Vol 4 No 12 Yorkshire Ramblers' Club Journal
'':. , .., ::' Editor, Xildwictiipk,: Hall, Keighlcy; VOL. IV, EntrBu ()n the Grigrrn The Aurora Borealis An Attempt on Kamet ..i Sinri: A Desert Ride The Siege of Mere Gill .: " Tlre Strenm-Bed of Fell Beck When I'an blew on his pipes' (Jlrippingr ... Kinrlrcrl Journals M enrbcrs' flolidays.,. licviews PHOTOARAPHS. ' .. Mana Gorge, Garhwal .., Krmet frorn the Ghastoli Glacier .-:ri JebelSerb{l .i.' '.n,, Plain of Er-raha . i l 3al aaa aaa,' ,') Watly Feirin ... aat .!r .a,aa M oun t Sinai The Oasis of Feirdn (or Rephidim) ..1 1r1. PLANS. I'hn r>f I\t ere Gill r .. F'cll ltcck, with the Rat Ilole and Spout Tunnel... ISSUED VEARLY. Publlrhed by thc YorLshirc RnmblerB'Club, t0, l'ark Slrect, Leeds. PRIGE TWO SHILLINGS NET. }'OSTAGE 8d. JaUES S. CANTER, The Alpine 4ootmaker, 16 SOUTH MOLTON STREET, L o'*'o"J'ii'' n. Nailed in this Nailed in this Style, Style, J S. CARTER'S CELEBRATED CLIMBINC BOOTS. t2 f,2 Woollen Gloves, Sleeping Tents, Woollen Anklets, Sleeping Bags. Tinted lliicksacks, Spectales, I)uttees. Knives, etc., etc. 'TOBOGGANING, SKATING AND NORWEGIAN PATTERN; SKI-ING BOOTS A SPECIALITd. lllustrated Catalo$ue on Application. REYII0LDS & BRAllS0t, LTD. PRISMAT|C BmollutAR EIASSES. The " RYSTOS STEREO " PRISMATIC BINOCULARS, with rack adjustment and widely separated obj ectives, giving enhanced stereoscopic eftect, magnifying 8 diameters - €4, 4s. Od. PRISMATIC BINOCULARS with larger objectives, so constructed as to admit fhe llaximum amount of light- that is possible in this trTpe of glass, from - €6 Os. Od. Frc. 1. ARTHUR BEALE PRISMATIC BINOCULARS g MONOCULARS (Late JQHN BUCI(INGIIAM), by Goerz, Busch, Zeiss, Ross, Dollond, Hensoldt, &c.
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