Lajna Imaillah USA Tabligh Presentation: Meeting the Messiah & Madhi Hazrat a.s.

Dhiya Tahira Bakr-National Secretary Tabligh Shahina Bashir-National Mauvina Sadr Media Watch Mahmooda Rehman-Local Tabligh Secretary, Georgia Atiya Malik- Local Tabligh Secretary, Silver Spring Saimah Sheikh- AMC Public Relations Lajna Liaison, Dallas Fiona Okeefe Ahmad-Local Lajna Sadr, Boston Shura Proposal #1: Year 2013 The Essence of Ahmadiyyat! Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V call to action in his Friday sermon of August 16, 2013 to: 1. Know the purpose of the coming of the Promised Messiah a.s. 2. Know why it is necessary that we must accept him and attest to the truth of his claim 3. Know why it is important to establish: . Connection to Khalifat and participating in MTA programs Essence of Ahmadiyyat

3. Why it is important to establish: . Listening to Friday sermons and integrating them into our daily lives . Establish the true understanding and spirit of spending in the way of Allah . Establish the true understanding and blessings of giving Zakat and Chanda What is the purpose of the coming of the Promised Messiah a.s.? Why is it necessary that we accept him and attest to the truth of his claim?

The Promised Messiah a.s. explains: “I have been sent so that I may re-establish the lost glory of the Holy Prophet s.a.w. and show to the world the truths contained in the Holy . (Friday Sermon: Essence of Ahmadiyyat. August 16, 2013). Why should we invite people to meet the Promised Messiah a.s. The Promised Messiah a.s. has emphasized: The purpose of their joining the movement and establishing with me (Promised Messiah a.s.) a relationship like that of a disciple is that; • They should achieve a high degree of piety and righteousness. • No wrongdoing or mischief should ever come near them. • They should offer the five daily prayers regularly and in congregation • Should not lie nor hurt anyone by their tongues. • They should not be guilty of any kind of vice and should not let even a thought of mischief, wrongdoing or transgression pass through their minds. • They should shun every type of sin, offense, undesirable speech and action, as well as all egoistic passion and unruly behavior. • They should become pure-hearted, harmless and meek servants of Allah Almighty and no poisonous germ should flourish in their being. (Essence of , Vol. IV, pp. 349-350) A short story • Reflect on the sacrifice of an animal (lamb) for the birth of your child: The Aqeeqa. It is our duty and the animal sacrifice is used to nourish mankind. • I am the lamb (You are the lamb): We sacrifice our life, property, time and children for the cause of the faith and the community. We shall always adhere to the truth and shall always be prepared to make every sacrifice for the perpetuation of the Khalifat, inshaAllah. Purpose of the coming of the Promised Messiah a.s. • With these actions we should arrive at a state to call people to Allah with courage. The Promised Messiah a.s. conveyed to his audience; All that I am concerned with is my duty, the duty to deliver this message, which I owe you as one who owes a debt to someone else. It matters not whether it (the message) is welcomed by them or not, nor whether the readers or listeners trust my good intentions. • He then proceeded to deliver his essay on the Victory of Islam. (Victory of Islam by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, 1973, pg. 2 ) Khalifatul Masih V aba • The victory of Islam will be a victory for mankind; An actualization of absolute justice, kindness, kinship and a path toward the attainment of peace. The 4th Khalifa: Hazrat (rh) said: “Call the world towards salvation and call them to the Lord of the Worlds. Otherwise the destiny of the people will go in the hands of godless people… (Inspiring Events in the field of Tabligh by Maulana Ataul Mujeeb Rasheed, June 2004, pg.70). Sister Saima Sheikh-Jamaat PR • What is the message we should deliver to the people?

• How do we formerly and properly introduce the Promised Messiah a.s. at our interfaith events?

• Should we all deliver the same message when introducing the Promised Messiah a.s. and how? “We are Muslims who believe in the Messiah Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of , India” • Most important message of any interview, article or letter is the inclusion of this message. • Must practice using this and weaving it into interviews and letters. • This is what distinguishes us as Ahmadi Muslims and we must acknowledge who has guided us in our efforts. Give credit where credit is due. • Please be certain that in your letters and interviews to properly state our name: the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community ( cannot use “AMC” abbreviation in public domain) • Please be careful in using “I” or “my” statements. Our guidance has come from Prophet Muhammad saw, the Promised Messiah Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian as and Khalifatul Masih (His Holiness) aba Their names should be utilized. How do we introduce the Promised Messiah a.s. to the media?

Introduce our community: The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community? • Be sure to give every reporter a copy of the AMC one pager that clearly states who we are. – This is an external document. – Available to all majalis • Speak or write using as a guide the Message Map – This is an internal document – NOT for distribution

Media Relationships • Important to establish genuine media relationships • Be certain to follow up with reporters that have shown interest e.g. thank you email. • Have consistent persistence with the reporter • Takes persistence (emails & calls) to get interest. Media Advisory • Feel free to promote Lajna interfaith events or other open to the public activities. • Use a media advisory to do so. • We can provide you with a sample to replicate. • We can provide you with a list of news outlets in your area for you to contact. • Prepare in advance with calls, emails & media advisories. Media Advisory • • For Immediate Release: Contact: • October 22, 2011 Harris Zafar- Spokesperson • (503) 888-8123 • [email protected] • • • President Obama to Dine for humanity • • Humanity Day recognizes contributions to the service of mankind in DC and around the world • • Event: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA hosts 3rd Annual Humanity Day gala which recognizes the contribution of leaders in the service of humanity. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA has contributed 1.9 million pints of blood to save 300,000 lives in the US and abroad. A program of events and list of honorees is attached. • • When: Thursday, July 24, 2010 • Reception: 6pm • Dinner & Program: 7pm • • Where: San José Fairmont Hotel, 170 South Market Street, San José • Imperial Ballroom • • Who: Ahsanullah Zafar, National President Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA • President Barack Obama • Hillary Clinton, Former First Lady and Secretary of State • Rev. John Doe, Grace Baptist Church • • Media Opportunity: 8:00PM Obama given the spirit of Mankind award by Ahmadiyya Muslim Community • • About the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community: • Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a dynamic, reformist and fast growing international movement within Islam. Founded in 1889, the Community spans over 190 countries with membership exceeding tens of millions. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA, established in 1921, is the first American-Muslim organization. • • Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the only Islamic organization to believe that the long-awaited messiah has come in the person of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) of Qadian. Ahmad claimed to be the metaphorical second coming of Jesus of Nazareth and the divine guide, whose advent was foretold by the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad. The Community believes that God sent Ahmad, like Jesus, to end religious wars, condemn bloodshed and reinstitute morality, justice and peace. Ahmad’s advent has brought about an unprecedented era of Islamic revival and moderation. He divested Islam of fanatical beliefs and practices by vigorously championing Islam’s true and essential teachings. • • # # # Lajna media guidelines

There is a possibility of being photographed or filmed!

All lajna are to follow the directive given to the media team by Huzoor aba

• The media team has been granted permission from Huzoor (atba) that women can appear on film or have our photo taken PROVIDED;

• Heads are covered properly (no hair showing) coming a little over the forehead and covering the chin, no make and proper outer garments are intact.

Huzoor aba as well as the entire Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and public are watching these videos so DO NOT FALTER IN YOUR PURDAH.

Dress as if you are to be viewed by the entire jama'at including your Khalifah.

Request a long zoom photo shot for Lajna areas so always be prepared to be captured e.g. . Silver Spring MD tabligh event: • Sister Atiya Malik describes the following tabligh events, how contacts were established and how the Promised Messiah as was introduced. • For the Soul to Soul event, the Promised Messiah as was introduced when they read the book the Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam 2nd edition. Atiya Malik-Silver Spring Establishing contacts for Tabligh events: 1. A combined effort with Jewish and Mormon women. Event title: Celebration of food and song. 300 participants! 2. Soul to Soul: • About 30 women attended - including many new women • Topic was “State of the Soul after Death” SilverSpring Interfaih Event Sister Memoodah Rehman- Georgia

Partnering with the church next door.

What activity have you and your majlis done with the church next to the Georgia Masjid? How did you establish a connection or relationship? How is this an opportunity for tabligh? Georgia Lajna Meena Bazaar • Sister Mehmooda describes how Georgia lajna started a meena bazaar in the parking lot of the masjid and the ladies of the church next door became involved. • This provided an opportunity to introduce themselves as the community of the Promised Messiah as and have dialogue. Sister Fiona Okeefe Ahmad- Boston • What recommendations would you give lajna for outreach to establish contacts?

• What has been your approach to introducing the Promised Messiah as? Fiona Ahmad - Boston • Sister Fiona described how she and her lajna created a spreadsheet and then collected mailing information on all the churches in their area. • The lajna then invited the churches using invitation cards with our AMC logo, to their event. • The first time 60 people came, then 80 and then 100, mashaAllah. Sister Shahina Bashir-National Mauvina Sadr Media Watch Jihad of the Pen.

How do we introduce the Promised Messiah a.s. through writing?

What resources are available? LAJNA MEDIA WATCH: A Tool for Tabligh Shahina Bashir Promised Messiah (AS) on “Jihad of the Pen”

“Think of the preparations that the opponents of Islam are now making. They are not lining up the armies. They are publishing magazines and books. We should, therefore, pick up our pen and answer their attacks with magazines and books. It is not expedient that the prescription (treatment) and the sickness should be at variance. If the treatment does not conform with the sickness, the consequences are bound to be unprofitable and harmful. (Malfoozat, Vol. 8, p. 20) The Task of Lajna Media Watch

• Defend Islam through the pen • LMW members are frequently publishing articles about Islam and Ahmadiyyat in print media as well as through online blogs • Members are not only writing their own original articles but they are also posting positive comments on these articles. In many instances they are directly replying to those who are maligning Islam and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Defending negative comments Comment- “Terrorism and violence are core of Islam. Muslims are haters and murderers.” Reply- “Ahmadi Muslims have motto of "love for all hatred for none.” Lajna Media Watch on social media • @lajnamediausa on Twitter • Currently there are 884 followers • Use Twitter to promote the articles written by Lajna Media Watch (LMW) members • Opens up doors for tabligh The Lajna Media Watch webpage true-jihad Challenges

In three words; what has been your challenges to making contacts and/or introducing the Promised Messiah a.s. ? ??“Time, opporTuniTy and mode”??

What is the solution? You need to just do it. “ Tabligh is your duty”. Reminders for tabligh • We should win the hearts of the people, said Khalifatul Masih IV (rh). This is more essential then winning the intellect. He said, we should reform our tongue, mend our hearts and make it sweeter, and be lowly and humble. He included prayer and urged us to request from our children that they pray for our efforts. This he said will cause our heart and soul to become a part of the cause and our words will carry a wonderful force. (Inspiring Events in the field of Tabligh by Maulana Ataul Mujeeb Rasheed. June 2004, pg. 71-72). Tabligh Call to Action • Hazrat Mirza Masoor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih V aba delivered a speech in Kababir at their Jalsa Salana. He stated; All Ahmadis who have accepted the Imam of the age and declared “We hear and we obey” (2:286) should remember that each new day brings advancement in taqwa and faith. He said, be mindful that our progress is dependent on tabligh and prayer and that our responsibility is to show the source of real salvation and show people the ways to the pleasure of Allah”. Tabligh Call to Action

Khalifatul V aba stated; “God has a wondrous manner with his chosen people and Prophets.

Allah commands them to emerge in front of the world, to summon people to Him/Allah.

(Jalsa Salana address to Kababir, June 12, 2009). [16:126] Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with them in a way that is best. Surely, thy Lord knows best who has strayed from His way; and He knows those who are rightly guided. Ameen