Respectus Philologicus

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Respectus Philologicus ISSN 1392–8295 mokslo darbai transactions RESPECTUS PHILOLOGICUS 2008 Nr. 13 (18) A RESPECTUS PHILOLOGICUS Nr. 13 (18) A MOKSLINIS TÆSTINIS LEIDINYS Leidþia Vilniaus universiteto Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas ir Jano Kochanovskio Ðventojo Kryþiaus akademijos Humanitarinis fakultetas Kielcuose ONGOING ACADEMIC PUBLICATION Published by Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty of Humanities and Holy Cross Academy n. a. Jan Kochanovski Faculty of Humanities in Kielce Referuojamas ir atspindimas tarptautinëse duomenø bazëse / Abstracted and indexed by the interna- tional databases: Balcan Rusistics (2004) Russian Language, Literature and Cultural Studies CEEOL (2005) Central and Eastern European Online Library EBSCO (2006) Humanities International Complete Current Abstracts Humanities International Index TOC Premier MLA (2007) Modern Language Association International Bibliography Redakcijos adresas / Address of the editorial office: Þurnalas „Respectus Philologicus“ Vilniaus universitetas Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas Muitinës g. 8, Kaunas LT-44280, Lietuva Tel.: (370–37) 42 26 04 El. paðtas / E-mail: [email protected] Interneto svetainë / Homepage: Redagavo / Edited by: Gabija Bankauskaitë-Sereikienë (lietuviø kalba / the Lithuanian language), Jurga Cibulskienë (anglø kalba / the English language), Viktorija Makarova (rusø kalba / the Russian language) Pagrindinë redaktorë / Publishing editor: Viktorija Makarova ISSN 1392-8295 © Vilniaus universiteto Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas, 2008 © Akademia Úwiætokrzyska im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach – Wydziaù Humanistyczny, 2008 REDAKTORIØ KOLEGIJA / EDOTORIAL BOARD Eleonora Lassan VU KHF profesorë, habil. dr. (04H), Lietuva, vyriausioji redaktorë Professor (04H), Vilnius University (Kaunas Faculty of Huma- nities), Lithuania, editor-in-chief Kazimierz Luciñski Jano Kochanovskio Ðventojo Kryþiaus akademijos Kielcuose profe- sorius, habil. dr. (04H), Lenkija, vyriausiojo redaktoriaus pavaduotojas Professor (04H), Holy Cross Academy n. a. Jan Kochanovski in Kielce, Poland, deputy editor-in-chief Irina Uchvanova-Shmygova Baltarusijos lingvistikos universiteto profesorë (04H), Baltarusija, vyriausiojo redaktoriaus pavaduotoja Professor (04H), Belorussian University of Linguistics, Belarus, deputy editor-in-chief Gabija Bankauskaitë-Sereikienë VU KHF docentë, dr. (04H), Lietuva, atsakingoji sekretorë Associ- ate Professor (04H), Vilnius University (Kaunas Faculty of Humani- ties), Lithuania, managing secretary Danutë Balðaitytë VU KHF docentë, dr. (04H), Lietuva Associate Professor (04H), Vilnius University (Kaunas Faculty of Humanities), Lithuania Wiesùaw Caban Jano Kochanovskio Ðventojo Kryþiaus akademijos Kielcuose profeso- rius, habil. dr. (05H), Lenkija Professor (05H), Holy Cross Academy n. a. Jan Kochanovski in Kielce, Poland Anatolij Èiudinov Uralo valstybinio pedagoginio universiteto profesorius (04H),Rusija Professor (04H), Ural State Pedagogical University, Russia Aloyzas Gudavièius Ðiauliø universiteto profesorius, habil. dr. (04H), Lietuva Professor (04H), Ðiauliai University, Lithuania Juris Kastinð Latvijos universiteto profesorius, habil. dr. (04H), Latvija Professor (04H), Latvian University, Latvia Jurij Kleiner Sankt-Peterburgo universiteto profesorius, habil. dr. (04H), Rusija Pro- fessor (04H), St. Petersburg University, Russia Aleksandras Krasnovas VU KHF docentas, dr. (04H), Lietuva Associate Professor (04H), Vilnius University (Kaunas Faculty of Humanities), Lithuania Jadvyga Krûminienë VU KHF docentë, dr. (04H), Lietuva Associate Professor (04H), Vilnius University (Kaunas Faculty of Humanities), Lithuania Irina Külmoja Tartu universiteto profesorë, habil. dr. (04H), Estija Professor (04H), Tartu University, Estonia Gerald E. Mikkelson Kanzaso universiteto profesorius (04H), JAV Professor (04H), The University of Kansas, USA Olegas Poliakovas VU KHF profesorius, habil. dr. (04H), Lietuva Professor (04H), Vilnius University (Kaunas Faculty of Humanities), Lithuania Marek Ruszkowski Jano Kochanovskio Ðventojo Kryþiaus akademijos Kielcuose profe- sorius, habil. dr. (04H), Lenkija Professor (04H), Holy Cross Academy n. a. Jan Kochanovski in Kielce, Poland ÐIUOLAIKINIAI DISKURSO IR NARATYVO TYRIMAI / 4 CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH INTO DISCOURSE AND NARRATIVE TURINYS ÐIUOLAIKINIAI DISKURSO IR NARATYVO TYRIMAI Jadvyga Krûminienë (Lietuva). The Problem of Approach to Homiletic Texts from the Perspective of Literary Criticism: Poetic, Mythopoetic, or Theopoetic? ................................ 8 Gabija Bankauskaitë-Sereikienë (Lietuva). Tarpukario Lietuvos prozos modernëjimas: Nelë Mazalaitë, Kazys Jankauskas ............................................................................................... 16 Jadvyga Bajarûnienë (Lietuva). Patologiniø bûsenø sklaida vokieèiø ekspresionizmo prozoje ............................................................................................................................................. 29 Asija Kovtun (Lietuva). Raðymo integralumas Czesùawo Miùoszo eseistikoje ............................. 41 Èðèíà Å. Ôàäååâà (Rusija). Ðóññêàÿ ýêçèñòåíöèàëüíàÿ ïðîçà (îïûò òåìàòèçàöèè) ........ 51 Inga Bartkuvienë (Lietuva). Poezija ir kalba: Heideggeris, Derrida, Celanas ............................. 61 Rûta Brûzgienë (Lietuva). Muzika ir literatûra: naratyvumo aspektas ......................................... 74 Loreta Ulvydienë (Lietuva). John Updike’s Rabbit Redux: Epitome of Heidegger’s Dasein ......................................................................................................................... 81 Íàòàëèÿ Þíäèíà (Latvija). Èíîÿçû÷íûå ýëåìåíòû â ïðîèçâåäåíèÿõ Â. Êàìèíåðà ....... 89 Âèêòîð Ãàëóøêî (Rusija), Íàòàëèÿ Äàèíîâè÷à (Latvija). Ìàðòèí Õàéäåããåð: ÿçûê, ñëîâî, áûòèå ...................................................................................................................... 100 Nina Danylyuk (Ukraina). Symbolic Words in the Ukrainian Folk Poetry Texts....................... 106 Saulë Juzelënienë, Rita Baranauskienë (Lietuva). Lingvistiniø diskurso tyrimø raida ............ 110 Vilma Linkevièiûtë (Lietuva). Kieran O’Halloran’s Critical Discourse Analysis in Newspaper Articles .................................................................................................................. 117 KALBA IR VISUOMENË Daiva Aliûkaitë (Lietuva). Tarmiø ypatybiø vertë kultûriniu poþiûriu: Lyduokiø ðnekta ......... 129 Lina Baèiûnaitë (Lietuva). Èekiðkës parapijos tø paèiø gyvenamøjø vietø vardø fleksijø variantiðkumas iki sunorminimo ir po jo .................................................................................... 143 Danguolë Satkauskaitë (Lietuva). Leksiniai-semantiniai vokieèiø kalbos pokyèiai po 2001 m. rugsëjo 11-osios ............................................................................................................................. 154 5 Vĕra Barandovská-Frank (Vokietija). Linguistics in an Interdisciplinary Perspective – ‘Hobby Linguistics’ ....................................................................................................................... 166 Tatyana Solomonik-Pankraðova (Lietuva). The Anglo-Saxon ‘Mind’ Vocabulary: the Semantic Change from ‘Môd’ to ‘Minde’ ............................................................................ 181 Algis Braun (Lietuva). It Sounds Clumsy in English: Conceptual Blending and Lithuanian-English Translation ........................................................................................... 186 KULTÛRA IR IÐSILAVINIMAS: LAIKO IÐÐÛKIAI Michael Cwik (Belgija). How to Achieve Non-Discrimination in “Inter-Ethnic, Inter-Cultural and International Communication” in the Long Run? ................................... 201 Yuri V. Stulov (Baltarusija). Alexander Pushkin’s African Lineage and Contemporary Interpretations: Connecting Time and Cultures ....................................................................... 211 Laura Gilda Paccagnella, Carlo Minnaja (Italija). A Mathematical Dictionary for Esperanto, According to WordNet ................................................................................................................. 219 Vaiva Zuzevièiûtë, Edita Butrimienë (Lietuva). Interpretation of E-Learning in the Framework of Socio-Cultural System: Adequacy between the Opportunities and Students and Lecturers’ Needs ........................................................................................... 233 REIKALAVIMAI STRAIPSNIAMS ................................................................................ 246 MÛSØ AUTORIAI ............................................................................................................ 254 ÐIUOLAIKINIAI DISKURSO IR NARATYVO TYRIMAI / 6 CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH INTO DISCOURSE AND NARRATIVE CONTENTS CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH INTO DISCOURSE AND NARRATIVE Jadvyga Krûminienë (Lithuania). The Problem of Approach to Homiletic Texts from the Perspective of Literary Criticism: Poetic, Mythopoetic, or Theopoetic? ................................ 8 Gabija Bankauskaitë-Sereikienë (Lithuania). The Start of Modernity of Lithuanian Prose in the Period between the World Wars: Nelë Mazalaitë, Kazys Jankauskas............................ 16 Jadvyga Bajarûnienë (Lithuania). The Spread of Pathological States in the Prose of German Expressionism ............................................................................................................. 29 Asija Kovtun (Lithuania).
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