International Peacebuilding Alliance Garowe, Puntland Alliance internationale pour la consolidation de la paix Phone: (+252 5) 84 4480 • Thuraya: +88 216 4333 8170 Alianza Internacional para la Consolidación de la Paz Galkayo Satellite Office Interpeace Regional Office for Eastern and Central Africa Phone: (+252 5) 85 4200 • Thuraya: +88 216 43341184 T +254(0) 20 3862 840/ 2 • F +254(0) 20 3862 845 P.O.Box 14520 – Nairobi, Kenya 00800
[email protected] PILLARS OF PEACE SOMALI PROGRAMME In partnership with the United Nations Puntland Note: Mapping the Foundations of Peace Puntland Note: This publication was made possible through the generous contributions and support from: Puntland Note: Mapping the Foundations of Peace Challenges to Security and Rule of Law, Democratisation Process and Devolution of Power to Local Authorities Denmark Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft Confederation suisse Confédérazione Svizzera Confederaziun svizra Swiss Confederation European Commission Garowe, November 2010 P ILLARS OF P EACE Somali Programme Puntland Note: Mapping the Foundations of Peace Challenges to Security and Rule of Law, Democratisation Process and Devolution of Power to Local Authorities Garowe, November 2010 i Pillars of Peace - Somali Programme Puntland Note: Mapping the Foundations of Peace Pillars of Peace - Somali Programme ii Acknowledgements This research document was made possible by the joint effort and partnership of the Puntland Development Research Center (PDRC) and the International Peacebuilding Alliance (Interpeace). PDRC would like to thank the Puntland stakeholders who actively participated and substantially contributed to the discussions, interviews, community consultations and analysis of the research output. Special thanks also go to the peer reviewers who, looking at the document from the outside, constructively and attentively reviewed the content and form of this document.