E, Most lllustrious & Most Reverend Lord JAMES ATKINSON-WAKE. OSB. Archbishop. FIEREBY declare as of this day I date is suspended as a Titular Bishop RICKY O ALCANTARA with immediate effect. He has no I authority to say in public only in private at this stage.

He has disobeyed a public document agreed in September 2018 by the Philippine conference of Bishops of the act of of Mr Clifford Garcia and by act of law the same act falls upon him. Thergfore he has been suspended from all functions as a priest from this day I date being the 13ft December 2018. His will be surrended : I.D. Number: T8P140870-7EP

He has no authority to say Mass at the Our Mother of Perpetual Help and the Child Jesus.

The conference of bishops will meet in lgIarch 2019 in the Philippines and the case will be fully heard by the conference of bishops'before the Superior General and Vicar Judge and the case will be fully decided.

Their fore, Fr Allan Garcia is to take over Mass without interference at Our Mother of Perpetual Help and the Child Jesus until otherwise decided by *y office. Suspended Fr Ricky O Alcantara has spoken out against the Superior General in telling lies, untruth and hatred against the Archbishop & Superior General and brought the said office by his actions in to di violation of Canon Law. o' Given s 13th day of the Month of December in the year of our xx

Most illu Lord James Atkinson *ffflY

His Eminence, ArchbiSE-op of Birmingham & Dudley. Eng

Cardinal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain &