TONGSUN PARK MAY RETURN SEOUL (UPI) -- Milllonaire rlce merchant Tongsun Park, the key flgure in the alleged South Korean influence-buYlng actlvi­ tles in Washlngton, may change his mlnd and return to the U.S. to fa ce 1n ve s t i ga to rs, 0 f f 1ca 1 .....,V,.,.,0'"'"L.,."UM=E...-.-14.------'I'i'I'KW'MIA""I'JATiL"'E"F'iI Nr.-l\'A~T01'iT[T[-, "'1:M iiiAii"iRSOLHilI"AnL[---rI C'iSLIiA:iiNncDS~,--Wr.nE:=rDii\iN i:'CE s:iiDrJi'AYv. NOV EMB ER 30, 19 77 NUMBER 231 sources sald today. The sources said Park, who Economic Indica'ors had lived in the United States U.S.S.R. REJECTED for 25 years and considered Are Up In Ocfo'er the country his second home, "felt sorry" that the scandal WASHINGTON (uPI) -- The had stralned relations between government index intended to EGYPT'S INVITATION Seoul and Washlngton. predlct the dlrection of the CAIRO (UPI) -- The Soviet Union rejected Egypt's invitation "Should he change his mlnd American economy rose 0.7 per- for pre-Geneva Middle East peace talks today and Cairo declared and declde to go to the U.S. cent in October for its fourth regret Moscow was "wasting an opportunity" to promote peace and voluntarlly there is no reason straight monthly gain and hlt lmprove stralned Egyptian-Soviet relations. why we should oppose it," the highest level in four President Anwar Sadat said he will go ahead with the Eqyptian the sources sald. years, the Commerce Department peace conference, although other Arab powers planned to boycott Park was lndicted by a U.S. reported today. the Cairo parley. federal grand jury earller Charles Schultz, Chalrman Diplomatlc sources sald the Soviet position was communicated thls year on 36 counts of mail of the Councll of Economic Ad- • • d by Ambassador Vladimir Pol- fraud, brlbery and corruption visers, sald in a New York t,ons Reta,ne yakov to Acting. Foreign Minis­ charges and U.S. authorities speech, "There are no maJor OP ter Butros Ghall. Some sharp had sought to questlon him on dlstortlons or 1mbalances ln ·,·· remarks were exchanged at the American ground. the domestlc economy that B)f , 'I'I',nes meeting, sources said. Park himself had said he mlght preclpltate a downturn P Sadat, addressing a dele­ would not want to go back to or prolonged pause in the ex- MANILA (UPI) -- The PhillP­ gation from Israeli-occupied the U.S. to face lnvestigators pansion." pines retains" the option of Sinai who called on him at the untll there was a guarantee of a The Commerce Department said terminating military agreements Suez Canal city of Ismailia, falr trlal. He also complained the index of leading economlC wlth the United States, al­ sa i d, "We do not fi ght for the that he had already been unfalr- lndlcators climbed to 133.8 though there has been some sake of fighting but in order ly trled by the American press. to surpass the 133.7 of June, movement toward reachlng agree­ to establish peace on Earth ••• South Korean legislators also 1973, when the economy was at ment on a new treaty recently, "I promi se you that I wi 11 backed Park, claiming the U.S. ltS peak. Beglnning in July, the country's Solicltor General carry my peace call to the demand for Park's return was an 1973, the index began to weaken said today. very end," Sadat said. "I interference ln the country's to forshadow the 1974-75 re- "The essentlal point lS to promise you that, God willing, baslc domestic affairs because ceSSlon. what extent will the Philip­ I will perform the prayers of the millionalre-business is a The 0.7 percent rise in Oct- plnes agree or consent to the next feast in the heart of Korean citizen. tober was SOlld. qualify the exercise of its the Sinai." soverelgnty and to what extent During his historic trip to the United States wlll agree to Israel, Sadat offered prayers THE U.N. MIDEAST TALKS COULD compensate for these advan­ at Al Aqsa Mosque, Islam's tages," Estellto Mendoza said third holiest shrine, in at a luncheon of the Foreign Jerusalem. NOW BE CRIPPLED OR EVEN KILLED Correspondents Associatlon of The western section of Sinai UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -- Israel's reJectlon and Presldent Car­ the Phillppines. was restored to Egypt under two ter's lukewarm receptlon appeared today to crlpple, if not out­ Referring to the recently mllltary disengageme~t agree­ right kill, a proposal for a December round of prellmlnary Middle renewed negotiations on Ameri­ ments signed with Israel in East peace talks at the United Natlons. But the plan's author can mllltary bases in the 1974 and 1975, but the major inslsted it was "stlll valid and allVe." Phlllppines, Mendoza sald there part of the peninsula remains Israel said the conference proposed by U.N. Secretary General has been "acknowledgement (by under Israeli occupation. Kurt Waldhelm would serve "no purpose," and Carter told a news the U.S.) that the bases are Defending his trip to Jeru­ conference, "It's too early for us to decl de" whether the Um ted Fillpino bases" and ln the salem, Sadat said, "I did what States would attend. future wlll have Fillplno I did because I felt the weight But a spokesman for Waldhelm commanders. He said the ter­ of responsibility. It would said "The Secretary General PLO WANTS RED TIES mination of the current treaty have been easier for me to stay feels that hlS suggestion is DAMASCUS (UPI) -- The Pales­ reached in 1947 "lS not an in my place and leave the prob- \ stlll valld and alive," and that tine Liberation Organization option that has been excluded." lem to my successor," he added. "he doesn't feel the flrst re­ (PLO) today called for the action of Israel is necessarlly Egyptlan armed forces to oppose flnal ." Presldent Sajat's peace over­ Carter Pleased Over Reduction Of Waldheim floated his U.N. tures to Israel and urged the conference ldea at a news con­ Arabs to develop closer ties ference yesterday - an apparently with the Sovlet Union and other fear And Distrust 'n Middle East desparate bid to pull toqether, communlst countrles. WASHINGTON (UPI) -- President Carter said today he is very before a reconvening of peace The PLO statement was lssued pleased over the reduction of fear and distrust in the Middle talks ln Geneva~ the various at the conclusion of a meeting East, ca 11 i ng recent di plomati c moves "A hi storic breakthrough sldes that have Spllt over the of the organization's policy­ in the search for a permanent, lasting peace." upcomlng Cairo talks. maklng Central Council at a He praised the courage of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Most Arab nations, the Pales­ session chalred ln the Syrian "the gracious reception of him in Israel by Prime Minister Begin." tlnlans and the Soviet Union, capltal by PLO leader Yassar Carter told a news conference this morning the Sadat visit is have spurned Egyptian Presldent Arafat. "already a tremendous accomplish­ Anwar Sadat's invitation to It also called on the other ment, an lnitation of direct date as December 13. Cai roo Arabs to support those opposing person-to-person negotiations" State Department spokesman The Secretary General dld Sadat and condemned "the minor­ between Israel and the "strong­ Hodding Carter said later the pick up one positlve response - lty" of Arab leaders who openly est Arab country." December 13 date mentioned by from Mansur Rashld Kikhla, back him. Among these are He said the meeting met "two the Presfdpnt is an approxi­ Libya's Ambassador and this Sudan, Morocco and Oman. of Israel's most cherished mate date. "The exact date month's Presldent of the U.N. "The V1Slt lS dangerous not desires" -- face-to-face meet­ may in fact be December 12, 13 Security CounCll. "It's a lot only ln ltself but in its ings and recognition by Sadat and 14. It will be around that better ldea than the ldea of aftereffects," the statement of Israel's right to exist. period." President Sadat's conferf'nce," said. call1ng the move "a But Carter warned that in "There is an agreement on the Llbyan Ambassador to the serious deviatlon from the past, "expectations have some­ that, but there is no agreement United Natlons said. pn nCl p1 es of Arab s truggl e. " times been exaggerated." on how long the meeting will He noted that the problems be. There is no fixed term," * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * of a Palestinian homeland and the spokesman said. * SURF & SUN * FINANCIAL REPORT * the return of captured Arab He stressed there is "no * * * lands have not been resolved. particular significance in * AS OF 0001 HOURS 30 NOV. '77 * DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES * Carter said the Cairo con­ those dates, except that is * RAINFALL: TRACE * 30 Indus. up 2.43 at 829.70 * ference called by Sadat is "a simply the one which was * MONTHLY TOTAL: 8.25 inches * 20 Trans. up 0.34 at 214.50 * very constructive step," and mutually agreeable to all the * YEARLY TOTAL: 82.34 inches * 15 Utlls. off 0.04 at 112.00 * said the United States would parties that are going to be * TOMORROW * 65 Stocks up 0.56 at 286.35 * "particlpate at a high level." participating, including the * LC' -:-lde' 0141 1.4' 1325 1.8' * Volume" 22,670,000 shares * He said Assistant Secretary of United Nations observer." *Hi Tlde: 0741 3.8' 19494.5' * Clos1ng Gold Price: $160.05 * State Alfred Atherton would President Carter said the * MOONRI SE: 2339 MOONSET' 1129 * Closing Sllver Prlce: $4.74 * represent the United States.
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