
doi:10.14720/aas.2018.111.2.11 Original research article / izvirni znanstveni članek

Potential benefits and toxicity of nanoselenium and nitric oxide in peppermint

Hossein NAZERIEH1, Zahra Oraghi ARDEBILI1*, Alireza IRANBAKHSH2

Received January 13, 2018; accepted May 04, 2018. Delo je prispelo 13. januarja 2018, sprejeto 04. maja 2018.


Taking account of nano-compounds and biofortification, this POTENCIALNE KORISTI IN STRUPENOST research was conducted to evaluate peppermint (Mentha x NANOSELENA IN DUŠIKOVEGA OKSIDA PRI piperita L.) responses to nano-selenium (nSe; 0, 2, and POPROVI METI 20 mg l-1) and/or nitric oxide (NO; 0 and 8 mg l-1). Significant increases in leaf length, and area, and fresh mass were Raziskava je bila izvedena za ovrednostenje odziva poprove enhanced by the low level of nSe and/or NO, contrasted with mete (Mentha x piperita L.) na nano selen (nSe; 0, 2, in the high dose. The inhibitory effects of the high dose of nSe 20 mg l-1) in/ali dušikov oksid (NO; 0 in 8 mg l-1). Značilno on the growth-related characteristics were significantly povečanje dolžine in površine listov in sveže mase poganjkov mitigated by NO. The adverse impact of nSe20 on chlorophyll je bilo vzpodbujeno z majhnimi količinami nSe in/ali NO, concentration was alleviated by NO. The individual and nasprotno od učinkov velikih količin. Zaviralni učinki velikih combined treatments of nSe2 led to the significant inductions koncentracij nSe na z rastjo povezane parametre so bili in the activities of nitrate reductase and peroxidase, whereas značilno zmanjšani z dodatkom NO. Negativni vpliv nSe20 na nSe20 inhibited. The proline contents in the nSe and/or NO- koncentracijo klorofila je bil ublažen z NO. Posamično in treated were higher than in the control. The nSe and/or kombinirano obravnavanje z nSe2 je vodilo k značilnem NO provoked stimulation in activities of phenylalanine povečanju v aktivnosti nitrat reduktaze in peroksidaze, ammonia lyase enzyme. The foliar applications of nSe and/or medtem ko jo je tretiranje z nSe20 zavrlo. Vsebnost prolina je NO triggered the accumulations of soluble phenols. bila v z nSe in/ali NO obravnavanih rastlinah večja kot v Interestingly, the toxicity of nSe at the high dose led to the kontroli. Obravnavanje z nSe in/ali NO je povečalo aktivnost severe cell destruction in the cortex layer of the basal stem, fenilalanin ammonium liaze. Foliarno dodajanje nSe in/ali NO which was partially alleviated by NO. The simultaneous je vzpodbudilo kopičenje topnih fenolov. Toksičnost nSe je pri applications of these supplements may consider as an velikih dozah vodila k izrazitim razgradnjam celic v plasteh alternative strategy for fortifying and improving primarne skorje bazalnega dela stebla, kar je bilo delno protection, regarding sustainable agriculture. oblaženo z dodatki NO. Hkratno uporabo teh dveh dodatkov lahko imamo kot alternativno strategijo za okrepitev in Key words: biofortification; elicitor; metal-based izboljšanje zaščite rastlin pri trajnostnem kmetovanju. nanoparticle; Mentha x piperita; nitrate reductase; proline; selenium Ključne besede: biofortifikacija; elicitor; nano delci kovin; Mentha x piperita; nitrat reduktaza; prolin; selen


Selenium (Se) is characterized as an essential trace main sources of Se and may be efficiently uptake by nutrient for many microorganisms, animals, and plants. These mentioned forms of Se are mainly utilized humans but it is not classified as an essential element to fortify different plants in the field production (Liu et for plants, despite its beneficial effects on the growth al., 2017). Contrasted with many other living organisms, and physiology at low doses (Kaur and Nayyar, 2015). Se is not considered as an essential nutrient for plants. Awareness and concern about the Se significance to the Otherwise, it seems to be a benefit for many plants, human health issues are worldwide growing (Liu et al., especially hyper-accumulators (El-Ramady et al., 2016). 2017). In soil condition, selenite and selenate are the Thus, the functional significance of Se may to

1 Department of Biology, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran, corresponding author: [email protected] 2 Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 111 - 2, september 2018 str. 357 - 368

Hossein NAZERIEH et al.

enhance plant growth, modify cellular physiology, reducing agents (Husen and Siddiqi, 2014). Moreover, and/or improve plant resistance to abiotic and biotic there is evidence that the endogenous NO status at stress conditions (Ardebili et al., 2014; Ardebili et al., different developmental stages was altered by selenite 2015; El-Ramady et al., 2016). treatment in Arabidopsis plants, mainly in a concentration and time-dependent manners (Lehotai et Nitric oxide (NO) is known as a vital reactive nitrogen al., 2011). specie, a bioactive multi-task signaling molecule, and an elicitor of an array of signaling pathways by which On the basis of our knowledge, there is no research on regulates various aspect of plant development, the application of nSe on the plant growth, anatomy, physiology and defense responses (Gupta et al., 2011; and physiology. Also, as human body may intake Se Mur et al., 2013; Zhao et al., 2016). It is implicated in from plants (White, 2015), finding an effective eco- the control process of meristem cells (Sanz et al., 2014). friendly procedure for bio-fortifying, improving the There is evidence that NO may change auxin sensitivity defense-related system, and triggering secondary and affects meristem cell activity (Sanz et al., 2014). metabolism of medicinal plants, as well as introducing NO, mainly via nitrosylation, can affect the activity of its toxicity range and signs are of critical importance. various proteins and play the role as a Ca2+-mobilizing However, there is no report on the simultaneous intracellular messenger (Courtois et al., 2008). The application of NO and nSe. application of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) as an exogenous NO donor is a most widely effective method Peppermint (Mentha x piperita L.) is an important to supplement plants with NO. economic, medicinal, and aromatic plant. Its leaves (as a spice) and vital secondary metabolites with the various As nanotechnology science and technology is rapidly critical antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic developing, the concerns about its benefits and toxicity activities are widely utilized in the food and on the environment are growing (Asgari-Targhi et al., pharmaceutical-related industries (Çoban & Baydar, 2018). Nano-forms possess unique physicochemical 2016). It is well known that growth, physiology, and characteristics by which triggering especial responses secondary metabolism in the medicinal plants is different from their bulk type (Asgari-Targhi et al., strongly affected by the different physicochemical and 2018). Plants are considered as a key component for environmental factors. It is obvious that various nanoparticle transport and bio-accumulation into the researches are required to elucidate the plant responses food chains (Tripathi et al., 2017). Therefore, various to these factors and clarify the exact involved studies in different plant are needed to elucidate mechanisms. These findings may be helpful to improve the potential benefits and phytotoxicity of the our knowledge and agro-technologies, thereby nanoparticles, especially trace elements. developing new alternative strategies to improve plant growth, yield, and protection regarding sustainable Some evidence provides data on NO-mediated agriculture and environmental issues. Therefore, alleviation toxicity signs of heavy metals, while little is regarding the above-highlighted significance of Se, known about NO-mediated mitigation of heavy metal nanoparticle, NO, and peppermint the main objectives stress and nanoparticle toxicity in plants (Tripathi et al., of the current research were to clarify the key 2017). The Se nano-particles (nSe) with different physiological and anatomical mechanisms involved in characteristics of shape and size may be synthesized the peppermint responses to the foliar applications of from Se salts especially selenates and selenite using nSe and/or NO at different doses, for the first time.


2.1 Materials and treatments nSe is represented in Figure 1, showing the morphology and size of the nanoparticle. The supplied nSe was the The applied nSe was purchased from the reliable stock solution of 1000 mg l-1, containing 0.1 % company (NanoSany Corporation, Iranian polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as a stabilizer and thus, Nanomaterials Pioneers Company; Mashhad City, there is no need to sonication protocol. SNP was used as Khorasan Province, Iran). Its characteristics were as a source of NO. The peppermint (Mentha x piperita L.) follows: CAS#: 7446-08-4; high purity: 99.95 %, APS: seedlings of eight leaves were grown under natural 10-45 nm; morphology: near spherical; true density: conditions (mean temperature: 20 ˚C, RH: 32 %) treated 3.89 g cm-3. The purchased nSe product was the stock with three different levels of nSe (0, 2, and 20 mg l-1) solution of 1000 mg l-1 containing 0.1 % and/or two levels of NO (0 and 8 mg l-1). The foliar polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as stabilizer and thus, there supplementations with nSe and/or NO were done fifteen is no need to a sonication protocol. Also, TEM image of times with 48 h intervals. It was equal to 0, 0.05, and

358 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 111 - 2, september 2018 Potential benefits and toxicity of nanoselenium and nitric oxide in peppermint

0.5 mg nSe spray-1 plant-1. Two weeks after the last 2.6 Measurement of phenylalanine ammonia lyase treatment, the treated plants were harvested for the (PAL) activity further studies on the plant growth, anatomy, and PAL activity was determined according to the method physiology. The treatment groups were called as represented by Beaudoin-Eagan and Thrope (1985). The follows: C-control; NO- nitric oxide of 8 mg l-1; nSe2- enzyme activity was calculated based on the amount of nSe of 2 mg l-1; nSe20- nSe of 20 mg l-1; NO + nSe2- cinnamate production using the standard curve of nitric oxide of 8 mg l-1 and nSe of 2 mg l-1; NO + cinnamic acid. The enzyme activity was expressed in nSe20- nitric oxide and nSe of 20 mg l-1. micromole cinnamate per minute per gram fresh mass

(µmole Cin. min-1g-1fm). 2.2 Growth characteristics and photosynthetic

pigments 2.7 Estimation of proline content Various growth-related characteristics, including total Proline was extracted by sulfa salicylic acid (3 % w/v) fresh mass of seedlings, leaf area, and leaf length were and measured based on the method represented by Bates measured. The photosynthetic pigments were extracted et al. (1973). The proline contents were calculated, by 80 % (v/v) acetone as a solvent and determined based on the proline standard curve and expressed in according to the formula presented by Arnon (1949). microgram per gram fresh mass (µg g-1f m).

2.3 Enzyme extraction 2.8 Determination of total soluble phenols M phosphate buffer (pH of 7.5), containing 0.5 mM The soluble phenols were extracted using Na -EDTA and 0.5 mM ascorbate was applied as an 2 solvent of 80 % (v/v) and holding in boiling water bath enzyme extraction buffer. Then, the prepared for 20 min. Folin Ciocalteu method was applied. homogenates were centrifuged at four °C and the Content of total soluble phenols were calculated based supernatants were used as an enzyme extract. on the standard curve of tannic acid as a standard and

finally, expressed in milligrams per gram leaf fresh 2.4 Nitrate reductase activity mass (mg g-1f m). The activity of nitrate reductase was measured according to the previously presented method by Sym 2.9 Histological procedure (1984). Ethanol: glycerol (80: 20) was applied as fixator

solution. Cross sections of basal stems were prepared. 2.5 Peroxidase activity Handmade cross sections of the basal stems, were Peroxidase activity was determined based on the stained by carmine and methylene blue, observed with method described by Hemeda and Klein (1990). the light microscope and photographed. Peroxidase activity was expressed in unit E g-1fresh mass. 2.10 Statistical Analysis

Data of three independent replicates was subjected to

statistical analyses by SPSS software. Significant mean differences between the groups were determined according to Duncan’s multiple range test at the level of P ≤ 0.05.

Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 111 - 2, september 2018 359 Hossein NAZERIEH et al.

Figure 1: Transmission electron microscope (TEM) image of the spherical nSe.


3.1 Growth, biomass, and photosynthetic pigments highest applied dose of nSe (20 mg l-1), probably via triggering the specific signaling pathways and activating It is interesting to note that leaf length and area were the defense-related system. Shoot fresh masses were affected by the independent factors of the current significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased by 26 %, 30 %, and research (nSe and NO). The significant rise in the leaf 42 %, respectively for NO, nSe of 2 mg l-1, and NO + length parameter was enhanced by 7 %, 16 %, and nSe 2 treatment groups, over the control (Figure 2C). In 12 %, respectively for the NO, nSe of 2 mg l-1, and NO contrast to the nSe of 2 mg l-1, the nSe of 20 mg l-1 + nSe 2 treatments, relative to the untreated control treatment significantly reduced the shoot fresh mass by plants (Figure 2A). However, the nSe of 20 mg l-1 33 %, relative to the control (Figure 2C). However, this treatment decreased the leaf length about 31 % and growth-inhibiting impact of the nSe of 20 mg l-1 was 20.8 % for the nSe of 20 mg l-1 and NO + nSe 20 mitigated by NO and the reduction percentage reached treatment groups (Figure 2A). Similarly, the leaf area in to 21.5 % (Figure 2C). In comparison with the control, the NO, nSe of 2 mg l-1 and NO + nSe 2 treatment the applications of the nSe of 2 mg l-1 and/or NO groups were found to be significantly (P≤0.05) higher treatments, especially the latter factor, significantly than the control about 15 %, 38 %, and 30 %, (P ≤ 0.05) improved the chlorophyll a (Chla) contents respectively, whereas the significant reductions in this about 24 %, whereas nSe of 20 mg l-1 adversely affected trait were recorded in the nSe of 20 mg l-1 (40 %) and this characteristic about 24.8 % and 15.7 % for the nSe NO + nSe 20 (24.7 %) (Figure 2B). The recorded of 20 mg l-1 and NO + nSe 20 groups, respectively changes in the leaf characteristics may result from the (Figure 2D). Interestingly, the adverse impact of nSe of nSe and/or NO-induced alterations in the differentiation 20 mg l-1 on the Chlb content was mitigated by the process of the leaf meristems. NO plays the critical roles applied level of NO, 8 mg l-1, (Figure 2E). Similarly, the in regulating the meristem cell (Sanz et al., 2014). NO is applications of the nSe of 2 mg l-1 and/or NO known as a vital reactive nitrogen specie and elicitor of treatments, especially the latter, was significantly an array of signaling pathways by which regulates the (P ≤ 0.05) effective to increase total chlorophyll various aspect of plant development and stress contents relative to the untreated control (Figure 2F). responses (Sanz et al., 2014). Moreover, there is The nSe of 20 mg l-1 adversely influenced the total evidence that Se may alter the endogenous NO status in chlorophyll contents about 20 %, which was partially plants, mainly in a concentration-dependent manner relieved by the NO agent and declined to 9.5% in the (Lehotai et al., 2011). Also, the findings clearly NO + nSe20-treated plants (Figure 2F). indicated that NO alleviated the toxicity sign of the

360 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 111 - 2, september 2018 Potential benefits and toxicity of nanoselenium and nitric oxide in peppermint

Figure 2: The recorded alterations in different growth-related characteristics and photosynthetic pigments resulted from the foliar applications of peppermint plants with the different concentrations of nSe and/or NO. C-control; NO- nitric oxide of 8 mg l-1; nSe 2- nSe of 2 mg l-1; nSe 20- nSe of 20 mg l-1; NO + nSe 2- NO of 8 mg l-1 and nSe of 2 mg l-1; NO + nSe 20- NO of 8 mg l-1 and nSe of 20 mg l-1.

The modifications in the photosynthetic pigments found (Germ et al., 2007) and basil (Ardebili et al., 2015). Se in the nSe and/or NO-treated plants could be caused by toxicity have been attributed to its similarity to sulfur the possible changes in the nutrition process, (S), thereby producing nonfunctional proteins and redistribution of minerals, and/or the status of enzymes (Pilon-Smits and Quinn, 2010; Lindblom et al., antioxidant system. Se-provoked alterations in the 2013). The cyto-protective role of NO in the different photosynthesis-related characteristics have photosynthesis has been attributed to modifying the been reported in the various plant species, like antioxidant system, stomatal conductance, and interplay

Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 111 - 2, september 2018 361 Hossein NAZERIEH et al.

with Ca2+ signals (Courtois et al., 2008; Velikova et al., group, contrasted with the nSe 2 clearly reflected that 2008). There is evidence that NO may improve the plant nSe in a dose and application method dependent manner responses to stress conditions, mainly via enhancing may lead to the improvement or disturbance in the sulfur assimilation, regulating the synthesis of reduced nitrogen assimilation process. The findings showed that glutathione (GSH), and modulating the activity of NO mitigated the toxicity signs of the nSe of 20 mg l-1. antioxidant enzymes (Fatma et al., 2016). Also, it has The induction in the nitrate reductase activity found in been reported that Se provokes changes in the the NO + nSe 20 treatment group may be responsible phytohormones, especially three vital key elicitors of for mitigating the toxicity sign of the high dose of nSe. defense signaling-related pathways (salicylic acid, Therefore, the nitrate reductase activity may regard as a jasmonic acid, and ethylene) (Tamaoki et al., 2008). It is key mechanism and index contributing to the potential interesting to note that NO may change the metabolism benefits and toxicity of nSe. In agreement with our of auxin (Sanz et al., 2014). A specific and significant results, Se fortification stimulated the nitrogen cross-talk occurs between NO and other signaling assimilation process, via improving the activities of the pathways organized by auxin, cytokinin, salicylic acid, nitrate reductase, in potato (Munshi and Mindy, 1992), jasmonic acid, ethylene, and active oxygen species and wheat (Hajiboland and Sadeghzade, 2014). Also, it (Wang et al., 2013). Thus, the above described valuable has been reported that the Se fortification altered evidence highlights the significant possible potency of contents of the leaf nitrate in spinach (Golubkina et al., the nSe or NO treatments to change the growth, 2017). Although, there is evidence that Se different salts differentiation, physiology, and/or phytohormonal in a dose and source dependent-ways prevented the balances (a critical factor contributes to the relation nitrate uptake and activity of the nitrate reductase in between the source and sink tissues). Moreover, NO- (Hordeum vulgare L.) which was partially mediated signaling may lead to the modification in alleviated by the sulfate (Aslam et al., 1990). The assimilation-related processes, thereby dissipating the proline contents in the nSe and/or NO-treated plants excess energy and reducing the photo-inhibition process were found to be significantly higher than the control, and improving the cellular protection. among which the highest amounts were recorded in the NO + nSe 20 (43.7 %) and NO + nSe 2 (39 %) groups 3.2 Nitrate reductase and proline (Figure 3B). The dramatic increase in the proline content as a multifunctional cytoprotective agent may The significant inductions in the activities of leaf nitrate result from the nSe and/or NO applications. The Se- reductase were recorded by 80 %, 42 %, and 32 % mediated modification in the amino acid metabolism respectively for the nSe2, NO + nSe 2, and NO + nSe 20 has been introduced as a critical mechanism by which it treatment groups, compared with the control (Figure may enhance plant resistance to stress condition (Ježek 3A). It is interesting to note that; the nSe of 20 mg l-1 et al., 2011; Ardebili et al., 2015). Moreover, the significantly inhibited the activity of the nitrate modification in the nitrogen assimilation and reductase enzyme by 31 % (Figure 3A). Taking account metabolism may be considered as an alternative way to of the nitrate reductase (a critical enzyme involved in dissipate the excess energy, thereby reducing photo- the nitrogen assimilation), the recorded dramatic inhibition process and improving cellular protection. decrease in the activity of this enzyme in the nSe 20

362 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 111 - 2, september 2018 Potential benefits and toxicity of nanoselenium and nitric oxide in peppermint

Figure 3: The recorded changes in the activity of nitrate reductase enzyme and proline contents caused by the different concentrations of nSe and/or nitric oxide. C-control; NO- nitric oxide of 8 mg l-1; nSe 2- nSe of 2 mg l-1; nSe 20- nSe of 20 mg l-1; NO + nSe 2- NO of 8 mg l-1 and nSe of 2 mg l-1; NO + nSe 20- NO of 8 mg l-1 and nSe of 20 mg l-1

3.3 Peroxidase, PAL, and soluble phenols the soluble phenols by 12 %, 26 %, 20 %, and 20.5 %, over the control respectively (Figure 4C). Considering In comparison to the control, the peroxidase activities the observed inducing effects of the PAL activity (a key were induced by 57 %, 35 %, 68 %, and 50 % enzyme of phenylpropanoid metabolism) and the respectively for the NO, nSe 2, NO + nSe 2, and NO + soluble phenols by the applied supplements, it seems nSe 20 treatment groups, while this parameter was that these compounds have a considerable potency to adversely influenced about 33 %, for the individual affect secondary metabolism, thereby changing the treatment of the nSe of 20 mg l-1 (Figure 4A). The quality and quantity of the secondary metabolites in alleviated toxicity sign of nSe of 20 mg l-1 by NO may plants, especially towards medicinal crops. As be partially attributed to the dramatic increases in the mentioned above an increase in the salicylic acid, a peroxidase activity, a crucial antioxidant enzyme. In major phenylpropanoid involved in a plant plants, Se- induced antioxidant system has been acclimatization response to various stress factors, has regarded as a main mechanism contribute to its been observed in the Se-treated Arabidopsis (Tamaoki protective roles against various abiotic stress conditions et al., 2008). Also, rise in the phenylalanine content has (Feng et al., 2013; Ardebili et al., 2014; Ardebili et al., been reported in the Se-fertilized plant (Munshi et al., 2015). 1990; Ježek et al., 2011). The production of the

phenylpropanoids, mainly derived from phenylalanine The foliar supplementations with nSe and/or NO led to and tyrosine, is triggered as one of the crucial defense the improvement in the activities of PAL enzyme by mechanisms under a variety of biotic and abiotic stress 68 %, 28 %, 45 %, 47 %, and 70 % respectively for the agents. Therefore, it seems that the possible enhances in NO, nSe 2, nSe 20, NO + nSe 2, and NO + nSe 20 the salicylic acid contents may be responsible for the groups, over the untreated control samples (Figure 4B). recorded results. In addition, except for the NO group (5 %) the other applied treatments had significantly higher amounts of

Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 111 - 2, september 2018 363 Hossein NAZERIEH et al.

Figure 4: The recorded changes in the activities of peroxidase and PAL enzymes and total soluble phenols induced by the different concentrations of nSe and/or nitric oxide. C-control; NO- nitric oxide; nSe 2- nSe of 2 mg l-1; nSe20- nSe of 20 mg l-1; NO-nSe2- nitric oxide and nSe of 2 mg l-1; NO-nSe20- nitric oxide and nSe of 20 mg l-1.

3.4 Anatomical evaluation strengthened the collenchyma tissue as it was depicted with the more colorfulness of this tissue in NO-treated In a complementary study, anatomical changes in the plants. The present research provides the anatomical nSe and/or NO-treated plants were evaluated based on evidence on the toxicity of nSe for the first time on the the cross-section of the basal stem (Figure 5). As it is basis of our knowledge. The found cellular destruction presented in Figure 5, the toxicity of nSe (20 mg l-1) in the cortex layer may result from the ethylene treatment led to the severe cell destruction in the cortex accumulation as a cellular destruction agent, mainly via layer of the basal stem (Figure 5E). However, the inducing the activity of hydrolytic enzymes (especially destructive impact of this treatment was partially pectinase). Also, salicylic acid in combination with the alleviated by NO (Figure 5F). While, the application of ethylene may be considered as a triggering factor of the nSe of 2 mg l-1 led to the only slightly destruction in programmed cell death which is partially delayed by collenchyma tissue (Figure 5C, D). Also, the NO NO, the efficient signaling agent. The enhanced rate of

364 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 111 - 2, september 2018 Potential benefits and toxicity of nanoselenium and nitric oxide in peppermint ethylene synthesis results in the cell death and cell death (Brodersen et al., 2005). Also, it is well destruction (Gunawardena et al., 2001). Se provokes known that ethylene may provoke the programmed cell alterations in the phytohormones, including salicylic death pathways and influences the activities of the acid, jasmonic acid, and ethylene (Tamaoki et al., hydrolytic enzymes, especially pectinase. There is 2008), thereby affecting a cellular metabolism and evidence depicting NO acted as a protective antioxidant patterns of gene expression. Also, NO may change an agent and delays the programmed cell death in barley auxin metabolism (Sanz et al., 2014). Moreover, Se aleurone cells (Beligni et al., 2002). Therefore, the alters the endogenous NO status in plants (Lehotai et al., recorded cellular destruction caused by nSe could be 2011). Plant defense system is modulated through the attributed to changes in the phytohormonal balances, multiple networks of transduction pathways triggered by especially ethylene, where this toxicity sign is partially some critical signaling molecules, especially active alleviated by the applied exogenous NO, probably oxygen species, NO, salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, and through influencing the hormonal balances and/or ethylene (Bouchez et al., 2007). Salicylic acid is triggering the specific defense signaling. involved in the induction process of the programmed

Figure 5: The recorded anatomical changes based on the cross-sections of the basal stem of peppermint plants supplemented by the different concentrations of nSe and/or NO. A-control; B- NO of 8 mg l-1; C- nSe of 2 mg l-1; D- nSe of 2 mg l-1 and NO of 8 mg l-1; E- nSe of 20 mg l-1; F- nSe of 20 mg l-1 and NO of 8 mg l-1. 1 and 2 refer to the collenchyma tissue and cortex layer, respectively


The present study represents the valuable data on the clearly represented that nSe and/or NO in a dose- potential benefits and phytotoxicity of nSe and the dependent manner has a considerable potency to affect partially mitigating effects of NO. The obtained results the plant growth, anatomy, and metabolism. It seems

Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 111 - 2, september 2018 365 Hossein NAZERIEH et al.

that the simultaneous applications of the suitable multifunctional protecting agent, and controlling the concentrations of nSe and NO may be introduced as an phytohormonal balances may responsible for mitigating alternative strategy to improve the plant growth, the toxicity sign of the high dose of nSe. In addition, the metabolism, and protection, taking account of the anatomical evidence of the phytotoxicity of the high sustainable agriculture and environmental issues. Also, dose of nSe and the potential benefits of NO was NO-mediated critical mechanisms, including a higher provided for the first time. It is obvious that more possible efficiency of photosynthesis, regulating the concise studies are required to justify the exact involved activities of key enzymes, modifying the nitrogen mechanisms (especially at a molecular level). assimilation, enhancing in the proline content as a


Authors would like to thank Dr. Z. Gaziani, Dr. M. and warming supports. This research was founded by Bodaghi, and Dr. S. Zarinkamar for their professional Islamic Azad University, Garmsar branch.


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