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Vol. 121, No. 4 January 29, 2010 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Tel (800) 305-0217 • www.norway.com $1.50 per copy Online News Dateline Cecilie Skog makes polar history A successful Detour Skog and Ryan through Guggenheim Waters become the “Architecture is about connect- first team to cross the ing to the local history” said Antarctic on skis and Peter Zumthor at The Sympo- without any outside sium DETOUR: Art, Archi- help tecture, Cities and Landscapes at Solomon R. Guggenheim Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Copy Editor Museum on Jan. 19, marking the end of the DETOUR ex- hibition, on display at Parsons Norwegian Cecilie Skog (35) The New School for Design and American Ryan Waters (36) left Berkner Island in the Weddell since December 2009. Sea on Nov. 13 , 2009 and reached (Royal Norwegian Embassy) their goal at the Ross Ice Shelf on Thursday, Jan. 21. Skog and Waters crossed the South Pole on Jan. 1. Production resumes at The two adventurers have skied Suldal 1 power station more than 1,800 kilometers, each pulling a sled full of equipment Production at Hydro’s power and necessities that weighed 135 Photo: Arnfinn Mauren/ Aftenposten station Suldal 1 in western CONTINUES PAGE 6 Cecilie Skog (35) is a Norwegian adventurer from Ålesund. She works as a nurse. Norway has resumed after a Norwegian Minister of Defense long break from renovation Gary Gandrud new of the water supply system at visits the United States the station. Production was Honorary Consul General Norwegian Minister of halted in mid-March last year Defense Grete Faremo due to a damaged section of in Minneapolis visited the United States the 300-meter-long pipeline Norway’s Honorary Consul General in Minnesota, from January 25-29. She leading water into the power Vice President Walter Mondale has made the met Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and other station. The damage was dis- decision to step down as of January 15. The new Consul General is Mr. Gary Gandrud high level officials in covered during a routine in- Washington, D.C. spection. (Hydro) Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e What’s inside? Norway.org News 2-3 During her visit, the Minister saw United States National Photo:norway.org Business 4 Grete Faremo, Norwegian Minister of Sports 5 CONTINUES PAGE 12 Defense Op-Ed 6-7 Tomas Northug wins Taste of Norway 8 Different race, different Travels to Norway 9 Northug, same result. With Photo: Arild Strømmen/ Norway.org a finishing kick eerily similar Roots & Connections 10 Vice President Walter Mondale (left) and new Honorary Consul General Gary to the one his brother has Faith & Religion 11 Gandrud (right). made famous, Norway’s Tomas Northug won the Arts & Entertainment 12 Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e championship in the World Ministry of Foreign Affairs In Your Neighborhood 13 Junior Sprint today in dominating fashion Norwegian Heritage 14 “I welcome Mr. Gary a number of Norwegian American Gandrud as new Consul General in institutions, and has a very high Faster Skier Research & Education 15 Minneapolis. Attorney-at-Law Gary standing in the community,” said Gandrud has served as Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. The resemblance between Photo: Faster Skier $1 = NOK 5.81 Honoray Consul since 2007. “I fully understand that Consul the two brothers is striking, and Pål Golberg (NOR) leads teammate updated 1/25/10 Gandrud has been instrumental in General Mondale, now 82 years old, beyond their facial features, Tomas Tomas Northug at the World Junior Championships in Germany. 12/25/09 $1=NOK 5.88 the establishment and support of CONTINUES PAGE 12 CONTINUES PAGE 5 ntB 2 No r g e - uK e N s o m g i K K Nyheter på Nettet Norsk soldat drept i Afghanistan Tidligere iransk konsul Stormen «Ask» kan Tankbil med propan veltet i Follo vil søke asyl i Norge blåse bilen din av veien Claes Joachim Olsson (22) En tankbil med propan har kjørt av veien Mohammed Reza Heydari mellom Vestby og Son i Akershus, og E6 som ble drept i Afghanistan er stengt inntil bilen er fjernet. Sjåføren beskrives som en usedvanlig ved Irans ambassade i Oslo kom ikke til skade i uhellet, ifølge politiet. god soldat og venn har sagt opp stillingen som – Bilen har veltet 90 grader, men vi vet ikke konsul, men Iran nekter å hvor skadd den er. Det kan oppstå lekkasjer aF t e n p O S t e n i forbindelse med bergingen, og derfor er godta oppsigelsen - Claes Joachim Olsson fra stabiliser- veien stengt, opplyser operasjonsleder Jan ingsstyrken i Meymaneh ble drept av en Andersen i Follo politidistrikt. Ulykken vG ne t t veibombe i Ghowrmach-distriktet nord i Af- skjedde omkring kl 16 på 25. januar, og det ghanistan på 25. januar, sier oberstløytnant kan ta lang tid før veien åpner igjen, ifølge Etter det NTB får opplyst vil Heydari Vegard Finberg ved Forsvarets operative Andersen. levere sin asylsøknad til norske myndigheter hovedkvarter til Aftenposten. (NTB) i løpet av 20. januar. Olsson, 22-åringen fra Gressvik utenfor Kilder som står konsulen nær, bekrefter Fredrikstad i Østfold, hadde tjenestegjort i Allerede i kveld begynner Postfl y skled av rullebanen at Heydari er klar til å søke asyl i Norge, men Forsvaret siden januar 2007 - siden septem- at det ennå ikke er klart nøyaktig når i løpet det å blåse opp til storm på - Postfl yet fi kk problemer under oppbrem- ber 2008 i Telemarksbetaljonen. av dagen det vil skje. kysten nord for Stadt og videre singa på den siste tredjedelen av rullebanen. Statsminister Jens Stoltenberg (Ap) mot- Heydari har arbeidet som konsul ved nordover. Nordlendinger Slik det ser ut nå er årsaken en kombinasjon Foto: Forsvaret.no tok meldingen om dødsfallet med stor sorg. den iranske ambassaden i Oslo i mer enn to av vind og glatt underlag, sier assisterende Claes Joachim Olsson ble drept da en veibombe oppfordres til å ikke la bikkja stå Likevel mener statsministeren at dødsfallet år. Han sier han sa opp i protest mot iranske lufthavnsjef ved Svalbard lufthavn Morten gikk av under kjøretøyet han satt i i Afghanistan. ute ikke vil føre til ny debatt om Norges bidrag styresmakters behandling av demonstranter Ulsnes til Svalbardposten. Flyet står i følge i Afghanistan. dag stasjonert i Meymaneh. den 27. desember. Minst åtte personer ble Ulnes ikke helt utenfor fl ystripen, men på To andre soldater som satt i samme Til sammen fem norske soldater har hit- drept i uroen. skrå. Det er ikke meldt om noen person- vogn, ble lettere skadet. til mistet livet under tjeneste i Afghanistan. Heydari lever i Norge sammen med sin skader etter ulykken. Flyet som skulle fl y Bomben gikk av rundt fi re kilometer Den forrige som mistet livet var etterretning- kone og to sønner. Han sa opp stillingen som fra Longyearbyen til Svea ble innstilt etter sørøst for Ghowrmach. Den var trolig ned- soffi ser Trond Petter Kolset som ble drept i konsul ved ambassaden 7. januar i protest at postfl yet skled av rullebanen. SAS-fl yet gravd og utløst av en trykkplate, heter det. april 2009. mot undertrykkelsen av opposisjonelle i Iran. som skulle landet i Longyearbyen på 25. Det vil i praksis si det som folkelig kalles en Vognen veier over 30 tonn, og kan frakte Nå mener han at han ikke kan reise tilbake til januar har også blitt kraftig forsinket. veibombe. opp mot ti personer. Den har en topphastighet hjemlandet av frykt for konsekvensene for (Svalbardposten) Ingen har så langt tatt på seg ansvaret på 70 kilometer i timen, og er beskyttet av ham selv og familien. for veibombeangrepet, og skjedde klokken armert stål. Vognen har et 30mm maskin- Familie kolliderte med elg - Jeg er diplomat, og alle vet hva som 09.46 lokal tid. gevær. skjer med en diplomat om han vender ryg- En bil kolliderte med en elg på Fylkesveg - Vi er en stor avdeling, men jobber - Jeg er ikke kjent med hva slags sikker- gen til et regime som det i Teheran, sa den 33 ved Dokka på 24. januar. En Oslo-fam- veldig tett på hverandre og deler mye tid. Å hetsutstyr som var på den aktuelle stormpan- tidligere konsulen Heydari til nyhetsbyrået ilie på fem, to voksne og tre barn, pluss to miste en god kollega og venn er tungt, sier servognen, sier oberstløytnant John Espen AFP på 18. januar. hunder, kom nordfra og klarte ikke å bremse feltprest Peter Wilhelmsson til VG Nett uten- Lien ved forsvarets operative hovedkvarter. Regimet i Iran har ikke akseptert oppsi- for elgen som løp over veien. Sammenstøtet for Rena leir. - Dette er en del av jobben, fordi du går gelsen og beordret ham til å fortsette som var meget kraftig og bilen, en Volkswagen Feltpresten kjente selv den avdøde sol- i krig med våpen i hånd. Vi må bruke tid på å konsul eller komme tilbake til Iran for å job- Caravelle, fi kk store skader i fronten, men daten. Han forteller at Olsson var dyktig, forberede oss på det, men når det først skjer, be i departementet. alle inne i bilen kom fra påkjørselen uten godt likt og høyt respektert av kolleger og så er du aldri der at du trodde det ville skje, English Synopsis: Iranian Consul Moham- skader. Bilen skrenset rundt, og ble stående venner i Bataljon. sier bataljonsjef Frank Stølan. i grøfta med nesen nordover etter sammen- Det var rundt 40 norske soldater med i med Reza Heydari resigned from his post støtet. gruppen som ble rammet av veibomben. English Synopsis: On Jan. 25, 22-year-old on Jan. 7 at the Iranian embassy after the handling of demonstrators on Dec. 27. He (Oppland Arbeiderblad) De norske styrkene i Afghanistan har Norwegian soldier Claes Joachim Olsson is seeking political asylum in Norway. The startet arbeidet med å ta vare på de to sol- (from Fredrikstad )was killed in Afghanistan Iranian goverment refuses to accept his res- Skutt i hodet med luftpistol i Skien datene med lettere skader, og den omkomnes by a car bomb. Olsson is remembered as be- ing a good soldier and a good friend. Two ignation, and ordered him to return to his En mann i 30-årene ble skutt i hodet med medsoldater. Norge har for tiden rundt 500 consular post or return to Iran. luftpistol i en leilighet i Skien på 25. jan- soldater i Afghanistan, og de aller fl este er i other soldiers were injured in the explosion. uar. Mannen ble truffet over høyre øye og er trolig ikke alvorlig skadd. Både offeret Politiet etterforsker Krekar-angrep som drapsforsøk og gjerningsmannen var til stede da to poli- tipatruljer og ambulanse kom fram. – Det Krekars svigersønn (27) var på besøk fra England da han ble skutt natt til 25.januar virker som det er offeret som har tatt fram våpenet, og så fi kk siktede tak i dette. Der- - Det er skutt inn i en etter avfyrte han skuddet på én meters hold, aF t e n p O S t e n leilighet, det er for tidlig å opplyser operasjonsleder Gunnar Hanssen si hva som var hensikten og Politiet opplyste til Aftenposten på 25. i Telemark politidistrikt. Gjerningsmannen om hensikten var å drepe. januar om at man fi kk melding om at det var er i slutten av 40-årene, og begge personer Men isolert sett, det som ble avfyrt fl ere skudd fra utsiden og inn til leil- er kjenninger av politiet. Den skadde ble utfallet, etterforsker vi som igheten på Tøyen som tilhører mulla Krekar. sendt til sykehus med ambulanse, og poli- et drapsforsøk, sa Metlid. Svigersønnen (27) ble skadet under angrepet tiet har tatt hånd om gjerningsmannen, op- Politiet bekrefter nå på den tidligere geriljalederens leilighet. plyser Hanssen. også at de fortsatt etter- - Saken og skytingen etterforskes nå ved (NTB) forsker funnet av en brent voldsavsnittet som et drapsforsøk, sa Grethe bil nær åstedet som ble Lien Metlid, leder på voldsavsnittet i Oslo- 15 års forvaring for voldtekter i Oslo påtent omtrent på samme politiet under en pressekonferanse. Lagmannsretten opprettholder dommen tidspunkt som da Krekar Politiet bekrefter at skuddene ble avfyrt på 15 års forvaring med en minstetid på ble angrepet og om dette fra en trappeavsats rett utenfor inngangs- 10 år for 41-åringen som er dømt for åtte kan ha noen forbindelse til døren til leiligheten til Krekar i femte etasje. voldtekter i Oslo. Mannen ble dømt til 15 saken. Foto: Mattis Sandblad Dette skjedde like før klokken 02 natt. års forvaring i Oslo tingrett i oktober 2009, - Siden vi er så tidlig i Mullah Krekar er en irakisk kurder som kom til Norge som kvotefl ykt- Politiet opplyste at de foreløpig holder og nå stadfester Borgarting lagmannsrett etterforskningen ønsker vi ning fra Nord-Irak i 1991, og ble leder av Ansar al-Islam i 2001. alle muligheter åpne i saken og har heller denne avgjørelsen. Retten skriver at han- at publikum tar kontakt, så ikke noen opplysninger om hvorfor det ble han risikerer dødsstraff i Irak. dlingene er begått med stor brutalitet og at vil vi se om det har noen sammenheng, sa skutt mot Krekar og hans familie. Senest i november i fjor sa han i et in- det er stor sannsynlighet for at mannen kan Metlid. Svigersønnen som var på besøk fra Eng- tervju med en arabisk TV-kanal at bin Laden begå fl ere seksuallovbrudd. Ifølge dommen Krekars kom til Norge i 1991 som land sammen med Krekars datter, skal etter bør bli leder for en ny muslimsk stat. var mannens voldshandlinger mot ofrene i kvotefl yktning. Han er kurder fra Nord-Irak, forholdene ha det bra, opplyser politiet. enkelte tilfeller «voldsomme og av en art og i perioden 1991 til 2002 ledet han den is- English Synopsis: On Jan. 25, the home of - Han er lettere skadet og han er utskre- Er du blant de mange som tenker på å som har fremkalt dødsangst hos de fornær- lamistiske opprørsgruppen Ansar al-Islam. Mullah Krekar was attacked by an armed vet fra sykehus, sa Metlid. kjøpe motorvarmer eller startkabler til bilen mede», melder NRK. Han er beskyldt for å ha kontakt med man, who shot Krekar’s son-in-law. The case Krekar, hans kone, sønn, svigersønn og akkurat nå? (Adressavisen) Osama bin Laden og terrornettverket al-Qai- is being treated as an assasination attempt. datter var tilstede i leiligheten da skuddene Det kan du bare glemme. I alle fall må da. Mulla Krekar ble utvist fra Norge i 2003, Krekar is known for his contacts with Osama falt. Svigersønnen er britisk statsborger og du smøre deg med tålmodighet. men vedtaket er ennå ikke effektuert fordi bin Laden and al-Qaida. 27 år gammel. Hyllene i bilvareforretningene er så godt NORWEGIANNORWEGIAN AMERICANAMERICAN WEEKLYWEEKLY •• WWW.NORWAY.COMWWW.NORWAY.COM ••• SEPTEMBERJANUARYNOVEMBERNOVEMBER 29, 13, 13, 11,2010 200920092009 som tomme for både motorvarmere, startk- Ne w s 3 Tobacco producers This week on Norway.com Municipalities to face Norway says not mediating for Iceland excluded from Norway said on Jan. 25 it was not a media- tor for Iceland in talks with Britain and the Government tight times in 2010 Netherlands on more than USD $5 billion Reykjavik owes to the European Union Pension Fund Norway to see states after the collapse of the island state’s banking system. (Reuters) The Ministry of Finance school cuts this year has decided to exclude Iranian consul to Norway seeks asylum 17 companies that Former Iranian Consul General Moham- Af t e n p os t e n / NTB mad Reza Heydari says he resigned from produce tobacco from the his position earlier this month to protest Government Pension Fund the Iranian government’s use of violence Global (GPFG), based on a “State budgets continued to increase in against demonstrators that left at least eight recommendation from the all spending areas. The municipalities have Photo: Aftenposten people dead. Heydari told the Norwegian tried to keep up services by cutting back broadcaster NRK that it was the Iranian Fund’s Council on Ethics. operations and taking out loans. Now we received, 42 percent of the municipalities authorities’ treatment of demonstrators The divestment of shares in must be prepared for tighter times, which will use the increased funding for nursing around Christmas which “made me realize these companies has now also will affect the municipal sector. Then and care sector. that my conscience would not allow me to it is important that a larger share of growth Almost half of the municipalities will continue in my job.” (UPI) been completed comes as a free income and that the state puts spend more money in child welfare this year fewer constraints on the use of growth-free than last year. Conversely, only 31 percent of UDI will give priority to cases from Haiti income,” said Chief Economist in KS, Per the municipalities use the increased funding The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Richard Johansen. Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the education sector. Forty-one percent (UDI) will give priority to applications for add up to spend less money on education this family immigration for persons from Haiti Spend more in 2010 year than in 2009. due to the earthquake. The priority does not “When the Graver Committee proposed The municipalities’ interest group (KS) Seventeen percent of municipalities mean that the rules for family immigration the current ethical guidelines, there was has asked municipalities and counties how said there will be fewer students per teacher, has been changed. (Norwegian Directorate debate on whether to exclude tobacco they have budgeted for the various sectors of Immigration) producers from the Fund. Under some doubt, in relation to last year. Of the answers they CONTINUES PAGE 12 it was decided that tobacco should not be More man-years in the correctional excluded. After the Graver Committee Education for all becoming harder to achieve service submitted its recommendation, there have The number of man-years in the Correc- been international and national developments Millions of children could tional Service increased by seven percent through the entry into force of the WHO miss the opportunity to go in 2007 to 4,100 man-years. From 2005 to Framework Convention on Tobacco Control to school as a result of the 2008, the number of man-years increased and the tightening of the Norwegian Tobacco financial crisis. The United by 14 percent. The total cost of the Correc- Act. We have taken these changes on board tional Service increased by nine percent in and believe – amongst others in light of the Nations sounds the alarm in 2008 and 29 percent from 2005. The total consultative input in connection with the a new report on education costs of the service were NOK 3 billion in evaluation of the ethical guidelines – that it 2008. (Statistics Norway) is timely to exclude tobacco from the Fund. Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Norway Mission to the U.N. It is important that the ethical guidelines Twilight to become Norwegian reflect at all times what can be considered to Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Ragnhild Håland comic be commonly held values of the owners of Lower economic growth and increasing Simenstad Fans of the Twilight books are celebrating the Fund,” says Minister of Finance Sigbjørn poverty could put a stop to the last decade’s Minister of the Environment and International the fact that the series will be published as Johnsen. progress towards the goal of education for all. Development, Erik Solheim, meets school children in Madagascar. a comic in Norway. The series was pub- In Report No. 20 to the Storting on the This is the conclusion of the report Reaching lished as a comic in the United States in Management of the GPFG, the Ministry the marginalized, which has been drawn up The United Nations also point out March 2009. Gyldendal Norwegian pub- proposed excluding tobacco producers by United Nations Educational, Scientific that it has become more difficult and lisher says they have been offered the rights from the Fund. The move was supported and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) with more expensive to ensure schooling for for publication in Norwegian. Gyldendal by the Storting. The specific delimitation economic support from Norway. children and young people who are already hopes to release the first Norwegian comic of the tobacco criterion was described Many donor countries have already marginalized due to poverty, gender, race before summer but says there is much to be in the National Budget for 2010. The reduced their funding for primary education. or language. For example, 97 percent of done to make that happen. (NRK) recommendation was made in line with this. Worldwide, pledges of support for this sector poor Hausa-speaking girls in Nigeria have CONTINUES PAGE 13 were reduced by 22 percent. CONTINUES PAGE 12

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $50 domestic; USD $70 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. JANUARY 29, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 4 Bu s i n e s s Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: (January 25 10) Vinnere Inclusive, sustainable mobility Navn Siste % NorDiag 2,19 12,31 Think car at it again, finding new ways to Norsk Kr. 5.8162 Rem Offshore 40,00 11,11 Acta Holding 3,78 9,57 innovate transportation Dansk Kr. 5.2626 Transeuro Energy Corp. 0,35 9,38 BWG Homes 19,80 8,20 Ra s m u s Fa l c k Svensk Kr. 7.2404 Tapere Oslo, Norway Navn Siste % Canadian $ 1.0584 Bjørge 10,80 -10,00 In , two Think City taxis have PCI Biotech Holding ASA 23,10 -9,06 been offering the city’s residents sustainable Star Reefers 120,00 -7,69 Euro 0.7067 Thin Film Electronics ASA 1,14 -6,56 personal mobility by taxi for the last year. Petrolia Drilling 0,33 -5,71 If you find yourself in need of medical support on the island of Terschelling in the Netherlands, don’t be surprised to see help arriving in a nifty little electric ambulance. Photo courtesy of Think City. Recently the manufacturer of the Think Think’s vision is to provide carefree, carbon-free Judy A Cooper mobility - “a better way of moving.” Financial Advisor car partnered with the Norwegian Design Council and the designer Filip Krnja to Times were troublesome. Last August explore how communication technology the Norwegian courts approved its debt • Personal Financial Planning could move the electric vehicle to the settlement plan enabling the company to exit forefront of city mobility. By talking to court protection. This puts Think back in • Retirement Planning people aged between 24 and 82 they were business and in a position to resume normal • Mutual Funds able to gather information that would help operations with its electric vehicle, namely • Education Funding them come up with a city car concept that will its latest Think City model. serve the needs of the drivers and passengers A significant capital increase has also of tomorrow. One example of how the car been arranged to enable the company to 2601 4th Avenue will do this is with its flexible interior which immediately get back to the business of Suite 450 can be customized to suit the individual’s producing and selling electrical vehicles. Seattle, WA 98121 needs. Elderly people will be able to access The company continues to be backed by a 206-283-6661 x 103 larger, higher contrast cockpit dials, while very loyal group of investors made up of [email protected] people living in small city apartments can some individual Norwegian investors as well achieve more privacy, using the vehicle as as leading venture capital and clean-tech Waddell & Reed, Inc. Member SIPC 9194 (06/09) an extension of the home. Other innovative investment firms from the United States and conclusion from Krnja at the Helen Hamlyn the United Kingdom. Centre was that the digitally connected car Even if the production takes place at LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. would be able to communicate with other Valmet Automotive in , the Think cars, light up the street where it is parked, remains a truly Norwegian company with its Sales and Service work as a hotspot for wireless internet and senior management, sales, marketing, design have justifiable text sizes on the dashboard. and engineering staff located in the Oslo Think has been developing and headquarters. In January, they announced producing urban mobility solutions since the plans to start production in Elkhart County, early 1990s. Major investments were made Indiana. The plant could begin assembling during the Ford ownership period. Ford vehicles a year from now. Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK decided to leave the electrical vehicle sector The recent year’s wave of phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 in 2003 and Think was sold out. Struggling environmentalist conscience and climate fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 to survive they managed to retain the basic change awareness has ripened the market for infrastructure and acquired considerable alternative mobility solutions. competence from its American owners.

[email protected] Business News & Notes 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 Number of bankruptcies level off quarter. The average monthly rent for all Proud to bring you the In the fourth quarter of last year, the tenants was NOK 5,444 in the fourth quarter Norwegian American Weekly number of bankruptcies was 1,183. That was of 2009; a marginal rise from the third an increase of only 0.7 percent compared quarter. To learn more about the Norwegian American Foundation visit: http://noram.norway.com with the same period of the previous year. The average monthly rent in the fourth However, in 2009 as a whole the number of quarter in , Trondheim, SeaMates Consolidation Service, Inc. bankruptcies was 38 percent higher than in and Tromsø was NOK 6,109; an increase 2008. of 0.6 percent from the third quarter. In Ocean Freight Consolidators for Household Goods, The total number of bankruptcies in 2009 Oslo and Bærum the average monthly rent Personal Effects and Commercial Cargo was 5,013. From 2008 to 2009, the largest rose marginally from the third to the fourth quarter to NOK 7,459. to Scandinavia and other Worldwide Destinations rise in percentage terms was in the county of Finnmark, with a 112 percent increase. With For dwellings with one room, the average 316 Main Street, East Rutherford, New Jersey 07073 191 more bankruptcies, Oslo was the county monthly rent increased by 0.4 percent from the third to the fourth quarter to NOK 4,264. Tel: 1-800-541-4538 • Fax: 1-201-460-7229 with the highest rise in absolute figures. The number of bankruptcies went up in all For dwellings with two rooms or more there www.seamates.com counties in 2009. (Statistics Norway) were approximately no changes. Contact Sig Samuelsen: [email protected] (Statistics Norway) Statoil awarded exploration licenses On Jan. 20, Statoil was awarded shares in Opera Mini shortlisted for two GSMA eight exploration licences on the Norwegian awards: Winners announced during Mobile continental shelf. The company is operator World Congress in Barcelona on six of the licenses. Opera Software today announced The Norwegian authorities’ awards that the world’s most popular mobile Web in predefined areas in 2009 (TFO2009) browser, Opera Mini, has been shortlisted Go on, take the constitute the seventh round since the for two GSMA Global Mobile Awards. Credit(s) inception of such mature area awards in The GSMA represents the interests of the Oslo International Summer School at the University of Oslo offers a wide variety of courses for 2003. (Statoil) worldwide mobile communications industry, academic credit. Choose from topics such as Norwegian Language and Culture to International and each February, it hosts the Mobile World Politics and Peace Research. Full course descriptions are available at www.uio.no/iss. Rental market survey, 4th quarter 2009: Congress (MWC) in Barcelona. Contact us at (800) 639-0058 or at [email protected] for more information. Slight growth in rents (Opera Software) The rental market survey showed minor “Six Weeks of Academic Achievement & International Good Will” changes in rents from the third to the fourth NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JANUARY 29, 2010 Sp o r t s 5 Norway’s Ole Einar Bjørndalen Flatland third at is set to underline his status Anterselva as one of the history’s best Ege saves the day biathletes if he can add to his Steinar Ege leads the Norwegian men’s five Olympic gold medals at the Winter Games handball team to victory over

The 35-year-old won four golds at he 2002 Games in to add to his first gold success in Nagano four years earlier, and he is amongst the favorites for the 20km individual race when the action starts in Whistler. No other athlete has won more Olympic gold medals in the biathlon. The defending World Cup champion won silver in the 20 km Individual race at Photo: Biathlon World Salt Lake City when Germany’s snatched gold, but Bjørndalen is set Bi a t h l o n Wor l d to battle ’s Evgeny Ustyugov and Norway’s captured compatriot . third place in the women’s Biathlon 10km Ustyugov and Svendsen have been pursuit race at Anterselva on Sunday. Ger- in great form this season with Svendsen many’s won ahead of team- claiming both the sprint and mass start mate . triumphs at Rupholding, Germany, ahead of Flatland (27) missed with just one shot. his Russian rival Ustyugov. Team mate Kari Henneseid Eie ended in 43rd In Whistler, as in the season-to-season place. World Cup, male and female biathletes will Norway’s Veteran did not compete in five disciplines: Individual Start, Photo: Olav Olsen/ Aftenposten participate. Pursuit, Sprint Massed Start and Relay. Handball goal keeper Steiner Ege in action. Flatland matched Henkel on the shoot- Russia’s Ustyugov is one to watch in the ing range, but finished 43 seconds back. event and is rivaling Bjørndalen’s domination Neuner controlled the competition from the of the sport. Af t e n p os t e n was important for the central defense. The start, shooting calmly in both prone stag- The Russian has a reputation for line players also boasts of Ege’s work. excelling in the pursuit which sees the pack “Steinar is a world-class goalkeeper. es, but missing one shot in the first as did Steinar Ege, the veteran goalkeeper chasing the winner of the sprint event. It’s as simple as that. It can be incredibly Henkel. Flatland matched both Germans in and captain of the Norwegian men’s The biathletes start at intervals based on difficult to score against him,” said Myrhol. prone, and Henkel in standing. The Norwe- handball team, lead his team to a 30-27 their sprint times with the winner going off was one happy coach after gian cleaned standing twice, while Neuner victory over Austria in the first match of the first and Ustyugov is one of the world’s best. the match. toured the penalty loop three times. championship. One of the most colorful sights in “We played better and better throughout However Flatland’s third place was not Norway’s goalkeeper has not played his biathlon is the frantic racing at the beginning the match. It is a fantastic feeling,” said assured until she cleaned the final standing best earlier in the competition, but helped of the Mass Start where the 30 best-ranked Hedin to TV2 after the match. stage. She came to the shooting range with the team pull out a win again Austria, the competitors begin in an arrow formation to Kjetil Strand told of a very hard battle several competitors in a group. Flatland host country of the event. avoid crashes. on the floor. cleaned and got away from the group to en- “Now I am just incredibly happy. This Germany is expected to feature amongst There were a lot of fights, nonsense, sure her second podium finish of her career was a real gentlemen’s fight again, and we the medals in both the mens and womens and stupidity on Austria’s side, and we kept and the second in a month. The third place fought and fought. And it’s always extra relay, while Norway’s men will lay down a a level head and not let ourselves get carried today was significantly better than her 24th nice to win against the host country,” said challenge with both Svendsen and Bjørndalen away,” said Strand. place in last week’s Mass Start competition Ege with a smile after the match ended. in their ranks. (Vancouver2010.com) Strand was an important man for in Ruhpolding, where she had four penal- He started with a penalty earlier in the Norway in the 30-27 victory, and scored ties. competition, then made one rescue after four goals in the second half. another. A total of five goals out of seven attempts Tomas northug wins… Germany and almost scratched today’s race. “We did pretty well in the beginning, (…continued from page 1) were scored against Austria’s poor game. He still started and nearly qualified, finishing and took the lead fairly early in the match. Strand was knocked down after receiving an also has the same blazing speed and Casco just two seconds out of the top 30. “Unfortunately, we suffered through a Austrian arm in the face. headwear made famous by Petter. Even closer, though, was Eric Packer, lot of technical errors, but we kept a level “It was too dumb to give me a slap Their attitudes are similar, too. When who finished in the dreaded 31st position, head,” said Ege, who will not say much in the face after I shot from 14 meters. In asked if he had stepped out of his brother’s a tantalizing three hundredths of a second about his own efforts. my opinion, it was incredibly idiotic,” said shadow today, Tomas said no. from the heats. “It was a beautiful victory. We played Strand. “The shadow was back behind me,” Over a 1.3 km sprint course, that tiny really well, and we came with a four-point was satisfied with the Northug told FasterSkier after the race, margin could be closed by a slightly more lead. It was important to us to win this first win, but not with his own game. clarifying that he would have dropped Petter aerodynamic haircut. But Packer said that he match, and we were good in defense,” said “I didn’t have a great match, but I had he been here. wasn’t too bummed after the race—and he the goalkeeper. contributed to some important goals. Steinar Northug’s teammate Pål Golberg and did remembered to stretch for the finish. Ege doesn’t hide the fact that it is Ege did a great job for us today,” said Federico Pellegrino (ITA) finished second “It didn’t come down to the lunge. I was important to have a good goalkeeper. Kjelling. and third, but they were not within striking flat on my back at the finish line, trying to get “Soemtimes the defense is so good that Norway took the lead when Håvard distance. my toe across,” he said. “That’s kind of what you almost don’t need a keeper at all, but Tvedten scored in the first minute. The U.S.’s Erik Bjornsen was the only ends up happening when you’re skiing on today you can probably say that the team Austria did not impress any of its North American male to qualify for the heats. the bubble. I feel like on a good day I could got used to me. We worked well together, supporters, but seized any opportunity when He was sitting in third in his quarterfinal have been right in there.” and made few mistakes in our attack.” Said the Norwegian players fumbled. coming off the final hill, but was passed by A thick fog blanketed the race trails all Ege. After several poor finishes, technical two others in the last corner and ended in day, adding to the mystique of an already If he doesn’t want to boast of his own errors, and penalties, Austria took the lead. fifth. dark and shadowy venue. The conditions efforts, his teammates are quick to praise Håvard Tvedten scored on three “400 meters before the finish, there’s gave Northug’s win an eerie aura, as he Ege’s efforts. attempts, and fought like a a sharp corner…and I kind of got blocked went into the woods in second place, then “This was an incredible match by lion on defense. Ege saved one ball after out,” Bjornsen said. “Those guys ski pretty materialized out of the fog 30 seconds later Steinar. He can be very frustrating to the another. nasty.” with such a big gap over Golberg that some opposing team when they try to make a shot. The Norwegian team struggled The heat ended up being the fastest of spectators were laughing in disbelief. He is unbelievably important for us,” said after the timeout, noting how each player’s any of the quarterfinals: the two skiers ahead The Norwegian said that he trains with Kjetil Strand, who was a key player in the performance has varied throughout the of Bjørnsen advanced as lucky losers. his brother, and that Petter had already sent second half for Norway. competition. Tyler Kornfield, who just over two him a text message by the time of the press He scored five of the seven shots, and Norway held the lead at the halfway weeks ago raised hopes by winning conference. Though Tomas wouldn’t divulge made no technical errors. Bjarte Myrhol mark, not because of the Norwegian game, but American championship in the classic sprint, exactly what the contents were, he said that was also good for the Norwegian team. He more because of Austria’s ineffectiveness. came down with a fever since traveling to it began with a “ha, ha, ha.” fought incessantly on the line of attack, and JANUARY 29, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 6 Op Ed Norwegian American WEEKLY Editor’s Notes 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 with Jake Moe toll free: 1 (800) 305-0217 local:(206) 784-4617 fax: (206) 448-2033 email: [email protected] Publisher & Editor-In-Chief Let the games begin! Jake Moe [email protected] Managing Editor Tiffanie Davis [email protected] The Winter Olympic It is my opinion that the world Games in Vancouver and needs events such as the Olympics Copy Editor & Subscriptions Manager Christy Olsen Field [email protected] Whistler Canada are about more now than ever before. With (206) 441-3044 to begin. After billions of all the discord, dispute and disaster Assistant Layout Editor dollars have been invested in the world, these Olympic athletes Harry Svenkerud [email protected] and thousands of volunteers can, for a brief time, turn our Advertising have been signed up, the attention to something that doesn’t 1(800)305-0217 [email protected] world arrives in British have to do with what we are faced Columbia for the greatest with each day in the news. Contributing Editors show on earth. And, the Which brings me to a thought Anita Alan Carmel, Calif. big mystery is with all the – what would Mr. Sondre Norheim Eric Dregni Minneapolis, Minn. detailed planning going back think about his creation? Here he Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway a full decade; no one really was in the tiny village of Mogedal, Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland knows how it is all going to Norway, inventing a pair of skis that Heidi Håvan Grosch , Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. play out. Will it be a huge in the opening ceremony would have be allowed for making turns down the Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. success or a disappointing bust? exposed, lip-syncing the entire song. The hill. With the success of the first pair, he Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. For many years, I produced athletic built a dozen more and the first ski race Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. world reacted with shock that the Chinese Nina Lichtenstein Hartford, Conn. events for participant sport athletes. would try to pull a fast one. I’ll bet the was held on the hill beside his house in the Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Among the events that I produced, were 1820s. Soon Oslo heard about the event and Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. producer of the opening ceremony never Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. ski races, tennis competitions, bike races, expected that type of reaction. they convinced him to bring his gear and his Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. running races, volleyball matches, and one Because Whistler is in our back yard, concept to the big city. Now, almost 200 David Moe Juneau, Alaska Lisa Portelli Bradenten, Fla. of the largest triathlons in the country. many of the folks that have been working years later, the world is spending billions of Roman Scott Herre, Norway During the production of these events, for years and years on this project are good dollars every four years to essentially see John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. I learned one important fact and that is how fast and how high folks can go down Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. friends. As an example, Norway-born Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway when the starting gun goes off, there is Utah resident, John Aalberg, the director the hill – something he started in his back Wendy K. Winkelman Mesa, Ariz. no way of scripting just what is going to of the Nordic events, has become a good yard. happen and the entire event takes on a friend, and believe me, he has had his share For me, skiing is now all about CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives life of its own…a rain squall might come teaching my granddaughters the joys of to make its news report fair and accurate. If you of sleepless nights trying to predict all the have a question or comment about news coverage through in the middle of the bike race, a fire potential pitfalls from snow, to traffic, to winter recreation. Here is a photo of them call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly at a house might occur right on the running competitors reactions, plus many others in at the completion of their ski lessons in Sun reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for course and fire engines end up disrupting Valley, Idaho over the winter break, just style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right pulling off just this portion of the Games. It not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor everything or something such as a serious is my hope that everything goes as smooth after they concluded their first descent from taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. injury to one of the participants can stop as clockwork. The snow is plentiful. The the top of the mountain. Pretty special, this • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and everything in the middle of the event. You sport that Sondre invented for us, I would letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian sky is bright, blue and filled with sunshine. American Weekly, and our publication of those views is just never know. The temperatures are an ideal 22 - 27˚ F. say! not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions As an example, the most recent There is no backup in traffic. And, nobody and complaints about the opinions expressed by the Olympics in Beijing were scripted as All the best, paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor- gets hurt trying to go their fastest or fly the in-chief. • Norwegian American Weekly is published tightly as one could imagine, yet no one farthest or turn the quickest. Jake weekly except the first week of the calendar year, would have guessed that the star singer the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription at times it was hard. Regarding the route, the “He has been with me. I have always Cost: US$50 Domestic, US$70 to Canada, Cecilie skog makes… US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. (…continued from page 1) last three days coming down the glacier was wanted to do this expedition and I have done the most difficult. We had aerial photos and it in his spirit,” Skog told Dagbladet, saying SINCE 1889: Formerly Norway Times & kilos at departure. Temperatures during the used different information that we got from Bae had taught and inspired her. Western Viking & Washington Posten. . . expedition were at times as low as -45°C. Comprising people. It was like a mini expedition on its In 2006, Skog, a registered nurse from “This is the first time that someone Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis- own.” Ålesund, became the first woman in the Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and has crossed the Antarctic unassisted and Skog told NRK that she lost 15 kilos of world to complete the “Grand Slam” after Skandinaven unsupported, using just their muscles,” weight while Waters lost between 20 and 25 climbing the seven highest peaks on each of said Bjørn Sekkesæter, spokesman for the kilos. the seven continents and reaching the two NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. expedition. “Our food was great, but you know one poles unassisted. “Until now, those who have crossed the can’t take enough food for such a long trip. Waters, who has worked as a guide in Antarctic have either used skis with sails or Now we are eating like crazy. We eat two to the Himalayas and Andes, has meanwhile received outside help for supplies,” he said. three lunches, and half an hour later we are completed nine expeditions on summits Proud to bring you the When Correnne Coetzer of hungry again,” said Skog. higher than 8,000 meters. He also recently Norwegian American Weekly ExplorersWeb asked the duo about the most Skog said she had spent a lot of time crossed Greenland on skis without any To learn more about the difficult part of the expedition, Waters said, thinking about her late husband Rolf Bae, assistance. Norwegian American Foundation visit: “The mental part was the most difficult part. who died in August 2008 while climbing K2, For more information about the http://noram.norway.com It was so many days of constant skiing and the world’s second highest mountain. expedition, visit www.cecilieskog.com. SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JANUARY 29, 2010 Op Ed 7 Letters to the Editor: Do you have something to say? Send your letters to: Jake Moe, Editor-In-Chief • [email protected] • 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115

Dear Editor, 1941 he was arrested by , but in Germany from 1948 to 1949, continued I love reading the Norwegian American escaped and fled to the United Kingdom via in the Forsvarsstaben until 1952, when he Weekly, first of all, and the Jan. 8 issue really . There he enrolled in the Norwegian was transferred to the Royal Norwegian Air has been good. I usually receive it 8-14 days Independent Company 1 (Kompani Linge). Force. He headed the electronic intelligence late and that is not your fault but the fault of Haugland, with nine other Norwegian service in , an important my post office. resisters, organized and carried out the position during the Cold War. He held the The announcement of ’s famous raid on the ranks of major from 1954 and lieutenant 29. januar Hans Endahl Woonsocket SD death really disappointed me. Even here plant at . The plant was known to colonel from 1977. Borghild Kleppe Detroit MI in Pittsburgh there was a half-page spread be producing , and although the He left the Air Force in 1963 to become O J Hjortedal Spokane WA about his life, accomplishments, and humble scientist and organizer of the sabotage, Leif acting, later permanent, director of the Hans Stensland Canton SD personal style. had Tronstad, had not been aware of the connection Norway’s Resistance Museum. He retired Olav Borgersen Rockford IL an even larger article. You, however, have between heavy water and atomic weaponry from this position in 1983. He was also the 30. januar two small paragraphs and a photo. This early in the war, it eventually became clear director of the Kon-Tiki Museum from its Signe V Winge Starbuck MN man probably is just as much of an icon as that Germany could be using the heavy water start in 1947 to 1990. He rounded off his Jens T Terjesen San Francisco CA Gunnar Sønsteby who has gotten some long for a nuclear energy project. Haugland career as board chairman of the Kon-Tiki Einar Sorli Summerland BC Can articles in your newspaper. I am hoping was parachuted over Hardangervidda Museum in 1991. Arne Rostad Everett WA you are planning a more thorough article in on October 18, 1942 together with Arne Haugland first met Barbara Isaksen Auburn WA the future. I am considering that during the Kjelstrup, Jens-Anton Poulsson, and Claus in 1944 at a paramilitary training camp in 31. januar holidays you may have had some part of the Helberg. Their codename was Operation England. It was here that Haugland first heard Victor Kraabel Belgrade MN paper already lined up and didn’t have time Grouse, and their first mission was to await of Heyerdahl’s theories about Polynesian Paul A Eckrem Marysville WA to rearrange things. the British Operation Freshman. Freshman migration patterns, and his plans to cross Clara Todal Thornbury Chula Vista CA While I’m e-mailing I wonder if you became a disastrous failure, but Grouse was the Pacific on a balsa wood raft. In 1947 Peder Johnson Bloomington MN ever have thought of a tiny section each ordered to wait for another team: Operation Haugland was invited by Heyerdahl to join 1. februar week about Norwegian language learning? Gunnerside. The plant at Vemork was the Kon-Tiki expedition as a radio operator. Edvina Thurman Beverly Hills CA Perhaps a list of a few verbs, a list of definite successfully sabotaged in February 1943. On the expedition Haugland and Torstein Grace Foss Echo MN articles, how to count, some travel ready Haugland stayed in Hardangervidda Raaby (another former resistance member) Ragnar Morken Ames IA phrases, some nouns...? Has this ever been a for two months, among others together were in frequent radio contact with American consideration? with , whom he trained. amateur operators, sending meteorological 2. februar I read Ole and Lena to my husband every Haugland then went to Oslo to train marine and hydrographic data to be passed on to Karen Christiansen Aberdeen WA week. He loves it. telegraphers. After a trip to the United the Meteorological Institute in Washington, Laila May Johnson Federal Way WA Thank you for you attention and I hope Kingdom for radio supplies, he returned to D.C. Despite the tiny radio which had an 3. februar to see a long article about Knut Haugland in Norway in November, being parachuted at output of only six watts, about the same as a Molfrid Aas Bjork Norway the future. Skrimfjella together with famous Gunnar small battery-powered torch, they managed Emma Harstad Benson MN Sønsteby. Haugland was arrested for a to contact radio operators in Norway, even Kari Oimoen Sunnyvale CA J J Sahli Swanson Sask Can Sincerely, second time, by in Kongsberg, but sending a telegram to congratulate King Robert Julian Valenzvela Tuscon, AZ Pat Kelly again escaped and commenced his training Håkon VII on his 75th birthday. duties. On April 1, 1944 he narrowly escaped You are right. Our previous article Dear Pat, another capture by the Gestapo when one of didn’t do Haugland justice, but we hope this 4. februar Arne Ostraat Portland OR Thanks so much for your letter. The his transmitters, hidden in the Oslo Maternity additional information brings to light the Johannes Øvereng Oslo Norway piece that we did about Knut Haugland was Hospital, was located by DF. Haugland fled important work he did during his life. far too brief and we appreciate you bringing to the United Kingdom again, and did not As far as a Norwegian language section this to our attention. Here is a more complete return. goes, we have thought about it and used to Want to see your birthday in the review of this extraordinary man’s life: He was awarded Norway’s highest include Norwegian words with their English Norwegian American Weekly? Haugland, born in 1917 in Rjukan, decoration for military gallantry, the War equivalent in the Roots and Connections Give us a call at (800) 305-0217. Birthday listings are free, Telemark, Norway, took his exam in 1937, Cross with sword. He was awarded this section. We never got much response from but must be submitted at least qualifying him for university study. In 1938 decoration twice, in 1943 and 1944: the this installment but we’re happy to start one month in advance. he enrolled in military radio studies and with two swords. In addition, including a new language feature. We’ll look afterward joined the Norwegian Army. Haugland was awarded the Distinguished into it and see if we can’t get some kind of In February 1940 he was stationed in Service Order and the Military Medal by the new feature in by the end of February. Setermoen, and soon fought in battles near British. He also received the French Croix de Thanks again for taking the time to as a part of the Norwegian Campaign guerre and Légion d’honneur and the Royal write. We hope your new year is starting off against Germany. After Germany’s defeat Norwegian Order of St. Olav. great! of the Norwegian forces and the Nazi After the war, Haugland continued Proud to bring you the occupation, Haugland went to work at his military career for many years, except Sincerely, Norwegian American Weekly the factory Høvding Radiofabrikk in Oslo for 1947 when he took part in the Kon-Tiki Editor To learn more about the Norwegian American Foundation visit: while also secretly being involved in the expedition. In 1951 he married librarian http://noram.norway.com Norwegian resistance movement. After Ingeborg Prestholdt. He participated in the evading arrest several times, in August Independent Norwegian Brigade Group Han Ola Og Han Per

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NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JANUARY 29, 2010 Tr a v e l s t o No r w a y 9 Art inspired by travel Colorado artist Mary Staby brings new life to Norway through her vibrant handcolored black and white photographs

Ti ff a n i e Da v i s Managing Editor

“I’ve had a darkroom since second grade,” Mary said. “My sister’s husband at that time worked for Kodak and he gave me my first dark room.” Little did her sister’s husband know the investment he was making in Mary’s future. Mary Staby is from Frisco, Co. and has lived there most of her life, but her grandparents are all from Scandinavia. Her father’s mother is from Norway, about an Photo courtesy of Mary Staby. hour and a half north of Bergen. Much of the Mary Staby has been handcoloring her black and family still lives there and Mary has been to white photography for nearly 20 years. visit on multiple occasions. Her other three we both speak Norwegian. There’s just a grandparents are from Denmark. commonality there that’s so wonderful to It was about 20 years ago that Mary hook up with and it’s so much a part of you started handcoloring her black and white and your heritage. Norway and Denmark are photography. a big part of my life.” “I got interested in it. I purchased some. Over the years, Mary has done a lot of I ended up buying six pieces from an artist traveling around Norway. She and sister Judy from Texas over the years and I just finally have taken the Hurtigruten three times, twice Mary E. Staby said, ‘You know, I’m a black and white round trip and the last time they drove from photographer, I need to learn how to do Bergen all the way up to . Mary took this.’” photos along the way and her sister collected And so, that’s exactly what she did. rocks and gemstones. Mary is self-taught, Then they took their Images by Mary Staby. and there is nothing “I get to create car on the Hurtigruten “Henningsvær Harbour” computerized or and went back down. digital about her my own vision,” “Great trip!” Mary work. She takes the said. photos, develops Mary Staby. Her artwork them herself and captures Norway in then hand paints each picture. Her methods a unique, almost whimsical way. It could are traditional. She even purchases the oils easily be described as imaginative with her from a company in Germany that made them unexpected use of bright colors. back in the 1800s. “I get to create my own vision. I’ve seen “As long as they’re still available, and places, but I don’t take a picture of what I’ve I can still buy the fiber-based paper, I’m in seen and then try to come home and copy it. business,” she said. I come home and paint it the way I’d like to For nearly 20 years, Mary and her see it, or the way it appeals to me. So, often husband, Miles F. Porter IV, owned two times, I have more colorful buildings than “Wish Upon a Falling Star” ski resort newspapers and magazine, but what you might see.” in 1999, while Mary was recovering from Mary said part of her inspiration comes MARY STABY Handcolored a serious cancer, the couple sold their from the bright buildings of Northern Black & White Photography publishing company. It was just a few years Norway. later in 2004, when Mary took her art on as a “The farther North you go in Norway full-time job. This will be her seventh year the more colorful the buildings are. I think participating in the art show season. it’s a reflection on the fact that most of the It was Mary’s sister, a jeweler named time there, there is no light, so they need Follow us on My photos Judy Hoch, who really encouraged Mary to something to make them happy and lift their get into the art shows and now that’s where spirits and so they paint their buildings bright My darkroom she does about 90 percent of her sales. She colors. I’ve kind of incorporated that premise has been to Høstfest in Minot, N.D., with her into a lot of my paintings.” art four times and has a bunad in the same Colored with Mary’s framed and matted handcolored http://twitter.com/NAWeekly oils & style as her grandmother’s that she wears to black and white photographs range in price pencils the Scandinavian shows. from $295 to $1,500. She ships nationwide “I meet so many wonderful people at and all of her work is guaranteed. If a the shows. That’s one of the reasons I really purchaser doesn’t like the work, they are enjoy doing the shows,” Mary explained. Handcolored Black & White Photographs welcome to send it back. Mary wants people Images from Norway and Denmark “I get to meet everybody who purchases to be happy with the art they buy from her, the work, and then people who call on the she wants it to put a smile on their face. WWW.MARYSTABY.COM phone, I get to find out a little bit about their To learn more about Mary Staby’s work Available framed or unframed, call for sizes. background and it seems like we always visit her Web site www.marystaby.com. If have some kind of a common denominator; you have inquiries about photographs from Mary E. Staby their family came from some place around a specific location call Mary at (970) 668- P.O. Box 237 Frisco, CO 80443 mine, or we know people in common, or 0968. (970) 668-0968 • [email protected] JANUARY 29, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 10 Ro o t s a n d Co nn e c t i o n s Norwegian American Weekly LØSER-X 1 Photo of the Week av Jørn Andersen Gratuler Med Dagen!

VANNRETT: LODDRETT: Photo: Jo Michael/ The Royal Court 6. Tjenestemann 1. Produsent Princess Ingrid Alexandra turned six on Jan. 21. 10. Ytterliggående person 2. Redskap 11. Jarra 3. Sted i perspektivtegning hvor linjene løper sammen 12. Sopp 4. Språk 13. Agitatorisk sammenslutning 5. Kvinnelig yrkesutøver 14. Fjelltopp 7. Tallofytt 15. Dunk 8. Person i styre 16. Gesandt 9 Anger 18. Libidinøs 17. Slette What did you pay for that? 20. Beverrotte 19. Sammesteds 21. Malproper $40.64USD $20USD 22. Fugl is the sale price for is the median price for Clarinsmen Total Shampoo Clarinsmen Total Shampoo & & Body Wash (7 oz.) Body Wash (7 oz.) in Norway. in the U.S. The NAME Game JANUARY 29: Herdis, Hermod Birgitta, originally a Swedish version of the The feminine name Herdis is composed Irish Brigit, a saint who died around the year of her - from the Proto Scandinavian harjar 520. Did you know? which means hær/army or herre/master, while Ole and dis means guidinne/goddess or valkyrje/ FEBRUARY 1: Bjarte, Birte Random facts about Norway Valkyrie. Bjarte is an abbreviation for names starting with bjart e.g. Bjartmar consisting of Lena The Norwegian Labour and Welfare JANUARY 30: Gunnhild, Gunda Bjart - lys/light and marr - berømt/famous. Service (NAV) plays a broad participatory Gunnhild is an Old Norse name role in the world of work and society, composed of gunnr - strid/struggle and hildr FEBRUARY 2: Jostein, Jomar and contributes to the financial security - strid/struggle. Gunda, originally German Old Norse, composed of jør -hest/horse, of the individual. This depends on close is an abbreviated version of names starting and stein - sten/stone. Less used today is Lena stepped up to the interaction with the user, working life and with Gund - or ending with gunda. Gunda Jomar - composed of jør and marr - berømt/ local authorities, and a sharper focus on may also come from the Old Norse Gunna, famous. clerk in the department people with special needs in relation to the an abbreviated version of older two-syllable labour market and others in a challenging feminine names. Variations include Gunn, FEBRUARY 3: Ansgar, Asgeir store and said, life situation. Gunnel, Gunnilda. The former is actually an Old German “Can I try on that dress name. The day was chosen because the JANUARY 31: Ivar, Idun OLYMPISKE VINTER-LEKER Nordic Apostle was named Ansgar and he in the window?” Ivar comes from the Old Norse Ivar. lived from 801 to 865. Printed Jan. 22, 2010 There seems to be several possibilities for the But there is also the Old Norse name The clerk responded, origin, one of which is the derivation from Asgeir, composed of ås ass or oss-gud/ Iwa-harjar. Iwa means - among other things- god and geirr- spyd/javelin. A variation is barlind/yew. The tree possessed magic Anskar. “We’d really prefer that abilities. Harjar stands for kriger/warrior or you try it on in the dressing spyd/javelin, but could also be a version of FEBRUARY 4: Vera, Veronika Ingvar - the god Ing and arr. Vera is Russian and means tro/faith. room.” Another definition points to the feminine FEBRUARY 1: Bjarte, Birte word coming from Latin versus, which means Bjarte is an abbreviation for names sann/true. starting with bjard e.g. Bjartmar, consisting Veronika is said to be a combination of of Bjart - lys/light and marr - berømt/famous. vera and the Greek ikon - bilde/picture. Light in this case may have referred to hair color - blond. Birte is a Danish version of

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JANUARY 29, 2010 Fa i t h a n d Re l i g i o n 11 In honor and memory of Just a minute Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Send a brief memoriam to [email protected]. Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, brought back to life Mildred Hansen (Bestemor) Ellingsen after being previously printed in the Norway Times. January 9, 2010 - March 7, 1911 Guilt-feelings Mildred (Bestemor) Hansen Ellingsen passed away peacefully We all know how uncomfortable it can demands and restrictions which are not on Jan. 9, 2010 and is with her heavenly Father. Born March 7, 1911 be carrying guilt-feelings in our hearts for from God. That’s false guilt. But let us take in Bellingham to Norwegian immigrant parents, Eline (Figenschau) wrongdoings we have committed against care that we know the difference. and Julius Hansen, Mildred grew up on the farm on Urdahl Road God and/or man. In Psalm 32, King David In a group-session a girl said, “I feel in Poulsbo, then spent the rest of her life in Ballard. She attended describes these awful feelings after having so guilty because I have not treated my Vinland Grade School, was confirmed (in Norwegian) at Vinland committed adultery and murder. His guilt- mothers as I should. Now she is in a nursing Lutheran Church, graduated from North Kitsap High School, feelings were true and real and nothing home and I seldom visit her although I attended business college, then worked in the insurance industry and could take those feelings away before he know she is looking forward to it. Am I later for Smith Cove Oil Co., which she and her husband, Elling confessed his sins before God and man (1 just on a ‘guilt trip’?” she asked. owned. During World War II, she entertained on her accordion at John 1:9). The trouble today is that many “No,” said the group leader, “Your many dance venues as part of the Helga Melinder All-Girl Orchestra. Music was a key part people, even believers, often seem to have guilt is real. Go and ask forgiveness from of her life; she played organ, piano, accordion, guitar and banjo. She also loved gardening, lost their sense of right and wrong and are your mother and try to visit her more dancing, making lefse, Hardangersom and other aspects of her Norwegian heritage. She was unwilling to repent and honestly make up often.” a loving wife, homemaker, mother and grandmother. She was a member of Ballard First for their wrongdoings. We have to call “a spade a spade.” Lutheran Church, Vasa Hope, Nordlandslaget Fembø¸ringen, and a life member of Sons of There are true and false guilt-feelings. Acknowledge sin as sin. We should feel Norway Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001. She was preceded in death by her husband, Elling, and False guilt-feelings are those memories of guilty if we have been mean and unloving her brother Harold C. Hansen (both commercial fishermen), and is survived by her daughter sin we carry around as a burden even after and deceitful to another person. When Kae; grandchildren Marnelle Dragila, Karin (Antwan) Eafford, and Karl Pierce; great- we have confessed our sins before God and God, the Holy Spirit, convinces us of sin, grandsons Marcel, Daniel, Justice and Kaden, and great-granddaughter Marley. Mildred will repented of them. God forgives sin and we better take it seriously and not call it be missed by many and her memory will last forever in our hearts. Takk for alt! does it completely and will remember it no a “guilt-trip.” “If we walk in the light as more. “As far as the east is from the west, He is in the light, we have fellowship with He will remove sins from us” (Psalm 103). one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ Let us not condemn ourselves for sins God cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Walk Oliver Perry Leren has forgiven and let not other people create in the light! Confess your sins! Your very July 12, 1919 - January 1, 2010 a false guilt-feeling in you, giving you being (body and soul) depends on it!

Oliver Perry Leren’s earthly journey ended on January 1, 2010. He was born July 12, kong olav v’s kirke 1919 to Louis Marten Leren and Petra Henrietta Jacobina Mathieson Leren in Ballard, Wash. SjømannSkirken His parents immigrated to the United States from Norway in the early 1900s. He was the first The Norwegian Church in New York of his family to be born in the United States, but was always very proud of his Norwegian 317 east 52nd street (Betw. 1st & 2nd aves.) heritage too. Leren graduated from Ballard High School in 1939 and soon after went to work new york, ny 10022 for the Boeing Company. In 1946 he enlisted with the Army’s 5th Air Force at Fort Lewis, (212) 319-0370 • [email protected] Wash. and spent a year in Japan during America’s occupation. Oliver returned home and Åpningstider: man - tors: 11-18, fre - søn: 12-17 resumed work for the Boeing Company where he spent the next 34 years. He remained a WWW.kjerka.com bachelor until he met Tommie Helen Smith McClung at the Boeing Company when he was 54 years old. They married in 1973 and resided in Marysville, Wash. for many years. Oliver gudstjenester: gudStjeneSte og SøndagSSkole 31. januar Leren was a very loyal and devoted man, as he worked hard, breaking attendance records at Boeing while caring for both of his parents in their family home until their deaths. When Gudstjeneste i new York: Hver søndag kl.11. Velkommen til gud- he married Tommie he vowed to help care for her elderly mother as well. He retired in 1981 stjeneste! Vi har tilbud om søndagsskole for barna parallelt med gudstjenesten. and few years later he and Tommie hit the road. They were snowbirds between Yuma, Ariz. and Port Susan, Wash. for quite a while. Finally it was time to settle down so they found a What’s happening: homestead with a five-acre pond inG reeneville, Tenn. where they spent five years. But alas, unG i new York: 6. februar kl. 19. Ung i New York er en gruppe studenter, Oliver longed for his beloved Pacific Northwest, so he talked Tommie into moving back home. They finally settled in Burlington, Wash. where they lived for nearly the last 10 years. au-pairer og andre unge nordmenn i New York. Aldersgruppe ca 16-35 år. Vi Mr. Leren is preceded in death by the love of his life, Tommie Helen and his parents. He is håper du blir med på våre arrangementer. The more the merrier! survived by his sister, Jane Groh of Redmond, Wash. and her children Jay and Jennifer, also risGrøt på kirken: Hver lørdag kl. 13-16. Risgrøt og rød saft kan nytes by his step-daughter Judy(and John) Bruce of Snohomish, Wash., step-son William (and på kirken hver lørdag. Én lørdag hver måned inviterer vi spesielt familier til Rosa) McClung of Rogersville, Tenn., five grandchildren, five great-grandchildren and one sjømannskirken for å spise grøt sammen og treffe andre familier i New York- great-great grandson. You will be missed, Oliver, but never forgotten. området. Velkommen! Verksted for barna: 7. februar kl 13. Vi arrangerer verksted med ulike aktiviteter for barn den første søndagen i hver måned, i forbindelse med familiegudstjenestene. Verkstedet begynner kl 13, og familiegudstjenesten kl Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church 14. Velkommen! Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke businessLunsj: 10. februar kl 12. Vi serverer en velsmakende, tradis- The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, Scandinavians and others who are interested in the wonderful language, culture and people of Norway. We welcome you to our warm and friendly jonell norsk lunsjbuffet én onsdag i måneden fra kl 12.00 til kl. 14.00. Lunsjen family of members. Please visit us soon and help support this Norwegian tradition. består av en rikholdig, tradisjonell norsk lunsjbuffet, ett varmt måltid og dessert. Alt dette for kun $22! småbarnstreff: 11.februar kl11. Annenhver torsdag fra klokken 10.30 og February 2010 utover er det Småbarnstreff på sjømannskirken i New York. Treffene finner sted hver partallsuke denne høsten. Småbarnstreff er en uformell, sosial møteplass February 7th Norwegian Service and Communion for småbarnsforeldre og selvfølgelig også barna. Vi spiser lunsj sammen, prater, February 14th Norwegian Service leker og synger - og inntar kaffe og vaffler! February 21st Norwegian Service and English Sermon trygve Lie gaLLery: February 28th English Service Current exhibition: “nordiC mixed media” The American Scandinavian Society and the Trygve Lie Gallery proudly pres- ent the Exhibition “Nordic Mixed Media”, curated by Elfi von Kantzow Alvin. The Exhibition features Daniel Sandberg (Sweden), Matthias van Arkel (Sweden) and Torild Stray (Norway). On view through March 7, 2010. Hours: Mon-Thur 12-6 p.m., Fri-Sun 1-5 p.m. Free admission. 2614 North Kedzie Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60647 • (708) 867-7051 www.trygveliegallery.com

JANUARY 29, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 12 Ar t s a n d En t e r t a i n m e n t an Immigration Associatio Save up to $200 or enjoy Musical at Nordic Heritage Museum orwegi n presen he N ts a FREE night in Iceland T “Troublemaker’s Mother” coming to Seattle on select 2010

Brekke Escorted Tours. Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e classic elements of tragedy – pride, passion, Nordic Heritage Museum For the latest travel betrayal, violence and death – while mining  Escorted Tours the humor beneath the somber surface. In specials visit our website:  Heritage Tours Every February 28, Finns and bringing this work to the stage, DiMartino  Customized Tours www.BrekkeTours.com Fennophiles everywhere honor the Finnish is joined by composer Kim Douglass,  Independent Travel national epic, Kalevala (Land of the Heroes), director Lori Larsen, and a cast of talented Request a 2010 Brochure at: performers, including some returning from  Ocean & River Cruises compiled by Elias Lönnrot and published BREKKE TOURS & TRAVEL more than a century-and-a-half ago. There is the Sampo production. Shows will Feb. 26 Giving you Scandinavia… 1-800-437-5302 particular excitement surrounding this year’s and 27 at 7:30 p.m. and Feb. 27 and 28 at 3 and the world! WWW.BREKKETOURS.COM local celebration, for it marks the second p.m. Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for musical adaptation from that source by students and seniors and $17 for Museum Seattle writer Nick DiMartino. His popular members. Children 12 and under are free AIR - - LAND Sampo (The Magic Mill) was the highlight of with accompanying adult. Troublemaker’s SEA Mother is produced by Finlandia Foundation For all your travel needs: cruise specialists, domestic and international the national FinnFest held on the University of Washington campus in 1999. DiMartino’s Seattle Chapter – an organization dedicated travel for individuals, groups and conventions new work, Troublemaker’s Mother, is to the dissemination of Finnish arts and Always at the best possible prices! derived from the story of “wanton lover boy” culture in Greater Puget Sound. For tickets, Lemminkäinen and his adoring and long- please call (206) 789-5707 x10. suffering mother. This adaptation retains the norwegian minister... the JSF, the government wants to ensure Fax: (718) 238-3604 • Tel: (718) 748-7400 • toll free @ 1-800-822-5838 (…continued from page 1) that Norwegian companies are given access 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11209 • [email protected] Security Advisor Jim Jones and Senator to the U.S. defense industry sector and be John McCain. Topics on the agenda included allowed to compete fairly as subcontractors the United States and Norway’s role in in the development of the fighter aircraft. For Sale: Norwegian Furniture Afghanistan and NATO, as well as Norway’s Faremo told news agency NTB that procurement of the aircrafts is dependent Loveseat, three chairs, and a table available for purchase. announced purchase of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) aircraft. on finding a satisfactory industrial package Armrests and legs carved in oak by Cristofer Knaag in Bergen, Norway. Minister Faremo also met with Lockheed for the Norwegian industrial sector, and that she sees great opportunities in such industry In need of upholstery. Price: $1900 Martin leadership at its headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas, to discuss the Joint Strike cooperation. While in the United States, the Minister For more information, call (206) 542-7179 Fighter program. Faremo was accompanied by Minister of Trade and Industry Trond also met with Norwegian officers stationed Giske in Fort Worth. An important goal for at NATO’s Allied Command Transformation the two cabinet members is to facilitate trade (ACT) in Norfolk, Va., as well as Norwegians between Norway and the United States. training to become fighter pilots at Sheppard With Norway’s heavy investment in Air Force Base.

Gary Gandrud... expansion of business and educational (…continued from page 1) collaboration, and has been actively involved has decided that he wants to retire as Consul in the promotion of cultural exchange. With General for Norway. I would like to thank his hard work and dedication to public service, Consul General Mondale for his outstanding Consul General Mondale represents the best service and his many contributions to U.S.- of the Norwegian-American heritage,” said Norwegian relations. Under his leadership Mr. Støre. the Consulate General has supported the Municipalities... said that there are more students per teacher. (…continued from page 3) Ten percent of the municipalities expect that they will close down schools this year. while 29 percent of those who responded

Education for all... “A good public education system was a (…continued from page 3) decisive element in Norway’s development less than two years’ schooling. The national of its welfare state. The lesson we learned average is 25 percent. here is also relevant for developing countries, and we have a clear responsibility to support Madison Torske Klubben Foundation Minister of the Environment and International Development Erik Solheim them,” she said. Announces commented: “This is very unfortunate. There With a view to strengthening girls’ right are still 72 million children throughout the to education, Norway provides NOK 500 million this year to United Nations Children’s Availability of a Limited Number of grants world who do not attend school. We need to increase our global effort to ensure that we Fund (UNICEF) for its efforts to promote for projects in Norwegian language, achieve the vital goal of education for all.” primary education and gender equality. Minister of Education Kristin Halvorsen The UNESCO report will form the basis literature, folkways, and NOrwegian- for a summit on education for all to be held American culture and studies. pointed out that education is absolutely necessary in order to achieve development in Ethiopia in February 2010, which Norway and progress in poor countries. will take part in. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: April 1, 2010 LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: Certified Public Accountant For further information contact: Small businesses (206)789-5433 Trygve Lonnebotn, President Individuals 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance Madison Torske Klubben Foundation Seattle, WA 98119 S7708 Lucille Lane Merrimac, WI 53561 (608) 493-3306 - [email protected] Funeral Home OR contact H. Gaylon Greenhill, Secretary (414) 473-4466 - [email protected] SOlie and Crematory Honoring • Caring • Serving 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JANUARY 29, 2010 In Yo u r Ne i g h b o r h o o d 13 Congratulations Mr. President New Director of Development Seattle and Edmonds Sons of Norway lodges unite to celebrate their new officers at Vesterheim Arlan C. Quandahl of Monona, Iowa excited about new role

Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Vesterheim Norwegian American Museum

Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum announces the hiring of Arlan C. Quandahl of Monona, Iowa, as the museum’s Newly installed presidents, from left, Doug Warne Leikarringen folk dancers of Leif Erikson Lodge new Director of Development. Photo courtesy of Vesterheim. of Leif Erikson Lodge and Robert Stevenson of perform before the installatoin of new officers. Quandahl’s background is in market Edmonds Lodge. development, management, and sales. He “I am truly excited to have the also has worked in the banking industry opportunity to join Vesterheim and become Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e had to be set up for the potluck dinner buffet. and has experience in estate planning and a member of the team responsible for its care Leif Erikson Lodge Ballard Food offerings ranged from the obvious – philanthropic giving. His career includes and advancement,” Quandahl said. “Since pickled herring and meatballs – to the cross- positions with Culligan International I was a child growing up in Winneshiek How do you get two groups of cultural – taco dip. Company, Pioneer Plastics Corporation, County, Iowa, Vesterheim has always been Scandinavians together on a weeknight in Diners were treated to several dance the Metron Corporation, Northeast Iowa there to serve as an anchor to my heritage. January? numbers by Leikarringen, the Leif Erikson Telephone Company, Thrivent Financial In my youth I stood in awe of Vesterheim. For starters, offer food, refreshments Lodge folk dance troupe that celebrates its for Lutherans, and most recently Bank of Today I retain that feeling with an even and a dance performance, add an official 50th anniversary this year. the West. He also has significant non-profit greater appreciation,” he added. ceremony, and then follow up with dessert. As president of Leif Erikson Lodge, experience through an association with “I look forward to working with That’s what happened Wednesday, Jan. Warne will focus on increasing the number Camp Ewalu. our members to continue the Vesterheim 13, when, in an unusual move, two local of fun and compelling programs and “We are confident that the breadth journey,” Quandahl said. Sons of Norway lodges came together for a activities. He also issued a challenge to the of Arlan’s financial expertise will allow Vesterheim uses the story of Norwegian joint installation of officers at Leif Erikson membership – bring in 100 new members in him to create and successfully execute a Americans to explore aspects of identity and Hall in Ballard, Wash. 2010 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Development plan that will utilize all aspects culture common to everyone. The museum Doug Warne was installed as president District 2 Sons of Norway, which embraces of fundraising,” Vesterheim’s Executive cares for over 24,000 artifacts, among which of Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001 in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Director Steven Johnson said. Quandahl are some of the most outstanding examples Robert Stevenson as president of Edmonds Next on the fun agenda? A Valentine’s “will work with museum trustees, especially of decorative and folk art to be seen in this Lodge 2-130, along with a host of other Happy Hour Feb. 13, 5-8 p.m., at Leif members of the Development Committee, to country. Founded in 1877, Vesterheim is the officers for both lodges. Erikson Hall, 2245 N.W. 57th St. Members cultivate new donors and creatively explore oldest and most comprehensive museum Warne is well-known to local Nordics as and guests can enjoy two alcoholic beverages other funding opportunities,” Johnson in the United States dedicated to a single the host of “The Scandinavian Hour,” heard and snacks for just $5. Then, Leikarringen explained. immigrant group. This national treasure Saturdays at 9 a.m. on KKNW 1150-AM. celebrates its 50th anniversary Feb. 21, 2:30- Equally important, Johnson added, are includes a main complex of 16 historic Both lodges agreed it would be more 6:30 p.m., with Norwegian music and dance Quandahl’s strong ties to the museum, its buildings in downtown Decorah, and an fun to combine efforts for their respective and a buffet at Leif Erikson Hall. Admission mission, and its members. “A passion for immigrant farmstead and prairie church just installations. This notion was quickly borne is $5. his own Norwegian heritage will fuel his outside the city. out as the crowd swelled and more tables efforts on our behalf, and his friendliness and approachability will allow him to tobacco producers... easily communicate that passion to others,” (…continued from page 3) Johnson said. On the basis of the index providers’ industrial classification of companies Sons of Norway Building, B-20 in the GPFG’s equity and fixed-income Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street portfolio (FTSE All Cap and Barclays (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 Global Aggregate) and information on the www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] companies’ own websites, the Council on TOBACCO By appointment please Ethics has identified 17 companies engaged in activities affected by the criterion for exclusion of tobacco producers. Since the companies themselves state that they are Seattle, Washington Norwegian Commercial Club primarily engaged in tobacco production, the Council on Ethics has not found it necessary to contact the companies to confirm this. The excluded companies are: Alliance February, Feb. 11 at 6 p.m. One International Inc., Altria Group Inc., Astrid Karlsen Scott, Author British American Tobacco BHD, British that in principle will exclude all production American Tobacco Plc., Gudang Garam tbk of tobacco, regardless of the percentage of Astrid will talk about her books on World pt., Imperial Tobacco Group Plc., ITC Ltd., business represented by tobacco production. War II, agents, and the Norwegian This means that it will be possible to exclude Japan Tobacco Inc., KT&G Corp, Lorillard Underground. Inc., Philip Morris International Inc., a few more companies than those listed under Philip Morris Cr AS., Reynolds American the industrial classification “tobacco” by the Inc., Souza Cruz SA, Swedish Match AB, index providers. The new screening criterion February, Feb. 25 at 6 p.m. Universal Corp VA and Vector Group Ltd. for tobacco production is limited to tobacco In drafting a new criterion on screening products and does not include associated Regular meeting tobacco producers, the Ministry of Finance products such as filters and flavor additives. placed particular emphasis on finding a The Council on Ethics has given notice that it may return with further Leif Erikson Hall 2245 NW 57th St. delimitation that fits well with the structure For more information, call Ozzie at (206) 297-4254 of the current ethical guidelines, including recommendations to exclude companies that existing rules for negative screening of produce tobacco. certain weapons manufacturers. On this basis, a rule has been adopted supporting local Norwegian business since 1932

JANUARY 29, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 14 No r w e g i a n He r i t a g e Save your stamps and phone cards Through collecting and selling used stamps TUBFRIM has been aiding the eradication of Rønningen Ramblings tuberculosis among Norwegian children since 1928 with Heidi Håvan Grosch

Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married Da v i d Mo e her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his Juneau, Alaska home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us in on the good, the bad and the unexpected! Postmaster Ditlef Frantzen in Nesbyen, Snowshoes (Truger) vs Skis – Norway established TUBFRIM in 1928. the Great Debate The aim was to collect and sell used stamps and use the proceeds to aid the eradication of tuberculosis among Norwegian children. The first profit was made in 1929 with NOK 1,500, growing to NOK 650,000 in 2009. TUBFRIM is owned by the Norwegian collected from businesses and government Health Association and today the profits offices and Elfrida Nord has sent them to are used to help handicapped children and Lief Eriksen Lodge in Seattle to be mailed to youth in Norway and to finance the efforts to TUBFRIM, NO-3540 Nesbyen, Norway. eradicate tuberculosis. The current manager, Arvid Syvetsen, Most Norwegian Embassies, Consulates, says in a newsletter that since TUBFRIM Seaman’s Churches and many private persons was founded, more than NOK 17 million has and groups participate in the TUBFRIM been collected. Several hundred handicapped program. Outside of Norway, the greatest children benefit from the fund every year. collection takes place in the United States He says, “Thank you for participating in through the efforts of Sons of Norway. our humanitarian program by sending us used Knut Karlsen, past International President stamps and phonecards.” These stamps are of the Sons of Norway, used his influence put together into booklets and sold to stamp to get lodges all over the United States and collectors all over the world, thus raising the Canada involved in collecting stamps for this money for this worthy project. Thank you to effort. At our lodge in Juneau, Alaska Margo all who participate. Lewis and others have faithfully cut stamps

Early Bird Special! Book before Feb. 28, Norwegian Adventure Tour 2010 - $2,800 per person $2,800 double occupancy. Escorted by Lady and the Troll Regular Price $2,995 Booking Now! See website for details. Norway—A Hiker’s Paradise Trollhaugen Tours specializes in designing and With spectacular fjords, waterfalls and nature, Norway is a hiker’s organizing group tours to the Nordic paradise. Magne, who is said to let no path go unexplored, has planned this trip with plenty of hikes. countries. The tours can be customized for Photo: Heidi Håvan Grosch church groups, genealogy groups, family • Climb to the top of the Olympic ski jump in Lillehammer. • Spectacular mountain hikes at Stalheim. reunions, ski clubs and social clubs. • Historic Bergen Hanseatic wharf. • Scenic hikes on Bergen’s Fløyen Mountain. I thought everyone who came from a skins) 4,000-6,000 years ago, and made the Trollhaugen Tours • Hiking tour of Oslo, including Frognerparken sculptor park. Cindy and Magne Hatlevik Check out www.trollhaugentours.com for more information. country that spent half the year blanketed in migration from Central Asia to places like www.trollhaugentours.com · 651-264-1608 August 20—30, 2010 snowy darkness would understand the beauty Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Scandinavia of snowshoes. I was sure that any Norwegian easier in winter conditions. They have farm that lay nestled in a forest of pine would evolved over time into different designs Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly have at least one pair in the closet. I never tailored to different conditions (mine are doubted for a moment that every Norwegian long and narrow, perfect for negotiating To learn more about the Norwegian American Foundation visit: http://noram.norway.com over 10 would have tried snowshoes at least steep forest trails); some are even certain once. But when I polled the Norwegians I snowshoes are the forefathers of skis. And know, most said “no” and asked skeptically, now they are lighter than ever. “Why should we use snowshoes? We have They were popular in frontier America e Scandinavian Hour skis.” with anyone needing to travel through snowy Celebrating over 40 years on the air As some of you may remember, I do conditions (including soldiers, trappers, cross-country ski – in flat places - and they prospectors and Native Americans), but KKNW - 1150 AM are few and far between over here. I can go began to decrease in popularity when Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 am up, I can go forward but it seems the only Scandinavians immigrated to the United way I have discovered to successfully stop States, skis in hand, in the 1800s. To keep Streaming live on the internet at: is to use my head, and therefore a slope of people “on their feet,” snowshoeing became www.1150kknw.com any steepness makes my heart shutter. But a form of recreation (and not just a means of Full Service Agency With Experienced snowshoes have taken away that fear and getting from point “a” to point “b”) and in Norwegian Speaking Consultants! now I face every forest incline with the the late 1800s snowshoeing clubs were born. Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! confidence of a full-fledged outdoorsman. I I read recently that Minnesota alone had over information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! know I will not fall. 60 different clubs and sponsored activities My husband Morten and I recently did included races, hurdle courses, night romps Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , Specials to Scandinavia VERRAZANO TRAVEL & LEISURE a field test – he on skis, I on snowshoes. As and a version of a progressive dinner (the Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the Caribbean 1 (718) 979-6641 expected, he glided over the fields and down group would snowshoe to someone’s house, Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] slopes much faster than I – but it was much “eat-drink- and-be-merry,” then take the trail Verrazano TraVel & leisure easier for me to negotiate trails where there home again). Sounds like fun, and Morten’s 1 (718) 979-6641 were none, and tree roots and buried shrubs sister is just a one-hours’ snowshoe hike MULLAVEY, PROUT,[email protected] GRENLEY & FOE didn’t get tangled up in my feet. I got a more through the forest away! a t t o r n e y s a [email protected] d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w strenuous workout than he, and my snowsuit If you can walk, you can snowshoe and (Kjeledress) was dripping in sweat… but at that’s enough for me. Skis may allow you to least it was the sweat of excursion and not go faster, but snowshoes keep people like Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, the sweat of fear. me on my feet, so I don’t care how much commercial transactions and estate planning. the Norwegians tease me about my choice of So where DID snowshoes come from? winter sport. 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Mine came from a local sporting goods But there must be something appealing store, but they were originally made out of about my snowshoes because now all the Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 materials close at hand (wood and animal Norwegians I know want to go. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JANUARY 29, 2010 Ed u c a t i o n & Re s e a r c h 15 Yes he can—U.S. Ambassador Events on Norway.com visit to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology For more information on these and other events visit us at: www.norway.com/calendar.asp American President Barack Obama has only Does your organization have an event coming up? been in office a year but has steadfastly tackled Would you like to have it added to our events calendar? Send an email to Christy at [email protected] or give us a call at 1(800) 305-0217. some of the most pressing problems facing CALIFORNIA via House from Feb. 3. The innovative, the United States, the American ambassador Nordic Spirit Symposium award-winning, and environmentally to Norway told a gathering of students at February 5- 6 conscious architectural firm, Snøhet- Thousand Oaks, Calif. ta, will be featured in a multi-faceted the Norwegian University of Science and Scandinavians did not stop their far- exhibition, opening on Feb. 4, 2010. Technology on Jan. 18 flung adventures just because the Vi- SNØHETTA, architecture – landscape king Age came to an end. They pushed – interior offers insights into the design on as restless seekers, adventurers and and construction of the firm’s most im- explorers for centuries. Their landmark portant works, including the celebrated accomplishments in the 18th to the 21st Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Alexandria, centuries will be celebrated at the 11th Egypt, the recently completed Norwe- annual Nordic Spirit Symposium, which gian National Opera and Ballet in Oslo, takes place Feb. 5-6, 2010 at California Norway, and the planned National Sept. Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks. 11 Memorial Museum Pavilion in New “The Nordic Explorers: From Polar Fron- York. Organized and initially presented tiers to the Silk Road” will feature distin- by the National Museum – Architecture guished speakers and polished perform- in Oslo earlier this year, this exhibition ers, as well as lively visuals and videos. includes films, photographs, drawings, The general public, as well as the Scan- models, and interactive learning devices. dinavian community, is invited “to share Commissioned by the Norwegian Minis- the time-honored spirit of a symposium, try of Foreign Affairs, the exhibition is blending music, dining, and the free ex- produced by Norway’s National Museum change of ideas to enhance the pleasure of Art, Architecture, and Design in close of learning,” according to Nordic Spirit collaboration with Snøhetta. The cura- founder and director, Howard K. Rock- tor is Eva Madshus, Senior Curator at stad. For further information, call (818) the National Museum—Architecture in 788-4552 or e-mail seeallan@sbcglobal. Oslo. For more information, visit www. Photo: Norwegian University of Science and Technology net. scandinaviahouse.org Idaho Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Norwegian Univeristy of Science and Technology First Annual Sun Valley Utah Nordic Festival Ski for Light January 30 - February 7 January 31 - February 7, 2010 Sun Valley, Idaho Midway, Utah “He has taken on tough issues and Bay, Cuba. “Guantanamo Bay is one of The First Annual Sun Valley Nordic Fes- The 35th annual Ski for Light Interna- has not shied away from tackling tough the most serious problems (Obama) faces,” tival will take place Jan. 30-Feb. 7, 2010. tional Week will take place from Sunday questions,” said Ambassador Barry White, White acknowledged. “It’s clearly an The festival features nine days of activi- Jan. 31 through Sunday Feb. 7, 2010 in Obama’s appointed ambassador to Norway. embarrassment to the United States. But what ties, races, clinics and fun events along the Wasatch Mountains of Utah. We will White visited Trondheim on Jan. 18 do you do with the people who are there?” with a $49, nine-day valley-wide Nor- stay at the Marriott Hotel and Conference to meet with local and county officials, White said the United States had hoped for dic trail pass, discounts on demos/rent- Center in downtown Provo, and ski at the along with representatives from NTNU and more willingness among European nations als, lodging and dining which showcase Soldier Hollow cross-country ski area in SINTEF. He spoke after lunch to about 200 to accept relocation of some of the detainees, and celebrate Sun Valley’s well-deserved nearby Midway, Utah. Soldier Hollow NTNU students at the Dragvoll campus. but added that the reasons for their reluctance reputation as “Nordic Town USA.” A trip was the cross-country skiing venue for He said he saw his primary job in Norway to open their doors to resettle detainees was to the Nordic festival will also be given the . If you have was to improve business relationships understandable. away at www.svnordicfestival.com. Sun never before attended what many have between to two countries and “to bring White also identified potential nuclear Valley has a well-deserved reputation called the experience of a lifetime. For people together,” including finding a way to proliferation in Iran as “the biggest threat for world-class , but is also more information visit sfl.org. bring more Americans to study in Norway. to world security” and said the American making a name as “Nordic Town USA” “I’m a strong believer in people-to-people government was looking forward to with the best nordic ski terrain in the dialogue,” he said. working with Norway on the issue. He United States. In fact, it’s so good, mem- WASHINGTON At least one aspect of White’s work closed his comments to the students with an bers of the Norwegian Olympic Nordic Sons of Norway District 2 will be made a little easier by the continued exhortation that sounded more valedictory Ski Team come to the valley to train. Sun Cross-Country Ski Race increase in the number of exchanges funded than diplomatic: “Study hard,” he said. “And Valley has plenty to offer Nordic skiers February 6 through the Fulbright Scholars program, and go out and save the world.” and winter recreationalists of all ages and Easton, Wash. the inauguration this year of a new program Before his appointment as ambassador, abilities, from over 200 kilometers of Bring your family and friends of all ages called the Fulbright Arctic Chairs. The arctic White was a successful Boston attorney and groomed trails and one of the country’s up to Trollhaugen Lodge for this fun program sends a Norwegian arctic scientist served for more than 13 years as Chairman premier Nordic ski races, unmatched event. We have a children’s racetrack and to the United States for three months and and Managing Partner (CEO) of Foley Hoag snow and weather conditions, and a vi- an adult racetrack. All skiers are timed as brings an American arctic scientist to Norway LLP, where he was a senior partner in the brant community of Nordic skiers and they take to the course, but medals are for the same time period. It has been funded firm’s business, corporate, international sports enthusiasts, to plenty of other top- awarded in numerous categories based with a four-year, NOK 6 million grant from and government strategies practice areas. notch yet affordable recreational and cul- on age and gender. Whether you come in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He practiced law at Foley Hoag for 40 tural diversions. For all the Cool Deals first or last, you are guaranteed to have The recipients of the awards for the 2010- years, and was also active as the Secretary, on lodging, dining, and activities, please lots of fun. This is a family-friendly event 2011 academic year have not yet been General Counsel and Member of the visit www.svnordicfestival.com. and children are most welcome. Skiers of announced. White said record low levels of Executive Committee of the Greater Boston any ability may participate! 8:30 to 10 arctic ice in the summers of 2007, 2008 and Chamber of Commerce and as a Director of New York a.m.: Registration. The cost will be $5.00 2009 illustrated the problems being brought the Massachusetts Alliance for International “Snøhetta, architecture-landscape- for skiers over 12 years of age and $3.00 on by global climate change and underscored Business. interior” exhibition at Scandinavia for the younger skiers. This will include a the importance of improving humankind’s House warm lunch after the races. 10 a.m. to 12 understanding of the arctic. February 3 - April 3 p.m.: Ski Races 12 to 1:30 p.m.: Awards Students asked White about everything New York, N.Y. luncheon hosted by Oslo Lodge #35 of from Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize The Exhibition “SNØHETTA, architec- Bremerton, Wash. to the American government’s failure to ture – landscape – interior” at Scandina- close the detention camps in Guantanamo JANUARY 29, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Your Travel Partner to Paradise

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