Laboratory Safety
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LABFACTS 6 Laboratory Safety Safety in the laboratory involves the protection of four • Implementation of universal precautions. Requirements different groups: the employees who perform labora- • Engineering control requirements. for good tory procedures, the patients, the office cleaning • Work practice control requirements. staff, and the community (protection of the environ- • Personal protective equipment requirements. laboratory ment). This LabFacts will give an overview of the • Record keeping requirements for the follow up of standards required for an effective laboratory safety occupational exposure incidents. practice program. • Documentation of employee training for occupa- and COLA tional exposure. General laboratory safety procedures and policies Laboratory should be documented in a safety section of the For more specific details on developing a written Standard Operating Procedure Manual (SOPM). The Exposure Control Plan, you may contact OSHA at Accreditation safety section of the Standard Operating Procedure (800) 321-OSHA and ask for your free copy of the programs Manual can include a list of the names and phone “OSHA Regulations on Bloodborne Pathogens.” numbers of people to be contacted in case of emer- You can also write to: are underlined. gency, written policies for the handling of toxic and biohazardous materials in the laboratory, and copies OSHA PUBLICATION OFFICE of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) indexed for U.S. Dept. Of Labor easy reference for all reagents and control solutions 200 Constitution Ave., N.W. in use in the laboratory. Material Safety Data Sheets Washington, D.C. 20210 can be obtained from the distributor or the manufac- turer. The Exposure Control Plan, which incorpo- UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS rates the use of universal precautions as a method of infection control, must be established according to Employers can be fined by OSHA if they do not require specific OSHA guidelines as discussed below. their employees to follow the universal precautions when they come into contact with blood and other The Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act of 2000 regulated bodily fluids. was enacted to update the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard to clarify the need for employers to select If you are in a physician office, implementation of an safer needle devices as they become available and adequate safety program is often hampered by the involve employees in identifying and choosing the fact that office lab workers frequently know many of devices. the patients, and therefore assume that they are not at risk when drawing blood or working with certain The updated standard also requires employers who specimens. While it is true that the office lab environ- must maintain OSHA illness and injury records (more ment is safer than those of hospital and reference than 10 employees) to maintain a log of injuries from labs (because in the office setting there are fewer contaminated sharps. Physician’s offices and medi- specimens and the patients are usually not as sick), cal laboratories are partially exempt from keeping there remains some risk for infection. The disad- OSHA injury and illness records, but keeping a sharps vantages of a haphazard application of standard injury log is useful and highly recommended. This log safety practices are that there are surprises, be- can help you verify that the safest possible sharps are cause you don’t always know who is a possible in use and to quickly identify problem areas for source of infection. needlestick safety in your facility. For the latest infor- mation on needlestick safety visit: http:// By always following recommended procedures, no one is singled out and you are able to quell any patient concern by saying that “WE DO THIS WITH EVERY PATIENT.” Because of extensive media coverage, EXPOSURE CONTROL PLAN many patients now consider precautions such as wearing gloves to be part of high quality medical care. Each employer must have a written Exposure Control These patients have come to believe that their safety Plan as required by the Occupational Safety and depends on the lab staff following certain precau- Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Patho- tions. Universal precautions involve treating all pa- gen Standards. These standards include: tients and specimens as though they are potentially 6-1 © COLA--revised 6/05. COLA LabFacts® is a registered trademark of COLA. LABFACTS 6 Requirements infectious and not ignoring the possible source of PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT risk. for good Gloves: It is very common to have cuts and cuticle laboratory UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS SHOULD APPLY TO tears on your hands. Any break in the skin is a THE FOLLOWING POTENTIALLY INFECTIOUS possible entry site for HIV, HBV, or other pathogens. practice MATERIALS: The CDC recommends that gloves be used: and COLA 1. BLOOD: This is the single most important source 1. Whenever a health care worker has cuts, scratches, Laboratory for the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and the HIV infection. or other breaks in the skin. 2. In any situation where hand contamination with Accreditation 2. SEMEN AND VAGINAL SECRETIONS: These blood is likely to occur. programs secretions are known to contain viruses and other 3. When performing finger or heel sticks on adults infectious bacteria. and children. are underlined. 4. Whenever you are performing phlebotomy tech- 3. WOUND EXUDATES, TISSUES, CEREBROSPI- niques, fresh gloves should be worn for each NAL FLUID, SYNOVIAL FLUID, PLEURAL FLUID, patient. PERITONEAL FLUID, PERICARDIAL FLUID, AND AMNIOTIC FLUID: While the actual risk of transmis- Masks/Goggles/Face Shields: Masks, goggles, sion of infections to lab workers is not known, the risks and/or face shields must be made available anytime are considered real by the Center for Disease Control there is a likelihood of an employee being splashed by (CDC) and OSHA. blood or another contaminated substance (biohazardous waste materials, cleaning solutions, 4. BODY FLUIDS WHEN BLOOD IS VISIBLE: This etc.). includes sweat, tears, sputum, saliva, nasal secre- tions, feces, urine, vomitus, and breast milk. Laboratory Coats: The major purpose of lab coats is to protect clothing from contamination by speci- HEPATITIS B VACCINE mens of bodily fluids and spills of hazardous chemi- cals or reagents. Lab coats should not be worn IMMUNIZATION OF LABORATORY STAFF outside of the work area, nor taken home for launder- AGAINST HEPATITIS B IS REQUIRED BY OSHA. ing. Lab coats must be provided by and laundered by Employers are required to provide the Hepatitis B the employer. vaccine free of charge to all employees who are at risk due to occupational exposure. While HIV has created Eyewash: Equipment to wash out eyes should be enormous anxiety with health care workers, Hepatitis readily available in case of an accident. Simple wall B is the most common serious pathogen that can units or faucet screw-on units are available from infect laboratory staff. Its transmission is easily scientific supply companies. preventable by vaccination. Check the CDC’s Mor- bidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR) for the Fire Blanket: Bunsen burners and alcohol lamps latest hepatitis precautions and recommendations. can cause fires. A readily available fire blanket can If you wish to determine the immune status of the lab be used to smother flames in case a person’s clothing staff before vaccination, test for the presence of the catches fire. Hepatitis B core antibody. If the test is positive, there is no need for the vaccine. Any employee who does ENGINEERING AND WORK PRACTICE not wish to be immunized must sign a statement of CONTROLS declination. If the employee later decides to receive the vaccine, the employer must still offer the immu- Hand Washing: Hands should be washed before nization free of charge. Copies of immunization drawing blood, touching your own eyes or mouth, records must be kept in the employee’s personnel immediately after contamination from any reagent or file. specimen, and before leaving to go home. 6-2 © COLA--revised 6/05. COLA LabFacts® is a registered trademark of COLA. LABFACTS 6 Avoiding Needle Sticks: Sticking yourself with a waste disposal contractor. If specimens or reagents Requirements contaminated needle is a most serious hazard. It are handled over the laboratory sink and spillage for good almost always happens when the worker goes to occurs, be sure to flush the drain with lots of water to recap the needle after using it. In addition, house- prevent erosion in plumbing pipes. laboratory keeping staff can be punctured when handling con- tainers used to collect contaminated needles and Contaminated culture plates should not be auto- practice scalpels. claved in a physician office laboratory. Office auto- and COLA claves are generally far too small and the odor would • NEVER REMOVE NEEDLES FROM SYRINGES overwhelm the entire practice facility. Check with Laboratory OR HOLDERS BY HAND. your state laboratory for recommendations for de- Accreditation • NEVER RECAP A NEEDLE. contaminating your dirty culture plates, if applicable. • NEVER BREAK, BEND, OR TRY TO DESTROY programs NEEDLES OR SCALPELS. There is increased concern regarding the contamina- • NEVER LEAVE CONTAMINATED NEEDLES OR tion of the environment by medical wastes. are underlined. SHARPS LYING AROUND. NOTE: Contact your state health officials and state OSHA office for the most up-to-date information on To protect all people who may come in contact with federal, state, and local regulations or recommen- contaminated “SHARPS” (needles, scalpels, pipette dations for regulated waste disposal. tips, etc.), special “SHARPS” containers should be used. These containers should be located in conve- Arrangements for the disposal of biohazardous waste nient locations around the laboratory. These should should be negotiated with a professional biohazardous be opaque, tamper proof, spill proof, have puncture waste disposal contractor. Your reference laboratory proof sides, and be autoclavable. Such containers or local hospital can be useful in providing the name can be purchased from scientific supply companies. of a reputable waste disposal contractor.