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PUBLIC VERSION AT&T Good Faith Complaint.Pdf PUBLIC VERSION %HIRUH WKH )('(5$/ &20081,&$7,216 &200,66,21 :DVKLQJWRQ '& ',5(&79 //& $1' $7 7 6(59,&(6 ,1& &RPSODLQDQWV Y 0% 'RFNHW 1R )LOH 1RBBBBBBBBB '((5),(/' 0(',$ ,1& '((5),(/' 0(',$ 3257 $57+85 /,&(16(( //& (;3(',7(' '((5),(/' 0(',$ &,1&,11$7, /,&(16(( //& 75($70(17 '((5),(/' 0(',$ 02%,/( /,&(16(( //& 5(48(67(' '((5),(/' 0(',$ 52&+(67(5 /,&(16(( //& '((5),(/' 0(',$ 6$1 $1721,2 /,&(16(( //& *2&20 0(',$ 2) ,//,12,6 //& +2:$5' 67,5. +2/',1*6 //& +6+ )/,17 :(<, /,&(16(( //& +6+ 0<57/( %($&+ ::0% /,&(16(( //& 0(5&85< %52$'&$67,1* &203$1< ,1& 036 0(',$ 2) 7(11(66(( /,&(16(( //& 036 0(',$ 2) *$,1(69,//( /,&(16(( //& 036 0(',$ 2) 7$//$+$66(( /,&(16(( //& 036 0(',$ 2) 6&5$1721 /,&(16(( //& 1$6+9,//( /,&(16( +2/',1*6 //& .075 7(/(9,6,21 //& 6(&21' *(1(5$7,21 2) ,2:$ /7' $1' :$,77 %52$'&$67,1* ,1& 'HIHQGDQWV 9(5,),(' &203/$,17 2) ',5(&79 //& $1' $7 7 6(59,&(6 ,1& )25 7+( 67$7,21 *52836¶ )$,/85( 72 1(*27,$7( ,1 *22' )$,7+ PUBLIC VERSION 6HDQ $ /HY &DWK\ &DUSLQR .HYLQ - 0LOOHU &KULVWRSKHU 0 +HLPDQQ 0DWWKHZ 0 'XII\ *DU\ / 3KLOOLSV .(//2** +$16(1 72'' 'DYLG / /DZVRQ ),*(/ )5('(5,&. 3//& $7 7 6(59,&(6 ,1& 0 6WUHHW 1: 6XLWH WK 6WUHHW 1: 6XLWH :DVKLQJWRQ '& :DVKLQJWRQ '& Counsel for DIRECTV, LLC and AT&T Services, Inc. -XQH PUBLIC VERSION 6800$5< ,Q IODJUDQW YLRODWLRQ RI WKH &RPPLVVLRQ¶V UXOHV QLQH VWDWLRQ JURXSV WKH ³6WDWLRQ *URXSV´ KDYH VLPSO\ UHIXVHG WR QHJRWLDWH UHWUDQVPLVVLRQ FRQVHQW ZLWK ',5(&79 DQG $7 7 6HUYLFHV FROOHFWLYHO\ ³$7 7´ IRU PRQWKV RQ HQG ,QGHHG WKH 6WDWLRQ *URXSV HDFK RI ZKLFK DSSHDUV WR EH PDQDJHG DQG FRQWUROOHG E\ 6LQFODLU %URDGFDVW *URXS ³6LQFODLU´ KDYH >%(*,1 &21),'(17,$/@ >(1' &21),'(17,$/@ UHWUDQVPLVVLRQ SURSRVDOV 7KH 6WDWLRQ *URXSV UHIXVHG WR UHVSRQG HYHQ after WKHLU >%(*,1 &21),'(17,$/@ >(1' &21),'(17,$/@ DJUHHPHQWV ZLWK $7 7 H[SLUHG DQG WKH\ ZHQW GDUN (YHQ QRZ LQ WKH PLGVW RI RQJRLQJ FXVWRPHU EODFNRXWV WKH 6WDWLRQ *URXSV still UHIXVH WR QHJRWLDWH DJUHHPHQWV WKDW ZRXOG SHUPLW $7 7 WR UHVXPH UHWUDQVPLVVLRQ RI WKHVH VWDWLRQV WR FXVWRPHUV DFURVV WKH FRXQWU\ 7KLV PLVFRQGXFW YLRODWHV ERWK WKH OHWWHU DQG WKH LQWHQW RI WKH &RPPLVVLRQ¶V per se JRRGIDLWK UXOHV ² LQGHHG LW LV MXVW WKLV NLQG RI JDPHVPDQVKLS WKDW WKH UXOHV DUH GHVLJQHG WR SUHYHQW ² DQG KDV JHQHUDWHG DQG FRQWLQXHV WR JHQHUDWH HQRUPRXV FRQVXPHU KDUP 1RWDEO\ WKH RVWHQVLEO\ LQGHSHQGHQW 6WDWLRQ *URXSV DOO KDYH GHHS WLHV WR 6LQFODLU >%(*,1 +,*+/< &21),'(17,$/@ >(1' +,*+/< &21),'(17,$/@ 7KHVH FORVHO\ UHODWHG 6WDWLRQ *URXSV UHIXVHG WR HQJDJH LQ DQ\ QHJRWLDWLRQV ZLWK $7 7 DW DOO EHIRUH QHDUO\ DOO WKHLU VWDWLRQV ZHQW GDUN >%(*,1 &21),'(17,$/@ See 6LQFODLU %URDGFDVW *URXS ,QF )RUP . 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Sinclair Broad. Grp., Inc. )&& 5FG &KLHI 0HGLD %XU UHMHFWLQJ DUJXPHQW WKDW 6LQFODLU ZDV UHTXLUHG WR GLVFORVH ³WKH DPRXQWV LW KDV DJUHHG WR UHFHLYH LQ ORQJWHUP UHWUDQVPLVVLRQ FRQVHQW DJUHHPHQWV ZLWK RWKHU VLPLODUO\ VLWXDWHG RU ODUJHU FDEOH FRPSDQLHV´ LLL PUBLIC VERSION 7$%/( 2) &217(176 3DJH 6800$5< L -85,6',&7,21 7+( &203/$,1$176 7+( '()(1'$176 67$7(0(17 2) )$&76 $ >%(*,1 +,*+/< &21),'(17,$/@ >(1' +,*+/< &21),'(17,$/@ % >%(*,1 &21),'(17,$/@ >(1' &21),'(17,$/@ & 7KH 6WDWLRQ *URXSV ,JQRUHG $7 7¶V ,QGLYLGXDOL]HG 3URSRVDOV DQG 5HIXVHG 7R 1HJRWLDWH ' $7 7 6HQW WKH 6WDWLRQ *URXSV $QRWKHU 3URSRVDO :KLFK 7KH\ $JDLQ ,JQRUHG ( >%(*,1 +,*+/< &21),'(17,$/@ >(1' +,*+/< &21),'(17,$/@ ) 7KH ([LVWLQJ $JUHHPHQWV ([SLUHG 6WDWLRQV :HQW 'DUN DQG WKH 6WDWLRQ *URXSV Still 5HIXVHG 7R 5HVSRQG * >%(*,1 &21),'(17,$/@ >(1' &21),'(17,$/@ + >%(*,1 &21),'(17,$/@ >(1' &21),'(17,$/@ &2817 , ± 3(5 6( 9,2/$7,216 $ 7KH 6WDWLRQ *URXSV¶ 5HIXVDO 7R 1HJRWLDWH % 7KH 6WDWLRQ *URXSV¶ )DLOXUH 7R 5HVSRQG WR $7 7¶V 3URSRVDOV & 7KH 6WDWLRQ *URXSV¶ 5HIXVDO 7R 1HJRWLDWH DW 5HDVRQDEOH 7LPHV DQG :LWKRXW 8QUHDVRQDEO\ 'HOD\LQJ $JUHHPHQW LY PUBLIC VERSION &2817 ,, ± 727$/,7< 2) 7+( &,5&8067$1&(6 5(48(67 )25 5(/,() 5(48(67 )25 (;3(',7(' 75($70(17 9(5,),&$7,21 '(&/$5$7,21 2) /,1'$ %85$.2)) '(&/$5$7,21 2) +21*)(1* '$, '(&/$5$7,21 2) '$//,$ .,0 '(&/$5$7,21 2) 0,&+$(/ 3$&( &(57,),&$7( 2) 6(59,&( Y PUBLIC VERSION %HIRUH WKH )('(5$/ &20081,&$7,216 &200,66,21 :DVKLQJWRQ '& ',5(&79 //& $1' $7 7 6(59,&(6 ,1& &RPSODLQDQWV Y 0% 'RFNHW 1R )LOH 1RBBBBBBBBB '((5),(/' 0(',$ ,1& '((5),(/' 0(',$ 3257 $57+85 /,&(16(( //& (;3(',7(' '((5),(/' 0(',$ &,1&,11$7, /,&(16(( //& 75($70(17 '((5),(/' 0(',$ 02%,/( /,&(16(( //& 5(48(67(' '((5),(/' 0(',$ 52&+(67(5 /,&(16(( //& '((5),(/' 0(',$ 6$1 $1721,2 /,&(16(( //& *2&20 0(',$ 2) ,//,12,6 //& +2:$5' 67,5. +2/',1*6 //& +6+ )/,17 :(<, /,&(16(( //& +6+ 0<57/( %($&+ ::0% /,&(16(( //& 0(5&85< %52$'&$67,1* &203$1< ,1& 036 0(',$ 2) 7(11(66(( /,&(16(( //& 036 0(',$ 2) *$,1(69,//( /,&(16(( //& 036 0(',$ 2) 7$//$+$66(( /,&(16(( //& 036 0(',$ 2) 6&5$1721 /,&(16(( //& 1$6+9,//( /,&(16( +2/',1*6 //& .075 7(/(9,6,21 //& 6(&21' *(1(5$7,21 2) ,2:$ /7' $1' :$,77 %52$'&$67,1* ,1& 'HIHQGDQWV 9(5,),(' &203/$,17 2) ',5(&79 //& $1' $7 7 6(59,&(6 ,1& )25 7+( 67$7,21 *52836¶ )$,/85( 72 1(*27,$7( ,1 *22' )$,7+ ',5(&79 //& ³',5(&79´ DQG $7 7 6HUYLFHV ,QF ³8YHUVH´ DQG ZLWK ',5(&79 ³$7 7´ EULQJ WKLV &RPSODLQW IRU IDLOXUH WR QHJRWLDWH LQ JRRG IDLWK DJDLQVW QLQH PUBLIC VERSION VWDWLRQ JURXSV WKH ³6WDWLRQ *URXSV´ ² 'HHUILHOG 0HGLD ,QF DQG FHUWDLQ DIILOLDWHG HQWLWLHV FROOHFWLYHO\ ³'HHUILHOG´ *R&RP 0HGLD RI ,OOLQRLV //& ³*R&RP´ +RZDUG 6WLUN +ROGLQJV //& DQG FHUWDLQ DIILOLDWHG HQWLWLHV FROOHFWLYHO\ ³+RZDUG 6WLUN´ 0HUFXU\ %URDGFDVWLQJ &RPSDQ\ ,QF ³0HUFXU\´ FHUWDLQ 036 0HGLD HQWLWLHV FROOHFWLYHO\ ³036´ 1DVKYLOOH /LFHQVH +ROGLQJV //& ³1DVKYLOOH´ .075 7HOHYLVLRQ //& ³5REHUWV´ 6HFRQG *HQHUDWLRQ RI ,RZD /7' ³6HFRQG *HQHUDWLRQ´ DQG :DLWW %URDGFDVWLQJ ,QF ³:DLWW´ 7KH 6WDWLRQ *URXSV RZQ WKH ORFDO EURDGFDVW WHOHYLVLRQ VWDWLRQV WKH ³6WDWLRQV´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