- y tion of the whole property, and com over at Honolulu. Terence them at his own expense, but they have American, Havana and Manila Cigars Butchers. plcto the arrangements for taking up Is tho Commissioner of Immigra- put their heads together nnd propose tho new laud. tion presiding at the bureau of which to raise the necessary funds bj popu- lar subscription. TOBACCO, 8NUFF, AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. Tho stock market jes'eiday remained Mr. Hlco Is one of the Spocl.il Agents. In the same quiet condition that It has Then nil will be Interested In the been In' for tho last few days. Thero success of the exhibitions which may - Smokers' Articles. -- . be held theio, thus insuring their mic- wcro very few transactions, a every Till: Ol- - KAIII-- body was busy in taking up the Nlulli cess before the start. Thero Is nothing o G. J. WALLER, Manager. atock for which they hail subscribed. like liepg Interested In an enterprise Kl-he- Is The most noticeable jump was In l. No Hcliuf for the Uufoi lunate to make one see that It a good thing It Fine Grades SMOKING TOBACCO a specialty. On the day previous a number of . and at every opportunity to push Hlghrit Market Ratei paid Until It Was Tim I.uU-- along. tt Hhnrcs had been sold nt about $0 pic-tnlu- o BldM, BUM and Tallow. of death of 'Ill" no .v railroad Is sure to prove a Yesterday, howetcr. It went The news the John llilie. Purveyor to Oceanic and Pacii easily $13 !i Rieat factor in the growth of Hllo as it to premium and nt o'clock who was well known iu Honolulu, was - - - Mali Bteamihlp Companies. $22.riO re- will bring to ilicm much of the Island Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts. Honolulu. an offer of premium was received here a few dajs ago. It was big trade that now goes elsewhere and fused. Thin raise Is due to tho fact gone that the doubt In regard to the water known that Halin had lo the the new plantation schemes now on View Ltd. biipply has been done uttay with. Klondike, but the ii.irtlculars of his foot will a'.bo help them out. It will Q N. WILCOX, rroilileit. J. K. HAUKHH.I). l'rcnldent. CASTLE & COOKE, ami Trciistirrr. T. 1UY Auditor. A block of Walalua assessable was death were not given. Tho following be but a very shoit time until Hllo has E. hllHll. HemtHrv line to San with HONOLULU. wild at $100 net. Doth Kona and account Is taken from tho Victoria steamer Iranclsco Mjunak'l par out transfer and It U on tl-- hoard were olfered at when tho Colonist; market closed Kahukii is holding that some of tho through lines will Pacific Guano and Fertilizer Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, llrm at $200 While these etcnts were transpiring make Hllo a port of call. It Is expected that before the end of at llreninor City, a much sadder scene Surely Hllo has a great future befoie lejolce tho week the prices which prevailed was being enacted on tho Island op- her and we should all tlireat. POST OFFICE BOX 484 MUTUAL TELEPHONE 467 SUGAR FACTORS. as she has hustled for It and des' rves last week will be reached, as there will posite the mouth of Hremner. money on the It lie more tho market. --AOENTs) Tho shareholders of the Hilu Hall There, living in a tent all alone in FOI-t- thu deep was (5 Mueller, and We Are Prepared to Fill All Orders for road Co., Ltd.. met yesterday morning miow, in I'i.sllCllllilll Dllltt IlL'll. The Ewa Plantation Co. nnd elected the following olllcers: sumo distance away were Nick Urban The Walalua Agricultural Co., Lt. 1 Kano-tim- l, a native fisherman, was President. II. Dillingham; vice and John Italic. All were sick and Tho Kobala Sugar Co. president, I.. A. Thurston; secretary, drowned yesterday morning at Kalua-nu- l. The Waimea Sugar Mill Co. Isolated from Uie other camps by open AJV. Carter; treasurer, M. '. Hobln He had gono out llshiug the night MBgarrre The Koloa Agricultural Co. wmTT DI Urban was Iu tho worst con- Artificial- Henry Waterhouse. water. Sugar Co. auditor. nobody him. Yes- - Tho Onomen before taking with rectors. A. S. Hartwell, 1 M. Hatch, dition, and Ilahe, scarcel" able to move The Fulton Iron Works, St. btai terday ning his body was found AllHTt Whyte. himself, was earing for his partner ns moi Mo. Tho ns passed by tho Govern lying on the beach, whero it had been Oil Co. charter liest ho could. When Mueller, realizing The Standard ment was accepted. Operations will bo washed by the bieakers. Tho dead The Geo. F. Dlake Stoam Pnaya. tho nccctisity of his securing help, by Fertilizers! Centrifugals. begun Immediately. man wn9 tho principal fisherman of Woaton'a a Hiiperlii.aian effort 'reached Urban' The New England Mutual Ut lMMt district. He was about C5 years AIAU, CONSTANTLY ON HAND: tent ha found llaho lying on the bed that tnce Co., of Boston. - KcKJitrutlnn Hourtln. PAOIKIO OUANO, rOTAtiH. SULl'HATK Ol' AMMONIA, Insurance t4 alone. Thero was no flro nor any wood old. The Aetna Fire O., Tho following Hoards of Heglstratlon NITHATK OK SODA, CALCINED FKHT1L1ZKK, arttarA. Conn. to kindle one. Tho poor man burst BALT8. KTC, ETC., ETC. for tho different Islands havo been Th Alliance Assurance Co., ol Into tears when he i.aw that relief had who Am: Tin: wisu? Birelr.l attention civcn to nnalysla of oolla by our agrlcullural chemist. upiolnted: All goods are in every respect. come, and told how he had crawled to tlio wUo Is sulllclont" nml uuAiu.vii.r.n Hllo, Puna and Hamakua: 11 J. u, "A word For further particulars apply to back to the tent to die after ho had a word from the Uo sliould bo buIU-elun- t. Pacific Gnano and Fertilizer Company. Harry Kycroft, K. T. Snow. DR. W. AVERDAM, Minster burled his dead partner in tho snow. lint yuii ask, who nro tlia wmo? Kau, Kona and Kohala: CJeo P. Tho oft repeated Mueller and Hahe were found a few Tlioso who know. TulliKh. J. k. Nahalo, W. J. Yates perlouco of triutworihy pereoim may days lator by a relief party from llreni Maul, Molokal and Ijnal: V. W. Ik) tiiKon for unowieiiKe. .Mr. v. M. nor City, too late, howeior, to save Terry ay Chamberlain' CoiirIi ltem-ed- y fouSStSfr. gTAMts) Hardy. H. c. Bearlo, 1 Wittrock. He was Klveit satisfaction tlian any Island of (Uhu Hahe. died on tho Island and better J. M. Catnnra, lr, In the market, no tua neon in ; - burled by his klde. and other V sTtejff 11. partner's Nick """!' It. Haker, VrtA , Oat. the lnuiiiesj nt i:ikton, K'y , for Itnlio, by which names they nto gen- drni; jUi Kauai and Nllhau: H. Hlce, twelve yearn; ban Bold hundreds of but- - aifirB,tj"ris Jr, erally known, luft $210 to bo used In "W. .(1 Blllllh. Homy IVturn tU' of thin remedy nnd uoarly nil otlior vcSC " 1 " - assisting tho sick nt this place. Ur eoiiKli medlclnea iiinnilfnctiired. whU-- .?4 v a 1 u 11 Mr 11 -i ri m M Uv I . v II lfl"SI 11 II irvi IVii. W r ban lias a family somewhere in Penn sbowi coiielililvely that Cliamberlalu'n .IliptlllfhC I'l'incu (.'illlllin;, sylvania, nnd Ratio's wlfo and children U tuo most satlf factory to tho peoilo, mid la tho bent. snlo by Unison A Japnnoso ;rlnct will arrlto hero nro with wealthy relative In Hono- I'or Vy thu Coptic, Ho U Prlncy Smith & Co,, Ltd., Wholesale Asenti Komiye lulu. for II. I, nnd nil DiukkIkU and Do.ilom. AT THE QAZETTB OFFiCK.

1 ifiilirltftililiili mi . jito,',..l,-v.- . .liitMi ammmM, HtJ uiqMliqpnH I Milium inn mmqmmmmm

An i' HAWAIIAN UAJ.T1L I'lllDAV M'llll iMi: hi:mi wki.ki.y, n rtHtnl Hlo It I U Hhlikdl i,( 0OtOOO0OOtOOOOKM CEMETERY SITE will Mr"e wtihin lif fltf if I'liftrMntnl HIS ELIGIBILITY Kulllll .Mln.ltili, rm k W-- mi KMM, Tim U'fl nt tliti ltincvt Th Qaeslfon Has PniuM Con- - r4t4 in whMi m Hpv v Unr, of (he Question Raised Concern- price nt ilOIT'H, IHimI Otmtvti. mndufU ftmuU) 8ot iiKd llhlnr Htrvkc wi HutnU) ing the Minister. f(ifnimti. Thn btHir (or HuiiiIa) itahoitt l 3 10, rWvke, 15 A tKti AWNINGS. a It w.u known lUnt the room wai I'oisililu UcintlliMHivoy - A Con OPIUMS REGARDING PUNCHBOWL lo Ihi Mr. J. 1' C. lUgcn. of einod Quota Tlirro in jilnco In tlio IVrtlllter W'orkf. Kcncrouily don tributur tlm UonMItu no tion-Nocn- vry Avvninpw atoil a small orpoii. which U tnnoh np Utmlilluntlon, tin world wlicro ro much meded nti in Hono- rromlotnl Phtiklint Litrm Their Miwt predated lulu Am far nn -- Wouli tt i Crtil Mlitikf - wo enn fcti HDITOlt P (' A Atielit the ap- for (or HIIAItKCY NOW AN ACTOH ill.NirUyTv(A if) ' V no other ru.mm than (hat Grounli Crllldtm, Metl-Smlt- t pointment of Mr h at Mm BHBjhM NKW YOIIK. March 2T Tim Shar- most ieop o think they havo Inter of Foreign Affairs, and tho pos-ilbll- key made, hi to Html to tho Coast for theatrical debut nt the of no) contlngcnc) arising It) them. In tho "Side in (((rinii TliutU)'i llnlly.) Star Theater which hu would nattirall) succeed to This n wrong impression. - New was Tlii- question of a cemetery eltc has walks of Yor" Ills debut the of tho lteptibllc of Ha- Wo make sadly Interfered with by tho police. voked conldcrnhlc dlfctisalon. Vnr-io- waii through the death, nbience or They refused to let him box, (nd In- jilaci's have been incntloneil, but disability of Piosldenl Dole, 1 quote punch bag. He when they were Inquired Into they hail stead ho could on! the the following parngiaph from the Civil Awnings only n fey line upcnk, nnd al- Name oujecttotinhle quality niul were had to Uiws of Hawaii All Sizes. All Colors. All Prices. though they were supposed to be seri- abandoned. Article 22 auallllcatlon of Pres- ADMIRALS OF Till: I'NlTIH) STATUS NAVV. last, ous the crowd roared with laughter Try ami consider The plan and the one which has ident (niiBO Dfoi-- It tlix third oflirrr nf tin1 United M itrn til J t.nirnr tlif litln of tho great 'I lie f vieet nilunral mid brought forth a great many cxnres-Mon- a "In order lo be eligible to tin ollke milium! DitidU l'irr.iKiit m tho lirt mlnilrnl cm! advantage of Awnings. 'J hoy Admiral nerv ireitfd an nut Urdu fur ilitiiiiiiinlicd nrrr!t be irtidsivd dming t'li rinl regulate tho of opinion, Is tho proposition to of Piesldent, a pel win shall . . lie ar lln ndimril in.luly. lNitl, lin lii ilinl in IhTO, Viiii Aibnlinl Dnid light, iniiko u ). Port wax Hindi' admiral died in nut bid an adiulicl room more turn l'unchbowl Into n rometerj At ROMANTIC LIFE not Ics than thlrt)-flv- c ears of age" Purtrr ls'.'l.ai.d bttc eomfortnhle nnd ium until tlm rlmatiiiii nf Deary. There W at prex nt ni viro admiral in our lutty. cooler the Joint meeting of the Hoard of The above Article does not state "b and in nil gives tho home n Health iind the Kxectitive Council election," but mercl) "eligible to the cozy appearance. If you intend getting Awnings about n mouth ago, held for tho pur- office of President, etc" The new NOT Yl I I'lMMII.D SAMOAN PIXTUARITIF.S Ex-Cons- for llio Hummer, call and get pose of discussing the cemetery ques-mo- d ul 1'orelgn nominal-I- ) Churchill an Minister of Affalis is Apia is located on the considerable our figures. tlu site of l'unchbowl wus pro- I lie Second i.ong.1 citation Will at the head of the Cabinet of IU' Island of Ppolu Is bounded oti otic P-- It posed for the first time Inmate of a Madhouse. pro- 1 President wail The Constitution of Hawaii Appeal in J uiiti r. side b) the singing bauds of the har- Dole made the suggestion. vides "In case of the death, Congie- - that The matter of the Scond bor, white ns the back of a girl's hand UUINKD-- Hy u lepidop-teiouoiiibcct- of - This plan was laid aside for the time lemoval or permanent dls- vs ' gation of St Andrew s Cathcdial The trade winds blow nocturnal hab-it- c, bilng liut ns other sites were looked or IRaplll) He l.j Well u fate ills )llit) of the President, tho Minister lllshop Willis lri not .vet finished It intertill n.ibl), roaring through the or better known iikii m th. Into and each found to - hae somctiilng Kcuwullcre - Formerly Curl- of 1'orelg.n Affairs shall thcrcuuon act is the Intention of the complainants palms On the landward side a couple biuiill as they aro they get in- lacking mat-- it ns a successor to In one w.i) or another, the Piesldent until the to appeal from the decision of Judge insignificant .- Multvnl and to your best clothes nnd sul at Atia President Is elected in the manner of river- the all r of I'unchhovvl was brought up demur- because herein designated " Further, the pro- Perr.v sustaining the Hlehop's the alelngiino- - form, with tho Pacific yon neglect buying .gain It was cliilmed to be the nat visions read, "In case of the dlsibllity rer O.ean, a tlirce-slde- d fosse around the tho very thing that will not solution the question. ural of of such Minister" then in turn ate A petition for the appointment of zone of trouble For the rest, there nre only keep them out, but is at Now s has readied this city, nays the However, as soon as it was learned named the MlnlsUr of In- the Rev. i:. J. Van Decrlln as rector some invltics nnd a vast mob ot child- thu same titiiu an ornament to S. F. Chronicle, that William Churchill Minister of Pittance, lastly, hat J'liuchhoul was m rlously thought terior. and sca.tdal-muugcrln- g, any homo bus been circulated Among lhoe who like, bloody-minde- naive, former United States Consul-Oencr- the Attornc) 3enernl. of there been man) opinions many ileau-coloic- d We refer to our hae Mott-Smlt- h have signed It are a great of the natives of at Apia, Samoa, Js lonllnul in an in- When Mr. was appoint- kui opposed, while some ed, did the Piesldent take Into consid- Fli l Congregation This was the po engaging mnntieiH and unpronounce- sane as.vluni In the st and that his favored It. Tlie fear that such a selcc-'io- n eration the fact that he was appolnt-- formerly held by Rev. Osborne, names, lighting gos- oklng b) sition able to whom aid pub-!- u wife Is out an existence Irg qualified hend-getllii- g Aonlil piove a menace to the a man who would not be niio afterwards went over lo St Cle- sip and is tho bicnth of orklng for borne newspaper. Churchill to become or even act as President fot health was held. Then again oth- - ment's church their nostrils The islands lie to the was wll known In San Fianclsco and nearl) a decade hence' That would westing and southard of San Fr.'iu-elsi- o, Theee tiro iiphotered. mak- rs felt that It would be a shame to be a The lllshop. In the last Utsue of the In Oakland, hiving been emplo)cd on literal Interpretation of the above and cm be teadiid b) a fast ing a HANDoOMK SKTTKK Mini one of the clt's notable points of Article. In all eaes where ofllclal ap DIoi esan Magarlue, speaks concerning aehl pii'siipposing that tho owner into a buoliig ground. Ml Oakland newspaper He was a man mteiefei pointments of a high character are pro the transfer of spiritual Jurisdiction. hud no poisllile business elsewhere In Call and s.ou them. esterda) a repicsuitatle of the of talent and ability After leaving vided foi. It Is gencrall) acknowledged - and pa) s his respects to the Church the wide world- In a matter of a dozen (hertlser interviewed a number of tills Coast he went Hast and became and understood that hikIi a eoutlngi-n-c- ) or so dn)s On nnlvlug. the )ncht of the clt) in regard Defense Soilet). The l as fol- ,ilislclans to the clt) editor of a Ilrookl) n paper as the resignation ot demise of the artlde master will find Just whom Robert question and their solution of the dif- lmnudiete stiperlot In office of the new lows Louis Stevenson found when he turned ficulty opinions While eniplo)ed In that tapaclt) he Their arc as follows. appointee should be provided for, nnd "Tho Dim esiin Magjine Is in a po- his dark and klndl) face Islnndward l)i. Wood 1 do not approve of went on a vacation, where he fell In that b age and part) alllllat ton. the sition to stato that whilst tho final "conteinporailes of our tattooed & l'unchbowl as .i cemetery site at all for with Cleveland, then the appointee should lx' ns well qualified chin lots on J. HOPP CO. of spiritual jurisdiction in the who drove their two icasons. It takes a fine piece of Chief Executive of the Nation They to asjume the higher olllto ns the orig- transfer the wrong side of the Roman wall." property which Is available for some- inal holder thereof His fitness b) Hawaiian Islands to the Church In Very llkel) these couteniporailes will, 1 zero together much of the time at the Leading Furniture thing else. have nlw.i)s been In favor reason of mental caliber Is of course America Is In tho hand of the Ardi-bisho- p for the most part, be found surf lath- Dealers, of having a watering place, and Churchill made a large reservoir there to not attempted to be determined by law, of Canterbury, from whom the ing and fishing which the water could bo run from the very favoiable Impression upon Cleve- his experience In office sooner or KING ft BETHEL must llishops of Honolulu have derived their The inhabitants nre Christians, 8T. Xutianu taction, which would filter It land. He applied for the Consul-Oen-cralsh- later bring out his eligibility In that slngeis of b)iuns, hardy ac- dim thoroughly. Again, 1 disapprove of it of Samoa, and received the particular mission and Jurisdiction, whatever cricketers, but withal (perchance, by sanitary reasons. I for have learned appointment Section 5 of Article flfi provides tion Is necessary to lie taken by the reason of the acquit cd v oncer of civil fiom a person who Is cotniictcnt to "In case any Minister shall act ns nresenl oectinant of the See to faclll- - Izatlon) children of natuie and hcad- - upeak upon such matters tho geo- At Samoa he had trouble with the ns J00OK00HOtOHOM? that President herein provided, hn shall, tato such transfer In already been hunters, .lev e.t.d to fetich worship nnd logical formation of l'unchbowl Is such native, and the representatives of while so acting, have all the rights and biased politically by legerdemain. One that the lefuse and drainage would Hngland and (Jormany complained powets and be subject to nil tho duties taken. who can Juggle a dollar In Apia Is es being d bo IrV gravitate without filtered at njl, about him Ho was recalled, and re- obligations by this Constitution "This being the ease. It should teemed a god. Hermann, bad bo but w w w w w w w litis making a great probability that granted to or piesctlbed foi the Pres- recognized by all who drslre that the known it, mlsccd a chieftainship, I lie eon- - turned to New York, without means " water supply would become ident Rhoiild progress smoothly, nnd lloiidln, a prlncipillt), Robirtsou, had t occupation wife, he matter ununited, a crematory is the ery or His to whotn II) this section It seems appitent he peifotmed III I wntih nnd IIhIi tllck T (JKT IT AT as speedily as tho circumstances will I best solution of the problem, If people was devotedly attached, fell 111, nnd he that the letter of the law Indicates pre- - over the side of a war as he per- jc aoiiiu only see It that way. was unible to provide for her the com clsel) mat such .Minister shall assume admit, that the Interposition of a formed It over the bulwarks of the 5 WATKIMOUrfB! I)r Cooper I am opposed to It In every power Irresponsible body,styllng pro I forts alio lequlred. Ills efforts to ob- function nnd onllnarll) (Var's )ndit, would hive been J ,,, very both as a sanitary an exeiclscd b) the being a Kingdom wa), and Piesldent. That itself a "Church Defonco Society," cm rented with and a surfeit of nUL-IIJA-V .rwI onoinlc proposition. It will undoubt- tain empIo)ment were futile, and ono the case, then the (inalllleatlon worship 5 i' that have no other effect than to retard the I edly Imi day, about a car ago, ho suddculv dls- - '1 e J. a menace to tho health of the the person assuming the office of Pres- " he Islanders iKerl) follow after ART people, Inasmuch as there Is extreme appeaied from hi home, leaving his ident should have attained the age of attainment of tho desired end false gods, but the) aie not lacking In '" piobablllty that tho water supply will sick wlfo In despair. thlrt)-fiv- e )cars, should be rlglill) shrew dttess, tin) require tho high CROCKERY I become polluted, llesldes the city Is to priests of those gods to be possessed of It was surmised nt that time that he (101. D IN I.IV.ON S? 3; mowing and l'unchbowl will evcntual-I- j In my opinion, one of the most Im- i fine order of manuil dexterity. Ill ETC. had (ommltteil suicide In a lit of des- becomo our greatest point of Inter- - portant Altlcle of tho Constitution, THKRMOPOI.IS, W)o, Maith IS- - ordinary life, when mot cngngul In the t peration. Ho was subsequently dis- "spcak-house- Cremation is the proper method with reference to this subject, Is num- Fay Fefield of bittcry A, Alger light " (a sort of Samoan house of solving the question, but, of course, covered In a pitiable plight, half craz- ber .17, n portion of which reads- - of lepiesentatlves) or being, to their Ah n rule people do not I artillery, wilting from Manila to tho Ihiro-pen- n ihcio are prejudices to be overcome. ed from grief and privation, iiul was "The members of tho Cabinet shall own huge delight, llajcd alive by wish to ho riiHhed into buy- ii)how, get city. be members Houses, editor of the Pilot of this place. sa) merchants, the natives further out of the induced to return to his heme. He of both lopra ing anything they would I Dr. Hnjmond It would bo a great of the Logltdaturo with all the rights, of tho gold priHperfs in the Philip- while awtiv idle hours ictalllng gossip prefer to tuke their own timo found temporary cmpIo)inent on n pa- Iv neighbors. wiong to turn l'unchbowl Into a bury- powers and pi lieges of elected mem- pines. mil sciudnl with their In their leimiro iiiomentH'and ing ground. Prom an eminent local per, but he never fully recovered from bers, except tho right to vote." Ily this times not far back they made holiday ban been found along the vv f "Oold - h)ioi to Htoro keena authority on geological matters I have tho fearful strain he had sufferod, and provision ho cannot voto upon the floor parties hunting heads- Collier's Week- hat streams In the outskirts of Manila. The ly tho prettiest best eliH-pla- y. learned that the formation of' l'unch- it becamo evident that his mind was of either House, hut ho can have a word and I bowl Is such such selection to say thereon, nnd can net as ndvl?er, natives bring In both plater and quartz that would giving way under tho strain nnd care. lie a grave menace to tho public health nnd bis high office entitles his word to gold. They say there Is plenty of It In Wo believe wo liavo tho Tho oiitcomo Is told In tho letter to a Rili:i'MATIS.M CAN 111: CURFD b) contaminating the sources of our bo heard and considered. Yot the the Interior, but that they don't Know bent and hantlHomcHt lino of wnter supply, hooking at It from an friend In this city, conve1ng tho In qualification of n person to become a In 1SSH my wlfo went Hast nnd wne I how to work it Tho iiatlvew havo Crockery and UlsiHBwaro. other point of view, one of tho great- formation that ho bad to 1o placed In Senator Is that "he shall have attained attacked with rheumatism, Stio le- points tho ago In In- brought rock Into Manila that fairly eched no relief until sho tried Cham- For this rctthon nnd the est of Interest would he spoiled. an asylum for tho Insane. of thlrt) )ears." this There are many other places far more stance he falls short of the requisite glittered with gold, and have also berlain's Pnln Halm. Since tint tlmo ono Htated above, about suitable. Of course, cremation Is the number of years. To be a Representa- brought In coarse pieces of placer gold wo have never been without it. W lcihiiurt) time, we want you only I.AIIAINA I.UAIT. tive a person shall "have tho find It gives Instant relief in cases of scientific method of dealing with attained which they claim they got along tho to Kio our line at any time the dead in Justice to the living. age of twenty-fiv- e jears" In the lat- burns and rcalds and is never failing I and an many timet uh you Dr. Wnson I think a cemetery on ter case tho new Minister Is a llttlo creeks. It Is such exhibits ns these for all rheumatic and neuralgic pilus. It was tnu HlKKv-- -t Allalr Held on In - I) C. wish. Tlie-- are a few of tho l'unchbowl would be foolish. Tho site ibovo the average This seems to have that havo started a miners' union Ilrant, Santa Yin. Cal. For I Is needed for other purposes. In time ,Mn ul for Years. been a case of "splitting the differ- Manila. Several old leers along tho sale by Benson Smith k. Co., Ltd., lines: u magnificent pleasure park could be I.AIIA1XA, April 3. Tho emplo)ees ence." and letting tho matter rest. Montana regiment Htnrtod tho ball Wholesale Agents for II. I , and all Is Nevertheless, although ho would bo DrugglstB nnd Dealers Majolica, A laid out there. There really only of the Pioneer Mill Co. did honor to though membership one scientific method of dealing with disqualified by tho provisions of tho and tho Carlsbad, the dead and that Is their genial manager and his wife, Mr. Constitution from becoming n Senator, Is small at present, every day adds now actuation. It ri:ar-admira- i. spotts saves room nml expense. There Is nnd Mrs. Capt. Ahlborn, lust Saturday. vet by virtue of the high office In tho mombeis to tho roll. It Is safe to say If Bohemian, , k ptejudice against It from sentlmentnl-ism- Tho festivities took placo at tho resi- Cabinet, he Is an member Undo Sam musters us out here, one- - VALPARAISO (Chile), March Ti -- Daulton Fancy. thereof. I but It will como In time. Then dence of Judge Ktihaulcllo whero a Wyoming Tho United States auxiliary cruiser again Is largo enough. And although nine years would fourth of tho nnd Montana Wedgewood, l'unchbowl not have Hadgcr having (In wldti' nml blue, lu-fo- danco platform had been erected for mon will try to a has arrived here, on It would not bo a great many years te to elapse befoto tho people could legal- roTialn and locate vvbllej unit urcvn,) It would bo full, and then another tho occasion. This platform and th ly elect Mr. Mott-Smlt- h to the Presi- docond Klondike." board tho exhumed remains ot Rear f placo would havo to bo looked up. grounds wcro beautifully decorated dency, jet his appointment ns Minis- 'Admiral James J Spo'ts, U. S. N who Queen's Jubilee Jugs, ter of Foreign Affairs lo I Dr. Miner Tho proposed site on with Japaneso and Chlneso lanterns nnd tho died at Port Stanley, Falkland Islands, B H l'unchbowl is very objectionable. There contingency of demise on the ptrt of The cafe of Ceo Houghtalllng, for & Art Lamps. and flagri of different nations. FClllrg liquor without a license, has '" '8&. The Dadgcr Is on her way to is a probability of tho water supply be- President Dole, opens tho way for him Amorlcnti and Europoan coming polluted. Who wants to take Tho Captain and his wlfo wcr con to becomo tho President of the Repub- been contlnuid Indefinite)) Sin Francisco I the Is preposterous to voyed to tho lunti In a specially decor lic of Hawaii, nine )ears nhc.nl of tlmo. Cut Glass. chance? It think I of putting dead bodies In that crater, I ated carriage. They were literally cov-ore- d Is this consistent with a clear In- All in the hunilt-omcs- t and um in favor of a crematory, but If we with lcls and flowers. Upon terpretation of tho Constitution' Is 'UIMIOIM" ElMOirxJET. get their such an appointment, carrying ns It GASOLINI very Jtiteht dehigtiH. can't havo that, then further out pcoplo sat of tow n. arrival about four hundred does, affairs of tho greatest Impoitntice Dr. Huniphils 1 am opposed to the down to tho feast. to Hawaii, to bo mndo without any proposed selection. I base my opposi- After tho repast waB over tho speech rcfeicnco to tho Constitution and the You vvill confer upintts) a upon nppolnt-ment- s' tion on tho ground that ns tho older making commenced. After a fow re- statutes bearing such favor if you vvill make our grow they placo No ago Is given nnd r which titles and learn their marks Mr. AVm. Hcnnlng proposed tho Ftoro your hoadijuarterH when cemeterlea ns far away ns possible. DIs-t-in- a Cabinet officer should qtiallf), but by guests. Judga Kahaulc-ll- o on a Bhopping expedition. cuts no figure. health of tho becoming n Cabinet officer, he should I Dr. Herbert When going for a pleaj-ur- e mndo an carnet address in Hawai- havo tho necessary qualinratlon-- i to fit drlvo who wants to go through a V. him for tho olllco to which In would I ian which was Interpreted by II. naturally succeed by the Kravejnid? Punchbowl Is ono of our Hnysolden Ho paid a high tribute to virtue of f favorlto spots, dead of the Constitution nb'jv re- J. T. but tho fact that tho manager for tho mnnner In which raitUOUSE, bodies reposed within Its limits would ferred to. 1 soon destroy its attraction, both for ho has brought tho plantation up to With such bare facts, llteraltv Inter preted ii'flldunU nnd tourists. I am also op- such n high standard. Music was ren- from tho Constitution of Ha Waverley Block, posed to It on anltnry grounds. dered by tho Walheo String Mind nnd waii, nnd tho statutes, It teems n cisn V number of "splitting hairs" with n vengfanco, of physicians did not wish tho Lahalnn (lleo Club. Dancing was Bethel Street. io oxpress public views, but tho con- even more properly sneaking, vvbV. ft nHiMefc jf t '"f ?phyTJMBByiBiLLLLLLLLLiMMwMiiiLLLLM sensus of their opinion Is that tho Indulged In until n lato hour. "straining nt gnats, mid iivv allowing ji i Groceries, Hardware, " selection of l'unchbowl for n cometory It was ono of tho grandest affairs ramrls site would bo n grent mistake. that has taken placo In I.nhnlnn far ItOI.YVT THE UNION GASOLINE ENGINE CQ., Crockery. Mr, Walter Maxwell has mnilo tin many years. Tho Captain IiIh fam- Hull J unj (j tMiliiir liitgltH's for both marine sue statlmiJrv strvlce. study and fin tnlmustlva of tho question nnd It Is thought tho Chinaman MundreJi nf " UNION" I.iirIiim arc In dally use nt all klnJi of work. ninilo n report of ily oxpect to lenvo Honolulu by tho that fsioi)iniu5i. has hi Investigations who was badly wounded In tho Knliu-k- u "UNION" Ungues ars the ilinplett auj mint economical form o( power, maimm Dole, On Coplln,for it six months' visit to tho in President account of tho riot, will live. Ho has been placed for catalogue, tallng wvlce and horse power wanted, of ndvorua tfVSniJ storm criticism from com- - rntlierlnnd. In the hospital. OFFICE) 3ll Howard Btroot, Bnn Frnnolaoo, I


, ..ifttt&Amhiltaiitihii. it hJiWii.i'flrhtwMfcjvi-- ,, HAW MIVN nl I'lllHM M'litt I Mill HI.MI Wr.l.Kl V

ii r ' ih- - - 'it fcftN hil ( tit-.- "ill A 01 l;M,ll.S OK AiK. ',1 'y "i h t wait far ei4f'ltl Hutu i i,r iV- - ''if n "i 'I I' Hood's MUCH TROUBLE " I y ler he UHlr h4 A it h i ank one Mi "Kir lw H rf 1miImh It Mr ' ttrffc.4'i Tho - of OH 5l!iMI.MIHKI. 111 'pMOiiM in Mniiiinwiny f tk ItiliSC nwiH M hmww mm nrMwrmii fli ' Sartnparilla MmK thntf U PuiNiMnwi( Mr. he rnlur of ItwVVM AMI HNIH.S litii br MrrMi lit m if .MKtKiiih IIIKMU.iS Im m Utc lleHl l of v Mill r irr imi mUMf n M' MlnMx nt Affrn, im tk tt.Mtl milt' Dis-ctisb- ed MMifk for, and, rrtH Emigration Question Ktdtnllf. that. rmind UmI Ih tho event ef the deivth rnwh ustsuliol (tlttr and loss d Cures AHMBTHUNU. KOITOM. In with hmMMrity ami r- - W. N. imUhft lu 11 n nttxion eofl Permanently Curat tMleel IflttlHets Mrl 'sftftHeii the f I'rcaMefit IMe, ten woilW, If qusH-I- t hsl lrn vlel in Jnpfin. r p In thn of the e Al'ltll. 7 ISM imiMM TMifJrf-- tht th wtrld Ims ed, lni t)li MlefHr to Olflop or ieit Mit4r4i Iop Scrofula, 1tlY Uiuptht m ssHUe--l had would rHn lu have im ho Urnn VlHg The ConsutuUon tiro hod the MnU HVlVed In this which U una ol th) wont ( law of tMtforialtoi. as tlmt for the vWes (Art U) thai tho PresWenl fhall Hew b44li(M Al It I. a hHMtre--1 men lllctloin ol the huiiiin nd regeneration, whither of mW or of rT, Km'Kranta Havo Mat with Utmost Mr.N AM 1IIK riiriM'IIKS. not be le tbein thlrt)-flv- o of have sfiemt timet and n(Hiey In fiftdltin tsjnifi from Impure blooJ. evil iHftlriots of IndlvWiwU-n- ot )ears the out what one MhmIiI have- - femnd tlon liverywliarc. - extlrKitlen Age Mr 's ago Is mileth kmh Oovnrrv Ono of ttio reasons h) the hurclie There are Htillleietit reasons, arising below' that limit, and, therefore. It li out Salt Rheum. merit Hafuaoa Passports. never-thei- e torment to tho dli lo not (onimanil the attendance of a -- volution of the lllggestisl. be) Ihe iHlthntloH of rwtfee will fl(h, out of tho slo he would iUseiiaHfld to Itgurcmcnl to tho body, rend women be n living croji In thli larger number of men ami if, knowledgoof thechiirt'lies, of their own hold the olllro of l'rreldent Our ear elrsln on tho t)stcm, due country As n of diver rlo that they fall to aiilll their needs great mission In human affairs, that respondufit clearly states the ran', hut mcani to vltl.tesl blood. The emigration question. a ih slfjlng our InduMiiei tt i a Jtev. Mr. Klncald wld recently. In his arcounts fer their pirtlal failure to tho questions raises, while Interettlng Oak a Malnlchl, I giving the Japanese Important No jjutplt, that men refused to nttcnil tho meet the neeels of men In these htor arc, on the whole, not serious most matter Pimples, Oovernmenl n lot of trouble Kverj position in th" I'aclfir will so churches because they no longer feel ilajn AHHimlni; that our municipal laws which dltflgurotho skln,ind wbero tho emigrants havo gono the) keep us prosperous a a pewple If we tnsko tlio human necel of them a mean for avoid Miny men and women are ter- fro dlvlno have met with opposition, po- tho earni'st and Constitution still govern the ii)tlilng but and the Miny continue to stake all In sugar This thing of beauty, lng "eivorlastlng punishment waiting for the churche to orgiulze ritory It follows, In the event of Mr but which ro licy of the Ooverinuent Is to refuso a Is a ommcrelal maxim Of course men Nsturc's rnlwr other reasons exist for thin their great rewourtes in a common and Dole s death tho expiration of tUrment of foul blood. far ns jiosslhle to grant passports to rotten with sugar dividends take no wle campaign against ivils Hut that his term, that the Minister of tho free laborer to America, Hawaii an 1 Intercut in the matter, and selfishly The churches. It Is retcpcrtfiilly sub plan must be organised on the lines Interior becomes his nucxessor. If tho Hood's Sarsaparilla ustralla. Tho adjournment of Uk pro'HiMi to let posterity light its I J the Ik t 111 fact tho One True ltloo.1 mlttod. Instead of finding out what tiggesteil by lllsluip Potter Minister of foreign Affairs I disquali- 1'urlflc r. t S CongrcHi befoio arriving nt anj own luttlete Hut those who road of ?o1d by nil druggists. $lt six for f the needs of men really are undertake fied to net b) ago or otherwise decision on the question of the Imm. tho dangers of a single ludustr) , those to tell them what in the opinion of A ('KM K I Kin As tho Constitution places no nge Hood's Pills gratlou of contracted Japanese labor- sin:. who read of tho sad disasters that tbn e hurches, tlio need an , and then qualification upon the Minister of for- er has given further tlmo for the su- Ti"A agree havn fallen upon so many of the complain because men do not eign Affairs, and )ct makes him the twecu Japan and the consideration of the matter Tho Jap- So far as it can be nsiurtaltieel li a gar colonies of Oreat llrltaln, because fnlted States with them Thoy refuse to nceopt man PrcMldent. In tho event of u vacancy, will be in font- - I tieler anese (iov eminent therefore intend t' gvnural luquir), lliern npiieais 10 of tho curso of a single Industry, will It cither na as Jie Is, and build upward on tli.it It may be argued that the Constitu- tion encourage prevent enter Into communication with tin opposition to Uio plan of the see In tho failure of the Olaa experi or immi- basis, but make, up a statement or be- tional provision regarding the age of gration It cannot be expected fnlted State (lovcrnent with the government for Hie conversion of tht ments a serious setback to the leal, that up on tblrtj-llv- e s lief about his nature and build iIoch not appl) In this tho authorities lu Washington fa- view of getting .1 definition ot interior pirl of Ptinch Howl into a though not nppirent prosper!!) of the will clir that uncertain foundation. case cilitate' n mi) way the immigration tho distinction between free and con- cemetery Whether this opposi'lon Islands of As men and ivanem Iterume educat- The sittiition from a leg-.i- l ntand- - Japanese' to thcue Islands And on tracted laborers Hitherto, It appears the feeroud and t th ughl This Is the moment fer pressing the ed, and read, and Mud). the llnil leas reiieenis polnt is somewhat complicated The tho other hand Japanese govern- tho fact that Japanese emigration com of those who take some internet in most careful Investigation Into the the jieeel of the churcheti owing to this act of annexation which is now the ment will not oik outage emigration, pinlea aro obliged under tho provis- tho subject eatiuot be slateil condition of tho coffin Industry in Incorrect theory, and therefore fall supreme law of the land, provides because It derilres to be friendly ions of tho Japaucso Immigrants' Pro pivsunt that other parts of the Islands. While the oil to attend them al government terms with tectlon Uivv to keep agents at the dif- growing, tho of the Islands shall sugar Industry Is run- the fnlted States I? Tho feeling exists, and is craze over tho There an excellent Illustration of be vested In wic-- person or persons Is not our attitude lu this mattei ferent landing places and there sign that Puiiih lion I nhould Lmsoiih- - the n ning Its ionise, there should be a per- Uio failure of the churches to grasp tho President of the I'nlted States .111 unsafe one'' We are quite willing agreements with tlio emigrants, prom- most attractive breathing spot In or sistent examination made eif tho cof- the problems of modern life, in the shall direct. President has direct- to icmalli hc)oiiil the sphere of ising them all necessary nsslntancc near tills elt) Its position is tuijierb 'Ihe fee outlook There Ih a question of our the lirobcnt condition of the Prohibition ed Mr l)ol to on govern Amerli.in constitution ami laws, so should they become HI and helpless The more it Is . Hilled, tlie more one irr) this social condition at stake question Tor that question Involves ment, under the existing municipal far a (he I.1I101 suppl) Is coiuerned has led to great dllllcultles with the bee ones thankful for the rare fortune if tho government had vital energ) the moral, the religious ami thl-- social lawn, but under act Hut In regard to beiiellts under the fnlted States Customs Authorities ai of having Kin h an admirable place of the annexation It woiihr push this examination while iifo of millions of limn an beings. The ho can remove from and appoint any protective lawri of the fnlted States, to whether such were ton tractcd 01 general resort, which tan Im- - made so the people (ire closing their e)es to 1iurchcs talk about, but do not tackle we Insist that we are an Integral part freo laborers. It is anticipated, also cheapl) utccsslhlo to all person to ollkc He has the light to the situation It. It is no longer a question of talk, nl office of the Republic We are Hit reusing our that In the event of contracted Immi- It is iiiged b) those who favor the ippolnt a to the Ihe naturalists speak of the lowest Imt of work Dole-- , plantations, but we are la- gration Into Hawaii being prohibited project of ititnbllfthlng tho eemeter) In now held b) Mr althoiuh our orders of creation a animals "with a The man who iefue to attend the re quires borers for them, on the tlieoi) that the same clllllculty may arise there the Howl, that this use of It would own Constitution potiitlvel) single straight gut ' A commiinlt) Church sa)a to It, here ou are at the as n Hawaii Is not actually American ter Kobe, (Japan) Chronicle not iiilerfeip wi'li tin- - use of the- - rim l lesldeine here of llfteen )ears. with a single ludustr) b.dongs to the beginning of tho Century, - Twentieth t qualification If tin- art of annexation ritory. of the crater for other public, uses-tha- lo.ver order of social orginl ulons und cannot iiKree on the way of solv- wu It Is, Ihe exti.n-- t nude fioni the Kobe even pleasun- - remit u may lie is lu force ami assume tJiat which have otilv one straight com okxi.kai. ui:riiu:s. ing one of the momentous problems Chronicle- - shows that theie Is much ent ted on tlie rim, ami the proximity oui local Constitution Is rather "In mercial isnt of Uio age You fall to see that the to be thought ovoi of the grave )ard would not Interfere the air. and we are conducting our Ibe government mnv repl) It Is remivd) for this evil lies In r adjusting Celebration In Honor of (lencral Miller with tho pleasures firnlsln it b such polllhul biHlnesH b) general agiee duty of government to ailmlnlritcr Uio social fotces, of changing condi- the at Manila resoi w And. to the objection urged an lit laws and not to bad the people" IIJI'SjTKI) AM) I.O.M'. tions. You ought to present to me, and 2S. tb it there would be one or more buri- Pc rhaps the sentiment Is true If Ni:V YORK, Marth A dlspate li all other men an approved way of re- day In the those Some n imiiis in the commiiult), with is the- - commiinlt) takes no In to the Herald from Hollo sa)s als cveiv )enr. and it and Ml Hour) Nilll, ot New Oi leans, is moving the curse, but jou do not - using the iltivcwti) to the summit fot tin- iiniiil c mscivatlsm, do not appiovc terest In the question of dlveisllled Monday was tho Clth birthday ol If you 'iinnot agree on a plan of eam-jWg- n in expel t lu the cotton market, for pleisuro would meet the funeial pio- - of Mr Mint-Smit- h appointment, bc- - llidustiies the least we can do Iri to (leneral Miller and It was celebrated against these legions of the hoveral hi predlotions retarding lexslons it is said that the people ause of his ouili stop blabbing about our intelligence. jam at headqu.ir.leis by a general assembly Devil, what "use do I have for jou?" the amount of totton th it would be b) would bee dine a i llstoini el to the 'I lieu would lie mime foice ill the mil repeat the words of the wreckei of tho officers and tompllmentarv Jlero is' the intelligent view which eiopiod dining the season weio re- - sight object ion If oldei men weio selected cm the New Jerse v Coisi " hen It siecches. lllshop Potter, an admirable leader In ni.irk.ibl torrei 1 Hi piedlctlons of ollb e b) looting wrecked Hhlp, I Colonel Van Vulrach of tho Eigh- The couvcirdim Punch Itonl into for reason of their mciits In come to a published the Vrotestant fplsoopil Chiinli, takes weio lu home and for scntl-ment- s a eemeter) will. If the experience of i Itepilblii wheic the candidates for don't want no preacher around tellln' teenth lnfantr) exprcftvl tho of tho situation In a lettir to I)r Ab- eign Join mils, and his reputation for other plai es Is considered, prevetil the ollbe depend upon pulls and not me about mv duties lluslnot must of regret of the brigade at los igail .ietiu.it) was so 1 tellcnl that the eot- - t lng commander whom they esteem. general use of ibe pl.uc for pleasure on lin-il- for smirks it Is biiell) worth be looked after" a Is the old situation- -. ik old as the toii planters and tiadei accepted Ills In resorts unless the Kvecutlve propones I .il.ee question It will be 11 sad for us whel we Ocneral Miller, response, thanked religion of Jems Christ with the while to the of until di) statement without hesitation. Dur- to lull inline Into these Islands a new Itojiubll- - must lln.illv give up hope feu the small the olllccrs and men for their er Srrllx'K and Phaiisec on the one hand If ihe iiimmeiils made upon ing the lust summer, he mado careful tho Sadducecs on population like tlie Iilsh and the Din-ia- oIIUI.iIh bv ncx ation lu tho face of the enemy, prais the oilier and over r.in lie ratic Journals farmer estimates ami declared that the crop 'I - ing ef- against thorn, the ruth who combine plcasuie and piln ire- ti in, and the comments made upon their brilliant field work, their No more perfect repioduitlon of the of (ottou then maturing would reach ficiency The eiifoiilng of the 'wake b) law Demoi ollli lals bv Itepubllruii !,AHOK AM) I'HK A.MK-IJK'A- and their attention to details, first named has appeared In out da latii' IAI'AM.K ll'.OuO.OOO of bibs The amount wa in or custom In suitable- - idau-- s on are- - which had already received his fullest than the Prohibitionist, et Id omnc tin Joiiiii.iIh likewise tine, we have M. ciie of the demands of both home commendation hlri Ignor-nt- , rlni of the crater, illtisti.ite the in ofllclal reports. genus, arrogint. dcnunclitorv, miv few table men lu ollice Nearly foiclgu markets, and, tho - and oil unscrupulous and ho'd-In- g Idei of u melaiii holv pleasurei' ap- - When referring to the work of tho ar unttiithful; over) olllcc- holder Is, accoidlng to stiength of prediction, the price one meagre - eo.11r.1n, pub this fiagment ,of the truth proinlite to the id in- Hut it requires IIicm- a li.ndeued In auothci time is tillery, hi special branch, tho genera' to (lielr ejcH and denjlt'g Journals sinner of (Ottou quickly declined As the gnat and i period of education to make It nc- - - lished .111 .11 lick Hum one of tne Jap soko feelingly and was ilslbly affect fundamental in huuian In Theiefoie .voilLh sin el) call be no se- reason advanced he declared that the fids nature. coptible The iiecqile of Deuuiirk anese (Cuglisli) Journals 011 the ques eel by tho thought of severing his con- their foolisli and futile i ndcavni to aie I Ions objictloti crop would emigration o imoinit of tho cotton reined) tlie perveislon of human In- lu the habit of closing funeial sirviccri In of the most tion of the of Japniese nection with the service. truth, howevei Mime 1 '.',500,000 bales The price further stincts bv extirpating ibeni. Hue lu the- - uir.il dlstih Is with a dune and ers Aftor remarks by Colonel Chllders of nine e.xnful men in the woild'x afl.iirs lecllned. The British bii)crs rcfmWcl to children of the medleiev il h) stems of uglo-.Saxo- the Captain supper but the ate not liive- - .mil men rile statement tint wheiivir the Tennessee Volunteers, and momaslle .if retli Ism whlib the) would been .veiling unknown puichasct lu view of a falling price. picpired to adopt the practice This . cmigi.iuts have gone the) have met Hrldgman of tho artillery, Captain fain substitute for the fiecdom of a re- who line b) accldc-nt- been on the a Tho dealer 'n toUciu, on tho American brlgadler-adjutant-gen-er- race In Its respect for the dead, does - with opposition Is title, mi fir their Woodward, tho generated manhood 'I ho grotesque tide at Its Hood and so wen- lifted to exchanges, to buy they Idea pi grave) political and social relations in refused because presented Oeneral Miller with a hypocrls) of the prohibition H)stem, not favor the of alng high pi. u os. Men i.in oui) be tented aie from Maine to Kansas, Is a b) Hut so far as wages are con- became eonlldent of lower prices The In behalf the A sudlelcnt ) arils and pleasure resents side by opportunities Con Hamilton, volved souvenir of officers. commentar) upon thrlr theories .Mea- be wrong, It Is legirded as farmers rushed their cotton Into the was noon. side Tlie idea ma) but Mil one his cerned, Hawaii at lean salute fired at ntime, the cndcavois of wiser men and Washington's and of market, lu order to get tho ruling nnr-k- et exlstri If the eemetei) is placed III the 1 Paradise b the .lapinese women to better Die condition the iblesl i ouusellois, a kid" of r wis price before It declined fut titer s Hon I, It will natiii.ilh give ihu.ic-te- The liws of Japan icquiio that the homes, the domestic life, the rocroi-tlor- twent)-thie- i- when Washington Wll.l. SI'llfNOTHfN OTIS ) The markets of tho cotton crop wore of thflr les f noted brethtrn go to the entile local emlgi.itlon lonipmle nhall guar- letteel him. in unkiiowu voting alien, where demorall7ed Hut, in De- WASHINGTON, March ill Word Is untouched of till Be, lit MICC0SH0IS of One who Is fimill.ir with the his- antee aid to the emigrants ill the event evil) those wInmii Hid the Join nals of the countiv sneer cember last, the receipts of cotton hourly expected thu War Dopa-t-mc- ut to .lesus said 'Woe un- tory of cmueti rlts, even In a new of sickness or tnahillt) to labor at at to )on, Scribes and Phailsees, li ed at tlie i hull tlio portri began to decline, Tho bad of tho rival of tho transport count!-- ) like th it of the eiMi m States, On the other hand, oui own federal ai for )e bind hcavj bin dens upon to 1300 knows even now, onl) a few Immigration laws slrlcil) foibld an) weather accounted for this decline Sht'ildun at Manila, with men's shoulders, and grievous to be tint Mott-Smlt- 1 Did not Mi h feel huuiili-- some extent, but not entire!). During for (Teneral Otis. This will borne, and ve joursclves will not )ears after the est ibllnliment of in- is.isted Immlgiatlon 11 e nteri-- t e hambei flng-ors- as he the C.tblni tlio winter months tho receipts con bo for.11I1l.1ble addition to hi light- tourh them with the tips of .vour tensive private cemeteries ntai the If, therefore-- , tho .lapinete law will a mil took hlri sell with the nuuibeis tinual to fall off. Tho dealers lu tot ing strength. Tho troops Include ono cities, ronduclid foi pi out onl) seil-oii- s not penult emlgi.itlon, without tho And over against (hem as of old, are if government which, if the Voice began suspect questions arise as to the wisdom a assistance, and our fed- ton lu febiuir) to that full regiment and headquarters and the modern Saddurees, Inellf-feion- t, guarantee of ultlcil, if the Cotm-Cit'- s hpeaks the liuth Mi Nt'lll had made a grave en or In ono bittnllon of another, and If tho apathetic 'I he dissensions of of permitting them to lie established eral lawn forbid any assisted limvlgra- - Is reeking with ' damuablu owardlce-'- his calculations It was not, for a cxperlento of those aboard those who are not agreed as to the The Ignoi.itue of the misses rcg.it ding tlou, the enfoieemetit of theo Jaws b) taken the committing ele- - 1 problems In doing so he ma) be imml-gi.itlc- inouiuut, suspected that ho h id (Irant and Sherman repeated thov of Intemperance and its cure the sanitary evils connected with such both countries mi) In Ing tho rn entertaining and amusing to those he erroi of his life time Can he Ubeiateiy miscalculated. Hut It began will be In lighting trim .13 soon ns the) -- cemeteries Is slcr.vl) giving vv.i) to the of the .laii.inese luborcis to and 1.0 more IToid us a veiling m in to pay no heed to bo evident that his data wiw In- - land, and ready to bo pushed Immedi- Yet let me not do tin liiju painful knowledge that tho living these Islands to .1 close, whenever tho in liee tlie stalwait Voice of the Coon-C.i- t con eot. Six regiments of What I have said lias Its eousldPiable line not legarded uio lights of federal Immlgiailon laws tne extend ately to tho fiont. ind begin a e.ueer of unending slnnie was ap comprising ap- and lniplrlrg qu.illflritlons, and men and have sairlllced m ill) lives ed these Islands firl) lu .Much tho truth Infantry and nrtlller), dc- - to of wealth and Intelligence who had in an uniellectlni; iiviyeil for the i) latlug with men whom the parent. Ho hud ovei estimated the proximately S000 men, ono regiment origin ill) It is generally believed hero tliat illmUseel the "saloon" ques-Ho- detl Piesldenl McKlnley keep in amount of tho crop by ono to ono of which sailed from San franclsco and all that it Involves, as eqinllv denl. the .lap incite laborers m.i) bo obtain dllce betiuse ho teftise to listen to tnd one-ha- lf million bales )csterday, aro under orders for Ma- hopeless and Insoluble have In recent The of Punch Howl as a ed without tho assistance of the plan c o Voice" error will causo a los to the nila. movement will bo pushed joirs, ami in some conspicuous In- situ for a emetery. Is no doubt, tne ters Hut no note I taken of tho Jap- This Their stances I is mi le.isou whv the new producing ns posslblo with view to which need not recall, grap- easiest wav of disposing of the mat- llieie anese law that does not permit emi totton Interest of at least ns rapidly a pled with larger A (Talis tho problems of the ter Hut In an tiiportant matter of Mllilhter of I'oielgn - tho sum of $75,000,000. Tho planters, tho of Oeneral Otis at housing and bettering wage gration without home form of asslst- of eirners place it do excellent Hut his sur-- the fertilizing companies, the specula tho earliest day practicable In all the various aspects In this kind, the hot should be inco at home. which loundlngs will of course be very de- - In must losses those various problems present them- adopted, even If It Involves much tum It Is apparent that n veiy seilotis toiri ration count their piesslng by tho millions selves: and hnvo elono noble and gen-'ro- ble and labor situation m.i) arise. If tho federal an- - SPANISH ENSION SAI.UTfO things along If ever, the line of a wiser cemetery at a distance nhoilld be should tho ground that Thoio has rarely, been so Unit- and more brothcrl) horitics tike (ilHUAl.TAK, March IS. Tho coiiBldeiatlon for nelettcd Hnllriiid connection should A.N l.NKOIt'l INA'I n - gtent 11 loss, In tho history of tho their fellow men kvi:.nt. tho assistance required by tho Jipin- ed States t miser Halclgh, from here be It so dealings lu 11 staple .11 tide, as thero Hut the wholo movement Is as In made with that tho cost of a eso law brings the Immigrants within honioward bouiel from )ct In these, to this afternoon Its bo one, I m my has been transactions, duo n, Infnnc), and waits for guidance en- funeial should i but den on no ho convuiidou of toffeo the federal statute Manila, In to bo put out of lightenment, a slnglo Individual order and, above all. as It Is provided for In other places randies in Ola.i. into a sugir planta- It Is nn open secret that tho Japan tho error of Spanish ensign As wo hoisted tho )ct have been but fumbl- If this port Is to becomo nil tion, Is a ver) unfortunate and paflsptfrls to I'liero nro many able expertri In tho ing with social problems, ese! law, whliJi tefuses and fired a saluto whllo passing tho whether In Important spot In the comment) of the event, so the cotton trade. Thero nro many men of tills country or olsowhoio, unable or far as tieation free laborers unless aid. In tho event Spanish squadron, commanded by Ad- e I'ac Ifie, there must be a largo Increase of Indiistiles goes The ability and experience who dovoto their unwilling, appircntly, to reeog-lz- diversified of sickness mid poverty, Is guaranteed miral Camara, off Algeclras. Tho Span- that the radical changes in nnr Imlmi. in tho population Tho limits of burial coffee men, no doubt, are JiiellllccI lu by companies, was passed time exclusively to securing data re trial authorized ish flagship Carlos Qulnto thereupon and social conditions which have lilac cs will be i cached quickly within making the thange, owing to the bid nn Intimation from tho repre- garding tho t ottou ci op, and upon come tci pass during after hoisted tho American ensign and re- this ceiitut) hive the limited npaie of Punch Howl If condition of the plants, and the hope their estimates an arm) of operators brought with them demands upon sentative of the f lilted States tint turned tho fialute. burials theie- - mado compuUor) prospect A large per- base, their speculations. Hut Mr. Nclll wealth expulfiice scientific B)nipa-lli- y aie less number of there was a growing feeling on tho and nil airlilce which tho favored Hat till iiiiffti Ions will arise, which will sons have risked much mom and la Paolllo coast that Immigration from had, eltirlng the two )ears preceding classes are pro-ph- ot a)ei ,m Mow to rcrog'lie Involve clinic ult) nido from uu Inl bor In the eiiterpiUe, nud the gloomy should be prevented 1899, rerurcil such n prcstlgo ns pipi: comhini: I ho permanent! lap in however, of oni pros-c- questions theie will be e oe In linn ques- outlook surely Is u cause of general the government was In predicting tho course of tho CHATTA.NOOC, (Tcnn ), M111I1 Ji. social sirunure win tlopont upon While Japineso tions. Only abundance of space will regret. enforcing market, tho crowd followed him, In 11 TJ10 deal to consolldito tho cast-Iro- n their reiognlilc.il limi f ,lt npprcelti-- t steadily this law, which I avoid them any In- on of this fact hiii k8j t ,, It was H.ild lu (ho early stages of Kicitly repressed emigration, there rabble, and ufiweil to accept other pipe vvorkB of tho country, which therei Is dull) .mt liinul tt nidi me If tho sentiment of ihe people Is not coff co cultivation lu that district, Out win a disposition hero to hollovo that estimates. clude tho American Pipo Company it Of eoiliso, In this lurg. , r iuptt of n in favor of this site there will, within the schomo would not but no Japan had wicked dodgus upon theno Tho Hrltlsh manufacturers have pro- plant, among which 1 the Chittanoo vast question, the ualoon in n me.rt. . few- - n )cnrs, bo n movement fot clos- 0110 with experience In ooffeo culuva- - fited by tho which followed g.i foundry and Plpo Works, has beou cldont. Its uiuits. Its phones, Us rela- Islands, Hut tho existence of the law low prlco. ing any cemetery that may bo creeled tion to tho homo life as well ni tho In llou dUcouraged It. Tho question of Indicated plainly enough the real at hi estimates, and, If they havo any concluded. Tho Chattanooga concern. there present la illvlduul life of tommuiilitoi, the evils Tho tho thno for wUe ev.ccm.lv 0 inolsluio was nil open ono tltudo of that nation. Bi'ticnislty, should substantially rocog It U stated, gets $50,000 out of the fctd tho that It, mUtiiis that fciipport ,ly contiiicrliiB tho nutter, Whether or not, with tho luvtv) rain In July noxt, th new treaty bo nlzo tho value of hi colosrial blunder. transaction,

l . t V. -- y ..-.- . M. "Met - j.."-'-..!.aa- &&mL u: . vl tt m T

HAWAIIAN' OAStltTII I'lllMW Mill, 0 IM.: hCMI I'.I-.M-

wli Hi Hm fchtW ) It til 0 lnllHiila 4 H4mi J' Hill A WARM wH W H" rtcl i im lit' li Utit- - CRUSHING DEFEAT et lml' WELCOME ,! f i Mh Mwwhi hw h All Bushmen "Mi"uii ii The Elgin Km m,4 I !. .M flow Kmni 11. "i' UOHI.ir.N 51AMIARI) u kKk tamiKm i t fr 14 ih iMr i ni fr imii . MfM)liti f Ml r How 'li '. IIMI1 KIllll'INO. Hi m A fit h' i ion ihr King l(k jhi'iH. M kin ih txui ,.r iHlHt! imttH rTll hi No Use it IVf.tn KMrHe)', llH fIIHM MHdl'i' 'himi h, ih f'.r jmrltl f rW Hnwniinn Ministers Greet trm . kwi itkr. iMimrtj tim Garonne Tenm Match Mlkir Hit hit hiiinlt, ard men a1mI Hiir ttf Ktin I'nln4ii'), W hm4h N.rtrrr nf a H'rtf.A. for Local Cricketers. ty heeH itfh In n w limit tKKHibitHi v nun. rn.Av.in. ,,. Pnr Cleansing the Bloml - - inn ,,K1M)K whlllrr tm(1 !,. norih. no Uqual. IH lligliniti has nrepleil n poMHtm oo- In iiroftnll.on ef llil heroic tvtrar it has wlili .1. M. Dnwtrti. Hit wnt fHrinwIyj 'President Abraham Lincoln Mnt Ko- - V tUc Ulrtw li rtrtll nml Imllmi'i for MMWpollkiti Mmi nf ll. liranjrt Vt atil ( llhl.ii.r.ljii ' UiHikk'nr the h"ln '"'Hug lilt term of nfflre n Iwaii- - of hi Loul Tim- - c,...... Tn.ci.1.. t.itmil.im-T- hf Aid UotiitfJuuJ Surf rimfinct n. IK11I jtrirr fimtiilrrctU UM R(M nm ( M,r(K,M, M,r T W llohron Unt etitere! milt HU Iht Kuorl llrnktn - Iciutn Tim ,7;;ih i' Ihr of Wtrrtor Tlt ol Dolttt sun or tlmiikt for Ills lirnvc nrt. 'Dure was agiiltisi Senator ( I. Helm t roomer mini Kithactory lull of Vlier. nlo a purte. raited !)' Mine Atnerl&ttit of the Cunt. IIWMi. nlloged to U duo for fnllur to JmrriKiii Wntrhrt. lln tin' Stntet nnd preicntcd lu Kekela. rarr) nut n eonnln Klondike oontrnet. among or Cilffif 111 ... Still tin' tollnrmtn the Small fruits are being rnlwd on n Southern Scat tin name of the ludoved W f I f lift fur 111 up Mniion vallc). Just nbovo tlu'( MCKLE. SILVEH. GOLD FILLED tli- - ami patient flittering! Th.iuk to the combined effort J Tim Hawaiian ministers of Oahu llaw.ilnn hit liy .Mr nnoues. iiurer-mn- n people of his fold nre things It. Anderson, rnin lielt ine AID SOLID GOLD. Association met at !l o'clock Thursday anions ilu .Metrs. J. II. I'alton and An ncrt' will be devoted to straw- told with uncovered heailt anil low ami promised cricket for their wcond meeting of thlt cinl-annu- al of tho II. l C. tho berries II V An rr (i full linr (tnif tll Ihcm solemn words the by match lieiwiin a team representing Mrs. C P liiigan. nrcompatiled 1 The buiineta of the 11 right ricct tclon. S. S. her son. K. Uagan. Ulna planter, - Sunday local club and an eleven from tho i'. the meeting was tin- matter of was a passenger by Klnau for Ha- came off tho old UecriMtlon the KIAUSi nnri lis r17if. schools, hut It was evident that some- tlaronne. at waii, wheie she will spend the sum- LAHAINALU.VA afternoon. rcrtfA thing of tiniiiual Importance wat likely AT grounds. Maklkl, )etterday mer i.(i.V.f you right. spot punc to happen, for socral besides tho del-'gal- The visitors were on the Dr. .1. M. Steele. V. .S N.. of the W'i'iis ftnnd or iclmt i right in a cry line body of were seated In the largo audi- tually, and looked fulled Slates monitor Muiiadnock. Is time Iteming mul Imting iiiii'iii'm, might b' .1 through bv the Hlo tie ence room f tho Kaiimakaplll church. men from whom .1 good deal passcngei doomed, how "Fome )c.ir a no while In America I li .Innelro for San rranclsco. He Is on din that is irAy ue nrr right in ikkA-in- g Them were several of tho kainaatiins Dr. Osmer Abbott Reports expected. They were fi'tiT und Acne it letl me in ler) I I of absence. W'ntrfi. ever, to n criisliing ucicai, ami prmcii Halo nnd quite dona up. took tumw nf the Elgin present, Including Judge Judil, Profes- .)rr'j h.iiai.iilll.t nnd It miuii put in. i. Sergeant Major Melneru.. of the of Improvements. to entirely overmatched. The fol rlalin mid my xtmiKtti reniuuM. I . sor Alexander, Dr. Hlshop and boreral be Md'ljr ictoinint'iiil Ninth regiment, on the City of Pitehla. ladles, besides thiVH! of the pastors of lowing wore, handed In by Vlggo m the mail who. It Is claimed, shot Gen. army, tint foreign churches of the city. .laeobscn, tells the harrowing tale Linares, of tho Spanish at the lkittlc of Santiago. H.F.WICHMAN All nt onc the regular business wan Special Appropriation han Made HONOIA'MJ KI.KVKN AVER'S Assistant agents are wanted by a BOX M2. bent of the aged A mihH ndod, as the form Needed Repairs Possible Itev. J. I Lane b. lJroome 32 Ilrst class lire Insurance conipan for Kekela rami- - up the aisle. The song New UnrpHntur Shop. Dr. St. D. 0. Walters e. ItlchanUou Honolulu and the other Islands. I'ur that broke forth wan one of welcome, b. 1'etty 4 further particulars address by letter to was nunc aa bodies of Judge Stanley e. and b. l'etty SrsrWu 1 .1. C, Gazette otllce. and it fiw such b. . 21 CLARKE'S K. A. Moss (Capt.) Ulchardson. to oilier. Wlille In the liinh of till coiielrr Hton S. Gregory, a lawyer of San ilnlstcrs could. . 2 I li.iit I WORI-n-. FAMED Dr. Oxiutr Abbott of Unhulualuna is lU-v- V. II. Kltcat b. HlchariUon .. mi nttark nt wim ) Inn kihiii K"t In Francisco, arrived 011 the brig W. G. The good old man, who has not heard f ol Uil i'iinlaliil liy iinliii; Hie KaiiK nun il in town this week Interviewing the De It. Anderson b. lllehardson I'ur rleaiiliig llm IiIhI iiI fur riiitiuiit ! Irwin esterday nnd Is stopping at the Hawaiian sung in that way for J. II. ('iitlon b. llroome J tho skin 1 do not think 11 can he Peat. All Arlington. He may practice his n tour paitmeiit of 1'ubllc Instruction. Hu re- the liuhiiii'ii II." A. Mny, not out 25 lite 011 Islands. twenty years, win no much affected Im For ou.tll.nllull Ul.1 lr VII'. Tlirf the Blood ports that there are considerable 1. Arrr. Mixture S. b. w; l'etty - n flfvi' hihI miifi) Tike Ihi'tn Hint hu not control his voice to Ilarrett riin.llf . In Hongkong and Yokohama when could provements going on Lahalnaluiin .. wliu lir Ayi-r- ri4r.aji.irlll.i. uiii alii. itiuutLkX at Dr. II. V. Murray, innings closed tho Hlo de Janeiro sailed there were at otic1. And mniiy other found M. Innings ileak The special appropriation for the A. St. Mackintosh. cloed seventy-liv- e passengers GREAT BLOOD PURIflSU 11 over booked to m USIiSB themselves choking in sympathy. seminary has made It possible to make llyes HOLLISTUH DRUG CO.. Agents. sail on the Coptic for the States. This Forty-si- x I.eg nyes For rlnni'liir 1it rluaitni; lh liioml fr m ill jears In the service mid then Item will be Interesting to thine In- li.il many repairs that have been needed for . 1 iiiIUi.. lUuiiiiollict.i.ih.th.i nr..ii,i,,..i,l).ii to hear the language nnd song of tho No balls on popular years. The system of water pipes has tending to lene this liner home land! LOCAL BREVITIES. noxt week. For Scroltila, Srurvy, Ccicma, been remodeled and enlarged, the dor- Total .135 When he spoke, though, It was with K. II. Thomas tccurctl the contract Pimplci, Skin and Blnon Discaies, a clear ringing ulee that told of con- mitories have hail new verandas put IiOWUNU ANALYSIS. esterday for building nil addition to mul Sines nf oil kinds, Hh cHtn ,r siderable vitality still left. That fact 15 overs, on. and the dining hall has had a new I'eltj 33 runs, 3 wickets, Nualehii mill has stopied grind. ug. the station house, his hid being $5SI'J. iniirVcllnllH. bet 11 developed by the would have maidens. 71 balls: average, 11.7. Other bidders were: A. Hlehley, $12,-5ii- 0; upon floor and new celling put In. Louis Kahlbaum, of Koloa, Is in frequent liiBUtence In his remarks Ulchardson Hi runs, 3 wickets, 1C ('. II. P.itzig, $H.M0: Lucas Hros., II hlil The chief Improvement nnd the one town. riiic. tion.. hit desire to return to the Marquesas overs, 2 maidens, 80 balls; average, 15.3. $9S7G: William Dunbar, $'.1300; II. L. tnri rireralt'il forvp mi tlto Nerk. w, I'liil. t'lceraliil l.rkF. IxlaudH; not to rest nnd die In peace, foil nciouiit of which Dr. Abbott Is In 10 2 wickets, 12 overs, Sugar--Ha- hteady, fair lelluliig. & Minr llroome runs, Kerr Co., $11200. nri' Illackiii'uiU .,r I'IiiiI'Ik mi tho Vmm hut to continue his work. CO centrifugals, town is the new shop for carpentry nnd 2 maidens. balls; average, 20.0. 3"k: It. S. Moore, of An- I'iiiif hilliv) ri,irr. Warm words of welcome came from l. brother Jlanager I'iiiiw rmiit'iiiui. I'lrerF. wood turning. Is to have room BIXVKN I'IKST Dr. Campbell, the Walmea, Kauai, , Dr. Illshop In eulogy and felicitation, This S. S. HAUONNH drew Moore, of P.iauhaii plantation, CIiiiii. llhtHl ami htin Din n for the electric anil Ice plants nnd will 1NNINOS. physician. Is a visitor to tho metrop- lias been visit. ng the Islands for some C mi. Ulanilillai Hi'ilin which left, no doubt in the minds of provide for a number or new to olis. rii ntp tin' I loud fn, in ail iiiiiiirt Mantr any of his sincerity. lathes (V cirittlths. b. Mackintosh 0 weeks past with n large party of San K.mn toAnli'ir cwi.e rrliluu. be placed next year. A new water 'i of lUglstratiou the on pleasure bus- Itev. Mr. Klncald spoke for the On-tr- I. Tlrada b. Mackintosh The Hoard for Franciscans bent ami A" lliln mlituiu l plcanmil l.ilhu tnnic, nft Is also one of the things that It MfKenilrh k. run out 0 dllferent Islands Is published In this iness. Mr. Mooie Is superintendent of wairaiiliit fii'i' Irum ini)tlilni Injurlou. ic tliv l'nlon church, as did Mr. Gardner Is mii.t ilollfittn roiitllnillnn uf I'ilhir have been asked for. The old one b. Issue. the large ltlsdou Iron Works, San - r, lit and Dr. Harris for other bodliw here. Capt. Conradl. c. Catton Mackin- of I'mi'ilt'lnti- .'iCiicrj tn kIvo tl u trial the one brought from llllo with the He na vuluc. When Itev. Mr. O. H. Gullck talks In tosh - Itev. A. Kunimer. the lecturer and Francisco. leaves for a tour of ice machine and which ran the 1 Hawaiian he gets as near the ilrst J. Ulchardson b. Waltnr preach r, left for the volcano 011 the Kauai tonight. THOUSANDS OF to hearts Ice plant in Honolulu years before It TESTIMONIALS of the hh a "haole" may, nnd I,, llroome h. Walters Klnau. native went to llllo. tVom his reminiscences and words of encour- II. H.ilbert b. Mackintosh iMiiberg, 1. Hi All Prtartlin World. The plans for the new building are Pastor Hans of the lie i:x(mian;i: agement followed close upon the greet- T. Kelly, run out German church, urilwil 011 the .Mikn- - Honolulu kio':k Sulil III llutt'iii it. K.I., and III fa.r. CUl.talnlli In the hands of the Department of W. Millar, not out IX llliu'i-- tliu j u a 1 y , II.. t'urli ullilli'lil ing of the aged Hev. Walainan, which hala yesterday. la I ( ta, expected illi.rlVM1 rntii lluivtij ..a..ui a..i..a. I'llbllc Works, and it is that b. (..i..i.. in , Kill" lllfiMTIlt had left n large mnnlicr of the sym- II. W. l'etty (Capt.) Walteis II. I., April li. IS'.e.). Cu.,-.-nil l A I.I, new shop ho P. Peck has ordered a. $10,000 coffee Honolulu. ol tillKliTb pathetic audience with streaming eyes. the material for the will 15. Astley h. Walters mi Air.iiniMi i;.Mio:i6 shipped to a or mill from San Kranclsco, which will be lllllUUIillUUT TIIK UllllLI), Lnhiilna in week two. llyes K I'miirltuirf. When the aged warrior finally retired I.INUII.N 11 The boys of hahnlmiltiua doing all iut up In Olaa. riAMl. oh mock. LiJ5" 1'Jf till. Tilt aNII .MIIII.AN1J UuuNtua III II a stirring song, and the business are Wide Halls CuariNr Lincoln, Knulmd. after the work themsehes, and will have Mrs. J. N. Wright goes to Walmea, of tho morning was finally resumed, m.M.illl.k, ' A.I. tlliiml enough to keep them busy for some IS Kauai, 011 the Mlkahula tonight on a ;. iim.c a 1;., i.on).uiii nf SOUtloo. fnrtilatin'r Mlilnir, there was a manifest mellowness In the Total VUAK. wuithlcaa lliiltatliil,a or iulilt attitude of the delegates, which lasted mouths. HOWLING ANALYSIS. visit to relative. AiaerliHi, Ar.i.viibti'i KO l. tiili'a. iTiiv W. Aclil I'a'il 111 I 7'li(' I'll .... through cession. 1 U Promoter Chailes leaves for the .MaeMntosh runs, 4 wickets, Km aum.ium lo... f.IV.. I I lie. MIL' UTS. his Komi estates on the Manna Loa to- 17V"1" I" O maiiiens, nans; nverage, 1.0. llllil'iu . oeiv, rj morrow morning. Hint Air Til ItHUt 1HI IW Walters 11 runs, I wickets. 8 llavmlmi Miiiiar r .. I.ikiko I" TIME TABLE Out of the numerous good stories 11 I'n.ssport l.uu' Involved in l)n. 5 maidens, 42 balls; average. 2.S. The Morning Star, the uilshiouaiy Id 111 ... overs. ' ;ui :"j:. that have come to light of the Incidents : 4 lluiil.ai lim.... Suit. S. S. CAHONNI-- IJLKVKN SKCOND steamer, will leave this afU'iuoon at i,iiiii IW in tho life of the aged niUslonary, Ke-kel- a, iiiukc - lUH.il Willi .... Chas. T. Helm has bejun suit INNINOS. o'clock for Micronesia. Kaliulin tiii,ii li .. who returned on the 'ranitidine Kllivi Plan, tin. til. ar.i II ',, it) - Manager Q. II. Ilirrey, of tho Mer- Wednesday from the JIaripiesas, there against T. W. Ilubnm ind l- II. Mc- - I. Tlrada May I). Lan! 0 1111,111 t Luminal M. . HSllftJPulDI c Agency, gone on Inspect- Kiilua lui in ono has proven most Interest- It. b. cantile has mi Sk'.iiu that Sloeker to recover 25,u00. The amount line ing tour through Hawaii. Lima HiiKir Co. v I lui ing. Is equivalent to the damages alleged L. llroome b. Anderson 0 I'll 111. IMI.OO l() When Kekela arrived on the Mar- T. Kelly b. Anderson I Attorney General Cooper Is the lat- Klpaliuhi IMiiMt tli . I'll to have been sutUalncd by plaintiff on 0 est addition to the fraternity who are M.uu.kl rvwi quesas, In the early 'Cos, he found a W. Miller e. Mobs b. Iini) Oahu Ar.c.i.i'lili t l"11 - most degraded anil cruel tribe Inhabit- account of the defendants stopping' II. W. Petty (Capt.) hit wicket, In the clutches of the grip. ....laid 111 I 1M0.IIO HO Onniniu l.omuuu Hi .. ).!. savagery A Gcrmiin-Amrrlcai- is KINAU, ing the Islands. Their native his passport. Tho Interesting part of Anderson meeting of was Unkala uniwi. 10' l VC, S. S. had been added to by the whlto trad- Is K. Astley b. Anderson 1 held lu Chicago a few days ago to pro- Oluoalii lui CLAUKK. CoMMAMUtx, the proposed suit that 'Involves the t;.li ' who came and took away to off J. Ulchardson, not out 0 against an Anglo-America- n alll- - 1'a.iilmu Sua Plan. Oil ers, far preset) t validity of tho passport law, test Vm6c Wo.Km, III) .... Will luavo Honolulu every Tuesday at plantations In Hawaii, Mexico and Aus- C. (irltliths c. I no b. Anderson 0 ;tii)C") ikji since the plaintiff claims tho right of I'ala J7i .... 12 o'clock noun, touching at Iahalnt, tralia their brothers anil fathers by Capt. Conradl, to bat It been reported a control- IViii'rkr 7fl."i l"'i l'i Hay has that I'liuin-- r Ll'iVU" Mualaeu and Mukena the juuio means disgraceful and cowardly. These pausing from ono state to another. to bat I'".... Liupa-hoelio- II. million, ling Interest ln Kahiikii has been ob- Wa'alua Aur Cu .( 10' lie lvi day; Mahtikoua, Kawalrao and o trader., known ns "hlackblrders," came In tho assumpsit case of T. W. Hob-ro- n llyes C by J. II. int. uii I,Cih.ii) 10i .... 176 tho following day, tained a hill with Castle at the M 10 arriving at he detested and feared by the Mnr-iiesan- s. VValanao. to vs. C. T. Helm brought to recover head. Uallukii TIO.UW IUl llllo on Wulncsday evening. 10 $2,000 said to have been given de- Total K. (). Hall & Son havo abandoned the Walinaimiii Vl)t) 10" ... '.no Hoturnlng, will sail from llllo over years the Ke- Walmia m,i"0 111 ... VI li Some after arrival of IIOWLLNO ANALYSIS. Idea of putting tip n five story building, Friday al o'clock p.'in., touching at kela a vessel In trnlllc had fendant for a certain purposo which l.aupaliiK'lioe, this Lane 2 runn, 3 wickets, C overs, and will build one of two stories In- WllilcrH. s o MM.OiO I'1... llf, Mahukona, Kaw.ilhao, swooped upon the Island nnd was not carried out, defendant has I ImamlH. H Ml,l HU 1U- Hay down maidens, 30 balls; average, 0.7. stead. lull Cu..., i Makena, Maalaea and I.Uial.ia, nr Uikcn off a large number of men and filed u on tho ground HIM KI.I.ANKUUII. riving at Honolulu Saturday night. demurrer that Anderson 2 runs, D wickets. 5 5 Ilan'n hi' it. O ii.'Slotl IIHi SOli women nnd many young children, Hands In the sum of $75,000 have ,.'".ie'11 10c Will call ut 1'oholkl, on thii the remedy of tho plaintiff In the ac- overs, 4 maidens, 28 balls; average, 0.1 Hun. IIH'Irau ALi'u, l'una, whom their patents had refused to de- been llled by .1. M. Dowsctt nnd V. W. MlllM.I I,',IMI i;u.. li'JUKJ in second trip of each month, arriving tion It In eipilty mid not In law as tho According to the Maryhone C. C Macfarlani) of Wldc-nian- n ilkkUliaCnl tin L.ara. I,), sert. Then had the king of the tribe as executors the ' thero on rh morning of tho day of laws, a match, un!;ss plaed nut, shall . I'.lil in..... Sl.iMl lli sworn a dreadful oath no longer plaintiff and defendant were at the estate. O. It A I, IWUMM) HO to sailing from llllo to Honolulu, that be decided by the first Innings. So that Cu. should trailers be allowed to land up- time this action was brought ami still Hawaiian Commeii'lal, SI1,,, Paau-ha- llilMm Tho popular roiltu to the Volcano Is (ian.i.ne were defeated by 11 llaw'li ll.iv'l li 101 .... the 3!Hd-2!l'- i; .ir it A the, en- on was to bo tabu IS; Hutchinson, I via Hilo. good carriage road tho Island. Its coast nre partners. liana, Il.w'll tiliv I'll it 'JiJ j rum. on tin- - S.111 distance. to any whlto man. And ho published Defendant has llled an answer in 32V, were the ipiotatloiis Il.w'll li, I'n.l Hiving' tire for- NOTKS. 4', i.r ct !.... to all the people that should any l''raiicIsco ICxchaugc March 28th. . the trespass caso of Melo I'll et al. i) l; 1 1.. 1 'iii.i, ... eigner be found upon tho land of his The ion., of 135 runs for the Ios of Tho thirtieth anniversary of the vs. Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar S peoplo that that man should die. Th wlche'i. i'mIj, breaks the Honolulu founding of the Y. M. C. A. will hu cel- Oiitsldo Sales Heportcd 173 Mutual allega- S. S. CLAUDINE, manner of tils execution should be the Co., denying tho truth of tho lecord. ebrated May 1st. A committee has Telephone, $15; 13 Hawaiian Sugar, pot. of CAMKUO.N, (.'uMMaMiKi!, Whether fricasseed, fried or tions In tho complaint. L. llroome. freight clerk the been appointed to form a program. $230; $7,500 O. It. & L. Bonds, $102.25. man bo the piece K steamer, college lauvo Honolulu Tuesday 5 p. boiled that would In tho matters of tho Pacific Hard- and an old Winchester Tho Misses Schmlcd, fiom Port Session Sales 20 Maunalel, $20; 25 Will nt of a mil good stylo In tho m., touching ut Kahulul, llaino. resistance litau (Ico. man, shows both Townscnd, nre passengers by tho Ilouokan, $2110; 50 Kihcl, $tli. liana, Sad. Indeed, was Kekela when ho ware Co. and W. I Hopper vs. bowling and batting department, but and Klp.ihiilu, Maul, lletiirnlng, ar- schooner W. Jewett, for 11 trip to Quotation Changes - Nineteen. heard of this cruel verdict on tho part W. Lincoln and H. K. Cooper, plaintiff, evidently links practlc, like the test rives nt Honolulu Sunday mornings. of tho monarch of his adopted coun- havo gl- - en notlco of application for a of tho lulling team. Will call nt Nuu, Kaupo, once, a try. Sadder yet was his heart next hearing on Friday, April 7th, on the Tho two Hawaiian youngsters, Ilar- month. going village week, when, Into the on exceptions to tho bill of exceptions rett and May, put together no less than his tour of salvation, ho saw hound lm 52 runs and for tho eighth wicket. 1iy that Pacific Mail Steamship Co. side tho thatched throne room of tho filed defendant. Hot It of them played with freedom and This company reserves tho right to King n poor shipwrecked mariner, tho give good promlso of further distin- inako changes In thu tlmu of dcp.irttiro last of an crew who had por- - guishing themselves. and arrival of Its steamers without cntlro and It will not hu responsible Ishod miserably on a reef near tho Physically Lfn'K Among tho (Jaronnc team, Capt. Con- Stramsliip notice Occidental $ Oriental Co. for any consequences arising there- and forlorn tho sailor The many friends of Cnpt. Dyer will I. Island. Delected radl, tho steamer's commander, and from. had given up nil hope and ho despaired bo very sorry to har that ho has been Tlrada, made tho longest stand, but Consignees bo Landings nny must nt tho of end but that of furnishing declared physically unfit for further soon had to succumb to Mackintosh's to receive their Freight; this Coitipmy dejeuner savages who danced for tho duty present. A Washington din howling. will not hold Itsolf respnnsiblo for about him. at Colin Clayton, tho Jamlcson raid AND Toyo Kisen Kaisha. patch of tho 25th of March states that freight after it has been lauded. Kekela, even In tho short tlmo that man, has not yet recovered from tho Llvo Stock received only nt owner'd had clansed sine) his arrival In the a Hoard of Medical Survey has exam- - Injury recently sustained by him nt the will risk. land, had great Influctico with tho King Ined him and find him physically unfit wickets. Ills cricketing Instinct, how- Steamers of tho above coaipanle call at Honolulu and leave tbt This Company will not ho responsive. 11 port on ornbout the dates holow mentioned. and he determined without moment's for gmlco ln tho Philippine and he ever, prompted him to como out and for Money or Valuables of pisaeugr) of Mr. hesitation to uso It for tho benefit has been ordered sent home. Captain act as umpire for the club, while. FOR JAPAN AND CHINA: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: unless placed In the caro of Purser. ttin linfnrlnnnlii ntatiwav Ttl tlin nilfl W. Hrown kindly officiated In tho llko Passengers are requested to purch.iro lenco which was granted him, tho King n'e" ' well and favorably known In capacity for tho opposing team. DOKIO AI'ItIL 11 COPTIC APRIL 11 tickets Iwjforo embarking. Thoio fall- IS AMKRICA refused absolutely to grant pardon to Honolulu, being a great favorite In Messrs. Griffiths and Tlrado opened NIPPON MAR" APRIL MAR" APRIL 2 ing to do so will be subject to in ad- 'HO Die JANEIRO APRIL 27 PITY OK PHKINO 'M tho man. Ho must suffer for the cruel official and nodal circles. tho game for their sldo rathvr inaua- - APRIL ditional charge of twenty-flv- o per runt MAY 5 OAI3LIC C and Inhuman practices of his raco nnd Iclously, tho former going down before COPTIC MAY Tho Company will not bo llnbio fot be AMKKICAN MAHU MAY 13 HONGKONG MARU MAY 111 nor Injury to, nor delay la, tn a warning to others. Kekela plead KII-I.KI- Mackintosh's very first ball. lost of, Pit INCH ). CITY OF MAY 23, CHINA ... MAY 23 ed with tho obdurato monarch. Upon I.ane and Mos piled up 55 runs be- PUKING .... delivery of baggage or pcrsonnl of!ct his knees tho powerful young mission- - MANILA, March 2C frliice Ioo tween them, both playing careful, styl- n' the passenger lieyond the amount of $100.00, unless the valuo of the tamo nry, men in tho prime of manhood, W(.nstoln. formerly honorary ald-d- ish and scientific cricket. They made hC had 0 nnd 4 hits to tho boundary respect- RATES OF PASSAGE ARE AS FOLLOWS: lie declared, at or before tho Itsuo of "1 il,e,rCr8n".,.'r n';'cimp on tho staff of General Miller at freight Is paid ready Marqucsans ively. HINlJLR TRIP. Second Cabin the ticket and 'hereon, Hi All employees of the Company urw merry, charity and forbearance. These Iloll' """how IllchariUoii, tho chief engineer, Ban $ (Toyo Klsen Knlslin only.) Francisco Cabin V to freight de- nf firing nnd was ....killed CO fcrblddeii receive without wero no avail. Higher and higher lino worked hard at tho howling, but his Second Cnbln Steerage JUl rose tho chant of average livering n shipping receipt therefor In destruction from tho fell thort of that of tils Junior, (Tovo Klsen Knlsh.i only.) IIOHNH prescribed by Oomntny natives outside. Mnro yet Mr. Petty. Kuropenn Hii'inn( ,,, Vt TRIP. the form the earnest March "7 A dlstntch to tho and which mny be by shippers up- grew the prayer, - i.vhh un- Kor $150 Sun Cahtn, 4 teen and oiitreitles of Ke- Judge Stanley lind one of hit YnUohamn Cnhli I'or I'Vuiirlseo mo'i.$lii on npplli'atlmi tn tin) "Iklnlr" from Toulon nays that tho 100 tho pursers of kola. Ono nfter nnnther tho faithful lucky ilnyi, hut as wicket krcir ho Becond Cabin For YnliohRiiiii (Jahlii, i nio's.... IH Compiiny'i steamers, Hawaiian offered the goon's ami expiirlnicnts mndo Uioro with armor-- (Toyo Kaisha only.) I Cabin, 12 nio't IfiJ dear atood tip ns gamely ns ever, although Klen li Rhlppert nrn notllleil If fro'ghl I ho had brought - ICuriipean mi'iTiiKn K I'or Hongkong Cabin i that ehattels from hit homo piercing (hells havo conoluilvoly deni- lie received a good deil of hard knocks! nio't.,.22H hipped without tueh receipt H will Iti tho Oahu vnlloy. Ail woro W, it n Far Hongkong Cnbln $176' Cabin, 12 mo's IHI.ll refused, ol)8lrnUll ,10 p0bllty of n shell Miller Is Selkirk mnii and bo solely nt tho risk nf the thipn-- r. "lo0 "tnwnlo" of It. Anderson, tho local Kor Ken ral Infortiisllon ntmlv to U. nnKn!o 'X: ""- -'" w " """"' player. C. WIOIIT. President. Z " H. 11. IIOSK. Secretary. otlceil tho onvlous looks of tho lluo the ship. "LONG STOP." AgenL mon.,ln8 M. MAO K RE '' ,'d. OArT, J, A, KINO, Port Supt.

. JaUr-Jjfc- jt , fitftltHtiAii'--- ' . A' i. K4Rt J? tivIT? v

M'HH ? IMW HLMI MhK.V, e1? yi HAWAIIAN UAhllK II1IDS n" n II (i( ' MOM 1 1 AIIV III I'UHI. TIMELY TOPICS I I - r .III h l'IHW" f A FAMOUS BAND ALL OF NIIHAU lii"-- ! i!(iiiinH f Down Again l.'l tiW Hi' th"' It t3 diln riifit 1" A 1 March iOy l'w II price U (or 20th, hw (I Ilnll") M (illl" in lh msrkl tan i - i loWKfH ft M!ll Hour nd teed, anil vr follow mrn to !' It cloitlr. British (.naiils Mosiclans Tonrine IH lfiliI r..Hi 4 Vi Land Ike uf Hi ljn-- , I" Mend ui oitr otJtr end thy The Available Sow 0a The II i i .ft in hi WW- rrrtii 1 to I'l 1 Ffmi i m i lll lllUvl at the lowist i . (Im 1 1 10 mt 7tt U adH-UemBt- the pan ! i i ri that the rmN In Hi I'fww Our tor d til I Im. Die United States. rr.Hii t to j i: .. I ntarhet 1 .1. the tm of 5 10 cents been directed, gcntrnlly. Island Second. HUH) h ' urwtwd 'o h4fl - The innllrr or month hate MIm. l'llHt- . . . II l or ..ii upon a hundred pound of .f King Maumfa ' MsKSlUUt t tlrint llQtshi.. to the hotielfe, but vvc have tblnc w t ihotild not concern you IihIiiit tli In""! mw io Imuran (.iltne ..ii IIiHliil Mstn 3 feed ,rt l'ortliKre. H Other tmtlutiaWUr 3 ni much at tho quality, ni In our store that will bo o( Interest t. CfcU--f ' '""" Cktawlwri. ' 1rn'' . III any THEY APPEAR HERE Jspsnrie poor feed it dear at price, the n n nv projiort'lfln made hero MAY wife well tho huiband N. IT IS A BIG PROPOSITION ou' bv Total . runaway i he vie I the State Department tlliiltindnl.. doubt you heard about tho II u . that if the Hermans withdraw wipimrl a few weeks ago A man vvai rldlnc prac- (UVrAKATirs MOMIILT M4KTALITT. from Mataafa the trouble would Will Soon Arrlvn In this City on we down nuddiiily Sllbtorlbocl- - Mar. I Mil. Msr. Fort street, hit hone Ntthlku block Over kingship Is nt the - tically be over as the ttoutn to Austrnlln-Flr- st Con- Mar. lH'M Mar. Ha- - KM. got frlcbtcncd at tome, object, became Nlulll Payment ComliiK In present affair , Mar bottom of thn ot Loader. Mnr. 1''. ort tliu Tour Tho Msr 1 IJ unmanageable and to run away. uloly Tho Oennral Market. Thus far, however, there has been !. When you want tho licit Hay, started no Intimation that the Germans would (.Al'Mc or i.r.ATii. Teed or Grain, ot the flight The man tried every effort to check the abandon Mataafa. On tlio contrary, AlK'plfX) 1 Mnlarial. . 3 I'rlncs, order from horse, but without avail. A man hap- Movements are oa foot uinotig some Aithliia I Key. r Tv pb id . I undciiUnndlng lieen that tho Dlm-a'- (From Tiiurl the has Anaiiit I.umbii- - Heart 1 pened to be coming up the attcct oa lli. Ma-llet- oi people to have the famous nnd Honolulu 1 , .'I . contention between Mataafa colder lleniorrliiik'H CALIFORNIA FEED Go. Waterhouee Cod-fre- llcnr f'oniian lia' by Dan 1 his and before ho could get out would go over to await fuller In- - llrltlsli (luiirds Hand, led Vnulna TouiIIIhim liilUiiimalluti I year from (Jay & Acrid-n- t 1 2 secured n forty lease an engagement here while Inanition way, notion In the piny T 1 Ti:i.i:iiioNi: 1:1. of the the horse, and all Ilobinson, for nil the available lands rnrm.itiim. Uin onlv llronrhilis viara'tuu? con- on n) to ustrall.i Tin organ-- llnghtn .' MenitiKUls 2 - meant line being restricted to tho their llUuir were upon him. The bicyclist was suitable to sugar cam- cultivation on t I Neiilmtl I Ion - ii ! ipinirth' nl'ed Iliritxri troversy lietwcvn Oermnn American it 'ti Croup I Old Hge t tlio Island of Nllliau It ,n learncil r. a n I mm a ymmmm scrlotiBly hurt and was confined to his and llr!tlli onstilar and munlcpnl 'urdlac Itbcu litm 1 Oplilhalmei ul Waal at tho offlces of Henr Wiiterhouso & 1 MjHitl" bed for gome time. Now who do yo. rs I'lmlern Infinitum THE Company that the proposition Is ver olhVi Consumption 1" I'lieuiiioiiiii 1 (.onvim.oiii '! I'l'lttOllitlS think la to blame for that accident? We to of Makawcll, the own-- . dmllnr that i fltarru - l'lurlsy GENERAL CATALOGUE blame the driver, as he should hare ra of .Nllliau receiving a pcrcoitage of siller I Strangulation of I imgeit n of Lungs I Xiik had one ot 1U0 sugar In lieu of rent for the land KEKELA RETURNS Hrowiiid. Titaiius AHD The promoters nro point; right ahead Diarihoea lulus ill-ent-er. tl I 2 toerty. A contract wan lot l)yenur) Ulcr ... ltli the lit ftplfisl I Uraemia .... . BUYERS' GUIDE with L K. rinkham es rd.i for the Kxlmiiitioii lliikiionn li 1 of wills all our the hnlerlti hooping CoiikIi ISSUED BV imrlnu artesian The Aged Missionary and liver Whitman's island. This work will lie pushed an nrAiiis HV HAIIIID. MONTGOMERYWARD&CO. rapidly as possible. It U depends on Descendants are Here. Out 1 2 3 I 5 sldt the dceUipment of the water, however, Wnidi.... THE GREAT MAIL ORDER HOUSE. will lie put In cane Deaths .. Pi 1.'. 21 IS l'l 0 whether the Island (.10 1'orclgn cipltiil Is necking Investment AiuniHldcith rate per 1000 for mouth lliiHiiniin; 1 Chicago, U.S. A. I ..' In nnd It Is verj llkel that the A TenchMr nnd MrncliHr for orty Nllliau Asiutks . , .'Jit' Riding a largo MOST COMPLETE INTHE WORLD yiromotcis will consent to hae blx Vonre-Srlg- lit nnd Actlvo All other nationalities , . .. 11.10 ISTHE block of the shares go outslile of the C. II. Kkv.noiiis, UJII - in Mono. . It tni moro than lixrn lUtntralloni about (Oil) Islands. Audit Hoard of Hiultb quutalioiK ot price. welln 34 K)uml, and Tho lists of the Nalilku plantation ctmi tint over nii imucs. hvvnrtnlnir ion wear morning nt 01 uol5 llU'dlr Itiurxl tlicprfcui quoted place had to ho closed eterd.iy tou in fl JKWHloniO iur iruiu us i luiftu ur II o'clock, lly that time they woie V, idler StiuK hnUI. smillnuirittti.! at wholcwluiiflccs Weitunut Xiichitml ut the led buoy off Ilrevv-- ei mil ihiiemniH nUlotfuo nnd UuycnM.uMo by about 2000 shnres .11 sin k of the Vocller grocer) vtokIti Itftwiy 'lu intrutliKB to you our ltu promoters were er much iiloased, s vvhnif Is the French d mciiMifiirllltUdwuwlll wv lfe ol' rlmi Tho stole was sold vesterdiy by J K. Mor- to you tr any other forelitii rtclt'ntonr lln special!) as the subscribe! s seemed to Tahltlenne fiom l'apeote. liille liml njf "llnntl limit iihoonr I'moidii - wiilrliuivf all in formalr BITS In- gan The pretnleis, as was stated in iin.t be people who were looking for nil having on boaril the aged .Inmes Ke-kel- a, tlou iifccavirr to nit you m toucn with our uipiIhmU frcDd us your oddreti at-- d netl co vestment, for a speculation The this paper, are to be ou tipied as a . not sometime missionary to the Mar- - irion-i- Incorporation will be carried out nt lulhilig by Levlngstou & Sottle for his horse or A HACKING, or H many or ties- - stole mice and otllccis will be eluted in a riiiis,iH Ii'unils, mid ins Kcnfgomery Ward 8; Gcr 1.11:1 r These parties had bought the stock DRIVING HIT. A gentle pull few days. 1 niliint . iviio are brought back to Ha- dn c.iDritcv paying for It the cos' prb e Through to 110 Ave., Clikaso, U. S. A. spir- Senator W'atorhouse and bin corps of waii bv the Hawaiian nvniigellcnl As-;i- n rin 1'iimniis llimsli llnndmiister Simhi til Michlssn on the reins will check the wildest implodes weie kept bus) )elerdn) liitiuu. to Visit 'I liese Islands auctioneer Morgan this was sold to eta- - wrmTJmxrr ited liorso living. IJeahlej cheso bits taking I" money for Nilllil stock. The 'I h vi mi able Kikela has been n all outside party who intends to start p.iymentB wem even than had we carry a full line of curry combs, the better leaf b i and preatheron the Martpiesas StUKS bill it is x pei led lll.lt It will a grocery store here In the near future lieen expoctid Ihlimlsslui) lS.'n With K.iuwealoh.i, itrlve hire en toiite to in He has not .vet obtained n building c, d 0S Dandy Horse Brushes, Ulack Snake Of th re are a few part leu who of Kekcla left Austialla cotie another the faithful, Whips and Horse Mule Collars of Kubicribtd for stock whin the) did not these shorts to light the good light of less than a month and for that leason does not wish to and have an) Idea of ilng for It, merely faith in the far otf Islands of the South This band Is one of the inost fam divulge his name New York Line, all sizes. buIng It for a speculation This num- I'acille Now fort)-s- l )ears after ous In the v.oild It will be a enat ber, however. Is very small nnd their alone, Kauwealoha Kekela it turns for musical Heat If Honolulu people have Sucy will leave forfeitures will be quickly taken up 1) leniains to sliuggli lor his lemalulug The bark l'oohng the opportuult) of listening to a, few those who were too late for the llrst )e.irs ou tue .Maripiesns lslauils. LEADERS: New York ou April 5th, for Honolulu. list, but have their names down on the Ilesldis Kek'la, the passengers on conceits glvui by this organization. Tho bark Iolani will leav o New York extra list. The stock will be listed the Tahltluuie win John Kekela, his The following tells of the band's on or about May 13, 1809, for Honolulu Tho unuiniinn Unrriufnro f'n after the return of Mr Waterhouse sou ami daughter, two daughtirs of Ke on lu Hi st appearance dttiiig on lib- ni- - from his visit to the plantation and kela, Sam Kekela's daughter and three Advances made on shipments i iiunuiiui! uu.uflu )U. Its 1 i adjacent lands, whin an Immediate sons, one other giunddaughter of the pi sent tour of the I'nlted States New Victoria eral terms. Kor further particulars, ad- rise, in the premium Is expected. uerable couple, and Mr. Mit'ullom (Washington Star ) dress Messrs. CHAS. IlUEWKlt & CO.. Limited. general tone of tho The maikel and Mr Chntnmaid, Ameritans, who 'I he famous lliltlsh Guards Hand, Kllby street, Boston or was firmer llonokaa advanced ,u e to the ii leturnlug Stalls under the dlieeiton of I.lent Dan God- c. & co., 307 FORT ST. again to IJ'Jj Maunalel lnualncd at The sehoonir 'lahltleiine Is owned by nunwnn ltd., CO frey, gave vener- $15 bid against '0 asked. Klliei the (.ipuiln, Joseph Willi hester. She the llrst conceit of Its Honolulu Azents. held steady nt $15 bid nnd '0 asked has been engaged in the pearl shell and ium tour at the Columbia theater on "Change, but It was leported that (opra business In Tahiti and the Mar- afternoon at I'l.l o'lloik, ot-- tl touard evening much higher offers had quesas - Islands She left I'epeele I'eb- acting to that plav house an audience been lefused. CJood rt ports in legard ru.ii i;ith for 1'iianiati, where some of $24.80 Hawaiian Scenic Photos to the water suppl) of thU plantation tin famll) of Kekela wire taken large In numbers, kltull) dlsponed cnnlldeiicM aie coming In dally and is ahoaid, and sailed thence March 1 tit. the llrltlshi is and .vet withal crit- REDUCED FROM - stronger o- setting dall.v. Unpou, nny-tlil- Drink to wheie the remainder of her ical, providing theie should f passengers . embarked. She sailed from to crltlclM-- Ilefoie half of tho want to there Man.li L'l l'roiu the equator Whctbcr you buy now o riir. (.Aiui:u i!i.t;i.i'ii():. north until April .lid strong gilts were progiam had been given, hovwver, It $35.00 not you nro cordially invited to in ixpeilmcfd with told cloud) w cither. was jil.ilnl) evlduit that there was no spect our Mink of new vtssel is lndng built on the loom for 1 title Ism except of the f ivor-abl- e ooo- PORE A Very I'liiiMint at Homo dlvoii in - ast to lake Hie plate of tile Tahlti- kind, and those In attendance de- Hawaiian Scenes and in Sea Subjects lloiinr nf .Mr. iiikI.Mi intronn. eiuie the hoiith trade ami (apt. voted their energies tow .ml making Wltuhestet will leave Tahiti shoitl) to CELEBRATED The lecepiiou at Swiet Home take command of hi. He has been tin ir applause Into a continuous ova- afterniKiu given b) .Mr. and immig the .M.uqucj.is, Sauioan, I'en- - tion. 'I his applause was llrst st.irtul Jn the matter of Colored Photos "Mrs. (Seo It Cartel to meet Mr and hrvn and othir islands of the .South when I. lent. Godfic lalsed his baton ii illc for the past twiuty-s- wo yield tlio palm to none. Mrs. II. A rftiong, was a vei) ile.n-an- t )e.irs In front of his beautifully uniformed ami Is a good linguist In ueail) all the : : A eollietion of u dozen or more alfali. Irind and tlit instruments broke Into dialects of the natives there of thci-- c neatly mounted and done WATER. The receiving stool under M I two white passengers on board the inagiillkeiit stialns of "The Star p.ut) he - Than-1-S- . up in a native made I.aubalii folder vanilla plautcis leturnitig to the Lks Immense tiee mauk.i of tho lesldeiiie, lie Spangled llannei." The audience rose could not bo excelled as a gift with the lefreshmeiit pavilion at their co ist on business. as one man, It is not certain Kekela will U. PRICES. Should wo chance not to have -- background tastefully whethd of ooo- right ami a of leinniu In Honolulu slme he his I.ieut, Din Godfic) comes a rate Botne desirable view wo would en- drapeil Ameilcati and Hawaiian Hags a wish to I etui n to that land famous In the lliltlsh arm). His fath -- ooo- gage to make it and be thankful fur Mother Carter, who was unable to Join wheie he lias labored so long Hono- er befoie him was eminent as a band tho BU(!getion. If the advice given In those three grown of the party on the lawn, w.iri at home to lulu has dear out his recol- mastei ; his brother, Charles Godfrey, words Is heeded, good health will fol- lection and when the mlsslonar) bark-entl- fi In room where two Is good many lur lends her .ui .Morning Stni goes ou her trip Is band master of the "lllues;" his low. City water not for many tivallisl themselves of the sous, l'red Godfic) and Dan Godfrey, reasons, principally, because it Is con- next venr, If lie still deslin. to go back Ajax See our display of Island Viowu to pa) their icspects to the Marquesas he will be one of famous mili with vegetable and putrid of her Jr. aie both leadeis in our Show Case at tho Post Oflice. taminated Al)Otit 300 Invitations were lulled passengers tary bands, while Dan Godfiey him- matter of all descriptions. A simple Kekela is blight and active, notwith for the reeoptlon, most of wlilch weie self 1 as for forty conducted the -- - analysis shows this to he a fact. standing his scv cut) live )ears, and jcars aiiepted nnd for two bonis theie was during his stay on these Islands will band of Her Majesty's Giemdlir $37.50 a conrtant streim of guert ctimlng be greatl) In diuiaml, for every Ha- Guards At the state drawing looms and going waiian wishes to honor him and his no at lluckiugham Palace, tho levees at A GOOD WHEEL FOR LITTLE MONEY EXCERCISE Mrs. S. (!. Wilder presided over the less v metaled wife, who has been his Mailborough House nt ioy.il weddings tumpanion In all his hardships KING BROS. Our doctors are busy treating pa- offeo and Mrs H It Adams over the suffering com- the Lord Ma)or's piocesslnn and at the --ooo- tients who are from punch IkiwI, both if which It is need- great hlhtoiic event's happening plaints, more especially malarial dis- AoKiiovv be materially bene- less to state were well nnd .mistical!) IcJitmcnt thiotighout greater period of the orders, which will the 110 fitted if they drink a water that la pur served. ' t HOTEL ST. the end of last )eir (Juion Dow. Queen's reign, Godfie)'s music has and possesses curative features, as does Many new and beautiful costumo iger Kapiolanl handed In $1000 to be been u prominent featute Tor his ser- Bartlott Spring Water. re- CUTLERY iv etc In evidence; In fact at each nppioprlated thus $300 the second vices to military music In tho llrltlsli have, appear- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ception of lato the ladles motet) of her subscription to the Cath army ho has been raised to the rank of Skb Dim-i.v- Ok at- DUE ed morebrllllantly and tastefully edral lluildlng rutid; $300 to the Lieutenant of Guards a distinction The Fitnoui Tuurltt Route of ttic WurlJ. tired than at the preceding one. The Churchwaideiis for cm rent ex upon the never before or since conferred Ask your family physician about the arc In Connection CanaJlan-Australb- n grounds nt Sweet Home noted for pense of the Cathedral, and $200 to my other band master. At Karl's Court, With the water, it be Is honest he will en- Steamship Line Tickets Arc Issue! and their beautiful plants and shrub, nnd the Dloics.tn riyid Diocesan Maga the Impel lal Institute, the risherles dorse its use. OOO- - water speak many compliments were pised on zine exhibition, the Cnstil 1'alaco feWs To All Points in the United States All who have drank the tluni yesterday. In the highest of terms for it. and the round of ) early festivities con and Canada, via Victoria and This climate demands tho use of A slight fchower hhortly after five God I pOsititll l'l(ipil-,,ll- . tinually going on In London, Dan Vancouver. such a water and you cannot afford t o'clock promised to dampen tho spirits ivnd bo It. Mr Dall.v, who K ou his w.i) to Ma frey his band are certain iKturcs. i without of tho guests, but luckily it blew over among nila In the interests of the proposed Ills reputation Is llrst the MOUNTAIN RESORTSi without rrovlng a drawback nnd the bandsmen of tlm world. BETHEL STREET. givers of the r.ceptlon can congratu- Omaha Greater American Kxpodtton, Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephen VIGILANCE. called 011 Mott-Sailt- h - late themselves on Its having had a Minister )es- and Frascr Canon. terd.iy He Ix very dwiious that hp.mi:i)V rout- - ooo We will serve free of charge a glass divided social success thi: hi:st roit wonderful Spring Mr. Clark, who will arrive lu this illy of this natural and i)I.uuhoi:a at our Soda Counter to all whs soon as the agent Empress Llnool Steamers from Vancouver water Hawaiian for the I was leading an advertlMiuent of care to ccrae and test lta virtues. We SV.MOAN AITA1U.S exposition. b granted permission to Chamberlain's Colli, Cholera and Diar- Tickets to All Points In Jcid, Chins, IsJIs deliver the water to your homo in ce take the Government Hand to Omaha. anl Arcutil the Worll. lots at fCCO for CO pints, 19.60 for rhoea Itemed) In the Woriestir Hiitcr-prlf- i' tt inure iiuj iikii no Change, in the Mt;iiiiei;ii quarts. leientl). vvhlili leads me to write ConirouTKy Tor tltkcts tni lenerJl Infcrmoioa icpiy to Will VUlt HiiVMiii. tills 1 eaii tiiithfully s.i) 1 never ud .- H. DAVIES & CO., LTD., vv.Mii.M.M)N. M.tr.h 27 --The live I'nlted Suites Senator Cltrl of Wy- any lemed eiiua! to It for eoll. and LIMITED- THE0. S, ly illHCtiNilon of Samoan alfalr In tin oming left on the Klnau esterdny In dlairhoe.1. I have never bad to use Ai'iiM Citn Jl nS l.lne, orolgll press jcenis to i) ti1(, sequel of comiuny with Samuel I'arker for more than one or two to euro tho Cana'hn P.icllic Kallwav. dosis B the develtypmeiits of )a,i wcoj(i Maiia, Hawaii Senator C'laik worst i.ieu with mjiiolf or rhlldrt'ii, CLARKES 41 PILLS V.'JJ.WK i,c, w'll le PuTiis In llif lisi'k, sml all wlndrol romi Itlnl., Iiavo not been follow id by uny matii tlio guest of Mr. 1 'ark for somo W. A. Stroud, PoeomoUo City, Md. Tor Ifivc fiom Mrrcurr KiUull.tifil upw.r.li of U0 it . ... QftttlU (Jiailgo s.ilo by lleiuon Smltll & Co , Ltd., ..... in itoi. bo. aicn. ur i t'lteiiu.u Ktai the ilul in the situation, The Bee weKs, and during that time will be siid M.illclije Vuiidort Ihrmighuul lUe )!tU Wholesale Agents fur II. I , and all l'tnt retory hat liml further voiiforviice)iovvn uvery jdiac of Hawaiian life, World, rroirliu,, Th Unruln na UlilltnJ AQKNT8. Druggists ami Dealers. UmuUti l.lucolu, KujfUud, WM I

1: i4i1i-- l yj ' !' "wmmmmmmmmimmmmim"r

HAWAIIAN lllll-W- , UAJtliril, XI tilt " m HUM I lilCUI.V, "VI

iNftm-- M iM-- i i n II ) j NAVAL I..- - l''rt'i(iiM.K rt 11, n t RESERVES THE CUBAN SUGAR SOFT WHITE INSURANCIi. 1 k Cif IMNit in ilH 'i i f. r M tut-a-a m-i-) Mi. n.rtim )(., II, f rahir that one h h4 a jut HDS Tiieo. Davies & Go. Applications for the mm calk w.ih Mr HmKr ik kHu kr iS, (Ilm ltd; MM) n( HatM-s- i H told Um hul) mat In Outlook in That Islnnd lilt npttrtwM if wM m Mflwlne A AGENTS FOR FIRE, LIFE AND IL from indlitMtun and antkma um of Viewed by Germans. SINGLE II A --- d tl Hi iwtifMiupiw) It WMild te iMnaiiff MARINE INSURANCE. ho iwRhfleM to hm .MwKer HcIr!' NIGHT Stup And. Mid Mr Smith I IVllw IkI iMttttir txlklam speak from (.nowled:' ' She hitd Hiiieiif mauMfflttl,rtiAn ) Northern Assurance been Mil I ilka Dick leio Stilt of Uncutll II VI' Company, ill with nbumlnabb litre cltl lilt Ml FIVE CREWS TO BE ORGANIZED this ailment for r,m Hit many vslloo-Mt- tll Ncv.wl ef PrcJiKlloa I") tbrnt Ihertmchi). OK LONDON HMl KIIIK ASP eirs. mid lud spent time and ftntrolihl'tTltlltA K'rt ;? IhssM money in unavailing effort to obtain Out of the en f newtHrljU ftthl .p sl I.UK IMaIiIiiIkiI Until l tklnrutr Ktii. relief VV,ar, durimt tli oM, i ilht m I iMw X.1Ji75t Mr. MoStockor Is Awnltinit Dove Acting on Mr Smith's advice, Mr. t ollh the fiti-- r ii (Jell lirgfin ulng the reined) at one, t n4 cutlr,ofl una atr hotra ut lo lopmanta - In the Muanlline JutHU llluvlutlufi and toll, the outcome in a iKter of Loiilsiaaa Plautei i (t British and Foreign Go which we room Marine Ins. LnlhuhlaUK la Crowliitf. hae for the eoiirliulon Views of Gersian oillelals regarding aui: onb OP 1 condition of as a producer of t I.IVKItl'ooi.. Oil MAIIINK. "I was better almost luimedlilely, the Culn and was soon as well and healthy as sugar Mr McStocker lix been beilegejd one could wish to lie Saw I keep It will b. of Interest to )ou to learn 'Mother In with application, from wotle .ho wlh Alger the house ami It In what light tb itate and prospects of ltCMlTluN It never falls to help us iik urn ropocil when needed consldereit In our Immiiuati tjj Join the Naal Heere for anj pacing complaint iSlgned) things In Cuba aro Pjiimkntoi Ciaix It luu createel much enthunlantii, and Sirah (Jell, Ort 3th, 18tS olliclal circle In n recent neaslon of If tho Reichstag there Is no doubt but that Judging from the low of his com- the budget committee of the THE0. H. DAVIES & CO.,. LTD. look with faor upon the ment on the disease, 1 should say Mr. (jou would m) the committee on wn)a nr Trollopo , A OF NTH. )l.ui will be- - aiicces-fu- l. knew something about In- of Treas-ur- ) K A tliu oranlzatloii and me ini the Hvretnrj the Itimcli dication from experience. Most lite- sale! he would not underrate the rary people U t0, mt I do To them, and to all danger threatening us from Cuba, but I 1 Already 11 o well konwn tltlrcni other victims. I confident!) Hvmlorcil commend ho did not think it so alarming as some llan.li, v il J. S. date volunteered to raise crown They the nest reined) jut found Mother people npparenti) believe It to be The WALKER. he lire Syrup lr, s-- aro Marshal Urown. Capt. J. U Pratt. la Island of Cubi Is In a large degree fal- 1 lMitr1, V. . utm-- ai mqcih Hawn. isl. A. W. Kuccli, and Charles Wilcox. Ar- len bark in a sUte of uncultivatlou and lt IlllifT. killing I e vrrltH K't-tlii- K worxi)i:u of would be required Wilder has alieo r ttoken about )ear hard work thur to restore former productive capac-It- ), anl among club iu Nall up a crew the boat and here Is now great want of hluilf. M 11B U llh Cll'r boye RUrlnncr iCxp .iliu llrlell.v W1 I' labor Of th white working men CO I'Alutut Al.LUNCK INft'ltANOK CO.- - All Is Kood KU.irantei thai the Was per cent have ejnlgrated, disappeared 1 lng r this ANU now Is in some w.tv or other or arc dead, 1'mU, ,,KNKKAL will ahead Ml that m-j- a lirojoct ko Mir a 21 A i population by M''aW of whilst the .olnrel Is the 'llili wanted Ik the cillldal famCloii the Iord Ci o.,ier, II Ills'! dlpl 3iat: gut war ilenioia'izee! to the last degree, and Iriatinfiit U sind Honolulu Mm) I) powers at Washington In emliirfljlu,; u i he thinks that t replace the lost lab- i:gp., the ri VVniulrrful. bl'cAINAI)Al!NS"nA'Nl'n Nuwtl Hi'serxc oring forces would be extremely dllll-cu- lt C0MIANY will form a body of Sirdar Central Lord Kill lien i o On account of this condition of S.tlJ Ihrmicbout tlt w.,rl1 llrm.h will rlal the beat questions leyrardlug the n.u I Ntwittnr sm, I ' ",0N AN1) NATIONAL altg.l the island he holds that n rapid re- ClirfEH 11 Aim OM Kf l'n.,1.i.u CT'Mo" 1 A U(Ut Mr McStocker vxpei ta ud.lee uon tiie-Iei'- s Ou-vlsh- v !L!nn. h U tl lt and slaughter of vival of production, as is thought llkc-I- SLkncDj lUada -- tuMtfitr few As stated tho ttubjeot In a da In the batt's cf Omdurman. ii- - to come to pass by some persons. Is Room12. Spreckcls question, jJzJ Block. In paper his communica- w"j- for some ears out of the keforo this Inm-- laid bilore I'jrllameot I h - j CastloVc were forwardeil which opinion has been roulirnird b) tion and Mr. dar sa)s that the only wouu-te- l)t- - Reichstag name time The different members of the - to the otlltlals at the vls'aes killed bj h's Tjaiii wen i who are wll aniuainted with the eco- HomDuro BremenFire once to nly question Is whether or not the agricultural liii who felgred ilea i a In oide.' u i. a n nomical inriuslriil and legis- and lapicltics of lVr-so- California auction will bo reeled until opportuniilef f'jr HIMng the Xiik.h-Kgjptla- n roudltlons Cubi Fertilizer Works (ffected for live Islands who perhaps had an Interest to do lation Is Orncc: 027 M. rrHiirlvo, Ceil. more so, estimated this jears crop already Tho Naval Kwr.es has ktowii ' Whatever wji, done.' he .oiul'i ie as high as CO 000 tons, but from pres- ."iiuib fciin J'riiticieo mid llcrkilcj , Cal llrle k lliillillng during last few mid on Mi rrliandLu stored and more popular the "was done wlih all possible cons del ent appearance It Is b) no means cer- J. K. A1ILLEK, A1ANAUBR. ihrrein on the .i rui.....i.iu the llgures will be partluiUranppIt at years. It has the advantase ocr ation of liuman'itj " tain that last jear's iliKiilllniuf is closer in reached Inasmuch as for the time being K a. bVliAi:ri:u .v Co.. illltU Inasmuch that It The Sirdar Justified the dettruotlon MAM7ACTUKHKS OF JTKK JJ0NK FKimMZKKS Aint. than the only Sj centrals are In operation as touch with the Ko.ornmont of the tomb of be Mihill ni ills against 'j'j at the same period last )eir AND J'L'KE HONE MKAL. (luard the latter helm; more ii German Lloyd Marine National posal of the prophet's roma'nf in t i. The sugar elealers of this country Insur'cc Co romplainlng of Increislng DFA1ERS IN.. OK f a state organization ground tsat If 'he tii3UoltM)i ha 1 ben continue the HKItLIN. use of saeth.irme and similar sweet-stuff- s, During the last war the N.ial 1 I left Intai a"-- unprofjiiei, i w u' whirl) now palmed off Fortuna General Insurance Co they were made of are to pioed that have Income the (inter of finit' .i the generil public not onl) an being OK HKKI.1N. In the man) ! the right kind of stuff pilgiiLags. laiir'ng ead'es ti j'i'i " quite lnoff naive to the human health Fertilizer Materials ngagements In 6ubi they were alwas but as the healthiest sweet and the ..J,LI.,,'?,' ,"""r,,1"n I'ciinpiinles l,afl He he himself oiderod the demo - OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. a ml and courage was ! cheapest article in tint line Imagin- Kim uKenij liprt. miii! the In the front their r iii.irlKiiiil. ):,irH HKinia, author-ize- tlon Lord Cromer Indorses the 'i able, which unfortunatelv cinnot be Huveconitantl) bund following koiiiW to ure lnlllnchlng Where hitherto the oti the adaptrd (be Island triide. totj.kerM.ualiiit tliviliiiiKem of proved ments of fiemral Kitchener prevented logically. Of course, this Is at tin. the derl-lo- n "jaa iii.m reii.,.nal)le rate, anil em men-of-wa- r's nvn looked with murh.to th illscomfltiirn of the fabri- HIGH G HA 1)12 GAN12 MANUK12, 3 K12UTIIJZ12RS, moot favorable teems. upon the "marine"," thev now ie-ic- cates, whotC product is Riibjert to a V A.tjOllAhHKl! A('o..Gui.AKte. INDIAN SL'CAIl JIILL NITHAT12 OF SODA. SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. them on equal terms The "land heavy tax, whilst the competing stuff goes out scot free The use that brew- HIGH GHADK SULPHATE OF POTASH, lubbers" rccehed their baptism of fire Countervailing Measuie IMabllshlng eries ust-- d to make of sncclnrlne. General Insurance Co. worthy. FISH GUANO, WOOL DUST, ETC for Sea, and proved thrmsehes Duties Passed. sweetening the beer by moms of It, Is, River and Land Transport, If tho proposed local organization It is true, forbidden, but this provision Special Manures Manufactured to Order-- rO-- Leglj-latlv- e of CALCU'ITA, March I'he Is artfully circumvented bv I tb- Dresden. bo carried through the members will hrcwirle. Tlii iimmirea inuiiiifiiiliiiid aiuokma 1'nnn irit Wuiikh ure iiih1i f tit'rel com Council toda) adopted the co'in-ter- v giving a certain quantity of the article friini cleun ultli mid Dry Uli oil and Hetb. I'iiIuMi nml llupiiistu bidt. km on tho same footing as tlielr li eil in to their drivers who deliver the Niiuiliillerutle mi Liml iineil.Riiil tun notd under a iiiiiriinliiil nn HiiliiK citaMMnil an nirenci nt Honrt-tll- ll ailing sugar bill. The Viceroy of e nml rades in tho State They will leac beer kegs lo the Mloon keepers, nml if iiIjhIh. Oni' Inn or m ibouv mil tons ure nliiieil ixaeil ullke and lor ciccllent me Ihe HhuiiiIiiii Mamls hr iimler. India expressed satisfaction at tV clirmeul i iMiilltlnii mid lit) Ii niinljcji buw no rlnr In I let- - u'iiili:i m nil ii.eiiii. are a cm! e on one of the rwn-of-w- tho eleulre to mid sieehnrlt'e lo ruin imirkit. authorize il to take for uiianlmoiis feeling of the Council on latter 'ibi niiieiinrllj I'nrc Ikjnc live r m olbcr I'bospbatio for i une riiks iii;aiiist ihe ilaii..ira of th'-- if llntirlul rttlizer the m.i at the at eel tain inteivals, and will bo amen the beer, arc at llberlv In do bo, Is no Rill 1iiiikii Unit it nii-ib- i iiixjiptaiiiitiiii. iiioMriuM.iiableri.,i1.,1.lll(lMlllv the subject of the bill. Ho said the - as onl) the- Is ptos-ectite- d 'Iliclar'-ea- d im (.' bit Ii nun. I ablo to tertaln regulations similar tr fullest Inquiries have shown the neces- Industrial ufo of it i curiHuith ii an iliiiinnd for the l'ertllUi rn iiiniiufai lured lij tin A. hi IIAKI l.ll.tCo.. Oaliicjiim rn.TUini Woiikm is the heht poslbli piool of their superior ipiality. AK' nti for Ihe HnuiiiIhii Man-I- s any other military body. If, as It Is sity of haste in the case and ho con demned the bount) s)stem as being a expected, a regular esscl bo stationed TRANS-ATLANTI- expedient Inter- - C It will "vicious for tclllsh FIRE INS. CO. ore by th5 United States, nnk e sts." AStock of th'je Fertilizers will le ken Coottaotly oa Iliad for sale on the usual terras, OF HAMBURG. things doubly interesting Iord Curzon also asserted that the tai t Indian Government was only excrc's-lu- g 'apllal of lh Company ami re-s- e Tiu:oitv op Tin: n.uiiNis Its legitimate right In iclleving the re. reiileniiarka country an IJucjriH C. & Co., .... 0,000,000 and helping important hen was a country village, Brewer Ltd. 'apital their re S WO II I) Insurance com. and a great number of cui'l-vator- s. .Mr. W. II Coins, earpe nter and bullil-e- r, JIonoiuc AutHia (.AI.IKOIINIA FKItTILIZKK WOIlKb. panics ... 10l.fifi0.00t ' Ah' talk of bles3liigs What a of No. 711 1'opiar street, knew Total - blessing Is digestion! 'lo dlgcut. Do LONDON, March 20 Reginald evei)bod) and ever) body knew him. reiebsmarks ll7.(i60,00Q you Know what it means? It Is lo have Liberal member for Nor'h He helped to erect nearly every build- Monmouthshire, raised tho ing of Importance and many of (he mii aiwajs s.ilnlng and tho shawlo counter- tre North German Fire Co vailing duty question in the HoiioO of principal residences. He ilistlngiin-he- Insurance ready It is to be lwa)s lor )ou. mt Commons todaj by asking If It was himself in tho Civil war under hheri-da- n OF HAMBURG. by smiles and greeted with kisses It proposed to pursue the same policy In and carries a reminder of it in the sounds, to sicep with Great Gov- shape' of a rear, the corner of h.s Is lo hear sweet Ilrltaln. Mr. Ilalfour, tho at 'apllal of tho Company and r- - - Although pleasant ill earns, to hi- touched ever ernment leader anil Tlrst Ird of the lefleje. successful In facing rve, reii Imnar a K)0fm be-i- apital .... In their iiy gentle, soli, ool hands it is to Treasury, fenced the question, declar a toe tho open, he made llitle head- icimmraiire rom. I'araduu. ing that there was no indigenous sugir way iu his engagement vvlth the un- Imnies ...... 1i".aj0,(J0P lud.gesjon production In Great Ilrltaln as seen enemy tint harassed him night "Micro came a great there Ii filfill ill Total rilihsinarkH (3,S.T0UU0 npou tho earth and ll was t a lied a In India. mil day until hoemplo)ed the leliiilne L i s fll!! , tills, all), Doau Jlackache Kdni) Phis doiugu. All tho nil comes fiou Ite The tiiiilerflierit-il- Kinta n the slc-ip- , Riad what he h.ijs about them I llaeuvih couid not ll was. the KIPLING S Sni'IlACK Inive mo rompiitiiiK, for the Hawaiian suppei, noi the murder, il.a wife talit-o- d vvoiiid not have misted tr)ing )our Mumla, uteiiiiparul lo inatire HuildliiKS. K was iho supper again. Ni:W YORK, March 1M Doin f llackaehe Kldncj Pills for $100 fiirnitiiie, Mi re handli- - and Produce, and taiKcd, Ruhnrd al-- o C'ar-l)i- o I eniplo)cd the do-to- and I us d var- rtnrur and Itlee Mills, bad digestion, and Kipling, who steadily Improved In All iIfinrlniGnth of tl Pojio Mfi,'. enM-li- Milton had a has ( c mil In the liarhor, aKaiimt loi.i or digestion ious medicines and porous plas crs but Cei.V l llie.iiuiheiiii.i-iravuraboleriui- . must h.t had tho worst his recover) from his long Illness from fdctonun nro imu runintii twenty-twi- ) Ikiiim ihiiiuiKe digest Is be I never got an) good from them I had In tho world. Ah' to to pneumonia, dnily iihiI thu ceiiiiliinid I'lipe intfre-Ht- nro iHliiiif,' happj!" had a temporar) setbick trouble for about live )ears, and ulntit fun H. HACKFEL0 & CO., Limilc4 Thursday I on jiliiyiiiont to nliotit '1,000 moil. U'onl comue dirt-- '1 Here! how does that strike jou for night, when he was felzed three )c ir ago passed a rcml cai uli t I I from tho iI'miiuik! a burst of eloquence? 1 quote ft om by a fainting spell. Mr Doubleday Sime then hive been vcr) had an I company that thu fur its llicycloi nt Troilope. If thcio is an) thing wrong said that Mr Kipling had been mado got so I could not stoop over or lilt thu 18'J'JpriiL'his iiii)rtue(luiitiilly luric mill for wicks even a p'oco or clo-- u mi about tho theology )ou miisi hold him somewhat weaker lij tho fainting, but small lumber to the to 1.000 niiicliiiHB liuvc hiuii hliiii(il ier day. responsible. its ph)stology and trestles Ml night I had to lie on mv As tor ho stated today that the author had Many unkre arc being rctehul for thu ClmiiiUbH. pathology (pinion all these "ologics") left side all doubled up. When I cat in loTAi. Fumiii at 3IT UtirMurii, UI7, fully 1 I can answer for tho corrcvtness of recoveied during tho night It Is ,i chili and lose from It giadual y JUi:!,r,.',w,iihii. these two. And to tan millions of peo-l- o said Mr Kipling had exerted himself twisted up one side and then straight I Autliorljcil Caiilml . ajtoijwn t The above, taken from the "Iron Age" Hllle.rlbl.il ' ... ,7 111,000 besides me. They speak of tho curse a little tocTtuucli on 'ihiirsdn) In talk- ened up the other afterwards. Itotcu- - up pvoc nnnul-i- r I'alil iiitl KK7MU 0 Indigestion continually every tlon of urine was alwajs worse I shows the oreat dpmnnd fnr thn Klru 9 . of in ing ami reading Ho Is still In be d when t utii'n - run 1 language; they groan and writhe under caught cold and was frequently dis- k- - Columbia bicycle. We expect a bip, lot by iinl Annuity I'uiiila u,l77u 1 5 It in every land and climate. tressing. After getting tho Duan's f i.i ,ikj u y many one of hig iii:i:t sugar company lliekacho Kidney Pills 1 them ac- the Australia on the 12th of April and hopi "Tor jcare," sa)s this took IlDvinue rim llriich . . I W 177 3 9 cording I I ife Innumerable army of mart)rs, "I was TRKNTON, N March 21. Ar- to the directions and was to be able to deliver all orders, tor Chainle-- s Iteitcniiu uml Annuity J, Ilralitlim .... . , i) obliged to bear as best I could the tor- ticles helped within a week Today I am l) I.TH.ml of Incorporation of tho American at that tune We have a good mil 11.1 1 1 ments of Indigestion. My appeilto was cured and havo no pain or dif-ord- er stock of L Ileet Sugal Company with a capital of Ha-nble- r practically degtrojed, 1 ate, of courte, of any kind. I cannot sa) too Chain Wheels, both Columbia and 1lii Accuinulatril Fumla f lln V v ul Ufa because one must eat or die! but after $20,000,000 wcro lllcd toda) The com-pa- much for Doan's Ilackacho Kidney IlLiartnrll'a m liro f mn llnliilllv In rial ret and a big stoa of sundries. in inch otlur . meals I had great pain at tho chect is authorised to manufacture and Pills, for they deserve nil that can be and around tho sides. sell sugar and various products of said. 1 would not havo thought fo ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO, "Sleep almost forsook my pillow, and much about them If my trouble was sugar beets, sugar cano and sorghum. Accnta for the llaHalian Manila naturally I was tired mid exhausted. not of so long ond tcvero a Tho capital Is nuute Sometimes better and then worse, but divided Into $3,000,000 Doan's lliekacho Kidney Pills ar1 the never frco from pain mid Illness, I preferred, with J per cent best thing ever mado for klduey trubic lived on with little or no hopo of get- dividends, nml $15,000,000 com- and backache." Castle & Cooke, ting well. It Is haidly necessary to say mon stock. 'I ho Incorporators are Theffl pills may bo had of el tVo s that I had medical treatment, yot no generally, or will bo mailed by tlio II E. 0. HALL & LIMITGD. Samuel C. HeiiJinan, Lorenzo J 1111- - SON, leal lnolU resulted from It. Happily Drug Co, Ltd, Honolulu, on re- dreth, G. Grlllln, Eugene at this tlmo Mother Solgol's Sjrup was John Crosses, ceipt of price 50c n box, or ti b ixes brought to my notice, so strongly all of Jerc) C'ltj. $2 50. and for -L- IMITED.- ommeiidcil that I laid aslilo other and ledlclnes, which LIFE FIRE wero doing me no RIIKl'MATISM CURIM) cood, awl began using this onu only CHICAGO DEMOCRATIC NO.MINV r 1 11 p "In a short tlmo I roillsed ft great My wife has used Chamberlain's Pain TIONS Corner Fort and Ring Streets. a Improvement, fM,i Jlilm for rheumatism agreed with mo with gro.it re Ill u mid I gained strength A llu'o later lief nml I can recommend It as a splen CHICAGO, March li)-- Demo eoiitiiiulng lo talto iho Syrup icgularl) did liniment for iliciiin.itl.iii and other cratic city convention iniluy nominated mm mm tho m directed pains at tho munuch, iioiisolioM uti for which wo liuvo fuiind Mii)or Curtci 11 Harrison to succeed sides nml thest wholly J It valuable W J Ctiylcr, Rod cenn, ami Creek, himself Ills iiiiiiiluir mutes will be -- -- luvo not felt tlinni bIiiijii My Imllges-tio- u N V. AGENTS Adam Oiulfcn fur Clt) An ca.jjj uftii FOR w,u cured lit last, mid I cnjoyeil Mr Cuyler U emu leading 'Irwutircr of tho mer. drew J. Rai for City Attornoy uud Iho hlossliiB of health. My HnUi j,,, chnnts of vlllfii.it this nml ono of tlin wnnani Loonier, thu prciiuit Incum- l! suffered townily from iliBiimaiUm t liiis iikiU prominent men in lilts vicinity. bent, for Oily Clerk. Tho platform vn nf noiKurs Hymn vy, u, OF BOSTON.) i.iini .niiini I'uippin, ivuiior in'ii uaK Herald, iiuupiiii Nnr near or iuiiioiwii issues the Hawaiian Gazette Etna Hie Insurnnco comuQfly SSH OF HAMTFOIIO.

i MliiMllMiM0mtlm,M' in nn iMMti-ittaY- kr.tlfctinfciirr "r- " HimMtmifmil uimuk. t??B ji rfir flfRi-asMK-

Hawaiian iiAvsi:irt: M'Iiii 7 I'llltlU I.HII.U, I'AWMtS'tllllH WIIAlir AHO WAV! ShirYhiJ irmlLICLht. itiVid Wetk im I he of ni" BY AUTHORITY. TO STAY MfceU It reHK ttfii'ntmptcdiy A HERE I'mm duel Mill l i MtHf forrd VI I.I i i Ik Key In KeikaU, MlMM IIONOI.I MNM lllAffll I etrh W II 1'.. ' nti osi f i h. imlr few 4M loti T9A W hXIXUIi: NOIICK Tuwr. ah n I MIm L (lrH n. MiM H. M White i I tn RretUtK W, were kt (' ri ncl wife, Mh J Hint ' They vnni I. fammm. SI fcr. llnml The "i"d ' trdHMnitl prim tvemrteg MJ nn cre hum J.In Mil - i Knit J Miii.fcurut nn4 0 Tim I'retidrtil din- is Hist tint Ice - Aswcricnn , lit wlf. silb Li Msti.'i iHntrfrtw wetre Mmghl liti4pally by tiftllTM The British fr..M"""-- - frotn lHIHi C. W. II IIMpmuH 4hdii ki i . M Ilewltl. ltA mctrnink Riven that the lWrd of tjaici imifi ltrer k MiM It C fttnllh. MIm KnlMHobl, h4 IVHMHRU'eo under sejiwul condi llcltirtloi A Co . i W G. Irwlh US lpUMllii iHiiltetl'il twenty e e. tor IidatHW are as fotlown Line will be Perm nnent. bait Miaur Mr. Will-m- n. Clde tie-- Improve-mente- the dlffereHt -- MiiMen David and It tion m to reside nl I - Pari. during mn fenfer Wad eltl- Mr KBltAyrteil, Mr. Mrs vchmU A8RtigUtiR m ens Ward, 10 Orskl. Pebniar) 1III.O. PUNA AND HAMAKHA Am unr llh do Janeiro llooksiin and ibiilghter, Prlnen Cupid th miAtli of ! "tid wise In regard to llo Otea biniU the II. J. LviiMin. d) fiem okh,. KnlAnmnlaoln nod wife, MIm Itfsitd, V Tfce sliutnor .Mlkahala. Thotulmoii, of CO plrni under Mllo Mutt rurnUh OunrnnluM to II H Bfelil k W Ileckley Mrs Nakulnn. ManlAeit' Mils for Milks well, WaIiiuu ami Kekn quoMlon ns to by what and Harry lt)rofi H H (Mrefltie. (I e snram, Vessulo Hr r II. MIm Hnos. Mr. Knpit ha nt i o'rliHk this afternoon what systo-- they shall be apiKirtloneJ P. T. Snow. Trntflo - OlhHrwlm March 23, !iV toes of P Ihldwln from rtaitb A Ta)lor K8 Moore. Mr The Istrk Aelderl), from Newcastle Is being rontldered A mtmlfcr of ap- Will Call 1 hum. 1.1 passengers tn Henrv Wat- - lihalna nut freight. Maklkau etterda) nftrrnoon reports light KAf, ixONA AND KOHL Co. plications have already been received, whouie k w winds ami calms during the vo)nge Concord, Harris rrntn Yokohama r stmr Clt of principally from ettlenient awcetcla Georgo P. Ttlllocll. Sihr ele April t -- In Hhiis Hansen, n native of Denmark, Hlanclio nnd Ella. Kin Janeiro. Transit: Hon The siirve)f. well along nnd J. K. Nahate. Schr I M. fl. aged 23 was tr" Passenger Agent McOlnnl. of tin A. .1. West. OgllvK 32 Miss P. H. Meer. I)r Steele, I, )cars, lost overboard from Am schr, New- applications will be advertised for In W. J. Yates. lum-w- r P. llutrhlniotl. W M. Itlce, I. M. the schooner Honolulu, from Hrltlsh-Amcrlca- n lino. Is renting ens) days from Aberdeen. OS 1,00ft feet N. Mur. I)r W 1.. Adams, M. H. itoiioway, castle. Pebtuary 11th, lisW a short time of Dr. George. Herbert to Lowers k Cooke MAUI. MOI)KAI AND liANAl .U the residence T. MacCarthy. C l Jones. W. M. The wreck of the IMward O'llrlen, d Wednosdn). April I. on Alakea street. It will bo rcrnem-iK-re- Mills, W I. Carrlngtoii V ele Paul which has been nnvtlilng but pleasant l.iliiinkiiliiii! Expected. P. W. llar.1). No'-au- , Pederson, iv hrs from that lie suffered n severe Injur) Stnu Solution to the' view of tho harbor frequenter, It. C. Searle. Lahalna, 4SJI bags sugar to F A Lllluokalanl Is expected of the Garonne In Prom Siattle per S S Garonne will soon have conn beneath the deep V. during the trip Sehiicfer Co to by the Australia Wiuhlng- - Wlttrock. k I i: W MrOlniils II II Ytsierda) was a banner day In her artlvo which he nrrlveel us .1 passenger last Alice Cooke Ponhnllo. April Am. sehr H G Hlllson W h McCnbe, hrrak-ii- p She flattened out amidships ton Place Is being fixed up and reno- ISLAND OP OAHU. It has been 2"i Francisco, 1230 torn e. - Tuesday Since hianrrh.il da) from San Capt W C W. He cny, Miss C II Pel-l- nnd the waves are now smashing her vated In preparation fo.- her home learned the magnitude of the op- mdse to lowers k foohe I.. M. J. M. Camara, Jr., that 3 Mrs John Thomas. Mls in pieces coming .Seattle-Honolul- u sehr Tnhltlenne, Winchester, eration of the new l"r Stocking. Miss P.thel McGlnnls. Mrs. G collier llriltus It. II. llaker, In keening- with the davs from I'apeete The Putted State liner will be quite I. Terr). Miss II Tcrrv, Mrs Charles came d from Mare Island last week Prcd II. Oat. K S A Zealamlla Dowiimi, n. iwti AIK IN CAPSPLHS big traffic that will spring tip between T Itlchai dron Master Charles Hichard-wi- quick davs from San I'ranclsco to In nl l.'OO tons of Cardiff toal for Hawaii and I'nget Sound when N. , 27.-- Artb KAUAI AND NIIHAU 12 from N.il- - Guam This Is thn ratno kind of coal TItP.NTON. J March anil stead) ocean communication Is as- Sip Knullatil, Sam, brs per W. nu Prom Port Townsend, schr Usui on the Oregon during her famous cles of Incorporation of the Compress W. II. sured. And thin Is what tho Frank II like. Jr. 21 P April 3 Miss Schmleel. running light olf Santiago, nnd Is In Wau-rhouse- , Limited, is going to do Stuir K.iii.iI Ilrtilin hrs from eil Air Traction Company, with a capl W. G. Smith. C. Miss A Sehmlcil. high favor In the Nnv) San Pran- After May 1st. It Is reported Hlln lonuapo, 1.927 bags Biigar, to tal of $13,000,000, wero filed y Hy. Prom Kami ports, per stmr. Mlka clsco Call. Peters cannot hope to be een a waj port, for Ilrewer k Co The Is empowered to manu W .If wett, 31 hala, April 0 Hans I Kahl- - compiny the ltrlttsh-Amerlca- n llncra unless she ,m sehr F Johnston, The JapancH' cruiser Chltose balled GKORGi: C. POTTER. lilac and son, l)r camp-bel- l. facture nnd to deal tn compressed air bestirs herself. She must not onl) davs from Port Touiiieml; t.00,000 feet Ikitini, .las kle for Yokostiga, Japan, tit fl o'clock Secretary of Foreign Olfiee A. l.uka Incorporators aro prov Ide a demand for general merchan- of lumber to Alb u Itoblnsou. Miss Paleckl. J morning Yokosuga Is a naval in capsules. Tho m Executive lltilldlng, April 3rd, 189? dise nnd feed stuffs from the Sound Sehr da Tab IS his fiom Pearl Depirtcel station and the Chltose will get her Honry H. How land, S. Heading ller-tra- but nlso furnish sugar or ba- Ijehs armiiment .mil complement of stores at of New York, G. L Prentiss, C197-- U 2001-2- 1 tounlry, Pen per stmr l.ediui April .tn do, '1 hursd April 0 Molokai place Ilefore sailing to westward nanas back This Honolulu i), - Itev II lilngham. that Moutelnlr; Charles P Levy, New Or sugar 1.1 )r Oliver Jr, outfclde the and a large amount of the from ntmr Mlkahala, Thompson, his the Chltcw crulied harbor leans. PRED MEYER, Esq, bus this day ports, 7100 bags sugar, t!35 Geo Wesseds foi some hours this port will be diverted to the Great from Kauai appointed me 10 lulls, bides. Por llllo and wa ports, per stmr been Pound Master for the Northern route In other words via bags rke and V ,i lil n Mav I I -- III 1. bo) of the bark IMward llrltlsh-Amerlca- n 12 Klnaii. April Mrs. ike, HORN. Pound at Walanne, in the District of freighters to S"attle Stmr James Makee, Tullett hrt went in bathing off Pactllc Mall whirl bags .mil 2U0 Cleveland. Mis S. II Klnnet, W. H. thence overland to New York from Kapaa, 2300 sugai the da) and was hauled out of Walanne, Island of Oahu, vine D, Cen- slilpplng Howell, i: N Hitchcock. Miss llltch-foc- otliei When the I'nlted States bags rice the wati'i half dead from exhaustion WIPHPN In the clt of Wrdcn, Han ter, resigned go Into effect .vear all the Am brig W (1 Iiwln, Williams, Mrs M Calbough, Mrs A Lown- over, German), on 9th day of laws net about live minuted later. The resctici th" A. KING, llritlsh bottoms now chartered b) the from San I'rarulsto, 023 tons general des Siott P A Jacobs, Mr. Hasscn, .March 1S99, to the wife of Hon. J C P i:.igan. C y. Pagan, Hcv. A. was the llrst mate of the IMward May, llrltlsh-Amerlca- n line will lie replaced indse to W. G It win Co, !l horses, Mis Judge Wlchcn, n daughter. Minister of the Interior k Ke daught- who Jumped ovorboinl to the drown- bv American bottoms I his means 5 mules and 2 cows (Sailed March 18 ) Kiimmer. Mis. I. It rr and Mrs. Wlchcn Is the eldest daughter Intel ior Olllce, April Ith, 1S99. V. ing man without til.lng off a particle er, W N llennei J Grossman, W a. that they are here to sta.v and the rca Am Jennie Wnnd, Christian of Mr and .Mrs Otto Isenberg. of 2001-3- 1 Horner, of i lothlng. son that the are using llritlsh bottoms sen, 21 cla.vs from Eureka, 2J9.G.22 ft. S Tetr). Miss Cokcland, Miss Kauai M at present Is that the operation or llrit- lumbir to l.ewers V Cooke G P Turner. A C Kanna, Tucker. 1 lie Amerlc.iii dlIiooiici Metha Nel A - Young. Master Clark, Simiicl lsh vessels costs much less than the Ilr Iik Aibbrlv, Llndfois, 71 da.vs son is In the stream from Kahulul, DIED EXECUTORS' NOTICE TO CRCD- - I Miss Kate Vlda. q II lleny, operation of American vesels an that from New LUMP , 1799 tons of coal to Parker. where she tool: a tnigo of coal fi'om 1TORS A Dojle, Mrs Tom Dow, S N. Ml- - eh.irttrs of llrltisli vessel an be made Castle k Cooke Newcastle, which she has still on In 29, kua, Miss Nott Klchanl Svveasev V COLLINS llllo, Hawaii. Mairh for less mone than the diallers of Am M'hr. Metha Nelson, Kite, 13 board, Capt Itlce llnding It Impossible 1S99 A. P. a Png-lan- W and U Keir, P. Na- - Collins, native of 'I ho undersigned American emel dajs from Newcastle, via Kahulul, Peek Must' is to mi tire a berth in that port Hough age 29 ears. Klt. notice tha prll 5; 7IU (ii.il to pollnii. i: P Mable. J Watt and wife weathei coming on off the Mnttl const tin) ale the dill) appointed and qu.il-llie- cl tons Hawaiian SITHTPVANT In Honolulu April C ('limine lliother lleitiam, Mrs K Meiseberg the Metha NeUon put around to Ia-hal- executors of the last will nnd Siindu.v School I'ltioii ie ial k Sugar Co. 1S99. Miss Nellie Sturtevant, aged 22 Haw Honolulu, TliinnagU 7.! Per stmr Claudlne for Maul poits. and afterv.nds made nirange-ment- s testanwnt of Heimann A Wldemann, At last the details (if the riunila) sihr ) ea r" davs from Newcastle, 1531 tons coal to Apill I C Unite and wife. Mrs Paty to dlscharg ciigo at Honolulu late of Honolulu, deceased. All per- School Hall have Ik en arianged The I I S N. Co Miss Morris. H K Hull, J McLellan, and Mahukona sons having claims against the estate time Is May 0 at .' 30 The pl.uo Mis Dora von Teinpskv. Mts. Dowsett NOTICE TO SHIPMASTERS. of said deceased, whether wcuit-i- l by I he foiii-ma.- ii Ho- MoKlbbln, 1) K.ipewn. 11. P lion schooner moitgjgc or otherwise, notified to also settled and committees appointed Sll.i:i) TltOM HUNOM Id" Alexandei U. S. arc llaldwln, Macrae, I, Hauptmaii nolulu coal laden from Newcastle, Is Branch Hy'rographlc Office, the same, duly t the meting of the I'nloii todaj at David San Pranclsco, Cal. piesent authenticated, Tuesday, Apill I Mis It Ohrt. Mis T O'Dowda and in the stieam having artived last with propel vouchers. If any xl8t, to 1 30. general Information will lie giv- night Capt Thronagel U) communicating with Stnu James Makee, Tullett, Kapaa child. Miss I. i.i Kepaa. Mrs lleepv II lepoits the the Hranch the undersigned at the olllce of K. W I loss of a sailor on vo.vage, H)drographlc Olllce In San Pranclsco, en of the plans The Sunday Schools Stmr Wnialeale, Green, Kllauca. K Kalmiaen, wife and child Vv the who fell Maifarlauc, in Honolulu, within six me i ho, captains of vessels who will aro already on the alert and It will Stmr Ke Au Hon, Mosher, Lahalnn Itoblnsou ml while the vessel was i oiling, months from the ilatv hereof, or the lloats In th. Immedlntel). with the ll)drograpblc OUlce b) need only the settled to give Stmr Iwalanl. Grcgorj, Honokaa. Nawlllwlll. per W G weie water same will be forever barred. farts Por stun but unfortiirate could recording the meteruloglcal observa Stmr W G. Hall, Haglund, Naw lll- - Apill I G. II Collins, A P tli' s.nnian not All persons Indebted to said estate direction to enthusiastic efforts Hall. owlin a'ld sank from sight. only tions suggested by the olllce, can have wlll. Cooke. C Awal Mrs. Chun Lee, Pather The are requested to make Immediate pay .During the llrst part of the meeting thing leeeiveiid was titer man's hat The forwarded to them at any desired port, Sttm Kin, in, Cliuke, llllo Adalbnt. Ml McGlunls, G. A Piston, ment to th" undersigned at the olllce of the lesson of the following Sunda Honolulu Is owned In this port md free of expense, (he monthly pilot Stmr Claudlne, Cameron, Maul Plflfessoi Koebele, J. S. Pen, J. II charts of tho North Pacific Ocean and F W Macfarlauf. will bo handled after tho usual cus- Schr. Walalua, Mokl, Hanalel. Hopkins, .1 II Kihllina. Mrs Toug biiui twentj nv n from the engl-ti- i the latest information regarding the II. It. MACFARDANB. tom. All Interested in the rally are Schr. Mokulele, Townsend, Huelo Chov, P. T Drelet P J G lirwuit, C er's ele pertinent were missing when dangers to navigation In the watcis F. W. MACFARLANE, requested to lio present. Stmr Kllohana, Thompson Kanat Coolldge. the I iiiiid Statis arm) tiansport Clt) alilch they frequent. J. M DOWSETT, Stmr .1. A. Cummins of Piiebla hauled In Executors of the Will of Hermann A. Pol Sin Pi ,u eisrn, pei P M S. S out the stream Mariners are requested to report to Kulsul "l.ini. fiom Pacific Mall wharf )esterela) oUlco dangers Wid maun 206l-4t- F Itio'de Janeiro, Apill ! - G Kunst, Ml. the discovered, or an) .MI-.- morning So Dc.ilh of Mm tcvant. Wiilii(scl.i), Apill 5 and Mis Gllisou, Mis I,. P. Haniiisher, she hung on to one of the other information which can be uti- SI I .Maui, fendei piles of the marine railway for lized for correcting charts or Hailing The death of Miss Nellie Still in rreeman, Klliel. Miss Gi.ue Miss Alice Heard , levant Pmei. new fire-- in ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Am stun Itlo ele Jauelio, Waicl, San Geo Winchester, G II Hathbone, .Miss about six hours until some directions, or the publication of the uccuired at 7 20 last evening at the n c Ire I'lanclbio. M Phillips, Mis J II. Itiivmond. Mis oiild obtained. She llnall) ptlrt charts of the North Pacific. home of hei brother silled for Manili shoitly noon Schr. K.iw.illani, Sam, Koolan i: .1 Paiker and child. Mrs J T aftri W. S. HUOHP.S, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT with i - 11 Miss Sturtevant arrived lieic on the Si hi Walalua, Nelson, Hanalel Ciawle.v mid two chlldieii, Di It new of Chinese stoker- Lieutenant, Udted States Navr. at meeting of tho stockholders of the last tilp of tho A list in I la Ever since Thut selav, Apill e. Stiauss. G S Pviins, Dr A McAVu.uie HIU) RAILROAD COMPANY, LI.M-1'IE- () II D. C. held this da), tho following olli-cer- B her arrival she had nun ver) 111 with II I .1 M S ChltoM', Sakurai. Yo- - Puna. Tomklns and wife, SAILING VPSSP.LS POIt HONOLULU II wife, W F0R SALE. wero elected: ijphoid fevei Her Illness began keinllg.l Itobertson Gioesbeck and Due In April C , V I VVillcott II Hoi ton, Ji .mil Ilr I). F. Dillingham .. .. President while blie was nn the steamer, tjliei C S T Cll of Puebli lieimas, Vessel Prom. Piiiopi-a- stee nge Lorrln A. . Vlco Manila Geneva, Am. bg . . .Cllpperton Thurston President lielng he-ili- Island ONE CORLISS ENGINE, 11x30 In. in good when she left .1 M. P. Robinson Stun lines Make', lulli'lt, Kipai. Albany, Ger. bk Westport In llrst class condition to bo sold at a Treasurer Sim came here to visit her brother, l Alfred W. Secretary Stnu Not an, Piileisiin iliiikoli.i. VPSSPLS IN POUT. S. I). Carleton, Am bhlp .. Hongkong baigaiu. Por particulars apply to Carter C Vale Stilltc vanl. an I'luplow of I' S 'I ('level Hid Klilgand, I - Republic, Cli ship Newcastle Henry Watei house Auditor THEO H. DAVIES & CO, Ltd , A. S. Hartwtlt, P. M. Hatch, Albert Davlos Co Previous to hpr elop.irt-iir- o lilla City of Adelaide, Hr. bk . Newcastle 2038-S- k AHMY AND NAVY. t Honolulu Wh)to Directors fioii California she giadiiated Sclil Mokule le Towii'ccuil Hlln King Arthur, Ilr. ship .. . Nowcastle Si hi Mnl U'.iliiw, Sam, Kohila U. S S Iioquols, Pond, llllo. Match 19 lllalrmore. Dr. ftlilp Newcastle Tho nhove named filacers nnd direct- from tho Children's Hospital In Sin i 1' S Zo.ilaii'll.i Dowelell K .in In n Along, Wain II T San Robert Sudden, Am. bk. ... Newcastle NOTICE. ors constitute thn Hoard of Directors 1'ranclcfo Her home Is In Alameda Plain Isio, pill 3 II. I). Ilundixoii, Am Hi.hr. .. Nowcastle Dated, Honolulu, II, I., April 4. 1899. 'I Dove, Am. echr. .. Newcastle CARTER, where her folks leslde. he funeral LSI.VNI) POUTS mi:uchantmi:n. Carrier THE OFFICE OP THE AGENCY OF ALFRED W. will tako this Hlmala)n, Dr. bk Newcastle ecretnry llllo Railroad Company, Lim- phue afternoon at 3'30 -- el tils list docs not Include coasters.) JOHN FOWLER & COMPANY (Lends) LMIAINA Anived, Apill .1 thtee- - Dcfllanco, Am. tchr...... Newcastle ited. 5197 2001-4- t i Veiling Am. City of Eng- from the evidence on street. m.ihUd schr Metha Nelson, from Niw- - stmr. Columbia, Mllnor, Defender, Am. schr Tacoina Limited, of Leeds and London, Dec. 11. bo In 'astle, with LSD tons coal. Dropped llllo, Amelia, Am. bktn Port Ludlow land, will hereafter thu Judd Haw. ship Palls of CI) de, Matson, 300, ware- K anchor In Lahalna nf- - Sin ivmptltrltc, Ilr. ship London Iliilldlng, Room nnd the WANTED. Inters An niunctl haiboi Satiirdaj Pranclsco, IS. ttrnoon hlie will lem.iln In these wat- Jan. Azalea, Am. schr Port Gamble house on Queen street, In tho rear of The .liiiinee i Inters and milidur-ei- s Ilr. ship Iinernnrk, Philip, Uvcrpool, Union Feed Company's Ware- ers until theie is i hoi Hi to illse'lnree Prcd P. Sander, Am. schr..Pt. Gnmblo the ASSISTANT AGENTS IN HONOLU-l- u of Kahtlkii airalgned vciei-da- ) iPcb. 19. weie it Wm. Henton, Am. .. Gamble house. 11 Kahulul Am. bhlp C. P R.irgent, Haskell, Ta- - schr Port and all over tho Islands for first befoto Judge Wilcox Seventeen P. S. ltedfleld, Am. schr. . Port Gnmble All communications, during the tem- class Fire Iii3ur.inco Co. Offers under eoma, Peb. 2S. porary nbsenco of undersigned, can charged mm-ek- r S. Holmes, Am. echr.. HInkeley tho Office. weiu with lint, two with POKPIGN poms Am. ship A. J. Puller, Nichols, Norfolk, Port "P. J. C," Gazette Am. bktn Ludlow bo addressed, "Care of tho Union 5199 2002-S- and three with being allogenics March 8. Kllkltat, Port t SvN PltNClSC() Milvid, March Charles Hansen, Am. schr P.ureka Feed Company." to '1 I!r. ship Llewellyn, Griffiths, minder lie lu.irlng will come up Js, S S Aiisttalla, ei davs 1 hoilis Carncdd (Signed) GEO. W. MACFARLANE, 9. Standard, Am. ship Seattle em Aprlll J tli A G M Liverpool, 'March Agent & Co., (Leeds) Utorncy fiom Honolulu, schr Robot 1ewers, , Alcalde, Am. schr. .. . Gra)'s for John Fowler law. bk. H. P. Itlthi-t- Calhoun. Sin Harbor ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. is d.i.vs fiom Honolulu, .Match 2S, bk Phelps, bhlp . S. V. Ltd. llobertson appealed for the Japnneae, Pranclsco, March 10. K. M. Am. Annie Johiuou, 10 fiom llllo, George, Haw. ship S. P. Honolulu, March 29th. 1S99 and General W () Smith das Am. bk. McNear, Peterson, Newcastle, Fort si In- Pmma Claiiilina, Nlelncn, 21 S. G. Wilder, Am. S. 2039519.1 Tho undersigned having been duly assisted the prosecution das March 11. bktn r. trom liana, nhi. II, C Wilght, Olsen, S. appointed administrator of tho EttaUr Am. ship Geo. H. Skolfleld, Dunninp, Mbert, Am. bk ... P. l.v.j cias fiom Kahulul Sailed, Murcli S. Castle, Am. bktn . S. V. of Ixirenzo Mario Hammer, lato of llllo, March 11. N. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Wiiliiuvv.t .MuniiKci. irt, ship S P llltihcni-k- , Gates, for Davis, bk S. V. Honolulu, Island of Oahu, decoased: Am. bk. Presno, Unilcrwood, Port Martha Am. Hlln, bktn S G Wlldei, Jackson, for Manna Ala, Haw. bk. .. S. V. Notice Is hereby given to all creditors George H Hiln lilld now manager Townsend, March 12, The undeislgned, liavlng been duly Honolulu, Muieh 2., bk Am Tinner, Due In May. of tho deceased to picsent their claims, of the Makee Sugar Conipuij s plan- Watlaiid, for llllo, bk. Co) Ion, Wlllei, Haw. ship Star of llengal, Henderson, appointed administrator of tho estate whether secured by mortgago or oth- Newcastle, Mch. 15. Iroquois, Am. ship Baltimore of Mario J. Sanders, of Honolulu, I c for Honolulu, bk Mai Divls, late duly wltk tation at Keilla, U polled .is tho tin Prils, S. K. erwise, authenticated and for Am. bktn. Irtnganl, Schmidt, San Pran S. P. Hitchcock, Am. ship Oahu, deceased: If any to probable manager of thn big Wahlawa Honolulu Liverpool proper vouchers. exist, the TACOMx Auhed, Match 2", schr clsco, March ID. H. Hackfeld, Ger. bk Notice Is heteby glvtm to all undersigned within six months from Mr. Talrrtiild'fl ship es- vlaulatlou. I'ndcr Pnilcavor from Honolulu Haw. bk. Diamond Head, Ward, San Aryan, Am. Norfolk to present tiielr claims against the the date hereof, or they will bo forever Pooling Sit y -- Haw. . . . New York de- manasement Kealla plantation hacs SYDNPV- - Sailed, .'.1 III S S Pranclsco, March 15. M. tate of said Mailo J. Sanders, nnd all persons Indebted to the Match Am. Newcastle barred, greatly Increased lis output and this xorangl, for Honolulu Am. ship J. II. Thomas, Irtuond, New- John C. Potter, bk. .. ceased, duly authenticated, whether said deceased aro requested to mako Due by mortgage otherwise, to season's prollts for Colonel Spalding, POUT HLKi:LI:Y Sailed, March castle, March 19. In June. swured or immediate payment to the undersigned C S Jap schr. Hlonsul Mnrn, Nikegiwo, Wega, Bhlp tho undersigned In Honolulu, Oahu, No. 20914 Merchant street, tho owner, will, it Is sanl, be upward' Jti schr Holmes, for Honolulu Gn. Iondon at his olllce, STOKIA Alrlvt cl. Match 20, Jlr. Yokohama, March 21. Due In July. aforesaid, within six months from Honolulu. of $3.r0,000 Am. still, bktn. Morning Hi ay, dnto hereof, or they will bo forever DAYTON, stmr. Mnnmouthshiie, fiom Honolulu Star. George Curtis, Am. ship ... New Yoik DAVID NAGASAKI 2S, San Pranclsco, March 2.1. barred, nnd all persons Indebted to of the Estate of Lorenzo To sill March stnu. Due In August. Administrator Chtiritv Orgiiiiiation. ena'or foi San Pranclsco Am. bk. Alden Hesse, Potter, San said estato are hereby requested to Mario Hammer. 2S. Whitney, York make Immediate pavment to under' 1S99. meeting of the general committee Pranclsco, March Bmlly P. Am. ship. New the Honolulu, March 8th. Am. schr. Spokane, JamIeon, Port signed. 2053-51- F proposed Organiza- MHMOIt ND 'if tho Chailtable Gamble, March 30 CIIAKTPRnD 1011 HONOLULU. Dated, Honolulu, March 13th, 1S99 tion met vifiterdj) in the olllces of stnu Maun i Loa, fiom Kau M Hv-- M N. I'd Am. schr. A. Il.vxtor Marshall, Uundaleer, Chll. bk Newcastle SANDERS. - I1HED the, Hawaiian Trust and Invistmcnt prll I Cleaned out llouii.ipii and erett, March 31. Huterpe. Haw. ship Newcastle Administrator of the Estate of Mario J. PUKE "o, Hcjiorts of progress were dlocuss- - left COWi b igs sugar at Putialuu No Am. bk. S. C Allen, Johnson, San Star of Italy, Haw. ship . .. Nowcastlo Sanders. 2055-U- F POULTRY! rain nnd tough weather most of the Pranclsco, April 1. H. Talbot, Am. schr. .. Newcastle d. was decided to confer with the W. VBESf-Sfe- S it trip The Kami nrrlvcd nt Punaluii Am bktn. Amelia, Willi i Port Town- - Novelty, Am. schr Newcastle Eggs for Hatching. heads of tho various charitable or last Sund.i) evening. Sugar nt II. S send. April 1. llobert Sudden, Am. bk Nowcastlo NOTICE TO CREDITORS. gaulz.itlons of the city and learn their Co 12,000 bags, nt P. S M , 2100 bag Am bk. IMwaid Mav Ilarkus New- - C. Perkins, Am. bktn . .Newcastle Geo. Eggs fur desires In regard to the proposed c u No lain and considerable wind 3000 castlo, April 2 Goldon Shoro, Am. edir .. Nowcastle HIE UNDERSIGNED. EXECUTOR PURE HRED Fowls and . . . Robinson, late seasons from tho tollowlnc 'ral Oreanlratlon. bags sugar at Lahalna. Ilr stmr Garonne Cmiradl Seattle. Addenda, Am. bktn. Nowcastlo of the w'lll of Kekniia salo nt nil Per stmr Hio do Janeiro, fiom Yoko- April t. Loulibuia, Am. schr. . . . Nowcastlo of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, nnd Konn, varieties: , a, hama. April I --Sailed from Hongkong Am seln A J Wis' Oglhle ber- - Inc-a- , Am. schr Newcastle Island of Haw-all- deceased, nereuy English Grey Dorking, lllack CHINA WILL HKBISr 1 March llth. Shanghai March IStli: cleen, Apill Llwlo Vance, Am. schr. .. . Nowcattls gives nutlco to all persons having Ilarred PI) mouth Rocks, Hut LO.MiON, Mureh 27 -- The Shanghai Nagasaki, March 20th, Kobe March m Bchr W, P Jewnt Inhnson, Port Iloarr, Am. ship Newcastle claims ngainst tho estato or sain de- leghorn, Hrown Leghorn, White leg- 3 samo his of-li- re Tur- corn sponik-u- t of tho Dally Mall 2Jndi Yokohama March 25th Good Towiibend Apill Wm. Howdcn, Am. schr. .. Nowcanlo ceased, to present tho nt horn, Pekln Ducks and Ilronwi m. weather. Ilr bk dderl). Llndfi.rs Newcastle Am. bk Nowcaitla lit said Honolulu, within six The Dowager I'.mpress has ordered the Colusa, key. Per stmr James Makee, from Kauai prI 0 Kllmory, Hr. ship Ixindon months from dato or thoy will bo for I am constantly In receipt of Governors of thn w mailtlmo pi ov luces Apill 0 Sugar awaiting shipment on Am sehr Meiha Nelson Hm Kahu- J, C. (Hade, Ger. bk London ever barred. All persons Indebted to Importations from tho best know of China to reaUt 1 forcibly any Hiding Kauai: K. P , 3KU0. L. P . 7000, II. M , lul. April 0 Klnfauna, Ilr. bk Indon said estate are respectfully requosieu (trains. of tinned foreigner! 13,000; K. S. Co, 7000: Mak. 0100; G. Haw schr Honolulu, Thionagh Now- - Kooiir Suoy, Haw. bk New York to ninkn Inunedlnto settlement. Eggs propel ly packed and fowls wuH Oahu, February k II , 2U.ll; V. K . 100; M. S. Co , H.000. i.istle. April 0. Helen Ilrewer, Haw. (.hip .. Now York Honolulu, Island of crated, Weather, Mmng N V. winds, easterly Am brig W, (1 It va In, Williams Han ininni. Haw. bk Now York 23, 1S99, on application. of the. m Prices furnished Tho toiicert Kllohaiu Art swolU. Ktettmeis W (1. Hall ami Kilo- Pi.iiicUd), April 11. H. Moody, Am. ship .. Norfolk t. noniNSON. oun Chos. WALTER O. WEKDON. Leiigim wits of the moat, tiijojiihle at, llnna-M- . Chi 111,1111111, p. Am. schr. Tt. Oamblei Executor of tho Will of Said Decoased. baud Koloa and Walalealo.it Am. schr. Jennie Wand, w Jowett. .. n, Piinnliou, Honolulu, II, then n this city for a long time, 8. Am, Haitian I t. lit San Pranclsco, 'April A. 8. Wert, echr. ..Qray'e Harbor

ubcu rti .it".