Federal Register/Vol. 81, No. 173/Wednesday, September 7
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 173 / Wednesday, September 7, 2016 / Rules and Regulations 61595 Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g), 41706, involved in, activities that are contrary or foreign policy interests of the United 40113, 44701–44702, 44705, 44709, 44711– to the national security or foreign policy States. Specifically, in this rule, BIS 44713, 44715–44717, 44722, 44730, 45101– of the United States. The EAR imposes adds entities to the Entity List for 45105; Pub. L. 112–95, 126 Stat. 58 (49 U.S.C. additional licensing requirements on, violating international law and fueling 44730). and limits the availability of most the conflict in eastern Ukraine. These ■ 7. Remove Special Federal Aviation license exceptions for, exports, additions ensure the efficacy of existing Regulation No. 108. reexports, and transfers (in-country) to sanctions on Russia. The particular Issued under authority provided by 49 those persons or entities listed on the additions to the Entity List and related U.S.C. 106(f), 44701(a), and 44703 in Entity List. The license review policy authorities are as follows. Washington, DC, on July 11, 2016. for each listed entity is identified in the A. Entity Additions Consistent With Michael P. Huerta, License Review Policy column on the Executive Order 13660 Administrator. Entity List and the impact on the [FR Doc. 2016–21356 Filed 9–6–16; 8:45 am] availability of license exceptions is One entity is added based on activities that are described in Executive BILLING CODE 4910–13–P described in the Federal Register notice adding entities or other persons to the Order 13660 (79 FR 13493), Blocking Entity List. BIS places entities on the Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine, issued by DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Entity List based on certain sections of part 744 (Control Policy: End-User and the President on March 6, 2014. As described in the Order, the President Bureau of Industry and Security End-Use Based) and part 746 (Embargoes and Other Special Controls) found that the actions and policies of persons who have asserted 15 CFR Part 744 of the EAR. The End-user Review Committee governmental authority in Crimea [Docket No. 160617543–6543–01] (ERC) is composed of representatives of without the authorization of the Government of Ukraine undermine RIN 0694–AH02 the Departments of Commerce (Chair), State, Defense, Energy, and where democratic processes and institutions in Russian Sanctions: Addition of Certain appropriate, the Treasury. The ERC Ukraine; threaten its peace, security, Entities to the Entity List makes decisions to add an entry to the stability, sovereignty, and territorial Entity List by majority vote and to integrity; and contribute to the AGENCY: Bureau of Industry and remove or modify an entry by misappropriation of its assets; and Security, Commerce. unanimous vote. The Departments thereby constitute an unusual and ACTION: Final rule. represented on the ERC have approved extraordinary threat to the national these changes to the Entity List. security and foreign policy of the United SUMMARY: The Bureau of Industry and States. The President also declared a Security (BIS) amends the Export Entity List Additions national emergency to deal with that Administration Regulations (EAR) by Additions to the Entity List threat. adding eighty-one entities under eighty- Executive Order 13660 blocks all six entries to the Entity List. The eighty- This rule implements the decision of property and interests in property that one entities who are added to the Entity the ERC to add eighty-one entities under are in the United States, that come List have been determined by the U.S. eighty-six entries to the Entity List. within the United States, or that are or Government to be acting contrary to the These eighty-one entities are being come within the possession or control of national security or foreign policy added on the basis of § 744.11 (License any United States person (including any interests of the United States. BIS is requirements that apply to entities foreign branch) of any person taking this action to ensure the efficacy acting contrary to the national security determined by the Secretary of the of existing sanctions on the Russian or foreign policy interests of the United Treasury, in consultation with the Federation (Russia) for violating States) of the EAR. The eighty-six Secretary of State, to be responsible for international law and fueling the entries being added to the Entity List or complicit in, or to have engaged in, conflict in eastern Ukraine. These consist of seven entries in the Crimea directly or indirectly, misappropriation entities will be listed on the Entity List region of Ukraine, two entries in Hong of state assets of Ukraine or of an under the destinations of the Crimea Kong, two entries in India, and seventy- economically significant entity in region of Ukraine, Hong Kong, India, five entries in Russia. There are eighty- Ukraine, among other activities. Under and Russia. six entries for the eighty-one entities Section 8 of the Order, all agencies of because five entities are listed in the United States Government are DATES: This rule is effective September 7, 2016. multiple locations, resulting in five directed to take all appropriate additional entries. measures within their authority to carry FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Under § 744.11(b) (Criteria for out the provisions of the Order. Chair, End-User Review Committee, revising the Entity List) of the EAR, The Department of the Treasury’s Office of the Assistant Secretary, Export persons for whom there is reasonable Office of Foreign Assets Control, Administration, Bureau of Industry and cause to believe, based on specific and pursuant to Executive Order 13660, has Security, Department of Commerce, articulable facts, have been involved, designated the following entity: Phone: (202) 482–5991, Email: ERC@ are involved, or pose a significant risk Salvation Committee of Ukraine, as bis.doc.gov. of being or becoming involved in, being within the scope of the Order. In SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: activities that are contrary to the conjunction with that designation, BIS national security or foreign policy adds Salvation Committee of Ukraine to Background interests of the United States and those the Entity List under this rule and The Entity List (Supplement No. 4 to acting on behalf of such persons may be imposes a license requirement for Part 744 of the EAR) identifies entities added to the Entity List. The entities exports, reexports, or transfers (in- and other persons reasonably believed being added to the Entity List have been country) of all items subject to the EAR to be involved in, or that pose a determined to be involved in activities to this blocked entity. This license significant risk of being or becoming that are contrary to the national security requirement implements an appropriate VerDate Sep<11>2014 14:50 Sep 06, 2016 Jkt 238001 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\07SER1.SGM 07SER1 ehiers on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES 61596 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 173 / Wednesday, September 7, 2016 / Rules and Regulations measure within the authority of the EAR Micran; NPC Granat; Technopole Gazprom Gazobezopasnost, OOO; to carry out the provisions of Executive Company; and Technopole Ltd. The Gazprom Geologorazvedka, OOO; Order 13660. eleven entities added to the Entity List Gazprom Inform, OOO; Gazprom Invest, under Executive Order 13661 meet the OOO; Gazprom Kapital, OOO; Gazprom B. Entity Additions Consistent With criteria of Section 1, subparagraph B of Komplektatsiya, OOO; Gazprom Executive Order 13661 the Order because they operate in Mezhregiongaz, OOO; Gazprom Eleven entities are added based on Russia’s arms or related materiel sector. Pererabotka, OOO; Gazprom Personal, activities that are described in Executive BIS adds all eleven of those entities to OOO; Gazprom Promgaz, AO; Gazprom Order 13661 (79 FR 15533), Blocking the Entity List under this rule, and Russkaya, OOO; Gazprom Sotsinvest, Property of Additional Persons imposes a license requirement for OOO; Gazprom Svyaz, OOO; Gazprom Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine, exports, reexports, or transfers (in- Telekom, OOO; Gazprom Transgaz issued by the President on March 16, country) of all items subject to the EAR Kazan, OOO; Gazprom Transgaz 2014. This Order expanded the scope of to these entities. This license Krasnodar, OOO; Gazprom Transgaz the national emergency declared in requirement implements an appropriate Makhachkala, OOO; Gazprom Transgaz Executive Order 13660, finding that the measure within the authority of the EAR Nizhni Novgorod, OOO; Gazprom actions and policies of the Government to carry out the provisions of Executive Transgaz Samara, OOO; Gazprom of the Russian Federation with respect Order 13661. Transgaz Sankt-Peterburg, OOO; to Ukraine—including the deployment Gazprom Transgaz Saratov, OOO; C. Entity Additions Consistent With of Russian military forces in the Crimea Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol, OOO; Executive Order 13662 region of Ukraine—undermine Gazprom Transgaz Surgut, OOO; democratic processes and institutions in Fifty-one entities are added to the Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk, OOO; Ukraine; threaten its peace, security, Entity List based on activities that are Gazprom Transgaz Ufa, OOO; Gazprom stability, sovereignty, and territorial described in Executive Order 13662 (79 Transgaz Ukhta, OOO; Gazprom integrity; and contribute to the FR 16169), Blocking Property of Transgaz Volgograd, OOO; Gazprom misappropriation of its assets, and Additional Persons Contributing to the Transgaz Yugorsk, OOO; Gazprom thereby constitute an unusual and Situation in Ukraine, issued by the Tsentrremont, OOO; Gazprom Vniigaz, extraordinary threat to the national President on March 20, 2014. This OOO; Kamchatgazprom OAO; security and foreign policy of the United Order expanded the scope of the Krasnoyarskgazprom, PAO; Lazurnaya, States. national emergency declared in OOO; Niigazekonomika, OOO; Executive Order 13661 includes a Executive Order 13660 of March 6, 2014 Vostokgazprom, OAO; and directive that all property and interests and expanded in Executive Order 13661 Yamalgazinvest, ZAO.