u tin 76 in Association of For information on advertising, membership and distribution: February Art Historians The Administrator, 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ; 2001 Registered Chanty No. 282579 Tel: 020 7490 3211; Fax: 020 7490 3277; <
[email protected]> Editor: Jannet King, 48 Stafford Road, Brighton BN1 5PF; <
[email protected]> www.aah.org.uk A Double Farewell ndrew Falconer, who has been our Administrator for A the last four years, has moved to fresh pastures, taking That's all folks... up the post of Editorial Assistant at Elle Decoration on 5 February. We will miss him greatly, as he was an pril the first. Not the best excellent administrator, always smiling and ready to help. A day to be embarking on It has been a privilege to work with him during these years a new job, but that's when I and I am immensely grateful for all his work for the started working for the AAH. Association and for the support he gave me as Chair. On At the time, in 1997, I did behalf of the Association I should like to congratulate him wonder whether this was some on his new post and thank him most warmly! kind of omen of things to come. Thankfully it was anything but. A Farewell from the Chair However it's almost four years This is my last occasion to report to you as Chair of the on and time for me to move on to a new challenge AAH, as I retire on 1 April this year, at the end of the working for Elle Decoration.