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compiled from G-3 Journal for period July 10, 1943 - Aug 22, 1943.


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JULY 10, 1943 See Map No 1 (Opp page)

The division landed beginning at 0425 on beaches shown on Map No 1, under supporting Naval gunfire. Zones of advance and objectives as shown opposite. 157TH RCT Landed on beaches Green 2 and Yellow 2, against light opposition; advanced inland. 1st Battalion captured S CRUCE, CAMERINA at 1445. 2nd Battalion captured DUNNA FUGATA at 1715, 2nd and 3rd moved on to positions shown on Map No 1.

179TH RCT Landed on beaches Yel'low and Green, 1st Battalion captured SCOGLITTI at 1400, 3rd Battalion advanced to

positions west of VITTORIA, patrol of 45th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop entered VITTORIA about 1335.

180TH RCT Landings scattered from to points three miles

north of Red beach. Elements were assembled late in afternoon and advanced to vicinity Highway 115. Commanding General and G-2, G-3 and G-4 landed on

beach Green at 0830. CP established at 367159.

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6~~~A CA.,CHO" 9 JULY 11, 193 Ma) Nor

The advance of the division continued on July

11th. No contact was made with our adjacentunits,

1st Division on the left and 1st Canadian. Division on the right.


1st Battalion captured RAGJUSA at 0815B and the 3rd Battalion captured COMISO at 1015B and assisted the 179th Inf in the capture of COMISO airfield. In. the action at COMNISO, three Italian tanks were knocked out, our tanks received fire from 88mm guns. 192T-H INF Moved on COMISO airfield with two battalions

abreast from VITTORIA, capturing the airfield at 1610B assisted by the 157th Inf. 180TH INF

Met stiff resistance by elements of Herman Goering Tank Division and infantry elements and were unable to advance until late afternoon, when Highway 115 -was crossed. Positions northeast of the highway were held at end of day.

Division Artillery supported the infantry advance.

171st Field Artillery Battalion received counter batterv fire without damape.

40th Engineer Regiment set up main beaches and dumps around SCOGLITTI.

19th Engineers began clearing COTMLISO airfield. Map No 2 shows moverent during the day and positions held at 2400B July 11, 1943.

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JULY 12, 19lF3

157TH INFANTRf- 1st Battalion moved to vicinity CHIARAMONTE. 2nd Battalion patrolling from positions north of CHIARMONTE. 3rd Battalion advanced from vicinity to positions north of CHIARMONTE-BISCARI road. During the morning the airport and regimental CP were strafed. Contact was made with elements of the 1st Canadian in RAGUSA at 1145. 179TH INFANTRY Enemy strong point developed south of BISCARI-CHIARMONTE road. 2nd Battalion reported surrounded at 1715B, but was out of trouble by 1755. 180TH INFANTRY Enemy resistance reported to have collapsed in zone of

180th and the regiment advanced into BISCARI at 2000. One M VI tank knocked out in BISCARI.

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JULY 13, 1943 .-----. ... i Map No 4

157TH INFANTRY Advanced from vicinity of CHIARMONTE to oositions south and west of VIZZINI against light resistance. 179TH INFANTRY Continued advance in direction GRAMAIICHILE to positions shown on Map No 4. 180TH INFANTRY Advance on BISCARI delayed by blown bridge on ACATE River. 00OOTH CA BN (AA) (AW)

Shot down two JU-87 airplanes attempting to land on COMISO airport. CO B, 753RD TANK BN Supported advance of 180th Infantry.

753RD TANK BN (MINUS CO B) In assembly area ,in zone of 179th Infantry prepared to meet possible attack of reported enemy armored con- centration.

qy 0 oitb vn- . 9

JTLY 14, '1943

Map No 5

157TH INFANTRY Reached line yellow prepared to organize defensive position. II Corps ordered 45th Division to hold line two miles short of Highway 124. Two British Armored Divisions to mtake attack direction VIZZINI - CALTAGIORONE. Contact made with British below--VIZjINI at 0900. Coor- dinated attack planned for 1200. 157th Inf received heavy artillery fire from direction GRAMMACHILE during night July 13-14.

79NTT IN ANTRY Continued advance against strong mechanized defense to oosition two miles south Highway 124. Organized- positions.

180TTI INFANTTRY Moved to positions under Qover of darkness for day- light attack on BISCARI airport. Airport was taken at 0630, complete surprise was obtained butstubborn hand- to-hand resistance was met. Counter-attack was driven off by fire of Heavy Weapons Company. Attack continued to positions shown on Map No 5.


JULY 11 1943

3rd Bn, 179th Inf (rei.nf) with: 1 plat Cn Go- plat -4.2 Cml Mtrs, 1 plat AT Co, and 1 plat 753rd Tk Bn - Qer- man counterattack at .0550, July 14 from North against "Kt Co with flanking movement to our right supported by Mark

fixed bayonets supp orted bv plat of Cn Co forced enemy withdrawal to NE and N. "Ko Co successfully resisted counterattack and enemy failed to penetrate position. Durir:ng action 1 Mark IV knocked out by rifle eprenade - 1 4.2 phospherous she.l.l hit in open turr:et p IVbark tanl- and destroyed crew.

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JJ LY - 194 3

Organized defensive nositAlon. west of VIZZINI. Britslh took VIZZ1NI at 0600, tnd entered GRAIMJACHILE at 1200. At 1522 the CT wa al1erted to move to area south and west of 1VA7AHROl tonIght.

Organliz.d derfnglve positions two miles south of TmIIw-v; 12/

Advartnod to rnoitions, soujth CALTAGIROTTE. 2nd -- 'B3ttnliorn eornipel by three enemy tanks. durine the morrinr,. Co B, 753rd Tank Batt.elion in a fight three rniles fromr Bi'rCARI airport At 0900,


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Division bePren rr.oei o Ter': eat:,t of '.'J.'I

157th RCT and 189th F'A 3ri startl.nr ft , 0600. 1 79Wth

and 180th CTs held pre--ent roajlt ion lJntl 1 urIov re' by British passingr arofs front Prom ea ft to 'W-IIt,

45th Cav Rcn Tr. and 753rd Tk rrn f'ololwrevd 1i57thl

Inf. At 2130 verbal or]ersa were ilsuoded to 0C 1J57th

Inf to attack at 0400 17 July. Celz1 hlfh (-rou'lAl north of PIETRAPERZIA, supported by 15(8 thj iri(l 1 9tbh

FA Bns and with Co 2nd Cml Bn; one Pl:t 451tlh Ctiv Rcn Tr; Co A, 120th Enpr Bn and Co C, 753rdI'[' ( I3n attached.

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JULY 17, 1943 Map No 8

1$72 IN\FANTRYAN Advanced to vicinity PIETRAPER.IA without meetin-g resistance. Advanpe delayed by blown bridge at point shown on Map No 8. Organized position 800 yards north and west of PFITRAP RZIA. Oral orders were issued CO 157th Inf to continue the attack during the hours of darkness, seize high ground north of CALTANISSETTA and to continue to S. CATERINA if not delayed by opposition. Division CP moved forward at 1630 to H1258. Balanoe of division continued ooncentration In zone behind 157th Inf.

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July 18, 193 .

CMTWTnSAcA TA t 0g wNIthofut romistbnoQ, Movedn on feemokwi S* BATVINA wbleo wia ©nfewrtd at -1600B1, adv ale-

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I1 July.19. 1943 Ma No 10

'15,7th INF Advance wai held up North of S. CATERINA by enemy tanks and artillery fire. 179th lINF In assembly area S of CALTANISSETTA, one rifle platoon sent to S. CATALDO to guard large Italian QM Warehouse. 180th INF Moved by motors to ass-embly area S of S CATERINA, passed thru 157th Inf. Attack jumped off at 2000B a- gainst tanks and artillery fire.

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f July 20, 1943

-....--- Ma p No 11

157th IrNF

In assembly area S S. CATERINA.

179th INF

-Moved by motors night of 20-21 July to assembly

area 9496.

180th IHiF

Atk in column of Bns against light Arty fire, reach-

ed obj at 1030B prepared defensive position along line 9295 -

9297. Captured 15 prisoners, 1 90mm gun and 1 light Tk.

Regt was ordered to continue atk to W prior to 1700B, secure

RJ 7901.


Moved from CALTANISSETTA, opened at new location at


Et '3 July 21, 1943 ~-/Iflap No 12

l57th INTF Moved by marching to assembly area SE VALLELUNGA beginning at 1200B.

179th INF Moved by marching to position E of VALLELUNGA be- hind 180th Inf. Moved on CALTAVUTURO beginning at dark. 18Oth INF. Continued attack during night July 20-21, seized obj RJ 8002 at 0440B, organized position. In the attack captured 12 Light Tanks, knocked out 2, captured 60 pr'soners, including 1 Col, 2 Majs, 4 Capts, all Italian. Also destroyed 11 Scout Cars. Atk continued at dark with objectives ALIA and ROCCAPALUMBA, one company seized VALLE- D OLMO. DIV CP Moved to 0082 opening at 1530B.

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Thly 22, 1943 Map No 13

157th INF

At 1800B commenced movement by motors and marching to cut coastal highway at junction with Hwy 120. 179th INF

Moving on CALTAVUTURO against' light opposition, cap- tured that town t 1600B.

180th INF

Captured ROCCAPALUBA at 0510B, 7 locomotives, 35 cars in RR yard. Patrols sent N on Hwy 121 reached out- skirts of PALERo. at 1500BT0 without resistance. Patrols made contact with 15;'th Inf at LERCARA. Captured 87 Italian soldiers in VILLAFRATI. Btry D, 36th FA Regt interdicted coastal Hwy during night. July 23, 1943

fap No 14

!57th INF Movement commenced at 1800B July 22, passed thru 179th Inf continued adv at 0735B, leading Bn was pinned down by small arms fire approximately 4 miles N of CERDA. After preparation by artillery, atk continued, Hwy 113 was cut at 0900B. 2nd Bn moved E on 113, 1st Bn moving W on TERMINI IMERSE. Bridge at 809279 was blown while elements of 2nd Bn were crossing. 2nd Bn was stopped by MG and 37mm fire near CAMPOFELICE. 179th INF Moved on CAMPOFELICE via CALTAVUTURO - SCILIATA - COLLESANO. Contact was made at COLLESANO at 1703B.

Plat of Co B 120 Engrs working on bridge at 926190 came under small arms & mortar fire. 180th INF Marched at daybreak on MONTEMAGGIORE via ALIA. At 1500B was ordered to resume adv to be in position vic CERDA by daylight July 24. Co C 120th Engr Bn cleared mine fields on CERDA - ALUMINSA road. DIV CP Opened at 867152 at 1020B.

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July 24, 1943 Map No 15

157th INF Continued atk E on coastal hwy No 113 from CAMPOFELICE to position overlooking CASTLEBUNO station. Delayed by blown bridge at C0636. On Co reinf sent to CAMPOFELICE, responsible for beach security. 179th INF Advanced on CASTLEBU0ONO. Co L occupied CASTLEBUQNO at 2240B. 180th INF Moved by motor to detrucking point vic of CEFALU passed through 157th Inf at dark. 1st Bn held at 9434 for beach defense. DIV CP Opened W of CEFALU at 1530B. Unidentified ships of shore were reported at 1940B.

17 n IM -

157TH INFANTRY- - ' Passed through by 2nd Battalion, 180th Infantry at CASTEL BUONO Station during night. Established road. block on road to CASTEL BTUONO.

179TH INFANTRY Occupied CASTEL BUONO 0608 capturing 500 prisoners."- Initi- .ated reconnaissance. in direction of S JIAUTRO. Patrols made contact with 1st Division south of CASTEL BUONO.

180TH INFANTRY 2nrd Battalion passed through 157th Infantry during night

Tuly 24 - 25, continued to East. A counterattack at 1440 caused no loss. of :ground .

>^!: rL.~· : . "Now ; [ -.A * ^1.'-;'- '.x o·'^ ' ;'; 1:; ;'^ f 'J ' ^ '^ -tt JUJY 26. 193

Map No 17

·' . .


1st Battalion responsible for beach defense from TFERMINI IMERSE! east to GRANDE IMERA River. Was relieved of responsibility at 1500B. Balance of regiment in

assembly area east of CEFALU, patrols made contact witth -179th Inf north of CASTELBUONO.


Made reconnaissance in force of S. MATIRO area. One comnany reported north of S. MAURO at 1700, one company in S. MAUTRO at 2200. 180THT INFFANTRY

Resistance in front of 2nd battalion reported to have withdrawn. Battalion prepared to move on at 0615.

Patrols were at 1735 at 2000. 3rd battalion attack with initial objective Hill 640, final objective TU3A. Hill 640 was found to be unoccupied at 2030, attack on TUSA jumiped off at 2200.

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JULY 27, 1943 Map No 18

157TH INFANTRY Ordered to relieve 180th Inf during night. Movement of 2nd battalion started 1600. 1st battalion- to move to rear of 2nd battalion. 3rd battalion to close on 2nd battalion by marching.

179TH INFANTRY Remainder of 3rd battalion infiltrated to S. MAURO area via CASTELBUONO Station - Highway 113 - S. MkURO. Initiated reconnaissance in force from S. MAURO to CASTEL D. LUCIO.

180TH INFANTRY 3rd battalion patrols entered TUSA at 0600, main body moved to east of TUSA at 1500. 1st battalion passed through 2nd battalion. Co C crossed TUSA River bridge at 1250. At 1640 bridge over TUSA River was reported blown. Enemy holding high ground east of river drove our forces back across river. Aoproaches to bridge were mined. Engineers reported it would be impossible to remove mines until bridgehead had been secured by Infantry.

. .

< ; .- - a '', , '' _ * -a 8 _ July 28l, Ei3%y'

See Map No 19 157th Inf - Passage of 157 through 180th Inf delayed by landslide at 1336 about 0100. Road was blocked when Engineers blasted cliff in attempt to widen road. Slide was cleared at 0530. 2d Bn moved on PEITINEO across country. 1st Bn

passed through 1st Bn 180th Inf at 1745. Leading elements were on ridge East of Tusa River. An enemy counter-attack on the right flank was broken by artillery fire.

179th Inf - 3d Bn in S. V'AURO area sent two companies across country to CASTEL di LUCIO. 180th Inf - Relieved by 157th- Inf. Assumed resoonsibility for security of beaches and communications from. CEFALIT to rear of 157th Inf. Div CP moved to point 1 mile South CASTELBUONO STATION. i *': D.- ' '

JULY 28 1943 Mat No 20

157TH INFANTRY During night July 28-29, 1st battalion held part

of the ridge running northwest from MOTTA. During the night they were subjected to intense artillery and small arms fire. 2nd battalion in PEITINEO came under artillery fire on attempting to push north.. At 2000

were reported moving forward against no resistance. 3rd battalion moved down to road east of TUSA River and advanced up ridge on MOTTA from northeast. The attack against heavy automatic weapons fire reached positions short of crest of ridge at. dark. 179TH INFANTRY

1st battalion moved into S. MAURO. 2nd battalion remained in CASTELBUONO. 3rd battalion closed in CASTEL di LUCIO. ISOTH INFANTRY No change.


'UfS JLTY,30, 1943

Map No 21


1st and 3rd battalions mopped up ridge occupied night 29-30. At 0620, 1st battalion moved south aloQng ridge to coordinate move on MOTTA with 3rd battalion. 1st battalion received no enemy fire during the morning. 3rd battalion reported some snipers. Patrol entered

MOTTA at 1205 without meenting resistance. 2nd battalion occupied high round southeast M A. One platoon

2nd battalion was in REITANO at 2000 found town unoccupied,.


Co K passed through MISTRETTA at 1705, took up position north of town. 2nd battalion closed in oMSTRETTA area at 2000. 3rd battalion made contact with 1st battalion 180th Inf on highway south of


No chance.

* i ?t t I; sr-*...? ,-i....., i . JULY 31, 1943 Map No 22

157TH INPANTRY 2nd battalion 1000 yards south S.'STEPHANO at

0800, in the town at 1425. 3rd battalion 4 miles south S. STEPT-TANO at 1425, Many anti-personnel mines encountered around S. STEPHANO. -Reginlent was relieved by 30th Infantry at 2025B. 179TH INFANTRY 3rd battalion north and 2nd battalion south of MISTRETTA. 1st battalion in S. MAURO. Ordered to move to bivouac in area west of CEFALU beginning morning August 1st, 180TH INFANTRY Moved by truck to bivouac in vicinity CAMPOFELICE, completed movement at approximately 2000.

7- elr~

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Ma No2 3


In bivouac west of TERMINI IMERESE patrolling

beaches, guarding comrrunications in zone TI.RMTITY



Moving to bivouac area west of CEFALU. Re-

sponsibility for security in zone CAMPFELICE -



In bivouac vicinity CAMPOFELICE. Responsibility

for security zone TARTO River - CAMPOFELICE.

Division CP moved to 965368 opening at _930.

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The division remained in bivouac shlown on. map, resting and resquipping, and was responsible for the security of communica- tions, beache-sand II Corps rear within the zone shown on the map,.

AUGUST 6, 1943 -

The division area of responsibility was moved to the east to S STEFANO exclusive.: The, O80th Combat Team moved to bivouac area vioinity Of cAEOA and assumed security responsibility of: zone S S EANO--CARONA, both exclusive. The 179th zone of -re- ;:ponsibility expanded to the east to: include S STEFANO.

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: AUGUST 7, 1943

1920 ; :Batata li on 179thInfantry nmoved to bivouac vicnity o S STiANO,: as sumed s eour ty respons i blty for zone STNF incl.--CEFAL e S0: ;eo

i : ^^^^ f' t i8, ::' ;i:;· ;.. ~: .; . ~; : lt:if!; ' ~

Division OP moved 'to 0'379370 vioirnity of CARONA.'-" N ohanle '

.n othe-r-f...... units.. .

; UG- ,,

No change.

AUGUST, 1_3 AND.AUGUST ^ 1,i9t3

i80th Infantry moved to bivouac east of S AGATA9,et.dCtA zone of responsibility to approximately 65th grid, Divtsion OP moved to C06Q6443 east of S AGATA. No'change in other unti,ts,

AUGUST 5, 1923

157th Combat Team reinforced passed to control of Command- ing General, Seventh Army, on embarkation at TER&MINI IMERSSEfor

an amphibious operation to cut Coastal Road east of CAPE ORIANDO. 179th assumed security responsibility formerly covered by 157th Infantry.

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: 7'th In3antiy la'end or .pto daylight on a igned beaches 4aidf $W,-i-ro' :-iVoao . Division forward linethir had passed ::_oi .of;la'nding ro reviousylp ,

'.'' :'i's .emained in bivoue o.

-;amvAs 9 1943.

:: ivlioon began ovement to bivouac vioinity TRABIA. New ,0P opened at B690345 at 191150B August.

AUGUBT 20 AD 2, 143

:Movement of division continued. All units cleared in new areas by 211200B August.

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