Portrait of a Translator: William Weaver and the Dissemination of Italian Literature in Postwar U.S. Adriana Di Biase Institute for Applied Linguistics Kent State University
[email protected] American translator William Weaver played an important role in the diffusion and appraisal of the Italian culture and literature of the second half of the 20 th century in the United States of America. His profound love for Italy, the Italian people and culture, together with the experiences he gained in the country, shaped him in such a way that he developed a deep sensitivity for the language. This sensitivity allowed him to become successful in the creation and re-creation process of translation. This paper is an attempt to analyze some of the elements posing challenges to Weaver during the translation of Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore (If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler) by the Italian writer Italo Calvino, using the “positive” methodology proposed by Antoine Berman. Keywords : William Weaver, Italo Calvino, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler, Antoine Berman, Henri Meschonnic. 1. Introduction Some publishers, reviewers and readers consider translations acceptable if they seem to reflect the author’s style and objective without presenting any peculiarity that might be tied to the translators’ intervention. Along the same lines, American translator William Weaver applauds the lack of attention devoted to the work of the translator (Guarnieri 2007: 603) while believing that translation is an intimate act of reading, to the point that it becomes impossible to distinguish between the translator and the act of translating (Covi, Rose and Weaver 84-86).