TONGSUN PARK MAY RETURN SEOUL (UPI) -- Milllonaire rlce merchant Tongsun Park, the key flgure in the alleged South Korean influence-buYlng actlvi­ tles in Washlngton, may change his mlnd and return to the U.S. to fa ce 1n ve s t i ga to rs, 0 f f 1ca 1 .....,V,.,.,0'"'"L.,."UM=E...-.-14.------'I'i'I'KW'MIA""I'JATiL"'E"F'iI Nr.-l\'A~T01'iT[T[-, "'1:M iiiAii"iRSOLHilI"AnL[---rI C'iSLIiA:iiNncDS~,--Wr.nE:=rDii\iN i:'CE s:iiDrJi'AYv. NOV EMB ER 30, 19 77 NUMBER 231 sources sald today. The sources said Park, who Economic Indica'ors had lived in the United States U.S.S.R. REJECTED for 25 years and considered Are Up In Ocfo'er the country his second home, "felt sorry" that the scandal WASHINGTON (uPI) -- The had stralned relations between government index intended to EGYPT'S INVITATION Seoul and Washlngton. predlct the dlrection of the CAIRO (UPI) -- The Soviet Union rejected Egypt's invitation "Should he change his mlnd American economy rose 0.7 per- for pre-Geneva Middle East peace talks today and Cairo declared and declde to go to the U.S. cent in October for its fourth regret Moscow was "wasting an opportunity" to promote peace and voluntarlly there is no reason straight monthly gain and hlt lmprove stralned Egyptian-Soviet relations. why we should oppose it," the highest level in four President Anwar Sadat said he will go ahead with the Eqyptian the sources sald. years, the Commerce Department peace conference, although other Arab powers planned to boycott Park was lndicted by a U.S. reported today. the Cairo parley. federal grand jury earller Charles Schultz, Chalrman Diplomatlc sources sald the Soviet position was communicated thls year on 36 counts of mail of the Councll of Economic Ad- • • d by Ambassador Vladimir Pol- fraud, brlbery and corruption visers, sald in a New York t,ons Reta,ne yakov to Acting. Foreign Minis­ charges and U.S. authorities speech, "There are no maJor OP ter Butros Ghall. Some sharp had sought to questlon him on dlstortlons or 1mbalances ln ·,·· remarks were exchanged at the American ground. the domestlc economy that B)f , 'I'I',nes meeting, sources said. Park himself had said he mlght preclpltate a downturn P Sadat, addressing a dele­ would not want to go back to or prolonged pause in the ex- MANILA (UPI) -- The PhillP­ gation from Israeli-occupied the U.S. to face lnvestigators pansion." pines retains" the option of Sinai who called on him at the untll there was a guarantee of a The Commerce Department said terminating military agreements Suez Canal city of Ismailia, falr trlal. He also complained the index of leading economlC wlth the United States, al­ sa i d, "We do not fi ght for the that he had already been unfalr- lndlcators climbed to 133.8 though there has been some sake of fighting but in order ly trled by the American press. to surpass the 133.7 of June, movement toward reachlng agree­ to establish peace on Earth ••• South Korean legislators also 1973, when the economy was at ment on a new treaty recently, "I promi se you that I wi 11 backed Park, claiming the U.S. ltS peak. Beglnning in July, the country's Solicltor General carry my peace call to the demand for Park's return was an 1973, the index began to weaken said today. very end," Sadat said. "I interference ln the country's to forshadow the 1974-75 re- "The essentlal point lS to promise you that, God willing, baslc domestic affairs because ceSSlon. what extent will the Philip­ I will perform the prayers of the millionalre-business is a The 0.7 percent rise in Oct- plnes agree or consent to the next feast in the heart of Korean citizen. tober was SOlld. qualify the exercise of its the Sinai." soverelgnty and to what extent During his historic trip to the United States wlll agree to Israel, Sadat offered prayers THE U.N. MIDEAST TALKS COULD compensate for these advan­ at Al Aqsa Mosque, Islam's tages," Estellto Mendoza said third holiest shrine, in at a luncheon of the Foreign Jerusalem. NOW BE CRIPPLED OR EVEN KILLED Correspondents Associatlon of The western section of Sinai (UPI) -- Israel's reJectlon and Presldent Car­ the Phillppines. was restored to Egypt under two ter's lukewarm receptlon appeared today to crlpple, if not out­ Referring to the recently mllltary disengageme~t agree­ right kill, a proposal for a December round of prellmlnary Middle renewed negotiations on Ameri­ ments signed with Israel in East peace talks at the United Natlons. But the plan's author can mllltary bases in the 1974 and 1975, but the major inslsted it was "stlll valid and allVe." Phlllppines, Mendoza sald there part of the peninsula remains Israel said the conference proposed by U.N. Secretary General has been "acknowledgement (by under Israeli occupation. Kurt Waldhelm would serve "no purpose," and Carter told a news the U.S.) that the bases are Defending his trip to Jeru­ conference, "It's too early for us to decl de" whether the Um ted Fillpino bases" and ln the salem, Sadat said, "I did what States would attend. future wlll have Fillplno I did because I felt the weight But a spokesman for Waldhelm commanders. He said the ter­ of responsibility. It would said "The Secretary General PLO WANTS RED TIES mination of the current treaty have been easier for me to stay feels that hlS suggestion is DAMASCUS (UPI) -- The Pales­ reached in 1947 "lS not an in my place and leave the prob- \ stlll valld and alive," and that tine Liberation Organization option that has been excluded." lem to my successor," he added. "he doesn't feel the flrst re­ (PLO) today called for the action of Israel is necessarlly Egyptlan armed forces to oppose flnal ." Presldent Sajat's peace over­ Carter Pleased Over Reduction Of Waldheim floated his U.N. tures to Israel and urged the conference ldea at a news con­ Arabs to develop closer ties ference yesterday - an apparently with the Sovlet Union and other fear And Distrust 'n Middle East desparate bid to pull toqether, communlst countrles. WASHINGTON (UPI) -- President Carter said today he is very before a reconvening of peace The PLO statement was lssued pleased over the reduction of fear and distrust in the Middle talks ln Geneva~ the various at the conclusion of a meeting East, ca 11 i ng recent di plomati c moves "A hi storic breakthrough sldes that have Spllt over the of the organization's policy­ in the search for a permanent, lasting peace." upcomlng Cairo talks. maklng Central Council at a He praised the courage of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Most Arab nations, the Pales­ session chalred ln the Syrian "the gracious reception of him in Israel by Prime Minister Begin." tlnlans and the Soviet Union, capltal by PLO leader Yassar Carter told a news conference this morning the Sadat visit is have spurned Egyptian Presldent Arafat. "already a tremendous accomplish­ Anwar Sadat's invitation to It also called on the other ment, an lnitation of direct date as December 13. Cai roo Arabs to support those opposing person-to-person negotiations" State Department spokesman The Secretary General dld Sadat and condemned "the minor­ between Israel and the "strong­ Hodding Carter said later the pick up one positlve response - lty" of Arab leaders who openly est Arab country." December 13 date mentioned by from Mansur Rashld Kikhla, back him. Among these are He said the meeting met "two the Presfdpnt is an approxi­ Libya's Ambassador and this Sudan, Morocco and Oman. of Israel's most cherished mate date. "The exact date month's Presldent of the U.N. "The V1Slt lS dangerous not desires" -- face-to-face meet­ may in fact be December 12, 13 Security CounCll. "It's a lot only ln ltself but in its ings and recognition by Sadat and 14. It will be around that better ldea than the ldea of aftereffects," the statement of Israel's right to exist. period." President Sadat's conferf'nce," said. call1ng the move "a But Carter warned that in "There is an agreement on the Llbyan Ambassador to the serious deviatlon from the past, "expectations have some­ that, but there is no agreement United Natlons said. pn nCl p1 es of Arab s truggl e. " times been exaggerated." on how long the meeting will He noted that the problems be. There is no fixed term," * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * of a Palestinian homeland and the spokesman said. * SURF & SUN * FINANCIAL REPORT * the return of captured Arab He stressed there is "no * * * lands have not been resolved. particular significance in * AS OF 0001 HOURS 30 NOV. '77 * DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES * Carter said the Cairo con­ those dates, except that is * RAINFALL: TRACE * 30 Indus. up 2.43 at 829.70 * ference called by Sadat is "a simply the one which was * MONTHLY TOTAL: 8.25 inches * 20 Trans. up 0.34 at 214.50 * very constructive step," and mutually agreeable to all the * YEARLY TOTAL: 82.34 inches * 15 Utlls. off 0.04 at 112.00 * said the United States would parties that are going to be * TOMORROW * 65 Stocks up 0.56 at 286.35 * "particlpate at a high level." participating, including the * LC' -:-lde' 0141 1.4' 1325 1.8' * Volume" 22,670,000 shares * He said Assistant Secretary of United Nations observer." *Hi Tlde: 0741 3.8' 19494.5' * Clos1ng Gold Price: $160.05 * State Alfred Atherton would President Carter said the * MOONRI SE: 2339 MOONSET' 1129 * Closing Sllver Prlce: $4.74 * represent the United States. question of a separate Egyptian­ * SUNRISE: 0649 SUNSET: 1828 * LISTINGS AVAILABLE IN LIBRARY * In referring to the Calro Israeli peace agreement has not * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * meeting, Carter mentloned its arisen but was a possibility. PAGE 2 "IEDrlESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1977 State Department Comments Tri"ent Sub Has Biggest Cost On Aquino Are 'Regrettable' WORLD NEWS BRIEfS Orerrun In Nar, Histor, JOHANNESBURG (UPI) -- Pr1me Min1ster MANILA, PHILIPPINES (UPI) -- The Solicitor WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The flrst Trldent led his Natlonal1st Party General of the Ph1l1ppines said today it was mlssile submarlne - a major strategic to victory today in South Africa's flfth "regrettaole" the U.S. State Department pre- weapon for the 1980s and beyond - wlll go general electlon Slnce the country became maturely commented on the death sentence lnto serVlce late and wlth one of the a republic. handed down to former Sen. Benigno S. Aquino, biggest cost escalatlons 1n Navy Shlpbuild- The National Party, WhlCh has ruled Jr. by a m1l1tary trlbunal. ing hlstory. South Afrlca for the past 29 years, Speaklng at a luncheon of the Foreign Navy officlals dlsclosed yesterday the immediately picked up 42 seats for the Correspondents Assoclation of the Phlllpplnes, flrst submarine will be up to a year behind next parliament in uncontested constl­ Mendoza said it was "regrettable" the State schedule at an expected cost of $1.19 tuenCles. Department lssued a comment that the United billion, not countlng its 24 nuclear-tlpped The liberal opposition party, the States was "dlsturbed" about the sentence missiles and part of the nuclear power progressive Federal Party, won two un­ Slnce the declsion of the tnbunal "cannot plant. contested seats. become executory until it is flrst reviewed." Officlals estimated in 1973 the vessel *** Aqulno was a llkely candidate for the 1973 would cost $793 mlllion. NEW YORK (UPI) -- Dockworkers in East presldential elections before he was arrested Rear Adm. Donald Hall, Trldent ProJect and Gulf Coast ports returned to work and martial law lmposed by President Ferdin- Manager, told a news conference part of the today in response to a call by the Inter­ and E. Marcos in September lQ72. He was overrun lS due to buildlng delays. But national Longshoremen's Assoclatlon to sentenced to death by firinn squad Nov. 25 t~e builder, Electrlc Boat of Groton, Conn., end a two-month strike that p1led up after being convlcted on charges of sub- does not have to explaln the slowdown under b1l1ions of dollars worth of contalnerized version, murder of a villaae chieftaln 10 ltS contract. goods. years ago and illegal possesslon of fire-arms. "The company does not have to tell me' ILA President Thomas W. Gleason said Two leaders of the communist New People's why they have had a SllP," sald Hall. members were notlng overwhelmlngly to Army, Bernabe Buscayno and Victor Corpuz, Pentagon offlclals sa1d the cost escal- approve a new three-year contract that were also conv1cted and glven the same ation lS one of the biggest for any single provides jot security guarantees and sentence by the seven-man tribunal. ship the Navy has ever bUllt. The 560-foot lncreased wage and fringe beneflts. Mendoza sa1d the decislon by Marcos Trldents - now planned as a proqram of 13 "With the total vote taken so far, and yesterday to reopen the case was based on a Submarlnes at a total cost of more than as far as this internatlonal unlon lS memorandum flled by Aqulno to the Supreme $22 bllllon - wlll be the largest sub- concerned - and myself - I'm orderlng the Court which stated he had been refused per- marines ever. men back to work," Gleason sald yesterday. mlssion to attend the flnal hours of the 15- Navy spokesmen later provlded a break- "The strike is over." month trlal and was not permitted to read a down of the cost growth, attrlbutlng $123.6 *** 107-page statement before sentenclnq. million of lt to the delay and a contract RANGOON, BURMA (UPI) -- An offlclal of He stressed that Marcos' declsion to re- overrun, and $267.2 m1ll1on to inflation the Horld Health OrqanlZatlOn (HHO) said open the case was not lnfluenced ln any and other changes ln estlmated costs. today Burma had erad1cated smallpox. manner by adverse publlClty ln the Un1ted Or. 1.0. Ladnyi, an assistant dlrector States or elsewhere. Prepares New Proposal On of WHO, sald the lnternational comm1ssion "The declsion to reopen the case had U.s. took "speclal satlsfactlon" ln recognlzing noth1na to do w1th adverse publ1C1ty. To the achievement by Burma. get the most favorable reactlon it would Human Rig.ts for 8elgra"e Ladnyi and other offlc1als have been have been better to release Aqu1no or to BELGRADE (UPI) -- The United States is vis1tlng Burma since Nov. 23. They sald transfer the case to clvllian courts," preparlng a new proposal on human rights for their studies indlcated smallpox had been Mendoza sa1d. He added that to transfer the the Belgrade Conference on European Security eradicated in th1S country since 1970. case to clvlllan courts now would present and plans to present 1t on Frlday, U.S. *** "roRllldable problems." delegates sald today. LONDON (UPI) -- Three women died in A spokesman for the Amerlcan delegation separate fires across Britaln early today IRS Won't Tal. About Oil at the 35-natlon meet1ng called the draft and five flrefighters, including two "a modest proposal," but sald lt would senlor flre offlcers were injured ln strengthen and reaff1rm several key points another blaze. Tax Cre"it Recommen"ations of the 1975 Helslnk1 Agreement, which the News of the fire v1ctlms came as Prime WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Unlted States conference lS revlewlng. Minister James Callaghan was meeting with Internal Revenue Servlce lS refusing to He said lt wlll also "encourage each fire officers' leaders to discuss the1r reveal ltS recommendatlons on changes in a country's cltizens to engage ln a dlalogue position ln the natlonwlde str1ke by 1955 tax credit rullng favor1ng maJor 011 with their government" -- a reference to Brltaln's 35,000 f1reflghters. companles. the unoffic1al Helsinkl monltoring groups The f1re off1cers are under lncreasing And a House su~commlttee is threatenlng 1n the Sov1et Ur10n whose members have been pressure from the str1kers to qive them to subpoena the secret IRS recommendatlons, harassed and arrested. more support. Leaders of the Firefighters glven the Treasury Department two weeks ago. "That lS llkely to be the most contro­ Union also are seeking support from the The credlt ruling costs Amerlcan tax­ versial point," he sa1d. Trades Unlon Congress (TUC) 1n their bid payers $3.5 mlll10n a day. U.S. Ch1ef delegate Arthur J. Goldberg for a 30 percent pay ra1se. IRS Commlss10ner Jero-ne Kurtz refused today crit1Clzed Sovlet-Bloc delegates for *** yesterday to reveal to a House Government trying to steer the conference away from SALISBURY, (UPI) -- Black Operatlons Subcomm1ttee h1S agency's recom­ the human rights lssue. natlonalist leader demanded mendat1ons. A f1nal decis10n may be an - "If we really want cooperatlOn, we must today that Prlme M1nlster Ian Smlth per­ nounced by mid-January, he said, addlng that rot emphasize some parts of the (Helsinkl) mlt no more "massacres" such as the raids to release the recommendations now would be final act at the expense of others," that the mllitary command sald kllled "dlsruptlVe" to the dec1slon making. Goldberg told the conference. more than 1,200 guerrlllas ln . Rep. Benjamln Rosenthal, D-New York, said Sovlet and East German delegates, in In a letter to Smlth which he released that if the treasury has not announced a turn, had criticlzed the United States for to the press, Muzorewa sald last week's flnal declsion by Jan. 17, his panel would neglecting m1lltary detente and disarmament. ralds in Mozambique "adversely prejudice" subpoena the IRS recommendatlons because The United States contends that disarmament the prospect of success at the forth­ "The Amencan publlC is entitled to know." negotiations should be carried on ln other coming constitutlonal conference almed at The lssue revolves around a tax credlt meetings, includlng the U.S.-Soviet producing a one man, one vote majority rullng lssued 22 years old by the IRS that strategic arms llmltat10n talks and the rule settlement. allowed U.S. 011 f1rms to cred1t - dollar-for Vienna talks on a balanced reduction of *** dollar - product1on taxes levled by 011 forces in Europe. STOCKHOLM (UPI) -- The Sovlet Union producing countr1es against U.S. lncome :axes set off a powerful underground nuclear owned by the oil compan1es. explosion today at its Semlralatinsk The practlce has come under Congressional Read Tile Small Print first Testlng Ground ln Siberia, recording 6.9 criticism as an evaS10n of tax law. UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -- The Brltish on the Richter scale, the Uppsala Ambassador to the United Nations cautloned Seismologlcal Institute said. today he cannot trust Rhodeslan Prime An lnstltute spokesman sald lt was Soriets Tell 'A Useless Lie' Minlster 's proposal for one-man, among the most powerful tests the Soviets PARIS (UPI) -- U.S. diplomat Constant1ne one-vote elections untll he reads "the have conducted ln the area. Warvariv says the Sovlets' claim to have small print." *** proof that he was a Nazi war criminal is not "We have had too long an experience of UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -- The U.N. only a lle but a useless lle. negotiating with Mr. Sm1th to be capable of Securlty Council today overwhelmingly "Possibly they are trYlng to neutrallZe muc!" spontaneous enthus1asm," Ambassador approved a slx-month extension of the an Amerlcan dlplomat, trying to damage my told a U.N. comm1ttee review­ mandate for U.N. peacekeeplng forces career and effectiveness," Warvariv, 53, ing Rhodesla's progress toward black maJorl­ stationed between Israel and Syria, but sald ln a telephone lnterview. "Obviously ty rule. lt warned the area remalns "dangerous" they haven't achieved thlS. I am continulng "Our reaction rema1ns cautlOus," Richard ln the lack of a Middle East peace settle­ in my responsib1lltles." sald of Smlth's Nov. 24 statement generally ment. Warvarlv is Deputy Chief of the U.S. accepting unlversal suffrage and offering The councll voted 12-0 to extend the Delegatlon to the Unlted Natlons Educational, to begln negotlatlons w1th moderate leaders mandate untll May 31, 1978. It had been Scientiflc and Cultural Organization. of Rhodesia's 6.1 milllon blacks. scheduled to explre at m1dnlght tonight. Asked why the Russlan's revived month-old Richard, who presided over the unsuccess­ U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim charges, WarvarlV said, "The Sovlets see me ful 1976 Geneva Conference on Rhodesla, sald told the councll that desplte the peace­ at UNESCO meetings. Posslbly they have Smlth's proposal "looks 11ke a step forward" keeping force's success ln maintainlng concluded that thlS (the previous accusation) rut stressed much more 1S needed for a calm ln the Golan Helghts reglon, "The is not enough." "satisfactory settlement." main elements remaln unresolved." WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1977 PAGE 3 WALKING THE BEAM Soviet Nuclear ExplosIon by Dan~el F. G~lmore WASHINGTON (UPI) -- A Sovlet nuclear exploslon flamed through a valley on the ASlan slde of the Ural Mountalns ln the late 1950s. Hundreds of persons may have dled. Thousands may have been exposed to radlatlon. Did an underground nuclear waste depot blow up to create a "vast nothlng?" Dld a reactor go berserk? Or was 1t Just a C1V1l defense mOVle? The Central Intelllgence Agency released documents under the Freedom of Informatlon Act which appear to substantlate the wldely-reported nuclear exploslon, but leave as many questlons as they answer. Reports orlglnatlng wlth sources ranglng from frlendly lntel­ llgence agents to Sovlet dlssldents have been wldespread for several years pinpointlng a nuclear exploslon in the wlnter of 1957-58 near Kyshtym, 70 kllometers from the lndustnal center of Chelyablnsk In the Urals. These reports spoke of an lndetermlnate number of casualtles, 1ncludlnq radlat10n V1ct1ms, and several score deaths. The Cltlzens ' Movement for Safe and Efflclent Energy, a Ralph Nader afflllate, sald lt obtalned CIA materlal on what may have happened under a Freedom of Informatlon Act. Kyshtym lS descrlbed ln a CIA document as a restrlcted area of 1,080 square mlles, where a large atomlC plant and labor camp were built between 1945 and 1948. "In the sprlng of 1958," the document sald, "Hundreds of per­ sons were exposed to radlatlon and lnJured as a result of an exploslon at the Kyshtym plant" and later foodstuffs were removed from stores ln Sverdlovsk and Chelyablnsk and destroyed. "Resl­ dents were warned agalnst bUYlng agrlcultural products from farmers." Sovlet employees and Vlsltors to the Brussels World Falr 1n 1958--and the CIA was llstenlng--reported "an accldental atomlC exploslon" that spnng was wldely known throughout the USSR. A later report sald authorltles ln the Chelyablnsk reglon for Crying Out Loud "were forced to take measures to resettle the lnhabltants of by Art Buchwald several populated places ln other areas" because of the nuclear WASHINGTON -- Washington lS used to heads of state visltlng blast. thlS capltal, but the recent V1Slt by the Shah of Iran was dlf­ "It was general knowledge," another "secret" report sald, "the ferent ln many respects. Chelyablnsk area had an abnormally hlgh number of cancer cases." It was the first tlme ln anyone's memory that another country's An undated and unsourced radlo commentary plcked up by the ruler and the Presldent of the Unlted States crled at the same U.S. forelgn broadcast lnformatlon serVlce sald the "tragiC catas­ tlme. trophe" occurred ln 1958 when an underground bunal slte of nuclear It wasn't thelr lntentlon to cry. Accordlng to hlgh govern­ waste exploded "llke a vlolent VOlcano." ment sources both men were looklng forward to seelng each other. On March 25 thfs year, the CIA said ln an "unevaluated" report But unfortunately the ceremonles held on the White House Lawn followlng an agent's Vlsit to the Ksyshtym "disaster" area natlVes were marred by antl-Shah demonstrators who trled to charge the reported "hundreds of people penshed" as result of an exploslOn Whlte House. Tear gas was thrown, but rather than hlt the demon­ of stored nuclear waste from mllltary puclear reactors. strators, an unfrlendly wlnd blew It toward the Whlte House, and Flnally, the CIA sald In a declasslfled January 24 report thlS the gas settled on the host Presldent, the guest of honor and year there had been newspaper accounts by former Sovlet cltlzens everyone else applauding In the Rose Garden. of a "vast nothlng" area near Ksyshtlm. ThlS was what lS know ln Journallstlc clrcles as a "photo­ But ••• graphl c opportunl ty" and Whl te House photographers, Wl th Vl Sl ons The CIA offered an alternate verSlon. It sald the exploslon of a Pulltzer Prlze plcture ln thelr hands, started to snap away. was dellberate and took place ln an empty, mock-up Clty to test The next day almost every newspaper ln the country carrled a the effects of an aerlal nuclear attack. plcture on ltS front page of the Presldent and the Shah crying It sald a Sovlet fllm of the test In 1957 or 1958 showed a together. completely new vlllage was bUllt ln a Ural Mountalns valley. The day after that, reporters had a contest to see who could "The lnhabltants of the vlllage were goats and sheep and the come up wlth the best captlon for the photograph. post-exploslOn photography showed the effects of a nuclear blast One entry had Jlmmy Carter saYlng, "Let It all hang out, Your upon anlmal llfe as well as bUlldlng matenals," the CIA report Hlghness. Then you'll feel better when we talk." sald. "Mll1tary equlpment was placed around the vlllage and the In another the Shah sald, "I Just got the slgn pnnter's bl11 effects of the exploslon upon armaments of war also were deplcted for my pro-Shah demonstrators." In the fllm. Another one had J1rrmy Carter speaklng, "ForglVe me, Your Hlgh­ "The bomb was descrlbed as a 20-megaton devlce WhlCh was drop­ ness, I speclf1cally gave orders that you were to get the 21-gun ped from an alrplane ••• the Clty vlrtually was ellmlnated ••• " salute, and the demonstrators were to get 21 canlsters of tear The report concluded It was posslble the "nuclear accldent" gas. Apparently my orders got mlXed up." reported by Sovlet eml gres "1 s the event recorded by a SOVl et Other entrles lncluded: camera crew ••• " The Shah saylng, "And then what dld Nlxon say to Dav1d Frost?" Jlmmy Carter speaking, "I'm sorry, but we don't serve hard Carfer And The Middle Easf llquor In the Wh1te House." WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Presldent Carter has made glowlng pro­ The Shah: "But 1f I can't buy the Whlte House, what can I buy nouncements about Egyptlan Presldent Anwar Sadat's personal V1Slt 1n Washlngton?" to Israell Prlme Mlnlster Menachem Begln. But what, lf any, con­ Pres 1 dent" "Perhaps, Your Hlghness, you're allerglc to roses." crete accompllshments wlll unfold? The Shah: "You mean lf I don't eat my grlts I won't get any Were the talks a maJor step along the road to a Geneva Peace dessert?" Conference, or to a meanlngful separate dlalogue between Egypt and Presldent Carter: "Amy, how many tlmes have I told you not to Israel? shoot your water plstol when you're In the tree house?" There lS some feellng that Carter was outmaneuvered as the The Shah: "All nght, if you won't glve-me any F-16 fighter drlve for Geneva hlt a stalemate and that the ball had got away planes, 1'm gOlng home." from hlm. But he lS also gettlng credlt for creatlng condltlons The President: "But if you ralse the pnce of 011 to $16 a that led to the Sadat-Begln meetlng. barrel I'll have to reVlse my entlre energy plan." From the mement he came lnto offlce, Carter has focused the A reporter handed In thlS suggestlon: The captlon had the Spotllght on the Mlddle East as a danger spot where war could Shah saYlng, "Don't tell me any more about Bert Lance. I can't erupt at any time. He has had several rounds of talks with the stand It.'' area's top leaders and forelgn mlnlsters, searchlng for a pOlnt of Another entry suggested Jlmmy Carter speaklng, "And so Bl11y reconclllation of 30 years of hostllity between the Israells and sald, 'Ah don't want no more to do wlth the peanut buslness. ' So Arabs. now we have to put the Plalns plant up for sale." He also has stated on every occaSlon where the Mlddle East was Stlll another had the Shah saYlng, "You mean D1Ck Helms can't the prlme tOP1C that the legltlmate rlghts of the Palestlnlans come to my di nne r?" dlsplaced by the creatlon of Israel must be taken lnto account for Presldent Carter thlnklng to hlmself: "Thank God, thlS hap­ a Just and lastlnq peace. pened after the election. After what the press dld to Senator The Sadat V1Slt to Jerusalem had many slgnlficant manlfesta­ Muskle In New Hampshire I would never have won the nomlnation." tions, not the least of WhlCh was physchologlcal. The Egyptlan The Shah to hlmself: "If he thlnks thlS lS funny, walt untll presldent and the Israell prlme mlnlster have now talked on a par. he co-~s to Iran." Nelther wlll ever be qUlte the same agaln, nor wlll thelr govern­ Presldent Carter to hlmself: "The worst part of thlS lS now ments. every head of state who V1SltS the Whlte House lS gOlng to demand No apparent major conceSSlons have been made on elther slde to be gassed." yet. But the SUsplclons remaln ln other parts of the Arab world. PAGE 4 " WEDNESDAY! NOVEIvlBER 30, 1977 Use Care Wilen Granting Power Of Attorney Micronesian De'egates Return Capto Joe Neurauter, (Cont~nued from Column 1) from Women's Conference KMR Legal Off~ce a general or speclal power of attorney. (M~JS) -- Trust Terntory delegates to You've Just arrlved on KwaJaleln, and Gl Vl ng someone the power to represent the Natlonal Women's Conference In Houston, you had to move here on such short notlce you, even lf lt lS a one-tlme transactlon, Texas, returned to Mlcronesla last week that you were unable to sell your home. lS not somethlng to be taken lightly. Once followlng the three-day meetlng WhlCh was Wlthln a few days, you recelve a letter lt is determlned that there lS a real need attended by about 11,000 women. (One of from a realtor that says he has a buyer to grant someone thl s pOl'Jer, then you mus t the delegates from the Trust Terr~tory trust\~orthy rellal~le for the home and the deal needs to be declde who is and was Mrs. Ne~Jon Edwards of KwaJa1e~n, who closed qUlckly to assure the sale. The enough to protect you and watch out for was one of the two representat~ves from realtor suggests that, rather than trYlng your lnterests. the Marshall Islands.) to handle the closlng through the mall, The Kt1R Legal Offlce can help you eval­ The 15-woman delegatlon was led by you appolnt someone to slgn all the papers uate your need for a power of attorney and, chalrperson Agnes McPhetres, a federal for you and represent you personally at lf approprlate, prepare and notarlze the - programs researcher for the Northern Marl­ the closlng. document for you. If you have any questlons ana~. The group -- many of them travellng A power of attorney lS a formal, wrlt­ you should call the Lenal Office at to the malnland for the flrst tlme -- took ten appolntment of another to act as your 81431 for an appointment. As always, all part ln the votlng on three of the MOSt agent. ThlS agent, or "attorneY-ln-fact", serVlces rendered are free of charge. crulclal lssues at the conference. The TT lf properly authorlzed, can blnd you to delegates voted In favor of the Equal an act as lf you dld lt yourself. Rlghts Amendment (ERA). They abstalned on Baslcally, powers of attorney fall In­ the Gay Rlghts and Abortion lssues because to two categorles, general and speclal "none of the delegates felt these lssues (llmlted). A general power glves your were appllcable (to Mlcronesla) at thlS attorneY-ln-fact the authorlty to act for tlme," accordlng to Ms. ~':cPhetres. you absolutely and wlthout any llmltatlon Asked what the TT delegates accompllsh­ on the types of tasks he can perform on ed In the three-day conference, Ms. Mc­ your behalf. A speclal or llmlted power Phetres sald, "The hlggest accompllsh- appolnts someone to perform a speclflc ment lS that some of the resolutlons sub­ act or serles of acts only, such as sell- / mltted by Micronesla were lncluded In the 109 your car or endorslng paychecks made natlOnal resolutlons." She added that the out to you. delegatlon galned recognltlon for the Trust You can and probably should place a Terntory; the tllnonty Report also re­ date for automatlc revocatlon on the face It's Your Turn, Pre-Teensl cognlzed Micronesia. of any power of attorney that you execute, Pre-teens: It's your turn now. The The Trust Terrltory delegates set up especlally on a general power. Wlthout Sun Devll Disco Lounge wlll be open for a dlsplay featurlng handlcrafts made by thlS, revocatlon of an eXlstlng power of lall students In the 3rd through'6th grades women from every Dlstnct. All the handl­ attorney can be a dlfflcult and tlme con­ on Saturday, December 3, from 7 to 10 pm. craft was sold at the end of the confer­ sumlng task, at best. Along wlth thlS, The D1SCO Lounge Snack Bar wlll be open, ence, accordlng to Ms. McPhetres. The you should also keep In mlnd that, In selllng soft drlnks and candy. Come on delegates also had an opportunlty to see most lnstances, the power lS automatlcal­ klds, It'S your turn to do some dlSCO In person Mrs. Rosalyn Carter, Wl fe of ly revoked upon your death, whether lt lS danclng! Presldent JlmmY Carter, as well as the (Cont~nued next column) Wlves of former Presldents Jerry Ford and I Head for frontier Nig.t Lyndon Johnson. Cat.o'ic Women's C.ristmas At T.e YY Corra' Saturda, Agricu'tura'ist Will Promote Part, Set for December 7 The Old West comes to KwaJ Saturday nlght, Dece~ber 3, when the Global Manage­ The annual Chrlstmas party of t~e Cath­ Home Gardens On fbe,e ment Club \~lll present Frontler N1Qht, a OllC Women's Clubs of KwaJaleln and Ebeye Edlson KOJJo, Trust Terrltory Agricul­ dlnner-dance Wl th a l~estern fl avor. turallst for KwaJaleln Atoll, returned to wlll be he 1d Wednesday, Decmbe r 7, at the The mouth-watenng chuckwagon spread Yokwe Yuk Club from 10 am untll 2 pm. Ebeye recently after attendl ng a 13-day ~1l11 lnclude Onglnal 100% KwaJ Bar-B-Q Terrltorlal workshop at Kolonla, Ponape, The mornlng hours wlll be devoted to a Rlbs and 14estern Style Fned Chlcken plus dance program ;Jresented l'\' SOMe of tile on vegetable productlon and marketlng. all the extras, served wlth free t>eer The workshop was sponsored by the Trust KwaJ ladles. Turkey dlnner wlll be served and chuckwagon coffee. Red Eye and Sarsa­ at 12:30 pm, to be followed by game~. Terrltory D1V1Slon of Agrlculture In co­ parll1a wlll be avallable at regular operatlon wlth the South Paclflc Commlsslon. Please bnng a $5 exchan']e glft. Also, pn ces. donatlons of coffee cake or sweet breads MUS1C for danclng wlll be presented by Cucumbers, Ch1nese cab t'C\ ge , tomatoes, bell peppers, green beans and other le­ are needed for a snack. S~'ermlf and H1S Podners (Fnencls, that lS), Tlckets are $4.15, lncludlng gratulty. and entertalnment wlll feature some fancy gumes hlgh In proteln are among the vege­ Reservatlons must be made by call1ng square-danclng and a surprlse V1Slt by the tables WhlCh can be successfully grown In Eleanor Vlttulo, 83787, by Sunday, Dec­ KWAJ KOWBOYS. the Marshall Islands wlth specla1 care, ember 4. accordlng to Edlson. He lS plannlng a Tlckets are $10 each. Reserve yours now campalgn to urge home gardenlng on Ebeye, by call1ng: Jerry ~Iomble, 84143; Henry Lum, ------, and also has plans to start both an ex­ 83353; Jeff Stevens, STP Meck, 77589; Bob perlmental and a produclng vegetable gar­ Kwaialein Atoll Tide Chart Terefenko, GA r'ec~, 77304; Jlm Sumter, Kentron, 81219; or Frank Nathanlel, MZ, den on EnubuJ Island on the West Reef. December, 1977 831117. Edlson, who lS a graduate of the Unl­ vers 1ty of Papua-New GUlnea College of TI~C: T lu~ TIHt TIDE DAY TIM=: flOc TII1~ TIDE tea~hr H.M. H. FT H.M. H.FT H.t1. H.FT H.M. H.FT Ambassador Rosenb'att Begins Agrlculture, met one of hlS former ers at tfle ~,Iorkshop; That was :11111am K1d­ 01 0141 01." 07"1 03.0 1325 ~ 1.8 1J~9 0~.5 ston, professor of plant pathology at the 02 0231 H.7 0639 03.& 1~2o 02.1 2Q5u C~.l Trust Territor, Visit Toda, 03 03 .. J 01.0 1009 03.& lb01 02.3 2216 03.9 unlverslty, who was a consultant at the (MNS) -- lInlted States Ambassador Peter workshop. 0 .. as" 7 01.b 11 .. 5 113.6 1751 02.2 2353 03.9 R. Rosenblatt, the Presldent's personal 05 0&22 01.b 12S~ 0 ... 3 1910 01.6 06 oua 0 ... 1 0721 01.3 lh7 0~.6 2009 01.3 representatlve to the MlcroneSlan status negotlatlons, wlll V1Slt Guam and the Trave' To 's'ands 0608 00.9 1~33 o 5. ~ 2JSo 00.6 I 07 020& 04 ..... Trust Terrltory beglnnlng todayo Kt~R res 1dents shoul d be aware that ,I 08 0253 0_.7 0853 00.& IsH 05.8 2139 ~O ... O1 01.6 2010 0 ... & Status and Transltlon, Andon Amaralch, KMR Regulatlon 190-5 or Global Procedure 16 02-9 01._ 0903 03.6 1 .. ,5 02.0 2111 0 ... 1 Senator Balley Olter, chalrman of the 1120, or by call1ng Global Securlty. 17 0350 01.7 1029 03.7 Ib30 02.3 2235 03.7 su~commlttee on polltlcal status; and Although KMR Ordlnance 24, concernlng 18 D5100 Jl.Y 120 .. 03.6 162& 02.3 Senator Roman Tmetuchl, chalrman of the unauthorlzed entry to, or overextended 19 001:> 03.0 o ~3~ 01.8 1315 0 ... 1 1~39 02.G Palau Polltlcal Status CommlSSlon. stay on, a non-KMR Trust Terrltory lsland 20 0131 03.7 0731 01. & 140 3 C •• 5 20ZQ 01.b The Ambassador also plans to meet wlth 21 OZ21 03.9 061S ill.~ 1 .... 3 J,+.6 2109 01.3 f has been revoked recently, such actlons Senator Amata Kabua, chalrman of the Mar­ are stlll prohiblted by Sectlon 62, 05.1 21ltl 01.C 22 02~d 0~.1 0653 01.2 1517 shalls Polltlcal Status Commlsslon. Tltle 53 of the Trust Terrltory Code. 23 0333 o~. 3 ons O1.G lS .. ~ 05 ... 2213 00.8 24 0,+e7 0".4 il957 00.8 lb18 il 5.6 22~3 OO.b Rosenblatt wlll be accompanled by hlS VlOl ators may be Cl ted ty 1'1 crones Jan wlfe and Lt. Col. Roger Crump. pollce for trlal In a Dlstrlct Court or 2S 0 .. 37 04,0 102'! 00.7 iE... 6 05.7 2H2 00.: 26 os O'~ O... b 1101 00.7 1716 05.7 23"2 au.: the Hlgh Court. Convlctlon can result In 27 053~ O".b 1130 00.6 17 .. ~ 05.& Time Will feature Pacific maXlmum pum shment of two years lmpr'lson­ OS .~ 26 001l oo.t> 0&11 J~.' 1202 00.9 101'l (MNS) -- T~rne maoaZlne wlll soon ment or $500 flne or both. 06,+3 0 121S tt.l 1853 05.1 2'l 00 .. 3 OC.7 It." II Further, vlolatlons of the Trust Ter­ 0720 0 ... 3 1312 01." ln~ u~.8 feature a two-page spread on the American 30 0117 Ot.') Pacl fl c," accordwg to a member of the rltory entry regulatlons may also result 31 01;'1 01.2 0757 0 ... 3 13~9 01.5 2005 0 ... 3 publlcatlon's Hong Kong Bureau who left In admlnlstratlve sanctlons at KMR.These may lnclude loss of transportatlon prlvl­ supp1~ed by the Met Ponape last week for Iionolulu. Th~s ~nformat~on Davld Deovoss, who Vlsltec Ponape for leges on KMR water craft or suspenslon or Group, Weather Stat~on, Kentron Support three days after vlsltlng Guam and Salpan, revocatlon of the vlolator's KMR entry Internat~ona1 , Inc. wlll contlnue to Amerlcan Samoa. authOrlZatlon. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1977 PAGE 5 Your Individual AT WIT'S END ANN Horoscope 8y ERMA 80M8ECK ====FraRCes Drake====~~~== Isn't it funny. I can remember the FOR TIlURSDAY, DECEMBER 1,1977 exact day I f1rst heard the word "portable." LANDERS What kmd of day will SCORPIO '*<'. It was August 16, 1956, at 3.35 pm when tomorrow be? To fmd out what (Oct 24 to Nov 22) 1Jl,.fit("' my husband presented me wlth a "portable" the stars say, read the forecast Don't make decilliOns under sewwq machlne. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Last year my mother given for your birth SIgn stress and don't wnte anything (It's probably a coincldence but that's you may later regret Mamtain the exact day he got his first s11pped bought a R1cinus Commun1s plant, commonly your equanlnuty even if certain known as the castor oil plant. The sales sltuations annoy you d1Sk by lifting the "portable" sewlng person assured her it was not poisonous. t::S21 to Apr 20) 'Y'~ SAGITTARIUS ~JA. machine to the table.) My three-year-old brother ate the large Concentrate on personal (Nov 23 to Dec 21) I4.ffI' I didn't th1nk much about lt agaln seeds off the plant and died. Mother went advancement withm the Stellar lnfluences indlcate untll we bought a "portable air condltlOner" framework of your abllitles. some new mterests Make sure for the den. That was -- let's see -­ to p1eces after my l1ttle brother's death Learn more about yourself, you are ready for them - but and has been under psychiatric care ever your latent talents Be alert to wlthout shghtlng current Thursday evenlng, the 20th of March, 1961. since. constantly changing trends obhgations Don't let "moods" (J remember saying how great it was cause nusunderstandlngs that the warranty covered the damages to Because of th1S tragedy I have done a TAURUS ts~ lot of research on plants and was shocked (Apr 21 to May 21) .~. CAPRICORN 11'1~ the unlt when my husband dropped lt on to learn that there are a lot of poisonous Harm' to go? ThlS spmt, (Dec 22 to Jan 20) ytJ \Uf my foot.) adequately controlled, can be MIXed lllfiuences Questlon plants 1n homes with small children. Un­ and mvestlgate where there ls Frankly, I don't know how we made it the forerunner of substantla1 before American 1ngenuity discovered that fortunately, many plant shops employ gam Predlcate achon on margm for error Do not accept persons who are uninformed. So, will you current needs, quahty, suggestions blmdly And do not lf you put a handle on someth1nq or a set please warn your readers to check with a bmelmess expect more than ls reasonable. of wheels it became "portable." AQUARIUS _~ It has opened up a whole new world knowledgeable hort1cultur1st or w1th a GEM~ D~ (Jan 21 to Feb 19) -~ poison control center before they buy a (May 22 to June 21) ~ A new hght thrown upon a for those of us "on the move." house plant? I w1sh my mother had. Trends ffilXed Brmg order certain sltuaflon should prune We thought a swimming pool was out The following ARE p01sonous if eaten out of uncertainty through you for fine advantages m the of range untll we found a "portable" pool in large amounts and w1ll result in death: clear, conclSe analySIS and like offmg Rouse yourself to work we could put up ourselves. That was ... actlon Emphasize system and for attamment WhlCh wlll The berries of the daphne plant. opflmlSm I got it, Memorlal Day, 1971, to November The bult's of the hyac1nth plant. reqwre more than usual VIgor of that same year. CANCER oIQ LA PISCES )(~ (Feb 20 Mar 20) ~ The leaves and branches of the oleander. (June 22 to July 23) QII'~ to (I remember saYlng to my husband he The green berries of the red sage plant. H there lS no gUlde or You have conslderable couldn't have swum 1n it anyway untll All parts of the rhododendron plant. dlrecflve, be careful not to act freedom of movement now they took the stitches out of hlS hands Slgn th1S letter -- One Less In the lffipulslvely on new projects Best used, It can help to further that he cut on the fence.) Family. Appr8lSe values wanly Day elther personal or creative And who could forget our "portable" will be a challenge to your objectlves DEAR ONE LESS: Thank you for a letter mgenulty boat that made a dent 1n the roof of our that may save many l~ves. Too bad you had YOU BORN TODAY haw car, the "portable" microwave oven that many and varled talents, may to lose your l~ttle brother, but hopefully we took apart to transport, the "portable" ~?y 24 to Aug 23) J1,~ accompllSh In more than one you w~ll have saved someone else's. Controversy may prove occupatlon Your quest for stereo that took five boys to carry, and annoymg Yet here lS where knowledge lS unceasmg and, the "portable" P1CnlC table that we carried DEAR ANN LANDERS: My wife is 27. I am your understandmg, tolerant what's more, you not only in the "portable" trailer. 29. We have been marrled flve years. From self can shme Shy away from remember all that you learn, Nelther of us will ever forget the mmor ISSUes and tnvla and you the beglrn1ng I knew ~artha had emot1onal but sklllfully apply that excltement of oWnlng my first "oortable" can handle pertinent pomts knowledge to situations at the problems but was sure that with a lot of more easdy "Just rlght" moments and typewr1ter. At f1rst, I worrled because love and understandlng we could work thlngs places In busmess, you could it hurt my arm to lift 1t off the floor. out. ~~4 to Sept 23) np~ become a top-rankmg Wlthln a matter of days, however, my Everythlng was flne untll last January The most difflcultchore may executlve, but you will probably arm stretched out about flve inches and when our little glrl was born. Martha brmg the most rewardmg fmd your greatest satisfactlon the typewrlter Slld comfortably across the returns If handled well Don't m sClence, literature or the law became de pres sed, coul dn' t do much house- In the latter case, pohtics or floor whlle my hand steadied It. k d t d th· t d . th 1 n tum your back, therefore, on war an wan e no 1ng 0 0 W1 me complex sltuaflons They won't statesmanship would probably A lot of people bad-mouth "portables." bed. I got her to go to a counselor. It go away become your ultimate destiny However, when our neighbors had the1r he 1ped. LIBRA On the personal slde, you are house npped off and the "portable" TV extremely gregarlous, generous (Sept 24 to Oct 23) was m1ssing, they found the thlef and the I n May Martha announced she was SWitCh1 ng ~n to a fault and deeply sf­ to an unlicensed hypnotist. Since that day Circumvent b-ouble, even If fectlonate - though not always set w1thln a couple of hours. she has become stubborn and unpleasant. She you have to take the long way demonstratlve Blrthdate of The guy was checklng lnto a local phones the hypnotist several tlmes a day around Some persons could be Mary Martln, muslcal comedy hospltal for an emergency hern1a repa1r and can't make a declsion on her own. She llTltatlnJ{now AVOId them star Just as the pollce were checklng the cars has a bad cough but will not go to a ------1n the park1ng lot. doctor -- says the hypnot1st is curlng her. TELEVISION GUIDE Isn't that a c01nc1dence? What can I do? -- Stymied. DEAR STY: If the hypnot~st ~s unl~cen­ COPYRIGHT 1977 FIELD ENTERPRISES, INC. sed and p~act~c~ng med~c~ne (wh~ch he seems KwaJalem • ROI-Namur to be do~ngJ he should be reported to the County Med~cal Soc~ety and to the TONIGHT ON KWAJ d~str~ct attorney at once. 3'00 7'00 THE ROOKIES 54.00 DID YOU KNOW ..... ?? 4 00 8'00 mOVle CYRANO 113'00 DEAR ANN LANDERS' My mother and I Just 5.45 9 45 WELCOME BACK, KOTTER 26 30 At 150 feet above sea level, the had a b1g argument. We both respect your horlzon is 15 mlles away" adv1ce and have agre2d to go by what you THURS[}!\Y say. Here 1S the problem: A very good 3 00 8'00 BARETTA 53 00 -- The compos1t1on of the human body friend (a boy) dldn't know what to buy me 4.00 8 00 TO BE ANNOUNCED and the composltlon of sea water 1S the for my 15th birthday, so he handed me a same' , $20 bi 11 and sal d, "Here 1 s your bi rthday present. Buy what you want. I can't TONIGHT ON ROI-NAMUR thlnk of anything." 3'00 7 00 BARETTA 53:00 My mother did not l1ke the ldea. She 4'00 8 00 TO BE ANNOUNCED LITTLE 'PEOPLE'S PUZZLE says lt is not proper for a young boy to give money as a g1ft. I th1nk it is more THURSDAY sens1ble to glve money than buy someth1ng 3 00 7.00 THE ROOKIES 53.00 dumb. Please settle th1S. -- Only Frlends. 4'00 8'00 WELCOME BACK, KOTTER 28 00 DEAR ONLY: I'm w~th your Mom. If the 4'27 8 27 ONE DAY AT A TIME 26.00 fr~end could not th~nk of an appropr~ate 5:00 9 00 RICHARD ROGERS SPECIAL 105:00 present, he should have g~ven you a g~ft cert~f~cate rather than cash. MOVIES * * * * TONIGHT RICHARDSON---DARING GAME------PG Are your parents too strict? Hard to MECK ISLAND--SWEET HOSTAGE------PG reach? Ann Landers' booklet, "BUGGED YOKWE YUK----A WOMAN FOR ALL MEN------R BY PARENTS? HOW TO GET MORE FREEDOM," IVEY HALL----SORCERER------PG could help you br1dge the generat10n gap. TRADEWINDS---CROSS OF IRON------R Send 50¢ in cOln Wlth your request and THURSDAY a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope RICHARDSON---THE GRADUATE------PG to: MECK ISLAND--TAKING OF PELHAM 1-2-3------R ANN LANDERS YOKWE YUK----OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAII'--PG P.O. BOX 11995 IVEY HALL----6·30 - THE BEARS AND I------G 1339'1138 v'sn18V8 C CHICAGO, ILL. 60611 8'30 - WOMAN FOR ALL MEN-----R 'SllVti3AO c: 'N008V8 l - uMOO SS'v'18 L'13NNnl S COPYRIGHT 1977 FIELD ENTERPRISES, INC. TRADEWINDS---FUN WITH DICK AND JANE------PG '338 v 8V'108 C orN'o'8 l·SSOJ::J'v' Sti3MSN'I KWp.,.JII>LEIIII ., HOURG\''''SS PAGE 6 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1977 1911 SUN DEVILS SOfTBALL JUNIOR VARSITY LETTERMEN

A banquet was held last Fr~day n~ght at the Yokwe Yuk Club to one g~rls', took part ~n the Sun Dev~ls softball program sponsor­ present SD letter awards to the part~c~pants ~n the Sun Dev~ls ed by Spec~al Serv~ces under the gu~dance of Youth D~rector Bob (Teen Center) teams. Th~s ~s the f~rst year for the letter Ford. awards, wh~ch were presented by Coaches Andrew Danko, Bob Ford Members of the teams earned money to offset the cost of the and M~ke Balch. The awards were g~ven for perserverance, d~sc~­ banquet by sell~ng popcorn and lemonade at the World Ser~es soft­ pl~ne, des~re and co-operat~on. ball games. Forty-e~ght enthus~ast~c teens on three teams, two boys' and Photo by Larry Allen, Kentron Photo Lab Leftorers · Riders Tie Team Tennis Playoffs N8A Action The "A" League World Senes game played PLAYOFF SCHEDULE NEW YORK (UPI) -- One of these days a last n1ght on Brandon f1eld ended 1n a t1e Monday, December 5th - Sem1-f1na1 #1 National Basketball AssOclatlon team lS at 10 to 10. The game w111 be replayed from 7:00 Pussycats vs Strung Loose gOlng to defeat the Tral1 Blazers ln Port- the beg1nn1ng ton1ght at 5:15 pm. Wednesday, December 7th - Seml-fina1 #2 1and. The Leftovers took a f1rst 1nn1ng lead 7:00 Lobsters vs Double Faults Maybe. on a two K~l h1t up the m1ddle by TUS1 Sunday. December 11th - Champ1onsh1p "Portland played wlth tremendous lnten­ Slose and an RBI by Charl1e Valdez. The 2:00 W1nner of #1 vs Winner of #2 Slty early ln the contest." sald Phoenlx lead was short 11ved when the R1ders qot a coach John Macleod after Portland topped rally gOlng 1n the second 1nn1ng. From that AP 8asietball Ratings the Suns 108-96 last nlght. ltS 30th con­ p01nt 1t was a see-saw game w1th Frank Wal­ secut1ve home tnumph. "Portland gets you lace of the R1ders gett1ng a grand slam home (AP) -- Here are the f1 rst Assoclated down and they put a lot of pressure on you run and Leftovers TUS1 S10se and J1m Caskey Press top twenty regular season rank1ngs defensl ve1y." connect1ng for home runs. for maJor college basketball teams: The Suns. wlth Paul Westphal and rook1e The game was t1ed gOlng 1nto the seventh 1. Kentucky 11. Purdue Walter DavlS both gettlng 25 pOlnts. shot 1nn1ng when both teams were put out one, 2. North Carol1na 12. Syracuse 43 percent from the fle1d whl1e Portland. two, threeo 3. Notre Dame 13. Mlch1gan the best Shootlng team ln the NBA. shot Defens1vely Don Hullum of the R1ders 4. Marquette 14. Maryl and 52 percent. Bl11 Walton had 23 pOlnts and came up w1th a leap1ng catch of a 11ne dr1ve 5. San FranC1SCO 15. Alabama Lloyd Neal 21 to lead the Blazers. who had to second base and M1ke Meder10s of the 6. U.C.L.A. 16. St. John's N.Y. SlX players ln double flgures. Leftovers made a long runn1ng catch to rob 7. Arkansas 17. Holy Cross Sald MacLeod: "They put great defen­ Don Hullum of a h1t. 8. C1 nClnnat1 18. Wake Forest Slve pressure on the ball and work well on Charl1e Valdez of the Leftovers and 9. LOulsvl11e 19. Detro1t the fast break. Walton made us change our Frank Wallace ~f the R1ders had perfect 10. Nevada-Las Vegas 20. Utah shots a 11ttle blt wlth h1S lntlmidation batt1ng averages for the day. and that made us change our concentratlon." Portland took a 4~ game lead over NHL Standings Phoenlx 1n the Pac1f1C D1vlslon but Coach World Series Schedule CAMPBELL CONFERENCE Jack Ramsay lS more concerned w1th a tough TONIGHT Patnck D1V1S10n W L T PTS. GF GA flVe-game road tnp that lS shaplng up for 5: 15 R1ders vs Leftovers 1n Game #3 Ph1laaelphla 14 -4 "3 31 89 4T the NBA champso THURSDAY N• Y. Is 1an de rs 11 6 6 28 86 54 "It wlll be a tough road tnp. but 5: 15 R1ders vs Leftovers 1n Game #4 Atlanta 7 8 7 21 61 76 we'll take 5-0 1f we can." sald Ramsay. "We (1 f necessary) N. Y. Rangers 8 12 2 18 73 78 are capable of wlnnlng every game we play. FRIDAY Smi:the D1v1s1on no matter where we play It.'' 5: 15 R1 ders vs Leftovers 1n Game #5 Ch1cago 7 7 8 20 53 55 (1 f necessary) Vancouver 6 10 5 17 60 82 TUESDAY'S RESULTS Colorado 6 9 4 16 71 65 Atlanta 108 Boston 101 M1nnesota 6 12 3 15 62 88 C1eve1 and 118 Los Angeles 101 Innertu"e Water Polo Schedule St. LOU1S 5 14 3 13 54 87 Phl1adelph1a 129 San Antonlo 117 TONIGHT WALES CONFERENCE Chlcago 95 New Orleans 87 6:30 Sun Dev11s II vs Sun Dev11s III Norn s 01 V1 S1 on Denver 115 Seattle 99 7:30 Sun Dev11s I vs Rubber Duck1es Montreal 15 4 3 33 85 42 Detrol t 100 Ml1waukee 99 8:30 Wh1te L1ghtn1ng vs Iron Butterf11es Los Angeles 10 7 5 25 65 57 Houston 120 New ~ork 103 MONDAY Detrolt 9 8 3 21 59 51 Golden State 110 New Jersey 101 6:30 Young Americans vs White Lightn1ng P1ttsburgh 6 11 4 16 66 92 Portl and 108 Phoenl x 96 7:30 Sun Devils I vs Sun Devils II Wash1ngton 2 15 5 9 46 91 8:30 Sun Dev11s III vs Iron Butterf11es Adams D1 V1 s 1on Boston 13 5 4 30 71 52 'en Norton Talks To WIC Buffalo 13 6 2 28 74 57 MADRID (UPI) -- No 1 heavywelght con­ Men's And W•• en's Toronto 12 4 3 27 68 49 tender Ken Norton asked the World Box1ng Cleveland 6 13 2 14 49 74 Councll today to force World Champlon 8asllet"a" Meeting Muhammad All to glve hlm a shot at the There w1Tl be a meeting for coaches of TUESDAY'S RESULTS tltle. all Men's and Women's Basketball teams on Mlnnesota 4 Atlanta 3 Norton appeared before the annual con­ Fr1day at 5:15 at the Community Center. Montreal 9 P1ttsburgh 1 vention of the WBC when 1t started hear1ngs Team rosters must be subm1tted at th1S meet- Toronto 3 Cleveland 2 on the matter WhlCh. WBC Presldent Jose 1ng. These rosters w111 hold for the Tour­ Phlladelphla 3 Vancouver 0 Su1alman sald. mlght result ln All belng nament and the regular season. The HO~lday los Angeles 4 Washlngton 2 strlpped of hlS tlt1e. Tvurnament draw w1ll be made at th1S t1me The WBC earller gave All untll Decem­ and the Tournament w1ll beg1n on Sunday, Listen To AFRS For Sports ber 31 to agree to flght Norton. All December 11. Regular season play w1ll be­ PRO BASKETBALL countered wlth a request to extend the gln on Sunday, January 8. Portland vs Phoenlx Frlday at 2:30 pm dead11ne to February. WEDNESDAY, ~OVEMBER 30, 1977 PAGE 7


THE WIZARD or m by Brant parker ....d JobDJay hart ~r,-----~==~~~------~~ • L Z a. r d

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leL.L. ME. YoU [JJVE.. !If; OR I'LL .. R BA611 yOUR COUll) GET 6RAIN£ our HALF A SALAMI ~OWlCJj () UP THEI~ NOSE ~ ~ ACROSS 40 HIgh h1ll 55 Snares 9 Become 1 Fish sauce 41 Late smger 51 Shall' tool bonng 5 Biblical " Blbhcal 57 To corner 10 French "fool" name 58 American g1rlfnend 9 Leather 48 NoISe of novelist 11 Young moccasin surf on DOWN elephant 1% South shore 1 Incite ZO CoIDCldlng ~.... r-::-:=-=:-1 ':::==~==:~===;-;;;;;:=~_--__ ----,..---~---, American 50 Central 2 G1l"I's 22 - Dorado • Indian American name 24 Note In the 13 Black tree 3 Of an epoch scale 14

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PAGE 8 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1977 FOR SALE (COMMUNITY NOTICES CONTINUED) ------1 ' "' ...... I..I!I., fv! _ ,-",,_._, AM-FM STEREO RECEIVER w/8-track tape PROTESTANT CHAPEL CHOIR MEETS THIS i:j!:l:.~110~ player, Garrard turntable and a palr of evening at 7 pm ln the Chapel for re- Th. HourGlass IS publIShed by Global Assoclat•• Monday speakers. all f/$150 or best offer. Marantz hersal. 232/1to through Friday at the direction 0' ,h. Command." KWG,a/em 2270 AM-FM stereo recelver, 70 watts per M .... /e Range, Marshall I./and., under contract DASG

channel, exclnt condt., $225 or best offer, CHRISTMAS CHOIR MEETS thlS evenlng at 60-75-C-0001 Th. YieWI and opinions expressed In ,h. set of golf clubs 1, 3, 5, woods, 2 thru 8 pm and Frlday at 7 pm ln tte Chapel newspaper are not necessa,,'y rhose of the Deportment of t". 9 lrons, bag and cart all f/$100. Clubs ln for rehearsal. 231/2t Army 7hlS ne""'paper, an unoffICial publICation authorlz.d exclnt. condt., bag and cart ln falr under the prOYlllon. 01 contrac' DASG60-75-C-000I,

condt. Call 82748 after 5 pm weekdays or AYE MATES' Brlng your mate to the openlng IS reproduced by olf.e' prlnhng anytlme weekends. 231/2t date of the KwaJaleln Mixe~-Doubles Dart League, Sunday, Dec. 4 in the Rec Room at REDWOOD FENCING, APPROX. 165', good condt. 7 pm. 231/3t Communlcaflons .hould be addressed to 'he HourG/au, removable ln 10' sectlons. Allor portlons. 80x 1733, APO San FrancISCo, Calolornla 96555, or by Two gates bUllt lnto fencing. Klngsize bed RI KONONO TOASTMASTERS wlll hold a dinner callrnll 8-3539 t complete, Sealey Posturepedlc, extra firm meeting Sunday, Dec. 4 from 5 to 7 pm ln , mattress, perfect condt., avallable mid­ the Taro Room of the YY Club. The Rl Mate"a/s appearing In 'he HourGlass may not be' December. Wlll flt traller bedroom. Call Konono Toastmasters extends an lnvitatlon r.prln,.d w,thout th. approyal 01 the Commander, Kwa/a/.,n: M. or Mrs. Hargus days at 99587/99405 or to all island residents, 18 years of age M,uI/. lange All Want Ad. and nolrc •• mUlt b. lubmlll.d. evenlngs at 83608 or see at Tr. 502. 231/2t and older, who want to Join in developing on GA Form 8028 48 workIng hours proor to pub/,calron t communicatlons and leadership Skllls. For , TRAILER PATIO (metal) extra-large. Trailer reservatlons call Ev Wlngate, 77430/83691 JIM WATT, Ed,tor , avallable f/swap. Also 15 cu.ft. chest­ by Saturday, Dec. 3. 231/3t PAT CATALDO, Assoclat. Ed,tor, t type freezer, $250 or best offer. Call SHARON 8ECHTOLD, Sports, SANDRA LLOYD, TyplS' , 82403. 231/2t PET RE-REGISTRATION - January 9, 1978 lS 1-,.-...-.,-,- - -,-- - .-.'- -,----- _,.-. -,t an important date for pet owners. Start­ CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS, small kltchen/ ing that date, a RE-REGISTRATION OF ALL dletetic scale, men's white and belge PETS wlll be conducted. Watch the (COMMUNITY NOTICES CONTINUED) shlrts, short sleeve, med. size, used men's IlourGlass for detalls. 231/3t shoes 9120; 8&10 SlZe clothes, Helene Curtls floor-type halr dryer; two salmon­ LAST NOTICE - The Santa plctures that FAA EXAMINATIONS will be given December shade throw rugs. Call Mr. or Mrs. Hargus were not picked up on Macy's Porch last 6-10. Please call 83349 and give your days 88405/99587 or evenlngs at 83608 or Saturday may be picked up at Traller name and examinatlon deslred. 231/3t see at Tr. 502 evenlngs and all day on 519. 231/3t Sundays 231/2t , RESIDENTS OF FAMILY HOUSING - Forms SIREN WARNING SYSTEM ANNOUNCE~ENT FRONT BASKET, large, f/blcycle, newly necessary to comply wlth Global Procedure A number of local actlvities are oc­ palnted, $5. Call 82459. 230/2t 1207 requlrements for "House Sitters" can caslonally requlred to provide special be obtained at the Alr Termlnal Securlty mlSSlon support on an announced basls. In GOLF CLUBS, 1 set, cart and bag, lnterme­ Office. If you have a questlon relative order to alert appropriate personnel, a dlate set of clubs. 1 & 3 woods, 3, 5, 7, to the form or procedure, call 82134 or special Slren signal is used when re­ and 9 lrons, plus putter, very good condt. 83449. 231/3t qUlred. The speclal siren signal consYSts good f/teenagers or adults 5'4" or under. of a 10-second blast - a 40-second pause Call 82727. 230/2t NOTICE FROM KMR LEGAL OFFICE. Normal - a 10-second blast - a two-mlnute pause, legal asslstance wlll NOT be provided and a repeat of the same sequence. Other BATHING SUIT, ladles Slze 34L, SWlm team. from Dec. 15 through Jan. 2. Residents siren signals are deflned on Page 17 of We ordered wrong Slze. Please call 82406 wlth unusual problems requirlng im­ the current Kwajaleln Telephone Dlrectory. anytlme. 230/2t medlate actlon durlng this perlod should When the speclal siren signal lS used, ad­ dltlonal lnformatlon wlll be announced PATIO SALE, Thursday, 11 am to 2'30 pm, call the KMR Legal Offlce at 81431 for an apPolntment. 231/~t over AFRS-AM, 1220 on your radlo dial. Tr. 652. Some art and candle maklng sup­ plles, complete set Jr. golf clubs w/bag, ALL PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS are reminded ISLAND LADIES: The 24 Christmas cookies ladles Hush Pupples golf shoes, Slze 7M that KMR Regulatlon 28-1 requires the that you are baking for glfts for the worn once; large Slze muumuus; blouses Commander KMR be advlsed of their CURRENT Ebeye ladies at the Catholic Women's large and small. Large assortment of slate of offlcers. Please send changes Chrlstmas Party, are to be dellvered to clothlng, shoes and household items at as they occur to' Commander, HO, KwaJaleln 405-0 on December 5. All women's or Tr. 652. Mlsslle Range, ATTN' RKE-L, P.O. Box 26, news-type magazlnes are to be delivered KwaJaleln, Marshall Islands. 23l/3t at the same tlme. 230/3t CAMERA EOPT. and fllm, Canon 85mm, fl.8 portralt lens and c~se, $40; Vlvatar 2X PROPOSED KGA slate Presldent· Russ Kees, ALL KMR RESIDENTS: Procedures for pet con­ teleconverter (Canon mount) w/case, $12; Vice Presldent Paul Allas; Secretary trol, pet registratlon, and dlSposltlon flve rolls Kodachrome 64 fllm, fresh, w/ Kay Brydges; Treasurer' Merle Dlhel; of pets at KMR are clearly outlined in processlng, $6.50 per roll. Please call Dlrectors (3): Joan Tutt, Herb Lambert, Global Procedure 1117, dated Aprll, 1977. 82459. 230/2t Nobuo Kubota and Mike Lloyd. Electlon of When this Procedure and KMR Ordlnance offlcers wlll be held on Dec. 4 at the #32, "Contro 1 Of Pets," were fl rst pub­ LOST Golf Course prlor to the Tournament. llshed, all owners of reglstered pets re­ Nomlnatlon will be accepted rlght up to ceived coples of each. All residents are FANON walkle-talkle. If found please call electlon tlme. 231/3t remlnded that control of pets is enforced 82827 231/3t for the health and welfare of the reSl­ DUPLICATE BRIDGE WINNERS for Nov. 28 dents of KMR. It lS the pet owners' re­ were' 1st-Randy Thornley and Ila Lambert; sponslbility to control thelr pets and WANTED 2nd-Carole Miller and Carol Stoddart, 3rd­ comply wlth the provlslons of Global USED STEREO EOPT' Tuner and/or ampllfler; Alex Taylor and Mary Lynn Fader. 231/1to Associates Procedure 1117 and KMR Ordl­ turntable, speakers (pair), reel-to-reel nance #32. The cooperation of each tape deck, cassette deck. If your eqpt. MONTHLY MEETING of the KwaJalein weight resident of KMR is Sollclted to assure needs mlnor repalr, we are stlll lnteres­ control group wlll be this evening ln the maximum implementatlon of effectlve pet ted. Also would llke a small B&W TV. Call Hospital Llbrary after the weekly weigh-in control. 230/3t 82785 after 5 pm or anytlme Saturday or from 6'15 to 6 30. Sunday. 231/3t KALEIDOSCOPE LOCATION has been changed ISLAND NURSERY WILL go to Coral Sands THIS WEEK ONLY from 444-A to 451-0. FISH TANK - 15-40-gal. with necessary Beach at 8'30 ln the morning. The Nursery 230/3t accessories, call Tom at 82136 between wlll be open for anyone who doesn't want noon and 6 pm or contact at the Palm BO to go to the beach. 230/2t KWAJ 1977 MARTIAL ARTS Tournament - An Room 207. 231/3t invitational tournament and exhlbltion MEET NEW PEOPLE, have fun and help the wlll be held in the Multl-Purpose Room, KWAJ TRICYCLE, good condt., call 84122 Bargain 8azaar! Volunteer three hours a KwaJaleln High School. December 10, at after 6 30 and ask f/Bob. 230/3t month of your time by calling 84728 to 7 pm. The publlC is invited. Demonstra­ help wlth elther priclng or selling. tlons of combat technlques and weaponry HEATER f/aquarlum. Please call Beth at tralnlng hll11 be performed by each cluh 83371 days. 230/3t EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING of the Cathollc from KwaJalein and the outer islands. Women's Club will be held tomorrow at There wlll be lndlvldual free-style CUB SCOUT UNIFORM - Slze 8 or 10. Please 7.30 pm at the home of Gerry Corey, Otrs. matches following the demonstration. cal' 81508 before 5 pm or 82774 after 487-A. 23l/2t 230/3t+ 5 pm. 230/3t ORTHODONTIST ARRIVAL - Dr. Robert C. KGA ELECTION MEETING, Sunday, Dec. 4 at SWIM SUIT - SWlmteam member needs your Sample, orthodontist, wlll arrive on KwaJ 8'30 am. pick up tournament score cards son's outgrown Slze 26 or 24 SUlt. Please Friday. Dec. 2 and wlll depart Monday, and attend the meeting. Tee Off wlll be call 83680. 230/3t Dec. 5. Patients ~ill be seen on Frlday lmmedlately after the meeting. Nomina­ afternoon, and on Saturday and Sunday. tions will be accepted from the floor Please call the Dental Clinic at 82165 for only if proposed nominee has agreed to COMMUNITY NOTICES appolntments. A fee is charged for con- accept the nomination. List of nominees HourGlass WANT ADS GET RESULTS! And there sultation or examlnatlon. 229/3t proposed by Nominatlng Committee is lS no charge for thlS service to KMR reSl­ posted at the Clubhouse. KGA needs resldents. DON'T GIVE UP on water conservation" I!! your support. 230/3t