bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 6, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

1 Marine cyanolichens from different littoral 2 zones are associated with distinct bacterial 3 communities

4 Nyree J. West*1, Delphine Parrot2†, Claire Fayet1, Martin Grube3, Sophie Tomasi2 5 and Marcelino T. Suzuki4

6 1 Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls (OOB), 7 F-66650, Banyuls sur mer, France 8 2 UMR CNRS 6226, Institut des Sciences chimiques de Rennes, Equipe CORINT « Chimie Organique 9 et Interfaces », UFR Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques, Univ. Rennes 1, Université Bretagne 10 Loire, F-35043, Rennes, France 11 3 Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Austria 12 4 Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ. Paris 06, CNRS, Laboratoire de Biodiversité et Biotechnologies 13 Microbiennes (LBBM), Observatoire Océanologique, F-66650, Banyuls sur mer, France

14 †Current address: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Research Unit Marine 15 Natural Products Chemistry, GEOMAR Centre for Marine Biotechnology, 24106 Kiel, Germany

16 *Corresponding author:

17 Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur mer, F-66650 Banyuls sur mer, France


19 Tel: +33 (0)4 30 19 24 29, Fax: +33 (0)4 68 88 73 98

20 Email: [email protected]


1 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 6, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

22 Abstract 23 The microbiome diversity and function of terrestrial has been well studied, but 24 knowledge about the non-photosynthetic associated with marine lichens is 25 still scarce. 16S rRNA gene illumina sequencing was used to assess the culture- 26 independent bacterial diversity in the strictly marine cyanolichen 27 pygmaea and Lichina confinis, and the maritime chlorolichen species Xanthoria sp. 28 which occupy different areas on the littoral zone. Inland terrestrial cyanolichens from 29 Austria were also analysed as for the marine lichens to examine further the impact of 30 habitat/ species on the associated bacterial communities. The L. confinis and L. 31 pygmaea communities were significantly different from those of the maritime 32 Xanthoria sp. lichen found higher up on the littoral zone and these latter communities 33 were more similar to those of the inland terrestrial lichens. The strict marine lichens 34 were dominated by phylum accounting for 50% of the sequences, 35 whereas Alphaproteobacteria, notably Sphingomonas, dominated the terrestrial 36 lichens. Bacterial communities associated with the two Lichina species were 37 significantly different sharing only 33 core OTUs, half of which were affiliated to the 38 Bacteroidetes genera Rubricoccus, Tunicatimonas and Lewinella, suggesting an 39 important role of these species in the marine Lichina lichen symbiosis. Marine 40 cyanolichens showed a higher abundance of OTUs likely affiliated to moderately 41 thermophilic and/or radiation resistant bacteria belonging to the Phyla , 42 Thermi, and the families Rhodothermaceae and Rubrobacteraceae when compared 43 to those of terrestrial lichens. This most likely reflects the exposed and highly variable 44 conditions to which marine lichens are subjected to daily.

2 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 6, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

45 Introduction 46 The lichen symbiosis, commonly recognized as a partnership of a 47 (mycobiont), and a photosynthetic partner (photobiont) arose already with the 48 conquest of land in the lower Devonian, according to the first clear fossil evidence 49 (Honegger et al. 2013). The enclosure of the photobiont partner by protective layers 50 of the fungal partner gave rise to a new morphological structure. This symbiotic 51 structure is called the lichen thallus, which apparently mediates high degree 52 tolerance to desiccation (Kranner et al., 2008) allows many lichens to thrive as 53 poikilohydric organisms in environments characterized by periodic changes in 54 environmental conditions. Therefore, lichens are typically found in habitats where 55 other organisms have trouble to persist. This also includes the intertidal belt of 56 coastal rocks, where lichens develop characteristically colored belts. 57 Bacteria were already found in the oldest microfossils that can be reliably 58 assigned to lichen thalli (Honegger et al. 2013), an observation that fits well to the 59 observations of bacterial colonization of extant lichens (e.g., Cardinale et al 2008). 60 Recent works suggest that the ubiquitous presence of bacteria in lichen thalli 61 contributes to a more complex functional network beyond the interaction of fungi and 62 algae [for a review see (Aschenbrenner et al., 2016)]. Bacteria were first cultured 63 from lichens many years ago and were originally supposed to be involved in nitrogen- 64 fixation (Henkel & Yuzhakova, 1936). However, due to the low culturability of bacteria 65 from many environments (Ferguson, Buckley & Palumbo, 1984) and the tendency of 66 culture methods to select for opportunistic species which rarely dominate in the 67 natural environment (Eilers, Pernthaler & Amann, 2000), their diversity was fully 68 recognized only recently. 69 Culture-independent molecular studies of lichen microbial diversity and 70 microscopic techniques revealed that bacteria belonging to the Alphaproteobacteria 71 were the dominant microbial group associated with the lichens (Cardinale, Puglia & 72 Grube, 2006; Liba et al., 2006; Grube et al., 2009a; Bjelland et al., 2011; Hodkinson 73 et al., 2012; Cardinale et al., 2012a). In these studies, high abundances of 74 Alphaproteobacteria were generally observed on the surface structures of the lichen 75 thalli although some were observed in the fungal hyphae. More recently, the 76 application of high throughput sequencing techniques to lichen bacterial community 77 analysis confirmed that the composition of the lichen bacterial communities could be

3 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 6, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

78 more influenced by the mycobiont species rather than by their sample site (Bates et 79 al., 2011), by the photobiont (Hodkinson et al., 2012), and also by the position in the 80 lichen thallus (Mushegian et al., 2011). 81 Lichens exhibit clear specificity for substrate and microhabitat conditions, and a 82 clear example of habitat specialization can be observed for marine lichens, which 83 show vertical zonation in four characteristic belts along rocky coastlines (also known 84 as sublittoral, littoral, supra-littoral and terrestrial zones; (Fletcher, 1973a,b). The 85 common littoral lichen Lichina pygmaea is immersed for several hours each day in 86 the littoral zone, whereas Lichina confinis occurs higher up in the littoral zone, where 87 it is perpetually subjected to splashing and sea-spray, and submerged only during 88 short periods of high tides. Xanthoria sp. can also occur in this zone and in the xeric 89 supralittoral zone, which is exposed to sea-spray during storms but not submerged in 90 seawater. Therefore, marine lichen species certainly experience different levels of 91 stress, ranging from direct sunlight exposure, and temperature, salinity and wind 92 variation according to their position in the littoral belts (Delmail et al., 2013). 93 The Lichina belongs to the class and is composed of both 94 strict marine and non-marine species (Schultz, 2017). The marine species L. confinis 95 and L. pygmaea harbour cyanobacterial photobionts closely related to strains of the 96 genus (Ortiz-Álvarez et al., 2015)). Even though the two lichen species 97 above show a similar distribution range, their cyanobionts belong to separate groups 98 that do not overlap at the OTU or even at the haplotype level (Ortiz-Álvarez et al., 99 2015). Apart from the cyanobacterial photobiont, the composition of the bacteria 100 associated with marine lichens is poorly studied when compared to those of inland 101 lichens. So far, only the common littoral black-belt forming Hydropunctaria maura 102 was included in a culture-independent study (Bjelland et al., 2011). Bacterial 103 communities of this lichen were different from inland lichens, with higher relative 104 abundances of , Bacteroidetes, Deinococcus, and Chloroflexi. A recent 105 study of Icelandic marine lichens focused on culturable bacteria, but also revealed by 106 fingerprinting (DGGE) analysis of 16S rRNA genes that the bacterial communities 107 were different among different marine lichen species (Sigurbjornsdottir et al., 2014). 108 Such differences could be of interest for bioprospecting approaches since lichens 109 are known to be a rich source of natural products (Boustie & Grube, 2005; Parrot et 110 al., 2016). However, lichen-associated bacteria have only recently been discovered 111 as an additional contributor to the lichen chemical diversity, and even though only

4 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 6, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

112 few lichen-associated bacteria have been studied carefully in this respect, many of 113 them produce secondary metabolites. Some of their compounds have pronounced 114 bioactive properties [see (Suzuki et al., 2016)) for a review]. Nevertheless, the role of 115 these compounds in the symbiosis is not well understood at this stage. So far, 116 bioprospecting of the marine lichens L. pygmaea and L. confinis (and Roccella 117 fuciformis) was carried out by a cultivation-based approach targeting Actinobacteria 118 that lead to the isolation of 247 bacterial species including 51 different Actinobacteria 119 (Parrot et al., 2015). 120 To address the paucity of knowledge on the total diversity and variation of 121 bacteria associated with marine lichens and to provide a base for future 122 bioprospecting efforts, the uncultured microbial community of the cyanolichen 123 species L. confinis and L. pygmaea and the chlorolichen Xanthoria sp. was 124 characterised by Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA gene fragments. In addition, other 125 terrestrial cyanolichen species were characterized in parallel to allow us to address 126 the following questions: i) what are the major bacterial groups associated to the 127 lichens occupying different heights on the littoral zone; ii) how does the culturable 128 fraction of bacteria from Lichina spp. compare to the total bacterial community 129 associated with these species; and iii) do terrestrial cyanolichens share a significant 130 proportion of their symbionts with marine cyanolichens?

5 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 6, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

131 Materials & Methods 132 Sampling design and sample collection 133 The marine cyanolichens Lichina pygmaea and Lichina confinis were collected on 134 16 October 2013 from the Houssaye Point, Erquy on the coast of Brittany, France 135 (Table 1, Fig. 1). Lichens were sampled in triplicate in a 3 m radius zone that we 136 defined as a sample cluster. Two other sample clusters of triplicates were sampled 137 further along the littoral zone as indicated in Table S1. Duplicate seawater samples 138 were also taken using sterile 50 ml centrifuge tubes. Similarly, one cluster of three 139 Xanthoria sp. samples were also taken from Houssaye Point and another cluster of 140 Xanthoria sp. was sampled from the rocky coastline of Banyuls-sur-mer on the 141 Mediterranean Sea (Table 1, Table S1). The terrestrial cyanolichens were sampled at 142 Kesselfalklamm, Austria. Collema auriforme and Leptogium lichenoides were 143 sampled in the shaded humid zone near to a river whereas Collema crispum and 144 Collema flaccidum were collected from rocks in an exposed dry zone (Table1, Table 145 S1, Fig. 1). Lichens were sampled using a sterile scalpel and gloves, placed in 146 sterile bags and stored at -80 °C. 147 DNA extraction 148 Genomic DNA was extracted using the DNeasy PowerPlant Pro DNA Isolation Kit 149 (Qiagen S.A.S., Courtaboeuf, France). Lysis was achieved by first grinding the 150 lichens to a powder with liquid nitrogen using a sterile pestle and mortar. The powder 151 was added to the lysis tubes of the kit following the protocol according to the 152 manufacturer’s instructions, including a heating step of 65°C for 10 min before the 153 addition of the RNase A solution. Homogenization was achieved using a standard 154 vortex equipped with a flat-bed vortex pad. DNA quality was verified by agarose gel 155 electrophoresis and DNA was quantified using the Quant-iT™ PicoGreen® dsDNA 156 Assay Kit (Invitrogen, Thermo-Fisher Scientific Inc., Courtaboeuf, France) according 157 to manufacturer’s instructions. 158 PCR amplification of 16S rRNA genes and illumina sequencing 159 Bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragments were amplified using the primer pair 341F 160 (CCTACGGGNGGCWGCAG) and 805R (GACTACHVGGGTATCTAATCC) which 161 show the best combination of and phylum coverage (Klindworth et al., 2012). 162 The 341F primers were tagged at the 5’ end with different 7 bp tags for each sample, 163 and that were chosen from a set of tags designed to be robust to substitution,

6 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 6, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

164 deletion and insertion errors incurred in massively parallel sequencing (Faircloth & 165 Glenn, 2012). We also included in parallel a control consisting of DNA from a 166 synthetic mock community (Mock) of 20 bacterial species containing equimolar 167 (even) rRNA operon counts (HM-782D; Genomic DNA from Microbial Mock 168 Community B, Even, Low Concentration, BEI Resources, Manassas, VA. This 169 standard is now obtainable from LGC Standards S.a.r.l., Molsheim, France; 170 reference ATCC® MSA-1002™). Between 1-10 ng of each DNA sample (or 1 µl of 171 Mock DNA) were amplified in duplicate 10 µl reactions containing 1X KAPA 2G Fast 172 Ready Mix (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and 0.5 µM of each primer. The PCR 173 cycling conditions were 95 °C for 3 min followed by 25 cycles of 95°C for 15s, 55 °C 174 for 15s and 72 °C for 2s, and a final extension of 72 °C for 30s. Duplicate reactions 175 were pooled and PCR amplification verified by gel electrophoresis. To normalise the 176 samples before pooling and sequencing, the Sequalprep Normalization Plate (96) kit 177 (Invitrogen) was used according to manufacturer’s instructions. After binding, 178 washing and elution, the 37 environmental samples and the mock DNA sample were 179 pooled into one tube. The clean-up of the PCR amplicon pool was achieved with the 180 Wizard SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System (Promega, Charbonnières-les-Bains, 181 France) according to manufacturer’s instructions with elution in 30 µl of molecular 182 biology grade water (Merck). DNA was quantified with the Quant-iT PicoGreen 183 dsDNA Assay kit (Invitrogen) according to manufacturer’s instructions. Approximately 184 350 ng DNA was pooled with 700 ng of barcoded PCR products from a different 185 project (sequencing the 16S rRNA genes of marine bacterioplankton) and sent out to 186 the sequencing company Fasteris (Geneva, Switzerland) for library preparation and 187 sequencing (described below). Library preparation involved ligation on PCR using the 188 TruSeq DNA Sample Preparation Kit (Illumina, San Diego, CA) according to 189 manufacturer’s instructions except that 5 PCR cycles were used instead of 10 cycles. 190 The library was sequenced on one Illumina MiSeq run using the 2 x 300 bp protocol 191 with MiSeq version 3.0 chemistry and the basecalling pipeline MiSeq Control 192 Software, RTA and CASAVA-1.8.2. The error rate was measured 193 by spiking the library with about 0.5 % of a PhiX library and mapping the reads onto 194 the PhiX reference genome. 195 Sequence pre-processing 196 Paired-end illumina sequence data was processed with a custom pipeline 197 (Supplementary Information) using mainly the USEARCH-64 version 8 package

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198 (Drive5; Tiburon, CA) with some commands from QIIME version 1.9.1 (Caporaso et 199 al., 2010) and mothur version 1.33.3 (Schloss et al., 2009). Analysis of the Mock data 200 set first allowed us to calibrate the different steps of the sequence processing 201 pipeline ensuring that the assigned OTUs reflected as closely as possible the defined 202 composition of the sample and allowed us to reveal potential sequencing artifacts 203 (errors, contamination). To minimise errors and reduce over-inflation of diversity, the 204 following criteria were chosen in the pre-processing steps; a) zero mismatches 205 allowed in the overlapping region when merging the paired end reads, b) quality 206 filtering was carried out after merging using a stringent expected error of 1.0 (Edgar 207 & Flyvbjerg, 2015), c) zero mismatches allowed in the barcode when demultiplexing, 208 d) exact matches to both primers required, e) removal of singleton sequences that 209 are expected to have errors and that increase the number of spurious OTUs (Edgar, 210 2013). Sequence data was submitted to the European Nucleotide Archive under the 211 study number: PRJEB23513. 212 Sequence data analysis 213 OTUs were defined with the UPARSE algorithm, part of the USEARCH-64 214 package, which clusters sequences with >97% identity to OTU centroid sequences 215 (representative sequences that were selected based on their rank of read abundance 216 after dereplication) and that simultaneously removes chimeras (Edgar, 2013). 217 Subsequent analysis steps were performed in QIIME or MACQIIME version 1.9.1. 218 OTU was assigned with the RDP classifier using the GreenGenes OTU 219 database (gg_13_8_otus) defined at 97% identity. For the lichen dataset, the OTU 220 table was filtered to remove eukaryotic, archaeal and organelle sequences 221 (chloroplast, mitochondria). Due to the presence of the lichen photobiont, a large 222 number of cyanobacterial sequences were recovered. The OTU table was filtered to 223 separate non- sequences from the cyanobacteria sequences. The 224 representative sequences were aligned using the PYNAST aligner in QIIME and the 225 13_8 GreenGenes alignment (Supplementary Information), and the OTU table was 226 further pruned by removing non-aligning OTUs. Data exploration and analysis was 227 carried out with QIIME (see Supplementary Information) and with the packages 228 Phyloseq (McMurdie & Holmes, 2013) and vegan (Oksanen et al., 2013) in R (R. 229 Core Team, 2015). One-way ANOSIM tests were performed using the vegan 230 package in R to determine significant differences between groups. To examine the 231 patterns of phylogenetic relatedness of the lichen-associated bacterial communities,

8 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 6, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

232 the mean pairwise distance (MPD) and the mean nearest taxon distance (MNTD) 233 were calculated using the Picante package in R (Kembel et al., 2010). Whereas MPD 234 calculates the mean pairwise distance between all OTUs in each community, MNTD 235 calculates the mean distance between each OTU in the community and its closest 236 relative. To test the significance of the phylogenetic community structure observed, 237 the standardized effect size (SES) was then calculated for the MPD and MNTD to 238 compare the observed pattern to that of a null model of phylogeny. We used the null

239 model of randomly shuffling the tip labels. SES(MPD) and SES(MNTD) are equivalent to - 240 1 times the Net Relatedness Index (NRI) and the Nearest Taxon Index (NTI) 241 respectively, reported previously (Webb, Ackerly & Kembel, 2008). 242 Since analysis of the Mock data revealed the presence of contaminant and/or 243 sequences from the other project, potentially due to cross-talk during the Illumina 244 sequencing, OTUs exhibiting a low uniform abundance amongst all the samples were 245 filtered out by calculating between-sample variance on a relative abundance OTU 246 table and removing those OTUs with a variance of < 1 x 10-6.

247 Comparison of sequences with cultured species, and the NBCI database 248 The 16S rRNA gene sequences of 421 bacterial cultures isolated previously from the 249 lichens L. pygmaea, L. confinis, Roccella fuciformis and Xanthoria sp. (Parrot et al., 250 2015) were compared to the sequences from this study by blastn (Altschul et al., 251 1997) queries against a database of the representative OTU sequences in the 252 current study using the standalone version of NCBI blast. In addition, the sequences 253 top 30 OTUS from marine or terrestrial lichens were subject of blastn queries against 254 the NCBI Genbank nt database. 255 256

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257 Results 258 Control of sequence quality 259 Analysis of the 20-species mock community allowed us to check for potential 260 contamination and also to refine our bioinformatic analysis pipeline to obtain the 261 expected number and identity of OTUs. Using the criteria described in the methods 262 and the algorithm UPARSE of the USEARCH package for clustering OTUs at 97% 263 identity, we obtained 19 OTUs (identical to the reference sequence (Edgar, 2013)) 264 which perfectly corresponded to the mock community (the two Staphylococcus sp. 265 strains cluster together) plus 17 other OTUs. The 19 mock OTUs accounted for 266 99.5% of the sequences. Of the remaining 17 OTUs, 4 were affiliated to the 267 Cyanobacteria class and 3 to chloroplasts that were the dominant OTUs found 268 respectively in the lichen samples (this study) and in samples from the offshore 269 bacterioplankton study loaded in the same MiSeq run. This is evidence of the 270 sequencing artifact termed “cross-talk” which can be due to index misassignment 271 where reads from one sample are wrongly assigned the indexes from a different 272 sample. The remaining 10 mock OTUs accounted for 0.24% of the reads. 273 After the different sequence processing steps, a total of 509656 good quality 274 sequences obtained were clustered into 93 cyanobacterial OTUs and 2519 bacterial 275 OTUs. Examination of the OTU tables of the study samples also revealed cross-talk 276 OTUs as observed in the mock sample that were mainly attributed to chloroplasts 277 and cyanobacteria. This problem was partly resolved by removal of these lineages 278 for subsequent analysis of the heterotrophic bacterial diversity but there were 279 nevertheless some bacterioplankton OTUs present at consistently low abundances in 280 all the lichen samples, which are dominant in the samples from different study (e.g., 281 Pelagibacteraceae). Therefore, for certain analyses, the OTU table was filtered for 282 low variance OTUs which allowed the removal of spurious OTUs. 283 Marine and terrestrial lichen-associated bacterial communities 284 For clarity, we use the term “marine lichens” to refer to the two Lichina species 285 that are strictly marine, and “terrestrial lichens” to refer to Xanthoria sp. and the other 286 lichens isolated from Austria. The term “coastal lichens” includes Xanthoria with the 287 Lichina group since it is subject to maritime influences. “inland lichens” refers to the 288 Austrian lichens. As expected, for cyanolichens, a high proportion of the sequences 289 were affiliated to the Cyanobacteria lineage (including chloroplasts) and ranged from

10 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 6, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

290 30-60% for the marine lichens and from 40-85% for the terrestrial lichens (Fig. S1). 291 The cyanobacterial sequences were then removed for further analyses. The number 292 of non-cyanobacteria bacterial sequences per sample ranged from 2759 for C. 293 auriforme to >14000 sequences for Xanthoria sp. 294 The alpha diversity of the non-cyanobacteria bacterial communities associated 295 with the marine lichens, in the adjacent seawater, and in terrestrial lichens was 296 compared using different species diversity and richness indices calculated with a 297 rarefied OTU table (Fig. 2). The lichens C. auriforme and L. lichenoides showed the 298 highest diversity and species richness, followed by C. crispum and C. flaccidum, and 299 the diversity of these inland lichens was significantly higher than the coastal lichen

300 group composed of L. confinis and L. pygmaea and Xanthoria sp. (t33 = 3.35, p= 301 0.001 for Inverse Simpson). L. pygmaea exhibited higher species richness than L. 302 confinis (observed OTUs and ACE) but showed lower diversity as indicated by the 303 Shannon and Inverse Simpson diversity metrics. 304 The taxonomic diversity at the phylum level of the non-cyanobacteria bacteria 305 associated with the different lichens is shown in Fig. 3. Bacteroidetes and 306 were the dominant phyla in all the lichens. Ten further phyla were 307 present at varying abundances in the different lichen species. The marine Lichina 308 lichens showed a higher relative abundance of Bacteroidetes (>50% of the 309 sequences) and Chloroflexi compared to the terrestrial cyanolichens that were 310 dominated by Proteobacteria. The chlorolichen Xanthoria sp. collected from either 311 the Mediterranean Sea or Atlantic Ocean coastlines were also associated with the 312 and the candidate phylum FBP that were either absent, or 313 associated at very low abundance with the other lichens. Interestingly, the phylum 314 Thermi comprising many thermophilic species were predominantly associated with 315 the coastal Lichina and Xanthoria lichens. 316 A comparison of the lichen beta diversity as assessed by Bray-Curtis dissimilarity 317 of a rarefied OTU table and hierarchical clustering is shown in Fig 4A. The 318 dendrogram shows a clear separation of the marine cyanolichens from the terrestrial 319 cyanolichens with the seawater samples also well separated from the marine lichen 320 cluster. The data was then reanalyzed, focusing on the most abundant OTUs 321 associated with the lichens where the seawater samples were removed from the 322 dataset and low variance OTUs were filtered from the OTU table reducing the OTU 323 number from 2519 to 367. Despite this filtering step, the clustering of the lichen

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324 communities of the reduced dataset (Fig S2) was similar to that of the full dataset 325 (Fig 4A). The diversity of the bacterial communities associated with the terrestrial 326 chlorolichen Xanthoria sp. clustered according to sampling location (Atlantic Ocean 327 or Mediterranean Sea coast) with the Xanthoria sp. cluster being more closely related 328 to the other terrestrial lichens than to the strictly marine lichens. ANOSIM tests 329 confirmed that the separation of strict marine versus terrestrial lichen groups, and 330 also the separation of the L. confinis and L. pygmaea groups were highly significant 331 (R = 1, p= 0.001 for both tests). This is contrast to the ANOSIM test between the 332 terrestrial inland lichen genera Collema and Leptogium that indicated no significant 333 difference between the groups (R = 0.239, p = 0.064). The bacterial communities 334 associated with C. auriforme were actually more closely related to those of L. 335 lichenoides than the other two species of the same genus, C. crispum and C. 336 flaccidum that formed a separate cluster. The latter two species were isolated from a 337 dryer, exposed rocky area whereas C. auriforme and L. lichenoides were collected 338 from a humid forest gorge. The significant separation of these two groups (humid 339 versus dry/exposed) was also significant (R = 0.582, p = 0.017). 340 At the OTU level, the marine or terrestrial lichens were associated with very 341 different bacterial communities as illustrated in Fig. 4B, which show the 30 most 342 abundant OTUs for either the terrestrial or the marine lichens. The closest relatives of 343 the OTU representative sequences assessed by blastn are presented in Table S3. 344 Over 80% of the representative OTU sequences showed >97% identity hits to 345 previously deposited sequences with OTUs with lower % identity belonging mainly to 346 the Bacteroidetes phylum. Interestingly, one Chloroflexi OTU (OTU_12) that was 347 recovered from L. confinis showed only a very low 91% identity to its closest 348 previously described relative (Table S3) and half of the closest relatives for the 349 marine lichen OTUs originated from marine intertidal outcrops (Couradeau et al., 350 2017). 351 The genus Sphingomonas (Alphaproteobacteria) was highly represented in the 352 terrestrial cyano- and chlorolichens whereas a gammaproteobacterial OTU 353 dominated in L. pygmaea. Although this OTU was also present in L. confinis, it was 354 not the most abundant in the latter where a more even distribution of the OTUs was 355 reflected by the diversity metrics. Despite a relative spatial proximity of Xanthoria and 356 Lichina lichens in the Atlantic coast, there were very few shared OTUs among those 357 genera. One OTU affiliated to the candidate phylum FBP was present at low

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358 abundance in L. confinis and Xanthoria sp. but not in L. pygmaea. The microbial 359 communities recovered from the L. pygmaea samples also showed very few OTUs in 360 common with the seawater that was sampled in proximity to this lichen. This 361 suggests that the L. pygmaea communities were specifically associated to the lichen 362 and very different from the free-living seawater communities. 363 Interestingly the Lichina lichens were associated with several OTUs belonging to 364 the Rhodothermaceae family (Bacteroidetes) and the Deinococcus-Thermus and 365 Chloroflexi phyla of which some members are meso- or thermophilic, highly resistant 366 to UV radiation (Deinococcus) and phototrophic (Chloroflexi). Although the Lichina 367 communities showed a similar genus-level composition with closely related OTUs (eg 368 Lewinella, Tunicatimonas, Rubricoccus) present in both lichens, these OTUs often 369 showed an inverse pattern of abundance between the two species, where OTUs in 370 genera present in both species tended to have higher counts in only one of the 371 species. 372 Phylogenetic analysis has already been used to show that environmental filtering 373 rather than competitive effects structure marine bacterial communities (Pontarp et al., 374 2012). Similarly, to examine the potential ecological processes that could have 375 influenced the community structure of the non-Cyanobacteria bacteria in association 376 with the lichen species, the level of phylogenetic clustering (indicative of 377 environmental filtering) or over-dispersion (competitive effects) was estimated from a 378 calculation of the Net Relatedness Index (NRI) and the Nearest Taxon Index (NTI; 379 (Webb, Ackerly & Kembel, 2008). With the exception of the NRI for communities 380 associated with L. confinis, there was evidence of phylogenetic clustering of the 381 bacterial OTUs for the coastal lichens as observed by a positive NRI and NTI. For the 382 inland lichens, significant NRI values were only observed for L. lichenoides and C. 383 auriforme that were collected from the humid forest gorge, but none of the inland 384 lichens showed significant phylogenetic clustering at the tree tips for the NTI (Table 385 2). 386 387 L. confinis and L. pygmaea shared and specific bacterial OTUs 388 To explore the degree of overlap between the Lichina bacterial communities in 389 more detail, the OTUs consistently shared within the genus, and potentially indicative 390 of a core microbiome were identified, grouped at the family (or order when 391 identification not possible) level and represented considering their sequence counts

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392 (Fig 5A). Setting a very conservative threshold of 100% presence in all replicates of 393 both lichen species, only 33 OTUs were shared by both species (Fig 5A). Of these, 394 15 were attributed to the Bacteroidetes families Saprospiraceae, Flammeovirgaceae 395 and Rhodothermaceae (genera Lewinella, Tunicatimonas and Rubricoccus 396 respectively) that accounted for around 60% of the sequences amongst the core 397 OTUs and that showed similar relative abundances (Fig 5A). Other families included 398 the Chloroflexi Caldilineaceae, and the Alphaproteobacteria families 399 Rhodobacteraceae and Erythrobacteraceae that were more abundant in L. confinis 400 and a Gammaproteobacteria OTU in L. pygmaea. 401 When considering OTUs associated to each lichen species, 38 and 42 OTUs 402 were specific (i.e. present at 100% of the replicates) for L. confinis and L. pygmaea 403 respectively, and their relative abundances are shown in Fig 5B and 5C, grouped at 404 the family (or order when identification was not possible at the family level) level. The 405 distribution and relative abundance of the family level was very different between the 406 two species. For L. confinis, the most noticeable differences included a higher 407 relative abundance of Ellin6075, Bacteroidetes Cytophagaceae and 408 Flammeovirgaceae and the Chloroflexi order Rosiflexales. For L. pygmaea, the 409 Actinobacteria family Euzebyaceae, and the Bacteroidetes families Saprospiraceae 410 and Flavobacteriaceae dominated the specific core OTUs. 411 To determine the OTUs that showed statistically significant differential 412 abundances between L. confinis and L. pygmaea, we used the DESeq2 negative 413 binomial Wald test (Love, Huber & Anders, 2014). One third of the OTUs tested (120 414 out of 367 OTUs) showed a significantly different distribution between the two lichens 415 (P < 0.001) and those OTUs with a mean abundance > 20 are shown in Fig 6. These 416 OTUs were distributed in several shared families (left side of the plot) but we also 417 observed families differentially distributed and that were distinct for each lichen. 418 Interestingly, 29 out of the 33 core Lichina OTUs showed a statistically significant 419 different distribution. 420 Xanthoria sp. collected above L. confinis on the littoral belt only shared one core 421 OTU with the Lichina lichens that was assigned to the Gammaproteobacteria OTU, 422 dominant in L. pygmaea. The Xanthoria sp. sampled from the Atlantic or 423 Mediterranean shared 24 core OTUs (Fig S3) dominated by the Proteobacteria 424 (mostly Alpha- and Betaproteobacteria) accounting for over 50% of the sequences 425 for each species. The Xanthoria sp. sample collected from the dryer Mediterranean

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426 coast showed higher relative abundances of Acidobacteria and the family 427 Acetobacteraceae compared to the sample from the Atlantic coast. 428 Cyanobacteria diversity 429 The marine and terrestrial cyanolichens were associated with a different major 430 photobiont. For L. confinis and L. pygmaea, the vast majority of photobiont 431 sequences (97% of the reads) clustered into a single Rivularia sp. OTU whereas 432 Collema species and Leptogium lichenoides were each associated with a different 433 Nostoc OTU. The marine lichens were associated with a higher diversity of 434 cyanobacteria than the terrestrial lichens where cyanobacteria other than primary 435 photobiont accounted for up to 10% of the cyanobacterial sequences (Fig S3). 436 Comparison to previously cultured strains from coastal lichens and C. 437 auriforme 438 The 16S rRNA gene sequences of previously isolated strains originating from L. 439 confinis, L. pygmaea, Roccella fuciformis, and C. auriforme were compared to the 440 sequences in this study to investigate the representation of the culturable fraction 441 relative to the bacterial diversity assessed by cultivation-independent molecular 442 method. Forty-two strains out of the 421 previously isolated strains had 16S rRNA 443 sequence identities > 97% to the OTUs identified in this study (Table S4). The 444 majority of the OTUs that had 16S rRNA sequences with high identity (>99%) to the 445 strains were of low abundance (< 0.5% of total sequences) in our study. The two 446 exceptions included the abundant OTU_37 (Sphingomonas; ~4-14% of total 447 sequences) that shared 99% identity to a strain isolated from C. auriforme, and 448 OTU_144 (Microbacteriaceae) which comprised up to 1.65% of sequences in 449 Xanthoria sp. (Atlantic) and with 99% sequence identity to a strain isolated from L. 450 pygmaea. Finally, one of the top 30 most abundant OTUs from the marine lichens 451 (OTU_21, Erythrobacteraceae) shared 98% sequence identity with a strain isolated 452 from L. pygmaea. The majority of the OTUs with ≤98% sequence identity to the 453 strains were also in low relative abundance in the lichen bacterial communities 454 (<1%).

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455 Discussion 456 The largest body of lichen research has been undeniably devoted to terrestrial 457 species. We address this knowledge gap in applying for the first time, next 458 generation Illumina sequencing to characterize the bacterial communities associated 459 to strict marine cyanolichens and a maritime chlorolichen occupying different areas of 460 the littoral zone. Whereas the two marine Lichina species, occurring in two 461 neighbouring zones, share some common OTUs, many are specific to each species 462 and there was very little overlap between the marine and maritime lichen bacterial 463 communities. 464 Lichina bacterial communities 465 A comparison of the Lichina bacterial community diversity allowed us to identify 466 potential core OTUs and specific OTUs for each species, reflecting the potential 467 adaptation of L. confinis or L. pygmaea to their different littoral zone. The Lichina 468 bacterial communities shared 15 of 33 core OTUs that were attributed to only 3 469 Bacteroidetes genera, Rubricoccus, Lewinella, and Tunicatimonas, as well as several 470 Alphaproteobacteria OTUs from the Erythrobacteraceae and Rhodobacteraceae 471 families, and a Chloroflexi OTU. Tunicatimonas pelagia which belongs to the 472 Flammeovirgaceae family was initially isolated from a sea anemone (Yoon et al., 473 2012) and other members of this family are known to associate with corals (Apprill, 474 Weber & Santoro, 2016). Lewinella belongs to the Saprospiraceae family that was 475 found as an epiphyte of red algae (Miranda et al., 2013) and on filamentous bacteria 476 identified as Chloroflexi (Xia et al., 2008), and isolates from this genus were also 477 cultured from marine lichens (Sigurbjornsdottir et al., 2014; Parrot et al., 2015). 478 Notably, the bacterial groups associated with the Lichina lichens were also similar to 479 those found in the surface layer of hypersaline microbial mats (Schneider et al., 480 2013) and in epiphytic communities on the red macroalga Porphyra umbilicalis 481 (Miranda et al., 2013). The co-occurrence of these different bacteria in microbial mats 482 and on various marine hosts suggests that they have adapted to similar 483 environmental conditions together. In functioning as a consortium, this communities 484 could potentially increase their robustness and that of their hosts by expanding their 485 range of metabolic capacities and resistance mechanisms to stress (Hays et al., 486 2015). 487 Interestingly there were multiple Lewinella, Tunicatimonas and Rubricoccus OTUs 488 in each lichen species and OTUs that were affiliated to the same genus were

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489 differentially distributed between the two Lichina species (e.g., see the Lewinella 490 OTUs 6, 7, 24 and 61 in Fig 4). This could suggest that these bacterial genera belong 491 to ecologically differentiated pools as was already shown for the for the Rivularia 492 cyanobionts of the same lichen species (Ortiz-Álvarez et al., 2015). This mechanism 493 of niche adaptation is thought to occur in extreme environments and could also apply 494 to the bacteria associated to these marine lichens, which became adapted to the 495 intertidal or supratidal zones. The presence of these closely related clusters was also 496 supported by the positive and significant NTI values (Webb et al., 2002) indicative of 497 environmental filtering effects on the Lichina bacterial communities. 498 Rocky tidal zones are thought to be one of the most stressful habitats on earth 499 (Miller, Harley & Denny, 2009) and both marine lichen species bacterial communities 500 were associated with several groups of bacteria that are known to be heat- or 501 radiation-resistant. These include several OTUs identified as core OTUs that were 502 affiliated to the genus Rubricoccus of the Rhodothermaceae (Park et al., 2011), to 503 the phylum Chloroflexi (that contains moderately thermophilic/thermophilic groups), 504 and to the family Truperaceae in which the isolated species are thermophilic and 505 nearly as radiation resistant as Deinococcus (Albuquerque et al., 2005). 506 Despite sharing 33 core OTUs, the two marine Lichina species L. confinis and L. 507 pygmaea were associated with significantly different bacterial communities at the 508 OTU level and remarkably the Bray Curtis dissimilarity distance between these 509 communities was greater than that of the distance between the communities 510 associated with two different terrestrial cyanolichen genera, Collema auriforme and 511 Leptogium lichenoides (Fig 4A). This difference was also reflected in the high number 512 of OTUs (>120) that displayed a significantly different abundance between the two 513 species (Fig 6). These significant differences were despite the relatively short 514 distance that separated the species on the vertical gradient (height on the littoral 515 belt). Other studies show evidence that height on the littoral zone is the most 516 important factor explaining the rocky coastline species variance with slope, exposure, 517 substrate and orientation explaining less (Chappuis et al., 2014). L. confinis occurs 518 higher up on the littoral belt, being mostly exposed to the air and would be subject to 519 higher temperatures and UV radiation. This could explain why some thermophilic 520 groups such as Chloroflexi and the Actinobacterial genus Rubrobacter that include 521 thermophilic species resistant to radiation (Ferreira et al., 1999) were four-fold and 522 13-fold respectively more abundant in L. confinis than L. pygmaea. The bacterial

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523 groups that were more abundant in L. pygmaea when compared to L. confinis 524 included the Gammaproteobacteria OTU related to a seagrass epiphyte 525 Granulosicoccus (Kurilenko et al., 2010) an OTU affiliated to the Actinobacterial 526 genus Euzebya, recovered from a (Kurahashi et al., 2010) and several 527 Flavobacteriaceae and Rhodobacteraceae OTUs. Marine epiphytic Actinobacteria, 528 and Phaeobacter (Rhodobacteraceae), associated with a variety of marine plants 529 and , are known to produce bioactive molecules (Rao et al., 2007; Valliappan, 530 Sun & Li, 2014). Such molecules have been shown to inhibit settlement of algal 531 spores, fungi and larvae and may contribute to the host’s defence against biofouling 532 (Rao et al., 2007). As L. pygmaea is immersed for half the day, it may be more 533 subject to biofouling than L. confinis and hence the biofilm communities covering the 534 L. pygmaea may play an important role in the inhibition of attachment of undesirable 535 organisms. 536 Despite the significantly different bacterial communities observed in the two 537 vertically segregating Lichina species in the littoral belt, we did not find clear 538 evidence for significant differences between the samples of each species across 539 horizontal distances. This was indicated by beta-diversity analyses both on the whole 540 or filtered dataset which included the most abundant OTUs and which revealed a 541 lack of clustering of the replicates according to site. A lack of geographical influence 542 on the lichen associated bacterial communities was also observed in other studies 543 where sampling was carried out on a small spatial scale (Grube et al., 2009a; Bates 544 et al., 2011). In a study where lichen sampling was carried out at a much greater 545 spatial scale, across the North Amercian continent, a significant effect of 546 geographical location on bacterial communities associated with a specific species 547 was observed (Hodkinson et al., 2012). 548 Low culturability of marine lichen associated bacteria 549 Culturing of bacterial isolates from novel environments is essential for natural 550 product discovery and the harsh environments, in which the Lichina lichen species 551 are found, could provide a wealth of bioactive products, particularly from the 552 potentially thermophilic/radiation resistant bacteria identified in our study. However, 553 only 42 OTUs showed significant similarity to the 247 cultured isolates previously 554 isolated (Parrot et al., 2015), even when lowering the similarity threshold to 97% and 555 the 3 OTUs that were 100% identical to isolates were present at low abundances in 556 the dataset. Whereas the Bacteroidetes phylum accounted for around 53% of the

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557 16S rRNA sequences from the marine lichens, only 4 strains from this phylum were 558 cultured. These results can be partly explained by the culturing strategy which was 559 intentionally skewed towards the isolation of Actinobacteria by using Actinobacteria 560 Isolation Agar (Parrot et al., 2015). The low culturability of bacteria from certain 561 environments is well known (Amann, Ludwig & Schleifer, 1995) and our results 562 further highlight the importance of parallel culture independent molecular methods to 563 gain a more complete picture of the microbial diversity. Such results, combined with 564 metagenomic approaches to target gene clusters of interest (Vester, Glaring & 565 Stougaard, 2015) and novel isolation strategies incorporating lichen extracts into 566 culture media (Biosca et al., 2016) should improve the bioprospecting of marine 567 lichens. Nevertheless the fact that some of the previously cultured strains were 568 relatively close to the community described by our study, suggests that some of the 569 bacteria associated with lichens might not be as recalcitrant to culture when 570 compared to bacteria from other environments, highlighting the interest of these 571 associations as sources of cultured microbial diversity. 572 Marine versus terrestrial lichens: challenging the paradigm of 573 Alphaproteobacterial dominance 574 Here we show that bacterial communities in two strictly marine lichen species are 575 completely different from those of five terrestrial lichen species and that this 576 difference is immediately visible at the phylum level with 50% of the sequences 577 assigned to Bacteroidetes in Lichina, with a lower proportion of Proteobacteria (20- 578 30%), the converse of the inland lichens from the humid wooded zone (15-19% 579 Bacteroidetes and 50% Proteobacteria). At the OTU level, the differences were even 580 more marked, with no overlap between the marine and terrestrial cyanolichens 581 studies. The Xanthoria sp. communities (sampled above L. confinis on the rocky 582 shore) only shared a single OTU with the Lichina lichens (Gammaproteobacteria 583 OTU_15) which was only present at low abundance (0.05%). High abundances of 584 Bacteroidetes were also observed in a different marine lichen Hydropunctaria maura 585 (Bjelland et al., 2011) and supports the idea that this group of bacteria are major 586 components of the bacterial communities associated with marine lichens, whereas 587 Alphaproteobacteria are well confirmed by several studies as the dominant group 588 associated with terrestrial lichens (Cardinale et al., 2008; Grube et al., 2009b; Bates 589 et al., 2011; Mushegian et al., 2011; Hodkinson et al., 2012).

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590 In marine environments Bacteroidetes are specialized in degrading polymeric 591 organic matter and are adapted for an attached lifestyle by the production of 592 adhesion proteins (Fernández-Gómez et al., 2013). Although Bacteroidetes are often 593 reported attached to particles they are also known to be epiphytic on a variety of 594 marine algae from temperate regions and often co-occur with Proteobacteria (Lachnit 595 et al., 2011; Burke et al., 2011; Wahl et al., 2012; Miranda et al., 2013). Although 596 high abundances of Alphaproteobacteria sequences have been detected associated 597 with the green alga Ulva australis from Botany Bay NSW (Burke et al., 598 2011), Bacteroidetes was the most abundant group associated with the red alga 599 Porphyra umbilicalis (Miranda et al., 2013) in Maine, US and with red and brown 600 algae sampled during summer months in Kiel Bight, Germany (Lachnit et al., 2011), 601 and it appears this bacteria in this phylum might be an important member of epiphytic 602 and perhaps epilichenic communities, although this will need to be shown by 603 microscopy based (FISH) approaches 604 Other differences between the marine and terrestrial lichens included the relative 605 abundance of the non-cyanobacterial sequences compared to the photobiont 606 sequences that were as low as 20% in C. auriforme but accounted for 50-60% in the 607 marine lichens. The marine lichen H. maura also had a higher estimated 608 concentration of bacterial cells in the lichen thallus compared to inland lichens 609 (Bjelland et al., 2011). These observations suggest that bacteria associated with 610 marine lichens might play a greater role in the functioning of the lichen symbiosis but 611 this would need to be confirmed by microscopy analyses and for example, metabolite 612 profiling. 613 Several roles of lichen-associated bacteria have been suggested and include 614 nutrient supply (e.g. by nitrogen fixation and phosphate scavenging), nutrient 615 recycling, protection against UV radiation, resistance to abiotic and biotic 616 environmental stressors, and thallus degradation (Eymann et al., 2017). Unlike 617 terrestrial lichens, marine lichens would need to be adapted to much more variable 618 gradients of UV light, salinity (osmotic) stress, heat, desiccation and mechanical 619 stresses from wave action and therefore we would expect the associated bacteria to 620 play a role in resisting these particularly variable conditions. Although marine lichens 621 can provide their own UV protection by the production of a parietin derivative in the 622 case of Xanthoria and mycosporine-like amino acids in the case of the Lichina sp. 623 (Roullier et al 2011), it is possible that the bacteria that colonize the surface of the

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624 lichen like a biofilm (Cardinale et al., 2012b) could provide a protective layer 625 conferred by other photoprotective pigments. The majority of the identified OTUs 626 were affiliated to pigmented bacterial families, and several potentially phototrophic 627 bacterial groups such as the aerobic anoxygenic phototropic (AAP; e.g. Chloroflexi, 628 Erythrobacteraceae, Rhodobacteraceae) or rhodopsin-containing bacteria (e.g. 629 Flavobacteriaceae, (Yoshizawa et al., 2014), Rhodothermaceae (Vavourakis et al., 630 2016), Deinococcus-Thermus) that contain carotenoids may have a photoprotective 631 role. 632 To alleviate salt stress and resist desiccation, marine lichens and their 633 photobionts accumulate compatible solutes that are mainly sugars, sugar alcohols 634 and complex sugars, lowering the water potential and hence reducing water 635 movement out of the cells (Delmail et al., 2013). Indeed L. pygmaea which is 636 immersed in seawater for half the day was shown to resist salt stress better than 637 Xanthoria aureola, which is located higher up on the littoral belt and only receives 638 sea spray (Delmail et al., 2013). Marine biofilms are considered to be analogous to a 639 multicellular organism in that it functions like a “second skin”, replacing the hosts top 640 layers as the new interface between the host and the environment (Wahl et al., 641 2012). Such a function could be imagined for the bacteria associated with L. 642 pygmaea that could contribute to the osmotic adaptation of the lichen by maintaining 643 a layer of cells in osmotic balance with the surrounding water. This could be achieved 644 by different mechanisms including the synthesis and uptake of organic osmolytes 645 and by using a sodium pumping rhodopsin as inferred from Bacteroidetes 646 metagenomes recovered from hypersaline lakes (Vavourakis et al., 2016). While this 647 is speculative, bacterial communities inhabiting the rhizosphere of coastal plants 648 were shown to confer salt stress acclimatization to the plants, potentially though the 649 use of ion and compatible solute transporters (Yuan et al., 2016). 650 In cyanolichens or tripartite lichens, fixed carbon and nitrogen are supplied to the 651 mycobiont by the photobiont whereas phosphate was shown to be a limiting 652 macronutrient since cyanolichen growth was stimulated after immersing the thalli in a 653 phosphate solution (McCune & Caldwell, 2009). This was also supported by 654 metagenomic and proteomic analysis of two terrestrial lichens that attributed an 655 important role of phosphate solubilization genes to the associated microbial 656 community, more specifically to the Alphaproteobacteria (Grube et al., 2015; 657 Sigurbjornsdottir, Andresson & Vilhelmsson, 2015). The Lichina lichens may be less

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658 subject to phosphate limitation because L. pygmaea is immersed in seawater for half 659 a day and L. confinis receives sea spray in a coastal area that is not particularly 660 phosphorus limited. Nevertheless, some of the associated bacteria may play a role in 661 phosphate uptake from the seawater or in the recycling and transfer of phosphate 662 from senescing parts of the thallus to the growing apices as was shown for Cladonia 663 (Hyvärinen & Crittenden, 2000). Such nutrient recycling may be carried out in part by 664 the Bacteroidetes that are known to produce a wide range of enzymes capable of 665 degrading polymeric organic matter including glycoside hydrolases and peptidases 666 (Fernández-Gómez et al., 2013). 667 668 Conclusions 669 Here we show the striking differences between bacterial communities associated with 670 marine and terrestrial lichens and even between marine lichens inhabiting different 671 littoral zones. This represents a first piece in the puzzle in understanding the role of 672 the associated bacteria in the marine lichen symbiosis, which is lagging much behind 673 that of the terrestrial lichens. To begin to elucidate the functions of these 674 communities, future work should include a multidisciplinary approach combining 675 microscopy techniques to determine the spatial organization of the core microbiome 676 members and “omic” approaches to understand their functional role. An integrative 677 study using metagenomics, metatranscriptomics and metabolomics could be 678 performed on L. pygmaea during high and low tide to reveal a wealth of information 679 on how the symbiotic partners interact and adapt to these extreme conditions. This 680 could be a particularly interesting endeavor with lichens from the littoral zones, as 681 these are possibly the pioneering habitats for the symbiosis-assisted conquest of 682 land. Moreover, such information would not only further our understanding of the 683 marine lichen symbiosis but could also guide future bioprospecting efforts. 684 685 Acknowledgements 686 We thank the BIO2MAR platform ( for providing 687 technical support and access to instrumentation. The following reagent was obtained 688 through BEI Resources, NIAID, NIH as part of the Human Microbiome Project: 689 Genomic DNA from Microbial Mock Community B (Even, Low Concentration), v5.1L, 690 for 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing, HM-782D.

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931 Table 1. Lichen species analysed in this study 932 Lichen Mycobiont Photobiont Habitat Date Location species Lichina Lichinomycetes, Cyanobacteria: Upper 16.10.13 Erquy, France confinis , Rivularia sp eulittoral (Atlantic Ocean) Lichina Lichinomycetes, Cyanobacteria: Lower 16.10.13 Erquy, France pygmaea Lichinales, Rivularia sp eulittoral (Atlantic Ocean) Lichinaceae Xanthoria Lecanoromycetes, Green alga: Mesic- 16.10.13 Erquy, France sp. Teloschistales, Trebouxia sp supralittoral (Atlantic Ocean) Teloschistaceae Xanthoria Lecanoromycetes, Green alga: Xeric- 06.03.14 Banyuls sur mer, sp. Teloschistales, Trebouxia sp supralittoral France Teloschistaceae (Mediterranean Sea) Collema Lecanoromycetes, Cyanobacteria: Terrestrial 26.11.13 Kesselfalklamm, auriforme Nostoc sp. Austria Collemataceae Collema Lecanoromycetes, Cyanobacteria: Terrestrial 26.11.13 Kesselfalklamm, crispum Peltigerales Nostoc sp. Austria Collemataceae Collema Lecanoromycetes, Cyanobacteria: Terrestrial 26.11.13 Kesselfalklamm, flaccidum Peltigerales Nostoc sp. Austria Collemataceae Leptogium Lecanoromycetes, Cyanobacteria: Terrestrial 26.11.13 Kesselfalklamm, lichenoides Peltigerales Nostoc sp. Austria Collemataceae 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954

34 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 6, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

955 Table 2. Levels of phylogenetic clustering of the lichen associated bacterial communities as 956 measured by the Nearest Taxon Index (NTI) and the Net Relatedness Index (NRI). 957 Lichen species N° taxa NRI runs > null NTI runs > null Coastal Brittany lichens L. confinis 271 1.42 905 2.30** 991 L. pygmaea 281 3.49** 998 1.68* 951 Xanthoria sp. Atlantic 224 3.13** 997 2.15* 978 Inland Austrian lichens L. Lichenoides 294 2.15* 983 0.12 552 C. auriforme 260 2.53** 992 1.73 944 C. crispum 226 1.32 902 0.92 825 C. flaccidum 205 1.05 859 1.61 938 958 959 * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 960 961

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962 963 Figure Legends 964 Figure 1. Examples of lichens collected in this study. A, Lichina pygmaea; B, Lichina 965 confinis; C, Xanthoria sp.; D, Collema auriforme; E, L. confinis sample cluster; 966 Xanthoria sp. sample cluster.

967 Figure 2. Alpha diversity of bacterial communities associated with marine, maritime 968 and terrestrial lichens and in seawater. The richness and diversity metrics for the 969 lichen species or seawater bacterial communities are displayed by position on the 970 littoral zone for the marine and maritime lichens and the inland lichens from Austria 971 are plotted as the Terrestrial category. X.sp.Atl, Xanthoria sp. sampled from the 972 Atlantic Ocean coast and X.sp.Med, Xanthoria sp. sampled from the Mediterranean 973 Sea coast.

974 Figure 3. Phylum-level phylogenetic diversity of the bacteria associated to different 975 lichen species or in seawater.

976 Figure 4. A. Beta diversity of bacterial communities associated with the lichens or 977 seawater assessed by Bray Curtis dissimilarity and average linkage clustering, B. 978 Heatmap showing the relative abundance of the 30 most abundant OTUs among 979 either marine or terrestrial lichens. The mean sequence abundance was calculated 980 for each lichen sample cluster or the seawater samples. Cf, C. flaccidum; Cc, C. 981 crispum; Ca, C. auriforme; Ll, L. lichenoides; XaM, Xanthoria sp. from the 982 Mediterranean coast; XaA, Xanthoria sp. from the Atlantic coast; SW, seawater; Lc, 983 L. confinis; Lp, L. pygmaea. 984 Figure 5. Comparison of relative abundance of core OTUs present in: A. all 985 replicates of both L. confinis and L. pygmaea (Lichina core) or B. the core OTUs 986 specific for either species grouped at the family level. When family level assignment 987 was not available, the next higher taxonomic level assigned was used. C. Venn 988 diagram showing the number of core OTUs shared or specific to L. confinis and L. 989 pygmaea. 990 Figure 6. OTUs with significantly different relative abundances in L.confinis and L. 991 pygmaea assessed by the DESeq2 package using an adjusted p value < 0.001 and a 992 base mean threshold > 20. NA : OTUs not assignable at the particular taxonomic 993 level (order or family).

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D E F Observed ACE Shannon Simpson

0.99 5.5 500 LichenSpecies2 C.auriforme 600 0.98 C.crispum 5.0 . The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not preprint (which for this holder The copyright C.flaccidum 400 0.97 L.confinis L.Lichenoides 4.5 L.pygmaea 400 300 0.96 Seawater

Alpha Diversity Measure Diversity Alpha X.sp.Atl X.sp.Med this version posted February 6, 2018. February posted this version CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license CC-BY-NC-ND

; 4.0

a 0.95 200

200 0.94 Sublittoral Lower Upper Mesic Xeric Terrestrial Mesic Xeric Terrestrial Sublittoral Lower Upper Sublittoral Lower Upper Mesic Xeric Terrestrial Sublittoral Lower Upper Mesic Xeric Terrestrial − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − supralittoral supralittoral supralittoral supralittoral supralittoral supralittoral supralittoral supralittoral eulittoral eulittoral eulittoral eulittoral eulittoral eulittoral eulittoral eulittoral doi:

LittoralZone2 certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under in perpetuity. It is to display the preprint bioRxiv a license who has granted peer review) is the author/funder, certified by bioRxiv preprint bioRxiv bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 6, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Relative abundance %

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Acidobacteria L. confinis Actinobacteria L. pygmaea Bacteroidetes Chloroflexi Seawater FBP Xanthoria sp. Atl Alphaproteobacteria Xanthoria sp. Med Betaproteobacteria L. lichenoides Deltaproteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria C. auriforme [Thermi] C. crispum Lichen species and water samples Other C. flaccidum bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 6, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.



OTU Class Order Family Genus 15 Gammaproteobacteria 19 Alphaproteobacteria Rhodobacterales Rhodobacteraceae Jannaschia Prot. 21 Alphaproteobacteria Sphingomonadales Erythrobacteraceae 60 Alphaproteobacteria Rhodobacterales Rhodobacteraceae 94 Alphaproteobacteria Sphingomonadales Erythrobacteraceae 5 Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae 40 Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae 7 [Saprospirae] [Saprospirales] Saprospiraceae Lewinella 6 [Saprospirae] [Saprospirales] Saprospiraceae Lewinella 24 [Saprospirae] [Saprospirales] Saprospiraceae Lewinella 61 [Saprospirae] [Saprospirales] Saprospiraceae Lewinella 17 Cytophagia Cytophagales Flammeovirgaceae Tunicatimonas 10 Cytophagia Cytophagales Flammeovirgaceae Tunicatimonas 75 Cytophagia Cytophagales Flammeovirgaceae Tunicatimonas Bact. 26 Cytophagia Cytophagales Flammeovirgaceae 20 Cytophagia Cytophagales Flammeovirgaceae 186 Cytophagia Cytophagales Cytophagaceae Persicitalea 250 [Rhodothermi] [Rhodothermales] Rhodothermaceae Rubricoccus 50 [Rhodothermi] [Rhodothermales] Rhodothermaceae Rubricoccus 25 [Rhodothermi] [Rhodothermales] Rhodothermaceae Rubricoccus 147 [Rhodothermi] [Rhodothermales] Rhodothermaceae Rubricoccus 79 [Rhodothermi] [Rhodothermales] Rhodothermaceae Rubricoccus 42 [Rhodothermi] [Rhodothermales] Rhodothermaceae Rubricoccus Chloro. 12 Chloroflexi [Roseiflexales] 46 Anaerolineae Caldilineales Caldilineaceae Actino. 18 Nitriliruptoria Euzebyales Euzebyaceae Euzebya 104 Acidimicrobiia Acidimicrobiales C111 Therm. 9 Deinococci Deinococcales Trueperaceae 76 Deinococci Deinococcales Trueperaceae Acido. 47 [Chloracidobacteria] RB41 Ellin6075 37 Alphaproteobacteria Sphingomonadales Sphingomonadaceae Sphingomonas 59 Alphaproteobacteria Sphingomonadales 51 Alphaproteobacteria Sphingomonadales 16 Alphaproteobacteria Rhodospirillales Acetobacteraceae 34 Alphaproteobacteria Rhodospirillales Acetobacteraceae 137 Alphaproteobacteria Rhodospirillales Acetobacteraceae 468 Alphaproteobacteria Rhodospirillales Acetobacteraceae Prot. 54 Alphaproteobacteria Rhizobiales 165 Alphaproteobacteria Rhizobiales Beijerinckiaceae 44 Alphaproteobacteria Rhizobiales Methylobacteriaceae Methylobacterium 66 Alphaproteobacteria Rhizobiales Hyphomicrobiaceae 95 Alphaproteobacteria Rhodobacterales Rhodobacteraceae Rubellimicrobium 182 Alphaproteobacteria Caulobacterales Caulobacteraceae Mycoplana 187 Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Comamonadaceae Methylibium 100 Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Comamonadaceae Methylibium Acido. 31 [Chloracidobacteria] RB41 Ellin6075 63 Actinobacteria Actinomycetales Pseudonocardiaceae Pseudonocardia Actino. 122 Actinobacteria Actinomycetales Micromonosporaceae 138 Actinobacteria Actinomycetales Pseudonocardiaceae Pseudonocardia 22 Cytophagia Cytophagales Cytophagaceae Spirosoma 112 Cytophagia Cytophagales Cytophagaceae Spirosoma 174 Cytophagia Cytophagales Cytophagaceae Spirosoma 23 Cytophagia Cytophagales Cytophagaceae Hymenobacter Bact. 29 Cytophagia Cytophagales Cytophagaceae Hymenobacter 235 [Saprospirae] [Saprospirales] Chitinophagaceae 39 [Saprospirae] [Saprospirales] Chitinophagaceae 77 [Saprospirae] [Saprospirales] Chitinophagaceae 130 [Saprospirae] [Saprospirales] Chitinophagaceae Flavisolibacter FBP 32 Arma. 28 [Fimbriimonadia] [Fimbriimonadales] [Fimbriimonadaceae] Fimbriimonas bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 6, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.


Core OTUs at family level for the Lichina genus Core OTUs at family level specific for L. confinis or L. pygmaea 100% 100% f__Trueperaceae f__Trueperaceae c__Gammaproteobacteria f__[Chthoniobacteraceae] o__Spirobacillales o__Myxococcales 90% 90% f__OM27 f__Erythrobacteraceae f__Haliangiaceae f__Rhodobacteraceae c__Deltaproteobacteria f__Pirellulaceae 80% 80% c__Gammaproteobacteria f__Phycisphaeraceae f__Comamonadaceae f__Caldilineaceae o__Sphingomonadales f__Sphingomonadaceae 70% f__Flammeovirgaceae 70% f__Saprospiraceae f__Erythrobacteraceae f__Acetobacteraceae f__Rhodothermaceae f__Rhodobacteraceae f__Intrasporangiaceae 60% 60% f__Hyphomonadaceae f__C111 o__Rhizobiales o__Rhodospirillales 50% 50% p__FBP f__Phycisphaeraceae C f__Caldilineaceae Relative abundance Relative abundance 40% 40% o__[Roseiflexales] L. confinis f__A4b f__Flavobacteriaceae f__Cryomorphaceae 30% 30% 38 f__Flammeovirgaceae f__Cytophagaceae f__Saprospiraceae 20% 20% f__Rhodothermaceae 33 f__Rubrobacteraceae f__Euzebyaceae 10% 10% f__Kineosporiaceae 42 f__JdFBGBact f__Intrasporangiaceae 0% 0% o__Actinomycetales L. confinis L. pygmaea L. confinis L. pygmaea f__Ellin6075 L. pygmaea Lichen species Lichen Species bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 6, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

L. pygmaea 1010

OrderOrder [Saprospirales] Flavobacteriales 55 Rhodobacterales Cytophagales Deinococcales Rhodospirillales Sphingomonadales Euzebyales Rhizobiales 0 0 [Rhodothermales] fold change Caldilineales log2FoldChange 2 Acidimicrobiales log Rubrobacterales Actinomycetales RB41 −5 -5 [Roseiflexales] SBR1031 NA

-10−10 L. confinis Saprospiraceae Flavobacteriaceae Hyphomonadaceae Flammeovirgaceae Trueperaceae Erythrobacteraceae Sphingomonadaceae Euzebyaceae Rhodothermaceae Caldilineaceae Rhodobacteraceae C111 Rubrobacteraceae Cryomorphaceae Kineosporiaceae Cytophagaceae Ellin6075 A4b NA
