Mycologia. 93(4), 2001, pp. 689-703. © 2001 by The Mycological Society of America, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897

Aspergillus bombycis, a new aflatoxigenic and genetic variation in its sibling species, A. nomius*

Stephen W. Peterson1 Key Words: aflatoxin, fungi, molecular systemat­ Microbial Properties Research Unit, National Center ics, ribosomal DNA sequence for Agricultural Utilization Research, Agricultural Research Service, V. S. Department ofAgriculture, 1815 N. University St., Peoria, Illinois 61604-3999 USA INTRODUCTION Yoko Ito Aflatoxin has been the subject of many studies be­ National Research Institute for Vegetables, Ornamental cause of its deadly toxicity to certain domesticated Plants and Tea, Ministry ofAgriculture forestry and animals, including turkeys, ducks and trout (Hessel­ Fisheries, Ano, Mie, 514-2392Japan tine et al 1966). In addition increased incidence of Bruce W. Horn human hepato-carcinoma is associated with ingestion National Peanut Research Laboratory, Agricultural of sublethal doses of aflatoxin (Scholl and Groopman Research Service, V. S. Department ofAgriculture, 1995). Because of aflatoxin's effects on animal and 1011 Forrester Dr. SE, Dawson, Georgia 31742 USA human health, it is essential to determine which spe­ Tetsuhisa Goto cies produce this toxin, as well as details about their National Food Research Institute, Ministry of life histories and distribution in nature. Currently, Agriculture forestry and Fisheries, Kannondai, there are three known aflatoxigenic species from As­ Tsukuba, 305-8642Japan pergillus section Flavi: A. flavus, A. parasiticus, and A. nomius (Cotty et al 1994). An additional species, A. ochraceoroseus (section Circumdati) has recently Abstract: A new aflatoxigenic species of , been reported as aflatoxigenic (Klich et al 1998). As­ A. bombycis, was discovered during isolation of fungi pergillus ochraceoroseus is phylogenetically part of the from insect frass collected in silkworm rearing houses Aspergillus versicolor group (Peterson unpubl). in Japan. The new species resembles A. flavus, but During a study of the incidence of aflatoxigenic produces Band G aflatoxins. It is distinguished from fungal isolates from soil (Peterson et al 2000), we A. flavus and A. nomius by differences in growth encountered some isolates that produced aflatoxins rates at 37 and 42 C, from A. nomius by roughness and whose phylogenetic position (based on ribosom­ of the stipe, and from both of these species by dif­ al DA sequences) among the other species of As­ ferences in the nucleotide sequences in the beta-tu­ pergillus section Flavi suggested that they might be bulin, calmodulin, norsolorinic acid reductase, ITS, undescribed species. One of these unusual fungal and lsu-rD A genes. Aspergillus bombycis is known types (Goto et al 1996) has recently been described from nine isolates, eight collected in silkworm-rear­ as the new aflatoxigenic species Aspergillus pseudota­ ing houses in Japan and one collected in a silk-worm marii Ito et al on the basis of its unique morphology rearing house in Indonesia. Phylogenetic analysis of and phylogenetic distinction from the other species the DNA sequences shows that A. bombycis is a phy­ of section Flavi (Ito et al 2001). logenetically distinct species which is most closely re­ We also isolated fungi from the dust and insect lated to A. nomius and which belongs in Aspergillus frass found in silk worm-rearing houses in eastern section Flavi. Analysis by partition homogeneity did Asia. Some of these isolates have been identified as not reveal evidence of genetic recombination in A. A. nomius, whereas others resemble A. nomius but bombycis, but in A. nomius the patterns of polyrnor­ differ genetically and morphologically from the typ­ phisms in different genes strongly suggest cryptic ge­ ical A. nomius strain. Species from the A. flavus clade netic recombination. can have overlapping character states, making iden­ tification of some isolates by phenotype problemati­ Accepted for publication February 3, 2001. cal (Klich and Pitt 1988, Horn et al 1996), and sev­ I Corresponding author, E-mail: [email protected] eral species are not identifiable phenotypically, such * Names are necessary to report factually on available data; however, as the cryptic species found (but not named) by Geis­ the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the prod­ uct, and the use of the name by USDA implies no approval of the er et al (1998). In order to determine the phyloge­ product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable. netic placement of these isolates and whether they

689 690 MYCOLOGIA might represent a new species, we have sequenced region) were amplified by means of polymerase chain re­ portions of the large subunit rD A and ITS regions action (PCR). Conditions and buffers were those of White as well as the genes for beta-tubulin, calmodulin and et al (1990) except the primers used were ITS1 (White et norsolorinic acid reductase. In addition, morpholog­ al 1990) and D2R (Peterson et al 2000) and the thermal ical and physiological comparisons of these new iso­ profile (96 C, 30 s; 51 C, 45 s; 72 C, 120 s) was repeated 30 lates were made with other species in Aspergillus sec­ times, followed by 7 min at 72 C. The amplified fragment tion Flavi. was purified using GeneClean according to manufacturer's instructions, eluted in 1/10th strength TE and stored at -20 C. Part of the beta-tubulin gene (referred to as BT) MATERIALS AD METHODS was amplified using primers BenO (5'-ATGCGTGA­ GATTGTATGTI) or BenOb (5'-ATGCGTGAGATIGTATG) Isolation data, permanent accession numbers, and prove­ that are identical to the first exon of the gene from A. fla­ nance for the fungi used in this study are listed in TABLE 1. vus (GenBank M38265) as well as several bases in the first These fungi are permanently preserved in the Agricultural intron, and Ben2 (5'-ATCTGGAAACCCTGGAGGC) which Research Service Culture Collection (NRRL) , Peoria, Illi­ nois. is complementary to part of the gene sequence in exon 6. The thermal profile for beta-tubulin amplification was 96 C Isolation offungi.-Fungi were isolated by dispersing 1 g of for 2 min followed by 30 cycles (96 C, 20 s; 51 C, 45 s; 72 substrate (insect frass, dust, etc.) in 100 mL sterile 0.01 % C, 2 min) then 72 C for 5 min. Part of the norsolorinic acid Tween 80 and mixing 0.03-1.0 mL of the substrate dilution reductase gene (referred to as NOR) was amplified using with 15 mL of isolation medium, then pouring the molten the primers and conditions developed by Geisen (1996). A (ca 60 C) agar into a 90-mm petri plate. The isolation me­ portion of the calmodulin gene (referred to as CAL) was dium contained (per liter): 45 g malt extract (Difco); 30 g amplified using the primers and conditions described by NaCI; 30 mg chloramphenicol; 30 mg rose bengal; and 1 Feibelman et al (1998). mg DDVP (Diclorvos) (King et al 1979). Petri plates were incubated in darkness at 27 C for 1-6 d and checked daily DNA sequencing and analysis.-D A sequencing reactions for colony development. Individual colonies from isolation were carried out using Taq polymerase, ABI fluorescent dye plates were subcultured on Czapek agar (Cz) (Raper and labeled dideoxy nucleotides, and DA template and oligo­ Fennell 1965) or other suitable agar media. nucleotide primers. For the ID templates, primers ITS1, Growth and examination of cultures.-For temperature tol­ ITS2, ITS3, ITS4 (White et al 1990) and D1, D1R, D2, D2R erance and morphological examination studies, the isolates (Peterson et al 2000) were used for sequencing. For CAL were inoculated at three points on 90-mm petri plates (Pitt and OR, the primers used for amplification were also used 1979) containing 30 ml of Blakeslee's malt agar (MA). Fun­ for sequencing. For BT, sequences were determined using gal material was viewed with a Zeiss microscope equipped BenO, BenOb, Ben2, br (5'CCAGAAAGCGGCACC) and bf with phase and differential interference contrast. For SEM, (5'-GAGCCCGGTACCATGGA) . nincorporated dye was blocks of agar and fungal material (ca 5 mm X 5 mm) were removed from sequencing reactions by spun-eolumn chro­ cut from a petri plate culture, fixed overnight in 1% os­ matography (Maniatis et al 1982) over Pharmacia ultra-fine mium tetroxide, dehydrated in increasingly concentrated sephadex G-50. The column eluate was dried in a rotary ethanol baths, critical point dried, and sputter coated with vacuum drier and dissolved in 1.2 J.LL ultrapure formamide, gold-paladium (Peterson 1992). For D TA extraction, 100 with or without 20 mg/mL high molecular weight blue dex­ mL of malt extract (ME) broth (Raper and Fennell 1965) tran. The nucleotide sequences were determined by elec­ was autoclaved for 15 min in a 500-mL cotton stoppered trophoresis on an Applied Biosystems 377 DA sequencer. flask. An agar slant culture was flooded with 2-3 mL of 0.1 % The sequence of each fragment was determined from the sterile Triton X-100, spores were dislodged with a wire loop, base sequences of both DA strands. and the spore suspension was pipetted into the malt broth. Sequences were aligned using ClustalW (Thompson et al Flasks were incubated at 25 C on a rotary shaker (200 rpm) 1994) and alignments were checked visually using an ASCII for 1-2 d until 1-2 g biomass had accumulated. editor. D TA analysis was performed using PAUP* ver. DNA extraction and purification.-Biomass was separated 4.004a (Swofford 1998) for parsimony, partition homoge­ from the medium by vacuum filtration over cheesecloth or neity test and bootstrap analysis. Trees were redrawn from Whatman number 54 filter disks, and mycelium was frac­ PA p* tree files using TREEVIEW (Page 1996). tured by vortex mixing with glass beads using the method of Peterson et al (2000). Proteins were extracted with phe­ Mycotoxin analyses.-Aflatoxin production was assayed from nol-chloroform. The DA was further purified by adsorp­ isolates grown on glucose yeast extract broth, and detection tion to a silica matrix (GeneClean, Bio101, La Jolla, Cali­ was performed using thin layer chromatography and high fornia) in the presence of concentrated aI, then eluted performance liquid chromatography (Manabe et al 1978, into 1/10th strength TE. The DA was stored at -20 C Wright et al 1982). Cyclopiazonic acid production was as­ until used. sayed from isolates grown on modified Czapek's broth (Ito peR amplifications.-The ITS regions and about 600 bases and Goto 1994, Goto et al 1996) using high performance of the 5' end of lsu rD A (collectively referred to as ID liquid chromatography. PETERSON ET AL: ASPERGILLUS BOMBYCIS SP. OV. 691

RESULTS 65.1 mm diam, SD = 0.35), grew moderately well at 37 C (x 19.3 mm diam, SD = 11.8), and failed to grow Aspergillus bombycis S. W. Peterson, Y Ito, B. W. at 42 C. Conidia of A. bombycis often germinated at Horn, et T. Goto, sp. nov. 42 C but fail to grow further. However germination Coloniae in agaro "Czapek" post 7 dies tempera­ of conidia was prevented when the agar plates were tura 25 C diam 65 mm atting entes; colonia post 7 warmed to 42 C prior to inoculation. Most A. nomius dies temperatura 37 C diam 15 mm attingens; ger­ isolates grew well at 25 C (x = 59.8 mm diam, SD = minatio praesens sed incrementum nullum repertum 4.9) and 37 C (x = 51.3 mm diam, SD = 10.4), and post 7 dies temperatura 5 C. Conidiophora (300-500 to some extent at 42 C (x = 19.8 mm diam, SD = /-Lm X 10-20 /-Lm) exasperata, aequabiliter sed non 7.7). nimis dense in colonia disposita, texturam produn­ Aspergillus bombycis and A. nomius isolates are dis­ dam et laxam facientia. Vesicula globosa, 30-50 /-Lm tinguishable in several ways. Aspergillus bombycis iso­ diam, biseriata, per superficiem totam fertilis. Metu­ lates grow restrictedly (ca 15 mm diam) at 37 C and lae cylindricae 5 X 12 /-Lm, phialidibus 4 X 8 /-Lm, do not grow at 42 C, compared to A. nomius isolates ampulliformibus. Conidia laevia, globosa vel subglo­ that grow vigorously at 37 C (65 mm diam) and also bosa (3.5-) 4-7 (-8.5) /-Lm diam. grow at 42 C. Aspergillus bombycis isolates have HOLOTYPE. BPI. 745225, from colonies of RRL smooth stipes compared to the roughened stipes of 26010 grown 7 da in darkness on Czapek's agar then A. nomius isolates. Isolates of the two groups occur dried. Deposited in the National Herbarium, on distinct and strongly supported branches in gene U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland, trees calculated from all loci (FIGS. 9-12). Colony col­ USA. or, sclerotium formation, conidium characters (size, Etymology. bombycis is derived from the Latin name shape and ornamentation), and other morphological for the silkworm, Bombyx mori. characteristics of A. bombycis overlap those of A. nom­ Colonies on Czapek agar (FIG. 1) attain a diam of ius. The production of aflatoxins Band G and the 65 mm after 7 d at 25 C; colony diam 15 mm after 7 lack of cyclopiazonic acid production are the same d at 37 C; germination but no growth at 5 C after 7 in these two species (TABLE III). Growth rate at 42 C, d. Colony texture loose and deep, usually in shades stipe roughness and D A sequences are the most near lettuce green or calla green (Ridgway 1912, valuable characters for distinguishing A. bombycis and plate V), rarely brownish, near medal bronze (Ridg­ A. nomius. way plate IV); colony reverse color ranges from un­ Aspergillus parasiticus is distinguished from A. bom­ colored to a light yellow (cream color or Naples yel­ bycis by its typically dark ivy green colony color on low, R-XVI) and no diffusible pigments were noted; CZ agar, and the production of AFB and AFG but no stipes (FIGS. 2, 3, 6) smooth-walled, 300-500(-1000) production of CPA. The conidial heads also are pre­ X 10-20 /-Lm. Vesicles (FIGS. 2, 3) globose 30-50 /-Lm dominantly uniseriate in A. parasiticus, and isolates diam, fertile over entire surface. Metulae cylindrical typically grow at 42 C. Aspergillus flavus is distin­ 4-5 X 10-12 /-Lm, phialides 3-4 X 8 /-Lm, flask-shaped. guished from A. bombycis on the basis of smooth ver­ Conidia (FIGS. 4, 5) roughened, globose to subglo­ sus rough conidiophores, respectively, and A. flavus bose, (3.5)-4-7-(8.5) /-Lm diam. Conidial heads 100­ isolates typically grow at up to 45 C, while A. bombycis 200 diam X 300-600 /-Lm, with the dry chains of co­ isolates fail to grow at 42 C. Distinguishing A. jlavus nidia organized into loose columns. Columns mostly and A. nomius has always been difficult (Kurtzman et split into three or four smaller columns in mature al 1987). These species share many characteristics of heads. morphology and physiology. Both species having On ME agar, colony growth is similar to that on Cz roughened stipes, and while A. flavus usually pro­ agar, but the color has a greater component ofyellow duces AFB, it may also produce AFG (Cotty and Card­ and is approximately mignonette green (Ridgway well 1999). Aspergillus jlavus usually, but not always, XXXI) to courge green (Ridgway XVII). Colonies are produces cyclopiazonic acid. Aspergillus nomius can 1-3 mm deep; stipes are uncrowded and are primar­ produce both AFB and AFG but does not produce ily located in the peripheral half of each colony. Im­ cyclopiazonic acid. Other characteristics of these spe­ mature conidial heads are yellowish and mature to a cies also tend to intergrade. Genetically A. flavus and deeper green. Sclerotia were not found in cultures A. nomius are distinct species with many nucleotide of A. bombycis. substitutions present in the comparisons of their All isolates were grown on Cz and MEA petri plates genes (FIGS. 9-12). The genetic difference is the at 5, 25, 37, 42, and 45 C for 7 d in darkness. Colony most consistent and reliable means of distinguishing diameters for growth on MEA are listed in TABLE II. isolates of these two species. Aspergillus bombycis isolates grew well at 25 C (x = All isolates of A. bombycis produced aflatoxins B 692 MYCOLOGIA

TABLE 1. Fungal isolates examined, their locale, substrate and date of isolation. Alleles present at four loci are given for the A. nomius isolates

Genotypeb at locus: RRL Origin of isolate ID BT CAL OR Aspergillus avenaceus G. Smith 517 GREAT BRITA! . Received from G. Smith as isolate BB155, 1940. Aspergillus bombycis S.W. Peterson, Y Ito, B.W. Horn, & T. Goto 25593 JAPAN. Isolated from frass in a silkworm rearing house, 1987. 26010 JAPAN. Isolated from frass in a silkworm rearing house, 1987. ex type 28900 JAPAN. Isolated from frass in a silkworm rearing house, 1997 by Dr. H. Taka- hashi. 28901 JAPAN. Isolated from frass in a silkworm rearing house, 1997 by Dr. H. Taka- hashi. 29235 JAP. YAMAGATA PREFECTURE. Isolated from frass in a silkworm rearing house, 1983, by Dr. K. Tanaka, = MAFF 235209. 29236 JAP. IBARAKI PREFECT RE. Isolated from frass in a silkworm rearing house, 1983, by Dr. K. Tanaka, = MAFF 235213. 29237 JAP. IBARAKI PREFECT RE. Isolated from frass in a silkworm rearing house, 1983, by Dr. K. Tanaka, = MAFF 235218. 29241 JAP. OITA PREFECT RE. Isolated from frass in a silkworm rearing house, 1983, by Dr. K. Tanaka, = MAFF 111301. 29253 I DONESIA. Isolated from frass in a silkworm rearing house, 1999. Aspergillus caelatus B. W. Horn 25528 USA. GEORGIA: Terrell Co. Isolated from soil by B. W. Horn, 1992. Ex type. Aspergillus carbonarius (Bainier) Thorn 67 BRAZIL. Received as Aspergillus niger from Da Fonseca, 1923. Aspergillus flavus Link 1957 SOUTH PACIFIC. Isolated from cellophane, 1944. Ex type. Aspergillus leporis States & M. Christensen 3216 USA. WYOMING. Isolated from dung of Lepus townsendii, 1966. Martha Christensen isolate RMF 99. Ex type. Aspergillus nomius Kurtzman, Horn & Hesseltine 13137 USA. Isolated by A. F. Schindler from wheat, 1965. U. S. FDA number M93. A A A A Ex type. 3161 G AM. Isolated by A. C. Keyl, from Cycas circinalis, 1965. A A A A 3353 SA. WYOMI G. Isolated by D. Shimanuki, from diseased alkali bee (Nomius D E A C sp.), 1965. umber 129. 5919 SA. WYOMI G. Isolated by D. Shimanuki, from diseased alkali bee (Nomius C E B C sp.), 1965. umber 130. 6107 G AM. Isolated from Cycas circinalis, sent by J. Forgacs. Possibly the same A A A A strain as RRL 3161. 6108 USA. Sent by F. A. Hodges, as .S. FDA number M93. Possibly the same A A A A strain as RRL 13137. 6343 USA. WYOMING. Isolated by D. Shimanuki, from diseased alkali bee (Nomius C C B C sp.), 1965. umber 126. 6552 USA. WISCO SI . Isolated by C. R. Benjamin, from a diseased pine sawfly, C F B C 1967. 13138 Sub-isolate from a mixed culture sent by . Diener, 1967. A A A A 20745 I DIA. Isolated from dried Curcuma longa. A H B B 25393 JAPAl . OK! AWA. Isolated from tea-field soil, 1994. A G A D 25585 JAP . Isolated from silk worm frass, 1987. F J C A 26450 USA. LOUISIANA: atchitoches Parish. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from cotton B B B C field soil, 1996. 26451 USA. LOUISIANA: atchitoches Parish. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from cotton B B B c field soil, 1996. 26452 USA. LOUISIANA: atchitoches Parish. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from cotton B B B c field soil, 1996. PETERSO ET AL: ASPERGILLUS BOMBYCIS sr. NOV. 693

TABLE I. Continued

Genotypeb at locus: RRL Origin of isolate ID BT CAL NOR 26453 USA. LOUISIANA: atchitoches Parish. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from cotton AD AA field soil, 1996. 26454 USA. LOUISIANA: atchitoches Parish. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from cotton B B B C field soil, 1996. 26455 USA. LOUISIANA: Rapides Parish. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from cotton field C EB D soil, 1996. 26878 USA. TEXAS: Gaines Co. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from uncultivated soil with CC B C mesquite, 1997. 26879 USA. TEXAS: Gaines Co. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from uncultivated soil with CC B C mesquite, 1997. 26880 USA. LOUISIANA: Grant Parish. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from soybean field C CB C soil, 1997. 26881 USA. LOUISIANA: Grant Parish. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from soybean field CCB C soil, 1997. 26882 USA. LOUISIANA: Grant Parish. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from soybean field CCB C soil, 1997. 26883 USA. LOUISIANA: Grant Parish. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from soybean field C EB D soil, 1997. 26884 USA. LOUISIANA: Grant Parish. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from soybean field CCB C soil, 1997. 26885 USA. LOUISIANA: Concordia Parish. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from cotton field BFB C soil, 1997. 26886 USA. LOUISIANA: Concordia Parish. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from cotton field A B C soil, 1997. 26887 USA. MISSISSIPPI: Adams Co. Isolated by B. W. Horn, from soybean field soil, ED AA 1997. 29212 USA. CALIFORNIA: Five Points. Isolated by M. A. Doster from pecans, 1990. AA AA 29213 USA. CALIFORNIA: Madeira Co. Isolated by M. A. Doster from pistachio nuts, AAAA 1991. 29234 JAPAN. YAMAGATA PREFECTURE. Isolated from dust in a silkworm rearing AGD A house, 1999. 29238 JAPAN. KUMAMOTO PREFECTURE. Isolated from dust in a silkworm rearing ADA A house, 1999. 29239 JAPAN. KUMAMOTO PREFECTURE. Isolated from dust in a silkworm rearing AAD A house, 1999. Aspergillus parasiticus Speare 502 USA. HAWAII. Isolated from mealy bug on sugarcane by Speare, 1913. Ex lec­ totype. Aspergillus pseudotamarii Y Ito, S. W. Peterson, D. T. Wicklow & T. Goto 25517 JAPAN. MIYAZAKI PREFECTURE. Isolated from tea-field soil, 1993. Ex type. 443 ARGE TI TA. Received from Da Fonseca, 1923. Substrate unknown. Aspergillus tamarii Kita 20818 Isolated from activated carbon. Ex lectotype. Received as Aspergillus tamarii QM 9374. Petromyces alliaceus Malloch & Cain 4181 AUSTRALIA. Isolated from soil by J. H. Warcup. Ex type. aID = ITS region and 5' portion of large subunit rD A; BT = the partial beta tubulin gene sequence; CAL = the partial calmodulin gene sequence; and OR = the partial norsolorinic acid reductase gene sequence, as described in the text. b Each letter under a gene label represents a particular sequence at that locus which differs from isolates that have a different letter. Isolates with the same letter have an identical DNA sequence at that locus. Genotypes are presented only for A. nomius isolates. 694 MVCOLOGIA

FIGS. 1-7. Aspergillus bombycis. 1. Colony grown for 7 d in darkness at 25 C on Czapek's agar. 2. Immature stipe and vesicle; note the smooth stipe. 3. Vesicle with metulae and acuminate phialides covering the entire surface. 4. Conidia showing the roughened surface ornamentation. 5. Scanning electron micrograph of a mature conidial head. 6. A portion of a typical smooth stipe. 7. Aspergillus nomius stipe. Note the roughened stipe that differentiates A. nomius and A. bombycis. Scale: FIGS. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, bar = 10 j..lm; FIG. 4 bar = 1 j..lm. and G, but not cyclopiazonic acid. The highest levels RRL 1957, A. parasztzcus RRL 502, A. tamarii of aflatoxin production were found in isolate RRL RRL 20818, A. caelatus NRRL 25528, A. pseudota­

28901 which produced 9.6 ppm AFB], 0.2 ppm AFB2 , marii RRL 25517, A. leporis RRL 3216, Petromyces

33.1 ppm AFG], and 0.5 ppm AFG2 . The lowest af­ albertensis RRL 20602, A. avenaceus RRL 517, and latoxin production was in RRL 25593 with 1.0, 0.5, A. carbonarius RRL 67 were aligned with sequences

1.5, and 0.5 ppm of aflatoxins AFB 1, AFB2, AFG 1, and from A. nomius and A. bombycis isolates. Seventy-four

AFG2 respectively. Other isolates produced between positions were eliminated from consideration due to

1.5 and 8.1 ppm of AFB 1 in the GY (Wongurai et al uncertain alignment or indels, 71 characters were 1990) liquid culture medium. Isolates of A. nomius variable but parsimony uninformative, 52 characters typically also produce detectable amounts of aflatox­ were parsimony informative, and all other characters ins AFB], AFB2 , AFG 1, and AFG2 , but not cyclopiazon­ were constant. The data were analyzed using parsi­ ic acid. mony criterion and in an heuristic search, and a sin­ The amplified ID fragments varied from 1153­ gle most parsimonious tree of 176 steps was found 1156 base pairs in length, with an aligned length of (FIG. 9). 1173. Homologous DA sequences from A. flavus The amplified portion of the BT from different PETERSO ET AL: ASPl:~GJLLUSBOMBYCIS SP. OV. 695

TABLE II. Colony diam, in mm, after 7 d growth on Blak­ TABLE III. Major mycotoxins producedab by species in As­ elee's malt agar, in darkness, at the specified temperature. pergillus section Flavi Presence or absence of sclerotia is also noted Species AFB AFG CPA RRL 25 C 37 C 42 C Sclerotia A. bombycis + Aspergillus bombycis A. parasiticus 25593 65 15 o A. nomius + 26010 65 15 o A. flavus +/­ /­ 28900 65 5 o A. pseudotamarii + + 28901 66 8 o A. tamarii + 29235 65 30 o A. caelatus 29236 65 nd 1 o a Data abstracted from Goto et aI, 1996, Horn et aI, 1996, 29237 65 37 o and the current study. 29253 65 25 o b AFB = aflatoxin B, AFG = aflatoxin G, CPA = cyclo­ Aspergillus nomius piazonic acid. 13137 65 65 32 + 5919 65 40 5 6107 65 65 15 site, P. alliaceus varying at one AA site, and A. leporis 6108 65 65 18 differing from other species at two AA positions. 13138 65 65 22 Heuristic search of the DA sequence data set re­ 20745 65 65 21 + sulted in a single most parsimonious tree of 147 steps 25393 60 56 27 (FIe. 10). 25585 59 48 11 + The aligned portion of the CAL contained 580 nu­ 26450 54 45 21 cleotide positions. Three positions were eliminated 26451 nd 45 23 26453 65 54 29 + due to an indel, 480 positions were constant, 31 po­ 26454 53 42 11 + sitions were variable but not phylogenetically infor­ 26455 54 54 25 mative, and 66 positions were phylogenetically infor­ 26878 60 52 24 mative. The amplified portion of the gene included 26879 57 47 14 introns 3, 4, and 5, and exons 3, 4, and part of 5 26880 56 40 8 (based on the complete A. oryzae sequence GenBank 26881 60 49 11 D44468; FIe. 8). Mter alignment, the putative coding 26882 58 49 14 regions were translated to amino acid sequences. 0 26883 60 57 25 + amino acid differences were noted among the species 26884 59 50 21 sequenced. Heuristic search of the aligned data re­ 26885 45 52 25 sulted in two equally parsimonious trees that differed 26886 53 56 27 26887 63 58 30 + only in the branching order of A. tamarii, A. caelatus 29212 60 56 20 and A. pseudotamarii. One of those trees is shown in 29213 60 55 15 FIe. 11. 29234 62 27 8 A portion of the coding region of exon 2 of NOR 29238 63 56 32 (based on the A. parasiticus gene sequence, Genbank 29239 61 24 nd L27801; FIe. 8) was amplified from the aflatoxigenic species and from A. caelatus, a non-aflatoxigenic spe­ I nd = value not determined. cies. 0 product was obtained when the DA of A. tamarii was amplified using the OR primers. The organisms was aligned into a data set of 818 base aligned dataset included 300 nucleotide positions. Of pairs that included introns 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and exons those, 257 were constant, 3 were variable but unin­ 2, 3, 4, 5 and part of 6, based on the complete se­ formative and 40 were parsimony informative. A sin­ quence of the A. parasiticus beta tubulin gene gle most parsimonious tree of 49 steps resulted from (GenBank L49386; FIe. 8). Of the aligned nucleo­ heuristic search of the data (FIe. 12). tides, 42 were eliminated due to indels and uncertain The maximum parsimony trees calculated for each alignment, 39 positions were variable but uninfor­ of the loci had a branch that contained all of the A. mative, 650 positions were constant, and 87 nucleo­ nomius isolates and another branch that contained tide positions were phylogenetically informative. all of the A. bombycis isolates (FIcs. 9-12). In boot­ Translation of the sequences to amino acids showed strap analysis, the A. nomius isolates and the A. bom­ that most of the isolates had identical amino acid bycis isolates occurred on branches that were present sequences, with A. carbonarius differing at one AA in 100% of the bootstrap samples for the three pro- 696 MYCOLOGIA

Norsolorinic Acid Reductase

..NOR1 NOR2.. •• • •

Beta tubulin gene ..BenD .-Br Bf Ben2

Calmodulin gene CF1.. CF2.-

FIc. 8. Location of primers on the single-copy protein coding genes. Filled bars represent protein coding regions and open bars represent introns. teins coding genes and in 97% and 74%, respectively, formative), and comparison of the gene trees based of the ID samples. The congruence of the gene trees on BT and OR revealed no significant deviation leading to these two groups of isolates shows that they from congruence. are genetically isolated groups and under phyloge­ Aspergillus nomius isolates were also analyzed to de­ netic theory they represent distinct species (Koufo­ tect cryptic recombination. In the ID region, the 34 panou et al 1997). A. nomius isolates have 1 of 3 different genotypes Aspergillus bomlrycis has no sexual state (teleo­ (labeled A-C in TABLE I), in the BT region there are morph) and in our observations reproduces solely by 10 genotypes (labeled A-J in TABLE I), in CAL there means of mitotically formed conidia. However, Geiser are 4 genotypes (labeled A-D in TABLE I), and in et al (1998) concluded that cryptic genetic recom­ OR there are 4 genotypes (labeled A-D in TABLE bination could be inferred in anamorphic fungi by I). The letter designations for genotypes are arbitrary comparing gene trees from different genetic loci. We and signify difference in DNA sequences with no ad­ analyzed the gene trees generated from each of the ditional meaning. The PHT was performed in all four genetic loci to determine congruence using the pair-wise combinations on the four data sets (TABLE partition homogeneity test (PHT). The ID and CAL IV). For most pair-wise comparisons, the PHT gen­ loci were identical in all A. bomlrycis isolates (unin- erated trees were significantly longer than the most PETERSON ET AL: ASPERGILLUS BOMBYCIS SP. OV. 697

.....------A. avenaceus NRRL 517 t------A. carbonarius NRRL 67 .-- -....------• A. /eporis NRRL 3216 • Petromyces alliaceus NRRL 4181 A. tamarii NRRL 20818 .--__--1~A. pseudotamarii NRRL 25517 A. cae/atus NRRL 25528 ~ A. ffavus NRRL 1957 -, A. parasiticus NRRL 502 NRRL26450 NRRL26451 NRRL26452 NRRL26454 NRRL26885 - NRRL26887 NRRL 13137 ex type 97 NRRL 13138 _ NRRL20745 96 NRRL25393 NRRL25585 NRRL26453 NRRL26886 ASPergi/lus NRRL29212 nomius NRRL29213 NRRL29234 • NRRL29238 NRRL29239 NRRL 3161 NRRL6107 NRRL6108 NRRL26455 NRRL26878 99 NRRL26879 NRRL26880 NRRL26881 NRRL26882 ... NRRL26883 NRRL26884 NRRL29240 NRRL3353 NRRL5919 NRRL6343 NRRL6552 NRRL25593 NRRL 26010 ex type NRRL28900 Aspergillus NRRL28901 ... NRRL29235 bombycis 74 NRRL 29236 NRRL29237 NRRL29241 NRRL29253 1

FIc. 9. Single most parsimonious tree calculated using PAUP* 4.0 (~4a) in an heuristic search of the ITS and LSU rDNA sequence data. Tree length is 176 steps, consistency index (CI) = 0.8125, homoplasy index (HI) = 0.1875, retention index (RI) = 0.8596 and rescaled consistency index (RC) = 0.6984. Aspergillus carbonarius and A. avenaceus are used as outgroup species to root the tree on the basis of comprehensive trees of the genus Aspergillus (Peterson 2000). umbers above the internodes are bootstrap values based on 1000 replicate samples. DA sequences are deposited in GenBank as accessions AF004929, AF004931, AF027860, AF027862-AF027864, AF104444, AF104445, AF104447, AF272575 and AF338611-AF338647, and in Treebase as accession M896. 698 MYCOLOGIA

NRRL 1957 A. ffavus NRRL 502 A. parasiticus

99 I NRRL 26100 A. cae/atus 95 NRRL 25517 A. pseudotamarii NRRL 20818 A. tamar;; ~ NRRL20745 ~ NRRL25585 NRRL25393 NRRL29234 NRRL29239 NRRL 13137 ex type 95 NRRL 13138 -- NRRL29212 NRRL29213 NRRL 3161 NRRL6107 NRRL6108 Aspergillus ~NRRL26453 nomius NRRL26887 100 NRRL29238 NRRL26455 NRRL26883 NRRL3353 NRRL5919 NRRL26450 NRRL26451 - NRRL26452 99 NRRL26454 -- NRRL26878 NRRL26879 100 NRRL26880 NRRL26881 NRRL26882 NRRL26884 NRRL6343 RL26885 fRNRRL26886 NRRL6552 7 NRRL25593 ------, NRRL2601oex type 100 nNRRL29241 NRRL28900 Aspergillus NRRL28901 bombycis NRRL29235 75 NRRL29236 NRRL29237 NRRL 29253 ------' 1

FIG. 10. Single most parsimonious tree calculated using PA p* 4.0 ([34a) in an heuristic search of the [3-tubulin sequence data. Tree length is 147 steps, CI = 0.9320, HI = 0.0680, RI = 0.9807 and RC = 0.9139. Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus are used as outgroup species to root the tree on the basis of FIG. 9. Bootstrap values are placed above the nodes. DNA sequences are deposited in GenBank as accessions AY01753&-AY017582, and in Treebase as accession M893. PETERSO ET AL: ASPERGILLUS BOMBYCIS SP. OV. 699

NRRL 1957 A ffavus NRRL 502 A parasiticus 97 I NRRL 26100 A cae/atus NRRL 443 A pseudatamarii NRRL20818A tamarii NRRL25585 -NRRL29234 NRRL29239 NRRL 13137 ex type 86 NRRL 13138 - NRRL25393 NRRL26453 NRRL26887 NRRL29212 - NRRL29213 NRRL29238 NRRL3161 NRRL3353 Aspergillus 100 NRRL6107 nomius NRRL6108 NRRL20745 NRRL26450 NRRL26451 NRRL26452 NRRL26454 NRRL26455 NRRL26878 NRRL26879 96 NRRL26880 - NRRL26881 98 NRRL26882 NRRL26883 NRRL26884 NRRL26885 NRRL26886 NRRL5919 NRRL6343 NRRL6552 NRRL25593 NRRL 26010 ex type NRRL28900 100 NRRL28901 Aspergillus NRRL29235 NRRL29236 bombycis NRRL29237 NRRL29241 NRRL29253 1. FIc. 11. One of two most parsimonious tree calculated using PAUP* 4.0 (f34a) in an heuristic search of the calmodulin sequence data. Tree length is 119 steps, CI = 0.8992, HI = 0.1008, RI = 0.9753 and RC = 0.8770. Bootstrap values are placed above the nodes. DA sequences are deposited in GenBank as accessions AY017583-AY017629, and in Treebase as accession M895.

parsimonious tree (MPT) suggesting recombination. vided the A. nomzus isolates into definable sub­ OR data versus ID or BT produced trees that were groups. not significantly longer that the MPT. There was no There does not appear to be a significant geo­ observed constant branch from the four loci that di- graphic component to the distribution of genotypes 700 MYCOLOGIA

502 ASpergl·11us parasiticus ~ 1957 Aspergillus flavus 98 r 26102 A. C8e/atus 1 98 125517 A. PS6udotamarii 1443 A. PS6udotamarii NRRL26450 NRRL26451 NRRL26452 NRRL26454 NRRL26878 NRRL26879 NRRL26880 NRRL26881 NRRL26882 NRRL26884 NRRL26885 100 NRRL26886 Aspergillus NRRL3353 nomius NRRL5919 NRRL6343 100 NRRL6552 ,....-NRRL20745 NRRL 13137 NRRL 13138 NRRL25585 - NRRL26453 NRRL26887 NRRL 29212 10- NRRL29213 NRRL29234 70 NRRL29238 NRRL29239 NRRL 3161 NRRL6107 NRRL 6108 --i NRRL 26455 NRRL 26883 NRRL25593 NRRL26010 rl NRRL29241 99 NRRL28900 NRRL28901 84 NRRL29235 Aspergillus NRRL29236 bombycis NRRL29237 NRRL29253

FIc. 12. Single most parsimonious tree calculated using PA p* 4.0 (~4a) in an heuristic search of the norsolorinic acid reductase sequence data. Tree length is 49 steps, CI = 0.9388, HI = 0.0622, RI = 0.9858 and RC = 0.9254. umbers above the internodes are bootstrap. DA sequences are deposited in GenBank as accessions AY01763O-AY017675, and in Treebase as accession M894.

(TABLE I). For example, four isolates from Grant Par­ shares its genotypes with an isolate from soil in Hon­ ish, Louisiana, two isolates from Gaines County, Tex­ shu,japan. Seven isolates share the same genotype as as, and one isolate from an alkali bee in Wyoming the ex type isolate, but three of the cycad isolates may share the same genotype at all four loci. Four isolates have originated from a single culture, having come from a single collection in atchitoches Parish, Lou­ to the ARS Culture Collection via different routes, isiana share the same genotype and may be clonally and one of the isolates is probably a subculture of related, but a fifth isolate from the same collection the ex type isolate. PETERSON ET AL: ASPERGILLUS BOMBYOS SP. NOV. 701

TABLE IV. P-values obtained in pair-wise comparisons of A. nomius isolates. on-congruence suggests that A. a loci , using the partition homogeneity test in PAUP* among nomius possesses a cryptic sexual stage. the A. nomius isolates. Uninformative sites were excluded, The table of genotypes (TABLE I) shows a very local and the p-values are based on 5000 replicates element of clonal propagation (for example isolates ID BT CAL from Grant Parish, Louisiana) but also distinct ge­ notypes from the same locale, similar to the spatial BT 0.004 and temporal patterns of A. flavus vegetative com­ CAL 0.009 0.001 patibility groups in cotton field in Arizona (Bayman OR 0.309 1.0 0.013 and Cotty 1991). a Loci are: ID = ITS and LS rDNA; BT = beta tubulin; Horn and Dorner (1998) isolated Aspergillus sect. CAL = calmodulin; OR = norsolorinic acid reductase, as Flavi isolates from 166 agricultural fields, plus some described in the text. non-agricultural fields in the eastern and southern US and found A. nomius in one uncultivated and five cultivated fields. In soil samples where A. nomius was DISC SSIO found, it accounted for from 1-20% of all Aspergillus sect. Flavi isolates in the sample. The cause of this Aspergillus bombycis and A. nomius isolates are distin­ heterogeneity is unknown, but we know that A. nom­ guishable in several ways. Aspergillus bombycis isolates ius is often isolated from dead or diseased insects grow restrictedly (ca 15 mm diam) at 37 C and do (TABLE I). On the basis of spotty soil distribution and not grow at 42 C, compared to A. nomius isolates that recorded isolation from insects, it is possible that in­ grow vigorously at 37 C (65 mm diam) and also grow sects are a common growth substrate for this species at 42 C. Aspergillus bombycis isolates have smooth sti­ and that A. nomius persists in the soil environment pes compared to the roughened stipes of A. nomius until it can infect insects or grow on insect cadavers. isolates. Isolates of the two groups occur on distinct Rare isolation from agricultural products suggests and strongly supported branches in gene trees cal­ that these are not the preferred substrate of A. nom­ culated from all loci compared (FIGs. 9-12). Colony ius. The spotty distribution and sometimes high local color, conidium characters (size, shape and orna­ soil density of A. nomius are consistent with arrival of mentation), and other morphological characteristics conidia in the soil via sporulation from dead insects of A. bombycis overlap those of A. nomius. The pro­ or other point sources. The sister species to A. nom­ duction of aflatoxins Band G and the lack of cyclo­ ius is A. bombycis (FIGS. 9-12), a species that has been piazonic acid production are the same in these two isolated only from insects or insect-associated mate­ species. Growth rate at 42 C, stipe roughness and rials. D A sequences are the most useful characters for Aspergillus nomius is known from collections in distinguishing A. bombycis from A. nomius. Asia and North America, and A. bombycis is known Koupafanou et al (1997) pointed out that gene only from Asian locales. As seen in TABLE I, both A. trees based on unlinked loci should produce congru­ nomius and A. bombycis have been isolated from in­ ent gene trees in clonally reproducing organisms. If sect frass in silkworm-rearing houses. If allopatric spe­ organisms are meiotically recombining, the patterns ciation occurred, then the ranges of the two species of descent will be non-congruent because of gene have converged post speciation. If speciation was sym­ flow between populations, generation of new geno­ patrie, a potential isolating factor would be host spe­ types by crossing over and extinction of some line­ cialization, but the only germane data are the limited ages (Taylor et al 1999). Among A. bombycis isolates, isolation records of these two species. the patterns of descent are congruent and this ob­ Keller and Hohn (1997) reviewed clustering of servation argues for clonal propagation. The number functionally related genes in fungi. The aflatoxin bio­ of loci examined and the low level of polymorphism synthetic genes are clustered on a relatively short (ca present in them make it impossible to conclude 60 KB) fragment of DA (Yu et al 1995). Cluster whether or not genetic recombination is occurring organization of functionally related genes may allow among isolates of A. bombycis. simple regulation of the entire pathway (Yu et al Egel et al (1994) and Feibelman et al (1998) stud­ 1995). 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StJ ~pJiea by U.S. Deol of Agriculture National Center tor Agricultural Utilrzabon Research, Peon~ Illinois