No. 138


(The Questions and Answers Paper published for the first sitting day in each week will contain, by number and title, all unanswered questions, together with questions to which answers have been received on the previous sitting and any new questions. On subsequent days, new questions are printed, as are questions to which answers were received the previous day. Consequently the full text of any question will be printed only twice: when notice is given; and, when answered.)

Notice given on date shown 3580 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Publication of Questions Answer to be lodged by

Q & A No. 125 (Including Question Nos 3240 to 3266) 28 March 2013

Q & A No. 126 (Including Question Nos 3267 to 3444) 02 April 2013

Q & A No. 127 (Including Question Nos 3445 to 3496) 03 April 2013

Q & A No. 128 (Including Question Nos 3497 to 3501) 04 April 2013

Q & A No. 129 (Including Question Nos 3502 to 3605) 16 April 2013

Q & A No. 130 (Including Question Nos 3606 to 3612) 17 April 2013

Q & A No. 131 (Including Question Nos 3613 to 3675) 18 April 2013

Q & A No. 132 (Including Question Nos 3676 to 3727) 23 April 2013

Q & A No. 133 (Including Question Nos 3728 to 4052) 24 April 2013

Q & A No. 134 (Including Question Nos 4053 to 4068) 25 April 2013

Q & A No. 135 (Questions—Nil) -

Q & A No. 136 (Including Question Nos 4069 to 4081) 30 April 2013

Q & A No. 137 (Including Question Nos 4082 to 4143) 01 May 2013

Q & A No. 138 (Including Question Nos 4144 to 4327) 04 June 2013 3581 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

21 FEBRUARY 2013 (Paper No. 125)

*3240 TRANSPORT—WHEEL CHAIR ACCESSIBLE TAXIS—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) When is the evaluation of subsidies and incentives to support the provision of wheel chair taxis due to be completed? (2) (a) Will this review be made public? (b) If not, why not?

Answer— I am advised: (1) and (2) The Government is currently considering options to improve services for customers who rely on wheelchair accessible taxis. Customers and stakeholders are being consulted as part of this process.

*3241 TRANSPORT— RAILWAY—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) Since September 2012, has the Government met with representatives of the Zig Zag Railway? (b) If so, when? (2) Since September 2012, what assistance has the Government provided the Zig Zag Railway to meet the requirements of the Independent Transport Safety Regulator report? (3) When will the Zig Zag railway be open for passengers? Answer— I am advised: (1) (a) No. (b) see (1)(a). (2) Transport for NSW and RailCorp made an ongoing offer to Zig Zag Railway to attend training courses at the RailCorp Australian Rail Training College at Petersham. I understand that a number of Zig Zag Railway staff have taken up this offer and have attended training courses. (3) The Zig Zag Railway can resume passenger operations when the Independent Transport Safety Regulator is satisfied that the safety issues that were identified have been addressed.

*3245 TRANSPORT—GRAFFITI RELATED INCIDENTS ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many prosecutions have there been for graffiti related incidents on public transport since the Government's new graffiti legislation was introduced in August 2012? (2) How many of these prosecutions were successful? Answer— I am advised: (1) and (2) The Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research holds figures on police prosecutions and court outcomes in NSW. This question should be redirected to the Attorney General.

*3246 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—GRAFFITI RELATED INCIDENTS ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— 3582 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) How many prosecutions have there been for graffiti related incidents on public transport since the Government's new graffiti legislation was introduced in August 2012? (2) How many of these prosecutions were successful? Answer— (1) and (2) Questions regarding prosecutions and crime statistics are more appropriately addressed to the Attorney General, whose department is also the lead agency for graffiti.

*3247 PREMIER—DEPARTMENT LIAISON OFFICERS ASSIGNED TO NSW MINISTERS OFFICES—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Premier, and Minister for Western Sydney— Of the 57 Department Liaison Officers (DLOs) assigned to NSW Ministers' Offices, how many are assigned to the Office of the Minister for Transport? Answer— I am advised: Three

*3248 TRANSPORT—NORTH WEST RAIL LINK COMMUNITY INFORMATION CENTRE AT CASTLE HILL—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) In the 2011-12 financial year: (a) What was the budget for staff assigned to the North West Rail Link (NWRL) Community Information Centre? (b) What was the actual expenditure on staff assigned to the NWRL Community Information Centre? (2) In the 2011-12 financial year: (a) What was the budget for rent for the NWRL Community Information Centre? (b) What was the actual expenditure on rent for the NWRL Community Information Centre? (3) In the 2011-12 financial year: (a) What was the budget for utilities at NWRL Community Information Centre? (b) What was the actual expenditure for utilities at the NWRL Community Information Centre? (4) In the 2011-12 financial year: (a) What was the budget for promotional materials produced for the NWRL Community Information Centre (including animations, leaflets, printing)? (b) What was the actual expenditure on promotional materials produced for the NWRL Community Information Centre?

Answer— I am advised: The Community Information Centre is funded through the North West Rail Link and as such is included in the overall budget for that project. Unlike your Government when it was in office, we value meaningful consultation with the community.

*3249 TRANSPORT—NORTH WEST RAIL LINK COMMUNITY INFORMATION CENTRE AT CASTLE HILL—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) In the 2012-13 financial year: (a) What was the budget for staff assigned to the North West Rail Link (NWRL) Community Information Centre? (b) What was the budget for rent for the NWRL Community Information Centre? (c) What was the budget for utilities at NWRL Community Information Centre? 3583 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(d) What was the budget for promotional materials produced for the NWRL Community Information Centre (including animations, leaflets, printing)?

Answer— I am advised: The Community Information Centre is funded through the North West Rail Link and as such is included in the overall budget for that project. Unlike your Government when it was in office, we value meaningful consultation with the community.

*3250 TRANSPORT—INS CAREER MANAGEMENT SERVICES IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) INS Career Management has been contracted at a cost of $1,259,897 for career development services from October 2011 to November 2012. (a) How many public sector workers have accessed these services? Please provide a breakdown of the numbers and level of service provided?

Answer— I am advised: (1) (a) Regrettably, under the previous Government, middle management at RailCorp became bloated. The Government is committed to providing career management services for employees who leave RailCorp.

*3251 TRANSPORT—THIRD HORIZON CONSULTING PARTNERS CONTRACT—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) Third Horizon Consulting Partners has been contracted at a cost of $500,000 to develop a performance based services contract. Has the contract been finalised? (2) (a) Can you provide a copy of the contract? (b) If not, why not?

Answer— I am advised: (1) and (2) Information relating to the Rail Services contract is available in the Transport for NSW Annual Report.

*3253 TRANSPORT—ACTIVE TRANSPORT PLAN—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— When will the Active Transport plan be released? Answer— I am advised: After 16 years in Government, Labor failed to release an active Transport plan. The NSW Government's plan for active transport will be released this year.

*3255 TRANSPORT—EMU PLAINS STABLING FACILITY—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— What is the expenditure to date on the Emu Plains stabling facility? Answer— I am advised: 3584 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Work on the Emu Plains Stabling Facility commenced under the former Labor Government. Regrettably, the constant changes in Labor's transport plans meant a fleet stabling strategy was never properly developed and implemented. Transport for NSW recently undertook a review of all train stabling requirements across the network to ensure the best use of resources while maintaining service reliability. With two major stabling facilities being delivered at Auburn and Rossmore, it was determined that the stabling facility at Emu Plains would not be required for a number of years.

*3256 TRANSPORT—ARTAMON STATION ACCESS—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) Has Artamon Station been considered for upgrades under the Transport Access Program? (b) If yes, what is the status of this project? (c) If not, why not? (d) When will Artamon station be given an accessibility upgrade?

Answer— I am advised: On 23 April 2012, the NSW Government announced a new Transport Access Program which will deliver accessible, modern, secure and integrated transport infrastructure where it is needed most. This includes station upgrades, better interchanges, ferry wharf upgrades and commuter car parks. The Transport Access Program includes more than $770 million over four years which are prioritised against specific criteria. Improvements at over 50 locations have already been announced. More planning and design work will now occur to see which projects will come next. Artarmon train station will be considered as part of this process.

*3257 TRANSPORT—RAILCORPS FEDERAL MAGISTRATES COURT CASE LEGAL COSTS—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— What were RailCorp's legal costs in the case in the Federal Magistrates Court about inaudible train announcements on the train network? Answer— I am advised: You should be aware of this information. It was provided to you by RailCorp in response to your recent GIPA request on this matter.

*3258 TRANSPORT—REGIONAL TRANSPORT PLANS—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) When will Transport for NSW commence work with the Department of Planning and Infrastructure and local councils to prepare the: (a) Western Regional Transport Plan? (b) Central West Regional Transport Plan? (c) Murray - Murrumbridge Regional Transport Plan? (d) Southern Regional Transport Plan? (e) New England Regional Transport Plan? (f) Northern Rivers Regional Transport Plan? (g) Hunter Regional Transport Plan? (h) Mid North Coast Regional Transport Plan? (i) Central Coast Regional Transport Plan? (j) Illawarra Regional Transport Plan? (2) What opportunities will communities have to: 3585 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(a) Make submissions? (b) make other comments on the development of the plans? (3) When will these plans be made public? Answer— I am advised: (1) (a) to (j) Work on Regional Transport Plans for each of the ten regions in NSW is already underway. Transport for NSW is working closely with the Department of Planning and Infrastructure to develop the Regional Transport Plans, and to ensure alignment with Regional Strategies. (2) (a) and (b) Transport for NSW has met with Regional Organisations of Councils across NSW to discuss the transport priorities specific to each region. Extensive consultation was undertaken in the development of the Long Term Transport Master Plan during 2012.

*3259 ROADS AND PORTS—SHELL TERMINAL MODIFICATION PROJECTS—Ms Faehrmann asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) Which authority or authorities has or have had overall responsibility for assessing the totality of the impacts on the public and on the environment, associated with importing and transferring refined petroleum products through the Harbour and its pumping from those vessels into the pipeline? (2) Can the Government confirm that the net physical properties of gasoline are more volatile and that gasoline has great explosive potential than crude oil? (3) What consideration has the Government made regarding the extent and nature of the risks associated with additional vessels carrying refined petroleum products through Sydney Harbour rather than the current mix of crude oil and finished products? (4) With the change in operation of the Gore Bay terminal to one that handles refined petroleum products alone, what changes will have to be made to the safety features of the terminal to deal with this change of hazard? (5) What increases have been made to the onsite fire fighting capacities and at the Crows Nest Fire Station? (6) What changes have been made to the pipeline and its safety features to deal with the more volatile contents? (7) Shell recently conducted an emergency response drill in Woolwich: where else has Shell conducted these emergency drills? (8) What was the nature of the exercise conducted recently along the pipeline in Woolwich and what hazards were identified by this exercise? (9) (a) Will there be more fuel stored at Clyde to compensate for the lack of refining capacity at Clyde? (b) If so, what will the new arrangements entail? (10) In regards to the Departments of Health's assessment of the risk of cancer in the Greenwich area: (a) Is the Government aware that a cancer study related to the crude oil importation in the Greenwich area was done by Dr Tim Driscoll for Shell? (b) Has this study been provided to the Department of Health as part of the environmental assessment of the changes in activity at the Gore Bay terminal? (c) (i) Does the Health Department consider that there is increased risk from an increase in the quantity of refined petroleum products compared to the previous fuels discharged at the Gore Bay terminal? (ii) If so, has the risk been quantified and what is it? (11) In regards to the Emergency Services Assessment of the Explosive and Fire risk of the changes at 3586 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Gore Bay terminal and Clyde: (a) Will the government guarantee that refined petroleum products will not be stored as close to residential areas as crude oil was in the past? (b) Has the government augmented the emergency services in the Crows Nest⁄Lane Cove area to deal with a major problem at the terminal? If not, why not, given that the hazard has increased? (c) If so, what augmentation has occurred? (d) Do emergency services have the right to access the Gore Bay site or will access be controlled by Shell as it has in the past? (12) In regards to Air Monitoring in Sydney and in Gore Bay in particular: (a) What changes were made to routine air monitoring in Sydney following the 2003 harbour oil spill? (b) What perimeter monitoring exists at the Gore Bay terminal? (c) Is such monitoring continuous? (d) Who carries out this monitoring? (e) Are the results of this monitoring readily available to the public in a timely fashion? (f) When will the Health department's assessment of the risk from the unloading and transfer of refined petroleum products be available? (g) Will the full text of this assessment be made available publicly? (13) What changes have there been to emergency services and protocols to deal with the increased volatility of the contents of the pipeline from Gore Bay to Clyde? (14) What changes have been made at Clyde to deal with the additional input of refined petroleum products and reduction in refining processes? (15) In regards to requirements for Shell's Development Application (DA): (a) The Gore Bay terminal and the Clyde site are connected by a 19 kilometre pipeline and so now are part of the same operation; as there is no longer any refining occurring at the Clyde site, will the Government require Shell to submit the one Development Application to cover the total operation? (b) If not, why not? (c) If there are separate DAs for the Gore Bay and Clyde sites, will the Government require them to be dealt with simultaneously? (d) If Shell proceeds with two separate DAs that do not include the pipeline, how will an evaluation be conducted by the government due to this change to a permanent refined petroleum products pumping line, in particular in relation to public health and safety of the communities through which it passes?

Answer— I am advised: (1) Sydney Ports Corporation is responsible for regulating the carriage of dangerous goods on ships and the transfer between ship and shore facilities in Sydney Harbour and Port Botany. WorkCover is responsible for regulating the onshore storage tank facilities. (2) No. The majority of crude oils handled at the Gore Bay terminal are categorised as light crude which has a lower flash point (and so greater explosive potential) than unleaded petroleum (gasoline). (3) Gore Bay has previously operated as a refined fuel import terminal for periods of up to 12 months during maintainance shutdowns of the Clyde refinery. The change from importing light crude to refined products will involve smaller vessels using the terminal at a slightly increased frequency. The risks associated with the new, refined products are regarded as less than those associated with the previous light crude imports. (4) to (15) This is not a matter for Roads and Ports.

*3262 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—FORENSIC PSYCHIATRIST MORISSET HOSPITAL—Ms Voltz asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— 3587 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

As the recruitment to the position of forensic psychiatrist Morisset Hospital has been ongoing, with the latest advertising for the position closing in mid October 2012, can the Minister please advise when a replacement forensic psychiatrist will be found? Answer— I am advised: The Justice and Forensic Mental Health Network's Clinical Council is responsible for the clinical governance of mental health services provided to forensic and high risk civil patients, to ensure a consistency of approach to training, policy and care of forensic patients regardless of their location in the state. In addition, at Morisset Hospital, a full time Staff Specialist has been permanently appointed to the position and accepted the position in January 2013. The doctor is currently undertaking further specialist education in the area of Forensic Psychiatry and is supported by the Justice and Forensic Mental Health Network. An experienced Forensic Staff Specialist has also agreed to take up a temporary position for three months from April 2013 to provide additional leadership and support to the service.

*3263 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—GAME COUNCIL MR EDWARD HOOGENBOOM—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) What role did Mr Edward Hoogenboom undertake as a volunteer ranger with the Game CouNcil? (2) Why as of 21 February 2013 has every reference to Mr Hoogenboom recently been deleted from the Game Coucils Website? Answer— (1) The Game Council advises that: Mr Hoogenboom assisted in stakeholder liaison at public relation events such as hunting and outdoor shows. (2) The Game Council advises that several images of Mr Hoogenboom were removed to prevent the media using the images.

*3264 TOURISM, MAJOR EVENTS, HOSPITALITY AND RACING—DESTINATION NSW MARKETING EXPENSES—Ms Barham asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— (1) Regarding page 68 of the 2011-12 annual report for Destination NSW which shows that "other operating expenses" are in the order of $100 million for the year, what is the breakdown of marketing expenses for the following: (a) Domestic marketing? (i) Marketing Sydney? (ii) Marketing Regional New South Wales? Please provide a breakdown for each region. (b) International Marketing? (c) Sector marketing including: (i) Aboriginal tourism? (ii) Accessible tourism? (iii) Backpacker tourism? (iv) Business tourism? (v) Caravan and camping tourism? (vi) Cruise tourism? (vii) Cultural tourism? (viii) Food and wine tourism? (ix) Nature and national parks tourism? (x) Surf tourism? (xi) The youth market? (d) Events marketing? 3588 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— (1) Other operating expenses are explained on page 79 of Destination NSW's annual report under Note 2 (c). Destination NSW's management reporting does not allocate marketing expenses to the requested categories.

*3266 HEALTH—MAITLAND HOSPITAL PARKING—Ms Cotsis asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) Regarding the opening of a further 44 car spaces at Maitland Hospital in January 2013: (a) How many spaces are now available in total? (b) How many of these spaces are for the disabled? (c) What enhancements are planned to accommodate increased need for car parking in the future at Maitland Hospital?

Answer— I am advised: (1) (a) to (c) There are a total of 442 car parking spaces at Maitland Hospital for patients, visitors and staff. This includes 195 car parking spaces available for visitors, with 10 of these designated disabled spaces. There are no immediate plans to further enhance the car park beyond the 44 spaces added in January 2013.

26 FEBRUARY 2013 (Paper No. 126)

*3267 SPORT AND RECREATION—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Sport and Recreation— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Sport and Recreation who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Government. Minister Annesley does not currently utilise the services of a permanently allocated driver.

*3268 ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS, CITIZENSHIP AND COMMUNITIES—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Citizenship and Communities, and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Citizenship and Communities and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government. 3589 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3269 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES, MENTAL HEALTH—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Healthy Lifestyles, and Minister for Western New South Wales— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Healthy Lifestyles and Minister for Western New South Wales who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3270 FAIR TRADING—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Fair Trading— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Fair Trading who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3271 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES, WOMEN—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Family and Community Services, and Minister for Women— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Family and Community Services and Minister for Women who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3272 LOCAL GOVERNMENT, NORTH COAST—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Local Government, and Minister for the North Coast— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Local Government and the Minister for North Coast who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government. 3590 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3273 ATTORNEY GENERAL, JUSTICE—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Attorney General and Minister for Justice who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Attorney General's and Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3274 AGEING, DISABILITY SERVICES—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Ageing, and Minister for Disability Services— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Ageing and Minister for Disability Services who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3275 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, SMALL BUSINESS—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Primary Industries and Minister for Small Business who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3276 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Finance and Services and Minister for the Illawarra who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government. 3591 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3277 TREASURER, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3278 ARTS, TOURISM, MAJOR EVENTS, HOSPITALITY AND RACING—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Tourism Major Events, Hospitality and Racing and Minister for the Arts who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3279 CENTRAL COAST, RESOURCES AND ENERGY, SPECIAL MINISTER OF STATE—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State and Minister for Central Coast who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— (1) and (2) NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government

*3280 ENVIRONMENT, HERITAGE—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for the Environment and Minister for Heritage who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— I am advised as follows: NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government. 3592 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3281 TRANSPORT—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Transport who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— I am advised: NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3282 ASSISTING THE PREMIER ON INFRASTRUCTURE NSW, PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW, Leader of the House— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure and Minister for Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— (1) and 2. I am advised that NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3283 ROADS AND PORTS—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Roads and Ports who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— I am advised: NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3284 HUNTER, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Minister for the Hunter who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3285 EDUCATION—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3593 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Education who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— (1) and (2) NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3286 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— I am advised: NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3287 PREMIER, WESTERN SYDNEY—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Premier, and Minister for Western Sydney— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— I am advised: NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3288 REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES, TRADE AND INVESTMENT—GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER RELOCATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— (1) Given the expiration of the lease on Governor Macquarie Tower next year, what is the actual number of staff working for the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services who will have to be relocated? (2) Where will the Deputy Premiers and Minister's driver be located when they are not performing driving duties? Answer— (1) and (2) NSW Government Ministerial Offices will relocate to premises which deliver a better financial outcome to taxpayers. On coming to Government in March 2011, Ministerial staff numbers were reduced compared with those of the previous Labor Government.

*3289 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3594 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Government Schools in the Menai Electorate? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3290 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Government Schools in the Cronulla Electorate? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3291 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Government Schools in the Hawkesbury Electorate? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3292 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Government Schools in the Baulkham Hills Electorate? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3293 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Government Schools in the Castle Hill Electorate? 3595 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3294 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Government Schools in the Riverstone Electorate? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3295 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Mayfield East Public School? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3296 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Newcastle High School? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3297 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Newcastle School? Answer— 3596 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3298 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Lambton High School? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3299 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Waratah Public School? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3300 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Collaghan College? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3301 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at The Hunter Orthopaedic School? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a 3597 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3302 EDUCATION—TEACHER EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Islington Public School? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3303 EDUCATION—TEACHER EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Stockton Public School? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3304 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Merewether High School? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3305 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Hamilton North Public School? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. 3598 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3306 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at The Junction Public School? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3307 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Merewether Heights Public School? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3308 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Merewether Public School? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3309 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Hunter School of Performing Arts? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013. 3599 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3310 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Adamstown Public School? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3311 EDUCATION—TEACHERS EMPLOYED IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— As at February 2013, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) permanent, temporary and casual teachers were employed at Hamilton South Public School? Answer— Under Local Schools, Local Decisions, public school principals across NSW are empowered to appoint a larger proportion of teachers based on merit and schools are able to fill permanent positions on a temporary basis to meet the needs of students. NSW public school principals are making more local decisions about staffing. For the latest annual Workforce Profile as at June 2012, there were 61,664 FTE public school teachers employed across NSW. The 2012-2013 annual Workforce Profile will be released later in 2013.

*3319 EDUCATION—SECURITY FENCING IN SCHOOLS—MENAI ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Which schools in the Menai Electorate have security fencing? (b) In what year was the security fencing installed? (2) (a) Do any schools in the Menai Electorate not have security fencing? (b) If so, which ones? (c) What are the reasons? (d) When will security fencing be provided at each school?

Answer— (1) (a) and (b) Information on which schools had security fencing installed prior to 30 June 2012 and when it was installed is publicly available on the Department of Education and Communities' internet site. Since then a security fence has been installed at Woronora Public School. (2) (a) and (b) Information on which schools had security fencing installed prior to 30 June 2012 is publicly available on the Department of Education and Communities' internet site. (c) and (d) Risk assessments conducted by the Department of Education and Communities indicate that not every school needs a fence and that alternative strategies are sufficient to address a range of security issues that may arise.

*3320 EDUCATION—SECURITY FENCING IN SCHOOLS—NEWCASTLE ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) 3600 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(a) Which schools in the Newcastle Electorate have security fencing? (b) In what year was the security fencing installed? (2) (a) Do any schools in the Newcastle Electorate not have security fencing? (b) If so, which ones? (c) What are the reasons? (d) When will security fencing be provided at each school?

Answer— (1) (a) and (b) Information on which schools had security fencing installed prior to 30 June 2012 and when it was installed is publicly available on the Department of Education and Communities' internet site. (2) (a) and (b) Information on which schools had security fencing installed prior to 30 June 2012 is publicly available on the Department of Education and Communities' internet site. (c) and (d) Risk assessments conducted by the Department of Education and Communities indicate that not every school needs a fence and that alternative strategies are sufficient to address a range of security issues that may arise.

*3321 EDUCATION—SECURITY FENCING IN SCHOOLS—HAWKESBURY ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Which schools in the Hawkebury Electorate have security fencing? (b) In what year was the security fencing installed? (2) (a) Do any schools in the Hawkesbury Electorate not have security fencing? (b) If so, which ones? (c) What are the reasons? (d) When will security fencing be provided at each school?

Answer— (1) (a) and (b) Information on which schools had security fencing installed prior to 30 June 2012 and when it was installed is publicly available on the Department of Education and Communities' internet site. (2) (a) and (b) Information on which schools had security fencing installed prior to 30 June 2012 is publicly available on the Department of Education and Communities' internet site. (c) and (d) Risk assessments conducted by the Department of Education and Communities indicate that not every school needs a fence and that alternative strategies are sufficient to address a range of security issues that may arise.

*3322 EDUCATION—SECURITY FENCING IN SCHOOLS—CASTLE HILL ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Which schools in the Castle Hill Electorate have security fencing? (b) In what year was the security fencing installed? (2) (a) Do any schools in the Castle Hill Electorate not have security fencing? 3601 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(b) If so, which ones? (c) What are the reasons? (d) When will security fencing be provided at each school?

Answer— (1) (a) and (b) Information on which schools had security fencing installed prior to 30 June 2012 and when it was installed is publicly available on the Department of Education and Communities' internet site. (2) (a) and (b) Information on which schools had security fencing installed prior to 30 June 2012 is publicly available on the Department of Education and Communities' internet site. (d) and (b) Risk assessments conducted by the Department of Education and Communities indicate that not every school needs a fence and that alternative strategies are sufficient to address a range of security issues that may arise.

*3323 EDUCATION—SECURITY FENCING IN SCHOOLS—BAULKHAM HILLS ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Which schools in the Baulkham Hills Electorate have security fencing? (b) In what year was the security fencing installed? (2) (a) Do any schools in the Baulkham Hills Electorate not have security fencing? (b) If so, which ones? (c) What are the reasons? (d) When will security fencing be provided at each school?

Answer— (1) (a) and (b) Information on which schools had security fencing installed prior to 30 June 2012 and when it was installed is publicly available on the Department of Education and Communities' internet site. (2) (a) and (b) Information on which schools had security fencing installed prior to 30 June 2012 is publicly available on the Department of Education and Communities' internet site. (c) and (d) Risk assessments conducted by the Department of Education and Communities indicate that not every school needs a fence and that alternative strategies are sufficient to address a range of security issues that may arise.

*3324 EDUCATION—SECURITY FENCING IN SCHOOLS—RIVERSTONE ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Which schools in the Riverstone Electorate have security fencing? (b) In what year was the security fencing installed? (2) (a) Do any schools in the Riverstone Electorate not have security fencing? (b) If so, which ones? (c) What are the reasons? (d) When will security fencing be provided at each school?

Answer— 3602 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) (a) and (b) Information on which schools had security fencing installed prior to 30 June 2012 and when it was installed is publicly available on the Department of Education and Communities' internet site. (2) (a) and (b) Information on which schools had security fencing installed prior to 30 June 2012 is publicly available on the Department of Education and Communities' internet site. (c) and (d) Risk assessments conducted by the Department of Education and Communities indicate that not every school needs a fence and that alternative strategies are sufficient to address a range of security issues that may arise.

*3325 EDUCATION—SECURITY FENCING IN SCHOOLS—CRONULLA ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Which schools in the Cronulla Electorate have security fencing? (b) In what year was the security fencing installed? (2) (a) Do any schools in the Cronulla Electorate not have security fencing? (b) If so, which ones? (c) What are the reasons? (d) When will security fencing be provided at each school?

Answer— (1) (a) and (b) Information on which schools had security fencing installed prior to 30 June 2012 and when it was installed is publicly available on the Department of Education and Communities internet site. (2) (a) and (b) Information on which schools had security fencing installed prior to 30 June 2012 is publicly available on the Department of Education and Communities internet site. (c) and (d) Risk assessments conducted by the Department of Education and Communities indicate that not every school needs a fence and that alternative strategies are sufficient to address a range of security issues that may arise.

*3327 EDUCATION—SCHOOL FUNDING UNDER THE MAJOR CAPITAL WORKS PROCESS-CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) What projects relating to schools in the Castle Hill Electorate were nominated for funding under the Major Capital Works process in 2011-12 and 2012-13? (2) What projects were successful in each of those years? Answer— (1) and (2) The Department's Total Asset Management (TAM) Plan is subject to Cabinet Consideration, and as a result, the content of this document is Cabinet in Confidence.

*3328 TREASURER—WARATAH BONDS PROGRAMME—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations— (1) How many Waratah Bonds have been purchased since the New South Wales Waratah Bond programme commenced in September 2011? (2) How many individual bonds have been purchased per month since the programme commenced? (3) How many individuals or other entities have purchased bonds? 3603 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(4) How much revenue has been raised from the sale of these bonds to 30 June 2012? (5) How much revenue does the New South Wales Treasury Corporation (TCorp) estimate will be raised from the sale of these bonds in 2012-13? Answer— (1) to (5) TCorp discloses the value of Waratah Bonds on issue each year in its annual report. TCorp does not disclose the number of Waratah Bonds on issue or the number of investors in Waratah Bonds which is consistent with reporting for all its other borrowing programmes.

*3329 EDUCATION—MONITORING SCHOOL ATTENDANCE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) What is the normal process for monitoring school attendance at a public school? (b) What school staff members are normally responsible for which aspects of this process?

Answer— (1) In secondary schools, attendance is recorded each period or lesson. In primary schools, attendance is recorded daily in the home classroom. Public schools have attendance monitoring procedures in place which include prompt follow up of unexplained absences with parents by a range of approaches including telephone, SMS text message, email or letter. (2) All school staff have a role in monitoring school attendance. The school size and context determines to whom the principal delegates responsibility for maintaining attendance records and the follow up of absences with parents.

*3330 EDUCATION—SCHOOL FUNDING UNDER THE MAJOR CAPITAL WORKS PROCESS- BAULKHAM HILLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) What projects relating to schools in the Baulkham Hills Electorate were nominated for funding under the Major Capital Works process in 2011-12 and 2012-13? (2) What projects were successful in each of those years? Answer— (1) and (2) The Department's Total Asset Management (TAM) Plan is subject to Cabinet Consideration, and as a result, the content of this document is Cabinet in Confidence.

*3331 EDUCATION—DRAGON TEETH LINE MARKINGS IN SCHOOL ZONES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Have "dragon teeth" line markings on the road pavement been installed at the gateway of all school zones in the Newcastle Electorate? Answer— This question should be directed to the Minister for Roads.

*3332 EDUCATION—DRAGON TEETH LINE MARKINGS IN SCHOOL ZONES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Have "dragon teeth" line markings on the road pavement been installed at the gateway of all school zones in the Hawkesbury Electorate? Answer— This question should be directed to the Minister for Roads.

*3333 EDUCATION—DRAGON TEETH LINE MARKINGS IN SCHOOL ZONES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3604 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Have "dragon teeth" line markings on the road pavement been installed at the gateway of all school zones in the Castle Hill Electorate? Answer— This question should be directed to the Minister for Roads.

*3334 EDUCATION—DRAGON TEETH LINE MARKINGS IN SCHOOL ZONES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Have "dragon teeth" line markings on the road pavement been installed at the gateway of all school zones in the Baulkham Hills Electorate? Answer— This question should be directed to the Minister for Roads.

*3335 EDUCATION—SCHOOL FUNDING UNDER THE MAJOR CAPITAL WORKS PROCESS- RIVERSTONE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) What projects relating to schools in the Riverstone Electorate were nominated for funding under the Major Capital Works process in 2011-12 and 2012-13? (2) What projects were successful in each of those years? Answer— (1) and (2) The Department's Total Asset Management (TAM) Plan is subject to Cabinet Consideration, and as a result, the content of this document is Cabinet in Confidence.

*3336 EDUCATION—SCHOOL FUNDING UNDER THE MAJOR CAPITAL WORKS PROCESS- CRONULLA—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) What projects relating to schools in the Cronulla Electorate were nominated for funding under the Major Capital Works process in 2011-12 and 2012-13? (2) What projects were successful in each of those years? Answer— (1) and (2) The Department's Total Asset Management (TAM) Plan is subject to Cabinet Consideration, and as a result, the content of this document is Cabinet in Confidence.

*3337 EDUCATION—SCHOOL FUNDING UNDER THE MAJOR CAPITAL WORKS PROCESS- MENAI—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) What projects relating to schools in the Menai Electorate were nominated for funding under the Major Capital Works process in 2011-12 and 2012-13? (2) What projects were successful in each of those years? Answer— (1) and (2) The Department's Total Asset Management (TAM) Plan is subject to Cabinet Consideration, and as a result, the content of this document is Cabinet in Confidence.

*3338 EDUCATION—DRAGON TEETH LINE MARKINGS IN SCHOOL ZONES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Have "dragon teeth" line markings on the road pavement been installed at the gateway of all school zones in the Riverstone Electorate? Answer— This question should be directed to the Minister for Roads. 3605 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3339 EDUCATION—DRAGON TEETH LINE MARKINGS IN SCHOOL ZONES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Have "dragon teeth" line markings on the road pavement been installed at the gateway of all school zones in the Cronulla Electorate? Answer— This question should be directed to the Minister for Roads.

*3340 EDUCATION—DRAGON TEETH LINE MARKINGS IN SCHOOL ZONES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Have "dragon teeth" line markings on the road pavement been installed at the gateway of all school zones in the Menai Electorate? Answer— This question should be directed to the Minister for Roads.

*3341 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN MENAI ELECTORATE PUBLIC SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Which schools in the Menai Electorate are not fitted with smoke detectors? Answer— With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of .

*3342 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN CRONULLA ELECTORATE PUBLIC SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Which schools in the Cronulla Electorate are not fitted with smoke detectors? Answer— With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3343 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN RIVERSTONE ELECTORATE PUBLIC SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Which schools in the Riverstone Electorate are not fitted with smoke detectors? Answer— With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3344 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN BAULKHAM HILLS ELECTORATE PUBLIC SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Which schools in the Baulkham Hills Electorate are not fitted with smoke detectors? Answer— With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3345 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN ADAMSTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Adamstown Public School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— 3606 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) and (2) With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3346 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN MEREWETHER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Merewether Public School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3347 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN MEREWETHER HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Merewether Heights Public School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3348 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN THE JUNCTION PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is The Junction Public School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3349 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN HUNTER SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is the Hunter School of Performing Arts fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3350 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN HAMILLTON NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is the Hamilton North Public School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3351 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN MEREWETHER HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) 3607 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(a) Is Merewether High School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3352 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN CARRINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Carrington Public School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3353 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN ISLINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Islington Public School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3354 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN TIGHES HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Tighes Hill Public School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3355 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN THE HUNTER ORTHOPAEDIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is the Hunter Orthopaedic School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3356 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN CAMERON PARK SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Cameron Park School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia. 3608 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3357 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN CALLAGHAN COLLEGE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Callaghan College fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3358 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN WARATAH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Waratah Public School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3359 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN LAMBTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Lambton Public School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3360 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN NEWCASTLE SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Newcastle School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3361 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN NEWCASTLE EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Newcastle East Public School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3362 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Newcastle High School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many? 3609 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3363 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN HAMILTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Hamilton Public School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3364 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN MAYFIELD EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Mayfield East Public School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3365 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN STOCKTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is Stockton Public School fitted with smoke detectors? (b) If so, how many?

Answer— (1) and 2 With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3366 TRANSPORT—NORTH WEST RAIL PROJECT—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) What is the estimated amount of steel that will be used in the North West Rail Project? (2) (a) Will the Minister for Transport take any steps to ensure that the steel used has been produced in Australia? (b) If so, what steps will you take? (c) If not, why not?

Answer— I am advised: (1) This information is available in the first Environmental Impact Statement section 7.10.8 and the second Environmental Impact Statement section 7.12.3. (2) The project will ensure materials are responsibly sourced and adopt a sustainable materials procurement policy for construction. The procurement process will be done in accordance with NSW Government guidelines.

*3367 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—BIOTECHNNOLOGY AND FOOD PRODUCTION IN NEW SOUTH WALES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— 3610 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) What are the most significant biotechnologies being applied to food production in New South Wales? (2) What data is available to show which biotechnologies are increasingly being used, and which are declining? (3) What empirical evidence is there that the use of biotechnology in New South Wales has increased productivity or resulted in higher outputs? Answer— (1) The major types of non-GM biotechnologies applied in Australian agriculture are: • Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) technologies, widely used in the grain and cattle industries to enhance selection for higher value plant varieties and lines of livestock; • DNA based diagnostics to assist disease management; and • a range of biotechnology techniques to develop functional foods which can produce benefits along the supply chain. (2) The main agricultural biotechnologies appear to be increasingly used in NSW. Whilst not a food crop, use of cotton genetically modified for Helicoverpa.spp resistance is increasing and now accounts for 90% of the annual Australian cotton crop. Likewise the introduction of GM technologies to the NSW canola industry is having significant positive impacts on productivity. It is expected that the market share of GM canola will also continue to increase. (3) It is clear that the existing benefits are significant and future benefits will be large. Expected longer term and important benefits to the economy and society of these innovations are also likely to include lower health costs and a healthier Australian community.

*3368 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN HAWKESBURY ELECTORATE PUBLIC SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Which schools in the Hawkesbury Electorate are not fitted with smoke detectors? Answer— With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3369 EDUCATION—SMOKE DETECTORS IN THE CASTLE HILL ELECTORATE PUBLIC SCHOOLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Which schools in the Castle Hill Electorate are not fitted with smoke detectors? Answer— With relation to smoke detectors, schools comply with the Building Code of Australia.

*3370 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—GAME COUNCIL NSW RESEARCH PROGRAMMES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) What empirical research programmes have been conducted by the Game Council NSW to evaluate whether there has been a reduction of the impacts of feral animals on ecosystems in state forests through "conservation hunting"? (2) (a) Which research programmes are underway? (b) When will they be concluded?

Answer— (1) The Game Council advises that two such research programs are currently being completed. (2) Game Council advises: (a) Project 1 "Hunting Trends on Public Land in NSW 2006-2011" is being completed by contractor Dr Jason Flesch. This project examines the fluctuations in game and feral animal numbers since the start of licensed hunting under the Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 in 25 State forests using the scientific method of catch per unit effort. 3611 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Project 2 "Hunting in State Forests Managers Survey 2012" is being conducted by contractor Dr Jason Flesch. This project will survey Forestry Corporation of NSW Managers and look at their perceived changes in feral animal numbers and any changes in expenditure on feral animal control programs since the start of licensed hunting under the Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002. (b) Project 1 - A draft project report was supplied to Game Council on 28 February for review. The final report is due by 15 March 2013. Project 2 - The final report is due on 1 April 2013.

*3372 EDUCATION—CLEANING COSTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN MENAI—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What was the total expenditure on cleaning at each public school in the Menai electorate in the 2011-12 financial year? Answer— The current Cleaning Contract for NSW Government was negotiated by the former Government. This contract contained the efficiencies to increase the average cleaning rate. In 2011⁄12 the Department of Education and Communities spent $225.7 million on cleaning in NSW public schools. To provide a breakdown of cleaning costs at individual schools would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3373 EDUCATION—CLEANING COSTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN CRONULLA—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What was the total expenditure on cleaning at each public school in the Cronulla electorate in the 2011-12 financial year? Answer— The current Cleaning Contract for NSW Government was negotiated by the former Government. This contract contained the efficiencies to increase the average cleaning rate. In 2011⁄12 the Department of Education and Communities spent $225.7 million on cleaning in NSW public schools. To provide a breakdown of cleaning costs at individual schools would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3374 EDUCATION—CLEANING COSTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN RIVERSTONE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What was the total expenditure on cleaning at each public school in the Riverstone electorate in the 2011-12 financial year? Answer— The current Cleaning Contract for NSW Government was negotiated by the former Government. This contract contained the efficiencies to increase the average cleaning rate. In 2011⁄12 the Department of Education and Communities spent $225.7 million on cleaning in NSW public schools. To provide a breakdown of cleaning costs at individual schools would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3375 EDUCATION—CLEANING COSTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What was the total expenditure on cleaning at each public school in the Castle Hill electorate in the 2011-12 financial year? 3612 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— The current Cleaning Contract for NSW Government was negotiated by the former Government. This contract contained the efficiencies to increase the average cleaning rate. In 2011⁄12 the Department of Education and Communities spent $225.7 million on cleaning in NSW public schools. To provide a breakdown of cleaning costs at individual schools would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3376 EDUCATION—CLEANING COSTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN BAULKHAM HILLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What was the total expenditure on cleaning at each public school in the Baulkham Hills electorate in the 2011-12 financial year? Answer— The current Cleaning Contract for NSW Government was negotiated by the former Government. This contract contained the efficiencies to increase the average cleaning rate. In 2011⁄12 the Department of Education and Communities spent $225.7 million on cleaning in NSW public schools. To provide a breakdown of cleaning costs at individual schools would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3377 EDUCATION—CLEANING COSTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN HAWKESBURY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What was the total expenditure on cleaning at each public school in the Hawkesbury electorate in the 2011-12 financial year? Answer— The current Cleaning Contract for NSW Government was negotiated by the former Government. This contract contained the efficiencies to increase the average cleaning rate. In 2011⁄12 the Department of Education and Communities spent $225.7 million on cleaning in NSW public schools. To provide a breakdown of cleaning costs at individual schools would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3378 EDUCATION—CLEANING COSTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN NEWCASTLE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What was the total expenditure on cleaning at each public school in the Newcastle electorate in the 2011-12 financial year? Answer— The current Cleaning Contract for NSW Government was negotiated by the former Government. This contract contained the efficiencies to increase the average cleaning rate.

In 2011/12 the Department of Education and Communities spent $225.7 million on cleaning in NSW public schools.

To provide a breakdown of cleaning costs at individual schools would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3379 EDUCATION—SCHOOL FUNDING UNDER THE MAJOR CAPITAL WORKS PROCESS- NEWCASTLE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3613 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) What projects relating to schools in the Newcastle Electorate were nominated for funding under the Major Capital Works process in 2011-12 and 2012-13? (2) What projects were successful in each of those years? Answer— (1) and (2) The Department's Total Asset Management (TAM) Plan is subject to Cabinet Consideration, and as a result, the content of this document is Cabinet in Confidence.

*3380 EDUCATION—SCHOOL FUNDING UNDER THE MAJOR CAPITAL WORKS PROCESS- HAWKESBURY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) What projects relating to schools in the Hawkesbury Electorate were nominated for funding under the Major Capital Works process in 2011-12 and 2012-13? (2) What projects were successful in each of those years? Answer— (1) and (2) The Department's Total Asset Management (TAM) Plan is subject to Cabinet Consideration, and as a result, the content of this document is Cabinet in Confidence.

*3381 HEALTH—CLOSED-CIRCUIT TELEVISION SYSTEM AT HORNSBY-KU-RING-GAI HOSPITAL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— Since 1 July 2011 to date, on how many days has any section of the closed-circuit television system installed at Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital been non-functioning? Answer— I am advised by the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research: There has been no outage of close circuit cameras at Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital since 1 July 2012. In the preceding 12 months there were a number of minor digital DVR malfunctions resulting in selected cameras being unavailable on separate occasions totalling 24 days. Contractual considerations also resulted in maintenance delays for repairs of a selected DVR totalling 258 days.

*3382 HEALTH—CLOSED-CIRCUIT TELEVISION SYSTEM AT SUTHERLAND HOSPITAL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— Since 1 July 2011 to date, on how many days has any section of the closed-circuit television system installed at Sutherland Hospital been non-functioning? Answer— I am advised by the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research: There has been no outage of closed circuit cameras at Sutherland Hospital since December 2011. Following a serious malfunction of a digital video component that covered 16 cameras, there was a 60 day period where these cameras were unavailable while new equipment was sourced and purchased.

*3383 HEALTH—CLOSED-CIRCUIT TELEVISION SYSTEM AT LIVERPOOL HOSPITAL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— Since 1 July 2011 to date, on how many days has any section of the closed-circuit television system installed at Liverpool Hospital been non-functioning? Answer— There have been no reports of non-functioning closed-circuit television at Liverpool Hospital since 1 July 3614 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013


*3384 HEALTH—CLOSED-CIRCUIT TELEVISION SYSTEM AT WESTMEAD HOSPITAL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— Since 1 July 2011 to date, on how many days has any section of the closed-circuit television system installed at Westmead Hospital been non-functioning? Answer— I am advised by the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research: There have been no reports of non-functioning closed-circuit television at Westmead Hospital since 1 July 2011.

*3385 HEALTH—CLOSED-CIRCUIT TELEVISION SYSTEM AT BLACKTOWN HOSPITAL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— Since 1 July 2011 to date, on how many days has any section of the closed-circuit television system installed at Blacktown Hospital been non-functioning? Answer— I am advised: Since 1 July 2011 to date there has been no interruption to the closed-circuit television system installed at Blacktown Hospital.

*3386 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—PAST LOGGING ACTIVITIES IN NATIONAL PARKS—WESTERN REGION—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) Which compartments of forest located in the Western Region of New South Wales that are now gazetted as National Parks or Nature Reserves were logged for industrial purposes under the supervision of the Forestry Corporation or its predecessor from 1970 onwards? (2) Which compartments of forest located in the Western Region of New South Wales that are now gazetted as National Parks or Nature Reserves were logged under the supervision of the Forestry Corporation or its predecessor from 1970 onwards? Answer— The logging history of State forests is not recorded electronically back to 1970. Forestry Corporation of NSW (FCNSW) advises that the paper files containing management records of State forests are normally transferred to national parks administration when their tenure is transferred. Searching of paper files for logging history that may be in FCNSW archives, for example those for Nature Reserves (that remain in FCNSW tenure) would constitute a significant diversion of staff resources and would not be able to be achieved within the Parliamentary time frame.

*3387 HEALTH—CLOSED-CIRCUIT TELEVISION SYSTEM AT CALVARY MATER NEWCASTLE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— Since 1 July 2011 to date, on how many days has any section of the closed-circuit television system installed at Calvary Mater Newcastle been non-functioning? Answer— I am advised: Since 1 July 2011 there have been no unscheduled outages of the closed circuit television digital video management system at the Calvary Mater. 3615 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3388 HEALTH—CLOSED-CIRCUIT TELEVISION SYSTEM AT JOHN HUNTER HOSPITAL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— Since 1 July 2011 to date, on how many days has any section of the closed-circuit television system installed at John Hunter Hospital been non-functioning? Answer— I am advised: Since 1 July 2011 there have been 44 days where faults in the closed-circuit television hardware system installed at John Hunter Hospital have resulted in at least one camera not functioning on that day.

*3389 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—PAST LOGGING ACTIVITIES IN NATIONAL PARKS—SOUTHERN REGION—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) Which compartments of forest located in the Southern Region of New South Wales that are now gazetted as National Parks or Nature Reserves were logged for industrial purposes under the supervision of the Forestry Corporation or its predecessor from 1970 onwards? (2) Which compartments of forest located in the Southern Region of New South Wales that are now gazetted as National Parks or Nature Reserves were logged under the supervision of the Forestry Corporation or its predecessor from 1970 onwards? Answer— The logging history of State forests is not recorded electronically back to 1970. Forestry Corporation of NSW advises that the paper files containing management records of State forests are normally transferred to national parks administration when their tenure is transferred. Searching of paper files for logging history that may be in FCNSW archives, for example, those for Nature Reserves (that remain in FCNSW tenure) would constitute a significant diversion of staff resources and would not be able to be achieved within the Parliamentary time frame.

*3390 HEALTH—CLOSED-CIRCUIT TELEVISION SYSTEM AT THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL WESTMEAD—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— Since 1 July 2011 to date, on how many days has any section of the closed-circuit television system installed at The Children's Hospital Westmead been non-functioning? Answer— I am advised by the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research: Other than for normal maintenance requirements, the closed circuit television system at The Children's Hospital Westmead has been functioning normally since 1 July 2011.

*3391 ROADS AND PORTS—FLASHING TRAFFIC WARNING LIGHTS NEAR SCHOOLS-MENAI—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— Which schools in the Menai electorate do not have flashing traffic warning lights installed? Answer— I am advised: Schools with flashing lights, or identified for flashing lights, are published on the Roads and Maritime Services website.

*3392 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—PAST LOGGING ACTIVITIES IN NATIONAL PARKS—NORTH EAST REGION—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— 3616 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) Which compartments of forest located in the North East Region of New South Wales that are now gazetted as National Parks or Nature Reserves were logged for industrial purposes under the supervision of the Forestry Corporation or its predecessor from 1970 onwards? (2) Which compartments of forest located in the North East Region of New South Wales that are now gazetted as National Parks or Nature Reserves were logged under the supervision of the Forestry Corporation or its predecessor from 1970 onwards? Answer— The logging history of State forests is not recorded electronically back to 1970. Forestry Corporation of NSW (FCNSW) advises that the paper files containing management records of State forests are normally transferred to national parks administration when their tenure is transferred. Searching of paper files for logging history that may be in FCNSW archives, for example those for Nature Reserves (that remain in FCNSW tenure), would constitute a significant diversion of staff resources and would not be able to be achieved within the Parliamentary time frame.

*3393 ROADS AND PORTS—FLASHING TRAFFIC WARNING LIGHTS NEAR SCHOOLS- CRONULLA—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— Which schools in the Cronulla electorate do not have flashing traffic warning lights installed? Answer— I am advised: Schools with flashing lights, or identified for flashing lights, are published on the Roads and Maritime Services website.

*3394 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—PAST LOGGING ACTIVITIES IN NATIONAL PARKS—CENTRAL REGION—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) Which compartments of forest located in the Central Region of New South Wales that are now gazetted as National Parks or Nature Reserves were logged for industrial purposes under the supervision of the Forestry Corporation or its predecessor from 1970 onwards? (2) Which compartments of forest located in the Central Region of New South Wales that are now gazetted as National Parks or Nature Reserves were logged under the supervision of the Forestry Corporation or its predecessor from 1970 onwards? Answer— The logging history of State forests is not recorded electronically back to 1970. Forestry Corporation of NSW (FCNSW) advises that the paper files containing management records of State forests are normally transferred to national parks administration when their tenure is transferred. Searching of paper files for logging history that may be in FCNSW archives, for example those for Nature Reserves (which remain in FCNSW tenure) would constitute a significant diversion of staff resources and would not be able to be achieved within the Parliamentary time frame.

*3395 ROADS AND PORTS—FLASHING TRAFFIC WARNING LIGHTS NEAR SCHOOLS- RIVERSTONE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— Which schools in the Riverstone electorate do not have flashing traffic warning lights installed? Answer— I am advised: Schools with flashing lights, or identified for flashing lights, are published on the Roads and Maritime Services website.

*3396 ROADS AND PORTS—FLASHING TRAFFIC WARNING LIGHTS NEAR SCHOOLS-CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— Which schools in the Castle Hill electorate do not have flashing traffic warning lights installed? 3617 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— I am advised: Schools with flashing lights, or identified for flashing lights, are published on the Roads and Maritime Services website.

*3397 ROADS AND PORTS—FLASHING TRAFFIC WARNING LIGHTS NEAR SCHOOLS-BAULKHAM HILLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— Which schools in the Baulkham Hills electorate do not have flashing traffic warning lights installed? Answer— I am advised: Schools with flashing lights, or identified for flashing lights, are published on the Roads and Maritime Services website.

*3398 ROADS AND PORTS—FLASHING TRAFFIC WARNING LIGHTS NEAR SCHOOLS- HAWKESBURY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— Which schools in the Hawkesbury electorate do not have flashing traffic warning lights installed? Answer— I am advised: Schools with flashing lights, or identified for flashing lights, are published on the Roads and Maritime Services website.

*3399 ROADS AND PORTS—FLASHING TRAFFIC WARNING LIGHTS NEAR SCHOOLS- NEWCASTLE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— Which schools in the Newcastle electorate do not have flashing traffic warning lights installed? Answer— I am advised: Schools with flashing lights, or identified for flashing lights, are published on the Roads and Maritime Services website.

*3400 PREMIER, WESTERN SYDNEY—FEASIBILITY STUDIES, AUDITS, TASKFORCES AND REVIEWS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Premier, and Minister for Western Sydney— (1) Are any of the agencies within the Premier, and Minister for Western Sydney's portfolio currently undertaking any feasibility studies, audits, taskforces or reviews? (2) If so, for each feasibility study, audits, taskforce or review: (a) What are the terms of reference or details of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (b) Who is conducting the study, audit, taskforce or review? (c) Was each study, audit, taskforce or review publicly advertised seeking expressions of interest or competitive tenders? (d) Is there a contract in place detailing the terms of engagement for the study, audit, taskforce or review? (e) What is the timeline of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (f) What costs are involved in each study, audit, taskforce or review?

Answer— I am advised: 3618 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

As with previous NSW Governments, the Government undertakes feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews to inform government decision making. A number of feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews are currently being undertaken across the NSW Government.

*3401 REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES, TRADE AND INVESTMENT—FEASIBILITY STUDIES, AUDITS, TASKFORCES AND REVIEWS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— (1) Are any of the agencies within the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Service's portfolio currently undertaking any feasibility studies, audits, taskforces or reviews? (2) If so, for each feasibility study, audits, taskforce or review: (a) What are the terms of reference or details of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (b) Who is conducting the study, audit, taskforce or review? (c) Was each study, audit, taskforce or review publicly advertised seeking expressions of interest or competitive tenders? (d) Is there a contract in place detailing the terms of engagement for the study, audit, taskforce or review? (e) What is the timeline of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (f) What costs are involved in each study, audit, taskforce or review?

Answer— As with previous NSW Governments, the Government undertakes feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews to inform government decision making. A number of feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews are currently being undertaken across the NSW Government.

*3402 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—ALPINE TREE FROG IN BADJA STATE FOREST—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) (a) Has logging in Badja State Forest been suspended in light of the presence of Alpine tree frogs detected by the Forestry Corporation of NSW in compartments 2079 and 2081 in November 2012? (b) If logging has not been suspended, what plans are in place to protect the frogs and their habitat from logging in Badja State Forest? (c) If logging has been suspended, until when has it been suspended and on what terms?

Answer— (1) (a) No. Forestry Corporation of NSW has recorded no detections of the Alpine Tree Frog in compartments 2079 & 2081 of Badja State forest. Litoria verreauxii alpina is not known to occur in Badja State forest. (b) There is no known habitat of the Alpine Tree Frog in Badja State Forest. (c) Not applicable.

*3403 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—FEASIBILITY STUDIES, AUDITS, TASKFORCES AND REVIEWS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) Are any of the agencies within the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research's portfolios currently undertaking any feasibility studies, audits, taskforces or reviews? (2) If so, for each feasibility study, audits, taskforce or review: (a) What are the terms of reference or details of each study, audit, taskforce or review? 3619 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(b) Who is conducting the study, audit, taskforce or review? (c) Was each study, audit, taskforce or review publicly advertised seeking expressions of interest or competitive tenders? (d) Is there a contract in place detailing the terms of engagement for the study, audit, taskforce or review? (e) What is the timeline of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (f) What costs are involved in each study, audit, taskforce or review?

Answer— I am advised: As with previous NSW Governments, the Government undertakes feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews to inform government decision making. A number of feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews are currently being undertaken across the NSW Government.

*3405 HUNTER, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—FEASIBILITY STUDIES, AUDITS, TASKFORCES AND REVIEWS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) Are any of the agencies within the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, and Minister for the Hunter's portfolios currently undertaking any feasibility studies, audits, taskforces or reviews? (2) If so, for each feasibility study, audits, taskforce or review: (a) What are the terms of reference or details of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (b) Who is conducting the study, audit, taskforce or review? (c) Was each study, audit, taskforce or review publicly advertised seeking expressions of interest or competitive tenders? (d) Is there a contract in place detailing the terms of engagement for the study, audit, taskforce or review? (e) What is the timeline of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (f) What costs are involved in each study, audit, taskforce or review?

Answer— As with previous NSW Governments, the Government undertakes feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews to inform government decision making. A number of feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews are currently being undertaken across the NSW Government.

*3406 ROADS AND PORTS—FEASIBILITY STUDIES, AUDITS, TASKFORCES AND REVIEWS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) Are any of the agencies within the Minister for Roads and Ports' portfolio currently undertaking any feasibility studies, audits, taskforces or reviews? (2) If so, for each feasibility study, audits, taskforce or review: (a) What are the terms of reference or details of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (b) Who is conducting the study, audit, taskforce or review? (c) Was each study, audit, taskforce or review publicly advertised seeking expressions of interest or competitive tenders? (d) Is there a contract in place detailing the terms of engagement for the study, audit, taskforce or review? (e) What is the timeline of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (f) What costs are involved in each study, audit, taskforce or review?

Answer— I am advised: As with previous NSW Governments, the Government undertakes feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews to inform government decision making. A number of feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews are currently being undertaken across the NSW Government. 3620 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3408 ARTS, TOURISM, MAJOR EVENTS, HOSPITALITY AND RACING—FEASIBILITY STUDIES, AUDITS, TASKFORCES AND REVIEWS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— (1) Are any of the agencies within the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts' portfolios currently undertaking any feasibility studies, audits, taskforces or reviews? (2) If so, for each feasibility study, audits, taskforce or review: (a) What are the terms of reference or details of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (b) Who is conducting the study, audit, taskforce or review? (c) Was each study, audit, taskforce or review publicly advertised seeking expressions of interest or competitive tenders? (d) Is there a contract in place detailing the terms of engagement for the study, audit, taskforce or review? (e) What is the timeline of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (f) What costs are involved in each study, audit, taskforce or review?

Answer— As with previous NSW Governments, the Government undertakes feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews to inform government decision making. A number of feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews are currently being undertaken across the NSW Government.

*3409 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, TREASURER—FEASIBILITY STUDIES, AUDITS, TASKFORCES AND REVIEWS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations— (1) Are any of the agencies within the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations' portfolios currently undertaking any feasibility studies, audits, taskforces or reviews? (2) If so, for each feasibility study, audits, taskforce or review: (a) What are the terms of reference or details of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (b) Who is conducting the study, audit, taskforce or review? (c) Was each study, audit, taskforce or review publicly advertised seeking expressions of interest or competitive tenders? (d) Is there a contract in place detailing the terms of engagement for the study, audit, taskforce or review? (e) What is the timeline of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (f) What costs are involved in each study, audit, taskforce or review?

Answer— As with previous NSW Governments, the Government undertakes feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews to inform government decision making. A number of feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews are currently being undertaken across the NSW Government.

*3411 EDUCATION—NON-GOVERNMENT SCHOOL FUNDING FROM BUILDING GRANTS ASSISTANCE SCHEME—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) How much was paid into the Building Grants Assistance Scheme for non-government schools in 2011-12? (2) What is the allocation for the Scheme in 2012-13? (3) (a) Has the Scheme been capped? (b) If so, what effect will this have on the funds available to non-government schools?

Answer— 3621 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) $11 million. (2) $11 million. (3) From 2013-14, the Building Grants Assistance Scheme will rise by a formula which takes into account the Building Price Index and student enrolments in the non-government sector.

*3412 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, SMALL BUSINESS—FEASIBILITY STUDIES, AUDITS, TASKFORCES AND REVIEWS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) Are any of the agencies within the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business' portfolios currently undertaking any feasibility studies, audits, taskforces or reviews? (2) If so, for each feasibility study, audits, taskforce or review: (a) What are the terms of reference or details of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (b) Who is conducting the study, audit, taskforce or review? (c) Was each study, audit, taskforce or review publicly advertised seeking expressions of interest or competitive tenders? (d) Is there a contract in place detailing the terms of engagement for the study, audit, taskforce or review? (e) What is the timeline of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (f) What costs are involved in each study, audit, taskforce or review?

Answer— As with previous NSW Governments, the Government undertakes feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews to inform government decision making. A number of feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews are currently being undertaken across the NSW Government.

*3413 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, TREASURER—NON-GOVERNMENT SCHOOL FUNDING FROM BUILDING GRANTS ASSISTANCE SCHEME—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations— (1) How much was paid into the Building Grants Assistance Scheme for non-government schools in 2011-12? (2) What is the allocation for the Scheme in 2012-13? (3) (a) Has the Scheme been capped? (b) If so, what effect will this have on the funds available to non-government schools?

Answer— These questions would be more appropriately directed to the Minister for Education.

*3415 REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES, TRADE AND INVESTMENT—ENERGY ACCOUNTS PAYMENT ASSISTANCE SCHEME—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— (1) (a) What was the budget allocation for the Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA) Scheme in 2010-11? (b) What was the dollar value of each EAPA voucher in 2010-11? (c) What was the maximum number of vouchers that could be issued at any one time to a customer requiring assistance in 2010-11? (d) What was the average quarterly electricity bill, based on prices for each standard supply area forecast by Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART), in 2010-11? (2) 3622 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(a) What was the budget allocation for the EAPA Scheme in 2011-12? (b) What was the dollar value of each EAPA voucher in 2011-12? (c) What was the maximum number of vouchers that could be issued at any one time to a customer requiring assistance in 2011-12? (3) (a) What was the budget allocation for the EAPA Scheme in 2012⁄13? (b) What is the maximum number of vouchers that can be issued at any one time to a customer requiring assistance? (c) What is the current average quarterly electricity bill, based on prices for each standard supply area forecast by IPART?

Answer— Please refer to the answer provided by the Hon Chris Hartcher MP, Minister for Resources and Energy to Question on Notice 3417.

*3416 TREASURER—ENERGY ACCOUNTS PAYMENT ASSISTANCE SCHEME—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations— (1) (a) What was the budget allocation for the Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA) Scheme in 2010-11? (b) What was the dollar value of each EAPA voucher in 2010-11? (c) What was the maximum number of vouchers that could be issued at any one time to a customer requiring assistance in 2010-11? (d) What was the average quarterly electricity bill, based on prices for each standard supply area forecast by Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART), in 2010-11? (2) (a) What was the budget allocation for the EAPA Scheme in 2011-12? (b) What was the dollar value of each EAPA voucher in 2011-12? (c) What was the maximum number of vouchers that could be issued at any one time to a customer requiring assistance in 2011-12? (3) (a) What was the budget allocation for the EAPA Scheme in 2012-13? (b) What is the maximum number of vouchers that can be issued at any one time to a customer requiring assistance? (c) What is the current average quarterly electricity bill, based on prices for each standard supply area forecast by IPART?

Answer— This question would be more appropriately directed to the Minister for Resources and Energy.

*3417 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—ENERGY ACCOUNTS PAYMENT ASSISTANCE SCHEME—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— (1) (a) What was the budget allocation for the Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA) Scheme in 2010-11? (b) What was the dollar value of each EAPA voucher in 2010-11? (c) What was the maximum number of vouchers that could be issued at any one time to a customer requiring assistance in 2010-11? (d) What was the average quarterly electricity bill, based on prices for each standard supply area forecast by Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART), in 2010-11? 3623 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) (a) What was the budget allocation for the EAPA Scheme in 2011-12? (b) What was the dollar value of each EAPA voucher in 2011-12? (c) What was the maximum number of vouchers that could be issued at any one time to a customer requiring assistance in 2011-12? (3) (a) What was the budget allocation for the EAPA Scheme in 2012-13? (b) What is the maximum number of vouchers that can be issued at any one time to a customer requiring assistance? (c) What is the current average quarterly electricity bill, based on prices for each standard supply area forecast by IPART?

Answer— (1) to (3) The former Labor Government announced in 2009 an additional $55 million in funding over five years to expand the Energy Accounts Payment Assistance scheme yet never delivered on this promise. In 2010, then Energy Minister John Robertson dumped the scheme's announced expansion, reduced the budget allocation and subsequently froze the scheme's budget. This Government has markedly increased the amount of assistance for energy consumers. The 2012-13 Budget contains a $210 million assistance package to help households with energy rising costs which will deliver rebates to over 940,000 eligible households. The Government has also increased the 2012-13 funding allocation for the EAPA scheme. The former Labor Government sat back and watched electricity prices rises by 60 per cent during its last five years in office. The Member is also encouraged to note that the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has confirmed that Labor's carbon tax is responsible for rising electricity prices from 1 July 2012. Further information is available on IPART's website. The best way to alleviate the pressure on NSW households is to stop the carbon tax - a policy which has the full support of the NSW Labor Party. Information on the EAPA Scheme is available on the Division of Energy's website.

*3418 ATTORNEY GENERAL, JUSTICE—FEASIBILITY STUDIES, AUDITS, TASKFORCES AND REVIEWS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— (1) Are any of the agencies within the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice's portfolios currently undertaking any feasibility studies, audits, taskforces or reviews? (2) If so, for each feasibility study, audits, taskforce or review: (a) What are the terms of reference or details of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (b) Who is conducting the study, audit, taskforce or review? (c) Was each study, audit, taskforce or review publicly advertised seeking expressions of interest or competitive tenders? (d) Is there a contract in place detailing the terms of engagement for the study, audit, taskforce or review? (e) What is the timeline of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (f) What costs are involved in each study, audit, taskforce or review?

Answer— As with previous NSW Governments, the Government undertakes feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews to inform government decision making. A number of feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews are currently being undertaken across the NSW Government.

*3422 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES, MENTAL HEALTH—FEASIBILITY STUDIES, AUDITS, TASKFORCES AND REVIEWS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Healthy Lifestyles, and Minister for Western New South Wales— 3624 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) Are any of the agencies within the Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Healthy Lifestyles, and Minister for Western New South Wales' portfolios currently undertaking any feasibility studies, audits, taskforces or reviews? (2) If so, for each feasibility study, audits, taskforce or review: (a) What are the terms of reference or details of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (b) Who is conducting the study, audit, taskforce or review? (c) Was each study, audit, taskforce or review publicly advertised seeking expressions of interest or competitive tenders? (d) Is there a contract in place detailing the terms of engagement for the study, audit, taskforce or review? (e) What is the timeline of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (f) What costs are involved in each study, audit, taskforce or review?

Answer— As with previous NSW Governments, the Government undertakes feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews to inform government decision making. A number of feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews are currently being undertaken across the NSW Government.

*3424 ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS, CITIZENSHIP AND COMMUNITIES—FEASIBILITY STUDIES, AUDITS, TASKFORCES AND REVIEWS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Citizenship and Communities, and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs— (1) Are any of the agencies within the Minister for Citizenship and Communities, and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs' portfolios currently undertaking any feasibility studies, audits, taskforces or reviews? (2) If so, for each feasibility study, audits, taskforce or review: (a) What are the terms of reference or details of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (b) Who is conducting the study, audit, taskforce or review? (c) Was each study, audit, taskforce or review publicly advertised seeking expressions of interest or competitive tenders? (d) Is there a contract in place detailing the terms of engagement for the study, audit, taskforce or review? (e) What is the timeline of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (f) What costs are involved in each study, audit, taskforce or review?

Answer— As with previous NSW Governments, the Government undertakes feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews to inform government decision making. A number of feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews are currently being undertaken across the NSW Government.

*3425 SPORT AND RECREATION—FEASIBILITY STUDIES, AUDITS, TASKFORCES AND REVIEWS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Sport and Recreation— (1) Are any of the agencies within the Minister for Sport and Recreation's portfolio currently undertaking any feasibility studies, audits, taskforces or reviews? (2) If so, for each feasibility study, audits, taskforce or review: (a) What are the terms of reference or details of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (b) Who is conducting the study, audit, taskforce or review? (c) Was each study, audit, taskforce or review publicly advertised seeking expressions of interest or competitive tenders? (d) Is there a contract in place detailing the terms of engagement for the study, audit, taskforce or review? 3625 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(e) What is the timeline of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (f) What costs are involved in each study, audit, taskforce or review?

Answer— As with previous NSW Governments, the Government undertakes feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews to inform government decision making. A number of feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews are currently being undertaken across the NSW Government.

*3426 TRANSPORT—FEASIBILITY STUDIES, AUDITS, TASKFORCES AND REVIEWS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) Are any of the agencies within the Minister for Transport's portfolio currently undertaking any feasibility studies, audits, taskforces or reviews? (2) If so, for each feasibility study, audits, taskforce or review: (a) What are the terms of reference or details of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (b) Who is conducting the study, audit, taskforce or review? (c) Was each study, audit, taskforce or review publicly advertised seeking expressions of interest or competitive tenders? (d) Is there a contract in place detailing the terms of engagement for the study, audit, taskforce or review? (e) What is the timeline of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (f) What costs are involved in each study, audit, taskforce or review?

Answer— I am advised: As with previous NSW Governments, the Government undertakes feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews to inform government decision making. A number of feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews are currently being undertaken across the NSW Government.

*3427 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—BREASTFEEDING—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) What is the estimated rate of breastfeeding in New South Wales? (2) (a) Does the Government regard this rate as satisfactory? (b) If so, why? (c) If not, why not? (3) What strategies are proposed to increase the rate? Answer— I am advised by the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research: (1) Currently in NSW, approximately 91.1% of infants are breastfed in the newborn period. By 6 months of age, 27.2% of NSW infants are fully breastfed. (2) The National Health and Medical Research Council currently recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, with breastfeeding continuing up to two years of age or beyond in combination with appropriate nutritious foods. Of note is that there have been significant improvements in the rates of breastfeeding at both 6 months and 12 months in NSW between 2001 and 2009⁄10. (3) In 2011, NSW Health released a revised version of the 2006 policy Breastfeeding in NSW: Promotion, Protection and Support. Building on the achievements of the prior version, the new policy set a mandatory action plan for Local Health Districts to implement by 2016. This focused work is designed to maintain the existing high rate of breastfeeding in the newborn period and improve rates of infants breastfed up to six months of age, and beyond. 3626 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

NSW Health also supports the Australian Breastfeeding Association to enhance their work in NSW which includes online support, training and a community mentor program. Child and Family Health nurses in Early Childhood Health Services offer a free universal health home visit to all mothers with a newborn in NSW. This visit provides breastfeeding support to new mothers. Both the Child personal health record (Blue Book) and the Breastfeeding your Baby booklet are provided to mothers, free of charge to every infant born in NSW, before they leave hospital.

*3428 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—FEASIBILITY STUDIES, AUDITS, TASKFORCES AND REVIEWS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— (1) Are any of the agencies within the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast's portfolios currently undertaking any feasibility studies, audits, taskforces or reviews? (2) If so, for each feasibility study, audits, taskforce or review: (a) What are the terms of reference or details of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (b) Who is conducting the study, audit, taskforce or review? (c) Was each study, audit, taskforce or review publicly advertised seeking expressions of interest or competitive tenders? (d) Is there a contract in place detailing the terms of engagement for the study, audit, taskforce or review? (e) What is the timeline of each study, audit, taskforce or review? (f) What costs are involved in each study, audit, taskforce or review?

Answer— (1) and (2) As with previous NSW Governments, the Government undertakes feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews to inform government decision making. A number of feasibility studies, audits, taskforces and reviews are currently being undertaken across the NSW Government.

*3431 HUNTER, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—BREASTFEEDING IN PUBLIC—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) Following the afternoon of Saturday 23 February 2013, where a young mother Regan Matthews was asked by the manager to leave a cafe in Newtown as she was breastfeeding her child, what action is the Government taking to strengthen protections for breastfeeding mothers and children who nurse in public? (2) What actions can a breastfeeding mother, who has experienced similar harassment and discrimination, take on the spot in terms of seeking police involvement? Answer— I am advised : Any person who has experienced harassment or discrimination can make a complaint to the Anti Discrimination Board. This may be done in writing, or online at: www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au⁄lawlink⁄adb⁄ll_adb.nsf⁄pages⁄adb_complaint. If a person is a victim of a crime, other than life threatening or time critical emergency situations, they should contact the Police Assistance Line (131 444). Crime Stoppers operates 24hrs a day, 7 days a week and allows members of the community to anonymously report criminal or suspicious behaviour or activity. Members of the public can contact Crime Stoppers by telephone on 1800 333 000, or online at www.police.nsw.gov.au⁄contact_us. If a person feels threatend or is in a situation where their life is in danger, they should not hesitate to call Triple Zero (000). The Member may also wish to direct this question to the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research. 3627 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3432 ATTORNEY GENERAL, JUSTICE—BREASTFEEDING IN PUBLIC—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— (1) Following the afternoon of Saturday 23 February 2013, where a young mother Regan Matthews was asked by the manager to leave a cafe in Newtown as she was breastfeeding her child, what action is the Government taking to strengthen protections for breastfeeding mothers and children who nurse in public? (2) What actions can a breastfeeding mother, who has experienced similar harassment and discrimination, take on the spot in terms of seeking police involvement? Answer— I am advised: The Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) prohibits discrimination on the grounds of sex. This includes discrimination against a woman who is breastfeeding. The Anti-Discrimination Board (ADB) offers a free, confidential and informal service to protect the rights of people in NSW and resolve complaints of discrimination made under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977. Information relating to the Act and the process by which a person may complain to the Anti- Discrimination Board is available on the Board's website. A telephone enquiry service is also available on 92685544. If a valid complaint is lodged, the President of the ADB will investigate and attempt to conciliate the complaint. If the complaint is not resolved by conciliation it may be referred to the Administrative Decisions Tribunal, which can decide the complaint and make orders, including up to $100,000 in damages as compensation for any loss or damage suffered due to the discriminatory conduct. Discrimination on the grounds of sex (including breastfeeding) is not a criminal offence in NSW and as such, the police are not involved in relation to discrimination complaints.

*3433 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—STATE POWER STATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— (1) What percentage of the state's electricity is generated by gas? (2) (a) What are the locations of gas-turbine stations? (b) What is the megawatt capacity of each station? (c) What is the fuel type used in each station? (3) (a) What are the locations of gas (reciprocating) stations? (b) What is the megawatt capacity of each station? (c) What is the fuel type used in each station?

Answer— (1) Approximately 5 – 6 per cent from AGL's operation at Camden, which has been operating without incident for over ten years. (2) (a) to (c) Gas Turbine Stations Power Station Location Capacity (MW) Fuel Colongra Munmorah 724 Natural Gas Uranquinty Wagga Wagga 664 Natural Gas Tallawarra Lake Illawarra 420 Natural Gas Smithfield Energy Facility Smithfield 171 Natural Gas Broken Hill GT Broken Hill 50 Diesel Hunter Valley GT Liddell Power Station 50 Diesel 3628 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Eraring GT Eraring Power Station 42 Diesel

(3) (a) to (c) The following is a list of reciprocating engines identified by the Division of Resources and Energy. It is not a comprehensive list as there are likely to be many smaller engines in various locations. Reciprocating Engine Stations Power Station Location Capacity (MW) Fuel Appin Appin Mine 59.7 Waste Coal Mine Gas Tower Tower Mine 41.2 Waste Coal Mine Gas Hunter Economic Zone Upper Hunter 29.0 Diesel Oaky Creek Oaky Creek 20.0 Waste Coal Mine Gas Lucas Heights II a & b Lucas Heights 15.4 Landfill Gas Glennies Creek Glennies Creek 13.0 Waste Coal Mine Gas Wilga Park Power Station Narrabri 10.0 Natural Gas Eastern Creek 2 Eastern Creek 7.7 Landfill Gas Tahmoor Tahmoor Colliery 7.0 Waste Coal Mine Gas Woodlawn Bioreactor Tarago 6.4 Landfill Gas Visy Paper Smithfield 6.0 Natural Gas Lucas Heights I Lucas Heights 5.4 Landfill Gas Eastern Creek 1 Eastern Creek 5.1 Landfill Gas WestVAMP Power Plant West Cliff Coal Mine 5.0 Waste Coal Mine Gas Teralba Teralba 4.0 Waste Coal Mine Gas Wilga Park A Narrabri 4.0 Waste Coal Mine Gas EarthPower Biomass Plant Camellia 3.9 Food waste Nine Network Willoughby Willoughby 3.2 Diesel Mugga Lane Queanbeyan 3.1 Landfill Gas Malabar STP Malabar 2.9 Sewerage Gas Charlestown Square Lake Macquarie 2.8 Natural Gas Cogeneration Revesby Workers Club Revesby 2.5 Diesel Jacks Gully Narellan 2.3 Landfill Gas Summer Hill Summer Hill 2.2 Landfill Gas Bankstown Sports Club Bankstown 2.1 Diesel Eastern Creek UR-3R Eastern Creek 2.0 Landfill Gas Grange Avenue Marsden Park, Blacktown 2.0 Landfill Gas Macarthur Resource Narellan 2.0 Municipal Solid Waste Recovery Park Macquarie University North Ryde 1.5 Natural Gas St George Leagues Club Kogarah 1.5 Diesel Bondi STP Bondi 1.4 Sewerage Gas North Head STP North Head 1.4 Sewerage Gas Western Suburbs League Campbelltown 1.3 Diesel Club

*3434 TRANSPORT—OVERHEAD WIRING STRUCTURES IN THE BLUE MOUNTAINS—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) When does RailCorp plan to replace the overhead wiring structures in the Blue Mountains from Penrith to Lithgow? (2) What is the timeframe for this work? 3629 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(3) What is the budget for this work? Answer— I am advised: (1) to (3) Overhead wiring structures between Penrith and Emu Plains will be replaced as part of the Overhead Wiring Modernisation Program. The timeframe for the Overhead Wiring Modernisation Program between Penrith and Emu Plains is from 2014-15 to 2018-19.

*3435 TRANSPORT—V SET INTERURBAN ELECTRICS—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) What is the expected timeframe for CityRail to replace the V set Interurban electrics? (2) When will the replacement of these cars commence? Answer— (1) and (2) The Long Term Transport Masterplan contains details of the commitment of this Government to regional NSW.

*3437 TRANSPORT—PLATFORM EXTENSIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) What railway stations have had their platforms extended in the previous twelve months? (b) What distance was each platform extended by? (c) What was the cost at each station? (2) (a) Which stations will have their platforms extended in the next twelve months? (b) What distance will each platform extended by? (c) What is the estimated cost at each station?

Answer— I am advised: (1) (a) The island platform at Cardiff Railway Station has been extended. (a) The island platform at Cardiff Station was extended by 72 metres at the northern end (city end) and 15 metres at the southern end (country end). (b) Costs of projects completed by the Transport Projects Division are available on the Transport for NSW website. (2) (a) Platforms will be extended at Ingleburn and Waterfall Railway Station as part of the Transport Access Program. (b) to (c) Designs and costs for platform works at Ingleburn and Waterfall stations are still being finalised.

*3438 ROADS AND PORTS—EXCAVATIONS AT THOMPSON SQUARE, WINDSOR—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (a) Have Roads and Maritime Services or any of its contractors recently undertaken excavations at Thompson Square at Windsor? (b) If so: (i) What has been the purpose of these excavations? (ii) Have these included activities similar to "jackhammering"? (iii) Has this "jackhammering" taken place on occasions as late as 9pm? (iv) What consultation has taken place with nearby residents about these activities? (v) What further excavations are planned? 3630 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— I am advised: (a) Between 14 and 22 February 2013 a variety of field investigations were undertaken. (b) (i) These excavations were for archaeological investigations and pavement investigations in relation to the Windsor Bridge replacement project. These investigations were carried out to refine and⁄or extend the information which was collected during the environmental assessment and to further inform the design development phase of the project. (ii) Archaeologists used a combination of mechanical and manual techniques to undertake excavation, including jack hammering. (iii) Roads and Maritime Services scheduled some work to be carried out at night to minimise the impact on peak period traffic and to ensure the safety of workers and the public. (iv) A community notification letter was delivered to residents and businesses in the area on 8 February 2013 and advertisements were placed in the two local newspapers, the Hawkesbury Gazette and the Hawkesbury Courier. (v) There are no further investigations scheduled at this stage. However, there may be further field investigations prior to project approval to help inform the design process.

*3440 ROADS AND PORTS—RICHMOND ROAD PROJECTS—Mr Whan asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) In Question Time on 20 February 2013, the Minister for Roads and Ports discussed new works recently commenced on Richmond Road. Regarding this road: (a) What is the length of Richmond Road? (b) (i) As of March 2011 what length of the road was dual carriageway or had four lanes? (ii) What length had a single lane each way? (2) (a) How much funding was allocated to projects on Richmond Road between 1995 and 2011? (b) Please provide details of the projects undertaken in that period?

Answer— I am advised: (1) (a) Richmond Road is 18.5 km in length. (b) (i) Dual carriageway length with four lanes is 6.7km. (ii) Single carriageway length is 11.8km.

*3441 ARTS, TOURISM, MAJOR EVENTS, HOSPITALITY AND RACING—LIVE MUSIC INDUSTRY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— What is the Government doing to protect and encourage the live music industry? Answer— The NSW Government recognises that live music is an important component of the creative industries and makes a strong contribution to the vibrant arts and cultural sector in NSW. Accordingly, the NSW Government has appointed a Creative Industries Taskforce to develop comprehensive strategies to drive growth, innovation and productivity in the NSW creative industries, including the live music industry. The taskforce is chaired by Dan Rosen, Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) and has recently released its Creative Industries Draft Industry Action Plan, which includes recommendations to ensure the live music industry succeeds into 3631 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

the future. The NSW Government will release its response to the Industry Action Plan at Vivid Sydney in June this year. The NSW Government also supports live music programs through programs delivered through Destination NSW and Arts NSW. Destination NSW invests in a broad range of events and festivals that feature live music and also supports regionally based festivals through its Regional Flagship Events Program. Examples of Destination NSW investment in live music events include the Snowy Mountains Music Festival, Deni Blues and Roots Festival, Vivid Live, Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour and musical theatre productions such as Legally Blonde, The Addams Family and The Lion King. In addition, Destination NSW also invests in the ARIA Awards and the Helpmann Awards – Australia's Awards for Live Entertainment. Arts NSW provides grants to music organisations, individuals and groups through the Arts Funding Program. This includes funding to Music NSW, a peak body supporting the contemporary music industry through resource assistance, provision of advice and the delivery of tailored initiatives. In addition, the NSW Government is introducing laws which will establish a new category of liquor licence for small bars. These reforms will help stimulate diversity in the liquor industry and provide an opportunity for the establishment of smaller, more intimate licensed venues that will be able to offer live entertainment appropriate for a small bar setting. The NSW Government is committed to supporting the live music industry in NSW.

*3442 PREMIER—LIVE MUSIC INDUSTRY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Premier, and Minister for Western Sydney— What is the Government doing to protect and encourage the live music industry? Answer— I am advised: The NSW Government recognises live music is an important component of the creative industries and makes a strong contribution to the vibrant arts and cultural sector in NSW. The NSW Government supports live music through programs delivered through Destination NSW and Arts NSW. Destination NSW invests in a broad range of events and festivals that feature live music and also supports regionally based festivals through its Regional Flagship Events Program. Arts NSW provides grants to music organisations, individuals and groups through the Arts Funding Program, including Music NSW. The NSW Government has also appointed a Creative Industries Taskforce to develop comprehensive strategies to drive growth, innovation and productivity in the NSW creative industries, including the live music industry.

*3443 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—CLOSURE OF BRANDY MARY'S PARK—Mr Whan asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) On Tuesday 18 December 2012, the Tumut & Adelong Times reported that Brandy Mary's Park at Blowering Dam is to be closed this month after 'State Water and the Tumut Shire Council failed to reach and agreement on the maintenance." Is this statement correct? (2) How much were the annual maintenance costs paid by State Water to maintain the park and its facilities, including toilets and picnic facilities, when it was open to the public? (3) What obligations does State Water have in relation to land it controls that is used for public recreation? (4) (a) Is there an annual allocation within State Water's budget for community service obligations? (b) If so, how much has been allocated in each of the following financial years: (i) 2009-10? (ii) 20010-11? (iii) 2011-12? (iv) 2012-13? 3632 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(5) Does State Water allocate funds for community service obligations from within its own earned income or does it receive a specific allocation for such purposes? (6) (a) Have you received representations from the Tumut Shire Council on Brandy Mary's Park? (b) If so, on what dates did you receive representations and what response has been provided? (7) (a) Has the Minister for Primary Industries received representations from the Member for Wagga Wagga regarding Brandy Mary's Park? (b) If so, on what dates did the Minister or the Minister's office received representations from the Member for Wagga Wagga, either written or oral?

Answer— (1) A decision to close Brandy Mary's Park was withdrawn after talks between State Water and Tumut Council representatives on 28 February 2013. (2) To date, State Water's annual maintenance costs have averaged approximately $45,000. State Water has proposed to share future maintenance costs with Tumut Shire Council on a 2:1 basis. (3) State Water maintains and operates its major dams to store and deliver bulk water supplies to licenced downstream users and the environment. These functions are regulated under a Works Approval and in accordance with the water sharing plan for the relevant valley. State Water has no formal obligations to provide land for public recreation. The use of State Water's dams and surrounding lands for recreation, while recognised as important, is an ancillary benefit derived from State Water's core function of water storage and delivery. (4) (a) Community service obligation (CSO) funding is provided by the NSW Government upon agreement. This funding is allocated specifically for the maintenance of assets on unregulated rivers not recreational facilities such as Brandy Mary's Park. (b) State Water's CSO funding, as identified in its Statement of Corporate Intent, averages approximately $500,000 annually. (5) See response to (4)(a) above. (6) (a) and (b) State Water has been in regular contact with Tumut Shire Council and has consistently maintained that maintenance of Brandy Mary's Park is not one of State Water's core functions, instead proposing a cost-sharing arrangement with Council. (7) The Member for Wagga Wagga has discussed this issue with both my office and myself on a number of occasions.

27 FEBRUARY 2013 (Paper No. 127)

*3445 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES—PREVENTATIVE CHILD AND FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMMES—MENAI—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Family and Community Services, and Minister for Women— (1) What funding was provided by the Department of Family and Community Services to preventative child and family support programmes in the Menai Electorate in the following financial years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (2) What funding was provided by the Department of Family and Community Services to out of home care and child and family support programmes in the Menai Electorate in the following years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (c) How much was allocated in each case? 3633 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(3) Which family support programmes in the Menai Electorate are receiving funding in the followiing years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (c) How much is being allocated in each case?

Answer— Details of grants to non-Government organisations are contained in the Department of Family and Community Services Annual Report.

*3446 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES—PREVENTATIVE CHILD AND FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMMES—CRONULLA—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Family and Community Services, and Minister for Women— (1) What funding was provided by the Department of Family and Community Services to preventative child and family support programmes in the Cronulla Electorate in the following financial years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (2) What funding was provided by the Department of Family and Community Services to out of home care and child and family support programmes in the Cronulla Electorate in the following years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (c) How much was allocated in each case? (3) Which family support programmes in the Cronulla Electorate are receiving funding in the followiing years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (c) How much is being allocated in each case?

Answer— Details of grants to non-Government organisations are contained in the Department of Family and Community Services Annual Report.

*3447 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES—PREVENTATIVE CHILD AND FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMMES—RIVERSTONE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Family and Community Services, and Minister for Women— (1) What funding was provided by the Department of Family and Community Services to preventative child and family support programmes in the Riverstone Electorate in the following financial years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (2) What funding was provided by the Department of Family and Community Services to out of home care and child and family support programmes in the Riverstone Electorate in the following years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (c) How much was allocated in each case? (3) Which family support programmes in the Riverstone Electorate are receiving funding in the followiing years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (c) How much is being allocated in each case? 3634 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— Details of grants to non-Government organisations are contained in the Department of Family and Community Services Annual Report.

*3448 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES—PREVENTATIVE CHILD AND FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMMES—CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Family and Community Services, and Minister for Women— (1) What funding was provided by the Department of Family and Community Services to preventative child and family support programmes in the Castle Hill Electorate in the following financial years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (2) What funding was provided by the Department of Family and Community Services to out of home care and child and family support programmes in the Castle Hill Electorate in the following years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (c) How much was allocated in each case? (3) Which family support programmes in the Castle Hill Electorate are receiving funding in the followiing years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (c) How much is being allocated in each case?

Answer— Details of grants to non-Government organisations are contained in the Department of Family and Community Services Annual Report.

*3449 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES—PREVENTATIVE CHILD AND FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMMES—BAULKHAM HILLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Family and Community Services, and Minister for Women— (1) What funding was provided by the Department of Family and Community Services to preventative child and family support programmes in the Baulkham Hills Electorate in the following financial years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (2) What funding was provided by the Department of Family and Community Services to out of home care and child and family support programmes in the Baulkham Hills Electorate in the following years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (c) How much was allocated in each case? (3) Which family support programmes in the Baulkham Hills Electorate are receiving funding in the followiing years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (c) How much is being allocated in each case?

Answer— Details of grants to non-Government organisations are contained in the Department of Family and Community Services Annual Report. 3635 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3450 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES—PREVENTATIVE CHILD AND FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMMES—HAWKESBURY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Family and Community Services, and Minister for Women— (1) What funding was provided by Department of Family and Community Services to preventative child and family support programmes in the Hawkesbury Electorate in the following financial years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (2) What funding was provided by Department of Family and Community Services to out of home care and child and family support programmes in the Hawkesbury Electorate in the following years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (c) How much was allocated in each case? (3) (a) Which family support programmes in the Hawkesbury Electorate are receiving funding in 2012-13? (b) How much is being allocated in each case?

Answer— Details of grants to non-Government organisations are contained in the Department of Family and Community Services Annual Report.

*3451 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES—PREVENTATIVE CHILD AND FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMMES—NEWCASTLE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Family and Community Services, and Minister for Women— (1) What funding was provided by the Department of Family and Community Services to preventative child and family support programmes in the Newcastle Electorate in the following financial years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (2) What funding was provided by the Department of Family and Community Services to out of home care and child and family support programmes in the Newcastle Electorate in the following years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (c) How much was allocated in each case? (3) Which family support programmes in the Newcastle Electorate are receiving funding in the followiing years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (c) How much is being allocated in each case?

Answer— Details of grants to non-Government organisations are contained in the Department of Family and Community Services Annual Report.

*3452 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—SECURITY FENCING PROVISION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) (a) Is the provision of security fencing around public schools covered by the Security Industry Act 1997 (NSW)? 3636 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(b) If so, do contractors who provide such fencing require a Master Licence?

Answer— I am advised: (1) (a) For the purposes of the Security Industry Act, a licence is required if a person installs, maintains, repairs or services, by physical or electronic means: (i) any security equipment, or (ii) any mechanical, electronic, acoustic or other equipment that is designed or adapted to provide or enhance security or for the protection of any property. The need for a licence is not affected by where the security equipment is located. (b) Under the Act, a contractor is required to hold a Master Licence if they are carrying out a security activity.

*3453 EDUCATION—SECURITY FENCING PROVISION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) Is the provision of security fencing around public schools covered by the Security Industry Act 1997 (NSW)? (b) If so, do contractors who provide such fencing require a Master Licence?

Answer— As the Question asks for a legal opinion it is inconsistent with Legislative Council Standing Order No.65.

*3454 PREMIER, WESTERN SYDNEY—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Premier, and Minister for Western Sydney— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Premier's and Minister for Western Sydney portfolios developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? (2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? (b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? (c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media strategy in 2011-12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012-13?

Answer— I am advised: Information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations, can be found here http:⁄⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄social.

*3455 REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES, TRADE AND INVESTMENT—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment and Minister for Regional Infrastructure portfolios developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? (2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? (b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? 3637 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media strategy in 2011-12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012-13?

Answer— Information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations, can be found here http:⁄⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄social.

*3456 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research portfolios developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? (2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? (b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? (c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media strategy in 2011-12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012-13?

Answer— I am advised by the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research: Information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations, can be found here http:⁄⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄social.

*3457 EDUCATION—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Minister for Education portfolio developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? (2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? (b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? (c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media strategy in 2011-12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012-13?

Answer— (1) and 2 Information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations, can be found here http:⁄⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄social.

*3458 ROADS AND PORTS—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Minister for Roads and Ports portfolio developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? (2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? 3638 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? (c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media strategy in 2011-12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012-13?

Answer— I am advised: Information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations, can be found here http:⁄⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄social.

*3459 TRANSPORT—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Minister for Transport portfolio developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? (2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? (b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? (c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media strategy in 2011-12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012-13?

Answer— Information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations, can be found here http:⁄⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄social.

*3461 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, TREASURER—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Fair Trading— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relation portfolios developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? (2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? (b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? (c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media strategy in 2011-12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012-13?

Answer— Information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations is available at http:⁄⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄social.

*3463 HUNTER, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, and Minister for the Hunter portfolios developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? 3639 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? (b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? (c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media strategy in 2011-12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012-13?

Answer— Information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations, can be found here http:⁄⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄social.

*3464 ASSISTING THE PREMIER ON INFRASTRUCTURE NSW, PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW, Leader of the House— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW portfolios developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? (2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? (b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? (c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media strategy in 2011-12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012-13?

Answer— (1) and (2).I am advised that information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations, can be found here http:⁄ ⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄social.

*3465 CENTRAL COAST, RESOURCES AND ENERGY, SPECIAL MINISTER OF STATE—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for Central Coast portfolios developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? (2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? (b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? (c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media strategy in 2011-12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012-13?

Answer— (1) and (2) Information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations, is available online at http:⁄⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄social. 3640 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3466 ARTS, TOURISM, MAJOR EVENTS, HOSPITALITY AND RACING—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts portfolios developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? (2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? (b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? (c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media strategy in 2011-12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012-13?

Answer— Information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations, can be found here http:⁄⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄social

*3467 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, SMALL BUSINESS—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business portfolios developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? (2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? (b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? (c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media strategy in 2011⁄12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012⁄13?

Answer— Information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations, can be found here http:⁄⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄social.

*3469 ATTORNEY GENERAL, JUSTICE—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice portfolios developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? (2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? (b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? (c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media strategy in 2011-12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012-13?

Answer— 3641 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations, can be found here http:⁄⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄social.

*3472 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES, MENTAL HEALTH, WESTERN NEW SOUTH WALES—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Healthy Lifestyles, and Minister for Western New South Wales— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Healthy Lifestyles, and Minister for Western New South Wales portfolios developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? (2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? (b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? (c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media strategy in 2011-12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012-13?

Answer— Information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations, can be found at http:⁄⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄social

*3474 ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS, CITIZENSHIP AND COMMUNITIES—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Citizenship and Communities, and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Minister for Citizenship and Communities, and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs portfolios developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? (2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? (b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? (c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media strategy in 2011-12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012-13?

Answer— Information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations, can be found here http:⁄⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄social.

*3475 SPORT AND RECREATION—SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Sport and Recreation— (1) Have any departments or agencies within the Minister for Sport and Recreation portfolio developed or implemented any social media strategies since 1 July 2011? (2) If so: (a) What were the specific objectives of each strategy? (b) Which consultants were engaged to develop or implement these strategies? (c) For what specific purpose was each consultant engaged? (d) How much did each department or agency spend on developing or implementing a social media 3642 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

strategy in 2011-12? (e) What is the budget for developing or implementing a social media strategy for each department or agency in the 2012-13?

Answer— Information regarding social media, including a list of social media pages and apps for NSW Government agencies and organisations, can be found here htto:⁄⁄www.nsw.qov.au⁄social.

*3476 TOURISM, MAJOR EVENTS, HOSPITALITY AND RACING—ABORIGINAL TOURISM ACTION PLAN—Ms Barham asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— (1) Regarding the 2011 Budget Estimates and the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing response to Legislative Council Question on Notice No.1286 in which the Minister advised that an Aboriginal Tourism Action Plan "has been completed" and that a review was underway: (a) What is the current status of the review of the action plan? (b) If the action plan is still being undertaken by what date will the review be completed? (c) If any projects have been recommended what are they? (d) What funds have been expanded and or allocated to date for: (i) The creation of the Action Plan? (ii) The review of the Action Plan? (iii) Any projects recommended in the Action Plan to ensure they can be undertaken? (2) Regarding the 2011 Budget Estimates the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing response as a supplementary question on Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Training programs in which the Minister noted a pilot Aboriginal Tour Guide Program was an Action of the Aboriginal Tourism Action Plan: (a) What is the current status of this program? (b) How much money was allocated and or expended on this pilot program? (c) (i) Has an evaluation report been made on this program? (ii) If so, please provide a copy or a link to the public access of this report? (d) (i) Has this pilot program been converted into an ongoing program? (ii) If so, how many years has a budget been allocated to ensure its continuation?

Answer— (1) (a) The Aboriginal Tourism Action Plan has been reviewed to include specific actions identified in the Visitor Economy Industry Action Plan, which was released by the NSW Government on 19 December 2012. (b) The review has been completed and the Plan is in the final stages of approval. (c) The Plan, including its projects, is in the final stages of approval. (d) (i) The Plan was developed using in-house resources. (ii) The review was undertaken using in-house resources. (iii) The Plan and its budget allocation are in the final stages of approval. (2) This matter falls within the portfolio of the Minister for Education. Please refer your question to the Minister.

*3477 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—PREGNANCY TERMINATIONS—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) Regarding the Minister for Health's answer to Legislative Council Question on Notice No. 2920 on 3643 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

the issue of pregnancy terminations in New South Wales: (a) In the period 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011, how many pregnancy terminations were conducted in public hospitals involving a foetus with a gestation period of 25 weeks or more?

Answer— I am advised by the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research: The term "Medical Abortion" in the NSW Ministry of Health's Admitted Patient Data Collection covers procedures undertaken for a number of reasons, including medical and psychiatric reasons and may include the induction of labour to deliver a live foetus or one that may have died days or weeks before the procedure. Procedures conducted after 26 weeks gestation to facilitate expulsion of the fetus are few in number and can be undertaken for reasons such as spontaneous pre-term labour, induction of labour, or caesarean section for severe maternal distress, or induction of labour or caesarean section for severe fetal disease or death. The coding is allocated by clinical coders based on information in the medical records. Clinicians often record the term 'termination of pregnancy' in a temporal sense rather than a legal sense, as in - the period of pregnancy must end at this point in time. This may result in this procedure code being used despite there being a live birth. As such, the data collected is inferred and does not necessarily reflect terminations of pregnancy in the sense in which it may be understood in the community.

*3478 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—ISSUING OF PETROLEUM EXPLORATION LICENCES—Mr Buckingham asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— (1) When was the Petroleum Exploration Licence 445 which covers the area around northern New South Wales issued? (2) Who was this Petroleum Exploration Licence granted to? (3) Which Minister authorised this Petroleum Exploration Licence? (4) What fee did the company pay for this Petroleum Exploration Licence ? (5) What criteria were used to determine the granting of this Petroleum Exploration Licence ? (6) In regards to the subsequent sale and purchase of Petroleum Exploration Licence 445, how much did Dart Energy purchase Petroleum Exploration Licence 445 for? Answer— (1) to (5) PEL 445 was granted on 19 April 2004 under former Minister, Kerry Hickey to B.N.G Pty Ltd. (6) This was a commercial transaction between the seller and the purchaser.

*3479 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—ISSUING OF PETROLEUM EXPLORATION LICENCES—Mr Buckingham asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— (1) When was the Petroleum Exploration Licence 285 which covers the area around Gloucester issued? (2) Who was this Petroleum Exploration Licence granted to? (3) Which Minister authorised this Petroleum Exploration Licence? (4) What fee did the company pay for this Petroleum Exploration Licence? (5) What criteria were used to determine the granting of this Petroleum Exploration Licence? (6) (a) In regards to the subsequent sale and purchase of Petroleum Exploration Licence 285, how much did AGL purchase Petroleum Exploration Licence 285 for? (b) What price did A J Lucas pay for Petroleum Exploration Licence 285?

Answer— 3644 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) to (5) PEL 285 was granted on 16 April 1992 to the Electricity Commission of NSW (Trading as Pacific Power). (6) These were commercial transactions between the seller and purchaser.

*3480 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—COAL SEAM GAS GOVERNMENT GRANTS—Mr Buckingham asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— (1) Regarding coal seam gas company Metgasco's Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for half year ended 31 December 2012, which lists "Government Grants Received" as $841,982: for what purposes are these grants? (2) What is the approvals process for the making of such grants? (3) Who was the decision maker approving these grants? (4) What is the total sum of grants Metgasco has received from the Government? Answer— (1) to (4) I am advised that this amount refers to the Federal Government's rebate for eligible R&D expenditure.

*3481 TRADE AND INVESTMENT—COAL SEAM GAS GOVERNMENT GRANTS—Mr Buckingham asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— (1) Regarding coal seam gas company Metgasco's Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for half year ended 31 December 2012, it lists "Government Grants Received" as $841,982. For what purposes are these grants? (2) What is the approvals process for the making of such grants? (3) Who was the decision maker approving these grants? (4) What is the total sum of grants Metgasco has received from the government? Answer— (1) The only financial assistance provided to Metgasco through the NSW Government during the half year ended 31 December 2012 was in the form of payroll tax rebates through the Payroll Tax Incentive Scheme (PTIS). The Scheme, which was established under the former NSW Government, provided payroll tax rebates to eligible companies that created new jobs. (2) Metgasco was accepted into the PTIS on the basis of meeting all the guidelines and eligibility criteria of the scheme. (3) Metgasco's acceptance into the PTIS was approved at Executive Director Level in the former Industry & Investment NSW. (4) Information about assistance provided to individual companies through the PTIS is commercial in confidence.

*3482 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—USE OF POLICE FORCE FOR METGASCO COAL SEAM GAS OPERATIONS—Mr Buckingham asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) What is the total cost for the use of the NSW Police Force, including the Public Order and Riot Squad, for operations relating to Metgasco's coal seam gas operations in the Northern Rivers area of New South Wales? (2) What has been the total resources committed in terms of personnel and hours or other metrics? (3) Is there any arrangement with Metgasco or any other entity to assist in funding the above police operations? (4) (a) Have the NSW Police had any contact with or requests from the Minister for Resources and Energy or his office in relation to Police operations relating to public protests over Metgasco? 3645 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(b) If so, please provide details of these contacts?

Answer— The NSW Police Force has advised me : (1) Approximately $81,000 (not including salaries). (2) An estimated 159 officers worked approximately 3,234 hours during these three operations. (3) No. The operations did not meet police Cost Recovery and User Charges Policy criteria. (4) Questions about the actions of a particular Minister or that Minister's staff should be addressed to the Minister in question.

*3483 TRANSPORT—PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICES IN QUEANBEYAN AND YASS—Ms Faehrmann asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) When is the licence for Deanes Bus Service due to be reviewed? (b) What is the process and timeline for this review? (c) Who conducts the review? (d) What opportunity is there for community consultation regarding this review? (2) How much does the Government pay Deanes Bus Service to provide school bus services and general passenger services to Queanbeyan, Yass and districts including Burra, Little Burra, and Royalla? (3) What are the conditions of the license,including the provision of a general passenger service? (4) How much subsidy did the Government provide for concession cardholders to travel on the general passenger services operated between Canberra and Queanbeyan, and Canberra and Yass in the 2011-12 financial year? (5) How much subsidy did the Government provide for school students to travel on Deanes Bus Service between Canberra and Queanbeyan, and Canberra and Yass in the 2011-12 financial year? (6) What other financial arrangements exist as part of the licensing arrangement between the Government and Deanes buslines? (7) Will the Government conduct a trial or feasibility study into commuter train service from Goulburn to Canberra using the existing heavy rail track? (8) What arrangements is the Government making to ensure that the new town of Googong in Queanbeyan City will have a public bus service capable of providing commuter services? Answer— I am advised: (1) to (6) Deanes Bus Lines Pty Ltd operate bus services in accordance with the terms and conditions of a Rural and Regional Bus Service Contract A (school services) and a Rural and Regional Bus Service Contract B (regular passenger and school services). The contracts expire on 1 January 2016 and are available at http:⁄⁄www.transport.nsw.gov.au⁄content⁄buses-and-coaches. (7) Transport for NSW is currently preparing a strategy as an action item of the Long Term Transport Master Plan to look at options for a greater focus on services between regional centres. (8) Schedule 10 of the Contracts (the Service Planning Guidelines), outlines the arrangements for bus services in new residential developments.

*3484 PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE—GOVERNMENTS FEBRUARY COAL SEAM GAS ANNOUNCEMENTS—Mr Buckingham asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW, Leader of the House— In light of the Government's announcements relating to coal seam gas on 19 February 2013: (1) How will these announcements be implemented? (2) (a) For the purposes of the 2km exclusion zone, what is the definition of "residential areas"? 3646 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(b) Does "residential areas" include homes of landholders not zoned residential? (3) There has been some confusion in the community as to the parameters of the 2km exclusion zone. Please clarify the following: (a) Apply to zoned residential land that does not have a dwelling on it? (b) Apply to AGL's Camden Northern Expansion coal seam gas project? (c) Prevent any coal seam gas activities occurring where an already approved Petroleum Exploration Licence, Petroleum Production Lease or Environmental Planning and Assessment approval exists? (d) Apply to land mapped as Strategic Agricultural Land, as identified in Strategic Regional Land Use Plans? (e) Apply to water catchments, including the Sydney Catchment Authority? (f) Apply to minerals exploration and extraction (including coal), not just coal seam gas? (g) Apply this policy to all projects which have not yet received approval? (h) Apply as a 'buffer' around land identified as "critical industry clusters", or only to the actual "critical industry cluster" itself? (i) Do "critical industry clusters" include industries other than the viticulture and equine industry? (i) Is land used for horticulture, cropping or grazing considered "critical industry cluster"? (j) Apply to sensitive environmental areas such as water catchments, wetlands, or endangered ecological communities? (4) In regards to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) acting as the "lead regulator of environmental and health impacts of coal seam gas activities": (a) What other regulatory bodies will regulate coal seam gas activities in New South Wales? (b) What additional resources will be allocated to the EPA for its increased role? (c) What powers of prosecution will the EPA have? (5) In regards to the Office of Coal Seam Gas Regulation: (a) What will be the role of this office? (b) What will be the budget of this office? (c) How many staff will this office have? (d) Who will the office be accountable to? (e) What powers will the office have to stop coal seam gas mining? (6) In regards to the Chief Scientist and Engineer: (a) Will the entirety of the Chief Scientist's review of all coal seam gas activities in New South Wales be made public? (b) What will be the scope and terms of reference of the Chief Scientist's review? (c) What budget and staff will the Chief Scientist have to undertake this review? (d) Will the Chief Scientist have the powers of search or prosecution?

Answer— (1) to (6) I refer the Member to Question on Notice 3485.

*3485 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—GOVERNMENTS FEBRUARY COAL SEAM GAS ANNOUNCEMENTS—Mr Buckingham asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— In light of the Government's announcements relating to coal seam gas on 19 February 2013: (1) How will these announcements be implemented? (2) (a) For the purposes of the 2km exclusion zone, what is the definition of "residential areas"? (b) Does "residential areas" include homes of landholders not zoned residential? (3) There has been some confusion in the community as to the parameters of the 2km exclusion zone. 3647 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Please clarify the following: (a) Apply to zoned residential land that does not have a dwelling on it? (b) Apply to AGL's Camden Northern Expansion coal seam gas project? (c) Prevent any coal seam gas activities occurring where an already approved Petroleum Exploration Licence, Petroleum Production Lease or Environmental Planning and Assessment approval exists? (d) Apply to land mapped as Strategic Agricultural Land, as identified in Strategic Regional Land Use Plans? (e) Apply to water catchments, including the Sydney Catchment Authority? (f) Apply to minerals exploration and extraction (including coal), not just coal seam gas? (g) Apply this policy to all projects which have not yet received approval? (h) Apply as a 'buffer' around land identified as "critical industry clusters", or only to the actual "critical industry cluster" itself? (i) Do "critical industry clusters" include industries other than the viticulture and equine industry? (i) Is land used for horticulture, cropping or grazing considered "critical industry cluster"? (j) Apply to sensitive environmental areas such as water catchments, wetlands, or endangered ecological communities? (4) In regards to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) acting as the "lead regulator of environmental and health impacts of coal seam gas activities": (a) What other regulatory bodies will regulate coal seam gas activities in New South Wales? (b) What additional resources will be allocated to the EPA for its increased role? (c) What powers of prosecution will the EPA have? (5) In regards to the Office of Coal Seam Gas Regulation: (a) What will be the role of this office? (b) What will be the budget of this office? (c) How many staff will this office have? (d) Who will the office be accountable to? (e) What powers will the office have to stop coal seam gas mining? (6) In regards to the Chief Scientist and Engineer: (a) Will the entirety of the Chief Scientist's review of all coal seam gas activities in New South Wales be made public? (b) What will be the scope and terms of reference of the Chief Scientist's review? (c) What budget and staff will the Chief Scientist have to undertake this review? (d) Will the Chief Scientist have the powers of search or prosecution?

Answer— (1) Through the Office of Coal Seam Gas, the EPA and the Department of Planning and Infrastructure. (2) and (3) These questions should be referred to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure. (4) These questions should be referred to the Minister for the Environment. (5) (a) to (e) Information regarding the Office of Coal Seam Gas is available online. (6) (a) to (d) Information regarding the Chief Scientist & Engineer's independent review is publically available on the Chief Scientist's website.

*3486 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—GOVERNMENTS FEBRUARY COAL SEAM GAS ANNOUNCEMENTS—Mr Buckingham asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— In light of the Government's announcements relating to coal seam gas on 19 February 2013: 3648 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) How will these announcements be implemented? (2) (a) For the purposes of the 2km exclusion zone, what is the definition of "residential areas"? (b) Does "residential areas" include homes of landholders not zoned residential? (3) There has been some confusion in the community as to the parameters of the 2km exclusion zone. Please clarify the following: (a) Apply to zoned residential land that does not have a dwelling on it? (b) Apply to AGL's Camden Northern Expansion coal seam gas project? (c) Prevent any coal seam gas activities occurring where an already approved Petroleum Exploration Licence, Petroleum Production Lease or Environmental Planning and Assessment approval exists? (d) Apply to land mapped as Strategic Agricultural Land, as identified in Strategic Regional Land Use Plans? (e) Apply to water catchments, including the Sydney Catchment Authority? (f) Apply to minerals exploration and extraction (including coal), not just coal seam gas? (g) Apply this policy to all projects which have not yet received approval? (h) Apply as a 'buffer' around land identified as "critical industry clusters", or only to the actual "critical industry cluster" itself? (i) Do "critical industry clusters" include industries other than the viticulture and equine industry? (i) Is land used for horticulture, cropping or grazing considered "critical industry cluster"? (j) Apply to sensitive environmental areas such as water catchments, wetlands, or endangered ecological communities? (4) In regards to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) acting as the "lead regulator of environmental and health impacts of coal seam gas activities": (a) What other regulatory bodies will regulate coal seam gas activities in New South Wales? (b) What additional resources will be allocated to the EPA for its increased role? (c) What powers of prosecution will the EPA have? (5) In regards to the Office of Coal Seam Gas Regulation: (a) What will be the role of this office? (b) What will be the budget of this office? (c) How many staff will this office have? (d) Who will the office be accountable to? (e) What powers will the office have to stop coal seam gas mining? (6) In regards to the Chief Scientist and Engineer: (a) Will the entirety of the Chief Scientist's review of all coal seam gas activities in New South Wales be made public? (b) What will be the scope and terms of reference of the Chief Scientist's review? (c) What budget and staff will the Chief Scientist have to undertake this review? (d) Will the Chief Scientist have the powers of search or prosecution?

Answer— (1) This question should be referred to the Ministers for Planning and Infrastructure, Energy and Resources and the Environment. (2) and (3) This question should be referred to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure. (4) This question should be referred to Minister for the Environment. (5) This question should be referred to the Minister for Resources and Energy. (6) Information regarding the Chief Scientist and Engineer's independent review is publicly available on the Chief Scientist's website. 3649 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3488 TREASURER—COBBORA MINE RAIL TRANSPORT TO GENTRADER POWER STATIONS—Dr Kaye asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations— (1) (a) Did the Australian Rail and Track Corporation in their 2012-2021 Hunter Valley Corridor Capacity Strategy identify that the Ulan track and signalling system will need upgrading in order to supply coal from the Cobbora project to the Eraring and Vales Point Power stations? (b) Will the Government bear any of the costs of the upgrade? (c) If so, how much? (d) Will any other entities associated with the Cobbora project bear any of the costs? (2) Did the report also state that the existing facilities at the Eraring and Vales Point power stations, which connect to the Railcorp network, are length constrained and that it would be undesirable to operate trains on the Ulan line that are shorter than the current fleet? (3) (a) Are there plans to upgrade the rail loops at the Eraring and Vales Point power stations to enable them to take longer trains in order for the Ulan line to not exceed its capacity? (b) If so, will the Government bear any of the costs of the upgrade? (c) If so, how much? (d) Will any other entities associated with the Cobbora project bear any of the costs?

Answer— (1) (a) Yes - please see page 20, 2012-2021 Hunter Valley Corridor Capacity Strategy (this is a public document, published on the ARTC website). (b) and (c) These costs will pass to the new owners of Vales Point, Bayswater and Liddell once the Tamberlin Inquiry's recommendation for the Government to divest these power stations is implemented. (d)Neither Cobbora or its subsidiaries are responsible for this expenditure. (2) Yes, see page 20 of public document referred to in response to (1). (3) (a) Requirements are still being determined. (b) and (c) These costs will pass to the new owners of Vales Point, Bayswater and Liddell once the Tamberlin Inquiry's recommendation for the Government to divest these power stations is implemented. (d) Neither Cobbora or its subsidiaries are responsible for this expenditure.

*3490 ATTORNEY GENERAL, JUSTICE—BIRTH REGISTRATION STATEMENT—Ms Voltz asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— (1) Can siblings from a previous relationship or marriage of the mother of a newborn be included on a Birth Registration Statement for inclusion in a child's birth certificate? (2) Is it a requirment of the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages that a parent must change the surname of any child from a previous relationship or marriage to that of the current parent of any new siblings, to be included on that sibling's birth certificate? Answer— I am advised: (1) Since 2011 parents have been required to provide information regarding siblings from a previous relationship when they register their child. Currently this information is not included in a birth certificate, however the Registrar will consider requests to endorse a certificate to reflect this. The Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages is currently in the process of reviewing the type of information included on a birth certificate. 3650 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) No.

28 FEBRUARY 2013 (Paper No. 128)

*3498 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—LOCAL AREA COMMANDS—Ms Fazio asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) Which 20 Local Area Commands are being merged into 10 in the Sydney metropolitan region? (2) How many administrative and support staff positions will be cut as a result of these amalgamations? (3) (a) How will these reductions in administrative and support staff be achieved? (b) What is the timeframe for this? (4) Will the amalgamated Local Area Commands be able to be accommodated in existing premises? (5) Which premises will be surplus as a result of these amalgamations? (6) Are these premises owned or leased by the Government? (7) (a) In respect of rental premises what is the rental cost per annum of the surplus premises? (b) How long do the leases have to run?

Answer— Please refer to my answer to the question without notice on this subject from the Hon Scot MacDonald on 21 February 2013. No police stations will close as a result of the proposed mergers. Further public consultations will be undertaken on each of the proposed mergers.

*3501 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—CENTRAL WEST LIVESTOCK HEALTH AND PEST AUTHORITY FERAL FOXES SCHEME—Ms Fazio asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) (a) Regarding the success of the scheme developed by Central West Livestock Health and the Pest Authority to get more farmers involved in the control of feral foxes, will the Minister for Primary Industries introduce a bounty on foxes? (b) If not, why not?

Answer— (1) (a) There is no plan for the government introducing a general fox bounty scheme in NSW. (b) The most effective control of foxes utilises a range of measures on a landscape-wide basis. The measures include shooting, trapping and baiting when used in a locally developed plan involving landholders and multiple agencies. Bounties or schemes such as "Fox Lotto" could be one part of such plans if requested and supported by the community.

12 MARCH 2013 (Paper No. 129)

*3502 ENVIRONMENT—KOALAS IN TANJA STATE FOREST—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage— (1) 3651 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(a) Has DNA analysis of koala scats found in 2012 in Tanja State Forest been undertaken? (b) If not, when is it expected to be undertaken and completed? (c) If so, who undertook this analysis and when? (2) What does the analysis indicate about the genetic origins of the koalas in terms of their affinity to remnant coastal populations such as those in Bermagui, Murrah and Mumbulla or the Bega Valley koala population? Answer— (1) (a) Yes (b) The analysis has been completed. (c) The analysis was undertaken under the supervision of Dr David Phalen of the University of Sydney in September 2012. (2) The results of the analysis were not definitive however they suggested that the koala from which the samples were obtained is genetically similar to the koalas in the nearby forests of the Bermagui, Murrah and Mumbulla area.

*3503 ROADS AND PORTS—AUSTRALIA DAY BREATH TESTS - BAULKHAM HILLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Baulkham Hills electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Baulkham Hills electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*3504 ROADS AND PORTS—AUSTRALIA DAY BREATH TESTS - NEWCASTLE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Newcastle electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Newcastle electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2013? Answer—

I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*3505 ROADS AND PORTS—AUSTRALIA DAY BREATH TESTS - HAWKESBURY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Hawkesbury electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Hawkesbury electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services. 3652 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3506 ROADS AND PORTS—AUSTRALIA DAY BREATH TESTS - CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Castle Hill electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Castle Hill electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*3507 ROADS AND PORTS—AUSTRALIA DAY BREATH TESTS - RIVERSTONE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Riverstone electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Riverstone electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*3508 ROADS AND PORTS—AUSTRALIA DAY BREATH TESTS - CRONULLA—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Cronulla electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Cronulla electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*3509 ROADS AND PORTS—AUSTRALIA DAY BREATH TESTS - MENAI—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Menai electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Menai electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*3510 ROADS AND PORTS—AUSTRALIA DAY BREATH TESTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in New South Wales over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in New South Wales over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2013? Answer— 3653 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*3511 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—GRAFFITI VANDALISM - NEWCASTLE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Newcastle electorate in 2011? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings? (2) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Newcastle electorate in 2012? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings?

Answer— Official crime statistics and criminal court statistics are reported by the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR).

*3512 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—GRAFFITI VANDALISM - HAWKESBURY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council— (1) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Hawkesbury electorate in 2011? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings? (2) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Hawkesbury electorate in 2012? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings?

Answer— I refer the Member to my response to his question on notice No 3511.

*3513 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—GRAFFITI VANDALISM - CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Castle Hill electorate in 2011? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings? (2) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Castle Hill electorate in 2012? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings? 3654 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— I refer the Member to my response to his question on notice No 3511.

*3514 ROADS AND PORTS—CHRISTMAS-NEW YEAR BREATH TESTS - BAULKHAM HILLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Baulkham Hills electorate over the double demerit period of December 2011 to January 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Baulkham Hills electorate over the double demerit period of December 2012 to January 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*3515 ROADS AND PORTS—CHRISTMAS-NEW YEAR BREATH TESTS - NEWCASTLE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Newcastle electorate over the double demerit period of December 2011 to January 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Newcastle electorate over the double demerit period of December 2012 to January 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*3516 ROADS AND PORTS—CHRISTMAS-NEW YEAR BREATH TESTS - HAWKESBURY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Hawkesbury electorate over the double demerit period of December 2011 to January 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Hawkesbury electorate over the double demerit period of December 2012 to January 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*3517 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—GRAFFITI VANDALISM - BAULKHAM HILLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council— (1) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Baulkham Hills electorate in 2011? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings? (2) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Baulkham Hills electorate in 2012? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings?

Answer— 3655 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

I refer the Member to my response to his question on notice No 3511.

*3518 ROADS AND PORTS—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES - MENAI—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Menai electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Finance and Services.

*3519 ROADS AND PORTS—CHRISTMAS-NEW YEAR BREATH TESTS - CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Castle Hill electorate over the double demerit period of December 2011 to January 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Castle Hill electorate over the double demerit period of December 2012 to January 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*3520 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—GRAFFITI VANDALISM - RIVERSTONE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Riverstone electorate in 2011? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings? (2) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Riverstone electorate in 2012? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings?

Answer— I refer the Member to my response to his question on notice No 3511.

*3521 ROADS AND PORTS—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES - CRONULLA—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Cronulla electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Finance and Services.

*3522 ROADS AND PORTS—CHRISTMAS-NEW YEAR BREATH TESTS - RIVERSTONE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Riverstone electorate over the double demerit period of 3656 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

December 2011 to January 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Riverstone electorate over the double demerit period of December 2012 to January 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*3523 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—GRAFFITI VANDALISM - CRONULLA—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Cronulla electorate in 2011? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings? (2) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Cronulla electorate in 2012? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings?

Answer— I refer the Member to my response to his question on notice No 3511.

*3524 ROADS AND PORTS—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES - RIVERSTONE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Riverstone electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Finance and Services.

*3525 ROADS AND PORTS—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES - CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Castle Hill electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Finance and Services.

*3526 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—GRAFFITI VANDALISM - MENAI—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Menai electorate in 2011? 3657 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings? (2) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Menai electorate in 2012? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings?

Answer— I refer the Member to my response to his question on notice No. 3511.

*3527 ROADS AND PORTS—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES - BAULKHAM HILLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Baulkham Hills electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Finance and Services.

*3528 ROADS AND PORTS—CHRISTMAS-NEW YEAR BREATH TESTS - CRONULLA—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Cronulla electorate over the double demerit period of December 2011 to January 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Cronulla electorate over the double demerit period of December 2012 to January 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*3529 ROADS AND PORTS—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES - HAWKESBURY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Hawkesbury electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Finance and Services.

*3530 ROADS AND PORTS—CHRISTMAS-NEW YEAR BREATH TESTS - MENAI—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Menai electorate over the double demerit period of December 2011 to January 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Menai electorate over the double demerit period of December 2012 to January 2013? Answer— I am advised: 3658 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*3531 ROADS AND PORTS—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES - NEWCASTLE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Newcastle electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Finance and Services.

*3532 ATTORNEY GENERAL—GRAFFITI VANDALISM - MENAI—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— (1) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Menai electorate in 2011? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings? (2) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Menai electorate in 2012? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings?


I am advised: (1) and (2) The Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) does not categorise crime data by electorate. The Menai electorate includes the Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Sutherland Shire and Liverpool. The number of graffiti incidents recorded by NSW Police as occurring in Sutherland Shire and Liverpool LGAs by premises type during 2011 and 2012 is shown in the following table:

. Sutherland Shire . Liverpool . Premises type Jan to Dec 2011 Jan to Sept 2012 Jan to Dec 2011 Jan to Sept 2012 (latest available (latest available statistics) statistics) Business/Commercial 51 48 8 7 Outdoor/Public Place 164 78 86 58 Recreation 86 16 25 24 Utilities 4 1 0 1 Industrial 6 4 2 1 Adult Entertainment 0 0 0 0 Residential 79 59 25 17 Carpark 16 5 3 2 Education 60 45 21 15 Health 14 11 3 0 Law Enforcement 1 1 0 0 Licensed Premises 3 2 0 0 Religious 2 3 1 0 3659 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Rural Industry 0 0 0 0 Marine Transport 0 0 0 0 Vehicle 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 1 1 0 Public Transport 63 36 13 3 Firearms premise 0 0 0 0 Total 549 310 188 128 The number of people proceeded against by NSW Police for graffiti incidents in Sutherland Shire and Liverpool LGAs during 2011 and 2012 is shown in the following table: Incident LGA Jan to Dec 2011 Jan to Sept 2012 (latest available statistics) Sutherland Shire 45 54 Liverpool 10 0

*3533 ROADS AND PORTS—CHRISTMAS-NEW YEAR BREATH TESTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in New South Wales over the double demerit period of December 2011 to January 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in New South Wales over the double demerit period of December 2012 to January 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*3534 ATTORNEY GENERAL—GRAFFITI VANDALISM - NEWCASTLE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— (1) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Newcastle electorate in 2011? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings? (2) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Newcastle electorate in 2012? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings?


I am advised: The Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) does not categorise crime data by electorate. The Newcastle electorate includes the Local Government Area (LGA) of Newcastle. The number of graffiti incidents recorded by NSW Police as occurring in Newcastle LGA by premises type during 2011 and 2012 is shown in the following table: Premises type Jan to Dec 2011 Jan to Sept 2012 (latest available statistics) Business/Commercial 154 50 Outdoor/Public Place 65 51 Recreation 26 13 Utilities 4 1 Industrial 10 13 3660 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Adult Entertainment 0 0 Residential 143 73 Carpark 14 6 Education 60 24 Health 6 7 Law Enforcement 1 0 Licensed Premises 10 5 Religious 0 2 Rural Industry 0 0 Marine Transport 1 1 Vehicle 1 4 Unknown 0 1 Public Transport 90 15 Firearms premise 0 0 Total 585 266 The number of people proceeded against by NSW Police for graffiti incidents in Newcastle LGA during 2011 and 2012 is shown in the following table: Jan to Dec 2011 Jan to Sept 2012 (latest available statistics) 62 14

*3535 ATTORNEY GENERAL—GRAFFITI VANDALISM - HAWKESBURY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— (1) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Hawkesbury electorate in 2011? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings? (2) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Hawkesbury electorate in 2012? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings?


I am advised: The NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) does not categorise crime data by electorate. The Hawkesbury electorate includes the Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Hawkesbury, Hornsby and The Hills Shire. The number of graffiti incidents recorded by NSW Police as occurring in the Hawkesbury, Hornsby and The Hills Shire LGAs by premises type during 2011 and 2012 is shown in the following table: . Hawkesbury . Hornsby . The Hills Shire . Premises type Jan to Dec Jan to Sept Jan to Dec Jan to Sept Jan to Dec Jan to Sept 2011 2012* 2011 2012* 2011 2012* Business/ 8 19 17 13 114 58 Commercial Outdoor/Public 5 9 25 25 25 22 Place Recreation 4 6 3 2 2 8 Utilities 1 0 0 1 1 0 Industrial 2 4 5 3 3 3 3661 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Adult 0 0 0 0 0 0 Entertainment Residential 39 53 52 34 58 28 Carpark 3 4 2 1 6 7 Education 22 16 60 46 52 33 Health 4 0 4 1 0 1 Law 0 0 0 0 0 0 Enforcement Licensed 1 0 4 0 0 1 Premises Religious 0 2 2 5 1 1 Rural Industry 0 0 0 0 0 0 Marine 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transport Vehicle 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 1 0 Public 7 9 38 18 9 3 Transport Firearms 0 0 0 0 0 0 premise Total 96 122 212 149 272 165 *Latest available statistics The number of people proceeded against by NSW Police for graffiti incidents in the Hawkesbury, Hornsby and The Hills Shire LGAs during 2011 and 2012 is shown in the following table: Incident LGA Jan to Dec 2011 Jan to Sept 2012* Hawkesbury 2 9 Hornsby 26 8 The Hills Shire 21 11 *Latest available statistics

*3536 ATTORNEY GENERAL—GRAFFITI VANDALISM - CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— (1) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Castle Hill electorate in 2011? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings? (2) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Castle Hill electorate in 2012? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings?

Answer— As the Castle Hill electorate includes Hornsby and The Hills Shire Local Government Areas, I refer to my answer to QON 3535.

*3537 ATTORNEY GENERAL—GRAFFITI VANDALISM - BAULKHAM HILLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— (1) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Baulkham Hills 3662 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

electorate in 2011? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings? (2) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Baulkham Hills electorate in 2012? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings?


I am advised: (1) and (2) The Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) does not categorise crime data by electorate. The Baulkham Hills electorate includes the Local Government Areas (LGAs) of The Hills Shire and Parramatta. I refer to my answer to QON 3535 for information about The Hills Shire LGA. The number of graffiti incidents recorded by NSW Police as occurring in the Parramatta LGA by premises type during 2011 and 2012 is shown in the following table: . Parramatta . Premises type Jan to Dec 2011 Jan to Sept 2012 (latest available statistics) Business⁄Commercial 7 14 Outdoor⁄Public Place 23 7 Recreation 2 0 Utilities 0 0 Industrial 0 2 Adult Entertainment 0 1 Residential 29 26 Carpark 2 4 Education 7 9 Health 0 0 Law Enforcement 0 1 Licensed Premises 1 2 Religious 0 0 Rural Industry 0 0 Marine Transport 0 0 Vehicle 0 0 Unknown 0 0 Public Transport 9 4 Firearms premise 0 0 Total 80 70 The number of people proceeded against by NSW Police for graffiti incidents in the Parramatta LGA during 2011 and 2012 is shown in the following table: Incident LGA Jan to Dec 2011 Jan to Sept 2012 (latest available statistics) Parramatta 15 3

*3538 ATTORNEY GENERAL—GRAFFITI VANDALISM - RIVERSTONE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— (1) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Riverstone electorate in 3663 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

2011? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings? (2) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Riverstone electorate in 2012? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings?


I am advised: (1) and (2) The Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) does not categorise crime data by electorate. The Riverstone electorate includes the Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Blacktown and Hawkesbury. I refer to my answer to QON 3535 for information about Hawkesbury LGA. The number of graffiti incidents recorded by NSW Police as occurring in Blacktown LGA by premises type during 2011 and 2012 is shown in the following table:

. Blacktown . Premises type Jan to Dec 2011 Jan to Sept 2012 (latest available statistics) Business/Commercial 54 30 Outdoor/Public Place 57 42 Recreation 6 3 Utilities 0 1 Industrial 7 5 Adult Entertainment 0 0 Residential 139 114 Carpark 10 13 Education 101 59 Health 5 1 Law Enforcement 0 2 Licensed Premises 0 1 Religious 2 1 Rural Industry 0 0 Marine Transport 0 0 Vehicle 1 0 Unknown 1 1 Public Transport 58 26 Firearms premise 0 0 Total 441 299 The number of people proceeded against by NSW Police for graffiti incidents in Blacktown LGA during 2011 and 2012 is shown in the following table: Incident LGA Jan to Dec 2011 Jan to Sept 2012 (latest available statistics) Blacktown 75 51

*3539 ATTORNEY GENERAL—GRAFFITI VANDALISM - CRONULLA—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— (1) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Cronulla electorate in 3664 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

2011? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings? (2) (a) How many instances of graffiti vandalism were reported to Police in the Cronulla electorate in 2012? (b) What were the number of incidents reported for each premise type? (c) How many of these reports resulted in formal proceedings?

Answer— As the Cronulla electorate includes Sutherland Shire Local Government Area, I refer to my answer to QON 3532.

*3540 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS—WORKPLACE BULLYING—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations— (1) For 2011-12, what were the total number of psychological injuries resulting from workplace bullying that were identified by WorkCover in: (a) The public sector? (b) The private sector? (2) What was the estimated cost of workplace bullying in (a) The public sector? (b) The private sector? (3) How many claims were made to insurance companies as a consequence of workplace bullying? (a) How many such claims were denied? (4) What is the Government doing to address the issue of workplace bullying at a systemic or organisational and individual or case by case level? (5) What measures are being taken to assist those who have suffered psychological injuries related to workplace bullying, to return to the workplace? (6) What reporting measures are in place to capture statistics on workplace bullying related compensation claims? Answer— Please refer to question 3542 directed to the Minister for Finance and Services.

*3541 FINANCE AND SERVICES—PUBLIC SERVANT REDUNDANCIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) (a) How many New South Wales public servants lost their jobs in 2011-2012? (b) What was the total cost of redundancies? (2) (a) How many New South Wales public servants are expected to lose their jobs in 2012-2013? (b) How much has been allocated for redundancies in 2012-2013?

Answer— This information is not collected by the Finance and Services portfolio.

*3542 FINANCE AND SERVICES—WORKPLACE BULLYING—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) For 2011-12, what were the total number of psychological injuries resulting from workplace bullying 3665 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

that were identified by WorkCover in: (a) The public sector? (b) The private sector? (2) What was the estimated cost of workplace bullying in (a) The public sector? (b) The private sector? (3) How many claims were made to insurance companies as a consequence of workplace bullying? (a) How many such claims were denied? (4) What is the Government doing to address the issue of workplace bullying at a systemic or organisational and individual or case by case level? (5) What measures are being taken to assist those who have suffered psychological injuries related to workplace bullying, to return to the workplace? (6) What reporting measures are in place to capture statistics on workplace bullying related compensation claims? Answer— (1) to (3) This level of analysis of claims data is not conducted by WorkCover and the data available on these claims is incomplete at this point in time. (4) to (6) WorkCover is able to provide guidance and advice to help prevent workplace bullying, investigate whether a risk to health and safety is, or may be, posed by workplace bullying, and undertake prevention and enforcement activity where appropriate. In 2011, WorkCover completed a Bullying Prevention Compliance Strategy. The program utilised workers compensation data and industry knowledge, to target prevention efforts at industry sectors and occupational groups experiencing bullying incidents above the State's norm. As part of the program, WorkCover undertook 228 workplace visits and delivered 57 bullying prevention workshops across the State in the retail, hospitality and manufacturing sector and conducted an audit program in the health and education sector. In 2011, WorkCover also launched the Bullying Support Service for customers who require specialist support in regard to a bullying matter. In 2012, WorkCover released a Bullying Prevention Kit to help businesses develop and review the effectiveness of bullying prevention systems. WorkCover continues to offer workplace advisory visits to small businesses and conducts safety workshops or presentations for groups of businesses on any work health and safety issue, including workplace bullying. WorkCover also recently reviewed its bullying enquiries and complaints handling processes and as a result, is implementing changes to bring it in line with the new national triaging framework.

*3543 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, TREASURER—PUBLIC SERVANT REDUNDANCIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations— (1) (a) How many New South Wales public servants lost their jobs in 2011-2012? (b) What was the total cost of redundancies? (2) (a) How many New South Wales public servants are expected to lose their jobs in 2012-2013? (b) How much has been allocated for redundancies in 2012-2013?

Answer— As outlined in the 2012⁄13 Budget, the Government's 2011-12 program of voluntary redundancies remains on track to reach its target of 5,000 positions. A labour expense cap has also been introduced across the public sector with the target of a 1.2 per cent per annum reduction in labour costs growth. Nurses, police officers and teachers in schools have been quarantined from this measure. 3666 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3544 PREMIER—PUBLIC SERVANT REDUNDANCIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Premier, and Minister for Western Sydney— (1) (a) How many New South Wales public servants lost their jobs in 2011-2012? (b) What was the total cost of redundancies? (2) (a) How many New South Wales public servants are expected to lose their jobs in 2012-2013? (b) How much has been allocated for redundancies in 2012-2013?

Answer— I am advised: As outlined in the 2012⁄13 budget, the Government's 2011-12 program of voluntary redundancies remains on track to reach its target of 5,000 positions. A labour expense cap has also been introduced across the public sector with the target of a 1.2 per cent per annum reduction in the labour costs growth. Nurses, police officers and teachers in schools have been quarantined from this measure. Yours sincerely

*3545 PREMIER—BULLYING IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Premier, and Minister for Western Sydney— (1) (a) Did the "State of the NSW Public Sector Report" released in November 2012 reveal that in the previous twelve months almost half of all the respondents reported witnessing bullying at work, while twenty nine per cent personally experiencing bullying at work? (b) If so: (i) What specific actions are being taken to reduce workplace bullying in the Public Sector? (ii) What comparable research is there for bullying in the Private Sector? (iii) What specific actions are being taken to reduce workplace bullying in the Private Sector?

Answer— I am advised: (1) 1 (a) Data on this issue is published in the State of the NSW Public Sector Report 2012 released in November 2012 Chapter 2: Values & ethics on page 19, and in the People Matter Employee Survey 2012 Main Findings Report (page 24) which can be found on the PSC website (http:// www.psc.nsw.gov.au/About-the-Public-Sector/People-Matter-Survey-2012). (b) In July 2012, the Minister for Finance and Services launched a Bullying Prevention Kit, developed by the NSW WorkCover Authority, to help employers identify bullying and know what to do about it. The kit is available for use in all workplaces, including those in the NSW public sector. The Public Service Commission is not aware of directly comparable research on bullying in the private sector.

*3546 PREMIER—GAS SUPPLY CONTRACTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Premier, and Minister for Western Sydney— On Monday 21 January 2013 the ABC and The Australian reported that Brickworks, New South Wales' largest brick and tile manufacturer, was having difficulties renewing gas supply contracts from 2015 as so much domestic gas was being exported, what action is the Government taking to ensure that adequate gas supplies are available to New South Wales' manufacturers? Answer— 3667 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

I am advised: Please refer to the answer to Question on Notice 3547 to Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast.

*3547 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—GAS SUPPLY CONTRACTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— On Monday 21 January 2013 the ABC and The Australian reported that Brickworks, New South Wales' largest brick and tile manufacturer, was having difficulties renewing gas supply contracts from 2015 as so much domestic gas was being exported, what action is the Government taking to ensure that adequate gas supplies are available to New South Wales' manufacturers? Answer— I do not comment on newspaper reports.

*3548 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS—BULLYING IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations— (1) (a) Did the "State of the NSW Public Sector Report" released in November 2012 reveal that in the previous twelve months almost half of all the respondents reported witnessing bullying at work, while twenty nine per cent personally experiencing bullying at work? (b) If so: (i) What specific actions are being taken to reduce workplace bullying in the Public Sector? (ii) What comparable research is there for bullying in the Private Sector? (iii) What specific actions are being taken to reduce workplace bullying in the Private Sector?

Answer— (1) (a) Data on this issue is published in the State of the NSW Public Sector Report 2012 released in November 2012 Chapter 2: Values & ethics on page 19, and in the People Matter Employee Survey 2012 Main Findings Report (page 24) which can be found on the PSC website (http:⁄ ⁄www.psc.nsw.gov.au⁄About-the -Public-Sector⁄People-Matter-Survey-2012). (b) In July 2012, the Minister for Finance and Services launched a Bullying Prevention Kit, developed by the NSW WorkCover Authority, to help employers identify bullying and know what to do about it. The kit is available for use in all workplaces, including those in the NSW public sector. The Public Service Commission is not aware of directly comparable research on bullying in the private sector.

*3549 FINANCE AND SERVICES—BULLYING IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) (a) Did the "State of the NSW Public Sector Report" released in November 2012 reveal that in the previous twelve months almost half of all the respondents reported witnessing bullying at work, while twenty nine per cent personally experiencing bullying at work? (b) If so: (i) What specific actions are being taken to reduce workplace bullying in the Public Sector? (ii) What comparable research is there for bullying in the Private Sector? (iii) What specific actions are being taken to reduce workplace bullying in the Private Sector?

Answer— (1) 3668 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(a) Data on this issue is published in the State of the NSW Public Sector Report 2012 released in November 2012 Chapter Values & ethics on page 19, and in the People Matter Employee Survey 2012 Main Findings Report (page 24) which can be found on the PSC website (http:⁄⁄www.psc.nsw.gov.au⁄About-the-Public-Sector⁄People-Matter-Survey-2012) (b) (i) to (iii) In July 2012, the Minister for Finance and Services launched a Bullying Prevention Kit, developed by the NSW WorkCover Authority, to help employers identify bullying and know what to do about it. The kit is available for use in all workplaces, including those in the NSW public sector.

*3550 ROADS AND PORTS—TRAFFIC LIGHTS IN THE HILLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) Is it the case, as reported in the March 2013 edition of the Galston, Glenorie and Hills Rural Community News that: (a) The Hills Shire Council has requested that the Government provide fifty per cent of the funding to ensure the early construction of traffic lights at the intersection of Glenhaven Road and Old Northern Road, Glenhaven? (b) The Minister for Roads and Ports has been approached by the local state MP requesting that this funding be made available? (2) If so, when will the funding for the traffic lights be provided? Answer— I am advised: (1) (a) and (b) The Minister for Roads and Ports has received correspondence from the local State Member of Parliament. (2) Before any State funding contribution can be considered, Council needs to update its design, taking into account the former Roads and Traffic Authority's comments provided in July 2009, and undertake current detailed cost estimates for the intersection upgrade.

*3551 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—GAME COUNCIL RECEIPTS—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— What is the origin and nature of the moneys totalling $302,000 as listed in the Game Council of NSW Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2012 as 'other' receipts? Answer— The Game Council of NSW advises the $302,000 listed as 'other' receipts in the Game Council of NSW Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2012 is from the cash flow statement which reflects funds moving in and out of the bank. It is comprised of the following: (1) GST refunds from the Australian Taxation Office - $188,000 (2) GST included in receipts - $21,000 (3) Other revenue - $93,000, derived from: (a) Fines – installments (b) Sale of advertising space (c) Sale of publications (d) Sale of merchandise (e) Recovery – motor vehicles (f) Income – conferences⁄ workshops⁄ seminars (g) Other income

*3552 FINANCE AND SERVICES—RELOCATION OF GOVERNMENT OFFICES TO PARLIAMENT HOUSE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— 3669 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) Is it the case that the Premier was quoted by Australian Associated Press on 1 March 2013 as stating that the proposal to relocate government offices to Parliament House: "was a hair brained scheme that came out of Finance and Services a while ago." ? (2) Who had initiated this proposed scheme? (3) Did the Minister for Finance and Services support the scheme? (4) Was the proposal signed off by the Minister? (5) What was the total cost in developing the proposed scheme? (6) (a) Were consultants used? (b) If so, who were they and what remuneration was paid to each?

Answer— (1) The full quote was "There was a hairbrained scheme that came out of Finance and Services a while ago that wasn't so much about ministers and ministerial staff accommodation but about doing up the parliament" (2) (a) The scheme was initiated under the Hon Joe Tripodi in 2009. (b) No. (c) The cost was within normal operations of the State Property Authority. (d) No (e) Not applicable (3) Not applicable

*3553 ATTORNEY GENERAL—INTERNATIONAL TREATIES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— (1) When it enacts legislation, is the Government obliged to ensure that such legislation is consistent with international treaties that have been ratified by Australia? (2) If so, what mechanisms are used by the Government to ensure this consistency? (3) If not, why not? Answer— I am advised: Generally, the NSW Parliament is not obliged in domestic law to ensure that the legislation it enacts is consistent with international treaties that have been ratified by Australia. However, the States, Territories and the Commonwealth have adopted procedures to assist Australia to comply with relevant international agreements. Premier's Memorandum 1997-01 sets out the principles and procedures for Commonwealth-State consultation on treaties. Part of the purpose of such consultation is to ensure that the Commonwealth can discharge its international responsibilities. In addition, the NSW Legislation Review Committee, a parliamentary joint committee, considers and reports on bills introduced into the NSW Parliament. The Committee considers, among other things, whether a bill trespasses unduly on personal rights and liberties. In carrying out this review function the Committee may consider Australian law, laws of other jurisdictions and international human rights law, including human rights treaties to which Australia is a party. However, either House of Parliament may pass a Bill whether or not the Committee has reported on the Bill.

*3554 EDUCATION—SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS- MENAI—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) How many children with special learning needs are enrolled in public schools in the Menai Electorate? (2) What is the total number of children enrolled in public schools in the Menai Electorate? 3670 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— (1) Based upon current data there are 1,061 children with special learning needs enrolled in public schools in the Menai Electorate. (2) In 2012 there were 8,958 students enrolled at NSW government schools in the Menai Electorate.

*3555 EDUCATION—SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS- NEWCASTLE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) How many children with special learning needs are enrolled in public schools in the Newcastle Electorate? (2) What is the total number of children enrolled in public schools in the Newcastle Electorate? Answer— (1) Based upon current data there are 1,080 children with special learning needs enrolled in public schools in the Newcastle Electorate. (2) In 2012 there were 8,382 students enrolled at NSW government schools in the Newcastle Electorate.

*3556 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—SHOOTING IN NATIONAL PARKS—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) What range of safety measures are planned in order to minimise the risk from amateur hunters to employees of the National Parks and Wildlife Service in carrying out their duties in New South Wales National Parks? (2) What range of safety measures are planned in order to minimise the risk from amateur hunters to recreational users of New South Wales National Parks? (3) What regulatory measures are planned to ensure that shooters who apply to operate in New South Wales National Parks are able to competently handle weapons? (4) What protective or high-visibility clothing will members of the public be required or recommended to wear when participating in recreational activities in New South Wales National Parks where amateur hunting has been scheduled? (5) What range of high-visibility clothing will shooters be required to wear when hunting in New South Wales National Parks where amateur hunting has been scheduled? (6) What additional measures, either visual or auditory, will hunters be required to use in order to warn recreational users of National Parks of their presence? (7) (a) What safety equipment will shooters be required to carry with them on hunting expeditions in New South Wales National Parks? (b) Will this include radios on a safety channel? (8) How much notice will be given that shooters will be operating in a specific area of a New South Wales National Park? (9) How will notice be given that shooters will be operating in a specific area of a New South Wales National Park? (10) How will notice be given on the ground that shooters are operating in a specific area of a New South Wales National Park? (11) What, if any, allowance has been made to compensate persons, including family members, if a third party is injured or killed as a result of amateur hunting in a National Park? Answer— The question raised by Mr Shoebridge falls under the administration of The Hon. Robyn Parker MP, Minister for Office of Environment and Heritage, and should be directed accordingly.

*3558 EDUCATION—CONDITIONS ASSESSMENTS AT PUBLIC SCHOOLS - MENAI—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3671 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Regarding the Minister for Education's response to Legislative Council Question on Notice No. 0568, published on 24 August 2011: (1) What were the specific findings of the condition assessments at each public school in the Menai electorate that commenced in September 2011 and took place during the rest of the school year? (2) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (3) (a) Were any condition assessments undertaken in 2012 regarding public schools in the Menai electorate? (b) If so, what were the specific findings at each school? (c) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (4) (a) Are any condition assessments proposed to be undertaken in the Menai electorate in 2013? (b) If so, when will they be completed?

Answer— The NSW Government is committed to addressing Labor's $1 billion school maintenance liability and infrastructure backlog. To provide a detailed statistical response to these questions would involve considerable time and the diversion of resources away from the core responsibilities of the Department of Education and Communities, the provision of public education, which cannot be justified.

*3559 EDUCATION—CONDITIONS ASSESSMENTS AT PUBLIC SCHOOLS - CRONULLA—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Regarding the Minister for Education's response to Legislative Council Question on Notice No. 0569, published on 24 August 2011: (1) What were the specific findings of the condition assessments at each public school in the Cronulla electorate that commenced in September 2011 and took place during the rest of the school year? (2) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (3) (a) Were any condition assessments undertaken in 2012 regarding public schools in the Cronulla electorate? (b) If so, what were the specific findings at each school? (c) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (4) (a) Are any condition assessments proposed to be undertaken in the Cronulla electorate in 2013? (b) If so, when will they be completed?

Answer— The NSW Government is committed to addressing Labor's $1 billion school maintenance liability and infrastructure backlog. To provide a detailed statistical response to these questions would involve considerable time and the diversion of resources away from the core responsibilities of the Department of Education and Communities, the provision of public education, which cannot be justified.

*3560 EDUCATION—CONDITIONS ASSESSMENTS AT PUBLIC SCHOOLS - RIVERSTONE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Regarding the Minister for Education's response to Legislative Council Question on Notice No. 0570, published on 24 August 2011: (1) What were the specific findings of the condition assessments at each public school in the Riverstone electorate that commenced in September 2011 and took place during the rest of the school year? (2) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? 3672 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(3) (a) Were any condition assessments undertaken in 2012 regarding public schools in the Riverstone electorate? (b) If so, what were the specific findings at each school? (c) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (4) (a) Are any condition assessments proposed to be undertaken in the Riverstone electorate in 2013? (b) If so, when will they be completed?

Answer— The NSW Government is committed to addressing Labor's $1 billion school maintenance liability and infrastructure backlog. To provide a detailed statistical response to these questions would involve considerable time and the diversion of resources away from the core responsibilities of the Department of Education and Communities, the provision of public education, which cannot be justified.

*3561 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—RESTRICTED NSW GAME HUNTING LICENCE TESTING REGIME—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) What was the total number of applicants sitting the open book tests for Restricted NSW Game Hunting Licences (R-Licences) based on the Game Council NSW Hunter Education Handbook in the following years: (a) 2006? (b) 2007? (c) 2008? (d) 2009? (e) 2010? (f) 2011? (g) 2012? (h) 2013 to date? (2) Of the total number of applicants sitting the open book tests for Restricted NSW Game Hunting Licences (R-Licences) based on the Game Council NSW Hunter Education Handbook, how many were unsuccessful in being granted the R-Licence in the following years: (a) 2006? (b) 2007? (c) 2008? (d) 2009? (e) 2010? (f) 2011? (g) 2012? (h) 2013 to date? (3) Of the total number of applicants that sat the open book tests for Restricted NSW Game Hunting Licences (R-Licences) based on the Game Council NSW Hunter Education Handbook, how many sat the test under the auspices of the NSW Game Council in the following years: (a) 2006? (b) 2007? (c) 2008? (d) 2009? (e) 2010? (f) 2011? (g) 2012? 3673 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(h) 2013 to date? (4) Of the total number of applicants that sat the open book tests for Restricted NSW Game Hunting Licences (R-Licences) under the auspices of the NSW Game Council, how many were unsuccessful in the following years: (a) 2006? (b) 2007? (c) 2008? (d) 2009? (e) 2010? (f) 2011? (g) 2012? (h) 2013 to date? (5) Of the total number of applicants that sat the open book tests for Restricted NSW Game Hunting Licences (R-Licences), how many completed the test under the auspices of other Approved Hunting Organisations: (a) 2006? (b) 2007? (c) 2008? (d) 2009? (e) 2010? (f) 2011? (g) 2012? (h) 2013 to date? (6) Of the total number of applicants that sat the open book tests for Restricted NSW Game Hunting Licences (R-Licences) under the auspices of other Approved Hunting Organisations, how many were unsuccessful in the following years: (a) 2006? (b) 2007? (c) 2008? (d) 2009? (e) 2010? (f) 2011? (g) 2012? (h) 2013 to date? (7) What is the pass mark for the Restricted NSW Game Hunting Licence (R-Licence) open book test based on the Game Council NSW Hunter Education Handbook? Answer— The Game Council NSW advises the following: (1) Game Council NSW does not record this information and is not required to legislatively. Game Council NSW can provide information on the total number of R-licences granted each year which reflects the total number of applicants who had successfully completed R-licence accreditation. Total R-licences granted: (a) 2995 (b) 2088 (c) 2836 (d) 4162 (e) 4283 (f) 4506 (g) 5732 3674 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(h) 1152 (2) Game Council NSW can provide information on the total number of R-licences that were refused in each year. The figures relate not only to returned applications but also to returned renewals. It must be noted that an application is deemed refused if there are errors on the application form, missing information or lack of payment and the majority of applications that are refused are eventually granted. (a) 118 (b) 177 (c) 506 (d) 503 (e) 455 (f) 334 (g) 113 (h) 7 (3) Of the total numbers listed in the first response, the following applicants gained R-licence accreditation through Game Council NSW: (a) 81 (b) 84 (c) 355 (d) 569 (e) 865 (f) 868 (g) 1620 (h) 255 (4) Game Council NSW does not record this information and is not required to legislatively. (5) Of the total numbers listed in the first response, the following applicants gained R-licence accreditation through Approved Hunting Organisations: (a) 2914 (b) 2004 (c) 2481 (d) 3593 (e) 3418 (f) 3638 (g) 4112 (h) 897 (6) Game Council NSW does not record this information and is not required to legislatively. (7) 100 per cent

*3562 ROADS AND PORTS—LINE MARKING ON ROADS - NEWCASTLE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the expenditure on line marking on roads in the Newcastle electorate in 2011-12? (2) On what specific roads was this funding expended? (3) What is the allocation for line marking on roads in the Newcastle electorate in 2012-13? (4) On what specific roads will this funding be expended? Answer— I am advised: (1) to (4) Roads and Maritime Services allocates funding for line marking to geographical areas and not on an individual electorate basis. Scheduling of line marking renewal is based on inspections of existing condition and work is carried out as required. 3675 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3563 EDUCATION—SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS- BAULKHAM HILLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) How many children with special learning needs are enrolled in public schools in the Baulkham Hills Electorate? (2) What is the total number of children enrolled in public schools in the Baulkham Hills Electorate? Answer— (1) Based upon current data there are 1,017 children with special learning needs enrolled in public schools in the Baulkham Hills Electorate. (2) In 2012 there were 11,055 students enrolled at NSW government schools in the Baulkham Hills Electorate.

*3564 ROADS AND PORTS—LINE MARKING ON ROADS - HAWKESBURY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the expenditure on line marking on roads in the Hawkesbury electorate in 2011-12? (2) On what specific roads was this funding expended? (3) What is the allocation for line marking on roads in the Hawkesbury electorate in 2012-13? (4) On what specific roads will this funding be expended? Answer— I am advised: (1) to (4) Roads and Maritime Services allocates funding for line marking to geographical areas and not on an individual electorate basis. Scheduling of line marking renewal is based on inspections of existing condition and work is carried out as required.

*3565 EDUCATION—SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS- HAWKESBURY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) How many children with special learning needs are enrolled in public schools in the Hawkesbury Electorate? (2) What is the total number of children enrolled in public schools in the Hawkesbury Electorate? Answer— (1) Based upon current data there are 945 children with special learning needs enrolled in public schools in the Hawkesbury Electorate. (2) In 2012 there were 8,480 students enrolled at NSW government schools in the Hawkesbury Electorate.

*3566 EDUCATION—SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS- CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) How many children with special learning needs are enrolled in public schools in the Castle Hill Electorate? (2) What is the total number of children enrolled in public schools in the Castle Hill Electorate? Answer— (1) Based upon current data there are 273 children with special learning needs enrolled in public schools in the Castle Hill Electorate. (2) In 2012 there were 7,059 students enrolled at NSW government schools in the Castle Hill Electorate.

*3567 EDUCATION—SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS- RIVERSTONE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) How many children with special learning needs are enrolled in public schools in the Riverstone Electorate? 3676 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) What is the total number of children enrolled in public schools in the Riverstone Electorate? Answer— (1) Based upon current data there are 2,323 children with special learning needs enrolled in public schools in the Riverstone Electorate. (2) In 2012 there were 10,830 students enrolled at NSW government schools in the Riverstone Electorate.

*3568 EDUCATION—SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS- CRONULLA—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) How many children with special learning needs are enrolled in public schools in the Cronulla Electorate? (2) What is the total number of children enrolled in public schools in the Cronulla Electorate? Answer— (1) Based upon current data there are 581 children with special learning needs enrolled in public schools in the Cronulla Electorate. (2) In 2012 there were 7,872 students enrolled at NSW government schools in the Cronulla Electorate.

*3569 EDUCATION—CONDITIONS ASSESSMENTS AT PUBLIC SCHOOLS - HAWKESBURY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Regarding the Minister for Education's response to Legislative Council Question on Notice No. 0571, published on 24 August 2011: (1) What were the specific findings of the condition assessments at each public school in the Hawkesbury electorate that commenced in September 2011 and took place during the rest of the school year? (2) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (3) (a) Were any condition assessments undertaken in 2012 regarding public schools in the Hawkesbury electorate? (b) If so, what were the specific findings at each school? (c) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (4) (a) Are any condition assessments proposed to be undertaken in the Hawkesbury electorate in 2013? (b) If so, when will they be completed?

Answer— The NSW Government is committed to addressing Labor's $1 billion school maintenance liability and infrastructure backlog. To provide a detailed statistical response to these questions would involve considerable time and the diversion of resources away from the core responsibilities of the Department of Education and Communities, the provision of public education, which cannot be justified.

*3570 EDUCATION—CONDITIONS ASSESSMENTS AT PUBLIC SCHOOLS - CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Regarding the Minister for Education's response to Legislative Council Question on Notice No. 0572, published on 24 August 2011: (1) What were the specific findings of the condition assessments at each public school in the Castle Hill electorate that commenced in September 2011 and took place during the rest of the school year? (2) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (3) 3677 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(a) Were any condition assessments undertaken in 2012 regarding public schools in the Castle Hill electorate? (b) If so, what were the specific findings at each school? (c) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (4) (a) Are any condition assessments proposed to be undertaken in the Castle Hill electorate in 2013? (b) If so, when will they be completed?

Answer— The NSW Government is committed to addressing Labor's $1 billion school maintenance liability and infrastructure backlog. To provide a detailed statistical response to these questions would involve considerable time and the diversion of resources away from the core responsibilities of the Department of Education and Communities, the provision of public education, which cannot be justified.

*3571 EDUCATION—CONDITIONS ASSESSMENTS AT PUBLIC SCHOOLS - BAULKHAM HILLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Regarding the Minister for Education's response to Legislative Council Question on Notice No. 0573, published on 24 August 2011: (1) What were the specific findings of the condition assessments at each public school in the Baulkham Hills electorate that commenced in September 2011 and took place during the rest of the school year? (2) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (3) (a) Were any condition assessments undertaken in 2012 regarding public schools in the Baulkham Hills electorate? (b) If so, what were the specific findings at each school? (c) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (4) (a) Are any condition assessments proposed to be undertaken in the Baulkham Hills electorate in 2013? (b) If so, when will they be completed?

Answer— The NSW Government is committed to addressing Labor's $1 billion school maintenance liability and infrastructure backlog. To provide a detailed statistical response to these questions would involve considerable time and the diversion of resources away from the core responsibilities of the Department of Education and Communities, the provision of public education, which cannot be justified.

*3572 EDUCATION—CONDITIONS ASSESSMENTS AT PUBLIC SCHOOLS - NEWCASTLE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— Regarding the Minister for Education's response to Legislative Council Question on Notice No. 0574, published on 24 August 2011: (1) What were the specific findings of the condition assessments at each public school in the Newcastle electorate that commenced in September 2011 and took place during the rest of the school year? (2) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (3) (a) Were any condition assessments undertaken in 2012 regarding public schools in the Newcastle electorate? (b) If so, what were the specific findings at each school? (c) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? 3678 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(4) (a) Are any condition assessments proposed to be undertaken in the Newcastle electorate in 2013? (b) If so, when will they be completed?

Answer— The NSW Government is committed to addressing Labor's $1 billion school maintenance liability and infrastructure backlog. To provide a detailed statistical response to these questions would involve considerable time and the diversion of resources away from the core responsibilities of the Department of Education and Communities, the provision of public education, which cannot be justified.

*3573 HEALTH—COAL DUST—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— With reference to the answer to the Question on Notice 1017 published on 14 February 2012: (1) (a) Does the Government regard elevated levels of coal dust to pose a health risk? (b) If so, what levels of coal dust are regarded as posing such a risk? (2) What are the likely effects on the health of people exposed to coal dust? (3) What medical research is currently being undertaken in New South Wales into this issue? Answer— (1) (a) There is extensive evidence that exposure to particulate matter (PM10) - airborne particles with a diameter of less than 10 micrometres - is associated with adverse health effects. Although coal dust may contribute to PM10 levels, there is no good evidence that the effect of coal dust is different to the effect of any other particles of the same size. (b) Although no threshold has been identified below which exposure to PM10 is not associated with health effects, the National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure prescribes a set of national Environment Protection Standards that are intended to produce air quality that allows for the adequate protection of human health and well-being. The standard for PM10 is a 24hr average concentration of 50 micrograms/m3. (2) Exposure to particulate matter is primarily associated with heart and lung conditions. The severity of these conditions depends on the level of exposure and the susceptibility of the person exposed. (3) Extensive Australian and international research into particle pollution means the health effects are well understood. Further local medical research is unlikely to yield additional information that will assist in improving management of air quality. Instead, the NSW Government is focused on better understanding the sources and distribution of particle pollution and developing strategies that reduce community exposure.

To support this work, NSW Health is involved in two measurement studies in the Hunter Valley that will help the government understand the community exposure to particulate air pollution and determine the relative contribution of various sources to this pollution.

*3574 ENVIRONMENT—DUST MONITORS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage— With reference to the answer to the Question on Notice 1017 published on 14 February 2012: (1) What are the specific locations in the Hunter Region where the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has required the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) to install dust monitors? (2) On what dates did each monitor become operational? (3) (a) Have elevated levels of coal dust been detected at any monitored site? 3679 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(b) If so: (i) At which monitors and on which dates? (ii) What specific measures did the EPA require the ARTC to take in each instance? (4) How can the public access the air quality monitoring data provided by the EPA to NSW Health? Answer— I am advised as follows: The EPA has required ARTC to undertake two dust monitoring studies using monitors at Metford and Mayfield, which have been operational as required for the studies since February 2012. The first study did not identify elevated levels of coal dust and the NSW Department of Health advised the EPA that "the levels of dust emissions recorded during train movements studied in the pilot monitoring program would generally not result in adverse health impacts." The findings of the second study are currently being reviewed. The results of the ARTC pilot dust monitoring program were made publicly available on the ARTC's website. The results of the second round of dust monitoring will also be made publicly available by ARTC once ready.

*3575 ROADS AND PORTS—LINE MARKINGS ON ROADS - CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the expenditure on line marking on roads in the Castle Hill electorate in 2011-12? (2) On what specific roads was this funding expended? (3) What is the allocation for line marking on roads in the Castle Hill electorate in 2012-13? (4) On what specific roads will this funding be expended? Answer— I am advised: (1) to (4) Roads and Maritime Services allocates funding for line marking to geographical areas and not on an individual electorate basis. Scheduling of line marking renewal is based on inspections of existing condition and work is carried out as required.

*3576 ROADS AND PORTS—LINE MARKINGS ON ROADS - RIVERSTONE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the expenditure on line marking on roads in the Riverstone electorate in 2011-12? (2) On what specific roads was this funding expended? (3) What is the allocation for line marking on roads in the Riverstone electorate in 2012-13? (4) On what specific roads will this funding be expended? Answer— I am advised: (1) to (4) Roads and Maritime Services allocates funding for line marking to geographical areas and not on an individual electorate basis. Scheduling of line marking renewal is based on inspections of existing condition and work is carried out as required.

*3577 ROADS AND PORTS—LINE MARKINGS ON ROADS - CRONULLA—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the expenditure on line marking on roads in the Cronulla electorate in 2011-12? (2) On what specific roads was this funding expended? (3) What is the allocation for line marking on roads in the Cronulla electorate in 2012-13? (4) On what specific roads will this funding be expended? Answer— 3680 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

I am advised: (1) to (4) Roads and Maritime Services allocates funding for line marking to geographical areas and not on an individual electorate basis. Scheduling of line marking renewal is based on inspections of existing condition and work is carried out as required.

*3578 ROADS AND PORTS—LINE MARKINGS ON ROADS - MENAI—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the expenditure on line marking on roads in the Menai electorate in 2011-12? (2) On what specific roads was this funding expended? (3) What is the allocation for line marking on roads in the Menai electorate in 2012-13? (4) On what specific roads will this funding be expended? Answer— I am advised: (1) to (4) Roads and Maritime Services allocates funding for line marking to geographical areas and not on an individual electorate basis. Scheduling of line marking renewal is based on inspections of existing condition and work is carried out as required.

*3579 PREMIER—RELOCATION OF GOVERNMENT OFFICES TO PARLIAMENT HOUSE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Premier, and Minister for Western Sydney— (1) (a) Was the Premier quoted accurately by Australian Associated Press on 1 March 2013 that the proposal to relocate government offices to Parliament House: "was a hair brained scheme that came out of Finance and Services a while ago."? (b) If yes: (i) Who had initiated this proposed scheme? (ii) Was the proposal signed off by the Minister for Finance and Services? (iii) What was the total cost in developing the proposed scheme? (iv) Were consultants used? (v) If so, who and what remuneration was paid to each? (c) If not: (i) What are the specific reasons for abandoning the Finance and Services proposal? (ii) Who had initiated this proposed scheme? (iii) Was the proposal signed off by the Minister for Finance and Services? (iv) What was the total cost in developing the proposed scheme? (v) Were consultants used? (vi) If so, who and what remuneration was paid to each?

Answer— I am advised: (1) The full quote was "There was a hairbrained scheme that came out of Finance and Services a while ago that wasn't so much about ministers and ministerial staff accommodation but about doing up the parliament." (2) (a) The scheme was initiated under the Hon Joe Tripodi in 2009 (b) No (c) The cost was within normal operations of the State Property Authority (d) No (e) Not applicable (3) Not applicable 3681 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3580 EDUCATION—DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - NEWCASTLE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) At which schools are there demountable classrooms in the Newcastle electorate? (2) How many demountables are there at each of these schools? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters, and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site are subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3581 EDUCATION—DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - HAWKESBURY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) At which schools are there demountable classrooms in the Hawkesbury electorate? (2) How many demountables are there at each of these schools? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters, and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site are subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3582 ROADS AND PORTS—WEEKDAY TRAFFIC NEW LINE ROAD—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— Further to the Question on Notice 1093, given that Roads and Maritime Services is estimating that weekday traffic on New Line Road between West Pennant Hills and Dural will increase by fourteen per cent between the years 2011 and 2021, what specific proposals does the Minister for Roads and Ports have to relieve congestion? Answer— I am advised: The construction phase for the traffic flow improvements for the intersection of New Line Road and Sebastian Drive, Dural is expected to commence mid-2013.

*3583 EDUCATION—DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) At which schools are there demountable classrooms in the Castle Hill electorate? (2) How many demountables are there at each of these schools? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters, and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the 3682 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

number of demountable buildings on a school site are subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3584 EDUCATION—DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - RIVERSTONE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) At which schools are there demountable classrooms in the Riverstone electorate? (2) How many demountables are there at each of these schools? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters, and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site are subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3585 EDUCATION—DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - CRONULLA—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) At which schools are there demountable classrooms in the Cronulla electorate? (2) How many demountables are there at each of these schools? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters, and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site are subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3586 EDUCATION—DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - MENAI—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) At which schools are there demountable classrooms in the Menai electorate? (2) How many demountables are there at each of these schools? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters, and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site are subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3587 EDUCATION—DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - BAULKHAM HILLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) At which schools are there demountable classrooms in the Baulkham Hills electorate? 3683 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) How many demountables are there at each of these schools? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters, and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site are subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3588 PREMIER—REVIEW OF WHOLE GOVERNMENT POLICY FOR THE APPLICATION OF USER CHARGES FOR MAJOR AND SPECIAL EVENTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Premier, and Minister for Western Sydney— With reference to the answer published on 26 June 2012 to the Question on Notice number 1518: (1) (a) Has the Protocol and Special events branch in the Department of Premier and Cabinet completed its review of the Whole of Government Policy for the Application of User Charges for Major and Special Events? (b) If so, what were the key findings of the review? (c) How can members of the public access the details? (d) If not, when will the review be completed? (e) How will members of the public be able to access the details? (2) Which key stakeholders have been consulted as part of the review? Answer— I am advised: The Department of Premier and Cabinet administrative review of the Whole-of-Government Policy for the Application of User Charges for Major and Special Events is ongoing.

*3589 ROADS AND PORTS—ROAD SAFETY INITIATIVES - NEWCASTLE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) (a) What was the allocation in 2011-12 for road safety related initiatives in the Newcastle electorate? (b) On what specific projects was this allocation expended? (c) What is the allocation in 2012-13 for road safety initiatives in the Newcastle electorate? (2) On what specific projects is this being expended? Answer— I am advised: (1) (a) $955,000. (b) • Pedestrian fencing on Turton Road, Broadmeadow • Safety barrier on Industrial Drive, east of Ingall Street, Mayfield. • School Crossing Supervisors. • Council Road Safety Officer. 3684 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

• Traffic management projects with safety benefits included pedestrian crossing upgrade at Turton Road and Griffiths Road, Broadmeadow and a traffic light upgrade at Tourle Street and Industrial Drive, Mayfield West. (c) $784,000. (2) • Pedestrian facilities at King Street, Newcastle between Union Lane and Watt Street. • School Crossing Supervisors. • Council Road Safety Officer. • Traffic management projects with a road safety benefit have also included new mid-block traffic lights on Hannell Street, Wickham.

*3590 ROADS AND PORTS—ROAD SAFETY INITIATIVES - HAWKESBURY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) (a) What was the allocation in 2011-12 for road safety related initiatives in the Hawkesbury electorate? (b) On what specific projects was this allocation expended? (c) What is the allocation in 2012-13 for road safety initiatives in the Hawkesbury electorate? (2) On what specific projects is this being expended? Answer— I am advised: (1) (a) $544,000. (b) • Hawkesbury Road Safety Program. • Hornsby Road Safety Program. • The Hills Shire Council Road Safety Program. • Annangrove Road safety upgrade. • Pitt Town Road safety upgrade. (c) $524,000. (2) • Hawkesbury Road Safety Program. • Hornsby Road Safety Program. • The Hills Shire Council Road Safety Program. • Kenthurst Road safety upgrade (5km length between Old Northern Road and Pitt Town Road). • Cattai Ridge Road (near Vesperman Road).

*3591 ROADS AND PORTS—ROAD SAFETY INITIATIVES - BAULKHAM HILLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) (a) What was the allocation in 2011-12 for road safety related initiatives in the Baulkham Hills electorate? (b) On what specific projects was this allocation expended? (c) What is the allocation in 2012-13 for road safety initiatives in the Baulkham Hills electorate? (2) On what specific projects is this being expended? Answer— I am advised: (1) (a) $399,000. (b) • The Hills Shire Council Road Safety Program. 3685 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

• Windsor Road pedestrian fencing. (c) $204,000. (2) • The Hills Shire Council Road Safety Program. • Renown Road safety upgrade.

*3592 ROADS AND PORTS—ROAD SAFETY INITIATIVES - CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) (a) What was the allocation in 2011-12 for road safety related initiatives in the Castle Hill electorate? (b) On what specific projects was this allocation expended? (c) What is the allocation in 2012-13 for road safety initiatives in the Castle Hill electorate? (2) On what specific projects is this being expended? Answer— I am advised: (1) (a) $5,000. (b) • Hornsby Road Safety Program. • The Hills Shire Council Road Safety Program. (c) $183,000. (2) • Hornsby Road Safety Program. • The Hills Shire Council Road Safety Program. • New Line Road and David Road upgrade, Castle Hill. • Castle Street and Old Northern Road upgrade, Castle Hill. • Farnell Avenue and North Rocks Road, Carlingford.

*3593 ROADS AND PORTS—ROAD SAFETY INITIATIVES - RIVERSTONE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) (a) What was the allocation in 2011-12 for road safety related initiatives in the Riverstone electorate? (b) On what specific projects was this allocation expended? (c) What is the allocation in 2012-13 for road safety initiatives in the Riverstone electorate? (2) On what specific projects is this being expended? Answer— I am advised: (1) (a) $61,000. (b) • Blacktown Road Safety Program. • Hawkesbury Road Safety Program. • Stanhope Parkway and Sunnyholt Road, Stanhope Gardens installation of W-Beam barrier. • St Mary's Road and Stoney Creek Road shoulder widening, Berkshire Park. (c) $513,000. (2) • Blacktown Road Safety Program. • Hawkesbury Road Safety Program. • St Mary's Road and Stoney Creek Road shoulder widening, Berkshire Park. 3686 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3594 ROADS AND PORTS—ROAD SAFETY INITIATIVES - CRONULLA—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) (a) What was the allocation in 2011-12 for road safety related initiatives in the Cronulla electorate? (b) On what specific projects was this allocation expended? (c) What is the allocation in 2012-13 for road safety initiatives in the Cronulla electorate? (2) On what specific projects is this being expended? Answer— I am advised: (1) (a) $601,000. (b) • Sutherland Road Safety Program. • Taren Point Road, including Captain Cook Bridge safety barriers. • Princes Highway, Sylvania median pedestrian fence. (c) $1,322,000. (2) • Sutherland Road Safety Program. • Taren Point Road including Captain Cook Bridge safety barriers. • The Kingsway, Cronulla pedestrian fence.

*3595 ROADS AND PORTS—ROAD SAFETY INITIATIVES - MENAI—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) (a) What was the allocation in 2011-12 for road safety related initiatives in the Menai electorate? (b) On what specific projects was this allocation expended? (c) What is the allocation in 2012-13 for road safety initiatives in the Menai electorate? (2) On what specific projects is this being expended? Answer— I am advised: (1) (a) $478,000. (b) • Sutherland Road Safety Program. • Liverpool Road Safety Program. • River Road and Linden Street upgrade, Woronora. (c) $18,000. (2) • Sutherland Road Safety Program. • Liverpool Road Safety Program.

*3596 TRADE AND INVESTMENT—OFFICE OF FOOD SECURITY AND AGRICULTURAL SUSTAINABILITY—Mr Buckingham asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— In light of the Government's announcement to establish an Office of Food Security and Agricultural Sustainability within 6 months of gaining office in March 2011, and that two years have elapsed since this announcement: (1) (a) Has this Office been established? (b) If so, when? 3687 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) What are the terms of reference for this Office? (3) What has this Office done since inception? (4) What budget has been allocated to the Office? (5) Where is the Office located? (6) (a) How many staff does the Office employ? (b) What are the roles of these staff? (c) Where will these staff be located? (7) Does the Office as listed on the NSW Government Directory at http:⁄ ⁄www.directory.nsw.gov.au⁄showorgunit.asp?id=%7B686D6074-33AF-4165-87FF- BEEE8A57F610%7D have a website? (8) What are the contact details for this Office? (9) Which stakeholders has this Office been in contact with? (10) Are reports available that detail this Office's operations? (11) Who is this Office responsible to? (12) What objectives have been set by this Office since inception? Answer— This matter falls within the portfolio responsibilities of The Hon. Katrina Hodgkinson MP, Minister for Primary Industries.

*3597 ROADS AND PORTS—UPGRADE OF SHOWGROUND ROAD, CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) Has there been any progress in the survey and design work for the upgrade of Showground Road at Castle Hill? (2) How much of the $1 million allocated by the former government towards survey and design work been expended? (3) What are the staging plans and delivery timetable for the works? Answer— I am advised: (1) and (2) Surveys and concept design for the upgrade of Showground Road were completed in mid-2011 using allocated funds. (3) A Voluntary Planning Agreement is currently being finalised between Roads and Maritime Services, The Hills Shire Council and the developer of Castle Towers.

*3598 FINANCE AND SERVICES—TERMITES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— In reference to the answer to Question no. 1191 published on 27 March 2012: (1) What is the estimated annual cost of damage caused by termites to public infrastructure? (2) If an estimate is not available, why not? Answer— No estimate is available of the cost of damage caused by termites. The information held on repairs is categorised according to the type of repair work undertaken, not its cause.

*3599 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—SCOPE OF CHIEF SCIENTIST'S REVIEW—Mr Buckingham asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— 3688 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

In regards to the Government's announcements on further regulation of coal seam gas on 19 February 2013, will the Chief Scientist and Engineer's review apply to minerals exploration and extraction, including coal, not just coal seam gas? Answer— The NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer is conducting an independent review of coal seam gas activities in NSW. The terms of reference for the review are available at http:⁄ ⁄www.chiefscientist.nsw.gov.au⁄__data⁄assets⁄pdf_file⁄0015⁄27150⁄NSW-CSE-TOR-Review-of-CSG- activities-in-NSW.pdf While the review is concerned with coal seam gas activities, the Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer advises that the review work may find opportunities to study and compare aspects of other energy resource extraction activities in enabling a full understanding of coal seam gas.

*3601 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—COAL SEAM GAS COMPLIANCE PERSONNEL—Mr Buckingham asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— In relation to the 40 coal seam gas compliance positions identified in the Strategic Regional Land Use Policy announcement on 11 September 2012 http:⁄ ⁄www.nsw.gov.au⁄sites⁄default⁄files⁄uploads⁄common⁄StrategicRegionalLandUsePolicy- MediaRelease_SD_v02.pdf : (1) How many personnel have been appointed since this announcement? (2) What are the roles of these personnel? (3) Where are these personnel located? (4) How many of these personnel are: (a) compliance? (b) community liaison? (5) What budget has been allocated to these positions? Answer— (1) to (5) Details regarding the new personnel and administrative levy were announced in the 2012⁄13 Budget. Information is available online at http://www.resources.nsw.gov.au/info/fees/administrative- levy

*3602 TRADE AND INVESTMENT—AGRICULTURAL IMPACT STATEMENTS—Mr Buckingham asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— Since November 2011, all new State Significant Development applications for mining and petroleum (including coal seam gas) projects with the potential to affect agricultural resources or industries have been required to submit an Agricultural Impact Statement (AIS) as part of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act)http:⁄ ⁄www.planning.nsw.gov.au⁄LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=2ipqpk--FkA%3d&tabid=495&language=en-US . Additionally, an AIS is required for exploration activities subject to further approval under the Mining Act 1992 or the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 and submission of a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for assessment under Part 5 of the EP&A Act. In light of this: (1) How many Agricultural Impact Statements have been completed since this policy came into effect? (2) What projects have included Agricultural Impact Statements in their development or exploration application? (3) What has been the outcome of the decision to approve or refuse projects which have included Agricultural Impact Statements? Answer— 3689 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

This matter falls within the portfolio responsibilities of The Hon. Katrina Hodgkinson MP, Minister for Primary Industries.

*3603 TRANSPORT—UPGRADING OF THE MUSWELLBROOK TO NARRABRI RAIL LINE—Ms Faehrmann asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— In relation to the upgrading of the Muswellbrook to Narrabri rail line: (1) How much money will it cost to upgrade the Muswellbrook to Narrabri rail line? (2) How much of this cost will be paid by taxpayers? (3) If the cost is not entirely paid by taxpayers who will pay the residual costs? Answer— I am advised: (1) to (3) The Muswellbrook to Narrabri rail is part of the NSW interstate and Hunter Valley Network leased to the Australian Rail Track Corporation. The Australian Rail Track Corporation is responsible for the funding, maintenance and operation of the Muswellbrook to Narrabri corridor.

*3604 FAIR TRADING—PROPERTY INVESTMENT ADVISERS—Ms Voltz asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Fair Trading— (1) What are the licence requirements for property investment advisers? (2) Is there any regulation or oversight of the property investment advisers by the NSW Department of Fair Trading? (3) Are property investment advisers able to obtain professional indemnity insurance? Answer— There is currently no industry specific regulation covering property investment advisers, including no requirement to hold a licence as either a real estate agent issued by NSW Fair Trading or an Australian financial services licence issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. The states and territories have previously lobbied the Commonwealth Government for property investment advice to be regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. These attempts have not been successful. The Property Services Advisory Council has recently been directed to review this area to determine the extent of the problem and propose possible solutions. The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority oversees all Australian Insurance companies. Any questions regarding the ability for property investment advisers to obtain professional indemnity insurance should be directed to the Commonwealth.

*3605 SPORT AND RECREATION—HUNTER SPORTS GROUP—Ms Voltz asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Sport and Recreation— Of the Hunter Sports Groups' outstanding debt of $1.283 million to Venues NSW relating to the Knights use of the stadium and the use of catering services last year, how much has been paid? Answer— Venues NSW has been paid $883,000 by the Hunter Sports Group. The remaining outstanding amount relates to returfing Hunter Stadium after damage caused by the Super X Championship in October 2010 which remains under discussion with Hunter Sports Group.

13 MARCH 2013 (Paper No. 130) 3690 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3606 PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE—NEWCASTLE RAILWAY PLANNING—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW, Leader of the House— (1) What studies were undertaken to establish the impact of the closure of the Wickham-Newcastle railway link? (2) Was a trial whereby no trains would run between Wickham and Newcastle in order to test the impact considered when evaluating the possible closure of that section of the Newcastle railway line? (3) What studies have been done in order to assess how the removal of the railway will affect land valuations in the areas adjacent to and surrounding the railway line? Answer— (1) More than 20 studies have examined transport issues in the Newcastle city centre over the past two decades and all were considered by government in making a decision about the rail line. (2) The temporary stopping of train services, unaccompanied by replacement public transport services and urban renewal initiatives, would not be an effective trial. (3) The Newcastle Urban Renewal Strategy 2012 proposes an integrated suite of specific transport, economic and place-based initiatives to stimulate urban renewal, boost the economy, encourage development and improve the living environment in the city centre.

*3607 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—FILMING AND MOVE ON DIRECTIONS—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council— (1) What is current police policy regarding filming of police by members of the public during interactions in public places? (2) What training, if any, is provided to police regarding being filmed by the public during interactions? (3) What guidance, if any, is provided to police officers regarding the laws relating to public use of smart phones or video cameras to record interactions with police? (4) Is filming an officer carrying out their duties in public sufficient grounds for the issuing of a move on direction? (5) Is there anything in current police policy or procedures that would stop the issuing of move on orders to people who are filming police interactions? Answer— The NSW Police Force has advised me: Current police policy regarding the filming of police by members of the public during interactions in public places is available in their Media Policy and Police Handbook, which is online at www.police.nsw.gov.au. While no specific formal training is provided to police regarding being filmed by the public, the importance of how police conduct themselves in public forms part of the discussions during subjects like communication in policing, criminal justice and policing and professional ethics. Guidance regarding laws relating to the public use of smart phones and video cameras to record interactions with police, is also available on the NSW Police Force intranet. Grounds for move on directions are made under sections 197 and 198 of the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002.

*3608 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—CONFIDENTIAL SETTLEMENTS—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) Under what circumstances are settlements in relation to intentional tort compensation claims, where the intentional tort is the whole of a part cause of action against the NSW Police Force⁄Crown that are signed and agreed to by the NSW Police Force, made confidential? (2) Is there a NSW Police Force or Government policy regarding when settlements should be kept confidential? 3691 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(3) (a) Are copies of the NSW Police Force policy on such confidential settlements able to be obtained by members of the public? (b) If so, how? (c) If not, why not? (4) How many such confidential settlements as a result of civil litigation against the NSW Police Force were reached over the following financial year periods: (a) 2008-2009? (b) 2009-2010? (c) 2010-2011? (d) 2011-2012? (e) 2012-2013 to date? (5) What was the total figure expressed as a lump sum of the damages paid as part of such confidential settlements to complainants against the NSW Police Force over the following financial year periods: (a) 2008-2009? (b) 2009-2010? (c) 2010-2011? (d) 2011-2012? (e) 2012-2013 to date?

Answer— The NSW Police Force has advised me: (1) and (3) The inclusion of confidentiality or non-disclosure provisions in settlement documents is standard procedure where settlement is reached. This is common practice in the insurance industry and in legal practice generally. The NSW Police Force does not have a policy regarding confidential settlements. (4) and (5) Obtaining information on these two parts of the Member's question would be an unreasonable diversion of police resources.

*3609 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) How many disciplinary actions were taken against NSW Police Officers following internal complaints in: (a) 2013 to date? (b) 2012? (c) 2011? (d) 2010? (e) 2009? (2) How many disciplinary actions were taken against NSW Police Officers following complaints received from the general public in: (a) 2013 to date? (b) 2012? (c) 2011? (d) 2010? (e) 2009? (3) How many disciplinary actions were taken against NSW Police Officers following complaints received from the Courts also known as bench complaints in: (a) 2013 to date? (b) 2012? (c) 2011? 3692 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(d) 2010? (e) 2009?

Answer— The NSW Police Force has advised me: From 1 January 2009 to 20 March 2013, a total of 164 disciplinary actions against police officers have been taken following complaints. Of these, 107 were a result of internal reporting and 57 from the general public. NSW Police Force is unable to provide information on bench complaints as they do not record those details in terms requested by the Member.

*3610 HEALTH—SHIFT WORK HEALTH RISKS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) Is there any evidence that shift work gives rise to a person being at a significantly greater risk of suffering: (a) A heart attack? (b) A stroke? (2) If so: (a) What are the key sources of this information? (b) What steps is the Government taking to reduce these risks? (3) If not, what are the key sources of this information? (4) If not known, what steps will the Government take to clarify whether this significantly greater risk exists? Answer— I am advised by the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research: (1) to (4) In a decision in 2009, [2009] NSWIRComm 129, the NSW Industrial Relations Commission made some general findings in relation to medical factors with shift work. The Commission found that: The evidence does not purport to show a direct correlation between the performance of night shifts and the onset of an injury or deprivation to health in the sense that the performance of night shift over a given period will necessarily result in disease or a medical condition the nature and seriousness of the risk will vary depending upon the nature of the shift work, the extent of the sleep deprivation and the incidence and duration of the night shift work. The nature of the risk to health will fluctuate depending upon the prevalence of these factors and other factors such as the age of the worker performing night shifts (Paragraph 37). Arising from the Industrial Relations Commission's decision, the Ministry and the Association jointly commissioned a study which has proposed risk mitigation and amelioration strategies for nurses working night shift, the implementation of which are now being explored. In accordance with Ministry guidelines GL2007 023 Fatigue Preventing & Managing Work Related Fatigue: Guidelines for the NSW Public Health System, Local Health Districts are required to identify areas where work related fatigue is potentially an issue and then, in consultation with staff, implement strategies to address this risk such as shift and roster design; effective leave management; changes to the working environment; and the provision of staff support.

*3611 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS—SHIFT WORK HEALTH RISKS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations— (1) Is there any evidence that shift work gives rise to a person being at a significantly greater risk of suffering: (a) A heart attack? 3693 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(b) A stroke? (2) If so: (a) What are the key sources of this information? (b) What steps is the Government taking to reduce these risks? (3) If not, what are the key sources of this information? (4) If not known, what steps will the Government take to clarify whether this significantly greater risk exists? Answer— This question would be more appropriately directed to the Minister for Finance and Services.

*3612 ARTS—FUNDING FOR ARTS PROGRAMS—Ms Barham asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— (1) Please provide a breakdown on an annual basis what funding has been provided for the Cultural Accords between the Government and the Local Government and Shires Association? (2) Please provide a breakdown on an annual basis what funding has been provided for each of the regional libraries over the following financial years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2010-11? (c) 2009-10? (d) 2008-09? (e) 2007-08? (3) Please provide a breakdown on an annual basis of the funding over the following financial years: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2010-11? (c) 2009-10? (d) 2008-09? (e) 2007-08?, allocated to: (i) Each of the regional art galleries in New South Wales? (ii) Each of the New South Wales regional conservatoriums and the conservatorium in Sydney? (iii) Each of the writers centres in New South Wales? (iv) Each of the regional museums? (v) Each of the regional performing arts organisations in New South Wales? (vi) Each of the regional activities for the cultural institutions in New South Wales? (vii) Each of the regional music festivals? (viii) Each of the regional arts boards and officers?

Answer— (1) This information is publically available in the respective Arts NSW Annual Report. The Arts NSW Annual Reports are available at http:⁄⁄www.arts.nsw.gov.au⁄index.php⁄news-and- publications⁄publications⁄nsw-trade-investment-annual-report-2010-11⁄ (2) This information is publically available in the State Library of NSW annual reports. (3) (a) to (e) (i) See Answer 1. (ii) See Answer 1. For funding provided by the Department of Education and Communities, please refer to the Minister for Education. (iii) See Answer 1. (iv) See Answer 1. (v) See Answer 1. 3694 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(vi) Details of funding provided to the cultural institutions is publically available in institutional annual reports. However, costs for individual regional activities are not separately identified. (vii) See Answer 1. All investments by Destination NSW in events are commercial in confidence which allows organisations to bid for events in a competitive market. (viii) See Answer 1.

14 MARCH 2013 (Paper No. 131)

*3613 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—OBSERVATION TOWER GRANT PROGRAM—Mr Whan asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) In relation to the Observation Tower Grant Program, what was the total amount of funding set aside for the program for the following financial periods: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (2) How many grants were approved in the following financial periods: (a) 2011-12? (b) 2012-13? (3) How many applications were given to Surf Life Saving Clubs⁄Local Governments in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Sydney? (4) How many grants were given to Surf Life Saving Clubs⁄Local Governments in the following regions: (a) North Coast? (b) Mid North Coast? (c) Central Coast? (d) Illawarra? (e) Shoalhaven and South Coast? (f) Far South Cost? (5) Does the Department of Primary Industries have a process to determine the number of beach goers during the summer period between November and January? (6) For the following beaches: (a) Bondi (b) Manly (c) Curl Curl (d) Mollymook (e) Wollongong (f) Shellharbour (g) Bronte (h) Maroubra (i) Coogee (j) Avoca (k) Thirroul (l) Shoalhaven Heads Beach (m) Surf Beach (Batemans Bay) (n) South Durras Beach (o) Tathra Beach (p) Bermagui Beach (i) How many shark sightings were there in the 2011-12 summer period? (ii) How many shark sightings were there in the 2012-13 summer period? 3695 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(iii) For the above beaches what species of sharks were spotted?

Answer— (1) 2011⁄12 - $30 000 2012⁄13 - $30 000 (2) 2011⁄12 - 4 2012⁄13 4 (3) Applications were sent to General Managers of every coastal LGA and to the Manager Lifesaving Surf Life Saving NSW. In the Greater Metropolitan Area of Sydney, Pittwater, Warringah, Manly, Waverley and Randwick Councils, the Sutherland Shire and Woollahra Municipal Council were mailed application packs. In addition the NSW Department of Primary Industries website advertised the grants program and provided information and links on how to apply. (4) In 2011⁄12 two clubs in the Mid North Coast Region and two clubs in the Central Coast Region were successful with their applications. In 2012⁄13 a grant was given to one club in the Mid North Coast Region, two clubs in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Sydney and a grant to SLS NSW benefitted all 129 surf living saving clubs in NSW with the provision of modern binoculars to each club. (5) The NSW DPI does not have a systematic process to determine the number of beach goers at any beach for any time of year. (6) NSW DPI does not collect and⁄or manage shark sightings data from Surf Life Saving organisations for any beaches in NSW.

*3614 TRADE AND INVESTMENT—OFFICE OF THE CROSS BORDER COMMISSIONER—Mr Whan asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— (1) In relation to the Office of the Cross Border Commissioner as of March 2013: (a) What media events, consultations or initiated consultations has the Cross Border Commissioner conducted with the Victorian Government or Local Government within that State since his appointment? (b) What media events, consultations or initiated consultations has the Cross Border Commissioner conducted with the Government or Local Government within that State since his appointment? (c) What media events, consultations or initiated consultations has the Cross Border Commissioner conducted with the Australian Capital Territory Government since his appointment? (d) What media events, consultations or initiated consultations has the Cross Border Commissioner conducted with the South Australian Government or Local Government within that State since his appointment? (2) For any consultations with these states, what New South Wales local governments (if any) were assisted by the Cross Border Commissioner? (3) What was the location of these consultations, media events? (4) What was the cost of travel for the Cross Border Commissioner and staff to travel to these events? Answer— (1) (a) The NSW Cross-Border Commissioner was involved in a targeted listening tour during March and April 2012 as part of the initial consultation for the role. Meetings were organised at Albury, Tocumwal, Moama and Wentworth on the Victorian ⁄ NSW border. Media were advised of the meetings. The Cross-Border Commissioner contacted all of the NSW Local Government Councils along the Murray River, either individually or through the Riverina and Murray Regional Organisation of Councils. The Commissioner has also communicated with the following Victorian State and local Government agencies: • State Revenue Office, Victoria • Department of Justice, Victoria • Department of Health, Victoria • Department of Police, Victoria 3696 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

• V Track • Vic Roads • Department of Premier and Cabinet, Victoria • Murray River Group of Councils. All contact by the Cross-Border Commissioner with the media has been incidental to the Listening Tour consultation and ongoing duties. (b) The Cross-Border Commissioner was involved in a targeted listening tour during March and April 2012 as part of the initial consultation for the role. Meetings were organised at Tweed Heads, Ballina and Lismore on the Queensland ⁄ NSW border. Media were advised of the meetings. The Cross-Border Commissioner made contact with the NSW Local Government Councils of Moree Plains, Inverell Shire, Tenterfield Shire, Kyogle, and Tweed Shire and through the Border Regional Organisation of Councils. The Commissioner communicated with the following Queensland Government agencies and Queensland Local Governments: • Queensland Department of Police • Queensland Department of Premier and Cabinet • Queensland Office of Liquor & Gaming Regulation • Queensland Department of Transport & Main Roads • Queensland Department of Community Services • Queensland Department of Ambulance Services • Queensland State Member for Currumbin • Southern Downs Regional Council • Gold Coast City Council • Balonne Shire Council • Goondiwindi Shire Council. All contact by the Cross-Border Commissioner with the media has been incidental to the undertaking of his Listening Tour consultation and his ongoing duties. The Commissioner was interviewed in the course of his duties and attendance at the joint Queensland ⁄ NSW Regional Development Association forum in QLD in 2012. (c) A meeting was organised at Queanbeyan on the ACT ⁄ NSW border, as part of the NSW Cross Border Commissioner's listening tour during March April 2012. Media were advised on this meeting. The Commissioner made contact with the Local Government Councils of Queanbeyan, Palerang, Cooma Monaro, Bombala, Yass, Goulburn Mulwaree and through the South Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (SEROC). The Commissioner communicated with the following ACT Government departments: • ACT Education & Training Directorate • ACT Justice & Community Safety • ACT Environment & Sustainability Directorate • ACT Territory & Municipal Services Directorate • ACT Health Directorate • ACT Chief Minister & Treasury Directorate The Commissioner did not participate in any media events held in the ACT and all contact with the media was incidental to the undertaking of the listening tour consultation. (d) The NSW Cross-Border Commissioner was involved in a targeted listening tour during March and April 2012 as part of the initial consultation for the role. Meetings were organised at Broken Hill near the South Australian ⁄ NSW border. Media were advised of the meetings. The Commissioner made contact with the NSW Local Government Councils of Broken Hill and Lower Darling Shire Council. The Commissioner also communicated with the Department of Primary Industries and Regions, . All contact by the Commissioner with the media has been incidental to the undertaking of this part of the Listening Tour consultation and ongoing duties. The Commissioner did not participate in any media events held in South Australia. 3697 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) The following NSW local government councils have raised issues with the NSW Cross Border Commissioner on behalf of residents, businesses and organisations: • Albury City Council • Berrigan Shire Council • Broken Hill City Council • Cooma Monaro Shire Council • Corowa Shire Council • Goulburn Mulwaree Council • Greater Hume Shire Council • Gwydir Shire Council • Inverell Shire Council • Kyogle Shire Council • Moree Plains Shire Council • Murray Shire Council • Palerang Council • Queanbeyan City Council • Tenterfield Shire Council • Tumbarumba Shire Council • Tweed Shire Council • Wakool Shire Council • Wentworth Shire Council • Yass Valley Council The Commissioner communicated with the representatives of the Victorian, Queensland, ACT and South Australian Government about issues raised by the above Local Councils,. Many of these issues are documented in the Listening Tour Report, which is available at www.cbc.nsw.gov.au⁄cbc. (3) Since his appointment, the NSW Cross-Border Commissioner has participated in about thirty three visits to the following NSW locations - Albury, Wagga Wagga, Tocumwal, Jerilderie, Moama, Moulamein, Wentworth, Dareton, Broken Hill, Queanbeyan, Cooma, Thredbo, Mungindi, Moree, Warialda, Mingoola, Tenterfield, Jennings, Liston, Legume, Murwillumbah, Tweed Heads, Lismore, Ballina and Tamworth. The NSW Cross-Border Commissioner met with representatives of the Victorian, ACT, Queensland and South Australian Government. He has participated in meetings held in Mildura with Medicare Local, in Warwick with QLD Police, in Nerang with Qld Transport, in Bendigo with the Victorian Justice Department, in Robina for a cross border health meeting, in Stanthorpe for the Cross-Border Regional partnerships forum and in Canberra with the ACT transport and other departmental representatives. He has also attended two meetings in Brisbane and one in Melbourne with the representatives of those state governments. The media were advised of each of the meetings held as part of the Listening Tour. All contact by the Cross-Border Commissioner with the media has been incidental to the undertaking of the Listening Tour consultations and ongoing duties. (4) In undertaking the Listening Tour and travelling to meeting with cross-border stakeholders, the NSW Cross-Border Commissioner and his staff incurred $18,555 of travel related expenditures in the period 28 March 2012 to 28 February 2013.

*3615 TRADE AND INVESTMENT—INTERNATIONAL OFFICE IN ABU DHABI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— (1) What is the actual expenditure, including operating costs and salaries, with regard to the International Office (Trade Post) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates for 2011-2012? (2) Please provide the following performance measure information for 2011-2012: (a) Return on investment? (b) Export outcomes? 3698 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— (1) AUD$384,000 (2) (a) and (b) Performance measures for each trade post are a return of 20 to 1 in investment or export outcomes on expenditure. In 2011⁄12 the Abu Dhabi office exceeded this performance measure.

*3616 TRADE AND INVESTMENT—INTERNATIONAL OFFICE IN SAN FRANCISCO, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— (1) What is the actual expenditure, including operating costs and salaries, with regard to the International Office (Trade Post) San Francisco, United States of America for 2011-2012? (2) Please provide the following performance measure information for 2011-2012: (a) Return on investment? (b) Export outcomes?

Answer— Not applicable. San Francisco Office was established in June 2012.

*3617 TRADE AND INVESTMENT—INTERNATIONAL OFFICE IN GUANGZHOU, CHINA—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— (1) What is the actual expenditure, including operating costs and salaries, with regard to the International Office (Trade Post) Guangzhou, China for 2011-2012? (2) Please provide the following performance measure information for 2011-2012: (a) Return on investment? (b) Export outcomes?

Answer— (1) AUD$286,000 (2) (a) and (b) Performance measures for each trade post are a return of 20 to 1 in investment or export outcomes on expenditure. In 2011⁄12 the Guangzhou office exceeded this performance measure.

*3618 TRADE AND INVESTMENT—INTERNATIONAL OFFICE IN SHANGHAI, CHINA—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— (1) What is the actual expenditure, including operating costs and salaries, with regard to the International Office (Trade Post) Shanghai, China for 2011-2012? (2) Please provide the following performance measure information for 2011-2012: (a) Return on investment? (b) Export outcomes?

Answer— (1) AUD$440,000 (2) (a) and (b) Performance measures for each trade post are a return of 20 to 1 in investment or export outcomes on expenditure. In 2011⁄12 the Shanghai office exceeded this performance measure.

*3619 TRADE AND INVESTMENT—INTERNATIONAL OFFICE IN MUMBAI, INDIA—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— 3699 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) What is the actual expenditure, including operating costs and salaries, with regard to the International Office (Trade Post) Mumbai, India for 2011-2012? (2) Please provide the following performance measure information for 2011-2012: (a) Return on investment? (b) Export outcomes?

Answer— (1) AUD$421,000 (2) (a) and (b) Performance measures for each trade post are a return of 20 to 1 in investment or export outcomes on expenditure. In 2011⁄12 the Mumbai office exceeded this performance measure.

*3620 EDUCATION—INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARDS- OXLEY ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Which schools in the Oxley Electorate have received interactive whiteboards? (2) How many whiteboards has each school received? Answer— Under the Connected Classrooms Program, which concluded in 2011-12, all NSW public schools have been equipped with an interactive classroom, which included an interactive whiteboard. Additional interactive whiteboards have often been provided under the Building the Education Revolution program, or purchased by schools directly using discretionary funding.

*3621 ROADS AND PORTS—TEN WORST ROAD ACCIDENT LOCATIONS-OXLEY ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What are the ten worst road accident locations, according to accident data, in the Oxley Electorate? (2) What is the 2012-13 budget allocation for funding to address road safety issues at these ten locations? Answer— I am advised: (1) The Centre for Road Safety does not compile lists ranking locations, including intersections, on the basis of crash counts. Summary statistics can be found on the Centre for Road Safety's website. In the three years 2009-2011 there have been 1,273 crashes reported in the Oxley Electorate. These crashes resulted in 41 people being killed and 877 people being injured. Forty- seven per cent of the crashes were tow-away crashes in which no casualties were reported. (2) Details of 2012 13 road safety projects in the Oxley electorate are as follows: • Main Road 76 Fernbrook Loop Rd, west of Dorrigo - $900,000 under the Federal Blackspot Program. • Highway 10, - Hungry Head, south of Urunga - $340,000. • Highway 11 Northern Approach to Macksville Bridge - $125,000 for guard fencing and Vehicle Activated Speed Signage. • Highway 11 Longflat curves, Longflat - $98,000 for guard fencing under the Road Toll Response Program. • Gowings Hill Road, Kempsey - $182,000 for shoulder widening and clear zones under the Road Toll Response Program. • Grassy Head Road, north of Grassy Head - $160,000 for road safety improvements under the Road Toll Response Program.

*3622 EDUCATION—DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS- OXLEY ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In complete list form, how many demountable classrooms are there at each public school in the Oxley electorate? 3700 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters, and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site are subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3623 TRANSPORT—JANNALI STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Jannali station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3624 TRANSPORT—MIRANDA STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Miranda station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3625 TRANSPORT—CARINGBAH STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Caringbah station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? 3701 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3626 TRANSPORT—WOOLOOWARE STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Woolooware station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3627 TRANSPORT—CRONULLA STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Cronulla station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3628 TRANSPORT—HOLSWORTHY STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Holsworthy station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service. 3702 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3629 TRANSPORT—QUAKERS HILL STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Quakers Hill station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3630 TRANSPORT—SCHOFIELDS STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Schofields station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3631 TRANSPORT—RIVERSTONE STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Riverstone station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3632 TRANSPORT—VINEYARD STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Vineyard station? (2) What are their roles? 3703 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3633 TRANSPORT—MULGRAVE STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Mulgrave station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3634 TRANSPORT—WINDSOR STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Windsor station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3635 TRANSPORT—CLARENDON STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Clarendon station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the 3704 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3636 TRANSPORT—EAST RICHMOND STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at East Richmond station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3637 TRANSPORT—RICHMOND STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Richmond station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3638 TRANSPORT—NEWCASTLE STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Newcastle station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer 3705 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013


*3639 TRANSPORT—CIVIC STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Civic station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3640 TRANSPORT—WICKHAM STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Wickham station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3641 TRANSPORT—HAMILTON STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Hamilton station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3642 TRANSPORT—BROADMEADOW STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— 3706 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) How many staff work at Broadmeadow station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3643 TRANSPORT—ADAMSTOWN STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Adamstown station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3644 TRANSPORT—WARATAH STATION—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) How many staff work at Waratah station? (2) What are their roles? (3) What hours is the station staffed on weekdays? (4) What hours is the station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (5) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? (6) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*3645 TRANSPORT—RAILWAY STATION DWELL TIMES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) What are the current dwell times at the following railway stations: (a) Jannali? (b) Miranda? (c) Caringbah? (d) Woolooware? 3707 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(e) Cronulla? (f) Holsworthy? (g) Quakers Hill? (h) Schofields? (i) Riverstone? (j) Vineyard ? (k) Mulgrave? (l) Windsor? (m) Clarendon? (n) East Richmond? (o) Richmond? (p) Newcastle? (q) Civic? (r) Wickham? (s) Hamilton? (t) Broadmeadow? (u) Adamstown? (v) Waratah?

Answer— I am advised: Trains dwell at stations for an adequate amount of time to allow passengers to embark on, and disembark off, the train in a safe manner.

*3646 TRANSPORT—TRAINS ARRIVING WITHIN FIVE MINUTES OF SCHEDULE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) In 2011-12, what percentage of trains arrived within five minutes of their scheduled time at each of the following stations: (a) Jannali? (b) Miranda? (c) Caringbah? (d) Woolooware? (e) Cronulla? (f) Holsworthy? (g) Quakers Hill? (h) Schofields? (i) Riverstone? (j) Vineyard? (k) Mulgrave? (l) Windsor? (m) Clarendon? (n) East Richmond? (o) Richmond? (p) Newcastle? (q) Civic? (r) Wickham? (s) Hamilton? (t) Broadmeadow? (u) Adamstown? (v) Waratah? 3708 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— I am advised: On time running across the CityRail network in 2011⁄12 was 94.2%.

*3647 ROADS AND PORTS—SCHOOL ZONE ALERT SYSTEMS- OXLEY ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) As at 14 March 2013, how many schools in the Oxley Electorate in the following categories have had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed: (a) Public primary schools? (b) Public high schools? (c) Catholic primary schools? (d) Catholic high schools? (e) Independent primary schools? (f) Independent high schools? (2) As at 14 March 2013, how many schools in the Oxley Electorate in the following categories have not had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed: (a) Public primary schools? (b) Public high schools? (c) Catholic primary schools? (d) Catholic high schools? (e) Independent primary schools? (f) Independent high schools? (3) What is the scheduled date of installation for those schools identified as not having school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed in Question (2)? Answer— I am advised: Schools with flashing lights, or identified for flashing lights, are published on the Roads and Maritime Services website.

*3648 ROADS AND PORTS—ENGINES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) As at December 2008, how many private and pension concession motor vehicle registrations were there in New South Wales where their engines used: (a) Petrol? (b) Diesel? (c) Liquid petroleum gas (LPG), or LPG and another fuel? (d) Electricity? (2) As at December 2012, how many private and pension concession motor vehicle registrations were there in New South Wales where their engines used: (a) Petrol? (b) Diesel? (c) Liquid petroleum gas (LPG), or LPG and another fuel? (d) Electricity?


I am advised: As at December 2008 Motive Power Code Private General Concession Pensioner Total P Petrol 2,765,595 572,534 3,338,129 D Diesel 176,035 29,955 205,990 3709 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

G LPG 13,828 2801 16,629 O Petrol And LPG (Dual 44,324 13,625 57,949 Fuel) R Diesel And LPG (Dual 194 66 260 Fuel) E Electricity 56 2 58 H Electricity⁄Petrol 1429 69 1498 Total 3,001,461 619,052 3,620,513 As at December 2012 Motive Power Code Private General Concession Pensioner Total P Petrol 2,916,283 657,528 3,573.811 D Diesel 310,781 50,759 361,540 G LPG 15,821 3841 19,662 O Petrol And LPG (Dual 46,359 16,501 62,860 Fuel) R Diesel And LPG (Dual 582 232 814 Fuel) E Electricity 191 14 205 H Electricity⁄Petrol 9770 831 10,601 Total 3,299,787 729,706 4,029,493

*3649 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—POLICE CALLED TO INCIDENTS AT RAILWAY STATIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) On how many occasions were Police called to incidents at the following railway stations in 2012: (a) Jannali? (b) Miranda? (c) Caringbah? (d) Woolooware? (e) Cronulla? (f) Holsworthy? (g) Quakers Hill? (h) Schofields? (i) Riverstone? (j) Vineyard? (k) Mulgrave? (l) Windsor? (m) Clarendon? (n) East Richmond? (o) Richmond? (p) Newcastle? (q) Civic? (r) Wickham? (s) Hamilton? (t) Broadmeadow? (u) Adamstown? (v) Waratah?

Answer— I am advised: The COPS database is operational, not statistical and cannot provide accurate data in the form requested. 3710 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

The Police Transport Command deploys resources on an intelligence basis, based on identified risk and emerging trends. Since the Command commenced operations there has been over 1,700 arrests and more than 29,300 infringements issued and a total of 103 operations conducted in both Command hubs and Satellite hubs.

*3650 HEALTH—NSW MINISTRY OF HEALTH STANDARDISED IN-HOSPITAL DOCUMENTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) Is NSW Ministry of Health developing standardised in-hospital documents for recording decisions to withhold life-sustaining measures? (2) When will these be available to all hospitals? (3) What additional measures are proposed to improve advance care planning and end of life decisions? Answer— I am advised by the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research: (1) to (3) NSW Ministry of Health is developing a strategic plan for improving end of life care by implementing advance care planning in the NSW public health system. The plan is targeted predominantly at integrating advance care planning into the management of those with chronic life-limiting illness. This involves development of standardised documentation that is expected to be in use in hospitals by the end of 2013. Additional measures include: • developing models of care for patients that mean advance care planning conversations occur earlier and at key rossroads in managing chronic life-limiting illness and ensuring that all appropriate documentation is completed; • developing resources and training that support health professionals' skills to talk to patients sensitively about advance care planning and their wishes as end of life approaches; • developing standardised, recognised and advance care planning tools that help patients and health professionals document decisions made during advance care planning conversations; • promoting recognition and use of advance care plans in clinical decision making, and their transfer between care settings; • developing tools and policies to help health professionals manage end of life care and decision- making with patients and families; and • using existing health data to monitor progress in implementing advance care planning and to evaluate improvements in end of life care.

*3651 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—UNDER SIXTEEN SMOKING FINES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) How many official warnings were issued in 2011-12 for the offence of smoking in cars where a child under sixteen years was a passenger? (2) How many fines were issued in 2011-12 for the offence of smoking in cars where a child under sixteen years was a passenger? Answer— The NSW Police Force advises me: (1) Nil (2) 332

*3652 ROADS AND PORTS—M5 EAST AND WEST CLOSURES 2012—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) (a) On what dates was the M5 East city-bound tunnel closed for any period during 2012? 3711 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(b) For how long was it closed on each occasion? (2) (a) On what dates was the M5 East west-bound tunnel closed for any period during 2012? (b) For how long was it closed on each occasion?

Answer— I am advised: (1) and (2) The M5 tunnels can be closed to manage incidents and conduct planned maintenance and resurfacing work as required. Advance notice of planned closures and resurfacing work is provided to the public through the project website.

*3653 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra portfolio? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3654 PREMIER, WESTERN SYDNEY—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Premier, and Minister for Western Sydney— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney's portfolio? Answer— I am Advised: The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3655 REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES, TRADE AND INVESTMENT—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services portfolio? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3656 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research portfolio? 3712 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— I am advised by the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research: The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3657 EDUCATION—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Education's portfolio? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3658 HUNTER, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, and Minister for the Hunter's portfolio? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3659 ROADS AND PORTS—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Roads and Ports portfolio? Answer— I am advised: The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3660 ASSISTING THE PREMIER ON INFRASTRUCTURE NSW, PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW, Leader of the House— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW portfolio? Answer— I am advised that the Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. 3713 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3661 CENTRAL COAST, RESOURCES AND ENERGY, SPECIAL MINISTER OF STATE—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast portfolio? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3662 TRANSPORT—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Transports portfolio? Answer— I am advised: Information on legal costs is available in the annual report(s).

*3663 ARTS, TOURISM, MAJOR EVENTS, HOSPITALITY AND RACING—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts portfolio? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3664 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, TREASURER—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations portfolio? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3665 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, SMALL BUSINESS—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in 3714 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business portfolio? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3666 AGEING, DISABILITY SERVICES—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Ageing, and Minister for Disability Services— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Ageing, and Minister for Disability Services portfolio? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3667 ATTORNEY GENERAL, JUSTICE—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice's portfolio? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3668 LOCAL GOVERNMENT, NORTH COAST—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Local Government, and Minister for the North Coast— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Local Government, and Minister for the North Coast'sportfolio ? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3669 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES, WOMEN—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Family and Community Services, and Minister for Women— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Family and Community Services, and Minister for Women portfolio? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. 3715 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3670 FAIR TRADING—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Fair Trading— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Fair Trading's portfolio? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3671 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES, MENTAL HEALTH, WESTERN NEW SOUTH WALES—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Healthy Lifestyles, and Minister for Western New South Wales— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Healthy Lifestyles, and Minister for Western New South Wales's portfolio? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3672 ENVIRONMENT, HERITAGE—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage's portfolio? Answer— I am advised as follows: (1) The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. (2) Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3673 ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS, CITIZENSHIP AND COMMUNITIES—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Citizenship and Communities, and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Citizenship and Communities, and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs portfolio? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website. 3716 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3674 SPORT AND RECREATION—LEGAL COSTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Sport and Recreation— In 2011-12, what were the total legal costs of actions initiated or incurred by agencies or departments in the Minister for Sport and Recreation portfolio? Answer— The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently collecting and analysing legal services expenditure for the 2011⁄12 financial year, including legal expenditure associated with litigation and prosecutions for Government departments and agencies. Once completed, this expenditure will be published on the Department's website.

*3675 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—WHITE ANTS IN DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PROPERTIES IN NEW SOUTH WALES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) In reference to the Minister for Family and Community Services answer to question no. 3436: (a) How many Department of Housing properties in New South Wales were sprayed for white ants in 2011-12? (b) What was the estimated cost? (c) What chemicals were used?

Answer— (1) 447 Land and Housing Corporation properties received active termite treatment comprising direct destruction or chemical application, during 2011⁄12. (2) $387,497. (3) Chemicals registered through the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA).

19 MARCH 2013 (Paper No. 132)

*3676 EDUCATION—PRIMARY SCHOOL DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - MANLY ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) Which public primary school sites in the Manly electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site is subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3677 EDUCATION—PRIMARY SCHOOL DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - HORNSBY ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) Which public primary school sites in the Hornsby electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? 3717 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site is subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3678 EDUCATION—PRIMARY SCHOOL DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - GOSFORD ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) Which public primary school sites in the Gosford electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site is subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3679 EDUCATION—PRIMARY SCHOOL DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - TERRIGAL ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) Which public primary school sites in the Terrigal electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site is subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3680 EDUCATION—PRIMARY SCHOOL DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - THE ENTRANCE ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Which public primary school sites in the Entrance electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural 3718 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

disasters and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site is subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3681 EDUCATION—PRIMARY SCHOOL DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - WYONG ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Which public primary school sites in the Wyong electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site is subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3682 EDUCATION—PRIMARY SCHOOL DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - COFFS HARBOUR ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Which public primary school sites in the Coffs Harbour electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site is subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3683 EDUCATION—TAFE COLLEGE DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - COFFS HARBOUR ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Which public Technical and Further Education college sites in the Coffs Harbour electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— There were no demountable classrooms on TAFE NSW North Coast Institute campuses in Coffs Harbour Electorate as at 19 March 2013. 3719 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3684 EDUCATION—HIGH SCHOOL DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - COFFS HARBOUR ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Which public high school sites in the Coffs Harbour electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site is subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3685 EDUCATION—HIGH SCHOOL DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - HORNSBY ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Which public high school sites in the Hornsby electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site is subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3686 EDUCATION—HIGH SCHOOL DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - WYONG ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Which public high school sites in the Wyong electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site is subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3687 EDUCATION—HIGH SCHOOL DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - THE ENTRANCE ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3720 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) Which public high school sites in the Entrance electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site is subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3688 EDUCATION—HIGH SCHOOL DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - TERRIGAL ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Which public high school sites in the Terrigal electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site is subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3689 EDUCATION—HIGH SCHOOL DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - GOSFORD ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Which public high school sites in the Gosford electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site is subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3690 EDUCATION—HIGH SCHOOL DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - MANLY ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Which public high school sites in the Manly electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? 3721 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— The Department of Education and Communities uses demountable buildings to meet changing accommodation needs in schools due to increased enrolments, emergencies such as fires or natural disasters and accommodation needs arising from capital works or maintenance projects being conducted at schools. Demountable buildings are regularly moved on and off school sites to meet changing needs and the number of demountable buildings on a school site is subject to change. To list the number of demountable buildings on individual school sites would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3691 EDUCATION—TAFE COLLEGE DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS - HORNSBY ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Which Technical and Further Education college sites in the Hornsby electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— There were no demountable classrooms on TAFE NSW Northern Sydney Institute Hornsby Campus as at 19 March 2013.

*3692 EDUCATION—TAFE COLLEGE DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS- WYONG ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Which Technical and Further Education college sites in the Wyong electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— There were no demountable classrooms on TAFE NSW Hunter Institute campuses in Wyong Electorate as at 19 March 2013.

*3693 EDUCATION—TAFE COLLEGE DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS- THE ENTRANCE ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Which Technical and Further Education college sites in the Entrance electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— There were no demountable classrooms on TAFE NSW Hunter Institute campuses in the Entrance Electorate as at 19 March 2013.

*3694 EDUCATION—TAFE COLLEGE DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS- GOSFORD ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) Which Technical and Further Education college sites in the Gosford electorate had demountable classrooms located on them as at 19 March 2013? (2) How many demountable classrooms were located on each site? Answer— There were no demountable classrooms on TAFE NSW Hunter Institute campuses in Gosford Electorate as at 19 March 2013. 3722 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3695 ROADS AND PORTS—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES- LISMORE ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Lismore electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Finance and Services.

*3696 ROADS AND PORTS—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES- OXLEY ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Oxley electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Finance and Services.

*3697 ROADS AND PORTS—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES- NORTHERN TABLELANDS ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Northern Tablelands electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Finance and Services.

*3698 ROADS AND PORTS—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES- COOGEE ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Coogee electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Finance and Services.

*3699 ROADS AND PORTS—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES- GOULBURN ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Goulburn electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Finance and Services.

*3700 ROADS AND PORTS—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES- BURRINJUCK ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Burrinjuck electorate in 2011-12? 3723 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) What were the most frequent offences? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Finance and Services.

*3701 EDUCATION—PUBLIC SCHOOL CONDITION ASSESSMENTS - LISMORE ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) What were the specific findings of the condition assessments at each public school in the Lismore electorate that commenced in September 2011 and took place during the rest of the school year? (2) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (3) (a) Were any condition assessments undertaken in 2012 regarding public schools in the Lismore electorate? (b) If so, what were the specific findings at each school? (c) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (4) (a) Are any condition assessments proposed to be undertaken in the Lismore electorate in 2013? (b) If so, when will they be completed?

Answer— The NSW Government is committed to addressing Labor's $1 billion school maintenance liability and infrastructure backlog. To provide a detailed statistical response to these questions would involve considerable time and the diversion of resources away from the core responsibilities of the Department of Education and Communities, the provision of public education, which cannot be justified.

*3702 EDUCATION—PUBLIC SCHOOL CONDITION ASSESSMENTS - NORTHERN TABLELANDS ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) What were the specific findings of the condition assessments at each public school in the Northern Tablelands electorate that commenced in September 2011 and took place during the rest of the school year? (2) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (3) (a) Were any condition assessments undertaken in 2012 regarding public schools in the Northern Tablelands electorate? (b) If so, what were the specific findings at each school? (c) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (4) (a) Are any condition assessments proposed to be undertaken in the Northern Tablelands electorate in 2013? (b) If so, when will they be completed?

Answer— The NSW Government is committed to addressing Labor's $1 billion school maintenance liability and infrastructure backlog. To provide a detailed statistical response to these questions would involve considerable time and the diversion of resources away from the core responsibilities of the Department of Education and Communities, the provision of public education, which cannot be justified. 3724 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3703 EDUCATION—PUBLIC SCHOOL CONDITION ASSESSMENTS - COOGEE ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) What were the specific findings of the condition assessments at each public school in the Coogee electorate that commenced in September 2011 and took place during the rest of the school year? (2) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (3) (a) Were any condition assessments undertaken in 2012 regarding public schools in the Coogee electorate? (b) If so, what were the specific findings at each school? (c) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (4) (a) Are any condition assessments proposed to be undertaken in the Coogee in 2013? (b) If so, when will they be completed?

Answer— The NSW Government is committed to addressing Labor's $1 billion school maintenance liability and infrastructure backlog. To provide a detailed statistical response to these questions would involve considerable time and the diversion of resources away from the core responsibilities of the Department of Education and Communities, the provision of public education, which cannot be justified.

*3704 EDUCATION—PUBLIC SCHOOL CONDITION ASSESSMENTS -OXLEY ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) What were the specific findings of the condition assessments at each public school in the Oxley electorate that commenced in September 2011 and took place during the rest of the school year? (2) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (3) (a) Were any condition assessments undertaken in 2012 regarding public schools in the Oxley electorate? (b) If so, what were the specific findings at each school? (c) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (4) (a) Are any condition assessments proposed to be undertaken in the Oxley in 2013? (b) If so, when will they be completed?

Answer— The NSW Government is committed to addressing Labor's $1 billion school maintenance liability and infrastructure backlog. To provide a detailed statistical response to these questions would involve considerable time and the diversion of resources away from the core responsibilities of the Department of Education and Communities, the provision of public education, which cannot be justified.

*3705 EDUCATION—PUBLIC SCHOOL CONDITION ASSESSMENTS - GOULBURN ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) What were the specific findings of the condition assessments at each public school in the Goulburn electorate that commenced in September 2011 and took place during the rest of the school year? (2) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (3) (a) Were any condition assessments undertaken in 2012 regarding public schools in the Goulburn electorate? 3725 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(b) If so, what were the specific findings at each school? (c) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (4) (a) Are any condition assessments proposed to be undertaken in the Goulburn in 2013? (b) If so, when will they be completed?

Answer— The NSW Government is committed to addressing Labor's $1 billion school maintenance liability and infrastructure backlog. To provide a detailed statistical response to these questions would involve considerable time and the diversion of resources away from the core responsibilities of the Department of Education and Communities, the provision of public education, which cannot be justified.

*3706 EDUCATION—PUBLIC SCHOOL CONDITION ASSESSMENTS - BURRINJUCK ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) What were the specific findings of the condition assessments at each public school in the Burrinjuck electorate that commenced in September 2011 and took place during the rest of the school year? (2) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (3) (a) Were any condition assessments undertaken in 2012 regarding public schools in the Burrinjuck electorate? (b) If so, what were the specific findings at each school? (c) What actions have been taken to remedy each identified problem? (4) (a) Are any condition assessments proposed to be undertaken in the Burrinjuck in 2013? (b) If so, when will they be completed?

Answer— The NSW Government is committed to addressing Labor's $1 billion school maintenance liability and infrastructure backlog. To provide a detailed statistical response to these questions would involve considerable time and the diversion of resources away from the core responsibilities of the Department of Education and Communities, the provision of public education, which cannot be justified.

*3707 EDUCATION—PUBLIC SCHOOL CLEANING - BURRINJUCK ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What was the total expenditure on cleaning at each public school in the Burrinjuck electorate in the 2011-12 financial year? Answer— The current Cleaning Contract for the NSW Government was negotiated by the former Government. This contract contained the efficiencies to increase the average cleaning rate. In 2011⁄12, the Department of Education and Communities spent $225.7 million on cleaning in NSW public schools. To provide a breakdown of cleaning costs at individual schools would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3708 EDUCATION—PUBLIC SCHOOL CLEANING - GOULBURN ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What was the total expenditure on cleaning at each public school in the Goulburn electorate in the 2011-12 financial year? 3726 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— The current Cleaning Contract for the NSW Government was negotiated by the former Government. This contract contained the efficiencies to increase the average cleaning rate. In 2011⁄12, the Department of Education and Communities spent $225.7 million on cleaning in NSW public schools. To provide a breakdown of cleaning costs at individual schools would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3709 EDUCATION—PUBLIC SCHOOL CLEANING - OXLEY ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What was the total expenditure on cleaning at each public school in the Oxley electorate in the 2011-12 financial year? Answer— The current Cleaning Contract for the NSW Government was negotiated by the former Government. This contract contained the efficiencies to increase the average cleaning rate. In 2011⁄12, the Department of Education and Communities spent $225.7 million on cleaning in NSW public schools. To provide a breakdown of cleaning costs at individual schools would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3710 EDUCATION—PUBLIC SCHOOL CLEANING - NORTHERN TABLELANDS ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What was the total expenditure on cleaning at each public school in the Northern Tablelands electorate in the 2011-12 financial year? Answer— The current Cleaning Contract for the NSW Government was negotiated by the former Government. This contract contained the efficiencies to increase the average cleaning rate. In 2011⁄12, the Department of Education and Communities spent $225.7 million on cleaning in NSW public schools. To provide a breakdown of cleaning costs at individual schools would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3711 EDUCATION—PUBLIC SCHOOL CLEANING - LISMORE ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What was the total expenditure on cleaning at each public school in the Lismore electorate in the 2011-12 financial year? Answer— The current Cleaning Contract for the NSW Government was negotiated by the former Government. This contract contained the efficiencies to increase the average cleaning rate. In 2011⁄12, the Department of Education and Communities spent $225.7 million on cleaning in NSW public schools. To provide a breakdown of cleaning costs at individual schools would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3712 EDUCATION—PUBLIC SCHOOL CLEANING - COOGEE ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What was the total expenditure on cleaning at each public school in the Coogee electorate in the 2011-12 financial year? Answer— 3727 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

The current Cleaning Contract for the NSW Government was negotiated by the former Government. This contract contained the efficiencies to increase the average cleaning rate. In 2011⁄12, the Department of Education and Communities spent $225.7 million on cleaning in NSW public schools. To provide a breakdown of cleaning costs at individual schools would be a diversion of resources from the Department's core business, the provision of public education.

*3713 EDUCATION—SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS - COOGEE ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) How many children with special learning needs are enrolled in public schools in the Coogee Electorate? (2) What is the total number of children enrolled in public schools in the Coogee Electorate? Answer— (1) Based upon current data there are 388 children with special learning needs enrolled in public schools in the Coogee Electorate. (2) In 2012 there were 4,772 students enrolled at NSW government schools in the Coogee Electorate.

*3714 EDUCATION—SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS - OXLEY ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) How many children with special learning needs are enrolled in public schools in the Oxley Electorate? (2) What is the total number of children enrolled in public schools in the Oxley Electorate? Answer— (1) Based upon current data there are 2,324 children with special learning needs enrolled in public schools in the Oxley Electorate. (2) In 2012 there were 8,742 students enrolled at NSW government schools in the Oxley Electorate.

*3715 EDUCATION—SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS - NORTHERN TABLELANDS ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) How many children with special learning needs are enrolled in public schools in the Northern Tablelands Electorate? (2) What is the total number of children enrolled in public schools in the Northern Tablelands Electorate? Answer— (1) Based upon current data there are 2,319 children with special learning needs enrolled in public schools in the Northern Tablelands Electorate. (2) In 2012 there were 9,230 students enrolled at NSW government schools in the Northern Tablelands Electorate.

*3716 EDUCATION—SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS - LISMORE ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) How many children with special learning needs are enrolled in public schools in the Lismore Electorate? (2) What is the total number of children enrolled in public schools in the Lismore Electorate? Answer— 3728 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) Based upon current data there are 1,908 children with special learning needs enrolled in public schools in the Lismore Electorate. (2) In 2012 there were 8,338 students enrolled at NSW government schools in the Lismore Electorate.

*3717 EDUCATION—SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS - GOULBURN ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) How many children with special learning needs are enrolled in public schools in the Goulburn Electorate? (2) What is the total number of children enrolled in public schools in the Goulburn Electorate? Answer— (1) Based upon current data there are 1,661 children with special learning needs enrolled in public schools in the Goulburn Electorate. (2) In 2012 there were 7,244 students enrolled at NSW government schools in the Goulburn Electorate.

*3718 EDUCATION—SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS - BURRINJUCK ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) How many children with special learning needs are enrolled in public schools in the Burrinjuck Electorate? (2) What is the total number of children enrolled in public schools in the Burrinjuck Electorate? Answer— (1) Based upon current data there are 1,685 children with special learning needs enrolled in public schools in the Burrinjuck Electorate. (2) In 2012 there were 7,446 students enrolled at NSW government schools in the Burrinjuck electorate.

*3719 TRANSPORT—ON TIME RUNNING FOR HILLS BUS SERVICES TO THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— Where would passengers find on time running information for the following Hills Bus Services to the central business district bus routes: (a) 620⁄620X? (b) 642⁄642X? (c) 650⁄650X? (d) 652X?

Answer— I am advised: On time running information is published on the Transport for NSW website, on a region by region basis, not for individual routes.

*3720 TRANSPORT—CITYRAIL V SET INTERURBAN ELECTRICS REPLACEMENT TIMELINE—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) What is the expected timeframe for CityRail to replace the V set interurban electrics? (2) When will the replacement of these cars commence? Answer— I am advised: Starting 1 July 2013, RailCorp will be replaced by two modern, streamlined organisations, Sydney Trains and NSW Trains, to service the different needs of Sydney and intercity⁄regional customers. 3729 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

NSW Trains will service regional and country passengers who travel longer distances and need more comfortable trains with on-board facilities. These improvements are the next step in fixing the NSW train network to make it more customer-focused.

*3721 TRANSPORT—RAILCORP PLAN TO REPLACE OVERHEAD WIRING STRUCTURES IN THE BLUEMOUNTAINS—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) When does RailCorp plan to replace the overhead wiring structures in the Blue Mountains from Penrith to Lithgow? (2) What is the timeframe for this work? (3) What is the budget for this work? Answer— I am advised: Please see my response to question LC 3434.

*3722 TRANSPORT—CONCESSION FARES ON THE AIRPORT LINE—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) What was the cost of a return pensioner ticket from Gosford Station to the Airport Domestic on 31 December 2012? (2) What was the cost of a return pensioner Gate Pass for the Airport Domestic on 31 December 2012? Answer— I am advised: The NSW Government does not set the fares for the Airport Domestic station.

*3723 TRANSPORT—CENTRAL COAST SERVICE DISRUPTIONS ON TUESDAY, 12 MARCH 2013—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) What was the cause of service disruptions on the central coast line in to the city on the morning of 12 March 2013? (2) Why did these services not stop at Town Hall and Wynyard? (3) What information was provided to passengers about these services interruptions? Answer— I am advised: (1) On 12 March 2013, emergency overhead wiring repairs at Epping affected train services, including those on the Central Coast line. Trains were temporarily suspended between Hornsby and Epping. (2) Intercity Newcastle and Central Coast trains were diverted via the North Shore Line, so customers were not required to change trains for suburban services. Eight carriage Intercity services did not stop at Wynyard and Town Hall stations, as these trains are longer than the length of the platform. This means that the rear carriage will remain in the tunnel and these trains do not have selective door opening. (3) Regular announcements were made on trains and stations, and extra customer service staff were positioned at affected stations. Up-to-date travel information could be obtained by customers via the 131 500 Transport Infoline, CityRail and Transport Info websites, announcements by the Transport Management Centre and by following 131500trains on twitter.

*3724 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—BANGATE BRIDGE WEIR REMOVAL—Mr Buckingham asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— In relation to the proposal to remove Bangate Bridge weir on the Narran River: (1) Who is the owner of the Bangate Bridge weir? 3730 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) Who makes the final decision as to whether the Bangate Bridge weir will be removed or not? (3) What consultation has been undertaken with affected landholders? (4) Has the Department of Primary Industries investigated alternatives to the removal of the weir? (5) (a) Is State Water Corporation owned by the Government? (b) If so, who is the State Water Corporation responsible to? (c) Who in the State Water Corporation makes the decision about whether or not to remove the weir? (d) Could the Minister for Primary Industries please provide a copy of the asset register which lists all the weirs owned or managed by the State Water Corporation? (6) What criteria is used to decide which weirs are being considered for removal? (7) Could the Minister for Primary Industries please make available a copy of the current policy pertaining to weirs? (8) What is the cost comparison between replacing this weir compared with implementing alternative measures such as fish ladders etc? (9) Has a study been undertaken on how the weir's removal will affect fish populations and the river's flow? (10) Could the Minister for Primary Industries please provide a list of other weirs that are being considered for removal or other "remediation" measures? Answer— (1) State Water Corporation is the owner of Bangate Bridge Weir. (2) State Water Corporation decides on the removal or retention of weirs under its ownership. Weirs with no water regulation benefits are deemed surplus to the Corporation's water delivery obligations. A final decision on the future of Bangate Bridge Weir will have due regard to the social, environmental and economic impacts of that decision. (3) State Water Corporation engaged the Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries NSW, to consult local landholders via a number of methods including surveys, phone calls, and a site meeting. (4) Options for retaining the weir have been considered by both the Department of Primary Industries and State Water. Refer also to answer to Question 2. (5) (a) State Water Corporation is a state owned corporation as defined under the State Owned Corporations Act 1989. (b) See answer to 5.a. above. (c) Refer answer to Question 2. (d) State Water currently either owns or operates over 300 weirs and regulators across NSW. (6) Refer answer to Question 2. The NSW Weirs Policy provides the policy direction for the management of weirs in NSW. (7) The NSW Weirs Policy is available from the NSW Office of Water website at www.water.nsw.gov.au. (8) Whatever option is chosen for the future of Bangate Bridge Weir, the financial cost is just one of the considerations. Social and environmental implications must also be considered and, particularly, whether the asset is considered redundant in terms of its original intended purpose. (9) Weir removal has been assessed as not affecting the river flow and assisting fish populations. (10) It is NSW Government policy that all weirs across waterways in NSW be subject to functional and environmental assessment as per the NSW Weirs Policy (1997).

*3725 HEALTH—MORUYA HOSPITAL ONCOLOGY UNIT—Mr Whan asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) What are the current planning arrangements for the oncology unit at the Moruya hospital? 3731 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) What are the current estimated costs? (3) Has any capital funding been allocated in the 2012-13 budget for the project or any capital works at the hospital? (4) What is the level of use of the Moruya oncology unit on a monthly basis? (5) How much funding has been raised for the oncology unit through the public appeal process? Answer— I am advised by the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research: (1) to (5) The Moruya Hospital Oncology Unit operates Monday to Friday, and provides an average of 125 chemotherapy treatments monthly, as well as associated services supporting oncology patients such as specialist consulting sessions, patient education and oncology support services. A service plan has been developed for the Eurobodalla Cancer Care Service which includes oncology and considers service needs to 2021. No funding has been identified for a relocation of the Oncology Unit at the present time. The Moruya Hospital Oncology Unit public fund raising appeal is managed by an independent community group. Funds raised will not be used for infrastructure, but will be used for equipment and services for patients and staff, such as a wig and turban library and treatment chairs.

*3726 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—FORESTS CORPORATION NSW OCCUPATION PERMITS—Mr Whan asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) How many occupation permits are there currently from Forests Corporation NSW? (2) How many occupation permits are issued to not for profit bodies? (3) Please provide a list of the not for profit organisations who hold occupation permits with Forests Corporation NSW, for each permit please provide the area of state forest concerned and the fee charged to the organisation for the current year and three previous years? (4) In determining fees to be charged to not for profit bodies for occupation permits what policy governs the fee and what are the cost factors that are included? Answer— (1) Since the commencement of the Forestry Act 2012, Forestry Corporation no longer issues "Occupation Permits" (OPs) as such. (2) to (4) FCNSW does not identify organisations as "not-for-profit" or otherwise in its licence administration system.

*3727 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—RURAL FIRE SERVICE REGION SOUTH EXERCISES—Mr Whan asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) Is the Rural Fire Service planning to hold Region South Exercises in 2013? (2) When were the last Region South Exercises held? (3) How many times have Region South Exercises been held in the last 10 years, what dates have the exercises been held on? (4) What was the cost of the last Region South Exercise? (5) What advice has been provided to fire fighters in the region regarding future region exercises? Answer— I am advised by the Rural Fire Service: An Incident Management Exercise is planned for Lake George in May 2013. A Lessons Learnt Exercise involving volunteers and staff was held from 12 -14 March 2013 following significant recent fire activity. This Exercise cost approximately $10,500. There have been over 40 exercises held within the Region over the past 5 years and this includes 6 centrally based Regional Exercises which started in Region South in 2004. 3732 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

The Regional office has consulted with districts in regard to the 2013 Exercises and, based on the outcome of these discussions, a series of locally based exercises and events will be conducted to provide benefits to increased numbers of volunteers across the region.

20 MARCH 2013 (Paper No. 133)

*3728 HEALTH—CORAKI HEALTH SERVICES—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) When will the promised Health One facility at Coraki be open and operational? (2) What health services will be offered at the Health One facility? (3) Will there be a permanent General Practitioner working at the Health One facility? Answer— I am advised: (1) and (3) The Northern NSW Local Health District has commenced developing a Master Plan for the former Coraki Hospital site. The timing for the service to be commissioned and operational is yet to be determined. The range of services will be determined in the detailed planning stage for the HealthOne integrated primary health care service. However, the service will be developed so that a General Practice is co-located with the Community Health Services, as part of the HealthOne Service.

*3729 HEALTH—GISSING HOUSE PSYCHIATRIST - WAGGA WAGGA—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) What are the current arrangements for staffing of the resident psychiatrist position at Gissing House in Wagga Wagga? (2) What was the cost of these arrangements in 2011-2012? Answer— I am advised: (1) and (2) The Murrumbidgee Local Health District has in 2013 been successful in recruiting a psychiatry Career Medical Officer who has taken up residence in Wagga Wagga and commenced work at Gissing House. The consultant psychiatrists to Murrumbidgee Local Health District are based in Sydney and travel to provide daily coverage Monday to Friday. The consultant psychiatrists are a stable workforce, who provide a high quality service and work collaboratively as a team to ensure that on-call coverage via telephone is provided at all times. Costs associated with the consultant psychiatrists: 1.2007/08 Accommodation: Nil Travel: records not available Salary: $1,151,448 Incidentals: Nil

2.2008/09 Accommodation: Nil Travel: $131,104 Salary: $1,168,440 Incidentals: Nil

3.2009/10 Accommodation: Nil Travel: $155,846 Salary: $1,157,000 Incidentals: Nil 3733 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

4.2010/11 Accommodation: Nil Travel: $147,968 Salary: $1,156,731 Incidentals: Nil

5.2011/12 Accommodation: Nil Travel: $155,248 Salary: $1,170,675 Incidentals: Nil Travel costs reflect the daily commute. Therefore there is no accommodation charges recorded and no incidentals as taxi costs are included as part of the travel figure.

*3730 HEALTH—PSYCHIATRIST COSTS GISSING HOUSE WAGGA WAGGA—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) What are the following costs in relation to the position of the resident psychiatrist at Gissing House in Wagga Wagga for the following financial years: (a) 2007-08. (b) 2008-09. (c) 2009-10. (d) 2010-11. (e) 2011-12. (i) Accommodation? (ii) Travel? (iii) Salary? (iv) Incidentals?

Answer— I am advised: (1) to (5) I refer the Honourable Member to the response to Question on Notice LC3729.

*3731 ROADS AND PORTS—DRIVERS AGED 85 AND OVER - NEWCASTLE ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— In relation to drivers aged 85 years and over in the Newcastle Electorate, in 2011-12: (1) How many drivers were in this category? (2) How many undertook practical driving assessments? (a) How many were successful? (3) How many chose the option of a modified licence? Answer— I am advised: (1) 544 (2) 113 (a) 105 (3) 47

*3732 ROADS AND PORTS—DRIVERS AGED 85 AND OVER - BAULKHAM HILLS ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— In relation to drivers aged 85 years and over in the Baulkham Hills Electorate, in 2011-12: (1) How many drivers were in this category? (2) How many undertook practical driving assessments? 3734 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(a) How many were successful? (3) How many chose the option of a modified licence? Answer— I am advised: (1) 413 (2) 66 (a) 63 (3) 45

*3733 ROADS AND PORTS—DRIVERS AGED 85 AND OVER - CASTLE HILL ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— In relation to drivers aged 85 years and over in the Castle Hill Electorate, in 2011-12: (1) How many drivers were in this category? (2) How many undertook practical driving assessments? (a) How many were successful? (3) How many chose the option of a modified licence? Answer— I am advised: (1) 456 (2) 62 (a) 60 (3) 49

*3734 ROADS AND PORTS—DRIVERS AGED 85 AND OVER - RIVERSTONE ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— In relation to drivers aged 85 years and over in the Riverstone Electorate, in 2011-12: (1) How many drivers were in this category? (2) How many undertook practical driving assessments? (a) How many were successful? (3) How many chose the option of a modified licence? Answer— I am advised: (1) 169 (2) 32 (a) 29 (3) 27

*3735 ROADS AND PORTS—DRIVERS AGED 85 AND OVER - CRONULLA ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— In relation to drivers aged 85 years and over in the Cronulla Electorate, in 2011-12: (1) How many drivers were in this category? (2) How many undertook practical driving assessments? (a) How many were successful? (3) How many chose the option of a modified licence? 3735 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— I am advised: (1) 969 (2) 78 (a) 66 (3) 101

*3736 ROADS AND PORTS—DRIVERS AGED 85 AND OVER - MENAI ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— In relation to drivers aged 85 years and over in the Menai Electorate, in 2011-12: (1) How many drivers were in this category? (2) How many undertook practical driving assessments? (a) How many were successful? (3) How many chose the option of a modified licence? Answer— I am advised: (1) 226 (2) 31 (a) 26 (3) 19

*3737 ROADS AND PORTS—DRIVERS AGED 85 AND OVER - HAWKESBURY ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— In relation to drivers aged 85 years and over in the Hawkesbury Electorate, in 2011-12: (1) How many drivers were in this category? (2) How many undertook practical driving assessments? (a) How many were successful? (3) How many chose the option of a modified licence? Answer— I am advised: (1) 334 (2) 77 (a) 72 (3) 20

*3738 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS -CASTLE HILL TAFE CAMPUS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days in 2012 were trial emergency evacuations conducted at The Hills College, Castle Hill Technical and Further Education Campus? Answer— The Hills College, Castle Hill Campus held trial emergency evacuations on 11 September, 13 September and 9 November 2012. 3736 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3739 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—WATER MAINS - NEWCASTLE ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) How many incidents of a leaking or burst water main in the Newcastle electorate were reported to Hunter Water in 2011-12? (2) How many of these incidents led to damage to roads or other infrastructure? Answer— (1) 91 (2) Maintenance crews frequently access roads and footpaths in order to repair leaking or burst water mains.

*3740 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - BAULKHAM HILLS TAFE CAMPUS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days in 2012 were trial emergency evacuations conducted at The Hills College, Baulkham Hills Technical and Further Education Campus? Answer— The Hills College, Baulkham Hills Campus held trial emergency evacuations on 21 August, 13 September and 9 November 2012.

*3741 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - LOFTUS TAFE CAMPUS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days in 2012 were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Sutherland College, Loftus Technical and Further Education Campus? Answer— The Sutherland College, Loftus Campus held trial emergency evacuations on 19 March, 10 September and 16 November 2012.

*3742 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, SMALL BUSINESS—WATER MAINS - NEWCASTLE ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) How many incidents of a leaking or burst water main in the Newcastle electorate were reported to Hunter Water in 2011-12? (2) How many of these incidents led to damage to roads or other infrastructure? Answer— The question raised by Mr Primrose falls under the administration of The Hon. Greg Pearce MLC, Minister for Finance and Services, and should be directed accordingly.

*3743 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - GYMEA TAFE CAMPUS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days in 2012 were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Sutherland College, Gymea Technical and Further Education Campus? Answer— The Sutherland College, Gymea Campus held trial emergency evacuations on 19 March, 30 July and 13 August 2012. 3737 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3744 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—WATER MAINS- BAULKHAM HILLS ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) How many incidents of a leaking or burst water main in the Baulkham Hills electorate were reported to Sydney Water in 2011-12? (2) How many of these incidents led to damage to roads or other infrastructure? Answer— (1) 92. (2) Maintenance crews frequently access roads and footpaths in order to repair leaking or burst water mains.

*3745 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - NIRUMBA TAFE CAMPUS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days in 2012 were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Nirimba Technical and Further Education Campus? Answer— The Nirimba College held trial emergency evacuations on 9 March and 3 September 2012.

*3746 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, SMALL BUSINESS—WATER MAINS- BAULKHAM HILLS ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) How many incidents of a leaking or burst water main in the Baulkham Hills electorate were reported to Sydney Water in 2011-12? (2) How many of these incidents led to damage to roads or other infrastructure? Answer— The question raised by Mr Primrose falls under the administration of The Hon. Greg Pearce MLC, Minister for Finance and Services, and should be directed accordingly.

*3747 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - NEWCASTLE TAFE CAMPUS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days in 2012 were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Newcastle Technical and Further Education Campus? Answer— The Newcastle Campus held trial emergency evacuations on 6 March, 20 March, 30 July and 1 August 2012.

*3748 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - HUNTER STREET TAFE CAMPUS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days in 2012 were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Hunter Street Technical and Further Education Campus? Answer— The Hunter Street Campus held trial emergency evacuations on 29 February and 26 July 2012.

*3749 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - HAMILTON TAFE CAMPUS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days in 2012 were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Hamilton Technical and Further Education Campus? 3738 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— The Hamilton Campus held trial emergency evacuations on 29 February and 26 July 2012.

*3750 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - YOWIE BAY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Yowie Bay Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3751 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - WOOLOOWARE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Woolooware Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3752 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - TAREN POINT PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Taren Point Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3753 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—WATER MAINS - HAWKESBURY ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) How many incidents of a leaking or burst water main in the Hawkesbury electorate were reported to Sydney Water in 2011-12? (2) How many of these incidents led to damage to roads or other infrastructure? 3739 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— (1) 168. (2) Maintenance crews frequently access roads and footpaths in order to repair leaking or burst water mains.

*3754 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, SMALL BUSINESS—WATER MAINS - HAWKESBURY ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) How many incidents of a leaking or burst water main in the Hawkesbury electorate were reported to Sydney Water in 2011-12? (2) How many of these incidents led to damage to roads or other infrastructure? Answer— The question raised by Mr Primrose falls under the administration of The Hon. Greg Pearce MLC, Minister for Finance and Services, and should be directed accordingly.

*3755 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - SYLVANIA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Sylvania Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3756 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, SMALL BUSINESS—WATER MAINS - CASTLE HILL ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) How many incidents of a leaking or burst water main in the Castle Hill electorate were reported to Sydney Water in 2011-12? (2) How many of these incidents led to damage to roads or other infrastructure? Answer— The question raised by Mr Primrose falls under the administration of The Hon. Greg Pearce MLC, Minister for Finance and Services, and should be directed accordingly.

*3757 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MIRANDA NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Miranda North Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. 3740 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3758 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—WATER MAINS - CASTLE HILL ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) How many incidents of a leaking or burst water main in the Castle Hill Electorate were reported to Sydney Water in 2011-12? (2) How many of these incidents led to damage to roads or other infrastructure? Answer— (1) 96. (2) Maintenance crews frequently access roads and footpaths in order to repair leaking or burst water mains.

*3759 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - LILLI PILLI PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Lilli Pilli Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3760 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—WATER MAINS - RIVERSTONE ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) How many incidents of a leaking or burst water main in the Riverstone Electorate were reported to Sydney Water in 2011-12? (2) How many of these incidents led to damage to roads or other infrastructure? Answer— (1) 65. (2) Maintenance crews frequently access roads and footpaths in order to repair leaking or burst water mains.

*3761 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, SMALL BUSINESS—WATER MAINS - RIVERSTONE ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) How many incidents of a leaking or burst water main in the Riverstone Electorate were reported to Sydney Water in 2011-12? (2) How many of these incidents led to damage to roads or other infrastructure? Answer— The question raised by Mr Primrose falls under the administration of The Hon. Greg Pearce MLC, Minister for Finance and Services, and should be directed accordingly. 3741 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3762 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - LAGUNA STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Laguna Street Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3763 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, SMALL BUSINESS—WATER MAINS - CRONULLA ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) How many incidents of a leaking or burst water main in the Cronulla Electorate were reported to Sydney Water in 2011-12? (2) How many of these incidents led to damage to roads or other infrastructure? Answer— The question raised by Mr Primrose falls under the administration of The Hon. Greg Pearce MLC, Minister for Finance and Services, and should be directed accordingly.

*3764 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - KURNELL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Kurnell Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3765 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—WATER MAINS - CRONULLA ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) How many incidents of a leaking or burst water main in the Cronulla Electorate were reported to Sydney Water in 2011-12? (2) How many of these incidents led to damage to roads or other infrastructure? Answer— (1) 113. (2) Maintenance crews frequently access roads and footpaths in order to repair leaking or burst water mains. 3742 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3766 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - ENDEAVOUR SPORTS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Endeavour Sports Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3767 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—WATER MAINS - MENAI ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) How many incidents of a leaking or burst water main in the Menai Electorate were reported to Sydney Water in 2011-12? (2) How many of these incidents led to damage to roads or other infrastructure? Answer— (1) 153. (2) Maintenance crews frequently access roads and footpaths in order to repair leaking or burst water mains.

*3768 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, SMALL BUSINESS—WATER MAINS - MENAI ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) How many incidents of a leaking or burst water main in the Menai Electorate were reported to Sydney Water in 2011-12? (2) How many of these incidents led to damage to roads or other infrastructure? Answer— The question raised by Mr Primrose falls under the administration of The Hon. Greg Pearce MLC, Minister for Finance and Services, and should be directed accordingly.

*3769 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CRONULLA SOUTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Cronulla South Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency. 3743 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3770 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CRONULLA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Cronulla Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3771 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CRONULLA HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Cronulla High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3772 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CARINGBAH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Caringbah Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3773 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CARINGBAH NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Caringbah North Public School in 2012? Answer— 3744 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3774 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CARINGBAH HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Caringbah High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3775 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - BURRANEER BAY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Burraneer Bay Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3776 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - WORONORA RIVER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Woronora River Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key 3745 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3777 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - WATTLE GROVE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Wattle Grove Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3778 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - THE JANNALI HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at The Jannali High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3779 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - THARAWAL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Tharawal Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3780 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - NUWARRA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Nuwarra Public School in 2012? Answer— 3746 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3781 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - NEWBRIDGE HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Newbridge Heights Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3782 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MOOREBANK HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Moorebank High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3783 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MENAI PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Menai Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency. 3747 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3784 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MENAI HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Menai High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3785 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - LUCAS HEIGHTS COMMUNITY SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Lucas Heights Community School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3786 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES, WOMEN—GENDER EQUALITY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Family and Community Services, and Minister for Women— (1) Will Government agencies participate in the reporting framework established by The Workplace Gender Equality (Matters in relation to Gender Equality Indicators) Instrument 2013? (2) If not, what alternative arrangements will be put in place to: (a) Collate gender equality indicators? (b) Improve gender equality outcomes? (c) Establish benchmarks for gender equality outcomes?

Answer— (1) The Workplace Gender Equality (Matters in relation to Gender Equality Indicators) Instrument 2013 applies to non-public sector organisations with more than 100 employees. (2) Information about gender equality in NSW is available in the Women in NSW annual reports.

*3787 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - JANNALI PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Jannali Public School in 2012? Answer— 3748 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3788 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - ILLAWONG PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Illawong Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3789 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - HOLSWORTHY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Holsworthy Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3790 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - HOLSWORTHY HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Holsworthy High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency. 3749 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3791 PREMIER, WESTERN SYDNEY—GENDER EQUALITY—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Premier, and Minister for Western Sydney— (1) Will Government agencies participate in the reporting framework established by The Workplace Gender Equality (Matters in relation to Gender Equality Indicators) Instrument 2013? (2) If not, what alternative arrangements will be put in place to: (a) Collate gender equality indicators? (b) Improve gender equality outcomes? (c) Establish benchmarks for gender equality outcomes?

Answer— I am advised: (1) I am advised the Workplace Gender Equality (Matters in relation to Gender Equality Indicators) Instrument 2013 applies to non-public sector organisations with more than 100 employees. (2) (a) I am advised that, since 1999, NSW Government agencies have participated in an annual public sector workforce profile data collection. The core national gender equality indicators (concerning gender composition of the workforce and pay equity) are included in this collection. (b) Profile data about NSW Government agencies is published annually on NSW Government websites. Equality indicators are also included in the Women in NSW annual report, which is available on the Department of Family and Community Services website. (c) The NSW Government has established benchmarks for gender equity in the public sector. These are detailed in the Making the Public Sector Work Better for Women strategy, which is available on the Public Service Commission website.

*3792 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - HAMMONDVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Hammondville Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3793 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CHIPPING NORTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Chipping Norton Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. 3750 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3794 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - BANGOR PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Bangor Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3795 FAIR TRADING—NSW FAIR TRADING BUILDING INSPECTIONS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Fair Trading— (1) How many residential building inspections were carried out by NSW Fair Trading in 2011-12 in response to consumer and trader disputes? (2) How many field audit inspections were carried out by NSW Fair Trading to ensure compliance with home building regulations in 2011-12? Answer— Information relating to residential building inspections and field audit inspections can be found in the NSW Fair Trading Year in Review, which is available on Fair Trading's website.

*3796 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - ALFORDS POINT PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Alfords Point Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3797 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - WYNDHAM COLLEGE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Wyndham College in 2012? Answer— 3751 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3798 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - WINDSOR SOUTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Windsor South Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3799 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - WINDSOR PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Windsor Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3800 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—OPERATIONS PERFORMED IN NEW SOUTH WALES IN 2011/12—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) How many operations were performed in hospitals in New South Wales in 2011-12? (2) Of these operations, what percentage was performed in private hospitals? Answer— I am advised: Information in relation to the number of admissions to hospitals in NSW involving surgery in 2011⁄12 is published on the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare's website: http:⁄⁄www.aihw.gov.au⁄. 3752 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3801 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - WINDSOR PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Windsor Park Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3802 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - WINDSOR HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Windsor High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3803 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - WILLIAM DEAN PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at William Dean Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3804 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - VINEYARD PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Vineyard Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. 3753 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3805 TOURISM, MAJOR EVENTS, HOSPITALITY AND RACING—LIQUOR LICENCES- NEWCASTLE ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— (1) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed clubs in the Newcastle Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (2) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed hotels in the Newcastle Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (3) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed bottle shops in the Newcastle Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (4) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed restaurants in the Newcastle Electorate as at 30 June 2012? Answer— The liquor licensing database established in 2008 by the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing is not capable of producing reports about licensed premises based upon electorates.

*3806 TOURISM, MAJOR EVENTS, HOSPITALITY AND RACING—LIQUOR LICENCES- HAWKESBURY ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— (1) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed clubs in the Hawkesbury Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (2) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed hotels in the Hawkesbury Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (3) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed bottle shops in the Hawkesbury Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (4) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed restaurants in the Hawkesbury Electorate as at 30 June 2012? Answer— The liquor licensing database established in 2008 by the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing is not capable of producing reports about licensed premises based upon electorates.

*3807 TOURISM, MAJOR EVENTS, HOSPITALITY AND RACING—LIQUOR LICENCES - BAULKHAM HILLS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— (1) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed clubs in the Baulkham Hills Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (2) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed hotels in the Baulkham Hills Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (3) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed bottle shops in the Baulkham Hills Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (4) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed restaurants in the Baulkham Hills Electorate as at 30 June 2012? Answer— 3754 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

The liquor licensing database established in 2008 by the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing is not capable of producing reports about licensed premises based upon electorates.

*3808 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - SCHOFIELDS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Schofields Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3809 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - RIVERSTONE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Riverstone Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3810 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - RIVERSTONE HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Riverstone High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3811 TOURISM, MAJOR EVENTS, HOSPITALITY AND RACING—LIQUOR LICENCES - CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— (1) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed clubs in the Castle Hill Electorate as at 30 June 2012? 3755 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed hotels in the Castle Hill Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (3) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed bottle shops in the Castle Hill Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (4) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed restaurants in the Castle Hill Electorate as at 30 June 2012? Answer— The liquor licensing database established in 2008 by the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing is not capable of producing reports about licensed premises based upon electorates.

*3812 TOURISM, MAJOR EVENTS, HOSPITALITY AND RACING—LIQUOR LICENCES - RIVERSTONE ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— (1) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed clubs in the Riverstone Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (2) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed hotels in the Riverstone Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (3) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed bottle shops in the Riverstone Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (4) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed restaurants in the Riverstone Electorate as at 30 June 2012? Answer— The liquor licensing database established in 2008 by the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing is not capable of producing reports about licensed premises based upon electorates.

*3813 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - QUAKERS HILL HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Quakers Hill High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3814 TOURISM, MAJOR EVENTS, HOSPITALITY AND RACING—LIQUOR LICENCES - CRONULLA ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— (1) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed clubs in the Cronulla Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (2) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed hotels in the Cronulla Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (3) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed bottle shops in the Cronulla Electorate as at 30 June 2012? 3756 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(4) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed restaurants in the Cronulla Electorate as at 30 June 2012? Answer— The liquor licensing database established in 2008 by the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing is not capable of producing reports about licensed premises based upon electorates.

*3815 TOURISM, MAJOR EVENTS, HOSPITALITY AND RACING—LIQUOR LICENCES - MENAI ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— (1) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed clubs in the Menai Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (2) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed hotels in the Menai Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (3) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed bottle shops in the Menai Electorate as at 30 June 2012? (4) What was the total number of liquor licences for licensed restaurants in the Menai Electorate as at 30 June 2012? Answer— The liquor licensing database established in 2008 by the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing is not capable of producing reports about licensed premises based upon electorates.

*3816 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - YOWIE BAY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Yowie Bay Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3817 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - WOOLOOWARE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Woolooware Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources. 3757 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3818 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - WOOLOOWARE HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Woolooware High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3819 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - TAREN POINT PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Taren Point Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3820 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - SYLVANIA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Sylvania Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3821 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MIRANDA NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Miranda North Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— 3758 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3822 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - LILLI PILLI PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Lilli Pilli Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3823 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - LAGUNA STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Laguna Street Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3824 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - KURNELL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Kurnell Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3825 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - ENDEAVOUR SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Endeavour Sports High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? 3759 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3826 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CRONULLA SOUTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Cronulla South Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3827 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CRONULLA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Cronulla Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3828 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CRONULLA HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Cronulla High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3829 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CARINGBAH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) 3760 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Caringbah Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3830 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CARINGBAH NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Caringbah North Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3831 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CARINGBAH NORTH HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Caringbah North High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3832 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - BURRANEER BAY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Burraneer Bay Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources. 3761 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3833 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - WORONORA RIVER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Woronora River Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3834 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - QUAKERS HILL EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Quakers Hill East Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3835 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - WATTLE GROVE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Watle Grove Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3836 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - PARKLEA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Parklea Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. 3762 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3837 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - THE JANNALI HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at The Jannali High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3838 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MARSDEN PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Marsden Park Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3839 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - THARAWAL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Tharawal Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3840 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - KELLYVILLE RIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial 3763 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

emergency evacuations conducted at Kellyville Ridge Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3841 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - JOHN PALMER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at John Palmer Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3842 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - NUWARRA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Nuwarra Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3843 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - HAMBLEDON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Hambledon Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key 3764 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3844 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - NEWBRIDGE HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Newbridge Heights Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3845 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Glenwood High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3846 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MOOREBANK HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Moorebank High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3847 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CADDIES CREEK PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Caddies Creek Public School in 2012? Answer— 3765 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3848 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MENAI PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Menai Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3849 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - BLIGH PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Bligh Park Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3850 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MENAI HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Menai High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3851 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - BARNIER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3766 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Barnier Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3852 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - LUCAS HEIGHTS COMMUNITY SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Lucas Heights Community School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3853 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - WISEMAN'S FERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Wiseman's Ferry Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3854 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - JANNALI PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Jannali Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— 3767 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3855 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - WILBERFORCE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Wilberforce Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3856 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - ILLAWONG PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Illawong Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3857 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - SHERWOOD RIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Sherwood Ridge Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3858 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - HOLSWORTHY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) 3768 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Holsworthy Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3859 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - ROUSE HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Rouse Hill Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3860 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - HOLSWORTHY HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Holsworthy High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3861 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - HAMMONDVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Hammondville Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources. 3769 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3862 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - PITT TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Pitt Town Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3863 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - OAKVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Oakville Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3864 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MAROOTA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Maroota Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3865 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CHIPPING NORTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Chipping Norton Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? 3770 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3866 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - BANGOR PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Bangor Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3867 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - ALFORDS POINT PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Alfords Point Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3868 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - WYNDHAM COLLEGE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Wyndham College in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3869 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - WINDSOR SOUTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Windsor South Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? 3771 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3870 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - WINDSOR PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Windsor Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3871 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - WINDSOR PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Windsor Park Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3872 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - WINDSOR HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Windsor High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3873 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - WILLIAM DEAN HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) 3772 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at William Dean High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3874 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - VINEYARD PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Vineyard Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3875 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - SCHOFIELDS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Schofields Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3876 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - RIVERSTONE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Riverstone Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources. 3773 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3877 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - RIVERSTONE HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Riverstone High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3878 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - QUAKERS HILL HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Quakers Hill High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3879 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - QUAKERS HILL EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Quakers Hill East Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3880 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - PARKLEA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Parklea Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— 3774 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3881 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MARSDEN PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Marsden Park Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3882 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - KELLYVILLE RIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Kellyville Ridge Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3883 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - JOHN PALMER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at John Palmer Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3884 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - HAMBLEDON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Hambledon Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? 3775 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3885 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - GLENWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Glenwood Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3886 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MARAYLYA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Maraylya Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3887 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MACDONALD VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Macdonald Valley Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency. 3776 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3888 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - KURRAJONG EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Kurrajong East Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3889 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CADDIES CREEK PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Caddies Creek Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3890 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - KENTHURST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Kenthurst Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3891 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - BLIGH PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Bligh Park Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? 3777 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3892 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - BARNIER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Barnier Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3893 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - KELLYVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Kellyville Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3894 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - KELLYVILLE HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Kellyville High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3895 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - IRONBARK RIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Ironbark Ridge Public School in 2012? 3778 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3896 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - WISEMAN'S FERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Wiseman's Ferry Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3897 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - WILBERFORCE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Wilberforce Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3898 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - HILLSIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Hillside Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency. 3779 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3899 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - SHERWOOD RIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Sherwood Ridge Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3900 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - GLOSSODIA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Glossodia Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3901 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - GLENORIE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Glenorie Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3902 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - GLENHAVEN PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Glenhaven Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. 3780 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3903 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - ROUSE HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Rouse Hill Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3904 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - PITT TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Pitt Town Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3905 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - OAKVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Oakville Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3906 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - EBENEZER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Ebenezer Public School in 2012? 3781 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3907 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MAROOTA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Maroota Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3908 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - DURAL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Dural Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3909 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MARAYLYA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Maraylya Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources. 3782 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3910 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - COMLEROY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Comleroy Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3911 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MACDONALD VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Macdonald Valley Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3912 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - COLO HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Colo Heights Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3913 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - KURRAJONG EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Kurrajong East Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? 3783 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3914 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CATTAI PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Cattai Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3915 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - KENTHURST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Kenthurst Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3916 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - BILPIN PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Bilpin Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3917 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - KELLYVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) 3784 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Kellyville Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3918 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - KELLYVILLE HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Kellyville High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3919 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - BEAUMONT HILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Beaumont Hills Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3920 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - IRONBARK RIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Ironbark Ridge Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources. 3785 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3921 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - ARCADIA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Arcadia Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3922 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - HILLSIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Hillside Ridge Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3923 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - ANNANGROVE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Annangrove Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3924 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - GLOSSODIA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Glossodia Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— 3786 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3925 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - SAMUEL GILBERT PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Samuel Gilbert Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3926 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - GLENORIE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Glenorie Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3927 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - GLENHAVEN PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Glenhaven Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3928 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - EBENEZER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Ebenezer Public School in 2012? 3787 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3929 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - DURAL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Dural Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3930 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - COMLEROY ROAD PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Comleroy Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3931 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - OAKHILL DRIVE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Oakhill Drive Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency. 3788 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3932 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MURRAY FARM PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Murray Farm Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3933 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - JAMES RUSE AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at James Ruse Agricultural High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3934 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CUMBERLAND HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Cumberland High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3935 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - COLO HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Colo Heights Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? 3789 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3936 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CHERRYBROOK PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Cherrybrook Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3937 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CATTAI PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Cattai Heights Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3938 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - BILPIN PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Bilpin Heights Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3939 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CASTLE HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Castle Hill Public School in 2012? 3790 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3940 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CASTLE HILL HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Castle Hill High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3941 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CARLINGFORD WEST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Carlingford West Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3942 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - NORTH ROCKS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at North Rocks Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— 3791 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3943 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - WINSTON HILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Winston Hills Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3944 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - BEAUMONT HILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Beaumont Hills Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3945 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - WINSTON HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Winston Heights Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3946 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - ARCADIA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Arcadia Public School in 2012? 3792 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3947 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - NORTHMEAD PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Northmead Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3948 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - ANNANGROVE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Annangrove Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3949 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - NORTHMEAD HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Northmead High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency. 3793 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3950 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - SAMUEL GILBERT PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Samuel Gilbert Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3951 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - NORTH ROCKS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at North Rocks Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3952 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - OAKHILL DRIVE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Oakhill Drive Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3953 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MUIRHEAD HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Muirhead High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. 3794 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3954 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MURRAY FARM PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Murray Farm Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3955 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - JAMES RUSE AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at James Ruse Agricultural High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3956 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CUMBERLAND HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Cumberland High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3957 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CHERRYBROOK PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3795 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Cherrybrook Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3958 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CASTLE HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Castle Hill Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3959 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CASTLE HILL HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Castle Hill High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3960 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CARLINGFORD WEST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Carlingford West Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources. 3796 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3961 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - WINSTON HILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Winston Hills Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3962 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - WINSTON HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Winston Heights Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3963 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - NORTHMEAD PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Northmead Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3964 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - NORTHMEAD HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Northmead High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— 3797 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3965 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MUIRHEAD HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Muirhead High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3966 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MODEL FARMS HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Model Farms High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3967 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MATTHEW PEARCE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Matthew Pearce Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3968 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - JASPER ROAD PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Jasper Road Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? 3798 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3969 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - EXCELSIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Excelsior Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3970 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CRESTWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Crestwood Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3971 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CRESTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Crestwood High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3972 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - BURNSIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3799 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Burnside Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3973 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - BAULKHAM HILLS NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Baulkham Hills North Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3974 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - BAULKHAM HILLS HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Baulkham Hills High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3975 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MAYFIELD EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Mayfield East Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— 3800 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3976 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - HAMILTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Hamilton Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3977 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Newcastle High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3978 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - NEWCASTLE EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Newcastle East Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3979 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - LAMBTON HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Lambton High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? 3801 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3980 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - WARATAH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Waratah Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3981 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - ISLINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Islington Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3982 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - STOCKTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Stockton Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3983 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - CARRINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) 3802 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Carrington Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer—

*3984 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MEREWETHER HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Merewether High School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3985 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - HAMILTON NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Hamilton North Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3986 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - THE HUNTER SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at The Hunter School of Performing Arts in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources. 3803 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*3987 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MEREWETHER HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Merewether Heights Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3988 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - THE JUNCTION PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at The Junction Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3989 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - HAMILTON SOUTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Hamilton South Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3990 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MODEL FARMS HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Model Farms High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. 3804 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3991 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - MEREWETHER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Merewether Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3992 EDUCATION—SCHOOL BICYCLE EDUCATION PROGRAM - ADAMSTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) (a) How many bicycle education programmes were run at Adamstown Public School in 2012? (b) What was the general nature of the programmes? (c) How many students at the school participated? (2) How many bicycle education programmes are planned for 2013? Answer— Schools make local decisions when developing activities and programs to support student learning. These are based on syllabus outcomes and content, student needs, school context and available school resources.

*3993 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MATTHEW PEARCE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Matthew Pearce Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3994 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - JASPER ROAD PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial 3805 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

emergency evacuations conducted at Jasper Road Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3995 ATTORNEY GENERAL, JUSTICE—DEMOGRAPHICS IN NEW SOUTH WALES PRISONS—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— (1) How many inmates in New South Wales prisons at present are aged: (a) Under 18 years? (b) 18 to 24 years? (c) 25 to 34 years? (d) 35 to 44 years? (e) 45 to 54 years? (f) 55 to 64 years? (g) 65 years and above? (2) For each of the following age categories, how many prisoners have the following security classifications: (a) Under 18 years? (b) 18 to 24 years? (c) 25 to 34 years? (d) 35 to 44 years? (e) 45 to 54 years? (f) 55 to 64 years? (g) 65 years and above? (i) Maximum? (ii) Medium? (iii) Minimum? (iv) Unclassified? (v) Periodic Detention?

Answer— I am advised: Periodic detention is a sentencing option, not a security classification. Corrective Services NSW collates this data on Sundays. The following numbers of inmates were in custody and serving a sentence of period detention as at 10 March 2013: The security classifications listed relate to the inmates only. (a) 22 inmates under 18 years of age classified at Kariong Juvenile Correctional Centre (i) 19 maximum security (ii) 1 medium security (iii) 0 minimum security (iv) 2 unclassified (b) 1819 inmates aged 18 to 24 years (i) 328 maximum security (ii) 561 medium security 3806 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(iii) 822 minimum security (iv) 108 unclassified (c) 2 periodic detainees and 3451 inmates aged 25 to 34 years (i) 564 maximum security (ii) 931 medium security (iii) 1789 minimum security (iv) 167 unclassified (d) 2 periodic detainees and 2616 inmates aged 35 to 44 years (i) 394 maximum security (ii) 634 medium security (iii) 1452 minimum security (iv) 136 unclassified (e) 2 periodic detainees and 1240 inmates aged 45 to 54 years (i) 210 maximum security (ii) 241 medium security (iii) 739 minimum security (iv) 50 unclassified (f) 2 periodic detainees and 526 inmates aged 55 to 64 years (i) 108 maximum security (ii) 93 medium security (iii) 304 minimum security (iv) 21 unclassified (g) 209 inmates aged 65 years and above (i) 42 maximum security (ii) 24 medium security (iii) 132 minimum security (iv) 11 unclassified

*3996 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - EXCELSIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Excelsior Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3997 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CRESTWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Crestwood Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. 3807 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3998 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CRESTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Crestwood High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*3999 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - BURNSIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Burnside Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4000 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—LOGGING CONTRACTS AND COMMERCIAL ARRANGEMENTS—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (a) Has Kasun Pty Ltd and or Wilson Logging Pty Ltd entered into any contracts or other commercial arrangements with the Forestry Corporation or Forestry NSW to undertake logging operations in New South Wales within the last three years? (b) If so, (i) On what dates did Kasun Pty Ltd and or Wilson Logging Pty Ltd enter into any contracts or other commercial arrangements with the Forestry Corporation or Forestry NSW to undertake logging operations in New South Wales? (ii) Of what duration were each of these contracts or other commercial arrangements between Kasun Pty Ltd and or Wilson Logging Pty Ltd and the Forestry Corporation or Forestry NSW?

Answer— In relation to Wilson Logging Pty Ltd (a) Yes. (b) 3808 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(i) and (ii): A harvesting contract with Wilson Logging Pty Ltd commenced in April 2012. This contract has base duration of 6 months and maximum duration of 12 months. In relation to Kasun Logging Pty Ltd (a) Yes. (b) (i) and (ii)  A harvesting contract with Kasun Logging Pty Ltd commenced on 1 June 2010 , with a duration of two years. The harvesting contract was extended by three months in May 2012.  A harvesting contract with Kasun Logging Pty Ltd commenced in September 2012, with a duration to 30 June 2013.

*4001 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - BAULKHAM HILLS NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Baulkham Hills North Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4002 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - BAULKHAM HILLS HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Baulkham Hills High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4003 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MAYFIELD EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Mayfield East Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. 3809 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4004 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - HAMILTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Hamilton Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4005 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Newcastle High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4006 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - NEWCASTLE EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Newcastle East Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4007 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - LAMBTON HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3810 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Lambton High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4008 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - WARATAH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Waratah Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4009 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - ISLINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Islington Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4010 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - STOCKTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Stockton Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. 3811 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4011 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - CARRINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Carrington Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4012 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MEREWETHER HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Merewether High School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4013 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - HAMILTON NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Hamilton North Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency. 3812 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*4014 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - THE HUNTER SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at The Hunter School of Performing Arts in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4015 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MEREWETHER HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Merewether Heights Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4016 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - THE JUNCTION PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at The Junction Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4017 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - HAMILTON SOUTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Hamilton South Public School in 2012? Answer— 3813 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4018 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS - MEREWETHER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Merewether Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4019 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—POLICE CAR PURSUITS—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) How many police car pursuits were undertaken for the following financial years: (a) 2011-2012? (b) 2012-2013 to date? (2) How many fatalities have occurred as a result of police car pursuits for the following financial years: (a) 2011-2012? (b) 2012-2013 to date? (3) Of the fatalities which have occurred as a result of police car pursuits cases from the 2011-2012 financial year how many were: (a) Police? (b) Drivers of vehicles being pursued? (c) Passengers of vehicles being pursued? (d) Bystanders including third party motorists? (4) Of the fatalities which have occurred as a result of police car pursuits cases from the 2012-2013 financial year to date how many were: (a) Police? (b) Drivers of vehicles being pursued? (c) Passengers of vehicles being pursued? (d) Bystanders including third party motorists? (5) How many injuries have occurred as a result of police car pursuits for the following financial years: (a) 2011-2012? (b) 2012-2013 to date? (6) Of the injuries incurred as a result of police car pursuits cases from the 2011-2012 financial year how many injuries were incurred by: (a) Police? 3814 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(b) Drivers of vehicles being pursued? (c) Passengers of vehicles being pursued? (d) Bystanders including third party motorists? (7) Of the injuries incurred as a result of police car pursuits cases from the 2012-2013 financial year to date how many injuries were incurred by: (a) Police? (b) Drivers of vehicles being pursued? (c) Passengers of vehicles being pursued? (d) Bystanders including third party motorists? (8) What were the offences of persons pursued by police during the following financial years (a) 2011-2012? (b) 2012-2013 to date?

Answer— The NSW Police Force has advised me: (NB: all figures for 2012⁄2013 are as at 26 March 2013) (1) (a) 1837 (b) 1269 (2) (a) 3 (b) 4 (3) (a) 0 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) 1 (4) (a) 0 (b) 4 (c) 0 (d) 0 (5) (a) 54 (b) 38 (6) (a) 5 (b) and (c) 43 (separate totals for drivers and passengers are unable to be provided) (d) 6 (7) (a) (a) 7 (b) (b) and (c) 22 (separate totals for drivers and passengers are unable to be provided) (d) 9 (8) (a) Traffic: 1080; Criminal: 180; Stolen Vehicle: 291; Not Stop RBT: 307; Other: 1 (b) Traffic: 769; Criminal; 127; Stolen Vehicle: 190; Not Stop RBT: 201; Other: 0 3815 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*4020 EDUCATION—TRIAL EMERGENCEY EVACUATIONS - ADAMSTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— In accordance with the requirements of emergency management planning, on what days were trial emergency evacuations conducted at Adamstown Public School in 2012? Answer— Through established policies and procedures, the NSW Department of Education and Communities requires NSW government schools to develop an emergency management plan for the school. These plans are required to be reviewed annually. NSW government schools are required to conduct emergency drills at least every six months. The Department has systems and processes in place to monitor the implementation of these requirements in order to support schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. By conducting emergency drills, schools ensure that staff and students have an understanding of key actions and will be able to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

*4021 ENVIRONMENT, HERITAGE—HAIRY GEEBUNG NUMBERS IN NEW SOUTH WALES—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage— (1) What is the estimated number of Hairy Geebung in New South Wales? (2) In what areas are they located? (3) What measures have been put in place to protect them? Answer— I am advised as follows: (1) The number of Hairy Geebung in New South Wales is estimated to be between 600 and 700 individual plants. (2) The Hairy Geebung is located in approximately 450 discrete locations across the sandstone areas around and within Sydney from Glen Davis in the northwest, east to Gosford, and in the south from near Hill Top to the south eastern suburbs of Sydney. (3) The Hairy Geebung is protected under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 where they occur within national parks and reserves.

*4022 HUNTER, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—FIRE AND RESCUE NSW FIRE STATIONS - NEWCASTLE ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) On how many occasions was each Fire and Rescue NSW fire station in the Newcastle Electorate required to attend an incident in 2012? (2) How many firefighters were located at each station per shift in: (a) June 2012? (b) December 2012? (3) What was the average response time from the time the call was received at the Communications Centre to arrival at the scene in: (a) June 2012? (b) December 2012?

Answer— Name of fire stationFire & Rescue NSW has advised:

(1) Name of fire station Number of incidents 2012 Hamilton 1094 Newcastle 1260 Newcastle HAZMAT 86 Lambton 678 3816 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Carrington 300 Stockton 172 Merewether 297

(2) Name of fire station Number of Number of Number of Number of firefighters per shift firefighters per shift firefighters per shift firefighters per shift June 2012 June 2012 December 2012 December 2012 . Permanent Retained Permanent Retained Hamilton 4 0 4 0 Newcastle 8 0 8 0 Newcastle HAZMAT 3 0 3 0 Lambton 0 16 0 18 Carrington 0 14 0 13 Stockton 0 12 0 13 Merewether 0 14 0 12 *Merewether had two vacancies in December 2012. These positions are now filled and the station has a full complement of retained firefighters.

(3) Name of fire station Average response time in minutes Average response time in minutes from the time the call was received at from the time the call was received at the Communications Centre to the the Communications Centre to the arrival at the scene June 2012 arrival at the scene December 2012 Hamilton 7:36 7:13 Newcastle 7:06 7:02 Newcastle HAZMAT** Not applicable Not applicable Lambton 13:18 13:02 Carrington 5:37 7:50 Stockton 9:47 8:45 Merewether 9:57 14:11 **Newcastle HAZMAT is a support unit and as such does not have a designated response area.

*4023 HUNTER, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—FIRE AND RESCUE NSW FIRE STATIONS - HAWKESBURY ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) On how many occasions was each Fire and Rescue NSW fire station in the Hawkesbury Electorate required to attend an incident in 2012? (2) How many firefighters were located at each station per shift in: (a) June 2012? (b) December 2012? (3) What was the average response time from the time the call was received at the Communications Centre to arrival at the scene in: (a) June 2012? (b) December 2012?

Answer— Fire & Rescue NSW has advised: (1) Kellyville Fire Station attended 883 incidents in 2012. (2) (a) Four permanent and 1 retained firefighter (b) Four permanent and 1 retained firefighter (3) (a) 8.59 minutes 3817 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(b) 9.11 minutes

*4024 HUNTER, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—FIRE AND RESCUE NSW FIRE STATIONS - BAULKHAM HILLS ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) On how many occasions was each Fire and Rescue NSW fire station in the Baulkham Hills Electorate required to attend an incident in 2012? (2) How many firefighters were located at each station per shift in: (a) June 2012? (b) December 2012? (3) What was the average response time from the time the call was received at the Communications Centre to arrival at the scene in: (a) June 2012? (b) December 2012?

Answer— Fire & Rescue NSW has advised: (1) Baulkham Hills Fire Station responded to 1141 incidents in 2012 (2) (a) Four permanent fire fighters (b) Four permanent fire fighters (3) (a) 8.32 minutes (b) 9.27 minutes

*4025 HUNTER, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—FIRE AND RESCUE NSW FIRE STATIONS - CASTLE HILL ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) On how many occasions was each Fire and Rescue NSW fire station in the Castle Hill Electorate required to attend an incident in 2012? (2) How many firefighters were located at each station per shift in: (a) June 2012? (b) December 2012? (3) What was the average response time from the time the call was received at the Communications Centre to arrival at the scene in: (a) June 2012? (b) December 2012?

Answer— Fire & Rescue NSW has advised: (1) Castle Hill Fire Station responded to 1012 incidents in 2012 (2) (a) Four permanent firefighters (b) Four permanent firefighters (3) (a) 10.23 minutes (b) 9.02 minutes 3818 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*4026 HUNTER, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—FIRE AND RESCUE NSW FIRE STATIONS - RIVERSTONE ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) On how many occasions was each Fire and Rescue NSW fire station in the Riverstone Electorate required to attend an incident in 2012? (2) How many firefighters were located at each station per shift in: (a) June 2012? (b) December 2012? (3) What was the average response time from the time the call was received at the Communications Centre to arrival at the scene in: (a) June 2012? (b) December 2012?

Answer— Fire & Rescue NSW has advised:

(1) Name of fire station Number of incidents in 2012 Riverstone 372 Schofields 672 Windsor 631

(2)Name of fire station Number of Number of Number of Number of firefighters per shift firefighters per shift firefighters per shift firefighters per shift June 2012 June 2012 December 2012 December 2012 . Permanent Retained Permanent Retained Riverstone 0 13 0 13 Schofields 4 0 4 0 Windsor 0 15 0 15

(3) Name of fire station Average response time in minutes Average response time in minutes from the time the call was received at from the time the call was received at the Communications Centre to the the Communications Centre to the arrival at the scene June 2012 arrival at the scene December 2012 Riverstone 12.14 12.46 Schofields 7:38 7.25 Windsor 17.10 13.37

*4027 HUNTER, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—FIRE AND RESCUE NSW FIRE STATIONS - CRONULLA ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) On how many occasions was each Fire and Rescue NSW fire station in the Cronulla Electorate required to attend an incident in 2012? (2) How many firefighters were located at each station per shift in: (a) June 2012? (b) December 2012? (3) What was the average response time from the time the call was received at the Communications Centre to arrival at the scene in: (a) June 2012? (b) December 2012?

Answer— Fire & Rescue NSW has advised: (1) Cronulla Fire Station attended 788 incidents in 2012 3819 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) (a) Four permanent firefighters (b) Four permanent firefighters (3) (a) 8.31 minutes (b) 7.10 minutes

*4028 HUNTER, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—FIRE AND RESCUE NSW FIRE STATIONS - MENAI ELECTORATE—Mr Primrose asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) On how many occasions was each Fire and Rescue NSW fire station in the Menai Electorate required to attend an incident in 2012? (2) How many firefighters were located at each station per shift in: (a) June 2012? (b) December 2012? (3) What was the average response time from the time the call was received at the Communications Centre to arrival at the scene in: (a) June 2012? (b) December 2012?

Answer— Fire & Rescue NSW has advised: (1) Menai Fire Station attended 315 incidents in 2012. (2) (a) Four permanent firefighters and 1 retained firefighter (b) Four permanent firefighters and 1 retained firefighter (3) (a) 6.24 minutes (b) 8.08 minutes* *Note: The response time for December is distorted by one incident where delayed arrival was due to the provision of incorrect address details.

*4029 TRANSPORT—PENNANT HILLS TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Pennant Hills train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service. 3820 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*4030 TRANSPORT—WYONG TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Wyong train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*4031 TRANSPORT—BEROWRA TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Berowra train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*4032 TRANSPORT—NORMANHURST TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Normanhurst train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service. 3821 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*4033 TRANSPORT—HAWKESBURY RIVER TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Hawkesbury River train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*4034 TRANSPORT—THORNLEIGH TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Thornleigh train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*4035 TRANSPORT—HORNSBY TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Hornsby train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service. 3822 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*4036 TRANSPORT—COWAN TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Cowan train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*4037 TRANSPORT—WONDABYNE TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Wondabyne train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*4038 TRANSPORT—KOOLEWONG TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Koolewong train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service. 3823 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*4039 TRANSPORT—POINT CLARE TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Point Clare train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*4040 TRANSPORT—TASCOTT TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Tascott train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*4041 TRANSPORT—WOY WOY TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Woy Woy train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service. 3824 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*4042 TRANSPORT—GOSFORD TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Gosford train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*4043 TRANSPORT—NARARA TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Narara train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*4044 TRANSPORT—NIAGARA PARK TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Niagara Park train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service. 3825 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*4045 TRANSPORT—LISAROW TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Lisarow train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*4046 TRANSPORT—OURIMBAH TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Ourimbah train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*4047 TRANSPORT—TUGGERAH TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Tuggerah train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service. 3826 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*4048 TRANSPORT—WARNERVALE TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Warnervale train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*4049 TRANSPORT—ASQUITH TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Asquith train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*4050 TRANSPORT—MOUNT COLAH TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Mount Colah train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service. 3827 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*4051 TRANSPORT—KU-RING-GAI TRAIN STATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) How many staff work at Ku-ring-gai train station? (b) What are their roles? (2) What hours is the train station staffed on weekdays? (3) What hours is the train station staffed on weekends and public holidays? (4) At what times on weekdays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? (5) At what times on weekends and public holidays do passengers not have access to public toilets at the train station? Answer— I am advised: Stations across the rail network have an appropriate number of staff to ensure a good level of customer service.

*4052 PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE—ZONING OF SCHOOLS IN NEW SOUTH WALES—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW, Leader of the House— (1) Of the areas in New South Wales where a new Local Environmental Plan has been implemented in the last 5 years: (a) How many private or independent schools have retained or been changed to special education zoning? (b) How many private or independent schools have been zoned as the surrounding zoning? (c) How many private or independent schools have retained special education zoning? (d) How many public schools have retained or been changed to special education zoning? (e) How many public schools have been zoned as the surrounding zoning?

Answer— I am advised that – (1) (a) to (e) The Department of Planning and Infrastructure does not maintain data on the zoning of individual schools under the Standard Instrument Local Environmental Plan (LEP) Program. The department's policy concerning the zoning of schools in Standard Instrument LEPs is contained in Practice Note PN10—001 Zoning for Infrastructure in LEPs.

21 MARCH 2013 (Paper No. 134)

*4053 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—FISHING MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS FOR AUSTRALIAN SALMON—Mr Whan asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) In November 2011 the Department of Primary Industries announced changes to the commercial fishing management arrangements for Australian salmon allowing increased commercial catch in waters north of Barrenjoey Headland: (a) What are the details of the review referred to in the Department's announcement? (b) Who undertook the review and where can the results of the review be accessed? (c) What was the source or sources of data for the review? (d) On what basis has the Department determined that the exploitation status has moved from "fully fished" as listed in the 2008-09 status report? 3828 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(e) What is the current status of the resource? (f) What assessment has been made of the impact on recreational fishing of the increase in catch allowed for Australian salmon?

Answer— (1) (a) The "review" involved a review of recent research demonstrating the Australian Salmon stock to be in a healthy state, a review of the management arrangements applying to the commercial fishing industry and a range of associated issues and consideration of the aspirations of relevant NSW stakeholder groups. (b) The NSW Department of Primary Industries undertook the review in consultation with relevant commercial and recreational fishing advisory groups and a cross-sector working group set up specifically for the purpose of the review. The results of the review are detailed in a news release and a fishing closure that applies to commercial fishers, both of which are available on the NSW Department of Primary Industries website. (c) Commercial catch data was used to inform discussions on the total NSW commercial catch of Australian Salmon and catches north and south of Barrenjoey Head. Consideration was also given to estimates of recreational catch of Australian Salmon from the National Recreational and Indigenous Fishing Survey (Henry and Lyle 2003) and onsite surveys by DPI. (d) The exploitation status for Australian Salmon has not changed. (e) The exploitation status for Australian Salmon is 'fully fished'. (f) It was determined during the review that the limited potential increase in commercial catch north of Barrenjoey Head would not impact angling opportunities for recreational fishers, particularly given anecdotal evidence supported by commercial catch records that the Australian Salmon stock in south eastern Australia has expanded in recent years, both in biomass and in its distribution with fish being observed as far north as southern Queensland every winter.

*4054 HEALTH—CLINICAL PLACEMENTS NURSING AND MIDWIFERY STUDENTS - BLUE MOUNTAINS ANZAC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) How many clinical placements were available for students enrolled in an approved undergraduate, entry level nursing or midwifery course in the 2011-12 budget year at Blue Mountains District ANZAC Memorial Hospital? (2) Which educational institutions were these students enrolled at to undertake their undergraduate course? Answer— (1) and (2) Clinical placements at Blue Mountains District Anzac Memorial Hospital are provided to students in accordance with agreements between health services and relevant universities and TAFE.

*4055 HEALTH—CLINICAL PLACEMENTS NURSING AND MIDWIFERY - CAMPBELLTOWN HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) How many clinical placements were available for students enrolled in an approved undergraduate, entry level nursing or midwifery course in the 2011-12 budget year at Campbelltown Hospital? (2) Which educational institutions were these students enrolled at to undertake their undergraduate course? Answer— (1) and (2) Clinical placements at Campbelltown Hospital are provided to students in accordance with agreements between health services and relevant universities and TAFE. 3829 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*4056 HEALTH—CLINICAL PLACEMENTS NURSING AND MIDWIFERY - NEPEAN HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) How many clinical placements were available for students enrolled in an approved undergraduate, entry level nursing or midwifery course in the 2011-12 budget year at Nepean Hospital? (2) Which educational institutions were these students enrolled at to undertake their undergraduate course? Answer— (1) and (2) Clinical placements at Nepean Hospital are provided to students in accordance with agreements between health services and relevant universities and TAFE.

*4057 HEALTH—CLINICAL PLACEMENTS NURSING AND MIDWIFERY - SPRINGWOOD—Ms Westwood asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) How many clinical placements were available for students enrolled in an approved undergraduate, entry level nursing or midwifery course in the 2011-12 budget year at Springwood Hospital? (2) Which educational institutions were these students enrolled at to undertake their undergraduate course? Answer— (1) and (2) Clinical placements at Springwood Hospital are provided to students in accordance with agreements between health services and relevant universities and TAFE.

*4058 ROADS AND PORTS—CRASHES AT THE MACQUARIE STREET (MR217) AND STINGAREE POINT INTERSECTION DORA CREEK—Ms Voltz asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) In the past 10 years at the intersection of Macquarie street (MR217) and Stingaree Point Drive, Dora Creek, how many: (a) Fatal crashes have occurred? (b) Injury crashes have occurred? (c) Crashes not resulting in injury or fatality have occurred?

Answer— I am advised: (1) In the past ten years for which finalised figures are available (2002-2011): (a) None. (b) None. (c) Five. For the unfinalised period 2012 to 28 March 2013 (current available data) there has been one crash, resulting in two people being injured.

*4059 ATTORNEY GENERAL—REVIEW OF THE SUCCESSION ACT 2006—Ms Voltz asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice— (1) Is the Attorney General currently reviewing the Succession Act 2006 and the Succession Amendment (Family Provision) Act 2008? (2) If so, when will the outcomes of this review be released? Answer— I am advised: 3830 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) The Department of Attorney General and Justice is currently conducting a statutory review of the Succession Act 2006 to determine whether the policy objectives of the Act remain valid, and whether the terms of the legislation remain appropriate for securing those objectives. This includes the provisions inserted into the Act by the Succession Amendment (Family Provision) Act 2008. (2) It is anticipated that the review will be finalised before the end of 2013.

*4060 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—PATROLS ON GUARDIAN TRAIN SERVICES—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council— (1) Will the Police Transport Command guarantee patrols on guardian train services? (2) Will Sydney Trains⁄Railcorp be required to pay user pay charges to guarantee these patrols? Answer— (1) and (2) The NSW Police Force advises me: The Police Transport Command is committed to improving public safety on and near public transport network. The Command's high visibility strategies and deployment are underpinned by a number of guiding principles which includes risk management strategies, intelligence and tasking focus. These strategies aim to reduce the level of personal and property crime and anti-social behaviour, improve passenger safety and reduce the fear of crime on the transport network. Police have more powers to deal with crime on the transport network when it occurs and can respond quickly to incidents when they happen. Regular operations are planned and conducted on the transport network based on intelligence to prevent and respond to incidents on the transport network. The Police Transport Command is committed to greater overall policing coverage throughout the transport network by dedicated police officers. There is no requirement for Railcorp to pay user charges for police presence on trains.

*4061 TRANSPORT—PATROLS ON GUARDIAN TRAIN SERVICES—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) Will the Police Transport Command guarantee patrols on guardian train services? (2) Will Sydney Trains⁄Railcorp be required to pay user pay charges to guarantee these patrols? Answer— I am advised: Every decision the NSW Government makes regarding security is taken in the interests of the safety of our customers.

*4062 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—GRAFFITI ON TRAIN STATIONS OR TRAINS—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council— How many prosecutions have there been for graffiti on train stations or trains since the takeover of security on the railways by the Police Transport Command on 1 May 2012? Answer— Questions regarding prosecutions and crime statistics are more appropriately addressed to the Attorney General, whose department is also the lead agency for graffiti.

*4063 TRANSPORT—TRANSPORT OFFICERS—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) Is the new Transport Officer role a non-confrontational role to deal primarily with fare evasion? (2) Will the new Transport Officers have the power of arrest for fare evaders who do not comply with directions? (3) Will the new Transport Officers be able to detain individuals who are committing offences on public 3831 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

transport? Answer— I am advised: The NSW Government is introducing 150 Transport Officer who will focus on detecting fare evasion. They will support the 610 member Police Transport Command who will have full police powers.

*4064 TRANSPORT—TRANSIT OFFICERS—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) What is the date that Transits Officers will be sent to redeployment? (2) (a) How many Transit Officers will be redeployed? (b) Over what period of time? (3) What is the cost of sending Transit Officers to redeployment per officer on a: (a) Daily basis? (b) Weekly basis? (c) Monthly basis? (d) Yearly basis?

Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the individual staff concerned and their managers.

*4065 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—POLICE SPECIAL CONSTABLES AND POLICE TRANSPORT COMMAND—Ms Sharpe asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) With the advertisement for the recruitment of 200 Police Special Constables will any of these Special Constables be attached to Police Transport Command? (2) If these Police Special Constables are attached to the Command will they be accounted for as part of the operational capacity of the command? Answer— (1) and (2) The NSW Police Force advises me that there is currently no recruitment program for 200 special constables.

*4066 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—AUSTRALIAN PETROLEUM PRODUCTION & EXPLORATION ASSOCIATION REPORT ON AUSTRALIA'S UPSTREAM OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY—Revd Mr Nile asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— (1) Is the Government aware of the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA)'s recent report on Australia's upstream oil and gas industry? (2) Has the Government considered the findings of this report, stating that reforms are necessary to ensure stability and competitiveness in this industry? (3) Will the Government take steps to ensure this $200 billion industry remains secure and continues to create jobs? (4) When does the Government intend to create this positive safe environment? Answer— (1) to (4) The NSW Government is keenly aware of the many potential benefits available to local communities and the State-at-large via the development of a domestic gas industry in NSW. The Queensland experience is an important case study that illustrates those benefits to rural and 3832 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

regional communities. I am advised that jobs in QLD have surged to a total of 31,000 and the QLD government anticipates royalty revenue will exceed $850 million per year. CSG to LNG projects worth almost $50 billion are progressing in QLD, creating thousands of jobs and breathing new life in the rural and regional communities. By comparison, the CSG industry in NSW grew by only 39 positions to a total of 332 positions in the first half of 2012. Where the Queensland industry has contributed $84 million to community projects in regional Queensland, NSW CSG community contributions total just $550,000. The NSW Government is continuing to work with all stakeholders to ensure that NSW has a sustainable petroleum industry, but one that is developed safely and with the appropriate environmental protections in place. The NSW public can be confident that, with the proper safeguards in place, NSW can benefit from the development of a responsible and sustainable domestic gas industry.

*4067 PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE—BETTER PLANNING NETWORK—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW, Leader of the House— When will the Better Planning Network receive a reply to correspondence sent to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure's office on 20 February 2013? Answer— A reply was sent on 27 March 2013.

*4068 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—HURSTVILLE SES, POLICE AND FIRE AND RESCUE JOBS FEBRUARY 2012—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— (1) (a) How many jobs did Hurstville State Emergency Service (SES) attend in February 2012? (b) What were the jobs attended by Hurstville SES in February 2012? (c) Where were the jobs attended by Hurstville SES in February 2012? (2) When will New South Wales SES Annual report for 2011-12 be made publically available on its website? (3) How many jobs were attended by the NSW Police Force in Hurstville Local Government Area on 19 February 2012? (4) How many jobs were attended by the Fire and Rescue NSW in Hurstville Local Government Area on 19 February 2012? (5) How many jobs were attended by the Hurstville SES in Hurstville Local Government Area on 19 February 2012? Answer— I am advised by the NSW SES: (1) (a) The NSW SES Hurstville Unit attended 39 Requests for Assistance in February 2012. (b) The Unit responded to 10 calls for damaged or leaking roof, 2 calls for fallen trees, 27 calls for potential flooding or flooding (c) SUBURB NUMBER Hurstville 2 Lugarno 4 Mortdale 18 Oatley 4 3833 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Peakhurst 6 Penshurst 4 Riverwood 1

(2) The NSW SES 2011⁄12 Annual Report will be available in May 2013. (3) The NSW Police Force advises me that police attended 50 jobs in the Hurstville Local Government Area on 19 February 2012. (4) Fire and Rescue NSW advises me that they attended to 13 incidents in the Hurstville Local Government Area on 19 February 2012. (5) The NSW SES advises me that the NSW SES Hurstville Unit attended 28 Requests for Assistance in the Hurstville Local Government Area on 19 February 2012.

26 MARCH 2013 (Paper No. 136)

*4069 EDUCATION—DRAG QUEEN SCHOOL VISIT—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— (1) With the support and facilitation of the Department of Education and Communities a drag queen visited Burwood Girls High School on 26 February 2013 and addressed the students: (a) On what date were you informed about the visit to the school? (b) Which official in the Department of Education and Communities informed you about the visit to the school? (c) Did you authorise the visit to the school and if so, on what date? (d) On what date was Charles Casuscelli, Member for Strathfield informed of the visit of a drag queen to a school in his electorate? (e) What advanced notice was provided to parents of students at the school informing them of the visit? (f) What provision, if any, was made for students who did not wish to attend the address by the drag queen? (2) Has the Department of Education and Communities scheduled similar visits to: (a) (i) Singleton High School? (ii) If so, on what date? (b) (i) Morisset High School? (ii) If so, on what date? (c) (i) Wadalba Community School? (ii) If so, on what date? (d) (i) Merewether High School? (ii) If so, on what date? (e) (i) Maitland Grossman High School? (ii) If so, on what date? (f) (i) Gymea Technology High School? (ii) If so, on what date? (3) When the Department of Education and Communities facilitates future visits of a similar nature to schools: (a) What advanced notice will be given to the state member of parliament, in whose electorate the 3834 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

school is located, about the visit? (b) What advanced notice will be given to parents of students at the school informing them of the visit? (c) What advanced notice will be given to students of the school informing them of the visit? (d) What provision, if any, will be made for students who do not wish to attend an address by a drag queen?

Answer— (1) a to (c) The school did not notify the Minister for Education of the visit. The visit was not authorised by the Minister for Education. The Department of Education and Communities did not facilitate or authorise the visit. The Minister for Education does not make decisions about who may or may not visit schools to address a school assembly. The Department does not make decisions about who may or may not visit schools to address a school assembly. It is the Principal of a school who makes decisions on who may or may not visit a school to address a school assembly. The Department has not received any complaints from parents. (d) The school did not notify Charles Casuscelli, Member for Strathfield of the visit. (e) The school informed parents about the event on 20 February 2013. A permission slip was provided. The school did not provide any information about the visitor in question. (f) Students were supervised by teaching staff in another area of school. (2) No. (3) The visit was authorised by the Principal. It is the Principal of a school who makes decisions on who may or may not visit a school to address a school assembly. The Department did not facilitate this visit. As with any other school assembly, the Department was not aware of the visit. The Department does not facilitate visits of this kind. The school assembly was also attended by teachers from neighbouring schools, the Police and Family Planning.

*4070 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—CONGENITAL DISORDER AND DISEASE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— In New South Wales public hospitals, what are the conditions that doctors and specialists recognise as within the definition of congenital disorder or congenital disease? Answer— I am advised by the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research: In NSW public hospitals, congenital conditions include a large number of conditions listed in the International Classification of Diseases – Australian Modification. Congenital conditions and diseases are defined as those included in the International Classification of Diseases version 10 – Australian Modification (ICD10-AM), Chapter 17: Congenital Malformations, Deformations and Chromosomal Abnormalities. These include structural malformations affecting the fetus or newborn baby such as spina bifida and cleft lip and changes to the number of chromosomes such as Down Syndrome. Changes in a person's inherited genetic information such as cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism and thalassaemia major are also considered to be congenital conditions, though listed elsewhere in the ICD10-AM. For functional problems, such as blindness, it is the underlying condition, such as congenital cataract, which is considered to be the congenital condition.

*4071 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—WORKERS COMPENSATION—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) How many workers compensation claims were lodged with the WorkCover Authority of New South Wales in the following months: (a) August 2012? (b) September 2012? (c) October 2012? (d) November 2012? 3835 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(e) December 2012? (f) January 2013? (g) February 2013?

Answer— Under the New South Wales Workers Compensation System, workers compensation claims are lodged directly with Scheme agents, self and specialised insurers. No claims are lodged directly with the WorkCover Authority of New South Wales as the regulator.

*4072 ROADS AND PORTS—FLASHING LIGHTS IN SCHOOL ZONES - THE WYONG ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) As at 26 March 2013, how many schools in the Wyong electorate have not had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed? (2) As at 26 March 2013, which were the schools in the Wyong electorate that have not had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed? Answer— I am advised: Schools with flashing lights, or identified for flashing lights, are published on the Roads and Maritime Services website.

*4073 ROADS AND PORTS—FLASHING LIGHTS IN SCHOOL ZONES - THE COFFS HARBOUR ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) As at 26 March 2013, how many schools in the Coffs Harbour electorate have not had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed? (2) As at 26 March 2013, which were the schools in the Coffs Harbour electorate that have not had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed? Answer— I am advised: Schools with flashing lights, or identified for flashing lights, are published on the Roads and Maritime Services website.

*4074 ROADS AND PORTS—FLASHING LIGHTS IN SCHOOL ZONES - THE TERRIGAL ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) As at 26 March 2013, how many schools in the Terrigal electorate have not had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed? (2) As at 26 March 2013, which were the schools in the Terrigal electorate that have not had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed? Answer— I am advised: Schools with flashing lights, or identified for flashing lights, are published on the Roads and Maritime Services website.

*4075 ROADS AND PORTS—FLASHING LIGHTS IN SCHOOL ZONES - THE GOSFORD ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) As at 26 March 2013, how many schools in the Gosford electorate have not had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed? (2) As at 26 March 2013, which were the schools in the Gosford electorate that have not had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed? Answer— 3836 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

I am advised: Schools with flashing lights, or identified for flashing lights, are published on the Roads and Maritime Services website.

*4076 ROADS AND PORTS—FLASHING LIGHTS IN SCHOOL ZONES - THE HORNSBY ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) As at 26 March 2013, how many schools in the Hornsby electorate have not had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed? (2) As at 26 March 2013, which were the schools in the Hornsby electorate that have not had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed? Answer— I am advised: Schools with flashing lights, or identified for flashing lights, are published on the Roads and Maritime Services website.

*4077 ROADS AND PORTS—FLASHING LIGHTS IN SCHOOL ZONES - THE MANLY ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) As at 26 March 2013, how many schools in the Manly electorate have not had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed? (2) As at 26 March 2013, which were the schools in the Manly electorate that have not had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed? Answer— I am advised: Schools with flashing lights, or identified for flashing lights, are published on the Roads and Maritime Services website.

*4078 ROADS AND PORTS—FLASHING LIGHTS IN SCHOOL ZONES - THE ENTRANCE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) As at 26 March 2013, how many schools in The Entrance electorate have not had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed? (2) As at 26 March 2013, which were the schools in The Entrance electorate that have not had school zone alert systems and flashing lights installed? Answer— I am advised: Schools with flashing lights, or identified for flashing lights, are published on the Roads and Maritime Services website.

*4079 ROADS AND PORTS—PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADE - BROADWATER TO COOLGARDIE—Ms Barham asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (a) Did Roads and Maritime Services refer the matters of impact in relation to the Koala and the Long-Nosed Potoroo for the Pacific Highway Upgrade: Broadwater to Coolgardie section to the Commonwealth in accordance with the requirements of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999? (b) If so, when was it referred?

Answer— I am advised: (a) Yes (b) May 2012 3837 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*4080 ARTS—INTERACTIVE MEDIA FUND—Ms Barham asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, and Minister for the Arts— (1) Could the Minister for the Arts advise what funds have been made available under the Interactive Media Fund for the budget periods: (a) 2008-09? (b) 2009-10? (c) 2010-11? (d) 2011-12? (e) 2012-13? (2) In list form what programs or projects have been funded in each of those budget periods? Answer— This question should be referred to the Deputy Premier.

*4081 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES—PUBLIC HOUSING:UNAUTHORISED OCCUPANTS—Ms Barham asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Family and Community Services, and Minister for Women— (1) How many public housing tenants were declared unauthorised occupants during the amnesty period from 21 January to 17 March 2013 within each Local Government Area (LGA)? (2) How many additional occupants were declared by public housing tenants within each LGA during the amnesty period? (3) How many third-party reports of potential unauthorised occupants of public housing were made within each LGA during the amnesty period? (4) How many potential unauthorised occupants were reported by third parties within each LGA during the amnesty period? Answer— Over 2,800 public housing tenants across NSW declared over 3,600 additional occupants during the amnesty period. Third parties identified over 2,500 suspected unauthorised occupants in over 1,400 public housing properties.

27 MARCH 2013 (Paper No. 137)

*4082 ROADS AND PORTS—AUSTRALIA DAY BREATH TESTS 2012/13 - MANLY ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Manly electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Manly electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*4083 ROADS AND PORTS—AUSTRALIA DAY BREATH TESTS 2012/13 - HORNSBY ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Hornsby electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2012? 3838 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Hornsby electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*4084 ROADS AND PORTS—AUSTRALIA DAY BREATH TESTS 2012/13 - GOSFORD ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Gosford electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Gosford electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*4085 ROADS AND PORTS—AUSTRALIA DAY BREATH TESTS 2012/13 - TERRIGAL ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Terrigal electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Terrigal electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*4086 ROADS AND PORTS—AUSTRALIA DAY BREATH TESTS 2012/13 - THE ENTRANCE ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in The Entrance electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in The Entrance electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

*4087 ROADS AND PORTS—AUSTRALIA DAY BREATH TESTS 2012/13 - WYONG ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Wyong electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Wyong electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services. 3839 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

*4088 ROADS AND PORTS—AUSTRALIA DAY BREATH TESTS 2012/13 - COFFS HARBOUR ELECTORATE—Mr Donnelly asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) How many breath tests were conducted in the Coffs Harbour electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2012? (2) How many breath tests were conducted in the Coffs Harbour electorate over the Australia Day double demerit period in 2013? Answer— I am advised: This is a matter for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

4089 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—PETROLEUM EXPLORATION LICENCE 13, 16 AND 426—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast—

*4090 ENVIRONMENT, HERITAGE—STAFF EMPLOYED UNDER THE PROFESSION OF SCIENTIST—Dr Kaye asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage— (1) Can the Minister for the Environment, and the Minister for Heritage provide the number of staff employed by the Office of Environment and Heritage classified under the profession of scientist, including environmental scientists, as of: (a) July 2011? (b) December 2012? (2) Does the Office of Environment and Heritage have plans to review the positions of employees classified under the profession of scientist, including environmental scientists, before the end of the financial year? Answer— I am advised as follows: (1) The number of staff in scientific services is published in NSW Government Budget Papers. (2) The number of scientists within the Office of Environment and Heritage is subject to change for various reasons including resignations and inter-department transfers.

4091 TRADE AND INVESTMENT—STAFF EMPLOYED UNDER THE PROFESSION OF SCIENTIST—Dr Kaye to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services—

4092 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—STAFF EMPLOYED UNDER THE PROFESSION OF SCIENTIST—Dr Kaye to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

*4093 FAIR TRADING—STAFF EMPLOYED UNDER THE PROFESSION OF SCIENTIST—Dr Kaye asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Fair Trading— (1) Can the Minister for Fair Trading provide the number of staff employed by the Department of Fair Trading classified under the profession of scientist, including environmental scientists, as of: (a) July 2011? (b) December 2012? (2) Does the Department of Fair Trading have plans to review the positions of employees classified under the profession of scientist, including environmental scientists, before the end of the financial year? 3840 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— (1) and (2) NSW Fair Trading does not employ any staff under the profession of scientist, including as at July 2011 and December 2012.

4094 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—STAFF EMPLOYED UNDER THE PROFESSION OF SCIENTIST—Dr Kaye to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business—

4095 HEALTH—DELETION OF MEDICAL RECORDS - NEPEAN HOSPITAL—Dr Kaye to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4096 HEALTH—ROYAL PRINCE ALFRED HOSPITAL CATERING—Dr Kaye to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4097 HEALTH—BULLI HOSPITAL EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT—Dr Kaye to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4098 EDUCATION—WYONG GROVE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Dr Kaye to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education—

4099 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—POLICE CORRUPTION AND MISCONDUCT TASK FORCE—Mr Shoebridge to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council—

4100 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—HARVEST PLANS IN EDEN AND SOUTHERN REGION—Mr Shoebridge to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business—

*4101 FINANCE AND SERVICES—INJURED WORKERS AND WORKERS COMPENSATION SCHEME—Mr Shoebridge asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) How many injured workers were entirely discharged from the NSW Workers Compensation scheme each month since changes to the scheme were implemented in January 2013? (2) How many injured workers were entirely discharged from the NSW Workers Compensation scheme each month in 2012? (3) Since January 2013 have savings been identified due to changes in the Workers Compensation scheme? (a) If so, what savings were identified? (b) If so, where were these savings made? (4) What information is collected to follow-up on workers who are discharged from the workers compensation scheme? (5) What saving have been delivered to business on their Workers Compensation premiums since changes to the scheme were implemented in January 2013? Answer— (1) and (2) please see table of claims closed below . It is noted that a significant proportion of claims that close are claims that have recently opened. This should be considered when looking at the recent low number of closures, as the number of reported claims dropped significantly toward the end of 2012. Month Claims Closed 3841 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Jan-12 12,114 Feb-12 13,674 Mar-12 14,582 Apr-12 11,240 May-12 15,318 Jun-12 18,261 Jul-12 14,310 Aug-12 13,506 Sep-12 12,525 Oct-12 11,448 Nov-12 12,590 Dec-12 10,977 Jan-13 9,819 Feb-13 8,390 (3) I refer you to previous estimates of liabilities impacts as reported to the Joint Select Committee on Workers Compensation. As the workers compensation reforms are still being implemented, it will take several years until their full impact on Scheme finances can be accurately determined. (4) There is no obligation on Scheme Agents to collect information about workers who have already exited the Scheme. (5) No changes have been made as yet to premiums, however, without changes to the Scheme, New South Wales businesses were facing large workers compensation premium increases, which would stifle business and job growth. The reforms saved employers from imminent 28 per cent increases to their worker's compensation insurance premiums. The New South Wales Business Chamber estimated an increase this size would have seen the loss of 12,600 jobs across the State. However, thanks to the Government's decisive actions, these jobs have been protected.

4102 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES—OUT-OF-HOME-CARE—Ms Barham to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Family and Community Services, and Minister for Women—

*4103 FINANCE AND SERVICES—PARRAMATTA FEMALE FACTORY—Ms Voltz asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) Following the fire on 22 December 2012 that destroyed half of the Parramatta Female Factory: (a) Has a plan and funds been developed to ensure the restoration of this historic site? (b) Has there at any time since the fire been the removal of any scrap metal from the Parramatta Female Factory site?

Answer— (1) This question should be referred to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW for response. (2) This question should be referred to the Attorney General and Minister for Justice for response.

*4104 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—PAYROLL TAX REBATE SCHEME—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— How many jobs have been funded under the Payroll Tax Rebate Scheme (Jobs Action Plan): (1) Since it commenced? (2) Between the period 1 July 2012 to 31 December 2012? Answer— (1) and (2) The Payroll Tax Rebate Scheme is not intended to "fund" jobs. Assistance is provided to employers under the Jobs Action Plan in two equal parts after the first and second anniversary of the 3842 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

hire of a new employee. An explanation of the Payroll Tax Rebate Scheme is available at www.osr.nsw.gov.au.

*4105 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—REGIONAL RELOCATION GRANT—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) How many people have received assistance under the Regional Relocation Grant? (2) How many people applied for assistance under the scheme but were declined? (3) (a) What are the post codes from which eligible recipients moved from? (b) Of those what is the total number of regional relocation grant recipients in each postcode? (4) (a) What are the post codes where eligible recipients moved to? (b) Of those what is the total number of regional relocation grant recipients in each postcode?

Answer— As at 31 March 2013: (1) 1,948 Regional Relocation Grants have been provided under the scheme. (2) 186 applications were declined. (3) (a) The following is a list of those postcodes where eligible recipients have moved from: 2000, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2031, 2032, 2033, 2034, 2035, 2036, 2038, 2040, 2041, 2042, 2043, 2044, 2045, 2046, 2047, 2048, 2049, 2050, 2062, 2063, 2064, 2065, 2066, 2067, 2068, 2070, 2071, 2073, 2074, 2075, 2076, 2077, 2079, 2080, 2081, 2082, 2084, 2085, 2086, 2087, 2088, 2089, 2090, 2092, 2093, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2097, 2099, 2100, 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2106, 2107, 2111, 2112, 2113, 2114, 2115, 2117, 2118, 2119, 2120, 2121, 2122, 2125, 2126, 2127, 2130, 2131, 2132, 2133, 2134, 2135, 2137, 2138, 2142, 2143, 2144, 2145, 2146, 2147, 2148, 2150, 2151, 2152, 2153, 2154, 2155, 2156, 2158, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2162, 2163, 2164, 2165, 2166, 2167, 2168, 2170, 2171, 2173, 2176, 2177, 2190, 2191, 2192, 2193, 2195, 2196, 2197, 2198, 2199, 2200, 2203, 2204, 2205, 2206, 2207, 2208, 2209, 2210, 2211, 2212, 2213, 2214, 2216, 2217, 2218, 2219, 2220, 2221, 2222, 2223, 2224, 2225, 2226, 2227, 2228, 2229, 2230, 2231, 2232, 2233, 2234, 2250, 2251, 2256, 2257, 2258, 2259, 2260, 2261, 2262, 2263, 2287, 2289, 2291, 2292, 2293, 2294, 2295, 2296, 2297, 2298, 2299, 2300, 2303, 2304, 2305, 2307, 2315, 2322, 2330, 2428, 2500, 2502, 2505, 2506, 2508, 2515, 2516, 2517, 2518, 2519, 2525, 2526, 2528, 2530, 2556, 2557, 2558, 2560, 2564, 2565, 2566, 2567, 2570, 2571, 2572, 2573, 2574, 2745, 2747, 2749, 2750, 2751, 2752, 2753, 2754, 2756, 2757, 2758, 2759, 2760, 2761, 2762, 2763, 2764, 2765, 2766, 2767, 2768, 2769, 2770, 2773, 2774, 2775, 2776, 2777, 2778, 2779, 2780, 2782, 2783, 2784, 2785, 2786, 2787. (b) 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 7, 2, 2, 7, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, 2, 4, 1, 5, 1, 10, 3, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 1, 7, 5, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 6, 6, 13, 6, 3, 2, 4, 5, 2, 9, 6, 5, 1, 2, 2, 6, 2, 2, 1, 5, 10, 7, 9, 3, 8, 1, 5, 4, 3, 9, 7, 4, 5, 7, 7, 2, 10, 11, 9, 4, 8, 2, 2, 5, 4, 2, 1, 1, 4, 3, 5, 2, 2, 20, 9, 25, 25, 3, 8, 3, 25, 17, 19, 3, 1, 2, 6, 8, 5, 1, 9, 4, 6, 1, 10, 25, 10, 11, 9, 2, 7, 2, 4, 7, 3, 6, 1, 1, 5, 4, 5, 4, 1, 5, 3, 2, 3, 9, 9, 8, 10, 5, 3, 3, 6, 4, 2, 2, 4, 7, 3, 5, 6, 6, 3, 15, 8, 2, 21, 41, 23, 24, 15, 8, 12, 4, 40, 11, 22, 20, 16, 67, 28, 15, 5, 4, 3, 9, 4, 2, 12, 12, 9, 9, 32, 6, 5, 1, 4, 2, 1, 16, 7, 4, 3, 11, 7, 3, 12, 10, 11, 6, 19, 6, 56, 1, 1, 6, 35, 4, 7, 10, 22, 13, 10, 6, 5, 11, 20, 18, 14, 27, 1, 3, 9, 8, 23, 1, 6, 19, 21, 8, 3, 12, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 19, 1, 10, 3, 6, 25, 4, 3, 16, 6, 3, 2, 8, 3, 2. (4) (a) The following is a list of those postcodes where eligible recipients have moved to: 2250, 2259, 2264, 2265, 2267, 2278, 2280, 2281, 2282, 2283, 2284, 2285, 2286, 2287, 2289, 2290, 2295, 2305, 2312, 2315, 2316, 2317, 2318, 2319, 2320, 2321, 2322, 2323, 2324, 2325, 2326, 2327, 2328, 2330, 2333, 2334, 2335, 2337, 2338, 2339, 2340, 2343, 2346, 2350, 2352, 2355, 2357, 2358, 2360, 2361, 2365, 2369, 2370, 2371, 2372, 2380, 2390, 2395, 2400, 2420, 2421, 2422, 2423, 2424, 2425, 2426, 2427, 2428, 2429, 2430, 2431, 2439, 2440, 2441, 2443, 2444, 2445, 2446, 2447, 2448, 2449, 2450, 2452, 2453, 2454, 2455, 2456, 2460, 2462, 2463, 3843 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

2464, 2469, 2470, 2473, 2474, 2477, 2478, 2479, 2480, 2481, 2482, 2483, 2484, 2485, 2486, 2487, 2488, 2489, 2527, 2528, 2529, 2533, 2534, 2535, 2536, 2537, 2538, 2539, 2540, 2541, 2546, 2548, 2550, 2551, 2571, 2575, 2576, 2577, 2578, 2579, 2580, 2582, 2583, 2586, 2587, 2588, 2590, 2594, 2619, 2620, 2621, 2622, 2627, 2628, 2630, 2640, 2641, 2642, 2644, 2646, 2647, 2650, 2652, 2653, 2663, 2665, 2666, 2668, 2671, 2680, 2701, 2705, 2707, 2710, 2720, 2721, 2722, 2725, 2729, 2732, 2787, 2790, 2793, 2794, 2795, 2798, 2799, 2800, 2803, 2804, 2807, 2808, 2810, 2820, 2824, 2827, 2830, 2831, 2840, 2845, 2847, 2848, 2849, 2850, 2852, 2864, 2866, 2869, 2870, 2871, 2874, 2875, 2877, 2880. (b) 2, 4, 15, 12, 4, 2, 31, 19, 26, 17, 2, 28, 9, 2, 5, 35, 8, 5, 2, 33, 5, 11, 26, 11, 24, 16, 15, 17, 38, 19, 2, 2, 1, 4, 1, 2, 3, 7, 1, 1, 28, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 1, 5, 2, 1, 3, 1, 5, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 5, 3, 8, 4, 1, 1, 2, 15, 55, 20, 51, 22, 3, 11, 5, 36, 96, 20, 11, 5, 12, 3, 32, 18, 1, 4, 1, 10, 8, 2, 3, 5, 1, 2, 2, 2, 6, 10, 2, 18, 1, 1, 3, 4, 3, 15, 2, 3, 7, 42, 25, 58, 19, 10, 18, 9, 10, 5, 44, 83, 15, 4, 5, 9, 1, 2, 39, 35, 25, 16, 7, 22, 3, 5, 1, 4, 1, 8, 16, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 16, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 8, 25, 1, 19, 52, 5, 1, 29, 1, 8, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 21, 3, 1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 25, 5, 1, 2, 2, 7, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1,

*4106 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—JOBS ACTION PLAN—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— In regards to the Payroll Tax Rebate Scheme (Jobs Action Plan): (1) How many of the employees or jobs registered were: (a) Part-time? (b) Full-time? (2) For payments made to date, how many were for employees or jobs that are: (a) Part-time? (b) Full-time? (3) For rebates claimed for part-time employees: (a) What was the lowest number of hours worked? (b) What was the average number of hours worked? (c) What is the highest number of hours worked?

Answer— In response to the questions below: (1) (a) 20 percent (b) 80 percent (2) (a) 13.8 percent (b) 86.2 percent (3) Under the Payroll Tax Rebate Scheme (Jobs Action Plan) part-time employee refers to an employee whose standard or average hours of work is less than 35 hours per week.

4107 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—RIVERINA CITRUS—Mr Whan to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business—

*4108 ENVIRONMENT—KOSCIUSZKO NATIONAL PARK—Mr Whan asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage— (1) Which additional areas of Kosciuszko National Park not currently able to be used by horse riders will be made available for horse riders under the Minister for the Environment trial of horse riding in National Parks? (2) Which of these areas are additional to those already able to be access by horse riding businesses 3844 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

holding permits for the park? (3) Are any declared wilderness areas included in the trial zones? (4) Will commercial horse riding providers be able to utilise the additional areas made available under this trial? (5) On what basis were the areas included in the trial chosen? (6) Has the Minister for the Environment or anyone in the Minister's office had a meeting with or received correspondence, phone calls or emails regarding this measure from Mr Peter Cochran from Cochran Horse Treks? (a) If so, what were the dates and nature of those contacts?

Answer— I am advised as follows: (1) A number of trail options are being considered for trials in Kosciuszko National Park. A decision has not yet been made. (2) All of them. (3) Yes. (4) Yes. (5) The National Parks and Wildlife Service has consulted with horse riders on what they see as key opportunities to improve horse riding access and experiences in the national park. It is now considering these options in terms of their environmental and other qualities, including their suitability for a trial. (6) The Minister and her office have talked to a wide range of people on this issue, including Mr Cochran, who is a member of the Horse Riding Consultative Group.

4109 TREASURER—CREDIT RATINGS AGENCY—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra—

4110 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—PUBLIC ORDER AND RIOT SQUAD DEPLOYMENT—Mr Shoebridge to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council—

*4111 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—REGIONAL RELOCATION GRANT—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) How many people have received assistance under the Regional Relocation Grant in the period 1 July 2012 to 27 March 2013? (2) How many people applied for assistance under the scheme but were declined in the period 1 July 2012 to 27 March 2013? (3) (a) What are the post codes from which eligible recipients moved for the period 1 July 2012 to 27 March 2013? (b) Of those what is the total number of regional relocation grant scheme recipients in each postcode? (4) (a) What are the post codes to which eligible recipients moved for the period 1 July 2012 to 27 March 2013? (b) Of those what is the total number of regional relocation grant scheme recipients in each postcode?

Answer— Between 1 July 2012 and 27 March 2013: (1) 1,085 Regional Relocation Grants were provided under the scheme. 3845 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(2) 97 applications were declined. (3) (a) The following is a list of those postcodes where eligible recipients have moved from: 2000, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2026, 2028, 2029, 2031, 2032, 2033, 2034, 2035, 2036, 2038, 2040, 2041, 2042, 2043, 2044, 2046, 2047, 2048, 2049, 2050, 2062, 2065, 2066, 2068, 2070, 2071, 2073, 2075, 2076, 2077, 2079, 2080, 2081, 2082, 2084, 2085, 2086, 2087, 2088, 2089, 2092, 2093, 2094, 2095, 2097, 2099, 2100, 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2106, 2107, 2111, 2112, 2113, 2114, 2115, 2117, 2118, 2119, 2120, 2121, 2122, 2125, 2126, 2127, 2131, 2132, 2134. 2135, 2137, 2142, 2144, 2145, 2146, 2147, 2148, 2150, 2151, 2153, 2154, 2155, 2156, 2158, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2162, 2164, 2165, 2166, 2167, 2168, 2170, 2171, 2173, 2176, 2177, 2190, 2191, 2192, 2193, 2195, 2196, 2198, 2199, 2200, 2203, 2204, 2206, 2208, 2209, 2210, 2211, 2212, 2213, 2214, 2216, 2217, 2218, 2219, 2222, 2223, 2224, 2225, 2226, 2227, 2229, 2230, 2231, 2232, 2233, 2234, 2250, 2251, 2256, 2257, 2258, 2259, 2260, 2261, 2262, 2263, 2287, 2289, 2291, 2292, 2293, 2294, 2295, 2296, 2297, 2298, 2299, 2300, 2303, 2304, 2305, 2307, 2315, 2322, 2330, 2428, 2500, 2502, 2505, 2506, 2508, 2515, 2516, 2517, 2518, 2519, 2525, 2526, 2528, 2530, 2557, 2558, 2560, 2564, 2565, 2566, 2567, 2570, 2571, 2572, 2573, 2574, 2745,2747, 2749, 2750, 2751, 2752, 2753, 2754, 2756, 2758, 2759, 2760, 2761, 2762, 2763, 2764, 2766, 2767, 2768, 2769, 2770, 2773, 2774, 2775, 2776, 2777, 2778, 2779, 2780, 2782, 2783, 2784, 2785, 2786, 2787. (b) 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 2, 1, 4, 4, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 7, 4, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 4, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 8, 2, 5, 2, 5, 1, 3, 3, 3, 6, 2, 1, 2, 3, 6, 1, 4, 5, 5, 2, 6, 1, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 4, 4, 10, 14, 3, 2, 11, 10, 7, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 7, 19, 6, 7, 4, 2, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 5, 7, 6, 6, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 1, 2, 5, 2, 6, 5, 1, 12, 21, 17, 14, 9, 4, 10, 1, 24, 7, 9, 10, 11, 43, 11, 9, 3, 3, 2, 6, 2, 1, 5, 6, 3, 6, 16, 4, 4, 1, 2, 1, 1, 10, 5, 3, 2, 4, 4, 1, 5, 7, 8, 4, 10, 6, 32, 1, 5, 22, 4, 5, 5, 12, 9, 4, 3, 3, 7, 10, 8, 8, 12, 1, 3, 8, 6, 15, 3, 7, 12, 3, 2, 8, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 10, 1, 6, 2, 3, 16, 2, 3, 11, 4, 1, 1, 4, 1, 2. (4) (a) The following is a list of those postcodes where eligible recipients have moved to: 2250, 2259, 2264, 2265, 2267, 2278, 2280, 2281, 2282, 2283, 2285, 2286, 2289, 2290, 2295, 2305, 2312, 2315, 2317, 2318, 2319, 2320, 2321, 2322, 2323, 2324, 2325, 2327, 2328, 2330, 2334, 2335, 2337, 2339, 2340, 2343, 2346, 2350, 2352, 2357, 2358, 2360, 2365, 2369, 2370, 2371, 2372, 2390, 2395, 2420, 2421, 2422, 2423, 2424, 2425, 2426, 2427, 2428, 2429, 2430, 2431, 2439, 2440, 2441, 2443, 2444, 2445, 2446, 2447, 2448, 2449, 2450, 2452, 2453, 2454, 2455, 2456, 2460, 2463, 2464, 2470, 2473, 2474, 2477, 2478, 2480, 2482, 2483, 2484, 2485, 2486, 2488, 2489, 2527, 2528, 2529, 2533, 2534, 2535, 2536, 2537, 2538, 2539, 2540, 2541, 2546, 2548, 2550, 2551, 2571, 2575, 2576, 2577, 2578, 2579, 2580, 2582, 2583, 2587, 2590, 2594, 2619, 2620, 2621, 2627, 2628, 2630, 2640, 2641, 2642, 2644, 2650, 2663, 2665, 2668, 2671, 2680, 2701, 2710, 2721, 2722, 2725, 2729, 2732, 2787, 2790, 2794, 2795, 2798, 2800, 2803, 2804, 2807, 2808, 2820, 2824, 2830, 2831, 2840, 2845, 2847, 2849, 2850, 2852, 2864, 2866, 2869, 2870, 2871, 2877. (b) 2, 3, 8, 5, 3, 1, 18, 8, 13, 10, 19, 9, 2, 12, 5, 2, 1, 20, 5, 14, 6, 14, 13, 8, 9, 18, 11, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 7, 1, 18, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 8, 31, 11, 28, 16, 2, 4, 3, 22, 51, 11, 6, 2, 8, 1, 17, 10, 1, 3, 1, 6, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 7, 1, 1, 1, 3, 7, 2, 7, 24, 13, 34, 11, 7, 12, 6, 8, 1, 25, 46, 6, 2, 2, 5, 1, 1, 28, 15, 13, 11, 5, 10, 3, 4, 3, 3, 8, 1, 1, 1, 5, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 8, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 5, 18, 8, 28, 3, 19, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 12, 3, 1, 1, 4, 4, 13, 3, 1, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1.

*4112 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—JOBS FUNDED UNDER THE PAYROLL TAX REBATE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) How many jobs have been funded under the Payroll Tax Rebate Scheme (Jobs Action Plan) since it commenced? (2) How many jobs have been funded under the Payroll Tax Rebate Scheme (Jobs Action Plan) between the period 1 July 2012 to 31 December 2012? Answer— (1) and (2) Please refer to the answer provided to Question on Notice 4104. 3846 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

4113 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT CAMPBELLTOWN HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4114 TREASURER—OFFICE SPACE FIT-OUT—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations—

4115 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT FAIRFIELD HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4116 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT LIVERPOOL HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4117 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT ST VINCENTS HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4118 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT WESTMEAD HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4119 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT NARRABRI HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4120 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT BLACKTOWN HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4121 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT BELMONT HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4122 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT BANKSTOWN HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4123 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT BALRANALD HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— 3847 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

4124 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT ARMIDALE HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4125 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT BLUE MOUNTAINS ANZAC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4126 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT BROKEN HILL HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4127 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT GLEN INNES HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4128 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT GOSFORD HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4129 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, SMALL BUSINESS—EXPENDITURE OF MAINTENANCE COSTS FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business—

4130 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT GUNNEDAH HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4131 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT JOHN HUNTER HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4132 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT MOREE HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4133 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT MT DRUITT HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4134 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT NAPEAN HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— 3848 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

4135 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT SPRINGWOOD HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4136 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT WYONG HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

*4137 FINANCE AND SERVICES, ILLAWARRA—SUPPORT AVAILABLE UNDER WORKERS COMPENSATION SCHEME—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— What support is available to injured workers in receipt of assistance under the Workers Compensation Scheme who want to establish their own small business? Answer— A primary focus of the reforms to the Workers Compensation Scheme is the changes to help injured workers recover and return to work as soon as possible. For those workers unable to return to their pre-injury job, WorkCover has a range of vocational rehabilitation programs that aim to reduce any short-term barriers that may prevent injured workers from returning to suitable employment. Requests for support, such as retraining or equipment, including those relevant to starting a small business, are considered in accordance with relevant WorkCover guidelines. However, funding is not available for the establishment costs of a small business or other self-employment arrangement.

4138 REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES, TRADE AND INVESTMENT—REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUSTRALIA—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services—

4139 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT CESSNOCK HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice- President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

4140 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE AT ROYAL PRINCE ALFRED HOSPITAL—Ms Westwood to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

*4141 ROADS AND PORTS—BLAYNEY-COWRA-DEMONDRILLE RAIL LINE—Mr Veitch asked the Minister for Roads and Ports— (1) Can the Minister please advise if the Blayney-Cowra-Demondrille rail line will be reopened? (a) If yes, when? (b) If no, why not? (2) Has the proposed Memorandum of Understanding between five local Councils (Blayney, Cowra, Harden, Young and Weddin) and the State Government been signed? (a) If yes, when? (b) If no, why not? (3) When did the Minister last meet with representatives of the five Councils to discuss the re-opening of the Blayney-Cowra-Demondrille rail line? 3849 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

Answer— I am advised: (1) No. Councils are continuing with their efforts to attract further commercial interest in the project. (2) No. Transport for NSW is working closely with councils to finalise the Memorandum of Understanding. (3) March 2013.

4142 EDUCATION—THE QUEER 101 BOOKLET—Mr Donnelly to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education—

4143 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—THE QUEER 101 BOOKLET—Mr Donnelly to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research—

30 APRIL 2013 (Paper No. 138)

4144 PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE—DARGUES REEF GOLD MINE, MAJORS CREEK—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW, Leader of the House— In relation to the Dargues Reef gold mine project at Majors Creek: (1) In regards to ongoing monitoring and compliance of the Dargues Reef Gold Mine, could the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure please indicate the agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the project's conditions? (2) (a) What water studies have been undertaken for this project? (b) (i) What companies and⁄or persons undertook the water studies? (ii) What are their qualifications? (3) (a) What forms of water monitoring are currently in place for this project? (i) Who is undertaking this water monitoring? (ii) What qualifications do they hold? (4) Could the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure please provide a copy of the Specialist's Report (including the Compliance Report) as required by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Clean-Up Notice (1512398) issued 27 February 2013? (5) As the Clean-Up Notice appears to indicate a breach of Big Island Mining's licensing conditions, why hasn't the EPA issued a Penalty Notice? (6) Could the Minister please provide a copy of any record of complaints or allegations of breaches made to Government agencies or the Minister's office regarding the Dargues Reef Gold Mine? (7) Could the Minister indicate whether the Big Island Mining complied with its deadlines as stipulated in the EPA's Clean-Up Notice (1512398)?

4145 ENVIRONMENT—DARGUES REEF GOLD MINE, MAJORS CREEK—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage— In relation to the Dargues Reef gold mine project at Majors Creek: 3850 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) In regards to ongoing monitoring and compliance of the Dargues Reef Gold Mine, could the Minister for Environment please indicate the agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the project's conditions? (2) (a) What water studies have been undertaken for this project? (b) (i) What companies and⁄or persons undertook the water studies? (ii) What are their qualifications? (3) (a) What forms of water monitoring are currently in place for this project? (i) Who is undertaking this water monitoring? (ii) What qualifications do they hold? (4) Could the Minister for the Environment please provide a copy of the Specialist's Report (including the Compliance Report) as required by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Clean-Up Notice (1512398) issued 27 February 2013? (5) As the Clean-Up Notice appears to indicate a breach of Big Island Mining's licensing conditions, why hasn't the EPA issued a Penalty Notice? (6) Could the Minister please provide a copy of any record of complaints or allegations of breaches made to Government agencies or the Minister's office regarding the Dargues Reef Gold Mine? (7) Could the Minister indicate whether the Big Island Mining complied with its deadlines as stipulated in the EPA's Clean-Up Notice (1512398)?

4146 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—DARGUES REEF GOLD MINE, MAJORS CREEK—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— In relation to the Dargues Reef gold mine project at Majors Creek: (1) In regards to ongoing monitoring and compliance of the Dargues Reef Gold Mine, could the Minister please indicate the agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the project's conditions? (2) (a) What water studies have been undertaken for this project? (b) (i) What companies and⁄or persons undertook the water studies? (ii) What are their qualifications? (3) (a) What forms of water monitoring are currently in place for this project? (i) Who is undertaking this water monitoring? (ii) What qualifications do they hold? (4) Could the Minister for Resources and Energy please provide a copy of the Specialist's Report (including the Compliance Report) as required by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Clean-Up Notice (1512398) issued 27 February 2013? (5) As the Clean-Up Notice appears to indicate a breach of Big Island Mining's licensing conditions, why hasn't the EPA issued a Penalty Notice? (6) Could the Minister please provide a copy of any record of complaints or allegations of breaches made to Government agencies or the Minister's office regarding the Dargues Reef Gold Mine? (7) Could the Minister indicate whether the Big Island Mining complied with its deadlines as stipulated in the EPA's Clean-Up Notice (1512398)?

4147 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—SANTOS PILLIGA ENVIRONMENTAL BREACHES INVESTIGATION—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— 3851 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

In relation to the environmental breaches by Eastern Star ⁄ Santos in the Pilliga forest: (1) What investigations are currently underway regarding alleged environmental breaches by Santos ⁄ Eastern Star in the Pilliga area? (a) When did these investigations commence? (b) When will these investigations be completed? (2) Will Santos be prosecuted for these environmental breaches? (3) Could the Minister for Resources and Energy please provide a copy of the report into the investigation of Eastern Star ⁄ Santos' operations in the Pilliga forest area?

4148 ENVIRONMENT—SANTOS PILLIGA ENVIRONMENTAL BREACHES INVESTIGATION—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage— In relation to the environmental breaches by Eastern Star ⁄ Santos in the Pilliga forest: (1) What investigations are currently underway regarding alleged environmental breaches by Santos ⁄ Eastern Star in the Pilliga area? (a) When did these investigations commence? (b) When will these investigations be completed? (2) Will Santos be prosecuted for these environmental breaches? (3) Could the Minister for Environment please provide a copy of the report into the investigation of Eastern Star ⁄ Santos' operations in the Pilliga forest area?

4149 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—METGASCO'S OPERATIONS IN THE NORTHERN RIVERS—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— In relation to Metgasco's operations in the Northern Rivers: (1) How many wells or boreholes has Metgasco drilled since the start of its operations? (a) How many of these wells or boreholes have been rehabilitated? (2) What are the total security deposits or bonds held by the Government in relation to Metgasco's coal seam gas operations? (a) Has Metgasco forfeited any security deposits or bonds for failure to rehabilitate any of its coal seam gas infrastructure? (3) What lawful avenues are available to Metgasco to rehabilitate its coal seam gas waste water holding ponds? (4) Does Metgasco hold a Petroleum Production Lease? (5) Have Metgasco accepted an offer for a Petroleum Production Lease? (6) Is Metgasco's approval for the Richmond Valley Power Station and Gas Project still valid?

4150 FINANCE AND SERVICES—IMPACT OF COAL SEAM GAS ON PROPERTY VALUES—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— In light of the Deputy Premier's comments saying that property values will be impacted by the proximity of coal seam gas infrastrucutre: (1) What studies or valuations have been conducted to assess the impact of coal seam gas infrastructure on property values? (2) Has the Department of Finance and Services conducted an assessment of how coal seam seam gas developments will affect property values? 3852 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

4151 PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE—MINING STATE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION POLICY AMENDMENTS—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW, Leader of the House— In relation to the Government's proposed amendments to the Mining State Protection Policy which give effect to some of the Government's announcements on 21 March 2013: (1) Will the exclusion zones apply to other forms of unconventional gas such as tight sands and shale gas? (2) Will these amendments allow coal seam gas mining to occur as an activity incidental to an existing coal project approval? (3) Will these amendments allow coal seam gas mining to occur in the Darkes Forest area, specifically the area covered by Petroleum Exploration Licence 444?

4152 ENVIRONMENT—GOVERNMENT'S FEBRUARY COAL SEAM GAS ANNOUNCEMENTS—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage— In light of the Government's announcements relating to coal seam gas on 19 February 2013 and for the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to act as the "lead regulator of environmental and health impacts of coal seam gas activities": (1) What other regulatory bodies will regulate coal seam gas activities in New South Wales? (2) What additional resources will be allocated to the EPA for its increased role? (3) What powers of prosecution will the EPA have? (4) Will penalties relating to non-compliance with licence conditions be increased? (5) Will the number of compliance staff be increased?

4153 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—GENETICALLY MANIPULATED CONOLA PRODUCTION—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) How many hectares of genetically manipulated (GM) canola were grown in New South Wales in each of the years: (a) 2008? (b) 2009? (c) 2010? (d) 2011? (e) 2012? (f) 2013? (2) How many tonnes of genetically manipulated (GM) canola were delivered to silos in each of the years: (a) 2008? (b) 2009? (c) 2010? (d) 2011? (e) 2012? (f) 2013? (3) How many hectares of non-GM canola were grown in this State in each of the years: (a) 2008? (b) 2009? (c) 2010? (d) 2011? (e) 2012? 3853 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(f) 2013? (4) How many tonnes of non-GM canola were delivered to silos in each of the years: (a) 2008? (b) 2009? (c) 2010? (d) 2011? (e) 2012? (f) 2013?

4154 ENVIRONMENT—VOLUME OF PRODUCED WATER ASSESSMENT—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage— In relation to Recommendation 4 of General Purpose Standing Committee No. 5 Coal Seam Gas Inquiry, regarding the assessment of the volume of water produced by the coal seam gas industry by the NSW Office of Water: (1) Could the Minister for the Environment please provide a copy of this assessment? (2) Could the Minister please provide a progress update?

4155 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—VOLUME OF PRODUCED WATER ASSESSMENT—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— In relation to Recommendation 4 of General Purpose Standing Commitee No. 5 Coal Seam Gas Inquiry: "That the NSW Government progress as a priority the project being undertaken by the Office of Water to assess the potential volume of water produced from the coal seam gas industry." (1) Could the Minister for Resources and Energy please provide a copy of this assessment? (2) Could the Minister please provide a progress update?

4156 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—COAL SEAM GAS INQUIRY RECOMMENDATIONS IMPLEMENTED—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— In relation to the 35 recommendations made by the General Purpose Standing Committee No.5 Coal Seam Gas Inquiry: (1) Could the Minister for Resources and Energy please provide a table outlining which of the 35 recommendations have been implemented, and indicate whether they have been implemented: (a) In whole or part? (b) Via policy, legislation or regulation? (c) What date they came into effect? (d) The agency responsible for implementing the recommendation? (e) The agency responsible for monitoring compliance and⁄or enforcement of the recommendation?

4157 ENVIRONMENT—COAL SEAM GAS INQUIRY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage— In relation to the 35 recommendations made by the General Purpose Standing Committee No. 5 Coal Seam Gas Inquiry: (1) Could the Minister for the Environment please provide a table outlining which of the 35 recommendations have been implemented, and indicate whether they have been implemented: (a) In whole or part? (b) Via policy, legislation or regulation? (c) What date they came into effect? 3854 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(d) The agency responsible for implementing the recommendation? (e) The agency responsible for monitoring compliance and⁄or enforcement of the recommendation?

4158 PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE—COAL SEAM GAS INQUIRY RECOMMENDATIONS IMPLEMENTED—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW, Leader of the House— In relation to the 35 recommendations made by the General Purpose Standing Committee No. 5 Coal Seam Gas Inquiry: (1) Could the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure please provide a table outlining which of the 35 recommendations have been implemented, and indicate whether they have been implemented: (a) In whole or part? (b) Via policy, legislation or regulation? (c) What date they came into effect? (d) The agency responsible for implementing the recommendation? (e) The agency responsible for monitoring compliance and⁄or enforcement of the recommendation?

4159 RESOURCES AND ENERGY—OPAL MINING IN LIGHTNING RIDGE—Mr Buckingham to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— In relation to opal mining in Lightning Ridge and the Wilcox Report: (1) Is the mineral claim where a death occurred on 19 March 2013 still current? (a) If so, is the person holding the claim being investigated by Work Cover and the police? (b) If not, what investigations will be made into why the mineral claim was cancelled without proper rehabilitation of the site? (2) What has the Department for Trade and Investment done to make all other claims safe since this death? (3) What actions were taken following a similar incident in April 2010 when a woman fell down a shaft and was not found for 72 hours? (4) What actions will the Government to address unsafe mining sites? (5) What timeframes have been set by the Government take to implement the Wilcox Report's recommendations? (6) In regards to bonds used for the rehabilitation of opal mining sites: (a) What is the total number of bonds that have been kept by the Government in the financial years: (i) 2010-2011? (ii) 2011-2012? (b) What rehabilitation works have been carried out using these bonds? (7) In regards to the administrative levy introduced in 2012: (a) How much has been collected with this levy so far? (b) What has the levy been used for? (8) What progress has been made in undertaking a comprehensive planning process for opal mining? (a) When does the Government intend to complete a Strategic Regional Land Use Plan for Western New South Wales?

4160 TRANSPORT—PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN ON GOVERNMENT FUNDED SCHOOL BUSES—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— What arrangements are in place to allow pre-school children to travel on government funded school buses in rural and regional New South Wales? 3855 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

4161 TRADE AND INVESTMENT—WINDSOR FARM FOODS (COWRA CANNERY)—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— What assistance has the Government provided to Windsor Farm Foods (Cowra Cannery)?

4162 TRADE AND INVESTMENT—INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR RESOURCE HEALTH—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— (1) What is the total cost of the new International Centre for Resource Health? (2) What is the Government contribution? (3) (a) Is the Government contribution paid as an upfront lump sum or paid in instalments? (b) If instalments, please provide the payment schedule? (4) What is the expected completion date?

4163 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, SMALL BUSINESS—STATE FORESTS FIREWOOD COLLECTION—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) (a) Which of the State Forests are open for collection of firewood in 2013? (b) If restricted to compartments, please state the compartment or if the whole of State Forest? (2) What are the total number of firewood collections permits issued in each of the following financial years: (a) 2007-2008? (b) 2008-2009? (c) 2009-2010? (d) 2010-2011? (e) 2011-2012? (3) What is the cost of deploying surveillance cameras to monitor illegal activity in State Forests for the following financial years: (a) 2007-2008? (b) 2008-2009? (c) 2009-2010? (d) 2010-2011? (e) 2011-2012? (4) What are the total amount of fines collected for illegal firewood collection in each of the State Forest for the following financial years: (a) 2007-2008? (b) 2008-2009? (c) 2009-2010? (d) 2010-2011? (e) 2011-2012?

4164 REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES, TRADE AND INVESTMENT—CROSS- BORDER HEALTH AGREEMENTS—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— What was the Cross Border Commissioner's role and involvement in negotiating the the recent cross- border health agreements on renal and cardiac care between New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory Governments? 3856 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

4165 REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES, TRADE AND INVESTMENT—PUBLIC RESERVE MANAGEMENT FUND—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— (1) What are the annual priorities for the Public Reserve Management Fund for 2012-2013? (2) What public consultation was conducted to identify these priorities? (a) Who conducted the consultation? (3) How were the priorities identified?

4166 REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES, TRADE AND INVESTMENT—OUTSTANDING LOANS UNDER THE PUBLIC RESOURCES MANAGEMENT FUND—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services— (1) What is the total value of outstanding loans provided under the Public Resources Management Fund? (2) How many loans were extended in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013? (3) Are any loans outstanding beyond the original terms? (a) If yes, please list?

4167 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - ADAMSTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Adamstown Public School?

4168 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - MEREWETHER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Merewether Public School?

4169 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - HAMILTON SOUTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Hamilton South Public School?

4170 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—CROWN LAND TRUST BOARDS TRAINING—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Small Business— (1) What training is provided to Crown Land Trust Boards to ensure they are able to meet their obligations as managers of public reserves and Crown Land? Please provide a complete list. (2) What was the cost of training provided to Crown Land Trust Boards during the following periods: (a) 2011-2012? (b) 2012-2013?

4171 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - THE JUNCTION PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at The Junction Public School?

4172 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - MEREWETHER HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3857 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Merewether Heights Public School?

4173 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - THE HUNTER SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at The Hunter School of Performing Arts?

4174 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - HAMILTON NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Hamilton North Public School?

4175 TRANSPORT—PRIVATE VEHICLE CONVEYANCE SUBSIDY—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) When was the Private Vehicle Conveyance Subsidy (PVC) scheme last reviewed? (2) When is it due to be reviewed? (3) How is the subsidy calculated? (4) How many recipients were there in: (a) 2010-2011? (b) 2011-2012? (c) 2012-2013? (5) What was the total cost of the scheme in: (a) 2010-2011? (b) 2011-2012? (c) 2012-2013?

4176 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - MEREWETHER HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Merewether High School?

4177 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CARRINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Carrington Public School?

4178 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - STOCKTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Stockton Public School?

4179 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - ISLINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Islington Public School?

4180 EDUCATION—COUNTRY AREA PROGRAM CONSULTANTS—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3858 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) What were the number of Country Area Program consultants in New South Wales classrooms in; (a) 2011? (b) 2012? (c) 2013? (2) At which schools are they located? (3) How much funding has been allocated for the Country Areas Program in: (a) 2011? (b) 2012? (c) 2013? (4) What happens to unspent funds? (5) What alternative arrangements are in place to provide extra support to regional schools and students?

4181 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - WARATAH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Waratah Public School?

4182 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - LAMBTON HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Lambton High School?

4183 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - NEWCASTLE EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Newcastle East Public School?

4184 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Newcastle High School?

4185 FINANCE AND SERVICES—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES IN THE OXLEY ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Oxley electorate in 2011⁄-2? (2) What were the most frequent offences?

4186 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - HAMILTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Hamilton Public School?

4187 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - MAYFIELD EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Mayfield East Public School? 3859 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

4188 FINANCE AND SERVICES—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES IN THE NORTHERN TABELANDS—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Northern Tablelands electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences?

4189 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - BAULKHAM HILLS HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Baulkham Hills High School?

4190 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - BAULKHAM HILLS NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Baulkham Hills North Public School?

4191 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - BURNSIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Burnside Public School?

4192 FINANCE AND SERVICES—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES IN THE COOGEE ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Coogee electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences?

4193 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CRESTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Crestwood High School?

4194 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CRESTWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Crestwood Public School?

4195 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - EXCELSIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Excelsior Public School?

4196 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - JASPER ROAD PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Jasper Road Public School?

4197 FINANCE AND SERVICES—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES IN THE GOULBURN ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— 3860 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Goulburn electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences?

4198 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - MATTHEW PEARCE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Matthew Pearce Public School?

4199 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - MODEL FARMS HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Model Farms High School?

4200 FINANCE AND SERVICES—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES IN THE LISMORE ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Lismore electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences?

4201 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - MUIRHEAD HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Muirhead High School?

4202 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - NORTH ROCKS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at North Rocks Public School?

4203 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - NORTHMEAD HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Northmead High School?

4204 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - NORTHMEAD PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Northmead Public School?

4205 FINANCE AND SERVICES—PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES IN THE BURRINJUCK ELECTORATE—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— (1) What was the total number of parking offences in school zones in the Burrinjuck electorate in 2011-12? (2) What were the most frequent offences?

4206 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - WINSTON HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3861 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Winston Heights Public School?

4207 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - WINSTON HILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Winston Hills Public School?

4208 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CARLINGFORD WEST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Carlingford West Public School?

4209 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CASTLE HILL HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Castle Hill High School?

4210 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CASTLE HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Castle Hill Public School?

4211 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CHERRYBROOK PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Cherrybrook Public School?

4212 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CUMBERLAND HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Cumberland High School?

4213 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - JAMES RUSE AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at James Ruse Agricultural High School?

4214 TRANSPORT—SCHOOL BUS CAPACITY—Mr Veitch to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— Will the Government reduce the number of required school bus passengers from 15 to 12 to improve access to commence a school bus run as called for by the Isolated Children Parents Association?

4215 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - MURRAY FARM PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Murray Farm Public School?

4216 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - OAKHILL DRIVE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3862 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Oakhill Drive Public School?

4217 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - SAMUEL GILBERT PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Samuel Gilbert Public School?

4218 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING- IRONBARK RIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Ironbark Ridge Public School?

4219 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - ANNAGROVE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Annagrove Public School?

4220 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - ARCADIA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Arcadia Public School?

4221 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - BEAUMONT HILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Beaumont Hills Public School?

4222 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING- KELLYVILLE HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Kellyville High School?

4223 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - BILPIN PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Bilpin Public School?

4224 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING- KELLYVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Kellyville Public School?

4225 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CATTAI PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Cattai Public School?

4226 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - COLO HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3863 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Colo Heights Public School?

4227 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING- KENTHURST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Kenthurst Public School?

4228 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - COMLEROY ROAD PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Comleroy Road Public School?

4229 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING- KURRAJONG EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Kurrajong East Public School?

4230 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - DURAL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Dural Public School?

4231 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - EBENEZER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Ebenezer Public School?

4232 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING-MACDONALD VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Macdonald Valley Public School?

4233 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - GLENHAVEN PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Glenhaven Public School?

4234 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - GLENORIE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Glenorie Public School?

4235 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - GLOSSODIA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Glossodia Public School?

4236 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - HILLSIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3864 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Hillside Public School?

4237 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - MARAYLYA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Maraylya Public School?

4238 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - MAROOTA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Maroota Public School?

4239 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - OAKVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Oakville Public School?

4240 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - WILBERFORCE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Willberforce Public School?

4241 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - PITT TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Pitt Town Public School?

4242 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - WISEMAN'S FERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Wiseman's Ferry Public School?

4243 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - ROUSE HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Rouse Hill Public School?

4244 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - BARNIER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Barnier Public School?

4245 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - SHERWOOD RIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Sherwood Ridge Public School?

4246 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - BLIGH PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3865 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Bligh Park Public School?

4247 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CADDIES CREEK PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Caddies Creek Public School?

4248 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - WINDSOR HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Windsor High School?

4249 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Glenwood High School?

4250 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - WINDSOR PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Windsor Park Public School?

4251 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - HAMBLEDON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Hambledon Public School?

4252 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - WINDSOR PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Windsor Public School?

4253 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - PALMER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Palmer Public School?

4254 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - WINDSOR SOUTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Windor South Public School?

4255 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - WYNDHAM COLLEGE—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Wyndham College?

4256 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - KELLYVILLE RIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3866 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Kellyville Ridge Public School?

4257 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - ALFORDS POINT PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Alfords Point Public School?

4258 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - MARSDEN PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Marsden Park Public School?

4259 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - BANGOR PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Bangor Public School?

4260 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - PARKLEA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Parklea Public School?

4261 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - QUAKERS HILL EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Quakers Hill East Public School?

4262 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CHIPPING NORTON PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Chipping Norton Public School?

4263 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - HAMMONDVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Hammondville Public School?

4264 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - QUAKERS HILL HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Quakers Hill High School?

4265 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - HOLSWORTHY HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Holsworthy High School?

4266 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - HOLSWORTHY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3867 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Holsworthy Public School?

4267 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - ILLAWONG PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Illawong Public School?

4268 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - RIVERSTONE HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Riverstone High School?

4269 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - JANNALI PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Jannali Public School?

4270 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - RIVERSTONE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Riverstone Public School?

4271 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - LUCAS HEIGHTS COMMUNITY SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Lucas Heights Community School?

4272 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - SCHOFIELDS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Schofields Public School?

4273 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - VINEYARD PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Vineyard Public School?

4274 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - MENAI HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Menai High School?

4275 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - WILLIAM DEAN PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at William Dean Public School?

4276 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - MENAI PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3868 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Menai Public School?

4277 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - MOOREBANK HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Moorebank High School?

4278 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - NEWBRIDGE HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Newbridge Heights Public School?

4279 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - NUWARRA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Nuwarra Public School?

4280 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - THARAWAL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Tharawal Public School?

4281 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - THE JANNALI HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at The Jannali High School?

4282 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - WATTLE GROVE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Wattle Grove Public School?

4283 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - WORONORA RIVER PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Woronora River Public School?

4284 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - BURRANEER BAY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Burraneer Bay Public School?

4285 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CARINGBAH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Caringbah Public School?

4286 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CARINGBAH NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3869 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Caringbah North Public School?

4287 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CARINGBAH HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Caringbah High School?

4288 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CRONULLA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Cronulla Public School?

4289 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CRONULLA HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Cronulla High School?

4290 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - CRONULLA SOUTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Cronulla South Public School?

4291 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - ENDEAVOUR SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Endeavour Sports High School?

4292 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - KURNELL PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Kurnell Public School?

4293 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - LAGUNA STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Laguna Street Public School?

4294 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - LILLI PILLI PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Lilli Pilli Public School?

4295 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - MIRANDA NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Miranda North Public School?

4296 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - SYLVANIA PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— 3870 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Sylvania Public School?

4297 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - TAREN POINT PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Taren Point Public School?

4298 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - WOOLOOWARE HIGH SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Woolooware High School?

4299 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - WOOLOOWARE PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Woolooware Public School?

4300 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO SCHOOL CLEANING - YOWIE BAY PUBLIC SCHOOL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Yowie Bay Public School?

4301 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO TAFE CLEANING - LOFTUS—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Loftus Technical and Further Education Campus?

4302 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO TAFE CLEANING - HAMILTON TAFE CAMPUS—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Hamilton Technical and Further Education Campus?

4303 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO TAFE CLEANING - BAULKHAM HILLS—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Baulkham Hills Technical and Further Education Campus?

4304 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO TAFE CLEANING - CASTLE HILL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Castle Hill Technical and Further Education Campus?

4305 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO TAFE CLEANING - HUNTER STREET TAFE CAMPUS—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Hunter Street Technical and Further Education Campus? 3871 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

4306 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO TAFE CLEANING - NEWCASTLE TAFE CAMPUS—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Newcastle Technical and Further Education Campus?

4307 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO TAFE CLEANING - NIRIMBA TAFE CAMPUS—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Nirimba Technical and Further Education Campus?

4308 EDUCATION—ALLOCATION OF STAFF HOURS TO TAFE CLEANING - SUTHERLAND COLLEGE, GYMEA TAFE CAMPUS—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Education— What are the total staff hours allocated to cleaning each fortnight at Sutherland College, Gymea Technical and Further Education Campus?

4309 HEALTH, MEDICAL RESEARCH—ELDERLY FALLS—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research— (1) (a) Have injuries from falls among the elderly increased, resulting in more pressure on the New South Wales hospital system? (b) If so, what has been the increase over recent years? (2) (a) How many older people were hospitalised after a fall in the 2009-2010 financial year? (b) What was the average length of stay for a patient following a fall? (c) What percentage of falls took place in the home? (d) What percentage took place in an aged care facility? (e) What percentage were women? (f) What percentage of falls related in fatalities? (g) What were the most common diagnoses? (h) What percentage were from non-English speaking backgrounds? (3) How many older people were hospitalised after a fall in the 2010-2011 financial year? (a) What was the average length of stay for a patient following a fall? (b) What percentage of falls took place in the home? (c) What percentage took place in an aged care facility? (d) What percentage were women? (e) What percentage of falls related in fatalities? (f) What were the most common diagnoses? (g) What percentage were from non-English speaking backgrounds? (4) How many older people were hospitalised after a fall in the 2011-2012 financial year? (a) What was the average length of stay for a patient following a fall? (b) What percentage of falls took place in the home? (c) What percentage took place in an aged care facility? (d) What percentage were women? (e) What percentage of falls related in fatalities? (f) What were the most common diagnoses? (g) What percentage were from non-English speaking backgrounds? 3872 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(5) What actions will the Government take to reduce the number of injuries resulting from falls amongst the elderly?

4310 TRANSPORT—CHATSWOOD STATION DISABILITY SERVCES—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) What additional services and provisions will be provided at Chatswood Station for people with disabilities when they are required to change trains with the opening of the North West Rail Link? (b) When will they be provided?

4311 TRANSPORT—WORKS TO EPPING TO CHATSWOOD TRAIN LINE—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) (a) What works are required to the existing train line between Epping and Chatswood to enable the private single deck trains to operate as part of the North West Rail Link? (b) What is the estimated cost of these changes?

4312 TRANSPORT—NORTH WEST RAIL LINK SERVICE HOURS—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) What hours will the private North West Rail Link operate? (2) Will NightRide service the stations outside these hours?

4313 WESTERN SYDNEY—MEDIA RELEASES—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Premier, and Minister for Western Sydney— How many media releases did you issue specifically in your capacity as the Minister for Western Sydney in 2011-12?

4314 TRANSPORT—CHATSWOOD TO THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT TRAIN SERVICES—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) Will the North West Rail Link operate at least twelve trains per hour, compared to the current four, but terminate at Chatswood? (a) If yes, will an additional twelve services to the CBD per hour be provided from Chatswood Station? (b) If not, how many will be provided?

4315 TRANSPORT—NORTH WEST RAIL LINK POLICE PATROL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— Will the Police Transport Command patrol the North West Rail Link as part of their duties, or will this be an agreed user pays arrangement with the private operator?

4316 HUNTER—MEDIA RELEASES—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— How many media releases did you issue specifically in your capacity as the Minister for the Hunter in 2011-12?

4317 ILLAWARRA—MEDIA RELEASES—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra— How many media releases did you issue specifically in your capacity as the Minister for the Illawarra in 3873 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013


4318 CENTRAL COAST—MEDIA RELEASES—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council representing the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast— How many media releases did you issue specifically in your capacity as the Minister for the Central Coast in 2011-12?

4319 TRANSPORT—CHATSWOOD STATION TICKET SALES—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) Is it the case that Chatswood Station ranked number 9 for ticket sales in 2011, with sales of 1.68 million? (2) What are the estimates for annual ticket sales for the first three years following the opening of the North West Rail Link?

4320 NORTH COAST—MEDIA RELEASES—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Local Government, and Minister for the North Coast— How many media releases did you issue specifically in your capacity as the Minister for the North Coast in 2011-12?

4321 HUNTER, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES—NORTH WEST RAIL LINK POLICE PATROL—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council— Will the Police Transport Command patrol the North West Rail Link as part of their duties, or will this be an agreed user pays arrangement with the private operator?

4322 WESTERN NEW SOUTH WALES—MEDIA RELEASES—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Healthy Lifestyles, and Minister for Western New South Wales— How many media releases did you issue specifically in your capacity as the Minister for Western New South Wales in 2011-12?

4323 TRANSPORT—CHATSWOOD STATION RANKING—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) Is it the case that Chatswood Station was ranked the tenth busiest station in the morning peak in 2012? (2) What ranking is it predicted to have for the first three years following the opening of the North West Rail Link?

4324 TRANSPORT—CHATSWOOD COMMUTOR NUMBERS 2011—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) Is it the case that in 2011 on each weekday between 6 am and 9 am, an average of 4,530 people entered Chatswood Station, and 7,000 exited? (2) What are the estimates for the numbers of people expected to be entering and exiting Chatswood Station for the first three years following the opening of the North West Rail Link?

4325 TRANSPORT—TURNBACK/STABLING ROAD AT CHATSWOOD STATION—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Roads and Ports representing the Minister for Transport— (1) Will there be a turnback⁄stabling road at Chatswood Station for the terminating private North West Rail Link trains? 3874 Legislative Council Questions and Answers No. 138— Tuesday 30 April 2013

(a) If so, where will it be located? (b) If not, what provision will be used to turnback the private trains?

4326 TREASURER—CLEAN ENERGY SUPPLEMENT PAYMENTS—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations— (1) (a) Has the Government decided to include a percentage of the Commonwealth's Clean Energy Supplement payment paid to pensioners and war widows in public housing, as assessable in calculating their rent? (b) If so, what percentage of the Clean Energy Supplement payment to such tenants is assessable? (2) How much revenue does the Government expect to raise from this measure in the following financial years: (a) 2012-13? (b) 2013-14?

4327 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES—CLEAN ENERGY SUPPLEMENT PAYMENTS—Mr Primrose to ask the Minister for Finance and Services, and Minister for the Illawarra representing the Minister for Family and Community Services, and Minister for Women— (1) (a) Has the Government decided to include a percentage of the Commonwealth's Clean Energy Supplement payment paid to pensioners and war widows in public housing, as assessable in calculating their rent? (b) If so, what percentage of the Clean Energy Supplement payment to such tenants is assessable? (2) How much revenue does the Government expect to raise from this measure in the following financial years: (a) 2012-13? (b) 2013-14?

David Blunt Clerk of the Parliaments

______Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales