June 17 - 23, 2019 Vol. 27 No. 24 $2 $1.10 goes to vendor profits J U N E S H I R T S O F T H E M O N T H Calendar GIVEASHIRT.NET 4 Chicago has something for everyone, find out what's happening! SportsWise 6 The world of golf. 7 The Playground Cover Story: Millennium Park 8 Chicago is known for the number of free events it hosts each summer, many of which happen downtown in Millennium Park, where there are so many residents and tourists. As with our Festival Guide, these summer events expose visitors to culture, new points of view and diverse people. Inside StreetWise 15 A Q&A (and some epic photos) with vendor Hozie Williams. Dave Hamilton, Creative Director/Publisher
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[email protected] @StreetWise_CHI Amanda Jones, Director of programs
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