No. 477,848, Patented June 28, 1892
(No Model.) G. R OTHEN BUCHER WALWE GEAR, No. 477,848, Patented June 28, 1892, 2 SNS e/27Z AS3, &SS The oats preRs co, PHOTO-Litho. WASHINGTON, D.C UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GEORGE ROTHENBUCHER, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. VALVE - GEAR. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 477,848, dated June 28, 1892. Application filed April 28, 1891, Serial No. 390,802, (No model.) To all whom it may concern: is intended to be used on those ends of the Be it known that I, GEORGE ROTHENBUCH oscillating valve-spindle to which the ends of ER, a citizen of the United States, residing at the connecting-rod are attached, the said New York city, in the county and State of mechanism, however, not being shown in the New York, have invented certain new and drawings. 55 useful Improvements in Valve-Gears for Cor In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 liss Steam-Engines, of which the following is represents a plan of the steam-cylinder of a a Specification. Corliss steam-engine with my improved valve s In the valve-motion for Corliss steam-en motion, the covering-plate of the left-hand O gines for which Letters Patent were granted valve-box being removed, so as to show the to me, No. 398,751, dated February 26, 1889, interior construction. Fig. 2 is a verticallon the steam-chest is provided with transverse gitudinal section of the cylinder and valve guide - boxes, in which are guided spring gear on line 22, Fig. 1, the lower portion of pressed and rectilinear reciprocating inlet the cylinder being broken away; and Fig.
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