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Biological Effects of Contaminants in Mussels (Mytilus trossulus) Transplanted in Northern Baltic Sea Coastal Areas

Raisa Turja

Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences Department of Environmental Sciences Division of Aquatic Sciences University of

Academic dissertation

To be presented for public examination with the permission of the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences of the University of Helsinki in Auditorium 132, Siltavuorenpenger 1A on 20!" of March 2015 at 12 noon.

Helsinki 2015 SUPERVISOR Dr. Kari K. Lehtonen Finnish Environment Institute, Marine Research Centre, Helsinki,

THESIS SUPPORT GROUP Prof. Jussi Kukkonen Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Dr. Olli-Pekka Penttinen Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland

REVIEWERS Prof. Jussi Kukkonen Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Prof. Ketil Hylland Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, Norway

OPPONENT Prof. Ibon Cancio Department of Zoology and Cell Biology, University of the Basque Country, Spain

CUSTOS Prof. Jorma Kuparinen Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland

FUNDED BY Onni Talas Foundation

© Raisa Turja 2015 ISBN 978-951-51-0818-0 (paperback) ISBN 978-951-51-0819-7 (PDF) Dissertationes Schola Doctoralis Scientiae Circumiectalis, Alimentariae, Biologicae. Universitatis Helsinkiensis. Cover photo: Raisa Turja CONTENTS

LIST OF ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS AND AUTHOR’S CONTRIBUTION 6 ABBREVIATIONS 7 ABSTRACT 8 1. INTRODUCTION 10 1.1 Contaminants in the aquatic environment 13 1.1.1 Toxicity of chemicals 13 1.2 Biomarkers as tools for studying the e'ects of contaminants 16 1.2.1 Biomarkers representing di'erent biological functions 21 1.2.2 Antioxidant defense biomarkers 24 1.3 Baltic mussels and the mussel caging approach 25 1.4 Aims of the study 28

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 29 2.1 Collection and caging of the mussels 29 2.2 Biomarker assays 31 2.3 Chemical analysis and accumulation of contaminants in mussels 31 2.4 Statistical analysis 33

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 33 3.1 Seasonal variability in biomarkers and tissue contaminant levels in native mussels 33 3.2 General observations in caged mussels 38 3.2.1 Lysosomal membrane stability 39 3.2.2 Remarks on glutathione reductase activity and condition index 39 3.3 Speci&c biomarker patterns observed in di'erent caging experiments 40 3.3.1 Archipelago Sea, Turku (I) 41 3.3.2 Gulf of Finland, Porvoo (II) 43 3.3.3 Gulf of Finland, Helsinki (III) 43 3.3.4 Bothnian Sea, Gävle and Sundsvall (IV) 46 3.4 *e e'ects of low salinity (II, IV) 48



*is thesis is based on the following original publications and manuscripts, which are referred to in the text by the Roman numerals.

I Lehtonen KK, Turja R , Budzinski H, Devier M-H. Chemical contaminants and biomarker responses in caged and native mussels in the Archipelago Sea (SW Finland, Baltic Sea), submitted manuscript to Marine Environmental Research.

RT was responsible of the &eld sampling of native mussels and most of the biomarker analyses in both caged and native mussels, performed most of the data analyses and partic- ipated in manuscript preparation.

II Turja R , Soirinsuo A, Budzinski H, Devier M-H, Lehtonen KK. 2013. Biomarker responses and accumulation of hazardous substances in mussels ( Mytilus trossulus ) trans- planted along a pollution gradient close to an oil terminal in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C-Toxicol. Pharmacol. 157, 80-92.

RT participated in the designing of the study, performed most of the biomarker analyses and all the data analyses, and was the main person responsible for the manuscript preparation.

III Turja R , Lehtonen KK, Meierjohann A, Brozinski J-M, Vahtera E, Soirinsuo A, Sokolov A, Snoeijs P, Budzinski H, Devier M-H, Pääkkönen J-P, Viitasalo M, Kronberg L.*e mussel caging approach in assessing biological e'ects of wastewater treatment plant discharges in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea), submitted manuscript to Marine Pollution Bulletin.

RT designed the study with KL and J-PP, was responsible of the &eld study, performed the analysis of antioxidant defense biomarkers, GST, AChE and CI, was responsible for the CEA analysis, performed most of the data analyses, and was the main person responsible for the manuscript preparation.

IV Turja R , Höher N, Snoeijs P, Baršienė J, Butrimavičienė L, Kuznetsova T, Kholodkevich S, Devier M-H, Budzinski H, Lehtonen KK. 2014. A multibiomarker approach to the assessment of pollution impacts in two Baltic Sea coastal areas in Sweden using caged mussels (Mytilus trossulus ). Sci. Total Environ. 473, 398-409.

RT designed the study with KL, performed the &eld sampling and participated in the &eld study, was responsible for most of the biomarker analyses and data analysis of the biomark- ers, and was the main person responsible for the manuscript preparation.


AC assessment criteria HBCD hexabromocyclododecane AChE acetylcholinesterase HCB hexacholorobenzene B(a)A benzo(a)antracene LC lethal concentration B(a)P benzo(a)pyrene LMS lysosomal membrane stability BAC background concentration LPO lipid peroxidase BSAP Baltic Sea Action Plan MBT monobutyltin CAT catalase MDA malondialdehyde CEA cellular energy allocation MSFD Marine Strategy Framework CI condition index Directive CSB computational systems biology MT metallothionein DBT dibutyltin NRR neutral red retention DDE dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene OCP organochlorine pesticides DDT dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons DEHP diethylhexyl phtalate PBDE polybrominated diphenyl ethers dw dry weight PCB polychlorinated biphenyls Ea energy available Phe phenanthrene EC e'ective concentration POCIS polar organic chemical Ec energy consumption integrative sampler EE2 ethinylestradiol POP persistent organic pollutant EROD ethoxyresoru&n-O-deethylase PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid ETS electron transport system ROS reactive oxygen species Fluo >uoranthene SfG scope for growth GES Good Environmental Status SOD superoxide dismutase GPx glutahione peroxidase SoS stress on stress GR glutathione reductase TBT tributyltin GSH glutathione WHO World Health Organization GSSG glutathione disul&de VTG vitellogenin GST glutathione S-transferase ww wet weight H.chlor heptachlor WWTP wastewater treatment plant

7 Biological Effects of Contaminants in Mussels (Mytilus trossulus ) Transplanted in Northern Baltic Sea Coastal Areas

Raisa Turja University of Helsinki, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Academic dissertation in Environmental Sciences 2015


Biomarkers measured in organisms are sensitive molecular, cellular or individual level biological e'ects, which can be applied as “early-warning” signals of environmental contamination before damage occurs at population, community or ecosystem levels. In this thesis, a suite of biomarkers and tissue concentrations of chemicals were measured in mussels ( Mytilus trossulus ) as indicators of environmental pollution. *e mussels were transplanted in specially made cages in coastal areas of the northern Baltic Sea in>uenced by di'erent types of contamination and environmental factors. *e aims of the research were to apply the biomarker approach to (1) assess the impact of contaminants on the health status of mussels, (2) investigate the e'ects of seasonal variability in biotic and abiotic factors, and low salinity, and (3) validate the usefulness of the mussel caging method for biomonitoring of chemical contamination in the northern Baltic Sea. *e results showed marked biomarker responses coinciding with higher concentrations of contaminants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), organotins and trace metals, in mussels caged at the most contaminated study sites. At the contaminated sites, for example the enzymatic biomark- ers of the antioxidant defense system indicated higher stress level, which was closely linked to elevated level of DNA-damage, increased biotransformation activity and decreased general health status of the cells. Biomarker responses and tissue contaminant concentrations were also related to the seasonal variability in growth and especially in soft tissue weight of the mussels. In the spring, high tissue contaminant levels were connected to low soft tissue weight and increased activities of biotrans- formation and antioxidant enzymes. In the northern Baltic Sea the mussels almost fully deplete their energy stores during the winter; in the spring mussels e@ciently feed on the fresh phyto- plankton, which forms the main source of energy for their reproduction, energy metabolism and growth. Natural environmental factors caused less variation in the biomarker responses in the late summer and autumn suggesting that this time period is the most suitable for studying contami- nant induced e'ects in mussels. More pronounced e'ects were observed in mussels exposed jointly to low salinity and chemical contamination, indicating that increased environmental stress reduces the tolerance of mussels towards anthropogenic pressures. *is work showed that the mussel caging approach is an e@cient biomonitoring method to assess biological e'ects and tissue accumulation of complex mixtures of contaminants as long as the e'ects of seasonal variability and low salinity are taken into account.

Keywords: biomarkers, biological e'ects, oxidative stress, contamination, Mytilus , mussel caging, marine environment, Baltic Sea, biomonitoring, ecotoxicology

8 Haitallisten aineiden biologiset vaikutukset häkitetyissä sinisimpukoissa (Mytilus trossulus ) pohjoisen Itämeren rannikkoalueilla

Raisa Turja Helsingin yliopisto, Bio- ja ympäristötieteellinen tiedekunta, Väitöskirja ympäristötieteestä 2015


Biomarkkerit ovat eliöistä mitattavia molekyyli-, solu- ja yksilötason biologisia vaikutuksia, joita voidaan käyttää ympäristön likaantumisen varhaisina varoitussignaaleina ennen kuin vaikutuk- set näkyvät populaatio-, yhteisö- ja ekosysteemitasoilla. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin useita biomarkkerivasteita ja haitallisten aineiden kudospitoisuuksia Itämeren sinisimpukassa (Myti- lus trossulus), jota käytettiin mallieliönä arvioitaessa kemikaalien vaikutuksia meriympäristöön. Sinisimpukat sijoitettiin erikoisvalmisteisissa häkeissä erilaisen kemikaalikuormituksen sekä vaih- televien ympäristötekijöiden vaikutusten alaisina oleville tutkimusalueille pohjoisen Itämeren rannikoilla. Työn tavoitteena oli (1) tutkia sinisimpukoiden terveyttä käyttäen useaa eri biomark- kerimenetelmää yhdessä haitallisten aineiden kudospitoisuusmääritysten kanssa, (2) tutkia bioottisten ja abioottisten ympäristötekijöiden vaikutuksia biomarkkerivasteisiin, ja (3) arvioida häkitysmenetelmän käyttökelpoisuutta haitallisten aineiden vaikutusten ja pitoisuuksien ympä- ristöseurannassa pohjoisella Itämerellä. Tutkimuksissa havaittiin merkittäviä biologisia vaikutuksia likaantuneemmille alueille häki- tetyissä sinisimpukoissa, joista mitattiin myös korkeampia haitallisten aineiden kuten polysyklisten aromaattisten hiilivetyjen (PAH), polykloorattujen bifenylien (PCB), orgaanisten tinayhdisteiden ja raskasmetallien kudospitoisuuksia. Likaantuneilla alueilla esimerkiksi antioksidanttipuolustuk- sen entsymaattiset biomarkkerit osoittivat suurempaa stressitasoa ja ne kytkeytyivät tiiviisti myös muihin mitattuihin biomarkkerivasteisiin kuten lisääntyneisiin DNA-vaurioihin, vierasainehajo- tuksen kiihtymiseen ja solun yleisen terveydentilan heikentymiseen. Haitallisten aineiden biologiset vaikutukset ja kudospitoisuudet kytkeytyivät myös vuoden- aikaisvaihtelun aiheuttamiin muutoksiin sinisimpukoiden kasvussa ja etenkin pehmytkudosten painossa. Keväällä mitatut korkeat kudospitoisuudet olivat yhteydessä alhaiseen pehmytkudosten painoon, aktivoituneeseen vierasaineiden hajotukseen sekä kohonneisiin antioksidanttivasteisiin. Pohjoisella Itämerellä sinisimpukat kuluttavat energiavarantonsa vähiin pitkän talven aikana, joten kasviplanktonin kevätkukinnasta saatava ravinto on avainasemassa niiden lisääntymisen, energia-aineenvaihdunnan ja kasvun kannalta. Loppukesällä ja syksyllä luonnollisten ympäristö- tekijöiden aiheuttama biomarkkerivasteiden vaihtelu oli sinisimpukoissa vähäisintä, josta voidaan päätellä tämän ajankohdan sopivan parhaiten haitallisten aineiden vaikutusten seurantaan. Suurimmat biologiset vasteet mitattiin sinisimpukoissa, jotka altistuivat yhtä aikaa alhaiselle suolapitoisuudelle ja haitallisille aineille; tämä viittaa siihen, että korkeampi ympäristötekijöiden aiheuttama stressi vähentää niiden kykyä sietää ihmisen toiminnasta johtuvaa kemikaalipainetta. Tutkimus osoitti, että sinisimpukoiden häkitys on tehokas menetelmä Itämeren kemikaalikuor- mituksen vaikutusten arvioinnissa kun otetaan huomioon vuodenaikaisvaihtelun ja alhaisen suolapitoisuuden vaikutukset mitattaviin muuttujiin.

Avainsanat: biomarkkerit, biologiset vaikutukset, haitalliset aineet, sinisimpukka, Mytilus trossulus, simpukkahäkitys, ympäristöseuranta, Itämeri, ekotoksikologia


Anthropogenic chemical contami- of integrated monitoring approach nants and their impacts on organisms was addressed in the European Union possess a constant threat for the marine Marine Strategy Framework Directive environment and especially coastal (MSFD) Descriptor 8 “Concentra- and estuarine ecosystems (HELCOM tions of contaminants are at levels not 2007; 2010). For many decades, assess- giving rise to pollution e'ects” (Lyons ments of ecological risk of pollutants et al. 2010). in marine ecosystems have been solely In the Baltic Sea region, the Baltic based on chemical analysis of environ- Sea Action Plan (BSAP) of the Helsinki mental samples, i.e., concentrations Commission (HELCOM) signed in of selected hazardous substances in 2007 commits the coastal govern- sediments, water and organisms. ments and the European Commission However, a routine analysis of thou- to carry out actions to achieve the sands of di'erent toxic chemicals and “Baltic Sea in Good Environmental a countless number of their mixtures Status” (Backer et al. 2010). Hazard- continuously released into the environ- ous substances and their e'ects is one ment is clearly too expensive and even of the ecological objectives emphasized impossible task (Devier et al. 2011). in the BSAP, and the development of Importantly, chemical analysis alone tools for monitoring biological e'ects does not provide information on the in Baltic Sea organisms is urgently adverse biological e'ects of pollutants required. Compared to other Euro- on the health of organisms. pean sea areas, research on the e'ects *is has been recognized already of pollutants has been relatively scarce for many years (Depledge 1994; Lowe in the Baltic Sea (Lehtonen and Schie- et al. 1995) and the integrated use of dek 2006). *e BEEP (Biological chemical analysis and several biologi- E'ects of Environmental Pollution in cal e'ects methods has been suggested Marine Coastal Ecosystems, EU 5FP) as a holistic approach to assess ecosys- was the &rst extensive international tem health (Cajaraville 2000, Davies project to develop tools for biolog- and Vethaak 2012). In aquatic ecotoxi- ical e'ects monitoring in the Baltic cology, a considerable amount of work Sea (Lehtonen et al. 2006). *e work has been done to develop suitable was continued in the BEAST project biomarkers, which have now become (Biological E'ects of Anthropogenic an important tool in risk assessment of Chemical Stress: Tools for the Assess- the marine environment (ICES 2011). ment of Ecosystem Health, Baltic Sea Recently, to achieve “Good Environ- BONUS program supported by the mental Status” (GES) the importance EU) by identifying a set of core and

10 candidate biomarkers and integrated brackish-water ecosystem with very strategies for the use of, e.g., BSAP and few bioindicator species (Box 1). MSFD (Lehtonen et al. 2014). Underlining the importance of this, *e Baltic Sea has long been the potentially higher sensitivity of stated as the most contaminated Baltic Sea organisms to pollution over sea in the world. Risk assessment of full marine species has been recognized contaminants requires special atten- for decades (Carr and Linden 1984; tion in this sea area due to the unique Tedengren et al. 1988).

BOX 1. Baltic Sea is unique in terms of its hydrography and biology

The Baltic Sea is one of the largest brackish water bodies in the world and is situated in northern Europe between 10°-30°E and 54°-66°N. The average depth of only 55 m makes the Baltic Sea much shallower compared to world’s oceans. The deepest basins with a maximum depth of 495 m are located in the Baltic Proper region. The Baltic Sea receives fresh water from numerous rivers of the catchment area approximately four times larger than the sea itself. Connected to the northern Atlantic only via narrow and shallow Danish Straits, the water exchange in the Baltic Sea is restricted. Unique features of the area’s hydrography are the decreasing water salinity from south to north and the permanent halocline prevailing at the depths of ca. 60 to 100 m separating the surface water from the more saline deep water layer. A Halocline prevents vertical water circulation and therefore oxygenation of the deep water is limited to occasional inflows of fully marine water from the North Sea (Leppäranta and Myrberg 2009). Hypoxic or anoxic conditions are often present in areas below the halocline, limiting the life of bottom communities (Ojaveer et al. 2010).

During the summer the water column is also stratified by temperature, and the thermocline at the depth of 10-30 m separates the warm upper water layer from the underlying cold waters. Rapid cooling of the surface water in the autumn allows the mixing of the layers. During the winter a partial or complete ice-cover is formed in the northern parts of the sea, and in the Gulf of Finland and the Bothnian Sea it lasts for 2-4 months. Marked temperature fluctuations during the season are characteristic especially to the northern part with warm- ing of the surface water from the close to zero temperatures observed in early spring to temperatures ca. 20°C in July (Leppäranta and Myrberg 2009). The sudden cooling of the surface water is caused by upwelling, which temporarily

11 mixes the water masses in vertical direction. Upwelling is typically caused by winds and most often occurs in waters close to the coast (Omsted et al. 2014).

The fauna of the Baltic Sea comprises marine and freshwater species, making salinity often the most critical factor determining the distribution range of the inhabiting organisms. As a consequence of adaptation to brackish water condi- tions that cause osmotic stress, many of the marine species are “dwarfed”, i.e., markedly reduced in size compared to the same species in oceanic envi- ronments. Moreover, the biodiversity of higher organisms is markedly lower compared to true marine or freshwater ecosystems, and many of the vital ecosystem services are supported by only one key species (Koivisto and West- erbom 2012, Ojaveer et al. 2010). Organisms are also challenged by restricted light and low temperature conditions that slow down the entire ecosystem during the winter. Extensive peak in primary production in the spring and the abundant daylight as well as rising water temperature in the summer activate the feeding and metabolism of heterotrophic organisms.

The above mentioned characteristics make the Baltic Sea sensitive to distur- bances, and the sea is su+ering from eutrophication, toxic algal blooms, hazardous substances, acidification, spreading of anoxic bottoms and the introduction of harmful alien species (HELCOM 2010a,b). Health of the Baltic Sea has been assessed using several integrative classification tools (HELCOM 2010a). Regarding concentrations of hazardous substances, biodiversity and eutrophication the status of the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic Proper have recently been classified as “moderate”, “poor” or “bad” in a five step criteria from “high” to “bad”. A “good” status in regard to some of the aspects assessed was recorded only for the Gulf of Bothnia (Fig. 2.1 in HELCOM 2010b). Inte- grated assessment and classification of ecosystem health showed “poor” to “bad” status for the coastal area of Finland as well as to most parts of the Baltic Proper (Fig. 2.2 in HELCOM 2010b). Objectives of the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) agreement with regard to hazardous substances have been stated as 1) “Concentrations near background levels”, 2) “No health problems among animals”, and 3) “All fish safe to eat” (HELCOM 2007). The integrated assess- ment showed that a lot of work is still remaining to achieve these objectives. Monitoring of the concentrations of hazardous substances should be strength- ened and the agreed development of HELCOM biological e+ects monitoring needs to be undertaken in all HELCOM Contracting Parties (HELCOM 2010b).

12 1.1 Contaminants in the contaminants” such as pharmaceuti- aquatic environment cals, hormones, personal care products and arti&cial sweeteners discharged in Industrial and municipal waste waters waste waters have been shown to cause and agricultural runo' shipping activ- biological e'ects in aquatic organisms ities, and atmospheric input are the in very small concentrations (Boxall et main pathways for chemical contam- al. 2012, Lange et al. 2012). *e “new” inants into the marine environment. threats also include nanomaterials and *e Baltic Sea receives high amounts microplastics (Andrady 2011, Klaine of contaminants from a large urban et al. 2008). Furthermore, marked and agricultural catchment area, which increases in oil tanker tra@c generate is home to over 85 million people. a growing threat of accidents and oil Deleterious e'ects of trace metals spillages, especially in the northern and “classical” persistent organic Baltic Sea (HELCOM 2010). Finally, pollutants (POPs) such as polycyclic natural compounds such as algal toxins aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), poly- can exert harmful e'ects in aquatic chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, organisms (Ferrao-Filho and Kozlo- organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), wsky-Suzuki 2011, Kankaapää et al. polybrominated diphenyl ethers 2007). (PBDEs) and organotins (tributyltin [TBT]) on the local ecosystem has 1.1.1 Toxicity of chemicals been recognized for long time. Even though the manufacturing and use of Toxicity of chemicals in the aquatic a number of “old” persistent chem- environment depends on their icals, such as PCBs, DDT and TBT chemical and physico-chemical charac- have now been banned they continue teristics, and biological processes. *e to exist in the environment and possess bioavailability and spatial distribution a constant threat for decades to come of contaminants are highly regulated (Nizzetto et al. 2010). by hydrodynamics, biogeochemical *e currently not regularly moni- processes and environmental condi- tored contaminants shown to induce tions (e.g., redox, pH, salinity and toxic e'ects include phthalates (e.g., temperature) prevailing in the ecosys- diethylhexyl phthalate, DEHP), per>u- tem. Accumulation of chemicals orinated compounds, nonylphenols depends on the chemical properties and nonylphenol ethoxylates, octyl- of the compound (e.g., polarity, lipo- phenols and octylphenol ethoxylates, philicity, molecular weight) as well as and short chained chlorinated para@ns various biological processes regulating (HELCOM 2009, 2010). Moreover, food availability and the e@ciency of many of the so-called “emerging metabolism and excretion (Dachs and

13 Mejanelle 2010, Schwarzenbach et al. and transcriptional networks across 2006). Contaminant uptake mech- organisms in di'erent phyla. Even anisms and their rates vary among pharmaceuticals designed to act on and within species, and depend on very speci&c molecules in humans or development stage, season, behavior, domestic animals do exert harmful reproductive condition, and history e'ects in non-target species through of contaminant exposure. *e main these evolutionally conserved molecu- routes of contaminant uptake in lar and cellular mechanisms. Examples &sh and aquatic invertebrates are via include responses of oxidative stress, gills (respiration) and liver or diges- heat-shock, DNA-damage, hypoxia, tive gland/hepatopancreas (feeding). and endoplasmic reticulum stress path- Chemicals cross cellular membranes ways, all of which are present in all in several ways including passive or cell types of an organism. Typically facilitated di'usion, active trans- these pathways are activated at concen- port through membrane proteins, trations of chemicals signi&cantly and endocytosis (Newman and lower than those leading to adverse Clements 2008). e'ects at the organism level (Krewski In the aquatic environment, et al. 2010). bioavailable trace metals are present in Toxicology and ecotoxicology are a soluble form and are therefore mainly challenged by potential mixture e'ects accumulated via gills (Marigómez et of chemicals, which has been ranked al. 2002). For organic contaminants, as one of the major sources of uncer- increased hydrophobicity is described tainty for appropriate management by an increased octanol/water parti- strategies by governmental, industrial tioning coe@cient (K ow ) value. and academic stakeholders (Backhaus *e more hydrophobic (high K ow ) 2014). In the environment, organisms compounds have a high tendency to (including humans) are not exposed partition from water to the lipids of to single isolated chemicals but to the organisms, are more readily asso- complex chemical mixtures where the ciated with particulate matter both in individual components are often pres- water and sediments, and are there- ent at very low (non-toxic, no-e'ect) fore generally accumulated in the food concentrations. However, additive and enriched along the food chains and synergistic e'ects can render such (Walker 2009). mixtures dangerously potent (Smith *e e'ects of chemicals at the et al. 2013). For example, when &ve level of individual cells are mediated estrogenic compounds were mixed in by a &nite, small number of innate concentrations all below levels at which toxicity pathways involving recep- their individual e'ects can be detected, tor molecules, downstream signaling their cumulative impact on &sh was

14 detrimental (Brian et al. 2005). (Backhaus 2014). Furthermore, in Despite of the common occur- &eld conditions the full composition rence of chemical mixtures, even new of the toxic mixture is rarely known legislations such as EU REACH focus and the exposed organisms are always almost exclusively on the assessment subjected also to natural environ- of individual chemicals (EU 2009). mental stressors such as temperature, Concentration addition and indepen- salinity, oxygen and pH >uctuations, dent action have been the two major infections, shortage of food, predation, concepts available to predict mixture reproductive cycle, etc., which need to toxicity on the basis of known toxic- be considered in the assessment of the ities of individual components in the observed biological e'ects. mixture (Backhaus and Faust 2012; Information on the toxicity of Brian et al. 2005). However, limited chemicals is mostly derived from stan- amount of experimental and modelled dardized laboratory toxicity tests using data is available on mixture toxicity selected model species exposed to a e'ects in non-standard species such as range of concentrations of a single ecologically relevant marine organisms chemical. Toxicity testing is routinely

Figure. 1. Di'erent levels of biological organization. Biomarkers are biochemical to whole organism level biological e'ects induced by exposure to contaminants. Detecting changes already at these lower levels of biological organization can help to prevent irreversible damage at the higher levels (from populations to ecosystem).

15 based on selected endpoints such as *e number of chemicals mortality, or sublethal e'ects such as evidently requires new strategies for immobility, reproduction failures or toxicity testing such as preferring malformations in homogenous animal e@cient high throughput in vitro tech- groups. Among the di'erent param- niques in human cells over in vivo eters of toxicity, the widest range of animal studies as well as the use of toxicity data is available as lethal or computational systems biology (CSB) e'ect concentrations to 50% of the for cellular toxicity pathway analysis test organisms (LC 50 and EC 50 , respec- and modelling tools such as “virtual tively) in the external medium (e.g., tissue” models for predicting toxic- water, sediment) (Walker et al. 2001). ity (Bhattacharya et al. 2011). Similar Traditional toxicity testing meth- (high throughput and computational) ods rely on conservative extrapolations methodology should be applied and from results on high-dose exposures developed to test and predict the toxic- and therefore often result in question- ity of chemicals and their mixtures in able relevance predicting the risk of di'erent ecologically relevant species chemicals to humans and to the envi- (Moore 2002; Storey and Wu 2013). ronment normally experiencing much lower exposure concentrations. More- 1.2 Biomarkers as tools over, if only critical endpoints such for studying the effects of as lethality are applied, they do not contaminants provide information on e'ects at the target biomolecular sites and the mode Signs of adverse health e'ects have of action of the chemical (Krewski been used throughout the history of et al. 2010). medical practice. Originally the term In the European Union there are “biomarker” comes from the medi- more than 100 000 registered chemi- cal science to describe a measurable cals, of which 30 000 to 70 000 are in indicator such as blood cholesterol daily use (EINECS, European Inven- pro&le connected to relevant clini- tory of Existing Chemical Substances). cal endpoints such as atherosclerosis In the global scale 300 million tons of and heart attack. *e World Health synthetic compounds are annually used Organization (WHO) has de&ned a in industrial and consumer products biomarker as “any substance, structure, and a substantial part of that &nds its or process that can be measured in the way into natural waters (Schwarzenbach body or its products and in>uence et al. 2006). New chemicals are discov- or predict the incidence of outcome ered and described at an enormous rate or disease” (WHO 1993). Most of of more than 30 new chemicals per the biochemical biomarker meth- hour (Backhaus et al. 2012). ods applied in environmental science

16 such as acetylcholinesterase inhibition at population and even at ecosys- (AChE) for exposure to neurotoxic tem levels. More commonly, however, compounds, cytochrome P450 for biomarkers are not speci&c to any detoxi&cation of PAHs and PCBs, contaminant in particular but indicate and the di'erent methods to detect that general stress/toxicity mechanisms genotoxicity (see Table 1) have been have been activated in the exposed adapted from the medical science and organisms. they still are extensively studied and Biomarkers at lower levels of used in humans (Collins et al. 2014; biological organization (molecular, Decleves et al. 2011; Strelitz et al. cellular and individual) are generally 2014). In the future, ecotoxicogenom- reversible and rapid (from hours to ics will most certainly further tighten weeks) responses to environmental the relationship of environmental and and anthropogenic stress, serving as medical biomarker research by provid- early-warning indicators of adverse ing information on gene function in health e'ects before irreversible relation to exposure to toxic chemicals damage occurs at higher organizational (Nikinmaa and Rytkönen 2011; Piña levels (populations, communities, and and Barata 2011). ecosystems) (Lam 2009; Moore et al. In ecotoxicology, biomarkers can 2004) (Fig. 1). be de&ned as a change in a biolog- Since most of the molecular and ical response related to exposure or cellular level biomarkers represent vital toxic e'ect of environmental chemi- cellular functions they generally show cals (Peakall 1994). *e most famous some background levels at all times. ecotoxicological biomarkers include Di'erent biomarkers have charac- the egg-shell thinning in raptors in teristic response pro&les that can be response to DDT and its metabo- increasing, decreasing or bell-shaped; lites resulting in devastating decreases in the latter case the response is in population sizes. As a result, increased until a certain point, followed eggshell thinning is now a widely used by a decrease to the background level marker of organochlorine exposure. or even below (Dagnino et al. 2007). Another well-described ecotoxico- Furthermore, the response time and logical biomarker is imposex, i.e., the intensity is in>uenced by exposure development of male sexual structures conditions, rendering the response in females causing infertility in gastro- curve rarely clearly dose-dependent pod mollusks exposed to TBT (Walker (see Fig. 2). *e highest molecular and et al. 2001). Both of these examples cellular responses are often observed in are exceptional biomarkers due to their low to medium exposure concentra- direct link to a speci&c contaminant tions since high concentrations tend and their clear ecological relevance to collapse the measured biological

17 Figure 2. Hypothetical relationships between health status and biomarker responses in organisms exposed to contaminants (stress syndrome evolution, e.g., in time or increasing concentration) (redrawn from Depledge et al. 1993, Dagnino et al. 2007). Di'erent biomarker response patterns are detected during the stress syndrome evolution, showing the importance of measuring several biomarkers to assess the level of stress.

18 mechanisms (Schmitt et al. 2010). and Coastal Pollution in the Mediterra- *e use of biomarkers in envi- nean Region (MEDPOL) recommend ronmental monitoring and research the use of several suitable biomarkers has been questioned due to their low (listed in Table 1) in biomonitoring ecological relevance and non-linear programs utilizing mussels as senti- dose response curves (Forbes et al. nel species. Additionally, various 2006). To deal with these uncertain- other biomarkers has been applied to ties, instead of measuring one single gain more holistic understanding on biomarker it is strongly advised to use a biological e'ects in response to di'er- selected biomarker battery encompass- ent contamination pro&les (MEDPOL ing biomarkers in di'erent functions 2006, OSPAR 2013). and at di'erent levels of biological Moreover, using the integrated organization. Enzymatic responses are approach and mussels as sentinel species often bell-shaped and therefore other in biomonitoring have been suggested non-bell-shape biomarkers are needed by various authors including Viarengo to describe the intensity of the e'ect et al. (2007) (2-tier approach), Hagger (Dagnino et al. 2007). It is unlikely et al. (2008) (assessing environmental to see signi&cant di'erences in all quality for the Water Framework Direc- measured biomarkers at each inves- tive), Martinez-Gómez et al. (2010) tigated time-point and/or exposure and Garmendia et al. 2011 (moni- concentration (see Fig. 2); however, toring of oil spill e'ects), Marigómez signi&cantly varying biomarker et al. (2014) (assessing the e'ects of patterns are likely to be observed contaminants using caged and native depending on exposure conditions mussels), and Dondero et al. (2010) (Depledge 1993, Viarengo et al. 2007). (assessing the e'ects of contaminants Current recommendations for the at gene transcription and catalytic monitoring of the state of the marine levels). environment comprises the assessment According to the recommenda- of several selected biomarker responses tions of HELCOM, priority substances representing di'erent biological levels measured in environmental samples and functions (Table 1) and the include PBDEs, PAHs, PCBs, dioxins analysis of tissue concentrations of and furans, hexabromocyclododecane several priority substances in an inte- (HBCD), per>uorooctane sulphonate grated way (HELCOM 2010, Davies (PFOS), trace metals (lead, cadmium and Vethaak 2012). *e Oslo-Paris and mercury), radioactive cesium- 137, convention for protection of the marine TBT, and pharmaceuticals (diclofenac environment of the North-East Atlan- and 17 Į-ethinylestradiol [EE2]) tic (OSPAR) and the Programme for (HELCOM 2010). the Assessment and Control of Marine

19 Table 1. List of biological e'ects methods internationally recommended for integrated environmental monitoring. Method guidelines and assessment criteria are available for all the methods mentioned in the table (OSPAR 2013).

Biomarker Species Response to Recommended by

PAH metabolites Fish PAHs OSPAR, HELCOM

CYP450/EROD activity Fish PAHs, PCBs OSPAR, MEDPOL

AChE inhibition Fish, bivalves Neurotoxic OSPAR, HELCOM, compounds, MEDPOL general stress

Lysosomal membrane Fish, bivalves General stress OSPAR, HELCOM, stability (LMS) MEDPOL

Micronuclei test (MN) Fish, bivalves Genotoxic OSPAR, HELCOM compounds, general stress

Comet Assay Fish, bivalves Genotoxic OSPAR compounds, general stress

DNA adducts Fish, bivalves Genotoxic OSPAR compounds

Vitellogenin (VTG) Fish, bivalves Estrogenic OSPAR (males) compounds

Metallothionein (MT) Bivalves Metals (e.g. Zn, OSPAR, MEDPOL Cu, Cd, Hg), general stress

Stress on Stress (SoS) Bivalves General stress OSPAR, MEDPOL

Scope for Growth (SfG) Bivalves General stress OSPAR, MEDPOL

Fish diseases Fish General stress OSPAR, HELCOM

Histopathology Fish, bivalves General stress OSPAR

Eelpout and amphipod Fish, General stress OSPAR, HELCOM embryo malformations amphipods

20 1.2.1 Biomarkers representing level of stress) or decreased (protein different biological functions degradation under high stress) (De Coen and Janssen 2003; McVeigh et Su@cient energy reserves are vital for al. 2006; Smolders et al. 2004). Stress the &tness of organisms, i.e., growth, induced e'ects to mitochondrial func- reproduction and survival. Exposure tion and ETS activity can be manifold, to contaminants can strongly a'ect the generally resulting in an increased energy balance of an individual due to formation of reactive oxygen species the additional energy needed to main- (ROS) and oxidative damage (Fig. 3) tain homeostasis at the expense of, (Murphy 2009). *e degree of stress-in- i.e., growth and gamete development duced disturbance on energy balance (Smolders et al. 2004) or resistance to de&nes the change from moderate stress environmental stressors such as anoxia still enabling the persistence of popula- or sub-optimal temperatures (Gagné et tions (induced biological responses to al. 2006; Gorokhova et al. 2010). maintain the homeostasis) to extreme As an indicator of &tness of indi- stress where only time-limited existence viduals within a population, Scope for is possible (decreased energy reserves Growth (SfG) measures the physiolog- leading to reduced growth) (Sokolova ical energy balance (i.e., the di'erence et al. 2012). between energy intake and metabolism) Metallothioneins (MT) are which can range from maximum posi- low-molecular-weight, cystein-rich tive values under optimal conditions metal-binding proteins involved in the to negative values when the organism uptake, regulation and detoxi&cation is severely stressed and utilizing body of essential and non-essential metals. reserves for energy (Widdows and Metal-MT complexes are transported to Donkin 1992). At the cellular level the lysosomes for degradation (Marigómez energetic status can be measured with et al. 2002); this system can become the Cellular Energy Allocation (CEA) impaired in stressed organisms, reduc- method, which quanti&es the avail- ing the MT turnover rate in impacted able energy stores (lipid, protein and individuals. MTs are also known to glycogen) and energy consumption function as oxyradical scavengers and (measured as mitochondrial electron may thus also be connected to other transport system activity, ETS) (De chemical stressors than trace metals, Coen and Janssen 2003). as suggested in the &eld study by Generally, stress depletes &rst Lehtonen et al. (2006) on bivalves in the glycogen and lipid reserves, and, the Baltic Sea. depending on the level of stress, the Lysosomal membrane stability protein reserves can be either increased (LMS) is one of the most documented (protein synthesis, low to intermediate biomarkers in bivalves and &sh in

21 Figure. 3. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation increases in mitochondria, lysosomes and metabolic reactions upon exposure to pollutants. *e function of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) protect cells by scavenging excess ROS. If the antioxidant capacity is exceeded ROS induce oxidative damage to lipids, proteins and DNA. *e e'ects of pollutants consume cellular energy stores resulting in less energy for growth and reproduction of the organism.

22 response to pollution (Moore 2007, can be produced endogenously due and references therein). Lysosomes are to the attack of ROS and free radicals organelles involved in a range of cellular produced as by-products in normal processes such as uptake, degradation metabolic processes, or exogenously and storage of di'erent compounds, by exposure to radiation, pollutants or including contaminants. In the bivalve natural toxins. Genotoxic chemicals digestive gland, the highly developed are able either to act directly on DNA lysosomal system is primarily involved or produce metabolites that cause in intracellular digestion of endocy- DNA damage, increase the production tosed food. Lysosomes in hemocytes of ROS, or inhibit DNA synthesis and (blood cells) function in the immune repair (Lee and Steinert 2003), and defense to destroy bacteria and other the e'ects can be detected with several pathogens. Lysosomal membranes are methods (Bolognesi and Cirillo 2014). damaged (destabilized) by ROS formed Single-cell electrophoresis or the during contaminant exposure or by so-called Comet Assay shows the cells direct action of toxic chemicals. Organ- containing DNA with an increased isms in poor condition show faster number of double-strand breaks. lysosomal membrane destabilization, DNA adducts are formed when a after which acidic lysosomal contents genotoxic chemical bounds covalently leak into the cytosol inducing cell lysis. to the DNA molecule, often resulting A widely used biomarker for in impaired DNA function. Geno- neurotoxic e'ects is the inhibition of toxic disturbance on mitosis results AChE activity. AChE hydrolyses the in chromosomal fragmentation and neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the occurrence of micronuclei (MN), synaptic clefts, this being essential for which are small chromatin-contain- the normal neuronal function in the ing bodies remaining in the cytoplasm cholinergic system. Inhibition of AChE of the cells after the cell division activity is mediated by neurotoxic (Bolognesi and Cirillo 2014). compounds (mainly by organophos- Detoxi&cation of organic phates and carbamates, but also by compounds proceeds generally in two some trace metals, detergents and algal stages; phase I, where the pollutant toxins) resulting in continuous neuron is converted into more water-soluble stimulation, paralysis and even death metabolites by adding one or more (Bocquené and Galgani 1998). hydroxyl group, and phase II where a Genotoxicity can be de&ned as water-soluble endogenous compound potentially harmful e'ects on genetic (such as glutathione [GSH]) is attached material in the cells (e.g., Fernán- to the metabolite. Phase I reactions are dez et al. 2011). Genotoxic damage carried out by various monooxygenases, to the DNA sequence and structure which have the protein cytochrome

23 P450 in their catalytic center. Gluta- (Livingstone 1990, Lushchak 2011). thione S-transferase (GST) is one of Organisms are e@ciently protected the most important groups of phase II against ROS induced damage with the enzymes catalyzing the conjugation of help of the ROS scavenging antioxi- a wide variety of hazardous substances dant defense system. Oxidative stress with GSH to facilitate their solubility is a state where the generation of ROS and excretion (Fig. 3). overwhelms the antioxidant capacity, Detoxi&cation reactions can some- and free ROS are able to cause oxidative times lead to the formation of more damage to proteins, lipids and DNA toxic or reactive compounds than the (Livingstone et al. 1990; Valavan- original compound (Fig. 3), leading idis et al. 2006). *is makes oxidative to an increased amount of ROS and stress a common denominator under- subsequent damage to cellular macro- lying many other stress responses molecules. Most forms of contaminant and diseases (Moore et al. 2007, induced stress eventually cause imbal- Valavanidis et al. 2006). ance between ROS-producing Cellular respiration in the mito- (pro-oxidant) and ROS-scavenging chondria produces ROS such as (antioxidant defense) processes (Lush- superoxide (O2 •`), hydrogen peroxide chak 2011), and therefore biomarker (H{O{) and hydrogen radical (HO •), responses representing other mech- which are under normal conditions anisms of toxicity are either directly neutralized by the antioxidant system or indirectly (e.g., through mito- (Fig. 3) (Lushchak 2011, Murphy chondrial dysfunction or damaged 2009). Another classic example of biomolecules) linked to oxidative stress vital cellular ROS production is via (Fig. 3). Since being one of the main phagocytic ROS-generating enzymes subjects of the present study, the anti- possessing an essential role in immune oxidant defense system and its possible defense. Antioxidants are indispensable use as a biomarker are explained more in the prevention of oxidative cellular thoroughly in the next section. damage, the common pathway for aging and a variety of diseases, such as cancer. 1.2.2 Antioxidant defense Non-enzymatic antioxidants comprise a biomarkers variety of molecules such as vitamins A, B (thiamine), C and E, >avonoids, and Oxygen is vital for all aerobic organ- GSH. *e latter is considered as one of isms. *e paradox of the oxygen the most important antioxidant agents requirement is the high reactivity of involved in the protection of cellular the molecule leading to the formation membranes against lipid peroxidation of radical and non-radical ROS, which by e@ciently scavenging ROS. GSH can cause damage in cells and tissues also functions as an essential cofactor of

24 many GSH dependent enzymes cata- membrane lipids of mitochondria, lyzing the detoxi&cation of ROS and lysosomes and peroxisomes is the most toxic compounds (Regoli and Princi- predominant mechanism of cellular pato 1995). injury (Fig. 3). Lipid peroxidation of Several enzymes generally consid- polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) ered as the most prominent ones of the present in membrane lipids gener- antioxidant system include superox- ates lipid hydroperoxides that can be ide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), further broken down to aldehydes such glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and as malondialdehyde (MDA) (Halliwell glutathione reductase (GR) (Fig. 3). and Gutteridge 1999). MDA readily SOD is a &rst line antioxidant defense reacts with proteins and DNA, damag- enzyme that e@ciently detoxi&es O2 •` ing these macromolecules. to less reactive H{O{. *is molecule Cold adapted organisms increase is readily di'uses across biological the amount of PUFAs to maintain membranes and may directly cause the function of cellular membranes, signi&cant cellular damage. H{O{ making them more susceptible to lipid is neutralized by CAT, which most peroxidation compared to organisms importantly prevents the further reduc- living in warmer environments. More- tion of H{O{ to the highly reactive over, it has been shown that higher HO •, which is the most harmful of all rates of ROS induced damage occurs ROS. GR is responsible for reducing after melting of the sea ice exposing GSSG to GSH, which is used by GPx organisms to H{O{ and contaminants that catalyzes the reduction of H{O{ released from the ice, as well as to to H{O, by GST in biotransforma- increased UV-radiation (Regoli et al. tion reactions, and in numerous other 2012). *ese processes are likely to cellular processes. Pro-oxidant condi- in>uence the amount of lipid peroxi- tions rapidly deplete the cellular GSH dation in Baltic Sea organisms. stores, and GR is a crucial enzyme in maintaining cellular GSH homeosta- 1.3 Baltic mussels and the sis. *e possible use of antioxidant mussel caging approach enzyme activities as biomarkers has been suggested in numerous studies; Mussels (genus Mytilus ) are ubiqui- however, due to the large variability in tous keystone species living in coastal these responses (see Box 2 for further and estuarine rocky shores throughout explanations) more research is still temperate and polar regions. *ey are needed to establish reliable assessment among the most commonly used marine criteria for these parameters to be used bioindicator species of environmen- in monitoring programs. tal contamination (Goldberg 1975). *e reaction of ROS with *eir speci&c biological characteristics

25 BOX 2. Cellular regulation pathways related to oxidative stress

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are formed by all aerobic organisms in concen- trations required in the normal cellular processes, or in excessive quantities leading to a state called oxidative stress. ROS are vital for normal cellular func- tion as important secondary messengers in cell signaling and regulation in all cell types; however the “redox homeostasis” has to be tightly maintained by the antioxidant system to avoid oxidative stress.

Antioxidant molecules and enzymes are dynamically regulated through complex phosphorylation/ dephosphorylation reactions (Bartosz 2009) at gene transcription and/or catalytic level. Any alteration in the normal phos- phorylation/dephosphorylation pathways caused by pollutants can impair ROS regulation by decreasing or increasing antioxidant enzyme activities, leading to abnormal ROS levels. Among the various cellular pathways targeted by ROS, the up-regulation of the Nrf2 and NF-kb transcription factors are related to contaminant induced stress responses and involved in the regulation of GST and antioxidant genes.

However, gene transcription and catalytic levels do not vary in a synchro- nous way, i.e., an up-regulated gene transcription does not necessarily mean observable increase in the corresponding enzymatic activity (Giuliani et al. 2013). Therefore, it is important to measure also the actual activity of the anti- oxidant defense system, and particularly when assessing the biological impacts of environmental contamination (Regoli et al. 2014). Furthermore, it is import- ant to consider that other factors, including, e.g., cyanobacterial toxins such as microcystins and nodularins in aquatic systems, are phosphatase inhibitors and can therefore modulate and/or disrupt antioxidant responses in organisms (Amado and Monserrat 2010).

Contaminant induced changes in gene transcription patterns encompassing the expression of the antioxidant genes have been successfully investigated, e.g., in mussels (Mytilus spp.) (Dondero et al. 2006, 2011, Regoli et al. 2014, Shaw et al. 2011). Future work is needed to identify the toxicologically relevant genes and their function to establish links between transcriptomic changes and those observed at the cellular and tissue level.

26 including longevity, tolerance to harsh As osmoconformers mussels consume environmental conditions while still energy to actively regulate their inter- showing sensitive biological responses to nal concentration of free amino acids stress, bioaccumulation capacity, as well and ions to match the osmolarity of as global distribution and abundance the surrounding environment. Baltic make them ideal bioindicators. *e mussels have evolved characteris- mussel species living in the Baltic Sea is tic traits adapted to the energetically a hybrid of Mytilus trossulus and Mytilus stressful environment, including a edulis but represents a locally uniform maximum size of only ca. 3.5 cm, slow and geographically relatively homog- growth rate, low byssus production enous gene pool; therefore, the species and very thin and weak shells (Kautsky name based on the latest genomic inves- 1982, Westerbom et al. 2002). tigations has been suggested as the Baltic *e salinity-related physiological mussel or Baltic M. trossulus (Väinölä stress is likely to increase in the future; and Strelkov 2011). the currently most supported climate Ecologically, the Baltic mussel is a change scenario predicts that in the key species of the low diversity Baltic northern Baltic Sea an increased river- Sea coastal brackish-water communi- ine inputs of freshwater will result in a ties (Westerbom et al. 2002). It is an further reduction in salinity (Johannes- indispensable prey species for many &sh son et al. 2011). *e predicted salinity and avian predators, and it also creates changes will also a'ect bioavailabil- important underwater habitats for ity and toxicity of many chemicals other species (Koivisto and Westerbom (Hall and Anderson 1995). More- 2010). It has been estimated that Baltic over, mussels inhabiting temperate and mussels <rate annually an amount boreal regions are probably not able of water corresponding to the entire to cope with the elevated energetic volume of the Baltic Sea (Kautsky and costs caused by the foreseen increase Kautsky 2000). As a result, mussels in water temperature; the distribu- e@ciently circulate nutrients between tion of M. trossulus and M. edulis has the pelagic and benthic compartments been shown to be restricted by negative of the marine ecosystem as well as energy balance above the water tempera- accumulate contaminants and natural ture of 17°C and 23°C, respectively (Fly toxins in their tissues with subsequent and Hilbish 2013). *erefore, infor- consequences in the transfer of these mation on the e'ects of current and substances along the food chain. changing environmental conditions on In the northern Baltic Sea mussels mussels is critically needed. have adapted to live at the very limit To investigate tissue contaminant of their low-salinity tolerance (5–6; levels and biological e'ects organisms e.g., Johannesson and André 2006). can be collected directly from the areas

27 of interest or they can be transplanted enough” reference site that has similar to the area in cages for a certain time environmental conditions compared to period (e.g., Marigómez et al. 2013). the contaminated sites of interest. In the caging method, organisms are collected from one (reference) loca- 1.4 Aims of the study tion, which reduces the adaptive traits related to local environmental condi- *e general aim of the work performed tions as well as genetic variability of in this thesis was to develop the the studied individuals (Matozzo et biomarker methodology and inves- al. 2013). *is is an important bene- tigate the e'ects of contaminants on &t in environmental monitoring of various biomarker responses in Baltic hazardous substances, since organ- mussels. Regarding the selection of isms collected directly from polluted the battery of the biomarkers analyzed areas have often adapted their stress the work carried out was designed to responses to the prevailing chronic provide more insight to the applica- chemical exposure. Mytilid mussels bility of especially of the antioxidant are especially suitable for caging stud- defense responses in the assessment ies since by <ering their food from of the impact of contaminants, and, the surrounding water and using furthermore, to explain the sources of the cage as a substrate to attach to variability in the catalytic level of anti- they are able to live in the cages with oxidant enzymes in Baltic mussels. minimal additional stress. *e cages *e speci&c aims of the study were can be placed exactly to the selected threefold. Firstly, the goal was to assess locations characterized by similar the impact of contaminants on mussels hydrographical conditions to reduce in di'erent areas of the northern Baltic the variability caused by environmen- Sea using an integrated approach, i.e., tal parameters and to better re>ect the measuring selected biomarkers and di'erent contaminant pro&les prevail- tissue concentrations of contaminants ing at the study sites. With the mussel in mussels. Secondly, the aim was to caging method it is also possible to investigate the e'ects of seasonal vari- investigate areas where mussels are ability and low salinity, both critical not naturally present; however, it has natural factors in the brackish-water to be considered that this might also northern Baltic Sea environment, on expose mussels to an unfavorable habi- the measured biomarker responses and tat and increase the negative e'ects of tissue contaminant concentrations. environmental conditions unrelated to Finally, the most practical aim was to contamination in these areas (Marigó- validate the use of the mussel caging mez et al. 2013). A general challenge method as a tool for environmental in &eld studies is to &nd a “pristine monitoring in the northern Baltic Sea.


*is thesis consists of four mussel caging the laboratory facilities of the vessel. experiments to study the biomarker *e only exception was the caging in responses and tissue concentrations of the coastal area of Helsinki (III) where a contaminants in di'erent areas with smaller vessel was used and the samples distinct pollution sources and environ- were immediately transported to the mental conditions. land-based laboratory. *e cages used were cylindrical in shape with 80 cm 2.1 Collection and caging of height and a 40 cm radius, consisting the mussels of a steel net with a mesh size of 10×10 mm and equipped with &ve removable Mussels were collected by scuba diving trays. *e mussels were cleaned from in the coastal area of Hanko, west- epibionts and 300 to 400 individuals ern Gulf of Finland, from a site away were placed in each cage depending on from contamination sources (Fig. 4). the experiment. *e cages were placed Only mussels caged in the Archipelago at the depths of 7 to 8 m, anchored to Sea area (Paper I) were collected from the bottom with a rope attached to a another site in the outer archipelago mass of ca. 350 kg, and held in a stable (island of Utö) due to the ice condi- vertical position by submerged buoys. tions in April. Salinity at the collection Data loggers to measure tempera- sites was ca. 6.0. Adult mussels of simi- ture (I, IV: Starmon) and salinity lar size (2.2-3.0 cm shell length) were (IV: RBR-logger) as well as passive used in all experiments. samplers to detect contaminants in *e collected animals were imme- water (III: POCIS) were attached to diately transported to the laboratory the cages. A new cage type was designed in thermo-insulated water buckets and to make the deployment possible also placed in aerated tanks &lled with water using smaller vessels (decreasing the from the collection site until deploy- operation costs), improve the handling ment in cages. For the determination of mussels and to facilitate the attach- of biomarker levels and contaminant ment of additional equipment to the concentrations at Day 0 (prior to cages. When needed, the new caging experiment) a group of animals was system enables divers to sample a part sampled in the laboratory directly after of the mussels (or passive samplers) the arrival from the collection site. underwater by removing the individ- *e deployment and withdrawal ual boxes and bringing them to the of the cages were operated aboard R/V surface leaving others undisturbed. Aranda . Also the immediate prepara- *e caging lasted from one tion of the samples was carried out in (I, II) to three or four months (III, IV),

29 depending on the experiment. One freeze dryer) before prior to analysis at month has been regarded as a su@- LPTC Université Bordeaux I (organic cient time for mussels to adjust their compounds) and SYKE Laboratory physiological responses to the new Centre (trace metals). environment (Viarengo et al. 2007). Mussels were sampled again from After the withdrawal of the cages, the collection site after the caging mussel tissues (digestive gland and periods (“End”) to examine seasonal gills) were dissected and stored at -80°C variation of the measured biomarkers for the biomarker analyses. Samples and tissue contaminant concentrations for the chemical analyses consisted (III, IV). *e “Day 0” and “End” values of pooled whole soft tissues of ca. 50 from the separate caging experiments mussels for organic contaminants and were combined in the &rst experiment 15 for trace metals. *e samples were (I) to study more closely variability in freeze-dried (Edwards Super Modulyo a native mussel population.

16°E 20°E 24°E ±

S u n d s v a l l S u n d s v a l l (! (! S2 S1

62°N F i n l a n d

(! G2 G ä v l e (! G1

T u r k u P o r v o o (!C3 !(! C4 ( H e l s i n k i (! C1 C2 C3(! H1 (!C2 Utö (! (! (! ((! S w e d e n Hanko H2 H3 C1 60°N (!

0 100 Km

Figure. 4. Map of the study area in the northern Baltic Sea showing the mussel caging sites for the di'erent experiments: Turku, C1-C3 (I); Porvoo, C1-C4 (II); Helsinki, H1-H3 (III); Gävle, G1-G2 and Sundsvall, S1-S2 (IV). Collection site of the native mussels in Hanko was used in all experiments, except in (I) where they were collected near the island of Utö.

30 2.2 Biomarker assays batteries selected for each speci&c experiment and underlying research For the enzymatic assays, digestive hypotheses. Metallothioneins (MT) in glands and gills of 15-25 mussels per the digestive gland were measured to site were individually homogenized examine a response to increased trace using Tissue Lyser II (QIAGEN®), and metal contamination based on earlier the S9 supernatants were divided for research in the Archipelago Sea study individual assays and stored at -80°C area (Lehtonen et al. 2006) (I). *e until analysis. CEA was analyzed indi- Comet Assay was applied to detect vidually from the whole mussel soft DNA damage induced by possible tissue (IV) or from pooled digestive genotoxic compounds present in the gland samples (III) consisting of &ve discharge of a major waste water treat- individuals due the amount of tissue ment plant (WWTP) (III). In (IV), needed for the di'erent analyses. *e geno- and cytotoxicity, phagocytosis, CEA samples were homogenized, thiamine levels, and heart rate recov- divided for the individual assays and ery time were studied in addition to stored at -80°C until analysis. all the biomarkers in Table 2 to apply All enzyme activity rates, LPO and wider battery of biomarkers repre- CEA were measured in 96-well plates senting di'erent biological levels. All using the TECAN In&nite 200 micro- these “additional” biomarker methods plate reader equipped with Magellan are described in detail in the respec- software (TECAN). Protein concen- tive papers. Finally, the Integrated trations were determined using the Biomarker Index (IBR) was calcu- Bradford (1976) method. For the lated according to the original protocol LMS analysis, microscopic evalua- of Beliae' and Burgeot (2002) with tion of living mussel hemocytes was modi&cations presented in Broeg and carried out with a microscope (Leica Lehtonen (2006) (I-IV). Aristoplan). Mussels sampled for the determination of the condition index 2.3 Chemical analysis and were measured for shell length (mm) accumulation of contaminants and the whole soft tissue was stored at in mussels -80°C. *e samples were then freeze- dried (Edwards Super Modulyo) and Tissue concentrations of PAHs, PCBs, weighed obtain their dry weights (mg) OCPs, PBDEs, butyltins (ng`¹ g dw`¹) needed for the calculations. and trace metals (µg`¹ g dw`¹) in mussels In addition to the biomarkers were analyzed using accredited meth- listed in Table 2, a number of others ods in the LPTC Université Bordeaux were measured by di'erent laborato- I and SYKE Laboratory Centre. ries to investigate di'erent biomarker *e possible toxic e'ect of

31 contaminants depend also on their related to the body burden were actual body burden in individual calculated (II). Accumulation rate mussels, in>uenced by the change in calculations were not possible in all the in the amount of soft tissue during experiments due to the slow soft tissue the experimental period. *erefore, in growth and depuration of some of the some cases the accumulation rates of contaminant compounds compared to contaminants (pg day`¹ individual`¹) the relatively high “Day 0”-values.

Table 2. Biomarker assays applied in the di'erent studies.

Biomarker Assay Reference Applied in

Catalase Degradation rate of Claiborne 1985 I-IV (CAT) hydrogen peroxide (H 2O2)

Glutathione reductase Consumption rate of Carlberg and I-IV (GR) NADPH in the reduction Mannervik 1975 of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) to GSH

Superoxide dismutase Inhibition rate of McCord and I-IV (SOD) cytochrome C reduction Fridovich 1969

Lipid peroxidation Amount of thiobarbituric Ohkawa et al. II-IV (LPO) acid reactive substances 1979 (TBARS)

Glutathione Formation rate of Habig et al. 1974 I-IV S-transferase (GST) the GSH conjugated substrate

Acetylcholinesterase Hydrolysis rate of Bocquené and I-IV (AChE) acetylthiocholine Galgani 1998

Lysosomal membrane Neutral red retention Lowe and Pipe II-IV stability (LMS) time in hemocytes 1994

Cellular energy Available energy in lipids, Verslycke and III,IV allocation (CEA) protein and glycogen (E a) Janssen 2002 vs. energy consumption (E c); Ea/E c=CEA

Condition index Ratio between soft tissue Bayne 1976 I-IV (CI) dry weight and shell length; (W/L²)*100

32 2.4 Statistical analysis using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Bartlett’s test, respectively. In the case Statistical analysis was carried out using of non-normal data distribution, log„ R statistical package (R Core Team transformation followed by Krus- 2013). Statistical di'erences in biolog- kal-Wallis (KW) or Mann-Whitney ical responses between the study sites U-test (MW) test were applied. Prin- were analyzed with ANOVA followed cipal Component Analysis (PCA) was by Tukey's post-hoc test with Bonfer- conducted to assess relations between roni correction. Normality of data and the measured biological parameters. homogeneity of variances were checked


3.1 Seasonal variability of PAHs and other lipophilic contam- in biomarkers and tissue inants were markedly increased as the contaminant levels in native winter progressed although their actual mussels amount (i.e., body burden) may have remained more or less the same. Some of the measured biomarkers During the winter period in the and tissue contaminant levels showed ice-covered northern Baltic Sea, several marked changes during the spring kinds of airborne contaminants (e.g., and summer. In April, the mussels PAHs, PCBs, trace metals, sulphuric collected in the Archipelago Sea (I) compounds) are deposited on the ice were characterized by low soft tissue surface and snow; in spring, the melt- weight and CI, the highest seasonal ing of ice causes a rapid pulse of these tissue concentrations of several organic contaminants into the water phase contaminants (high molecular weight (Granskog and Kaartokallio 2004). [HMW] PAHs, PCBs, OCPs and During the spring bloom and shortly TBT) as well as some trace metals afterwards mussels feed intensively on (Cd, Hg and Pb). Moreover, high the newly-produced phytoplankton biotransformation (GST) and anti- and other food items present in the oxidant enzyme activities (SOD and water column. Subsequently, in addi- CAT) were recorded. Body condition tion to the harmful chemicals dissolved of mussels was drastically reduced after in the water phase, mussels are exposed the extensive winter period, indicating also to large amounts of particle-bound highly depleted energy stores and tissue contaminants (Riisgård et al. 1987). loss. As a result, tissue concentrations Moreover, increased riverine in>ow

33 in the spring brings organic matter, an unrecognized contamination event nutrients and hazardous substances in the area. to coastal waters. *us, the contami- *e coincidence of high GST nant exposure situation shows a rapid activity and high tissue levels of change during this period of the year. ∑PAH, consisting especially of High interannual and seasonal HMW-PAH, and PCBs observed in variations were observed in tissue April is worth a closer inspection. concentrations of low molecular weight During the summer GST activity (LMW) PAHs and the butyltins MBT decreased signi&cantly coinciding with and DBT. In the early summer mussels increasing CI and decreasing tissue accumulated high concentrations of contaminant concentrations (Fig. 5). phenanthrene, >uoranthene, pyrene Water temperature cannot explain and anthracene; however, a loss of these the observed variability in GST activ- substances from mussel tissues was ity, being close to 0.5°C in April and detected in the late summer. In contrast between 18-20°C in early July and late to this, tissue concentrations of MBT August, and has been shown to not to and DBT were lowest in June (3.1-8.6 regulate GST activity of mussels in this µg`¹ g dw`¹) and highest in August and sea area (Leiniö and Lehtonen 2005). September (15.8-77.7 µg`¹ g dw`¹). Elevated GST activities in mussels TBT concentration was highest in have been reported under &eld expo- April (17.3 µg`¹ g dw`¹) but after that sure to PAHs with a strong correlation it was detected only at lower concen- to tissue concentrations of 5- and trations (2.6-9.7 µg`¹ g dw`¹). 6-ring PAHs (Gowland et al. 2002, Metabolism of TBT can occur in Bocchetti et al. 2008). *erefore, the mussel tissues; however, because of the elevated xenobiotic conjugation rate above mentioned di'erences in the indicated by the high GST activity is concentration ranges of TBT vs. MBT most likely associated with the concur- and DBT, it seems more likely that rent high tissue levels of HMW-PAHs photosynthetic microalgae and abiotic (Bocchetti et al. 2008). *e ca. 10-fold processes (photolysis) are responsible elimination of HMWs observed by for the degradation of TBT to DBT early July compared to the tissue and MBT (Rüdel 2003), resulting concentrations measured in April was in their direct up-take and accumu- apparently caused by active depura- lation in mussels. Moreover, for the tion processes possibly fuelled by the unusually high MBT and DBT values rapidly increased energy intake (seen 324-345.7 µg`¹ g dw`¹ detected in as an elevated CI) leading to e'ec- September 2009, it is di@cult to &nd tive elimination of PAHs and also other explanations than occurrence of PCBs (Fig.5).

34 Table 3. Concentrations of selected contaminants measured in caged and native (Hanko) mussels in di'erent experiments (I-IV) in late summer and autumn. Caging sites C3, C4, H1, H2, G1 and S1 represent the contaminated study sites and C1, H3, G2 and S2 represent the local reference sites (see Fig. 4). AC refers to international assessment criteria for background contaminant concentrations (BAC) in mussels (OSPAR 2012), except for TBT where the AC value # represents a limit of “concern” (HELCOM 2010, OSPAR 2008). More detailed tables of the measured contaminant concentrations are presented in papers I-IV. Tissue concentrations were measured in one pooled sample and are shown as µg`¹ g dry weight`¹ for trace metals and ng`¹ g dry weight`¹ for organic compounds.

Turku Porvoo Helsinki Gävle Sundsvall Hanko OSPAR Aug Oct Oct Sept Sept Sept AC

C1 C3 C1 C3 C4 H1 H2 H3 G1 G2 S1 S2 Native BAC

Cd 2.1 3.1 1.9 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.86 1.1 2.8 3.9 3.6 4.2 1.4 0.96

Hg 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 na na na 0.09 0.09 0.14 0.08 0.07 0.09

Pb 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 1.3

2.5- Fluo 3.2 3.1 5.6 7.5 7.6 8.2 18.1 10.5 18.9 19.6 23.8 23.1 12.2 22.2

6.9- Phe 3.4 2.6 14.0 15.3 12.8 26.0 47.2 40.5 69.0 64.7 66.7 72.3 11.0 77.1

1.6- Pyrene 3.5 3.2 4.3 5.0 5.6 14.4 38.5 24.0 35.6 37.7 44.2 44.4 9.0 49.2

B(a)A 1.6 2.3 1.5 2.4 3.0 0.6 1.1 0.9 2.7 2.8 7.0 3.7 1.5 2.5

B(a)P nd nd 1.0 1.4 1.4 nd nd nd 0.5 0.9 1.7 1.2 0.4 1.4

B(ghi)P nd 1.5 2.2 2.9 3.1 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 7.5 1.4 0.9 2.5

¦PCB 16.2 25.0 12.0 12.4 21.6 4.1 9.8 4.7 7.8 7.2 7.0 7.4 4.5 3.3

p,p’DDE 2.5 2.5 na na na 0.8 1.2 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.63

HCB nd nd na na na nd nd nd 0.4 nd 0.3 nd nd 0.63

Lindane 0.17 nd na na na 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 nd 0.97

H.chlor 0.18 nd na na na na na na 0.1 nd 0.1 0.1 nd na

TBT 11.1 32.8 12.4 30.8 40.0 na na na 2.5 2.5 1.8 2.3 5.7 30#

35 Similar to GST, the observed high energy metabolism, which is the major activity of SOD in April appears to producer of endogenous ROS in cells. be related to the observed high tissue Its activity is needed to maintain concentrations of various contam- normal ROS balance during respira- inants at the time. SOD activity is tion while increased metabolic and also closely associated with oxidative feeding rates after the winter period

Figure. 5. Relationship between total tissue concentration (ng`¹ g dry weight`¹) of high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HMW-PAH), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), organochlorine pesticides (OCP) and tributyltin (TBT), condition index (CI) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity measured in native (Hanko) mussels from April to October. na=not analysed.

36 can also upregulate the levels of SOD protein`¹ (OSPAR 2013). However, markedly. *is probably contributed AChE levels of mussels in low salin- also to the high annual variability ity areas are possibly lower in general observed in SOD activity (14-92.7 compared to full marine condi- U`¹ mg protein`¹). Conclusively, the tions (Lehtonen et al. 2006; Leiniö observed patterns in SOD activity may and Lehtonen 2006; Rank et al. be in>uenced both by contaminants 2007). Moreover, in this study AChE (e.g., redox cycling HMW-PAHs) did not show similar temperature as well as seasonal food availability dependent variation as observed previ- prevailing in the environment. ously in Baltic mussels (Leiniö and CAT activity seemed to be variable Lehtonen 2006). in early summer and started to decrease *e low AChE activity observed gradually in late July. *e seasonal in the present study could be explained pattern depicted slightly decreasing by the generally deteriorated physio- values from early summer towards logical condition of the mussels since the autumn and agrees with previous the shallow (3 to 6 m) collection area studies in the area suggesting that the is likely subjected to higher tempera- activity of CAT in mussels (and also tures and di'erent hydrographical and in the Baltic clam Macoma balthica ) feeding conditions compared to the responds almost immediately to the previously studied areas in the coast increased availability of quality food of Finland (i.e., Leiniö and Lehtonen in the spring (Leiniö and Lehtonen 2006). Moreover, the low AChE can 2005). Variability in the CAT response also be related to the elevated tissue in mussels is also in>uenced by the concentrations of di'erent contam- time of reproduction (Devier et al. inants, especially LMW PAHs 2005), which in the northern Baltic is (Table 3), suggesting the presence in May-June (Kautsky 1982b). of unexpected contamination in the GR and AChE did not show Hanko area (I). signi&cant variations between April *e poor post-winter condition and October. Whereas GST and CAT of mussels was most critically re>ected activities relate to variability in contam- in soft tissue weight and, therefore, in inant and ROS levels, the constant GR the CI, showing lowest values in April activity acts to maintain normal cell and followed by a marked increase functions (Vidal-Liñán et al. 2010). until the end of the summer (Fig. 5). *e AChE activity level was some- Bioenergetic status of mussels seemed what lower (18.8-21.6 nmol min`¹ mg to follow the same pattern as described protein`¹) compared to those reported for CI. Lower values for the available in North Atlantic waters, suggesting a energy stores (glycogen and lipid) and baseline activity of 35 nmol min`¹ mg higher energy consumption (ETS)

37 were observed in June compared to all the measured biomarkers and tissue September (“Day 0” and “End” in concentrations showed “normal” levels Table 2 in IV). Interannual variabil- in 2008 (data not shown), suggesting ity in environmental conditions had a that despite of the observed interan- signi&cant e'ect on soft tissue growth nual variability the in>uence of natural and CI of the mussels. *e variability factors on biomarkers and contami- was most prominent in 2008 when the nant concentrations seem to decrease weight of the native mussels in Hanko towards late summer. in June and August was almost double compared to the other sampling years 3.2 General observations in (143.3- 178.6 and 76.8- 116.7 mg dw, caged mussels respectively). During the exceptionally mild winter of 2007/2008 (Omstedt et *e decrease in the background al. 2014) there was no ice formation in concentrations of contaminants in the natural distribution area of mussels the mussel tissues observed in spring- in the northern Baltic Sea; marked early summer seems to level o' in changes were also observed in the late summer. *is suggests that the spring bloom phytoplankton commu- mussels should optimally be collected nity (Kaitala and Hällfors 2008), which for the caging experiment in August is crucial for the growth of the mussels. at the earliest and transplanted until In addition, relatively low tempera- October to be able to follow the accu- tures during the whole summer of mulation of contaminants in tissues. If 2008 prevented the occurrence of a performed earlier, interpretation of the major bloom of toxic blue-green algae chemical analysis data obtained from (Kaitala and Hällfors 2008). caged mussels is blurred by the clearly *e low summer temperatures higher “Day 0” values, leading to an are also most likely bene&cial for the observed depuration rather than accu- growth of the mussels (Fry and Hill- mulation of contaminants as observed bish 2013). In June 2008, an elevated here in mussels collected in April (I) activity and variability in CAT (52.1 ± and June (IV). 15.1 µmol min`¹ mg protein`¹) and GR Similarly to native mussels, (20.0 ± 5.8 nmol min`¹ mg protein`¹) the caged mussels showed elevated compared to the mean levels measured responses of GST, CAT and CI related in June of the other study years to higher contamination indicated (30.3 ± 2.2 µmol min`¹ mg protein`¹ by the elevated tissue concentrations and 15.6 ± 2.8 nmol min`¹ mg protein`¹, of HMW PAHs, PCBs and OCPs. respectively) were most likely related to However, whereas native mussels an increased feeding and metabolism showed no change in the GR and AChE during that time. However, in August levels, the caged mussels exhibited

38 somewhat di'erent responses. Some to Baltic mussels since the observed general observations can be made over “healthiest” mussels in the present the whole data set of caged mussels study (NRR time 69-87 min) showed (see 3.2.1 and 3.2.2) although annual some stress e'ects also according to the and regional variability was clearly other measured biomarkers, and could observed (see 3.3). therefore be classi&ed as “stressed but compensating”. 3.2.1 Lysosomal membrane LMS has been used a sensitive &rst stability tier biomarker to assess contaminant induced health e'ects (OSPAR 2013; According to the OSPAR Joint Assess- Viarengo et al. 2007). In the present ment and Monitoring Program studies, a higher contamination of the (JAMP) assessment criteria for LMS impacted sites at each study region measured using the NRR method, was demonstrated by the elevated organisms are considered to be healthy tissue levels of HMW PAHs and if NRR time is > 120 minutes (min), Cd in mussels caged near Gävle and stressed but compensating if < 120 Sundsvall, and HMW PAHs, PCBs but > 50 min, and severely stressed and TBT in the vicinity of Porvoo and probably exhibiting patholo- (Table 3). However, mussels showing gies if < 50 min (OSPAR 2013). In reduced LMS values outside Helsinki this work the measured mean NRR did not contain elevated levels of any time of 28-29 min indicated highest of the above mentioned contaminants stress e'ect in mussels caged in the (Table 3); therefore, the observed vicinity of the city of Gävle (site G1) biomarker responses indicated mainly and Kilpilahti oil terminal in Porvoo the presence of other toxic compounds (C4) (see the caging sites in Fig. 4). that were potentially originating A moderate stress level (47-57 min) from the WWTP discharge, includ- was observed in mussels caged near ing pharmaceuticals detected using the city of Sundsvall (S1 and S2) and passive samplers attached to the mussel in the area a'ected by the WWTP cages (III). discharge in Helsinki (H1 and H2). Mussels caged at the other sites in the 3.2.2 Remarks on glutathione Porvoo area (C1-C3) and at the refer- reductase activity and condition ence site in Gävle (G2) were healthiest index showing NRR times in the same range with those measured in the native &eld A higher level of contaminant induced population at Hanko (69-87 min). ROS was indicated by the increased Conclusively, the OSPAR/JAMP GR activity in mussels caged at the assessment criteria seems to apply also contaminated sites compared to the

39 reference sites similar to earlier stud- was probably re>ected in the depletion ies using caged mussels (e.g. Box et of GSH due to the multiple stress- al. 2007; Regoli et al. 2004). Using ors present in that area (IV; see 3.3.4 the whole data set of caged mussels a and 3.4). signi&cant correlation was observed between GR and CI, suggesting that 3.3 Specific biomarker GR and GSH play an important role patterns observed in different not only in maintaining the various caging experiments GSH dependent defense mechanisms but also in bioenergetics of the organ- *e integrated biomarker response ism (Heiss et al. 2013). index (IBR) was used as a simple tool *e caged mussels showed gener- to combine the observed biomarker ally higher CI values and GR activities responses into one stress index value. compared to the native mussels, most IBR clearly demonstrated the contam- likely indicating better food conditions ination gradients (I, II) and showed the at the caging sites. It is of note that the highest combined responses at the most correct interpretation of the CI values impacted sites (III, IV). *e method requires information of the food condi- has been successfully applied in accor- tions and bioenergetic status of the dance with more complex health index mussels since high CI is often observed calculation methods to assess the level in contaminated areas near-shore or of stress in organisms (Raftopoulou inside a river plume where the eutro- and Dimitriadis 2010). Information phicated waters contains better food provided in this thesis would help to conditions for mussels (De los Rios et employ other more complex integra- al. 2013; Tsangaris et al. 2011). In the tion methods such as the Expert System present study this phenomenon was (Dagnino et al. 2007) also for the Baltic seen in mussels caged at contaminated mussels, thus allowing more e@cient sites close to the oil terminal in Porvoo classi&cation of the observed stress levels (II) and in the WWTP discharge area in mussels (from “healthy” to “patho- in Helsinki (III). logical stress”) in the future studies. However, by feeding actively the Relations between the di'erent mussels were largely exposed to hydro- biomarker responses were investigated phobic contaminants adhered to food using multivariate principal compo- particles (Okay et al. 2006), resulting nent analysis (PCA), which showed in other biomarker responses detected the capability of biomarkers to distin- in these mussels, including, e.g., geno- guish between contaminated sites and toxic e'ects. Decreased GR and CI their reference sites in all the caging were observed in mussels caged at the experiments (Fig. 6) discussed more contaminated site in Sundsvall which thoroughly below.

40 3.3.1 Archipelago Sea, Turku (I) In August, GST and SOD activ- ities were higher at C3 where mussels Biomarker responses were gener- also showed higher tissue contaminant ally higher in mussels caged at the concentrations compared to C1. AChE most contaminated site (C3) along and CAT activities demonstrated the assumed contamination gradient the seasonal e'ect with higher levels outside the city and harbor of Turku measured in July compared to August and the outlet of the river Aurajoki without any di'erences between the (Fig. 4). For an unknown reason the sites. *e observed decrease in the mussels at C2 exhibited a remark- overall level of AChE in August could ably di'erent soft tissue growth rate be related to the intensive bloom of and tissue contaminant concentration the toxic blue-green algae Nodularia pattern compared to the other two spumigena occurring regularly in late stations. *erefore, the contaminant summer in the Baltic Sea, and is known induced e'ects are examined here by to induce AChE inhibition in bivalves comparing mussels from the reference (Lehtonen et al. 2003, Kankaanpää site C1 and the most contaminated site et al. 2007). C3 only. *e observed responses at C2 *e elevated CAT activity was are discussed in the paper (I). probably related to temperature-asso- Site C3 was under the greatest ciated changes in the patterns of food in>uence of various types of contam- uptake and energy metabolism (Devier inants and especially of organotins, et al. 2005, Farcy et al. 2013), and this being due to the numerous large possibly also to the reproductive activity passenger ferries and other vessels of the mussels close to the peak season entering and leaving the Turku city of spawning. PCA conducted using the harbor several times a day as well as the biomarkers mentioned above was able proximity of a dumping site of dredged to distinguish between the di'erent harbor sediments. In July, the CI of seasons as well as to indicate the highest mussels had increased markedly from stress e'ects at site C3 (Fig. 6). the very low April values measured at Shell growth rate measured in all sites; however, signi&cantly higher individuals at C1 suggested that the soft tissue growth was observed at C1 mussels &rst allocated the energy compared to C3. Furthermore, GR obtained from the abundant food was elevated in mussels at C3, coin- originating from the spring phyto- ciding with the highest measured plankton bloom to the build-up of levels of PCBs, OCPs and TBT and energy reserves, and only then, during thus indicating higher contaminant the late summer, used a part of the induced antioxidant activity and GSH assimilated energy to shell growth. metabolism at this site. Shell and tissue growth patterns

41 recorded at the cleanest site C1 are physiological disturbances due to the likely to represent a more-or-less elevated chemical pollution levels. “normal” situation in this sea area In conclusion, the antioxidant (Westerbom et al. 2002); therefore, enzyme response, GST activity, and the di'ering growth pattern observed impaired soft tissue and shell growth at C3 could be caused by stress induced demonstrated an increased level of

Figure. 6. Principal component analysis (PCA) performed using di'erent biomarker batteries in the di'erent caging experiments: Turku (I), Porvoo (II), Helsinki (III) and Gävle and Sundsvall (IV). PCA distinguished the contaminated sites from the reference sites in each experiment.

42 biological e'ects coinciding with Compared to the mussels caged at elevated tissue concentrations of espe- the two outermost sites, those at the cially PCBs, OCPs and TBT in mussels innermost sites showed higher tissue caged close to the city and harbor of concentrations of TBT (30.8-40.0 ng Turku in the Archipelago Sea. Sn g dw`¹), which is regarded as a level of concern according OSPAR criteria 3.3.2 Gulf of Finland, Porvoo (II) (Table 3). *e TBT biodegradation index (BDI) suggested recent expo- *e highest levels of biomarker sure to the parent compound at these responses and tissue contaminant sites, most likely originating from concentrations were observed in contaminated sediments due to the mussels caged at the two innermost heavy tanker tra@c in the area. More- sites (C3 and C4) close to the Kilpilahti over, increased tissue concentrations oil re&nery and harbor (Fig. 4). of HMW PAHs such as B(a)P at sites Exposure to organic pollutants was C3 and C4 as well as an elevated PCB indicated by an elevated GST activity concentration at site C4 were detected at both of these sites compared to the (Table 3). mussels caged further away from the All these contaminants are apparent contamination point sources. recognized as inducers of the biotrans- Severe impairment in the health status formation phase I (cytochrome P-450 of mussels was observed only at site system) and phase II enzymes (mainly C4 where an increased antioxidant GST in mussels). Adverse e'ects on enzyme activity (CAT) and level hemocyte function and viability has of LPO indicated contaminant been observed in bivalves exposed to induced oxidative damage in mussels. TBT (Hagger et al. 2008). *erefore, Furthermore, LMS was signi&cantly the reduced LMS measured in hemo- reduced at this site (see 3.2.1), cytes, elevated antioxidant response con&rming the high level of stress and GST activity are considered here suggested here by the other biomarkers. as sensitive responses to the chemical A signi&cantly elevated GR activity mixture present in the Kilpilahti oil and the highest CI value were observed terminal area, with TBT probably as a in mussels caged at the contaminated major e'ect-causing component. site C3, showing the critical role of GR and GSH in protecting the cells 3.3.3 Gulf of Finland, Helsinki (III) against contaminant induced damage. PCA distinguished a higher proportion Elevated antioxidant enzyme activ- of mussels at C3 and C4 with elevated ities and DNA damage in mussels biomarker responses compared to sites caged close to a WWTP discharge C1 and C2 (Fig. 6). site suggested high pro-oxidant and

43 genotoxic capacity of the chemi- CAT activity measured in the cal mixture present in the treated digestive gland was increased at site waste water. Notably higher CI values H2, indicating enhanced production observed at sites H1 and H2 compared of H{O{ and contaminant induced to H3 (Fig. 4) and to the values oxidative stress in the caged mussels recorded at the Hanko collection site (Box et al. 2007). CAT located in re>ected active food intake during the the peroxisomes breaks down H{O{ caging period, leading to rapid growth formed by SOD mediated dismutation of the soft tissues. Subsequently, the of O2 •` or in spontaneous and peroxi- mussels were exposed both to water- somal reactions (Halliwell and borne dissolved chemicals as well as Gutteridge 2001). However, exposure contaminants attached to the particles to strong peroxisome proliferators such <ered as food. PCA distinguished the as PAHs, phthalates, PCBs, alkylphe- highest biomarker e'ects at H1 and nols, pesticides and estrogens generally H2 as well as an increased variability in present in WWTP eŽuents (Vieno the responses of individual mussels at 2014) leads to the production of H{O{ H2 (Fig. 6). by peroxisomal enzymes and altered Apart from the measured di'er- CAT activity (Orbea and Cajaraville et ent tissue concentration ranges, the al. 2006), possibly explaining the lack distinct biomarker response patterns of the CAT response at site H1. More- observed in mussels at H1 and H2 over, the elevated GR activity observed may be caused by the presence of other both at H1 and H2 could indicate an chemicals (e.g., particle bound, water increased antioxidant activity of gluta- soluble, non-bioaccumulative, metab- thione peroxidase (GPx, see Fig. 3) olites), and di'erent exposure routes and other possible GSH dependent (respiration, food intake) at these sites. antioxidant reactions (e.g., Ault and Passive samplers attached to the cages Lawrence 2003) for the elimination of showed a clear decrease in concen- excess H{O{. trations of pharmaceuticals from H1 GST activity was induced in the to H3 (Table 4 in III). Moreover, gills of mussels at H2 and H3, suggest- according to the performed 3D hydro- ing a higher detoxi&cation rate of dynamic modelling of contaminant water-soluble chemicals (especially dispersal, intensity of the exposure at at H2); however, according to the the study sites >uctuated di'erently results on pharmaceuticals obtained during the experiment (Fig. 6 in III), using passive samplers and the disper- which resulted in exposure to di'erent sion model, also mussels at the local chemical cocktails at the di'erent sites reference site H3 were exposed to potentially a'ecting the biomarker some degree of contamination orig- responses. inating from the WWTP discharge.

44 An increased GST activity in gills has 2010; including algal toxins: Kankaan- previously been reported in mussels pää et al. 2007, Turja et al. 2014). exposed to sublethal concentrations CAT activity measured in gills of trace metals and organic pollut- was not induced in any of the above ants (Canesi et al. 1999; Gowland et mentioned studies conducted in the al. 2002), and has also been associated Baltic Sea and showed a generally with moderate to high pollution and lower level of activity compared to that oxidative stress in wild mussels (Vidal- measured in the digestive gland. It has Liñan et al. 2010). Furthermore, the been suggested that a low CAT activ- elevated GST activity in gills (182.4- ity and a low production of H{O{ in 214.8 nmol min`¹ mg protein`¹, gills (Soldatov et al. 2006) is compen- Fig. 3 in III) could be related to a sated by the peroxidase activity of higher level of nutrients and phyto- GST (Lima et al. 2006). Constant plankton at sites H1-H3, indicated ventilation of the gills leads to higher by an increased soft tissue growth and formation of O2 •` and therefore high elevated chlorophyll a concentrations SOD activity is of major importance of 5.1- 16.4 µg`¹ L`¹ measured in the for this tissue type (Manduzio et al. area (Riisgård et al. 2014). 2004; Soldatov et al. 2006), and possi- Lima et al. (2007) showed signi&- bly more e@cient biomarker of the cant positive correlations between GST e'ects of contaminants than CAT. activity in gills and nitrate and ammo- In the present study, mussels nia levels in water. Similarly, GST exposed to the WWTP discharge activity in gills was possibly induced showed increased antioxidant enzyme due to a combined e'ect of eutrophi- activities, which most likely prevented cation and contamination in mussels lipid peroxidation (at least in the caged outside Gävle (195.8-230.5 nmol digestive gland); however, a reduced min`¹ mg protein`¹, Table 2 in IV), in LMS and increased genotoxic e'ects the coastal area of Pori in the Gulf of revealed the severity of the detected Bothnia receiving nutrients from the e'ects. Since LMS was measured in river Kokemäenjoki (117.4- 180.4 hemocytes, the observed response nmol min`¹ mg protein`¹, unpublished pattern could be explained so that data), and in the coastal area of the the exposure to the WWTP discharge Gulf of Gdansk in the Southern Baltic constituted of an extensive mixture of Sea (104.8- 171.2 nmol min`¹ mg chemicals as well as abundant bacte- protein`¹, Dabrowska et al. 2012). *e ria, which challenged especially the GST response also can be a'ected by haemocytic lysosomal function. De los competition between endogenous and Rios et al. (2013) reported no e'ect in toxic substrates, especially at high toxi- LMS determined in the digestive gland cant concentrations (Fernández et al. of caged mussels exposed to urban

45 discharges, and suggested, similarly to 3.3.4 Bothnian Sea, Gävle and study (III), that the increased amount Sundsvall (IV) of food particles at the impacted site was able to increase the CI in mussels In general, mussels caged at all the Gulf and therefore counteract the adverse of Bothnia study sites showed elevated e'ects of contaminants. stress e'ects indicated by increased Many biomarker responses antioxidant response (SOD), mito- and other mechanisms to main- chondrial respiration (ETS activity), tain homeostasis are highly energy and DNA damage (measured here as consuming processes. *e increased MN) (Table 2 in IV). All these e'ects energy consumption and reduced lipid can be linked to excessive ROS forma- reserves indicated that a longer expo- tion and coincided with higher tissue sure to the WWTP eŽuent might lead levels of trace metals (Cd and Cr) and to chronic e'ects resulting in reduced organic pollutants (PAHs and PCBs) energy stores and growth in mussels, in caged mussels compared to the as suggested also by Smolders et al. native mussels in Hanko (Table 3). (2004); these are impacts critical for In high quantities, ROS are able the &tness and survival of the mussels to inhibit the antioxidant system and therefore de&nitely worth of future (Regoli et al. 2002), and in this study investigations. that possibly resulted in the observed In conclusion, the mussel caging low responsiveness of the other anti- and biomarker approach was demon- oxidant enzymes (CAT and GR) that strated to be a sensitive method to in turn might have led to a marked assess biological e'ects induced by cellular production of HO •, which a one month &eld exposure to a is the most potent mediator of DNA complex mixture of chemicals present damage. Moreover, the signi&cantly in a treated WWTP eŽuent. Further- elevated ETS activity suggested that more, assessment of the presence and the contaminants present in the ecological impact of trace concentra- caging area were able to interfere with tions of emerging contaminants such the mitochondrial function, possi- as pharmaceuticals in water greatly bly resulting in enhanced intracellular bene&t from the application of passive production of ROS (Murphy 2009). samplers (Bayen et al. 2014, Devier Interpretation of the above et al. 2011) attached to mussel cages mentioned e'ects is made more di@- (Ahkola 2014). cult by the possible confounding e'ect of low salinity (discussed in more detail in 3.4) as well as the unexpectedly high tissue concentrations of PAHs and PCBs detected in native “Day 0”

46 mussels collected for this study in early glycogen metabolism and cholinergic June (i.e., seasonal e'ects, discussed in system (Depeint et al. 2006). more detail in 3.1 and I). *e highest tissue concentra- Despite of the above described tions of free thiamine recorded at the “background stress”, mussels caged to allegedly most eutrophicated site G1 the more impacted sites close to the (1654±731 ng g`¹ ww) were in the city, harbor and industrial areas of same range observed in mussels caged Gävle (G1) and Sundsvall (S1) showed in the nutrient rich coastal area o' yet higher levels of adverse biologi- Helsinki (1366- 1654 ng g`¹ ww) in the cal e'ects compared to the mussels study (III). Somewhat lower thiamine deployed at the local reference sites levels were observed in “End” mussels (Fig. 4). Mussels caged at G1 showed in Hanko (976±208 ng g`¹ ww) while a reduced LMS, and higher levels of clearly the lowest levels were detected GST and AChE activities as well as at G2 and Sundsvall (S1 and S2) an elevated thiamine (vitamin B1) (528-660 ng g`¹ ww). concentration compared to those at Animals need to obtain thiamine the other caging sites. Conversely, from their food, and applied here as a tissue concentrations of OCPs, which marker of food quality the measured are traditionally regarded as the most thiamine concentrations in mussels potent neurotoxic agents able to were in line with the nutrient levels induce AChE inhibition, were highest in water. Due to the marked antioxi- at G1 (Table 3). dant properties of thiamine (Lukienko AChE inhibition can be induced 2000) it may also have a'ected by direct neurotoxic action or through some of the potential contaminant oxidative stress mediated toxicity, and induced responses observed in studies therefore also other types of substances III and IV. may have caused the observed Finally, due to the complex and neurotoxic responses. At G1, the multiple functions of the measured signi&cantly increased GST activity biomarkers, LMS was able to show may have prevented AChE inhibition most clearly the adverse e'ects of by eliminating neurotoxic or redox-cy- contamination on mussels at G1, cling compounds (e.g., Tsangaris et al. supported also by the higher tissue 2010). Another protective mechanism concentrations of some of the contam- recorded in mussels at G1 compared to inants (Table 3). the other caging sites was the elevated High tissue concentrations espe- level of thiamine, which is involved in cially of Hg and HMW PAHs were several key functions related to the other observed at site S1 in Sundsvall measured biomarkers including antiox- (Table 3) where the mussels were idant defense, mitochondrial function, characterized by severe health e'ects

47 including increased phagocytic activ- where also a wider biomarker battery ity and heart rate recovery time, and was applied (IV). Moreover, the timing decreased CI. *e increased phago- and length of the exposures (Septem- cytic activity was most likely caused by ber-October vs. June-September), and mixture toxicity e'ects on the immune interannual di'erences in the condi- system, supported by the further tion of mussels at the Hanko collection observations on these mussels includ- site (CI values of 17 and 9 in Septem- ing a low haemocyte count, increased ber 2007 and 2010, respectively) could vacuolation and nuclear deformities have in>uenced the sensitivity of the in the haemocytes (Höher et al. in mussels to exposure to low salinity. prep.). Haemocyte function represents In the Bothnian Sea (June-Sep- the vital &rst line of immune defense tember) experiment the caged mussels against various pathogens in mussels were exposed to natural >uctuations (Pipe and Coles 1995). with marked occasional reductions Moreover, the observed slow recov- in ambient salinity (Fig. 1 in IV). ery of the heart rate after exposure to Considering study IV, some biomarker environmental or chemical stressors responses and contaminant levels characterizes an organism’s poor abil- discussed below could be interpreted ity to restore normal functions and a as e'ects of low salinity, or more likely, decreased physiological &tness (IV, the combined e'ect of stress induced Kholodkevich et al. 2009). Conclu- by contamination (Table 3) and low sively, S1 served as an example of a salinity (< 4.5). high stress situation where multiple *e high tissue concentrations biomarker responses re>ected a criti- of Hg, Cd and Cr were observed in cally impaired physiological status at mussels caged in the Gulf of Both- the individual level linked to low salin- nia (Table 3). Metal ions have higher ity (see 3.4) and contamination. bioavailability at low salinities (Hall and Anderson, 1995). Trace metals 3.4 The effects of low salinity are important components of cellular (II, IV) ROS-generating reactions contribut- ing to the increased formation of ROS, In parts of the present work, mussels which results in elevated SOD activity were caged under critically low salin- (Livingstone 2001) and potentially to ity conditions (ca. 4.5) in the Gulf of DNA damage (Fernández et al. 2011, Finland (II) and the Bothnian Sea (IV). Prevodnik et al. 2006) also detected In contrast to the negligible e'ects in caged mussels in the Bothnian Sea of low salinity observed in the Gulf (IV). However, regardless of salinity of Finland study (II), possible e'ects the general tendency for bioaccumu- were recorded in the Bothnian Sea lation of metals in mussels has been

48 ranked as follows: Hg > Cd > Cu > Pb to CEA measured here) indicating that (Karbe et al. 1994). they had more energy to counteract the AChE inhibition has been contaminant induced stress compared suggested as an indicator of general to the “northern” mussels that showed physiological condition (e.g., low SfG and high protein damage. Lehtonen et al. 2006a), and in the Osmoregulation is achieved by Gulf of Bothnia study it was most adjusting the intracellular concentra- likely in>uenced both by contami- tion of organic osmolytes, particularly nant and low salinity stress (except at the free amino acids as well as ion and G1, see 3.3.4). Previous studies have amino acid transporters in the cell showed AChE inhibition under high membranes (Lockwood and Somero chemical stress conditions in Baltic 2011). Osmoregulation has been mussels (Kopecka et al. 2006, Schiedek shown to result in high excretion of et al. 2006). Despite of the recorded amines leading to an increased energy contaminant gradients neurotoxicity consumption in Baltic M. trossulus was neither observed in studies I-III (Riginos and Cunningham 2005). nor detected in native mussels in previ- In the present work, high energy ous studies (Lehtonen et al. 2006b). consumption was observed in mussels *e ability to sustain energy consum- caged in the low salinity Bothnian Sea ing stress responses is closely linked to but no drastic e'ects could be detected the prevailing energetic status of the in CEA (Table 2 in IV). mussels (see discussion on CI below). *e total energy budget in mussels Bene&cial environmental factors such seems to be relatively >exible, and the as “normal” salinity and favorable food energy stored in lipids, proteins and conditions (e.g., indicated by high CI carbohydrates is reallocated for osmo- and good growth) may explain the lack regulatory purposes and required stress of an AChE response in caged mussels mechanisms (Sokolova et al. 2010). (I-III). However, this is ultimately achieved Su@cient energy reserves are only at the expense of a decline in soft required to mount and maintain a tissue growth as observed in mussels at successful stress response when chal- S1 (IV, Riisgård et al. 2014), and under lenged by exposure to damaging such high stress situations mussels are agents. In the study by Prevodnik et not able to survive for extended time al. (2007) mussels were collected along periods (Sokolova et al. 2010). a south-north salinity gradient in the In general, M. trossulus has a Baltic Sea and then exposed to Cu and good capability to tolerate changes oil *e “southern” mussels showed low in ambient salinity and therefore it levels of protein carbonyls and a high outcompetes other mytilid species in scope for growth (SfG; corresponding many estuarine habitats in>uenced

49 by high riverine inputs of freshwater therefore, on soft tissue growth (Riis- (Fly and Hilbish 2013). In contrast to gård et al. 2013). Soft tissue growth up M. trossulus occupying high salin- to 2.6% day`¹ was recorded in Baltic ity areas the Baltic mussels have a mussels fed with algae or transplanted remarkable capability to adjust their in cages under favorable food condi- <ration rate when exposed to salinity tions; however, mussels exposed to a changes between 6.5 and 20 (Riisgård salinity below 4.5 showed weight loss et al. 2013). Adaptation to low salinity at a rate of -0.3% day`¹ (Riisgård et impedes the production of shell mate- al. 2014) indicating that a decrease in rial restricting the size of the mussels to ambient salinity due to climate change a maximum of ca. 3.5 cm. Shell length is a signi&cant threat to mussel popula- is related to the gill area, which in turn tions in the northern Baltic Sea. has an e'ect on <ration capacity and,


*e results obtained in this thesis to changing environmental conditions showed that the di@culties in assessing such as increasing temperature and mixture toxicity e'ects under varying food availability in early spring and environmental conditions can be at least summer; however, in mussels caged at partly tackled by applying the mussel contaminated sites the increased CAT caging method and the use of biomark- activity was most likely associated ers. In all the studies performed here with contaminant induced oxidative the biomarkers successfully discrim- challenge. An elevated GR activity inated contaminated sites from their correlated markedly with soft tissue local reference sites. *e general health growth, thus indicating the general indicator LMS proved to be a power- role of GSH in energy metabolism in ful biomarker of contaminant induced mussels as well as in the antioxidant stress also in Baltic mussels. In regard response by scavenging the contami- to the antioxidant defense biomarkers nant induced ROS. Even though these the activity of SOD was linked to the multifaceted mechanisms are usually level of nutrition, energy consump- present behind the formation of ROS, tion (mitochondrial function) and the antioxidant response observed in osmoregulation, all of which alter this study was generally linked to the intracellular ROS formation and are level of contaminants measured in a'ected by contamination. CAT activ- the tissues of mussels. *e bioener- ity exhibited natural variability linked getic status of individuals, indicated

50 by CEA demonstrating the amount of e'ects occurring in the speci&c phys- available energy and CI, was important ico-chemical environments, these in determining the functioning of the apparent mismatches should have a true energetically costly defense responses ecotoxicological background after all. such as elevated enzymatic activities Since salinities below 4.5 a'ect the towards contaminant induced stress. physiology of Baltic M. trossulus and *e marked variability in thus also several biomarker responses, biomarker responses clearly demon- the development of a “biomarker tool- strated the importance of using a box” requires further attention in the battery of biomarkers encompassing Baltic Sea to establish biomarker meth- di'erent biological functions and to ods in suitable sentinel species along examine closely the response pro&les. the salinity gradients. In addition, to minimize the e'ects of *is thesis provides more profound a number of seasonal factors interfering understanding of biochemical and with the assessment of contaminant physiological characteristics related induced e'ects in caged mussels, the to the health status of Baltic mussels experiments in the northern Baltic Sea in>uenced by environmental factors are recommended to be conducted and contaminant exposure, which is between late summer and autumn a prerequisite to include biomarkers (e.g., August to October) when measured in caged mussels in Baltic Sea the mussels are in their most stable biomonitoring programs. biochemical and physiological condition. Further studies on the interaction of environmental factors, cellular regu- lation pathways and catalytic functions in mussels are required to be able to explain more thoroughly some of the controversial results related to the apparent mismatches between the measured tissue contaminant concen- trations and biomarker responses in order to facilitate the establish- ment of biological e'ects methods in environmental monitoring. Due to the presence of various types on non-bioaccumulating chemicals and contaminants not measured here, as well as the unpredictable mixture


My PhD work was carried out in the without especially Jussi Rapo and SYKE Marine Research Centre (Meri- Tuomo Roine as well as many others keskus). *is work was funded by working on Aranda &xing the cages no Onni Talas Foundation and I’m very matter how stormy it was. Very special grateful of the good care I received as thanks to Anna S for all the crazy hours your stipendiate. we have been together in the &eld First of all, Kari, I’m grateful that diving the mussels and in the lab being you have been my supervisor and I optimistic on how many samples it is have learned so much from you on my ok to analyze during one day…which way to grown-up scientist. I cannot often ended up including the night as thank you enough for your guid- well. I would not have survived with- ance and dedication in my work and out you! for all your time helping with manu- *ank you for many PhD students scripts even on your (every) holiday! I and Post-docs Eeva, Jonna, Anne-Mari, also enjoy our discussions, which are Laura, Anna R, Pirjo, Aura, Noora, not solely science based due to our Anu V and others for all the friend- shared interest in many things, such ship, discussions and support during as Spanish language and Latin Ameri- these years. can countries as well as during the last Many thanks belong to various years training swimming in our small researchers in Merikeskus for all the but powerful swimming group. You help, valuable conversations and a also know well all the international top great environment to work in. I wish scientists in our &eld and I feel privi- to thank Kirsten and Harri for all leged that from the beginning of my ideas, I have enjoyed a lot in our brain- PhD studies you have introduced me storming and project planning sessions to everybody. I’m happy that many of and I hope all that will continue in them have become good colleagues the future. Make, thank you for your and friends of mine. participation and sincere interest in *ank you for all the current and my work. Ripa, thank you for always former members of our “Biomarker asking how things are going and it is team” Anna S, Anna N, Anu, Anna great to have you as a very motivated J, Susku, Tanja, Anna K and Jukka of and competitive member of our swim- your valuable help in the lab & &eld ming group. Ville, you saved me by & Aranda and more importantly your making the maps, thank you! Aranda friendship during these years. Caging cruises to deploy and sample the caged experiments would not have happened mussels have been prerequisite for my

52 experiments. I wish to thank especially related issues for this thesis as well as Roope for taking care of Aranda and to my manuscripts and presentations. your interest in my work. Mum, thank you for your endless I also wish to thank my co-authors support in my life and during my scien- for all the expertise and enthusiasm ti&c career. You have never doubted you’ve shared with me. *ank you to that this is not a real job, not even Professors Jussi Kukkonen and Ketil when we packed your car with canis- Hylland for reviewing this thesis and ters &lled with gammarids and mussels giving valuable comments. and drove together to Norway to make Scienti&c diving course meant a some experiments. I will never forget lot to me personally to be part of the that! scienti&c diver community and to get O-P you have helped in all possi- many new friends, as well to my scien- ble ways like diving and sampling the ti&c career to master the underwater mussels, computer stu', bringing pizza work and ecology. Jouni, I’m privileged to Kumpula in the middle of the night, to be one of your divers! *ank you marking endless amount of eppendorf TuSu:t for the great work and fun dives tubes and many other things. *ank and help with my mussels with special you for your love and patience and thanks to Iiris and Paula for being my sharing your life with me. buddy in and out of water and science. A big hug to you Maija, thank you for being such an amazing friend, it is always so much fun with you. Tanja, Mellu, Karo and Allu, our long friend- ship means so much to me and I always enjoy meeting with you girls and discuss all the possible things which have taken my mind out of science. I have been missing to spend more time with you all! *e scienti&c work of this thesis has involved participation of my friends and family. *ank you so much for that! Especially, Tanja, you have been irreplaceable life savior designing and &xing all the possible graphic design


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