Revista Română De Studii Baltice Şi Nordice

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Revista Română De Studii Baltice Şi Nordice Revista Română de Studii Baltice şi Nordice Vol. 2, Nr. 2 (2010) Târgovişte ISSN 2067-1725 Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2010 Subscription information: Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice (RRSBN) is a biannual multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing the results of research in all fields which are intertwined with the aims of The Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies ( The magazine is published by Cetatea de Scaun Printing House, Targoviste, Romania ( Annual subscription: Institution Lei 100 € 50 £ 40 $ 75 Individual Lei 30 € 25 £ 20 $ 37 Online: free download ( Ordering information: Asociatia Româna pentru Studii Baltice si Nordice (ARSBN) 35 Lt. Stancu Ion St., 130104 Târgoviste, Romania Telefon: (004) 0727748556 E-mail: Webpage: Advertising: The ARSBN offers the companies the possibility to advertise their products and services in the pages of RRSBN. For more details, please contact the secretary of ARSBN at e-mail: Exchanges: The magazine is open to any suggestions of publications exchange coming from publications with a similar profile or from any kind of scientific publications from Baltic and Nordic states. Quality process: Although by its peer-review process and quality standards we are striving to produce good quality articles, the RRSBN makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the articles presented in print or on the site. © Copyright by Asociaţia Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice 122 Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2010 Table of contents Introduction Silviu Miloiu .................................................................................................................. 127 Articles: Sweden and the Jacobite movement (1715-1718) Costel Coroban............................................................................................………… ……131 Aspects of the Eastern Question found in Swedish diplomatic reports (1813) Veniamin Ciobanu............................................................................................................. 153 Portrait of a necessary Ponto-Baltic alliance: Polish commercial road projects towards the Balkans and the Black Sea, 1919 – 1926 Florin Anghel .................................................................................................................... 175 Forging a Socialist Homeland from Multiple Worlds: North American Finns in Soviet Karelia 1921-1938 Kitty Lam .......................................................................................................................... 203 Leisure in Stalin‟s Estonia Olaf Mertelsmann ..............................................................................................................225 From “allies without alliance” to concerted action: Romania and Finland in the aftermath of the Operation Barbarossa (1941) 123 Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2010 Silviu Miloiu ..................................................................................................................... 249 War, diplomacy and media: the British–Soviet Treaty of May 26, 1942 in Swedish press commentaries Emanuel Plopeanu........................................................................................................... .. 285 Lithuanian public opinion and the EU membership Elena Dragomir ................................................................................................................ 295 Event: The Awarding of Doctor Honoris Causa to H.S. Dr. Vladimir Jarmolenko, The Ambassador of Lithuania to Bucharest……………………………………………... 313 124 Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2010 Senior Editors: Ion Calafeteanu, Valahia University of Târgoviste Neagu Udroiu, Ambassador Editor in Chief: Silviu Miloiu, Valahia University of Târgoviste Deputy Editor: Florin Anghel, Ovidius University of Constanta Editorial Secretary: Elena Dragomir, University of Helsinki Book Review Editor: Adrian Viţalaru, „Al.I. Cuza” University of Iassy Editorial Board: Mioara Anton, “Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History of the Romanian Academy Tatiana Dragutan, The Embassy of Lithuania in Bucharest Raluca Glavan, Mykolas Romeris University of Vilnius Oana Laculiceanu, Valahia University of Târgoviste Tuomas Hovi, University of Turku Tiberius Puiu, Romania Bogdan Schipor, “A.D. Xenopol” Institute of History of the Romanian Academy International Advisory Board: Kari Alenius, University of Oulu, Finland Ioan Chiper, “Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History of the Romanian Academy Ion Ciuperca, “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iassy Robert Collis, University of Sheffield Carsten Due-Nielsen, University of Copenhagen Björn M. Felder, Germany Rebecca Haynes, University College of London John Hiden, University of Glasgow Kalervo Hovi, University of Turku Eriks Jekabsons, University of Latvia Auvo Kostiainen, University of Turku Ceslovas Laurinavicius, Lithuanian Institute of History Katalin Miklóssy, University of Helsinki Viatcheslav Morozov, St. Petersburg State University Valters Šcerbinskis, Riga Stradinš University David J. Smith, University of Glasgow Viktor Trasberg, University of Tartu Luca Zanni, Embassy of Italy in Kyiv 125 Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2010 Revista apare cu sprijinul financiar al Administraţiei Fondului Cultural Naţional (This issue is published with the finacial support of the Romanian National Cultural Fund Administration. ISSN 2067-1725 © Copyright by Asociaţia Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice Publisher: SC Editura Logos srl, Romania Executive Manager: Dan Margarit, e-mail: 126 Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2010 Editorial Foreword Silviu Miloiu President of the Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies, E-mail: This issue of Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice [The Romanian Journal of Baltic and Nordic Studies, RRSBN] crowns a year of steady progress in terms of number and quality of the programs and actions run by The Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies (ARSBN). The highlights of this year have been the first international conference for Baltic and Nordic Studies in Romania entitled Romania and Lithuania in the Interwar International Relations: Bonds, Intersections and Encounters, the opening of the exhibition dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Romanian-Finnish diplomatic relations (exhibition which has travelled since its first opening about 850 miles) and of the first Lithuanian exhibition displayed in a Romanian art gallery and the awarding of the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of Valahia University to Dr. Vladimir Jarmolenko, the Ambassador of Lithuania to Bucharest and Honorary Chairman of our Association. Besides, the members of the Association have been involved in research whose results have been disseminated in books, international and national conferences, thus contributing to the spreading of knowledge and the encouragement of debates on subjects close to its aims. The second issue of RRSBN also brings a novelty in the meaning that 2010 is the first year when the journal is published biannually as it will appear henceforth. Having been projected at the end of 2008, its first volume was published in November 2009. The articles published in this issue bring forth new documentary evidences and fresh interpretations upon a variety of topics regarding the history, the history of international relations or the history of commercial bonds of Baltic and Nordic European nations, in some cases in connection to the developments in the Black Sea area. In spite of the array of topics, some sections can be however distinguished. The first one encompasses the two articles signed by Costel Coroban and Veniamin Ciobanu regarding the role of Sweden in the international relations at the beginning of the 18th and of the 19th centuries when this power had to cope with its declining role in the international relations. After its defeat in the Battle of Poltava, Sweden gradually came to 127 Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2010 be regarded as the minor actor in the international diplomatic game in comparison with its more powerful neighbors of Britain, Russia or Napoleon‟s France. The first article describes how Sweden tried to rise again to the status of Great Power with the financial support of the Jacobites and what were the international implications of the plot in which Swedish emissaries have allowed themselves to be engaged in Britain. Integrating a number of nine important archival documents, the second article proves the wide interest of Sweden regarding the international circumstances leading to the downfall of Imperial France in its attempt to adopt a wise foreign policy to compensate through the annexation of Norway for the loss of Finland to Tsarist Russia in 1809. Thus, Sweden was also looking to the developments of the Eastern Question and to the policies of Britain, France and Russia with regard to the Ottoman Empire. If the Napoleonic Wars caused havoc in Europe and finally ended in the defeat of France and in the setting up of a new European order, the First World War had an even bigger impact on the
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