R . I. J EWIS H HI S TORICAL ASSOC . 13 0 S ESSION S S'l' . P RO VI DE NC E , RI 02906 l

Support Read By Jewish More Than Agencies 35,000 With Your People Membership THE ONLY ENGLISH -J EWISH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS.

VOLUME LXII, NUMBER 39 THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1979 25~ PER COPY Modai Demands Speed Up Jewish Concerns Of Energy Savings Plan Untouched By By Gil Sedan Five months ago, Nodai presented to the (JTA): While the Presi­ Cabinet an I I-point plan to con­ dent of the United States stakes his political serve energy. The plan called for a savings of Carter Shake-up· future on an energy savings plan, deals eight percent in the consumption of energy, with the energy crisis as if she has all the time later modified to five percent. Israel planned WASHINGTON(JTA): The offers of Roosevelt Room when the resignations in the world, the Minister of Energy and In­ to spend about S 1.1 billion on oil this year. A resignation by President Ca rter's 12 were made and he joined them in the show frastructure, Yitzha k Modai, charged five percent savings would amount to about Cabinet members, three Cabinet level mem­ o f suppo rt for Carter that he is free to select before the Security and Foreign Af­ $55 million. But with the recent Organiza­ bers a nd 18 White H o use staff officials a new team as if it were a new Presidential fairs Committee. Modai said, that as far as tion o f Petroleum Exporting Countries price yesterday will not result in changes either term. gasoline is concerned, time is running out hike, the expenditure for oil is estimated at amo ng the to p trio associated with fo reign However, Sa nders is bo th a special ad­ fa st . S 1.5 billion, neutralizing the planned sav­ affairs no r other figures closely related to visor to Vance as well as to the President He spoke in reference to the Cabinet's in gs. the Middle East and Jewish concerns. a nd while he has o ffi ces and staff personnel failure last week to agree to new hikes in the In a speech to the Knesset recently, Modai Immedia tely upon the announcement of both in the White Ho use a nd the State price of oil and its failure to adopt an energy said ha rdly a day passed that Israel did not the mass decisions, first by the Cabinet rank Department, he is o n the Depa rtment's saving plan. He said the Ministerial Energy receive .. a lmost ultimative" notices o n cuts officials and sho rtly afterwards by the other payroll a nd thus technically not a White Committee is discussing an energy savings in oil sales o r on price hikes even in deals leaders following their meetings in the Ho use official. For that reason he was no t plan which should be adopted immediately, a lread y signed. Israel consumes eight White Ho use. two decisions were un­ li sted. otherwise Israel will have to adopt even million to ns of oil a nnuall y. About 20 per­ derstood to have been made. It is considered highl y unlikely that most more extreme measures to conse rve energy. cent of it will come from the Sinai oil fields The White House said the resignations o f of the o ther officia ls will be dismissed. A proposal to close down gasoline sta­ which wi ll be returned to Egypt at the end of the President's "national security team" Those about whom there is no t the remo test tions on Saturdays and ho lidays was rejected November. consisting of Secretary of State Cyrus suggesti on of Presidential disappointment by the committee because of o bjectio ns by Says Sadat's Promise Of Oil Was Vague Vance, Defense Secretary Harold Brown incl ude Stuart Eizenstat. the assistant for Finance Minister Simcha Ehrlich a nd In ­ Premier Menachem Begin said on his a nd National Security advisor Zbigniew do m est ic affa irs a nd po li cy: R o bert dustry Minister Gideon Patt. return from Alexandria. that President BrzeLi nsky would not be accepted by Car­ Lipshut,. the President's counsel ; Gerald Series Of Proposals Rejected Anwar Sadat had promised him to sell Israel ter. Rafshoon. hi s communications assista nt ; The committee similarl y turned down a oil from the Sinai fields at "market p rice." It was understood that those 10 be and Anne Wexler, a political assistant. proposal to require each mo to ri st not to use But Modai told the Knesset committee retained also include Ambassador Ro bert Ei,cnstat, in fact, is being considered by hi s car o ne day a week . A proposal which that the promise was "only a vague and Strauss, the President's hand picked some as having increased in stature with the would allow residents of condominiums to gene r a l ized oral commitment" and negotiator for the Middle East peace President and is one of the tiny "in" group detach themselves from the central heatin g therefore was not enough. He warned that process; Andrew Young, his chief represen­ that includes only Hamilto n Jo rda n, Car­ system in o rder to purchase sola r heating after the A lm a oil fields in Si nai are handed tative at the U n ited Nations; and Edward ter's c hi ef politica l strategist. who is now units was dropped a fter Justice Minister back to Egypt. 98 percent of the country's Sanders. his liaison with the A mcrican being described as the "chief o f staff' at the Shmuel T amir explained that it was difficult fue l will be coming from fo reign sources. Jewish community. Sanders has par­ White House. and Presidential News to carry this change o ut because of the legal With the cut-off of oil supplies fro m Iran. ticipated in a ll the Israeli -Egyptian negotia­ Secretary J ody Powell. Brzezin sky, inciden­ status of condominiums. A proposal to in­ Israel has in creased her purchases from tions as a member of the American tally, is not li sted as a Cabinet level o ffi cial troduce daylight savings time was dropped · Mexico which now covers a great part of its representation. including the talks at Camp a lthough his innuence at the White Ho use al the objection of the re lig ious ministers energy needs. But a third of Israel's fuel David last September a nd the C a iro­ in foreign affairs is pervasive. Strauss, who claimed that it would inco nveneince comes from .. changing and tempora ry" Jerusalem-Cairo talks that resulted in the Yo ung and James McIntyre, director of the worshippers. especially during the High sources. which may be closed any day. Egyptian-Israeli treaty last March. office of management and budget, a re the Holidays. Modai also complained that the country was Sanders is not on the list of resigned of­ only no n-Cabinet members who have The o nl y measure in sight at present is a sho rt o f fuel storage capacity. He said no ficials that was presented to repo rters Cabinet level ra nk , according to the White substantial rise in the price of fuel. It is ex­ p rogress was being made o n the pro posal for yesterday but he was in the White Ho use's Ho use list. pected that by the end of the week. prices will a n uclear electric power statio n. ri se by 25-30 percent. The Energy Ministry Committee chairman Moshe Arens called claims that given the recent hikes in wor!d o il for an immediate decision to build the first prices and the continuing deva luatio n of the nuclear power statio n. Israel possesses a ll Po und. the real increase in o il prices here the ma npower and the technologies. re­ should be 55-60 percent. quired, he said . Threat Of Petrodiplomacy

NEW YORK (JTA): Nathan Perlmutter. meeting. which was to mark the o pening o f the n a tio n a l director o r the Anti­ the European o ffice, was sandwiched be­ Defamation League or B'na i B'rith, believes tween the ADL's National Commission that the greatest threat to the Jewish peo ple meeting in Jerusalem and an audience with today is the increasing innuence o f Arab Pope John Paul II where they received the petrodollar diplomacy. Po pe's blessing for a jo int program with the The world is mucli more complicated than Po lish-American Catholic Committee when the ADL was combatting such ho noring Janusz Korczak, the Polish-Jewish homegrown anti-Semites as Gerald L.K. martyr who died in Treblinka. Smith and other racists in the 1940s and Evidence Of Impact 1950s, he said in an interview with the Perlmutter. ;i 30-year veteran of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. The interview human relations field who was named ADL was conducted in his offl'ce on the top noor national director last November, said Jews o f the ADL's new headquarters overlook­ have to become aware of the impact of ing the United Nations, "our enemy," as petrodiplomacy. He said the situation was Perlmutter called it. analyzed in Brussels but it was dramatized to The .. is Racism" resolution him upon his return to New York. adopted by the UN General Assembly in- When he returned, he saw a newspaper 1975 has made anti-Semitism more open in story that 100 members of the Japanese Europe, Perlmutter said. But he believes that Parliament had called for support of the more important is the growing Arab use of Palestine Liberation Organization. The next oil diplomacy which is making the Jewish day it was reported that Austrian Chancellor people "hostage to the price of oil." Bruno Kreisky, "no friend," and former Perlmutter said it is for this reason the West German Chancellor Willy Brandt, "an ADL is opening a European office in Paris. old friend," had met with PLO leader Yasir The office will be in the job of Arafat, "the single most murderous anti­ "consciousness raising" among Europen Semite in the world today." This was Jews, altering them ·and helping them to followed by a report that President Carter meet this new danger, he said. had asked West German Chancellor Helmut The 56-year-old Perlmutter and other Schmidt to lead European pressure against RHODE ISLAND BANKER TOURS ISRAEL: Mr. Henry S. Woodbridge, preeldent and A DL officials recently returned from Israel. This was evidence to him of the power chief executive officer of Rhode l1lend Hoapltal Tru1t National Bank, recently toured I. Brussels where they held a one-day meeting of petrodiplomacy. I1rael with the State of lerael Bond delegation of banker■ encl lffdlng lnclwtrlall1tl. The on petrodollars and other issues, at which Perlmutter noted that Jews are always ml1■ lon Included touring 11tn of hl1torlcal, rellg!oue, and economic lnterMt. fo rmer Israeli Premier Yitzhak Rabin and concerned about the security of Israel. But Sffn here with Mr■• Woodbridge, Mr. Woodbridge dlec-eome of the finding• of l Gen. Alexander Haig. Su , - ,_ :-~.,,mar ­ now this concern will come up against the hie trip with Ierael energy expert JoHph Verdi, (right), former director of the Energy encl \ { der of NATO, pa~ucipateo. -1 he iJn ,ssels (Continued on page 10) lnfrHtructure Mlnl1try. · 2-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1979 Blum Calls U.N. Report "Distorted" Obituaries UNITED NATIONS (JT A) - Israel has quences which the settlement policy is charged that the Security Council, which bound to have on any attempt to reach a opened a debate on its three-member com­ peaceful solution in the Mideast." The LOUIS GERSTENZANG SIMON MILLER mission's report on Israeli settlements in the report also recommended that "Israel Louis Gerstenzang, 85, of 390 I South Simon Miller, 83 , formerly of 57 Laura admi nistered territories, is being should be called upon to cease on an urgent Ocean Drive, Hollywood, Florida, formerly Street, and a retired railroad car inspector, manipulated "by the enemies of peace." basis the establishment, construction and of New Bedford, Massachusetts, and a for• died July 20 after a six-month illness. He was Declaring that the report is "one-sided planning of settlements in the occupied mer fashion shop owner, died Tuesday. He the husband of the late Lillian (Diamond) and distorted," Yehuda Blum, Israel's Am­ territories." was the husband of Raye (Wollin) Gersten­ Miller. bassador to the United Nations, told the The commission was established by the zang. Mr. Miller worked for the former New Council that the settlements "are only one Council last March 22 after a complaint by Mr. Gerstenzang founded the Blue Bird Have n Railroad for many years, retiring 17 aspect of the complex role, and any attempt Jordan, and its members are representatives and Fashion Shops of New England, which years ago. to detach it arbitrarily from the wider con­ of Zambia, Bolivia and Portugal. Israel has he operated for 37 years until he retired in Born in Russia, February 13, 1896, a son text is a distortion of reality." not cooperated with the commission and 1957. of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller, he Blum explained that the. overall context when it visited the Middle East in June it He was a World War I Army veteran and lived in Providence most of his life. of the Israeli-Arab conflict is reflected in did not allow its members to enter the coun­ a member of Tifireth Israel Synagogue of He leaves two daughters, Harriet Green• Security Council Resolution 242 which in­ try and the territories in question. New Bedford, Temple Beth-El of felder of Cumberland and Elaine Korn of cludes "the legitimate security requirements In his address before the Council today, Providence, and B'nai B'rith of both New New York City; a sister, Sadie Miller of of the State of Israel, which are directly Blum said that the commission's conclu­ Bedford and Florida. He was also a mem­ Providence. and five grandchildren. relevant to the question of settlements." He sions were determined in advance and the ber of the original group of the Founding Funeral services were held July 22 at the said this aspect was ignored in the commis­ report accepts the views of"lsrael's avowed Fathers of Brandeis University. Max Sugarman Memorial Chapel. Mr. sion's report. enemies as though they constituted hard Born in Warsaw, Poland. March 17, Miller was buried in Lincoln Park Cemetery. In its recommendations to the Security and objective evidence." At the conclusion 1894. he was a son of the late Abraham and PEGGY FA RR ELLY Council the commission urged the Council of his speech, Blum declared that in view of Gussie (Yueh!} Gerstenzang and li ved in Peggy" F"arrell y, 69. a resident of to " launch a pressing appeal to the govern­ the circumstances " Israel will have nothing New Bedford for 57 years before moving to Providence for 30 years before moving to ment and people of Israel, drawing again to do with this debate, whatever its cause Florida 20 years ago. Beacon. New York 40 years ago, died July their attention to the disastrous conse- and o utcome." Besides his wife, he leaves a daughter, 20. She had been widowed. Mrs. Cynthia Hollywood, Florida, and Born January 28, 1910 to the late Isaac four grandchildren. and Mary Shnoper, she was a practical Avraham Boyer Dead At 72 Services were held the following day at nurse. Funeral services were held last week for the last 28 years on the Tel Aviv Municipal the Max Sugarman Memorial Chapel. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Avraham Boyer, a veteran leader of the Counci l and for many years was Deputy Burial took place in Plainville Cemetery, Mary Albasi of New Windsor, New York; National Religious Party and former Mayor. New Bedford. two brothers, Larry Shnoper of Yonkers, Deputy Mayor of Tel Aviv, who died at the New York and Allen Soper of Oceanside, age of 72. Eulogies were delivered by In­ He was also a member of the Tel Aviv ROSE GURNICK California; two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Kniager terior Minister Yosef Burg of the NRP a nd Religious Council, a co-founder of the Cen­ Rose Siebel Gurnick, 84. former resident of Providence and Mrs. Bessie Bram-Soifer. Mayor Shlomo Lehat. tral Labor Exchange in 1946 and a cO-­ of the Jewish Home for the Aged, died also of Providence. Boyer was born in Bukovina, Rumania, founder of the Construction Workers Tuesday. She was the widow of Lo ui s Gur­ A funeral service was held July 22 at the and served as president of Mizrachi, the Assurance Fund. He was the author of nick . Max Sugarman Memorial Chapel. She was religious Zionist movement there, before numerous articles on economic and labor Mrs. Gurnick was a member of the Con­ buried in Lincoln Park Cemetery. settling in Palestine in 1933. He served for subjects. gregation Sons of Jacob. ROSE SCRIV EN Born in Russia June 25, 1895. she was a Rose Mogilevkin Scriven, 80, o f Paw­ daughter of the late Benj amin and Sarah tucket. died July 17. She was the wife of (Shulkin) Siebel, and lived in Providence Eratwn Leonard W. Scriven. PATRICIA A. ROGERS for more than 74 years. The Rhode Island/ Southeast She had been the proprietor of an adver­ She leaves a son, Sydney Gurnick of CAW "f.,tl..1~./.,,.,,;., CAKES Mass. Region of Women's tising agency. She was born February 17, ORT has a membership of Cranston; a daughter, Blanche C. Berman 1899 to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mogilevkin. CAW CAKES of Warwick; three sisters, Lillian Krasner of over 700 (not 160) volunteers. Besides her husband, she leaves a sister, Annive,sary CAICES ~~~ - CAKES New Mexico, M uric! Buglio of Providence, Sophie Robinson of Riverside. and Flo Kellstein of Warwick; three CAKES llir!hday CAKES Funeral services and burial, held the grandchildren and one great-grandchild. CAKES Mold C-1:es CAKES THE WORLD following day. were private. OF Funeral services were held the fo llowing CAICES Showe, CAKfS day at the Max Sugarman Memorial CAW Woclding ltierodl CAKES FINE FOODS Chapel, with burial taking place in Lincoln Mortgage Plan By CAKES CAKES Park Cemetery. Q! CAKlS CAKES GOURMETS GALLERY Hospital Trust Bank CAKES Y- 1-ite subjects mode CAKES Many gourmets claim that the LOOKSTEIN DEAD A new graduated payment mortgage - i111o 3-ENCE. RHODE ISLAND 02908 Visit SANDY'S afford a conventional mortgage," said IIOIN:M-TIIIUFILMIAT. RESTAURANT in Plainville. Pierce Painting Fleming. 737-7218 Proudly we offer Cantor Irving Rogoff Max Sugarman Memorial Chapel assisted by the Nevele Symphonic Choir to conduct the traditional inspiring services Rhode Islan4' s only home ROSH HASHANAH ... of your family traditions and records and YOM KIPPUR Friday, September 21-Monday, October 1 331 .. 8094 458 HOPE STREET, PROVIDENCE ~ Corner Hope &. Doyle Avenue Elletwlle, ....., ~ 12428 IN FLORIDA (-305) 861-9066 . ~·- "I .; ••·~• r LEWJSJ. 8~LER, R. E. ~ . - . ~;,,hll

~- 7 I

THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1979-3 SCHWARTZ-PLACE Times, Commentary and Art Magazine. Dr. Erna Jane Schwartz, ,Alfred Werner Over the Years, he also wrote columns dea l­ daughter of Irving and Lola Dead at 68 ing with Jewish a rtists for the Je~ish Schwartz of237 Cole Avenue, NEW YORK (JTA)-Alfred Werner, an Telegraphis Agency. In additio n to his was recen 1_ly married to art.critic, poet and author, who came to the writing, Werner established himself as a lec­ Robert David Place, son of United State.~ as a refugee after being im­ turer at unive rsities and other institutions. William and Mary Place of prisoned in Dachau, died here recently at the He earned a J .D. degree in 1934 from the Northbroolc, •Illinois. age of 68. He was the author of biographies University of Vienna. Between 1949 and of ma ny renowned artists such as Chagall, 1952 he studied art at New York University. The wedding took place in Modigliani, Pascin, Max Weber and others. In 1975, he was a visiting professor at Brown University's Manning Rutgers University. Chapel, and a reception at the Arriving in the United States in 1940, Marriott Hotel followed. Werner who was born in Yienna, lived at first from support he received from Given in marriage by her programs aiding Jewish refugees. But before Mccrudden parents, the bride had Phyllis long he started to write articles for American Radiator Repair Hoffman as her maid of publications, among them The New York •Cleaning •Repairing honor. Debi Schwarzmann, •RecOl'ing Michelle Proulx, Jane Tapp, ACADEMIC INSTITUTE Jane Bouffard, and Ann Six noted Christian and B'rith's- Progra m Divi­ Place, sister of the bride, all Jewish scholars will form the sion, under the direction of se_r ved as bridesmaids. faculty for an Academic In­ Theodore Freedman, in . - stitute on "Jews, Judaism, cooperation with the univer­ Scott Place, brother of the and the Jewish-Christi an En­ sity. the Institute was made 1k bridegroom was best man. counter" August 27 througn possible in part by a grant 737-9113 Ushers - were Peter September 2. The Institute, from the Lilly Foundation. 135 West Slln It, Wnick Schwartz, brother of the the lirst of its kind in the bride, C harles Connell, Joe Midwest, will take place on Gau, Vince Wellman, and the campus of In diana Christopher Stecher. Universi ty at Bl oomington. Sponsored by the Anti­ The couple will reside in Defamation League of B'nai C hicago, Illinois. PAUL 'I FIUIT mNIE 1280 Chalkstone Ave. Notices Rhode Island's MICHAEL J. ROSSI, Fruit Basket Specialist Reg . Ph . Lie. #4 1 < Delivery Available FILM FESTIV AL-4 BETH DA YID CONCERT 121-4847 "Sallah," the fourth lilm of the Jewish The Congregation Bclh D avi d in Community Center's Summer Fi lm Narragansclt is planning 10 hold a conce rt 1288 Oaklawn Ave. Festival, will be shown on Tuesday, July 31 on Sunday, August 12. al Narragansell High Havinp A Party? at the Center. School on South Pier Road. Featured as soloists will be Cantor Carl Kritz and his Cranston, R.I. Haym Topol stars as the seemingly bum• wife . CALL bling man with a wife and seven children For the lirst time, the Congregation Beth who settles in the new state of Israel in 1949. David will be conducting services year­ RENT ALLS, The lilm features Hebrew dialogue with rou nd . Proceeds from the August 12 concert English subtitles. will make it possible for the congregation to INC. have a guest cantor a nd rabbi during its lirst OPEN SUNDAYS A discussion will follow the lilm. It will be Tables Chain Dishes celebration of the High Holidays. Tickets led by Joel Braude, senior adult activities and information may be obtained either by .c ...... '-'-la coordinator for the JCC. calling G loria Abrahms at 789-4058. or from The public is invited to the lilm and dis­ Ladd's Music Store. 725-3779 cussion. There will be a small charge for the }3itrJollS CANDIES lilm. VISITS POINT JUDITH 272-6200 One hundred members of the Golden Age Club of the Jewish Community Center were the guests of the city of Provi dence Recrea­ ·,viciier..,._,-~ .. ... CATHEDRAL OF THE PINES tion Department at Camp Cronin, Point RUSTCRAFT CARDS The 33rd annual Jewish worship services Judith on Tuesday, July 17 . A full course at \he Cathedral of the Pines in Rindge, New lish luncheon was served to all attending. A For All Hampshire, will be held at 3:00 p.m, on Sun­ feature of the day's activities was a nature Dear friends, day, August 5. Services for this year will be walk along the beach area conducted by stu­ We want to be JEWISH conducted by Rabbi Gary A. Glickstein, dents of oceanography research at the "Your Travel Agent." spiritual leader of Temple Sinai in Wor­ w Wlien you 90 ... University of Rhode Island. Joel I. Braude E y SPECIAL OCCASIONS cester, Massachusetts. Musical settings for made the arrangements for the excursion. please go 0 the liturgy will be sung by Cantor Harriet WIENER TRAVEL! u Katz, the cantorial soloist, also of Temple s R Sinai. E NAME OMITTED L WE SEU- In last week's Herald's society section, it T The Jewish Service, which annually at­ L All CRUISES was announced that Jason Kirshenbaum R tracts as many as three thousand people, is All FLIGHTS had been commissioned a second lieutenant A A one of the many services held at the All TOURS V in the United States Air Force. The notice L Cathedral throughout the summer. To date, L AU HOTELS E M01n1t Si-nai did not mention that his wife, Mrs. Karen L more than 40 different religious denomina­ AU TRAVEL Kirshenba um, is the daughter of Mr. and T ti o ns have availed themselves of the R 1\11emorial Mrs. Louis Baker of Pawtucket. A facilities of this outdoor place of worship. A We Arrange :; V Bar Mitzvah Chapel E E in N Providence College L T Dayan Favors U.S. Israel / 331-3337 Instructor Promoted Sinai Bases at Natalie R. Seigle has been promoted to Western Wall the rank of assistant professor of Business at By David Landau Cofl wifh your dotes. For 100 years ... our director, Mitchell, Providence College. Mrs. Seigle, who has been teaching at Providence College since JERUSALEM (JTA): Foreign Minister his father and grandfather. . . have served 1969, resides in Pawtucket. A 1941 graduate Moshe Dayan has suggested to the Cabinet Jewish families of Rhode Island. of Simmons College, Mrs. Seigle also holds that Israel suggest to Egypt that the U.S. Air an M.A. from URI. Force operate the three a ir bases that Israel "\Viener 1N HCft IT., l'IICIVIIIID Articles by Mrs. Seigle hadve appeared in is to vacate in Sinai under the peace treaty. 825 HOPE ST. AT FOURTH ST. numerous professional bulletins and jour­ Dayan said the Egyptians might consider, as 272-6200 nals, including the "American Business he does, that radical strategy changes in the Communications Associations Bulletin," area since the peace was signed, notably the SAVE YOUR MONEY the "Magazine of Bank Administration," fall of the Shah in Iran, might justify the U.S. BY SAVING YOUR WINDSHIELD and " Rhode Isl a nd Jewish Historical' - using the bases, with the Egyptian and Notes." Israeli air forces also using them. Ministers SMALL BREAKS AND CRACKS CAN BE REPAIRED A lifelong member of Temple Ema nu El in reacted with interest to Dayan's idea, REPLACEMENT IS NOT NECESSARY Providence, Mrs. Seigle has been active in a though many felt it would not be accepted by Average repair costs about 45.00. Many insurance companies will pay variety of civic. and charitable causes. the Egyptians. There was much bitterness, Among her activities she has served as a the full amount even if you have a deductible! We come to you! At home however, when it turned out that the idea or at work with no extra charge! Thus saving you gas and time. board member and as past president of the was leaked from the Cabinet chamber hours Ladies Association of the Jewish Home for after yesterday's weekly meeting ended. WHICH MAY RESULT IF the Aged of Rhode Island, second vice presi­ Cabinet ministers said they felt the leak AVOID LEAKSI WINDSHIELD IS REPLACED dent and membership· chairperson of the might have killed the idea before it could WILL PASS INSPECTION Rhode Island division of the American even be tested . Association of University Women, vice GUARANTEED! WILL NOT SPREAD OR CRACK AGAIN president of the American Technion Society Dayan attended his first Cabinet session u, TO 4 INCHES (R .I. chapter), member of the Academic Ad­ yesterday after his operation three weeks visory Council of the Rhode Island Jewish ago for the removal of a tumor from his in­ ":~~ 885-2642 Historical Association, and member of testine. He looked well but was still hoarse ASK FOR JOE GLICK Hadassah, the · Women's Association of from damage sustained to his vocal chords SERVING OVER t 00 AUTO DEALERS IN @r[eanf during the operation. He plans to make an Brandeis University, and the Council of RHODE ISLAND AND MASSACHUSETTS Jewish Women . ~· official vi%it to Holland the last week in July. MOBILE WORKSHOPS I

4-TIIE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY. JULY 26, 1979 From Sentimentality To Ideology Your Renascent Zionism Mon~y's Worth As The Bridge ly Sylvfa Porter

Jacob NeuSMr tiates us from one another. But what all ofus Brown Unhersity now are differentiates us from our diverse Address for the American Jewi.t fivt.: times a~ o ur community wi ll not tolerate in its midst our ti c, 10 the Stale o f lsrJcl. "c have to cnw, might be rn the 111;1 ~111 g on the..·\\ orl C of Lhc,;;c Lic.!t. in .!,Q mc mca'iurc, in .1, become .mother cno rn1 o u, hurcaucrac) . etc. and security of the Jewish State. II means. the con1ex 1 of America n ;oc1e1y and poliuc,. polll1cJI turmoil l11t Iran ln1ti.ilh. 11 , \ .t:,, Th, ._ doc, no t mean r.11i o n1n g ,, o n'( cullll." . more important, that American Jew ry con­ Thi~ i, fo r l" O rca,;o m,. 1hough1 lhJI o il C\port , " ould he ~urtJiled But ll ,, o uld ht.: 1111p o,i.: d rl'l uct,111t h. ,,1th a foronh J ,hon trnlc .•ind tor .i ,, h1lc thc1..:ut­ dcdr fea r that 11 could he .1 11 1c..,, . • cedes the State of Israel is the Jewish slate. hr~l. America n Jew:> rccc1\.c the " orld ..... Jtl . And, on lhc other side. we contemplate 1he through the ,amc medi um as other,. " h1ch h.1d," ~-. ere tr~in~llon spectacle of a siLablc group of people who ,s. thro ugh T V, lhc public pres, and o ther l.l ul ,1I lhc end nf i)cc-cmher. lrJn ,1orrcd (). \·\ a" th{·n· t'H'r an) sugge~lion b) of­ persist in calling themselves Jewish and in nc.utral medi a of commumcJllon \\ hilt e,purt111g nude oil cnt1rcl) Jntl "hen ll fk iul, in ~tuthor it) that a ,olid ~a~ ~horh1 ge seek in g to secure thcir cont111u ed and impo r­ the) arc "for lsrJel." the) Jre no t "fo, re ... u111cn•,._ upon lhl' puhlk 01111 \H' nrl'd th c,porh h) Jbout I 1111 ll 1011 hJrrcl.., ,1 J,1) tant existence as a Jewi sh community, while hracl" 111 a "a). for d rcLhOO. tern hi) nc "•' "' 1980 prc.,.1dcnt1al 1.·lcct1on c.1111p: 11 gn .... 1t hand, and cqaally profoun d wi ll 10 be what their kno" lcdgc of th e SI J IC of Israel - a, ,ccni... h1g.hh unh~cl\ th~11 the Carter \Vh 1tc they arc, whi ch is both Amcriea nsand Jews, d is1inc1 from their a11 ,1 udc, to the Stale of ccrt.11n ho" mud1 rn( ,qwld he pnlducculctt1,; captu res the ideo logical dilemma of 1, racl - fr o m lhc commo n media o r corn ­ " 1th !111,; American publi t . American Jewry. II explains, I thin k, wh y mun1ca 11 o n. T hal is wh ), for exa mple, \ , I.tr b.1ck J\ c,,rl) J:J nu ~.tr). Prci,1<.h::nt -1 he g..i" "honagc 1~ rea l. And then.: 1~ no there is no ideology of A mc ri can Jewry , that American Jews in general have never full y (.irter ha d J rpcdlcd 10 the [JU blic 10 con­ ~cn c encrg) but :Jt the clo,c of th e fir\t quar­ att empt at t h1 " date by cllhcr th 1,; industry o r is, a theory which explains 10 American Jews gra sped the G reater Land of Israel Move­ the \Vhll c Ho u~1,; to capit ..i l11 c on ii. who they are, whal they arc, and why they ment, the asp1ra11on s of Gush Emu nim. the ter of the ) car demand remained hi gh and oil !.toe~!-, were lo" . When events as unpleasant as thi~ occur, a re where a nd what they a rc. policy of creating Jewish selllcments o n there always arc so rn c peo ple who ta ke com­ For a ny such ideology whi ch ignores th e whal the American press ca lls "the Wesl It wasn 't until earl) Ma) - as recently as May! - that the sta rt of warmer weather fort from .. co nspiracy lhcories " th at assig n celebrati o n of Jewish nati onhood igno res Bank," a nd other points al which, over the blame to o ne gro up o r a nother. This is much the fa cts of America n Jewish distinctiveness. past decade, Israel i po li cy has responded 10 and lhc a rrival of the traditio nally heavy drivi ng season convinced expert s in govern ­ si mpler tha n searching for rati o nal cxrlana­ But any such ideology which leads to its fo rces and aspirations un fa mil ia r, and even lio ns fo r 1hcdevelo pme n1 , particul arly if l hc logical conclusio n in the celebratio n of in accessibl e, lo America ns in genera l, and ment and industry 1ha1 world oi l productio n woul dn '1 meel demand, and sho rtages as explanatio ns compel faci ng up to o ur own Jewish natio nhood, - that is, which affirms American Jews in pa rtic ul a r. If we repo rt respo nsi bility fo r the pro ble m. Bui the cold for American Jewry a single nationality, the that in the main American Jews want what is we ll as rising prices couldn't be avoided. By this lime. the crescendo of warnings fac l is lhal over lhe years Ameri cans have Israeli one, - is equally unserviceable. good fo r the State o f Israel but, so far as they depended heavil y o n energy - especiall y Given the powerful _ force of American kno w and care at all, arc not enthusiasti c energy impo rted fro m natio ns often nol al nationalism, moreover, an American Jewish abo ut the present go vernment's program in Cancllellghtlng all sympathetic lo o ur econo mic interests ideology which might attempt to distinguish Judea and Samaria, we repo rt a fact which is and o bjectives. the American state, encompassing diverse something quite distinct from what we state. Friday, July 27 7:15 p_m, Thus, we o urselves have helped mightily peoples or nations, from the American na­ We merely inform that our understanding of in creating the sho rtages and we oursel ves tion, or which tried to define an American this part of the world reaches us through must now unite in finding the right solu­ nationality encompassing diverse those eyes which were neutral spectacles. COMMUNITY CALENDAR SUIIDAY,_, AUQUaT___ I ti o ns. then pursuing them with our old­ "religious" groups, would be somewhat The vision of the press is not shaped by a fashio ned enthusiasm. beside the point. When, therefore, we con­ Jewish perspective. Even when reporters arc Next Week: More Q. & A. o n G as C ri sis front the unresolved dilemmas of American · Jewish, they cannot be expected to allow -c:-···--·-­TURaDAY,.,.. ,....AUGUST 7 Jewry, we understand the uncertain charac­ that fact to intervene in what they sec. Nor --••--e--._,.... ter of American Jews' relationships to the should a ny of us know what we should be ._ State of Israel. These merely arc seeing, when, as is clear, Americans of the __ WUMII.SOAY, AUOUaT I Company Asked ____1:11.-. _ symptomatic of the incapacity to discover an Jewish religion (or, one may prefer, -----­TURaDAY, AUQUaT H American Jewish ideology, which makes Americans of the Jewish ethnic subdivision) To Boycott Israel sense of both ourselves and our world. The grasp a world laid forth through essentially ---.:c~-...,....,.. Y, AUGUaT n 1j consequence is a community based upon undifferentiated, therefore by definition un­ ...... , TORONTO (JTA): Due to the jurisdic­ sentimentality, not intellect and mature self­ Jewish, angles of vision. ._ ...... tional and political divisions that exist in I ______1:11...-. Canada, a major telephone equipment com­ undcrstanding. Second, if American Jews receive the ------We shall understand ourselves best. I world as do other Americans, it also is true -•T- _,.... pany may be able to slip through a contract think, only if we, take seriously the power of that American Jews have no choice. For •-AY,MNIUITN with an Arab power that contains an anti­ American nationality and American culture they, their parents, their grandpar.ents, and _,.... Israel clause stipulating " no commercial and realize that we Jews, as always, in all our on backward, know no other world. What ------­...., .. ,...... =:..~.<~ ff relations with Israel and no branches or specificity point to more than ourselves. this means is that their sense of, their agencies in Israel." Northern Telecom, the When American Jews come to the State of response to, the State of Israel is shaped by ·-----_,.... largest telephone equipment suppliers in -~~=-- Canada and the supplier to Bell Canada, is Israel, they discover not their Jewishness but their sense of themselves as Jews - and not -Y,AUQUITN their Americanness. That means that for contrariwise. They are Jews in the concrete .,...... ,_ ...... considering supplying equipment to the ___ Emirates Telecommunications Corp, Ltd. American Jews, Jewishness is a mode and a setting ·of their home towns and cities, and; ------·-­ as I have already implied, the meaning of the measure of their Americanness. It is ·what The bidding form for the contract con­ fact that they are Jews is important prin­ makes them distinctive and different tains a boycott clause and one official of the cipally in that local context, where they live. specifically in the context of American firm, Dick Wertheim, has told the press the They have little sense of forminvart of an nationality and American culture. But it has company is considering the contract though international people of long and proud past, now become clear in the public press that the he "could not answer as to what route we except so far as they are the branch or rem­ same is to be said of other American com­ might find to satisfy the boycott clause." A nant of that, ancient past in Wichita or munities and subgroups. The Polish­ second official, Roy Cottier, the vice presi­ Duluth, a neighborhood of New York or a American of the third generation is proud of dent of corporate relations, said the com­ suburb of Cleveland, Toronto, Montreal, or John Paul 11, but has not got the slightest in­ ..!!~-::r.-+.1:::... pany would not honor a clause like that. Chicago. For America is not only an in­ KATfUart HM1' ..._ tention of moving back to Cracow. The MTHUl-«WICM,,_,_..._ "We do not break the law," Italian-American of the third generation tensely nationalistic society. It also is a MAIL»IG ADDIISSc a. '°61, ...... __, I .I. 02940 speaks some broken Italian and follows remarkably diverse and deeply provincial ,.,._. 1401) ...... , However, the law, or rather laws, arc un­ what happens in the homeland, but in Italy is one. Local loyalties and regional traits are _ PUNt, ...... w.,. elf ...... It., ...... u. 02161 clear. The Province of Ontario has a full­ OIRCI:_a- 172 ,__.______....., ...... _, I.I. 02t1• _ perceived, and perceives himself and herself, preserved not only by distance and historical dress anti-boycott law categorically for­ as American. American blacks in Africa arc circumstance but also by choice, by what bidding companies in the Province to agree AmcriC/ln, All of us turn out to be strangers makes people, feel comfortable. Indeed, =~·=-=-...!,-=~tt;.-::!!~.a:.-=...... to curtail trade with Israel in return for do­ at hOII\C- These obvious facts mean that given the cultural diversity of the Jewish - _,. __ ing business with Arab states. The federal what a~ of us once were - which is, Jews community, given its class divisions, which -::..":;""I..=.:.,~..:.,... -"'"---...... --- ':t!.·::. government of Canada was abo"ilt--to pass from such and such a place in Europe, the run very deep, given its severe tensions about ...... ,..__,,,, .... .,,....,....en.__,.,..., ...... n-= __ wll such a law recently when the general elec­ Middlc', East, or North Africa, or Italians matters of religion and self-understanding, tions intervened. What is on its books now fMTNCW •• _ from the South of Italy or from Sicily, blacks politics and public policy, given the diversity is only a requirement for firms to report re­ from thl: tribes of Africa's west coast, or THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1979 quests to agree to such boycott clauses with Poles frbm this district or that - diffcrcn- (Continued on page 10) no serious sanctions attached. i I .. ____ --- - )

Jakobovits Warns Against 'Holocaust Mentality' GENEVA (JTA): A sharp critique of jected it not as a sanctuary. attracting Jews present Jewish priorities and concerns was by its holiness, but primarily as an asylum expressed by Dr. Immanuel Jakobovits,. for the homeless, a haven of security for Jews FINE FRENCH COOKING Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth, in danger. And once it can no longer offer who has warned against "breeding a this security, the attraction is vitiated and Holocaust mentality" and emphasizing the the supporters are liable to be disenchan­ survival of Jews over the survival of ted," Jakobovits said. Judaism. Jak·obovits spoke on "a cultural Situatioe Of So,iet Jews prospectus for the '80s" at the annual He cited the situation of Soviet Jews as an meeting of the Board of Trustees o( the example, recalling that on his return from a New Knesset Faction Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture· visit to the USSR several years ago he was a A new Knesset faction , held here earlier this month. He urged the target of abuse for advocating adding '" Let " Banai," which consists of 99 Hope Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02906 Foundation to undertake a global and my people live' to the slogan 'Let my people Likud rebels Gcula Cohen historic review of its tasks. go,' convinced that if we did not work hard (401) 751 -8890 and Moshe Shamir, has been He said it should sec the Holocaust, for at the regeneration of some Jewish life inside formed. The two said they lunch, Tues.-Fri. 11 ,30 a .m.-2,30 p .m. Closed Monday example, not as a reason for. perpetual Russia and among the emigrants as soon as would be " the only real op­ they left Russia, the wells of Soviet aliya despair but as a goad to affirmative Jewish position," constantly attack­ Dinner, Sun.-Thurs. 5 p .m.-9 p.m. Fri. -Sot. 5 p .m.-11 p .m. living in order to assure the survival of would dry up for lack of Jewish idealism." ing what they regard as the Judaism. He said he regretted that Zionism Jakobovits noted that "Now, with 70 per­ "disastrous policies" of the had set itself too limited a goal. The creation cent or more of Russia n emigrants opting Begin government and striv­ of a Jewish State to secure the survival of for settlement in other countries because ing to ensure Israel's retention Jews is not enough; Israel must aspire to they were not induced to seek a Jewish life, of, and settlement in. all parts become a state exemplifying the survival of the abuse has given way to consternation of Eretz Israel. Judaism through the realization of the . . What have we achieved by bringing noblest Jewish virtues in the prophetic tradi­ them out if, as a result, they will be even less PANACHE Bombs Explode tion, the British Chief Rabbi said. conscious of being Jews than they were JERUSALEM (JTA): Two "Would it not be a catastrophic perver­ before?" he asked. COCKTAILS, LUNCH, ANO THEN SOME • .. , bombs exploded last Thurs­ Jakobovits said that Zionism has failed to sion of the Jewish spirit if brooding over the day afternoon in a shop in realize one of its primary goals. "By creating Holocaust were to become a substantial cle­ downtown Jerusalem causing SERVING QUICHE, CASSEIIOlE, SALAD a national bastion of Jewish life, the Zionist ment in the Jewish purpose and if the anxiety heavy damage but no inj uries. AND DESSEIT SPECIALS idea was to fortify the ramparts of Jewish to prevent another Holocaust were to be Police placed roadblocks in pride and belonging against the tide of drift relied upon as an essential incentive to the area and conducted a wide FREE PAIIKING FOR OUII and defection. Nothing like this has hap­ Jewish activity?" he asked. "The slogan search. 'Never Again,' now so popular, is a poor pened," the C hief Rabbi observed. "We now CUSTOMEIS ON CANAi. ST. substitute for pur.poseful Jewish living as a sustain more casualties by assimilation and ALAN SHAWN FEIN ­ potent driving force to promote Jewish intermarriage in the free world than through STEIN & Assoc., with a 1h 30 A.M.- 1-00 A.M. MON.-flll. 6 ,.M.-1 A.M. SAT.-SUN. vitality." persecution, war or terror in the whole donation of S420. topped the Continuing, Jakobovits said: " We exist world." list of donors to the Journal­ not in order to prevent our own destruction, Bulletin Summrrtimr Fund on 1RII l'c,fffH MAIN aTAEET hut to advance our special assignment, em­ PR(JVIOENCE. RHOOE ISLANO _oaaoe Kole! students in finding better paying July 19th. The fund is far bodying the ageless values which arc our below the S60,000 needed to national raison d'etre. We must shift the careers in order to support their husbands 331-2660 and families. In this way , many graduate stu­ send needy children to sum ­ current emphasis on the survival of Jews to mer day camps. the survival of Judaism. For without dents who would be forced to abandon Judaism, Jewish s urvival is both their studies in order to obtain more lucrative employment. arc able to continue questionable and meaningless." THE CONCORD HOTEL He observed, in that connection, that their careers in Jewish education and com­ tS Honored 1o Prese-nl "instead of making and holding up Israel as munal affairs. TME 1978 the only country in the world where one can Project COPE also aims to _retrai n and NOBEL LAUREATE live a fully Jewish life, our propaganda - place Orthodox Jews, often supporting large whether for fund-raising or aliya - has pro- families, who arc employed in low paying jobs often within the Jewish educational 'JMAC 1nflatiO n Hits system. Orthodox Jews maintaining un­ profitable small businesses and professional 'BAS~ Orthodox Jobless practices will also benefit from Project COPE's emphasis on retraining and career By Judith R- guidance. NEW YORK(JT A): Orthodox Jews com­ ~~£~I\, SIMON WEBER pleting the Kole! (post-graduate yeshiva In summarizing the findings of the study, Editor of the Jewish Daily Forward study) are among those hardest hit by risi ng the COPE statement concluded, "Because Flnt Day ol Rosh Hashanah 5740 in nation in the New York area. In a recently Jewish poverty and unemployment is not Sat. Sept. 22, 2:45 P.M. completed study by Project COPE, the concentrated in self-contained communiti es career guidance and job training agency of as is the case with other ethnic groups, the ROSH HASHANAH Agudath Israel of America, Orthodox Jews enormity of the problem is not easily visi­ and YOM KIPPUR ble. However, the sum total of dozens of were found to be unable to take advantage of I Fri. Sept. 21-Mon. Oct. 1 new jobs opening in management and isolated pockets docs make for an enor­ related fields because the entry level salary mous problem. The future direction of Cantor did not meet subsistence level living require­ COPE's plans and programs will in large Herman Malamood ments. measure ai m at dea ling with this problem AsStsled by the In an interview with the Jewish area." Concord International Choir win ofHciate for the Inspiring Servjces Telegraphic Agency, .R abbi Menachem Lubinsky, director of Project COPE, said Weizman Meets With West Bank Mayors Rabbi Simon Cohen and that a typical entry level salary ofS 13,000 for JERUSAL E M (JTA) - Defen se Rabbi Solomon Saphier supervise the adherence a family of four is "far below" that needed to Minister Ezer Weizman has told West Bank to Dietary Cuisine maintain basic living expenses. Lubinsky Mayors Tuesday that he would not object to added that his agency has opened a special their receiving funds from Arab slates - desk to deal with the hardship cases. The provided those funds went towards special desk is run by Rabbi Moshe "positive" municipal purposes and provided Bornstein, who will work with the' es­ the Military Government gave its approval timated 100 unemployed Orthodox Jews each time. Weizman made the point in con­ throughout the metropolitan area who have versations with the Mayors of Bethlehem registered so far. Bornstein, who faced ·and nearby Bet-Sahur and Bet-Jallah, dur­ sim ilar problems in his own career direc­ ing a tour of Judaea. Weizman, who is TWX 510-240-8336 tion, will attempt to place these unem­ responsible for the military administration, Counse!or-S upervised Day Camp Baby ployed in suitable jobs and retrain others to also visited Hebron, meeting with Mayor Slllcrs Available N1te Patrol Teen Ac l1v1hes meet the deman

RICO'S RESTAURANT GREGORYS 588 Warwick Avenue, Warwick 1500 Oaklawn Ave., CraMton 463-6112 467-8901 Specializing in fresh seafood doily and fine Italian food. Now Mrving cocktails. Open 11 :30 to 10 p.m., closed Mondays. Good food at Serving luncheons and dinner daily. reosonoble prices. ~:::::::;;;;::;::::::::::::::::::::::~ ~:.-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_ -_-_-_ -_-_ -_-_ -_ -_-_-_ -_-_-_ -_ -_ -_ -- ..J- oflrGRIST MIU TAVERN ( 390 Fall River Ave:,. Rte. 114A, Seekonk, Man. ·JIMMY'S on Washington ;,36-8460 70 WashinAton St., Providence - 351-2332 The historic Grist Mill built in 1745 on the Runnin1 River is now or'le of CION ,;o.l ~..J THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1979-7 Ledgernont Country Club

8111 a Arlene ...,.,, Shirley a Phll Mac:tu Jamn a Eatelle Siegal, Shirley a Ralph Rotkln

1979 Annual Twilite League Tournament

On July 17, 1979, the mixed Twilite League met lo, the opening of its annual golf tournament at the Ledgemont Country Club in Seelconlc . The Twilite League's 96 members teed off at 4:00 Tuesday afternoon, with a party of lour at each hole. The annual event is a Couples Tournament, consisting of six teams, with eight couples to a team. The match will continue lor six weeks in a series of playoffs.

Ralph J. Rotldn, Chairman Lillian Zarum, Secretary Richard a Linda Mittleman, Hy Lepes, Claire Freedman

[N Bernice Levine a Joe Sholovltz, Loulae a Sam MIiier

'::t~i Benjamin a Ruth Bloom, Claire a llciMJ l




'r ·.,. I, ,..er, ..... ,.,, ,· e,,, H-,,,.."~-.,,~ ' c°'-o,,, H~ Le.w,, C

PHOTOS BY HANK RANDALL \ 10 THE RHOUE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1979 A - At your age, I would have reserva­ tions about purchasing municipal bonds Zionism since they offer no growth potential. In ad­ * (Continued from page 4) dition, in less than SI0,000 lots, you pay a SUCCESSFUL premium to buy them, ·while sale prior to o f its Jewish experience and commitmen maturity is equall y costl y. What you should fr om total to minimal - given all this, Y be aiming fo r is a portfolio of growing must be amazed that there is any consens1 equity investments. of any thing at all . Yet there is, and it is o INVESTING onl y one thing, and that is where I began, tt The tax liability can be moderated by agreement that to be an Ameri can Jew is t DAVID R. SARGENT choosing stocks that pay part or all of their be " fo r Israel," but not to be so very muc dividends in stock. Stock dividends are "for Israel" that o ne actually migrates to th generall y not taxable as income as long as State of Israel fo r good. BUSINESS OWNER SEEKS N EW Inherited Stocks Okay For Widow the shareholder is not given the option of RETIREMENT PLAN Q: I am a recent widow and would like taking cash in place of stock. This does not Clearly, much is wrong wi th the vagu, Q - I am a 45-year-old part owner of two your opinion on two stocks which bad been mean that Uncle Sam ignores this source of consensus, the shared sentimentality, whicl businesses. Most of my net worth consists of owned by my husband. Are Bendix Corp. tax revenue forever. When these shares ac­ su bstitutes fo r a mature ideology o business and residential equity. I also have an (NYSE) and Southwest Gas (OTC) worth quired as dividends are sold . yo u are taxed Ameri can Jewry. For one thing. senti men­ individual retirement account (IRA) and keeping? F.W. California on the capital gain. Because your cost basis tality lacks the power to define and securt moderate savings. What do you suggest for A: Your husband's stock choices are also is zero on stock dividends. their entire sale consistent policy. For another. since·it rest! an additional conser vative retirement appropriate holdings for you. Bendix has a price is a gain. However. only 40% of that on how one feels, sentimentality does not program, something suitable for fairl y small finger in several different industrial pies - gain is taxable. Cash recei ved in lieu of a turn in divid uals : int o a co mm un ity , or monthly increments? H.J. Georgia automotive parts, aerospace, building, fractional share is taxable as income. private persons into citizens. T here is. in­ fo rest products and industrial tools. Its per­ deed . no sense whatsoever of citizenship of. A - There are a couple of valuable op­ Two good growth issues which regu la rl y formance is closely tied to the business or in , an American Jewish community . No ti ons avail able through your companies - pay stock dividends are Louisana-Pacific tempo, reflecting the cxclical nature of these one res ponds to the claim . fo r example, that providing yo ur partner(s) agree. You could and Southland Corp .. both on the New operations. While some of these activities. we have everyday. annual respo nsibilities lo establish a Keogh plan that would allow York Stock Exchange. The fo rmer com­ namely, auto parts and bui lding, have carry out together. responsibili ties which much larger tax deductible and sheltered pany paid 3% in March (2% was paid in begun to slow down. the aerospace business impose their taxes in the fo rm of contribu­ contributions tha n an I RA pla n permits. is still ru nning at a good clip. Earnings for previous years) and pays 15c a share cash However, pl ease noteplease note tha t quarterly. This forest products company tions. The UJA and ot her fund-co ll ecting the year to end September 30 should be in agencies succeed by appeals lo motives other Keogh rules require that all employees also the S6 .75-a-share range. up from S5 .74 in has been an active participant in the ac­ participate on an equal percentage basis. than responsibil ity. citizenship, co ll ecti ve fiscal I 978; thus a dividend boost is a quisition arena. A chain of California building material centers was purchased tasks. the common good, and the public in­ Alternatively, yo u could incorporate the reasonable expectation later this year. The from Lo ne Star Industries for $32 mi ll ion . terest. It is not to criticize the UJA and the businesses and esta bl ish a corpo rate pen­ current 6.4% yield is attractive and Bendix This gives L- P another outlet for sale of its Federatio ns lo observe that they do not ap­ sion plan. Again , all employees would have shoul d be held. lumber production. Earnings should ad­ peal to a public interest but onl y to shared to be able to participate in order for the Sout hwest Gas Corp. shares have been vance to S3 . I 5 or so this year from S2 .8 3 a fears of fan tasies. The fact is that a com­ plan to recei ve favorable tax treatment. acti ng we ll in the stock market, along wi th mun ity as regional. as diverse, as divided. as share in 1978 . those of other natural gas distributors. our own has no cho ice but to reach out to the T here are several other possibilities out­ Although I 978 ea rn ings were down. two Southland operates the well-known chain lowest common denomin ator. That is . a important rate hikes granted late in the year side your businesses. Real estate is one. Its of 7-Eleven convenience stores . At the end generalized sentim en t that we are "fo r appeal incl udes leverage (small down pay­ had a significant impact on first-quarter of March . Southland had close to 7.000 Is rael,·· a n a p peal lo "history-a nd ­ men t) plus importa nt tax ded uction results. Reve nues were up 42% and net in­ o utlets operating and another 300 we re un­ peoplchood" lacking a ll philosophical fea tures. However, ex pert management is come rose 57% year to year. The dividend der construction. Ea rnings for the year clarity. needed in this area. T his means hiring was boosted 6% to SI.JO a share annuall) should be about $3 .20 a share. up fr o m someone unless you happen to qualify . for the cu rrent yield of over 9%. Decontrol S2 .74 in 1978. The cash dividend was If that is the case, then if we hope to of natu ral gas prices has eased supplies. and boosted 17% in June to 2 1c quarterly. An reform and rebuild a com mun ity w·o rt hy of Municipal bond funds, wh_ich you men­ di stributors arc once aga in in a position to annual stock dividend of 3% has usually the name, we have to take that lowest com­ tioned, are certainly appropriate fo r add new customers. Hold So uthwest Gas been di stributed in September. The pop­ mo n denom in ator and build on that. someone in yo ur indicated tax bracket. for its generous income and gradual ap­ ularity of the neig hborh ood convenience Clea rl y. to formu late a Zionist th eory of They are suitable for small monthly invest­ preciation potential. store can onl y be bo lstered b) the energy American Jewry. one wi ll construct on the ments and income is exempt from Federal To R. F. California: The last trade price I si tu ation. Bu y. basis of what must, al its fo undations. be tax. However, mu nicipal bond interest is was able lo find on American Hydrocarbon subject to income taxes in most states, in­ declared a profound ly Zioni st attitude, if not was year-end 1978 at 25c a share. Sherwood Bo th companies have di vidend reinvest­ cluding Georgia. Interest on locall y issued of mi nd, at least of heart and soul. If. as at Secu rities of Jersey City, NJ was the market ment plans. givi ng you anot~er means of obligations is exempted in most states . Babel, fo r mo rt ar all we have is mud, then maker. The oil company's address is 3530 building yo ur stock portfolio. Eac h one that is what we sha ll use for mortar. It is Deferred annuities. which you also men­ Forest Lane. Suite 98. Dall as. TX 75234. allows vo lu ntary cash cont ributions to be enough. And the bric ks are abundant: the ti o ned, offer tax advantages. Nevertheless. Q: Would you recommend a couple energy added to the dividends for investment. people is there. their prime drawback - limited fin ancial stocks for long-term growth? D.D. Arizona While there is a bank and brokerage fee fo r fl exibility - is a major negati ve considera­ A: One company wit h both oi l and coal the Louisiana- Pacific plan. Southl and a b­ ti on. Also, premature withdrawal often in­ interests is Continental Oil (NYSE). Its sorbs all costs associated with its automatic volves substantial penalties. operations are pri marily centered in the stock purchase plan. Goldwater Raps Oil U.S. Increased demand and higher prices Don't overlook common stocks in mak­ fo r its petroleum products should push Pledge To Israel ing your choice. Buying shares graduall y is earnings up about 25% this year to S5.40 a lnBank Manager ' a sound way to build retirement income and sha re. With its diverse energy base, Con­ WASHI NGTON (JT A): As gasoline I offset the impact of inflation. You should oco's long-term prospects are good. Lower­ Named prices went up 40 percent in Israel , the concentrate on high quality growth issues priced Pogo Producing (NYSE) is also a Senate was told the United States should \ whose yield is low (because most of the ear­ promising buy albeit more speculative. Jo-Ann R. Jayne has been appointed refrain from ·commitments on supplying oil nings are being retained · fo r expansion). Most of its petroleum operations are con­ manager of Indust rial National Bank 's abroad as it is committed to Israel. Di vidends of many leading companies can ducted in the G ulf of Mexico, although Hope Street office, 8 14 Hope Street. Her ap­ Sen. Barry Goldwater (R. Ari z.) raised the be "automatically" reinvested to increase some acti vities are carried on in other parts poin tment was announced July 19 by Henry matter o f the Carter Administration's com­ long- term portfolio values. of the U.S. and the North Sea. An increase A. Kowalski , Jr., vice president in charge of mitment to Israel in a fl oor speech in which in earnings this year to about $ 1.75 fro m the bank's Providence region. Q - Would you advise an investor to buy he set fo rth a report that noted the National $1.37 a share last year is estimated . Pogo is Association of Arab-Ameri cans are fi ghting \ 200 shares of a low-priced SS stock or to in­ placing increasing emphasis on onshore ex­ Before coming to In Bank in April, Miss vest his S 1,000 in 20 shares of a $50 stock? Jayne held positions wi th Old Stone Bank. the commitment and ti ed part of its opposi­ I ploration, which carries less risk and lower tion to Jewish settlements on the West Bank I C. D. Illinois costs than offshore drilling. She also has been an office manager wi th U ni ted Merchants and Manufacturers, Inc. and Gaza Strip. I A - There are few price bargains on i Wall Street. A very low stock price is STOCK DIVIDENDS TAX-FA VO RED i usually an indication that a company's Q - My wife and I are in our early 30s, I prospects aren't too appealing. Often the and we earn over $50,000 between us. We are Plea Made to Determine I earnings and dividend record is erratic and in our company savings plan and also add to I the current financial situation shaky. two stocks through reinvestment plans. We I strongly advise sticking to good quality have about $2,500 extra each year that we Wallenberg's Fate higher prices issues. A sound choice in the would like to invest, but in something that is By Maurice Samuelson Following the latest Soviet rebuff, Swedish S50 category is broadly diversified General partly tax free. Should we buy municipal bonds? W. K., F1orida LONDON (JTA) - The United States Foreign Minister Hans Blix promised to Electric (NYSE). will again be asked this week to tackle the investigate every new clue to Wallenberg's Russians over the baffling and tragic case of fate. He said it was a basic principle of the Emergency Clinic Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat, Swedish government to assume that missing Petrodiplomacy whom the Swedish government has been citizens were alive until it tho ught it had in Arab Sector * trying to trace for more than 30 years. strong evidence that they were dead, adding: ( Continued from page I) Mrs. Nina Lagergren, Wallenberg's half. "We must not give up." TEL A VIV (JT A)- Magen David Adorn sister, will meet politicians in Washington desire of some in the West to appease the Mr.s. Lagergren is appealing to the United (MDA) Israel's Red Cross Service, recently and ask them to check reports that her Arab oil producers, he said. States not only beca use it is a world power announced the opening of the first MDA brother, who would be 67 in August, became He pointed out that Americans as a whole but because Wallenberg's war-time mission Medical Emergency Clinic (MEC) in the a forgotten political prisoner in the labor have not blamed Israel or Jews for the gas to rescue Jews in Hungary was undertaken Arab sector, serving the villages of Arabe, camps or mental hospitals of the "Gulag lines. They b'lamed the oil companies or the al the request of President Roosevelt. Sahnen and Dir-Hana and the local Bedou­ Organization of Petroleum Exporting Archipelago" after saving thousands of ins, in central Galilee. The MEC.is admin­ Countries (OPEC). But Perlmutter said a Hungarian Jews from the Nazis in 1944. The main support in the campaign for istered by an elected executive committee, situation could arise where, due to the in­ Wallenberg was kidnapped by the Rus­ Wallenberg has come from individuals. In which includes several local Arab commu­ fluence of Arab propaganda, Americans sians in Budapest in January 1945, and Washington, a former. Hungarian Jewish nity leaders, and the committee is already could begin calling for a "PLO state" as a despite a sketchy Soviet claim that he died in couple, Dr. Thomas Lantos and his wife hoping for additional assistance and ambu­ means of assuring a steady supply of -oil, as the Lubyanka Prison in 1947, streams of Annette, have lobbied r ongressmen and the lances, to enable the clinic to develop arid some in Europe are already doing. prisoners have testified to seeing or hearing press for nearly two years. In London, expand its services to meet the area's needs. This is why, Perlmutter said, American of him years later. Last December a Moscow support has been offered by MP Greville The M DA hopes to provide this increased Jews must support efforts to conserve Jew, Jan Kaplan, was rearrested after claim­ Janner and MP Winston Churchill who have aid to the new MED and expects that it will energy, to find additional oil and to use ing he met a long-term Swedish prisoner in launched a parliamentary committee. In serve as a model for future MDA Emergency other sources of energy, develop synthetic .the Butyrka Prison four years ago, and who . Vienna, Simon Wiesenthal hosted a 'press Clinics in the Arab sector. ln'operation for oil and take other steps so the West does not could conceivably be Wallenberg. conferene last mo nth for Wallenberg's half. only two months, emergency treatment at become "hostage to the endless greed of the "We Must Not Give Up" brother, Prof. Guy von Dardel, a nuclear Although some Swedish students of the the M EC has already been credited with oil sheikhs." American Jews should be urg­ - physicist. While fully aware that Wallen berg case accept the Russian version, neither saving at least one life and its ambulances ing the President, their Senators and their may no longer be alive, his family insists that Wallenberg's close relatives nor the present have responded to marly calls, including Congressmen to take this action, Perlmutter the onus is on the Soviet Union to reveal the Swedish government are prepared to do so. road accidents artd ne"." .birth s. declared. ~ ' · · - t1'\lth about his f ate'. 3 -=

THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1979-11 Special Interview Pope Interested In Honoring Korezak Alexandria's Jewish Community NEW YORK (JTA) Pope John Paul II has assured the Anti-Defamation of By Gil Sedan morning he meets in a coffee house with a Danon observes the scene from afar, froin League B' nai B'rith and the Polish-American ALEXANDRIA (JTA); A little old man group of pensioners and cracks jokes. In the the point of view of a Jew who has lived with with clear blue eyes interrupted the flow of evening he goes to the French Cultural Cen­ Arabs most of his life. Yes, he would like to Catholic Committee of his "special interest conversation suddenly and asked: "ls there a ter. He is also a member of the Attalier a come to Jerusalem, visit the family, see the and support" for their joint project to honor the martyred Polish-Jewish humanitarian, way to bring Jews here?" center ·for artists and writers. He him~lf city he was born ii - but he would not stay. wrote three books in French. "I feel as a He feels like a foreigner. But he wants to stay Janusz Korczak, it was ann9unced by Max­ For a moment it seemed as if he was jok­ foreigner," he admits, after almost 55 years m Alexandria. His only real concern is the well E. Greenberg, the AOL's national ing. Sitting at the quiet Eliahu Hana via Syn­ m Egypt. " We have a quiet peaceful life community, what will become of the com­ chairman. agogue shortly after Premier Menachem here," said Clement R. Setton, president of munity" Officials of the ADL, the Polish­ Begin held the mincha prayer last week, one the Jewish community. " But it is boring. We Danon walkrwith me out of the syn­ American Congress, the American Council might have expected a different question, feel too alone, too separated from the Jewish agogue. and I ask him to pose for a of Polish Cultural Clubs and the North about prospects of allowing the 250 Jews of world." · photograph. At first he refuses. " I am not American Study Cent.er for Polish Affairs Alexandria to immigrate to Israel or at least Wa,es Of Emigration photogenic." Then he poses, for the record. met with the Pope to anno unce the establish­ come for a visit. But the main concern of Elli , The Jewish community of Alexandria a linle old man, with lively blue eyes. a sym­ ment of an international Janusz Korczak Danon, 75, was the future of the Jewish com­ used to be one of tt,e more nourishing Jewish bo l of a once great community that is slowly Litera ry Prize for children's books A physi­ munity in Alexandria. He wants it to survive communities outside of Israel. Jews first set­ disappearing. cian. educator and pioneer in child welfare, after him, but he can see plainly that it is tled in Alexandria at the beginning of the Ko rczak though offered refuge for himself slowly dying. Third Century B.C. E ., according to in August. 1942, chose to perish in the Treblinka concentration camp with children The Jews of Alexandria do not suffer, Josephus Flavius, in the time of Alexander Shcharansky's from his orphanage. rather than abandon neither from the government nor from their the Great. They have always been a driving them . Arab neighbors, said Danon. is time that force behind the city's economy, which as It Eyesight Describing Korcza k as a "rare huma n be­ is thei'r worst enemy. The rabbi is almost 90, the country's main seaport, was based on ing.'' the Pope told the 14-member group "and he .is not of much use. We have to ac­ trade with the outside world. NEW YORK (JTA): An urgent appea l has been made to the International Commit­ assembled in his private study that " he was a cept him, as they say in French, for the But in recent times the Jewi sh community worthy symbol o f the work of brotherhood mieux" - the time being. tee of the Red Cross in Geneva. Switzerland. suffered three waves of departures. On the to intercede on behalf of an imprisoned you are undertaking." Danon describes himself as a " Yorn Kip­ outbreak of Israel's Wa r of Independence in Soviet Jew, Anatoly Shcharansky. who is According to Natha n Perlmuner. AOL's pur Jew." Although he is one of the six mem­ 1948, relatio ns with the Arabs worsened. reported to be in da nger of losing his national director. the prize. an annual event. bers of the local Council, he does not care Several Jews were placed in detention camps eyesight in Chistopol Prison. will be presented in two categories - the much for religious ceremonies. When this and there were several assaults on the Jewish Hans Morgenthau . chairman of the fi rst for literary works wrilten fo r children. reporter called up his sister, Bekki Nahmias. community by the local populati on. A bomb Academic Commiltee on Soviet Jewry. a nd another prize fo r a book written about in Jerusalem, to pass his regards, she asked, was thrown into a synagogue in July I 951. urged in a telegram to Dr. Alexandre Hay. children but writlen for adults. " We think astonished: "Are you su re it was my Many left for Israel. When President Gamal president of the international body. that the this a filling tribute 10 an ex traordinary man brother" You met him at a synagogue?" Abdel Nasser assumed power in February Red Cross immediately see k to "assure ade­ who sci up the first Jewish orphanage in his 19 54. many Jews were arrested on charges of quate medical care" for Shcharansky. whose nati ve Warsaw and was co-founder of a non­ Danon came to Alexandria in 1925 to Zionism. Com munism a nd cu rrency arrest last year elicited the personal interces­ Jewish home fo r orpha ns." Permutler said. work as a coun sel on the Court of Inter­ smuggling. sion of Presi dent Carter. Morgcnthau "And a ll of us are gratified at the Pope's national Justice of the League of Nations. pointed out that Shcharansky "has been suf­ enthusiasm fo r our project." After the Sinai campaign in 1956, there Now he lives on his pension, alone in an ferin g severe headaches a nd pai n in his eyes. was a large exodus of Egyptian Jews. The Shcha ransky trial of July 14. 1978, " un­ eight-room apartment in downtown Alexan­ yet is denied access to medical treatment by 1960 census showed only 2760 Jews in Alex­ favorably" to the "infamous Dreyfus case" dria. A bachelor. he has no fami ly in Egypt. Soviet prison authorities ... a ndria of a community that once numbered in France. It declares in part: He does not hold Egyptian citizenship but Dr. Harris Schoenberg, secreta ry of the 100,000 Jews. After the Six-Day War about " As in the Dreyfus case. anti-Semitism says he has no purpose in leaving the coun­ Academic Co mm ittee . n o ted th at 350 Jews, including Chief Rabbi Nafusi. was joined to absurd all egations of treason. try. He is happy here with his friends, none Shcharansky's mother has warned that he is were interned in the Abu Za'Bal detention Th.ere was one difference. At least Dreyfus of them Arabs. in danger of losing his eyesight unless he camp. known for its severe conditions. enJo yed the benefit of a vigorous defense at­ receives prompt treatrn<:nt. " It would be " I am the only Jew in the building. When I Today there arc only 100 men and I 50 torney. Shcharansky was refused counsel of criminal 10 all ow this brilliant young man to first moved in they were all Europeans but women ; many of the men married non­ his own choice. His legal rights under Soviet go blind because he courageously withstood they have slowly moved out and now all my Jewish women. "There is no Jewish life law were in fact violated before, during, and Soviet atlempts to rob him of his Jewish neighbors, as well as the landlord are Arabs. here." said Danon. "Even th ough I am a after his tria l. .. identi ty and fundamental human ri ghts." My landlord li ves on the third noor. Once a member of the Council . I come here every Referring to the appeal, Morgenthau Meanwhile, Morgenthau disclosed that ytar I go up to him , pay my rent in advance, fortnight." The benches in the synagogue added that "whatever happens in U.S.­ an "appeal fo r freedom" for Shcharansky and that's it." arc marked with the names of members of USSR relations, the issue of freedom for Mr. and all other Soviet Prisoners of Conscience His friends are either Jews. Italians or th e community. Each Jew has his own scat. Shcharansky a nd other Soviet Prisoners of had been sig ned by over 300 educators. The Greeks, remnants of the large European but they hardl y ever occupy it. Danon Cons.cience remains urgent as long as the appeal. he said. sponsored by the mem bers community that used to live in Egypt. In the carefully avoided any polit ica l comments. policies of the Soviet Uni on remain wh at oft he Academic Commitlce on Soviet Jewry they are." He defi ned these policies as "ant i­ wh ose na mes a ppear. compares t he Scmilism and violations of elementary civil NOW IS THE TIME TO PLAN liberties." Summer Showcase-FRANKIE LAINE YOUR WINTER VACATION!!! NIPSEY RUSSELL• PAT COOPER BOOK EARLY FOR CHOICE OF ACCOMMODATIONS AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT Call us at 831-5200 Ou, /al'fl• qualified staff will be happy to moire you, Bring the ch ildren this summer. Stay a ,-,,------­ travel arrane-nn anywlie,e in tfte world. week (or longer) and your first child , 10 yrs. or younger, e,ting 1n Jr. dining room & sharin g your room is FREE . If ~our first child, up to 18 yrs. old, eau in main dining room , you pay only h1lf-oric1. MIDWEEK GOLF PACKAGES ..,_,,___ __ ...... , (Sun.-Fri., Any 5 Davs. 4 Nights) From 1131 to $117 Ptr Pers., Obi. 0cc . Full Amtrican Pfan , Private Bath . {Other Packages Availtbltl

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plistic to be taken in the serious light in . ~--~~-. which they were written. " I,, Witness a quatrain called Foliage: •V ·.\. '\., . .,,, .. 1 How swiftly pass tire fleeting days ' :.;! \·. • . From summer's sun to Autumn haze. - --- ·.;_. BOOl(S And as we wait no w f or the Fall, _: ~ ~ We gaze in wonder at it all.

The thought is pleasa nt, the iambic meter WltettM-,,C­ need to discover some mooring for his up­ nows nawlessly. but unless you saw what by Saul F ricdlandcr rooted life. It was not until after the war, Waldman saw when he wrote it, or thought ( Farrar, Straus, Giroux, $9.95 ) when he had begun to search for his parents, what he thought, it probably holds little and heard, for the first time, of Auschwitz. emotional value. Few poets, actually, can By George O,itt that he began to rediscover what he had once make the reader empathize with their inner Saul Friedlander, " born in Prague at the been. This knowledge, given him, ironically, feelings, with those personal passions that worst possible moment, four months before by a Jesuit priest, was like a seed crystal, a the author was experiencing at the time of Hitler came to power," has written a lucid. catalyst: " For the first time, I felt myself to writing. intelligent, and moving account of the shat­ be Jewish ... a tic had been established, an This is not to say that the book is totally tering and painful reconstruction, of his life. identity was emerging." devoid of emotion; one piece, The Old Jew, Wiren Memory Comes is not, properly l'riedlander became an ardent Zionist, a does tug at a few emotional heartstrings speaking, a memoir of the holocaust; member o f lrgun. and left France in 1948 to ( Whom would it hurt to stop a while? It's nice Fric~lander knew nothing of the genocide fight for Israel. As if to indicate that, once to see an old man smile). Some of his poems until after the war. Instead, what confronts to uch upo n local subjects and places, us in this remarkable book is the portrait of a aga i~. he had been transformed into another person, he adapted the name Shaul and em­ (Lcdgcmont Country Club. Lincoln man who has been forced by history to barked on a distinguished career as an Downs), and for a local reader, the recogni­ become, quite literally, someone else; a man SAUL FRIEDLANDER historian of those dark events that had tion can be amusing. who, even as he writes, is actively seeking " to But in the ridiculous, ribald realm of distinguish between the ephemeral and the engulgcd his life and his family. When Memory Comes develops an altera­ Oatt a PUN.tit n­ perfectly putrid pun poetry, Waldman might essential" by pursuing the meaning of his m not have an equal in the state. His title poem. memories. tion, a counterpoint, between past and pre­ sent. Friedlander struggles to recall people P- . . . S..-DoRlly- Onu a Pundit Time, best sums up his nair for that most vile of verses. the pun. Fricdlandcr's family was wholly and events. and it is not the least of this by Maxwell W. Waldman "assimilated;" so much so that they resisted, book's merits that we arc shown the dif­ Why Homer wrote his Odyssey> ficulties involved in evoking memories that Puns arc very much like Big Macs; many until it was too late. the knowledge that an people vociferously proclaim how terrible The reason was brcause enormous abyss was being prepared for seem to belong to someone else. For. in fact, They had no baseball parks in Greece, this is precisely the point: the things that they a rc. but they cat them up just the same. them by individuals and forces far-removed They arc really in love with them, but just Besides, he hall'd wars. from their comfortable prosperity in Prague. Friedlander recalls belong to another life. and by writing his memo he hopes not so do not want to admit it. The family was forced to nee to France in If you arc one of those people, the kind Ul}'sses wanted to leave Troy, much to reveal the whole truth about what There was no Triple A. 1939 after the German armies had occupied who outwardly groans at the reciting of a occurred as to move toward a reconciliation He al.w found it Odyssey . Czechoslovakia. Friedlander relates, with pun but inwardly, when no one is looking. both tenderness and bafncmcnt, his with his past. As he writes. in Israel, late in And so he lost his way. 1977. President Sadat arrives there. This laughs hysterically. there is a good time to m<>thcr's and father's struggles to cope with be had in reading Maxwell W. Waldman's exile: "What blindness led them from mis­ event gives Friedlander a sense of hope for He doubled back and landed home, the future. and, perhaps. helps to make the collection of pun poetry, Once a PUNdi1 take to mistake to the very end? What dark Time and Porms . . Some Do Rhymr(Pcn­ ( Wife, how he did hate her, destiny?" When it finally became clear that tone of the "necessary undertaking" of his A single glance, she blasted him, memoir surprisingly serene and tender. Yet, sations Press). It is a collection of puns and events had scaled off the past, that the old pun poetry, some serious cinquains (fivc­ Ithaca Berater. life was lost forever, and when the roundups in the end, after searching through his three (Cars came much, much later) lives, his three identities, it is with a sense of lincrs), quatrains (four-liners). and even a and deportations began, Fricdlandcr's few sonnets and haikus (Japanese verse Pretty painful. put punny. parents enrolled their only child in a caution and hesitancy that he views both his past and the future of the country where he form consisting of 17 total syllables). Most Catholic school. They then tried to nee of the works arc set in iambic verse. themselves, were detained at the Swiss bor­ discovered the meaning of this past: " I tell Around And About Rhode leland With myself that the Jewish state may perhaps be In pun poetry, the "worse" the pun, the der, and, later, disappeared. Friedlander better, and this assortment includes some Chllclren: A Gulde to Childr9n'a Ac­ only a step on the way of a people whose par­ ttYIIIN Rhode never saw them again. that arc absolutely condemnable. Case in In laland. ticular destiny has come to symbolize the Wrillen by Sheila Alexander, Judith point is a six-line piece entitled Amaizing: Now completely alone, cut off not only endless quest - ever hesitant, ever begun Braden, Barbara Feldtein, £//en Macias, and Some lnj"" tribrs will new, know from parents and country but from whatever anew - of all mankind." Elizabrth Samuels; edited by Elizabeth sense of identity he might have had as a Jew, Just liow lo mal,e 1heir cornfields grow Kaplan , with illustrations by Jill Thaler. Friedlander became " Paul-Henri Ferland," George Ovill is a free-lance book review, This 113-page book offers a selection of a baptized Catholic and a Pctainistc. There and a profe,,sor of English. Tirey plan, the seed ou1 on 1he plain activities that children of all ages, from was no coercion in any of this: Friedlander And 1hen they sit and pray f or rain preschoolers through teenagers, will enjoy. became "Ferland" freely, out of a desperate The book is laid out in a useful format, with Their time they lake, they walch wuds specific chapters and sub-headings for quick grow referral. The Table of Contents contains the They nrver rake, they Navaho! following chapters: "Looking and Learn­ ing," including Historic Landmarks, The author of this absurd but enjoyable Museums. Public Buildings. Seasonal Spec­ repertoire, Maxwell W. Waldman, is a tator Events, and Tours and Exhibits; Rhode Island attorney who is very active in " Mother Nature," sub-divided into Farms, civic affairs. A cum laude graduate of Nature and Wildlife Preserves, and Featuring Specialities Boston University Law School, he is a past Orchards and Fruit Fa rms. Under "Rhode president of Lcdgcmont Country Club in Island Resorts" arc sections on Block Seekonk, Massachusetts. Currently he is Island, Newpo rt and Watch Hill. There is a Combination Sandwi,hes chairman of the Rhode Island Racing and chapter on " Indoor and Outdoor Sports," Athletic Hearing Board (the o nly one of its and a final section, " The Great Outdoors," and kind in the world). covering Beaches, Parks a nd Gardens. Pic­ Waldman's poetry has appeared in three nic Areas. and State Pa rk s. Kosher Products poetry outlets with international circula­ The index contains over 175 specific tion; Driftwood East, formerly of Paw­ headings, for easy reference. Under the tucket, Gusto of the Bronx, New York, and dc, cription of each event, all the vital The Ocean State Sandscripts, a publication specifics are given, including days and hours of the Rhode Island State Poetry Society. of the event is open. fees, where applicable, and ~ 9 WAYLAND SQUARE, PROVIDENCE, RI which he is a member. route directions to the site. 831-9221 Waldman does let his poetry travel down The guide costs $5 .00 and may be ob­ the serious path, but frankly, with not quite tained from the Jewish Community Center. as much success as his humorous fare. His Proceeds from the sale of the book will We want to say pensive, meditative verses are just too sim- benelit the JCC Nursery School. APPEAL FOR SUPPORT JDLFormed NEW YORK (JTA) - Synagogues THANK YOU throughout the country will be conducting In Holland special Tisha B' Av appeals for increased to all of our new customers who support of the Jewish National Fund by AMSTERDAM (JTA)- Hans Knoop, a their congregations, Rabbi William knowhow to. Dutch Jewish .journalist whose articles in Berkowitz, J HF president announced here. 1976 led to the arrest of Nazi war criminal He said that in response to the challenge of · Pieter Menten, has revealed himself as peace, the JNF this year must prepare new Live . Eat . ENJOY! organizer of a "Jewish Defense League" in selllements in the Galilee and the Negev Holland with the stated purpose of reacting because both areas are absolutely essential physically to verbal manifestations of anti­ to Israel's security, economy and future. and made our Scmitism. His group has claimed credit for stoning the editorial offices of the daily STRIKE FORCE OPENING Haagse Post two weeks ago after the PARIS (JTA) - The French army is newspaper published interviews with several selling up a special strike force which will be such a success! Dutch soldiers in the United Nations In­ ready to intervene abroad and especially in terim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) who order to protect the oil fields supplying THE FINEST IN made anti-Semitic remarks France and other West European countries. SUMMER HOURS Knoop, 35, who is active in the Dutch The strike force is being set up by the French • Delicatessen branch of Herut, first made his disclosure in Ministry of Defense, but, according to 11 A.M. to 3 P.M. an interview published last week in the reliable reports, no basic political decision • Salads MON. - SAT. weekly Elseviers. Sevcral,days ago a group has been taken at the Presidential level on • Desserts of about 30 persons declared themselves where, when and how it will be used. The members of the Dutch JDL.- among them force. which will consist of volunteers, will TAKE OUT SERVICE CATERING AVAILABLE Knoop and Charlie Ncnncr, 28, who be ready to be used only on major occasions described h}mself as a mcdir.al student. and on the President's orders. THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1979-13 Price Freeze Israeli Bombs Kill 15 In Lebanon In its biggest bombing raid in months, villages of Damur and Naameh about 10 southern Lebanon. Hoss also condemned To Remain Israel attacked three coastal villages south miles south of Beirut. Both towns were in­ the Israeli attacks as a "heinous crime" and By Gil Sedu of Beirut on Sunday evening. At least 15 habited by Lebanese Christians prior to the appealed to the world to put a stop to the JERUSALEM (JTA): Premier people were reported killed, with another Lebar,csc civil war, but have housed Palesti­ "repeated Israeli aggressions against inno­ Menachem Begin has prevailed on his 50 wounded. This bombing raised to 200 nian refugees since then. cent civilians." The United States has Cabinet to maintain the current freeze on the the number killed during Israeli air attacks Prime Minister Selim al-Hoss met with strongly condemned the attacks, and urged prices of basic commodities subsidized by in the area during the past four months. Yasir Arafat to try to persuade the Palesti­ in "the strongest kind of terms" that they the government for the time being. That Formations of i..~eli planes bombed the nian guerrillas to cease armed activity in be halted. decision and the announcement by the Cen­ tral Bureau of Statistics that the cost-of­ living index rose by only 3.5 percent in June compared to 4.8 percent in May and a record 8.7 percent in April, promised some respite for harried consumers. The Treasury expressed satisfaction with the decline of the c.o.l. rate for the second consecutive month, attributing it to the governmellt's restra ining efforts and the slower ri se o f seasonal factors. But economic a na lysts were skeptica l. They said the slower ri se in the price index during the last two months was due mainly to seasonal drops in the prices of certain items, chi eny fruit and vegetables a nd the government's delay in raisin g prices whic h , nevertheless, is inevi table. Begin in sisted o n the delay to cool down innati on. His economic ministers on the oth er hand. had pressed for the red ucti on o r elim in at ion of price subsid ies fo r basic com­ modities whi ch' th e Treasury ca n ill afford . T hi s would lead 10 sha rp price in creases. As a res ult of ycslerd ay·s decision , the pril:c :) ol such il crn~ as fud a nd fro,cn meal "'di rema in slahle fo r the lime bein g. Gasolin e now sell s al about $2 a gall on. Furt her d iscussions of prices will take place soon, possibl y thi s week and a nother cha in of in creases i, consid ered likely. T he Jul y consu_mc r price ind ex is expected to ri!)C inasmuch as it will include updated costs of housi ng which arc t: alcul atcd every ~hrcc mon ths. The govc.:rnmcnt's basic p rogran. call s fo r an adj ustment of pri ces 10 the world ma rk et leve ls while compensating th e needy . T he premise is to shift subsidic!-, from com­ mod ities to the low 111 comc consuml!r. A fu rther accelera tion of inO ation is t.: x­ pected 10 result fro m end o f season sales next month . Bu t the Treasury hopes to keep prices down as much as possible through A ugust whe n the c.o. l. payments, due sala ri ed workers in Octo ber, are calcul ated. The price index now stands at 330.3. based on I he 1976 average of I00 . Prices have risen by 68 percent in the last 12 months. If in na­ ti on continues at the rate of the first half of 1979, the innati on rate will reach 80 percent for the year. House OKs Funds To Find Nazi Criminals WASHINGTON (JTA): An amendment proposed by Reps. Elizabeth Holtzman (D.NY) and William Lehman (D.Fla.) in­ creasing funding for the investigation and prosecution of suspected Nazi war criminals living in the United States overwhelmingly passed the House recently. The amendment raises the amount appropriated for Nazi in­ vestigations in fiscal year 1980 from S 1.5 to $2.3 million.

In offering the amendment, Holtzman told the House: "My amendment is necessary to assure that the Nazi investiga­ tions unit has adequate funding to complete its cases expeditiously. Given the number of cases which need investigation, the delays already encountered, and the ages of the suspects and witnesses involved, it is im­ perative that the office be fully staffed and operational immediately."

In his statement, Lehman said: "Since the I end of World War II, more than 200 in­ I dividuals accused of direct complicity in 10~ Wcif onanysi7.e...... , genocide and other Nazi crimes have lived I with impunity in America. The. failure to ·I Mr. O.akr: Kroft loc.-D,iry Group will r,imbun, yoo prosecute them or to take steps to withdraw I~ if .!lowed to a cuslomtt. plu, 5( handling allowonce American citizenship where they have ob­ for !his coupon provided yoo ttceived it on your sale ol this I producl sulliciml product to cover all redemptions tained it by fraud and denial of their past ..d !hat has been purchased by you within ninety days ol redemp- record is unworthy of the high human rights 1 lion. For r.demptions. mail to Kraft Inc. - Dairy Group. ideals of our country. For crimes of the Box 1799. Clinton. Iowa 52734. Cash value 1/ 20 ol It. magnitude of Ifie Holocaust, the exercise of I Coupon void whett wed. prohibited. or mlricted by law, justice must prevail. And we arc morally /o . :BmaCyCnotE be usip,ed or lranslerred by you. Customtt bound to support that effort until the job is " ~poyanysales«simila-iuapplical,le. Expim I /31 /80 done." : 10 The Holtzman-Lehman amendment also ___ _J added $2 .3 million to the appropriation for the Criminal Division in the Department of L------Justice to which the Nazi unit has recently r: been transferred from the Immigration and 1' . Naturalization Service. Famous since1882 ' I

Concern Over 1980 Moscow Olympics TEL AVIV (JTA): Concern has grown in Israeli sports circles that the Soviet Union may resort to the denial of entry visas or other administrative measures to prevent Israel from participa ting in the Olympic Games in Moscow next summer despite its promise that every nation will be welcome to compete. The possibility of such action by the Soviet a uthorities seemed likely after Alex Giladi, a se ni or Israeli television of­ ficial, received word last night that his ap­ plication for a visa to enter the USSR was re­ jected. Giladi. who had covered the Olympic Games in Munich a nd Montreal for Israeli television. is slated to head the lsra~li TV crew al the 1980 Games in the Soviet capital. He was scheduled to go lo Moscow' next Sunday along with 39 seni or officials of the Eu ropean Broadcasti ng U ni on (EBU) to cover the "Spartakiada, .. a genera l rehearsal for the Olympic Games. Of a ll the appli­ cants. he apparently was the only one denied a visa . Doubts about Soviet intentions toward the Israeli Olympic team were increased by the discriminatory treatment given 40 Israeli political scienti sts who had asked lo attend CONFIRMANDS: The 17th annual confirmation of the Temple Sinai Rellglou■ School wN held Friday, June 1. The conflrmanda, the Internati onal Congress of Political pictured left to right In the front row, ■r■ su.. n KU9hner, daughter of Mr. encl Mra. RuNell Kuehner, Nancy Goldberg, daughter of Science which opens in Moscow on Aug. 12 . Mr. encl Mra. Bernard Goldberg, Randy Carel, daughter of Mr. encl Mra. MulT ■y Carel, end HIiary Kurz■r, daughter of Mr. end Mra. Alvin Kurzer. Prof. Asher Arian of Tel Aviv University, head of the Israeli chapter of the Political Pictured In the beck row from left to right ■ re Edith Grant, Steven Sigel, eon of Mr. encl Mra. lrvlng Sigel, H ■ITIS Sussman, eon of Science Association, reported that only 30of Mr. encl Mra. Jay SUNm■ n ,' encl Rllffil Jerome eurt■rid. s. the 40 applicants have been notified that they will receive visas. The others have Behind The Headlines received no notifica ti o n. Moreover, none of Birth Control the applica nts has ye t been notified about accommodations and it appears that no The Talks Will Go On Forbidden reserv ati ons have been made for them. By By Gil Sedan It also seems. observers noted. that the Gil Sedan Unless the ·full delegation receives visas J ERUSALEM (JT A) - Sepha rd ic Chief ALEXANDRIA (JTA): When President two have reached an understanding that the and accommodations, Israel may have to Rabbi Ovadia Yoscf has iss ued a lengthy Anwar Sadat once again stressed here at his autonomy talks should continue as if they cancel its participation in the forum. Ac­ halachic judgement ruling that birth control recent joint press conference with Premier cording to Arian, the American and French did not meet and that they is forbidden by religious law. He declared Menachcm Begin the need to reach ·•a com­ political science associations have promised should continue meeting as if there that there is no justification for family prehensive peace" he actually meant to con­ were no difficulties concerning the that if all 40 Is,aelis are not allowed to at­ planning even if the reason is shortage of vey, according to assessments by analysts autonomy talks. The common approach tend, they would cancel their participation. housi ng a nd low income. The only permis­ following the press conference, that the says: let the ministers talk specifics and let It was pointed out, however. that a decision sion to use birth control should be given to time was approaching when the entire us continue dealing with the more "global" by Israel to boycott the congress would be women who must not become pregnant for Arab-Israeli conflict could no longer be issues, such as south Lebanon, Syria and collective. The academicians with visas health reasons, he said. isolated from what now seems to be a even Jerusalem. could go to Moscow on an individual basis if Yosef also issued a call to other prominent process of normalization between Israel Sadat Relies On U.S. Pressure they chose to but would not be part of an rabbis warning against the establishment of One guess here was that Sadat relics Israeli delegation. and Egypt. family planning centers. "Such centers," When both Sadat and Begin mentioned heavily on the Americans to do the difficult said Yosef, "exploit the innocence of women the crisis in Lebanon as one of the issues task pressuring Israel. He did not seem to of Mideastern origin, teach them how to use they discussed, they actually meant that the back down on any of his earlier positions. birth control devices, and sometimes even The official Egyptian daily Gumhuriya HUG To Sponsor issue at hand is the situation in Syria and its encourage abortions." Yosef compared this possible effects on the peace process. And wrote yesterday that Egypt demanded service to the advice of pharaoh to stop the Refugee Family when they spoke about their differences "full" self-government for the , birth of Hebrew first-born sons. He warned over the settlements, they were actually a far cry from the limited administrative all Jewish women that "such advice contra­ LOS ANGELES (JTA): As an ex­ speaking about long-term differences over council that Begin talks about. Thus, each dicts our faith and the Holy Torah," and pression of its concern for the plight of the the future of the administered territories. party continues to Lalk its own language, they should keep away from such centers. "Boat People," Hebrew Union College - but they both continue to talk. Y ct, despite those basic disagreements Yosef also wrote that a woman who uses Jewish Institute of Religion has arranged to One indication of the wide gap between and the fact that there was no breakthrough birth control deserves "severe punishment. sponsor an Indochinese refugee family, it the two leaders was Begin's response during on any controversial issue, the talks will go The world was not created, but for procrea­ was announced by Dr. Alfred Gottschalk, yesterday's press conference as to whether on, and next month Sadat's yacht will tion." He further quoted the Talmud Yeru­ president. The sponsorship of the family is he would accept international supervision probably anchor in the Haifa Harbor. shalmi which claimed that God prefers being arranged in cooperation with the In­ over the elections for autonomy. "There is procreation of the children of Israel even ternational Rescue Committee. It appears, therefore, that the Alexandria no need for supervision," Begin said. "I can more than the building of the Temple. summit has established what seemed to be assure you that it will be a most secret and The family consists of Thach Boa Cuong. In a first reaction to this document, labor in formation at earlier meetings - an alter­ democratic process of elections." He 35, a school teacher who speaks nuent MK Rabbi Menachem Hacohen native channel of negotiations in addition pointed as an example to the elections for English. hi s 27-year-old wife and their 2- said that one could not deal with the issue of to lower rank, ministerial, negotiations. It mayors on the West Bank three years ago year-old son. Gottschalk said they will be birth control without taking into account hrought to Los Angeles, where the college seems, according to observers, that Besin which brought to power pro-PLO men. the social surrounding of the woman using and Sadat are determined to keep this chan­ But as wide as the gap is, Begin and Sadat will provide housing and see to their other it. Hacohen criticized the Chief Rabbi for needs. In addition, the college will give em­ nel open, whatever the scope of the dis­ also found the time to talk about nor­ issuing such a statement without thoroughly agreements. The channel will remain open malization. Sadat wants no crisis at present ployment at it s Los Angeles school to consulting other rabbis as well as profes­ Thach. as long as they deem.it necessary, and it will and neither does Begin. As far as Sadat is sionals. Furthermore, said Hacohen, most concerned, as long as Israeli troops pull out be less affected by the ups arid downs of the religious families use birth control, even the In another step to mobilize help for In­ regular negotiations. of Sinai, he can endure a few disagreements. I families of rabbis. dochinese refugees, Gottschalk has written to the rabbinic alumni of Hebrew Union College who lead the Reform congregations When in doubt, a Herald BE AW ARE of the events in your com­ of the United States, urging that each con­ subscription makes the munity. Subscribe to the Herald. gregation sponsor a refugee family. There perfect gift for birthdays or Herald readers constitute an active buy­ are approximately 700 such congregations in holidays. ing market. It will pay you to advertise. the country. Gottschalk, as a member of the President's Commission on the Holocaust, has written to President Carter to advise him of the steps he has taken. Gottschalk said he expected the family to arrive in the United ANTHONY V. ROCHA, M.D. States within six weeks. announces the opening of his office BUSINESSMEN COMPLAIN ABOUT BOYCOTT LAWS for the practice of WASHINGTON (JT A): Some American businessmen have complained to the Carter There's a new dimension to Administration that they are losing a com­ HARRIS FURS! A great new petitive edge in the Middle East because of Intemal Medicine the U.S. anti-Arab boycott laws and other designer cloth coat gallery 525 TAUNTON AVENUE legislation, but the State Department is not -and- considering any recommendation to alter EAST PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND OZ91' the laws. Reacting to a published report here another fine WM . H. HARRIS of the complaints, the Department said that STORE OPENING early fall. they are not of sufficient importance for it to OfflceBoan consider law changes. The anti-boycott ByAppGatmet legislation was adopted to block discrimina­ tion by Arabs against Americans on grounds of race or religion. l ,,.,. ' -

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OUR PRICES AND SERVICE OVER 53 YEARS IN BUSINESS MUST BE RIGHT. WE'RE #tl■Ul■I' IN SALES OFFICIALLY. R., ASK OUR CUSTOMERS. . • ~ l![ol(YjO[T~ .,.....,...,.....,_,...,_ THEY WILL RECOMMEND us. - fllCMIBICLI.L ..-aor..,_..,,AC1111YAUOWA11m_,,.,.,. ., MB.!'f"!I•----IT... . '--1~ ~ . --. 16-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1979 Haifa Preparing For Sadat's Visit which provided answers to in­ father, Bernard G . Richards, Richards quiries on Judaism and Jewish who founded the Bureau in tended to be bypassed by visitors. By YITZHAK SHARGIL affairs, he succeeded his late 1932. TEL A VIV (JTA) - Haifa, the "forgot­ Dead at 66 There are relatively few hotels, except on ten jewel of Israel" as its Mayor Arieh Gu rel NEW YORK (JTA) describes it, is sprucing up for President the high -ridge of the Carmel where Israeli and foreign vacationers throng in summer to Funeral services were held Anwar Sadat's visit next month aboard his recently for Judah A. yacht. The visit has brought to life a project enjoy the. cooler temperatures. Sadat will be Richards, chairman of the begun 25 years ago - the construction of a coming at the peak of the season and the Mt. £lJJor44o Jewish Information Bureau, modern passenger terminal in the port area Carmel hotels, already heavily booked, will and long-time activist in 0 - which observers say would have taken have to find rooms for representatives of the Jewish and Zionist affairs. He (:_~ ' REST ~~RANT another 25 years to complete were it not for world news media as well as hundreds of died at his home in Great the impending arrival of the Egyptian local journalists. Gurel believes that re­ Neck, LI. at the age of 66. As leader. gardless of these problems, Sadat's visit will chairman of the Bureau, a ~ ELEGANT DINING Now, workers are swarming over the put Haifa once again "on the map." non-profit service agency Every ~al A Sper.ial Mui partly built structure in a crash effort to get it Featuring Our Great Stuks ready in time for Sadat. Haifa, which many people consider the scenically most beautiful city in Israel - it has been compared to Naples and Rio - is Israel's largest seaport. ~- ~~E:,:~:~.~.~~-· ··· ...... s4so But as travel by sea declined and most tourists arrive and depart from Ben Gurion ."' 50 Airport, the city on the slopes of Mt. Car­ ~r ~:~: ~:~~1: ...... SS mel, overlooking a crescent-shaped bay, AND THE BEST IN SEAFOOD dinne~_, 1 BAKED STUFFED SHRIMP s4so UPHOLSTERY SpeClc:t1S. or BROILED SCALLOPS ...... BAKED $395 CLEANING Along vdth our reguJar dinntr menu SCROD ...... ;...... th< following sp,cials •·ill b< availabl< on SPECIAL Monday. Tutsda)· and W

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