Slavery and Social Status in Islamic History HIST 78110; MES 78000; WSCP 81000 Thursday 4:15-6:15; room 6493 Anna Akasoy, Professor of Islamic Intellectual History (
[email protected]) Office Hours: Thursday 3-4 and by appointment Course Description: In this class, we will explore social, political, economic, legal, and cultural aspects of slavery in premodern Islamic history. Starting in the late antique Mediterranean, we will consider the emergence of a variety of forms of slavery in the Islamic Middle East, including military slavery and agricultural slavery, but focus especially on the enslavement of women. We will end with the complex relationship between Islam and transatlantic slavery and various ethical and political implications of the history of religiously validated enslavement. We will consider a range of sources, including legal material and popular literature. Prior knowledge of Middle Eastern or Islamic history is not required. Course website (not public): Please register for an account and send me the details of your account. You will then receive an invitation to join the group. Assignments Contributions to course website - not individually graded 1) Class minutes for two meetings. Write a summary of class discussions in 300-500 words each and post it on the course website. The minutes should give an impression of different views (in the publications discussed on that day, as well as voiced among the discussants), how they relate to the general subject and which questions remain open for further discussion. 10% of final grade (if the minutes fulfil these criteria) at 95%.