FAKULTÄT FÜR ARCHITEKTUR Semester program Summer term 2021

English Edition KIT-FAKULTÄT FÜR ARCHITEKTUR Semester program Summer term 2021

Content People...... 2 Dates...... 5 Facilities...... 11

Architecture Bachelor’s Program...... 20 Master’s Program...... 44 Art History ...... 79 Building Plans...... 97 KIT-FAKULTÄT FÜR ARCHITEKTUR

Institute Architectural Design, Art and Theory (EKUT)

Prof. Marc Frohn Dipl.-Ing. Udo Beyer RAUM UND ENTWERFEN DARSTELLENDE GEOMETRIE Spatial Design Descriptive Geometry

Prof. Meinrad Morger Prof. Simon Hartmann Prof. Stephen Craig GEBÄUDELEHRE BAUPLANUNG UND BILDENDE KUNST Building Design ENTWERFEN Visual Arts Architectural Design

Prof i. V. Oliver Elser Prof. Dr. Riklef Rambow ARCHITEKTURTHEORIE ARCHITEKTUR- Theory of Architecture KOMMUNIKATION Communication of Architecture Institute Building Design and Technology (IEB)

Prof. Ludwig Wappner AkadOR Thomas Haug BAUKONSTRUKTION GRUNDLAGEN DER Building Construction BAUKONSTRUKTION Fundamentals of Building Construction

Prof. Dirk Hebel Prof. Renzo Vallebuona Prof. Dr. Petra v. Both NACHHALTIGES BAUEN KONSTRUKTIVE BUILDING LIFECYCLE Sustainable Building Design ENTWURFSMETHODIK MANAGEMENT Building Construction Building Lifecycle Management Methology

Prof. Matthias Pfeifer Anette Busse MAS ETH Prof. Dr. Rosemarie Wagner TRAGKONSTRUKTIONEN MASTERSTUDIENGANG BAUTECHNOLOGIE Structural Design ALTBAUINSTANDSETZUNG Building Technology Master Programme Building Restoration

Prof. Andreas Wagner Jun.-Prof. Moritz Dörstelmann BAUPHYSIK UND DIGITAL DESIGN AND TECHNISCHER AUSBAU FABRICATION Building Science Digital Design and Fabrication Institute for Urban and Landscape Design (IESL)

Prof. Markus Neppl Prof. Dr. Barbara Engel STADTQUARTIERSPLANUNG INTERNATIONALER Urban Housing and Development STÄDTEBAU International Urban Design

Prof. Henri Bava Prof. Christian Inderbitzin LANDSCHAFTS- STADT UND WOHNEN ARCHITEKTUR Urban Living Landscape Architecture

Institute for History of Art and Architecture (IKB)

Prof. Dr. Oliver Jehle Prof. Dr. Inge KUNSTGESCHICHTE Hinterwaldner Art History KUNSTGESCHICHTE Art History

Prof. Dr. Joaquín Prof. Dr. Alexandre Kostka Medina Warmburg DAAD-GASTPROFESSUR BAU- UND ARCHITEKTUR- KUNSTGESCHICHTE GESCHICHTE Art History History of Building and Architecture Dates in the summer term 2021 5

Dear students at the KIT Faculty of Architecture, we warmly welcome you to the summer semester 2021.

Another special semester lies ahead of us. The lecture period begins on April 12, 2021. Until further notice, the summer semester is planned as an online semester.

If a gradual opening and presence is possible, we will inform you. Online participation is guaranteed for the entire semester.

Not only face-to-face teaching is not possible for an indefinite period of time, numerous events that normally characterize life at our faculty will also be offered online this semester. We always keep you up-to-date on our website about the current offer.

In the course of the measures against the spread of the corona virus, all central facilities of the KIT faculty (study workshops, specialist library, plot pool, computer pools, studio rooms, etc.) as well as the dean‘s office, the dean‘s office and the secretariats of the professorships are only open to a limited extent.

Please find out more about the applicable regulations and opening times on our website. These may be adapted to the given situation at short notice.

The employees of the KIT faculty can be reached at any time by email.

Please also note that all date and room details regarding intermediate crite- ria and examinations are subject to change. In particular, the exam dates can still be postponed due to the KIT exam room allocation.

On the Corona page of the KIT you will find further information about the measures of the KIT for Corona precaution and the associated restrictions in study operations.

We wish you a good start. In this situation, let‘s make the best of it together! Dates in the summer term 2021 6

General semester dates

April 12th, 2021 start of lectures 01–31 May 2021 Registration for the exams 07/24/2021 Lecture ends 26.07. – 13.08.2021 Architecture examination period 01.07. – 15.08.2021 Re-registration for the winter semester 2021/22

Dates for the 2nd semester of the Bachelor’s degree in Architecture

Wednesday, April 7th, 2021, 10:00 a.m. Presentation of Studio Regulations, online via zoom Link in the Ilias course, Wednesday, April 7th, 2021, 13:00 Allocation of space in the studio order in the WiWi portal:until Thursday, April 8th, 2021, 13:00 https://portal.wiwi.kit.edu/ys/4027

Monday, April 12th, 2021 start of lectures according to the timetable

Dates for the 4th semester Bachelor’s degree in Architecture

Wednesday, April 7th, 2021, 10:00 a.m. Presentation of Studio Organization, online via zoom Link in the Ilias course, Wednesday, April 7th, 2021, 13:00 Allocation of space in the studio order in the WiWi portal: until Thursday, April 8th, 2021, 13:00 https://portal.wiwi.kit.edu/ys/4694

Monday, April 12th, 2021 start of lectures according to the timetable

Dates for the 6th semester Bachelor’s degree in Architecture

Tuesday, April 6th, 2021, 2 p.m. Information on the choice of elective events Online via zoom link in the Ilias course Allocation of seats for elective events in Wiwi portal in 3 rounds: Wednesday, April 7th, 2021 10:00 am - 3:00 pm: 1st round: https://portal.wiwi.kit.edu/ys/4695 Thursday, April 8th, 2021 10:00 am - 3:00 pm: 2nd round: https://portal.wiwi.kit.edu/ys/4696 Friday, April 9th, 2021 10:00 am - 3:00 pm: 3rd round: https://portal.wiwi.kit.edu/ys/4697 Each applicant receives a maximum of 1 place per round, the Remaining places go to the next round. Monday, April 12th, 2021 start of lectures according to the timetable Dates in the summer term 2021 7

Dates for the master’s degree in architecture

Tuesday, April 6th, 2021, 10:00 am Welcome to the new Master’s students and Presentation of the design topics online via zoom (Meeting ID: 696 9975 1074, ID: 582653)

Welcome and information about the master’s courses Urban Housing and Development International Urbanism Urban Design and housing Design Methodology Sustainable Design Building Lifecycle Management Building Design Architectural Space and Design Architectural Design

Presentations and other information in the Ilias course

Tuesday, April 6th, 2021, 2:00 p.m. Allocation of space for master drafts in the Wiwi portal: until Wednesday, April 7th, 2021, 14:00 https://portal.wiwi.kit.edu/ys/4692

From Tuesday, April 6th, 2021 information on all other courses (Seminars) on the architecture homepage and in Online course catalog

Tuesday, April 6th, 2021, 2 p.m. Start of allocation of seats in the Wiwi portal: https://portal.wiwi.kit.edu/ys?id=6 (events of the Architecture have no entry in the OUs column) Wednesday, April 7th, 2021, 2 p.m. 1st raffle for the places

Thursday, April 8th, 2021, 2 p.m. Registration deadline Up to the 1st raffle, registration is only possible for a maximum of 3 events possible, thereafter unlimited. From the The time of the 1st raffle will be free or free Places are raffled every 10 minutes. Please return seats that you do not want in the system.

Wednesday, April 7th, 2021, 1 p.m. Information on the major urban development course online via zoom (meeting ID: 620 3783 6944, ID code: 945695) Dates in the summer term 2021 8

Wednesday, April 28th, 2021, 2 p.m. Information session on the master‘s thesis WS 2021/22, online per Zoom (Meeting ID: 635 0481 4484, ID: 768471)

Sports offer (online)

Motivated and relaxed in the digital semester (stress / relaxation) The digital study situation brings changed study conditions and presents students with new challenges. In this workshop, the Learning LAB of the House of Competence introdu- ces helpful strategies and techniques for promoting motivation and dealing with stress and provides suggestions for a balanced everyday study routine.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 2 p.m. Join the Zoom meeting: https://kit-lecture.zoom.us/j/62727187501 Meeting ID: 627 2718 7501

Active in home studies with the AKTIVPAUSE LIVE In times of home office in particular, we spend a lot of time at the desk, and breaks are often neglected. With the active break LIVE we would like to support you in interrupting long sitting times and show in 15-minute exercise units with simple movement sequences how to activate the body (and mind) with stretching and mobilization exercises and also increase concentration and performance.

Every Monday & Thursday, 1:45 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.: https://zoom.us/j/96781382881?pwd=bytESm13dTJGajdpVzVwTkZDUHY2dz09 Meeting ID: 967 8138 2881 Password: active 20

Every Tuesday & Wednesday, 11:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.: https://zoom.us/j/97632108157?pwd=RHVCaS9tQmRXQnp2WDdPLzBJSFVNZz09 Meeting ID: 976 3210 8157 Password: active 20

The offers are free and will take place until further notice. Dates in the summer term 2021 9

Karlsruhe Architekturvorträge

SKIZZENWERK METHODIK SKIZZENWERK METHODIK deals with the original idea of the​​ lecture series. The focus here is on the various approaches to design. The field of methodology can be divided into several sub-areas. From the classic tools such as the drawing or the model to research and the use of digital media, there are numerous design tools. This methodological diversity should be illustrated in the lecture series and taking the following questions into account. How do the offices develop their designs, what role does drawing play in this? What considerations do they make, how do they make decisions? What role do references play, what role does history or location play?

21.04.2021 - LRO, ARNO LEDERER 28.04.2021 - B+, ANGELIKA HINTERBRANDNER 05.05.2021 - LÜTJENS PADMANABHAN 12.05.2021 - AFF ARCHITEKTEN 19.05.2021 - ARETZDÜRR 26.05.2021 - HARQUITECTES 02.06.2021 - C/O NOW

The lectures will take place online on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. You can find the access data on the faculty‘s website. The lecture series is supported by the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects, the Lan- desbank Baden-Württemberg, the Sto Foundation and the KIT Faculty of Architecture.

Further Events

ARCHITEKTUR, INFRASTRUKTUR, LANDSCHAFT Konstruktion und Repräsentation des Territoriums in Lateinamerika. Online kick-off on April 23, 2021 for the international conference in from October 28th to October 30th, 2021

The conference discusses the historical development of architecture in the overall context of the systemic interactions within the built environment. The connections between ar- chitectural and territorial standards are reread, as well as those between architecture and infrastructure.

Information about the program and registration can be found at https://bg.ikb.kit.edu/1141.php Facilities of the KIT- Department of Architecture 10

Forschung in der Architektur Doktoranden-Kolloquium der KIT-Fakultät für Architektur 09. Juni 2021

Meet up with Prof. Dr. Georg Vrachliotis 16. Juni 2021, 19:00 Uhr

Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Christian Inderbitzin Professur Stadt und Wohnen 30. Juni 2021, 19:00 Uhr

Abschiedsvorlesung Prof. Matthias Pfeifer Professur Tragkonstruktionen 07. Juli 2021, 19:00 Uhr

You will find further information on the events and access data in our event calendar in due course: http://www.arch.kit.edu/aktuelles/veranstaltungskalender.php Facilities of the KIT- Department of Architecture 11


Bldg. 20.40, 1st Floor, R. 135 Nina Dürr 608-42156 Monday-Friday, 9- 12 am

Dean Prof. Dirk Hebel 608-43787

Vice-Dean Prof. Dr. Joaquín Medina Warmburg 608-43332

Vice Dean Strategic Development Prof. Simon Hartmann 608-45050

Vice-Dean Research Prof. Andreas Wagner 608-46511

Managing Director Dr. Judith Reeh 608-43866

Public Relation Dipl.-Des. Frank Metzger 608-46143 Dipl.-Des. Dorothea Egger 608-42186

Dean of Studies’ Office

The Dean of Studies’ Office is the contact point for all questions concerning the organization of studies (admission, course of studies, recognition, exams, internships, etc.), which can not be clarified directly with the professorships or in the subject areas.

Deans of Study Prof. Dr. Barbara Engel (Architecture) 608-42180 Bldg. 11.40, 1st Floor, R 109 Prof. Dr. Oliver Jehle (Art History) 608-43773 Bldg. 20.40, Ground Floor, R 022

Dean of Studies’ Office Ute Hofmann 608-43879 Bldg. 20.40, 1st Floor, Room 139 Opening hours: Monday–Thursday, 9–12 am and Tuesday 2–4 pm

Study Coordination /Academic Advising Dipl.-Ing. Doris Kern 608-42673 Bldg. 20.40, First Floor, Room 140 Consultation hours: Tuesday 2–5 pm By appointment: [email protected] Facilities of the KIT- Department of Architecture 12

Department of Architecture international

International Coordination Dr. Judith Reeh 608-43866 Bldg. 20.40,1st Floor, Room 138

FAi Office (Erasmus Office) Silke Marx 608-42155 Bldg. 20.40, 1st Floor, Room 139

Consultation hours of the professors and heads of teaching areas

Even if no fixed talk time is specified, the professors are available for office hours, please contact them by e-mail. As a rule, advance registration at the secretary‘s office is necessary. Prof. Henri Bava Di 15:30-16:30, 11.40 R126 LA, by appointment Dipl.-Ing. Udo Beyer Di 15:00-17:00, 20.40 R215 LG DG Prof. Dr. Petra von Both by appointment Prof. Stephen Craig by appointment Jun.-Prof. Moritz Dörstelmann by appointment Prof. i. V. Oliver Elser by appointment Prof. Dr. Barbara Engel Mi 10:00-11:00, 11.40 R110 ISTB Apl. Prof. Dr. Dr.Erna Fiorentini by appointment, online Prof. Marc Frohn by appointment Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Haug by appointment Prof. Simon Hartmann by appointment Prof. Dirk Hebel Di 10:00-11:00, 11.40, R025 NB, on-site Prof. Dr. Inge Hinterwaldner by appointment, online Prof. Christian Inderbitzin by appointment Prof. Dr. Oliver Jehle by appointment Prof. Dr. J. Medina Warmburg Mi 11:30-13:00, 20.40 R018 BAG, on-site/online Prof. Meinrad Morger Mi 10:30-12:00, 20.40 R115 GBL Prof. Markus Neppl Di 10:00-12:00, 11.40, R026 STQP Seminarraum 2 Apl. Prof. Dr. M. Papenbrock Mi 13:00-14:00, Online Prof. Dr. Riklef Rambow by appointment, 20.40 R257 AK, on-site/online Prof. Renzo Vallebuona by appointment Prof. Andreas Wagner by appointment (by email), on-site/online Prof. Dr. Rosemarie Wagner Di 16:00-18:00, 20.40 R132 BT, on-site/online Prof. Ludwig Wappner by appointment Facilities of the KIT- Department of Architecture 13

Department Libraries

The department libraries are central facilities of the department of architecture. The libraries can currently only be used to a limited extent. Please check the homepage for information about the current usage possibilities.

Department Library Bldg. 20.40, Room 106 Management: Dipl.-Bibl. Gabriele Seipel 608-45142 Bldg. 20.40, Room 213.2, Tu and Th Staff: Anja Bezdjian 608-42884 Doris Gadinger Bldg. 20.40, First Floor, Room 106

Material Library Bldg. 20.40, First Floor, Room 141.1 Staff: Thomas Kinsch 608-47539


Architekturgebäude (20.40) Matthias Bayerl 608-42814 Opening hours: Monday–Friday: 7:30 am–4 pm

Kollegiengebäude Bruno Bayer 608-44738 am Ehrenhof (11.40) Opening hours: Monday–Friday: 7:30 am–4 pm

Lost property

Please hand over lost property to the caretaker or pick it up.

Studio-Workspace für Students

Due to hygiene regulations, there are no workplaces available for students in the Master’s program in Architecture in the summer semester 2021. We are trying to change this as soon as possible and will inform you by e-mail if there are paces available again for certain groups (e.g. master students). Facilities of the KIT- Department of Architecture 14

Study Workshops

The use of the study workshops is very limited during the winter semester. Please inform yourself about the respective conditions on the homepage.

Photo Bernd Seeland 608-43737 Christoph Engel 608-42157 Bldg. 20.40, Basement, Room -102

Wood Anita Knipper 608-42666 Bldg. 20.40, Basement, Room -149

Metal Andreas Heil 608-42698 Bldg. 20.40, Basement, Room -115

Modelling Manfred Neubig 608-42672 Bldg. 20.40, Basement, Room -160

Digital Willy Abraham 608-43176 Bldg. 11.40, Basement, Room S105-S108

Further information: https://www.arch.kit.edu/fakultaet/einrichtungen.php


Dipl.-Ing. Udo Beyer ([email protected]) 608-42174 In the plot pool of the department, Bldg. 20.40, 2nd floor, Room 262, students and staff can make high quality color prints and copies up to DIN A0 (extra length) around the clock. There are three Canon color plotters, two Minolta color printing copying systems and a large format scanner for independent use. Invoicing is at cost price (material, operating and care costs) via an automatic billing system in the room. The support is provided by two student assistants with fixed attendance times. The opening hours are currently limited. It is necessary to book appointments online. As soon as the regulations concerning the ban on contact allow it, independent use around the clock will be possible again. Further information can be found on the website http://www.archiplotpool.de. Facilities of the KIT- Department of Architecture 15 archIT

The IT management of the department of architecture is organized as a central institution and reports directly to the Dean‘s Office. The following tasks are mainly carried out: • Management of the student computer rooms as well as the workstation in the central facilities of the department • Operation of central server and services • Contacts, support in all IT-related matters (hardware and software, network and central services) • IT officer of the department (ensuring IT compliance at KIT) • Advice and promotion of new media in research and teaching

Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Besser 608-46024 Carlos Gonzalez 608-43156 Bldg. 11.40, Room 010 [email protected] Hours: Mon-Fri 09: 00-12: 00 and by prior arrangement

Use is currently restricted. Please inform yourself about the current requirements on the homepage.

Red-Pool Bldg. 11.40, 1. OG, Room 104 16 PC workstations, multifunctional device (printer / copier / scanner, A4 / A3, SW / color, ArchiPlotPool)

Yellow-Pool Bldg.. 11.40, EG, Room 004 16 PC workstations

Disruptions in the computer pools Many hardware and software faults are hidden from archIT unless they are reported. In case of problems or errors, please send a short mail with the most accurate error message, computer number (see sticker) and KIT-account to the respective pool administrators: [email protected]

Current information can be found at http://www.arch.kit.edu/fakultaet/it-management.php Facilities of the KIT- Department of Architecture 16

Committees and Commissions

Department Council Prof. Dirk Hebel (Dean) Porf. Dr. Joaquín Medina Warmburg (Vice-Dean) Prof. Simon Hartmann (Vice-Dean Strategic Development) Prof. Andreas Wagner (Vice-Dean Research) Prof. Dr. Barbara Engel (Dean of Studies) Prof. Dr. Oliver Jehle (Dean of Studies) Prof. Markus Neppl Prof. Meinrad Morger Prof. Ludwig Wappner Prof. Dr. Riklef Rambow Dipl.-Ing. Anette Busse MAS ETH gta Dipl.-Ing. Udo Beyer Dr. Barbara Filser Bernd Seeland Vertrauensfrau der Chancengleichheitsbeauftragten M.A. Fanny Kranz Vertreter/in Doktorandenkonvent N.N. Julian Raupp (Stud.) Lars-Ole Mannherz (Stud.) Maira Stützel (Stud.) Julia Gehrckens (Stud.)

Study Commission / Board of Examiners Architecture Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Barbara Engel (Chair) Prof. Marc Frohn Prof. Ludwig Wappner Prof. Dr. Oliver Jehle Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Haug Dipl.-Ing. Nikolaus Koch Dipl.-Ing. Moran Lev Dipl.-Ing. Eleni Zaparta 6 Student Representatives (Representatives can be requested from the student council.)

Board of Examiners Art History Dean of Stuies Prof. Dr. Oliver Jehle (Chair) Prof. Dr. Inge Hinterwaldner Dr. Jesus Munoz Morcillo 2 Student Representatives (Representatives can be requested from the student council.) Facilities of the KIT- Department of Architecture 17

Board of Examiners Masterstudiengang Altbauinstandsetzung Prof. Matthias Pfeifer (Chair) Dipl.-Ing. Anette Busse MAS ETH gta Student Representative N.N.

Doctoral Thesis Committee Prof. Andreas Wagner (Chair) Prof. Georg Vrachliotis Prof. Dr. Petra von Both Prof. Dr. Barbara Engel Prof. Dr. Oliver Jehle apl. Prof. Dr. Papenbrock

Dispute Resolution Committee / Advice of foreigners on special questions Prof. Dirk Hebel (Dean) Porf. Dr. Joaquín Medina Warmburg (Vice-Dean) Dr. Judith Reeh Dipl.-Ing. Doris Kern

Library Council Dr. Volker Koch apl. Prof. Dr. Martin Papenbrock Dr.-Ing. Matthias Stippich Dipl.-Bibl. Gabriele Seipel

Workshop Commission Prof. Dr. Rosemarie Wagner (Vorsitzende) Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Besser Dipl.-Ing. Willy Abraham Andreas Heil Anita Knipper Dr. Volker Koch Manfred Neubig Dr. Judith Reeh Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Sander Bernd Seeland Student Representatives N.N.

Women‘s representative of the Equal Opportunities Officer of the KIT Dipl.-Ing. Anette Busse MAS ETH gta M.A. Fanny Kranz Bachelor’s Program 20

Bachelor’s Program Architecture (B. Sc.)

In the bachelor program the scientific basics and the methodological competence of the architectural discipline should be imparted. The aim of the study is the ability to successfully complete a consecutive master‘s program as well as to apply the acquired knowledge professionally. The bachelor program covers six semesters. After passing the final exam one holds the title Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.). A total of 180 ECTS credits must be proven for this degree. Basically, the study program is divided into modules. Each module can consist of one or more courses completed by one or more exams. The scope of each module is characterized by credit points credited upon successful completion of the module. Within the scope of the program, competencies in the following subjects are to be acquired:

– Designing – Integral Designing – Construction Technology – Theoretical and Historical Basics – Designing and Representing – Urban- and Landscape Planning – Specialization

In the subjects “Designing” and “Integral Designing” you work each semester in a the- matically determined design studio. Each professor personally looks after a studio. The design work will be accompanied by a coordinated offer of courses. In the subject “specialization” modules of different disciplines can be selected and thus a separate profile can be developed according to the individual inclinations. The sub- ject “Interdisciplinary Qualifications” completes the offer, where general and practical competences and skills are acquired. In the bachelor’s program, both the scientific basics and the associated methodological skills are imparted.

Further information

The current module handbook and the study and examination regulations of the bachelor’s program can be found here: http://www.arch.kit.edu/studienorganisation/studiendownloads.php Bachelor’s Program 21


Field title CP semester assignment CP Conditions / Module Module Conditions / Prerequisites Field Module ID Modul Prerequisites Module Component Title Examination 1 2 3 4 5 6 Component ID Com- e Module Module title ponent CP CP CP CP CP CP Designing (40 CP) All modules in this field are compulsory modules. Examination of Studio Space M-ARCH-103547 10 - T-ARCH-107274 Design in Studio Space Frohn 10 10 another kind Successful completion of Design in Studio Structure Examination of M-ARCH-103548 10 module studio space. T-ARCH-107277 10 10 Studio Structure Wappner another kind orientation examination Successful completion of Examination of M-ARCH-103549 10 T-ARCH-107280 Design in Studio Material Wappner 10 10 Studio Material module studio structure another kind Successful completion of Examination of M-ARCH-103550 10 T-ARCH-107283 Design in Studio Context Engel 10 10 Studio Context module studio material. another kind Integral Designing (14 CP) All modules in this field are compulsory modules. Examination of M-ARCH-103551 10 - T-ARCH-107286 Design in Studio System Hebel 10 10 Studio System another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103552 4 - T-ARCH-107289 Sustainability 4 4 Sustainability another kind Construction Technology (32 CP) All modules in this field are compulsory modules. Examination of M-ARCH-103553 4 - T-ARCH-107290 Building Materials Science 4 4 Building Materials Science another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103554 4 - T-ARCH-107291 Basics of Building Construction 4 4 Basics of Building Construction another kind Written Exercise is a T-ARCH-107292 Static and Strength of Materials 4 4 examination Static and Strength of Materials M-ARCH-103555 4 requirement for written Static and Strength of Materials - completed examination. T-ARCH-109234 0 0 Exercise coursework orientation Examination of M-ARCH-103556 4 T-ARCH-107293 Building Physics 4 4 Building Physics examination another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103557 4 - T-ARCH-107294 Building Construction 4 4 Building Construction another kind Written Exercise is a T-ARCH-107295 Structural Design 4 4 examination Structural Design M-ARCH-103558 4 requirement for written completed examination. T-ARCH-109235 Structural Design - Exercise 0 0 coursework Examination of M-ARCH-103559 4 - T-ARCH-107296 Building Services 4 4 Building Services another kind Construction Economics and Law Examination of M-ARCH-103560 4 - T-ARCH-107297 4 4 Construction Economics and Law for Arcitects for Arcitects another kind Theoretical and Historical Basics (20 CP) All modules in this field are compulsory modules. orientation Written T-ARCH-107298 Theory of Architecture 1 4 4 examination - Exercise examination Theory of Architecture 1 M-ARCH-103561 4 is a requirement for completed T-ARCH-109236 Theory of Architecture 1 - Exercise 0 0 written examination. coursework Written Exercise is a T-ARCH-107299 Theory of Architecture 2 4 4 examination Theory of Architecture 2 M-ARCH-103562 4 requirement for written completed examination. T-ARCH-109237 Theory of Architecture 2 - Exercise 0 0 coursework Written M-ARCH-103563 4 - T-ARCH-107300 Building History 1 4 4 Building History 1 examination Building History and Building Examination of T-ARCH-107301 3 3 Survey another kind Building History 2 M-ARCH-103564 4 - completed T-BGU-108019 Survey 1 1 coursework Communication of Architecture and Scientific Communication of Architecture and Written M-ARCH-103565 4 - T-ARCH-107302 4 4 Methodology Scientific Methodology examination Designing and Representing (20 CP) All modules in this field are compulsory modules. Examination of M-ARCH-103566 4 - T-ARCH-107303 Basics of Design Theory 4 4 Basics of Design Theory another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103567 4 - T-ARCH-107304 Artistic and ScuCPtural Design 4 4 Artistic and ScuCPtural Design another kind orientation Architectural Geometry and Digital Examination of M-ARCH-103568 4 T-ARCH-107305 4 4 Architectural Geometry and Digital Form Design 1 examination Form Design 1 another kind Architectural Geometry and Digital Examination of M-ARCH-103569 4 - T-ARCH-107306 4 4 Architectural Geometry and Digital Form Design 2 Form Design 2 another kind Architectural Geometry and Digital Examination of M-ARCH-103570 4 - T-ARCH-107307 4 4 Architectural Geometry and Digital Form Design 3 Form Design 3 another kind Urban- and Landscape Planning (20 CP) All modules in this field are compulsory modules. Written T-ARCH-106581 Basics of Urban Planning 4 4 Exercise is a examination Basics of Urban Planning M-ARCH-103571 4 requirement for written Principles of Building Studies and completed examination. T-ARCH-109964 0 0 Design - Exercise coursework Principles of Building Studies and Written Exercise is a T-ARCH-107309 4 4 Design examination Principles of Building Studies and Design M-ARCH-103572 4 requirement for written Principles of Building Studies and completed examination. T-ARCH-109233 0 0 Design - Exercise coursework Urban Developent and Written Exercise is a T-ARCH-107310 4 4 Construction Planning Law examination Urban Developent and Construction Planning Law M-ARCH-103573 4 requirement for written completed examination. T-ARCH-110885 Urban Developent- Exercise 0 coursework Urban Development-, Building- or Written M-ARCH-103574 4 - T-ARCH-107311 4 4 Urban Development-, Building- or Art History 1 Art History 1 examination Urban Development-, Building- or Written M-ARCH-103575 4 - T-ARCH-107312 4 4 Urban Development-, Building- or Art History 2 Art History 2 examination Specialization (16 CP) The module "Advanced Topic of Bachelor Thesis" is compulsory, from the other modules three have to be chosen. completed T-ARCH-107688 Advanced Topic of Bachelor 3 3 coursework Advanced Topic of Bachelor Thesis M-ARCH-103576 4 - Advanced Topic of Bachelor - completed T-ARCH-107690 1 1 Portfolio coursework Selected Topics of Building Examination of M-ARCH-103577 4 - T-ARCH-107317 4 x x Selected Topics of Building Studies and Design Studies and Design another kind Selected Topicss of Descriptive Examination of M-ARCH-103578 4 - T-ARCH-107318 4 x Selected Topics of Descriptive Geometry Geometry another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103579 4 - T-ARCH-107319 Selected Topicss of Drawing 4 x Selected Topics of Drawing another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103580 2 - T-ARCH-107320 Visualization Methods 4 x x Visualization Methods another kind Bachelor’s Program 22


Field title CP semester assignment CP Conditions / Module Module Conditions / Prerequisites Field Module ID Modul Prerequisites Module Component Title Examination 1 2 3 4 5 6 Component ID Com- e Module Module title ponent CP CP CP CP CP CP Selected Topics of Architecture, Furniture and Selected Topics of Architecture, Examination of M-ARCH-103581 4 - T-ARCH-107321 4 x x Design Furniture and Design another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103582 4 - T-ARCH-107322 Selected Topic of Fine Art 1 4 x x Selected Topic of Fine Art 1 another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103583 4 - T-ARCH-107323 Selected Topics of Fine Arts 2 4 x x Selected Topics of Fine Arts 2 another kind Selected Topics of Architectural Examination of M-ARCH-103584 4 - T-ARCH-107324 4 x x Selected Topics of Architectural Theory Theory another kind Architectural Theory Research Examination of M-ARCH-103585 4 - T-ARCH-107325 4 x x Architectural Theory Research Topics Topics another kind Selected Topics of Communication Examination of M-ARCH-103586 4 - T-ARCH-107326 4 x Selected Topics of Communication in Architecture in Architecture another kind Selected Topics of Building Examination of M-ARCH-103587 4 - T-ARCH-107327 4 x x Selected Topics of Building Technology Technology another kind Selected Topics of Building Examination of M-ARCH-103588 4 - T-ARCH-107328 4 x x Selected Topics of Building Construction Analysis Construction Analysis another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103684 4 - T-ARCH-107426 Selected Topics of Sustainability 4 x x Selected Topics of Sustainability another kind Methodicial and Technical Planning Examination of M-ARCH-103589 4 - T-ARCH-107329 4 x Methodicial and Technical Planning Tools Tools another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103590 4 - T-ARCH-107330 Structural Analysis 4 x x Structural Analysis another kind Selected Topics of Structural Examination of M-ARCH-104513 4 - T-ARCH-109243 4 x x Selected Topics of Structural Design Design another kind Selected Topics of Building Examination of M-ARCH-103591 4 - T-ARCH-107332 4 x Selected Topics of Building Technology Technology another kind Selected Topics of Building Examination of M-ARCH-103592 4 - T-ARCH-107333 4 x x Selected Topics of Building Physics Physics another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103593 4 - T-ARCH-107334 Selected Topics of Urban Design 4 x x Selected Topics of Urban Design another kind Selected Topics of Urban Design - Examination of M-ARCH-103811 4 - T-ARCH-107697 4 x x Selected Topics of Urban Design - workshop Workshop another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103594 4 - T-ARCH-107335 Selected Topics of Art History 4 x x Selected Topics of Art History another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103595 4 - T-ARCH-107336 Selected Topics of Building History 4 x x Selected Topics of Building History another kind Examination of M-ARCH-105564 4 - T-ARCH-111168 Selected Topics of Building History 4 x x Selected Topics of Building History 2 another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103596 4 - T-ARCH-107337 Building Survey 4 x x Building Survey another kind Examination of M-BGU-104002 4 - T-BGU-107443 In-depth Surveying for Architects 4 x In-depth Surveying for Architects another kind Examination of M-BGU- 4 - T-BGU-107444 Basis Course Photogrammetry 4 x x Basis Course Photogrammetry another kind Interdisciplinary Qualifications (6 CP)

completed T-ARCH-107338 Key Qualifications at the HoC 1 1 coursework completed T-ARCH-107340 Workshop Introduction 1 1 coursework "Key qualifications at completed the HoC" and T-ARCH-107339 Key Qualifications at the HoC 1 2 x x coursework "Workshop Introduction" Basic Course in the Study completed Key Qualifications M-ARCH-103602 6 are compulsory, the T-ARCH-107341 4 x x Workshop Photography coursework remaining module Basic Course in the Study completed components are T-ARCH-107342 4 x x selectable. Workshop Modell coursework completed T-ARCH-109970 Visit lecture series Bachelor 1 x x coursework completed T-ARCH-107703 Internship 5 x x coursework Bachelor Thesis Successful completion of the subjects" Designing" and "Integral Designing" and additional module examinations amounting to 76 CP. Bachelorarbeit M-ARCH-103546 12 - T-ARCH-107248 Bachelor Thesis 12 12 Bachelor Thesis mit Präsentation

Total 180 31 30 30 31 30 28

italic font = new module / new module component / change to WS 20/21 Bachelor’s Program 23 4 CP 6. Sem Bachelor‘s Thesis 30 CP 12 CP of Advanced Topic Bachelor Thesis 4 CP Elective Module* 4 CP Interdisciplinary Qualifications* 6 CP Art- and Building- or Urban Development- History 2 - 4 CP 5. Sem Studio System 10 CP 10 CP Sustainability 4 CP Elective Module* 4 CP Elective Module* 4 CP Construction Eco nomics and Law for Architects 4 CP Art- and Building- or Urban Development- History 1 30 CP 4 CP 4. Sem Studio Context 10 CP 10 CP Basics of Urban Planning 4 CP Urban Development and Construction Planning Law Basics of Building Studies and Design 4 CP Communication of Architecture and Scientific Methodology 4 CP Building History 2 4 CP 30 CP 3. Sem Studio Material 10 CP 10 CP Building Construction 4 CP Structural Design 4 LP Building Services 4 CP Architectural Geometry and Digital Form Design 3 4 CP Building History 1 4 CP 30 CP

2. Sem Studio Structure 10 CP / OE 10 CP Basics of Building Construction 4 CP Static and Strength of Materials 4 CP Building Physics / OE 4 CP Architectural Geometry and Digital Form Design 2 4 CP Theory of Architecture 2 4 CP 30 CP 1. Sem Studio Space 10 CP Basics of Design Theory 4 CP Artistic and Sculptural Design 4 CP Building Materials Science 4 CP Architectural Geometry and Digital Form Design 1 / OE 4 CP Theory of Architecture 1 / OE 4 CP 30 CP * Placeholder for various modules Bachelor Architecture Bachelor Exemplary Curriculum Bachelor’s Program 24

Timetable 2nd Term Bachelor (Summer 2021)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

08:00 Static and Strength of Materials R. Wagner


10:00 Building Physics Static and Strength Basics of Building Theory of Architectural A. Wagner of Materials Construction Architecture 2 Geometry and Digital R. Wagner Haug N.N. Form Design 2 Beyer, Kosoric/Uhrig HS EE 11:30

12:00 Building Physics Static and Strength Basics of Building Theory of Architectural A. Wagner of Materials Construction Architecture 2 Geometry and Digital R. Wagner Haug N.N. Form Design 2 Beyer, Kosoric/Uhrig


Lunch Break

14:00 Studio Structure Studio Structure Studio Structure Studio Structure Studio Structure Focus day reviews


19:00–21:00 Karlsruher Architekturvorträge

As of April 01, 2021 Bachelor’s Program 25

Timetable 4th Term (Summer 2021)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



10:00 Urban Development Principles of Building Basics of Urban Communication of Building Survey and Neppl Studies and Design Planning Architecture Survey Morger Bava, Engel Rambow Busse, Juretzko


12:00 Principles of Building Basics of Urban Scientific Methods Building History 2 Studies and Design Planning for Architecture Medina Warmburg Morger Bava, Engel Rambow


Lunch Break

14:00 Studio Context Studio Context Studio Context Studio Context Studio Context Focus day reviews


18:00 Construction 19:00–21:00 Planning Law Karlsruher Menzel Architekturvorträge


As of April 01, 2021 Bachelor’s Program 26

Timetable 6th Term Bachelor (Summer 2021)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

08:00 Elective Courses Elective Courses Elective Courses Elective Courses


10:00 Elective Courses Elective Courses Advanced Topic of History of Art 2 Elective Courses Bachelor Thesis Hinterwaldner


12:00 Elective Courses Elective Courses Advanced Topic of Urban History 2 Elective Courses Bachelor Thesis Medina Warmburg


Lunch Break

14:00 Bachelor‘s Thesis Bachelor‘s Thesis Bachelor‘s Thesis Bachelor‘s Thesis Bachelor‘s Thesis Focus day reviews


19:00–21:00 Karlsruher Architekturvorträge

As of April 01, 2021 Bachelor Courses Architecture 27

Architecture Bachelor Language: German Haug, Thomas 2nd Term 1720953 Building Physics In this lecture module questions with regard to 1720510/1720511/1720512 outdoor and indoor climate, heat protection in Design in Studio Structure: Playground winter and summer, passive solar energy use, en- One (Haug, Vallebuona, Wappner) ergy-efficient and climate-conscious design as well The aim of the “Structure Studio” is to transport as moisture protection are addressed. Additional- fundamental knowledge on the basics of construc- ly, methods and calculation routines/tools for heat tion technology, such as the approach to materials and moisture protection and energy performance and construction details within the architectural evaluation are introduced. For qualification tar- project. The crucial factor defining the character gets see module handbook. as well as the embodiment of a building, lies with- Appointment: Mon 12:00 PM - 13:30 PM in the synthesis of functional and technological First meeting: Mo. 12.04.2021, 10:00 AM necessity, and the creative intention of its design. Submission/Exam: 26.07.2021 For this reason, the main focus of the course falls Language: German on the grasp of primary constructive, building con- Wagner, Andreas ditions, as well as the understanding of construc- tion technology within a broader architectural 1720952 concept. As such, the studio will comprise of ?two Building Physics design exercises exploring the specific characteris- tics of solid and light-frame structures. In the exercise module accompanying the lecture, conceptional aspects regarding energy-efficient Appointment: Mon-Fri 2.00 – 5.15 pm, online and climate-conscious design are assessed by First Meeting: 07.04.21, 11.30 am, online applying calculation routines/tools to quantify en- PinUp: E1: 05.05.21 ergy as well as heat and moisture transfer related Submission/Exam 1: 02.06.21 questions. Further, indoor climate quantities are PinUp: E2: 23.06.21 measured and evaluated with regard to comfort. Submission/Exam 2: 21.07.21 Language: German/English Appointment: Mon 10:00 - 11:30 AM Haug, Thomas First meeting: Mo. 19.04.2021, 10:00 AM Tusinean, Monica Submission/Exam: 26.07.2021 Hörmann, Helge Patrick Language: German Wagner, Andreas Vallebuona, Renzo Mann, Petra Schmidt, Sophia Michalski, Manuel Amadeus 1720902 Static and Strength of Materials (lecture) Wappner, Ludwig This module is designed to give students the the- Hoffmann, Peter oretical and practical aspects for planning simple structures. It gives an overview of the spatial 1720561 construction of simple structures and conveys the Building Construction knowledge about the laws of elementary statics The lecture series „Basics of Construction Technol- for practical applications in structural design. ogy“ is intertwined with the contents of the studio. weekly: Tue, 9:45-11:15 am, 20.40, The lectures are structured by basic elements of Fritz-Haller-Hörsaal date of examination: construction and are conveying a deeper look into Language: German the relations between material, detail, construc- Wagner, Rosemarie tion and design, illustrated by contemporary as well as classical built examples. The main focus 1720903 lies on analysis and reflection, which complement Static and Strength of Materials (practice) fundamental technical aspects. As such, the lecture series works as the basis and impulse for autodi- The lectures on “statics and strength of materials” dactic work, which is essential for studio activity. are complemented by practical and theoretical ex- ercises. The students learn the application-orient- Bachelor Courses Architecture 28 ed implementation of the basics conveyed in the 1710154 lectures by means of practice- related exercises. Digital Form Design 2 weekly: Tue, 8 - 9:30 am, 20.40, basics of architectural visualization and 3d model- Fritz-Haller-Hörsaal ling techniques Language: German Lecture: Fri 10:00 am to 11:30 am, Zoom Exercise: Wagner, Rosemarie Fri 12:00 am to 1:30 pm, Zoom Sum, Bernd Period: 11.06. - 23.07.2021 Workshop week: 09.08. - 12.08.2021 1720904 Language: German Static and Strength of Materials (tutorial) Kosoric, Maximilian The lectures on “statics and strength of materials” Uhrig, Daniel are complemented by practical and theoretical ex- ercises. The students learn the application-orient- 1700053 ed implementation of the basics conveyed in the Workshop Introduction lectures by means of practice- related exercises. Recommendations for the course in the Bachelor’s weekly: Tue, 11:30 am -1:00 pm, 20.40, program of the individual introductory events: Fritz-Haller-Hörsaal 1st semester: Studienwerkstatt Modellbau (Man- Language: German fred Neubig) and Studienwerkstatt Fotografie Wagner, Rosemarie (Bernd Seeland) Sum, Bernd 2nd semester: Studienwerkstatt Metall (Andreas Heil) and Studienwerkstatt Holz (Anita Knipper) 1710402 3rd semester: Studienwerkstatt Digital (Willy Theory of Architecture 2 - Conflict Topics Abraham) Only after the successful introduction of the The one yearlecture series Architecture Theory I individual study workshops are they available for (winter term) and II (summer term) provides an use at leisure. The workshop introductions must overview of design strategies, spatial concepts and be completed by the end of the 6th Bachelor’s social images of the 20th and 21st century. In the semester. summer semester of 2021, some basics of archi- tectural theory will be presented and discussed Appointment: see notices on the workshop board as conflict situations. Each position is opposed by Examination: Participation is confirmed on work- a counter-positions. In this way, patterns become shop driver’s license recognizable, almost classic topics of discussion The workshop introductions cannot take place this emerge, and unresolved disputes come to light. semester due to the closure of the workshops until Most of these conflicts have not been settled, but further notice. continue to determine architectural design and Language: German the relationship between architecture and society Abraham, Willy to this day. Heil, Andreas Knipper, Anita Appointment: Thu, via Zoom,10:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m., Neubig, Manfred incl. exercise First Meeting: 15.04.2021, 10:00 a.m Seeland, Bernd via Zoom Exam: expected to take place on 05.08.2021, time and venue will be given in time Seminar Week Language: German

1710153 Architectural Geometry 2 1710124 Seminar week: Script as Method Lecture: Fri 10:00 am to 11:30 am, ILIAS Video The seminar Script As Method focuses on the Exercise: Fri 12:00 am to 1:30 pm, Zoom translation of the structural DNA of buildings Additional Explanations: Tue 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, into a parametric script. Starting from a prepared Zoom Period: 16.04. - 21.05.2021 selection of residential buildings, each participant Perspective with perpendicular image plane first chooses a reference building and analyzes it Language: German on the base of floor plans, sections and elevations Beyer, Udo Bachelor Courses Architecture 29 regarding the essential structural characteris- the stylistic language of Hübsch´s architecture, tics. Defined drawing conventions are applied to Josef Durm built a second tract in 1891. Heinrich generate a set of plans in which the basic struc- Amersbach added a third one at the beginning ture of the building can be read. Based on these of the 20th century, as well as a chapel in the drawings, the structural essence of the building courtyard. The original concept of a four-winged is transferred into a script. This script represents complex was to be taken up again and com- the essential relations and spatial relationships pleted by Heinrich Mohl in the extension of the of the reference building in the form of textual Kunsthalle which gave the building its present instructions. The focus is on the internal organi- appearance in 1990. During the seminar week, the zation, the lighting and the circulation system of professorships for Building Typology and for the the reference. History of Building and Architecture will address this “conservation” of different ideas of society 25.05.2021 - 28.05.2021 and architecture. Starting with an analysis and 1st meeting: 25.05.21, 11:00, chair R+E documentation of the plans in the archive of the Submission/Examination: 28.05.21 SAAI and a study of the building´s built reality, Number of participants: max. 15 students we will explore, examine, and document this Language: German/English instructive case of an exhibiting and revealing Frohn, Marc public architecture. Panzer, Tim Appointment: Tue 25.05.2021 - Fr 28.05.2021, 1710304 full day Place: Upon Notification Seminarweek:Go in search of spices! Number of Participants: 15 Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) We aim to reconnect as much as possible with the Medina Warmburg, Joaquín physical outside world and try to understand it, Morger, Meinrad perceive it from a different point of view having Kunkel, Steffen in mind the digital experience of the last year. We Schilling, Alexander will delve into the lesser-known sequences of spac- Schneider, Lisa Anna- Katharina es of our neighbourhoods, studying or working Zaparta, Eleni places. Instead of searching for spices overseas, we will explore the unexpected, hidden, potential 1710365 in our immediate surroundings. Technological Seminar Week: Drawing To Go - Floating tools will help us to reproduce those mental map- Images Tell A Story pings and transform them into graspable modes of representation in order to communicate the With the observation of our every-day-world physical experience of our findings. begins a process of reflection and visualisation. Through a row of sketches and drawings com- Schedule: Full Day Activities from 25.- 28.05.2021 bined with short written descriptions we begin First Meeting: online - 25.05.2021 an intensive exploration of the city of Karlsruhe. Participation criteria: Open to all KIT affiliates In the time period of four days the exercise Type of participation: Individual or group work (if involves filling up a DINA4 sketch pad. Personal the situation allows) impressions of city life are to be documented. In Deliverables: Final discussion on 28.05. in person if a similar manner to that of picture book diary. A possible / otherwise online narrative begins to occur . An express drawing Language: German/English course will take place on the first of the four days. Hartmann, Simon (outdoors- on campus or in the local public city Predojevic, Stanislava park) A short film will also be shown as part of the Sekinger, Richard course (open-air-cinema). Every participant will be given a small perspex glass plate, which he/she 1741389 can keep with them for duration of the workshop. Seminar week: From the Archive – The This plate will serve as a very simple additional Kunsthalle Karlsruhe drawing support mechanism. And instructions for The Kunsthalle Karlsruhe was built at a time its use will be given as part of the express-draw- in which together with the rise of the bourgeoi- ing-course. It will be a specially helpful to those sie and its new ideal of education, the museum who may have less drawing experience. It can be emerged as a public place for art education. Origi- used as a sort of personal snapshot polaroid. The nally planned as a four-winged complex, Heinrich completed diary/picture book will given in at the Hübsch built only one axisymmetrical wing in the end of the week and assessed. first phase of construction up to 1846. Based on Needed materials: DINA4 sketch pad / block and Bachelor Courses Architecture 30 an extra amount of DINA4 loose pages a mixture in front of Englerstraße 7 of pencils, a rubber, a non-permanent fine-felt tip- Number of participants: 10 pen, and according to personal choice : charcoal, oil- Event format: On-Site charlks, pastels and a variation of coloured pencils. Language: German/English Rambow, Riklef Schedule: Full Day Activities from 25.- 28.05.2021 Schubert, Lydia Ninon First Meeting: online - 25.05.2021 Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) 1720509 Language: German/English Seminar week: Tiny House Craig, Stephen Sommer - tiny timber tourism 1710412 In close cooperation with the city of Karlsruhe, Seminar week: Media Watch 1970s an impromptu design for a Tiny House was Architecture Discourses in the Daily News announced last year as a student competition. The first prize is now to be realized 1:1 on the camp- What has a wider impact on architecture: The site as a design-build project of the same type discussion about tax reliefs for commuters? An during the seminar week. In cooperation with the engaging article in the culture section? Or the master carpentry students of the Friedrich-Wein- reactions to the squatter movement? In this 4-day brenner-Gewerbeschule Freiburg, we will erect block seminar we will explore the relevance of the wooden shell together during the seminar architectural discourses by reading newspapers week, install the roof and facade cladding and together, unfortunately only in online archives start with the interior finishing of the house. due to the pandemic. The frame of reference is the 1970s, a time of upheaval. Criticism of mass hous- Time: Tue, 25.05.2021 - Fri, 28.05.2021, all day ing, the reassessment of the old building stock by Location: As announced a broad protest movement, the first signs of the Event format: On-Site ecology movement: We trace all this in newspaper Language: German archives. Goals are: 1. collectively create a collec- Wappner, Ludwig tion of key terms, 2. locate key texts, and 3. briefly Hoffmann, Peter classify the key texts. Schneemann, Falk Hörmann, Helge Patrick Block date: Tue 25.05. - Fri 28.05.2021 via Zoom each day 9:00–12:00 a.m., 1:00–4:00 p.m. 1720609 Submission: 28.05.2021 Seminar week: Digital tools within the Number of participants: 15 design process 1710455 Strategies and workflow for architectural design- Seminar week: A Change of Speed, a ers with Rhino3D, Enscape &Photoshop. How Change of Style: A Walking Experiment to digitize the building site and surroundings without plans? How to quickly 3D construct and We will intensively explore the city of Karlsruhe present my creative ideas? How to successfully on foot for five days: well-known and unknown visualize my designs and concepts at a high places, idyllic squares and inhospitable arterial level? - Questions to which we would like to share roads, quiet parks and hectic commercial districts, specific knowledge during the seminar week. The architectural highlights and planning disasters. By compact course includes strategies for all essential changing the pace to roughly three kilometers per milestones in the design process. From the site hour and perceiving it with all our senses, we hope analysis to the final draft ready for presentation. for a different perspective and unusual insights. The methods within the seminar week deal with Every day we will use a different medium to ana- the analog/digital transition. And, in reverse, “de- lyze and document our experiences: photography, sign to production”. The interplay between hand, sketching, text, mapping. We hope that city walks gut and head is equally challenged. We will ex- with a limited number of participants and observ- plore digital design tools and strategies in order to ing the distance regulations will be possible in May. handle a more complex design process faster and If this is not the case, we will adjust the format so to simplify it significantly. Visualization methods that it is feasible. The participants do not incur any will be complemented with important Photoshop costs, except for self-catering. You need nothing but skills. There will be consecutive theoretical input good shoes and a cell phone camera. per day. A hands-on exercise with partial modules Block date: Tue 25.05 - Fri 28.05.2021 and afterwards a reflection in the group. The 1st meeting: Tue, 25.05.2021, 9:00 a.m., goal is to get to know tools and strategies and to Bachelor Courses Architecture 31 network in the group community. You will get to Kirsten Schomakers and Max Kosoric, work will know each other and us, even in digital times, be carried out on it in the Unesco-awarded “social and make important contacts for your future as garden” of the Initial association in Karlsruhe- architectural designers. Wolfartsweier. In addition to the willingness to do physical work, personal safety clothing is Required software: required. It is a five-day presence event with a - Rhino3D V7 (win/mac), Edu trial version, preparatory meeting on site. - Enscape 3.0 for Rhino3D (win), Edu-trial version or Twinmotion (mac), Edu-trial version Language: German/English - Adobe Photoshop (win/mac). Wagner, Rosemarie Standard date: Seminar week 25.05-28.05 Kosoric, Maximilian Presentation: Layout of the exercises Sander, Stefan Form of processing: individual/group Language: German/English 1720954 Hebel, Dirk Seminarweek: See me, feel me Blümke, Tabea Katharina During the seminar week, important variables Böhm, Sandra influencing the indoor climate or comfort are to be Hoss, Hanna Silvie recorded and analyzed subjectively and objectively Jager, Philipp via measurements. After an introduction to the Lenz, Daniel Nicolas different domains of comfort - thermal, olfactory, Rausch, Manuel visual, aural - and their evaluation, different indoor spaces and outdoor situations will be ex- 1720717 amined with the help of measuring devices and a Seminar Week - Coding for Architects questionnaire. On the basis of the evaluated data, CAD Automation - Application-oriented Program- the results will be discussed and reflected with ming Workshop regard to the rooms and their characteristics (spa- Haven’t you ever wished to simplify your work in tial, building physics). The final result will be to the CAD/BIM system by automating e.g. repeti- work out how comfortable spaces can be designed. tive or “unexciting” tasks like the numbering of Appointment: Tues. 25. - 28.05.2021 10:00 AM rooms? Then the solution is waiting for you! Exam: 28.05.2021 This programming workshop is about the devel- Language: German opment of CAD/BIM addons that can support us Wagner, Andreas in our work with digital modeling tools. This will Mino Rodriguez, Maria Isabel be done using the Archicad BIM system as an Mann, Petra example and developing CAD add-ons with the Rissetto, Romina Paula Archicad Python API. After an introduction to the basics of Python programming, the focus will 1731094 be on the adaptation and specific optimization of Digital City Design | Real-Time Planning existing example scripts, so that the course is also Reloaded suitable for programming beginners. Real-time planning reloaded - Or -Who is afraid However, a basic understanding of CAD / BIM of the digital twin? From GIS, virtual reality, (3D) modeling should be present. 25.-28.05.2021 city models, design space explorations and... what Number of Participants: 10 does it all have to do with planning? During the von Both, Petra seminar week, different methods, technologies and Jouini, Saoussen workflows will be presented in the context of 3D Koch, Volker city models, tried out and tested in terms of their use in everyday planning in the sense of a “reality 1720917 check”. The focus will be on data acquisition, seminar week: dry walls trying out and testing. Accompanied by lectures by Workshop as part of the seminar week Tuesday international experts in the field of “Digital Twins”, May 25th, 2021- Saturday May 29th, 2021 “Geodesign”, “Space Syntaxes” and “Design Explo- With the production of dry stone walls from nat- rations”. The seminar aims to deepen knowledge of ural stone, the FG Bautechnologie would like to digital tools that can support and communicate the make another primal technique of solid construc- design process on a larger scale. tion accessible. The base for a new greenhouse is Seminar Week: 25.-28.05.2021, 10:00 pm – 12:00 to be created from a large pile of old red sandstone pm + 2:00 am – 5:00 am from the streets of Campus West. Together with Bachelor Courses Architecture 32

First meeting: Tue 25.05.2021, 10:00 pm the city for a short moment and aims to gener- Exam performance: documentation ate impulses for a new perception of the urban Form: teamwok, 2erGroups space as “possibility space”. ´Plant based PopUP´ Number of Participants: 15 wants to use the short and fleeting moment of the Neppl, Markus intervention with an ephemeral garden to draw Cinar, Özlem attention to new forms of an urban ecology and to Haug, Nina experimentally animate and inspire the “collective Zeile, Peter society” to engage. City stage free for Plant Based PoP! 1731199 Apointment : Tue - Fri 10 am - 5 pm, Bldg. 11.40, R Seminarweek: City Portraits - Public 126 & online Space in Conversation (Engel) First Meeting: Tue 25.05.2021, 10 am The dialogue between the human body and the Submission/Presentation: 28.05.2021 city is the main theme of many city portraits since Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) the end of the 14th century. The way the public Language: German space and public life are pictured reflects a cultur- Bava, Henri al statement regarding the relation between us Gerstberger, Susanne and the city. The seminar will discuss those collec- Romero Carnicero, Arturo tive emotions and their representation as spatial atmosphere: What social and cultural statement 1731299 are manifested by the artist? How would we Seminarweek: Expedition on the Doorstep present the scene from our perspective? We will (Inderbitzin) analyze the way the representation of public space During the seminar week we deal with the space in art changed through the years and offer new in front of our own doorstep: the street, the urban interpretation of the pictured events and a new space and neighbourhood, the garden or park, the setting in modern context to further explore the wider landscape. We will use the medium of film relation between art theory and the urban space. and rely on our abilities to observe and describe “City Porträts” is a cooperation of the Chair for everyday situations. We will start with Aldo International Urbanism and the Department of Art Rossi’s book Scientific Self-Biography, excerpts of History. which we will read together. We also plan to invite Appointment: Tue - Fr 09:00 am - 05:15 pm a professional director to accompany and comment First Meeting: Tue 25.05.2021, 09:00 am on our work. The programme is designed so that Submission/Exam: Wed 11.08.2021 we can undertake the expeditions both individ- Number of Participants: 15 (ISTB) + 15 (IKB) ually and together in the field (depending on the Language: German/English situation regarding the pandemic). The result of Engel, Barbara the week is a collection of short films. Reuß Brezovska, Marketa Appointment: 25.05.2021-28.05.2021 Lev, Moran Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) Fiorentini Elsen, Erna Language: German/English Inderbitzin, Christian 1731219 Grunitz, Michael Seminar Week: Plant-based Pop Up - An Kersting, Conrad Paul Ephemeral Garden in the City (Bava) Schork, Anna Karin The great task for the cooperating world society in the 21st century is ´The great Transformation´. 1741388 For a more sustainable world, we are transform- Seminar week: Ernst May housing estates ing our ways of living, mobility concepts and in Frankfurt. Virtual walks. lifestyles within the scope of our possibilities. The The Ernst May housing estates in Frankfurt, task of transforming an entire city in an econom- which were built during the 1920s and early ically, ecologically and sociocultural sustainable 1930s, are among the most outstanding examples way is far more complex. Administrative and of German modernist housing development. They planning bodies of the city alone cannot solve it emerge together with a modified green space as an and are dependent on precisely these cooperating expression of a new urban design in . The populations, which innovatively and creative- bachelor students each take on one housing estate ly participates, looking for opportunities and as their own ‘research object’ and prepare a short possibility spaces. ´Plant based PopUP´ changes historical research on it at the beginning of the Bachelor Courses Architecture 33 compact week. With the help of this research they Mannheim, Ludwigshafen prepare themselves for a walk in the middle of the Submission/Exam: Tue 20.07.2021, 9 am - 3 pm week, on which they walk through ‘their settle- Groups of 4 ment’ on the basis of their own research question. Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) The walk will be documented photographically Language: German and prepared in a presentation at the end of the Bava, Henri week. Then we meet for an online compact sem- Gerstberger, Susanne inar where we walk virtually through Frankfurt Romero Carnicero, Arturo as a group. Thus, an excursion certificate can be acquired in this seminar. Neppl, Markus Joa, Simon Excursion: 25.05.-28.05.2021 Stippich, Matthias First Meeting: 25.05.2021, 10:30 am Weber, Max Number of Praticipants: 4 Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) Engel, Barbara German Gawlik, Ulrike Kuzyshyn, Anna Reuß Brezovska, Marketa 4th Term 1731203 Basics of Urban Planning The lectures introduce and deepen the basic un- derstanding of urban design, urban planning and 1731201/1731067/1731152 landscape planning. There are taught methods Design in Studio Context: re:GENERATION of perception, critical analysis, presentation and – New urban communities in Mannheim interpretation of urban situations. The lectures and Ludwigshafen (Bava, Neppl, Engel) provide the necessary content and theoretical The city and urban life are currently undergoing foundations for the design work in the “Studio enormous changes. In the 20th century, cities context”. Design-relevant topics are discussed have been marked by segregation of usages since using concrete examples, analyzed and applied in the Athens Charter. Result was a high degree of the form of small exercises. mobility for its users, which led to a strong domi- Appointments: Wed 10.00 - 11.30 am nance of motorized individual transport and fossil First Meeting: 14.04.2021 fuels. Mannheim and Ludwigshafen - important Exam: 2021/KW31 production locations at that time - also stood for Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) this type of functionally separate and car-friendly Language: German city. Nowadays, almost a hundred years later, soci- Bava, Henri ety and urban shape have changed. Today Mann- Engel, Barbara heim and Ludwigshafen are following the goals of Romero Carnicero, Arturo a mixed-use, decentralized, climate-friendly and Gerstberger, Susanne digital city. In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic Reuß Brezovska, Marketa has radically changed our way of life. The changes Kuzyshyn, Anna affect all spheres of life, everyday work as well as the private home, the way we travel around 1731051 and how we meet in public spaces. This raises the Urban Developent: Urban Perspectives fundamental question: How do we want to live in Basic Concepts of Urban Design and the future Within the frame of the studio context, Planning urban planning concepts shall be elaborated, that answer are to be found with. What lessons can be All large and small cities in Germany are feeling learned from these radical changes? What impact a great dynamic in the areas of population do these have on cities and the way we plan them? development, job security, mobility services, Forward-looking ideas and alternative models for climate adaptation and resource efficiency. Simply living in new communities are expected. waiting, thinking exclusively about one’s local area and merely reacting is no longer sufficient Studio Appointment: Mo - Fri 2 - 5.30 pm, Bldg. to answer the questions of the future. To be able 11.40, R127 First Meeting: Wed 07.04.2021, 10 am, to make a relevant contribution to these societal MS Teams discussions, the necessary terms for effective com- Pin Up: 12.05.2021 / 16.06.2021 munication must be clearly defined and generally Individual Excursion: 19.04.2021 - 20.04.2021, Bachelor Courses Architecture 34 comprehensive. The lecture provides an overview 1710450 of the current thematic fields and backgrounds of Introduction to the Communication of urban development and uses this vocabulary to Architecture provide an introduction to the current debate on This lecture series serves as an introduction to the future of our urban ways of life. the theory and practice of Communication of Appointment: Mo 10:00 am – 11:30 am Architecture. The central problems are formulat- Dates: 12.04.2021, 19.04.2021, 26.04.2021, ed, important fields of application are presented, 10.05.2021, 17.05.2021, 31.05.2021, 07.06.2021, useful strategies and tools for communication are 14.06.2021, 21.06.2021, 05.07.2021 introduced and discussed in terms of strengths Oral Exam: 02.-03.08.2021 and weaknesses. The concluding written test is re- Language: German ferring to the whole module, including the lecture Neppl, Markus series “Scientific Methods for Architecture”. The Cinar, Özlem lecture is generally held as an offline event, i.e. a commented set of slides with references and tasks 1731155 for self-learning is provided at each appointment. Construction Planning Law There will also be an opportunity for queries and discussions at regular intervals. The lecture deals with building law in Germany. Appointment: Thursday 10:00–11:30 a.m., online Appointment: Mo 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. First Meeting: on ILIAS Mo 12.04.2021 First Meeting: 22 April 2021, 10.00 a.m., online Exam: planned 02.08.2021. Exam: expected to take place on 28 July 2021, Details will be published when organized. time and venue will be given in time Language: German Language: German Menzel, Jörg Rambow, Riklef Finger, Werner 1710451 1710202 Scientific Methods for Architecture Principles of Building Studies and Design The lecture series asks for the meaning and Building typology is the study of how architecture importance that scientific methods have for the comes together. It is the study of collected information discipline of architecture. Following a short on buildings, but also of seeing and understanding introduction to Epistomology and the Philosophy interrelationships and principles of order. In the and Sociology of Science, different strategies of natural sciences classification – or taxonomy – was knowledge production are presented and tested a first step toward understanding how natural for relevance by analysis of classical as well as processes take place. In architecture, building types contemporary studies in the fields of architectural are conventionally classified according to their uses in and urbanistic research. The lecture is generally order to be subject to exemplary study. The lectures´ held as an offline event, i.e. a commented set of chronologies trace the continuous evolution of import- slides with references and tasks for self-learning ant types from their origins until the present. The is provided at each appointment. There will also lectures are supplemented by a series of exercises. be an opportunity for queries and discussions at Appointment: Tue. 10:00 - 11:30 am regular intervals. The concluding written test is First meeting: Tue. 13.04.2021, 10:00 am referring to the whole module, which also includes Exam: Tue. 10.08.2021 the lecture series “Introduction to the Communi- Language: German cation of Architecture”. Morger, Meinrad Appointment: Thursday 12:00–13:30 p.m., online Schneider, Lisa Anna- Katharina on ILIAS First Meeting: 22 April 2021, 12 p.m., online 1710203 Submission/Exam: expected to take place on 28 Principles of Building Studies and Design July 2021, time and venue will be given in time The lectures ‘Principles of Building Studies and Language: German Design’ are supplemented by a series of exercises. Rambow, Riklef Appointment: Tue. 11:30 - 13:30 am 1741355 Language: German Lecture Building History 2 Morger, Meinrad Schneider, Lisa Anna- Katharina This lecture series offers an introduction into the Bachelor Courses Architecture 35 development of architecture since the Enlight- rebuilding phases. The evaluation of all acquired enment. Selected examples will be examined in information results in a building age plan and a chronological order, discussing central themes building description, which are the basis for an and issues of today’s architectural history. We evaluation of the substance, static conditions and will tackle the task of analyzing the driving thus the basis for strategic planning. In the course forces and factors that determine the cultural “Bauaufnahme und Vermessung” an introduction change in both the production and the interpre- to the analytical and methodological approach of tation of architecture. The goal is to describe the described forms of documentation is given in this change through the ages and to understand lectures and exercises and focused on individual its historical logic. The insights gained are to be areas, which is the basis for a sound as well as brought into a lively connection with the present, sustainable planning with existing building fabric hopefully contributing as cultural references to and its essential characteristics. the development of future-oriented approaches. Procedure: The Building Survey 2021 will take This semester, the lectures will be devoted to the place in “home office” mode and without presence. fundamental changes in architecture since the All information, assignments and lectures will Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution. As be provided on ILIAS. Students will work on and early as the 19th century, construction was faced hand in assignments in groups of four, in which with fundamentally new tasks that overburdened they will organize themselves. Several groups the traditional canon of classical architectural of four will be assigned to a tutor with whom languages. Architects have since been trying to they will arrange supervision appointments on respond to constantly changing requirements. The the days listed above, if necessary. At least once cult of the new, however, must not hide the fact in between, each of the two assignments should that Modernity has long since developed its own be submitted to the tutor for correction. Once in traditions. between. Since all groups should be given the opportunity to speak with their tutor, please be The course will be held online this semester until considerate and minimize the number or length of further notice. The semester schedule will be tutoring sessions. maintained. Appointment: Fri 11:30-13:00 am, online Fri 16.4.21 - 21.05.21 10:00 Lecture Exam: expected 30.07.2021, Tue. 25.5. - Fri. 28.5.21 Virtual main exercise Buil- Place and time will be announced in time ding Surveying and Surveying Science Language: German Mon. 31.05.21, handing in exercise construction survey Medina Warmburg, Joaquín Mon. 7.6.21 Handing in of the main exercise Sur- veying Science 1741356 Fri. x.x.21 10:00 Introduction to Photogrammetry Building Survey and Survey Language: German Uretzko, Manfred Building in the existing fabric, further building Busse, Anette and modernization, but also the preservation of historical monuments and the restoration of old buildings require a determined examination of the 6thTerm built substance. Only from the knowledge of the existing, which must be worked out by different Obligatory Courses methodical investigations, a building can be seized in its form, its function, the used material and the applied building technique. The building survey or also stocktaking consists of different components. 1710112 These are usually only revealed at second glance Bachelor’s Thesis (Frohn): Death in the and are not always obvious. An important basis Age of Immortality for future planning is the measurement, which As a product of the Enlightenment, accompanied can be created using various methods. With the by developing hygiene regulations, new cemeter- on-site survey and the documentation of the exist- ies have been established outside the cities. For ing, such as damages, surfaces, materials and de- centuries, death was thus banished from the ur- tails, the condition of the building is mapped and ban consciousness. Recently, the idea of death has made evaluable. With the archive research one become more present in our everyday lives. Daily receives in the best case information about the ori- death statistics and media reports are emblematic gin of the building and its history of change, since of our powerlessness in the face of it. Neverthe- most older buildings already show one or more less, and perhaps precisely against this backdrop, Bachelor Courses Architecture 36 humanity is embarking on its “next great project”: structured and accompanied by subtasks and joint immortality, as historian Yuval Harari, among activities: others, argues. Thanks to advances in biotech- • Virtual excursion with film screenings and input nology and artificial intelligence, Homo sapiens lectures by different experts. could advance to become the god-like Homo deus. • Atlas of useful findings. The studio has therefore set the goal of examining • Toolbox: A series of input lectures to improve the ambivalent relationship between death and students’ skills and techniques. immortality at a time when the dialectic between • Thick Description: In-depth description of the the two has reached peak intensity. Somewhere site with a special focus on what you identify as between the scientific/medical, the logistical and key elements to change or to stabilize the current the ritual lies an unexplored space for architec- state. tural intervention. We will design an institution • Anticipatory Project: Enhance your thick de- for the dead and the immortal along these three scription by visualizing the goals for your future strands. In countermovement to Enlightenment architectural project. urban distancing, it positions itself with an appro- • Intermediate review with guests. priate urban presence. • Visite: The individual student assignments are briefly discussed in a rather informal way with Appointment: Wed-Thurs 2 – 6 pm, Zoom the professor. First Meeting: 31.03.2021, Zoom • Review of drawings: One week before the final Pin-Up: 05.05.2021, 02.06.2021 submission, the scope of the submission and the Submission/Presentation: 30.06.2021/07.07.2021 legibility of the drawings are discussed. Language: German • Final review: The projects will be discussed with Frohn, Marc external guests. Bengert, Florian Zelli, Marco Appointments: weekly Wednesday/Thursday 14 - 18h First Meeting: online - 31.03.2021 at 14h 1710111 Intermediate review: 26.05.2021 whole day Advanced Topic of Bachelor Thesis Final Presentation: 06/07.07.2021 whole day (Frohn) Abgabe: digital - 30.06.2021 bis 12 Uhr Processing work: Individual work Language: German/English Wed 09:00-13:30 from 04/14 until 07/21 Hartmann, Simon Language: German Brasanac, Andela Frohn, Marc Garriga Tarres, Josep Bengert, Florian Zelli, Marco 1710311 Advanced Topic of Bachelor Thesis: 1710302 Waterworld (Hartmann) Bachelor’s Thesis: Waterworld. A Rhine- Architecture in (Hartmann) Language: German/English The bachelor thesis Waterworld offers students Hartmann, Simon the opportunity to design an architectural object Brasanac, Andela Garriga for plants, animals, and people in, on, and around Tarres, Josep the Rhine. The project is intended to contribute to a diverse new Rhine culture in which species 1710201 protection, innovative production, and leisure Bachelor’s Thesis: Art Museum in activities mutually enrich each other. The project Karlsruhe (Morger) perimeter is located in the borough of Daxlanden - a former fishing village located on the Rhine, With this summer semester´s final Bachelor west of the city center of Karlsruhe and south of Degree design project we turn our attention to Rheinhafen. The new building complex aims at the building type of the art museum and to the becoming an alternative type to the traditional question of how that type might interact with the hatchery and fish breeding infrastructures by add- city and its inhabitants in the 21st century. The ing a scenic dimension to them, converting them museum as an ideal place for meeting with art – into a public facility open to multiple users (from as an institution for collecting, archiving, presen- amateurs to professionals). The bachelor thesis tation, education, and research – will serve as the is an individual work, but the design process is basis for our continuing research on elementary Bachelor Courses Architecture 37 themes in architecture: space, light, typology, the pandemic are determining a shift from the and structure. The requirements of the specific currently dominating monofunctionality within brief, the demands of the chosen site in Karl- the urban nucleus. A new building, consisting of sruhe, and the addition of complementary uses a market hall and a nondescript other function, to the program will all serve to transform any is to be designed for the centre of Karlsruhe as a preconceived concepts on the fundamental type of novel addition to urban life. The market hall is to the museum. The transformation of basic types: be seen as a public forum rather than a supermar- this complex designerly process is fundamental ket, as a plurivalent space for small local vendors, to the creation of relevant architectural meaning much in the vein of the “segmented city” concept within the context of the city. With its numerous developed at the Sorbonne University in Paris. museums from different epochs Karlsruhe has Based on this design brief as well as the analysis an established tradition of building museums as of similar projects, such as the new market hall in places for the public and as symbols of prestige Rotterdam, we want to interrogate how versatile and progress. An art museum is more than a mere market buildings can be interwoven with seem- house to exhibit artworks; it embodies an evolving ingly contradictory typological requirements for understanding of art as the expression of a culture work, leisure and accommodation within a Karl- – one that includes its current political, social sruhe city block, in order to create a vital addition and economic aspects – while at the same time to the ever-changing urban landscape. striving for an expression of art´s universal and Appointment: As of Thu, 08.04.2021 every Thurs- timeless relevance. day afternoon, online First Meeting: 31.03.2021, 14:00pm First Meeting: Wed, 31.03.2021, 10.00 am, online Pin-Up: 07.04., 14.+15.04., 21.04. 5.+6.05. PinUp: Thu, 29.04.2021; 10.06.2021 02.06., 09.06., 16.06., Submission: Wed, 30.06.2021 until 12.00 pm and 23.6.21 Presentation: Tue, 06. and Wed, 07.07.2021 Submission/Exam: 5th and 7th July 2021 Language: German/English Language: German Wappner, Ludwig Morger, Meinrad Tusinean, Monica Schilling, Alexander Hörmann, Helge Patrick Kunkel, Steffen Schneemann, Falk Zaparta, Eleni Schneider, Lisa Anna- Katharina 1720508 Advanced Topic of Bachelor Thesis: 1710211 Market Hall Karlsruhe (Wappner) Advanced Topic of Bachelor Thesis (Morger) Appointment: As of Thu, 08.04.2021 every Thurs- Participation only in connection with the Bachelor day afternoon, online Thesis, Prof. Morger Further information can be found in the issue of First Meeting: Wed. 31.03.2021 the assignment for the Bachelor’s thesis Submission/Exam: in connection with Bachelor Thesis Examination: with presentation Bachelor thesis Language: German Language: German Morger, Meinrad Wappner, Ludwig Kunkel, Steffen Schilling, Alexander 1741353 Zaparta, Eleni Urban History 2 Schneider, Lisa Anna- Katharina The second part of the lecture series on the history of urban planning will be devoted to the historical 1720507 development of the city from the Enlightenment Bachelor’s Thesis: Market Hall Karlsruhe to the present day. We will analyze selected cases (Wappner) in chronological order, describing their specific As a result of home office work, a lack of tour- sequences of morphological levels (parcel, build- ists, and growing online shopping platforms, ing, block, etc. up to the regional scale) in their city centres are becoming increasingly deserted. mutual interaction, in particular the immediate But they’re not only affected by the economic connection between building and city (architecture repercussions of the coronavirus - the structural and urban planning). The increasing interdepen- and systemic changes catalysed in the wake of dencies between town and country -with their Bachelor Courses Architecture 38 vanishing border- since industrialization are to pression during the excursion days. We will be ac- be problematized. One recurrent topic will be the commodated at Ferme de la Salvetat on the Causse analysis of the various determining factors, such du Larzac in South France with excellent food. The as social, cultural, political, technical, economic or travel has to be organised with private cars. ecological conditions, which have been decisive for Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) the emergence of historic city forms. This consid- Language: German eration of historical forms of the city can also been Beyer, Udo understood as an exploration of contemporary urbanization processes. 1710361 The course will be held online this semester until Selected Topics of Drawing: Life Drawing further notice. The semester schedule will be Illustration of the human body - Possibilities of maintained. drawing Appointment: Thu 12-1:30 pm Proportion studies and material experiments in Exam: expected 30.07.2021, different techniques and formats Place and time will be announced in time Language: German Appointment: Monday; 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM First Medina Warmburg, Joaquín meeting: 12.04.2021; 6:00 PM Hinterwaldner, Inge Submission/Exam: 30.07.2021 Number of participants: 15 + 2 Erasmus 1740132 Language: German Lecture Art History 2: Modelling Globas, Jörg The cultural history of modelling and model build- 1710362 ing goes back to the earliest testimonies of man- Selected Topics of Drawing: Kitchen kind and is correspondingly multi-faceted. Models Politics - Cooking as artistic-research and – as a saying goes – potentially encompass every- political practice thing: from the blonde to the differential equation. An etymological analysis helps to fan out the field: Equipped with laptops and wifi, we go straight mode, modulus, model, model. The most import- into the kitchen, prepare food together, exchange ant materials and techniques involved, production kitchen wisdom and talk about the political practices, design modes and parameters are sys- dimensions of kitchen debates. Along the way, we tematically presented through various historical will be inspired by artists, architects, scientists instances. How do the predominant developments and activists as we cook and think together. We and use of models (as grave goods, design aids, will compile our culinary experiments, reflections reproductions, objects of discourse, memory sup- and artistic-research micro-studies in a reader ports, knowledge transfer, training instances, etc.) and send out an invitation to a kitchen perfor- look like over the centuries? mance at the end of the semester. There is also the possibility of a joint contribution to CUR- Appointment: Thu 10 - 11.30 am, Bldg. 20.40, RENT (transdisciplinary festival for art in urban Fritz-Haller Hörsaal space) in Stuttgart in September 2021. The course Exam: expected 30.07.21 will take place in cooperation with Barbara Zoé Language: German Kiolbassa (ZKM | Centre for Art and Media). Fiorentini Elsen, Erna Appointment: Friday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM First meeting: 16.04.2021 Compulsory Elective Courses Submission/ Exam: 30.07.2021 Number of participants: 15 Language: German/English Craig, Stephen Kranz, Fanny 1710163 Selected Topics of Drawing: Drawing 1710363 Excursion Summer Selected Topics of Drawing: It’s Magic - Drawing as a method of exploring reality/-ies in an Inner Images, Own Realities and Magic individual approach and perception shall be used “The unexplained gives me hope” for a free evolvement of personality. Preliminary Carl-Einar Häckner, magician meetings introduce general questions which are How do inner images arise? How do realities come basis for an intense work with graphic means of ex- Bachelor Courses Architecture 39 into being? How is an illusion created? Appointment: Tue. 12:00-1:30 pm In this seminar the complex relationship between Submission/Exam: 13.08.2021 inner and outer images will be examined. Dif- Number of Participants: 7 ferent realities, sums of correspondences, will be Language: German compared with possible deviations and magical Knoop, Hannah Friederike bridges between them will be established. We will deal with artistic and theoretical positions of illu- 1720553 sion, meet a magician and learn from an author Selected Topics of Building Construction how inner images are created. Every Tuesday we Analysis: MaterialConcept approach more and more our own illusion, which A selfelective project is analysed and examined we realize at the end of the seminar. concerning his concept and material and con- Appointment: Tuesday 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM structive conversion. On the basis of a compre- First meeting: Tuesday 13.04.2021 via ZOOM hensive search the project is edited in drawings, Submission/ Exam: 20.07.2021 understood and shown after default in a from 6 Number of participants: 13 to 15-sided pamphlet with pictures and text. It Language: German concerns a looked housework with freely agreed Craig, Stephen appointments. Pawelzyk, Susanne Control appointment: Care after arrangement First Meeting: Wed, 14.04.2021, 3.00 pm, online 1710364 The project should be visited as far as possible. Selected Topics of Fine Art: Intensive Submission/Exam: according to the arrangement Drawing Treatment form: Single work In “Drawing intensive” we will concentrate mainly Language: German on “learning to see”. Through various exercises Haug, Thomas and techniques you will hone your skills in the perception of shapes, proportions, texture, and 1720752 depth of space– you will learn how to draw. The Structural Analysis: Factory halls development of your powers of observation is the In the context of this event, the focus is on the focus of this course. The course is process-orient- analytical examination of the specific structural ed: the craft of drawing learned and developed properties of factory halls. These structures have, step by step in a playful way. for example, special features with regard to flexi- Appointment: Tue 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM ble utilization concepts and large required spans. First meeting: 13.04.2021 , 6:00 PM The students’ task is the structural analysis of Submission/Exam: 30.07.2021 an existing context-related structure. The results Number of participants: 10 + 2 Erasmus of the analysis will be presented in a paper and Language: German handed in as a paper. The topic is introduced by Goetzmann, Tanja topic-related lectures. Appointment: Mo, 10 am - 1.30 pm 1710405 First Meeting: 19.04.2021, 10 am Selected Topics of Architectural Theory: Number of Paticipants: 20 Architecture as Global Governance Language: German Architecture forms global society. The Palace of Lauterkorn, Daniel Nations in Geneva and the UN headquarters in Özcan, Tugay New York are not only architectural icons, but also N.N. symbols of a global community. But the UN is in a Sedighi, Mandana crisis: it has to assert itself in a planetary society and stand up to nationalism and populism. How 1720909 can transnational political aspirations be repre- Selected Topics of Building Technology: sented architecturally today? What does it mean to Design to built design for a transforming global world community? Today, the design of buildings is mainly carried The course is designed as a reading and research out with digital support. This allows the spatial seminar. The aim is to engage with the aesthetics representation of free and complex shapes, is of global architecture in order to investigate the stored with simulation programs and makes it power and powerlessness of an architecture as possible, for example, to check the load- bear- global governance. ing capacity or light guidance in early design Bachelor Courses Architecture 40 phases. Despite the power of this software, the 1720962 question remains how exactly virtual worlds can Sected Topics of Building Physics: Energy be transferred into reality. This discussion is the Efficient Buildings content of the seminar with the aim to check In the lecture module ‘Energy-efficient Buildings’ already worked out drafts for their buildability concepts and technologies for heat protection, and to actually build them. The current project solar buildings, passive cooling and energy supply is the construction of clay samples in the forest with renewable energies are investigated. Besides classroom in Karlsruhe. The current circumstanc- addressing fundamental knowledge, construction es that the corona pandemic brings with it suggest and design related aspects are discussed in the an online teaching for the longest period of the context of the named topics on the basis of exam- current summer semester 2021. For the concept ples from practice. For qualification targets see of the Bachelors building summer, there are two module handbook. possible approaches that we both offer and want to try out with you. 1. With the topic “Paravent en Appointment: Tues. 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Terre - a screen made of clay” we would like to of- First meeting: Tues. 13.04.2021, 10:00 AM fer a small domestic clay building project. Wheth- Submission/Exam: 03.08.2021 er and how this can work must first be worked out Number of Participants: 10 together. The project starts immediately. 2. The Language: German the continuation of the clay classroom must take Wagner, Andreas place in a compact phase of two weeks at the end of the semester from 13.-24. September 2021. The 1741312 preparatory work of the groups is organized in Selected Topics of Art History: Velazquez online communication. Diego Velazquez, painter at the Spanish court in Preliminary meetings online after prior notice Madrid, was one of the most important portrait- Excursion: none ists of his time. At the beginning of the 17th Submission/Exam: Presentation with model in century, Spain was still the politically dominant scale M 1 : 1 and documentation nation in Europe, but had already passed the Number of Participants: 20 zenith of its power. Velazquez’s work reflects the Language: German/English loss of importance of the Spanish monarchy and Wagner, Rosemarie the increasing social conflicts in Spain. The semi- Sander, Stefan nar will focus on the portraits Velazquez painted Sum, Bernd for the members of the court, but also on his mythological paintings, his genre and his history 1720961 painting. images. They show that such images Sected Topics of Building Physics: Fire were - and are - intended to be more than simply Protection beautiful views. In the lecture module ‘Fire Protection’ properties Appointment: Thu 8 - 9.30 am, Bldg. 20.40, of building materials and building parts and R124 FG KG their classification in terms of fire protection, fire Submission/Exam: written elaboration, 30.09.2021 alarm systems, fire-extinguishing systems and Number of Participants: 5 fume/heat outlets, fire zones, escape routes and Language: German fire protection concepts are introduced. Besides Papenbrock, Martin addressing fundamental knowledge, construction and design related aspects are discussed in the 1741314 context of the named topics on the basis of exam- Selected Topics of Art History: ples from practice. For qualification targets see Introduction to Aesthetics (Early module handbook. Modernity) Appointment: Thu. 18:00 PM - 19:30 PM Aesthetics has always been a discipline chal- First meeting: Thu. 15.04.2021, 18:00 PM lenging to define. The authors of antiquity had Submission/Exam: 09.08.2021 no name for this. They developed basic aesthetic Number of Participants: 10 terms and categories that were decisive for the Language: German later understanding of the beautiful and sublime, Wagner, Andreas proportion, and harmony. In this seminar, we’ll Pannier, Philip learn the most important conceptions of aesthetics from antiquity to the present. Every semester, we focus on a specific epoch. This semester, the Bachelor Courses Architecture 41 seminar consists of an introductory lecture on the of May/beginning of June, during which they walk history of aesthetics, several sessions on early through ‘their garden’ on the basis of their own modern aesthetics, and a practical part where the research question. The walk will be documented students discuss selected texts and works of art. photographically and prepared in a presentation. At the end of the semester (end of June) we will Appointment: Fri 10 - 11.30 am, Bldg. 20.40, meet for an online compact seminar where we will R124 FG KG conduct virtual excursions as a group. This allows Submission/Exam: written elaboration, 30.09.2021 students to earn a field trip certificate in this sem- Number of Paticipants: 3 inar. Students will complete a written paper by Language: German the end of the semester. This will be graded along Munoz Morcillo, Jesus with the virtual walk. Self-study, supervision monthly Fridays 12:00, compact seminar online 1741315 end of June. Selected Topics of Art History: Substantial Surrogates? Virtual Reality for Submission: 31.07.21 Preserving Art Installations Number of Participants: 6 Language: German In the research seminar “Substantial Surrogates,” Gawlik, Ulrike we focus on questions about the use of Virtual Reality technologies to document art installa- 1741365 tions. How does the use of VR technologies affect Selected Topics of Building History: our understanding of art and authenticity? Can Preservation of historical monuments - the virtual copy influence our perception of the Theory and Practice original? The survey and digital re-enactment of art installations require interdisciplinary The preservation and maintenance of historical working methods, so that, in addition to dealing monuments or monument ensembles is a task with conservation theory, we will take a look at that is performed by specialized architectural conservation practice. Students will analyze case firms, restorers and monument protection authori- studies to explore the material-iconological benefit ties. The seminar gives an insight into selected of VR-based documentation techniques, and they topics and questions. The focus is on the history will use the results for scientific research. and theory of monument preservation, the history of central European town houses, inventory, Appointment: Fri 12 - 13.30 am, Bldg. 20.40, practical examples of monument preservation and R124 FG KG old building Submission/Exam: written elaboration, 30.09.2021 Number of Paticipants: 3 The seminar is offered as an online compact course Language: German 1. Meeting: 14.04.21 10-11.30 a.m. Munoz Morcillo, Jesus Submission: 30.08.21 Number of Participants: 5 1741363 Language: German Selected Topics of Building Hanschke, Julian History:Historic Gardens in Southwest Germany. Virtual walks. 1741366 Selected Topics of Building History: Historic Gardens in Southwest Germany. Virtual Spaces of Work. Industrial Architecture as walks. In southwestern Germany, between Frank- a Spatial Factor in and outside the city furt and Lake Constance, there are outstanding historic gardens and cultural landscapes that can In this seminar we will examine industrial be used to learn about the history of garden art architecture and its interconnectedness with the in Western Europe. These include, in historical surrounding city or countryside using various order, the island of Reichenau, the Hortus Palati- examples. These buildings have to be adapted to nus next to Heidelberg Castle, the Schwetzingen the conceptual structure of the production process Castle Garden or Favorite in Rastatt, the Prince’s as well as technically exactly to the machines and Camp on the Bergstrasse and the Botanical Gar- their energy supply. At the same time, they are den as well as the Palm Garden in Frankfurt. The integrated into the surrounding spatial urban bachelor students each take on a garden as their structures and infrastructures in multiple ways. own ‘research object’ and complete historical re- But factories are also working spaces for many search on it in the first half of the semester. Using people, who also had to be organized and have this research, they prepare for a walk at the end their needs. Thus, criteria of economic efficiency Bachelor Courses Architecture 42 and function are juxtaposed with discussions 1741357 about social working and living conditions of Selected Topics of Building History: the employees. All of this, however, by no means Biomimesis.Biological Analogy in excludes a high design standard for the architec- Architecture since Vitruvius tural design of the buildings. “Form follows function:” probably no other maxim Tue, 10-11:30 a.m., online has been more transcendental for the understand- Submission: 31.08.21 ing and misunderstanding of modern architec- Number of Participants: 7 ture. It is often associated with the cold forms Language: German of a rationalist machine age. However, the idea Rind, Nina Rebekka originally arose from 19th century biology.With her it was tried to decipher the laws of the growth 1741364 of forms and the causal logic of their evolution. Research Seminar/Building History: This biological determinism was transferred to Historic Building Details – To discover architecture using animal and plant analogies. & to understand. Components, building Around 1900 Louis H. Sullivan came to apply materials, joints and surfaces. the saying, famous since then, to the claim of an organic conception of skyscrapers. Although Philip Historic Building Details – To discover & to Steadman rejected as early as 1979 such transfers understand. Components, building materials, from biology to cultural artifacts as deterministic joints and surfaces. Research seminar in coop- fallacies, biotechnical analogies remain popu- eration with the Open Air Museum of Switzer- lar for architects, engineers, and designers: for land, Ballenberg, Hofstetten bei Brienz (CH). A example, among the pioneers of biomorphic digital historic building is always closely linked to the fabrication or for those who see in the veracity building craft and the knowledge and skills of the of the natural an ethical value according to the craftsmen of the time. This skill is evident in current paradigm of sustainability. However, the the surfaces, the joints and the interplay of the history of natural analogies and the imitation of various materials and components of a building. nature in architecture did not begin in the middle The seminar focuses on the details: seeing and of the 19th century. They go back to antiquity, understanding constructive details, classifying for example to the Ten Books of Vitruvius or the temporal developments and understanding Poetics of Aristotle. The seminar analyzes these regional characteristics and changes. For this experiences and traces the change and continuity purpose, individual houses of the Swiss Open- of natural analogies across the ages to the recent Air Museum will be mentally taken apart and past. Focusing on selected examples, we will the construction process retraced. Each seminar analyze cases such as the constructions of various participant will be assigned a historical house, living beings, the anthropomorphic ideals of the constructional features and building details Vitruvius, the transformations of the tree- column of which will be the subject of an intensive analogies in Gothic architecture or the “natural examination. The aim is to find out which crafts constructions” of Frei Otto. The seminar is held were needed, which building materials were as part of a six-part series (Oikos, Helios, Gaia, used, how the building materials were pro- Techne, Bio-Mimesis, U-Topos) on the environ- cessed and how the composite of the materials mental history of architecture. and the structure of the components work. The discussion will take place in short texts, plan Tue, 6-7:30 p.m., online Submission: 31.08.2021 drawings, sketches and models. Number of Participants: 7 Language: German Introductory session: Monday, 19 April 2021, 10:00- Medina Warmburg, Joaquín 12:00 (via Zoom). Assignment of topics: Monday, 26 April 2021, 10:00-12:00 (via Zoom) Interdisciplinary Qualifications Compact seminar date: After arrangement (depen- ding on Corona location via Zoom or on site at the Open-Air Museum of Switzerland, Ballenberg). Submission: 31.08.2021 Number of Participants: 4 1700053 Language: German Workshop Introduction Brehm, Anne-Christine Recommendations for the course in the Bach- elor’s program of the individual introductory Bachelor Courses Architecture 43 events: pared and has to be submitted to the Dean’s Office 1st semester: Studienwerkstatt Modellbau (Man- of Studies of the KIT- Department of Architecture fred Neubig) and Studienwerkstatt Fotografie with a certificate of the company about content (Bernd Seeland) and working hours of the internship. 2nd semester: Studienwerkstatt Metall (Andreas Language: German/English Heil) and Studienwerkstatt Holz (Anita Knipper) 3rd semester: Studienwerkstatt Digital (Willy Abraham) Only after the successful introduction of the individual study workshops are they available for use at leisure. The workshop introductions must be completed by the end of the 6th Bachelor’s semester. Appointment: see notices on the workshop board Examination: Participation is confirmed on work- shop driver’s license The workshop introductions cannot take place this semester due to the closure of the workshops until further notice. Language: German Abraham, Willy Heil, Andreas Knipper, Anita Neubig, Manfred Seeland, Bernd

1700056 Key Qualifications at HoC, ZAK or Sprachenzentrum In the area of key qualifications, offers from the following institutions can be taken: House of Competence (HoC: hoc.kit.edu), Zentrum für Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft (ZAK: http:// www.zak.kit.edu/vorlesungsverzeich-nis.php) Sprachenzentrum (SPZ: https://www.spz.kit.edu/) Language: German/English

1700000 Karlsruher Architekturvorträge Attendance of at least 15 lectures of the event se- ries “Karlsruher Architektur-vorträge”, “Vortrags- reihe Kunstgeschichte”, or “Baugeschichtliches Kolloquium” of the KIT Faculty of Architecture can be recognized with a credit point in the mod- ule Key Qualifications. For dates and program see homepage of the KIT Faculty. Hebel, Dirk

1700047 Construction Internship In the Key Qualifications module, a construction internship in the main construction trade amount- ing to 120 hours working time (3 weeks full-time/4 LP) can also be credited. For the recognition an internship report of at least 3 pages has to be pre- Master’s Program 44

The master’s courses in architecture (M. Sc.)

In the master’s program, the scientific qualifications acquired in the bachelor’s pro- gram should be further deepened and supplemented. The students should be able to apply the scientific knowledge and methods independently and to evaluate their impor- tance and scope for solving complex scientific and social problems.

Two study regulations currently apply: The SPO Master Architecture 2016 for everyone who started before the summer se- mester 2021 and the SPO Master Architecture 2021 for everyone who starts from the summer semester 2021.

The architecture master’s courses each cover four semesters. After passing the final examination, you will graduate with a Master of Science (M.Sc.). A total of 120 ECTS points must be proven for this degree. The course is basically divided into modules. Each module can consist of one or more courses, which are completed by one or more exams. The scope of each module is indicated by credit points, which are credited after successfully completing the module. As part of the course, competencies in the following areas should be acquired:

– Designing – Design Specialization – Building Planning – History, Art and Theorie – Building Planning – Urban and Landscape Planning

The master’s degree corresponds in many ways to a project study. The students have a great deal of freedom of choice when choosing project topics. There are also many options for taking other courses. In the subject Specialization modules from various disciplines can be selected and a personal profile can be developed according to individual inclinations. The subject „Ge- neral qualifications“ rounds off the offer, here general and practical skills are acquired.

With regard to the later career choice, priorities can be set within the master’s degree in architecture. These differ depending on the study regulations; information on this can be found in the introduction to the respective module handbook.

The current module handbooks and the study and examination regulations for the master’s degree programs can be found here: http://www.arch.kit.edu/studienorganisation/studiendownloads.php

On the following pages, the structure of the master’s course SPO2021 and then the SPO2016 is presented. Master’s Program 45

Master Architektur Exemplary Curriculum - SPO 2021

1. Sem 2. Sem 3. Sem 4. Sem

Building Design Urban Design Desing Project Master‘s Thesis Project Project Design Project 30 CP Building Design Project Urban Design Project 12 CP 12 CP 12 CP

Design Specialization Design Specialization Design Specialization 2CP 2CP 2 CP

Integrated Building Urban and Landscape Elective Module* Technologies* Planning* 4 CP 4CP 4 CP

Design, History, Art Lecture Series** Interdisciplinary and Theory* 4 CP Qualifications* 4 CP Key Qualifications 4 CP

Elective Module* Elective Module* Seminar Week 2 CP 4 CP 4 CP

Research Fields Research Seminar / Inde- Impromptu Designs Elective Module* pendent Student Research 4 CP 4 CP Project 4 CP Preparation Master‘s Thesis 2 CP

30 CP 30 CP 30 CP 30 CP

* Placeholder for various modules ** Thematic lecture series on the main areas of study Master’s Program 46


Field title CP CP Conditions / Prerequisites Module Module Conditions / Prerequisites Field Module ID Module Component Title Examination Module Module Component ID Com- Module title ponent Designing (46 CP) All modules in this field are compulsory modules. Except "Impromptu Desings" only one module per semester. Examination of T-ARCH-107445 Building Design Project 12 another kind Building Design Project M-ARCH-105670 14 - Examination of T-ARCH-111327 Structural Design Specialization 2 another kind Examination of T-ARCH-107343 Urban Design Project 12 another kind Urban Design Project M-ARCH-105671 14 - Examination of T-ARCH-111328 Urban Design Specialization 2 another kind Examination of T-ARCH-107344 Design Project 2 12 another kind Design Project M-ARCH-105672 14 - Examination of T-ARCH-111329 Free Design Specialization 2 another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103612 4 T-ARCH-107346 Impromptu Designs 4 Impromptu Designs another kind Architectural Core Competences (16 CP)

Lecture series is mandatory. One module must be selected for each compulsory elective block

completed T-ARCH-111335 Lecture 1 2 coursework Lecture Series M-ARCH-105676 4 - completed T-ARCH-111336 Lecture 2 2 coursework Compulsory Elective Modules "Design, History, Art and Theory" (4 CP)

Examination of M-ARCH-103629 4 - T-ARCH-107371 Spatial Theory 4 Spatial Theory another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103630 4 - T-ARCH-107372 Building Studies and Design 4 Building Studies and Design another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103631 4 - T-ARCH-107373 Design Theory 4 Design Theory another kind Constructive and Descriptive Examination of M-ARCH-103622 4 - T-ARCH-107364 4 Constructive and Descriptive Geometry Geometry another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103623 4 - T-ARCH-107365 Digital Design and Illustration 4 Digital Design and Illustration another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103624 4 - T-ARCH-107366 Fine Arts 4 Fine Arts another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103625 4 - T-ARCH-107367 Theory of Architecure 4 Theory of Architecture another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103626 4 - T-ARCH-107368 Communication of Architecture 4 Communication of Architecture another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103627 4 - T-ARCH-107369 Art History 4 Art History another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103628 4 - T-ARCH-107370 Building History 4 Building History another kind Compulsory Elective Modules "Integrated Building Technologies" (4 CP)

Examination of M-ARCH-103616 4 - T-ARCH-107358 Building Analysis 4 Building Analysis another kind Examination of M-ARCH-104076 4 - T-ARCH-108456 Planning and Constructing 4 Planning and Constructing another kind Examination of M-ARCH-104078 4 - T-ARCH-108458 Sustainability 4 Sustainability another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103617 4 - T-ARCH-107359 Integral Planning 4 Integral Planning another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103618 4 - T-ARCH-107360 Virtual Engineering 4 Virtual Engineering another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103619 4 - T-ARCH-107361 Structural Analysis and Planning 4 Structural Analysis and Planning another kind Examination of M-ARCH-104077 4 - T-ARCH-108457 Building Practise 4 Building Practise another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103620 4 - T-ARCH-107362 Performance Analysis for Buildings 4 Performance Analysis for Buildings another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103621 4 - T-ARCH-107363 Planning and Building with Light 4 Planning and Building with Light another kind Compulsory Elective Modules "Urban and Landscape Planning" (4 CP)

Examination of M-ARCH-103632 4 - T-ARCH-107374 Urban Typologies 4 Urban Typologies another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103633 4 - T-ARCH-107375 Quarter Analysis 4 Quarter Analysis another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103634 4 - T-ARCH-107376 International Urban Design 4 International Urban Design another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103635 4 - T-ARCH-107377 City Theory 4 City Theory another kind Methods, Strategies and Mechanisms of Urban Methods, Strategies and Examination of M-ARCH-103670 4 - T-ARCH-107411 4 Design Mechanisms of Urban Design another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103637 4 - T-ARCH-107379 Landscape Typologies 4 Landscape Typologies another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103638 4 - T-ARCH-107380 History of Landscape Architecture 4 History of Landscape Architecture another kind Examination of M-ARCH-105563 4 - T-ARCH-111167 Urban Design and Housing 4 Urban Design and Housing another kind Specialization (22 CP) The module "Research Fields" is mandatory, from the other modules four can be chosen. These can also come from the "Compulsory Elective Modules" of the field "Architectural Core Competences". Examination of T-ARCH-107381 Research Seminar 4 "Preparation Master's thesis" is compulsory, another kind between the module components "research Independent Student Research Examination of Research fields M-ARCH-103639 6 T-ARCH-107382 4 seminar" or "Independent Student Research Project another kind Project" can be selected. completed T-ARCH-107383 Preparation Master Thesis 2 coursework Examination of M-ARCH-104079 4 - T-ARCH-108459 Workshop Impromptu Designs 4 Workshop Impromptu Designs another kind M-ARCH- Examination of Design to Built 4 - T-ARCH-109244 Design to Built 4 104514 another kind Examination of M-ARCH-104074 4 - T-ARCH-108453 Special Topics in Spatial Theory 4 Special Topics in Spatial Theory another kind Special Topics in Building Studies Examination of M-ARCH-104075 4 - T-ARCH-108455 4 Special Topics in Building Studies and Design and Design another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103640 4 - T-ARCH-107384 Special Topics in Design Theory 4 Special Topics in Design Theory another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103641 4 - T-ARCH-107385 Applied Geometry 4 Applied Geometry another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103642 4 - T-ARCH-107386 Special Topics of Drawing 4 Special Topics of Drawing another kind Master’s Program 47


Field title CP CP Conditions / Prerequisites Module Module Conditions / Prerequisites Field Module ID Module Component Title Examination Module Module Component ID Com- Module title ponent Specialization (22 CP)

The module "Research Fields" is mandatory, from the other modules four can be chosen. These can also come from the "Compulsory Elective Modules" of the field "Architectural Core Competences".

Examination of M-ARCH-103643 4 - T-ARCH-107387 Architectural Visualisation 4 Architectural Visualisation another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103644 4 - T-ARCH-107421 Digital Design and Production 4 Digital Design and Production another kind Special Topics of Architecture, Furniture and Special Topics of Architecture, Examination of M-ARCH-103645 4 - T-ARCH-107388 4 Design 1 Furniture and Design 1 another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103647 4 - T-ARCH-107390 Special Topics of Fine Arts 1 4 Special Topics of Fine Arts 1 another kind Successful completion of module "Special Examination of M-ARCH-103648 4 T-ARCH-107391 Special Topics of Fine Arts 2 4 Special Topics of Fine Arts 2 Topics of Fine Arts 1" another kind Special Topics of Theory of Examination of M-ARCH-103649 4 - T-ARCH-107392 4 Special Topics of Theory of Architecture 1 Architecture 1 another kind Successful completion of module "Special Special Topics of Theory of Examination of M-ARCH-103650 4 T-ARCH-107393 4 Special Topics of Theory of Architecture 2 Topics of Theory of Architecture 1" Architecture 2 another kind Special Topics of Communication Examination of M-ARCH-103651 4 - T-ARCH-107394 4 Special Topics of Communication of Architecture of Architecture another kind Special Topics of Building Examination of M-ARCH-103652 4 - T-ARCH-107395 4 Special Topics of Building Technology Technology another kind Special Topics of Planning and Examination of M-ARCH-103653 4 - T-ARCH-107396 4 Special Topics of Planning and Constructing Constructing another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103687 4 - T-ARCH-107435 Secial Topics of Sustainability 4 Secial Topics of Sustainability another kind Special Topics of Building Lifecycle Management Special Topics of Building Examination of M-ARCH-103654 4 - T-ARCH-107397 4 1 Lifecycle Management 1 another kind Special Topics of Building Lifecycle Management Successful completion of module "Special Special Topics of Building Examination of M-ARCH-103655 4 T-ARCH-107398 4 2 Topics of Building Lifecycle Management 1" Lifecycle Management 2 another kind Detailled Topics of Building Lifecycle Detailled Topics of Building Examination of M-ARCH-103656 4 - T-ARCH-107399 4 Management Lifecycle Management another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103657 4 - T-ARCH-107400 Advanced Engineering 4 Advanced Engineering another kind Special Topics of Structural Examination of M-ARCH-103658 4 - T-ARCH-107401 4 Special Topics of Structural Design Design another kind Schriftliche M-ARCH-103659 4 - T-ARCH-107402 Professional Detailled Planning 4 Professional Detailled Planning Prüfung Special Topics of Building Examination of M-ARCH-103661 4 - T-ARCH-107404 4 Special Topics of Building Techniques Techniques another kind Indoor Lighting Technology and T-ARCH-111337 Oral Exam 2 Concepts Energy and Indoor Climate T-ARCH-111338 Oral Exam 2 Concepts Special Topics of Building Physics M-ARCH-105680 4 Two of the four parts have to be selected. Fire Protection in Plannung and T-ARCH-111339 Oral Exam 2 Realisation

T-ARCH-111340 Sound Insulation and Acoustics Oral Exam 2

Environmental Performance Written M-WIWI-103975 4 - T-WIWI-102742 4 Environmental Performance Assessment 1 Assessment I examination Environmental Performance Written M-WIWI-103976 4 - T-WIWI-102743 4 Environmental Performance Assessment 2 Assessment II examination Written M-WIWI-103978 4 - T-WIWI-102744 Real Estate Management I 4 Real Estate Management 1 examination Written M-WIWI-103979 4 - T-WIWI-102745 Real Estate Management II 4 Real Estate Management 2 examination Examination of M-ARCH-103668 4 - T-ARCH-107409 Special Topics of Urban Design 4 Special Topics of Urban Design another kind Special Topics of Urban Design - Examination of M-ARCH-103974 4 - T-ARCH-108190 4 Special Topics of Urban Design - workshop workshop another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103669 4 - T-ARCH-107410 Urban Energy 4 Urban Energy another kind Special Topics of construction Examination of M-ARCH-103688 4 - T-ARCH-107436 4 Special Topics of construction planning law planning law another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103671 4 - T-ARCH-107412 Public Building Law 4 Public Building Law another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103672 4 - T-ARCH-107413 Special Topics of Art History 1 4 Special Topics of Art History 1 another kind M-ARCH- Successful completion of module "Special Examination of Special Topics of Art History 2 4 T-ARCH-107414 Special Topics of Art History 2 4 103673, Topics of Art History 1" another kind Special Topics of Building History Examination of M-ARCH-103674 4 - T-ARCH-107415 4 Special Topics of Building History 1 1 another kind Successful completion of module "Special Special Topics of Building History Examination of M-ARCH-103675 4 T-ARCH-107416 4 Special Topics of Building History 2 Topics of Building History 1" 2 another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103676 4 - T-ARCH-107417 Historical Building Research 4 Historical Building Research another kind Examination of M-ARCH-105680 4 - T-ARCH-111341 4 another kind Examination of M-BGU-104001 4 - T-BGU-108204 Photogrammetry of Architecture 4 Photogrammetry of Architecture another kind Interdisciplinary Qualifications (6 CP) Seminar week is mandatory. The module examinations amount to 86 LP. completed T-ARCH-111342 Seminar Week 2 coursework completed T-ARCH-107425 Key Qualifications 1 2 coursework completed T-ARCH-107424 Key Qualifications 3 4 coursework Basic Course Photo Study completed T-ARCH-107422 4 Workshop coursework Key Qualifications M-ARCH-105682 6 Basic Course Modell Study completed T-ARCH-107423 2 Workshop coursework completed T-ARCH-109969 Office Hospitation 2 coursework completed T-ARCH-109978 Visit lecture series Master 1 coursework completed T-ARCH-107420 Wildcard 4 coursework Master's Thesis (30 CP)

The module examinations amount to 86 LP.

Masterarbeit mit Module Master's Thesis M-ARCH-103607 30 The module examinations amount to 86 LP. T-ARCH-107261 Master's Thesis 12 Präsentation Master’s Program 48

Master Architektur Exemplary Curriculum SPO 2016

1. Sem 2. Sem 3. Sem 4. Sem

Design Project Design Project Design Project Master‘s Thesis Building Urban Planning 1 Building Constrution 30 CP Construction 1 12 CP or Urban Planning 2 12 CP 12 CP

Advanced Advanced Design Advanced Design Structural Design Project Studies 1 Project Studies 2 4 CP 4 CP 4 CP

Construction History, Art Urban- and Technology* and Theory* Landscape Planning* 4 CP 4 CP 4 CP

Architectural Elective Module* Elective Module* Design* 4 CP 4 CP 4 CP

Interdisciplinary Elective Module* Research Fields Qualifications* 4 CP Research Seminar / Inde- 4 CP pendent Student Research Project 4 CP

Impromptu Designs Impromptu Designs Preparation Master Thesis 2 CP 2 CP 2 CP

30 CP 30 CP 30 CP 30 CP

* Placeholder for various modules Master’s Program 49


Field title CP CP Conditions / Prerequisites Module Module Conditions / Prerequisites Field Module ID Module Component Title Examination Module Module Component ID Com- Module title ponent Designing (40 CP) All modules in this field are compulsory modules. Except "Impromptu Desings" only one module per semester. Simultaneous assignment of a module from Design Project Building Examination of M-ARCH-103608 12 T-ARCH-107445 12 Design Project Building Constrution 1 the subject "Design Specialization". Construction 1 another kind

Simultaneous assignment of a module from Examination of M-ARCH-103610 12 T-ARCH-107343 Design Project Urban Planning 1 12 Design Project Urban Planning 1 the subject "Design Specialization". another kind Successful completion of module "Design Project Building Construction 1" or "Design Design Project Building Constrution or Urban Examination of M-ARCH-103609 12 Project Urban Planning 1". Simultaneous T-ARCH-107344 Design Project 2 12 another kind Planning 2 assignment of a module from the subject "Design Specialization". Examination of M-ARCH-103612 4 T-ARCH-107346 Impromptu Designs 4 Impromptu Designs another kind Design Specialization (12 CP) All modules in this field are compulsory modules. Only one module per semester. Simultaneous assignment (except "Impromptu Examination of M-ARCH-103613 4 Desings") of a module from the subject T-ARCH-107347 Advanced Structural Design 4 Advanced Structural Design another kind "Designing". Simultaneous assignment (except "Impromptu Advanced Design Project Studies Examination of M-ARCH-103614 4 Desings") of a module from the subject T-ARCH-107348 4 Advanced Design Project Studies 1 1 another kind "Designing".

Successful completion of module "Advanced Design Project Studies 1". Simultaneous Advanced Design Project Studies Examination of M-ARCH-103615 4 T-ARCH-107353 4 Advanced Design Project Studies 2 assignment (except "Impromptu Desings") of 2 another kind a module from the subject "Designing". Building Planning (4 CP) One of the modules must be selected. Examination of M-ARCH-103629 4 - T-ARCH-107371 Spatial Theory 4 Spatial Theory another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103630 4 - T-ARCH-107372 Building Studies and Design 4 Building Studies and Design another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103631 4 - T-ARCH-107373 Design Theory 4 Design Theory another kind History, Art and Theorie (4 CP) One of the modules must be selected. Constructive and Descriptive Examination of M-ARCH-103622 4 - T-ARCH-107364 4 Constructive and Descriptive Geometry Geometry another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103623 4 - T-ARCH-107365 Digital Design and Illustration 4 Digital Design and Illustration another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103624 4 - T-ARCH-107366 Fine Arts 4 Fine Arts another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103625 4 - T-ARCH-107367 Theory of Architecure 4 Theory of Architecture another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103626 4 - T-ARCH-107368 Communication of Architecture 4 Communication of Architecture another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103627 4 - T-ARCH-107369 Art History 4 Art History another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103628 4 - T-ARCH-107370 Building History 4 Building History another kind Construction Technology (4 CP) One of the modules must be selected. Examination of M-ARCH-103616 4 - T-ARCH-107358 Building Analysis 4 Building Analysis another kind Examination of M-ARCH-104076 4 - T-ARCH-108456 Planning and Constructing 4 Planning and Constructing another kind Examination of M-ARCH-104078 4 - T-ARCH-108458 Sustainability 4 Sustainability another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103617 4 - T-ARCH-107359 Integral Planning 4 Integral Planning another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103618 4 - T-ARCH-107360 Virtual Engineering 4 Virtual Engineering another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103619 4 - T-ARCH-107361 Structural Analysis and Planning 4 Structural Analysis and Planning another kind Examination of M-ARCH-104077 4 - T-ARCH-108457 Building Techniques 4 Building Techniques another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103620 4 - T-ARCH-107362 Performance Analysis for Buildings 4 Performance Analysis for Buildings another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103621 4 - T-ARCH-107363 Planning and Building with Light 4 Planning and Building with Light another kind Urban and Landscape Planning (4 CP) One of the modules must be selected. Examination of M-ARCH-103632 4 - T-ARCH-107374 Urban Typologies 4 Urban Typologies another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103633 4 - T-ARCH-107375 Quarter Analysis 4 Quarter Analysis another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103634 4 - T-ARCH-107376 International Urban Design 4 International Urban Design another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103635 4 - T-ARCH-107377 City Theory 4 City Theory another kind Methods, Strategies and Mechanisms of Urban Methods, Strategies and Examination of M-ARCH-103670 4 - T-ARCH-107411 4 Design Mechanisms of Urban Design another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103637 4 - T-ARCH-107379 Landscape Typologies 4 Landscape Typologies another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103638 4 - T-ARCH-107380 History of Landscape Architecture 4 History of Landscape Architecture another kind Examination of M-ARCH-105563 4 - T-ARCH-111167 Urban Design and Housing 4 Urban Design and Housing another kind Specialization (18 CP) The module "Research Fields" is mandatory, from the other modules three can be chosen. These can also come from the subjects of "Building Planning", "History, Art and Theory", "Construction Technology" or "Urban and Landscape Planning". Examination of "Preparation Master's thesis" is compulsory, T-ARCH-107381 Research Seminar 4 another kind between the module components "research Independent Student Research Examination of Research fields M-ARCH-103639 6 T-ARCH-107382 4 seminar" or "Independent Student Research Project another kind completed Project" can be selected. T-ARCH-107383 Preparation Master Thesis 2 coursework Examination of M-ARCH-104079 4 - T-ARCH-108459 Workshop Impromptu Designs 4 Workshop Impromptu Designs another kind M-ARCH- Examination of Design to Built 4 - T-ARCH-109244 Design to Built 4 104514 another kind Examination of M-ARCH-104074 4 - T-ARCH-108453 Special Topics in Spatial Theory 4 Special Topics in Spatial Theory another kind Special Topics in Building Studies Examination of M-ARCH-104075 4 - T-ARCH-108455 4 Special Topics in Building Studies and Design and Design another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103640 4 - T-ARCH-107384 Special Topics in Design Theory 4 Special Topics in Design Theory another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103641 4 - T-ARCH-107385 Applied Geometry 4 Applied Geometry another kind Master’s Program 50


Field title CP CP Conditions / Prerequisites Module Module Conditions / Prerequisites Field Module ID Module Component Title Examination Module Module Component ID Com- Module title ponent Specialization (18 CP) The module "Research Fields" is mandatory, from the other modules three can be chosen. These can also come from the subjects of "Building Planning", "History, Art and Theory", "Construction Technology" or "Urban and Landscape Planning". Examination of M-ARCH-103642 4 - T-ARCH-107386 Special Topics of Drawing 4 Special Topics of Drawing another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103643 4 - T-ARCH-107387 Architectural Visualisation 4 Architectural Visualisation another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103644 4 - T-ARCH-107421 Digital Design and Production 4 Digital Design and Production another kind Special Topics of Architecture, Furniture and Special Topics of Architecture, Examination of M-ARCH-103645 4 - T-ARCH-107388 4 Design 1 Furniture and Design 1 another kind Special Topics of Architecture, Furniture and Successful completion of module "Special Special Topics of Architecture, Examination of M-ARCH-103646 4 T-ARCH-107389 4 Design 2 Topics of Architecture, Furniture and Design Furniture and Design 2 another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103647 4 - T-ARCH-107390 Special Topics of Fine Arts 1 4 Special Topics of Fine Arts 1 another kind Successful completion of module "Special Examination of M-ARCH-103648 4 T-ARCH-107391 Special Topics of Fine Arts 2 4 Special Topics of Fine Arts 2 Topics of Fine Arts 1" another kind Special Topics of Theory of Examination of M-ARCH-103649 4 - T-ARCH-107392 4 Special Topics of Theory of Architecture 1 Architecture 1 another kind Successful completion of module "Special Special Topics of Theory of Examination of M-ARCH-103650 4 T-ARCH-107393 4 Special Topics of Theory of Architecture 2 Topics of Theory of Architecture 1" Architecture 2 another kind Special Topics of Communication Examination of M-ARCH-103651 4 - T-ARCH-107394 4 Special Topics of Communication of Architecture of Architecture another kind Special Topics of Building Examination of M-ARCH-103652 4 - T-ARCH-107395 4 Special Topics of Building Technology Technology another kind Special Topics of Planning and Examination of M-ARCH-103653 4 - T-ARCH-107396 4 Special Topics of Planning and Constructing Constructing another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103687 4 - T-ARCH-107435 Secial Topics of Sustainability 4 Secial Topics of Sustainability another kind Special Topics of Building Lifecycle Management Special Topics of Building Examination of M-ARCH-103654 4 - T-ARCH-107397 4 1 Lifecycle Management 1 another kind Special Topics of Building Lifecycle Management Successful completion of module "Special Special Topics of Building Examination of M-ARCH-103655 4 T-ARCH-107398 4 2 Topics of Building Lifecycle Management 1" Lifecycle Management 2 another kind Detailled Topics of Building Lifecycle Detailled Topics of Building Examination of M-ARCH-103656 4 - T-ARCH-107399 4 Management Lifecycle Management another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103657 4 - T-ARCH-107400 Advanced Engineering 4 Advanced Engineering another kind Special Topics of Structural Examination of M-ARCH-103658 4 - T-ARCH-107401 4 Special Topics of Structural Design Design another kind Schriftliche M-ARCH-103659 4 - T-ARCH-107402 Professional Detailled Planning 4 Professional Detailled Planning Prüfung Special Topics of Building Examination of M-ARCH-103661 4 - T-ARCH-107404 4 Special Topics of Building Techniques Techniques another kind Indoor Lighting Technology and T-ARCH-111337 Oral Exam 2 Concepts Energy and Indoor Climate T-ARCH-111338 Oral Exam 2 Concepts Special Topics of Building Physics M-ARCH-105680 4 Two of the four parts have to be selected. Fire Protection in Plannung and T-ARCH-111339 Oral Exam 2 Realisation T-ARCH-111340 Sound Insulation and Acoustics Oral Exam 2 Environmental Performance Written M-WIWI-103975 4 - T-WIWI-102742 4 Environmental Performance Assessment 1 Assessment I examination Environmental Performance Written M-WIWI-103976 4 - T-WIWI-102743 4 Environmental Performance Assessment 2 Assessment II examination Written M-WIWI-103978 4 - T-WIWI-102744 Real Estate Management I 4 Real Estate Management 1 examination Written M-WIWI-103979 4 - T-WIWI-102745 Real Estate Management II 4 Real Estate Management 2 examination Examination of M-ARCH-103668 4 - T-ARCH-107409 Special Topics of Urban Design 4 Special Topics of Urban Design another kind Special Topics of Urban Design - Examination of M-ARCH-103974 4 - T-ARCH-108190 4 Special Topics of Urban Design - workshop workshop another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103669 4 - T-ARCH-107410 Urban Energy 4 Urban Energy another kind Special Topics of construction Examination of M-ARCH-103688 4 - T-ARCH-107436 4 Special Topics of construction planning law planning law another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103671 4 - T-ARCH-107412 Public Building Law 4 Public Building Law another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103672 4 - T-ARCH-107413 Special Topics of Art History 1 4 Special Topics of Art History 1 another kind M-ARCH- Successful completion of module "Special Examination of Special Topics of Art History 2 4 T-ARCH-107414 Special Topics of Art History 2 4 103673, Topics of Art History 1" another kind Special Topics of Building History Examination of M-ARCH-103674 4 - T-ARCH-107415 4 Special Topics of Building History 1 1 another kind Successful completion of module "Special Special Topics of Building History Examination of M-ARCH-103675 4 T-ARCH-107416 4 Special Topics of Building History 2 Topics of Building History 1" 2 another kind Examination of M-ARCH-103676 4 - T-ARCH-107417 Historical Building Research 4 Historical Building Research another kind Examination of M-BGU-104001 4 - T-BGU-108204 Photogrammetry of Architecture 4 Photogrammetry of Architecture another kind completed T-ARCH-111335 Lecture 1 2 coursework Lecture Series M-ARCH-105676 4 - completed T-ARCH-111336 Lecture 2 2 coursework Interdisciplinary Qualifications (4 CP) completed T-ARCH-107425 Key Qualifications 1 2 coursework completed T-ARCH-107424 Key Qualifications 3 4 coursework Basic Course Photo Study completed T-ARCH-107422 4 Workshop coursework Basic Course Modell Study completed T-ARCH-107423 2 Workshop coursework Professional Internship (Office completed M-ARCH-103678 4 - T-ARCH-107441 4 Key Qualifications Internship) coursework completed T-ARCH-109969 Office Hospitation 2 coursework completed T-ARCH-109978 Visit lecture series Master 1 coursework completed T-ARCH-111342 Seminar Week 2 coursework completed T-ARCH-107420 Wildcard 4 coursework Master's Thesis (30 CP) The module examinations amount to 86 LP. Masterarbeit mit Module Master's Thesis M-ARCH-103607 30 The module examinations amount to 86 LP. T-ARCH-107261 Master's Thesis 12 Präsentation Master’s Program 51

Timetable Master (Summer 2021)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

08:00 Elective Courses Compulsory elective Compulsory elective Design Projects Elective Courses Courses courses Building Construction Construction Tech- Building Planning / and Urban Planning nology / Urban and History, Art and Landscape Planning Theory 09:30

10:00 Elective Courses Compulsory elective Compulsory elective Elective Courses courses courses Building Planning / Building Planning / History, Art and History, Art and Theory Theory 11:30

12:00 Elective Courses Compulsory elective Compulsory elective Elective Courses Courses Courses Construction Tech- Construction Tech- nology / Urban and nology / Urban and Landscape Planning Landscape Planning 13:30

Lunch Break

14:00 Elective Courses Elective Courses Design Projects Elective Courses Building Construction and Urban Planning


16:00 Elective Courses Lecture Series 1 Elective Courses


18:00 Lecture Series 2 19:00–21:00 Karlsruher Architekturvorträge


As of April 01, 2021 Master Courses Architecture 52

Architecture Master stores have largely lost their imaginative poten- tial - their decline seems inevitable. In the near future, therefore, enormous building volumes will be available for new use in prime innercity locations. In the perspective of a sustainable use 1700082 of resources and a great demand for living space Master’s Thesis in the central locations of cities, it makes sense to reprogram these vacant building masses with At the center of the Master’s thesis is the archi- residential uses. In this context, the specific re- tectural design, which is complemented by a scien- quirements of housing in terms of organization, tific elaboration. The design part must make up at circulation and lighting initially conflict with least half of the total work, but may also include the extreme floor depths and lack of references a higher share in consultation with the primary to the surrounding city of the department store supervisor. Work without an architectural design structures. To resolve the contradiction between part is not permitted. As the first supervisors of contemporary living and the black box, a me- the work therefore only the leaders of the design thodical approach is required. In the studio, the subject areas at the Faculty of Architecture come script is used as a design tool in a way that the into question. typology of housing can be projected onto the Language: German structural framework of the department store. Bava, Henri For this purpose, the structural DNA of selected von Both, Petra residential buildings is extracted and translated Engel, Barbara into a parametric script. By reducing it to the Frohn, Marc essential structural relations, the genetic code Hartmann, Simon of the reference can be transferred to another Hebel, Dirk structure. How can the qualities of a reference Morger, Meinrad building be used without copying it? What new Neppl, Markus ways of living emerge from the controlled colli- Vallebuona, Renzo sion of the two structures? Wappner, Ludwig Consultations Thursday by arrangement Inderbitzin, Christian 1st meeting: 08.04.21, 11:00 Submission/Examination: 29.07.21 1700050 Language: German/English Independent Design Project Frohn, Marc An independent design project can be completed Panzer, Tim at all design departments. For this purpose the task Perugini, Federico should be prepared independently. If you are inter- ested, please contact the corresponding professor. 1710121 Advanced Building Studies Design (Frohn): Language: German/English Script As Method The seminar Script As Method deals with the Design Project Building script as a design tool. From a selection of residen- tial buildings, each participant will analyze a ref- Construction erence building with a focus to its essential struc- tural characteristics. The internal organization, lighting and circulation system of the reference will then be translated into a parametric script. 1710122 The goal of the seminar is to transfer the essential Script as Method structural relations of the reference building to In a large number of German cities, a new other structures through the script. This seminar typology emerges in the post-war decades. The is related to the Master Studio “Script As Meth- department store of the 60s and 70s. Behind od“. It can only be chosen in connection with the closed facades are hidden inner worlds of studio and is mandatory for it. consumption, which stand for the fulfillment of Consultations Thursday by arrangement seemingly all desires of the middle class society 1st meeting: 08.04.21, 11:00 of the post-war period. However, not least due to Submission/Examination: 29.07.21 competition from online shopping, department Language: German/English Master Courses Architecture 53

Frohn, Marc Language: German Perugini, Federico Morger, Meinrad Panzer, Tim Schilling, Alexander Zaparta, Eleni 1710204 Schneider, Lisa Anna- Katharina The Art Museum of My Dreams (Morger) 1710303 “Work and man, man and work, the two antago- And Now For Something Completely nists are set. On which stage will the drama, com- Different - Dom Nature 5 (Hartmann) edy or vaudeville featuring these two characters be seen? “ Rémy Zaugg, “Collected Writings. Vol. During the third online semester in a row, we 6.” Cologne 2016, p.131. want to re-think the way students work and the Based on the text by the Swiss painter and con- way we interact with them. The most significant ceptual artist Rémy Zaugg, “The Art Museum of change will be that we introduce a rhythm of My Dreams, or a Place for the Work and for Man,” full weeks of production and no-production. The we plan to explore the typology of the art museum semester is dissected into four independent short this semester. In this design studio our site-free tasks that aim to develop the students’ critical examination of the typology of the Art Museum is ability to read design briefs, quick question and to be based on fundamental architectural themes operate upon a different reality, to develop technical and their interdependencies. Typology, structure, skills as design tools and promote discussion. The light, and material will all play primary roles in four tasks will contribute to the topic Dom Nature the design process; the goal being the creation by defining characteristic aspects through small- of an architecture that highlights the nature of scale strategic interventions. The teaching team will the works, that exhibits and presents them. We introduce each task just before the production week. seek to create spaces and pathways that allow Guests will function as sparring partners to the the perceiving subject to enter into a dialogue studio and be part of a final public panel. with the art and enable and encourage sensory Language: English and intellectual engagement with the painting Schedule: Weekly - Thursdays or sculpture. The preparation for the design task First meeting: online - 15.04.2021 at 14.00h is to be through the analysis and presentation of Number of Participants: Maximum 18 selected historical and contemporary museums Final Presentation: 30.07.2021 and exhibition spaces. A collaboratively assembled, Output: Individual or Groups of 2 digitized library of art objects will represent the art Language: English collection to be exhibited in the students´ individu- Hartmann, Simon al architectural designs. The designs are to be con- Pereira da Cruz Rodrigues Santana, Mariana ceived in individual work on the basis of sketches, Predojevic, Stanislava working models, model photos or renderings. First Meeting: Thu. 08.04.21 1710306 Pin ups.: 22.4., 29.04., 20.05. 24.06. and 15.07. 21 Advanced Architectural Design Studies : Submission Plans/ Model: Useful Findings 3D (Hartmann) Exam: Thu. 29.07.2021 with guestcritic The seminar “Useful Findings 3D” is an explo- Language: German ration of architectural episodes from the scale Morger, Meinrad of the body to the scale of the city through 3D Schilling, Alexander representation. Chosen elements will be built and Zaparta, Eleni described by means of stills and short animations. Schneider, Lisa Anna- Katharina Group discussions will take place online after Kunkel, Steffen each completed task. At the end of the semes- ter, the produced documents will be available 1710208 online as an open-source 3D library. More than a Advanced Architectural Design Studies catalog of images, this procedure is imagined as (Morger) an exercise in reframing the approach towards Attending the course is only possible for partici- a collective collection of architectural referenc- pants of the design project “The Art Museum of es that can be used as a design tool during the my Dreams ” creative process development. Acknowledgement is also possible in modul: Son- Schedule: Wednesdays 14:00-16:00 or by appointment dergebiete der Gebäudelehre. First meeting: online - 14.04.2020 at 14.00h Master Courses Architecture 54

Number of Participants: Maximum 20 Rausch, Manuel Participation criteria: Open to all KIT students of Lenz, Daniel Nicolas architecture or art history – Recommended for the Blümke, Tabea Katharina “Dom Nature 5” Design Studio participants, but not mandatory (previous knowledge of Rhino is not 1720759 mandatory) Advanced Structural Design Studies Output: Individual work Registration formalities will be communicated at Final Hand-in: Digital - 05.08.2021 the first meeting. Website Launch: 06.08.2021 Language: English First meeting: obliged to participate, 05.05.2021, 2 pm Hartmann, Simon Submission/Exam: to be announced. Pereira da Cruz Rodrigues Santana, Mariana Language: German/English Lauterkorn, Daniel 1720601 Özcan, Tugay Architecture Laboratory Solar Decathlon N.N. - Detail planning within substinable construction methods (Hebel) 1720652 City Slivers and Fresh Kills (Vallebuona) Solar Decathlon Europe 2021 From design to sustainable and cycle compatible Cinema almost always arouses a certain fas- execution planning cination. A movie auditorium functionally and Team RoofKIT is taking part in what is currently spatially explains itself to the user immediately. the largest architectural, technical interdisci- The room serves as a static shell for showing dy- plinary university competition in the world: the namic processes of image production. At the same Solar Decathlon Europe 2021. 18 teams from all time, it is a shield against external influences over the world are competing in 10 disciplines from the outside and, in return, reinforces every- for the best concept for sustainable building and thing that happens within it. It forms a strong living in the city. The motto of the competition: interface between action and consumption, art “design-build-operate” means that we will build and commerce. In synthesis with other functions, a part of the design as a demonstration object 1:1 however, the auditorium can be transformed from and present it in Wuppertal. The project of the a temple of consumption into a laboratory. Both RoofKIT team has already been running for a the cinema and film-making scenes -especially year. Students have developed an overall building the independent ones- suffered from considerable design in an urban context as an addition to an problems last year due to the pandemic situation. existing building and have come up with an initial Spaces at the interface between the production idea for the demonstration unit. In the summer and presentation of films are to be made available semester of 2021, we will take the next step: you to these actors for the time after the pandemic. will have the unique opportunity to join us and These should also enable them to organize and the executing companies, specialists and engi- network more easily. neers in the execution planning up to a scale of An existing building ensemble forms the structural 1:1. We will develop single- variety constructions framework for it. Appointment: Thu, 10 am - 2 pm, and details that are appropriate for recycling, Bldg. 20.40 research materials from the urban mine, and First Meeting: Thu, 15.04.2021 Pin-Up 1: Thu, enter into exchange with manufacturers and 20.05.2021 technical experts. We write reports, develop Pin-Up 2: Thu, 01.07.2021 communication strategies, give interviews, shoot Submission/Final Presentation: Thu, 29.07.2021 films and develop an innovative energy and Form: Individual work, Teamwork mobility concept whose origin is the sun, the only Recommendation: at least 2 successful completions open system on our planet. The design semester of a master design-project is a cooperation between the professorships of Language: German/English Sustainable Construction and Building Physics Vallebuona, Renzo and Technical Extension Schmidt, Sophia 1st meeting: 15.04.2021 Michalski, Manuel Amadeus Submission: 29.07.2021 Processing form: group work 1720653 Language: German/English Advanced Construction Technology Hebel, Dirk Design Studies: City Slivers and Fresh Master Courses Architecture 55

Kills (Vallebuona) First Meeting: 15.04.2021, 9:00h am Appointment: Thu. 9:00 am-1:00h pm Attending the course is only possible for partici- Submission/Exam: 29.07.2021, 9:00h am pants of the corresponding design project . Form: Teamwork Acknowledgement is also possible in modul: Son- Language: German dergebiete der Bautechnik. Krüger, Andreas Language: German/English Koch, Volker Vallebuona, Renzo Fischer, Katharina Michalski, Manuel Amadeus von Both, Petra Schmidt, Sophia 1720711 1720701 BIM-Advanced (von Both) Agile living – A BIM Teamdesign (von Both) How do you start the first project using the BIM Is consumption of resources, space and land method? Which digital structures are needed? of single family houses still suitable? Which How to distribute your work when the whole expectations, wishes and qualities are linked Team is working at the same time in the same with single family houses? How could alternative cloud based project? These and many other ques- ways of living look like, without denying oneself tions will be answered in this advanced seminar. these qualities? Looking into these Questions, Students will be enabled to get to know the daily based on a short analysis on the typology of single routine of an office that works according to the family houses and its instances, the application BIM method. The data created in the project of the BIM-method is the goals of the design. It is is regularly checked as IFC files with specified planned to work in teams of 3 to 4 people using a attributes in the Model Checker program (Solibri). common 3D Model applying the BIM Method. The The aim of the specialization is the creation of a focus of the design is on one hand the possibility correct and complete “digital twin” of the project. space of new ways of cohabitation and on the This course can only be attended in conjunction other hand the application of the cooperative with Module Design („Agile living – A BIM Team- BIM-method which is intensively supported by as- design“ 1720701) as an overall package. Appli- sociated seminar „Modern tools for BIM” 1720702. cation is only possible through Module Design, In case the students are not fully capable of where every participant of this module automat- utilizing the BIM-method and the active design of ically receives a reservation for modules „Virtual IFC-exchange, it is highly recommended to attend Engineering“ and „BIM Advanced“. Actually, it is this seminar. Archicad users are extensively sup- possible to work with any BIM-compatible soft- ported by teachers, users of other softwareprod- ware, but the latest version of Archicad is used as ucts are supported in terms of the BIM-method, the basis. In case of working with other software, the organization of CAD data and the IFC based the BIM method, organization and testing of the modelchecking. Three BIM-courses are offered IFC are supported. for the summer semester 2021 as a feasible tuned Accomplishment: Digital twin as IFC 4.0 file with bundle: 1. Design: Agile living – A BIM Teamde- a specified property set and short documentation sign (1720701) from the export translator. 2. Virtual Engineering: Modern Tools for BIM On Thursdays, according to prior agreement (1727702) Number of Participants: Reserved for Design 3. BIM Advanced (1720711) Participants For each of these three modules a separate output Language: German is necessary, shown in respective Moduledescrip- Fischer, Katharina tions. For students without any experience on Krüger, Andreas BIM- Modeling an additional three-day workshop von Both, Petra for Archicad is offered, which has not to be booked additionally. For this three-bundle-set an applica- tion is only necessary for „1. Design: Agile living – A BIM Teamdesign (1720701)“. All participants of this Design-Module obtain automatically a res- ervation for associated, contentual closely related courses ( Virtual Engineering and BIM Advanced). If Students already attended „Virtual Engineer- ing“ course in previous semesters, this course has not to be attended again. Master Courses Architecture 56

Design Project Urban Planning Exam: 29.07.2021 Language: German Neppl, Markus

1731160 1731086 Knowledge. City. Leuven. Concepts for Incremental City - Planning a Coproduced Kessel-Lo Knot (Engel) City (Neppl) Situated within the commuter belt of Brussels, According to United Nations figures, the world’s Leuven is investing in future oriented projects population will grow from today’s approx. 7.7 bil- of urban development, mobility, sustainability lion to a total of 10 billion. At the same time, the and innovation. The city won the European trend towards urbanisation continues. In total, capital of innovation award last year for the almost the entire population increase will take way “innovative solutions to societal challenges” place in cities and the urban population will rise are implemented throughout the city. With a from 3.6 to over 6 billion by 2050. Manuel Hauer population of just above 101,000 residents - 45% has done his doctoral thesis on this topic in recent of that being students, the city is home for one years, which deals in particular with the design of of Europe’s famous university and many other the interface between the formal and the informal collages of high education. Being so, the devel- level as well as the allocation of decision-making opment trend taking place in Leuven in the last authority and responsibility to enable successful years aims to bring people, innovation, city and co-production of urban expansions. By combining science together. spatial urban structures with an application-ori- At an inner-city junction at the Belgian city – ented set of rules, an alternative urban develop- Leuven, called Kessel-Lo Knot, located between ment model is created that can serve as a tool in the central train station, a logistic hub, a the context of future co-produced cities in various residential area and an emerging science park, planning processes. Manuel Hauer will accom- concepts for the development of a new quarter pany the studio intensively and provide in-depth shall be elaborated. urban planning proposals for insights into this fascinating topic of the future. a mixed-use quarter in times of the knowledge society are to be developed. What are the new Appointment: Thu 10:00 am – 1:00 pm requirements for urban space in view of the fact First Meeting: Thu 15.04.2021, 10:00 am that knowledge and education are becoming more Submission/Presentation: Wed 29.07.2021, 10:00 am and more important? Which additional usages Form: teamwork, 2erGroups, Individual work, would complement the housing areas and meet teamwork the expectations of the future residents? What Recommendation: at least 1 successful completions can a neighborhood look like that offers living of a master design-project spaces as well as the production of knowledge? Language: German Which new spaces for generating and conveying Neppl, Markus knowledge are conceivable? How can social ex- Haug, Nina change and innovation be stimulated? Forward- Hauer, Manuel looking and urban spatial concepts are expected, which show programmatic and typological new 1731061 perspectives for the knowledge city of Leuven. Advanced Urban Design Project Studies (Neppl) Appointment: Thu 09:00 am - 01:00 pm First Meeting: Thu 15.04.2021 The design intensification takes place parallel to Pin-Up: Mon 17.05.2021, 09:00 am and Thu the design. The structured work concerning the 17.06.2021, 09:00 am final product is intended to support the design Excursion: Thu 22.04. - Fr 23.04.2021, virtual tour process. It is about which information needs Submission: Wed 28.07.2021 which form of representation on which scale. Presentation: Thu 29.07.2021, 09:00 am Finally, it is a question of how the resulting Form: group of 2 students Recommendation: - representations can be brought together. The goal Language: German/English is to develop understandable and information-rich Engel, Barbara presentations on a competitive level. The event Reichwein, Sara can only be chosen in connection with the corre- Lev, Moran sponding urban design project and is mandatory for it. Appointment: Thu, 2:00 pm(the dates will be announced during the seminar) Master Courses Architecture 57

1731161 Language: German/English Advanced Urban Design Project Studies Bava, Henri (Engel) Romero Carnicero, Arturo What role does innovation play in the de- 1731211 sign and perception of open spaces? Using Advanced Urban Design Project Studies selected case studies, we will examine how (Bava) forward-looking governance models and partici- patory processes contribute to a new under- Attending the course is only possible for partic- standing of public space. Does the experience ipants of the corresponding design project (LV in the open space change through digitaliza- 1731210) tion processes? What influences do smart city Appointment: Thu 9 am – 1 pm, Bldg. 11.40, concepts have on the relationship between the R 126 & online private and public spheres of the city? We will First Meeting: 15.04.2021 analyze and discuss the characteristics of these Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) spatial transformation and planning approach- Language: German/English es in text and drawings in order to use them Bava, Henri for the design project. Romero Carnicero, Arturo Appointment: Thu 02:00 - 04:00 pm First Meeting: Thu 15.04.2021 1731260 Submission/Exam: Thu 12.08.2021 Ideal and Reality (Inderbitzin) Form: group of 2 students Our time confronts us with many questions and Language: German/English great challenges that are not always easy to name Engel, Barbara at first: How will we live in the city tomorrow and Reichwein, Sara in the future? Where and how much will we work? Lev, Moran How will housing be financed and how much may it cost? And how will these houses have to be built 1731210 in order to face the impending ecological crises? Strreet Resilient Ecologies (Bava) In the sense of the cultural philosopher Egon Upcycling Kriegstrasse Friedell, we understand crisis as a momentum of During the last century, streets have been radical renewal, as the beginning of a new era. In designed in order to make possible the fastest the semester we want to approach such questions automobile displacements. Many post pandemic in concrete housing projects. Concrete means de- scenarios urge the radical reappropriation of the signs that encompass all scales and dimensions of public space by people and nature, generating architecture: the urban design, the house and its balanced, healthy and active urban ecosystems surroundings, the floor plan and the living forms that respond positively to the severe climate it outlines, the façade and its construction as well crisis.The transformation of the Kriegstrasse as the energy and work expended on it. It goes with- should showcase a new paradigm of vibrant liv- out saying that such a task knows no “technical” ing street, where urban life takes over polluting solutions, but calls for an experimental approach traffic, offering a wide range of safe, creative, and idea that crosses the traditional conventions, attractive and economically renewed places norms and habits and must assert architectural and uses for a highly diverse public.The Master answers committed to utility, durability and beauty studio overlap three strata: the resilient ground, in a fundamental way. With the projects we want to the hosted activities, and the biodiversity canopy, develop exemplary proposals for the development of from whose intersection will arouse future ori- a larger area in Karlsruhe. The collective develop- ented urban spaces, uses and typologies. ment of the urban design will be followed by the individual design of individual houses. Appointment: Thu 9 am – 1 pm, Bldg. 11.40, R 126 & online Appointment: Thu 9:00 am - 6:00 pm First Meeting: 15.04.2021 Pin-Ups: 20.05.2021, 17.06.2021, 08.07.2021 Exkursion: 16.04.2021 Submission/Presentation: 29.07.2021 Pin-Up: 21.05.2021 / 24.06.2021 Form: urban scheme in teamwork, project in indivi- Submission/Presentation: 29.07.2021 dual work Form: Individual work and teamwork Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) Recommendation: at least 1 successful completions Language: German/English of a master design-project Inderbitzin, Christian Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) Grunitz, Michael Master Courses Architecture 58

Kersting, Conrad Paul part of the deepening process. Schork, Anna Karin Appointments by arrangement, please contact us if you are interested via e-mail to make an appointment. 1731261 Language: German/English Advanced Urban Design Project Studies Wagner, Rosemarie (Inderbitzin): Ideal Dwelling Sum, Bernd In the sense of a preparatory and accompanying Sander, Stefan work for the Master studio Ideal and Reality, we will design a group of living spaces in an experi- 1720982 mental and exploratory way using random terms Advances Design Project Studies 1,2 related to everyday activities and basic needs of liv- The advanced design project study in building ing. In doing so, we try to re-explore the traditional technology accompanies a building or urban de- relationship between space and function as well sign studio project and comprises related work on as the connections and interrelationships between a building physics or technical building services the individual rooms. In addition to design issues, topic. Topic, objectives, suitable tools and a work we will address the representation and graphic plan will be discussed and fixed during the first representation of living space. The course can only meeting (see module handbook). be chosen in connection with the associated design Ideal and Reality and is compulsory for this. Dates by arrangement Language: German Appointment: Thursday, 9:00 am - 11:00 am Wagner, Andreas Exam/Hand-in: 29.04.2021, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Mann, Petra Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) Mino Rodriguez, Maria Isabel Language: German/English Rissetto, Romina Paula Inderbitzin, Christian Grunitz, Michael Kersting, Conrad Paul Impromptu Designs Schork, Anna Karin

Further Design Specializations 1710366 Design of a mobile platform for an art project in public space 1720759 In Oberreut, a district of Karlsruhe, the art Advanced Structural Design Studies education collective fortda is planning a partici- patory art action on the green strip “Schmallen” Registration formalities will be communicated at in summer 2021. As part of this project, a mobile the first meeting. platform is to be developed that will be used as First meeting: obliged to participate, 05.05.2021, 2 pm a workshop, presentation and exchange opportu- Submission/Exam: to be announced. nity. Take part in the brainstorming phase with Language: German/English your participatory, mobile platform concepts and Lauterkorn, Daniel contribute to the realisation on site in cooperation Özcan, Tugay with residents. The impromptu will take place N.N. in cooperation with the fort-da collective (Max Kosoric, Henrike Plegge and Antonia Marten). 1720916 Language: German/English Advanced Construction Technology Craig, Stephen Design Studies (Wagner R.) Kranz, Fanny The structural design deepening is tied to a Kosoric, Maximilian structural design and refers to the analysis of the design in terms of buildability, such as defining 1710458 hierarchies, which determine the construction pro- Cover me: A New Appearance for the cess (shell construction, finishing), the sequence of Faculty Yearbook trades up to detailed solutions on a large scale. It We are looking for a proposal for the future cover is also possible to build models on a large scale as design of the faculty yearbook. The current con- Master Courses Architecture 59 cept is based on photos of the work surfaces from 1720918 the studios, on which the traces of the creative Impromptu Designs (Wagner R.): watering 3 processes are depicted as abstract color patterns. Workshop and impromptu for processing plaster After three years, a new concept is to be devel- of paris and concrete 1st meeting: as announced opped by means of which the faculty’s self-image Period / final presentation: mid-end of September and future vision can be even better visualized 2021 Number of participants: and communicated internally and externally. Number of participants: 14 students Kick-off: Monday, 26.04.2021, 4 p.m., online via Language: German/English ILIAS Wagner, Rosemarie Submission / presentation: Monday, 03.05.2021, 4-6 Sum, Bernd p.m., online via ILIAS Sander, Stefan Language: German/English Rambow, Riklef 1720981 Engel, Christoph Impromptu Design: Free Topic Schubert, Lydia Ninon Development of a sound idea for a task related to 1720714 building technology and convincing presentation. Insect Hotel Agreement about the topic at the institute. The task is to design an insect hotel with the Dates by arrangement. dimensions B2,70 x H4,90 m to be attached to the Wagner, Andreas building of the free cultural center Dresden GEH8. The aim is to submit a structurally feasible and 1731166 design independent design, as the designs can be Impromptus Urban Design Project (Engel): submitted to a realization competition. Species pro- City Concepting tection criteria, which were defined in cooperation Creating concise ideas and clear concepts are fun- with NABU, are therefore to be adhered to. The damental to successful design work in architec- impromptu design will not be supervised, but after ture and urban planning. As part of the impromp- the impromptu submission there is the possibility tu, the conceptual design work is to be trained. to receive downstream supervision, which will enable participation in the competition offered by Language: German/English the free cultural center Dresden GEH8. Translated Engel, Barbara with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Kuzyshyn, Anna Hand over: 28.04.2021, 09:00 am 1731266 Presentation: 12.5.2021, 09:00 am Impromptus Urban Design Project Language: German (Inderbitzin): Dwelling with Pillars Krüger, Andreas von Both, Petra The impromptu is about the design of an apart- ment to be fitted within a given, existing skeleton 1720760 structure. The relationship between space, spatial Impromptu Designs: think+fabrik boundaries and supports is to be explored in plan: Are the pillars discretely integrated into walls, do Impromptu design project (workshop): imparting of they behave passively in space, or do they become a holistic approach to consider material, construc- space-shaping, perhaps even anthropomorphic tion, form and function during the design process actors? Is the individual pillar an anonymous ele- Output of the task: 02.08.2021, 10:30 am ment for the occupant or a “friendly roommate”? Task submission: 30.08.2021 First Meeting: 02.06.2021, 9:30 am Registration via homepage and Ilias Submission/Presentation: 11.06.2021, 1:00 - 6:00 pm Appointment: workshop see homepage, expected date Number of Participants: 50 Final presentation: see homepage Submission/ Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) Exam: see homepage Language: German Participation: individual or in working groups of 2 Inderbitzin, Christian students Grunitz, Michael Number of participants: unlimited Kersting, Conrad Paul Language: German Schork, Anna Karin Sedighi, Mandana N.N. Master Courses Architecture 60

Lecture Series Building Planning

1720513 1710104 Lecture series IEB: Reconstruction Research Seminar: Forms of architectural culture_About the potential of the existing practice structure The seminar explores the question of where and See Annex how architecture is practiced. The focus will be on physical space, the organizational structure Appointment: every Tuesday, 16.00-17.30 of architects, and methodological principles of First Meeting: Tue, 20.04.2021 architectural production. Our research will be con- Language: German ducted in three phases focusing on three historical Wappner, Ludwig periods: speculation on pre-modern architects; Wagner, Andreas archival research on modern and postmodern von Both, Petra architects; and finally interviews with emerging Hebel, Dirk contemporary offices. Each phase will conclude a.o. with a set of graphic outputs, including plan draw- ings, organizational charts, and found footage. In 1710212 addition to regular course meetings, students will Lecture series EKUT: Making Public support one another in small research groups. The The word public is not easy to define. Too complex final output will be published in a zine. is the spectrum of references that it opens, too Appointment: Thurs 10.00-13.00 am, Zoom numerous its meaningful uses. Accordingly, in var- First Meeting: 08.04.2021,10:00 am, Zoom ious knowledge systems and operating horizons Pin-Up: 29.04.2021, 10.06.2021 the public does not exist as an entity, rather, as a Submission/Exam: 05.08.2021 topic. This is an idea that has become central to Number of Participants: 15 the understanding of society. While this idea dates Language: German/English back to the eighteenth century, its importance Frohn, Marc grew dramatically in the second half of the twen- Bengert, Florian tieth century when liberal arts including history, Perugini, Federico sociology, politics, art, and cultural studies began to increasingly shape the discourse. In a series of 1710305 lectures the institute EKUT raises the question Design Theory: Soils of the visions, conditions, and developments that have accompanied attempts to make public in the We are concerned with describing the different twenty-first century. treatments of soil. Soil surrounds us, we walk on it and it forms the subsoil on which we build. Morger, Meinrad Shaping our environment means penetrating, Hartmann, Simon extracting, transporting, storing, refining, sifting Frohn, Marc and mixing soils. These processes have produced Rambow, Riklef their own typologies: gravel pits, open-cast and Craig, Stephen underground mines, conveyor systems, tunnels, Elser, Oliver lime kilns, coal bunkers, blast furnaces and coal a.o. refinements. We want to approach, understand and depict the different cultures of dealing with the earth through dense descriptions. Film, photography, graphics, layout and mapping are useful, even indispensable tools for this. We invite experts in their field to give us sound insights into the use of their tools so that we can work with them ourselves. Appointments: On Wednesday afternoon upon consultation, with one intermediate First Meeting: Online - 14.04.2021 at 2pm Final Master Courses Architecture 61

Presentation: 06.08.2021 afternoon Hand-in: Digi- -Describe with the help of text and image, the tal - 02.08.2021 until 12 noon relationship between the story as a whole and the Processing work: Group work building as part there of. Number of Participants: Maximal 15 (including -The first capital of the book will be given out as Erasmus) the the basis on which to develop the individual Language: German/English narratives. Hartmann, Simon -The rest of the book will be kept secret until later. Krüger, Benjamin But some parts of the original story will be given out piece for piece during the semester. 1710307 -The most important thing to remember is that Design Theory : Useful Findings 3D everything that happens on the other side of the (Hartmann) wall is part of another world. -Remaining invisible in conjunction with the The seminar “Useful Findings 3D” is an exploration house in the original story. of architectural episodes from the scale of the body -In some sense the exercise involves designing an to the scale of the city through 3D representation. invisible house but one filled with much life. Chosen elements will be built and described by The whole semester exercise involves the creation means of stills and short animations. Group discus- and presentation at the end of the semester of an sions will take place online after each completed analog (picture) book project. task. At the end of the semester, the produced doc- uments will be available online as an open-source Appointment: Monday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM 3D library. More than a catalog of images, this First meeting: 12.04.2021 procedure is imagined as an exercise in reframing Submission/ Exam: 30.07.2021 the approach towards a collective collection of archi- Number of participants: 12 tectural references that can be used as a design tool Language: German/English during the creative process development. Craig, Stephen Schedule: Wednesdays 14:00-16:00 or by appointment 1710368 First meeting: online - 14.04.2020 at 14.00h Fine Arts: #Atmospheres: Staged Spaces Participation criteria: Open to all KIT students of architecture or art history – Recommended for the In the masters seminar #Atmospheres: Staged “Dom Nature 5” Design Studio participants, but Spaces, experimental spatial experiences are at not mandatory (previous knowledge of Rhino is not the centre of the artistically explorative inves- mandatory) tigation. Through the scenographic processing Output: Individual work of different materials as well as choreo- graphic Final Hand-in: Digital - 05.08.2021 movement elements, the subjective concept of Website Launch: 06.08.2021 spatial perception is qualitatively redefined. The Number of Participants: Maximum 20 artistic techniques used in the seminar concen- Language: English trate mainly on spatial installation, performance Hartmann, Simon and sculptural work. Video and photo recordings Pereira da Cruz Rodrigues Santana, Mariana are planned to document the work processes and their proces- sing. In addition to the practical examination of individual spatial concepts, ar- History, Art and Theory tistic and theoretical positions will be presented that expand on the theme. Adapted to the given circumstances, the seminar will be held digitally,

in pre- sence or in mixed mode. 1710367 Costs for material : 25 Euro Fine Arts: The White Wall Appointment: Monday 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM First meeting: 12.04.2021 via ZOOM “Henri counted in his head “one”, “two” and before Submission/ Exam: 02.08.2021 he got to “three” a wall opened silently in front of Number of participants: 10 him, through which his mother quietly stepped Language: German and disappeared. Craig, Stephen -What happens next behind this white wall?! Schelble, Indra -Visualize and think the story through. -Develop the story further, while at the same time de- signing the fictive building beyond the opening wall. Master Courses Architecture 62

1710407 as of the current state of curatorial practice. This Theory of Architecture: Architecture as happens against the unique backdrop of the city of Global Governance Venice, which itself can be understood as a perma- nent architectural exhibition. The seminar serves Architecture forms global society. The Palace of as a thorough introduction to the structure and Nations in Geneva and the UN headquarters in history of the city of Venice as well as the concept New York are not only architectural icons, but also and development of the Biennale. If possible, the symbols of a global community. But the UN is in a event will culminate in an excursion with intensive crisis: it has to assert itself in a planetary society on-site explorations of the city and the exhibition. and stand up to nationalism and populism. How can If the Biennale should be canceled altogether, the transnational political aspirations be represented ar- seminar will still take place. The excursion would chitecturally today? What does it mean to design for a then be replaced by an online workshop. transforming global world community? The course is designed as a reading and research seminar. The aim Appointment: Mo 14:00–15:30 p.m., online via ILIAS is to engage with the aesthetics of global architecture First Meeting: 12.04.2021, 14:00 p.m., online (MS in order to investigate the power and powerlessness Teams) of an architecture as global governance. Excursion: Venice, August or September 2021 (tbc) Submission/Exam: 30.09.2021 Appointment: Tue. 12:00-1:30 pm Number of Participants: 20 Submission/Exam: 13.08.2021 Language: German Number of Participants: 8 Rambow, Riklef Language: German Schubert, Lydia Ninon Knoop, Hannah Friederike 1710454 1710411 Collapsing New Buildings: in the Theory of Architecture: The Architectures Eighties of Calculus In 1984 the International Building Exhibition Server farms that calculate everyday life became (IBA) Berlin 1984/87 showed an exhibition in ubiquitous and indispensable. But the places of the rooms of the well-known music club SO36 in calculations have their own architecture history, the district of Kreuzberg, which was stormed and that remains largely unconsidered. From the court disbanded soon after by autonomous activists. We of auditors until the data centers, no calculus can take this historical moment as a starting point to deal without the spaces where mathematical oper- deal with the discourses on architecture and urban ations happen. This seminar analyzes the places development in their political and sub(-cultural) of calculating regarding their impact on social contexts that took place in Berlin during the de- relations. What characterizes these typologies? cade before the Wall came down. The IBA has left Which mutual relation exist between them and traces in the city that are as visible, impressive, what is calculated? This event is conceptualized as and relevant today as they were 35 years ago. The a reading and research seminar. It consists of en- seminar will be conducted online with presenta- gaging with the architectures of the calculus and tions and discussions and will serve as preparation revise these with literature from media theory. for an intensive five-day excursion, which (if possi- Appointment: Tue. 2-3:30 pm ble) shall take place in August or September. Submission/Exam: 13.08.2021 Appointment: Mo., 10:00–11:30 a.m., online on ILIAS Number of Participants: 15 First Meeting: 12.04.2021, 10:00 a.m., online (MS Language: German Teams) Pohl, Dennis Excursion: Berlin, Five days in August or Septem- ber (tbc) 1710452 Exam/Submission: 30.09.2021 Communication of Architecture: How will Number of Participants: 20 we live together? The Venice Architecture Language: German Biennale Rambow, Riklef The Architecture Biennale in Venice is arguably Schubert, Lydia Ninon the world’s most important event for architec- ture communication. It is made up of almost one 1741313 hundred individual exhibitions and thus gives a Art History: Theories of Color worldwide overview of current topics and positions Color is a material, but it also means theories in the field of architecture and urbanism, as well Master Courses Architecture 63 about light and perception that enable artists to studies to explore the material-iconological benefit control the effect of color in the practices of art. In of VR-based documentation techniques, and they our seminar, we question some of these concepts will use the results for scientific research. of light and color in their history with the help Appointment: Fri 12 - 13:30 pm, Bldg. 20.40, of images and texts. Our topics range from the R124 FG KG fundamentals of color theory to the physiology Submission/Exam: written elaboration, 30.09.2021 of color seeing; from Newton’s Color Spectrum to Number of Paticipants: 3 artist’s color theories (Goethe, Runge, Turner and Language: German the Pre-Raphaelites); from the scientific theories Munoz Morcillo, Jesus of color Maxwell, Helmholtz and Chevreul to Vin- cent van Gogh’s color matter and to Neo-Impres- 1741317 sionism; from the color theories of the Bauhaus in Art History: Changing the Point of View. Weimar and of the Wchutemas in Moscow to Josef Histories of Seeing and Imaging from Albers: from Johannes Itten to colors in digital Alhazen to Instagram surroundings. „Vision itself has its history, and [its] revelation Appointment: Tue 16 - 17.30 pm, Bldg. 20.40, … must be regarded as the primary task of art R124 FG KG history” (Heinrich Wölfflin). Conceptions of seeing Submission/Exam: written elaboration, 30.09.2021 have always been reflected in the history of the Number of Participants: 3 arts and in art history. Our seminar examines Language: German/English the changing history of the notion of seeing and Fiorentini Elsen, Erna how images have reacted to these changes. The thesis of the seminar is that epochs of seeing and 1741309 their images are best described by the princi- Art History: Trecento Fresco Painting ple of different optical dispositives for imaging, Italian fresco painting of the 14th century reveals a.o. the camera obscura, the camera lucida, the not only the religious thinking of the time, but stereoscope or the analogue and digital photo also a new view on reality influenced by urban camera. We want to verify this thesis questioning life. From Giotto’s paintings of the Legend of St. examples from painting to photography, from film Francis in San Francesco in Assisi to Agnolo Gad- to current new media. di’s depictions of the Legend of the Holy Cross in Appointment: Wed 18 - 19.30 pm, Bldg. 20.40, Santa Croce in Florence, major works of Trecento R124 FG KG fresco painting will be examined from iconograph- Submission/Exam: written elaboration, 30.09.2021 ic, stylistic, and sociocultural perspectives. Number of Paticipants: 3 Appointment: Wed 14 - 15:30 pm, Bldg. 20.40, Language: German/English R124 FG KG Fiorentini Elsen, Erna Submission/Exam: written elaboration, 30.09.2021 Number of Paticipants: 3 1741385 Language: German Building History: Biomimesis.Biological Papenbrock, Martin Analogy in Architecture since Vitruvius “Form follows function:” probably no other maxim 1741310 has been more transcendental for the understand- Art History: Substantial Surrogates? ing and misunderstanding of modern architec- Virtual Reality for Preserving Art ture. It is often associated with the cold forms Installations of a rationalist machine age. However, the idea In the research seminar “Substantial Surrogates,” originally arose from 19th century biology.With we focus on questions about the use of Virtual her it was tried to decipher the laws of the growth Reality technologies to document art installa- of forms and the causal logic of their evolution. tions. How does the use of VR technologies affect This biological determinism was transferred to our understanding of art and authenticity? Can architecture using animal and plant analogies. the virtual copy influence our perception of the Around 1900 Louis H. Sullivan came to apply original? The survey and digital re-enactment the saying, famous since then, to the claim of an of art installations require interdisciplinary organic conception of skyscrapers. Although Philip working methods, so that, in addition to dealing Steadman rejected as early as 1979 such transfers with conservation theory, we will take a look at from biology to cultural artifacts as deterministic conservation practice. Students will analyze case fallacies, biotechnical analogies remain popu- Master Courses Architecture 64 lar for architects, engineers, and designers: for Introductory session: Monday, 19 April 2021, 10:00- example, among the pioneers of biomorphic digital 12:00 (via Zoom) fabrication or for those who see in the veracity Assignment of topics: Monday, 26 April 2021, of the natural an ethical value according to the 10:00-12:00 (via Zoom) current paradigm of sustainability. However, the Compact seminar date: After arrangement (depen- history of natural analogies and the imitation of ding on Corona location via Zoom or on site at the nature in architecture did not begin in the middle Open-Air Museum of Switzerland, Ballenberg). of the 19th century. They go back to antiquity, Submission: 31.08.2021 for example to the Ten Books of Vitruvius or the Number of Participants: 6 Poetics of Aristotle. The seminar analyzes these Language: German experiences and traces the change and continuity Brehm, Anne-Christine of natural analogies across the ages to the recent past. Focusing on selected examples, we will 1741390 analyze cases such as the constructions of various Building History: Spaces of Work. living beings, the anthropomorphic ideals of Industrial Architecture as a Spatial Factor Vitruvius, the transformations of the tree- column in and outside the city analogies in Gothic architecture or the “natural In this seminar we will examine industrial constructions” of Frei Otto. The seminar is held architecture and its interconnectedness with the as part of a six-part series (Oikos, Helios, Gaia, surrounding city or countryside using various Techne, Bio- Mimesis, U-Topos) on the environ- examples. These buildings have to be adapted to mental history of architecture. the conceptual structure of the production process Tue, 6-7:30 p.m., online Submission: 31.08.2021 as well as technically exactly to the machines and Number of Participants: 7 their energy supply. At the same time, they are Language: German integrated into the surrounding spatial urban Medina Warmburg, Joaquín structures and infrastructures in multiple ways. But factories are also working spaces for many 1741387 people, who also had to be organized and have Research Seminar/Building History: their needs. Thus, criteria of economic efficiency Historic Building Details – To discover and function are juxtaposed with discussions & to understand. Components, building about social working and living conditions of materials, joints and surfaces. the employees. All of this, however, by no means excludes a high design standard for the architec- Historic Building Details – To discover & to under- tural design of the buildings. stand. Components, building materials, joints and surfaces. Research seminar in cooperation with Tue, 10-11:30 a.m., online the Open Air Museum of Switzerland, Ballenberg, Submission: 31.08.21 Hofstetten bei Brienz (CH). A historic building is Number of Participants: 7 always closely linked to the building craft and the Rind, Nina Rebekka knowledge and skills of the craftsmen of the time. This skill is evident in the surfaces, the joints and the interplay of the various materials and Construction Technology components of a building. The seminar focuses on the details: seeing and understanding constructive details, classifying temporal developments and un- derstanding regional characteristics and changes. 1720506 For this purpose, individual houses of the Swiss Planning and Constructing: Open-Air Museum will be mentally taken apart DichteArchitekturStadt + and the construction process retraced. Each semi- nar participant will be assigned a historical house, German cities have experienced a dramatic the constructional features and building details of change post-WWII, particularly as a result of which will be the subject of an intensive exam- wartime destruction and catalyzed by the econom- ination. The aim is to find out which crafts were ic upswing of the postwar years. Following the needed, which building materials were used, how current discourse of intra-urban mobility, there is the building materials were processed and how the an increased demand to reprogram existing spa- composite of the materials and the structure of the tial resources of the fast-growing post- war city, components work. The discussion will take place in especially using often over-dimensioned inner-city short texts, plan drawings, sketches and models. circulation arteries. These spaces offer opportu- Master Courses Architecture 65 nities for urban renewal. The aim of the research five working groups, connection techniques for seminar is to compare, contrast and explore the proven supporting structures as well as for the potentials of existing spatial resources in German adjacent material layers will be analysed, docu- metropolis. The results of the comparative study mented and presented in drawings. The solutions will constitute planning tools for tackling current developed will then be discussed and evaluated. conversations about urban development. The pur- Regular appointment: Tuesdays, 12.00 - 13.30 pose of the seminar is to consolidate positive spa- Start: 13.04.2021 tial qualities and enforce existing potentials that Presentation/delivery: 10.08.2021 cities can further act upon “on their own turf”. Number of participants: 15 Online event Appointment: Thu,10am, online Language: German/English First Meeting: Thu, 15.04.2021, online Hebel, Dirk Submission/Presentation: Wed, 28.07.21 Böhm, Sandra Language: German/English Schneider, Daniela Wappner, Ludwig Hoss, Hanna Silvie Tusinean, Monica Jager, Philipp

1720552 1720702 Building Analysis: MaterialConcept Virtual Engineering: Modern Tools for BIM A selfelective project is analysed and examined con- Using BIM cannot be compared with modelling cerning his concept and material and constructive a 3D-project. Working with the BIM-method conversion. On the basis of a comprehensive search changes the way one works on projects and also the project is edited in drawings, understood and the view on own generated data, which requires a shown after default in a from 6 to 15-sided pam- special handling of latest CAD- Software. In this phlet with pictures and text. It concerns a looked seminar you will learn how to use the software housework with freely agreed appointments. Archicad (Teamwork, latest edition). The seminar shows the capabilities of an advanced software Control appointment: Care after arrangement and how it can be used most effectively for creat- First Meeting: Wed, 14.04.2021, 3.00 pm, online ing and editing CAD-projects. You also learn to The project should be visited as far as possible. use IFC, the most important interchange format Submission/Exam: according to the arrangement for BIM-projects. Among others, the advantages Treatment form: Single work of an automated project control will be shown Language: German using the example of the model-checker-software Haug, Thomas “Solibri”. This course can only be attended in conjunction with Module Design („Agile living – A 1720607 BIM Teamdesign“ 1720701) as an overall package. Connection techniques within Application is only possible through Module substainable construction methods Design, where every participant of this module The deconstructability of a construction and the automatically receives a reservation for modules reusability of materials are decisive parameters „Virtual Engineering“ and „BIM Advanced“. Ac- for cycle-compatible planning and building. For complishment: a small project, related project file high-quality recycling and reuse of materials, as IFC, documentation of the workflow and digital material layers as well as components must be structure of the project. planned and installed in a detachable way. De- Appointment: Thusday 10:00-11:30h am tachable construction techniques offer numerous Examination / submission: upon consultation advantages in the replacement and deconstruction Number of participants: Reserved for Design of materials over the life of a building. By separat- Participants ing materials according to type, they can remain Language: German/English in the material cycle and can be reused. At the be- Fischer, Katharina ginning of the seminar, the basics and principles Krüger, Andreas of contemporary connection techniques are taught von Both, Petra using the methods of circular construction. Practi- cal examples are used to explain the relevance of 1720708 selected construction techniques. After a research Integral Planning: User-Related Analysis in single-variety connection techniques, students of Needs and Functions Content will collect and document construction methods that meet certain criteria for deconstruction. In The content of this course is the teaching and Master Courses Architecture 66 design-accompanying application of planning colonization with living organisms, corrosion, methodical basics in the context of the early erosion, abrasion and wear and tear come reliably planning phases. Special emphasis is placed on to light over the course of the service life of every the userrelated analysis of needs and functions material in use. From optical defects to complete with the development of the spatial and functional destruction. If patina and signs of wear in wood, program as well as its structuralarchitectural leather, steel or noble erosion in clay are still implementation as a topological spatial concept. valued, the discomfort dominates with mossy The course consists of a lecture series, which is concrete or gray technical textiles. Of course there supplemented by exercises. The methods learned are forward-looking approaches such as construc- are applied in the second part of the semester tive wood protection, which is supposed to enable using a smaller student design. In addition to “material-appropriate aging”. This was originally the lectures, supervision sessions are offered. the smart alternative to chemical wood protection. Deliverables are the demand and user-oriented There are repair, maintenance and care strate- concept of a building as well as the documentation gies. And there is design that anticipates material of the applied methods and the resulting design changes and uses them for itself. It is possible, process (written elaboration as well as a final however, that questions of aging and transience presentation). are overwhelming at the time of the new building. With research and experiments, individual excur- Appointment: Tuesdays 2:00-5:00h pm sions and interviews with building professionals, 1st meeting: Tuesday, 13.04.2021, 2:00h pm the seminar group should bring each other to a Number of participants: 12 common level of knowledge. Technical, economic, Language: German technical, creative, cultural, aesthetic and also von Both, Petra emotional facets of the topic should be given space. The work in the seminar should lead to a 1720753 kind of description of positioning that documents Structural Analysis and Planning: Factory the responses of the young architecture. halls Appointment: Fri 12:00-15:00 h, campus West In the context of this event, the focus is on the building 06.34, room 006 analytical examination of the specific structural Mandatory excursion: to be announced properties of factory halls. These structures have, Examination date: as agreed with the students for example, special features with regard to flexi- Submission: Interview preparation / documentati- ble utilization concepts and large required spans. on, reference model The students’ task is the structural analysis of Presence Group size 15 students an existing context-related structure. The results Language: German/English of the analysis will be presented in a paper and Wagner, Rosemarie handed in as a paper. The topic is introduced by Sander, Stefan topic-related lectures. Appointment: Mo, 10 am - 1.30 pm 1720910 First Meeting: 19.04.2021, 10 am Building Techniques: House from sun and Number of Paticipants: 20 sky Language: German Giving a glance to our ancestor construction Lauterkorn, Daniel methods reveals that they had a cleverer sense to Özcan, Tugay substitute nature in their buildings. Main scope N.N. of this seminar will be a systematic trying to Sedighi, Mandana integrate a realistic-based energy performance of building surroundings. A dynamic prediction and 1720919 calculation of sun, wind and sky will be employed Building Techniques: Transience- old to compare their final performances through dif- question to young architecture ferent assemblies of materials. A more friendship Impermanence - old questions for young architecture between buildings geometry with energy fluctua- In the context of current trends in building tion of its surrounding is supposed to be achieved. construction the seminar deals with different Friday 10.00-13.00 Uhr online considerations, concepts and attitudes for dealing Language: German/English with temporary or permanent material chang- Wagner, Rosemarie es. Phenomena such as embrittlement or creep, Sander, Stefan swelling and shrinking, permanent deformation, Rahmani, Abbas Master Courses Architecture 67

1720974 1731097 Planning and Building with Light Urban Typologies: Innercity Disaster_ Empty City Centres?_Urban Scan with The students are introduced into different plan- Photo Seminar ning tools for lighting design. Besides fundamen- tals of modelling for lighting simulations and tech- The city centres of metropolitan areas and cities niques for measuring light, simulation programs have changed radically in recent decades. The for- for evaluation of daylighting and artificial lighting merly mixed-use and small-scale urban structures situations in interior spaces are addressed and have been transformed into “oversized shopping applied in the seminar. Depending on the projects, centres”. The economic power and space demands physical models are built and investigated, e.g. of the retail trade have led to a less stable mono- in an artificial sky. Thematic focuses as daylight structure. The task is an intensive examination of usage, visual comfort and interrelations of light the processes of change that have been accelerat- with other indoor climate parameters are investi- ed by the pandemic and are now visible every- gated in the seminar and discussed on the basis of where. The aim is to create a meaningful series simulations and/or measurements performed on of photographs while developing a multi-layered individual design projects or models. For qualifica- visual language. This type of photography is tion targets see module handbook. intended to be a meaningful complement to classi- cal, spatial-structural analysis. Appointment: Mo 12:00 PM - 15:30 PM, every 14 days First meeting: Mon. 19.04.2021 12:00 PM Appointment: Tue 10:00 pm – 1:00 am Examination: 02.08.2021 First Meeting: Tue 13.04.2021, 10:00 pm Number of Participants: 16 Submission/Exam: Tue, 10.08.2021, 10:00 pm Language: German Form: teamwok, 2erGroups Wagner, Andreas Number of Participants: 15 Alanis Oberbeck, Luciana Andrea Neppl, Markus Mirkes, Jeff

Urban and Landscape Planning 1731214 Landschaftstypologien: Human Nature - Nature in Transformation A theoretical discourse against the background of 1731180 a spatial, philosophical, aesthetic and psycholog- Research Seminar / City Theory: ical understanding of nature. The 21st century Knowledge. Cities. Spaces is defined by change and transformation. Global society is changing lifestyles and transforming liv- Knowledge and education are becoming increas- ing spaces at a rapid velocity. Nature and natural ingly important in our society. They are regarded landscapes are being transformed into providing, as the new production factors of the economy and industrial, infrastructural and urban landscapes. innovation drivers of cities. But what exactly does In a continuous and accelerated process, human- this mean for urban space? How do meeting plac- ity subjugates nature, uses and exploits it for his es, and public spaces look like where innovation needs of food, housing, mobility and pleasure. In is lived and knowledge is generated? these mechanically designed habitats, he deter- The seminar will examine the different typolo- mines the parameters of size and boundaries, dy- gies of knowledge spaces in selected European namics and complexity of nature in all its biologi- cities in dialogue with acteurs and initiators. In cal, economic and social interactions - he becomes focus are shape, function and users of the spaces the designer, creator and producer of nature. The as the processes and logics laying behind the theory seminar “Landscape Typologies” is intend- physical structure. ed as a theoretical discourse on nature. We will Appointment: Tue 12:00 am - 01:30 pm analyze and discuss nature in the context of the First Meeting: Tue 13.04.2021 city from different perspectives, but also search Submission/Exam: Tue 10.08.2021 for nature to present it in (urban) space. The aim of Number of Participants: 16 the seminar is to sensitize for the nature of nature Language: German/English and the value of natural open space. Engel, Barbara Appointment: Tue 9:30 -13:00, Bldg. 11.40, Reichwein, Sara R 126 & online First Meeting: 13.04.2021 Pinup: 08.06.2021 Master Courses Architecture 68

Submission/Exam: 03.08.2021 Language: German/English Number of Participants: 17 Inderbitzin, Christian Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) Kersting, Conrad Paul Language: German Schork, Anna Karin Bava, Henri Gerstberger, Susanne Specialization 1731281 Urban Design and Housing: One doesn’t think enough about the stairs. In the seminar, we deal with the staircase in 1710173 housing. The staircase is usually the first room Special Topics of Drawing: Drawing one enters in an apartment building. It forms the Excursion Summer address and backbone of the house and manifests Drawing as a method of exploring reality/-ies in an itself in the floor plan as well as in the section. As individual approach and perception shall be used a threshold space, the stairwell stands between for a free evolvement of personality. Preliminary the public sphere of the city and the privacy of meetings introduce general questions which are the individual inhabitant. In this dialectic, it basis for an intense work with graphic means of ex- is a place of encounter and exchange. However, pression during the excursion days. We will be ac- the stairwell is subject to enormous economic commodated at Ferme de la Salvetat on the Causse pressure, because its space is necessary but not du Larzac in South France with excellent food. The rentable, and at the same time it is strictly reg- travel has to be organised with private cars. ulated as a vertical escape route. Perhaps this is one reason why the staircase in particular is often Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) not given enough attention... Language: German Beyer, Udo Appointment: Wed, 12:00 am - 1:30 pm Submission/Exam: 05.08.2021, 1:00 pm 1720655 Number of Participants: 15 Special Topics of Planning and Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) Constructing: Scenes Language: German/English Inderbitzin, Christian The invention of the movie camera has changed Kersting, Conrad Paul and shaped our society towards a strongly vid- Schork, Anna Karin eo-centric perception. Since the beginning of the recording of moving images, film has attempted 1731282 to shift the boundaries of perception and fantasy Urban Design and Housing: by generating new realities and making them Transformation – Interpretation of the visually tangible. Found The augmentation of enriching moving images with sound creates a spectacular perception, The preservation and further development of which captivates us in the tension between lethar- existing structures remains a necessity, not least gy and ecstasy. Film is fake - an image of a certain in view of finite resources, demographic shifts and reality or a visualization of fiction, but it always is social responsibility. In the seminar, we therefore an artificial product. The amalgamation of innu- shed light on the architectural potential of exist- merable factors which in their totality only pursue ing buildings affected by vacancy. These will be the goal of creating illusion. The understanding examined for their historical, urban development of cinematic instruments and the role of architec- and architectural value. The aim is to identify tural space will be examined analysing examples the conservation value on the basis of a detailed from the dystopian cinema - a genre that deals analysis of the existing buildings and to formulate with distorted images of the human future and in design strategies for further development. The which the role of architecture is usually equiva- various possible interpretations of the existing lent to that of another actor. buildings become a design tool that no new build- ing could offer. Appointment: Thu, 2 pm - 4 pm, Bldg. 20.40 First Meeting: Thu, 15.04.2021 Appointment: Wed, 02:00 pm - 04:00 pm Submission/Final Presentation: Thu, 29.07.2021 Submission/Exam: 04.08.2021, 09:00 am Form: Individual work, Teamwork Number of Participants: 15 Language: German/English Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) Master Courses Architecture 69

Vallebuona, Renzo flat and pitched roofs, balconies and terraces, Michalski, Manuel Amadeus plasters and thermal insulation composite sys- Schmidt, Sophia tems, mould and algae. Appointment: 02.08.-06.08.2021, 9 am - 5 pm, online 1720705 First meeting: 02.08.2020 Special Topics of BLM: BIM-Basics Exam: 12.08.2020 in presence Every current CAD-software is more than a Number of Paticipants: 50 digital ink pen. Many software-providers offer Language: German fully fledged solutions for project work, but they Zöller, Matthias can only be used to their full extent if the internal logic of the software is comprehended. This 1720978 compact seminar allows access to Archicad (latest Special Topics of Building Technology: edition). Within the three units of the course, Little tools - Large Effect basic modeling-rules, dealing with modeling tools What measures may enhance my building design and basics of structure and control of data output to ensure a comfortable indoor climate in sum- – essentials of working with the BIM-method – mer? On the other hand, how can I maximize the are imparted. These are the basic steps for getting use of solar radiation to meet my energy demand? started to work with the BIM-method. A previous These and other questions are typical in the early knowledge of the software is not necessary. 3 design phase of a building. Therefore, in this sem- Units, each 6h (with breaks), appointment upon inar you will learn how to use a set of reliable but agreement - online Accomplishment: exercise simple simulation tools that will help you answer project, one plan as *.pdf data. your comfort and energy related design questions Number of Participants: 10 and optimize the performance of your building. Language: German In order to achieve a comprehensive understand- Fischer, Katharina ing of building assessment, the course will also von Both, Petra share some events with the seminar “Data-Based Assessment of Building Performance”. 1720706 Appointment: Tues. 14:00 PM - 15:30 PM Special Topics of BLM: Psychology of First meeting: Tues. 13.04 14:00 PM Virtual Spaces Examination: 10.08.2021 In our leisure time and at work, we increasingly Number of Participants: 16 move on virtual platforms and in virtual spaces. Language: German/English While we as architects are familiar with work- Wagner, Andreas ing with real spaces, it is noticeable that the Rissetto, Romina Paula conception and design of virtual spaces is still handled awkwardly and not very creatively. What 1720963 is the effect of virtual spaces? Which senses can Fire Protection in Planning and Building be addressed and used how and through which The students are gaining insight into the fire measures? Which insights from working with real protection of buildings. Topics like properties of spaces can we transfer to the virtual and which building materials and building parts and their not? Appointment: Fr. 12:00 am - 1:30 pm classification in terms of fire protection, fire alarm Submission/Exam: 05.08.2021, 12:00 am systems, fire-extinguishing systems and fume/heat Form: Individual- and Teamwork outlets, fire zones, escape routes and fire protection Number of Participants: 20 concepts are introduced. Besides addressing funda- Koch, Volker mental knowledge, construction and design related von Both, Petra aspects of fire protection in buildings are discussed in detail on the basis of examples from practice. 1720807 For qualification targets see module handbook. Professional Detailled Planning Appointment: Thu. 18:00 PM - 19:30 PM In this course the most important principles, rules First meeting: Thu. 15.04.2021, 18:00 PM and standards of professional detailed planning Examination: 09.08.2021 are explained in detail and discussed on the basis Number of Participants: 10 of practical examples. These include the following Language: German topics: Waterproofing and moisture protection of Wagner, Andreas building components in contact with the ground, Pannier, Philip Master Courses Architecture 70

1720970 evaluating real case-studies energy, comfort, air Energy and Indoor Climate Concepts quality and lighting through monitoring cam- paigns and surveys. To achieve a comprehensive The students will become familiar with concepts understanding of building assessment, the course and technologies of energy- efficient building. will also share some events with the seminar Topics like heat protection, passive solar energy Little Tools - Large Effect”. use, ventilation systems and passive cooling are addressed. New ways of renewable energy Appointment: Tue. 14:00 PM - 15:30 PM supply show the path towards climate-neu- First meeting: Tue. 13.04.2021 14:00 PM tral buildings. On the basis of examples from Examination: 10.08.2021 practice, energy and indoor climate concepts Number of Participants: 16 for different buildings types are investigated in Language: English detail and analyzed with regard to presented Wagner, Andreas performance criteria. For qualification targets Mino Rodriguez, Maria Isabel see module handbook. 2585404 Appointment: Tues. 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Sustainability Assessment of Buildings First meeting: Tues. 13.04.2021, 10:00 AM Submission/Exam: 03.08.2021 The course identifies problems concerning the Number of Participants: 10 economical and environmental assessment of Language: German buildings along their lifecycle and discusses suit- Wagner, Andreas able procedures and tools supporting the decision making process. For example, the course address- 1720977 es topics like operating costs, heat cost allocation, Research Seminar: RoofKIT - Detailed comparisons of heating costs, applied economical Planning of the Energy Concept assessment methods, life cycle assessment as well as related design and assessment tools (e.g. The Department of Architecture is participating element catalogues, databases, emblems, tools) in the Solar Decathlon Europe competition with and assessment procedures (e.g. carbon footprint, the RoofKIT project. In close cooperation with the MIPS, KEA), which are currently available. design team, the seminar is about planning in Recommendations: detail the overall energy concept for the addition A combination with the module Real Estate Man- to an existing building as well as for a demonstra- agement [WW3BWLOOW2] and with engineering tion unit that is actually to be built - a section of science modules from the areas building physics the addition. Based on simulation results for the and structural designis recommended. indoor climate and the solar energy supply, both The student building physics issues related to the construction • has an indepth knowledge of the classification of of the building and building technology issues environmental design and construction of build- must be solved and implemented in planning. ings within the overall context of sustainability This also includes energy management in connec- • has a critical understanding of the main theo- tion with a mobility concept. ries and methods of assessing the environmental Appointment: Mon. 16:00 PM - 17:30 PM performance of buildings First meeting: Mon. 12.04.2021 16:00 PM • is able to use methods and tools to evaluate the Examination: 10.08.2021 environmental performance in design and decision Number of Participants: 10 processes or to interpret existing results Language: German/English The total workload for this course is approxi- Wagner, Andreas mately 135.0 hours. For further information see German version. The assessment consists of a 1720955 written exam (60 minutes) (following §4(2), 1 of Research Seminar: Data - based Building the examination regulation). The exam takes Performance Assessment place two times only in the semester in which the lecture is takes place (summer semester). The seminar aims to introduce students to the Re-examinations are offered at every ordinary practical and conceptual domain of building examination date. performance assessment using real data from buildings. Different data collection and data Language: German analysis methods will allow a practical evalua- Lützkendorf, Thomas tion of buildings’ energy consumption and indoor environmental assessment. The seminar proposes Master Courses Architecture 71

2585403 1731191 Übung zu Bauökologie II Special Topics of construction planning law

Thu 10:00-11:30 from 04/15 until 07/15 Language: German Appointment: Tue 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Rochlitzer, Daniel Exam: expected Tue 03.08.2021 Language: German 2585400 Meiringer, Eberhardt Real Estate Management II 1741392 The course Real Estate Management II gives Selected Topics of Building History: special attention to topics in connection to the Preservation of historical monuments - management of large real estate portfolios. This Theory and Practice especially includes property valuation, market and object rating, maintenance and modernization, The preservation and maintenance of historical as well as real estate portfolio and risk manage- monuments or monument ensembles is a task ment. The tutorial provides examples in order to that is performed by specialized architectural practice the application of theoretical knowledge firms, restorers and monument protection author- to practical problems. The course is replenished by ities. The seminar gives an insight into selected excursions and guest lectures by practicioners out topics and questions. The focus is on the history of the real estate business. The student and theory of monument preservation, the history • has an in-depth knowledge on the economic classi- of central European town houses, inventory, prac- fication and significance of the real estate industry tical examples of monument preservation and old • has a critical understanding of essential theories, building renovation as well as legal considerations. methods and instruments of the real estate industry The seminar is offered as an online compact course • is able to analyze and evaluate activity areas 1. Meeting: 14.04.21 10-11.30 a.m. and functions in real estate companies as well as Submission: 30.08.21 to prepare or to take decisions Number of Participants: 5 Recommendations: A combination with the mod- Language: German ule Design Construction and Assessment of Green Hanschke, Julian Buildings I [WW3BWLOOW1] is recommended. Furthermore it is recommeded to choose courses of the following fields Research fields • Finance and Banking • Insurance • Civil Engineering and Architecture (building physics, structural design, facility management) The total workload for this course is approximate- 1700057 ly 135.0 hours. For further information see Ger- Preparation Master’s Thesis man version. The assessment consists of a written In the semester before the start of the Master’s exam (60 minutes) (following §4(2), 1 of the ex- thesis, the partial performance “Preparation Mas- amination regulation). The exam takes place two ter’s Thesis” must be completed. There, the Master times only in the semester in which the lecture is Candidate should develop the topic or the question takes place (summer semester). Reexaminations for his / her work by independent research work. are offered at every ordinary examination date. Language: German/English Language: German Bava, Henri Lützkendorf, Thomas von Both, Petra Worschech, Thomas Engel, Barbara Frohn, Marc 2585401 Hartmann, Simon Übung zu Real Estate Management II Hebel, Dirk Morger, Meinrad Neppl, Markus Thu 12:00-13:30 from 04/15 until 07/15 Vallebuona, Renzo Language: German Wappner, Ludwig Worschech, Thomas Inderbitzin, Christian Master Courses Architecture 72

1710104 practical and conceptual domain of building Research Seminar: Forms of architectural performance assessment using real data from practice buildings. Different data collection and data analysis methods will allow a practical evalua- The seminar explores the question of where and tion of buildings’ energy consumption and indoor how architecture is practiced. The focus will be environmental assessment. The seminar proposes on physical space, the organizational structure evaluating real case-studies energy, comfort, air of architects, and methodological principles of quality and lighting through monitoring cam- architectural production. Our research will be con- paigns and surveys. To achieve a comprehensive ducted in three phases focusing on three historical understanding of building assessment, the course periods: speculation on pre-modern architects; will also share some events with the seminar archival research on modern and postmodern Little Tools - Large Effect”. architects; and finally interviews with emerging contemporary offices. Each phase will conclude Appointment: Tue. 14:00 PM - 15:30 PM with a set of graphic outputs, including plan draw- First meeting: Tue. 13.04.2021 14:00 PM ings, organizational charts, and found footage. In Examination: 10.08.2021 addition to regular course meetings, students will Number of Participants: 16 support one another in small research groups. The Language: German final output will be published in a zine. Wagner, Andreas Mino Rodriguez, Maria Isabel Appointment: Thurs 10.00-13.00 am, Zoom First Meeting: 08.04.2021,10:00 am, Zoom 1741387 Pin-Up: 29.04.2021, 10.06.2021 Research Seminar/Building History: Submission/Exam: 05.08.2021 Historic Building Details – To discover Number of Participants: 15 & to understand. Components, building Language: German/English materials, joints and surfaces. Frohn, Marc Bengert, Florian Historic Building Details – To discover & to under- Perugini, Federico stand. Components, building materials, joints and surfaces. Research seminar in cooperation with 1720977 the Open Air Museum of Switzerland, Ballenberg, Research Seminar: RoofKIT - Detailed Hofstetten bei Brienz (CH). A historic building is Planning of the Energy Concept always closely linked to the building craft and the knowledge and skills of the craftsmen of the time. The Department of Architecture is participating This skill is evident in the surfaces, the joints in the Solar Decathlon Europe competition with the and the interplay of the various materials and RoofKIT project. In close cooperation with the design components of a building. The seminar focuses on team, the seminar is about planning in detail the the details: seeing and understanding constructive overall energy concept for the addition to an existing details, classifying temporal developments and building as well as for a demonstration unit that is understanding regional characteristics and chang- actually to be built - a section of the addition. Based es. For this purpose, individual houses of the on simulation results for the indoor climate and the Swiss Open-Air Museum will be mentally taken solar energy supply, both building physics issues re- apart and the construction process retraced. Each lated to the construction of the building and building seminar participant will be assigned a historical technology issues must be solved and implemented house, the constructional features and building in planning. This also includes energy management details of which will be the subject of an intensive in connection with a mobility concept. examination. The aim is to find out which crafts Appointment: Mon. 16:00 PM - 17:30 PM were needed, which building materials were used, First meeting: Mon. 12.04.2021 16:00 PM how the building materials were processed and Examination: 10.08.2021 how the composite of the materials and the struc- Number of Participants: 10 ture of the components work. The discussion will Language: German/English take place in short texts, plan drawings, sketches Wagner, Andreas and models. Introductory session: Monday, 19 April 2021, 10:00- 1720955 12:00 (via Zoom). Research Seminar: Data - based Building Assignment of topics: Monday, 26 April 2021, Performance Assessment 10:00-12:00 (via Zoom) The seminar aims to introduce students to the Compact seminar date: After arrangement (depen- Master Courses Architecture 73

ding on Corona location via Zoom or on site at the 1720716 Open-Air Museum of Switzerland, Ballenberg). Independent Student Research Project: Submission: 31.08.2021 Research oriented Methods and Number of Participants: 6 Technologies Language: German In the context of this free student research Brehm, Anne-Christine project, students gain insight into the research and development work currently being carried 1731180 out at the BLM, which is located in the fields of Research Seminar / City Theory: architectural informatics and planning method- Knowledge. Cities. Spaces ology, among others. Within the framework of the Knowledge and education are becoming increas- student research project, the participants work on ingly important in our society. They are regarded a specific topic under the supervision of scientific as the new production factors of the economy and staff, complete a smaller task and document their innovation drivers of cities. But what exactly does results in a written paper. Suggestions for exciting this mean for urban space? How do meeting plac- and meaningful topics can be found on the BLM es, and public spaces look like where innovation web pages (Teaching SS21/ free student research is lived and knowledge is generated? The seminar project). will examine the different typologies of knowledge 1. Appointment: 21.04.2021, 11:00h am spaces in selected European cities in dialogue Event day and duration: individually by arrangement with acteurs and initiators. In focus are shape, Number of Participants: 4 function and users of the spaces as the processes Language: German and logics laying behind the physical structure. von Both, Petra Appointment: Tue 12:00 am - 01:30 pm First Meeting: Tue 13.04.2021 1720758 Submission/Exam: Tue 10.08.2021 Independent Student Research Project Number of Participants: 16 Methodological way of approaching an architectur- Language: German/English al question/issue of an individually chosen subject Engel, Barbara based on material, form, function and construction. Reichwein, Sara Appointment: dates by arrangement 1731280 First Meeting: obliged to participate 05.05.2021, 2 pm Research Seminar: Cityscapes - Inventory Language: German of the European City Sedighi, Mandana N.N. In the Cityscapes seminar, we continue the series of city portraits begun last semester. They form 1720980 the basis for a long-term research project on the Independent Student Research Project European city at the Chair of City and Housing. The aim of the study is to gain a fundamental Independent study on a topic in building physics understanding of our cities and their current or technical building services. Topic, objectives, transformation. Cities will change radically in the suitable tools and a work plan will be discussed immediate future under the conditions of the “en- and fixed during the first meeting (also see module ergy transition” and changing climatic conditions. handbook). This will be a turning point, especially for the Eu- Dates by arrangement ropean cities that have evolved over time: it may Language: German no longer be possible to design cities exclusively Wagner, Andreas according to traditional spatial criteria, but they Rissetto, Romina Paula will have to be subjected to a “metabolist” logic to Mino Rodriguez, Maria Isabel a greater extent. Appointment: Wed, 12:00 am - 1:30 pm 1700002 Submission/Exam: 05.08.2021, 09:00 am Independent Student Research Project Number of Participants: 15 Independent Student Research Project can be Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) completed at any “Fachgebiet”. If you are interest- Language: German/English ed, please contact the respective professor. Inderbitzin, Christian Grunitz, Michael Language: German/English Master Courses Architecture 74

Interdisciplinary Qualifications regarding the essential structural characteris- tics. Defined drawing conventions are applied to generate a set of plans in which the basic struc- ture of the building can be read. Based on these drawings, the structural essence of the building 1700056 is transferred into a script. This script represents Key Qualifications at HoC, ZAK or the essential relations and spatial relationships Sprachenzentrum of the reference building in the form of textual instructions. The focus is on the internal organi- In the area of key qualifications, offers from the zation, the lighting and the circulation system of following institutions can be taken: House of the reference. Com-petence (HoC: hoc.kit.edu),Zentrum für An- gewandte Kulturwissenschaft (ZAK: http://www. 25.05.2021 - 28.05.2021 zak.kit.edu/vorlesungsverzeich-nis.php) Sprachen- 1st meeting: 25.05.21, 11:00, chair R+E zentrum (SPZ: https://www.spz.kit.edu/) Submission/Examination: 28.05.21 Number of participants: max. 15 students Language: German/English Language: German/English Frohn, Marc 1700000 Panzer, Tim Karlsruher Architekturvorträge Attendance of at least 15 lectures of the event se- 1710304 ries “Karlsruher Architektur-vorträge”, “Vortrags- Seminarweek:Go in search of spices! reihe Kunstgeschichte”, or “Baugeschichtliches We aim to reconnect as much as possible with the Kolloquium” of the KIT Faculty of Architecture physical outside world and try to understand it, can be recognized with a credit point in the mod- perceive it from a different point of view having ule Key Qualifications. For dates and program see in mind the digital experience of the last year. We homepage of the KIT Faculty. will delve into the lesser-known sequences of spac- Hebel, Dirk es of our neighbourhoods, studying or working places. Instead of searching for spices overseas, 1700059 we will explore the unexpected, hidden, potential Internship in our immediate surroundings. Technological tools will help us to reproduce those mental map- In the Key Qualifications module of the SPO 2016, pings and transform them into graspable modes an Internship at an architect’s office amounting of representation in order to communicate the to 120 hours working time (3 weeks full-time/4 physical experience of our findings. LP) can also be credited. For the recognition an internship report of at least 3 pages has to be pre- Full Day Activities from 25.- 28.05.2021 pared and has to be submitted to the Dean’s Office First Meeting: online - 25.05.2021 of Studies of the KIT-Department of Architecture Type of participation: Individual or group work (if with a certificate of the company about content the situation allows) and working hours of the internship. Deliverables: Final discussion on 28.05. in person if possible / otherwise online Language: German/English Language: German/English Hartmann, Simon Seminar Week Predojevic, Stanislava Sekinger, Richard

1741389 Seminar week: From the Archive – The 1710124 Kunsthalle Karlsruhe Seminar week: Script as Method The Kunsthalle Karlsruhe was built at a time The seminar Script As Method focuses on the in which together with the rise of the bourgeoi- translation of the structural DNA of buildings sie and its new ideal of education, the museum into a parametric script. Starting from a prepared emerged as a public place for art education. selection of residential buildings, each participant Originally planned as a four-winged complex, first chooses a reference building and analyzes it Heinrich Hübsch built only one axisymmetri- on the base of floor plans, sections and elevations cal wing in the first phase of construction up to 1846. Based on the stylistic language of Hübsch´s Master Courses Architecture 75 architecture, Josef Durm built a second tract in an extra amount of DINA4 loose pages a mixture 1891. Heinrich Amersbach added a third one at of pencils, a rubber, a non-permanent fine-felt the beginning of the 20th century, as well as a tip-pen, and according to personal choice : charcoal, chapel in the courtyard. The original concept of oil-charlks, pastels and a variation of coloured a four-winged complex was to be taken up again pencils. and completed by Heinrich Mohl in the extension Schedule: Full Day Activities from 25.- 28.05.2021 of the Kunsthalle which gave the building its First Meeting: online - 25.05.2021 present appearance in 1990. During the seminar Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) week, the professorships for Building Typology Language: German/English and for the History of Building and Architecture Craig, Stephen will address this “conservation” of different ideas of society and architecture. Starting with an anal- 1710412 ysis and documentation of the plans in the archive Seminar week: Media Watch 1970s of the SAAI and a study of the building´s built re- Architecture Discourses in the Daily News ality, we will explore, examine, and document this What has a wider impact on architecture: The instructive case of an exhibiting and revealing discussion about tax reliefs for commuters? An public architecture. engaging article in the culture section? Or the Appointment: Tue 25.05.2021 - Fr 28.05.2021, full reactions to the squatter movement? In this 4-day day Place: Upon Notification block seminar we will explore the relevance of Number of Participants: 15 architectural discourses by reading newspapers Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) together, unfortunately only in online archives Medina Warmburg, Joaquín due to the pandemic. The frame of reference is the Morger, Meinrad 1970s, a time of upheaval. Criticism of mass hous- Kunkel, Steffen ing, the reassessment of the old building stock by Schilling, Alexander a broad protest movement, the first signs of the Schneider, Lisa Anna- Katharina ecology movement: We trace all this in newspaper Zaparta, Eleni archives. Goals are: 1. collectively create a collec- tion of key terms, 2. locate key texts, and 3. briefly 1710365 classify the key texts. Seminar Week: Drawing To Go - Floating Block date: Tue 25.05. - Fri 28.05.2021 via Zoom Images Tell A Story each day 9:00–12:00 a.m., 1:00–4:00 p.m. With the observation of our every-day-world Submission: 28.05.2021 begins a process of reflection and visualisation. Number of participants: 15 Through a row of sketches and drawings com- bined with short written descriptions we begin an 1710455 intensive exploration of the city of Karlsruhe. In Seminar week: A Change of Speed, a the time period of four days the exercise involves Change of Style: A Walking Experiment filling up a DINA4 sketch pad. Personal impres- We will intensively explore the city of Karlsruhe sions of city life are to be documented. In a similar on foot for five days: well-known and unknown manner to that of picture book diary. A narrative places, idyllic squares and inhospitable arte- begins to occur. An express drawing course will rial roads, quiet parks and hectic commercial take place on the first of the four days.(outdoors- districts, architectural highlights and planning on campus or in the local public city park) disasters. By changing the pace to roughly three A short film will also be shown as part of the kilometers per hour and perceiving it with all course (open-air-cinema). Every participant will our senses, we hope for a different perspective be given a small perspex glass plate, which he/she and unusual insights. Every day we will use can keep with them for duration of the workshop. a different medium to analyze and document This plate will serve as a very simple additional our experiences: photography, sketching, text, drawing support mechanism. And instructions for mapping. We hope that city walks with a limited its use will be given as part of the express-draw- number of participants and observing the dis- ing-course. It will be a specially helpful to those tance regulations will be possible in May. If this who may have less drawing experience. It can be is not the case, we will adjust the format so that used as a sort of personal snapshot polaroid. The it is feasible. The participants do not incur any completed diary/picture book will given in at the costs, except for self-catering. You need nothing end of the week and assessed. but good shoes and a cell phone camera. Needed materials: DINA4 sketch pad / block and Master Courses Architecture 76

Block date: Tue 25.05 - Fri 28.05.2021 and afterwards a reflection in the group. The 1st meeting: Tue, 25.05.2021, 9:00 a.m., goal is to get to know tools and strategies and to in front of Englerstraße 7 network in the group community. You will get to Number of participants: 10 know each other and us, even in digital times, Event format: On-Site and make important contacts for your future as Language: German/English architectural designers. Rambow, Riklef Required software: Schubert, Lydia Ninon - Rhino3D V7 (win/mac), Edu trial version, - Enscape 3.0 for Rhino3D (win), Edu-trial version 1720509 or Twinmotion (mac), Edu-trial version Seminar week: Tiny House Durlach - Adobe Photoshop (win/mac). Sommer - tiny timber tourism Standard date: Seminar week 25.05-28.05 In close cooperation with the city of Karlsruhe, Presentation: Layout of the exercises an impromptu design for a Tiny House was Form of processing: individual/group work announced last year as a student competition. The Hebel, Dirk first prize is now to be realized 1:1 on the campsite Blümke, Tabea Katharina as a design-build project of the same type during Böhm, Sandra the seminar week. In cooperation with the master Hoss, Hanna Silvie carpentry students of the Friedrich-Weinbren- Jager, Philipp ner-Gewerbeschule Freiburg, we will erect the Lenz, Daniel Nicolas wooden shell together during the seminar week, Rausch, Manuel install the roof and facade cladding and start with the interior finishing of the house. 1720717 Seminar Week - Coding for Architects Time: Tue, 25.05.2021 - Fri, 28.05.2021, all day Location: As announced CAD Automation - Application-oriented Program- Event format: On-Site ming Workshop Language: German Haven’t you ever wished to simplify your work in Wappner, Ludwig the CAD/BIM system by automating e.g. repeti- Hoffmann, Peter tive or “unexciting” tasks like the numbering of Schneemann, Falk rooms? Then the solution is waiting for you! This Hörmann, Helge Patrick programming workshop is about the development of CAD/BIM addons that can support us in our 1720609 work with digital modeling tools. This will be done Seminar week: Digital tools within the using the Archicad BIM system as an example design process and developing CAD add-ons with the Archicad Python API. After an introduction to the basics Strategies and workflow for architectural design- of Python programming, the focus will be on the ers with Rhino3D, Enscape & Photoshop. adaptation and specific optimization of existing How to digitize the building site and surroundings example scripts, so that the course is also suitable without plans? How to quickly 3D construct and for programming beginners. present my creative ideas? How to successfully visualize my designs and concepts at a high However, a basic understanding of CAD / BIM level? - Questions to which we would like to share modeling should be present. 25.-28.05.2021 specific knowledge during the seminar week. The Number of Participants: 10 compact course includes strategies for all essential von Both, Petra milestones in the design process. From the site Jouini, Saoussen analysis to the final draft ready for presentation. Koch, Volker The methods within the seminar week deal with the analog/digital transition. And, in reverse, “de- 1720917 sign to production”. The interplay between hand, seminar week: dry walls gut and head is equally challenged. We will ex- With the production of dry stone walls from nat- plore digital design tools and strategies in order to ural stone, the FG Bautechnologie would like to handle a more complex design process faster and make another primal technique of solid construc- to simplify it significantly. Visualization methods tion accessible. The base for a new greenhouse is will be complemented with important Photoshop to be created from a large pile of old red sandstone skills. There will be consecutive theoretical input from the streets of Campus West. Together with per day. A hands-on exercise with partial modules Kirsten Schomakers and Max Kosoric, work will Master Courses Architecture 77 be carried out on it in the Unesco-awarded “social pm + 2:00 am – 5:00 am garden” of the Initial association in Karlsruhe- First meeting: Tue 25.05.2021, 10:00 pm Wolfartsweier. In addition to the willingness Exam performance: documentation to do physical work, personal safety clothing is Form: teamwok, 2erGroups required. It is a five-day presence event with a Number of Participants: 15 preparatory meeting on site. Neppl, Markus Cinar, Özlem Workshop as part of the seminar week Tuesday Haug, Nina May 25th, 2021- Saturday May 29th, 2021 Zeile, Peter Language: German/English Wagner, Rosemarie 1731199 Kosoric, Maximilian Seminarweek: City Portraits - Public Sander, Stefan Space in Conversation (Engel) 1720954 The dialogue between the human body and the Seminarweek: See me, feel me city is the main theme of many city portraits since the end of the 14th century. The way the public During the seminar week, important variables space and public life are pictured reflects a cultur- influencing the indoor climate or comfort are to be al statement regarding the relation between us recorded and analyzed subjectively and objectively and the city. The seminar will discuss those collec- via measurements. After an introduction to the tive emotions and their representation as spatial different domains of comfort - thermal, olfactory, atmosphere: What social and cultural statement visual, aural - and their evaluation, different are manifested by the artist? How would we indoor spaces and outdoor situations will be ex- present the scene from our perspective? We will amined with the help of measuring devices and a analyze the way the representation of public space questionnaire. On the basis of the evaluated data, in art changed through the years and offer new the results will be discussed and reflected with interpretation of the pictured events and a new regard to the rooms and their characteristics (spa- setting in modern context to further explore the tial, building physics). The final result will be to relation between art theory and the urban space. work out how comfortable spaces can be designed. “City Porträts” is a cooperation of the Chair for Appointment: Tues. 25. - 28.05.2021 10:00 AM International Urbanism and the Department of Exam: 28.05.2021 Art History. Language: German Appointment: Tue - Fr 09:00 am - 05:15 pm Wagner, Andreas First Meeting: Tue 25.05.2021, 09:00 am Mino Rodriguez, Maria Isabel Submission/Exam: Wed 11.08.2021 Mann, Petra Number of Participants: 15 (ISTB) + 15 (IKB) Rissetto, Romina Paula Language: German/English Engel, Barbara 1731094 Reuß Brezovska, Marketa Digital City Design | Real-Time Planning Lev, Moran Reloaded Fiorentini Elsen, Erna Real-time planning reloaded - Or -Who is afraid of the digital twin? From GIS, virtual reality, (3D) 1731219 city models, design space explorations and... what Seminar Week: Plant-based Pop Up - An does it all have to do with planning? During the Ephemeral Garden in the City (Bava) seminar week, different methods, technologies and The great task for the cooperating world society workflows will be presented in the context of 3D in the 21st century is ´The great Transformation´. city models, tried out and tested in terms of their For a more sustainable world, we are transform- use in everyday planning in the sense of a “reality ing our ways of living, mobility concepts and check”. The focus will be on data acquisition, lifestyles within the scope of our possibilities. The trying out and testing. Accompanied by lectures by task of transforming an entire city in an econom- international experts in the field of “Digital Twins”, ically, ecologically and sociocultural sustainable “Geodesign”, “Space Syntaxes” and “Design Explo- way is far more complex. Administrative and rations”. The seminar aims to deepen knowledge of planning bodies of the city alone cannot solve it digital tools that can support and communicate the and are dependent on precisely these cooperating design process on a larger scale. populations, which innovatively and creatively Seminar Week: 25.-28.05.2021, 10:00 pm – 12:00 participates, looking for opportunities and possibili- Master Courses Architecture 78 ty spaces. ´Plant based PopUP´ changes the city for compact week. With the help of this research they a short moment and aims to generate impulses for prepare themselves for a walk in the middle of the a new perception of the urban space as “possibility week, on which they walk through ‘their settle- space”. ´Plant based PopUP´ wants to use the short ment’ on the basis of their own research question. and fleeting moment of the intervention with an The walk will be documented photographically ephemeral garden to draw attention to new forms and prepared in a presentation at the end of the of an urban ecology and to experimentally animate week. Then we meet for an online compact sem- and inspire the “collective society” to engage. City inar where we walk virtually through Frankfurt stage free for Plant Based PoP! as a group. Thus, an excursion certificate can be acquired in this seminar. Apointment : Tue - Fri 10 am - 5 pm, Bldg. 11.40, R 126 & online Excursion: 25.05.-28.05.2021 First Meeting: Tue 25.05.2021, 10 am First Meeting: 25.05.2021, 10:30 am Submission/Presentation: 28.05.2021 Number of Praticipants: 4 Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) Language: German Language: German Bava, Henri Gawlik, Ulrike Gerstberger, Susanne Romero Carnicero, Arturo

1731299 Seminarweek: Expedition on the Doorstep (Inderbitzin) During the seminar week we deal with the space in front of our own doorstep: the street, the urban space and neighbourhood, the garden or park, the wider landscape. We will use the medium of film and rely on our abilities to observe and describe everyday situations. We will start with Aldo Rossi’s book Scientific Self-Biography, excerpts of which we will read together. We also plan to invite a professional director to accompany and comment on our work. The programme is designed so that we can undertake the expeditions both individ- ually and together in the field (depending on the situation regarding the pandemic). The result of the week is a collection of short films. Appointment: 25.05.2021-28.05.2021 Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) Language: German/English Inderbitzin, Christian Grunitz, Michael Kersting, Conrad Paul Schork, Anna Karin

1741388 Seminar week: Ernst May housing estates in Frankfurt. Virtual walks. The Ernst May housing estates in Frankfurt, which were built during the 1920s and early 1930s, are among the most outstanding examples of German modernist housing development. They emerge together with a modified green space as an expression of a new urban design in Germany. The bachelor students each take on one housing estate as their own ‘research object’ and prepare a short historical research on it at the beginning of the Study Program Art History 79

The Bachelor‘s degree in Art History

Degree and duration of study The bachelor‘s program is designed for a standard period of study of 6 semesters. The total scope is 180 credit points (LP), whereby an LP should correspond to a workload of 30 hours. The title Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) is awarded. Maximum duration of study: 12 semesters.

Complementary optional subject outside of art history In addition to the subject of art history, an additional elective is to be chosen from the following subjects and to be studied in the amount of 46 CP: - Building history and architectural theory - European history of ideas - German studies - Story - musicology - Pedagogy - philosophy - sociology

The following subjects are available: - Cultural Theory and Practice (KTP) - Media theory and practice (MTP)

The additional optional subject outside of art history does not have to be specified when applying for the degree.

Course structure and content The course is divided into the following subjects: 1. Fundamentals and methods of art science: modules worth 20 credits 2. Epochs and styles: Modules totaling 20 CP 3. Form and meaning: Modules totaling 20 CP 4. Artists and society: modules with a volume of 24 CP 5. Applied science: module worth 12 CP 6. Aesthetics and cultural theory: module in the amount of 12 CP

In addition: - A supplementary optional subject outside of art history amounting to 46 CP - Transferable qualifications / key qualifications amounting to 6 CP - An internship with a duration of at least 6 weeks of 8 CP

Further information on the Bachelor‘s degree The current module handbook and the study and examination regulations for the bachelor‘s degree program can be found here: http://www.arch.kit.edu/studienorganisation/studiendownloads.php Study Program Art History 80 4 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 12 LP 12 LP 12 LP 6. Sem 6. Sem 6. Sem 34 LP 30 LP Epoche* Epoche* Epoche* 24-28 LP24-28 Bachelorarbeit Bachelorarbeit Bachelorarbeit Bachelorarbeit Bachelorarbeit Aufbau Wahlmodul Aufbau Aufbau Kunst einer Kunst anderenAufbau Aufbau Kunst einer Kunst anderenAufbau einer Kunst anderenAufbau 8 LP 12 LP 12 LP 10 LP 10 LP (Wahlpflicht) 12 LP + (10 2 LP) Ästhetische Theorien Theorien Ästhetische Ästhetische Theorien Theorien Ästhetische Theorien Ästhetische oder Mediävistik I (Wahlpflicht) I Mediävistik oder Neuere dt. Literaturgeschichte I I dt. Literaturgeschichte Neuere Ästhetik Kulturtheorie und Ästhetik Kulturtheorie und Ästhetik Kulturtheorie und Literatur, Kultur, Sprache, Medien Sprache, Kultur, Literatur, Kunstwissenschafliches Kolloquium 4LP Kolloquium Kunstwissenschafliches Kunstwissenschafliches Kolloquium 4LP Kolloquium Kunstwissenschafliches 4LP Kolloquium Kunstwissenschafliches Künstler/innen Gesellschaft und Künstler/innen Gesellschaft und Künstler/innen Gesellschaft und 8 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 5. Sem 5. Sem 5. Sem 34 LP 30 LP 24-28 LP24-28 Sozialforschung II (Wahlpflicht)Sozialforschung Sozialstrukturanalyse II oder Aufbau ArchitekturtheorieAufbau Aufbau Kunst einer Kunst Epoche* Aufbau einer Kunst Epoche* Aufbau einer Kunst Epoche* Aufbau 8 LP 8 LP 8 LP 8 LP 8 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 4. Sem 4. Sem 4. Sem 26 LP 30 LP Praktikum Praktikum Praktikum Mediävistik) 28-32 LP28-32 Sozialforschung I Vertiefung Baugeschichte Kunst einer anderen Epoche* anderen einer Kunst Kunst einer anderen Epoche* anderen einer Kunst Epoche* anderen einer Kunst Grundlagen (Literaturwissenschaft:Grundlagen 8 LP 12 LP 12 LP 12 LP + (8 4 LP) 8 LP (4 + 4 LP) Form Bedeutung und Form Bedeutung und Form Bedeutung und Praxisfelder Kunstgeschichte Praxisfelder Praxisfelder Kunstgeschichte Praxisfelder Kunstgeschichte Praxisfelder Angewandte Wissenschaft Angewandte Wissenschaft Angewandte Wissenschaft Grundlagen der Architekturtheorie der Grundlagen Sozialwissenschaftliche II Methoden 6 LP 6 LP 2 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 3. Sem 3. Sem 3. Sem 28 LP 28-32 LP28-32 LP24-30 Ergänzendes Wahlpflichtfach Soziologie Mediävistik) Ergänzendes Wahlpflichtfach Germanistik Kunst einer Epoche* einer Kunst Kunst einer Epoche* einer Kunst Epoche* einer Kunst Aufbau BaugeschichteAufbau Sozialstrukturanalyse I Grundlagen (Literaturwissenschaft:Grundlagen Ergänzendes Wahlpflichtfach Baugeschichte Architekturtheorie und B.A. Kunstgeschichte mit Ergänzungsfach Soziologie Ergänzungsfach Kunstgeschichte mit B.A. 6 LP (3 2 x LP) B.A. Kunstgeschichte mit Ergänzungsfach Germanistik Ergänzungsfach Kunstgeschichte mit B.A. Schlüsselqualifkationen Überfachliche Qualifikationen 4 LP 4 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 2. Sem 2. Sem 2. Sem Epoche* Epoche* Epoche* 28-32 LP28-32 LP24-30 30-32 LP30-32 B.A. Kunstgeschichte mit Ergänzungsfach Baugeschichte Architekturtheorie und Ergänzungsfach Kunstgeschichte mit B.A. Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten Architekturkommunikation und Grundlagen Kunst einer Kunst Grundlagen anderen Methoden der Kunstwissenschaft Methoden der Kunstwissenschaft einer Kunst Grundlagen anderen Methoden der Kunstwissenschaft einer Kunst Grundlagen anderen Neuere dt. Literaturwissenschaft) Grundlagen (Literaturwissenschaft:Grundlagen 6 LP 8 LP 6 LP (3 2 x LP) 6 LP (3 2 x LP) 8 LP (4 + 4 LP) Epochen Stile und Epochen Stile und Epochen Stile und Schlüsselqualifkationen Schlüsselqualifkationen Einführung in dieEinführung Soziologie Grundlagen der Baugeschichte der Grundlagen Sozialwissenschaftliche I Methoden Überfachliche Qualifikationen Überfachliche Qualifikationen 2 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 1. Sem 1. Sem 1. Sem 32 LP 28-30 LP28-30 LP28-32 synchron/ diachron) Grundlagen Methoden und der Kunstwissenschaft Grundlagen Methoden und der Kunstwissenschaft Grundlagen Methoden und der Kunstwissenschaft Grundlagen Kunst einer Kunst Grundlagen Epoche* einer Kunst Grundlagen Epoche* (Sprachwissenschaft:Grundlagen Grundlagen Kunst einer Kunst Grundlagen Epoche* Grundlagen derGrundlagen Kunstwissenschaft derGrundlagen Kunstwissenschaft derGrundlagen Kunstwissenschaft Neuere dt. Literaturwissenschaft) Grundlagen (Literaturwissenschaft:Grundlagen * Platzhalter für verschiedene Module mit unterschiedlichen Titeln Es sind jeweils zwei Epochen auszuwählen. Es ist jede Epoche mind. ein Mal zu belegen. Study Program Art History 81 4 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 12 LP 12 LP 12 LP 6. Sem 6. Sem 6. Sem 34 LP 30 LP Epoche* Epoche* Epoche* 24-28 LP24-28 Bachelorarbeit Bachelorarbeit Bachelorarbeit Bachelorarbeit Bachelorarbeit Aufbau Wahlmodul Aufbau Aufbau Kunst einer Kunst anderenAufbau Aufbau Kunst einer Kunst anderenAufbau einer Kunst anderenAufbau 8 LP 12 LP 12 LP 10 LP 10 LP (Wahlpflicht) 12 LP + (10 2 LP) Ästhetische Theorien Theorien Ästhetische Ästhetische Theorien Theorien Ästhetische Theorien Ästhetische oder Mediävistik I (Wahlpflicht) I Mediävistik oder Neuere dt. Literaturgeschichte I I dt. Literaturgeschichte Neuere Ästhetik Kulturtheorie und Ästhetik Kulturtheorie und Ästhetik Kulturtheorie und Literatur, Kultur, Sprache, Medien Sprache, Kultur, Literatur, Kunstwissenschafliches Kolloquium 4LP Kolloquium Kunstwissenschafliches Kunstwissenschafliches Kolloquium 4LP Kolloquium Kunstwissenschafliches 4LP Kolloquium Kunstwissenschafliches Künstler/innen Gesellschaft und Künstler/innen Gesellschaft und Künstler/innen Gesellschaft und 8 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 5. Sem 5. Sem 5. Sem 34 LP 30 LP 24-28 LP24-28 Sozialforschung II (Wahlpflicht)Sozialforschung Sozialstrukturanalyse II oder Aufbau ArchitekturtheorieAufbau Aufbau Kunst einer Kunst Epoche* Aufbau einer Kunst Epoche* Aufbau einer Kunst Epoche* Aufbau 8 LP 8 LP 8 LP 8 LP 8 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 4. Sem 4. Sem 4. Sem 26 LP 30 LP Praktikum Praktikum Praktikum Mediävistik) 28-32 LP28-32 Sozialforschung I Vertiefung Baugeschichte Kunst einer anderen Epoche* anderen einer Kunst Kunst einer anderen Epoche* anderen einer Kunst Epoche* anderen einer Kunst Grundlagen (Literaturwissenschaft:Grundlagen 8 LP 12 LP 12 LP 12 LP + (8 4 LP) 8 LP (4 + 4 LP) Form Bedeutung und Form Bedeutung und Form Bedeutung und Praxisfelder Kunstgeschichte Praxisfelder Praxisfelder Kunstgeschichte Praxisfelder Kunstgeschichte Praxisfelder Angewandte Wissenschaft Angewandte Wissenschaft Angewandte Wissenschaft Grundlagen der Architekturtheorie der Grundlagen Sozialwissenschaftliche II Methoden 6 LP 6 LP 2 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 3. Sem 3. Sem 3. Sem 28 LP 28-32 LP28-32 LP24-30 Ergänzendes Wahlpflichtfach Soziologie Mediävistik) Ergänzendes Wahlpflichtfach Germanistik Kunst einer Epoche* einer Kunst Kunst einer Epoche* einer Kunst Epoche* einer Kunst Aufbau BaugeschichteAufbau Sozialstrukturanalyse I Grundlagen (Literaturwissenschaft:Grundlagen Ergänzendes Wahlpflichtfach Baugeschichte Architekturtheorie und B.A. Kunstgeschichte mit Ergänzungsfach Soziologie Ergänzungsfach Kunstgeschichte mit B.A. 6 LP (3 2 x LP) B.A. Kunstgeschichte mit Ergänzungsfach Germanistik Ergänzungsfach Kunstgeschichte mit B.A. Schlüsselqualifkationen Überfachliche Qualifikationen 4 LP 4 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 2. Sem 2. Sem 2. Sem Epoche* Epoche* Epoche* 28-32 LP28-32 LP24-30 30-32 LP30-32 B.A. Kunstgeschichte mit Ergänzungsfach Baugeschichte Architekturtheorie und Ergänzungsfach Kunstgeschichte mit B.A. Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten Architekturkommunikation und Grundlagen Kunst einer Kunst Grundlagen anderen Methoden der Kunstwissenschaft Methoden der Kunstwissenschaft einer Kunst Grundlagen anderen Methoden der Kunstwissenschaft einer Kunst Grundlagen anderen Neuere dt. Literaturwissenschaft) Grundlagen (Literaturwissenschaft:Grundlagen 6 LP 8 LP 6 LP (3 2 x LP) 6 LP (3 2 x LP) 8 LP (4 + 4 LP) Epochen Stile und Epochen Stile und Epochen Stile und Schlüsselqualifkationen Schlüsselqualifkationen Einführung in dieEinführung Soziologie Grundlagen der Baugeschichte der Grundlagen Sozialwissenschaftliche I Methoden Überfachliche Qualifikationen Überfachliche Qualifikationen 2 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 10 LP 1. Sem 1. Sem 1. Sem 32 LP 28-30 LP28-30 LP28-32 synchron/ diachron) Grundlagen Methoden und der Kunstwissenschaft Grundlagen Methoden und der Kunstwissenschaft Grundlagen Methoden und der Kunstwissenschaft Grundlagen Kunst einer Kunst Grundlagen Epoche* einer Kunst Grundlagen Epoche* (Sprachwissenschaft:Grundlagen Grundlagen Kunst einer Kunst Grundlagen Epoche* Grundlagen derGrundlagen Kunstwissenschaft derGrundlagen Kunstwissenschaft derGrundlagen Kunstwissenschaft Neuere dt. Literaturwissenschaft) Grundlagen (Literaturwissenschaft:Grundlagen * Platzhalter für verschiedene Module mit unterschiedlichen Titeln Es sind jeweils zwei Epochen auszuwählen. Es ist jede Epoche mind. ein Mal zu belegen. Study Program Art History 82

The master‘s degree in art history (B. A.)

The master‘s program (4 semesters) is entirely devoted to art history. There is no longer a supplementary area like in the Bachelor, but there is the possibility to attend courses from neighboring disciplines or to take an interdisciplinary Master‘s module in the humanities and social sciences. The modular structures are flexible and allow and promote independent study. The freedom for your own specializations, which have grown continuously in the bachelor‘s degree, are greatest in the master‘s degree and ultimately result in the choice of the topic for the master‘s thesis.

Degree and duration of study After four semesters of regular study time, graduation with the title Magister / Magist- ra Artium (English: Master of Arts). It is a consecutive master’s degree with a scientific focus that requires a bachelor’s degree in the same or a related subject. A total of 120 ECTS points must be demonstrated for the degree. In the course of the course, competencies in the following subjects are to be imparted in the compulsory area: - Paradigms of Research (21 LP) - Aesthetics and cultural theory (12 LP) - Applied Science (12 CP) - Science and Society (21 CP)

In the compulsory elective area, a profile in the amount of 24 CP must be selected, at least the profiles are available - art and society, - Theory and history of architecture and - Transdisciplinary studies.

The definition of the other profiles available for selection and the modules assigned to the profiles is made in the module manual.

Further information on the master’s course The current module handbook and the study and examination regulations for the bachelor‘s degree program can be found here: http://www.arch.kit.edu/studienorganisation/studiendownloads.php Study Program Art History 83 30 LP 30 LP 4. Sem Masterarbeit 8 LP 8 LP 8 LP 9 LP 12 LP 29 LP 3. Sem Wahlmodul Perspektiven Kunst und RechtKunst und Forschungsfelder Wahlmodul ArchitekturWahlmodul Wissenschaft Gesellschaft und 9 LP 8 LP 8 LP 12 LP 8 LP 29 LP 2. Sem Mediävistik III Mediävistik Baugeschichte Germanistik - Kunst und PolitikKunst und Wahlpflichtbereich Praxisfelder Kunstgeschichte Praxisfelder Fallstudien Kunst einer Epoche* einer Kunst Fallstudien Es ist ein Profil auszuwählen Angewandte Wissenschaft Profil 1: Kunst Gesellschaft und Profil 3: Transdisziplinäre Studien Neuere deutsche Literaturgeschichte III oder Profil 2: Theorie Geschichte und der Architektur mindestens Geschichte ein Modul Germanistik einbelegen. und zu Modul Paradigmen der Forschung 8 LP 8 LP 8 LP 12 LP 12 LP 32 LP 1. Sem Geschichte - Architekturtheorie Soziologie der Künste der Soziologie Theorien und Methoden Politische Geschichte oder A Vertiefung Kunst einer Epoche* einer Kunst Vertiefung Kulturgeschichte Technik der A Ästhtetik Kulturtheorie und * Platzhalter für verschiedene Module/Fächer mit unterschiedlichen Titeln (Epoche 1: EpocheMittelalter 3: Realismus bisbis Manierismus;Gegenwart) Epoche 2: Barock bis Romantik; Study Program Art History 84

Institut für Kunstgeschichte des KIT – Stundenplanübersicht Sommersemester 2021

Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag

8.00 – 9.30 Uhr 8.00 – 9.30 Uhr 8.00 – 9.30 Uhr Tutorium zu Übung: PS/HS: Methoden der Phytosphären – Velázquez Kunstwissenschaft Pflanzensprachen Papenbrock Ganz Voigt (obligatorisch für Zweitsemester) 10.00 – 11.30 Uhr PS/HS/ÄK: 10.00 – 11.30 Uhr 10.00 – 11.30 Uhr 10.00 – 11.30 Uhr 10.00 – 11.30 Uhr Grundlagen der PS: PS/HS/ÄK: Übung: Vorlesung: Ästhetik II (Frühe Methoden der Amsterdam. Kunst am Bau am Modelling Neuzeit) Kunstwissenschaft Weltkunst und KIT Fiorentini Muñoz Morcillo Jehle globaler Handel Stengel (obligatorisch für Jehle, Jacob- Zweitsemester) Friesen

10.00 – 11.30 Uhr Übung: Nachhaltige Vermittlungs- strategien in Aussicht? Aktuelle Tendenzen im Museum Klaassen

12.00 – 13.30 Uhr 12.00 – 13.30 Uhr 12.00 – 13.30 Uhr HS: HS: PS : Architektur der Walter Benjamin. Gehaltvolle Ästhetik und Surrogate? Virtual italienischen Politik Reality zur Renaissance Papenbrock Konservierung von Förster Kunstinstallationen

Muñoz Morcillo

14.00 – 15.30 Uhr PS/HS: Wandmalerei des Trecento Papenbrock

16.00 – 17.30 Uhr 16.00 – 17.30 Uhr 16.00 – 17.30 Uhr 16.00 – 17.30 Uhr

Übung : PS/HS/ÄK: Vorlesung: Kolloquium für

Graffiti. Geschichte Bachelor- Architektonische Theorien der Farbe und Typologie studierende, Grund- und Fiorentini Papenbrock Masteranden*Innen Stilbegriffe anhand und Jehle

ausgesuchter DoktorandInnen

Karlsruher Bauten Jehle


18.00 – 19.30 Uhr 18.00 – 19.30 Uhr 18.00 – 19.30 Uhr Vorlesung: PS/HS/ÄK: Kolloquium Geschichte der Ansichtswechsel. Abschlussarbeiten Kunst IV : Barock, Bildgeschichten Fiorentini Rokoko, des Sehens von Klassizismus Alhazen bis Jehle Instagram Institut für Kunstgeschichte des KIT –Fiorentini Stundenplanübersicht Sommersemester 2021

Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag

HS: PS/HS: Blockseminar im Übung: „Engineering Kulturmanagement Rahmen der Gesprächsstoff tradition“: Fritz und Internationale Seminarwoche der Farbe II Beblo und die Kulturpolitik Fakultät: Scheurmann Erfindung der Determann Stadtporträts – Heimat Gespräche mit dem Kostka öffentlichen Raum. Kooperations- seminar des IKB (Fiorentini) mit dem ISTB-IESL

Die Termine zu diesen Lehrveranstaltungen finden Sie in den Ankündigungstexten auf der homepage: http://kg.ikb.kit.edu/2616.php

Courses Art History 85

Bachelor and Master and styles of Graffiti in the scene’s own terminol- ogy, and discuss the possibilities of a scholarly Art History approach to graffiti from the perspectives of art history, media history, and social history.

1800001 Wed 16:00-17:30 from 04/14 until 07/21 History of Art: Baroque, Rococo, Language: German Classicism Papenbrock, Martin As strange, even bizarre and eccentric, the French 1800009 adjective baroque describes the characteristics of Methods of Art History an artificial language that became audible around 1600 and spread across Europe from Rome. Thrill- If one looks at the etymology of the term “meth- ing dynamics and theatrical lighting characterize od”, it is not only the course of an investigation the representative splendor of baroque art. And that is meant, but the process with which scien- with Gilles Deleuze, the “infinite fold” was added tific knowledge is obtained: What approaches are as a characteristic of the age, whereby all these there to art and its history? Which art historical ephemeral and performative aspects are subject to analysis tools exist? We will answer these ques- an ordering principle: the omnipresent symmetry tions and work out the methodological history of that permeates everything and subjects it to its our subject – via close reading of selected texts: will to create. Based on the artist vitae of Vasari, we follow the representatives of style analysis and iconography. Tue 18:00-19:30 from 04/13 until 07/20 We will pay particular attention to the “legacy and Language: German future of iconology” as well as to the theory of the Jehle, Oliver pictorial act.

1800002 Mon 10:00-11:30 from 04/12 until 07/19 Modelling Language: German Jehle, Oliver The cultural history of modelling and model build- ing goes back to the earliest testimonies of man- 1800029 kind and is correspondingly multi-faceted. Models Tutorial for the seminar Methods of Art – as a saying goes – potentially encompass every- History thing: from the blonde to the differential equation. An etymological analysis helps to fan out the field: If one looks at the etymology of the term “meth- mode, modulus, model, model. The most import- od”, it is not only the course of an investigation ant materials and techniques involved, production that is meant, but the process with which scien- practices, design modes and parameters are sys- tific knowledge is obtained: What approaches are tematically presented through various historical there to art and its history? Which art historical instances. How do the predominant developments analysis tools exist? We will answer these ques- and use of models (as grave goods, design aids, tions and work out the methodological history of reproductions, objects of discourse, memory sup- our subject – via close reading of selected texts: ports, knowledge transfer, training instances, etc.) Based on the artist vitae of Vasari, we follow the look like over the centuries? representatives of style analysis and iconography. We will pay particular attention to the “legacy and Thu 10:00-11:30 from 04/15 until 07/22 future of iconology” as well as to the theory of the Language: German pictorial act. Fiorentini Elsen, Erna Jehle, Oliver 1800003 History and Typology of Graffiti 1800024 Italian Renaissance Architecture Graffiti is a widespread youth cultural phenome- non that is almost omnipresent in urban spaces. The recollection of late antiquity from 1420 It has its origins in the American Graffiti culture onwards led to the development of a new archi- of the 1960s and 1970s, which achieved worldwide tectural style in Florence, the Renaissance. The popularity in the wake of the hip-hop movement. mathematically based design principles of Roman The lecture will trace the history and development buildings and their ancient design vocabulary of the graffiti movement in the U.S. and Europe, were taken up by Italian architects and translated introduce and explain the various types, forms into modern times. One of the focal points of the Courses Art History 86 seminar will be on Roman architecture, including the virtual copy influence our perception of the a consideration of what differentiates it from original? The survey and digital re-enactment ancient Greek architecture. Subsequently, the of art installations require interdisciplinary stylistic features of the early and high renaissance working methods, so that, in addition to dealing will be examined, using selected secular and with conservation theory, we will take a look at sacred buildings as examples and also taking into conservation practice. Students will analyze case account their designers’ biographies. studies to explore the material-iconological benefit of VR-based documentation techniques, and they Mon 12:00-13:30 from 04/12 until 07/19 will use the results for scientific research. Language: German Förster, Katja Fri 12:00-13:30 from 04/16 until 07/23 Language: German 1800016 Munoz Morcillo, Jesus “Engineering tradition”: Fritz Beblo and the invention of “Heimat” 1800008 Introduction to Aesthetics (Early Fritz Beblo (1872–1947) had a decisive influence Modernity) on the urban space of and . Based on models such as Karl Schäfer, Fried- Aesthetics has always been a discipline chal- rich Ostendorf or Theodor Fischer, he looked lenging to define. The authors of antiquity had for architectural forms that should be modern and no name for this. They developed basic aesthetic traditional. This made him one of the most important terms and categories that were decisive for the representatives of the “Heimatschutz movement”, later understanding of the beautiful and sublime, which is largely based on the thoughts of the cultural proportion, and harmony. In this seminar, we’ll theorist Paul Schultze-Naumburg. We will primarily learn the most important conceptions of aesthetics deal with the training of the architect and his time from antiquity to the present. Every semester, as head of the building construction department we focus on a specific epoch. This semester, the in Strasbourg (1903-1919), whereby we can work seminar consists of an introductory lecture on the with new archive material. The event also serves as history of aesthetics, several sessions on early preparation for an exhibition and at the same time modern aesthetics, and a practical part where the provides participants with practical experience. students discuss selected texts and works of art. Language: German Fri 10:00-11:30 from 04/16 until 07/23 Kostka, Alexandre Language: German Munoz Morcillo, Jesus 1800004 Trecento Fresco Painting 1800012 Velazquez Italian fresco painting of the 14th century reveals not only the religious thinking of the time, but Diego Velazquez, painter at the Spanish court in also a new view on reality influenced by urban Madrid, was one of the most important portraitists life. From Giotto’s paintings of the Legend of St. of his time. At the beginning of the 17th century, Francis in San Francesco in Assisi to Agnolo Gad- Spain was still the politically dominant nation in di’s depictions of the Legend of the Holy Cross in Europe, but had already passed the zenith of its Santa Croce in Florence, major works of Trecento power. Velazquez’s work reflects the loss of impor- fresco painting will be examined from iconograph- tance of the Spanish monarchy and the increasing ic, stylistic, and sociocultural perspectives. social conflicts in Spain. The seminar will focus on the portraits Velazquez painted for the members of Wed 14:00-15:30 from 04/14 until 07/21 the court, but also on his mythological paintings, Language: German his genre and his history painting. Papenbrock, Martin Thu 08:00-09:30 from 04/15 until 07/22 1800007 Language: German Substantial Surrogates? Virtual Reality for Papenbrock, Martin Preserving Art Installations 1800023 In the research seminar “Substantial Surrogates,” Cultural management and international we focus on questions about the use of Virtual cultural policy Reality technologies to document art installa- tions. How does the use of VR technologies affect From cultural exchanges with partner cities to our understanding of art and authenticity? Can projects with the European Union and UNESCO - Courses Art History 87 international cultural work is becoming increas- present the scene from our perspective? We will ingly important in cultural management. Above analyze the way the representation of public space all, the development of cultural policy at EU level in art changed through the years and offer new has given the international discussion and cooper- interpretation of the pictured events and a new ation in cultural policy and cultural management setting in modern context to further explore the an exciting new dimension. In addition to new relation between art theory and the urban space. substantive impulses, the government of Ger- Ein Kooperationsseminar vom IKB – Institut many and the EU are also providing interesting Kunst- und Baugeschichte mit dem ISTB- financial resources to promote this development. IESL Institut für Internationalen Städtebau und The seminar uses concrete projects to discuss the Entwerfen 25.05. - 28.05.2021 goals, institutions and funding of international Regeltermin: Di – Fr 9:00 – 17:15 Uhr, Geb.11.40, cooperation, particularly at the national and R109 (ISTB) / draußen in KA / im Ilias, Zoom, MS European levels. Teams – je nach Situation Organizational topics Blockveranstaltung Termine: Language: German 23.04. 14.00 - 18.00 Fiorentini Elsen, Erna 24.04. 10.00 – 18.00 07.05. 14.00 – 18.00 1800013 08.05. 10.00 – 18.00 Amsterdam. World art and global trade Language: German The rise of Amsterdam to the leading metrop- Determann, Robert olis of the 17th century was due to a pros- perous economy that was globally networked 1800005 and organized world trade. This is where the Theories of Color West and East India Companies pulled their Color is a material, but it also means theories strings: If Amsterdam in the Golden Century about light and perception that enable artists to became one big money-machine, the arts also control the effect of color in the practices of art. In experienced a unique boom, because the city our seminar, we question some of these concepts attracted painters, writers and scientists. And of light and color in their history with the help thus became a living laboratory that promoted of images and texts. Our topics range from the innovations in many fields: This is how we will fundamentals of color theory to the physiology meet Rembrandt and Joost van den Vondel and of color seeing; from Newton’s Color Spectrum to physicists like Christiaan Huygens or the world artist’s color theories (Goethe, Runge, Turner and philosopher René Descartes. the Pre-Raphaelites); from the scientific theories Tue 10:00-11:30 from 04/13 until 07/20 of color Maxwell, Helmholtz and Chevreul to Vin- Language: German cent van Gogh’s color matter and to Neo-Impres- Jehle, Oliver sionism; from the color theories of the Bauhaus in Weimar and of the Wchutemas in Moscow to Josef 1800027 Albers: from Johannes Itten to colors in digital Basic Architectural and Stylistic Concepts surroundings. Using Buildings in Karlsruhe as Examples Tue 16:00-17:30 from 04/13 until 07/20 Karlsruhe features an array of important build- Language: German/English ings from the baroque period to the present day. Fiorentini Elsen, Erna On the basis of selected examples such as the Evangelical City Church by Friedrich Weinbren- 1800006 ner, the Black Forest Hall by Erich Schelling or Cooperative seminar: City Portraits - the main cemetery by Josef Durm, stylistic prin- Public Space in Conversation ciples, stylistic features and technical terms that The dialogue between the human body and the are necessary to grasp, understand and describe city is the main theme of many city portraits since architecture are going to be acquired and applied. the end of the 14th century. The way the public Each course member will, among other things, space and public life are pictured reflects a cultur- prepare a building description. al statement regarding the relation between us Mon 16:00-17:30 from 04/12 until 07/19 and the city. The seminar will discuss those collec- Language: German tive emotions and their representation as spatial Förster, Katja atmosphere: What social and cultural statement are manifested by the artist? How would we Courses Art History 88

1800019 science and iconological-iconographic research Phytosphere – Plant languages provide the frame of reference with regard to theory and the history of art history. Phytospheres and plant languages in works of art from 1500 to today are the subject of the Thu 14:00-17:15 every other week from 04/15 event, in which we will open up different ways of until 07/22 looking at the works and discuss perspectives of Language: German a current perception of nature. The students will Scheurmann, Konrad deal with aspects of the representation of plants in drawings, paintings, sculptures, video art and 1800028 installations in terms of art history and image Art in Architecture at KIT science, the history of motifs and symbols, but We encounter art in architecture usually in front also based on botanical knowledge and taking into of, at or in public buildings. But how does it get account ecological issues, in order to also use their there? How did the strict measures against the knowledge practically in various media and com- SARS-CoV-2-pandemic influence the procedures munication offers to pass on to museum visitors. concerning art in architecture competitions and Wed 08:00-09:30 from 04/14 until 07/21 their outcome? By viewing some selected works Language: German around the KIT Campus as well as recent projects Voigt, Kirsten we will take a closer look in the developement of Art in Architecture objects. Based on special 1800020 examples the dealings with existing artworks will Sustainable strategies for mediation in also be addressed. prospect? Current trends in the museum Wed 10:00-11:30 from 04/14 until 07/21 Museums are on the threshold of upheaval: Social Stengel, Andrea changes, climate policy discussions and digita- lization processes demand innovative concepts, 1800021 and future actions from the traditional acting Colloquium Thesis museums. An essential aspect for a successful One of the joys of advanced study is that you can realignment or, let us say, development is the choose a subject and deal with it in depth and analogous as well as the digital way of commu- with concentration. Diving into research is fun, nication. So therefore, the focus of numerous especially when reaching the point where new current museum discussions underlie the ques- connections are discovered, or something not yet tion of how sustainable communication in the investigated appears on the horizon. The collo- museums can be designed at all. In this event, quium invites all to present the interim results at we will discuss questions about current trends each stage of their research and writing process. and future models regarding to the tasks, possi- Here, an exchange of practical, technical and bilities and limits of museum mediation by using content-related aspects takes place in the plenum: practical examples. Topic, scope of work, structure, argumentation Fri 10:00-11:30 from 04/16 until 07/23 strategies, research, etc. are discussed. Language: German Fri 18:00-19:30 from 04/16 until 07/23 Klaassen, Alice Anna Language: German Fiorentini Elsen, Erna 1800010 Topic of Conversation: Colour II 1800022 Selected cultural and socio-political epochs and Colloquium events from the 18th century until today are intro- The colloquium is intended as an open workshop, duced via exemplary pictorial documents. These as we jointly devote ourselves to the topics of the are going to be examined in regard to the extent emerging bachelor’s and master’s theses as well to which they substantiate or create conceptions of as dissertations: At every stage of the qualification history or question or counteract them. Relevant thesis, work can be presented and discussed in images are to be analysed iconographically and plenary. The colloquium is open to all interested their respective, partly contrary “pictorial lan- students, so that they can familiarize themselves guages” are going to be discussed. The iconograph- with research-based studies during their bache- ic meaning of colour as partly unambigious, partly lor’s degree. In order to have a common starting subtle and encoded “message” serves as the red point, selected texts are made available by the thread. Major scholars from the fields of image speakers in advance. Courses Art History 89

Thu 16:00-17:30 from 04/15 until 07/22 and urban planning). The increasing interdepen- Language: German dencies between town and country -with their Jehle, Oliver vanishing border- since industrialization are to be problematized. One recurrent topic will be the analysis of the various determining factors, such Architecture Courses as social, cultural, political, technical, economic or ecological conditions, which have been decisive for the emergence of historic city forms. This consid- eration of historical forms of the city can also been understood as an exploration of contemporary 1741355 urbanization processes. Lecture Building History 2 The course will be held online this semester until This lecture series offers an introduction into the further notice. The semester schedule will be development of architecture since the Enlight- maintained. enment. Selected examples will be examined in Appointment: Thu 12-1:30 pm chronological order, discussing central themes Exam: expected 30.07.2021, and issues of today’s architectural history. We will Place and time will be announced in time tackle the task of analyzing the driving forces and Language: German factors that determine the cultural change in both Medina Warmburg, Joaquín the production and the interpretation of architec- Hinterwaldner, Inge ture. The goal is to describe this change through the ages and to understand its historical logic. 1710411 The insights gained are to be brought into a lively Theory of Architecture: The Architectures connection with the present, hopefully contribut- of Calculus ing as cultural references to the development of future-oriented approaches. This semester, the Server farms that calculate everyday life became lectures will be devoted to the fundamental chang- ubiquitous and indispensable. But the places es in architecture since the Enlightenment and of calculations have their own architecture the Industrial Revolution. As early as the 19th history, that remains largely unconsidered. From century, construction was faced with fundamen- the court of auditors until the data centers, tally new tasks that overburdened the traditional no calculus can deal without the spaces where canon of classical architectural languages. Archi- mathematical operations happen. This seminar tects have since been trying to respond to constant- analyzes the places of calculating regarding their ly changing requirements. The cult of the new, impact on social relations. What characterizes however, must not hide the fact that Modernity has these typologies? Which mutual relation exist be- long since developed its own traditions. tween them and what is calculated? This event is conceptualized as a reading and research seminar. The course will be held online this semester until It consists of engaging with the architectures of further notice. The semester schedule will be the calculus and revise these with literature from maintained. media theory. Appointment: Fri 11:30-13:00 am, online Exam: expected 30.07.2021, Appointment: Tue. 2-3:30 pm Place and time will be announced in time Submission/Exam: 13.08.2021 Language: German Number of Participants: 15 Medina Warmburg, Joaquín Language: German Pohl, Dennis 1741353 Urban History 2 1710407 Theory of Architecture: Architecture as The second part of the lecture series on the history Global Governance of urban planning will be devoted to the historical development of the city from the Enlightenment Architecture forms global society. The Palace of to the present day. We will analyze selected cases Nations in Geneva and the UN headquarters in in chronological order, describing their specific New York are not only architectural icons, but sequences of morphological levels (parcel, build- also symbols of a global community. But the UN ing, block, etc. up to the regional scale) in their is in a crisis: it has to assert itself in a planetary mutual interaction, in particular the immediate society and stand up to nationalism and populism. connection between building and city (architecture How can transnational political aspirations be Courses Art History 90 represented architecturally today? What does it monuments or monument ensembles is a task mean to design for a transforming global world that is performed by specialized architectural community? The course is designed as a reading firms, restorers and monument protection author- and research seminar. The aim is to engage with ities. The seminar gives an insight into selected the aesthetics of global architecture in order to topics and questions. The focus is on the history investigate the power and powerlessness of an and theory of monument preservation, the history architecture as global governance. of central European town houses, inventory, practical examples of monument preservation and Appointment: Tue. 12:00-1:30 pm old building Submission/Exam: 13.08.2021 Number of Participants: 8 The seminar is offered as an online compact course Language: German 1. Meeting: 14.04.21 10-11.30 a.m. Knoop, Hannah Friederike Submission: 30.08.21 Number of Participants: 5 1741363 Language: German Selected Topics of Building History: Hanschke, Julian Historic Gardens in Southwest Germany. Virtual walks. 1741385 Building History: Biomimesis.Biological Historic Gardens in Southwest Germany. Virtual Analogy in Architecture since Vitruvius walks. In southwestern Germany, between Frankfurt and “Form follows function:” probably no other maxim Lake Constance, there are outstanding historic has been more transcendental for the understand- gardens and cultural landscapes that can be used ing and misunderstanding of modern architec- to learn about the history of garden art in Western ture. It is often associated with the cold forms Europe. These include, in historical order, the of a rationalist machine age. However, the idea island of Reichenau, the Hortus Palatinus next originally arose from 19th century biology.With to Heidelberg Castle, the Schwetzingen Castle her it was tried to decipher the laws of the growth Garden or Favorite in Rastatt, the Prince’s Camp of forms and the causal logic of their evolution. on the Bergstrasse and the Botanical Garden as This biological determinism was transferred to well as the Palm Garden in Frankfurt. The bach- architecture using animal and plant analogies. elor students each take on a garden as their own Around 1900 Louis H. Sullivan came to apply ‘research object’ and complete historical research the saying, famous since then, to the claim of an on it in the first half of the semester. Using this organic conception of skyscrapers. Although Philip research, they prepare for a walk at the end of Steadman rejected as early as 1979 such transfers May/beginning of June, during which they walk from biology to cultural artifacts as deterministic through ‘their garden’ on the basis of their own fallacies, biotechnical analogies remain popu- research question. The walk will be documented lar for architects, engineers, and designers: for photographically and prepared in a presentation. example, among the pioneers of biomorphic digital At the end of the semester (end of June) we will fabrication or for those who see in the veracity meet for an online compact seminar where we of the natural an ethical value according to the will conduct virtual excursions as a group. This current paradigm of sustainability. However, the allows students to earn a field trip certificate in history of natural analogies and the imitation of this seminar. nature in architecture did not begin in the middle of the 19th century. They go back to antiquity, Students will complete a written paper by the end for example to the Ten Books of Vitruvius or the of the semester. This will be graded along with Poetics of Aristotle. The seminar analyzes these the virtual walk. Self-study, supervision monthly experiences and traces the change and continuity Fridays 12:00, compact seminar online end of June. of natural analogies across the ages to the recent Submission: 31.07.21 past. Focusing on selected examples, we will Number of Participants: 6 analyze cases such as the constructions of various Language: German living beings, the anthropomorphic ideals of Gawlik, Ulrike Vitruvius, the transformations of the tree- column

analogies in Gothic architecture or the “natural 1741365 constructions” of Frei Otto. The seminar is held Selected Topics of Building History: as part of a six-part series (Oikos, Helios, Gaia, Preservation of historical monuments - Techne, Bio- Mimesis, U-Topos) on the environ- Theory and Practice mental history of architecture. The preservation and maintenance of historical Courses Art History 91

Tue, 6-7:30 p.m., online Submission: 31.08.2021 as well as technically exactly to the machines and Number of Participants: 7 their energy supply. At the same time, they are Language: German integrated into the surrounding spatial urban Medina Warmburg, Joaquín structures and infrastructures in multiple ways. But factories are also working spaces for many 1741387 people, who also had to be organized and have Research Seminar/Building History: their needs. Thus, criteria of economic efficiency Historic Building Details – To discover and function are juxtaposed with discussions & to understand. Components, building about social working and living conditions of materials, joints and surfaces. the employees. All of this, however, by no means excludes a high design standard for the architec- Historic Building Details – To discover & to under- tural design of the buildings. stand. Components, building materials, joints and surfaces. Research seminar in cooperation with Tue, 10-11:30 a.m., online the Open Air Museum of Switzerland, Ballenberg, Submission: 31.08.21 Hofstetten bei Brienz (CH). A historic building is Number of Participants: 7 always closely linked to the building craft and the Language: German knowledge and skills of the craftsmen of the time. Rind, Nina Rebekka This skill is evident in the surfaces, the joints and the interplay of the various materials and 1741388 components of a building. The seminar focuses on Seminar week: Ernst May housing estates the details: seeing and understanding constructive in Frankfurt. Virtual walks. details, classifying temporal developments and The Ernst May housing estates in Frankfurt, understanding regional characteristics and chang- which were built during the 1920s and early es. For this purpose, individual houses of the 1930s, are among the most outstanding examples Swiss Open-Air Museum will be mentally taken of German modernist housing development. They apart and the construction process retraced. Each emerge together with a modified green space as seminar participant will be assigned a historical an expression of a new urban design in Germany. house, the constructional features and building The bachelor students each take on one housing details of which will be the subject of an intensive estate as their own ‘research object’ and prepare a examination. The aim is to find out which crafts short historical research on it at the beginning of were needed, which building materials were used, the compact week. With the help of this research how the building materials were processed and they prepare themselves for a walk in the middle how the composite of the materials and the struc- of the week, on which they walk through ‘their ture of the components work. The discussion will settlement’ on the basis of their own research take place in short texts, plan drawings, sketches question. The walk will be documented photo- and models. graphically and prepared in a presentation at Introductory session: Monday, 19 April 2021, 10:00- the end of the week. Then we meet for an online 12:00 (via Zoom). Assignment of topics: Monday, 26 compact seminar where we walk virtually through April 2021, 10:00-12:00 (via Zoom) Frankfurt as a group. Thus, an excursion certifi- Compact seminar date: After arrangement (depen- cate can be acquired in this seminar. Excursion: ding on Corona location via Zoom or on site at the 25.05.-28.05.2021 Open-Air Museum of Switzerland, Ballenberg). First Meeting: 25.05.2021, 10:30 am Submission: 31.08.2021 Number of Praticipants: 4 Number of Participants: 6 Event format: Blended (On-Site/Online) Language: German German Gawlik, Ulrike Brehm, Anne-Christine

1741390 Building History: Spaces of Work. Industrial Architecture as a Spatial Factor in and outside the city In this seminar we will examine industrial architecture and its interconnectedness with the surrounding city or countryside using various examples. These buildings have to be adapted to the conceptual structure of the production process Das Jahrbuch 2020 362 Seiten Diskurs, Dokumentation und Fakultätsleben 10 Euro für Studierende Erhältlich im Dekanat Fakultät Architektur international (FAi) Application deadline for Wanderlust ? studying abroad 15.07.2021 The FAi office advises you on planning and implementing your studies abroad at one of our more than 50 partner universities in Europe and overseas, and answers your Information event questions about the application process, the requirements 08.06.2021, 14 pm, online and recognition of the courses completed abroad. Zoom Meeting-ID: 954 3608 0951 Kenncode: NZ3z2U Contact us: a

Dr. Judith Reeh Coordinator Bdg. 20.40, 1. Floor, Room 138 Tel: 608-43866

Silke Marx M.A. Erasmus Office Geb. 20.40, 1. OG, R 139 Tel: 0721 - 608 42155 [email protected] http://www.arch.kit.edu/internationales The faculty has partner universities in Belgium Brussels / Gent, Liege, Louvain Greece Athens Finland Helsinki, Tampere France Compi- ègne, Grenoble, Montpellier, Nantes, Paris, Saint-Etienne, Strasbourg Italy Ancona, Bari, Bologna, Firenze, Genoa, Milano, Roma Nether- lands Eindhoven, Delft Norway Trondheim Austria Vienna Poland Gdansk Poznan Warszawa Wrocław Portugal Coimbra Lisboa Porto Romania Bucureşti Switzerland Lausanne Slovenia Ljubljana Spain Barcelona, Bilbao, La Coruña, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Madrid, Valencia, Zaragoza Czech Republic Prague Turkey Istanbul Hungary Budapest as well as numerous cooperations with universities in Overseas.

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GEBÄUDE 20.40 BUILDING 20.40 Erdgeschoss Groundfloor

020 – 022 023 – 030 031 – 039


016 001 Fritz-Haller- 039.1 Hörsaal (HS 37) 040 Haid- Hörsaal

WC 005 048 WC 051 D Bibliothek Sky-HS H

009 – 017 008 006/7 041 – 050

003 002 Neuer Hörsaal Jordan-Hörsaal Norden North

001 FRITZ-HALLER-HÖRSAAL FAKULTÄT BAU-, GEO- UND HS 37 Lecture Hall UMWELTWISSENSCHAFTEN Faculty of Civil Engineering 002 JORDAN-HÖRSAAL Lecture Hall 006/7 Fachschaft Geodäsie Student Council Geodesy 003 NEUER HÖRSAAL Seminar Room 023 – 030 Institut für Photogrammetrie Intitute for Photogrammetry 005 Fakultätsbibliothek (Zugang über Raum 106) 031 – 050 Geodätisches Institut Faculty Library Geodetic Institute (Access via Room 106) 039.1 PC-Pool 008 Fachschaft Kunstgeschichte 040 Haid-Hörsaal Student Council Art History Haid Lecture Hall 009 – 017 BAU- UND ARCHITEKTUR- 048 Sky-Hörsaal GESCHICHTE Sky Lecture Hall History of Buildung and Architecture Prof. Dr. Medina Warmburg 051 Hausmeister 016 Bibliothek Baugeschichte Caretaker Library of Building History 018 – 022 KUNSTGESCHICHTE Art History 018 Prof. Dr. Hinterwaldner 020 Sekretariat Secretrary 022 Prof. Dr. Jehle 98

GEBÄUDE 20.40 BUILDING 20.40 1. Obergeschoss First Floor

118 – 122 123 – 125 127 – 131


102 Hörsaal 9 133

101 Egon- Eiermann- Hörsaal 134 (HS 16)

WC 106 Caféhaus WC 141 135 D Bibliothek Coffee Shop H

136 110 – 115 108/09 143 139/140 138

104 105 103 Grüne Grotte Norden North

101 EGON-EIERMANN-HÖRSAAL 127 MASTERSTUDIENGANG HS 16 Lecture Hall ALTBAUINSTANDSETZUNG Master Programme 102 HÖRSAAL 9 Building Restoration HS 9 Lecture Hall 9 Prof. Pfeifer 103 Arbeitssaal (Bachelor) 130 TRAGKONSTRUKTIONEN Student Studio (Bachelor) Structural Design 104 Seminarraum Grüne Grotte Prof. Pfeifer Seminar Room 132 BAUTECHNOLOGIE 105 Arbeitssaal (Bachelor) Building Technology Student Studio (Bachelor) Prof. Dr. R. Wagner 106 Fakultätsbibliothek 133/134 Arbeitssäle Faculty Library Student Studios 108/09  135 Dekanatssekretariat Dean‘s Secretary 110 – 115 GEBÄUDELEHRE Building Design 136 Fakultätssitzungssaal Prof. Morger Faculty-Meeting Room 113 Seminarraum Gebäudelehre 138 Dekan und Geschäftsführung Seminar Room Building Design Dean and Managing Director 118 – 122 BUILDING LIFECYCLE 139/140 Studiendekanat / Dean of Studies’ Office MANAGEMENT Fakultätsprüfungsamt Building Lifecycle Management Faculty Examination Office Prof. Dr. v. Both Studienberatung 123 – 125 KUNSTGESCHICHTE Study Counselling Art History 141 Materialbibliothek Material Collection 143 Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Public Relations 99

GEBÄUDE 20.40 BUILDING 20.40 2. Obergeschoss Second Floor

221 – 230 231 – 233 234 – 239 240 241 – 250

204 Zeichensaal

203 201 202 216– WC 213 262 WC 220 260 257 D Bibliothek PlotPool H

215 210/211 254 –258

208 207 206 Norden North

201/203 Arbeitssäle 234–239 BAUPHYSIK UND Student Studios TECHNISCHER AUSBAU Building Science 202 Fachschaft Architektur Prof. A. Wagner Student Council Architecture 240–250 BAUKONSTRUKTION 204 Zeichensaal Building Construction Drawing Room Prof. Wappner 206/208 Arbeitssäle GRUNDLAGEN DER Student Studios BAUKONSTRUKTION 207 BLM-Labor Fundamentals of Building BLM Laboratory Construction Prof. Dr. v. Both AkadOR Haug 213 Fakultätsbibliothek KONSTRUKTIVE Faculty Library ENTWURFSMETHODIK Building Construction Methology 210 EKUT-Seminarraum Prof. Vallebuona Seminar Room 240 Seminarraum 215 DARSTELLENDE GEOMETRIE Seminar Room Descriptive Geometry Dipl.-Ing. Beyer 254–258 ARCHITEKTURTHEORIE Theory of Architecture 216–220 RAUM UND ENTWERFEN Prof i. V. Oliver Elser Spatial Design Prof. Frohn 257/260 ARCHITEKTUR- KOMMUNIKATION 221–230 BAUPLANUNG Communication of Architecture Architectural Design Prof. Dr. Rambow Prof. Hartmann 262 PlotPool 231–233 BILDENDE KUNST Visual Arts Prof. Craig 100

GEBÄUDE 20.40 BUILDING 20.40 Untergeschoss Basement

Rampe Ramp

–115 –117 – 119 –120 – 142 Studienwerkstatt Metall

–186/187 –108 –111 Innenhof Innenhof


WC WC –101 –140 – 147 D/H D/H

–102 – 106 Studienwerkstatt Foto –152 –149 Studienwerk- Studienwerkstatt Holz Rampe Ramp statt Modellbau Norden North

–102 Studienwerkstatt Foto FAKULTÄT BAU-, GEO- UND Study Workshop Photography UMWELTWISSENSCHAFTEN Hr. Seeland / Hr. Engel Faculty of Civil Engineering –108 – 111 Bibliothek Baugeschichte –117 – 147 Geodätisches Institut (Zugang über Raum 016) Geodetic Institute Library of Building History (Access via Room 016) –115 Studienwerkstatt Metall Study Workshop Metal Hr. Heil –149 Studienwerkstatt Holz Study Workshop Wood Fr. Knipper –152 Studienwerkstatt Modellbau Study Workshop Model Hr. Neubig 101

GEBÄUDE 11.40 BUILDING 11.40 Erdgeschoss Groundfloor

WC WC 004 006 – 008 009 – 011

Norden North Gelber Pool D H 013 Yellow Pool

027 014 Arbeitssaal Arbeitssaal 003 (Bachelor) Innenhof Innenhof (Bachelor) Ausstellungshalle Student Studio Student Studio (Bachelor) (Bachelor)

026 021 – 024 015 – 020 025

003 Ausstellungshalle 015 – 020 STADTQUARTIERSPLANUNG Exhibition Hall Urban Housing and Development Prof. Neppl 004 Gelber Pool Yellow Pool 018 ARCH.LAB Dr. Peter Zeile 008 Hausmeister Caretaker 021 – 025 NACHHALTIGES BAUEN Sustainable Building Design 009 – 011 archIT Prof. Hebel IT-Service Dipl.-Ing. Besser, Hr. Gonzalez 026 Seminarraum Seminar Room 013 Seminarraum Seminar Room 027 Arbeitssaal (Bachelor) Untere Ebene 014 Arbeitssaal (Bachelor) Student Studio (Bachelor) Untere Ebene Lower Level Student Studio (Bachelor) Lower Level 102

GEBÄUDE 11.40 BUILDING 11.40 Galerie Gallery

WC WC Luftraum / G 006 – 008 G 009 – 011 Luftraum /

Norden North D H Airspace Airspace

027 014 Arbeitssaal Arbeitssaal (Bachelor) Luftraum / Airspace (Bachelor) Student Studio Student Studio (Bachelor) (Bachelor)

Luftraum / Airspace

Luftraum / Airspace Luftraum / Airspace

G 006 – 008.INTERNATIONALER STÄDTEBAU (Zugang über Raum 109) International Urban Design (Access via Room 109) Prof. Dr. Engel G 009 –011.STADT UND WOHNEN Urban Living Prof. Christian Inderbitzin 014 Arbeitssaal (Bachelor) Obere Ebene Student Studio (Bachelor) Upper Level 027 Arbeitssaal (Bachelor) Obere Ebene Student Studio (Bachelor) Upper Level 103

GEBÄUDE 11.40 BUILDING 11.40 1. Obergeschoss First Floor

104 WC WC Roter Pool 106 – 111 Norden North D H 113 Computer Pool

127 114 Arbeitssaal 103 Arbeitssaal (Bachelor) Tulla-Hörsaal (Bachelor) Student Studio Student Studio (Bachelor) (Bachelor)

126 123 121/122 117 – 120 115 125 116

103 TULLA-HÖRSAAL 115 Seminarraum Lecture Hall Seminar Room 104 Roter Pool 116–120 Nicht belegt Red Pool Not occupied 106 –111 INTERNATIONALER 121 –126 LANDSCHAFTSARCHITEKTUR STÄDTEBAU Landscape Architecture International Urban Design Prof. Bava Prof. Dr. Engel 123 Bibliothek Landschaftsarchitektur 109 Sekretariat Library Landscape Architecture Secretariat 125 Sekretariat 113 Künstlicher Himmel Secretariat Artificial Sky 127 Arbeitssaal (Bachelor) 114 Arbeitssaal (Bachelor) Untere Ebene Untere Ebene Student Studio (Bachelor) Student Studio (Bachelor) Lower Level Lower Level


GEBÄUDE 11.40 BUILDING 11.40 Souterrain Basement

WC S 105 – 108 WC S 109 – 111

Norden North S 102 D Studienwerkstatt Digital H S 114

S 129 S 115/ – S 132 S 116 Rampe Ramp

WC WC S 126 – 128 S 117 – 121 D H

S 105 – 108. Studienwerkstatt Digital / Lasercutter Study Workshop Digital Dipl.-Ing. Abraham 105

KIT Campus Süd Gebäude 2O.4O Englerstraße 7 76131 Karlsruhe arch.kit.edu

Counseling For subject-specific questions about For general questions about studying, Studies, KIT faculty and faculty visits Study organization, application and Admission and study choice ARCHITECTURE Dipl.-Ing. Doris Kern ZENTRUM FÜR INFORMATION UND [email protected] BERATUNG (ZIB) +49 721-608 43879 KIT Campus Süd Gebäude 11.3O ART HISTORY Engelbert-Arnold-Straße 2 Student counseling 76131 Karlsruhe Apl. Prof. Dr. Martin Papenbrock +49 721 6O8 – 4493O martin.papenbrock@kit edu [email protected] +49 721 608-44227 sle.kit.edu/vorstudium/zib.php

For questions about student matters and the student life of the faculty:

STUDENT COUNCIL ARCHITECTURE fsarchi.com Imprint [email protected] Publisher: KIT Deanery of the Fakultät für Architektur Karlsruhe, April 2021 STUDENT COUNCIL ART HISTORY Cover image: http://kg.ikb.kit.edu/68.php Grüne Grotte [email protected] Fakultät für Architektur Picture: Bernd Seeland

@kitarchitektur @kitarchitektur arch.kit.edu arch.kit.edu Every semester a new playlist on spotify. arch.kit.edu