The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India

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The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India THE AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA PART- I VOLUME – V GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENT OF AYUSH Contents | Monographs | Abbreviations | Appendices Legal Notices | General Notices Note: This e-Book contains Computer Database generated Monographs which are reproduced from official publication. The order of contents under the sections of Synonyms, Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipaka, Karma, Formulations, Therapeutic uses may be shuffled, but the contents are same from the original source. However, in case of doubt, the user is advised to refer the official book. i CONTENTS Legal Notices General Notices MONOGRAPHS Page S.No Plant Name Botanical Name No. (as per book) 1 ËMRA HARIDRË (Rhizome) Curcuma amada Roxb. 1 2 ANISÍNA (Fruit) Pimpinella anisum Linn 3 3 A×KOLAH(Leaf) Alangium salviifolium (Linn.f.) Wang 5 4 ËRAGVËDHA(Stem bark) Cassia fistula Linn 8 5 ËSPHOÙË (Root) Vallaris Solanacea Kuntze 10 6 BASTËNTRÌ(Root) Argyreia nervosa (Burm.f.)Boj. 12 7 BHURJAH (Stem Bark) Betula utilis D.Don 14 8 CAÛÚË (Root) Angelica Archangelica Linn. 16 9 CORAKAH (Root Sock) Angelica glauca Edgw. 18 10 DARBHA (Root) Imperata cylindrica (Linn) Beauv. 21 11 DHANVAYËSAH (Whole Plant) Fagonia cretica Linn. 23 12 DRAVANTÌ(Seed) Jatropha glandulifera Roxb. 26 13 DUGDHIKË (Whole Plant) Euphorbia prostrata W.Ait 28 14 ELAVËLUKAê (Seed) Prunus avium Linn.f. 31 15 GAÛÚÌRA (Root) Coleus forskohlii Briq. 33 16 GAVEDHUKA (Root) Coix lachryma-jobi LInn 35 17 GHOÛÙË (Fruit) Ziziphus xylopyrus Willd. 37 18 GUNDRËH (Rhizome and Fruit) Typha australis Schum. and Thonn. 39 19 HIêSRË(Root) Capparis spinosa Linn. 41 20 HI×GUPATRÌ (Leaf) Ferula jaeschkeana Vatke 43 21 ITKAÙA (Root) Sesbania bispinosa W.F.Wight 45 22 ITKAÙA(Stem) Sesbania bispinosa W.F.Wight 47 23 JALAPIPPALÌ (Whole Plant) Phyla nodiflora Greene 49 ii 24 JÌVAKAH (Pseudo Bulb) Malaxis acuminata D.Don 52 25 KADARAH(Heart Wood) Acacia suma (Buch-Ham) 54 26 KËKAJA×GHË (Seed) Peristrophe bicalyculata (Retz)Nees 56 27 KËKANAJA (Fruit) Physalis alkekengi Linn 58 28 KËLÌYAKA (Root and Stem) Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr 60 29 KAPÌTANA (Stem Bark) Thespesia populnea(L.) Soland .ex 63 Correa 30 KARKAáA (Root) Momordica dioica Roxb.ex.Willd 65 31 KARÛASPHOÙË (Seed) Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn 67 32 KARÛASPHOÙË (Root) Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn 69 33 KATTÎÛA (Whole Plant) Cymbopogon citrates (DC) Stapf 71 34 KEBUKA(Rhizome) Costus speciousus (Koerning ex Retz) 74 35 KHAKHASA (Seed) Papaver somniferum Linn 76 36 KHATMÌ(Root) Althea officinalis Linn 78 37 KHATMÌ(Seed) Althea officinalis Linn 80 38 KHÍBKALËN (Seed) Sisymbrium irio Linn 82 39 KODRAVAH (Grain) Paspalum scrobiculatum Linn 84 40 KâÌRAKËKOLÌ (Bulb) Fritillaria royelei Hook 86 41 KâHÌRAVIDËRÌ (Root) Ipomoea digitata Linn. 88 42 KULAØJANA (Rhizome) Alpinia galanga Willd. 90 43 KUMBHÌKAH(Seed) Careya arborea Roxb 93 44 LATËKARA×JA (Seed) Caesalpinia bonduc(Linn) Roxb. 95 45 LAVALÌPHALA (Fruit) Phyllanthus acidus (Lin.)Sklees 98 46 MADHÍLIKË (Root) Eleusine corocana(L.) Gaertn. 100 47 MAHËMEDË (Rhizome and Polygonatum cirrhifolium Royle 102 Root) 48 MADHUSNUHÌ (Tuberous Smilax china Linn 104 Root) iii 49 MEDËSAKAH (Stem Bark) Listea chinensis Lam 106 50 MEDËSAKAH (Wood) Listea chinensis Lam 108 51 MEâAáÎNGÌ (Leaf) Gymnema sylvestre R.Br 110 52 MEâAáÎNGÌ (Root) Gymnema sylvestre R.Br 113 53 NANDÌ (Root) Ficus arnottiana Miz. 115 54 NÌLAJHINÙÌ (Root) Barleria strigosa Willd 117 55 NIMBA (Root Bark) Azadirachta indica A.Juss 119 56 NIMBA (Flower) Azadirachta indica A.Juss 121 57 NIMBA (Fruit) Azadirachta indica A.Juss 123 58 PALËáAH (Seed) Butea monosperma (Lam.)Kuntze 125 59 PALËáAH (Dried Flower) Butea monosperma (Lam.)Kuntze 127 60 PËRASÌKAYAVËNÌ (Seed) Hyoscyamus niger Linn 130 61 PAÙÙÍRA (Whole Plant) Aerva lanata (Linn.)Juss 132 62 PÌLÍH (Fruit) Salvadora persica Linn 135 63 PÌLÍH (Leaf) Salvadora persica Linn 137 64 PÌLÍH (Root) Salvadora persica Linn 140 65 POÙAGALA (Root) Typha elephantina Roxb. 142 66 PUDÌNËH (Aerial Part) Mentha viridis Linn 144 67 PULLËNÌ (Leaf) Calycopteris floribunda Lam. 146 68 PULLËNÌ (Root) Calycopteris floribunda Lam. 148 69 PULLËNÌ (Stem) Calycopteris floribunda Lam. 150 70 PÍTÌKARAØJA (Stem Bark) Caesalpinia crista Linn 152 71 RÓÛUKA (Seed) Vitex negundo Linn 154 72 RIDDHI (Tuber) Habenaria intermidia D.Don 157 73 ROHÌâA (Whole Plant) Cymbopogon martini (Roxb.) Wats. 159 74 RÍMÌMASTAGÌ (Resin) Pistacia lentiscus Linn 162 75 SARALA (Exudate) Pinus roxburghii Sagrent 164 iv 76 SARPAGANDHË (Root) Rauwlolfia serpentina (Linn) 166 Benth.ex.Kurz 77 áVETAPUNARNAVË (Root) Borhaavia verticillata Poir 168 78 TAILAPARÛAH (Leaf) Eucalyptus globules Labill 170 79 TINIáAH (Wood) Ougenia oojeinensis (Roxb)Hochr 172 80 TINTIÚÌKAH (Aerial Part) Rhus parviflora Roxb 174 81 TRAPUâAê (Seed) Cucumis sativus Linn. 177 82 TÍNÌ (Stem Bark) Cedrela toona Roxb. 179 83 VANDË (Leaf) Dendrophthoe falcata (Linn.f.) Ettingsh. 181 84 VANDË (Stem) Dendrophthoe falcata (Linn.f.) Ettingsh. 183 85 VANDË (Aerial Root) Dendrophthoe falcata (Linn.f.) Ettingsh. 185 86 VANDË (Flower) Dendrophthoe falcata (Linn.f.) Ettingsh. 187 87 VANDË (Fruit) Dendrophthoe falcata (Linn.f.) Ettingsh. 189 88 VANYAJÌRAKA (Fruit) Centratherum anthelminticum (L.) 191 Kuntze 89 VIDËRÌKANDA (Tuber) Pueraria tuberosa DC 193 90 VIRALË (Stem Bark) Diospyros exsculpta Buch-Ham 195 91 VIáALË (Root) Trichosanthes bracteata (Lam) Voigt 197 92 VYËGHRANAKHA (Fruit) Capparis horrida Linn 199 v Appendix-1 1.1 Apparatus for Tests and Assays 1.1.1-Nessler Cylinder 1.1.2-Sieves 1.1.2-Thermometers 1.1.4-Volumetric Glass-ware 1.1.5- Weights and Balances Appendix-2 2.1 Testing Drugs 2.1.1- Systematic Study of Crude Drugs 2.1.2- Microscopic methods of Examining Crude Vegetable Drugs 2.1.3- Types of Stomata 2.1.4- Determination of Stomatal Index 2.1.5-Determination of Palisade Ratio 2.1.6-Determination of Vein –Islet Number 2.1.7-Determination of Stomatal Number 2.2 Determination of Quantitative Data of Vegetable Drugas 2.2.1-Sampling of drugs 2.2.2- Foreign Matter and Determination of Foreign matter 2.2.3-Determination of Total Ash 2.2.4-Determination of Acid Insoluble Ash 2.2.5-Determination of Water Soluble Ash 2.2.6-Determination of Alcohol soluble Extractive 2.2.7-Determination of Water Soluble Extractive 2.2.8-Determination o of Ether Soluble Extractive (Fixed Oil Content) 2.2.9-Determination of Moisture Content (Loss on Drying) 2.2.10-Determination of Volatile Oil in Drugs 2.2.11-Special Processes used in Alkaloidal Assays 2.2.11-a-Continuous Extraction of Drugs 2.2.11-b-Tests for Complete Extraction of Alkaloids 2.2.12-Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) 2.2.13- Starch estimation (Mont Gomery 1957) [Spectrophotometric Method ] 2.2.14 - Sugar estimation (Mont Gomery 1957) [Spectrophotometric method] 2.2.15 - Fatty oil estimation 2.2.16 - Determination of Foaming index 2.2.17 - Protein estimation (Lowry et al, 1951) 2.2.17a - Isolation of Forskohlin (Shah et al., 1980) 2.2.18 - Method for Alkaloid estimation vi 2.3 Limit Tests 2.3.1- Limit Test for Arsenic 2.3.2-Limit Test for Chlorides 2.3.3-Limit Test for Heavy Metals 2.3.4-Limit Test for Iron 2.3.5-Limit Test for lead 2.3.6-Sulphated Ash 2.3.7-Limit Test for Sulphates Appendix-3 3.1 Physical Tests and determinations 2.3.1-Powder Fineness 2.3.2-Refractive Index 2.3.3-Weight per milliliter and Specific Gravity Appendix-4 4.1 Reagents and Solutions Appendix-5 5.1- Weights and Measures 5.2- Approximate Equivalents of Doses in Indian System and Metric System Appendix- 6 Classical Ayurvedic References Index English equivalents of Ayurvedic clinical conditions and diseases Monograph published Volume-I Monographs published in Volume-II Monographs published in Volume-III Monographs published in Volume-IV vii LEGAL NOTICES In India there are laws dealing with drugs that are the subject of monographs which follow. These monographs should be read subject to the restrictions imposed by these laws wherever they are applicable. It is expedient that enquiry be made in each case in order to ensure that the provisions of the law are being complied with. In general, the Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940 (subsequently amended in 1964 and 1982), the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930 and the Poisons Act, 1919 and the rules framed thereunder should be consulted. Under the Drugs & Cosmetics Act, the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (A.P.I.), Part-I, Vol. II, is the book of standards for single drugs included therein and the standards prescribed in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-I, Vol. II would be official. If considered necessary these standards can be amended and the Chairman of the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Committee authorised to issue such amendments. Whenever such amendments are issued the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-I, Vol. II, would be deemed to have been amended accordingly. viii GENERAL NOTICES Title - The title of the book is “Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of Name of the Drugs - The name given on the top of each monograph of the drug is in Sanskrit as mentioned in the Ayurvedic classics and/or in the Ayurvedic Formulary of India , Part-I and Part-II will be considered official. These names have been arranged in English alphabetical order. The Latin name (taxonomical nomenclature) of each drug as found in authentic scientific literature has been provided in the monograph in the introductory paragraph. The official name will be the main title of the drug and its scientific name will also be considered as legal name. Introductory Para - Each monograph begins with an introductory paragraph indicating the part, scientific name of the drug in Latin with short description about its habit, distribution and method of collection, if any. Synonyms - Synonyms of each drug appearing in each monograph in Sanskrit, English, Hindi, Urdu and other Indian regional languages have been mentioned as found in the classical texts, Ayurvedic Formulary of India, Part-I and Part-II as procured from the experts, scholars of Ayurveda and officials in the field from different states.
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