© 2011 Phi Alpha Theta BOOK REVIEWS EDITORIAL OFFICE: Elliott Hall IV, Ohio Wesleyan University; Delaware, OH 43015. TELEPHONE: 740-368-3642. Facsimile: 740-368-3643. E-MAIL ADDRESS:
[email protected] WEB ADDRESS: http://go.owu.edu/~brhistor EDITOR RICHARD SPALL Ohio Wesleyan University REGIONAL SUB-EDITORS Douglas R. Bisson Richard B. Allen (Early Modern Europe) (Africa, Middle East, and South Asia) Belmont University Framingham State College Helen S. Hundley Betty Dessants (Russia and Eastern Europe) (United States Since 1865) Wichita State University Shippensburg University Jose C. Moya Paulette L. Pepin (Latin America) (Medieval Europe) University of California at Los Angeles University of New Haven Susan Mitchell Sommers Sally Hadden (Britain and the Empire) (United States) Saint Vincent College Western Michigan University STUDENT EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS SENIOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Nicholas Oleski Kale Booher Neill McGrann Celia Baker Abraham Gustavson Courtney Hahn Drew Howard Claire Paniccia Paul Kline David Fuller Kassel Galaty Amadea Weber Chris Heckman Stephen Zawodzinski Alex Bailey Seth O’Loughlin WORD PROCESSING:LAURIE GEORGE hisn_301 549..652 550 THE H ISTORIAN AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST Terror and Toleration: The Habsburg Empire Confronts Islam, 1526–1850. By Paula Sutter Fichtner. (London, England: Reaktion Books, 2008. Pp. 205. $45.00.) As its slightly unfortunate title suggests, this author’s overarching, but carefully grounded, scholarly account of the Habsburg encounter with the Ottoman Empire is moved very much by concerns of the present. She proceeds by means of three equally weighted chapters, sandwiched between a broad-brush introduction out- lining the historiographical and contemporary political contexts and a short “coda” that looks forward into the second half of the nineteenth century.